Evaluation Clinical Practice - 2003 - Eakin - Reframing The Evaluation of Qualitative Health Research Reflections On A

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Blackwell Science, LtdOxford, UKJEPJournal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice1356-1294Blackwell Publishing Ltd 200392Original ArticleReframing the evaluation of qualitative health

th researchJ.M. Eakin and E. Mykhalovskiy

Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 9, 2, 187–194

Reframing the evaluation of qualitative health research: reflections on a

review of appraisal guidelines in the health sciences
Joan M. Eakin PhD1 and Eric Mykhalovskiy PhD2
Associate Professor, Public Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
Assistant Professor, Department of Community Health and Epidemiology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada

Correspondence Abstract
Dr Joan M. Eakin
In this article, we explore the form of evaluation put forward by guidelines
Department of Public Health Sciences
Faculty of Medicine used in the health sciences for appraising qualitative research and we begin
University of Toronto to articulate an alternative posture. Most guidelines are derivative of the
McMurrich Building modes of assessment developed by clinical epidemiologists as part of the
12 Queen’s Park Crescent West promotion of evidence-based medicine (EBM). They are predominantly
Toronto, ON M5S 1A8
proceduralist in orientation, equating quality with the proper execution of
E-mail: joan.eakin@utoronto.ca research techniques. We argue that this form of judgment assumes a fixed
relationship between research practice and knowledge generated, and
Keywords: critique, evaluation criteria, tends to over-simplify and standardize the complex and non-formulaic
health sciences, qualitative methods,
nature of qualitative inquiry. A concern with methods as objects of judg-
ment in and of themselves restricts the reader’s field of vision to the
Accepted for publication: research process and diverts attention away from the analytic content of the
21 October 2002 research. We propose an alternative ‘substantive’ perspective that focuses
on the analysis put forward, and regards methods as resources for engaging
with and understanding the substantive findings and topic of inquiry. An
important challenge is to find a way to embody such a form of judgment in
practical assessment tools.

tion. Good qualitative research is methodologically

and epistemologically distinct from the clinical and
In recent years, qualitative research has established epidemiological sciences with which clinicians and
an important foothold in the health sciences. Quali- other members of the health sciences community are
tative research exploring clinical decision making, most familiar. Qualitative research that is largely
practitioner–patient interaction, patient experiences narrative, that relies fundamentally on language-
of illness and other topics is now published routinely based data and whose relevance is not secured
in medical, nursing and other health journals. A host through a numerical calculus of ‘confidence inter-
of journal articles introducing the central features of vals’, ‘P values’ and the like presents problems for
qualitative research to health practitioners and the uninitiated reader. In response, a literature has
researchers has also been published (Berkwits & developed around the question of how best to under-
Aronowitz 1995; Black 1994; Britten et al. 1995; stand, evaluate and apply qualitative research in the
Goering & Streiner 1996; Miller & Crabtree 1994; health sciences. This literature typically draws on and
Needleman & Needleman 1996; Pope & Mays 1995; modifies critical appraisal and related approaches to
Pope & Ziebland 2000; Sofaer 1999; Spencer 1993; evaluation that were initially formulated by clinical
Willms et al. 1997). epidemiologists and health services researchers as
The growing popularity of qualitative research in part of the promotion of evidence-based decision
the health sciences has occasioned a crisis of evalua- making in health care. Thus, the literature offers

© 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 187

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J.M. Eakin and E. Mykhalovskiy

readers a variety of guidelines that structure evalua- and elaboration, all the articles attempted to outline
tion through a standard set of criteria of quality, often specific criteria for assessing qualitative research
in the form of a checklist of questions to be posed of reports, usually in question format, as illustrated in
various aspects and stages of the research process. Box 1.
In health science circles, assessment guidelines of Our examination of the guidelines was conducted
this sort have appeal because they offer a practical as a text analysis of the criteria used and the rationale
and efficient means of steering journal and funding offered for their relevance and use. We focused on
agency review processes and of instructing readers in criteria related to the features of the research process
how to appraise the qualitative literature they read. considered key in the guidelines themselves: research
As such, they are powerful textual devices that have question; design; role of the researcher; sampling;
the potential to substantially influence the conduct data collection, and analysis. For each feature, in
and reception of qualitative health research. Despite each guideline, we generated analytic summaries of
their proliferation and significance for shaping the the kinds of questions readers are urged to ask, the
way in which qualitative inquiry is evaluated and explicit assessment criteria proposed and their
used in the health sciences, these assessment devices explicit and implicit assumptions and logic.
have received scant scrutiny. Our observations were informed by editorial com-
This paper extends recent discussions of the rela- mentary on the assessment of qualitative health
tionship of qualitative research to evidence-based research (Gilchrist & Engel 1995; Popay 1995; Poses
medicine (EBM) (Dixon-Woods, Fitzpatrick & & Isen 1998), by discussions of the distinct epistemo-
Roberts 2001; Upshur, VanDenKerkhof & Goel logical and methodological features of qualitative
2001) through a focus on evaluation. We propose that inquiry in the health field (Barbour 2001; Devers
EBM-derived criteria checklists direct readers into a 1999; Emden & Sandelowski 1998, 1999) and of its
form of judgment that is not well suited to the char- desirable features (Dingwall et al. 1998; Harding &
acter of qualitative research, and that limits their Gantley 1998; Popay, Rogers & Williams 1998) and
capacity to relate to – and ultimately assess, appreci- by general discussions of research quality and
ate and use – the distinctive contributions of this kind validity (Guba & Lincoln 1989; Hammersley 1998;
of research. We base our critique on a review of a Johnson, Long & White 2001; Seale 1999; Smith &
sample of qualitative assessment guidelines pub- Deemes 2000; Sparkes 2001; Whittemore, Chase &
lished in health science journals, and we put forward Mandle 2001).
suggestions for an alternative basis for judging qual-
itative research.
We focused our review on published guidelines in
health science journals that appear to be aimed at rel- Box 1 Examples of guideline assessment questions
atively novice readers, and that formulate explicit
considerations for the judgment of qualitative • ‘Are the data used appropriate to the question?’ (Inui
research. We examined many guidelines, but concen- 1991, p. 485)
trated detailed analysis on a sample of articles that • ‘Did the sample include the full range of possible cases
or settings?’ (Mays & Pope 2000, p. 52)
represented a diversity of health disciplines, and that
• ‘What methods did the researcher use for collecting
were published in well-known journals or cited often data – and are these described in enough detail?’
in the qualitative health research assessment litera- (Greenhalgh & Taylor 1997, p. 741)
ture. Our sample included Burns (1988), Cobb & • ‘Are the unique issues of sampling in a qualitative study
Hagemaster (1987), Dowell, Huby & Smith (1995), adequately addressed?’ (Cobb & Hagemaster 1987,
p. 141)
Elder & Miller (1995), Giacomini, Cook & Group
• ‘Did the investigators become too close to their
(2000), Greenhalgh & Taylor (1997), Inui (1991), participants?’ (Elder & Miller 1995, p. 293)
Krefting (1990), Kuzel et al. (1994), Leininger (1994), • ‘Does the analysis involve interpretation, not merely
Mays & Pope (1995, 2000a), Patton (1999), Rowan & counting the frequency of events or categories?’ (Dowell
Huston (1997) and Ward (1993). Although they et al. 1995, p. 46)
offered varying amounts of supporting explanation

188 © 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 9, 2, 187–194
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Reframing the evaluation of qualitative health research

self-reflexivity is valued as a means to avert problems

Procedural judgment
of bias, the ‘over-enmeshment’ of researchers with
Our central observation is that the guidelines participants (Elder & Miller 1995, p. 283) and other
advance a form of judgment that is primarily proce- threats to objectivity, thereby increasing the credibil-
duralist in nature. Firstly, the actual form of the ity of the research (Krefting 1990).
guidelines is procedural: standardized checklists of Criteria for assessing sampling also centre on a
criteria for particular ‘stages’ of the research process concern with method. For example, readers are
invite little more than ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answers. Secondly, enjoined to ask whether the sampling process has
the content of the guidelines is procedural: qualita- been described clearly, if ‘sound reasoning’ (Giaco-
tive studies are to be appraised in terms of how well mini et al. 2000, p. 358) is provided for its justifica-
they were conducted according to particular stan- tion, if the sampling strategy matches the purpose of
dards of research practice. That is, quality is seen to the research and methods used (Elder & Miller 1995;
arise from how the research was carried out – from Greenhalgh & Taylor 1997; Huston & Rowan 1997)
the proper execution of scientific method. and if sampling procedures have maximized the ‘rich-
The procedure-centred nature of assessment is evi- ness’ and ‘diversity’ of data (Dowell et al. 1995; Elder
dent across all areas of research process. In relation & Miller 1995; Krefting 1990). ‘Convenience’ sam-
to the research question, the notion of a ‘qualitative pling is widely considered to be less acceptable
question’ (Kuzel et al. 1994) is implicit in many texts. (Elder & Miller 1995; Giacomini et al. 2000; Mays &
Readers are prompted to ask if the research question Pope 1995).
is of the ‘right’ sort for qualitative inquiry, with ‘right’ Procedural criteria also prevail in the consider-
questions being those that coincide with the core fea- ation of data collection. Although most of the
tures and applications of qualitative research, such as guidelines are sensitive to the unique iterative rela-
‘deeper understanding’ (Greenhalgh & Taylor 1997, tionship between qualitative data collection and
p. 742), exploration and description (Giacomini et al. analysis, most criteria focus on the transparency of
2000), a sensitivity to context (Popay et al. 1998) and, the study’s data collection process. Most guidelines
most commonly, the study of subjective meaning and urge readers to look for specification of the type of
experience (Cobb & Hagemaster 1987; Greenhalgh data collection strategy, the rationale for the choice
& Taylor 1997; Inui 1991; Popay et al. 1998). The and details on the structure, content and circum-
criterion is thus a ‘match’ between question and stances of data collection. Readers are advised that
method. ‘researchers need to choose the [data collection]
Procedural criteria are also used to appraise the method best suited for their study’ (Elder & Miller
role of the researcher, a second area considered key 1995, p. 281) and are urged to ensure that strategies
to quality assessment. Many checklists acknowledge are ‘congruent with the purpose of the study’ (Cobb
qualitative research as inherently and unavoidably & Hagemaster 1987, p. 144). Criteria tend to privi-
‘subjective’, and consider the researcher’s active lege triangulation – the use of more than one
presence in the research as a source of ‘bias’ that method of data collection.
needs to be addressed in order to keep the research Assessment of the analysis component of research
‘relatively untainted with personal or cultural per- also relies heavily on indicators of procedural appro-
spective’ (Greenhalgh & Taylor 1997, p. 742). Guide- priateness. Guidelines urge readers to seek specifica-
lines often call for a declaration of the researcher’s tion of procedures used, such as cross-coding,
perspective or indicate that it should be made visible constant comparison, discrepant case analysis, trian-
to readers (e.g. Inui 1991; Rowan & Huston 1997). gulation, saturation and audit trails (e.g. Krefting
Although some writers see the investigator as an 1990; Mays & Pope 1995; Ward 1993). Validity is to be
important ‘instrument’ of observation and research ascertained on the basis of the adequacy of the evi-
(e.g. Inui & Frankel 1991, Mays & Pope 2000a), or as dence, such as ‘thickness’ of the description, the
a source of knowledge (Krefting 1990), there is a per- proper use of supporting data and the logical consis-
vasive and enduring ambivalence in many guidelines tency of the argumentation (e.g. Greenhalgh &
towards the role of the researcher. For the most part, Taylor 1997; Huston & Rowan 1997).

© 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 9, 2, 187–194 189
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J.M. Eakin and E. Mykhalovskiy

Thus, in relation to various parameters of the imports from positivist methodology include the
research process, the guidelines in our sample adopt treatment of ‘themes’ as relatively objective phe-
a strongly procedure-oriented approach: quality is to nomena inherent in the data that ‘emerge’ or self-
be gauged on the basis of the researcher having made identify, and the notion that interpretations can be
the right choice of method and having executed it in ‘verified’ through cross-coding by colleagues or sub-
the right way. In our view, however, there are a num- jects. Guidelines that urge readers to assess quality
ber of reasons why this form of judgment is inade- on the basis of such procedures can lead to in inap-
quate for apprehending qualitative research. propriate evaluation of the qualitative research
Firstly, in the case of critical appraisal, the stan- process.
dardized checklist approach to assessment works in A third limitation of a procedural approach is that
large part because most readers – practitioners as it is restrictive, and unable to manage the non-formu-
well as researchers – are familiar with the basic laic complexity of the qualitative research process.
underlying logic and form of scientific inquiry under For example, too standardized a set of prescriptions
consideration. In the case of qualitative research, for assessing analysis may prevent readers from rec-
while novice health science readers may have some ognizing and appreciating fertile forms and sites of
awareness of its techniques (e.g. focus groups, iden- analytic activity, such as overlooking or discrediting
tifying ‘themes’), they often do not share an under- evidence that is gleaned from the ensemble of the
standing of its fundamental principles and type of data rather than from discrete, identifiable segments,
reasoning (e.g. nature of meaning, forms of general- or evidence that resides ‘between the lines’ or in
ization), which is needed to apply the criteria or silence. A technical approach to assessment can also
answer the questions posed in the checklists. For fail to capture the complex balance between over-
example, to assess if the context has been ‘adequately theorization (the imposition of a theoretical straight-
described’ or if ‘sound reasoning’ has been provided jacket on the interpretation) and under-theorization
for choice of sampling strategy, the reader needs to (the failure to conceptualize the data beyond every-
understand the multiple roles of context in the qual- day ‘common sense’). Such judgment rests more on a
itative research process, and how sampling is used gestalt assessment of the researcher’s theoretical
strategically in qualitative inquiry to facilitate oppor- stance and on the interface between the reader’s and
tunities for analytic comparison. the writer’s interpretive platforms – attributes not
A second concern with a proceduralist approach captured easily in a standardized checklist of analytic
stems from problems with the procedures them- procedures.
selves, particularly those modeled too closely on Proceduralist assessment also provides a restric-
principles of positivist science. An example is the tive basis for judging what some perceive to be the
treatment of the research question as an autonomous central analytic enterprise of qualitative inquiry:
place of genesis from which the subsequent research writing practices (Richardson 2000). Researchers
process unfolds (reflecting the maxim that the articulate their standpoint and their substantive find-
method depends on the question being asked). In ings through the words they use and the overall
many forms of qualitative inquiry, however, the rhetorical form of their writing. Hence, the analysis
research question functions more as a compass than cannot be fully appraised apart from its written char-
as an anchor, and is sometimes not really known until acter. This feature of qualitative analysis, if it is
the end of the research. addressed at all in guidelines, is presented in terms of
Another example of inappropriate transfer of sci- the writing style or technique, which glosses over
entific conceptions of quality lies in the value more complex underlying issues of representation
accorded to triangulation of data collection, based (Atkinson 1990; Fine et al. 2000).
on the belief that multiple data sources give a more The fourth and most important problem with pro-
valid picture of reality. From a qualitative perspec- cedural judgment is that it absorbs so much evalua-
tive, triangulation can be seen as producing not dif- tive energy that almost no attention is focused on the
ferent dimensions of the same thing but different substantive offering of the research – on what the
things (Holland & Gillies 2002; Kvale 1996). Further authors actually say about the phenomena they have

190 © 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 9, 2, 187–194
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Reframing the evaluation of qualitative health research

investigated and how they relate their research prac- ment in their research in ways that depart from a
tices to their findings. Let us illustrate what a ‘sub- mooring in a more or less explicit call for neutrality.
stantive’ approach to assessment might mean in Readers can reflect on how the class, gender and
relation to the research stages we have discussed. other features of the researcher’s social location bear
upon the kind of analysis and interpretation of find-
ings that are made. Of course, there are unlimited
Substantive judgment
aspects to the researcher’s relationship to the data,
A substantive approach is one in which the reader’s which places the onus on the researcher to choose
evaluative gaze is broadened from a focus on proper and justify which features of the relationship are rel-
method to a focus on analytic content. This does not evant and to describe their role in data collection and
mean that research process is unimportant, only that analysis.
it ceases to be an object of judgment in and of itself, Similarly, with regard to sampling, a substantive
and becomes relevant as an aid to the interpretation approach would have readers inquire into how the
of and engagement with the substantive findings and sampling process and the sample itself bear on the
topic of inquiry. data collected and on the interpretations made of
With respect to the research question, rather than them. Here, the sampling process becomes a window
fore-fronting the issue of whether or not a question is on other elements of the research process rather than
a ‘correct’ choice for a qualitative approach, a ‘sub- just an indicator of generalizability. For example,
stantive’ form of judgment might urge readers to use information on the characteristics of participants or
the research question as a positioning device for the organizational setting is useful not just for what it
apprehending the nature of the investigation and, says about the validity of findings for other types of
particularly, for understanding its findings. Here, the people or situations, but also for the light it casts on
research question would orient readers to the kinds the circumstances that shaped interaction during
of knowledge that were sought in the research pro- data gathering and the data obtained. It contributes
cess, would inform their appreciation of the interpre- to the reader’s ability to ‘make sense’ of how the
tative stance taken to the data and would constitute a research was done and the claims being made about
point of reference for comprehending the substan- it, as well as how and why the analytic focus evolved
tive analysis put forward. A sense of how and why the the way it did.
research question changed over the course of the In a parallel way, information on how data were
research can engage the reader in the research pro- collected is important, not just to demonstrate that
cess and in the ultimate analysis in a way not invited the research was systematic (a hallmark of science),
by a formulaic ‘right–wrong’ assessment of the but also to enhance the reader’s grasp of the meaning
research question. being attributed to the data. For example, knowing
With regard to the role of the researcher, a sub- that one-on-one oral interviews were used to gather
stantive approach would be based on an understand- data from persons of low educational and social sta-
ing of researcher subjectivity not as a problem of bias tus might make the reader reflect on what might not
to be eliminated or reduced (or at least confessed) have been said in such circumstances due to social
but as something to be used actively and creatively unease with the form of interaction.
throughout the research process (Hertz 1997; Regarding the analysis stage of research, judgment
Krieger 1991; Lincoln & Guba 2000). Judgment based on a search for documentation of the rules and
might begin from a place that fully recognizes sub- procedures of analytic technique is not very produc-
jective knowledge as a resource, that treats it as a tive because there is no direct relationship between
critical point of reference that allows readers to specific techniques and specific analytic outcomes.
apprehend both the research process and the sub- Although procedures can function as important trig-
stantive analysis being proposed. This evaluative gers to analytic insight, they do not themselves con-
stance ‘frees up’ the role of the researcher from a nar- stitute that insight. A substantive approach would
row methodologism and invites readers to explore instead try to enhance the readers’ capacity to ‘feel’
what researchers say about their role and involve- the texture of the account being put forward, to

© 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 9, 2, 187–194 191
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J.M. Eakin and E. Mykhalovskiy

understand the conceptual development and founda- and succinctly for relatively novice readers without
tions of the analysis and thereby, ultimately, to better ‘dumbing down’ the methodological and theoretical
apprehend the leaps of imagination and creative issues?
thinking that constitute (arguably) the most valuable It is important to find answers to such questions
feature of all research, qualitative or otherwise. because, in the absence of alternative formulas, jour-
nal editors, reviewers and readers will continue to use
existing tools, and will continue to be underserved
by them. The need to revise current guidelines is
In this article, we have critiqued the form of judg- also underscored by the likelihood that qualitative
ment put forward by guidelines used in the health sci- researchers, who cannot ignore the forms of judg-
ences for appraising qualitative research and have ment brought upon their work when they seek fund-
begun to articulate an alternative evaluative posture. ing or publication, will find themselves ‘writing to’
We have argued that by gauging quality primarily in the procedural considerations embodied in the crite-
terms of the execution of proper method, the guide- ria or, even worse, actually doing the research in this
lines tend to over-simplify and inappropriately stan- way.
dardize the complex and non-formulaic nature of Nevertheless, in the health sciences, it will not be
qualitative inquiry, promoting the notion of a fixed easy to shift away from dominant models of scientific
relationship between research practice and knowl- appraisal. Asserting a different form of judgment (as
edge generated. More importantly, the guidelines’ opposed to just fine-tuning existing models) is dis-
concern with procedural correctness restricts the couraged by the marginality of qualitative inquiry in
reader’s field of vision on the research process and the health research field as a whole, and by the asso-
diverts attention away from the analytic content of ciated quest of its practitioners for scientific legiti-
the research. macy, professional acceptance and publication
As an alternative, we propose augmenting proce- success. This situation is compounded by ‘tensions
dural considerations with a ‘substantive’ orientation between the pragmatic world of health care manage-
that centres on the relationship between research ment and the quality and integrity of qualitative
practices and substantive findings and interpretation. research’ (Peck & Seeker 1999, p. 552), the ‘problem-
Evaluative schema would not simply ask about which centred’ nature of health services research (Harding
research procedures were used, whether they were & Gantley 1998) and the search of health sciences
the correct ones to use and whether they testify to the journals for easy-to-use, one-size-fits-all templates
validity of the findings. Rather, judgment would for reviewing qualitative research.
emerge from a deeper engagement in and under-
standing of the interpretations and propositions
being put forward and assessment of how they are
(or are not) produced and rendered convincing by Atkinson P. (1990) The Ethnographic Imagination: Textual
the research practices used. From this perspective, Constructions of Reality. Routledge, London.
procedural considerations function less as autono- Barbour R.S. (2001) Checklists for improving rigour in
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