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The Federal Reserve is likely to raise U.S. borrowing costs faster and further than previously expected
after data on Tuesday showed underlying inflation broadening out rather than cooling as expected.
Overall consumer prices climbed 0.1% last month from July -- economists had expected a decline -- and
gained 8.3% from the year-earlier period, the Labor Department reported. – Ann Saphir, “Fed Seen
Getting More Aggressive As Inflation Soars,”, September 13, 2022.

The world economy is experiencing the biggest structural upheaval in two hundred and fifty years—being
certain and decisive about policy is perhaps unwise.– Dr. Paul Donovan, “Russian Roulette,”, September 1, 2022.

This is what happens when you combine a Mercury retrograde in an air sign with an applying double
semi-square to Saturn and Uranus from Jupiter. It’s why chiropractors will be in great demand from the
whiplashes due to the whipsaws in financial markets since September 6 and likely to continue into
September 28 and maybe a little beyond.

With Mercury retrograde, we expect fakeouts and temporary violations of support and resistance. That’s
just the nature of the Trickster. He likes to surprise. He likes to zig-zag, back and forth, every 1-4 days.
But when the Trickster is operating under the larger domain of Uranus (its higher octave), surprises turn
into shocks, and fakeouts turn into stunning breakouts. And so it was last week for global stock markets,
which became a huge disappointment for optimists on the U.S. economy as Mercury retrograde, otherwise
known as “the Trickster,” struck hard with a surprisingly strong inflation report on Tuesday, September
13. The market tanked. Let’s review.

Mercury turned retrograde on September 9-10 (depending on where you are located). U.S. stock indices
had bottomed three days before, September 6-7, and the DJIA had rallied over 1500 points into Monday,
September 12, which included a game-changing (bullish) “gap up” last Friday, September 9. The thing
about Mercury retrograde, especially in an air sign, is that rallies can peak and reverse within 4 trading
days of the Trickster’s retrograde. Monday, September 12, was the first trading day following the
retrograde, and in the time band for its first reversal.

On Tuesday, September 13, the unexpectedly high inflation number coincided with the sharp pivot in both
the Trickster’s direction and the stock markets’ rally. The DJIA, for instance, gapped down, another
“game-changer,” and fell 1276 points, its largest decline in over 2 years.
Suddenly the narrative about a “soft landing” being navigated expertly by the Fed turned into major
anxiety that the U.S. central bank is out of touch and has lost control. With transiting Pluto in opposition
to its natal Neptune, the Fed is not just between a rock and a hard place. They may be caught between a
hard reality and a soft-landing delusion where dreams turn into nightmares.

The pattern of a cycle low September 6-7 just before Mercury turned retrograde, followed by a very
bullish break of resistance into September 12-13, just 1-2 days after Mercury turned retrograde, followed
by a stunning fall on September 13 that continued to new weekly lows by Friday, September 16, was
evidenced in nearly all world stock indices. The only difference is that some stock indices (U.S. indices,
AEX, SMI, China, and Hong Kong), took out their cycle lows of September 6-7, while others did not
(DAX, FTSE, ASX, NIFTY, Nikkei, and Bovespa). This type of intermarket divergence may be bullish
if all indices do not break out to new monthly lows this week.

With the powerful geocosmic signatures in effect these next two weeks, anything is possible. Just as the
Fed is caught between a rock and a hard place over inflation control versus an economic recession,
geocosmics are caught between the possibility of a real panic and washout versus a huge reversal in global
stock indices. That’s just the type of uncertainty and potential danger that Mercury retrograde combined
with Jupiter making a double semi-square to Saturn and Uranus finds attractive.

As disturbing as the stock market behavior was last week, Gold’s performance may be even more
alarming. The precious metal fell below the critical support of 1675 +/- 5 for the first time since April
2020. Silver, on the other hand, held well above its recent 2-year low of 17.40 made on September 1, for
a case of intermarket bullish divergence there as well. Crude Oil is flirting with its lowest prices since
January as the Sun approaches its opposition to both Jupiter and Neptune, rulers of Crude Oil, September
16-26. Bitcoin and Ethereum exhibited intermarket divergence just like stocks, as both dropped, but
whereas BTC held its low of September 7, Ethereum did not.


“What we’re seeing now is either the beginning or the death knell of extreme MAGA philosophy. It’s not
just Trump, it’s the entire philosophy that underpins the — I’m going to say something, it’s like semi-
fascism.” -Joe Biden, “Biden Calls Trump’s Philosophy ‘Semi-Fascism.’”, by
Christopher Cadelago and Olivia Olander, August 25, 2022.

Donald Trump isn’t a fascist, or even a semi-fascist, in President Biden’s term. Mr. Trump is an
opportunist. His ideology is coextensive with his temperament: In both, he is an anarcho-narcissist. He
is what you might get by crossing the Wizard of Oz with Willie Sutton, who explained that he robbed banks
because “that’s where the money is.” If there are fascists in America these days, they are apt to be found
among the tribes of the left. They are Mr. Biden and his people (including the lion’s share of the media),
whose opinions have, since Jan. 6, 2021, hardened into absolute faith that any party or political belief
system except their own is illegitimate —impermissible, inhuman, monstrous and (a nice touch) a threat
to democracy.”– Lance Morrow, “Biden’s Speech Has It All Backwards,” Wall Street Journal, September
4, 2022.

We are now entering the middle of the geocosmic hurricane that could easily turn into a mundane and
financial hurricane. But it may have a favorable ending.

This is the middle passage of the three double semi-squares of Jupiter to Saturn and Uranus, and in this
case, the two geocosmic events happen within one week of each other: September 21 and 28. That is,
Jupiter will make its second of three semi-squares to Saturn on September 21. The first was July 21 when
Gold made a bottom at 1678 and then rallied almost $150 to a high of $1824 only three weeks later. Gold
just broke under that level again last week, and now the second passage readies this week. Also, September
28 will mark the second of three passages of Jupiter in a waning semi-square to Uranus. The first was on
May 11, the first leg down of a double bottom in stock indices following the second high of the year on
April 21, and before the final decline to June 16-17. But it’s the Jupiter/Saturn cycle that I want to discuss
this week.

There is probably no cycle more important to Mundane Astrologers than that of Jupiter/Saturn. Well, OK,
maybe that title should go to the 45-year Saturn/Uranus cycle and its phases, as uncovered in The Ultimate
Book on Stock Market Timing Vol 2: Geocosmic Correlations to Investment Cycles. But for mundane
matters outside of financial markets, it is hard to beat the correlation of the 20-year Jupiter/Saturn cycle
and its phases.

The current 20-year cycle of the Great Chronocrator, which took place on the winter solstice, December
20, 2020, was extremely important because it marked the 800-year transition from the earth element to
the air element of this synodic cycle, a subject discussed at length in the previous two Forecast Books.
But what is often overlooked is the first ten years of this cycle (waxing phase), and in particular, the first
1/8 phase of this cycle, and its correlation to social, cultural, economic, and military conflict cycles.

As described in my first book, titled Evolutionary Astrology: The Journey of the Soul Through the
Horoscope, the first 1/8 phase of any cycle is a point of “abortion,” the point in time when one makes a
choice to continue with the new direction and goals that began the cycle at its conjunction, or “abort”
them. The first 1/8 of the cycle is also known as its waxing semi-square. We are there now. In fact, it will
be a three-passage series, exact on July 21, September 21 (next week) and finally on March 21, 2023.
Never mind the irony that the Supreme Court has just revoked the constitutional right to abortion on a
national level, making it an important campaign issue for the mid-term elections. It is also another issue
that divides the nation both politically and spiritually. And this is where the good news comes in.

As divided as the U.S. and the rest of the world is – as polarized as it is between the extremism of
conspiracy theories and attempts to subsume territories of others through invasion of their borders as
denoted by Saturn square Uranus, versus the path of moderation as a roadmap to success and growth as
suggested by the waxing phase of Jupiter and Saturn (2021-2030) – there is still hope offered by
understanding this cycle. This first 1/8 semi-square phase will end at the beginning of spring. The primary
players of the disruption and extreme fanaticism of Saturn and Uranus will begin to wane, at least form a
cosmic perspective. We won’t see Saturn in its waning phase to Uranus for another 45 years. And as
spring 2023 comes to an end, these two planets (Jupiter and Saturn), will not only start separating from
their association with Uranus, but will in fact enter a favorable waxing sextile in mid-June, a 1/6 phase of
the larger cycle that contains the themes of building and growth. If the path of balance and moderation,
with a pace that is measured and gradual (as much as one can adjust to) instead of trying to change all
things all at once is to gain favor, this is likely the season in which it will begin. This may be the time in
which societies throughout the world start taking steps to become adults and finding common ground to
build upon qualities that unite us, and not divide us. Instead of emphasizing unity within diversity, we
start to understand the importance of diversity within unity.

For now, however, that utopia seems unrealistic and a long way off. Jupiter sextile Saturn is a hard worker,
and it works to see the fruits of its labor realized. As Jimmy Carter once said, “The only impediment to
world peace are the leaders of the world.” Everyone wants world peace. And as John F. Kennedy once
said: “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” With Jupiter
waxing to Saturn, and soon to leave its “abortion” phase for a new cyclical phase of constructive building
and creation of new laws and educational structures (Jupiter and Saturn) that will serve societies well into
the future, accountability is an essential quality to creating growth on all levels.

NOTE 1: The second issue of the new MMA ETF Monthly Cycles Report will be released this week.
Written by MMTA director Gianni Di Poce, this report will cover SPY (S&P stock market), GDX (Gold),
BITO (Bitcoin), TLT (Treasuries), USO Crude Oil ETF), XLV (Health groups), XLK (Technology), and
XHB (home builders, real estate). Now you can get MMA’s cycles and geocosmic outlooks for the most
popular and traded ETFs, which trade like stocks on the major exchanges. A great compliment to the
monthly MMA Cycles Report! Sign up now for the best rates possible before the standard rates go into


INVESTMENT RETREAT took place September 9-11, 2022. This special 3-day event featured long-
term, intermediate-term, and short-term analyses of several financial markets, including the U.S. stock
market, Gold, Silver, Bitcoin, Euro, Dollar/Yen T-Notes, and Crude Oil, plus other fascinating reports on
the IBEX and Web 3. It also went into depth with the MMA trading plan – how to use the daily and
weekly report data points – and how we assess each market and determine the trading strategy for each
day based on MMA’s cycles analysis, geocosmic studies, solar/lunar studies, combined with chart
patterns, price targets, and technical studies. Raymond Merriman and Gianni di Poce led these
presentations, with special appearances by MMTA graduates Pouyan Zolfagarnia, Eleonore Charrez,
Ali Atlas, and Rita Perea on Silver, the IBEX and Web 3. If you are a short-term trader or an investor
interested in the longer- and intermediate-term outlook, this is a special event that provides great value to
planning for your financial future! For information and ordering click here. Or drop us an email at

of the highlights of the recent MMA Investment and Trading Retreat was Ray Merriman giving a live
demonstration of day trading in the triple leveraged Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF or the UDOW,
using the technical and price objective theories taught at MMTA when in the time band for cycle or
solar/lunar reversal, using 30- and 1-minute charts. As a learning day trader or anyone applying these
methods, this video is not to be missed! To view this video, click here.

Merriman, the preliminary outlook is that 2023 will be another very important year, with Pluto starting
its 20-year transit through Aquarius. Although 2022 is not yet over, several forecasts made in the 2022
book have already unfolded. For a review of the Forecast 2022 Book so far, please visit our Scorecard. It
is impressive!

This Annual Forecast Pre-Order Event will run through October 31 and will include our once-a-year sale
discounts on both the annual Forecast Book, print and eBook, and MMA Subscription Reports. You may
pre-order Forecast 2023 at the discounted rate of $45. And the best deal on MMA Subscription Reports
is offered at this time! Save big bucks off any subscription ($275+) with purchase of Forecast 2023.

After the pre-order event ends, the price for Forecast 2023 will increase to $55 on November 1st. We have
worked very hard to keep our Forecast price the same for the past 10 years – no price increase due to
inflation (yet)!

Want to save even more on Forecast 2023? Sign up for any subscription report between now and
September 16th to be upgraded to our Active Subscriber Club. Club members receive a discount code to
pre-order Forecast 2023 for only $35!
We will again publish an individual book dedicated to the yearly trends for the twelve individual signs.
The book, Trends for the Twelve Signs 2023, will be written by Antonia Langsdorf-Merriman and
Raymond Merriman. Antonia has written an annual Sun Sign book in German for the past several years,
based on interviews conducted with Raymond beforehand. We will follow a format this year where
Langsdorf will cover the health and relationships outlook and Merriman will cover the business, career,
and overall psychological outlook of each sign for the year. The cost of this book will be $25, with a
further discount if ordered together with the Forecast 2023 Book.

We offer discounts to our Forecast Fan Club Members and our Active Subscriber Club members. Check
out our page on Forecast Club Levels to learn more about these discounts.

This year’s printed and eBook versions will also be available in these languages:

German: or email at


We created an updated list of our most common Forecast FAQs to help this Forecast season.

NOTE 5: TUNE INTO MMA’S NEW WEEKLY YouTube Channel on the geocosmic climate related
to financial markets hosted by MMTA Educational Director Gianni Di Poce. New videos are recorded
and released every Friday night. These 5-15 minute video presentations review market activity of the past
week and offer a preview of the geocosmic signatures in effect for the next week and beyond. You may
subscribe to MMA’s YouTube Channel today at no cost and get announcements when each geocosmic
market review is ready for viewing! To view this week’s MMA YouTube episode, click here


New events starting in December to be announced shortly.

Disclaimer and statement of purpose: The purpose of this column is not to forecast the future movement of various financial
markets. However, that is the purpose of the MMA (Merriman Market Analyst) subscription services. This column is not a
subscription service. It is a free service, except in those cases where a fee may be assessed to cover the cost of translating this
column from English into a non-English language. This weekly report is written with the intent to educate the reader on the
relationship between astrological factors and collective human activities as they are happening. In this regard, this report will
often cite what happened in various stock and financial markets throughout the world in the past week and discuss that movement
in light of the geocosmic signatures that were in effect. It will then identify the geocosmic factors that will be in effect in the next
week, or even month, or even years, and the author’s understanding of how these signatures may affect human activity in the
times to come. The author (Merriman) will do this from the perspective of a cycles’ analyst looking at the military, political,
economic, and even financial markets of the world. It is possible that some forecasts will be made based on these factors.
However, the primary goal is to both educate and alert the reader as to the psychological climate we are in from an astrological
perspective. The hope is that it will help the reader understand the psychological dynamics that underlie (or coincide with) the
news events and their potential effect on financial markets.

No guarantee as to the accuracy of this report is being made here. Any decisions in financial markets are solely the responsibility
of the reader, and neither the author nor the publishers of this column assume any responsibility whatsoever for anyone’s trading
or investment decisions. Readers of this report should understand that commodity futures and options trading are considered
high risk.

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