Apa Okubasu

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Alcoholism had found its roots for the first time in Marinya village for the first time during Okubasu’s

time. Unfortunately, Okubasu had been recruited into the habit and was now the ring leader of the

Mamapima Drunkards Association as they were well known.

On that fateful day Okubasu had been very annoyed as he could not find any quiet spot where he

could consume his toddy. He therefore decided to seek his comfort in a monastery that lied outside

the village but had a very evil reputation where he sat started enjoying himself. A few moments

later, with loud footsteps a fat monk entered and said to Okubasu “Hey man can you wrestle?”

Okubasu annoyed by the stubborn monk for disturbing him answered “Of course yes” with a sullen


“Come and wrestle with me then” invited the monk. So the wrestle began. Okubasu used all the

wrestling tricks he knew but all was in vail as the monk’s body was as soft as a sack of chaff and also

very slippery. Moreover, although Okubasu was puffing and blowing, the monk never puffed or

blew. Gradually it downed upon Okubasu that his opponent was the ghost of the monastery who

had assumed the form of a monk.


At last Okubasu was caught in a vice like grip and his body was being pounded against the floor

repeatedly by the monk. In desperation Okubasu gripped with his hands the shaven head of the

monk and to his surprise, he felt a leather cap on the monk’s head although it was invisible from his

eyes. He quickly snatched away the cap and at once the monk let off his hold and pleaded with him

to return his cap.

“Why should I?” asked Okubasu after realizing that it was the monk’s source of power. “I have been

in need of a cap for quite some time. The was always believed to be a vanishing cap that all ghosts

possess and without it they cannot disappear. Furthermore, when a human snatches it away it

becomes impossible for the ghost to reposes them unless the person willingly returns the cap.

After realizing the ghost desperation for the cap Okubasu decided to blackmail the ghost. “Now I can

take you home with me and make you fetch toddy for me for three years. Then I will give you back

your cap as payment for faithful service.” Said Okubasu while laughing. All this time the ghost was in

no mood for joking and begged him to return him his cap.

In the end the ghost in desperation told Okubasu that seven pots of gold laid buried underneath the

stairs of the monastery and with that asked Okubasu to now return the cap and dig up the pots later.

“Dig them up yourself,” replied Okubasu. So the poor ghost had to dig up the pots and was forced to

carry them to Okubasu’s home. On their way home Okubasu realized that that the villagers would

questioned him for making a monk carry his luggage and therefore beat him after pitting the monk.

So he thanked the ghost and ordered him to put the pots down while he gave him back his cap. The

ghost took his cap and vanished. Okubasu became very rich and lived in great luxury thereafter.

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