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Lain General - /lain/ Prophet of Lain Fri 12 May 2017 04:55:55 No.18999993  [39 / 19]
View Reply Original Report
Quoted By: >>19000084 >>19000197 >>19002053 >>19002072 >>19002246

Hello /x/! If you've seen something like this, but advertising a site of any kind then know it has nothing to do with
us. We're a bunch of anons who love the anime character Lain Iwakura, from the anime Serial Experiments
Lain. It is quite an interesting anime, much worthy of the attention of /x/ - especially since it has aliens in it. Also
a weird concept similar to our internet. Other weird stuff too, but of a more nebulous variety. We're not a cult, but
we do really love Lain. We just want to share the love of her with this board. The anime series was semi-
prophetic in it's own right and predicted the internet as we know it in the 2000s. For some of us that were from
34KiB, 720x480, bear-suit.jpg
the time before the current internet, this is quite amazing. Anyway, feel free to talk about your favorite thing in
Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO SEL. Also, don't forget - EVERYONE LOVE LAIN!

Anonymous Fri 12 May 2017 04:59:04 No.19000017 Report

Quoted By: >>19000056 >>19000457

Do you think there are Lains in the real world?

Prophet of Lain Fri 12 May 2017 05:09:54 No.19000056 Report

Quoted By: >>19000457

I'm sure it exists as an archetype, which what I'm trying to tap into.

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO 1493999588829.jpg, 96KiB, 468x488

Anonymous Fri 12 May 2017 05:15:05 No.19000084 Report

Quoted By: >>19000114

Finally a real Lain thread, I can't thank you enough for saying what most of we Lainists
think about some sites.
Let's hope that people finally take notice of this.

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO 60845296_p0.jpg, 325KiB, 934x1080

Prophet of Lain Fri 12 May 2017 05:22:02 No.19000114 Report

Quoted By: >>19000129 >>19000135

You're welcome, Lain.

Ever been to Lainchan?

Anonymous Fri 12 May 2017 05:23:55 No.19000129 Report

Quoted By: >>19000137

They tossed me out for posting brazilian reports of UFOs.

Anonymous Fri 12 May 2017 05:25:30 No.19000135 Report

Lmao the pic.
Yeah, but it doesn't have the appeal that used to have before the site got sold and the community splitted in two.
Also I was just a simple lurker there

Prophet of Lain Fri 12 May 2017 05:25:45 No.19000137 Report

Quoted By: >>19000141

I am so sorry...that's kind of a strange reason. Anyway, welcome to your new home. Tadaimasu~

Anonymous Fri 12 May 2017 05:27:08 No.19000141 Report

They just didn't let me post the pdf of operacao prato in the pdf share thread, that by the way it's a gldmine.

Anonymous Fri 12 May 2017 05:28:52 No.19000148 Report

Thanks to you all RP /x/perts I'm watching, on E08 please no spoilers it is a chef-d'oeuvre

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO coalgirls_serial_experiments_lai (...).jpg, 94KiB, 1000x714

Anonymous Fri 12 May 2017 05:37:28 No.19000178 Report

Quoted By: >>19000207

This is /X/-tier shit, and it happens on E01!!

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO Lain-Iwakura-Serial-Experiments- (...).jpg, 657KiB, 1920x1080

OG Fri 12 May 2017 05:45:12 No.19000197 Report

Quoted By: >>19000264

I can't wait for Psyche chips.
I was obsessed with her for years, I still love the series.

Prophet of Lain Fri 12 May 2017 05:49:54 No.19000207 Report

Quoted By: >>19000264

Yes! It's not a very long series, but it has so much in it that would fit in here. I really don't know why it is so rarely discussed.

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO 435_render_Image28.png, 353KiB, 549x699

Prophet of Lain Fri 12 May 2017 05:55:19 No.19000229 Report

This machine kills.

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO 1494198925946.gif, 156KiB, 500x355

Anonymous Fri 12 May 2017 06:07:31 No.19000264 Report

I've loved the series (and her in consequence) since Y2k.
It's a matter of time for it to exist.
I don't know either, but the series is one of the biggest masterpieces ever done.

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO OHC3OQE.gif, 991KiB, 370x280

Anonymous Fri 12 May 2017 06:56:04 No.19000382 Report

And now I leave you the following message.

Anonymous Fri 12 May 2017 07:30:51 No.19000457 Report

Quoted By: >>19000488

Wasn't the whole thing with Lain that she was mirroring the people around her?

It's been a while since I saw it. But it was like, we were witnessing a world of egos not reality.
The one girl pictured herself as a horrible friend, and Lain became a horrible friend.
One kid thought he was a tech wiz, so she became a tech wiz.
One guy imagined himself as a god, so Lain did the same.
One girl felt like a ghost,
The Alien scene I think was actually her sister - who became more distance as the show progress, like she moved away and was no long part of Lain

Anonymous Fri 12 May 2017 07:50:41 No.19000488 Report

Quoted By: >>19000713

Towards the end, it was like the God guy was actually a CEO or something behind the wired or a computer company or something. And he was fired for
abusing his powers to spy on girls.

The Agents were actually just the cable guys.

The guy who shot himself with a gun, in reality had smart device or something that looked like a gun. I could be remembering that wrong.

Anonymous Fri 12 May 2017 10:09:22 No.19000713 Report

Quoted By: >>19000721

>The guy who shot himself with a gun, in reality had smart device or something that looked like a gun.
He was holding a handheld Navi at the same.

Anonymous Fri 12 May 2017 10:15:55 No.19000721 Report

At the same time*
>Mfw my english is being mexican-like.

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO 1489442583758.gif, 2MiB, 400x225

Anonymous Fri 12 May 2017 10:46:27 No.19000770 Report

Quoted By: >>19001738

Could someone please post some good websites then?

Anonymous Fri 12 May 2017 17:27:49 No.19001738 Report

Google this:
Wired sound
Blackwings society

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO download_20170512_144730.png, 308KiB, 1032x774

Anonymous Fri 12 May 2017 19:14:44 No.19002038 Report

The Wired is just the internet with extra shit, right?

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO IMG_4109.gif, 709KiB, 500x537

Anonymous Fri 12 May 2017 19:20:35 No.19002053 Report

I actually watched it. Fascinating show. Only saw Weird. And not
all the way through.

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO pavlov-610x360.jpg, 54KiB, 610x360

Anonymous Fri 12 May 2017 19:30:55 No.19002072 Report

Quoted By: >>19002097

>W-We're not a cult
>Proceeds to profess worship and love for a fictional character and lore like they're real
Yes. Yes you are.
And this belongs in /a/ or /tv/ not /x/.

Anonymous Fri 12 May 2017 19:37:20 No.19002086 Report

Quoted By: >>19002092

Overhyoed anime with an overdone premise. It's the Donnie Darko of anime.

>B-but Donnie Darko is a great movie anon!


View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO dream_efade9f959.jpg, 80KiB, 468x488

Anonymous Fri 12 May 2017 19:40:39 No.19002092 Report


View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO 1488044306647.png, 468KiB, 1130x1080

Anonymous Fri 12 May 2017 19:42:48 No.19002097 Report

Quoted By: >>19002105 >>19002111

>cults don't belong on /x/

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO 1494412167266.jpg, 236KiB, 691x625

Anonymous Fri 12 May 2017 19:47:32 No.19002105 Report

Quoted By: >>19002259

>Cults are paranormal
>An /a/ show is paranormal
>Autism is paranormal
View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO 1494577896307.jpg, 32KiB, 832x624

Anonymous Fri 12 May 2017 19:49:10 No.19002111 Report

Quoted By: >>19002127

Apparently /x/ prefers threads with Tulpas, Succubus and

What a retarded world this has become.

Anonymous Fri 12 May 2017 19:55:52 No.19002127 Report

Quoted By: >>19002175

Lain is a tulpa

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO 1494578571653.png, 771KiB, 1520x855

Anonymous Fri 12 May 2017 20:13:53 No.19002175 Report

Quoted By: >>19002219


Anonymous Fri 12 May 2017 20:29:33 No.19002219 Report

Quoted By: >>19002222


Anonymous Fri 12 May 2017 20:30:26 No.19002222 Report

Quoted By: >>19002242

Why should I? Dig it yourself, like I did. I'm bored of explanations.

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO 29369_serial_experiments_lain.jpg, 229KiB, 1280x1024

Anonymous Fri 12 May 2017 20:37:05 No.19002242 Report

Quoted By: >>19002249

You dont want to connect. sorry. that makes lain sad.

Anonymous Fri 12 May 2017 20:37:46 No.19002246 Report

Lain is a faggot

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO 1494579789109.gif, 244KiB, 717x1000

Anonymous Fri 12 May 2017 20:38:46 No.19002249 Report

Lain will forgive me because my intentions are Pure.
It's alright to not explain absolutely everything to skeptic people which won't change their
beliefs anyway.

Anonymous Fri 12 May 2017 20:41:31 No.19002259 Report

Yeah, cuz the faggot who posts shitty photoshops of aliens in a desert from some meme image are much better than discussing a show with actual

Anonymous Fri 12 May 2017 20:57:34 No.19002316 Report

>In the next 15 years we will make such a breakthrough in Cibernetic/Bionic/Direct computer interfacing technologies that we will be able to do it, the
geometric scale of technological advance is almost in the point of singularity nowadays.

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