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Questionnaire on migration to FRMCS

The Commission is including in the 2022 CCS TSI revision the first of two steps for the
introduction of FRMCS:

– 1st step “FRMCS readiness”: Specification of interfaces to ETCS/ATO +

Migration principles and conditions.

– 2nd step “Full FRMCS”: full set of FRMCS specifications (including return of
experience from trials).

The FRMCS specifications should allow the use of different implementation scenarios:

– IM owned and operated (dedicated) FRMCS radio networks;

– Communication services contracted by IM’s to third parties (e.g. public


– Hybrid scenario with partly dedicated and partly third party networks.

In this framework, it is important to prepare a migration strategy to FRMCS.

However, the specifications for on-board are impacted by how (in which environment)
Member States will introduce FRMCS trackside and decommission GSM-R trackside.

Your replies will allow the analysis by ERA of the impact on onboard (technical, timing,
economical) and the planning of the most appropriate legal framework.

Availability of sufficient data will facilitate the elaboration of a realistic FRMCS migration

We kindly invite you to provide the following information:

Situation of GSM-R implementation

Current coverage (km, percentage of total

Expected/planned extensions (non-covered

lines, new lines)

Introduction of ETCS/ATO: is GPRS


Expected end of operation of GSM-R

Referring to the scenarios listed above
From when is FRMCS deployment
(trackside) expected/planned?

Which scenario is preferred/anticipated?

If MNO and/or hybrid is considered, for what

kind of deployment (whole network,
primary/secondary lines, fallback only)?

Planned coverage with FRMCS (Km,

percentage of total network)

Migration Strategy
Trackside GSM-R and FRMCS operating in
parallel during the migration period, in order
to allow RU’s to replace GSM-R by FRMCS
equipment, or
Trackside GSM-R replaced by FRMCS (or
with very short overlap), requiring RU’s to
install dual mode on-board

Other scenarios?

Please send your reply at the latest by 1 July 2022 to

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