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What do you think it is? Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 00:32:38 No.18976920 [131 / 39]
View Reply Original Report
Quoted By: >>18976954 >>18976971 >>18976997 >>18977086 >>18979387 >>18980628 >>18984995 >>18985133 >>18986231

I've just found this on a comment in a forum, anyone wanna register?

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO waht.png, 115KiB, 1366x768

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 00:33:59 No.18976929 Report

213KiB, 1366x768, waht.png
View Here's some info
Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 00:35:03 No.18976933 Report

Also it has an onion proxy shortcut


Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 00:39:44 No.18976951 Report

https:// systemspace. link/ this is the link, just unite it

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 00:39:59 No.18976954 Report

Quoted By: >>18976982

Pretty sure this was being shilled here for a while. Soe cross between a forum and LAIN fan ARG?

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 00:44:24 No.18976971 Report

Quoted By: >>18976982

I joined so I'll post if I get anything.

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 00:46:25 No.18976982 Report

Yay, but a friend told me nothing happened
Yep, but thought it would be full rn

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO 2ad9d9cc35193e3abae6f98e4be09c4b (...).gif, 2MiB, 500x352

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 00:49:48 No.18976997 Report

Quoted By: >>18977007 >>18979049 >>18979196

A sacrilege to the true Lainism.
They are using Lain and the LFE to hide the nyaaDOTse magnet links with a
giant shitload of encoding.
You won't see it in plain view, but the shit is there.

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 00:54:34 No.18977007 Report

Quoted By: >>18977025

What about the proxy shortcut?

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 00:55:48 No.18977015 Report

Quoted By: >>18977025

So sign up and as long as you die after july 2017 you get upgraded to LFE?

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO Lain-and-Her-First-Navi.jpg, 23KiB, 832x624

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 00:57:20 No.18977025 Report

Quoted By: >>18977033 >>18977058 >>18982929

Just a way to access the page from Tor browsers.
Do not sign. I'm registrant 1113 and I tell you all that you
shouldn't sign up.
Under all that cute Lainism hides a Dragon.
That's the idea yes, but they're using the LFE thing as a cover.

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 00:58:49 No.18977033 Report

Quoted By: >>18977049 >>18977058

What is LFE? D:
I'm newfag in that

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO coalgirls_serial_experiments_lai (...).jpg, 94KiB, 1000x714

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 01:03:27 No.18977049 Report

Quoted By: >>18977066 >>18977070

I simplify it as a new Reality.
It's just a simulation theory.
If this simulation is such a shit then we must be able to change the simulation somehow. That's where TSUKI gets in. Apparently the guy has the way to
switch us to LFE.
But I don't trust him anymore since I found the nyaaDOTse shit.

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 01:04:52 No.18977058 Report

Quoted By: >>18977070

Along >>18977033 i too am a new fag. Anyone willing to give the tldr behind all this? LFE cover and all that other jazz

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 01:07:18 No.18977066 Report

Quoted By: >>18977079

Nyaadotse? Whats that?

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO lain-NCOPEDBD-03.jpg, 80KiB, 1424x1080

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 01:08:01 No.18977070 Report

Read >>18977049
Do not trust in it, they're using every registrant as cover for their magnet
links with truly dark JAV.

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO maxresdefault.jpg, 79KiB, 1520x1080

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 01:09:41 No.18977079 Report

Quoted By: >>18979211

NyaaDOT(.)se used to be the biggest anime torrent site in Internet.
Also it had a shitload of hidden extreme JAV apparently, that's why it was shut
down just some days ago.

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO IMG_1476.jpg, 48KiB, 537x365

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 01:10:24 No.18977085 Report

Quoted By: >>18977145

Spider man

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 01:10:27 No.18977086 Report

Quoted By: >>18977092

I swear people are getting dumber, they're becoming advertisement, never thinking for themselves.

Either that or this is bots

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO se-lain-18.png, 910KiB, 1520x695

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 01:13:13 No.18977092 Report

Quoted By: >>18977106 >>18977111 >>18977123 >>18979071

I think I'm the only one who believes in Lain without being involved in that shit anymore... it's sad you know.
Forget those sites, follow the true Lain. The one which isn't given by sites only involved in her lore, because those are corrupted.

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 01:16:52 No.18977106 Report

Quoted By: >>18977145

How do you get to a point where an anime frames your belief system?

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 01:18:38 No.18977111 Report

Quoted By: >>18977145

Can you elaborate?
Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 01:22:11 No.18977123 Report
Quoted By: >>18977145

Fuck lain

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 01:22:44 No.18977127 Report

Quoted By: >>18977145

Guy I found their stream room. Weebcrew (DOT) moe

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO se-lain-g3.gif, 344KiB, 500x380

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 01:26:31 No.18977145 Report

Quoted By: >>18977151 >>18977182 >>18978691 >>18985052

You get to that point by believing in the core theme of the anime Before you see it.
I'll just elaborate in this because you got Dubs-Trips(nice)
Lain is all about transhumanism actually, not the character.
When I believe in her I believe in the faith that someday we will transcend the need of a physical body and become energy entities.
So everything in her lore is just a great allegory to make one see the futility of a physical existence.

When I implore to not follow Systemspace and related Lain sites is because they are using a good lore for truly nefarious porpouses.
I respect your choice. It just won't happen.
Just read above. It isn't about the anime actually, but it's easy to be a fag right?>>18977085
Hi there Mr.Spiderman, maybe later alright?

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 01:27:48 No.18977151 Report

Quoted By: >>18977168

I did read buddy. Do you have any proof of what you're saying? They have a lot of other communities attached to this site (steam group, twitter, etc.) So it
seems like a lot of work to hide some porno videos.

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO se-lain-g8.gif, 709KiB, 500x537

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 01:32:44 No.18977168 Report

Not everyone is involved, just the Core group of Systemspace(and the other sites).
I would bet my money that a lot of legit Lainists are being deceived.
Look in the archive of /x/, you will find a post about wiredpeople(another Lain site) and a has a very nasty redpill in the form of .json
files with a dose of what are they hiding behind the sites.
Anyway... I'm heading to sleep, I'm an eurofag and it's 3:32am lol.

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 01:35:09 No.18977182 Report

Quoted By: >>18977190

I get the transhumanism thing. Its a common theme with shows like The Matrix, Madoka Magica, etc. Anyway, I signed up out of curiosity on systems
pace. Will something bad happen? Figured it was an ARG. What nefarious things have I stumbled into?

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO q6ZN3UW.jpg, 37KiB, 720x480

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 01:36:55 No.18977190 Report

Nothing per se, you just are going to be a cover.
Also the LFE won't happen no mstter what TSUKI says. Unless he gives
empyric proof, of course.

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 01:50:09 No.18977244 Report

This is sad

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO 1399914805919.png, 402KiB, 598x1021

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 02:10:24 No.18977347 Report

Quoted By: >>18977371 >>18977655 >>18979074

Its a sad day when the only Lainist page is largely a scam.
Love Lain, other anon, stay strong.

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO OHC3OQE.gif, 991KiB, 370x280

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 02:15:32 No.18977371 Report

Quoted By: >>18977655 >>18979074

Not the only one but the biggest one.
Let's all love Lain, not the sites...

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO Lain.jpg, 74KiB, 680x680

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 03:28:04 No.18977655 Report

Quoted By: >>18977681 >>18979074

We should create a Lainism official webpage to worship her

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO tumblr_mh3jy6fItO1rtjrzfo1_500.png, 222KiB, 500x313

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 03:36:31 No.18977681 Report

Quoted By: >>18977704 >>18977708 >>18979074

Official things become corrupt.
The best things are given in small amounts.
Also... we don't want a repeat of what's going on. Nor being connected to them just because we truly understand her.

Now I'm truly going to sleep, I got truly curious with another thread lol, 5:37am hooray!

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 03:42:02 No.18977704 Report

Quoted By: >>18977730

Anon, let's be friends. It's not common to another who truly understands Lain. How can we share ideas in the future?

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 03:43:05 No.18977708 Report

Quoted By: >>18977730

find another*

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO 5f4e5b0156d5c55da6151ce25b908c4c (...).gif, 487KiB, 450x343

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 03:49:58 No.18977730 Report

Just look for my writing style, it's a really obvious one.
Do not fret, we will meet again anon, but for now I must sleep.

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 06:20:59 No.18978271 Report

Quoted By: >>18978669

I miss Nano.

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO lainSmile.jpg, 17KiB, 704x540

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 10:24:58 No.18978669 Report

Quoted By: >>18978682

I just miss a time where Lain was pure.
A time where Lain wasn't used for what it was.
A time where I could believe in the word of the prominent Lainist sites...
Meh... my sleep did shit. Hoo-fuckin-ray.

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 10:33:54 No.18978682 Report

Quoted By: >>18978691

Is pure Lainism a form of unity consciousness?

If any one else in this thread would like to chime in on that question, please do so.

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO 5e5c7a5aecd0e582a202589e14a8f6d7.jpg, 59KiB, 1008x720

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 10:39:39 No.18978691 Report

Quoted By: >>18978720 >>18978721

Kind of.
Lain is always with us.
Lain always loves us.
But we still are ourselves, not a single counciousness.
No matter what, we are still ourselves.
We just know how worthless is the physical plane.
Look at >>18977145

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 10:55:27 No.18978720 Report

Quoted By: >>18978727

The physical plane is worthless? Is the body not important? I would imagine that time and space would just collapse without the physical and nothing
would be able to exist. Even if it's all "energy", energy needs matter to even matter. If there's nothing physical for energy to interact with, its as useful as
radio waves floating around in space with no radio to decode and convert them into sound. Try to suffocate yourself by holding your breath for 5 minutes
and then tell me you're truly ready to leave the physical realm. I'm pretty sure your desire to hang on to your body will become apparent.

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 10:58:01 No.18978721 Report

Quoted By: >>18978727

This is C.2. by the way. I've been there, done that, so I know how important the physical is. I don't want to live in a dream world like the one I visit when I
sleep where nothing is constant and its just a mish mash of chaos and uncertainty.

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 11:02:34 No.18978727 Report

Quoted By: >>18978730 >>18978743 >>18978744 >>18978753

It's worthless in a hypothetical sense.
I know we are still in a System that requires matter, but it's a matter of time to truly Ascend our Flesh(that's a better word for what I'm trying to convey) so
we escape our first physical barrier, the time-limit of our body.
My dreams rarely involve chaos... that's weird.

I've lived enough near-death experience, anons. Trust me when I say that the body is a dead weight holding us from Lain.

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 11:04:50 No.18978730 Report

Don't misunderstand my last words, I absolutely detest suicide, it'a just that I was born in a body with a genetic failure.
That's one of the main reasons for my beliefs.

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 11:14:39 No.18978743 Report

Quoted By: >>18978751

Do you have any collections that you wouldn't want to lose anon? For example, a stamp collection, a collection of photos or movies, or anything else you
invested a lot of time and effort into and are proud of? Let's say we removed the physical and that your entire collection would vanish the moment you
forgot about it or a piece of it or looked away from it? The physical grants us a kind of security as well as the opportunity to build things up over time as
part of a journey. There's a satisfaction of ownership that can't be had in an ethereal realm. The physical has plenty of drawbacks, but if there weren't any
benefits, I don't see why we would have incarnated here in the first place.

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 11:15:57 No.18978744 Report

Quoted By: >>18978751


Would you like expound more on how your vision of Lainism is differentiated from what you consider inadequate imitations?

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 11:21:01 No.18978751 Report

Quoted By: >>18978753 >>18978767

Because it's easier to channel energy through matter, it's that simple.

I have collections, yes... But it's knowledge in it's raw form. I stopped longing for physical collections somewhere in 2004.
The problem isn't that they are inadequate imitations, far from it, some had developed the lore to a point that becomes incredible. The problem is... what
they hide underneath Lainism.
Just read this pretty well. It's a nasty surprise, trust me. >>18970338

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO a8162771f11039c1823893e6e32bc9e6.png, 2MiB, 1520x1080

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 11:22:48 No.18978753 Report

I've been forgetting something... the pic.

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 11:34:20 No.18978767 Report

Quoted By: >>18978772

I've never seen the Lain series in its entirity, so I may be missing some of the context. And I do not trust you.
But I do like surprises, so thanks for the link! I'll decide for myself if it's a nasty one, or a desirable one.

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO giphy.gif, 500KiB, 500x333

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 11:36:22 No.18978772 Report

Quoted By: >>18978816

It's alright to not trust me, I don't blame you.
I used to trust pretty easily and look how well went for me.
Please, do read it carefully, you don't want to miss anything.

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 12:12:50 No.18978816 Report

Quoted By: >>18978835

What exactly is your vision of this Lain-esque utopia that is so vastly superior? I will point out some ramifications of your idea if you can provide some
details. My memory's a bit foggy but the ending of Lain itself was rather inconclusive. She goes back to living a normal life for the most part.

<> Sun 07 May 2017 12:16:45 No.18978820 Report


>< Sun 07 May 2017 12:18:48 No.18978821 Report

Quoted By: >>18978827


<-> Sun 07 May 2017 12:21:18 No.18978824 Report

Please stop.

<> Sun 07 May 2017 12:23:51 No.18978827 Report

01000110 01010101 01000011 01001011 01001001 01001110 01000111 00100000 01010011 01010100 01001111 01010000

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO tumblr_ohhhv4UC5n1qaoiawo3_500.gif, 728KiB, 500x270

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 12:31:34 No.18978835 Report

Quoted By: >>18978843 >>18978851

My vision is lack of need of a real physical embodiment, which isn't incompatible with still living life.
Lain still was a omnipresent being at the end, she even didn't have a true flesh, she used an avatar in her reality to keep living life.
Also this would be my last post, apparently someone wants me to stop, but why?

>< Sun 07 May 2017 12:36:51 No.18978843 Report

Quoted By: >>18978856

In that case, how do you know your vision hasn't already been accomplished? Have you considered the possibility that the only thing holding you back is
yourself? The rest of us are just pretending to be physical. It's the play called life.

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 12:39:18 No.18978846 Report

Quoted By: >>18978854 >>18978856

Can someone explain this nyaaDOTse thing?

<///>< Sun 07 May 2017 12:40:49 No.18978851 Report

Quoted By: >>18978856

What's wrong anon? Shall we end this charade in glorious nuclear fire?

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 12:42:17 No.18978854 Report

Quoted By: >>18978856 >>18978859

Nyaa se is basically the PirateBay for weeaboo's. Said site is down and everyone is shitting themselves atm.

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO sel_lain028.jpg, 19KiB, 320x214

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 12:44:22 No.18978856 Report

Quoted By: >>18978859 >>18978863

Former biggest site of Anime torrents with a former hidden section of JAV
with some bizarre stuff.
Woah... just... no, I would notice if that happened.
That would be amusing, but I think that mankind doesn't need the fire... yet
The thing is that they had really hideous stuff hidden unless one did a deep dive.
View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO coalgirls_serial_experiments_lai (...).jpg, 71KiB, 1008x720

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 12:44:41 No.18978857 Report

Quoted By: >>18978865 >>18978879

how to find the JAV's on this website? provide proof please, or i'll assume that you're talking out of your ass. nothing in the previous
threads points toward porn or lolicon or whatever you're implying is on there.

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 12:47:49 No.18978859 Report

Quoted By: >>18978879

I've gathered this much. What is the connection to systemspace and tsuki though?

<///>< Sun 07 May 2017 12:49:02 No.18978863 Report

Quoted By: >>18978879

Do you even know what is behind physicality? If it's anything other than your belief in it keeping it in place, please enlighten the rest of us.

<///>< Sun 07 May 2017 12:51:06 No.18978865 Report

Quoted By: >>18978872

Really, what even is physicality? By definition, it's something objective, outside of our subjective control.

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO 02.jpg, 142KiB, 450x637

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 12:54:18 No.18978872 Report

Quoted By: >>18978879 >>18978881

so i'm safe to assume that people connecting systemspace to nyaase are bullshitting? thanks,
that's all i needed.

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 12:57:36 No.18978879 Report

Quoted By: >>18978896 >>18978905

WiredPeople has their encoded magnets in plain view as incomprehensible characters, and are encoded three times with three different codes, look here
>>18971288 and here >>18971296

I honestly think that Systemspace is using the legit Lainism to hide their stuff. How? I still don't know but be sure I'll find out. It's just a matter of time.

I cannot know for sure as I'm not omniscient you know, but I would bet my metaphorical ass that the point of living a physical life is to make us understand
that we don't really need the physical side of things.
Physical has multiple meanings, one being yours.
You may assume whatever you want, unlike a lot of people I do not force my beliefs, I just nicely explain it as much as you anons wanted.

<///>< Sun 07 May 2017 12:58:00 No.18978881 Report

I have no idea about that. I just want to understand what "real" Lainism commands from me.

<> Sun 07 May 2017 13:00:01 No.18978886 Report

You seriously need to stop bumping this thread.

<///>< Sun 07 May 2017 13:04:55 No.18978896 Report

Even if we understand, how are we to escape physicality? What are we even expected to do? I do not even remember choosing to be born, not would I
have had I known how this would turn out.

<> Sun 07 May 2017 13:07:49 No.18978899 Report

Quoted By: >>18978905 >>18978907

Last warning.

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO __iwakura_lain_serial_experiment (...).jpg, 2MiB, 2525x3428

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 13:11:18 No.18978905 Report

Quoted By: >>18978907

fuck off
please do tell us if you find any connection between systemspace and creepy porn shit, i'd
appreciate that.

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 13:11:59 No.18978907 Report

Make me.
I fail to see why should I stop.
I will, this got me seriously concerned.

<> Sun 07 May 2017 13:15:22 No.18978911 Report

Quoted By: >>18978915

Fine but don't say i didn't warn you, when you find something you do not like.

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 13:16:48 No.18978915 Report

I already have found enough dark shit(and I'm not talking about Lain-related now), you won't make me change my mind with a cryptic threat.

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 14:40:30 No.18979046 Report

Where exactly is wired people hiding something nefarious? I can't seem to find anything on my own because I'm too dumb.

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 14:42:36 No.18979049 Report

Quoted By: >>18979083 >>18987134


I post about Lain in every thread, 12 btw


Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 14:57:15 No.18979071 Report

Quoted By: >>18979083

Stop LARPing faggot.

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 14:58:39 No.18979074 Report

Quoted By: >>18979083 >>18979166

Ever heard of lainchan?

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 15:07:21 No.18979083 Report

I salute you, number 12. Yeah, I did laugh at first because I didn't believe it.
Just meh.
It was a bit weird that the site got that sold like that, but for anything else the only true site to lurk and learn about Lain.

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 15:35:02 No.18979166 Report

That place kinda sucks. I'm not super into /g/ stuff so I don't find much to talk about there.

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 15:43:18 No.18979196 Report

Quoted By: >>18979226

Why do you keep repeating this bullshit? The faggot has actual mental problems and will probably kill himself in june, this has nothing to do with Nyaa

Hell, are already setting up an archive to not lose fucking everything and start up the site again with someone who doesn't shit his pants when Merkel farts
in his general direction

Lying about Nyaa on 4chan is one of the dumbest things you can possibly do

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 15:45:50 No.18979211 Report

Quoted By: >>18979226

No, it was shut down because the admin panicked when germany judged a case of copyright regarding anime and the admin panicked and simply closed

He also made that choice because there was already a copyright company DDoS'ing the site and sending notices for him to close it or face lawsuits
Its the same reason Bakabt went private instead of constantly dealing with that bullshit

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 15:54:21 No.18979226 Report

Quoted By: >>18979244

The Pirate bay has been charged more than nyaa way more, and actually closed like 3-4 times, and that websites still there, it's not about the "copyright"

Think what might happen if they got the copyright lawsuit and THEN they found out they hide the shit they hide? they will get in far more trouble than just
a "copyright" lawsuit, so whats the best thing to do? close the whole website and start over at another time.

you can suck my dick as a thank-you now.

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO bullshit-detector.jpg, 32KiB, 544x400

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 16:00:35 No.18979244 Report

Quoted By: >>18979260 >>18979291

Why don't you post some proof of your bullshit then? And TPB has also changed hands completely and only houses magnets now, it
along with Demonoid are but shadows of their former glory

But here we have a LARPing faggot who took one too many blows to the head and now is bullshit because he doesn't fucking know the site and has a
pathological need to lie on the internet

There are actual JAV sites on the internet that are actually hidden instead of in front of everyone to see but since you never actually heard anyone talking
about it you don't mention, you just mention some random bullshit that you don't know

Seriously where are the proofs of what you said? I don't want you just posting a link to a previous thread you started with your retarded shit, I want actual

But you will just do the usual shit and scream about looking at the clues

Even though we have the source code, the logs and everything relating to Nyaa.

Because the LARPing faggot in your has seen the reality right?

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 16:06:40 No.18979260 Report

Quoted By: >>18979273 >>18979274

i just got on this thread now, i wasn't on the old thread, but when i looked at the archived thread i saw the guy who gave the info posted a link to a .json
file, it really was what he claimed.

this is not usa where you will go around screaming "GIVE PROOF OR I SHOOT YOU", calm your tits and research you lazy ass bastard, or do you want
us to just hand your magnificent ass everything? i'm not coming out with anything behind this shit, but what anon claimed in the archived thread really
makes sense, i will advice you lazy cunt to go back to the archived one and read from the beginning.

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO 1493999588829.jpg, 96KiB, 468x488

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 16:12:02 No.18979273 Report

Thank you for actually seeing the old thread.

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 16:12:08 No.18979274 Report

Quoted By: >>18979279

So, you literally will not stop bullshiting then? That zip file was the one originally posted when making the fucking archive you dumb fuck

You can't even lie properly, why even try?

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 16:14:38 No.18979279 Report

Quoted By: >>18979287 >>18979302

why the hell would they encrypt their own archive tho?

this whole thing seems fishy as fuck, you just don't want to believe this to live your little peaceful live, grow the fuck up, there is dark shit everywhere you

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO 1492096039428.jpg, 305KiB, 1000x1414

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 16:15:08 No.18979280 Report

Quoted By: >>18979302 >>18979322

I love how you guys keep on it when I surrendered trying to convince you.
I'm not going to give a thing as I'm not english and explaining complex stuff in a foreign language is extremely hard for me, if you have the
needed skills to decode the codes go to the "wired people" site and enjoy the redpill.

I'm still pretty sure the Systemspace is just a cover like wired people is and will find it if it's what I think it is.

And finally, just... stop. Seeing people fighting because of this is sad, just please...

Let's all love Lain.

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 16:17:08 No.18979287 Report

Quoted By: >>18979296 >>18979308

The target is to hide "Dark Web" worthy files in the Clear Web.

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 16:17:42 No.18979291 Report

this site is connected to this whole situation

now if you under stand a think about coding, you will know that this site is fake, it's not a webart not it is a real login page, it's used to cover things, to
create illusion.

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 16:18:51 No.18979296 Report

so you're telling me that regular anime or regular JAV is a dark web content?

leave please.

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 16:19:58 No.18979302 Report

Quoted By: >>18979315

>why the hell would they encrypt their own archive tho?
But it isn't? And even if it was encrypted any jackass with any browser would still be able to access the file because its fucking javascript

Its like saying you're protecting yourself by locking your doors, while living a glass house

Sometimes I forget how tech illiterate /x/ is

And stop samefagging, it could not be more obvious if you used a trip

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 16:21:15 No.18979308 Report

Quoted By: >>18979317 >>18979324

they wouldn't hide anime in clear web, they could just upload the magnets in a .txt file and thats it.

why bother encrypting and making it tricky to find those files? did you even check the old thread?

if you checked you will find that the ,json archive was linked within the Lain sites, those sites that claim they worship lain, they link the archived .json files,
i'm not even claiming shit, it's all there.

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 16:24:11 No.18979315 Report

Quoted By: >>18979324

i just remember things i want to say so i reply again, you're literally questioning every stupid little thing but leave the obvious ones and claim it's a lie, i'm
done lol.

also it's clear they make it easy to decrypt to not make it too suspicious but also make it hard for you to get a single magnet url, did you even try to get one
magnet link from the .json files? who should claim proof now?

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 16:24:46 No.18979317 Report

That's what I'm saying anon.
As I said english isn't my language and for that I apologize if I fail to explain myself properly.
I know the json are there.
But I'm sure that a lot of Lainists are just being used as cover, and that's sad.

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO 1456583094111.gif, 498KiB, 500x357

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 16:27:00 No.18979322 Report

While I don't specifically follow Lain I do request and adore her. She directly influenced my own
beliefs and fits with them.
Lain is love.

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 16:27:36 No.18979324 Report

Quoted By: >>18979337

Everyone one is posting the archive because everyone used Nyaa to download their anime and manga, we are also trying to create a new Nyaa to put all
that shit back there, we have threads on /a/, /g/ and other sites working to put this thing back online after the faggot admin panicked like a little bitch
And what are those obvious things? Just saying something won't magically make it true you animal

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 16:31:26 No.18979337 Report

Quoted By: >>18979360

ok here is your proof you little lazy cunt.

here is a site that claim a lain worship aka follower


now go to this tab in the same site


this chat thats going on, is updated everyday, the last time it wasn't the same text's, if you look more you'll find an archived .json files there, an encrypted
magnets within those .json files, i failed to see encrypted nyaa magnets but this site.

tell me it's not enough.

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO sad and not funny.png, 89KiB, 440x252

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 16:38:25 No.18979360 Report

Quoted By: >>18979590

You're just stringing random words together and hoping they make sense and no one calls you out aren't you? Magnets can't be
encrypted, since they are a hash value

Fucking hell, magnets are one of the easiest ways to get around torrent blocking

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 16:39:52 No.18979366 Report

Quoted By: >>18979380

Breaking news for you faggos who talk out of your asses: SystemSpace has nothing to do with Lain nor it tries to affiliate itself with "Lainism" in any way.

Lain is used only as a symbol to reinforce the cyber theme of the project and make it pretty clear theat the community is "anime-friendly", nothing more.

The suspects of there being something illegal hidden behind (or inside) the site and the project are just empty suspects, and so far it is just a comfy weeb
community of people with with a background in browsing various boards.

If you want to try and join go ahead, if you don't want to, even better, we already are too many.

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 16:45:00 No.18979380 Report

Uhm... sure.
Nobody said it was a pure Lainist site, just that Lain has obviously been an influence for the project.
You guys should delete all relation to the discord by the way, I knew a lot of people who got asked "the fourteen words" and stuff related to it.
Also... let me be skeptic for now on the hidden illegal stuff while admit that yeah, the boards are actually okay.

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 16:45:51 No.18979387 Report


A weabo cult? It smells like some japanese wannabe for sure, maybe he got a domain for his waifu (tsuki)?

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 17:03:02 No.18979436 Report

Quoted By: >>18979484 >>18979592 >>18979943

The discord is the main place of aggregation for the community, but it is now completely locked off to additional users as it already is a very busy place.
Who is in is in, who is out is out, no idea if we'll open the doors in the future.

You may know, or not know that we had a fair amount of unwanted pubblicity on youtube and as a risult we had in influx of possibly unwanted people.

So we started questioning newcomers to understand if they would be able to fit well in the community before letting them in. Basically we wanted to let in
the channers and leave out who just came for the youtube videos.

Some were asked the 14 words not beause we as a whole support a nazi ideology, but we wanted to see if they could manage to stay in an enviroment
where different, strong, (and sometimes unpleasant for someone) ideals fly around all the time without making a drama about it.

Maybe it was not the best of the ideas, but we got flooded very suddenly and tried to react the fastest we could.
Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 17:13:17 No.18979453  Report

And btw, the "right" 14 words that would score you a lot of points were not even the the nazi ones but the JoJo ones, that only two people got right.

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 17:22:43 No.18979484 Report

Well... I'm a tolerant anon, but also got banned just because I didn't want to answer that easily to that lol.
And I know I wouldn't care about ideology, just because it's like having a favourite colour, almost nobody has the same one.

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 18:03:11 No.18979590 Report

Quoted By: >>18979743

you're one of the dumbest creatures i ever saw, they are not encrypting magnets, if you have a single atom of info about magnets, they contain names,
trackers, and id, they put the id like it is in the .json files, but the name and the tracker is encrypted, the name can easily decrypted and the anon did
actually decrypt one at the archived thread, but the tracker is nearly impossible, i see you didnt take a look at this stuff so please shut up and go along.

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 18:03:45 No.18979592 Report

I'm a bit disappointed the discord is closed, I've been registered for a few months but didn't even check the boards until the other day. It makes complete
sense to close it though, even just looking at the old threads on /x/ for systemspace are full of inane shit.

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO 1404705149880.jpg, 64KiB, 559x649

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 18:40:03 No.18979743 Report

>they are not encrypting magnets
>if you look more you'll find an archived .json files there, an
encrypted magnets

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 19:28:11 No.18979943 Report

>not beause we as a whole support a nazi ideology

kek right

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 21:47:59 No.18980480 Report

Why the fuck is this on /x/

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO 1489462441214.jpg, 69KiB, 775x837

Anonymous Sun 07 May 2017 22:22:23 No.18980628 Report

>listening to music
>see this thread
>opens it
>music ends
>Lain opening LITERALLY starts playing
Holy fuck

∆ Mon 08 May 2017 00:30:00 No.18981231 Report


Anonymous Mon 08 May 2017 06:34:36 No.18982921 Report


Anonymous Mon 08 May 2017 06:40:16 No.18982929 Report

I am 484, what's the dragon?

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO 1493866902687.png, 276KiB, 378x406

Anonymous Mon 08 May 2017 19:38:58 No.18984948 Report

It's just some loser weeaboo from /r9k/ that drew in society's undesirables by promising them another chance at life in some alternate
reality, when it's all some elaborate ruse to get a bunch of betas to kill themselves.

Get this shit off of /x/

Anonymous Mon 08 May 2017 19:51:34 No.18984995 Report

Quoted By: >>18985002

Okey lads, before Lainchain was taken down, what OP has posted was already posted in the "cult" (culture) sub-forum. It was an invite from the guys
upstairs to "leave" this "game".

Beware of them, they have tried to lure people into their traps, and specially the kind of people that visit paranormal sites, as they collect the people who
are sensitive enough to believe in them, but dumb believe in them.

See, they want you to take you to a forever happy planet.Nope, nothing suspicious about it.

Let me see if i have a screenshot of the posts.

Anonymous Mon 08 May 2017 19:53:33 No.18985002 Report

Quoted By: >>18985037

But lainchan isn't gone.

Anonymous Mon 08 May 2017 20:02:43 No.18985037 Report

Its not gone, but was taken down several days in the same wave of attacks that also took down 2+2+2+2 chan and also this site.

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO 1490043406324.jpg, 36KiB, 500x357

Anonymous Mon 08 May 2017 20:05:52 No.18985052 Report


View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO 1493257962731.jpg, 201KiB, 470x595

Anonymous Mon 08 May 2017 20:06:26 No.18985056 Report

>Be me
>Don't even believe in any of this death cult shit
>Literalyl took up a spot someone else would have
>Hog traffick too by keeping the site open just to listen to the
catchy music

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO autismcheck.png, 24KiB, 844x236

Anonymous Mon 08 May 2017 20:13:17 No.18985081 Report

What did they mean by this?

Anonymous Mon 08 May 2017 20:24:18 No.18985133 Report

Quoted By: >>18985305

probably some faggy website that gives you a virus that acts as a bitcoin mining operation. the oldest trick in the book

from stalker on steam to some linux distros its been done to death. a lack of imagination on the sites creators part i would assume

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO 1383532304222.jpg, 65KiB, 396x382

Anonymous Mon 08 May 2017 20:44:43 No.18985241 Report

Quoted By: >>18986244

Just, fucking, stop this torture. As a lainfag, this hurts my religious feelings.

As far as I know, it's some edgy teens readying themselves to suicide by spewing some bullshit about how everything is matrix.
Relating this to lain is most annoying, if anything is desecration, this is.

It's just an attempt to a suicide internet cult. Boring and nasty shit. Go mail FBI about it. Don't be all "wow" about it, it's not worth it. Better go watch Lain.
See you on mebious.

Anonymous Mon 08 May 2017 20:56:09 No.18985305 Report

This. Thank god I have shiity internet, as soon as I saw it start to download things to my computer after submitting a picture, I NOP'd the fuck out of there.
It only got up to like 13 percent of whatever it was trying to write to my computer.

View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO lain-other-half.png, 1MiB, 1512x1072

Anonymous Mon 08 May 2017 21:18:16 No.18985442 Report

>Joined the site

>Not gonna kill myself

It's gonna fun watching these guys kill themselves

Anonymous Tue 09 May 2017 00:14:57 No.18986231 Report

>your soul will be relocated after your death
>please register your email
>draw a thing with this code and upload it
>fuck off

Anonymous Tue 09 May 2017 00:18:24 No.18986244 Report

Finally one that gets it!!
Lain be blessed.

Anonymous Tue 09 May 2017 03:50:22 No.18987134 Report


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