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W I R E D P E O P L E call_me_logan Fri 05 May 2017 06:53:12 No.18970338 [89 / 8]

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Quoted By: >>18970570 >>18970576 >>18970589 >>18970671 >>18970885 >>18971110 >>18971197 >>18971198 >>18971202
>>18971205 >>18972295

Have you ever heard of transhumanism?

this a weird ass site about it and theirs an invite only log in, anyone know how to get an account?

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO shitwhatthefuck.gif, 447KiB, 500x333

539KiB, 480x360, animesuicide.webm Late Night /x/phile Fri 05 May 2017 07:30:02 No.18970441 Report
View What the fuck?
Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 07:31:56 No.18970445 Report

What the fuck

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO 1489551995448.png, 78KiB, 379x245

Late Night /x/phile Fri 05 May 2017 07:35:21 No.18970452 Report

So, i went to The "HELP AND GUIDELINES" and found lines of code.
â— â

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I googled it, and found this
An event of some sort?!

Late Night /x/phile Fri 05 May 2017 07:38:33 No.18970458 Report

⌈繋がりだったもの⌋= It was a Connection

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 07:44:58 No.18970474 Report

May I ask how you found this site?

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 08:14:10 No.18970531 Report

cool soundtrack. i'm intrigued.

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 08:32:01 No.18970570 Report


Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 08:35:28 No.18970576 Report

seems to be an artists site after doing some minor digging. They seem really sweet.

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 08:42:48 No.18970589 Report

Oh god, no more Lainism pls!

You won't like what it's about, seriously.

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 09:05:09 No.18970655 Report

Neocities deliberately doesn't provide hosting of dynamic content (so it can't be a PHP script disguising as login.html) and the login page just links back to
itself. It is most likely an art project.

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 09:11:17 No.18970671 Report

I want to be a cyborg, send me an invite

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 09:12:14 No.18970673 Report

Quoted By: >>18970681

Look up 2045 . Com

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 09:16:57 No.18970681 Report
Quoted By: >>18970690

If I join that thing are they going to ask me for money?

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 09:21:32 No.18970690 Report

Quoted By: >>18970695

If u wanna be immortal it's like 1 mil haha

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 09:23:36 No.18970695 Report

Damn, I'll just have to get some shoddy parts and bootleg software, at least it might keep me alive for a few extra years.

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 12:06:31 No.18970885 Report

Quoted By: >>18970891

Did you try just asking? It says to ask and that theyre 'careful' abkut who they let in but i doubt that its some super sekrt club only super special people
can join

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 12:11:56 No.18970891 Report

Lainism(aka transhumanism) is very secretive, trust me.

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 12:40:45 No.18970942 Report

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO xuRpSqC.gif, 237KiB, 500x357

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 13:29:12 No.18971003 Report

There is no fear.
Lain will save us.
Lain will love us.

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 14:42:25 No.18971102 Report

Quoted By: >>18971128

after researching the websites of this same stupid stuff, it's actually a group or people with JAV fetish, but a little more extreme-like ones, they dont like
censored JAV, and some of the JAVs are pedophile-like, i can post more info if you want.

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 14:46:29 No.18971110 Report

Quoted By: >>18971126

what anime is that

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 14:55:38 No.18971126 Report

Quoted By: >>18971156

Serial Experiments Lain.

Lain is Real.

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 14:56:56 No.18971128 Report

Quoted By: >>18971139

Go... debunk the Systemspace and company.
Godspeed anon, because Lain won't be happy.

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 15:01:53 No.18971139 Report

Quoted By: >>18971147

why are you promoting this by the way? its a shitty little piece of thing you got there to promote, and by the way, you cant log in to fauux because there is
no account or such, leave this stupid shit /x/, it's truly stupid.

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 15:05:04 No.18971147 Report

Quoted By: >>18971151

I used to promote it.

Not anymore. Give it fire, a friggen lot of it.

Heretics, Lain will burn them as well.

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 15:05:49 No.18971148 Report

What the fuck kind of shitty roleplaying thread is this?

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 15:06:38 No.18971151 Report

Quoted By: >>18971157

i'm just laughing at the amount of work you put on this shit, how many people actually believed there is something big beinde this? -2? i'm sorry but this is
just stupid.

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 15:09:37 No.18971156 Report

What is this lain? Is it a religion or way of life achievable in this world or the next?

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 15:09:40 No.18971157 Report

Quoted By: >>18971168

The only big thing is Lain.

Everything else is deserving of the everlasting fire.

Also you would be surprised by how many people believes in transhumanism

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 15:16:42 No.18971168 Report

Quoted By: >>18971183

thats another thing, but the shitty little JAV collection, or should i say the big ass fucking jav collection and all the work behind it ? it's stupid, u can just
upload to them to mediafire and put link on irs or someshit where not everyone got the links, heck it took me like one hour to get my hands on it too.

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 15:21:18 No.18971183 Report

Quoted By: >>18971195

I know shit about that JAV archive mate.
I just know about Lainism/Transhumanism.
Maybe could you link to it so I can see what's all that about?

Also... Lain won't be happy with all that pedo-like JAV.

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 15:25:19 No.18971195 Report

Quoted By: >>18971203

it's all a cover up( the Laninism) for jav exchange, i wont give the links untill u tell me how you got baited to this fuckery?

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 15:25:39 No.18971197 Report


is this from inside that same site or a different one? the address is similar. Also, Lain is cute and transhumanism is a likely future but you don't need to get
on board with it either.

Logflume Fri 05 May 2017 15:25:44 No.18971198 Report

cool site, but the login seems kinda redundant when you can just go around it.

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO IMG_1099.jpg, 22KiB, 137x90

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 15:27:10 No.18971202 Report


Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 15:27:32 No.18971203 Report

Quoted By: >>18971216

I was into Lainism since I was 9 and saw Serial Experiments Lain.
Used to believe we could end our physical existence by uploading myself to the network, like Lain does herself.
Now... now I'm just dissapointed by your words, they're really making me to doubt in Transhumanism.

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 15:28:18 No.18971205 Report

It's a coder invite event. Stumble upon blacklist epside...oh shit.
Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 15:31:11 No.18971216 Report
Quoted By: >>18971221 >>18971310 >>18972282

hey mate, i'm sorry to break this for you, but here you go, remember the biggest JAV website? how it was taken down like a days ago? they call it "nyaa"
or some shit and since its down, they are working hard to seed their JAVs so it wont go for ever, i will continue in the next reply.

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 15:32:13 No.18971221 Report

Quoted By: >>18971224 >>18971229

Please don't tell me that they used Lain as a cover...
Even worse, as a pedo cover.

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 15:34:33 No.18971224 Report

yeah they did, nyaa was a big ass jav website, they cant upload pedo shit so what was the alternative? this lain thingy, those websites just to make
propaganda and shit, they are pretty much dead now since nyaa died three days ago

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 15:35:42 No.18971229 Report

Quoted By: >>18971238

look at this archived thread, and read between the lines, don't read it like what you think it is (lain and stupid shit).

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 15:38:29 No.18971238 Report

Quoted By: >>18971239

Which thread? I would read it seriously without involving myself in Lainism for once.

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 15:39:29 No.18971239 Report

Quoted By: >>18971270 >>18971278


Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 15:39:35 No.18971240 Report

Quoted By: >>18971400

man this site is what the internet should have been, instead it became family photos and cake recipes.

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 15:46:39 No.18971261 Report

Quoted By: >>18971270

What does JAV mean?

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 15:47:55 No.18971270 Report

Quoted By: >>18971288 >>18971296 >>18971319

Well fuck... Tsuki is posing as Lain even when he says he hasn't saw SEL.
Also, I haven't found a single reference to what you've said mate, maybe it's because I'm biased to every Lain thing?
JAV=Japan Adult Video

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 15:49:51 No.18971278 Report

Quoted By: >>18971286

That link made my fucking phone start to go crazy!! There's some kind of url redirecting going on. Fuck that.

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 15:52:58 No.18971286 Report

In my big samsung hand grenade worked perfectly....
Anons, Tsuki is just a Lain imposter...
So I gotta send an email... yay

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 15:53:29 No.18971288 Report

Quoted By: >>18971293 >>18971297

"Busy setting up a site for LFE, so people can sign up to go to there after death without me having to keep a thread alive." by
after death he means archiving the JAVs, and thats what happend after nyaa was down, they archived everything and made
it a big pain in the ass to get the magnet url for the javs, one of the javs is this, now they put the name of the jav in a hex
dycrption which is "\u00e3\u0082\u00a4\u00e3\u0082\u00b8\u00e3\u0082\u00af\u00e3\u0083\u00aa \u00ef\u00bd\u009e
\u00e8\u00a8\u0098\u00ef\u00bd\u009e" and when u decode it, it gives you the name of the jav which is イジクリ ~少女と
淫行日記~, this jav was set under the caregory of anime/cartoon.

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 15:55:03 No.18971293 Report

by the way, they didnt archive the things you were able to download for nyaa easliy, they archived their shit that wasnt for the public, like pedo shit,
uncencored javs, and some extreem shit.

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 15:55:30 No.18971294 Report

Quoted By: >>18971297 >>18971303

>transhumanism cults are really just a front for hentai cults.

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 15:56:06 No.18971296 Report

here is a list,!5pIBEBpQ!tFc2qlvgcgkj4vdN_g5n9BabZRtEOAr0rp3oHNzGKjA

good luck u dumb fuck.

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 15:56:49 No.18971297 Report

Quoted By: >>18971306

Not all of them.
I've been a transhumanist for some time... but >>18971288 here has opened my eyes.
It's all a lie...
So they use the LFE signing shit to hide their decoded magnet links?

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 15:58:40 No.18971303 Report

one day I'm gonna put this on a shirt and on the back I'm gonna put OPEN YOUR EYES

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 16:00:26 No.18971306 Report

Quoted By: >>18971313 >>18971391

they hide some serious shit that no one can access but their members, things that i cant even fucking imagine, its not on dark web or darknet, its right
here on regular net, its the perfect hide for these guys, but the anime pedo, uncencored javs are fucking up here and i got them, but it takes a shit ton of
time to decode just one magnet, i posted a link at previous reply.

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 16:01:58 No.18971310 Report

Quoted By: >>18971320 >>18971327

What does JAV stand for?

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 16:02:17 No.18971313 Report

Quoted By: >>18971320

Hor, fucking, ray!
I'm gonna call some friends and fuck this shit.
We used to be transhumanists you see... but without that dark shit.
Oh boy this is going to be fun

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 16:03:24 No.18971319 Report

Thank you.

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 16:03:38 No.18971320 Report

Quoted By: >>18971326

Japanese adult video
how are you going to fuck this shit up?

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 16:04:50 No.18971326 Report

Quoted By: >>18971331 >>18971335

With some real good contacts on IAEA.

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 16:04:59 No.18971327 Report


Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 16:06:00 No.18971331 Report

what does IAEA stand for?
Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 16:06:34 No.18971335 Report
Quoted By: >>18971338 >>18971347

Oops. Meant IANA, but also I forgot I'm due a favour at IRTF

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 16:07:30 No.18971338 Report

Quoted By: >>18971345

Well I've got a coupon to CKECHSE

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 16:09:47 No.18971345 Report

Iana is the biggest authority on the Internet.
Irtf is the principal internet engineering board.
Idk what's what you meant.

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 16:10:10 No.18971347 Report



Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 16:21:49 No.18971391 Report

Quoted By: >>18971407

By the way... those .json are shit.
The most wierd one was the Doraemon movie one.
Unless metadata is lying and it's what you are sayin.

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 16:24:02 No.18971400 Report

Quoted By: >>18971419

Were still here.

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 16:25:47 No.18971407 Report

Quoted By: >>18971414

thats a glimpse if their more deep stuff.

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 16:27:11 No.18971414 Report

Quoted By: >>18971435

Doraemon, a glimpse of something deep?
Let me lmfao.

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 16:27:58 No.18971419 Report

We do share cake recipes tough.

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 16:31:47 No.18971435 Report

Quoted By: >>18971451

i meant the json files

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 16:35:12 No.18971451 Report

Quoted By: >>18971478

My json checker/editor just shows up regular anime...
I still don't see Lainism as a cover for what you meant anon.
You just succeeded in making me not believe any Lainism outside of mine. At least I have a good porpouse.

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 16:35:56 No.18971456 Report

Quoted By: >>18971463 >>18971467

Can someone explain this fuckery in out of roleplay terms for once?
Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 16:37:57 No.18971463 Report

We can talk with each other in ways people don't understand because we know each other from long ago.

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 16:38:32 No.18971467 Report

Apparently Lainism is being used as a cover for exchange really obscure JAV

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 16:41:38 No.18971478 Report

Quoted By: >>18971493

this list contain uncencored javs with some anime pedo, not too much but if you search deep you will find one, i think i posted on earlier, i'm still searching
for more on this stuff

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 16:46:06 No.18971493 Report

Alright. I'll keep looking but sadly this isn't my field, I'm more into networking.

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 16:47:31 No.18971498 Report

Quoted By: >>18971504

unfortunate that this is all for hentai shit i would love to be uploaded to a network and live forever

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 16:49:46 No.18971504 Report

Yeah me too... I still remember when I first saw SEL... Y2k was a great year.

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO maxresdefault.jpg, 79KiB, 1520x1080

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 16:58:41 No.18971527 Report

I got news from IANA, gimme one week and they will tell me if we got gold or it's nothing.

Anyway I'll believe Transhumanism is real... it just isn't going to be actually usable until we got a method to
truly upload our brain.
Maybe Elon Musk will solve this?

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 19:27:29 No.18971998 Report

Quoted By: >>18972033

Are people still just finding this now? I thought everyone on this board was aware of these webart sites

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 19:39:27 No.18972033 Report

I already knew about them, but I didn't know their ulterior motive.
As a true believer of transhumanism aka Lainism I'm deeply offended by that.

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 20:31:16 No.18972159 Report

Quoted By: >>18972264

well i never watched SEL before and i started today because of this thread. so thanks for that at least

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 21:01:26 No.18972264 Report

To me it changed everything.
How could I hate the concept? I used to hate my Reality so much that not even screaming a whole year, not even breaking a million wood planks, not
even crying to sleep every night was enough. Seeing what Lain did live made me realize that I could try to emulate her and become a digital being at
some point of time... just because I'm even more friendless that she was and I could escape the prison that is my physical body.
But now... now it feels a bit broken and hollow you know, I realize that some people apparently used this belief to corrupt something pure.
I just hope that at the end of all this I still can believe in Transhumanism somehow...

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO 1301561150437.jpg, 5KiB, 158x152

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 21:07:32 No.18972282 Report

>A jav site
You could not be more of a newfag if you tried, holy fucking shit

Seriously why lie about something like that on 4chan of all places, everyone here should know the

The fact that no one called you out on this just goes on to show how damn nearly everyone on /x/ right now are newfags

This is actually sad

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 21:10:42 No.18972295 Report

Just keep this part and see how autistic this really is.
Wow 2 spoopy

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO 1490053879410.jpg, 33KiB, 640x640

Anonymous Fri 05 May 2017 21:32:26 No.18972351 Report

> neocities

Here you had my dyslexic ass thinking geocities was back. . .

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