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Crypto telegram listing site

The main goal of the site is to promote crypto communities and products with focus on token groups.


- Groups
- Channels
- Bots

Subcategories for groups:

Token group

Call group

Trading signals group

Token group:

If it is token group, in listing option user need to have option to add details:

Token name,

Token chain (one or more chains BSC, ETH, POLYGON, TRX, FANTOM, AVALANCHE, OTHER)

Token logo

Telegram group link (option for multi languages groups. Like link to English, Chinese, etc groups.

Need to chose is the token in presale (if yes until which date after that date to be moved to launched category) or
already launched.

Token short description

Token description

Presale page (if it is in presale (later this option can be removed when it is moved to launched token)


Call and trading signals groups:

When user list it need to have the option to upload:



Bot listing option:


Group or channel Link

Short description


Other website options:

Login with telegram

Voting option for groups, channels and bots (people can login with telegram and vote for the projects)

When is listed project will get own link. This link shouldnt be changed later because of voting bot I will make.

So in the case that token is in presale phase, after launch the link to it should be the same, just category shown on
the site will be changed.

User option to edit listing details (the one who listed it, can change it)

Advertising options

-Top banner

-promoted channels, groups, bots

To have self serve option to chose advertising and payment like (need to have account to
see it) with discount system for more days.

SEO options for the listings (automated)

Website design

Website design can be made similar to or just is important to have good visibility, clean design and
nice colours.

Top menu:

Token presale groups (promoted/featured on the top)

Crypto groups (promoted/featured on the top)

Call groups (promoted/featured on the top)

Call Channels (promoted/featured on the top)

Telegram bots(promoted/featured on the top)


Our services


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