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Ethics of police dogs

General Summary:
My speech surrounds the issues related to the ethics of using police dogs within the police
force. My persona is Samantha Williams, who is an ex-police officer who has now taken up
an effort trying to save these dogs from being involved in the force. The context of my
speech is a convention for police officers, and the organisation that my persona works for
is making a presentation on this issue. Therefore, my audience is all current police officers
who work in the force. They are mostly aged between 25-40 as they would be most open
to new ideas and changes, rather than older individuals who would be less prone to

This year alone, 18 police dogs have been killed while in the line of duty. 18 dogs who were forced
into a profession of service until their inevitable death.
Imagine living a life where your personal safety is seemingly thrown away from you. Completely
disregarded. A life where you are put into some of the most dangerous situations in the world. And
you can’t say no. I struggle to understand how people like you can stand by, and let these innocent
animals be put in front of harm, every single day. My name is Samantha Williams, and just like you, I
worked in the force. For a period of 24 years, I worked with a total of 46 police dogs. For 24 years I
worked with these lovely dogs. 24 years of pain and suffering to these lovely dogs that I could have
put a stop to. Today, I am trying to save dogs just like them. At the time, I was blind to see the
dangers and issues, but today I hope that you don’t make the same mistake as I did. Dogs have been
forced into the job for years, and are not in a more humane, ethical position than they could be.
Further, I believe that the same jobs can be done without the need for dogs to be harmed. While
some of you think that police dogs are more effective in certain areas, I will explain why this is not
the case.

First KA – dogs are forced into it and are not picked for the job in a more humane, ethical
In the world today, things like plants, animals and inanimate objects are often treated the same as
people. For some reason, police dogs seem to go under the radar. When you see a police dog in
action, ripping apart some criminal, do you ever think to yourself “is this right? Is this actually okay?”
This is something that needs to be taken care of now, before more dogs are lost to the brutal world
of police enforcement. This brings me to my first point in this horrendous and outrageous topic;
which is to question how a police dog is meant to indicate that they don’t actually want to
participate? We all know that dogs feel emotion. Please. Ask yourselves. What would you do if your
very own canine had depreciating mental health because of the dog? Would you really act on it? Or
would you just sweep it under the rug as usual? Please. We need to take care of these poor animals
that have no choice in the life they live.
Second KA – the same jobs can be done without the need for dogs to be harmed.
Most of the jobs and tasks that police dogs are faced with are tasks that can be done perfectly
effectively with humans. This year alone, 18 police dogs have been killed while in the line of duty. 18
dogs who were forced into a profession of service until their inevitable death.
Humans can volunteer to put themselves in danger. Humans that are getting paid for taking the risk.
I fail to see where the need for dogs exists in the world today. I fail to see where there is a certain
task that dogs undertake that cannot be done just as easily by a human. Humans are capable of
tackling humans, just like dogs do. Humans are capable of apprehending criminals, just like dogs do.
Are we really moving towards a society where the police can use dogs as an excuse to employ
physically unfit officers?
Rebuttal – police dogs are more effective in detection and apprehension.
I understand that you have more experience in the field than I do. I really do understand. Some of
you may say that police dogs are more effective in certain areas, like food and drug detection, or
criminal apprehension. I agree. Dogs specialise in certain areas so much so that it makes sense to use
them within the workplace. While it may be effective, it still does not make it right. Should we really
be prioritising our efficiency over the fair treatment of animals?
When you have your animal next to you, think to yourself. Is this what you are meant to be doing
with your life? Sitting in a car, or a cage all day, just waiting for someone to break a law so that
something remotely interesting can happen. Not to even mention the danger involved.
Third KA/solution – there are alternatives that can be implemented rather than using dogs
The solution here is so simple. I will make it easy for you. There are a few things that you can do right
now that can help these helpless dogs find a happier, more safe life. Firstly, please try your best to
speak to higher-ups within your area. Even someone overhearing small talk in an office can make
such a huge difference. Small movements can make such a huge difference when there are so many
people involved. Secondly, please try and convince your friends and those around you to adopt
retired police dogs. They, more than most other dogs, are desperate for a loving home.
Please, just give these innocent animals a thought next time you show up to work. The next time you
see a dog in the force with you, think to yourself “is this right?”
We need to act now before it is too late. Please.

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