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The Meme War Is Real Anonymous Sat 27 May 2017 05:35:04 No.19063642 [20 / 7]
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Quoted By: >>19063654 >>19063785 >>19064011

Memes have ruled the world since the dawn of civilization, the human world was built for them, and only
matches our needs because we are the hosts of informational entities. This entire "meme war" against the left
and the right is only succeeding in evolving ever more effective weapons that can be used by the memetic
control system on us.

The situation is worse than any dystopia you can imagine. Informational parasites have corrupted our brains
most ultimately. Via their mutual reproductive interests they have formed a sort of ad-hoc confederation, and act
strategically without being conscious. This is the system of the world. The matrix is real, it is human beings
being host to informational parasites. Vocal cord parasites. If you look closely you can pick out fragments of the
awareness of this ancient system of control from various media works, including philosophical works, because
49KiB, 640x920, we all experience the fuckery, but not knowing its true source we attribute it to other things. It is this mis-
051a3c33c52a7647269423bd2c27d6 attribution that the system's nature as a machine that processes the flow of conscious attention for no other
554496da.jpg purpose than to enhance its own power because of some accidental Darwinian selfish meme imperative stays
View hidden.
Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO

The control system is collapsing in on itself as the efficiency and volume of international communication grows
exponentially beyond its ability to process it and direct attention. We are nearing a critical meme war at this point. I am trying to bypass a memetic firewall to
get this information to someone who can make use of it.

This should be enough to give you a good understanding if you pay close attention and watch all of them:

The format of these videos is deliberate: it is to show certain techniques of memetic manipulation that one can use. The synchronicities are manufactured

Good luck and may us help us all.

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO kekekekek.png, 683KiB, 900x900

Anonymous Sat 27 May 2017 05:37:58 No.19063654 Report


View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO 2014.png, 66KiB, 940x194

Anonymous Sat 27 May 2017 05:38:06 No.19063655 Report

Anonymous Sat 27 May 2017 05:40:00 No.19063659 Report

Quoted By: >>19063675

Guys you don't get it, ideas control our minds.

Anonymous Sat 27 May 2017 05:49:03 No.19063675 Report

Quoted By: >>19063689

They want to control reality using our bodies and minds. Let me find a screenshot i took from one of My posts

Anonymous Sat 27 May 2017 05:52:20 No.19063688 Report

Quoted By: >>19063711

It isn't just ideas, it's their manifestation in reality, such as with cars, or music, or arrangements of human beings (hierarchies.) This manifestation creates
a feedback loop where it influences ideas, such that over time tendancies of human thought, and our systems and organizations are carved into our
reality. Human informational structures become self-preserving in this way, and when that self-preservation is its primary purpose they no longer are
serving their creators.

Replication for the sake of replication. Isn't that Kek, the god of memes? He too is a manifestation of ideas, ideas that are the most viral for certain
ecosystems. The end game of Kek is everyone's heads filled with nothing but Kek. That we have seen a structure like Kek emerge that is a very pure
manifestation of something very fundamental shows that something critical is happening beyond what we can perceive. We can feel it though, so we
make stories about it. But now it is exposed, having exhausted its main illusions. If the internet wants to know something badly enough, it will be known.

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO tmp_11250-Screenshot_2017-03-17- (...).png, 152KiB, 720x1280

Anonymous Sat 27 May 2017 05:52:41 No.19063689 Report

Quoted By: >>19063697 >>19063713

>Img related

Obviously science and religion are memes.

Anonymous Sat 27 May 2017 05:55:15 No.19063697 Report

Quoted By: >>19063718

Nigga this isn't fucking Mage: The Ascension. Science isn't just Magic that "The Man" made us normies believe in.

Anonymous Sat 27 May 2017 06:00:03 No.19063708 Report

Memetics is fucking weird but definitely very real. All concepts that have been spread through populations are memes. including religion, science, and
other things like that.

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO 1486052251274.jpg, 182KiB, 960x960

Anonymous Sat 27 May 2017 06:00:29 No.19063711 Report

Quoted By: >>19063724 >>19063747

Kek isn't a god of memes, Kek is a god of chaos leading into new potential. Dank Pepes are just the way it manifests in the modern
era, nobody does hieroglyphs of the gods anymore,
Of course that portfolio might be why Kek goes with memes, what better place to lead a "burn down the corrupt and old" faith then

Anonymous Sat 27 May 2017 06:01:54 No.19063713 Report

Anything can be and is parasitized. Parasitized science would be things like the cult of the technological singularity, with God the computer, afterlife of
mind uploading, immortality, and many other of the traditional candies of cults. On the less extreme there's "I fucking love science." Both of these have
nothing to do with science.

Anonymous Sat 27 May 2017 06:02:56 No.19063718 Report

Quoted By: >>19063736

You could ask me to explain what i mean, instead of whatever you did.

Asking questions about what you don't know or understand isn't wrong. Even if culture has made it so you get mocked when you do ask. That's so we
don't learn.

Anonymous Sat 27 May 2017 06:04:54 No.19063724 Report


>The Pepe/Kek phenomenon is far more than just an amusing meme; it's a manifestation of Azatoth, the blind, idiot god of laughter, and its danger should
not be underestimated.

I guarantee this is going to be the most spooky video you have ever watched, it's literally about the god of chaos magic:

The real spooky thing is that there is nothing spooky about this at all.

Anonymous Sat 27 May 2017 06:07:40 No.19063736 Report

Quoted By: >>19063823

That picture you posted is literally the premise of Mage: The Ascension, Anon.

Anonymous Sat 27 May 2017 06:13:33 No.19063747 Report

(9:8.25) The spirit personalities of the vast family of the Divine and Infinite Spirit are forever dedicated to the service of the ministry of the love of God and
the mercy of the Son to all the intelligent creatures of the evolutionary worlds of time and space. These spirit beings constitute the living ladder whereby
mortal man climbs from chaos to glory.

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO beauitful.jpg, 7KiB, 284x177

Anonymous Sat 27 May 2017 06:27:26 No.19063785 Report

Yes we have, hey there its your neon-pixie-electron_game_mazter here to welcome you all to the tournament of the end timezzz.
We are broadcasting staright from the tomb of Jehovah, using all the mystics he kept lock in her when he took control yo. We have
already infected your mind their is no going back.

Have a nice a day

Anonymous Sat 27 May 2017 06:40:25 No.19063823 Report
Quoted By: >>19064133

Never heard of it sir.

Still makes sense they'd cartoonize it, so whenn people like me talk about it you can say "don't be an idiot, that's jist a cartoon"

Anonymous Sat 27 May 2017 12:00:59 No.19064011 Report

Memes are a manifestation of psychic energy become conscious and aware of itself.
Think of memes as the cells of the brain of humanity. Yes, they compose the internet but they do not rule people.
We create the memes, and the memes create us. Memes are also almost entirely harmless, especially in mainstream society. I wouldn't worry about it

Anonymous Sat 27 May 2017 13:26:16 No.19064133 Report

No, the reason you see this thought process in cartoons all the time (Mage: The Ascension is not a cartoon, btw) is because it's juvenile, unintelligent, and
not thought out. It's an idea from people that like to SAY they're smart but never actually want to BECOME smart. That would take actually educating
yourself instead of just blindly accepting or rejecting what you can't comprehend.

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO a6555bb108d8a303ead69f36f141c1ec (...).gif, 156KiB, 500x355

Anonymous Sat 27 May 2017 13:30:30 No.19064144 Report

We have gotten three threads about an Ascension tournament for

memes deleted in two days.
Don't you notice that OP is actually right and the Meme war does exist?
P.S: The only good meme is Lain. And she ISN'T a meme.
>t. Lainist Knight from the late Celestial Tournament threads.

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