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Glorious Journey of Indian Constitution Through Illustrations

The constitution of our nation was framed by our constitution makers keeping
in mind the rich traditions and cultural heritage of this nation which has been
nurtured by the concept of Hinduism (Sanatan Dharma). The basic mantra of
Hinduism (Sanatana Dharma) lies in "Sarvajan Hitaya, Sarvajan Sukhay".
The Constitution of India is the longest constitution in the world by number
of words.
The Constitution of India is the only constitution in the world which is
basically hand written in two languages (Hindi and English). It was written by
Shri Prem Bihari Narenraizada.

There are twenty two parts of the Constitution of India and the first page of
each part is adorned with unique art painting.
The art illustration on the first page of the each of twenty-two parts of the
Constitution of India, is based on the philosophy of Hinduism (Sanatan
Dharma), the rich traditions and cultural heritage of this nation, shows very
clearly that India as a nation, having an eternal religion, a very tolerant and
spiritual nation with its ancient vibrant civilization and culture is a dignified,
proud nation, where all creeds, communities have complete freedom to live,
practice their faith keeping in mind the national interest, whether the person is
poor or rich, of any caste, be it a woman or a man, everyone has equal rights.
Shri Beohar Ram Manohar Sinha and Shri Nandlal Bose of Shantiniketan
have decorated the first page of each twenty two parts of the Constitution of
India with unique illustration of art.

Shri Beohar Ram Manohar Sinha Shri Nandlal Bose

It is sad and unfortunate that many of our country men are not aware that
Constitution is hand written in two languages (Hindi and English) and
Original Copy of Constitution exhibits philosophy of Sanatan Dharma,
Cultural heritage of this Great Ancient Civilization. It also accept the
existence of Lord Ram and Shree Krishna.
It is also a misfortune for this nation that a particular intellectual class of this
nation (which include politicians, judges of judiciary, independent
intellectuals, film industry, media, etc.) puts a question mark on our cultural
heritage, existence of Shri Ram, Shri Krishna and try hard to tell the common
man that India came into existence as a nation only after August 15th , 1947.
Such efforts are going on even today, but fortunately a wave of new
consciousness is rising against these efforts and it seems that in the coming
decades, Hindutva or Bhartiyata will be restored in this nation with pride
based on the philosophy of Sanatan Dharma.
Keeping the same context in mind, the pages of the original copy of the
Constitution are adorned with exquisite illustrations and through them the
original spirit of the Constitution show India as a nation of very glorious
history, rich cultural heritage and its natural resources. It is ready to guide all
the countries of the world with its philosophy of Sanatan Dharma (Sarvjan
Hitay, Sravjan Sukhay).
Each part of the Constitution of India starts with a beautiful illustration of Art,
which reflect our 12000 thousand years of glorious rich cultural heritage,
civilization and history. The front and back cover is made up of gold in the
form of Bhitti paintings of Ajanta Ellora.
Let us begin the journey through illustrations to understand the Soul of our
Constitution confirming its 12000 years old civilization and cultural heritage:
Cover Page
Preamble of Constitution (English Language)
Preamble of Constitution (Hindi Language)
Page-1 , Part-1 –Most Ancient Civilization (Indian) Illustration of Stamp

The first part begins with a popular Indus Valley seal-trail, the bull. The
hump bull is a recurring theme in many ritual and decorative arts of the
Indus region, appearing on painted pottery and in the form of sculptures.
The zebu-bull can be a symbol of the leader of the herd, whose strength
and masculinity protect the herd and ensure native development. The
Jebu bull represents the most powerful clan or top officials of Mohenjo-
daro and Harappa.
Page-3 Part-2– Most Ancient Civilization (Indian) Vedic Period- Illustration of

Gurukul It is also known for the popular epics Ramayana

and Mahabharata.
The part on citizenship represents the Vedic era of India.
ज़नागरिकता पि हिस्साThis भाित
was केa time
वैहिक यwhen
ुग का प्रहतहनहित्व
worshipकिता िै। यि एक powers
of personal समय था जब व्यहिगत शहियों (अहनन,
Indra, Surya, etc.) was common. Most of the sacred rituals
इद्रं , सयू य, आहि)and
की पजूpractices
ा आम बात were थी औिknown
इनमें से शायि
Brahmins प्रहतपािन
अहिकांश पहवत्र
अनष्ठु ानोंऔि प्रथाओ ं को के वल
handed overब्राह्मणों
orallyको िी
to जाना जाता था .औि हवद्याहथययों को
the pupils
Page-6 Part-3– Most Ancient Civilization (Indian) Epic Period- Ramayan
Period- Lord Rama’s Victory over Lanka and Return of Sita Mata

Interestingly, this image of Ram was used for the Ram

Janmabhoomi dispute verdict and the court declared
Ram a constitutional body.
Fundamental rights are depicted by an illustration of
Rama, Lakshmana, Sita and state policy.
Page-17 Part-4– Most Ancient Civilization (Indian) Epic Period- Mahabharat
Period- Shree Krishna giving Gita Updesh to Great Warrior Arjun

Sri Krishna and Arjuna before the Mahabharata war, which

begins with the iconic scene of Arjuna and Krishna's
conversation before the war. What should be the state and
king's policies, Shri Krishna tells Arjuna.
Page-20 Part-5– Most Ancient Civilization (Indian) Mahajanpad/ Nand Period-
Life Image of Mahatma Buddha

The image of Buddha's Enlightenment is part of the rules

relating to the President and the Vice President. This was a
time when the word 'Gyanodaya' can also be understood as
awakening of consciousness from the naivety of mankind.
Page-63 Part-6– Most Ancient Civilization (Indian) Mahajanpad/ Nand
Period- Life Image of Mahavir Swami

Awakening / Enlightenment: Alongside Mahatma Buddha

Philosphy and Preaching of Mahavir Swami dominated
consciousness of Society.
Page-98 Part-7– Most Ancient Civilization (Indian)-Period of Maurya Empire
Illustration showing the propagation of Buddhism by Emperor Ashoka
Page-102 Part-8– Most Ancient Civilization (Indian)-Gupta Period-
Development of art at various stages
Page-104 Part-9– Most Ancient Civilization (Indian)-Period of Gupta=
Illustration of Emperor Vikramaditya’s Court /Assembly
Page-105 Part-10– Most Ancient Civilization (Indian)-Period of Gupta- One of
the Oldest Higher Education Institution in the world-Nalanda University

The Gupta period was the golden age of India - spectacular intellectual and
spiritual development was reflected through the great art and literature of
this period. The paintings of Ajanta, the texts of Kalidasa, the mathematical
genius of Aryabhata - all were part of the Gupta period. At the time, India
was contributing 25% to world GDP, and remained at number 1 for 1000
years. Gupta rule manifests itself in this artwork representing Nalanda
University (established at that time), where exchange of cultures was

In Nalanda, students came from far and wide to get education, as well as
teachers' daughters who had opportunities to be educated.
Page -102/ 104/105
Page-106 Part-11– Most Ancient Civilization (Indian)- Medieval History-
Sculpture of Orissa
Page-113 Part-12– Most Ancient Civilization (Indian)- Medieval History-
Natraj Statue

Nataraja - The Lord of Dance - Lord Shiva - and

"Shishu" is actually a demon. He is removing evil and
preparing the universe for creation.
The purpose of this dance is to free the souls of all men
from the trap of illusion.
Page-130 Part-13– Most Ancient Civilization (Indian)- Medieval History-
Craftsmanship of Mahabalipuram - The penance of Bhagirathi and the
descent of the Ganges river on earth

महाबलीपुरम में अर्न

ु की तपस्या
Page-132- Part-14– Most Ancient Civilization (Indian)- Medieval History-
Mughal Period- Image of Akbar and Mughal Architecture

Akbar has been considered the most liberal and religiously

tolerant ruler of all Muslim rulers.
Page-141- Part-15– Most Ancient Civilization (Indian)- Medieval History-
Mughal Period- Images of Chhatrpati Shivaji and Guru Govindsingh

Shivaji is considered the de facto founder of the Maratha

Empire. Shivaji had greatly weakened the Mughal rule
with his fighting skills and frequent attacks.

Guru Gobind Singhji, the tenth and last Guru of the

Sikhs, the founder of the Khalsa Panth, completes the
teachings of all Sikh Gurus and completes Guru Granth
Sahib, you are considered to be a unique confluence of
devotion and power.
Page-144- Part-16– Most Ancient Civilization (Indian)- British Rule- Images of–Maharani
Laxmibai and Tipu Sultan (Bugle of revolution against the suzerainty of the British)
Page-144- Part-17– Most Ancient Civilization (Indian)- British Rule- Indian Independence
Movement (Mahatma Gandhi on Dandi March during Salt Movement)
Page-154- Part-18– Most Ancient Civilization (Indian)- British Rule- Indian Independence
Movement (Mahatma Gandhi as Peace Envoy during violence in Noakhali)
Page-160- Part-19– Most Ancient Civilization (Indian)- British Rule- Announcement of
armed revolution by Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose and other patriots. Netaji Subhash
Chandra Bose went out of India and strived for the independence of Mother India.
Page-167- Part-20– Most Ancient Civilization (Indian)- Natural features of India:
Himalayan mountain range - the Crown of India
Page-168- Part-21– Most Ancient Civilization (Indian)- Natural Features of India: The vast
desert region of India
Page-181- Part-22– Most Ancient Civilization (Indian)- Natural Features of India: The vast
oceanic region of India.

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