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SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION ................................................................................................................... 6
SITE .......................................................................................................................................................... 6
USER LOGIN............................................................................................................................................ 7
LOGIN SESSION ...................................................................................................................................... 9
ASSIGN SITE USER .............................................................................................................................. 10
USER PRIVILEGE SETTING ................................................................................................................. 11
GROUP PRIVILEGE MASTER............................................................................................................... 13
GROUP PRIVILEGE SETTING .............................................................................................................. 14
CUSTOM REPORT ................................................................................................................................ 15
AUTO LOGOUT ..................................................................................................................................... 18
COLOR MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................................................ 19
PASSWORD POLICY ............................................................................................................................ 20
MASTER FILE – DEFAULT SETTING .................................................................................................. 21
MASTER FILE – USER GROUP ............................................................................................................ 22
MASTER FILE – AUTO NUMBER ......................................................................................................... 23
MASTER FILE– CRAFT CODE .............................................................................................................. 25
MASTER FILE – ACCOUNTING PERIOD ............................................................................................. 27
MASTER FILE – STATUS CATEGORY ................................................................................................ 29
MASTER FILE – STATUS TYPE ........................................................................................................... 30
MASTER FILE – COST CENTER .......................................................................................................... 31
MASTER FILE – ACCOUNT .................................................................................................................. 33
MASTER FILE – CURRENCY CODE .................................................................................................... 34
MASTER FILE – TAX CODE.................................................................................................................. 36
MASTER FILE – BUDGET ..................................................................................................................... 38
MASTER FILE – COMMODITY CODE .................................................................................................. 40
MASTER FILE – UOM TYPE ................................................................................................................. 41
MASTER FILE – UOM MASTER............................................................................................................ 42
MASTER FILE – UOM CON FACTOR ................................................................................................... 43
MASTER – MANUFACTURER .............................................................................................................. 44
MASTER – BILL TO ............................................................................................................................... 46
MASTER – SHIP TO .............................................................................................................................. 48
MASTER – SUPPLIER STATUS............................................................................................................ 50
ASSET – ASSET TYPE .......................................................................................................................... 51
ASSET – ASSET GROUP CODE........................................................................................................... 52
ASSET – ASSET CODE ......................................................................................................................... 53
ASSET – ASSET CRITICAL FACTOR .................................................................................................. 54
ASSET – ASSET STATUS ..................................................................................................................... 55
ASSET – WORK AREA.......................................................................................................................... 56

ASSET – LOCATION ............................................................................................................................. 57
ASSET – LEVEL .................................................................................................................................... 59
WORK – STATUS .................................................................................................................................. 60
WORK – PRIORITY ................................................................................................................................ 61
WORK – GROUP ................................................................................................................................... 62
WORK – CLASS .................................................................................................................................... 64
WORK – WORK TYPE ........................................................................................................................... 65
WORK – FAULT CODE.......................................................................................................................... 66
WORK – CAUSE CODE ......................................................................................................................... 67
WORK – ACTION CODE........................................................................................................................ 68
WORK – DELAY CODE ......................................................................................................................... 69
WORK – FAULT/CAUSE/ACTION ......................................................................................................... 70
WORK – WORK FLOW (WORD ORDER) ............................................................................................. 72
MATERIAL – LOCATION CATEGORY ................................................................................................. 73
MATERIAL – LOCATION ....................................................................................................................... 74
MATERIAL – STATUS ........................................................................................................................... 76
PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE – FREQUENCY CODE ........................................................................ 77
PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE – GROUP MASTER ............................................................................. 79
PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE – GROUPING ...................................................................................... 80
PURCHASING – PR STATUS................................................................................................................ 82
PURCHASING – PO STATUS ............................................................................................................... 83
PURCHASING – CONTRACT STATUS................................................................................................. 84
PURCHASING – TYPE .......................................................................................................................... 85
PURCHASING – PRIORITY ................................................................................................................... 86
TIME CARD – HOUR TYPE ................................................................................................................... 87
CUSTOMER ........................................................................................................................................... 88
CUSTOMER – STATUS ......................................................................................................................... 89
ASSET REGISTER ................................................................................................................................. 90
ASSET USER DEFINED FIELD ............................................................................................................. 92
ASSET FINANCIAL ................................................................................................................................ 93
ASSET SPARES .................................................................................................................................... 94
ASSET USAGE ...................................................................................................................................... 95
ASSET REFERENCE ............................................................................................................................. 96
ASSET PM.............................................................................................................................................. 97
ASSET CHECK LIST ............................................................................................................................. 98
ASSET METER ...................................................................................................................................... 99
ASSET RELOCATION ......................................................................................................................... 101
ASSET HIERARCHY ............................................................................................................................ 102
ASSET PART ROTATION.................................................................................................................... 104
CUSTOMER ASSET HIERARCHY ...................................................................................................... 105

REPORT ............................................................................................................................................... 106
ASSET LIST ......................................................................................................................................... 106
ASSET HISTORY ................................................................................................................................. 107
ASSET DOWNTIME REPORT ............................................................................................................. 108
ASSET SPARE LIST ............................................................................................................................ 109
ASSET RELOCATION AUDIT ............................................................................................................. 110
ASSET ROTATION AUDIT .................................................................................................................. 111
CHECK LIST ........................................................................................................................................ 112
CHECK LIST SETUP ........................................................................................................................... 114
WORK REQUEST ................................................................................................................................ 115
WORK REQUEST USER DEFINED FIELD ......................................................................................... 117
WORK REQUEST STATUS ................................................................................................................. 118
WORK REQUEST USER DEFINED LIST ............................................................................................ 119
WORK REQUEST REFERENCE ......................................................................................................... 120
WORK REQUEST APPROVAL ........................................................................................................... 121
WORK ORDER ..................................................................................................................................... 124
WORK ORDER DETAILS .................................................................................................................... 126
WORK ORDER FINANCIAL ................................................................................................................ 127
WORK ORDER USER DEFINED FIELD .............................................................................................. 128
WORK ORDER LABOR PLANNING ................................................................................................... 129
WORK ORDER MATERIAL PLANNING.............................................................................................. 130
WORK ORDER CONTRACT PLANNING ............................................................................................ 132
WORK ORDER TOOL .......................................................................................................................... 133
WORK ORDER REFERENCE.............................................................................................................. 134
WORK ORDER CHECK LIST .............................................................................................................. 135
WORK ORDER STATUS AUDIT ......................................................................................................... 136
WORK ORDER LITE ............................................................................................................................ 137
WORK ORDER ACTION ...................................................................................................................... 138
WORK ORDER ACTION LITE ............................................................................................................. 139
MATERIAL REQUEST ......................................................................................................................... 140
MATERIAL REQUEST USER DEFINED FIELDS ................................................................................ 143
MATERIAL REQUEST STATUS .......................................................................................................... 144
MATERIAL REQUEST LINE ITEM ...................................................................................................... 145
MATERIAL REQUEST REFERENCE .................................................................................................. 146
TIME CARD .......................................................................................................................................... 147
WORK REQUEST COMPLETE ........................................................................................................... 148
WORK ORDER REPORT ..................................................................................................................... 149
WORK ORDER COMPLETE LIST ....................................................................................................... 150
WORK ORDER FORM ......................................................................................................................... 151
WORK ORDER STATUS CHANGE JOURNAL ................................................................................... 152

MATERIAL REQUEST COMPLETE .................................................................................................... 153
MATERIAL USAGE BY WORK ORDER.............................................................................................. 154
BUDGET VS ACTUAL REPORT ......................................................................................................... 155
WORK ORDER BY ACTION CODE ..................................................................................................... 156
WORK ORDER BY CAUSE CODE ...................................................................................................... 157
WORK ORDER BY FAULT CODE ....................................................................................................... 158
FAULT CODE ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................... 159
INVENTORY MASTER ......................................................................................................................... 160
INVENTORY MASTER DETAIL ........................................................................................................... 162
INVENTORY MASTER USER DEFINED FIELDS ................................................................................ 163
INVENTORY MASTER FINANCIAL ..................................................................................................... 164
INVENTORY MASTER LOCATION ..................................................................................................... 165
INVENTORY MASTER SUPPLIER ...................................................................................................... 166
ISSUE TRANSACTION ........................................................................................................................ 167
RECEIVE TRANSACTION ................................................................................................................... 168
RETURN TO STOCK ........................................................................................................................... 169
RETURN TO SUPPLIER ...................................................................................................................... 170
TRANSFER TRANSACTION ............................................................................................................... 171
STOCK RECONCILIATION .................................................................................................................. 172
ORDER POINT REVIEW ...................................................................................................................... 174
INVENTORY REPORT ......................................................................................................................... 176
ISSUE JOURNAL LISTING .................................................................................................................. 177
RECEIVE JOURNAL LISTING ............................................................................................................. 178
RETURN TO STOCK JOURNAL LISTING .......................................................................................... 179
RECONCILIATION REPORT ............................................................................................................... 180
ORDER POINT REPORT ..................................................................................................................... 181
ABC ANALYSIS REPORT ................................................................................................................... 182
RETURN TO SUPPLIER JOURNAL LISTING ..................................................................................... 183
STOCK ANALYSIS REPORT .............................................................................................................. 184
STOCK ANALYSIS DETAIL REPORT ................................................................................................ 185
PART WHERE USED LIST .................................................................................................................. 186
SLOW MOVING STOCK ...................................................................................................................... 187
INVENTORY SHORTAGE REPORT .................................................................................................... 188
MATERIAL ISSUE NOTE ..................................................................................................................... 189
GRN REPORT ...................................................................................................................................... 190
PURCHASE REQUEST........................................................................................................................ 191
PURCHASE ORDER ............................................................................................................................ 192
PR APPROVAL .................................................................................................................................... 194
SUPPLIER MASTER ............................................................................................................................ 196
PO CONTRACT .................................................................................................................................... 198

PURCHASE REQUEST FORM ............................................................................................................ 199
PURCHASE ORDER FORM ................................................................................................................ 200
PR OUTSTANDING .............................................................................................................................. 201
PO BACKLOG REPORT ...................................................................................................................... 202
PO DETAIL SUMMARY ....................................................................................................................... 203
PO SUMMARY REPORT ..................................................................................................................... 204
SUPPLIER DETAIL REPORT .............................................................................................................. 205
SUPPLIER RECONCILIATION REPORT ............................................................................................ 206
PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................................ 207
CALENDAR .......................................................................................................................................... 209
PM SETUP LISTING ............................................................................................................................ 210
PM GROUP ASSET LIST ..................................................................................................................... 211
PERSONNEL........................................................................................................................................ 212
WORK SCHEDULING .......................................................................................................................... 214
EMPLOYEE LEAVE CALENDAR ........................................................................................................ 215
SCHEDULE WORK ORDER ................................................................................................................ 216
ACTUALIZE WORK ORDER ............................................................................................................... 218
WORK SCHEDULE BY EMPLOYEE ................................................................................................... 219
WORK SCHEDULE BY MONTH .......................................................................................................... 220
WORK SCHEDULE BY WORK ORDER .............................................................................................. 221
INVOICE ............................................................................................................................................... 222
WO KPI REPORT ................................................................................................................................. 223
MAINTENANCE WO KPI ..................................................................................................................... 224
CONSUMPTION KPI ............................................................................................................................ 225
PURCHASE ORDER KPI ..................................................................................................................... 226
OPTIONS .............................................................................................................................................. 227
SYSTEM PARAMETERS ..................................................................................................................... 227
CHANGE PASSWORD ........................................................................................................................ 228
PRINTER SETUP ................................................................................................................................. 229
REFRESH MENU ................................................................................................................................. 229
SWITCH SITE ....................................................................................................................................... 230

System Administration

TOMMS System is a highly configurable system that

able to cater most of the user requirements, the
system administration module provides the tools and
functionality to ease the job of a system


What it’s for TOMMS System support multiple site, it allows the user to
segregate the data into different site.

How it works Once the site was created, this site name will display on the
login screen.

The administrator can limit the user from login into a

particular site which will be discussed further later.

Create new site 1. On the left panel of the system, click on System
Administrator > Site. Figure 1-13
2. Click on button, Site form appears.
Figure 1-14
3. Enter the Site Code.
4. Enter the Site Description.
5. Fill in the address and other necessary information.
6. Click in button to save.

Figure 1-13 Site Table View

Figure 1-14 Create New Site

User Login

What it’s for User login must be created first by administrator so that
system can verify for the authorized user to login the system.

How it works Once the User Login was created, user use the Username and
Password to login the TOMMS systems.

The administrator needs to authorize the user login to site.

Create new User 1. On the left panel of the system, click on System
login Administrator > User Login. Figure 1-15
2. Click on button, User dialog box appear.
3. Enter User ID that will use to login to the system.
4. Enter Password that will use to verify the user.
5. Enter Name of the user.
6. Check System Administrator if the user is allow to access to
the System Administration module.
7. Click on to save the information.

Field User ID – Varchar (50); Example: TOMMS

Password – Varchar (100); Example: xyz123
Name – Varchar (50); Example: TOMMS SYSTEMS SDN BHD

Figure 1-15 User Login Table View

Figure 1-16 Create New User Login

Login Session

What it’s for Its show the current User Login Session’s information.

Login Session 1. On the left panel of the system, click on System

Administrator > Login Session.

Figure 1-17 Login Session Table View

Assign Site User

What it’s for The application control the number of user access to a
particular site. The benefits of the system is that a user with a
single login identification and password able to login into
different site.

How it works At the login screen, the user has to choose a site to access.

Assign Site User 1. On the left panel of the system, click on System
Administrator > Site User. See Figure 1-18
2. Highlight on the Site.
3. Tick on the user who allow to login.

Figure 1-18 Assign Site User Table View

User Privilege Setting

What it’s for The application is to assign the users privilege in the system.
The system administrator can change the visibility of any
application or report, they also able to control the
modification of the record. With these settings, the users will
be restricted to the programs in the system.

How it works Once the privileges had assigned for the users, the users can
only work with the specific privileges that was assigned.

Create new user 1. On the left panel of the system, click on System
privilege setting Administrator > User Privilege Setting. See Figure 1-19
2. Select the Site on the inner left panel.
3. Select the User on the inner right panel.
4. Select the module to be grant for.
5. Tick on the action to be grant.

Besides that, to ease the job of the system administrator, the

system allows to apply privilege by template.

To Apply Template Privilege Template:

1. Click on button. See Figure 1-20
2. Select the privilege template.
3. Choose whether apply to a user or entire site’s users.
4. Click on OK button.

Figure 1-19 User Privileges Setting

Figure 1-20 Privilege templates

Group Privilege Master

What it’s for It used to group common privilege together as a template and
can be apply to multiple users.

How it works Register the group privilege master code.

Create new 1. On the left panel of the system, click on System

privilege master Administrator > Group Privilege Master. See Figure 1-21
2. Click on button, Group Privilege Master dialog box
appear. See Figure 1-22
3. Enter the Template Code.
4. Enter the Template Description.
5. Click on button to save.

Field Template Code – Varchar (25); Example: Management,

Template Description – Varchar (255); Example: Management
department, Supervisor department

Figure 1-21Group Privilege Master

Figure 1-22 Create New Group Privilege

Group Privilege Setting

What it’s for It stores the setting of the group privilege and can be apply to
any user.

How it works Select the group privilege master and set the privilege

Create new 1. On the left panel of the system, click on System

privilege setting Administrator > Group Privilege Setting. See Figure 1-23
2. Select template code to define.
3. On the lower panel, select application or report to be set. See
Figure 1-24
4. Tick on the action to set.
5. Click on button to save.

Figure 1-23 Group Privilege Setting

Figure 1-24 Privilege Setting

Custom Report

What it’s for The option allow users to create own customize report on
certain field data.

How it works Select a column data from a table to create an own sorted and
criteria report. This report will be display on current selected
module’s report program.

Create new custom 1. Double click on System Administrator > Create Custom Report on the left
report panel. See Figure 1-25
2. Create Custom Report dialog box appears.
3. Select a table on the Table List. (Only 1 table)

4. Click on button, and the table will add to the Selected Table
5. Click on button and proceed to select table's column.

6. Select the column of the table to include in the report. See Figure 1-26

7. Click on button to add to Selected Column box.

8. Click on button to proceed to Sort Column.

9. Select the column to sort by on the report, even the column is not selected,

it is able to sort by too, click on button to add to sort column.

See Figure 1-27
10. Select a sorting method, by Ascending or Descending.
11. Click on button to proceed to Define Criteria.

12. Select a criterion from the Column List and click on button
to Criteria Column. See Figure 1-28
13. Define the criteria value to search.
14. Click on button to proceed to final states.
15. Enter the Report Name. See Figure 1-29
16. Enter the Report Title that will display on the report title.
17. Select the Module this report will appear in.

18. Click on button to save the report.

Figure 1-25 Select Table

Figure 1-26 Select Column

Figure 1-27 Sort Columns

Figure 1-28 Define Criteria

Figure 1-29 Report Setting

Auto Logout

What it’s for Auto logout when the user doesn’t use the system within certain

How it works If the user is away from the system and system is open. The auto
logout will logout and off the system.
Edit Auto Logout 1. On the left panel of the system, click on System
Administrator >Auto Logout. See Figure 1-30
2. Click the button.
3. Check for the Auto Logout, set the amount of time in
minutes. See figure 1-31
4. Click button.

Figure 1-30 Auto Logout Table View

Figure 1-31 Edit Auto Logout

Color Management

What it’s for Use the color to inform the status of Asset, Maintenance and
How it works 1) Edit the color for the particular module
2) That module table view will show record’s status according to
the color.
Edit the Color 1. On the left panel of the system, click on System
Management Administrator > Color Management. See Figure 1-32
2. Click the button.
3. Change the background and text color according to RGB (Red,
Blue Green). See Figure 1-33
4. Click button.

Figure 1-32 Color Management Table View

Figure 1-33 Color Selection

Password Policy

What it’s for Used to determine the guidelines for setting up the password.

Password Policy 1. On the left panel of the system, click on System

Administrator > Password Policy. See Figure 1-33
2. Click on button. See Figure 1-34
3. Make the necessarily changes.
4. Click on button to save.

Figure 1-33 Password Policy Table view

Figure 1-34 Edit Password Policy.

Master File – Default Setting

What it’s for This setting is to auto trigger the detail into the specific column
in certain module.
Create new User 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File >
Group Default Setting. See Figure 2-21
2. Enter the value, double click to look up on Default Tab, Tick
for each of the Setting Tab and key-in the details on Email
Tab. See Figure 2-22
3. Click on button to save.

Figure 2-1 System Setting Table View

Figure 2-2 Edit System Setting

Master File – User Group

What it’s for User Groups used to group employees by departments, such as
Production, Accounting, and so on.

How it works Once user group assign for the employee, the employees are
now grouped in the group.

These User Group are able to perform a work flow on the system
which will be discuss later.

Create new User 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File
Group Setup > Master - User Group. See Figure 2-3
2. Click on button, Master - User Group dialog box
3. Enter the new User Group Code. See Figure 2-4
4. Enter the description of the asset location.
5. Tick disable to disable view in lookup. (optional)
6. Click on button to save the User Group.

Fields User Group – Varchar (5); Example: ADM, MGR, SUP

User Group Description – Varchar (255); Example:
Administrative, Manager, Supplier

Figure 2-3 User Group Table View

Figure 2-4 Create New User Group

Master File – Auto Number

What it’s for Use to set the prefix as well as the running number for Asset,
Stock Number, Preventive, Purchase Order, Purchase Request,
Corrective and Preventive Work order, and Work Request.

How it works For every Asset, Stock Number, Preventive, Purchase Order,
Purchase Request, Corrective and Preventive Work order, and
Work Request created, the counter in the table will generate
unique prefix and numbering.

Editing on Auto 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File
Number Setup> Master - Auto Number. See Figure 2-5
2. Select the Module Code. See Figure 2-6
3. Double-click on the module to edit.
4. Select the number running mode in Auto or Manual.
5. Enter the Prefix of the numbering.
6. Enter the Counter Number to initial start.
7. Click on button to save the Numbering.

Figure 2-5 Auto Number Table View

Figure 2-4 Figure 2-6 Auto Number setting

Master File– Craft Code

What it’s for Craft codes are used as a means of separating the
maintenance work force into trades or other classification.

How it works Instead of knowing the employee classification based on craft,

user can assign charge rate for the certain craft too, so that
the system can capture how many hours has charge for the

Create new Craft 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File
code Setup> Master - Craft Code. See Figure 2-7
2. Click on button, Master - Craft Code dialog box
appear. See Figure 2-8
3. Enter the Craft Code.
4. Enter the detail description of the craft.
5. Enter the estimate rate for the craft.
6. Enter the date of changes of this craft.
7. Tick disable to disable the view on lookup.(Optional)
8. Click on button to save the Craft.

Fields Craft Code – Varchar (25); Example: ADM, BM, FIN,

Description – Varchar (255); Example: Administrative
Department, Building Mechanic, Finance Department,

Figure 2-7 Craft Code Table View

Figure 2-8 Create New Craft Code

Master File – Accounting Period

What it’s for This table lets you define the begin dates for your fiscal year

How it works This accounting period was the master reference point of the
period year. So that every cost occur will based on this
accounting period to store on. You have to setup the budget
title before you can store the occurred cost.

Use the tool Master – Budget to setup the budget.

Create new 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File
Accounting Period Setup> Master - Accounting Period. See Figure 2-9
2. Click on button, Master - Accounting Period dialog
box appear. See Figure 2-10
3. Enter Budget year.
4. Enter Date of the year end.
5. Enter the Period Begin date by calendar or key in.
6. Enter the Name of the Period.
9. Tick disable to disable the view on lookup.(Optional)
8. Click on button to save the Accounting Period.

Duplicate Period 1. On Accounting Period table view.

year 2. Highlight a Accounting Period.
3. Click on button.
4. Duplicate Budget Period dialog box appears.
See Figure 2-11
5. Enter the new Budget Period Year.
6. Click on button.

Figure 2-9 Accounting Period Table View

Figure 2-10 Setting Periods

Figure 2-11 Duplicate Budget Periods

Master File – Status Category

What it’s for Master status category of the sub status, use for categorize the

How it works Once created status category, this status category will able to
lookup on the tool Master Status Type when creating a sub
category of it, and status category was associate use with Master
Status Type.

Create New Status 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File
Category Setup > Master - Status Category. See Figure 2-12
2. Click on button, Master - Status Category dialog box
appear. See Figure 2-13
3. Enter the Category Code.
4. Enter the detail description of the Status Category.
5. Click on button to save the Status Category.

Fields Category Code – Varchar (20); Example: Asset, Contract, Supplier

Description – Varchar (255); Example: Asset Status, Contract
Status, Supplier Status.

Figure 2-12 Status Category Table View

Figure 2-13 Create New Status Category

Master File – Status Type

What it’s for Use to define a work, asset, contract, purchasing and etc status,
so that users are able to knowing the status of the work or event.

How it works Every status are having their own meaning, so that users will
based on status to perform following action, this become an
important work flow for an organization.

Create New Status 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File >
Type Master - Status Type. See Figure 2-14
2. Click on button, Master - Status Type dialog box
appear. See Figure 2-15
3. Enter the Category Code.
4. Enter the detail description of the Status Type.
5. Click on button to save the Status Type.

Fields Type Code – Varchar (20); Example: Active, Deactivate, Cancel

Description – Varchar (255); Example: Active Asset, Deactivate
Asset, Cancel Order

Figure 2-14 Status Type Table View

Figure 2-15 Create New Asset - Status Type

Master File – Cost Center

What it’s for Cost Center are commonly use in Asset Register. Work Order,
Work Request, and Inventory. Cost Center use to track cost
incurred in work order, and determines what area or group is
charged for the work.

How it works Once you have set up a system of Cost Centers and Account
Numbers, you can create a series of budgets to measure
actual expense compared to plan.

This Cost Center was associate use with Master Budget.

Create New Cost 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File >
Center Master - Cost Center. See Figure 2-16
2. Click on button, Master - Cost Center dialog box
appear. See Figure 2-17
3. Enter the new Cost Center.
4. Enter the description of the Cost Center.
5. Tick disable to disable the view on lookup.(Optional)
6. Click on button to save the Status Type.

Fields Cost Center – Varchar (50); Example: Civil, Mechanical,

Description – Varchar (255); Example: Civil, Mechanical, Tun
Razak Exchange District Management

Figure 2-16 Cost Center table View

Figure 2-17 Create New Cost Center

Master File – Account

What it’s for Accounts are used to specify the accounts to be charged or
credited for maintenance activities.

How it works If your company does not use such account numbers, the
codes can be very general as shown above.

This Account was associate use with Master Budget.

Create New 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File >
Account Master - Account. See Figure 2-18
2. Click on button, Master - Account dialog box
appear. See Figure 2-19
3. Enter the Account Code.
4. Enter the description of the account.
5. Click on button to save the Account.

Fields Account – Varchar (50); Example: TOLL, INFRA, 6020-0015

Description – Varchar (255); Example: Toll Account, Infra
Account, IT-Routine Maintenance

Figure 2-18 Account Table View

Figure 2-19 Create a new Account

Master File – Currency Code

What it’s for This table lets you determine foreign currency for all
Purchasing transactions in TOMMS. This lets you write POs in
foreign currencies, while keeping all your costs in a common
base rate.

How it works TOMMS comes with a number of country currencies already

in the table. If yours is not there, click Add to add a new row
to the table. Provide other information as appropriate,
including the most useful decimal format.
Create New 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File >
Currency Master - Currency Code. See Figure 2-20
2. Click on button, Master - Currency Code dialog box
appear. See Figure 2-21
3. Enter the Currency Code and description.
4. Enter the Exchange Rate.
5. Enter the Exchange Rate Date.
6. Enter the Symbol of the currency, either in work or symbol.
7. Format of the currency format. (Default format in
8. Click on button to save the Currency.

Fields Currency code – Varchar (10); Example: RM, SGD, IDR

Currency Description – Varchar (50); Example: Ringgit
Malaysia, Singapore Dollar, Indonesia Rupiah
Currency Label – Varchar (10); Example: RM, SGD, IDR

Figure 2-20 Currency Code Table View

Figure 2-21 Create New Currency Code

Master File – Tax Code

What it’s for This option lets you create codes so that local tax rates and
values can be stored for use on individual Purchase Order line
items. the Tax Code is used on the Header tab of the Purchase
Order record

How it works Create a code for each the different taxes required, including
a description and corresponding tax rate. The code can be any
alphanumeric combination up to 25 characters.

Create New Tax 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File >
Code Master - Tax Code. See Figure 2-22
2. Click on button, Master - Tax Code dialog box
appear. See Figure 2-23
3. Enter the Tax Code.
4. Enter the description of the Tax Code.
5. Enter the Tax Rate.
6. Tick disable to disable the view on lookup.(Optional)
7. Click on button to save the Tax Code.

Fields Tax Code – Varchar (25); Example: GST, SST

Tax Description – Varchar (255); Example: GST Tax 6%, SST
Tax 10%
Tax Rate – Numeric (10,4); Example: 6.00, 10.00

Figure 2-22 Tax Code Table View

Figure 2-23 Create New Tax Code

Master File – Budget

What it’s for Once you have set up a system of Cost Centers and Account
Numbers, you can create a series of budgets to measure
actual expense compared to plan.

Even though TOMMS system was not designed to be a general

accounting program, this type of financial data is extremely
useful for effective management and measurement of

How it works One Budget per one cost center and one account number.

TOMMS will produce this reporting structure for any Cost

Center/Account Number combination you set up. You can set
up as many budgets as you wish. The only requirement is that
each budget must be a unique combination of cost center and
account number.

Create New Budget 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File >
Master – Budget. See Figure 2-24
2. Click on button, Master - Budget dialog box
appear. See Figure 2-25
3. Enter the Budget Year.
4. Enter the Cost Center.
5. Enter the Account.
6. Enter the amount budget for each period.
7. Click on button to save the Budget

Figure 2-24 Budget Table View

Figure 2-25 Budget Period Setting

Master File – Commodity Code

What it’s for You can establish a Commodity Codes list to group stock items,
materials, or other inventory by commodity type

How it works These codes are referenced in the Materials module, but they
are created in Master Commodity Code.

Create new 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File >
Commodity Code Master - Commodity Code. See Figure 2-26
2. Click on button, Master - Commodity Code dialog box
appear. See Figure 2-27
3. Enter the Commodity Code.
4. Enter the description of the Commodity Code.
5. Click on button to save the Commodity.

Fields Commodity Code – Varchar (25); Example: Copper, Steel

Description – Varchar (255); Example: Copper wire, Steel wire

Figure 2-26 Commodity Code Table View

Figure 2-27 Create New Commodity Code

Master File – UOM Type

What it’s for UOM Type used to group common UOM into group.

How it works Once UOM Type created, it will able to lookup in UOM Master
tool to create UOM Master.

UOM Type associate use with UOM Master tool.

Create New UOM 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File >
Type Master - UOM Type. See Figure 2-28
2. Click on button, Master - UOM Type dialog box
appear. See Figure 2-29
3. Enter the Type Code.
4. Enter the description of the UOM Type.
5. Tick disable to disable the view on lookup.(Optional)
6. Click on button to save the UOM. Type.

Figure 2-28 UOM Type Table View

Figure 2-29 Create New UOM Type

Master File – UOM Master

What it’s for Define standard units of measure (UOM) used throughout the

How it works UOM Master use to define a material measurement, service

measurement and etc, so that users able to know from the
measurement to perform the transaction or work.

Create new UOM 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File >
Master Master - UOM Master. See Figure 2-30
2. Click on button, Master - UOM Master dialog box
appear. See Figure 2-31
3. Double click to lookup the Type Code.
4. Enter the UOM Code.
5. Tick disable to disable the view on lookup.(Optional)
6. Click on button to save the UOM.

Field UOM Code – Varchar (8); Example: Days, Hours, Each, Dozen
Description – Varchar (255); Example: Days of service, Hours
of service, Each Item, A dozen.

Figure 2-30 UOM Master Table View

Figure 2-31 Create New UOM Master

Master File – UOM Con Factor
What it’s for UOM Con Factor table to define conversion factors between
any Units of Measure.

How it works This feature is used with the Purchasing and Materials
Create New UOM On the left panel on the system, double click Master File >
Con Factor Master - UOM Con Factor. See Figure 2-32
Click New to open a new line.
Enter a unit of measure (such as BAG) to convert in the from
UOM field. See Figure 2-33
Enter the units to convert it to (such as KG) in the To UOM
Enter the multiplication factor that will accomplish the
conversion in the Conversion Factor field.
Tick disable to disable the view on lookup.(Optional)
Click Save button to save the Con Factor.

Figure 2-32 UOM Con Factor Table View

Figure 2-33 Create New UOM Con Factor

Master – Manufacturer

What it’s for The Manufacturers List, shown below, is the master listing for

How it works Any entries for stocked or non-stocked inventories and

equipment must be related to an entry in this list.

Create New 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File >
Manufacturer Master – Manufacturer. See Figure 2-34
2. Click on button, Master - Manufacturer dialog box
appear. See Figure 2-35
3. Enter the necessary information of the manufacturer
4. Click on button to save the new manufacturer.

Field Manufacturer Code – Varchar (25); Example: Acer, Philips

Company – Varchar (80)
Contact 1 – Varchar (80)
Contact 2 – Varchar (80)
Address 1 – Varchar (80)
Address 2 – Varchar (80)
City – Varchar (50)
State – Varchar (5)
Province – Varchar (25)
Country – Varchar (25)
Postal Code – Varchar (25)
Phone – Varchar (25)
Fax Phone – Varchar (25)
Mobile Phone – Varchar (25)

Figure 2-34 Manufacturer Table View

Figure 2-35 Create New Manufacturer

Master – Bill To

What it’s for Can refer who will be receive bill for each PO
How it works Create a Bill To and tied the Bill To person to that particular
When create new PO, after select the supplier, the Bill To will
be appear in the Ship/ Bill To Tab.
Create New 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File >
Supplier Status Master – Bill To. See Figure 2-36
2. Click on button, Master – Bill To dialog box
appears. See Figure 2-37
3. Enter the necessary information of the Bill To
4. Click on button to save the new Bill To.

Field Bill to – Varchar (30); Example: Sunway, Prudential

Contact – Varchar (30)
Phone – Varchar 30)
Address 1 – Varchar (50)
Address 2 – Varchar (50)
City – Varchar (30)
State – Varchar (30)
Postal code – Varchar (30)
Province – Varchar (20)
Country – Varchar (30)
Note – varchar (2000)

Figure 2-36 Bill to Table View

Figure 2-37 Create New Bill To

Master – Ship To

What it’s for Let user know who will receive the stock for each PO
How it works
Create New 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File >
Supplier Status Master – Ship To. See Figure 2-38
2. Click on button, Master – Ship To dialog box
appear. See Figure 2-39
3. Enter the necessary information of the Ship To
4. Click on button to save the new ship to.

Field Ship to – Varchar (30); Example: Sunway, Prudential

Contact – Varchar (30)
Phone – Varchar 30)
Address 1 – Varchar (50)
Address 2 – Varchar (50)
City – Varchar (30)
State – Varchar (30)
Postal code – Varchar (30)
Province – Varchar (20)
Country – Varchar (30)
Note – varchar (2000)

Figure 2-38 Ship To Table view

Figure 2-39 Create new Ship To

Master – Supplier Status

What it’s for The status of will inform the active or deactivate for each
How it works
Create New 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File >
Supplier Status Master – Supplier Status. See Figure 2-40
2. Click on button, Master – Supplier Status dialog
box appear. See Figure 2-41
3. Enter the necessary information of the supplier status
4. Click on button to save the new Supplier Status.

Field Status – Varchar (3); Example: ACT, DEA,INV

Description – (255); Example: Active Supplier, Deactivate
Supplier, Invalid Supplier

Figure 2-40 Supplier Status Table View

Figure 2-41 Create new Supplier Status

Asset – Asset Type

What it’s for Every asset may categorize as different asset type, so asset type
need to choose first before a new asset start to register.

Create New Asset 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File >
Type Asset – Type. See Figure 2-42
2. Click on button, Asset - Type dialog box appear. See
Figure 2-43
3. Enter asset type code to be display on lookup.
4. Enter description of the Asset Type.
5. Tick disable to disable the view on lookup.(Optional)
6. Click on button to save the Asset Type.

Field Type Code – Varchar (4); Example: INTC, MAIN,PRO

Description – Varchar (255); Example: Interchange, Mainline,

Figure 2-42 Asset- Type Table View

Figure 2-43 Create New Asset Type

Asset – Asset Group Code

What it’s for Asset Group Code is used to sort assets with similar
characteristics into logical groups. The asset group code can
be used to generate auto asset running number in the system.

Create New Asset 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File >
group Code Asset - Group Code. See Figure 2-44
2. Click on button, and Asset - Group Code dialog box
appear. See Figure 2-45
3. Enter new Group Code to be display on lookup.
4. The description of the Group Code.
5. Tick disable to disable the view on lookup.(Optional)
6. Click on button to save the Group Code.

Field Group Code – Varchar (25); Example: ALTR, BOILER

Description – Varchar (255); Example: Alternator, Boiler
Counter – Numeric (12,0); Example: 100001, 20001

Figure 2-44 Asset – Code Table View

Figure 2-45 Create New Asset – Code

Asset – Asset Code

What it’s for Asset codes identify specific equipment within the facility.

Create new Asset 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File >
Code Asset - Code. See Figure 2-46
2. Click on button, Asset - Code dialog box appear. See
Figure 2-47
3. Enter the new Asset Code to be display on lookup.
4. Enter description of the Asset Code.
5. Tick disable to disable view in lookup.(optional)
6. Click on button to save the Asset Code.

Field Asset Code – Varchar (30); Example: ELE, MEC, SERVER

Description – (255); Example: Electrical, Mechanical, Server

Figure 2-46 Asset – Group Code Table View

Figure 2-47 Create new Asset – Group Code

Asset – Asset Critical Factor

What it’s for The Criticality Factor indicates an asset’s relative importance
compared to all other equipment items in the facility. All of
this critical is based on time delay before failure to respond
impact production in minutes.

Create New Asset 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File >
Critical factor Asset - Critical Factor. See Figure 2-48
2. Click on button, Asset - Critical Factor dialog box
appears. See Figure 2-49
3. Enter the new Critical Factor Code to be display on lookup.
4. Enter the Description of the Critical Factor.
5. Enter the Time delay (in minute) to response to the asset.
6. Tick for Emergency if the asset breakdown is critical.
7. Click on button to save the Critical Factor.

Field Critical Factor – Varchar (1); Example: A, B, 1, 2

Description – Varchar (255); Example: Normal, Urgent,
Critical, Emergency

Figure 2-48 Asset – Critical Factor Table View

Figure 2-49 Create new Asset – Critical Factor

Asset – Asset Status

What it’s for Define the status of the asset whether the asset is available on
which work and ease for which action.

Create New Asset 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File >
Status Asset – Status. See Figure 2-50
2. Click on button, Asset - Status dialog box appear.
See Figure 2-51
3. Enter the new status type.
4. Enter the new Status.
5. Enter the description of the Status.
6. Tick for necessary flag.
7. Click on button to save the Asset Status.

Field Status – Varchar (3); Example: ACT, ISF, DIS

Description – Varchar (255); Example: Active Asset, In Service
Full, Disposed Asset

Figure 2-50 Asset – Status Table View

Figure 2-51 Create New Asset – Status

Asset – Work Area

What it’s for As the name implies, these codes, shown above, define
individual maintenance work areas in the facility. The Work
Area code defines the discrete geographic work areas in the
plant or facility.

Create new Asset 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File >
Work Area Asset - Work Area. See Figure 2-52
2. Click on button, Asset - Work Area dialog box
appear. See Figure 2-53
3. Enter the new Work Area to be display on lookup.
4. Enter the description of the Work Area.
5. Tick disable to disable view in lookup.(optional)
6. Click on button to save the Work Area.

Field Work Area – Varchar (50); Example: Rawang, Roof Top, PP

Description – Varchar (255); Example: Rawang, Roof Top,
Power Plant

Figure 2-52 Asset – Work Area table View

Figure 2-53 Create New Asset – Work Area

Asset – Location

What it’s for The Asset location code represents the actual physical
location of an asset within the facility.
You can assign a code to each location where assets are in use
as shown above.

Create New Asset 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File >
Location Asset - Location. See Figure 2-54
2. Click on button, Asset - Location dialog box appear.
See Figure 2-55
3. Enter the new Asset location to be display on lookup.
4. Enter the description of the asset location.
5. Tick disable to disable view in lookup.(optional)
6. Click on button to save the Asset Location.

Field Asset Location – Varchar (50); Example: KL, TRX

Description – Varchar (255); Example: Kuala Lumpur, Tun
Razak Exchange.
Prefix – Varchar (5); Example: KL, TRX

Figure 2-54 Asset – Location Table View

Figure 2-55 Create New Asset – Location

Asset – Level

What it’s for To record the physical location of an asset in a location. The
level can be referring to building.

Create New Asset 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File >
Location Asset - Level. See Figure 2-56
2. Click on button, Asset - Level dialog box appear.
See Figure 2-57
3. Enter the new Asset Level to be display on lookup.
4. Enter the Description of the asset location.
5. Tick disable to disable view in lookup.(optional)
6. Click on button to save the Asset Level.

Field Asset Level – Varchar (50); Example: LVL 1, LVL 2, SEC 1

Description – Varchar (255); Example: Level 1, Level 2, Section

Figure 2-56 Asset – Level Table View

Figure 2-57 Create New Asset – Level

Work – Status

What it’s for Use for categorize a work condition so that users able to
knowing the status of the work and perform following action.

How it work Register the work status master and the work flow will be setup
in the later chapter.

Create New Work 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File >
Status Work - Status. See Figure 2-58
2. Click on button, Work - Status dialog box appear. See
Figure 2-59
3. Double click to lookup the Type Code.
4. Enter the Status Code.
5. Enter the Description of the Status.
5. Tick Disable to disable the view on lookup.(Optional)
6. Click on button to save the Work Status.

Field Status – Varchar (3); Example: WIP, DO, ACK

Description – Varchar (255); Example: Work in progress, Ready
to be done, Acknowledge

Figure 2-58 Work – Status Table View

Figure 2-59 Create New Work - Status

Work – Priority

What it’s for Contains standard priorities, listed in decreasing order of

importance. You can modify, add, or delete from this list as
you wish.

How it work This work status is the sub-category of the tool status type,
You have to create a status type first before creating work

Create New Work 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File >
Priority Work - Priority. See Figure 2-60
2. Click on button, Work - Priority dialog box appear.
See Figure 2-61
3. Enter the Priority Code.
4. Enter the description of the priority.
5. Enter the Due Date Count.
5. Tick disable to disable the view on lookup.(Optional)
6. Click on button to save the Work Priority.

Field Priority code – Varchar (1); Example:1,2,3 or A, B, C

Description – Varchar (255); Example: Critical, Urgent, Normal

Figure 2-60 Work – Priority Table View

Figure 2-61 Create new Work – Priority

Work – Group

What it’s for Work Group codes identify maintenance groups or trade
groups, along with the supervisor responsible for each one.

How it work For company that is decentralized maintenance, work group

can be use to define employee work group.

Create New Work 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File >
Group Work - Group. See Figure 2-62

2. Click on button, Work - Group dialog box appear.

See Figure 2-63
3. Enter the Group Code.
4. Enter the description of the Work Group.
5. Tick disable to disable the view on lookup.(Optional)

6. Click on button to save the Work Group.

Field Group Code – Varchar (15); Example: CIVIL, ELEC

Description – Varchar (255); Example: Civil Group, Electrical

Figure 2-62 Work – Group Table View

Figure 2-63 Create New Work – Group

Work – Class

What it’s for Use it to classify the type of work on a work order more
specifically as shown above.

Create New Work 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File >
Class Work – Class. See Figure 2-64
2. Click on button, Work - Class dialog box appear. See
Figure 2-65
3. Enter the Class Code.
4. Enter the Description of the Work Class.
5. Tick Disable to disable the view on lookup.(Optional)
6. Click on button to save the Work Class.

Field Class Code – Varchar (15); Example: INT, LIFTING

Description – Varchar (255); Example: Internal, Lifting Permit

Figure 2-64 Work – Class Table View

Figure 2-65 Create New Work – Class

Work – Work Type

What it’s for The Work Type code is a secondary means of classifying
maintenance work activity. It is especially useful for tracking the
frequency of certain tasks.

Create New Work 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File >
Type Work - Type. See Figure 2-66
2. Click on button, Work - Type dialog box appear. See
Figure 2-67
3. Enter the Type Code.
4. Enter the Description of the Work Type.
5. Tick Disable to disable the view on lookup.(Optional)
6. Click on button to save the Work Type.

Field Type Code – Varchar (15); Example: DEMAND, PM, EMG

Description – Varchar (255); Example: Demand Task, Preventive
Maintenance, Emergency

Figure 2-66 Work – Type Table View

Figure 2-67 Create New Work – Type

Work – Fault Code

What it’s for The Fault Code is an effective means of gathering information
about equipment failure. By establishing a set of Fault Codes,
you can extract information from the work order file to analyze
almost any aspect of the maintenance operation.

Create New Fault 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File >
Code Work - Fault Code. See Figure 2-68
2. Click on button, Work - Fault Code dialog box appear.
See Figure 2-69
3. Enter the Fault Code.
4. Enter the description of the Fault Code.
5. Tick disable to disable the view on lookup.(Optional)
6. Click on button to save the Fault Code.

Field Fault Code – Varchar (15); Example: Broken, Cracked, Damage

Description – Varchar (255); Example: Broken Item, Cracked
Tiles, Damage Engine

Figure 2-68 Work – Fault Code Table View

Figure 2-69 Create New Work – Fault

Work – Cause Code

What it’s for Use this code to indicate the cause of asset or equipment
failure or outage as shown above.

Use this code with the Action and Fault Codes to track
incidents that result in the need for a work order.

Create New Cause 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File >
Code Work - Cause Code. See Figure 2-70
2. Click on button, Work - Cause Code dialog box
appear. See Figure 2-71
3. Enter the Cause Code.
4. Select the Type
5. Enter the description of the Cause Code.
6. Tick disable to disable the view on lookup.(Optional)
7. Click on button to save the Cause Code.

Field Cause Code – Varchar (15); Example: Blocked, COMM Error

Description – Varchar (255); Example: Blocked Vent,
Communication Error

Figure 2-70 Work – Cause Code Table View

Figure 2-71 Create New Wok – Cause

Work – Action Code

What it’s for Use this code to indicate the action always taken on works.

Create New Action 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File >
Code Work - Action Code. See Figure 2-72
2. Click on button, Work - Action Code dialog box
appear. See Figure 2-73
3. Enter the Action Code.
4. Enter the description of the Action Code.
5. Tick disable to disable the view on lookup.(Optional)
6. Click on button to save the Action Code.

Field Action Code – Varchar (15); Example: Adjust, Clean, Relocate

Description – Varchar (255); Example: Adjusted, Area
Cleaned, Item Relocate

Figure 2-72 Work – Action Code Table View

Figure 2-73 Create New Work – Action Code

Work – Delay Code

What it’s for Use this code to indicate the action always taken on works.

Create New Action 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File >
Code Work – Delay Code. See Figure 2-74
2. Click on button, Work - Action Code dialog box
appear. See Figure 2-75
3. Enter the Action Code.
4. Enter the description of the Action Code.
5. Tick disable to disable the view on lookup.(Optional)
6. Click on button to save the Action Code.

Field Delay code – Varchar (20); Example: Stock, Worker

Description – Varchar (255); Example: No Stock, Not Enough

Figure 2-74 Work – Delay Code Table View

Figure 2-75 Create New Work – Delay Code

Work – Fault/Cause/Action

What it’s for You may wish to develop logical groups of Fault, Cause, and
Action codes and connect them with each other for more
detailed reporting.

More complex associations of Fault, Cause, and Action let you

identify a Cause and Action appropriate to each kind of Fault
that generates a work order.

When a specific piece of equipment fails, the Group code

orders appropriate corresponding actions, according to how
you set up. This works by relating suitable Fault codes to
Asset Group codes.

Create Fault, Cause Assign Fault Code to Asset Group Code

and Action set 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File >
Work - Fault/Cause/Action Code. See Figure 2-76
2. Work - Fault/Cause/Action dialog box appear.
3. Select the on the top of
the drop down list.
4. Select Fault Code on the left panel.
5. Select which Asset Group Code on the right upper panel to
assign the Fault Code with.
6. Click on button to assign to Asset Group Code.
The Asset Group Code is now assigned with a Fault Code.
7. Click on button to save.

Assign Cause Code to Fault Code

1. Select the on the top drop down list.
2. Select a Cause Code on the left panel.
3. Select which Fault Code on the right upper panel to assign
the Cause Code with.
4. Click on button to assign to Fault Code. The
Fault Code is now assigned with a Cause Code.
5. Click on button to save.

Assign Action Code to Fault Code
1. Select the on the top drop down list.
2. Select an Action Code on the left panel.
3. Select which Fault Code on the right upper panel to assign
the Action Code with.
4. Click on button to assign to Fault Code. The
Fault Code is now assigned with an Action Code.
5. Click on button to save.

Figure 2-76 Fault/Cause/Action Code Tight Up

Work – Work Flow (Word Order)

What it’s for This command lets you limit and define the Work Order Status
options for specific user groups.

You can assign each user group its own Status codes. This lets
the members of that group control their own work orders
without affecting anyone else.

Before you start make sure create user groups and codes in
the appropriate places.

Currently there is 5 type of work flows, there are asset

location work flow, work order status work flow, purchase
request work flow, purchase order work flow and PR
approval list

Create New Work 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File >
Flow Work - Flow.
2. Work - Work Flow dialog box appears. See Figure 2-77
3. Select work flow that you want to be flow on module.
4. Select a User Group.
5. Tick list column to add for the list asset location, Work
Order Status user group, list PR status, list PO status and list
PR approval.
6. Tick change column to add for the list asset location,
Work Order Status user group, list PR status, list PO status
and list PR approval.
7. Click on button to save.

Figure 2-77 Work Flow Setup

Material – Location Category

What it’s for To categorize stock use purpose (Storage Type), so that user
knowing the stock type or purpose based on these location

These stock categories are appearing on the lookup (Storage

Type) in the tool Material – Location.

Create New 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File >
Material Location Material - Location Category. See Figure 2-78
Category 2. Click on button, Material - Location Category dialog
box appear. See Figure 2-79
3. Enter the Location Category.
4. Enter the Description of the Location Category.
5. Tick Disable to disable the view on lookup.(Optional)
6. Click on button to save the Location Category.

Field Location Category – Varchar (20); Example: Inspection, Stock

Description – Varchar (255); Example: For inspection, Stock

Figure 2-78 Location category Table View

Figure 2-79 Create New Location Category

Material – Location

What it’s for To specific a physical location for a material where it store, so
that stock can be found by the location.

Create New 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File >
Material Location Material - Location. See Figure 2-80

2. Click on button, Material - Location dialog box

appear. See Figure 2-81
3. Enter the necessary information.

4. Click on button to save the Location.

Field Master Location – Varchar (3); Example: A, B, C, WH

Area Code – Varchar (5); Example: 1, 22, 345
Bin ID – Varchar (12); Example: 1, GH123, WH45
Description – Varchar (255); Example: Store 1, Warehouse 1

Figure 2-80 Material Location Table View

Figure 2-81 Create New Material Location

Material – Status

What it’s To specific a status of the material

Create 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File > Material -
New Status. See Figure 2-82
Location 2. Click on button, Material - Status dialog box appear. See
Figure 2-83
3. Enter the necessary information.

4. Click on button to save the Location.

Field Status – Varchar (3); Example: ACT, DEA

Description – Varchar (255); Example: Active Stock, Deactivate stock

Figure 2-82 Material Status table view

Figure 2-83 Create New Material Status

Preventive Maintenance – Frequency Code

What it’s for The PM Frequency code is the tool TOMMS uses to determine
the timing or interval between PM.

How it Works Once a Frequency code has been set in this table, it can be
applied to many different assets. Also, you can use as many
PM Frequency codes as you need for a single asset. You can
build a PM program for an asset, which includes every
inspection cycle available. PM can categorize into calendar
and usage type. Calendar PM will trigger based on the time
interval setup by the user, meanwhile the usage PM will
generate PM when a defined meter hit the usage interval in
the asset meter reading.

Create New PM 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File >
Frequency PM - Frequency Code. See Figure 2-84
2. Click on button, PM - Frequency Code dialog box
appear. See Figure 2-85
3. Enter for the mandatory field (In Red Label).
4. If Frequency Type select as Calendar, please fill in the
mandatory field Days, if select as Usage, please fill in the
Usage and UOM for it, if both, please fill in both.
5. Click on button to save the Frequency Code.

Field Frequency Code – Varchar (5); Example: W, M, 5K

Description – Varchar (255); Example: Weekly, Monthly,
5000 KM Service.

Figure 2-84 PM Frequency Code Table View

Figure 2-85 Create New Frequency Code

Preventive Maintenance – Group Master

What it’s for This group master was use for create a reference master for PM -

Create New PM 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File > PM
Group Master - Group Master. See Figure 2-86
2. Click on button, PM - Group Master dialog box
appear. See Figure 2-87
3. Enter the PM group code.
4. Enter the description of the PM group code.
5. Click on button to save the code.

Field PM Group Code – Varchar (30); Example: Air Curtain, Bridge 1-

Description – Varchar (255); Example: Air curtain PM Group,
Section 1 to 30 Bridge.

Figure 2-86 PM Group Master Table View

Figure 2-87 Create New PM Group Master

Preventive Maintenance – Grouping

What it’s for To easier user to do PM, grouping of same identity asset into a
group may easy user work and save a lots of times on Preventive

Create PM Grouping 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File > PM
- Grouping.
2. Select a Preventive Maintenance Group of the right upper
panel. See Figure 2-88.
3. On the left panel, filter the asset by keywords. See Figure 2-89
4. Drag the asset into Assigned Asset No List. See Figure 2-90
5. Click on button and the asset has group into the PM
Group Master.

Figure 2-88 Select PM Group

Figure 2-89 Select Asset

Figure 2-90 Assign Assets to Group

Purchasing – PR Status

What it’s for Use for categorize a Purchase Request condition so that users
able to knowing the status of the purchasing and perform
following action.

Create New PR 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File >
Status Purchasing - PR Status. See Figure 2-91
2. Click on button, Purchasing - PR Status window
appears. See Figure 2-92
3. Double click to lookup the Status Type.
4. Enter the Status Code.
5. Enter description of the status.
6. Tick disable to disable the view on lookup.(Optional)
7. Click on button to save the Purchase Request
Status Code.

Field Status – Varchar (3); Example: RFQ, REQ

Description – Varchar (255); Example: Request for quotation,
Request Purchase

Figure 2-91 PR Status Table View

Figure 2-92 Create New PR Status

Purchasing – PO Status

What it’s for Use for categorize a Purchase Order condition so that users able
to knowing the status of the purchasing and perform following

Create New PO 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File >
Status Purchasing - PR Status. See Figure 2-93
2. Click on button, Purchasing - PO Status window
appears. See Figure 2-94
3. Double click to lookup the Status Type.
4. Enter the Status Code.
5. Enter Description of the status.
6. Tick Disable to disable the view on lookup.(Optional)
7. Click on button to save the Purchase Request Status

Field Status – Varchar (3); Example: FO, AWA

Description – Varchar (255); Example: Firm Order, Awaiting for

Figure 2-93 PO Status Table View

Figure 2-94 Create New PO Status

Purchasing – Contract Status

What it’s for Use for categorize a Purchase Order Contract condition so that
users able to knowing the status of the purchasing contract and
perform following action.

Create New PO 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File >
Status Purchasing – Contract Status. See Figure 2-95
2. Click on button, Purchasing - Contract Status window
appears. See Figure 2-96
3. Double click to lookup the Status Type.
4. Enter the Status Code.
5. Enter Description of the status.
6. Tick Disable to disable the view on lookup.(Optional)
7. Click on button to save the Purchase Request Status

Field Status – Varchar (3); Example: FC, OP

Description – Varchar (255); Example: Confirm Contract, Open

Figure 2-95 Contract Status Table View

Figure 2-96 Create New Contract Status

Purchasing – Type

What it’s for Use for categorize a Purchase Order Type so that users able to
knowing the type of the PO and perform following action.

Create New PO 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File >
Status Purchasing – Contract Status. See Figure 2-97
2. Click on button, Purchasing - Type window appears.
See Figure 2-98
3. Enter the Group Code.
4. Enter Description of the status.
5. Tick Disable to disable the view on lookup.(Optional)
6. Click on button to save the Purchase Request Status

Field Group code – Varchar (10); Example: PO, Repair

Description – Varchar (255); Example: Normal PO, Repair PO

Figure 2-97 PO Type Table View

Figure 2-98 Create New PO Type

Purchasing – Priority
What it’s for This option lets you define Purchase Order Priority Codes.
These codes are used to prioritize the urgency for purchase
orders issued.
Create New PO 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master
Status File > Purchasing - PR Priority. See Figure 2-99
2. Click on button, Purchasing - PR Priority window
appears. See Figure 2-100
3. Enter the Priority Code
4. Enter the description
5. Enter the required date count
6. Tick Disable to disable the view on lookup.(Optional)
7. Click on button to save the Purchase Request
Status Code.

Field Priority Code – Varchar (5); Example: 1,2,3 or A, B, C

Description – Varchar (255); Example: Immediate, Within a
week, Within 2 weeks

Figure 2-99 Purchasing – Priority table view

Figure 2-100 Create New Priority code

Time Card – Hour Type
What it’s for This option lets you define Hour Type for Time Card. These
Hour Type are used to prioritize the urgency for post Time
Create New PO 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master File >
Status Time Card – Hour Type. See Figure 2-101
2. Click on button, Time – Hour type window
appears. See Figure 2-102
3. Enter the Hour Type.
4. Select the P/ NP indicator
5. Enter the description.
6. Double click to look up the account
7. Enter the Multiple
8. Enter the adder
9. Click on button to save the Hour Type

Field Hours Type – Varchar (2); Example: N, OT

Description – Varchar (255); Example: Normal Hour, Overtime

Figure 2-101 Time Card – Hour Type table view

Figure 2-102 Create New Priority code

What it’s for This option lets you to capture or store information on a
Customer which can be used on Invoice Module.

Create New PO 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Master
Status File > Customer. See Figure 2-103
2. Click on button. See Figure 2-104
3. Enter the Customer Code.
4. Select Status and Currency Code.
5. Enter the description.
6. Click on button to save.

Figure 2-103 Customer table view

Figure 2-104 Create New Customer code

Customer – Status
What it’s for This option lets you define Status for Customer.
Create New PO 1. On the left panel on the system, double click
Status Master File > Customer – Status. See Figure 2-105
2. Click on button. See Figure 2-106
3. Enter the Hour Type.
4. Select the P/ NP indicator
5. Enter the description.
6. Double click to look up the account
7. Enter the Multiple
8. Enter the adder
9. Click on button to save the Hour Type

Field Status – Varchar (3); Example: ACT, DEA

Description – Varchar (255); Example: Active Customer,
Deactivate Customer.

Figure 2-105 Customer – Status table view

Figure 2-106 Create New Customer Status code

Asset Register

What it’s for Records all the required information for any asset, plus other
useful details. For the most complete record of an asset, fill in
the required fields and any others for which you have
information. Required fields are underlined in red.

How it Works This is the main thing that of this Maintenance Software, with
the register of asset, only the system having a well working

Figure 3-1 Create New Asset

Asset Master Information

Column Label Characteristic

Asset No Unique number of the asset. There is 2 way to generate asset
number, auto and manual way.
Asset Type You can use this code as a further means of identifying a piece
of equipment by department or functional area.
Asset Group You can use this code to group equipment by function or
Code department, such as Production line or Marketing.

Asset Code You can use this code as a further means of identifying a piece
of equipment by department or functional area.
Status Status of the current asset.
Double click to lookup an asset status.
Work Area A more specific physical location of asset location.
Critical Factor Every asset has their own vital, so the assets have to be fixing
before impact the production. Critical factor need to be
assigned to asset to having the on-time repairing.
Cost Center Cost Center use to track cost incurred in work order, and
determines what area or group is charged for the work.

Asset Location A more overview physical location of the asset.

Short Use to capture the description of the asset up to 30 characters.
Long Use to capture the description of the asset up to 255
Description characters.
Parent ID Identify the asset was child of another big asset. Parent ID input
in this field.
Double click to lookup the parent ID (assetno).
Safety To avoid technicians or foreman to get hurt from fixing or repair
Requirement the asset, specific any safety requirement require when fixing
or repair.

Asset User Defined Field

What it’s for Use to store information that is not found in the default fields
on the system

How it Works Customize the label before the field use to store a data, so
that the data stored is meaningful.

Figure 3-2 Asset User Defined Field Tab

Asset User Define Fields Information

Column Label Characteristic

UDF Text1 to UDF Text20 Store up to 100 characters each field.
UDF Note1 UDF Note2 Store up to 1000 characters each field.
UDF Numeric1 to UDF Store up to 12 digit numeric with four decimal
Numeric10 places each field.
UDF Date1 to UDF Date10 Date field.

Asset Financial

What it’s for Use to Keep track any cost occur on this asset.

How it Works Every repair, fixation, labor, material or contract used on this
asset will all be capture on this asset financial tab screen.

Figure 3-3 Asset Financial Tab

Financial information

Column Label Characteristic

Asset Cost Asset Cost of this Asset. This entry use together with Depreciation
Term field.
Replacement The current replacement value of the asset.
Depreciation If you are tracking book value based on straight-line depreciation,
Term enter the term in months in this field.
Warranty Date Enter the warranty date here.
Labor Account These accounts contain the labor charges accrued from Work
Material These accounts contain the material charges accrued from Work
Account Order.
Contract These accounts contain the contract charges accrued from Work
Account Order for outside contractor and services.
Taxable Place a tick to define this asset was taxable.

Asset Spares

What it’s for To keep track all available spares for current asset.

How it Works All this spares must register as stock items in the system before
you can assign a spare for an asset.

Figure 3-4 Asset Spare Tab

Spares Information

Column Label Characteristic

Description Detail information of the Position No.
Stock No Unique ID of the parts in Inventory
Double click to lookup for parts in material module.
Description Description of the parts in Inventory. This description was
captured when creation of new parts in Inventory Module.
Qty Needed How many of this part are typically required to repair this asset.
Total OH OH quantity of the parts in the Inventory from all locations.

Asset Usage

What it’s for To capture usage of the asset so that we can know the actual
usage of an asset in some time.

How it Works Input a Meter ID on the Usage tab, this will able user to update
the usage on Asset Meter Module.

Figure 3-5 Asset Usage Tab

Usage Information

Column Label Characteristic

Meter ID ID code for this Meter Point.
Usage UOM Usage UOM of this meter.
Average Usage Average daily usage of this meter.
Max Average Usage Used to define maximum average usage for the meter.
Usage Reading Enter usage reading from the meter.
Usage Date Displays the date the meter usage was last updated.
Warranty Usage Asset usage that under warranty.
LTD Usage Displays the Life To Date Usage on the Asset for the particular
meter point.
Meter Maximum Used to indicate the maximum indicating range for the meter
Alert MA flag Check this box, and a alert message box will be prompt when
the meter update has exceeded the average usage per day.
Alert RO flag Check this box, and a alert message box will be prompt when
the meter has rolled over.
Meter Install Date Date and time the meter was assigning to this asset.

Asset Reference

What it’s for To attach some image, visual or text files to giving more
information of the asset.

How it Works Attach the image, visual, text files by click on Add button, the
files will convert into some kind of file format and
permanently safe on the system although the original file was
deleted, the files will deleted when the time user delete the
files on this reference tab.

Figure 3-6 Asset References tab

Reference Information

Button Label Characteristic

To add new reference document, click on Add button and browse a
file to attach in. The file will be display in a line shown as screen
Highlight by click on the line, click on Delete button to delete, the
current highlight line will be disappear imply that the file has been
To open an attached file, click on View, and the file's contain is read

Asset PM

What it’s for To capture all the PM Work order.

How it Works It can capture the PM ID and the current work order. And the
table view also will capture the next create date.

Figure 3-7 Asset PM tab

Asset Check List

What it’s for To keep track the check list of the particular asset.

How it Works The check list from check list module will auto convert to the
particular asset. It also can carry to work order to maintain the

Figure 3-8 Asset Check List

Asset Meter

What it’s for Update Usage lets you record the current usage reading for an

How it Works Users have to assign a meter ID for the asset on Asset Usage, so
that user is able to see the Meter ID shown on this asset meter.
Usage of the asset require to update when reach on certain time
for keep tracking the asset usage.

Update Meter 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Asset > Asset
reading Meter.
2. Click on button and New Meter Reading dialog box
appears. See Figure 3-10
3. Update the new usage reading and usage date.
4. If the total running meter flag is ticked, the usage reading
must be equal or greater than the life to date usage.
4. Click on button to save the reading.

Figure 3-9 Asset Meter Table View

Figure 3.10 New Meter Reading

Check Meter 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Asset > Asset
Reading History Meter.
2. Click on button and Meter Reading History
dialog box appears. See Figure 3-11

Figure 3-11 Meter reading History

Asset Relocation

What it’s for Asset relocation was use to transfer an asset from a location to
other location. Every asset that makes a transferred will capture
into system for reporting.

How it Works When there is an asset needed shift from a location to another
location, you can change the location on this program logically.

Figure 3-14 Asset Relocation

Asset Relocation Information

Panel Characteristic
Left panel On this panel, it will automatically display all asset locations that are exist
in the TOMMS system in tree view form.

All the asset number that is under their asset location will display on the
second level.

Asset Hierarchy

What it’s for Asset Hierarchy is used to show those asset which has attach to
other Parent Asset.
How it Works Some asset has parent or child relationship. You can set the
relationship either from the asset register or thought this
program logically.
Create Parent/ Child 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Asset > Asset
2. Right click on the Asset Hierarchy, select .
See Figure 3-16
3. Right click on the selected Parent Asset, then select

Figure 3-16 Asset Hierarchy window

Figure 3-17 Select Parent Asset

Figure 3-18 Select Child Asset

Asset Part Rotation

What it’s for Asset Part Rotation is to show which asset is tie-up with which
parts and also show the movements of the parts.

How it Works The system will automatically retrieve the data when the
Retrieve button is clicked.

Figure 3-19 Asset Part Rotation

Customer Asset Hierarchy

What it’s for Customer Asset Hierarchy is used to show which asset that are
tie up to which customer.
Add Asset 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Asset > Customer
Asset Hierarchy.
2. Right click on the Asset Hierarchy, select Add Asset. See Figure

Figure 3-16 Asset Hierarchy window


What it’s for Report is a program which shows records accordingly on the
report requirement.

How it Works To show the record accordingly to type of report. You can either
save the report or print out the report.

Asset List

What it’s for Asset List is to show the asset detail record.

How it Works Retrieve the asset record based Asset data available in database
for the Asset number or description. In this report will show the
asset record on Asset Number, short Description, Asset Type,
Asset Location, Cost Center, Asset Cost and Asset Group code

Figure 3-21 Filter Option - Asset List Brief

Figure 3-22 Asset List Brief Report

Asset History

What it’s for Asset History is to show the history for asset

How it Works In this report will show the asset record based on data available
in database for Asset Number, Asset Type, Asset Location,
Charge Cost Center, Month-To-Date Total Cost, Year-To-Date
Total Cost, Life-To-Date Total Cost and asset history on the Work
Order and Preventive Maintenance.

Figure 3-23 Filter Option: Asset History

Figure 3-24 Asset History Report

Asset Downtime Report

What it’s for Asset History Detail is to show the history of asset downtime

How it Works In this report user need to enter the timeframe and asset
number then the system will retrieve any asset number which is
match with the condition entered.

Figure 3-27 Asset downtime filter option

Figure 3-28 Asset Downtime Analysis Report

Asset Spare List

What it’s for Asset Spare List is to show the spare parts required for the asset

How it Works In this report will show the asset record based available data in
database for Asset Number, Short Description, Asset Type, Asset
Group Code, Cost Center, Status, Asset Location and Spare List
required for this asset.

Figure 3-29 Asset Spare List Report

Asset Relocation Audit

What it’s for Asset Relocation Audit is to show which Asset has been relocate
to other place

How it Works In this report will show the asset record on Asset Number, Short
Description, Asset Type, Asset Group Code, Work Area, Status,
Cost Center, and the Old/ New Asset Location and reason time
date asset relocation.

Figure 3-30 Asset Relocation Audit Report

Asset Rotation Audit

What it’s for Asset Rotation Audit is a report that shows which asset is tie-up
with which asset by which user (attach), attach date, user
(detach), detach date, and its duration.

How it Works Key-in the necessarily information on the Filter Option: Asset
Rotation Audit.

Figure 3-32 Asset Rotation Audit Filter Option

Figure 3-33 Asset Rotation Audit Report

Check List

What it’s for Check list is the module to setting the check list into the work
order. Make sure the work order working under check list.

How it Works Set the asset group code with the check list. When the work
order choose the asset number, the check list will auto
convert into the work order.

Create Check List 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Check List >
Check List Master. See Figure 4-1
2. Click on button and Check List Master dialog box
appear. See Figure 4-2
3. Fill in any necessary information.
4. Click on button to save.

Create New Section 1. Highlight the Checklist code you want to add section.
and Step
2. Click on to add the section. See Figure 4-3

3. Click on to update the section.

4. Click on the step tab.

5. Click on to add the step. See Figure 4-4

6. Click on to update the step.

Figure 4-1 Check List Table View

Figure 4-2 Check List Master

Figure 4-3 Create New Checking List

Figure 4-4 Create New Step

Check List Setup

What it’s for Setup the check list after created a new check list.

How it Works Users have to setup the check list into the particular asset
group code.

Update Meter 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Check List >
reading Check List Setup. See Figure 4-5
2. Highlight the checklist you want assign.
3. Highlight the asset group code you want to assign checklist.
4. Click on Add to assign the check list.

Figure 4-5 Check List Setup

Work Request

What it’s for Work Request was the basic requirement that must have in
maintenance system, with the request from requester,
maintenance system able to keep track all malfunction asset
and perform analysis on it.

How it Works Work Request was a request of service or job to repair, work
request can be other subject instead of repair. The service
will not be performing when the work request is not
approved by approver. So that this was the first step for
requester to request for certain job or services.

Create Work 1. On the left panel on the system, double click

Request Maintenance > Work Request. See Figure 5-1
2. Click on button and Work Request dialog box
appear. See Figure 5-2
3. Fill in any necessary information.
4. Click on button to save and a Work Request
Number given.

Figure 5-1 Work Request Table View

Figure 5-2 Create New Work Request

Work request Information

Label Description

Work Request No A unique number that uniquely identify a request. So WR

number will given automatically after a WR was created
Asset No If requester request was concern to fix an asset or servicing.
Key in the asset number here.
Charge Cost Center If the asset number is assign in WR, this field will
automatically show with asset Charge Cost Center.
Asset Location Physical location where is the Asset.
Level Level where the Asset location is.
Work Area A more specific physical location of asset location.
Work Type Work category of the job.
Work Class Double click to lookup the work class.
Work Group The group that will in-charge on this work.
Taken By Person who key in this work request.
Approval Status Status of the current requested job either approved or
Originator Person who make the request.
Phone Phone number of requester.
Original Priority Priority of the work to be done.
Origination Date Date of this work request raise.
Due Date Date of the work request must be complete before the due
Fault Code The fault of the request that request by originator.
Description Detail information of the work requested.

Work Request User Defined Field

What it’s for These field allow to add in any related information

How it Works Work Request user defined fields in used with conjunction
with System Administration - Label, customize the label name
and now you can use the User Defined Fields to store data.

Figure 5-3 Work Request User Defined Fields

User Defined Fields information

Column Label Characteristic

Wkr Det Varchar1 to Wkr Det Store up to 100 characters each field.
Wkr Det Note1 to Wkr Det Note2 Store up to 1000 characters each field.
Wkr Det Numeric1 to Wkr Det Store up to 12 digit numeric with four decimal
Numeric10 places each field.
Wkr Det Datetime1 to Wkr Det Date field.

Work Request Status

What it’s for It shows the status of Work Request.

How it Works An approved request will capture approver name, approval date
and work order number. For disapproved request will capture
name of person who reject the request, Reject Date, and Reject

Approved and disapproved request will never be edit again and

will become a history in system.

Figure 5-4 Work Request Status

Work Request User Defined List

What it’s for These fields allow adding in any related information in table view

How it Works Work Request List fields in used with conjunction with System
Administration - Label, customize the label name and now you
can use the fields to store data.

Figure 5-5 Work Request User Defined List

List Information

Column Label Characteristic

Wkr Ls1 to Wkr Ls2 Store up to 100 character each field.
Wkr Ls1 Datetime1 to Wkr Ls1 Datetime2 Date field.
Wkr Ls1 Numeric1 to Wkr Ls1 Numeric2 Store up to 12 digit numeric with four
decimal places each field.

Work Request Reference

What it’s for Reference use for adding in any related visual object to improve
understanding on the problem.

How it Works User can view the attachment by viewing the image or play the
sound. Once attached, the objects are still viewable or play
although the original file was removed.

Figure 5-6 Work Request Reference

Reference information

To add new reference document, click on Add button and browse a

file to attach in. The file will be display in a line shown as screen
Highlight by click on the line, click on Delete button to delete, the
current highlight line will be disappear imply that the file has been
To open an attached file, click on View, and the file's contain is view.

Work Request Approval

What it’s for Validate the work request by requester, and then decide
whether to approve or disapprove the request.

How it Works Once the work request was approve from approver, the work
request is now converted to work order. For disapprove, it will
now converted to work order and remain not editable in work
request table in history form with disapprove reason

Figure 5-7 Work Request Approval

Approve 1. On the left panel of the system, click on Maintenance > Work
2. Highlight on the record to be approve on table view.
3. Click on button. This record will be approved and a
Work Order status window prompt and Work Order number

Figure 5-8 Work Request Approve Confirmation

1. Click on Yes to confirm the approval.

Figure 5-9 Work Request Approve Status

2. Select a Status to be change from Work Request to Work

Order. See Figure 5-9.
3. Click on button to save.
Work Order was converted to Work Order with status selected
and a work order number given.

Disapprove 1. On the left panel of the system, click on Maintenance > Work
2. Highlight on the record to be disapprove on table view.
3. Click on button. This record will be disapproved by
prompt a window to enter the reject reason.
See Figure 5-10

Figure 5-10 Disapprove Work Request

1. Enter the reject description on the reject description and click

on button to confirm disapprove.

Work Order

What it’s for Use for create and track Work Order, capture the cost accrued from
the work. So that management level user can base on these work
information to save cost.

How it Works Work Order captures all work information into the system. Beside this,
with this information it can use to maintain the work order history. At
last, you can do planning on material for the work order, so that you
can know the cost usage for the work order.

Create Work Order 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Maintenance > Work
Order. See Figure 5-11
2. Click on button, Work Order dialog box appear. See Figure
3. Fill in any necessary information.
4. Click on button to save and a Work Order Number given.

Figure 5-11 Work Order Table View

Figure 5-12 Create New Work Order

Work Order Information

Label Description
Originator Person who make the request.
Phone Contact number of the person.
Asset No If requester request was concern to fix an asset or servicing. Key
in the asset number here.
Fault Code The fault of the request that request by originator.
Status Status of the Work Order.
Due Date Date of the Work Order must be complete before the due date.
Project ID Project ID for the work involve in.
Origination Date of this work request raise.
Charge Cost If the asset number is assign to Work Order, this field will
Center automatically show with Charge Cost Center that had register at
Work Area A more specific physical location of asset location.
Asset Location Asset Location was specified in the asset record.
Asset Group Asset Group Code was specified in the asset record.
Asset Status Status of the asset.
Double click to select asset status.
Original Priority Original Priority for this Work Order.
Plan Priority Plan priority for this Work Order.
Description Detail information of the work requested.

Work Order Details

What it’s for This is the tab where information of the work detail store.
With this information, it is important for an organization to
analysis on the work, and plan for saving from spending.

How it Works Once a work has been completed, update the information of
the work into this tab. So that these information will use to
generate a work order form or other enhancement report.

Figure 5-13 Work Order Details Tab

Work Order Financial

What it’s for It was use to display the estimated and actual costing on this
work order. Besides this, it shows the variance of the estimated
and actual costing and also in percentage.

How it Works Labor, Material and Contract cost are getting from planning

Figure 5-14 Work Order Financial Tab

Financial Information

Label Description
Credit Cost center Double click to lookup the cost center.
Funding Source Enter the appropriate funding source or budget.
Labor Account Double click to lookup the labor account.
Material Account Double click to lookup the material account.
Contract Account Double click to lookup the contract account.

Work Order User Defined Field

What it’s for Use to keep store information that is not in the default label on

How it Works Associate use with label customization control, customize the
label name and store the information meaningful.

Figure 5-15 Work Order User Defined Fields Tab

Column Label Characteristic

Wko Det Varchar1 to Wkr Det Store up to 100 characters each field.
Wko Det Note1 to wko Det Note2 Store up to 1000 characters each field.
wko Det Numeric1 to wko Det Store up to 12 digit numeric with four
Numeric10 decimal places each field.
wko Det Datetime1 to wko Det Date field.

Work Order Labor Planning

What it’s for Use to keep track total labor cost use on current work.

How it Works Once you have assign labor on this job, we can keep track how
many hours and people size to complete the job and the cost
captured on labor cost in Financial Tab.

Figure 5-16 Work Order Labor Planning

Work Order Labor Planning Information

Label Description
Asset no Target asset of the labor will spent on.
Craft Double click to lookup the craft code.
Crew Size The default is 1. If the number is incorrect, change it to the
estimated number of persons required to complete the work.
Cost Center Double click to look up the Cost center.
Account Double click to lookup the Account.
Estimate Estimate hours to complete the job.
Estimate Estimate cost of complete the job.
Actual Hour Actual hours that use to complete the job

Work Order Material Planning

What it’s for Use to keep track total material cost use on current work.

How it Works Assign the material that needed to complete the job, all the
material cost used will captured on Work Order financial Tab.

Figure 5-17 Work Order Material Planning

Plan for
1. Click on and a new line will be appearing.
2. Key in stock number, or double click to search the stock number.
3. Key in quantity needed.
4. Click on and a Material Request Number given.

Work Order Material Planning Information

Label Description
Stock No Key in the stock number.
Stock Location The physical location of the stock stored.
Description Detail description of the stock.
Charge Cost Center Cost Center tracks the cost of materials incurred.
Charge Account Account to be charge to for this material.
Qty Needed Total Quantity needed for the plan.
UOM Unit of Measure of the stock.
Item Cost Cost for the single stock.
Extended Cost Total cost for the item.
MR No Material Number generated.
MR Line No Line no of the Item in a Material Request.

Work Order Special Order Planning
What it’s for Use to keep track total non-stock material cost on current job.

How it Works Assign of this Special Order will trigger a Purchase Request to buy
a non-stock item to fix on this job, this cost will capture in
Material cost in financial tab.

Figure 5-18 Work Order Special Order Planning

Work Order Special Order Planning Information

Label Description
Asset no Target asset that require buying replacement.
Supplier Supplier that for purchase.
Description Description of the replacement.
UOM Unit of measure of the replacement.
Qty needed Quantity requires purchasing for the asset.
Item Cost Item cost of the replacement.
Charge Cost Center Double click to lookup the charge cost center.
Charge Account Double click to lookup the Charge Account.

Work Order Contract Planning

What it’s for Use to keep track total contract cost on current job.

How it Works Assign of this contract will trigger a Purchase Request to buy a
services to fix the job problem, this cost will capture in contract
cost in financial tab.

Figure 5-19 Work Order Contract Planning

Label Description
Asset no Asset no that need a contract.
Supplier Supplier that are having contract.
Description Description of the contract.
UOM Unit of measure of the contract.
Qty Needed Quantity needed for the contract.
Estimate Estimate Amount for the supplier contract.
Total Cost
Charge Cost Double click to lookup the Charge cost center.
Charge Double click to lookup the Charge account.

Work Order Tool

What it’s for Use to keep track Tool will use in the work order.

How it Works The work order will use the tool to perform the maintenance.

Figure 5-19 Work Order Tool

Label Description
Asset no Asset no that need a Tool
Tool Double click to lookup the tool
Description Description of the tool.
Date Needed Date needed for the tool.
Quantity Quantity need for the tool.

Work Order Reference

What it’s for To attach some image, visual or text files to giving more
information of the asset.

How it Works Attach the image, visual, text files by click on Add button, the
files will convert into some kind of file format and
permanently safe on the system although the original file was
deleted, the files will deleted when the time user delete the
files on this reference tab.

Figure 5-20 Work Order References tab

Reference Information

Label Description
To add new reference document, click on Add button and browse a
file to attach in. The file will be display in a line shown as screen
Highlight by click on the line, click on Delete button to delete, the
current highlight line will be disappear imply that the file has been
To open an attached file, click on View, and the files contain is read

Work Order Check List

What it’s for To keep track the check list for the Work order

How it Works The checklist will assign in the checklist module with asset
group code. So that the work order will keep track the
checklist for the particular asset.

Figure 5-21 Work Order Check List tab

Work Order Status Audit

What it’s for Status audit for the work order

How it Works Whoever change the work order status, it will auto capture in the
status audit table.

Figure 5-22 Work Order Status Audit tab

Work Order Lite

What it’s for Its function is exactly same with Work Order but this is a lighter
version that is taking lesser time to retrieve a large amount of
Work Order at one time because its retrieve lesser information
on the Work Order Table View. See Figure 5-23

Figure 5-23 Work Order Table View

Work Order Action

What it’s Use to filter the requested work from requestor.

How it Work Approver will reviewed the request and determine whether
Works approve or disapprove the request.

Approve 1. On the left panel of the system, click on Maintenance > Work Order
Work Action. See Figure 5-24
Request 2. Highlight on the work order record on table view.
3. Select the action to be taken, either , ,
or .
4. A Work Order screen appear with all not editable fields except for
status and action.
5. Double click on Status field and look up for the related status.
6. Click on button.

Figure 5-24 Work Order Action

Work Order Action Lite

What it’s for Its function is exactly same with Work Order Action but this is a
lighter version that is taking lesser time to retrieve a large
amount of Work Order at one time because its retrieve lesser
information on the Work Order Table View. See Figure 5-25

Figure 5-25 Work Order Action Table View

Material Request

What it’s for Material Requests are requests for material from inventory and
also non-stocked material for a work order.

How it Works This option lets you reserve stock items and special order, non-
stock items. A material request can also be created when
planning items on a work order.

Material Request 1. On the left panel of the system. Double click on the
Maintenance > Material Request. See Figure 6-5
2. Click on button, Material Request dialog box appear.
See Figure 6-6
3. Enter the Work Order number for item/material request, or
request for an item/material not under any work.
3. Fill in the necessary information and click on Line Item tab to
request for item.
4. Click on button to save and Material Number is

Approve 1. On the left panel of the system, click on Maintenance >

Material Request.
2. Highlight on the record on table view.
3. Click on button. A window prompts for
confirmation and Material Request Number given after
confirmation. See Figure 6-1

Figure 6-1 Approve Confirmation

a. Click on Yes to confirm the approval.

Figure 6-2 MR Approve Successfully
b. Material Request number given, click on OK button.

The Material Request is now approved and allows being issue

from stock.

Disapprove 1. On the left panel of the system, click on Maintenance >

Material Request.
2. Highlight on the record on table view.
3. Click on button, a Disapprove Work Request
dialog box appear. See Figure 6-1

Figure 6-3 Disapprove Material Request Reason

4. Enter the disapprove reason, and click on button
to confirm disapprove. See Figure 6-2

Figure 6-4 MR Disapprove Successfully

5. Disapprove successful. Click on OK button.

Figure 6-5 Material Request Table View

Figure 6-6 Create New Material Requests

Material Request Information

Label Description
Work Order If existing Work Order require a request in material, enter the
No number or double click to search the Work Order number.
Asset No Asset number was specified in work order if exist.
Origination Date of this Material Request created, default date will be current
Date today's date.
Require Date Date of the material is require, default date will be current today's
date. Change if necessary.
Enter by Name of the person who create this Material Request.
Status Status of the Material Request, default status will be in "awaiting".
Requester Name of the person who request for the material.
Cost Center Cost Center code tracks the cost of materials and labor incurred on a
work order, and determines what area or group is charged for the
Account Account to be charge for this material.

Material Request User Defined Fields

What it’s for These field allow to add in any related information

How it Works This option lets you reserve stock items and special order, non-
stock items. A material request can also be created when
planning items on a work order.

Material Request Material Request user defined fields in used with conjunction
with System Administration - Label, customize the label name
and now you can use the User Defined Fields to store data.

Figure 6-7 Material Request User Defined Fields

Column Label Characteristic

mtr Det Varchar1 to mtr Det Varchar20 Store up to 100 characters each field.
mtr Det Note1 mtr to Det Note2 Store up to 1000 characters each field.
(Second tab)
mtr Det Numeric1 to mtr Det Store up to 12 digit numeric with four
Numeric10 decimal places each field.
mtr Det Datetime1 to mtr Det Date field.

Material Request Status

What it’s for This screen show the status of the material request, whether
the request is approved or disapproved.

How it Works Approver will do validation on the material request and

decide to approve or disapprove, once approve or disapprove
the status will be display on this tab. This screen show the
status of the material request, whether the request is
approved or disapproved.

Figure 6-8 Material Request Status

Material Request Line Item

What it’s for This is where the material requested will be shown here, one line
per item.

How it Works Once this Line Item tab has filled in with item to be request, this
request will be validated by material request approver to do

Figure 6-9 Material Request Line Items

Line Item Information

Label Description
Stock No Double click to lookup the stock number.
Stock Location where the stock locate, auto display once a stock selected.
Description This field automatically displays the description of the stock item
UOM Unit of measure.
Item Cost Enter the item cost.
Require Quantity needed on the request.

Material Request Reference

What it’s for Reference use for adding in any related visual object to improve
understanding on the problem.

How it Works User can view the attachment by viewing the image or play the
sound. Once attached, the objects are still viewable or play
although the original file was removed.

Figure 6-10 Material request Reference

Button of Material Request Reference

To add new reference document, click on Add button and browse a

file to attach in. The file will be display in a line shown as screen
Highlight by click on the line, click on Delete button to delete, the
current highlight line will be disappear imply that the file has been
To open an attached file, click on View, and the file's contain is

Time Card
What it’s for Lets users record time spent on the work order by individual
How it Works Capture the time spent regarding the craft code, hour type
and hours. Each work order can calculate the time spent on
that work order.
Create New Time 1. On the left panel of the system, click on Maintenance >
Card Time Card.

2. Click on button and Time Card dialog box appear.

See Figure 6-11
3. Fill in any necessary information.
4. Click on button to save.
5. Time Card No will be given. Click on Ok. See Figure 6-12

Figure 6-11 Time Card Table View

Figure 6-12 Create New Time Card

Work Request Complete

What it’s for Work Request Complete is to show the Work Request that has
been created.

How it Works Users key-in the work request number or asset number then the
system will generate the Work Request Complete Report based
on the information entered.

Figure 6-13 Work Request Complete

Work Order Report

What it’s for Work Order Report is to show the detail information of the Work
Order that has been created.

How it Works Users key-in the information on the Filter Option: Work Order
Report then the system will generate the Work Order Report
based on the information entered.

Figure 6-13 Work Order Report Filter Option

Figure 6-14 Work Order Report

Work Order Complete List

What it’s for Work Order Complete is to show the information of the Work
Order that has been created.

How it Works Users key-in the information on the Filter Option: Work Order
Complete then the system will generate the Work Order
Complete based on the information entered.

Figure 6-15 Work Order Report Filter Option

Figure 6-16 Work Order Report

Work Order Form

What it’s for Work Order Form is to show the information of the Work Order
in the form format and ready to be printed.

How it Works Users key-in the information on the Filter Option: Work Order
Form then the system will generate the Work Order Form based
on the information entered.

Figure 6-17 Work Order Form Filter Option

Figure 6-18 Work Order Form

Work Order Status Change Journal

What it’s for Work Order Status Change Journal is to show the information on
the Work Order’s status.

How it Works Users key-in the information on the Filter Option: WO Status
Change Journal then the system will generate the Work Order
Status Change Journal based on the information entered.

Figure 6-21 WO Status Change Journal Filter Option

Figure 6-22 Work Order Status Change Journal

Material Request Complete
What it’s for Material Request Complete is to show the information of the
Material Request.

How it Works Users key-in the information on the Filter Option: Material
Request Complete then the system will generate the Material
Request Complete based on the information entered.

Figure 6-27 Material Request Complete Filter Option

Figure 6-28 Material Request Complete

Material Usage by Work Order
What it’s for Material Usage by Work Order is to show the information of the
material usage on the work order.

How it Works Users key-in the information on the Filter Option: Material
Usage by Work Order then the system will generate the
Material Usage by Work Order based on the information

Figure 6-29 Material Usage by Work Order Filter Option

Figure 6-30 Material Usage by Work Order

Budget vs Actual Report
What it’s for Budget vs Actual Report is to show the information on how many
budget is allocated and how many is spend for a particular year.

How it Works Users key-in the information on the Filter Option: Budget vs
Actual Report then the system will generate the Budget vs
Actual Report based on the information entered.

Figure 6-31 Budget vs Actual Report Filter Option

Figure 6-32 Budget vs Actual Report

Work Order by Action Code
What it’s for Work Order by Action Code is to show the information on
maintenance history based on action code.

How it Works Users key-in the information on the Filter Option: Work Order
by Action Code then the system will generate the Work Order by
Action Code based on the information entered.

Figure 6-33 Work Order by Action Code Filter Option

Figure 6-34 Work Order by Action Code

Work Order by Cause Code
What it’s for Work Order by Cause Code is to show the information on
maintenance history based on cause code.

How it Works Users key-in the information on the Filter Option: Work Order
by Cause Code then the system will generate the Work Order by
Cause Code based on the information entered.

Figure 6-35 Work Order by Cause Code Filter Option

Figure 6-36 Work Order by Cause Code

Work Order by Fault Code
What it’s for Work Order by Fault Code is to show the information on
maintenance history based on fault code.

How it Works Users key-in the information on the Filter Option: Work Order
by Fault Code then the system will generate the Work Order by
Fault Code based on the information entered.

Figure 6-37 Work Order by Fault Code Filter Option

Figure 6-38 Work Order by Fault Code

Fault Code Analysis
What it’s for Fault Code Analysis is to show the summarize information on
maintenance history based on fault code.

How it Works Users key-in the information on the Filter Option: Fault Code
Analysis then the system will generate the Fault Code Analysis
based on the information entered.

Figure 6-39 Fault Code Analysis Filter Option

Figure 6-40 Fault Code Analysis

Inventory Master

What it’s for The Inventory Master record maintains location, financial and
historical data that relates directly to the stock item.

How it Works Every event or transaction that related to stock item will be
capture on here, including receive, return, issue and transfer
stock item.

New Inventory 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Inventory >
Inventory Master.
2. Click on button and Inventory Master dialog box
appear. See Figure 7-1
3. Fill in any necessary information.
4. Click on button to save.

Figure 7-1 Create New Inventory

Inventory Information

Type The category for this stock

Stock no The stock number must be unique and cannot be changed. The stock number
must be entered first before other fields on the screen will become active. Enter
up to 25 characters to identify the material item.
Master Consists of Warehouse, area, and BIN ID, location of the material store.
Cost Double click to lookup the cost center.
Account Double click to lookup the cost center.
Issue Price The price displayed in this field will be charged each time that the item is issued.
Total OH Displays the total number of material items on hand that are available for issue.
Part No Enter the manufacturers’ part number.

Inventory Master Detail

What it’s for Keep more detail information of the stock items.

Figure 7-2 Inventory Detail

Inventory Master Detail Information

Label Description
Issue Issue UOM is the way the material item is issued
Receive UOM Receive UOM is the way the material item is received
Conversion The Conversion Factor is based Issue and Received UOM.
Part Status Double click to lookup the status.
Storage Type Double click to lookup the status.
Cube Enter the size, in cubic feet, of the material item.
Shelf Life The material item can remain in days.
Count Enter how often, in days, to count the material item.
Auto Spare Check this box to add the item to the Spare list automatically.
Critical Spare Check this box if the item is considered a critical spare part.
Hazardous Check this box if the material item is considered unsafe item.
ABC Class These codes categorize or prioritize material items.
Order Point Reorder point when the material reaches a certain quantity.
Maximum The maximum quantity of the item to be kept on hand.
Last Activity The date of the last times that transactions of material item.
Last Count The date of the last time a physical count was made of the material item in
Date the specified location.
Next Count Displays the date of the next time a physical count is scheduled on the
Date material item.

Inventory Master User Defined Fields

What it’s for Use to keep information that is not in the default fields.

How its Work User has to change the label before the field can use with

Figure 7-3 Inventory User Defined Fields

Column Label Characteristic

itm Det UDF Text1 to itm Det UDF Text2 Store up to 100 characters each field.
itm Det UDF Note1 to itm Det UDF Note2 Store up to 1000 characters each field.
itm Det UDF Numeric1 to itm Det UDF Numeric10 Store up to 12 digit numeric with four
decimal places each field.
itm Det UDF Date1 to itm Det UDF Date2 Date field.

Inventory Master Financial
What it’s for Use to keep cost occur on this stock items.
How its Work Usage on this Stock Items will capture the cost on this tab.

Figure 7-4 Inventory Financial

Inventory Master Financial Information
Account Type Type of account this inventory cost to.
YTD Usage The amount of material items used from the beginning of the year to the current date.

YTD Turns The number of times that the material item has been out of stock and reordered from
the beginning of the year to the current date.
YTD Stock outs The number of times that the material item has been out of stock since the beginning of
the year to date.
Taxable Check this box if this is a taxable material item. Otherwise, leave it blank. Leave this
checkbox blank, if the item is a non-taxable material item. The amount of tax depends on
the rate set in the PO record, or may default from the Ship to: information.
Last Year Usage The amount of the item was used within the last year.
last Year Turns The number of times that the material item has been out of stock and reordered since
the beginning of the year.
Last Year Stock The number of times that the material item has been out of stock, reordered or not,
outs since the beginning of the year.
Costing Rules The Item Cost, Issue Price, Value and Surcharge Value figures are automatically
calculated based on the selected Costing Rule.
Item Cost The Item Cost is based on the selected Costing Rule. To change the Item Cost, select
another Costing Rule. This amount represents the cost of the item and not the Issue
Total On-Hand The total amount of the material item currently on hand. This figure changes each time a
transaction involves the material item.
Value The value of the material item, based on Total On Hand quantity multiplied by the
amount selected in the Costing Rule. There may be three different values depending on
the Costing Rule amounts.

Surcharge The Surcharge percentage, multiplied by the Item Cost, creates the Issue Price. The
Surcharge percentage is established in the System Administration module.
Surcharge The value of the material item multiplied by the Surcharge percentage. The Surcharge
value Value will vary, depending on the Costing Rule.

Inventory Master Location

What it’s for Use to keep the stock items store location.

How its Work Every stock items is require to store in a location or warehouse,
so the stocking location must be create first before can choose a
stocking location for stock items.

Figure 7-5 Inventory Location

Inventory Master Location Information

Label Description
Lockout for Check this box if the specified location of the material item is not available
count for transactions. Otherwise, leave it blank.
Primary Check this box if current row was a Primary Location of the inventory.
Stock Locations of the inventory stock consist of Warehouse, Area and Bin.
OH Quantity Total inventory on hand.
Order Point Quantity witch informs the system that the material item needs to be
Maximum Enter the maximum quantity of the material item to be kept on hand.
Cost Center Double click to lookup the Cost Center
Account Double click to lookup the account.
Increase total This field represents the Increment Total On Hand.
Purge Flag The location can issue items only until the On Hand Quantity reaches 0.
Leave the checkbox blank if you want the location to be able to receive
Last Activity The date of the last time that transactions or changes were made to the
Date specified location of the material item.
Last Count The date of the last time a physical count was made of the material item in
Date the specified location.
Next Count Displays the date of the next time a physical count is scheduled on the
Date material item.

Inventory Master Supplier

What it’s for Use to keep track who is the supplier of this stock items.

How its Work Register a supplier first before the stock items can choose a
supplier to tight up with.

Figure 7-6 Inventory Suppliers

Inventory Supplier Information

Label Description
Rank Rank of the supplier
Supplier Double click to lookup Supplier Code.
Supplier Part No Supplier stock item part No.
Manufacturer Manufacturer of the stock Item.
Last Item Cost Item cost of last batch of stock item.
Retail Price Price of wholesale from supplier.
Last Receive Date Date of the stock items receive.
Order UOM Unit of Measures when the item is order.
Discount % Discount rate from supplier.
Manufacturing Part Manufacturing Part Number
Average Lead Time Average earlier time use to order this stick items.

Issue transaction

What it’s for Keep track of the stock items where did it issue to.

How it Works Every issue transaction that have been done will minus the stock
items in inventory, so it is able to keep track who have been issue for
the stock and for what purpose.

Stock Issue 1. On the left panel of the system, click on Inventory > Issue
Transaction. See Figure 7-7
2. Select source to be issue to.
For Material Request, key in Material Request No.
For Miscellaneous, key in Work Order number.
3. Enter the employee ID for target person do this transaction.
4. Click on button for single line issue based on indicator .
To issue all at once, click on button.

Figure 7-7 Issue transaction

Receive Transaction

What it’s for Keep track of the stock items when the stock items is receive or
by whom, or by which Purchase order or non Purchase Order.

How it Works Every received transaction that has been done will increase the
stock items in inventory, so it is able to keep track where did the
item come from.

Stock Receive 1. On the left panel of the system, click on Inventory > Receive
Transaction. See Figure 7-8
2. Select source to be receive from.
- Miscellaneous for non Purchase Order.
- Purchase Order for Purchase Order.
3. Enter the employee ID for target person do this transaction.
4. Key in the PO number
5. Click on button for single line receive based on
indicator . To receive all at once, click on button.

Figure 7-8 Receive Transaction

Return to Stock

What it’s for Once employee issue extra item from stock, returning to store is

How it Works Return stock items to store if any necessary return is require,
stock returned will be calculate again the stock quantity.

Stock Return 1. On the left panel of the system, click on Inventory > Return
to Stock.
2. Return to Stock dialog box appears. See Figure 7-9
3. Enter Material Request No, Work Order Number, or asset
4. Click on button.
5. The Item found will be display.
6. Click on to return single item, or click on
to return all item.
7. A successful return message will be prompt, click on OK.

Figure 7-9 Return to Stock

Return to Supplier

What it’s for Once employee issue extra item from supplier, returning to
Supplier is require.

How it Works Return stock items to supplier if any necessary return is require,
stock returned will be calculate again the stock quantity.

Stock Return 1. On the left panel of the system, click on Inventory > Return to
2. Return to Supplier dialog box appears. See Figure 7-10
3. Enter PO Number, Return Date, and Employee ID.
4. Click on button.
5. The Item found will be display.
6. Click on to return single item, or click on to
return all item.
7. A successful return message will be prompt, click on OK.

Figure 7-10 Return to Supplier

Transfer Transaction

What it’s for Transfer transaction allows transferring item/material to other

stocking location. Item/material is only can transfer between
stocking location that is assign to the items/material in inventory

How it Works Once stock items was physically changing its store location, stock
item have to be make transfer transaction from old location to
new stock location, hence in future system are able to keep track
on every stock items..

Stock Transfer 1. On the left panel of the system, click on Inventory > Transfer
Transaction. See Figure 7-11
2. Enter the stock number require to transfer.
3. Select transfer date. (Optional, by default will be current today
4. Enter the quantity to be transfer.
5. Select stock location to be transfer from on inner left panel.
6. Select stock location to be transfer to on inner right panel.
7. Click on button to transfer the stock.

Figure 7-11 Transfer Transaction

Stock Reconciliation

What it’s for This option lets users maintain the physical reconciliation of the
inventory, using the Materials.

How it Works Stock keeper will perform the stock reconciliation of the
inventory. The purpose of this module is count the stock variance.

Stock Transfer 1. On the left panel of the system, click on Inventory > Stock
Reconciliation. See Figure 7-12
2. Click on button and Inventory Master dialog box
appear. See Figure 7-13
3. Fill in any necessary information.
4. Click on button to save.
Update Count 1. Highlight the record you want to update.
Book 2. Click on button to update the count book. See Figure
3. Key in the Item Count.
4. Click on button to update the count book.

Figure 7-12 Stock Reconciliation Table View

Figure 7-13 Create New Stock Reconciliation

Figure 7-14 Update Count Book

Order Point Review

What it’s for Lets you view each of the stock items that have reached their
reorder point and easily control the items that appear on the
order point listing.
How it Works Order Point Review need done a setting in inventory Master.
User need to set the order point and maximum order quantity.

Order Point 1. On the left panel of the system, click on Inventory > Order
Review Point Review. See Figure 7-15
2. Highlight Stock number you want to generate PR. See Figure
3. Click on button to Generate the PR.
4. Confirmation message pop out. Click Yes. Figure 7-16
5. Key in the PR order Quantity and Supplier. Figure 7-17
6. Click on button to Generate. Figure 7-18
7. PR Number will be given. Click on OK.

Figure 7-15 Order Point Review Table View

Figure 7-16 Confirmation Message

Figure 7-17 Generate Order Point PR

Figure 7-18 PR Number Given

Inventory Report

What it’s for Inventory report is showing Inventory data accordingly available
data in the database.

How it Works The report will show the all the stock information such as Stock
no, Account, Description, Issue UOM, Issue Price and Total On-

Figure 7-22 Inventory Report

Issue Journal Listing

What it’s for Issue Journal Listing report which showing all the Issue
Transaction has been made.

How it Works All issue out stock which made will be record into the system.
The report will show the all the issue date, stock information,
charge account, cost center, work order information, quantity
issued and cost of issue.

Figure 7-25 Issue Journal Listing

Receive Journal Listing

What it’s for Receive Journal Listing report which showing all the Receive
Transaction has been done.

How it Works All the receive which made will be record into the system. The
report will show the all the receiving date, stock information, PO
Information, Quantity Received, and Item Cost.

Figure 7-26 Receive Journal Listing

Return to Stock Journal Listing

What it’s for Return to Stock Journal Listing report which showing all the
Transaction of returning to store has been done.

How it Works Some spare parts or store will return to stock due to some
reason such as no used store, staff will perform returning and
this performance which has done will be record into the system.
The report will show the all the return date, stock information,
Cost center and Account, WO Information, Return Quantity.

Figure 7-27 Return to Stock Journal Listing

Reconciliation Report

What it’s for Reconciliation report which showing all create count book ID and
Store to be recount.

How it Works After the count book create from the Stock Reconciliation, all the
information will be capture and store in database. This Report
will all the count book which haven’t been post to update the
quantity in the system

Figure 7-28 Reconciliation Report

Order Point Report

What it’s for Order Point Report showing all the Stock which reach the
reorder level.

How it Works After a stock reach the order point level, the system will
generate a Purchase Request to reorder the stock. Each of these
PR will be record into system. This report will show stock which
reach order point level and what is the PR number.

Figure 7-29 Order Point Report

ABC Analysis Report
What it’s for Stock Analysis Report will short the part master into classes A, B,
and C then this part master will be analyst based on the entered

How it Works Users key-in the information on the ABC Analysis Utility then the
system will generate the ABC Analysis Report based on the
information entered.

Figure 7-30 ABC Analysis Utility

Figure 7-31 ABC Analysis Report

Return To Supplier Journal Listing

What it’s for Return to Supplier Journal Listing report which showing all the
Transaction of returning to supplier has been done.

How it Works Some spare parts or store will require to return back to supplier
due to broken or damage, staff will perform returning and this
performance which has done will be record into the system. The
report will show the all the return date, stock information, Cost
center, PO Information and Account, WO Information, Return

Figure 7-32 Return to Supplier Journal Listing

Stock Analysis Report
What it’s for Stock Analysis Report is to show the analyst information on all
the available stocks.

How it Works Users key-in the information on the Filter Option: Stock Analysis
Report then the system will generate the Stock Analysis Report
based on the information entered.

Figure 7-33 Stock Analysis Report List Filter Option

Figure 7-34 Stock Analysis Report

Stock Analysis Detail Report
What it’s for Stock Analysis Report is to show the analyst information with
more detail on all the available stocks.

How it Works Users key-in the information on the Filter Option: Stock Analysis
Detail Report then the system will generate the Stock Analysis
Detail Report based on the information entered.

Figure 7-35 Stock Analysis Detail Report List Filter Option

Figure 7-36 Stock Analysis Detail Report

Part Where Used List
What it’s for Part Where Used List is to show the information on the parts or
stock on where this stock is used.

How it Works Users key-in the information on the Filter Option: Part Where
Used List then the system will generate the Part Where Used
List based on the information entered.

Figure 7-37 Part Where Used List Filter Option

Figure 7-38 Part Where Used List

Slow Moving Stock
What it’s for Slow Moving Stock List is to show the information on the parts or
stock where is less used.

How it Works Users key-in the information on the Filter Option: Part Where
Used List then the system will generate the Part Where Used
List based on the information entered.

Figure 7-39 Slow Moving Stock Filter Option

Figure 7-40 Slow Moving Stock

Inventory Shortage Report
What it’s for Inventory Shortage Report is to show the information on the
parts or stock where the quantity on hand is lesser than quantity

How it Works Users key-in the information on the Filter Option: Inventory
Shortage Report then the system will generate the Inventory
Shortage Report based on the information entered.

Figure 7-41 Inventory Shortage Report

Figure 7-42 Inventory Shortage Report

Material Issue Note
What it’s for Material Issue Note is to show the information on the parts or
stock which has been issued out.

How it Works Users key-in the information on the Filter Option: Material Issue
Note then the system will generate the Material Issue Note
based on the information entered.

Figure 7-43 Material Issue Note Filter Option

Figure 7-44 Material Issue Note

GRN Report
What it’s for GRN Report is to show the information on the parts or stock
which has been received.

How it Works Users key-in the information on the Filter Option: Material
Receive Note then the system will generate the Material
Receive Note based on the information entered.

Figure 7-45 Material Receive Note Filter Option

Figure 7-46 Material Receive Note

Purchase Request

What it’s for Request for a purchase when there is items require buying or use
for restock when item stocks is running out. So request for a
purchasing is require from higher level.

How it Works Insert item that require being purchase in system.

New Purchase 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Purchasing >
Request Purchase Request.
2. Click on button and Purchase Request dialog box
appear. See Figure 8-1
3. Fill in any necessary information.
4. Click on button to save and a Purchase Request
Number given.

Figure 8-1 Create New Purchase Request

Figure 8-2 Purchase Request Number

Purchase Order

What it’s for Purchase Order was use to make an order of purchase for certain
procurement with procedure.

How it Works Insert as much as more information of Purchase Order so that in

future user can keep track of Purchase Order did.

New Purchase 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Purchasing >
Order Purchase Order. See Figure 8-3
2. Click on button and Purchase Order dialog box appear.
See Figure 8-4
3. Insert the mandatory fields.
Note : If the purchase is from purchase request, please select the
same supplier code as purchase request

4. Click on button to select the line item purchase

from the supplier selected. See Figure 8-5
5. Click on button once ticks the line item.
6. Purchase Order Number given and PO screen return, click on
button. See Figure 8-6

Figure 8-3 Purchase Order Table View

Figure 8-4 Create New Purchase Order

Figure 8-5 Select Purchase Request

Figure 8-6 PO Number Assigned

PR Approval

What it’s for Once a purchase request is create, higher level will come and review
the purchasing and perform approval on the request.

Purchase 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Purchasing > PR
Request Approval.
Approval 2. Purchase Request Table view appears. See Figure 8-7
3. Select (highlight) a record.
4. Click on button to approve a PR and to
disapprove a PR.
5. An approve confirmation to approve the PR prompt. Click on Yes.
See Figure 8-8

Figure 8-7 PR Approval table View

Figure 8-8 Purchase Request Approval Confirmation.

Figure 8-9 Approve Purchase Request Window

Supplier Master

What it’s for The Suppliers module lets you establish standard suppliers for
everything the company buys on a regular basis. You can rank
suppliers in order of preference or quality.

How it works Once suppliers inside the system, supplier is the way where you can
track where the stock come from, here with supplier contact
information so that you can get back to the supplier.

Create New 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Purchasing > Master
Supplier - Supplier. See Figure 8-10

2. Click on button. See Figure 8-11

3. Fill in any necessary information.

4. Click on button to save.

Figure 8-10 Supplier Master Table View

Figure 8-11 Create New Supplier

PO Contract

What it’s for The PO Contract module lets you to create a PO Contract.

Create New 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Purchasing > PO
Supplier Contract. See Figure 8-12

2. Click on button. See Figure 8-13

3. Fill in any necessary information.
4. Fill in the Contract Line Information

5. Click on button to save.

Figure 8-12 PO Contract Table View

Figure 8-13 New PO Contract

Purchase Request Form

What it’s for Purchase Request form can be print out for hard copy records
keeping or use for purchasing flow purpose.

Purchase 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Purchasing >
Request Form Reports > Purchase Request Form.
2. Filter Option of Purchase Request Form dialog box appears. See
Figure 8-14
3. Retrieve the Purchase Request report by Purchase Request No
4. Enter the Purchase Request Number or click on button to
5. Click on button.

Figure 8-14 Purchase Request Form Filter

Figure 8-15 Purchase Request Form

Purchase Order Form

What it’s for Purchase Order form can be print out for hard copy records keeping
or use for purchasing flow purpose.

Purchase Order 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Purchasing >
Form Reports > Purchase Order Form.

2. Filter Option of Purchase Order Form dialog box appears. See

Figure 8-16
3. Retrieve the Purchase Order report by Purchase Order No
4. Enter the Purchase Order Number or click on button to
5. Click on button.

Figure 8-16 Purchase Order Form Filter

Figure 8-17 Purchase Order Form

PR Outstanding

What it’s for Purchase Request Outstanding is to show those PR which approved
but haven’t assign to Purchase Order.

How it Works After a PR has been approved, PR will be assign to PO but some PR
was not direct assign to PO maybe user forgot to assign. This report
will show to PR which already approved but haven’t assign to PO

Figure 8-18 PR Outstanding

PO Backlog Report
What it’s for PO Backlog Report is to show the information on the transaction
of PO with the supplier.

How it Works Users key-in the information on the Filter Option: PO Backlog
Report then the system will generate the PO Backlog Report
based on the information entered.

Figure 8-19 PO Backlog Report Filter Option

Figure 8-20 PO Backlog Report

PO Detail Summary

What it’s for Purchase Order Detail Summary Report is to show whole data for
the PO.

How it Works Each of PO which created which recorded into the database. This
report will retrieve those data from database and show in the PO
Detail Summary Report

Figure 8-21 PO Detail Summary

PO Summary Report
What it’s for PO Summary Report is to show the summarize information on
the selected purchase order.

How it Works Users key-in the information on the Filter Option: PO Summary
Report then the system will generate the PO Summary Report
based on the information entered.

Figure 8-22 PO Summary Report Filter Option

Figure 8-23 PO Summary Report

Supplier Detail Report

What it’s for Supplier Detail Report is to show records of Supplier.

How it Works This Report will show detail available in database onto report.

Figure 8-27 Supplier Detail Report

Supplier Reconciliation Report
What it’s for Supplier Reconciliation Report is to show the information of
detail PO stock item transaction with the supplier.

How it Works Users key-in the information on the Filter Option: Supplier
Reconciliation Report then the system will generate the Supplier
Reconciliation Report based on the information entered.

Figure 8-28 Supplier Reconciliation Report Filter Option

Figure 8-29 Supplier Reconciliation Report

Preventive Maintenance

What it’s for The PM master file records and stores the schedules and
requirements for preventive maintenance performed on assets
throughout your company.

How it’s Work To avoid a person to miss out any compulsory work or prevent of
machine to break down, this PM was used to it. Once an asset was
set with frequency code, it will alert user its time to perform
checking before something breakdown.

Currently having two type of PM, Group and Asset.

For Grouping PM, it contain of more than 1 asset. For Asset, it is

single asset PM.
New Preventive Before creating a Preventive Maintenance, you have to setting the
Maintenance frequency code at first, PM - Frequency Code
1. On the left panel on the system, double click Preventive
Maintenance > Preventive Maintenance. See Figure 9-1
2. Click on button and Preventive Maintenance dialog box
Note: There is 2 type of PM, by group or asset.

By Group
You have to preset the PM - Group Master and PM - Grouping.
1. Select PM type as Group.
2. Fill in necessary fields and mandatory that label are in red color.
3. Click on button to save the PM.

By Asset
1. Select PM type as Asset.
2. Fill in necessary fields and mandatory that label are in red color.
3. Click on button to save the PM.
Generate PM 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Preventive
Maintenance > Preventive Maintenance. See Figure 9-1
2. Select (highlight) a PM which is due.
3. Click on button.
4. A PM Work Order number is given. Click on OK.
5. The PM record will now assign wit the PM Work Order number.
See Figure 9-2

Figure 9-1 Preventive Maintenance table View

Figure 9-2 Assigned Work Order Number


What it’s for Calendar to show which day that Preventive Maintenance

How it Works After the PM be generate the calendar will show the PM number
which the generate PM created.

Figure 9-3 PM Calender

PM Setup Listing
What it’s for PM Setup Listing is a list of preventive maintenance type that has
been created.

How it Works Users key-in the information on the Filter Option: PM Setup
Listing then the system will generate the PM Setup Listing based
on the information entered.

Figure 9-4 PM Setup Listing Filter Option

Figure 9-5 PM Setup Listing

PM Group Asset List
What it’s for PM Group Asset List is a list of created asset group for preventive

How it Works Users key-in the information on the Filter Option: PM Group
Asset List then the system will generate the PM Group Asset List
based on the information entered.

Figure 9-6 PM Group Asset List Filter Option

Figure 9-7 PM Group Asset List


What it’s for Lets you create a record for every employee to efficiently track time
spent on work orders.

How it’s Work The employee id which will tide up with the login id to control or
capture the employee details.

New ridership 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Personnel > Master
record - Employee. See Figure 10-1
2. Click on button and Master - Employee dialog box
appear. See Figure 10-2
3. Key in Necessary Field.
4. Click on button to save the Employee Records.

Figure 10-1 Employee table view

Figure 10-2 Employee Record

Work Scheduling

What it’s for Lets you create a record for every holiday and Schedule every tasks.

How it’s Work Every holiday or scheduling that related to working date will be
capture on here, including Holiday Planning, Employee Leave
Calendar, Scheduling Work Order.

New Holiday 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Work Scheduling >
Holiday Master File. See Figure 11-1
2. Click on button and Holiday Master File dialog box
appear. See Figure 11-2
3. Key in Necessary Field.
4. Click on button to save the Holiday Master File.

Figure 11.1 Holiday Master File Table View

Figure 11.2 Create New Holiday Master File

Employee Leave Calendar
What it’s for Employee Leave Calendar is to show the Employee Leave days
and applying the Leave

Create New Leave 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Work
Scheduling > Employee Leave Calendar.
2. Double click the Employee. See Figure 11-3
3. Double click the Selected Date for Leave. See Figure 11.4
4. Click button to save the Leave Application

Figure 11.3 Employee Leave Calendar

Figure 11.4 Create New Leave Application

Schedule Work Order

What it’s for Schedule Work Order is to set or applied the Work Order into
selected date
How it’s Work After create the Work Order, some of the Work Order will have
the schedule date, this schedule date will help schedule the date
and apply employee into that Job.
Create New Leave 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Work
Scheduling > Schedule Work Order.
2. Select one of the work order number for scheduling. See
Figure 11.5
3. Select the Employee for this job.
4. Drag the Work Order into the Calendar
5. A window Schedule Work Order will prompt out. See Figure
6. Click button to save the Schedule Work Order

Figure 11.5 Schedule Work Order window

Figure 11.6 Work Order Scheduling Planning

Actualize Work Order
What it’s for Actualize Work Order is to set or applied the Work Order into
selected date for the selected technician.
Actualize Work 1. On the left panel on the system, double click Work
Order Scheduling > Actualize Work Order.
2. Select one of the work order number for scheduling. See
Figure 11-7
3. Select the Employee for this job.
4. Drag the Work Order into the Calendar
5. A window Schedule Work Order will prompt out. See Figure
6. Click button to save the Schedule Work Order

Figure 11-7 Actualize Work Order window

Figure 11-8 Actualize Work Order

Work Schedule by Employee
What it’s for Work Schedule By Employee is to show the schedule work Order
filter by employee

How it Works After create the Work Order Scheduling on the Schedule Work
Order, The Schedule information will be record into database.
This report will show the Work Order detail and which employee
is to complete this job.

Figure 11-25 Work Schedule by Employee Filter Option

Figure 11-26 Work Schedule by Employee

Work Schedule by Month
What it’s for Work Schedule by Month is to show the total hours of repairing
that has been spend by an individual technician on a particular
month and year.

How it Works Users key-in the information on the Filter Option: Work
Schedule by Month then the system will generate the Work
Schedule by Month based on the information entered.

Figure 11-27 Work Schedule by Month Filter Option

Figure 11-28 Work Schedule by Month

Work Schedule by Work Order
What it’s for Work Schedule by Work Order is to show the total hours of
repairing that has been spend by an individual technician on a
particular month and year.

How it Works Users key-in the information on the Filter Option: Work
Schedule by Work Order then the system will generate the Work
Schedule by Work Order based on the information entered.

Figure 11-29 Work Schedule by Work Order Filter Option

Figure 11-30 Work Schedule by Work Order

What it’s for It let the user to key-in their customer details which is can be
used to keep track of their customer, and invoice purposes.

Customer 1. On the left panel of the system, click on Invoice > Invoice.

2. Click on button and Invoice dialog box appear. See

Figure 12-3
3. Fill in any necessary information.
4. Click on button to save.
5. An Invoice number will be generated. See Figure 12-5

Figure 12-3 Customer Table View

Figure 12-4 Create New Customer

Figure 12-5 Invoice number is generated

WO KPI Report

What it’s for WO KPI Report show the report of WO created for a particular
year for the entire cost center or just a selected WO. The
report is shown in bar graft.

WO KPI Report On the left panel of the system, click on WO KPI Reports >
WO KPI Report. See figure 13-1

Figure 13-1 WO KPI Report

Maintenance WO KPI

What it’s for Maintenance WO KPI is the report collection of 12 difference

report such as ‘Total Corrective VS Maintenance WO, Parts
Consume of Corrective VS Preventive WO, Cost Incurred by
Corrective VS Preventive WO, Asset Exceeding Lifecycle by
Quantity, Critical Spare Parts, Asset Failure of Corrective WO
by Asset Code, Asset Failure of Corrective WO by Cause Code,
WO Fail to Respond within Time by Delay Code, Lost of
Operational Time due to critical Asset Breakdown, Man Hour
Spend of Corrective VS Preventive WO, M&E Annual Budget
Compare to PO by Quarter, and M&E Annual Budget Compare
to PO by Month’
Maintenance WO On the left panel of the system, click on WO KPI Reports >
KPI Maintenance WO KPI. Then select which of the report to be
generated from the drop-down list. See figure 13-4

Figure 13-4 Maintenance WO KPI

Consumption KPI

What it’s for Consumption KPI show the report on the number of parts that
has been consume for a particular year by commodity code.
The report is shown in bar graft.

Consumption KPI On the left panel of the system, click on WO KPI Reports >
Consumption KPI. See figure 11-5

Figure 13-5 Consumption KPI

Purchase Order KPI

What it’s for Purchase Order KPI show the report on the total that has been
spend on purchasing parts or services for a particular year by
supplier. The report is shown in bar graft.

Purchase Order KPI On the left panel of the system, click on WO KPI Reports >
Purchase Order KPI. See figure 11-6

Figure 11-6 Purchase Order KPI


What it’s for Options is where user is able to get the System Information,
Change Login Password, Setup Printer Setting, Refresh System,
and Switch Sites.

System Parameters

What it’s for System Parameters is where the user is able to get the
information on the System such as login user profile and the
system information.
System Parameters On the left panel of the system, click on Options > System
Parameters. See figure 14-1

Figure14-1 System Parameter.

Change Password

What it’s for Change Password is where the user is able to change their
login password.

Change Password On the left panel of the system, click on Options > Change
Password. See figure 14-2

Figure 14-2 Change Password.

Printer Setup

What it’s for Printer Setup is where the user is able to change their printer
Printer Setup On the left panel of the system, click on Options > Change
Printer Setup. See figure 14-3

Figure 14-3 Printer Setup.

Refresh Menu

What it’s for Refresh Menu is where the user is able to refresh their system
when new setting or changes is applied.
Refresh Menu On the left panel of the system, click on Options > Refresh
Menu. See figure 14-4

Figure 14-4 Refresh Menu.

Switch Site

What it’s for Switch Site is where the user is able to switch to another sites
if there are more than one sites is available on the systems.
Switch Sites On the left panel of the system, click on Options > Switch
Sites. See figure 14-5

Figure14-5 Switch Site.


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