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Final MBBS Question

Q1. A 4 years old girl presented with progressive pallor& spleno-hepatomegaly. She is mildly
icteric and her parents are first degree relative.

a) What is your provisional diagnosis?

b) List 3 important investigations for such a case.
c) What are the treatment options?

Q2.A 5 years old boy presented with fever headache and repeated convulsion for 3 days.
On examination, neck rigidity and kernig's sign are present.

a) What is your most likely diagnosis?

b) How will you investigate this case?
c) What are the causes of convulsion in children?

Q3. An 8 years old boy presented with fever, pain and swelling of multiple large joints
migratory in nature associated with palpitation and dyspnoea. He had history of sore throat
3 weeks back.

a) What is your most likely diagnosis?

b) What are the investigations you want to do to diagnose this disease?
c) How will you give secondary prophylaxis in this case?

04. a) Classify congenital heart disease.

b) Tell 4 components of TOF?
c) Tell 4 common causes of heart failure in children.

Q5. A 6 years old girl presented with cough & evening rise of temperature for 3 weeks. She
has history of contact with TB patient.
a) What is your provisional diagnosis?
b) How will you investigate the case?
c) Tell the current EPI schedule.
Final MBBS Question

01. A 2 years old boy admitted in paediatric ward with fever and cough for I day and 1
episode of convulsion for 10 minutes. He has history of similar type of illness 2 times within
last 1 year.

a) What is your most likely diagnosis? 1.0

b) How will you treat this case? 2.0
c) What advice you will give to the parents during discharge? 2.0

Q2.A 10 years old girl presented to you with fever for 1 month, gum bleeding an,
progressive pallor for 2 weeks.On examination, there was generalized lymphadenopathy
and hepatosplenomegaly.

a) What is your most likely diagnosis? 1.0

b) How will you investigate and what may be the bone marrow findings of such cases? 2.0
c) How will you treat this case? 2.0

Q3. A 3 years old boy presented to you with fever and macculopapular rash.

a) What may be the common D/D? 1.0

b) Tell the case definition of measles. 2.0
c) List 5 common complications of measles. 2.0

Q4 A 1 year old boy presented with repeated chest infection and not growing well. He had
loud pan systolic murmur in lower left sternal border.

a) What is your provisional diagnosis?

b) How will you investigate this case?
c) Name some complications of such condition.

Q5. A 12 years old girl presented to you with the complaints of painful swelling of multiple
Joints for the last 3 months.

a) Name two important differential diagnosis.

b) What are the diagnostic criteria of Juvenile idiopathic arthritis?
c) What investigations pathi you will suggest?
Board- 1
Final MBBS Question

Q1. A 3 days old neonate developed yellow colouration of whole body. On examination the
baby looks ill & primitive reflexes are poor.

a) What is your most likely diagnosis?

b) What are the other causes of neonatal jaundice?
c) What are the criteria of physiological jaundice in a term baby?

Q2. A 3 years old girl presented with generalized swelling, scanty micturation & massive
proteinuria. She had h/o same type of illness 10 months back.

a) What is your probable diagnosis? 1.0

b) How will you treat this case? 2.0
c) Tell the complications of such case. 2.0

Q3. A 2 years old child presented with repeated chest infection & bowing of legs.

a) What is your provisional diagnosis? 1.0

b) What investigations you want to do? 2.0
c) How you will treat this case? 2.0

04. A 9 months old boy presented with fever & cough for 2 days. On examination R/R was
70breaths/min, temp. 102F & crepitations present on both lung field.

a) What is your provisional diagnosis? 1.0

b) Differentiate between pneumonia & Bronchiolitis. 2.0
c) How will you treat this boy? 2.0

Q5. A 15 months old child weighing 10 kg got admitted with the complaints of frequent
passage of loose watery stool for 2 days. On examination the child is irritable & drinks

a) What is your provisional diagnosis? 1.0

b) How will you rehydrate this child? 2.0
c) What complications may arise If not treated properly? 2.0
Final MBBS Question

Q1. A 4 years old girl presented with progressive pallor& spleno-hepatomegaly. She is mildly
icteric and her parents are first degree relative.

a) What is your provisional diagnosis?

b) List 3 important investigations for such a case.
c) What are the treatment options?

Q2. A 5 years old boy presented with fever headache and repeated convulsion for 3 days.
On examination, neck rigidity and kernig's sign are present.

a) What is your most likely diagnosis?

b) How will you investigate this case?
c) What are the causes of convulsion in children?

Q3. An 8 years old boy presented with fever, pain and swelling of multiple large joints
migratory in nature associated with palpitation and dyspnoea. He had history of sore throat
3 weeks back.

a) What is your most likely diagnosis? 1.0

b) What are the investigations you want to do to diagnose this disease? 2.0
c) How will you give secondary prophylaxis in this case? 2.0

Q4. a) Classify congenital heart disease. 1.0

b) Tell 4 components of TOF? 2.0
c) Tell 4 common causes of heart failure in children. 2.0

Q5. A 6 years old girl presented with cough & evening rise of temperature for 3 weeks. She
has history of contact with TB patient.

a) What is your provisional diagnosis?

b) How will you investigate the case?
c) Tell the current EPI schedule.
Final MBBS Examination

Q1. An 8 years old child presented with haematuria, hypertension and periorbital oedema.
He had past history of sore throat 2 weeks back.

a) What is your provisional diagnosis? 1.0

b) What investigations you will suggest? 2.0
c) Tell the complications of such case. 2.0

Q2. An 1months old boy weighing 10 kg admitted with frequent passage of loose watery
stool and vomiting for 2 days. On examination the boy is lethargic & skin pinch goes back
very slowly.

a) Mention his dehydration status. 1.0

b) How will you rehydrate this boy? 2.0
c) Tell the causative organisms of acute watery diarrhoea. 2.0

Q3. A 15 months Old female baby weighing 6.5 kg presented with bipedal oedema & h/o
gross feeding mismanagement.

a) What is your possible diagnosis?

b) Tell the ten steps management of this baby.
c) Tell the criteria SAM.

Q4. a) Define IMCI. 1.0

b) What are the components of IMCI? 2.0
c) What are general danger signs in a child of 2months to 5 years according to IMCI? 2.0

Q5. All months old boy admitted with the complaints of low grade fever & cough for 2 days.
On examination R/R is 60 breaths/min & the boy is playful.

a) What is your most likely diagnosis?

b) What investigations you want to do?
c) How will you treat this case?
Board 1
Final MBBS Examination

Q1. An 8 years old child presented with haematuria, hypertension and periorbital oedema.
He had past history of sore throat 2 weeks back.

a) What is your provisional diagnosis? 1.0

b) What investigations you will suggest? 2.0
c) Tell the complications of such case. 2.0

Q2. An 11 months old boy weighing 10 kg admitted with frequent passage of loose watery
stool and vomiting for 2 days. On examination the boy is lethargic & skin pinch goes back
very slowly.

a) Mention his dehydration status. 1.0

b) How will you rehydrate this boy? 2.0
c) Tell the causative organisms of acute watery diarrhoea. 2.0

Q3. A 15 months Old female baby weighing 6.5 kg presented with bipedal oedema & h/o
gross feeding mismanagement.

a) What is your possible diagnosis?

b) Tell the ten steps management of this baby.
c) Tell the criteria SAM.

Q4. a) Define IMCI. 1.0

b) What are the components of IMCI? 2.0
c) What are general danger signs in a child of 2months to 5 years according to IMCI? 2.0

Q5. A10 months old boy admitted with the complaints of low grade fever & cough for 2
days. On examination R/R is 60 breaths/min & the boy is playful.

a) What is your most likely diagnosis?

b) What investigations you want to do?
c) How will you treat this case?
Final MBBS Question

Q1. A 4 years old boy presented with sudden onset of gum bleeding. On examination
multiple purpuric spot present over extremities. He has history of upper respiratory tract
infection 3weeks back.

a) What is your provisional diagnosis? 1.0

b) How will you investigate such a case. 2.0
c) How will you treat this case? 2.0

Q2. An elderly mother came to you with her baby having depressed nasal bridge, low set ear
& simian crease.

a) What is your most likely diagnosis?

b) What are the other features of this condition?
c) How will you investigate the baby?

Q3. A 2 years old boy admitted in paediatric ward with fever and cough for 1 day and 1
episode of convulsion for 10 minutes. He has history of similar type of illness 2 times within
last 1 year

a) What is your most likely diagnosis? 1.0

b) What are the criteria for the diagnosis of this condition? 2.0
c) What advice you will give to the parents during discharge? 2.0

04.A 1 year old boy presented with repeated chest infection, respiratory distress and not
growing well. On examination he had loud pan systolic murmur in lower left sternal border
& enlarged tender liver.

a) What is your provisional diagnosis? 1.0

b) How will you investigate this case? 1.5
c) What are the other causes of heart failure in children? 1.5

05.A 6 Years old girl presented with fever & multiple large joint swelling.

a) What is your differential diagnosis? 1.0

b) mention the Jones criteria for diagnosis of rheumatic fever? 2.0
c) Mention the secondary prophylaxis of rheumatic fever. 2.0
Final MBBS Question

Q1. A neonate born at 34 weeks of gestation weighing 1400gm & his temperature is 95'F.

a) What is your most likely diagnosis?

b) How will you manage this case?
c) Tell the immediate complications of such case.

Q2. 1. A 5 years old girl presented with generalized swelling, haematuria & convulsion. On
Examination there is moderate proteinuria & blood pressure is140/100.

a) What is your probable diagnosis?

b) How will you manage this case?
c) What are the complications of such case?

Q3. An ll months old boy weighing 10 kg admitted with frequent passage of loose watery
stool and vomiting for 2days. On examination he was irritable & thirsty.

a) What is the most likely diagnosis? 1.0

b) How will you rehydrate this boy? 2.0
c) Write down the complications of AWD. 2.0

Q4. a) Name some endocrine diseases in children.

b) What are the clinical features of congenital hypothyroidism?
c) Name two important investigations for diagnosis of congenital hypothyroidism.

Q5. A 10 months old infant weighing 5kg presented with reluctant to feed, multiple skin
lesions & bipedal oedema.

a) What is your provisional diagnosis?

b) What are the diagnostic criteria of this condition?
c) Tell the steps of management of this patient?

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