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Compare closely coupled and loosely coupled configurations

What is multiprogramming?
If more than one process is carried out at the same time, then it is known as multiprogramming. Another
definition is the interleaving of CPU and I/O operations among several programs is called
multiprogramming. To improve the utilization of CPU and I/O devices, we are designing to process a set
of independent programs concurrently by a single CPU. This technique is known as multiprogramming.
Differentiate External Verses Internal Bus.
Internal Data Bus: The internal data bus only works inside a CPU that is internally. It is able to
communicate with the internal cache memories of the CPU. Since they are internally placed they are
relatively quick and are now affected by the rest of the computer.

External Data bus: This type of bus is used to connect and interface the computer to its connected
peripheral devices. Since they are external and do not lie within the circuitry of the cpu they are
relatively slower. The 8088 processor in itself contains a 16-bit internal data bus coupled with a 20- bit
address register. This allows the processor to address to a maximum of 1 MB memory.

Draw and explain the maximum mode of 8086

List the advantages of multiprocessor system

High Throughput: Throughput is the number of processes executed by the CPU at a given time
so this type of system has higher throughput.

Type of parallel processing: Parallel processing means the execution of multiple processes
(also known as threads) at the same time.

Less electricity usage: In a single processor system, there is more load as many processes
have to be executed at a time. But in multiprocessor system execution of multiple processes in
done in a few times. That means multiprocessor CPUs consume low electricity than a single

High Reliability: As multiple processors share their work between one and another so work is
completed with collaboration. That means these systems are reliable.
Economic: As more work is completed by the CPU’s so these systems are economically
good as well.

Explain the functions of

i. HLDA ii. RQ/GT0 iii. DEN iv. ALE
Draw and explain the minimum mode of 8086
What are the functions of status pins in 8086?
Write an assembly language program to multiply two 16 bit numbers but without using MUL
Try to solve
What is Coprocessor?
The coprocessor is a processor which specially designed for processor to work under the control of the
processor and support special processing capabilities. Example : 8087 which has numeric processing
capability and works under 8086.

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