Diablo 4 Sorcerer Guide - Class Overview and Builds

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Diablo 4 Sorcerer Guide - Class Overview and Builds



The Wowhead Diablo IV Class Overview of the Sorcerer will showcase the current state
of the Sorcerer in Diablo IV.

This guide covers everything you need to know about the Sorcerer, including a deep look
at class gameplay, unique class mechanics, primary stats, all available skills, upgrades,
and passives.

Why Play the Sorcerer in Diablo IV?

We love the Sorcerer because we crave the life of a master of the arcane elements and
ancient knowledge, alone in the wilderness fighting demons and voracious beasts.
Whether you fancy evoking the fiercest of hell's flames to incinerate your foes, calling
down cataclysmic bolts of lightning to tear them apart, or freezing them to the core with
the power of ice and the blizzard, this class has something for you.

However you choose to play the class, some things will be the same. You can do massive
damage, but you can't absorb a lot of it yourself. You generally want to stay at range
rather than going toe-to-toe. And, you will want to be very focused on your synergies and
your gear and your skills in order to make the best of your class. A legendary item that
works great on a Fire Sorcerer might well be useless to one who prefers to use Frost or

We have done some builds, including one for each broad specialization, which would be
great for leveling; if you want the details, they are available at the links above. Otherwise,
for general guidance, read on!

Customizing Your Character in Diablo 4

Character customization in Diablo 4 allows you to pick the overall look of your character.
We have a guide that will review all character customizations available in the Character
Selection screens and discuss which of these customizations can be changed later (hint:
some choices will be permanent!)

Character Creation and Customization

Sorceress Quick Facts in Diablo IV


 Class Archetype: Caster Class Resource: Mana Damage Types: Cold, Fire,

Lightning Class Skill Groups: Basic, Core, Defensive, Conjuration, Mastery,
Ultimate Class Skill Examples: Chain Lightning, Fireball, Frozen Orb, Blizzard,
Incinerate Unique Class Mechanic: Enchantment System: Turn up to two active skills
into powerful passive effects! Usable Weapons and Armor: Daggers, Wands, Staves,

Sorceress Abilities in Diablo IV

Sorceress Skills in Diablo IV

Every class in Diablo IV has multiple skill groups to choose their skills from. These skill
groups categorize certain skills by attributes like damage type or class theme. From Basic
Skills like Fire Blast to Chain Lightning and Firewall to Ultimate Skills and passives, the
Sorcerer has a plethora of ways to survive on the battlefield and devastate foes. For the
full list of Skills, Upgrades, and Passives, see our Sorceress Skill Overview.

Sorceress Skill Overview

Sorcerer Skill Calculator for D4

To plan, save and refer back to a build, you can use our Sorcerer Skill Calculator. This will
allow you full functionality to choose skills, enhancements, upgrades and other skills
features. We'll be adding class mechanics soon. Your build will be saved in the URL so
you can always come back to your build just by bookmarking.


Fire, Frost, or Shock?

Sorceress Dismount Ability in Diablo IV

Each class comes with a unique Dismount Ability which the player can activate. Players
who get hit by an enemy will be dismounted automatically and will not be able to activate
their Dismount Ability.

When Sorceresses activate their Dismount Ability they will turn into an ice storm that
freezes enemies in their path.

Enchantments - Sorceress Unique Class Mechanic in Diablo IV

Unique Class Mechanics in Diablo IV are class-exclusive systems that offer additional
ways to customize your class further. These systems are also deeply entwined with class
fantasy and try to provide an immersive gameplay experience.

The Sorceress's Unique Class Mechanic is the Enchantment System. You can place
skills into two locations: An active skill slot and an Enchantment slot. Enchantment
powers are passive effects (e.g. Every 15 seconds, a Blizzard forms over you and follows
you for 4 seconds.). There are two Enchantment slots in total.

If you want to learn more about Enchantment, our detailed guide is available at the link

Enchantment Guide

Sorcerer Aspects in Diablo IV

Aspects are powers that can be transferred to Rare or Legendary items. There are two
sources for Aspects: dungeons through the Codex of Power, and Legendary items.

Sorcerer Aspects through the Codex of Power

Sorcerers can earn Aspects by completing different dungeons across Sanctuary. Some of
these are general to all classes, while many of these are class specific. We have
comprehensive lists of the dungeon locations to collect all Aspects of interest to the

For a complete list of all Codex of Power aspects that are specific to the Sorcerer class,
please see the following guide sections:

Codex of Power: General Aspects Codex of Power: Sorcerer Aspects

Sorcerer Aspects through Legendary Items

Sorcerers can also collect Aspects by collecting Legendary Items. These Aspects can be
removed from items and transferred to other items in the Sorcerer's arsenal. Here are a
few examples from the primary Sorcerer builds to give you an idea of what kinds of
Legendary Item aspects may be useful to you as a Sorcerer:

Aspect of Piercing Cold

Ice Shards pierce 0 times, dealing [20 - 25]% less damage per subsequent
enemy hit.

Allowed Item Types:

1H Weapon

2H Weapon (Power increased by 100%)


Amulet (Power increased by 50%)



Aspect of Biting Cold
When you Freeze an enemy there is a [25 - 35]% chance they become
Vulnerable for 3 seconds.

Allowed Item Types:

1H Weapon

2H Weapon (Power increased by 100%)


Amulet (Power increased by 50%)



Aspect of Control
You deal [25 - 35]%[x] more damage to Immobilized, Stunned, or Frozen

Allowed Item Types:

1H Weapon

2H Weapon (Power increased by 100%)


Amulet (Power increased by 50%)



Aspect of Splintering Energy
Lightning Spear has a [11 - 20]% chance to spawn an additional Lightning
Spear when you cast it.

Allowed Item Types:

1H Weapon

2H Weapon (Power increased by 100%)


Amulet (Power increased by 50%)



Serpentine Aspect
You may have 1 additional Hydra active, but Hydra’s duration is reduced by [20
- 30]%.

Allowed Item Types:

1H Weapon

2H Weapon (Power increased by 100%)


Amulet (Power increased by 50%)



Charged Aspect
Collecting Crackling Energy increases your Movement Speed by [10 - 15]%[+]
for 4 seconds.

Allowed Item Types:


Amulet (Power increased by 50%)



Please refer to these guides for information about Sorcerer Legendary Aspects and using
the Occultist to transfer Aspects from one piece of gear to another:

Sorcerer Legendary Aspects Occultist Guide

Sorcerer Primary Stats in Diablo IV

The primary effects of each primary stat will differ depending on the class. The Rogue's
Primary Stats grant the following primary effects. Each Primary Stat also comes with a
secondary defensive effect, which is the same for all classes.

Stat Sorcerer Primary Stat Secondary Defensive
Effect Effect

Strength No effect. Strength Increases Armor by +X (1

Strength = 1 Armor)
Intelligence Increases Skill Damage
by xX.X% (1 Intelligence Increases Resistance to All
Intelligence = 0.1% Skill Elements by +X.X% (1
Damage) Intelligence = 0.05%
Resistance to All Elements)
Willpower Increases Resource
Generation by xX.X% Willpower Improves Healing Received
(1 Willpower = 0.1% by +X.X% (1 Willpower =
Resource Generation) 0.1% Healing Received)
Increases Overpower

Damage by +X.X% (1 Dexterity Increases Dodge Chance by

Willpower = 0.25% +X.X% (1 Dexterity =
Overpower Damage) 0.025% Dodge Chance)

Dexterity Increases Critical Strike

Chance by +X.X% (1
Dexterity = 0.02%
Critical Strike Chance)

All Sorcerer Overview Guides for Diablo IV

Sorcerer Class OverviewSorcerer Skills OverviewSorcerer Leveling GuideSorcerer

Legendary AspectsSorcerer Enchantment System

All Class Overview Guides for Diablo 4

Barbarian Class OverviewDruid Class OverviewNecromancer Class OverviewRogue

Class OverviewSorcerer Class Overview


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