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Risky journey Regulator vows

Recent deaths expose medical more oversight Cultural bond

inadequacies at US border of insurance Festival gathers ASEAN musicians,
Guangxi ethnic performers LIFE, PAGE 16

TUESDAY, May 23, 2023 RMB ¥2

Xi praises volunteers, urges

public effort in trash sorting
Micron curb helps boost security
Move aims to safeguard nation’s critical “China is a country of the rule of they malfunctioned or leaked data,
By CAO DESHENG In his reply letter, Xi said that he law. … All enterprises in China experts said. was deeply impressed by the volun- information infrastructure, experts say should abide by Chinese law in Bai Ming, deputy director of inter-
teers’ enthusiasm for public wel- their operations. Judicial authori- national market research at the Chi-
President Xi Jinping has called for fare and their passion for serving By MA SI Cyberspace Administration of ties will investigate any suspected nese Academy of International Trade
promoting trash sorting as a new the people. China said in a statement on Sun- illegal activities in accordance and Economic Cooperation, said the
trend of low-carbon life amid the Xi said he was gratified to learn day that products of Micron, a with the law,” Mao said. decision is in line with international
nation’s efforts to improve people’s that after recent years of promo- China’s law-based decision to ask United States-based global sup- “As long as enterprises, regard- practices in terms of placing greater
living environment and advance tion, the community has made new its critical information infrastruc- plier of semiconductors, sold in less of which country they are from, emphasis on cybersecurity.
ecological conservation. progress in trash sorting, while its ture operators to stop buying prod- China have not passed a recent comply with Chinese laws and reg- Countries such as the US are also
Xi, who is also general secretary residents’ civility has been ucts from Micron Technology is a cybersecurity review, and opera- ulations, we welcome them and adopting increasingly tougher
of the Communist Party of China enhanced and its environment has necessary move to safeguard tors of the country’s key informa- their products and services to enter security reviews on electronic
Central Committee and chairman become more beautiful. national security and is in line with tion infrastructure should stop the Chinese market. There is noth- products concerning data, because
of the Central Military Commis- Noting that trash sorting and international practices, officials purchasing its products. ing to worry about,” Mao added. data has become a key aspect of
sion, made the remark on Sunday recycling is a systematic project and experts said on Monday. Foreign Ministry spokeswoman The Cybersecurity Law outlines national security, Bai said.
in a letter of reply to volunteers who that requires concerted, long-term The move could reshape the Mao Ning said at a news confer- rules safeguarding critical informa-
are engaged in trash sorting in a efforts from all parties, he called nation’s chip supply chains, bring- ence on Monday that the decision tion infrastructure — technology See Security, page 3
residential community in Shang- for precise measures and the active ing more opportunities to other is to prevent relevant products’ systems in sectors including tele-
hai’s Hongkou district. participation of both urban and competitive domestic and overseas cybersecurity risks from endan- communications, transportation Inside
He visited the community during rural residents. memory chipmakers, they added. gering China’s critical information and defense — that Chinese regula-
an inspection tour in Shanghai in Xi expressed his hope that those The comments came after the infrastructure. tors believe would be vulnerable if Comment, page 8
November 2018, when he chatted volunteers could continue to play
with the volunteers and said that their unique role in grassroots gov-
“waste handling requires everyone’s ernance, encourage more residents
participation”. to develop the habit of sorting trash,
In July 2019, Shanghai became and contribute to promoting the
China’s first city to make sorting construction of an ecological civiliza-
household waste compulsory. A tion and improving the level of civili-
number of other cities have fol- zation among the whole society.
lowed in Shanghai’s footsteps in Hua Lei, one of the trash sorting
the following years, introducing volunteers, said that over the past
mandatory household and work- five years, the practice of trash sort-
place trash sorting. ing has become a proactive and
Around 300 cities have carried even subconscious behavior among
out trash sorting work, with an local residents.
average coverage rate of 82.5 per- “Many young people have
cent in residential communities. played a role in raising public
Xi has paid much attention to awareness and promoting educa-
trash sorting and recycling and tion in the first years. For example,
has made multiple instructions on they created short plays to tell the
the issue. elderly residents in vivid ways how
Recently, some volunteer repre- to do trash sorting. Also, after
sentatives from the community learning related knowledge at
wrote to Xi, reporting to him the school, many students spread the
achievement they have made in information to their parents and
trash sorting and expressing their families,” she said.
determination to make greater
contributions to promoting waste Zhou Wenting in Shanghai
sorting and disposal. contributed to this story.


Green, low-carbon solutions
sought by institutions
By WANG RU A passenger scans her palm on Sunday to pass through a ticket gate at the Daxing Jichang station on the Daxing Airport Express subway line in Beijing. CUI JUN / FOR CHINA DAILY

harmonious scene of
peaceful coexistence
between humankind and
nature unfolds on a fan The theme for this day, which fell
Beijing introduces palm-print access on subway line
that resembles a tree. on Thursday, is “Museums, Sustain-
A bird flies freely in the sunshine; a ability and Well-being”. Zhao Feng, By DU JUAN Municipal Commission of Trans- will open if the palm scan match- been applied to protect user
variety of lush plants grow as a rabbit a member of the ICOM executive port said. es the palm print registered vol- information.
hides among them; and a girl plays board, said the poster is closely Any commuter age 14 and untarily,” said Zhang Li, an expert Xin Jianhua, general manager of
on a swing, her long hair flowing in linked to this theme, which focuses A subway line that links down- above can first register the print at the Beijing Metro Network the public service center at
the wind. on global health and well-being, cli- town Beijing with Daxing Interna- of either palm through a simple, Control Center. WeChat Pay, said palm scans can
Designed mainly by Jusuk Ma, a mate action and life on land. tional Airport in the Chinese automated process and provide The ticket gates can recognize be gradually used in offices,
French university student who capital now allows passengers to relevant information to autho- the user’s palm print and veins schools, gyms and restaurants, as
worked as an intern for the Interna- See Museums, page 2 enter and exit stations by just rize the payment gateway of without contact, which is more it requires no contact and is there-
tional Council of Museums, or scanning the palm of a hand, set- WeChat, a popular messaging hygienic, faster and safer than fore more safe and efficient.
ICOM, in the past year, these scenes Online ting an example of how using bio- app in China. conventional check-in methods, “Currently, it is very useful for
compose the official poster for See more by metric data in public Once the palm print is registered, Zhang said. the elderly and those who have
International Museum Day this scanning the transportation can make commut- a commuter can scan the palm at The biometric method com- physical limitations. They can
year, an annual event that promotes code. ing more convenient. any automated ticket gate to pass bines the use of palm print and take the subway without using
the importance of museums. The pilot program was through. The fare is automatically vein mapping, which are different smartphone apps,” he said.
launched on Sunday on the Da- deducted after exit. for every individual. The registra- Use of biometric data allows
xing Airport Express subway line “Passengers can just place a tion is a one-time process and passengers to take subway trains
Nature on display to spare passengers the trouble of
swiping a card or scanning a QR
palm above the scanning
machine when entering or exiting
doesn’t require renewal. The
commission said data masking
if they do not have cash or when
they forget their subway cards,
code to catch a train, the Beijing a subway station. The ticket gate and encryption technologies have he added.

China remains one of the safest nations INSIDE

Russia accuses
By CAO YIN last year compared with 2003, level,” said Zhang Zhigang, an according to the report issued associate research fellow at the G7 Summit of
recently by the Chinese Academy institute who heads the team undermining
China remains one of the safest of Social Sciences’ Institute of Law. that compiled the report.
countries in the world, as it has It revealed that the number of The country has also increased global stability
long been among nations with defendants convicted of serious legal protection for women and
the lowest crime rates, and the violent crimes decreased to 56,800 children, Zhang said. World, page 12
rate of serious violent offenses in in 2021 from 95,700 in 2013. In March last year, the Ministry
the country has been on a contin- In addition, offenses involving of Public Security, the Ministry of
uous decline in recent decades, firearms were down 21 percent Civil Affairs, the National Health 国内统一编号:
according to a report. year-on-year in 2022, while those Commission and the All-China CN11-0091
Primary school students learn about butterflies at a research insti- In the past 20 years, crimes of involving explosives declined 19 Women’s Federation jointly 国际标准编号:
ISSN0253-9543 A member of the
tute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Qingdao, intentional homicide, robbery and percent, the report said. launched a campaign to fight the
邮发代号:1-3 Asia News Network
Shandong province, on International Day for Biological Diversity, abduction have been constantly “These figures have shown crime of abducting and traffick-
which fell on Monday. The theme of this year’s biodiversity day dropping across the country. The that such crimes in China remain ing women and children. © 2023 China Daily
was “From Agreement to Action: Build Back Biodiversity”. number of people accused of such low, indicating that Chinese peo- All Rights Reserved
LIANG XIAOPENG / FOR CHINA DAILY See story, page 3 crimes decreased by 67.7 percent ple’s sense of security is at a high See Report, page 3 Vol.43 — No.13422
2 | Tuesday, May 23, 2023 CHINA DAILY


Left: An exhibition on the Maritime Silk Road opens at the Fujian Museum in Fuzhou, Fujian province, on Thursday to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative. LI HE / XINHUA
Right: Visitors to the China Grand Canal Museum in Yangzhou, Jiangsu province, enjoy scenes from the canal during a digital display on Wednesday. SHI BAIRONG / FOR CHINA DAILY

Museums: Positive
From page 1 established a working group on sustaina-
Museums worldwide have attached The principle of sustainability features
greater importance to sustainability in in ICOM’s strategic plan for 2022-28, the
the past two years. Last year, “Museums themes for International Museum Day for
foster diversity and sustainability” was several years, and the revised plan for the

change being fostered

added to such institutions’ role at the ICOM Code of Ethics for Museums.
26th International Council of Museums ICOM President Emma Nardi said in a
General Conference in Prague, Czech video message to the International Muse-
Republic. um Day celebrations in Fuzhou, “This
ICOM said: “Museums are key contrib- demonstrates the resolve to make our
utors to the well-being and sustainable professional contribution to implement
development of our communities. As the Sustainable Development Goals of the
trusted institutions and important Left: Schoolchildren in Yun- UN and to make a better world for human
threads in our shared social fabric, they cheng, Shanxi province, visit the civilization.”
are uniquely placed to create a cascading city’s museum. JIANG HUA / FOR CHINA Gu Yucai, deputy director of the Nation-
effect to foster positive change.” DAILY Right: Experts evaluate cul- al Cultural Heritage Administration, said
International Museum Day was tural relics in Lanxi, Zhejiang sustainability requires museums to put
launched by ICOM in 1977. Every year province. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY forward the idea of coexistence between
since 2009, China has chosen a major Below left: Virtual reality lenses humans and nature through their exhibi-
venue to stage nationwide activities to are used to present cultural relics tions. Such institutions should also devel-
celebrate the day. Fujian Museum in Fuz- in Beijing. CHEN ZHONGHAO / XINHUA op in a green and low-carbon manner by
hou, capital of Fujian province, was the Below right: Children learn about saving energy and reducing emissions.
main venue this year, playing host to the city’s past at a museum in Li, the administration’s director, said
exhibitions, academic forums, light Fuzhou. ZHENG SHUAI / FOR CHINA DAILY one of the biggest costs involved in man-
shows and many other activities last aging a museum is energy consumption.
week. The administration aims to make Suzhou
Li Qun, director of the National Cultur- Museum in Jiangsu province a test site to
al Heritage Administration of China, said promote the green and low-carbon devel-
Fujian used to be an important starting opment of museums.
point for the ancient Maritime Silk Road. Zhao cited the Shanghai Museum of
Quanzhou city, Fujian, a center of mari- Glass, which decades ago was the site of a
time trade during the Song (960-1279) factory producing glassware, as a good
and Yuan (1271-1368) dynasties, was add- example of applying the principle of sus-
ed to UNESCO’s World Heritage List in tainable development in its establish-
2021, with the attribution “Quanzhou: ment and operation.
Emporium of the World in Song-Yuan He said the area in which the museum
China”. is located used to be home to old indus-
This year marks the 10th anniversary tries and abandoned factories, so the
of the Belt and Road Initiative. To com- environment was not good. However,
memorate the occasion, the exhibition when the museum was established, envi-
Good Fortune Sails Across the World: The ronmental improvements took place.
Cultural Hallmarks of the Maritime Silk Local residents were granted free
Road opened at the Fujian Museum on admission to the museum, and attended
Thursday. lectures on the importance of the envi-
The exhibition features 295 artifacts “It is the only artifact to date with a “It seems that Chinese artisans made ronment and protecting biodiversity.
from the ancient Maritime Silk Road clear inscription that shows it is related such statues based on their imagination. They were also invited to take part in an
loaned by 35 cultural institutions and to Zheng’s voyage. It was given as a gift to Although the figures depicted by the stat- initiative to improve the diversity of
museums in China, including the Palace Zhu Zhanji to mark his engagement,” Such activities enable ues are half-naked, they are very different local flowers and other plants to attract
Museum in Beijing, the Shanghai Muse- Yang said. me to give full play to from those made overseas. Their move- more pollinating insects to return to the
um, and the China Maritime Museum in The exhibition also features a variety of ments seem to be restricted, as if they area.
Shanghai. porcelain, silk and teas, which used to be my specialist don’t know where to put their hands, and “In this way, the local environment is
A highlight of the display is a model major export commodities. knowledge to help they look as though they want to hide improving. I think the museum project is
fuchuan, also known as the Fujian vessel, Such artifacts provide clues to cultural their semi-naked bodies,” Huang said. a complete restoration project, which will
one of the four types of ancient wooden links. For example, a blue-and-white por- those who love “There are few historical records about bring a big change to the entire communi-
sailing boats in China. With its flat deck, celain candlestick from the Ming Dynas- collections.” ancient craftspeople in China, but ty,” Zhao said.
V-shaped hull, good stability in the water, ty is highly similar to a bronze through their work we gain a glimpse of More activities have been held in muse-
and large capacity, the fuchuan was often candlestick from West Asia in the 14th Liang Xiuhua, an expert in evalu- how they reacted to Western culture and ums nationwide, including the provision
used as a cargo vessel after the Song century. ating ancient paintings and cal- their understanding of this culture.” of public services for evaluating cultural
ligraphy in Zhejiang province
Dynasty. “It shows the mutual influence of both relics.
cultures, reflecting the harmonious sym- Quick response For example, on Wednesday, Zhejiang
Gold ingot biosis of ancient times,” Yang said. Similar statues are housed in the collec- Provincial Museum organized such an
Yang Jingbin, an associate researcher White porcelain made in Dehua coun- In the Song Dynasty, the Dehua Kiln tions of many European museums, activity in Lanxi, Zhejiang. Specialists in
at the Fujian Museum, said that when ty, Fujian, was a highly important com- began to prosper from maritime trade, including the British Museum and the porcelain, jade, ancient paintings and cal-
Chinese navigator Zheng He from the modity shipped overseas. To illustrate its and in the late Ming and early Qing (1644- Victoria and Albert Museum in London, ligraphy were invited to answer questions
Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) made his sev- history, an exhibition of Dehua white 1911) dynasties, white porcelain became a Huang said. and help evaluate collections.
en westward voyages, his fleets mainly ceramics has also opened at the Fujian highly prized commodity from the kiln. When the exhibitions opened at the Liang Xiuhua, an expert in evaluating
comprised Fujian vessels. Museum. Huang Weiwei, a guide at the exhibi- Fujian Museum on Thursday, industry ancient paintings and calligraphy, said:
Also on display is an inscribed gold Bai Ming, a professor at Tsinghua Uni- tion, said customized white porcelain was professionals attending a forum enthusi- “Such activities enable me to give full play
ingot weighing nearly 2 kilograms versity’s Academy of Arts and Design, said shipped overseas at the start of the Ming astically expressed their ideas for the sus- to my specialist knowledge to help those
unearthed from the tomb of Zhu Zhanji, a white ceramics from Dehua have long Dynasty. tainability of museums. who love collections. In this way, we meet
son of emperor Zhu Gaochi (1378-1425) in been known as top-grade Chinese porce- Two white ceramic statues of Adam and Zhao said that after the draft resolution the public’s requirements and contribute
the Ming Dynasty. The inscription states lain, as they were shipped overseas in Eve are believed to be examples of such Transforming our World: The 2030 Agen- to the collection of folk artifacts and
that the raw material for the ingot was ancient times. In the West, they were products. The statues, produced by the da for Sustainable Development was development of the artifact market.”
bought overseas by Zheng during his fifth known by the French in the 19th century Dehua Kiln, are now stored at the Fujian issued by the UN in 2015, the museum sec-
voyage. as Blanc de Chine, or “white from China”. Museum. tor responded quickly, and in 2018, ICOM Wang Kaihao contributed to this story.

Beijing symposium sheds modern light on efforts to showcase the past

By LIN QI and to deeply integrate the management of Beijing’s diverse cultural and artistic resour- between a museum and its host city, and a “city of museums” calls for related resour- museums into a city’s policy design and ces, and to encourage the public to come up ways in which museums blend in with their ces to be integrated with many aspects of
urban development. with ideas for developing creative museum neighborhoods. city construction and urban life. Such
Visitors flocked to museums during the A recent symposium attended by policy products. Liu said that to give museums a cultural aspects include forming a close connection
May Day holiday for leisure and educational makers, museum administrators, museolo- Beijing’s draft development plan for identity, urban planners should work to with schools and communities, and sharing
purposes. gy researchers and urban planners from museum construction from this year to achieve “unity of a city’s history, cultural research on museum collections to provide
A rough calculation by the National Cul- home and abroad looked at the prospect of 2025 states that the capital has ambitions to heritage and its modern landscapes”, to the public with more access to cultural
tural Heritage Administration shows that Beijing evolving as “a city of museums”, become “a city of museums”, with two such accentuate its “temperament and spirit” resources.
about 50 million people visited museums which the municipal government has envi- institutions for every 100,000 people. that have formed over time. He said an effec- Participants at the symposium spoke of the
nationwide during this period. sioned and is striving to achieve. The Chi- Liu Shuguang, director-general of the tive coordination mechanism should also be need for ideas to “think globally and act local-
Top-ranked exhibitions are being staged in nese capital is blessed with a rich history, Chinese Museums Association, said at the introduced for all museums. ly”, and for museums to hold discussions with
China, including a selection of self-portraits cultural heritage and modern institutions. symposium that city administrators in Chi- He added that major museums are essen- the authorities in their home cities.
from the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy, at The 2023 International Symposium of the na first realized the importance of museums tial to a city’s cultural landscape. “Their An Laishun, who chairs the International
the National Museum of China in Beijing. Think Tank for Beijing Cultural Heritage and to the image branding of a city in the first presence as a channel of public diplomacy is Council of Museums’ Asia-Pacific Alliance,
A display of masterpieces from the Museums Development, held in the city on decade of the 21st century. necessary, and forming consistent, institu- cited the opening of the Shanghai Museum
National Gallery in London, which closed May 10, was an important part of the ongoing However, at the time, there was a lack of tionalized connections with international of Glass as a good example of a modern
on May 7 at the Shanghai Museum, was inaugural Beijing Museum Activity Month. overall planning for building museums as counterparts helps raise a city’s global pro- museum with a diverse program being built
open to the public for 24 hours that day. Launched on May 1, the month is being an integral part of urban development. The file,” Liu said. on the former site of a glassware factory. The
Such exhibitions have triggered discus- marked with some 300 exhibitions — physi- ensuing years have seen an improvement, Chen Mingjie, head of the Beijing Munic- institution reflects Shanghai’s transforma-
sion on ways to diversify museum services cal and online — to introduce audiences to with more attention paid to interaction ipal Cultural Heritage Bureau, said building tion in the post-industrial era, An added.
CHINA DAILY Tuesday, May 23, 2023 | 3

Bridge faces load test US urged to be sincere
in relations with China
By ZHOU JIN vant countries to stop politicizing health issues and stop using the
Taiwan question to interfere in
China urged the United States to China’s internal affairs.
show sincerity in bilateral commu- The General Committee and the
nication and take practical steps to Plenary Session of the 76th WHA
bring China-US relations back to have decided to reject the so-called
the right track, Foreign Ministry proposal of “inviting Taiwan to par-
spokeswoman Mao Ning said on ticipate in the WHA as an observer”
Monday. submitted by certain countries. This
Mao made the remarks after US year’s annual assembly runs from
President Joe Biden said on Sun- May 21 through May 30.
day that he expected ties with Chi- The decision fully shows that the
na to improve “very shortly”, one-China principle has interna-
dismissing an alleged “spy balloon” tional support and represents the
incident that caused a diplomatic prevailing trend that cannot be
spat earlier this year as “silly”. challenged, the ministry said in a
Biden said that his administra- statement.
tion is considering lifting sanc- In disregard of the well-being of
tions on Defense Minister Li the people of Taiwan, the Demo-
Shangfu, removing one barrier to a cratic Progressive Party authori-
potential meeting with US ties put countries having so-called
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin. “diplomatic ties” with Taiwan up
Beijing and Washington have to making the proposal, while cer-
maintained necessary communica- tain countries encouraged and
tion, Mao told a regular news con- supported this move, it said.
ference. She added that China firmly These egregious acts deliberate-
opposes any illegal and unilateral ly violated international rules and
sanctions, and has expressed its sol- have been unanimously opposed
The Jinfeng Wujiang River Bridge in southwest China’s Guizhou province is seen under static load testing on Sunday. Static load testing, emn stance on this to the US side. by countries that uphold justice,
including symmetrical and asymmetrical rounds, was conducted on the 1473.5-meter-long bridge, which is a key project on the Guiyang- “If, on the one hand, the US asks the statement added.
Jinsha-Gulin expressway. TAO LIANG / XINHUA for communication, yet on the oth- Before the opening of the con-
er, suppresses and contains China ference, nearly 100 countries
by every possible means, and expressed their commitment to
imposes sanctions on Chinese offi- the one-China principle and oppo-

Nation’s effort to safeguard

cials, institutions and companies, sition to Taiwan’s participation in
what is the sincerity and meaning of the assembly by sending letters to
such communication?” she asked. the World Health Organization
The US should roll back sanc- and issuing statements, it said.
tions immediately, overcome the China urges certain countries
obstacles and create favorable con- not to pretend to be confused, and

biodiversity pays dividends ditions for dialogue, she said.

Mao urged the US to correct its
perception of China, and stop inter-
fering in China’s internal affairs and
undermining China’s sovereignty,
stop the erroneous practice of
using Taiwan to contain China, the
ministry said.
Ma Xiaoguang, a spokesman for
the Taiwan Affairs Office of the
Population of many endangered species country’s land area, the adminis- tea production, tourism and bam- security and development interests. State Council, urged the DPP
tration said. boo cultivation, leading to economic Also on Monday, the Foreign authorities to stop political manip-
of flora, fauna sees growth in recent years By 2025, the country aims to pro- growth while also conserving the Ministry welcomed a decision by ulation on Taiwan-related issues in
tect 75 percent of national key ter- environment, said the park’s man- the World Health Assembly on the WHO, saying that any actions
By LI HONGYANG have seen their numbers rise. restrial endangered wildlife species agement bureau. refusing Taiwan’s participation in that challenge the one-China prin- Over the years, the distribution and 80 percent of national key ter- Local residents have benefited this year’s assembly, urging rele- ciple are doomed to fail.
area of the Siberian tiger has restrial endangered plant species, from this model by engaging in
China’s efforts to protect habitats expanded from the Changbai the administration said. eco-friendly tourism and conser-
and biodiversity have contributed to Mountains to the Greater and Less- Such an example of habitat con- vation work, and the park has cre- Modern farming
the increase in the population of er Hinggan Mountains, and there is servation can be found at Wuyishan ated job opportunities for them.
many endangered species, the a wild population of around 60. National Park, located in Fujian and More than 1,600 villagers are
National Forestry and Grassland Meanwhile, the distribution area Jiangxi provinces. employed in positions including
Administration said on Monday, the of the crested ibis has expanded The park, covering an area of hiking tour guides and park main-
23rd International Day for Biologi- from three to seven provinces, with about 128,000 hectares and home tenance staff.
cal Diversity. a wild population of more than to more than 10,000 species of flora These conservation efforts have
The day falls on May 22 annually, 7,000, the administration said. and fauna, has found a way to also had a positive influence on the
and this year’s theme is “From It added that the number of Qiao- maintain harmony between local surrounding communities.
Agreement to Action: Build Back jia pine trees has also grown from 34 residents and the area’s wildlife. Zhan Jianying, a resident of
Biodiversity”. in the 1990s to more than 3,000. The park has dedicated 10 per- Aotou village in the hinterland of
The administration said that To further protect these endan- cent of its area to eco-friendly the park, said that “without these
since the beginning of the 14th Five- gered species, China aims to estab- industries, while the remaining 90 good mountains and waters, we
Year Plan period (2021-25), more lish an extensive system of national percent is devoted to protecting wouldn’t have such good tea. If we
than 300 rare and endangered parks across the country that will biodiversity. want to continue to enjoy the bene-
wildlife and plant species, includ- cover more than 110 million hec- This approach has led to the fits of these natural resources, we
ing Siberian tigers and orchids, tares, about 10.3 percent of the growth of green industries, such as must protect them”.

Report: Book on oracle bones published Technicians carry out maintenance of mechanized rotary rakes
on Monday in Huaibei, Anhui province, as the agricultural
department of the local government prepares for the upcoming
Women get By WANG KAIHAO tary heritage that have worldwide “We have also named every
wheat harvest season. WAN SHANCHAO / FOR CHINA DAILY

greater support significance.

In 2019, President Xi Jinping
bone to indicate its nature and
content, and thus facilitate fur-

in more fields The Forbidden City, China’s

imperial palace from 1420 to 1911,
which is now officially known as
praised the oracle bone inscrip-
tions, saying they represent the
roots of fine traditional Chinese
ther research. For the first time,
the collection of oracle bones fea-
tures catalogs like regular books,”
Security: Export restrictions
From page 1 the Palace Museum, is not just
famous for its extensive collection
culture, in a congratulatory letter
to mark the 120th anniversary of
Wang said.
Previously, oracle bones only had ‘not in interest of any party’
By September, more than 900 of royal relics and its unique archi- their discovery. serial numbers. Liu Yiman, a veter-
such cases were solved and over tecture but is also a treasure trove Zhu Hongwen, deputy director an oracle bone researcher with the From page 1 maker of DRAM, or dynamic ran-
1,340 suspects captured, according of archaic characters. of the Palace Museum, said the Chinese Academy of Social Scien- dom access memory chips, which
to the report. After a decade of study and prep- museum houses 21,395 oracle ces, said: “Sorting files properly is The move could profoundly are flash memory chips widely
It cited data showing that 717 peo- aration, the museum announced bones, about 13 percent of the the key for academic break- affect Micron’s business in China, a used in smartphones, personal
ple were charged with the crime on Monday that it was releasing a world’s total number of such relics through. New materials can broad- market accounting for around 11 computers and servers.
from January to September last year, multivolume book on some of the known to exist today. en our horizons.” percent of its $30.8 billion global Micron accounted for 22.8 per-
with 234 others accused of buying 3,300-year-old oracle bone inscrip- Although this is the third-largest The book on the Palace Muse- sales in 2022, said Xiang Ligang, cent of the global DRAM market in
the abducted women and children. tions in its collection. collection of oracle bones among um’s oracle bone collection can director-general of the Information 2021, behind Samsung’s 43.6 per-
To give stronger support for wom- The recently published first two institutions, after the National provide references for studies on Consumption Alliance, a telecom cent and SK Hynix’s 27.7 percent,
en in more fields, the Standing Com- volumes of the book, Yinxu Oracle Library of China and Taipei-based warfare during the Shang Dynasty, industry association. according to market research
mittee of the National People’s Bone Inscriptions in Palace Muse- Academia Sinica, about 80 percent and on a rare recording of a solar “Chinese State-owned enterpris- company IC Insights.
Congress, China’s top legislature, um Collection, cover more than of these bones were never catego- eclipse, Liu added. es and their affiliates, at least, will The Financial Times reported in
adopted in October an amendment 1,300 bones, the inscriptions on rized. It was the world’s last big col- In 2020, a comprehensive aca- stop buying Micron’s products. And April that Washington had urged
to the Law on the Protection of Rights which include topics ranging from lection of oracle bones that had demic project was co-launched by it could have a broader impact given South Korean officials to prevent
and Interests of Women, the report military affairs, astronomy and largely remained untouched. the Ministry of Education and oth- the clear signal from the statement its chipmakers from filling the
said. Furthermore, judicial agencies agriculture to tribute systems and The Palace Museum used to be a er national-level authorities to that Micron’s products have cyber- market void if Micron was unable
have prioritized a crackdown on the sacrificial rituals. hub for oracle bone studies. How- highlight the importance of pale- security risks,” said a senior execu- to sell its chips to China.
sexual assault of children. This is the first time in decades ever, after veteran scholars died, ography in inheriting and develop- tive of a market research company, Mao from the Foreign Ministry
In addition, the report hailed the that China’s largest museum has inheritors of this crucial and diffi- ing the Chinese civilization. on condition of anonymity. said on Monday that such moves
country’s greater efforts in recent decided to make public details cult discipline remained absent at “Exploring the thoughts and Companies in the Chinese market by the US are aimed at safeguard-
years in fighting telecommunica- about its oracle bone collection the institution for about three dec- cultural meanings hidden in the have already started to avoid buying ing its own hegemonic interests.
tions and online fraud as well as cor- through a book. ades after 1981. Finally, in 2013, oracle bone inscriptions is the Micron’s products since the govern- “Coercing other countries to
ruption. The fight against related Dating to the late Shang Dynasty scholars at the Palace Museum main work in this project,” said ment announced in March that the impose export restrictions on China
crimes will be further strengthened (c.16th century to 11th century BC), began to categorize and study the Liu Hong, deputy director of the company was the subject of a cyber- seriously violates the principles of
in the next two or three years, oracle bones — inscribed turtle oracle bones to resume the course. Ministry of Education’s language security review, the source added. the market economy and interna-
according to the report. shells and ox scapulas, among oth- According to Wang Su, a information management Micron said in a statement on tional trade rules. … It is not in the
More cases concerning money ers — were mainly excavated from researcher at the Palace Museum department. “By figuring out cul- Monday that it had received notifi- interest of any party,” Mao said.
laundering will be handled, as fugi- the Yinxu Ruins site in Anyang, who has led the ongoing oracle tural symbols of the past, we can cation of the review result and is Wei Shaojun, a professor of inte-
tive capture and asset recovery work Henan province. The script com- bone studies, the recently pub- better trace the origins of our civi- assessing the next steps. grated circuits at Tsinghua Univer-
intensifies, the report said. prised the earliest-known, fully lished volumes focus on bones that lization.” Huatai Securities and CITIC sity, said the reported export
Moreover, it said that judicial action developed Chinese writing system were collected by Ma Heng, former The Palace Museum also Securities both said in research restrictions would further acceler-
against crimes such as spying and whose lineage is the same as the director of the museum, and Xie released its first essay collection on notes that the move will boost ate the development of the domes-
theft of State secrets will be enhanced Chinese characters used today. Boshu, an entrepreneur and a paleography on Monday. Besides demand for the products of Chinese tic memory chip sector.
to better guarantee national security, In 2017, the inscriptions were paleographer. the oracle bones, the museum companies such as Yangtze Memory “China’s semiconductor industry
following a revision to the Counter- included in the International Pictures and stone-rubbing rep- houses about 1,600 inscribed Technologies Corp and South Kore- is on the rise, with an annual invest-
Espionage Law, which was adopted in Memory of the World Register, licas of each piece of oracle bone, bronze wares from the Shang and an companies such as Samsung ment of nearly $30 billion,” Wei said,
April by the NPC Standing Committee administered by UNESCO, which along with explanatory notes, have Zhou (c.11th century to 256 BC) Electronics and SK Hynix. adding that China is also the world’s
and will take effect on July 1. seeks to identify items of documen- been included in the book. dynasties. Micron is the world’s third-largest largest semiconductor market.
4 | Tuesday, May 23, 2023 CHINA DAILY

Court blocks compulsory TV ads Mainland tours resume
for residents of Taiwan
Manufacturers ordered to give option for ruling after the company appealed. tion, intellectual property and
“Even though the ad was just 15 finance — reflecting the major devel- By CUI JIA Zhu Songling, a professor at Bei-
consumers to switch off commercials seconds, it violated the legitimate oping sectors in the delta. jing Union University’s Institute of
rights of consumers and also affected Lauding the judicial fight against Taiwan Studies, said on Friday that
By CAO YIN TVs sold by the company were the healthy development of the illegal fishing and the purchase of fry Allowing travel agencies to the resumption of group tours for turned on, infringed upon consum- smart TV industry,” Qi Su, deputy in the river by effectively solving rele- resume organizing group tours for Taiwan residents is the latest move
ers’ rights. chief judge of the top court’s Third vant public interest litigation, Qi Taiwan residents who want to visit from mainland authorities to
Smart television manufacturers The council asked the company to Circuit Court, said while briefing called for judges to continue to make the Chinese mainland will help expand cross-Strait exchanges.
and sellers must provide consumers offer consumers an option to disable about the case on Monday. stronger efforts to protect the envi- expand cross-Strait exchanges and “It also sends a signal that the
with an option to turn off advertise- the ad, saying that they should not be “The dispute resolution has shown ronment by strictly implementing ease tensions, an expert on Taiwan mainland hopes to ease tensions
ments inserted in the devices to pro- forced to watch it every time they the principle of upholding a people- the Yangtze River Protection Law. affairs said. across the Taiwan Strait and pursue
tect their rights and interests, China’s turned on their TVs. After the enter- centered approach in our judicial She highlighted the importance of The decision to resume such peaceful development,” Zhu said.
top court said. prises failed to correct the problem, affairs, and how we responded to dealing with commercial disputes tours starting on Friday was While meeting a delegation of
The Supreme People’s Court made the council sued it. public concerns with efficient case across the delta, adding that better announced by Ma Xiaoguang, a tour operators from Taiwan on
the remark on Monday in the coun- In November 2020, the Nanjing handling,” she added. handling of such cases can prevent spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Thursday afternoon, Song Tao,
try’s first release of a public interest Intermediate People’s Court in Jiang- On Monday, the top court also dis- financial risks and maintain stability Office of the State Council. head of the Taiwan Work Office of
case concerning smart TVs, clarify- su found in favor of the council, closed 15 other cases resolved by in this regard. Such trips had been suspended the CPC Central Committee and the
ing that consumers have the right to ordering the company to provide an courts in the Yangtze River Delta, not- Qi said it is necessary to regularly since 2020 due to the COVID-19 Taiwan Affairs Office of the State
choose or reject products or services. option for consumers to disable the ing that the move aims to unify trial disclose influential cases, as that will pandemic. Council, said that peaceful develop-
In the case, the Jiangsu Consumer ad, stressing in the verdict that con- standards and serve its high-quality help judges in Shanghai and the Taiwan people are welcome to ment can be achieved across the
Council filed a lawsuit against an sumers have the right to choose or development by the rule of law. provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and come for sightseeing and to witness Taiwan Strait if people adhere to
electronics company, claiming that a reject the service. The cases cover various aspects — Anhui unify trial standards, as well the development of the mainland, the 1992 Consensus and stand
15-second advertisement, which was In March 2021, the Jiangsu High including those involving internet as contribute to meeting the public’s he added. against “Taiwan independence”. As
automatically played when smart People’s Court upheld the original platforms, environmental protec- legal demands. The Ministry of Culture and long as there is peace and stability,
Tourism echoed Ma’s statement, cross-Strait tourism can be
adding that local authorities are resumed.
required to better assist tour opera- Hsiao Po-jen, head of the delega-
tors with organizing such trips. tion and chairman of the Taiwan
Wang Huning, a member of the Association of Travel Agents, said
Standing Committee of the Political tour operators always hope for
Bureau of the Communist Party of peace and stability across the Tai-
China Central Committee, called wan Strait. People on both sides
for the gradual resumption and have the same roots and are part of
expansion of cross-Strait exchanges a community with a shared future.
during the annual work conference “Because of the COVID-19 pan-
on Taiwan affairs held by mainland demic, many people in Taiwan
authorities on May 9 and 10. weren’t able to visit the mainland
Wang, who is also chairman of during the past three years. The
the 14th National Committee of the association plans to enable more
Chinese People’s Political Consulta- Taiwan people to see the beautiful
tive Conference, China’s top politi- sights on the mainland and gain a
cal advisory body, added that better understanding of it,” Hsiao
efforts will be made to make friends said.
with people from all walks of life in According to the Ministry of Cul-
Taiwan and promote mutual ture and Tourism, the Chinese
understanding between people on mainland received 6.13 million vis-
both sides of the Taiwan Strait. its from Taiwan residents in 2019.

Scientists set out on study

trip to Mt Qomolangma
Chinese scientists have started impact of climate and environ-
a scientific expedition to the mental change in the Qomolang-
region of Mount Qomolangma, ma region on other parts of the
known as Mount Everest in the world.
West, in Southwest China’s Tibet The 2023 Qomolangma expedi-
autonomous region, as part of the tion will continue to focus on
second comprehensive scientific major scientific issues such as
The Shenzhou XVI spacecraft and its carrier, a Long March 2F rocket, are moved to their launch site at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center expedition to the Qinghai-Tibet how the extremely high altitude
in northwestern China’s Gobi Desert on Monday. WANG JIANGBO / FOR CHINA DAILY Plateau. environment changes under the
A total of 170 scientists are con- influence of global warming, how
ducting research on water, ecolo- environmental change interacts

Shenzhou XVI mission to launch in days gy and human activities, aiming

to reveal the mechanism of envi-
ronmental change and optimize
the ecological security barrier sys-
with the westerly winds and mon-
soons, and how the environment
will affect the changes of the
“water tower of Asia”, according
tem on the plateau. to Yao Tandong, an academician
By ZHAO LEI Tiangong this year and the first to an engineer on the crew, and this in this generation in three groups: Dubbed the “roof of the world” at the Chinese Academy of Scien- arrive since its construction was means the Shenzhou XVI will be the seven spacecraft pilots, another sev- and the “water tower of Asia”, the ces and team leader of the expedi-
completed by the Shenzhou XIV and first time for Chinese civilians to en as spaceflight engineers and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is an tion.
China’s next manned mission, the XV crews. travel into space,” he said. last four as payload specialists. important ecological security bar- “The Qomolangma expedition
Shenzhou XVI, is scheduled to be The crew members, whose names Yang Liwei, the first Chinese per- Earlier this month, the Tianzhou 6 rier in China. It is also a natural has realized the transformation
launched in the coming days to have yet to be disclosed, will take son in space and now a deputy chief robotic cargo spaceship set out from laboratory for conducting from ‘I want to conquer you’ to ‘I
transport three astronauts to the over the massive orbital outpost planner of the country’s manned the Wenchang Space Launch Center research on the evolution of the want to understand you’, achieved
Tiangong space station, according to from their peers in the Shenzhou XV spaceflights, has said that the third- in Hainan province to transport Earth and life, the interaction the application of new technolo-
the China Manned Space Agency. — mission commander Major Gen- generation astronauts are expected materials for the next manned mis- among spheres and the relation- gies and new means, and resulted
The Shenzhou XVI crewed space- eral Fei Junlong, Senior Colonel to be in space in 2023. sions, becoming the first spacecraft ship between man and Earth. in important international influ-
craft and its carrier, a Long March Deng Qingming and Senior Colonel As of now, all of the Chinese astro- to visit the Tiangong space station According to the law on ecologi- ence,” he said.
2F rocket, were moved to the service Zhang Lu — who arrived on Nov 30. nauts who have been on spaceflights this year. cal conservation on the Qinghai- A series of scientific achieve-
tower on Monday at the Jiuquan By the end of May, Fei’s team will are members of the People’s Libera- Orbiting about 400 kilometers Tibet Plateau, the State ments including “the synergy and
Satellite Launch Center in north- have stayed in orbit for six months. tion Army. They are in the first two above the ground, the Tiangong cur- encourages and supports scientif- influence of westerly winds and
western China’s Gobi Desert, the Pang Zhihao, an expert on space generations of astronauts who were rently consists of three major com- ic investigation and research on monsoons”, “the special physio-
agency said in a news release, add- exploration technology and a selected from experienced Air Force ponents, the Tianhe core module the plateau, and promotes long- logical response of the human
ing that the spacecraft and the rock- renowned writer on spaceflight, pre- aviators. and Wentian and Mengtian science term research to grasp the ecolog- body in the Qomolangma region”
et will undergo final checks in the dicts that the Shenzhou XVI crew The third generation of astro- lab modules, and is connected with ical background of the plateau and “the ecological process of the
next several days. will include new faces — the coun- nauts have civilians recruited from two visiting craft, the Shenzhou XV and its changes. greening of the Qomolangma
The Shenzhou XVI will become try’s third generation of astronauts. researchers and engineers. crew ship and the Tianzhou 6 cargo As an important part of the sec- region” have been made so far
the first crewed mission to visit “I think there will be a scientist or There are 17 men and one woman ship. ond comprehensive scientific during the second comprehensive
expedition to the Qinghai-Tibet scientific expedition to the Qing-
Plateau, which was initiated in hai-Tibet Plateau.

Universal childcare services to provide key support 2017, the ongoing expedition is of
great significance to studying the XINHUA


in Taizhou, Jiangsu
than 30 percent of families with
infants and young children in China
vide subsidies and increase the
number of childcare slots for infants
interests and provide them with
ample freedom.”
Stuck in the mud
have a demand for childcare servi- and young children aged 0-3 years Zhou Lixia is a mother of a three-
Jiang Ming, a resident of Taizhou, ces, but the enrollment rate is only from 1.8 to 4.5 slots per thousand and-a-half-year-old boy who has
Jiangsu province, decided to enroll around 5.5 percent. people by 2025. been in the childcare center for a
his 32-month-old daughter in a local Jia You Er Nyu (Home with Kids), “It can help alleviate fertility anxi- year and a half. She was surprised by
childcare center four months ago, where Jiang sends his daughter, eties and reduce the cost of child- the teachers’ awareness of the differ-
recognizing the great support it solves his urgent need. With a rearing,” said Mu Guangzong, a ent sensitive periods for children.
would provide to his family. monthly fee of 2,080 yuan ($295), professor of demography at the Insti- The teacher told her that at one
Like the majority of families in plus an additional 500 yuan for tute of Population Research at point, her child displayed a height-
China, both he and his wife have to meals, he drops off his daughter at Peking University. “It will address ened sensitivity to colors, while at
work, leaving their child in the care the childcare center at 8:20 am and the low fertility rates resulting from another time, there was a strong
of elderly relatives during the day. picks her up at 4 pm on weekdays. a lack of willingness or desire to have affinity for shapes. Recognizing this,
However, as the grandparents grew The temporary separation also children.” the family concentrated on cultivat-
older, taking care of the child became makes the family cherish the time At Jia You Er Nyu, a provincial ing their child with these abilities
increasingly challenging, Jiang said, they spend together in the evenings model nursery that provides univer- accordingly. Now the boy performs
but having his wife quit her job and and on weekends even more. “It sal childcare services, there is an well in painting and puzzle solving.
stay at home full time would discon- largely alleviates the burden of par- average of one teacher for every six Because of limited interaction
nect her from society, potentially enting and promotes family harmo- children. They engage the kids in with her child during the daytime,
straining the family relationship. ny,” the father said. activities such as reading picture the working mother said that with-
Like Jiang, this dilemma is being This is a microcosm of the nation- books, planting potatoes and explor- out the teacher’s reminder, the fami-
faced by many families in China, al efforts to develop universal child- ing nature in a nearby park. ly might have overlooked these A rescue worker cleans mud off a stranded car after heavy rainfall
especially with the introduction of care services. According to the 2021 “Our teachers act as guides and development stages. triggered a landslide in Baishui village, Guilin, Guangxi Zhuang
the three-child policy in 2021. decision on improving birth policies observers, rather than command- autonomous region, on Monday. The downpour flooded many
According to data released by the to promote long-term balanced pop- ers,” said Zhou Lihua, head of the day Contact the writers at roads in Guilin’s urban area. Around 370 schools in the city were
National Health Commission, more ulation growth, the country will pro- nursery. “We observe the children’s forced to close for half a day. LIAO HANJIE / FOR CHINA DAILY
CHINA DAILY Tuesday, May 23, 2023 | 5

Central catalog Hard choices

details elderly coverage to
be expanded
care services By WANG XIAOYU

China will continue to expand

the coverage of maternity insur-
Local authorities’ offerings to seniors ance and explore the wider
implementation of long-term
must not be fewer than those listed care insurance as part of efforts
to achieve balanced population
By LI LEI look that all people have some- development and address the thing to rely on in old age,” it rapidly aging society, the Nation-
said. al Healthcare Insurance Admin-
Central authorities have pub- Building a system of such ser- istration said on Thursday.
lished a catalog of care services and vices is an important step by the Li Tao, deputy director of the
cash subsidies to create a safety net central government in address- administration, said that 240 mil-
targeting the country’s fast-ex- ing the challenges brought lion people had enrolled in China’s
panding elderly population. about by the fast-aging demo- maternity insurance program,
The listed items range from sti- graphics in a preemptive fash- and its fund paid maternity
pends for residents aged 80 and ion, and was part of a broader expenses worth 89.1 billion yuan
older outside their monthly pen- move to curb the regional gap in ($12.7 billion) in total last year.
sion benefits, to reimbursements the distribution of public servi- “The maternity insurance pro-
for courses that people take to bet- ces, it added. Wealthier provin- gram helps balance expenditures
ter care for their elderly relatives ces in the east usually offer resulting from hiring female
who have disabilities. better public services than A university staff member details prospects on admission and future employment to visitors at a con- workers, alleviate employers’
On the list are also programs that inland regions. sultation fair in Beijing on Sunday. Some 60 colleges participated in the event to answer queries from concerns over recruiting women
help adapt the home layout to pro- The directive comes as China visitors, most of whom were parents of children preparing for the national college entrance exam in less and mitigate gender discrimina-
mote physical accessibility, and vis- races to create an elder care ser- than three weeks. LIU PING / FOR CHINA DAILY tion at workplaces,” she said dur-
its paid to “empty-nest elders” vice program that is both uni- ing a news conference held by the
living alone by community workers versally accessible and State Council Information Office.
and volunteers. sustainable in supporting vast China permitted all couples to
The catalog is an appendix to a
guideline issued by the general offi-
ces of the Communist Party of Chi-
na Central Committee and the State
numbers of retirees.
National Bureau of Statistics
data showed that China had 280
million people aged 60 and old-
Expo sets platform for cooperation have up to three children, up from
two, on May 31, 2021. Li said all
provincial-level regions have so far
released documents to guarantee
Council, China’s Cabinet.
The content is subject to change
based on new situations, it said.
er as of last year, representing
about 19 percent of the popula-
between China and Arab nations that insured female employees can
access fertility subsidies and other
benefits when having a third child.
However, the catalog in the 14th The guideline also spells out a In July last year, the administra-
Five-Year Plan (2021-25) mainly number of key tasks. By XU WEIWEI motion of International Trade, and implement the achievements of the tion released a guideline with 16
focuses on addressing problems One is to establish a system to the government of the Ningxia Hui “Three Summits” of China-Arabia, other government departments
facing families with disabled rela- survey the health conditions of autonomous region. Since 2013, five China-GCC and China-Saudi Arabia that requires including flexible
tives in old age, as well as those older residents, and the results The China-Arab States Expo has sessions of the expo have been held in late last year. workers in local maternity insur-
dealing with elders without care- need to be recognized across become an important platform for Yinchuan of Ningxia under the prin- Yin said Chinese diplomats in ance programs and exploring sub-
givers. regions. Another is to roll out China-Arab exchanges, and will ciple of “Friendship, Cooperation, Saudi Arabia fully support Ningxia sidizing labor pain relief and
Local authorities are required to incentives to encourage proper- expand high-quality cooperation in and Win-win Development”. holding the sixth expo and enhanc- assisted reproductive services.
roll out their customized versions ty management companies to the Belt and Road Initiative, said offi- “We aim to deepen cooperation in ing the China-Saudi Arabia econom- “We will continue to expand
based on local conditions, but servi- participate in relevant pro- cials, diplomats and business leaders. fields such as trade and economy, ic and trade exchanges and maternity insurance coverage,
ces on offer must not be fewer than grams. At a promotional event for the energy, science and technology, and cooperation to a new level. strengthen the reimbursement of
those listed in the central guideline. As part of the effort to shore China-Arab States Expo in Riyadh, agriculture, and foster new growth Mohammed Abdulaziz Al Ajlan, medical expenditures involving
Titled “Opinions on Promoting up the capacity to provide elder Saudi Arabia, on Sunday, speakers drivers in areas including green and chairman of the Saudi-Chinese Busi- childbearing … so as to promote
the Construction of a Basic Elder- care, the guideline said newly noted that the expo has played an low-carbon development, digital ness Council, expressed hope that the long-term and balanced devel-
care Service System”, the document built residential communities active role in promoting not only economy, and health and medical the meeting would achieve its goals, opment of demography,” she said.
defines basic elder care services as must complete a certain num- economic and trade ties, but also services,” Liang said. highlighting the most important By the end of last year, China
those offered by the State directly ber of nursing homes and other cultural communication between The five expos over the decade opportunities available to the pri- had 280 million people aged 60 or
or indirectly, and are basic, univer- long-term care facilities based China and the Arab world. have built bridges and created favor- vate sector to increase the scale of above, accounting for 19.8 percent
sally accessible, and aim to meet on their scale, and renovations Guest speakers at the event able conditions for economic and trade and investment between the of its population, said Hu Jinglin,
the most bottom-line needs. targeting older communities included Liang Yanshun, Party chief trade exchanges and cooperation Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and China. head of the administration.
“Such public products are the must take elder care needs into of the Ningxia Hui autonomous between countries and regions PowerChina Saudi representative To tackle an aging society and
foundation for achieving the out- consideration. region and chairman of the standing involved in the Belt and Road Initia- Zhu Jing said that in recent years the rising number of elderly peo-
committee of Ningxia’s people’s con- tive, including Arab countries, effec- Chinese enterprises have been ple with disabilities, Hu said that
gress; Saudi Minister of Industry tively promoted economic and trade actively participating in the China began piloting long-term
and Mineral Resources Bandar bin exchanges between China and Arab improvement of infrastructure, care insurance policies in 49 cit-
Ibrahim Al Khorayef; Yin Lijun and countries, and promoted the vigor- industrial development, technologi- ies since 2016.
Xie Qinsheng from the Chinese ous development of China-Arab cal progress, education and medical “By late 2022, 169 million peo-
embassy in Saudi Arabia; Moham- relations, he told guests while sin- care in Saudi Arabia, helping to ple had enrolled in the program
med Abdulaziz Al Ajlan, chairman of cerely inviting Saudi businesses to improve the living standards of local and a total of 62.4 billion yuan
the Saudi-Chinese Business Council, participate. people. had been paid out,” he said.
and Saudi business leaders Moham- Minister Al Khorayef expressed Zhu noted PowerChina has been “The pilot program has effec-
med A. Al Ajlan and Ajlan A. Alajlan. the will of Saudi Arabia to showcase focusing on local employment and tively reduced the financial burden
The sixth session of the expo will its products, attractions and procurement, and has witnessed a on families with elderly members
be held in Yinchuan, Ningxia, from strength at the expo while relating steady rise in the proportion of Sau- with disabilities, promoted the
Sept 21 to 24. Themed “New Era, its significance to bilateral di employees and local products and development of elderly care servi-
New Opportunities, New Future”, it exchanges. services, advocating green and low- ces and offered job opportunities
will focus on the eight major cooper- Yin Lijun, charge d’affaires of the carbon operations, frequently for caregivers,” he said. “The num-
ation initiatives between China and Chinese embassy in Saudi Arabia, donating funds to educational caus- ber of caregivers in pilot regions
the Arab side and the five priority said with Saudi Arabia’s proactive es, and organizing vocational tech- has risen from 30,000 to 330,000.”
areas where China is ready to work participation and support, this expo nical training for their employees. Hu said that the administration
with the Gulf countries in the next will achieve greater success and inject “Meanwhile, we hope people from will continue to carry out and
three to five years, Liang said. strong impetus into the friendly coop- all walks of life in Saudi Arabia will improve pilot programs while for-
Elderly people interact with a robot at an elderly care center in The China-Arab States Expo is an eration between China and Saudi continue to help, support and care mulating a long-range plan and
Zhengzhou, Henan province, last month. ZHANG TAO / FOR CHINA DAILY international exposition jointly spon- Arabia, and between China and other about Chinese enterprises.” uniform standards to facilitate the
sored by the Ministry of Commerce of Arabian countries in the new era. establishment of a national system
China, the China Council for the Pro- The expo is a major measure to Hu Dongmei contributed to this story. for long-term elderly care this year.

Tissue-like cultured fish

fillets developed in lab ‘Frog’ street vendors leap into online debate
By HE QI in Shanghai others insisted that punishment
HANGZHOU — Seafood is porting materials for fish-cell should be imposed for violation of
favored by many people for its adhesion and growth was con- rules and regulations no matter what.
taste and richness in various pro- structed by using a gelatin-based A recent video that showed a street “It is indeed a form of selling toys,”
teins, omega-3 fatty acids and gel. After proliferation and differ- vendor dressed as a frog and selling no matter the look and approach of
micronutrients. However, the entiation, the muscle scaffold was frog-shaped balloons being stopped the vendor, explained Xu Zhihu,
increasing human population, filled with cultured fish fat cells by an urban patrol officer in Shanghai director of the Shanghai Urban Patrol
coupled with environmental until the tissue-like fish fillets were has stirred up a huge debate online. and Law Enforcement Bureau, in a
stress and climate change, has led formed. The vendor was asked to remove his program hosted by Shanghai Radio
to the overexploitation of marine The process of producing the fil- frog costume for violating the city’s and Television Station on May 12. “In
food resources in recent decades. lets took 17 days. No obvious differ- regulations on running a business on reality, they are individual stalls.”
In response to this challenge, a ences were noted between the the street without permission. According to regulations imple-
team of Chinese researchers has cultured meats and native muscle There have been other similar mented on Dec 1 in Shanghai, indi-
been seeking to develop tissue-like tissues in terms of the proportions incidents. In April, traffic police viduals and businesses are not
cultured fish fillets for human con- of muscle cells and fat cells, gum- stopped a vendor in the same outfit allowed to set up stalls or sell goods
sumption, combining fish muscle miness, resilience or springiness. while riding an electric bicycle in in public places without authoriza-
fibers and fat cells with 3D-printed However, plenty of safety assess- Ningbo, Zhejiang province. The ven- tion. But district and township gov-
gel. ments are needed before the cell- dor was fined 20 yuan ($2.85) for ernments are allowed to designate A vendor dressed in a frog costume sells balloons at a popular
The scientists from Zhejiang cultured fish can be served to not wearing a helmet. In March, specific areas and times for stalls. pedestrian street in Wuhan, Hubei province, on Saturday.
University and Dalian Polytechnic humans, according to the research another frog-disguised vendor was However, “frogs who sell their LI CHANGLIN / FOR CHINA DAILY
University published their find- team. caught by an urban patrol officer in babies” are not in line with those
ings recently in the Nature Partner “The research offers potential Hangzhou, Zhejiang province and regulations and could increase secu-
Journal Science of Food. possibilities for the future supply was required to stand facing the rity risks in crowded areas or malls, National Academy of Development vided on issues discovered during the
They first isolated muscle stem of meat and animal protein, and wall to reflect on his illegal behavior. Xu added. and Strategy at Renmin University of law enforcement process, for adjust-
cells and fat stem cells from the has important implications for the Netizens, who’ve dubbed these “For those new business forms China, and a professor at the School ing and revising the regulations and
large yellow croaker, a warm-tem- conservation of marine fish vendors “frogs who sell their babies”, that have a relatively small impact of Public Management, suggested continuously improving the methods
perate migratory fish known for stocks,” said Liu Donghong, a praised them for their cute look and on society, we generally advocate that a flexible law enforcement of stall management,” Ma said.
its delicious flavor and richness in member of the research team. innovative approach to business. using verbal warnings or other edu- approach be encouraged in the face “Legislation is not the last step in
nutrients. Some argued whether city patrol offi- cational methods,” he said. of new forms of business operations. urban management. More attention
Then a 3D scaffold with sup- XINHUA cers should show some mercy while Ma Liang, a researcher at the “Timely feedback should be pro- needs to be paid to implementation.”
6 | Tuesday, May 23, 2023 CHINA DAILY


Dorms and
Zou Shuo

I have attended the China Inter-

national College Students’ “Internet
+” Innovation and Entrepreneur-
Left: Chen Tianrun (front left), founder and CEO of KOKONI 3D, a maker of 3D printers, introduces his company’s product to clients. Middle: Wang Zhenyang explains a “dig- ship Competition four times.
ital human” app developed by his team on the stage of an internet, innovation and entrepreneurship competition held in Chongqing last month. Right: Song Zhuochen (left) Each time, I have been amazed by
talks with a farmer to get feedback on a smart device designed by his team that monitors the daily routines and health of sheep. PHOTOS PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY the scale of the competition, which
keeps growing every year, and how
talented and hardworking college

Student startups set to surge as

students are.
Their projects cover everything
from robots, helicopters, drones,
fishing and agriculture to infrared
intelligent computational imaging.
As someone who majored in

‘digital natives’ drive innovation English at undergraduate and post-

graduate level, I often struggle to
understand the projects. Therefore,
every time I interviewed a student I
first asked them to explain their
work to me in the simplest way, but
A new generation of high-tech entrepreneurs is emerging from China’s colleges. Zou Shuo reports. there were still times when I could
not understand them.
In addition to the high-end, fancy

s a “digital native” — is worth every moment of effort.” projects, there are those aimed at
someone born after the improving people’s lives, especially
invention of the internet Sheep and success the less fortunate.
— Wang Zhenyang Song Zhuochen’s entrepreneur- A Braille reader developed by a
believes that the digital approach to ship journey began with a poverty team from Chongqing University
life has bright prospects. That’s why alleviation program initiated by helps visually impaired people
he has started a business focusing on his school, Xidian University in understand the wider world through
the emotional support and compan- Xi’an, capital of Shaanxi province. reading.
ionship that can be provided by “vir- His team has developed a device Huang Zhou, an undergraduate at
tual humans”. that uses a chip and smart fences the university who leads the team,
The 22-year-old student was a to monitor the daily routines and said the members were inspired to
member of a team from Zhejiang health of sheep, sending alerts to develop the device when they visited
University that took third place at owners via a smartphone app a local visually impaired couple as
the eighth China International Col- when abnormalities are detected. freshmen. The couple told them that
lege Students’ “Internet +” Innova- By recording the amount of milk reading books can be inconvenient
tion and Entrepreneurship each ewe can produce, the device and they wanted to read as easily as
Competition, held at Chongqing can identify those with the highest nondisabled people.
University last month. yields. In response, the students devel-
A total of 3.4 million projects were Song became involved in the oped a reader that can display 100
submitted for consideration in this program in his first year at univer- Braille words on a single page, and it
year’s competition, while the num- sity in 2018, and he started travel- is sold at a much cheaper price than
ber of students that applied to take ing to two townships in Shaanxi’s comparable products on the market,
part reached 14.5 million. They hail- Pucheng county because the uni- Huang said.
ed from 4,554 universities and col- versity was investing its resources “While visually impaired people
leges in 111 countries and regions. to assist in the eradication of abso- can obtain information via aural
The event saw the number of hope- lute poverty. input, such information is easily for-
ful participants exceed 10 million for He has spent lots of time and gotten. Meanwhile, Braille books can
the first time. Since the event was Wang Zhenyang listens to comments from experts at the eighth China International College Students’ energy on the program. Traveling be cumbersome and there just aren’t
inaugurated in 2015, nearly 39.83 “Internet +” Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, held at Chongqing University last month. to the townships from Xi’an takes enough of them, which is why our
million students have applied to more than four hours, and he visits project is very significant,” she said.
take part. several times a month. I think that starting one’s own
ments, they succeeded in develop- To ensure that the program business must be extremely diffi-
Promoting good habits ing a prototype 3D printer on the would be successful, Song sus- cult, especially for college students
Wang said that his team is focused empty bed they used as their work- pended his studies in 2020 and who also have to study and may
on creating a “digital human” app station. devoted all his attention to the pro- lack the required resources and
that can encourage the formation of When a customer scans a photo gram. connections that can make their
good habits and help alleviate the into the printer, a 3D physical He conducted a great deal of businesses successful.
loneliness many young people feel model can be printed out. research in the university laborato- Many students I interviewed told
nowadays. Chen founded the company in ry, and whenever he made me that they only slept a few hours a
Once users have completed their Huzhou, Zhejiang, in 2021. In progress, he brought the device to night, and in order to make their
preprogrammed daily workout, March last year, it started mass the sheepfold for testing. project better, they needed to spend
their digital image on the app production of what the team said is His efforts paid off: 120 house- many sleepless nights conducting
becomes energetic. Conversely, if the first printer of its type to incor- holds in the townships have partici- experiments and trying to find inves-
they have stayed up late, the image porate instant artificial intelli- pated in the program and started tors.
will have dark circles under its gence 3D modeling. raising sheep. As a result, each However, such people are often
eyes, he added. The device is sold in more than household’s annual income has ris- highly innovative, and they can pro-
The aim is to create a virtual 30 countries and regions, and so en by 12,000 yuan ($1,710). duce original ideas that can improve
world where users receive instant far it has generated tens of millions Currently a senior undergraduate people’s lives in different ways.
feedback by completing everyday Chen Tianrun (center) meets with colleagues to discuss the 3D of yuan in income. in intelligent science and technolo- That is why the government and
tasks and routines. A survey of sev- printer they have produced. From less than 30 square meters gy, Song will undertake postgradu- universities have offered students
eral thousand university students of dormitory and a three-man ate studies in computer science at various favorable policies to help
conducted by Wang’s team showed team, the company now has more Xidian, starting in September. them turn their ideas into reality.
that about 80 percent of respon- whether the app is a success or Chen Tianrun is the founder and than 150 employees and occupies He hopes that the rights to his With the unemployment rate for
dents have great enthusiasm for not,” he said. CEO of KOKONI 3D, which makes more than 2,000 sq m. device will be bought by a major people ages 16 to 24 reaching about
the virtual world and the app. Since he started his startup jour- 3D printers in Zhejiang. “As an engineering major, there’s farm or dairy company, so it will ben- 20 percent, innovation and entrepre-
Wang said he had not thought ney, he has been extremely busy “I noticed that young people nothing more fulfilling than creat- efit more people. neurship are good ways of boosting
about starting a business until he balancing study and entrepreneur- today are looking for ways to tap ing something practical and seeing In the future, Song said he wants employment levels among college
watched an innovation competi- ship. He rarely takes a break, even into their passion for the fascinat- people bring their wildest ideas to to continue making the device better students.
tion at his university last year. Aft- during vacations. ing and the mundane. Driven by life with my product. It’s the per- and more profitable. After the eighth edition of the
er more than a year of work, his “However, it has been a worth- this magical pull, I took it upon fect fusion of usefulness and crea- “Although becoming a coder or competition, many former contest-
team has developed an app with while experience. As someone who myself to dive headfirst into the tivity,” Chen said. working for an information technol- ants’ projects have become success-
2D virtual humans, and is now majors in computer science, I have world of 3D printing: It’s a fusion As a postgraduate student, he ogy company in a big city can bring ful businesses employing hundreds
working on a 3D version, he said. learned marketing skills, how to of technology and creativity that works in the company’s office from in a decent salary, I would very much or even thousands of people.
To provide funding for the app, talk to investors and manage a never fails to inspire awe and won- 8 am to 5 pm, then catches up on like to continue my work in the villa- One student told me that it is not
he has spent almost all the money team, and I’ve also become more der,” the 23-year-old said. his studies until midnight. He trav- ges and around the sheep,” he said. difficult to maintain the pace once
he made by tutoring other stu- eloquent,” he said. In 2020, Chen started his els between Huzhou (his company) “The vast rural areas can be the pla- you actually start a business: what is
dents in college, and he hopes that endeavors in his dormitory at Zhe- and Hangzhou (his university) ces where graduates can make the difficult is for students to genuinely
it will be officially launched late Making an impression jiang University with two room- almost every day. most of what they have learned at want to start a company.
next month or in July. Like Wang, many of the partici- mates. They turned their dorm “Juggling my studies and run- university.” Hopefully, as more get involved in
“I know it is difficult to be suc- pants in the innovation and entre- into a workshop and each studied ning a company is no easy task, but the competition and entrepreneur-
cessful as a first-time entrepre- preneurship competition were different topics. After many sleep- the thrill of pursuing my passion Contact the writer at ship, the next major startups will
neur, but I will have no regrets born in 2000 or after. less nights and countless experi- and creating value in various ways come from students’ dormitories.

Authorities promote measures to create favorable environment acquainted with schoolmates and
teachers who have similar interests,
and widen their knowledge via differ-
ent disciplines, Yin said, adding that
By ZOU SHUO ship by transferring study credits and the papers, patents and other Jobs have been created through produces about 50 relatively sophisti- students are also allowed to suspend
and setting up flexible learning achievements in their entrepreneur- student startups, thus assisting high- cated startups every year. their studies for a maximum of two
China has introduced a raft of schedules. Local governments and ship can be transferred into school quality socioeconomic development, As a university with strong infor- years to focus on their startup.
measures to boost entrepreneurship universities were ordered to make credits. Huai Jinpeng, minister of poverty alleviation and rural vitaliza- mation technology-related majors, “As an engineering university, we
and innovation among college stu- full use of resources to set up univer- education, said such students are full tion, Huai said. The country will con- students in the field are eager to encourage students to be innovative
dents by creating a favorable environ- sity technology bases, student entre- of imagination and creativity, and tinue to support entrepreneurship develop mini-apps and start their in technology and possibly spearhead
ment for them to launch startups and preneurship centers and incubators. they can be the driving force for and innovation among college stu- own IT businesses, he said. innovation in a completely new sec-
innovative projects. Meanwhile, organizations, groups entrepreneurship and innovation. dents by building new platforms, pro- The university also offers a range tor,” he said.
In 2015, the general office of the and enterprises were encouraged to In recent years, China has estab- moting international cooperation of policies to support students who “We want students to start their
State Council, China’s Cabinet, issued set up venture funds for student lished a path to expand entrepre- and expanding policy support in the want to start businesses, such as pro- businesses in college, because it is a
a guideline to improve the innovation entrepreneurs, the guideline said. neurship and innovation among sector, he added. viding funding, workspaces, equip- very hard thing to do and they have
and entrepreneurship courses at the Moreover, a guideline issued by the college students, nurtured innovative Yin Peng, deputy dean of the ment and assistance in finding nothing to lose while they are still
country’s universities. Ministry of Education in 2017 said talents and promoted the integration School of Innovation and Entrepre- investors, he said. students. Even if they fail, they will
The guideline urged universities university students can suspend their of learning and technological innova- neurship at Xidian University in When students try to start busi- have gained valuable experience
to support student entrepreneur- studies when setting up businesses, tion, he said. Shaanxi province, said the school nesses, they should become better through the process.”
CHINA DAILY Tuesday, May 23, 2023 | 7

Policeman was fearless and compassionate
Popular 12-year
special patrol
brigade veteran
succumbed to
heart attack


In the eyes of his colleagues, Ye

Yongliang was born to be a police-
man. As a tactical officer, he was
always the first to charge forward
during dangerous tasks.
Ye, who served in the special
patrol police brigade of Ruian
city’s public security bureau in
Zhejiang province, suffered a sud-
den cardiac arrest while on duty
on Aug 10, and passed away the
same day despite efforts to save his
life. He was 35.
A native of Ruian, Ye joined the
Communist Party of China in
November 2008 and the police
force in July 2010.
The 12-year veteran held various
positions in a community police
station and in the brigade. He From left: Ye Yongliang (front) leads a team from the special patrol police brigade of Ruian city’s public security bureau in a drill in Zhejiang province. Ye rappels down a
earned numerous personal com- building during a drill in Ruian. PHOTOS PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY
mendations and awards, including
twice receiving third-class merit
for outstanding performance. teammates police skills and inves- working to maintain stability chemicals such as potassium cya- knife-wielding criminal was spot- ed family man. He married in 2015,
In December 2022, the Ministry tigative techniques. Yu Kaixuan, a while dealing with emergencies. nide, and there were many resi- ted in a local community. Ye and and the couple had a daughter two
of Public Security posthumously member of the brigade, remem- Once in June 2021, an old mor- dents in the area. his colleagues, who were patrol- years later. He spent almost all of
named him “Second-Class Hero bered how Ye paid particular tar shell was found at the con- If the shell had exploded, the ling nearby, rushed to the scene his spare time with the girl.
Model of the National Public Secu- attention to new police officers. struction site of an electroplating consequences would have been and managed to trap the suspect Ye’s wife remembers him as a
rity System”. “Whenever he noticed that new park in Ruian. The shell was rusty unimaginable, said Shao Xiaobo, a in a building that was under con- kind, honest and responsible per-
Ye graduated from the School of recruits were becoming anxious and had the potential to detonate fellow instructor. struction. While searching the son who showed his love for her in
Physical Education at Ningbo Uni- during high-intensity training or at any time. Shao said that Ye was a trust- premises, they discovered the sus- small but meaningful ways.
versity in Ningbo, Zhejiang, where 24-hour standby duty, he would Ye took the initiative to deal worthy teammate and showed no pect hiding in a water tank on the Despite not being particularly
he also excelled as a long-distance take them aside and encourage with the matter. After ensuring fear, no matter how dangerous the roof. “Ye climbed onto the water romantic, he made her feel safe
runner. them not to be afraid, motivating that people had safely evacuated work was, always leading col- tank and in one swift move, dis- and cared for.
A popular figure in the police them to do their best,” Yu said. the area, he put on an explosion- leagues as he charged into a situa- armed the suspect and captured At his funeral, his 5-year-old
force, he ranked first in nearly all Tactical police officers are on the proof suit and successfully dis- tion. him,” Shao said. daughter said goodbye, and
the brigade’s training exercises. front lines during riots or when posed of the shell. Shao recalled an incident one Apart from being a respected referred to her father as the bright-
As an instructor, Ye taught his engaging with terrorism suspects, The park contained dangerous evening in May last year when a police officer, Ye was also a devot- est star in the sky.

Lawman pursued investigation brigade at the Xing-

ping Public Security Bureau. He
was always humble and studied
Decorated officer lost life protecting
suspects until the end
hard, turning himself into an
expert in financial investigations.
“He sometimes didn’t go home
colleagues in final act of heroism
for a month or more as he worked
By YANG ZEKUN on cases. During the COVID-19 By YANG ZEKUN
pandemic, he fought day and night
The way his colleagues remem- on the front lines and did not go The week before his death,
ber it, Chen Yong, the deputy I worked with him for home for more than two months,” Cheng Kai, former deputy head of
director of Xicheng Police Station, seven years, and he his father said. the Huangmei Police Station in
part of the Xingping Public Securi- Chen used to say that as long as Huangmei county, Hubei prov-
ty Bureau in Shaanxi province, was was often at the he was in charge of a case, he had ince, and his teammates worked
always the first to arrest suspects, forefront of every to be the first to find the suspects, for nearly 20 hours a day travel-
and was attempting to do so until and he repeatedly risked his life to ing around five different counties
the final moments of his life. case.” catch them, according to his col- in search of six suspects.
Chen became a police officer in Wang Anxin, Chen Yong’s col- league, Wang Anxin. On Sept 16, Cheng and four other
August 2000. During his 22 years league at Xicheng Police Station “I worked with him for seven colleagues planned to arrest a sus-
as an officer, he participated in 170 in Xingping, Shaanxi province years, and he was often at the fore- pect involved in a series of car
conflicts and disputes, handled 190 front of every case,” Wang said. thefts. That morning, police discov-
criminal cases and arrested 120 In September 2006, the police ered that the suspect had escaped
suspects. Chen died in the line of commercial vehicle, Chen rushed received a report about a person in a van and immediately gave
duty while attempting to arrest a in to try to stop them, pulling open who had been defrauded out of chase.
suspect on July 27 at age 43. the SUV’s door. He was severely 30,000 yuan. Chen and his col- After stopping the suspect’s
The Ministry of Public Security beaten as the suspects resisted leagues worked on the case for two vehicle on a mountain road,
posthumously named him a “Sec- arrest. weeks and discovered that the sus- Cheng and his colleagues sur-
ond-Class Hero Model of the Amid fierce fighting, one suspect pect was hiding in Taiyuan, Shanxi rounded the van on both sides
National Public Security System” attempted to escape the scene at province. Chen drove to Taiyuan and attempted to detain the man
in September. high speed, resulting in Chen and and caught the suspect in a hotel, when he threw his vehicle into
In mid-June, the station discov- two other officers falling from the and was able to recover the stolen reverse at high speed. Cheng was
ered that a criminal gang was help- vehicle. A second suspect in the money. holding onto the door handle and
ing overseas telecom fraud gangs other vehicle ran over Chen as he After he started working at the attempted to stop him from
launder huge amounts of money was trying to get up. police station, Chen quickly inte- reversing. The suspect fought
by buying gold. When his colleagues rushed to grated with the local community back and twisted the steering
In reaction to these findings, his aid, Chen urged them to go and and became an expert at solving wheel, causing the van to roll
Chen immediately began to inves- catch the suspects first, and then community disputes due to his over.
tigate the case in conjunction with lapsed into unconsciousness. patience. At the critical moment, Cheng
other departments. Through track- Rushed to the hospital, he died aft- He often told young officers that pushed his colleagues away and
ing and analysis, he was able to er emergency treatment failed to as police officers, they were there tumbled into a pit as the van
shed light on the division of labor save his life. The following day, to serve the public, and they need- crushed him. The suspect exited Cheng Kai leads a mission in Huangmei county, Hubei province.
and makeup of the gang and track nine suspects were arrested. ed to be patient and listen to their the van and attacked the officers PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY
their activities. Influenced by his father, who needs carefully to help them and with a long knife as they were try-
After careful deployment, Chen had also been a police officer, Chen resolve disputes. ing to free Cheng. He was suffo-
and his colleagues headed the was determined to become an offi- Thousands of people turned out cated by the vehicle. been able to achieve what he has Cheng’s father, elder brother
arrest of the suspects on July 27. cer at an early age. In July 2000, for Chen’s funeral, and the Shaanxi In January, the Ministry of Pub- today. and daughter are all police offi-
When the suspects attempted to after graduating from university, Provincial People’s Government lic Security posthumously award- Some 10 years ago, Wan was cers.
leave the scene in an SUV and a he joined the financial crimes recognized him as a martyr. ed him the title of “Second-Class taken into police custody for pro- He and his elder brother last
Hero Model of the National Pub- voking trouble and wounding a saw each other during the Mid-
lic Security System”. person after drinking. Autumn Festival last year.
Born in 1975, Cheng was a Cheng handled his case. He The brothers originally intend-
native of Huangmei. He joined visited Wan’s neighbors and com- ed to go home to be with their
the armed police force in Chaohu, munity officials several times and father for the holiday, but Cheng
Anhui province, at 18. discovered that Wan was known was unable to go due to a case he
In 1996, a section of a dam on for his impatience, so he orga- was working on. As a result, his
the Yangtze River ruptured in a nized a mediation between the family did not see him before his
county in Chaohu, resulting in parties. death.
severe flooding. Cheng and his Later, Cheng told Wan that Cheng’s daughter, who fulfilled
team joined forces with the com- committing illegal acts could her dream of becoming a police
mandos to rescue 68 people destroy a person’s life and urged officer in 2020, said she admired
trapped in a village. him not to be so impulsive in the her father. After joining the force,
He became a police officer in future. she said she was able to under-
Huangmei in 1998. During his “His care for me made me think stand why he often had to travel
24-year career, he participated in about my life, and I decided to for work and was not able to stay
the arrest of 100 criminal gangs make some changes,” Wan said. at home with her.
and solved 1,000 cases. He For more than 10 years, Wan “As my father told me, it’s only
received numerous awards. and Cheng remained in touch on the front line of police work
Wan Zhifeng, head of an envi- and looked out for each other, that you understand what people
ronmental agriculture company and as his life turned around, think, experience their suffering
Chen Yong, center, talks with students at a primary school in Xingping, Shaanxi province, during a law in Huangmei, said that without Wan was encouraged to start his and are able to serve them up
popularization event. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY Cheng’s help, he wouldn’t have own company. close.”
8 | Tuesday, May 23, 2023 CHINA DAILY


Quad offers destabilizing agenda of Cai Meng

empty promises, coercion and division

lthough the Quad summit scheduled to put forward or have already implemented, col-
open in Sydney on May 24 was canceled lectively and individually, including the ASEAN
as US President Joe Biden had to return Outlook on the “Indo-Pacific”, the Pacific Island
home for debt-ceiling negotiations with Forum’s 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Conti-
the speaker of the House of Representatives, the nent and the Indian Ocean Rim Association Out-
leaders of the four countries — Japan, Australia look on the “Indo-Pacific”.
and India being the other three — still managed to However, knowing these countries’ concerns is
hold a de facto summit in the Japanese city of far from enough to help them address them. Judg-
Hiroshima on Saturday. ing from the US’ poor track record in matching its
As the long joint statement they issued on Sun- words with deeds in providing technology and
day indicates, despite the meeting being funding when it comes to its assistance programs
arranged in a hurry and downsized to a brief for the region, it remains to be seen to what extent
roundtable talk, the third in-person meeting of the Quad will fulfill its grand promises this time.
the leaders still had a busy anti-China agenda to That all countries in the region are mentioned in
discuss. An agenda complicated by the fact that the joint statement, except China, the biggest
the onus is on Washington to prevent Sino-US economy, the largest trading country, the most
relations from taking any misstep that might important logistics hub and the biggest supporter
lead to a conflict. of regional development, fully exposes the divisive
It is for this reason that the Quad has stopped nature of the Quad’s proposed cooperation.
trying to coerce countries in the region to cut The countries the Quad intends to support
their ties with China. Instead, as the joint state- should also be aware that while most of the assist-
ment made clear, the Quad is trying to pull ance will only exist on paper, that which is provid-
regional countries to its side. ed will come with strings attached.
To achieve this aim, the Quad has become more Also, it will only be a matter of time for Tokyo
specific in its proposed cooperation with mem- and Canberra to realize that the mechanism is just
bers of the Association of Southeast Asian a harness Washington has imposed on them —
Nations, the Pacific Islands Forum and the Indi- India is more of a taker than a giver under the
an Ocean Rim Association, offering support for framework — so that they are put in a better posi-
their green and digital development, and to tion to pull the US chariot in the latter’s “competi-
strengthen their responses to climate change and tion” with China.
Opinion Line
terrorism. According to their joint statement, as “Indo-
The joint statement shows the Quad has appar-
ently done more homework than before as it has
mentioned almost all the major initiatives, strat-
Pacific” countries, the Quad partners are deeply
invested in the region’s success. If that is the case
they should be working together with China not
Online charity contributes to
egies, programs and plans these countries have against it.
modernization and prosperity
Pacific Island countries not US’ geopolitical pawns The “Chinese example” of inter- the past three years. government has improved the char-
net philanthropy is undergoing China’s internet philanthropy ity policy and regulation system,

he United States has been paying greater The plan to open a new geopolitical front constant innovations, a report has achieved high-quality develop- established a support and encour-
attention to the Pacific Island nations as against China among Pacific Island nations issued by a recent internet good ment thanks to its rapid economic agement policy system that consists
part of the strategy to counter China’s ris- comes after the US announced the Pacific Part- summit in Wuhan, Hubei province, growth, technological innovation of government service purchase, tax
ing influence in the region. nership Strategy in September 2022, in which it points out. and high-quality economic and and other incentives, and designat-
Among the moves to deepen its relations with underscored what it claims is “pressure and eco- Driven by the digital boom, tech- social development. A report issued ed 30 organizations for online char-
the countries in the region are a defense pact with nomic coercion” from China that “risks under- nological progress and enterprise by Credit Suisse on global wealth ity fundraising.
Papua New Guinea, which was signed on Monday. mining the peace, prosperity, and security of the innovation, and under the guaran- shows that by the end of 2021, glob- The top authorities have stressed
This gives US troops access to the Pacific nation’s region”. tee of policies and laws, China’s al household wealth reached that China will establish a coordi-
ports and airports. It has also signed new strategic Yet despite the latest deals, whether the Pacific internet-based charity undertaking $463.6 trillion, and China’s wealth nated income distribution system
is advancing in an innovative and reached $85.1 trillion, ranking sec- featuring primary distribution,
pacts with Palau and Micronesia, and plans to Island nations will join the US-orchestrated anti-
higher-quality manner. This year ond in the world. Between 2000 redistribution and third distribu-
sign a similar one with the Marshall Islands in the China chorus is doubtful, mainly because nearly marks the 8th anniversary of the and 2021, the median wealth of tion, and guide and support capa-
coming weeks. all of the countries see climate change, not China, enactment of the Charity Law in Chinese people rose from $3,133 to ble enterprises, social organizations
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is sched- as the major threat. China, and the past eight years have $26,800. In 2021, the scale of Chi- and individuals to take an active
uled to hold separate talks with the 14 Pacific Island The nature of the US’ charm offensive among witnessed the growth, formation na’s digital economy reached 45.5 part in public welfare and charity
countries’ leaders who have gathered in the Papua the island nations – which is to contain China’s and development of the internet- trillion yuan, more than double undertakings. The healthy, sustain-
New Guinea capital, Port Moresby, for a summit. influence rather than address their development based charity cause in the country. that in the early part of the 13th able and high-quality development
China, which has in recent years deepened its needs – determines its Pacific strategy will not go According to statistics from the Five-Year Plan (2016-20), account- of China’s internet charity will sure-
exchanges and cooperation with the Pacific Island very far, especially given the Pacific Island lead- Ministry of Civil Affairs, donations ing for 39.8 percent of the GDP. ly play a greater role in building a
nations in such areas as public services, education ers do not want to be forced to choose sides raised through internet platforms China’s rapid economic growth, Chinese path to modernization fea-
and the fishing industry, has made it clear that it is between China and the US. For example, Papua in China increased from 2.5 billion huge wealth accumulation and turing common prosperity, harmo-
not interested in engaging in a geopolitical contest New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape has yuan ($355.87 million) in 2017 to strong support from the digital ny between material and spiritual
with the US in the Pacific Islands’ region, or else- denied the signing of the deal with the US would nearly 10 billion yuan in 2021, economy have laid an important civilization, and harmonious coex-
where. stop his country from working with China, an with more than 10 billion people foundation for the development of istence between man and nature.
Thus it is worrying to see the US continuously important trade partner. participating in internet charity in internet philanthropy. Even the — BEIJING YOUTH DAILY

pushing ahead with the efforts to counter what it The US should contribute more to the develop-
sees as a challenge from China’s cooperative rela- ment of the Pacific Island nations, rather than
tions with countries in the region, which bodes ill
for peace and stability in the region and beyond.
trying to cajole them to get on its anti-China
Western media organizations happy to hype
Even Micron, the US chip giant, imposed on China. For far too long, tioning the word “politics”. Howev-

Federal debt limit a harmful selfish game might not have expected China’s
ban of its products to make waves
in Western media reports.
the US has been abusing its domi-
nance in the global technological
sector to contain China. Without
er, now that China has suspended a
US company’s product out of secu-
rity concerns, the same Western
Hours after China announced any solid basis, using the guise of media outlets are crying “politics”.

aving cut short a trip to Asia to Washington will be unable to pay its bills. Trea- that Micron had failed its security “national security”, the US has No wonder some of the outlets are
resume talks on raising the US debt sury Secretary Janet Yellen said in an interview review and asked key domestic net- launched attacks against Huawei not taken seriously in their own
ceiling ahead of the US Treasury’s on Sunday that “My assessment is that the odds work security management compa- and ZTE. It has blocked Huawei in country, often being criticized for
June 1 deadline for Congress to of reaching June 15th, while being able to pay all nies to suspend purchase of its their country, even though that peddling fake news. They are rarely
authorize more borrowing, US President Joe Bid- of our bills, is quite low”. products, the ban made headlines means their 5G network construc- known to describe things as they
en spoke with Republican House Speaker Kevin Failure to do so would severely damage the US’ in almost every Western media out- tion will lag far behind. happened, but as what they believe
let. A majority of them, if not all, The US and its ally Canada even should have happened.
McCarthy by phone on his way back to the United global leadership as it would trigger shock
even tried to link it to restrictions detained Huawei senior executive As a company, what Micron
States. waves worldwide and tarnish its image. the United States and its allies had Meng Wanzhou for 1,028 days needs to do is to improve its securi-
Biden told reporters that the phone call “went That Biden canceled his planned visits to Aus- imposed on China, implying that under an unsubstantiated charge. ty measures to clear China’s nation-
well” on his arrival at the White House on Sunday tralia and Papua New Guinea for the negotia- the move was political. While reporting about those inci- al security review. The Western
night, with McCarthy saying earlier in the day that tions with McCarthy shows the graveness of the It is good to note that even West- dents, the Western media outlets media is not helping much by hyp-
it had been “productive”. issue. ern media outlets realize the unfair were careful to categorize them as ing things up.
But that remains to be seen, with the two contin- Yet even with a US debt default within sight restrictions their governments have business news, not even once men- — ZHANG ZHOUXIANG, CHINA DAILY
uing their negations on Monday. and the markets becoming increasingly jittery,
Ahead of those talks, there was no sign of either neither side wants to give ground with next
side being prepared to give ground. The US govern- year’s presidential election looming on the hori- What They Say
ment debt crisis has entered the 10-day countdown zon.
with some observers saying the two sides are play-
ing a game of chicken.
No wonder when the House Republican leader-
ship and the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus Sunak should stop shooting his mouth off
Republicans are demanding harsh social wel- raised proposals to resolve the debt ceiling issue on
fare spending cuts to reduce the US deficit as the April 20, the Peter G. Peterson Foundation said in a
Since the pressure from Wash- to make sure that we can de-risk Meanwhile the US and a few of its
condition for their approval to raise the debt lim- statement “this is a moment for leadership that
ington for him to be tough on Bei- ourselves and the vulnerability of vassals, with the UK being a case in
it, while Biden has countered with an agreement puts our nation above party politics”. jing was enough for United supply chains that we have seen point, are constantly interfering in
to reduce some spending and raising new reve- That proved not to be the moment. Kingdom Prime Minister Rishi from China, take the steps necessa- other countries’ internal affairs
nue by increasing taxes on the rich and corpora- For the two parties, their political wrangling Sunak to openly call China “biggest ry to protect ourselves against hos- and provoking confrontation and
tions. Republicans have refused to accept any has become a game that takes precedence over challenge of our age to global secu- tile investment and do so in a way confrontation. It is they who are
such tax increases. everything. rity and prosperity” in a news con- that doesn’t damage each other.” the biggest challenge to global sta-
If they fail to strike a debt deal this time, Damn the consequences. ference after the G7 summit in Sunak was the only leader of the bility and prosperity.
Hiroshima, Japan, on Sunday, rich club to be so loose-lipped. It is It is suggested that Sunak devote
nobody knows how far the UK lead- clear that he is betting all the Unit- more energy to dealing with the
CHINA DAILY WORLDWIDE er will go if Washington tightens ed Kingdom’s national interests on UK’s own domestic political, eco-
Contact us at: China Daily UK China Daily USA
the screws on him. the United States. nomic and social problems, instead
90 Cannon St, London EC4N 6HA, UK 1500 Broadway, Suite 2800, Parroting Washington’s rhetoric, He has also taken a leaf out of of always blindly following the US,
China Daily +44 (0) 207 398 8270 New York, NY 10036 he said that China is the “only Washington’s playbook blaming stirring up trouble everywhere, and
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country with both the means and the UK’s domestic economic and creating division and confrontation.
Beijing 100029
News: +86 (0) 10 6491-8366 China Daily Asia Pacific intent to reshape the world order”, social problems on external chal- Sunak should immediately stop China Daily Hong Kong China Daily Africa and “this is all about de-risking, not lenges, even though everyone with- slandering China so as not to cause
Advertisement: +86 (0) 10 6491-8631 Unit 1818, Hing Wai Centre, 7 Tin Wan P.O. Box 27281-00100, Nairobi, Kenya de-coupling”. When asked to out bias knows that China is a further damage to China-UK rela- Praya Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong +254(0)20 242 8589 (Nairobi)
Subscription: +86-400-699-0203 +852 2518 5111
expound on what he meant by that, builder of world peace, contributor tions, for which the Sunak govern- Sunak said: “We will work together to global development and defend- ment should be held accountable.
App: as the G7 and with other countries er of the international order. — LI YANG, CHINA DAILY
CHINA DAILY Tuesday, May 23, 2023 | 9

Jophey Chan

Xi’an summit rebuts Western lies Kang Bing

he just-concluded China-Cen- China, Russia and the Central Asian Asian countries, the Belt and Road Initi- The author is former deputy editor-in-chief
The China-Central Asia of China Daily.
tral Asia Summit, held in Xi’an, countries will not be shaken easily by ative plays a crucial role in enhancing
Shaanxi province, has elevated Summit is a platform for Western propaganda. regional development and economic
China-Central Asian coopera- promoting regional Western media also argue that the fact integration.
tion to new heights. In the 10th year of that China hosted the China-Central Asia The initiative has brought tangible
cooperation and
the Belt and Road Initiative, China and
the Central Asian countries have cast
their decisive vote to expand coopera-
development in various
Summit around the same time as the G7
Summit in Hiroshima, Japan, shows it
wants to compete with the developed
benefits to the people of Central Asia.
And the many infrastructure projects
underway, including railways, highways
Higher penalty for
tion, especially in areas such as new
energy and infrastructure development
fields, from infrastructure
and energy to trade and
economies on the diplomatic front.
The fact is that China’s foreign diplo-
and power plants, will bring more bene-
fits to the region, especially because Chi-
dog attacks will
amid the fast-changing geopolitical land-
The Central Asia region, comprising
cultural exchanges.
macy is based on the principle of “build-
ing a community with a shared future”,
which was first officially proposed at the
na has committed to providing the
Central Asian countries with 26 billion
yuan ($3.71 billion) in financing support
force pet owners
upper-middle- and low-income econo-
mies, holds significant strategic impor- China and Russia share a common
18th National Congress of the Commu-
nist Party of China in 2012. The principle
and grants to bolster regional coopera-
tion and development.
to follow rules
tance due to its geographical position interest in fostering regional stability is aimed at fostering economic integra- As for the Hong Kong Special Admin-
and natural resource reserves. Recogni- and development. Cooperation between tion, cultural exchanges, and mutual istrative Region, it can tap the Central Editor’s note: The pet-friendly community can
zing its vital importance, President China, Russia and the Central Asian growth and understanding. That Asian market by leveraging its strength provide numerous benefits for both residents and
Xi Jinping, in his keynote speech at the nations is mutually beneficial, not hege- explains why many are saying the deci- as the world’s largest offshore renminbi pet owners. In addition, pet owners can enjoy a
summit, said China is ready to align its monic. sions made at the Xi’an summit will help financial hub, and by offering the most sense of community with individuals who share
their love for animals, writes a veteran journalist
development policies and plans with Based on their economic interests, the improve global connectivity and indus- diverse range of renminbi investment, with China Daily.
those of the five Central Asian countries Central Asian countries have ample rea- trial cooperation. financing, and risk management prod-
(Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, sons to pursue a comprehensive, diver- The Xi’an summit could do so because, ucts. As such, Hong Kong should take

Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan) and sified foreign policy, maintaining unlike the G7 Summit, it was not measures to deepen its economic and y neighbor, Grandma Li, would
deepen cooperation to facilitate mod- friendly relations with both China and obsessed with political issues such as the trade engagement with the Central Asian have taken a much longer time to
ernization and achieve common pros- Russia. The strong trade relations Russia-Ukraine conflict, although the countries. reach home had it not been for the
perity. between the five Central Asian coun- United States’ efforts to maintain its In conclusion, the China-Central Asia help of a young couple. “I was
But despite the positive developments, tries, and China and Russia prove that global hegemony have been affecting the Summit serves as a testament to Chi- attacked by a dog outside our community com-
many Western media outlets have been instead of deteriorating, overall rela- Central Asian region and the rest of the na’s commitment to regional coopera- pound,” she told the neighbors in a trembling
trying to politicize the summit. Even tions among the seven countries are world. tion and development. The summit will voice the other day.
before the summit began, some Western strengthening. The Central Asian coun- The G7 Summit is nothing but a polit- help maintain regional stability and She said that as she was entering the communi-
media outlets tried to spark controversy tries import dozens of agricultural prod- ical theatre staged by a small clique promote common prosperity amid the ty compound, a big border collie rushed out of the
by splashing headlines such as “Chinese- ucts including wheat, soybean, fruits which excels in smearing China and changing global political landscape. In bushes and jumped on her. Panicked, she began
Russian competition in Central Asia”, and beef from China, with their trade Russia. A Chinese proverb, “never gauge the face of Western media’s divisive shouting while protecting herself with her hands.
“China filling Russia’s position in Central volume reaching a record $70 billion the heart of a man with your own meas- narratives that attempt to make the At the “last second” the dog was stopped by her
Asia”, and “Russian-Central Asian rela- last year. ure”, best describes the G7 summit. The China-Central Asia Summit a political owner who was standing about 50 meters away.
tions deteriorating”, implying that rela- Pursuing close cooperation with Chi- proverb cautions people against judging issue and create discord among the par- The owner called her dog back and walked
tions between China and Russia, and na and maintaining friendly relations others based on one’s narrow yardstick, ticipating countries, China’s actions to away without even apologizing. A young couple
among China and Russia and the five with Russia are not contradictory, espe- and reminds them to refrain from pro- achieve common prosperity speak loud- passing by accompanied the visibly shaken
Central Asian countries were deteriorat- cially when China and Russia have jecting their own biases onto others, er than words. Grandma Li to her apartment. On checking, we
ing. become comprehensive strategic part- especially those with a higher moral found that her blood pressure had shot up and
Needless to say, these are desperate ners in the new era. According to character. heart was beating faster than normal.
attempts by the Western media to sow National Bureau of Statistics data for The China-Central Asia Summit is a The author is a member of the Hong Grandma Li was largely bedridden for the
the seed of discord between China, Rus- 2022, the trade volume between China platform for promoting regional cooper- Kong Legislative Council, the UN Associ- next few days. Often she would wake up with a
sia on the one side and the Central Asian and Russia reached a historic high of ation and development in various fields, ation of China, and All-China Youth Fed- start, the effects of a nightmare. The neighbors
countries on the other. $190.27 billion, with an annual growth from infrastructure and energy to trade eration. discussed whether or not to dial 110 and seek the
Given their narrow political goals, the rate of 29.3 percent. and cultural exchanges. As China contin- The views don’t reflect those of China appropriate punishment for the person respon-
Western media overlook the fact that Given these facts, relations between ues to deepen its ties with the Central Daily. sible for Grandma Li’s trauma, but after studying
how the police had dealt with similar cases in
the past, they decided not to do so.
Cao Jia
So it’s time the authorities

Jobs key to tapping grads’ development potential revised relevant laws and regu-
lations in order to better protect
the interests and, sometimes,

ife in China has gradually Efforts are also on to establish databases lives, of dog attack victims.
returned to normal after the to track and monitor graduates’ employ-
government eased the strict ment situation, and raise the employ-
pandemic prevention and con- ment rate by providing subsidies,
trol measures while introducing an training and tailor-made employment There are more than 50 million registered pet
array of policies to promote policies for graduates, especially those dogs in China. If we include the abandoned and
employment and boost the with special needs. unregistered dogs, the number could be well
economy. Yet the domestic Fourth, the government plans to over 80 million. Also, an estimated 40 million
economic recovery is ham- provide training for graduates to people suffer dog and cat attacks each year. Con-
pered by the slowdown of the help them adapt to the demands sidering that dogs are responsible for half of the
global economy and other chal- of emerging industries and the attacks, the number of dog attacks would be
lenges. modern service sector. For about 20 million a year. Even if we assume that
Amid all this, the number of college instance, the State Council, 90 percent of the dog attack victims are the dog
graduates this year is expected to China’s Cabinet, recently owners or their family members, we still have 2
reach a record high of roughly 11.58 issued a notice saying that at million dogs attacking non-family members
million, up 820,000 year-on-year. Add least 1 million internship every year.
to that the increasing numbers of over- positions will be offered by Besides, reports from regional police depart-
seas college graduates returning home companies, government insti- ments show that disputes related to dog attacks
every year, youths who graduated from tutions and social organiza- have become the most frequent cases they have
college last year but couldn’t find a job, tions this year. Meant for young to deal with. But the lack of specific laws and
and you will get an idea of the immense job seekers, the internship regulations prevent the police from handling
pressure the job market is under. comes with living allowances. such cases appropriately. What the police can do
According to the National Bureau of The array of research options in the existing circumstances is to ask the dog
Statistics, the surveyed unemployment and management posts on owner to not walk the dog in public places, per-
rate for people aged 16 to 24 was as high offer will help the college suade him or her to pay the medical bill of the
as 19.6 percent in the first quarter of graduates enrich their dog attack victim and, if the dog owner refuses
2023, and even 20.4 percent in April. internship experience. to do so, inform the victim that he or she has the
This shows youths, especially college And fifth, the authorities right to sue the dog owner in court.
graduates, are finding it have adopted policies to better The problem is that even if the victim wins the
increasingly difficult to find a protect the rights of gradu- case, the dog owner might be asked to pay the
job. ates and hold those violat- medical bill of the victim, as well as compensa-
Since college graduates ing their rights tion for the loss of the victim’s working time,
are precious human accountable. They have which might add up to a few thousand yuan. In
resources, the government also been organizing such a scenario, what happens to victims like
attaches great importance activities to enhance Grandma Li who was not bitten by the dog but
to their employment and graduates’ legal aware- still suffered from serious trauma. The most the
overall well-being. For ness, including helping police can do is to issue a warning to the dog
example, the Central them protect their legal owner, asking her or him to publicly apologize to
Economic Work Con- rights and seek compensa- Grandma Li. But a forced apology is unlikely to
ference stressed that tion for the violation of be sincere.
the employment chan- their rights. Grandma Li is one of the many victims of a
nels for college gradu- However, efforts should dog attack. Although China has central and local
ates be increased on a also be made to imple- laws and regulations on animals, they mostly
priority basis. Also, ment more favorable poli- focus on the protection of animals rather than
multiple government cies, promote high-quality victims of animal attacks.
departments have intro- development and stabilize According to government regulations, dogs
duced policies and meas- the overall job market. The should be always leashed in public places and
ures to help youths find a authorities need to improve dog owners should appropriately dispose of the
job or start their own busi- the business environment, pet’s excreta. But such regulations are not fol-
ness. too, and help SMEs adjust lowed by all dog owners. So it’s time the authori-
First, the government has their structure and boost ties revised relevant laws and regulations in
announced tax deductions and employment. order to better protect the interests and, some-
exemptions, as well as subsidies Moreover, the public sector needs times, lives, of dog attack victims.
for the public sector, and small and to create high-quality job positions for And while revising the laws and regulations,
medium-sized enterprises to encour- graduates in order to optimize the the authorities should consider subjecting dog
age them to recruit more college grad- employment services and balance sup- owners to pay heavy compensation in case
uates, with the aim of raising the MA XUEJING / CHINA DAILY ply and demand. And the government their pet attacks anyone, especially because
employment rate, stabilizing the job should provide guidance and create a such a provision has helped reduce dog attacks
market and creating more job opportu- healthy business environment so college in many countries. In fact, in some countries,
nities at the grassroots level. So college docking platforms, while providing gui- ments are holding job fairs in different graduates can start their own business- the average compensation amount for a dog
graduates should seek employment in dance to support college graduates to areas to facilitate the employment of col- es. bite is $30,000.
grassroots organizations if they cannot start their own business. The govern- lege graduates, and government depart- If the compensation amount for a dog bite is
find a job in the traditional or emerg- ment has also vowed to protect the col- ments have intensified their on-campus The author is an associate researcher at raised drastically, dog owners will be forced to
ing sectors. lege graduates’ right to seek flexible recruitment and have been holding job- the Chinese Academy of Labor and Social pay huge amounts to buy insurance for their pet
Second, the government has adopted employment. advisory camps to provide employment Security. The views don’t necessarily and make sure they are always kept on a leash in
favorable policies and built resource Third, the central and local govern- information for college graduates. reflect those of China Daily. a public place.
10 | Tuesday, May 23, 2023 CHINA DAILY

Editor’s note: Bills aimed at banning Chinese and other nationals from buying land in the United States have triggered fears of anti-Asian hate crimes. This page takes a closer look at how history is repeating itself in the form
of new legislation in some states as well as the hardships faced by those who have suffered discrimination.

Hundreds of people gather in Atlanta, Georgia, to protest the increasing violence against Asian people in Two people leave a message on a cross at a makeshift memorial on May 10 in Allen, Texas, by the mall
the United States, on March 20, 2021. USA TODAY NETWORK VIA REUTERS where a gunman opened fire on May 6, killing eight people. TONY GUTIERREZ / ASSOCIATED PRESS

With new land laws, history repeats itself

Asians feel ‘besieged’, worry about hate crimes as bills are either proposed or passed in nearly 30 US states

By MAY ZHOU in Houston posed such bills but failed to pass as swastika and the SS lightning bolt dent slogans like ‘The Chinese Must in Georgia and Kansas, or are still in logo of Adolf Hitler’s paramilitary Go’ and helped pass an 1882 law that
the legislative process as in Louisi- forces. His social media account closed the US to any further Chinese
When Echo King’s friend texted ana and Texas. It’s definitely a sort of reinvocation of what showed that he posted about his immigration.
her about the passing of Florida’s Josh Yeh, a Chinese American people in Asian American studies would refer fantasies of race wars and used vio- “In this climate of racial hatred,
legislation SB 264 in the state Sen- from Kansas, said at the Zoom meet- lent, hateful rhetoric that targeted violent attacks against the Chinese
ate on April 11, she did not believe it. ing that he felt “besieged” and is to as ‘Yellow Peril’ fearmongering.” Asian people. in the West became all too common,
After all, it is 2023, more than 50 worried that Asian hate crimes will Madeline Hsu, history professor and expert in Asian American
Wu said the real troubling issue though the Rock Springs massacre
years after the Chinese Exclusion Act go up as a result of those bills. studies at the University of Texas in Austin with bills such as SB 147 is that those was notable both for its size and sav-
was repealed and more than 10 years “My kids, my descendants, if they bills “would basically be the govern- age brutality,” the article said,
after the US Congress expressed want to stay in America, then I need ment announcing to the public that explaining the background of the
regret and issued an apology for the to prepare for them. I have to speak you know Asian people are danger- massacre.
act, and bills such as the Alien Land up, hey, United States, you cannot ous, and that you should do some- Two years later in May 1887, in a
Laws were a thing of the past. keep doing this. This is not who you thing about it”. course of two days, a group of seven
To verify the text message, she are. We believe in equality, we “And we have real concerns that horse thieves, all of them white,
went to the state government’s web- believe in liberty, we believe in pur- more targeted attacks would come if ambushed and attacked Chinese
site and read the contents of the bill. suit of happiness, right?” they pass bills like SB 147.” miners with firearms in an isolated
To her shock, it was all true: SB 264 For Yeh, the slate of bills in so History has proved that the dan- part of northeast Oregon, killing 31
would ban citizens, entities and many states aiming to ban Chinese ger Yeh and Wu are worried about is to 34 immigrant Chinese.
companies from seven countries of and a few other nationals from buy- real. Laws targeting a specific group Afterward, the horse thieves muti-
concern, including China, from pur- ing land feels like history is repeat- — by race or by country — would lated their bodies, dumped them
chasing farmland and other infra- ing itself when the Chinese often fan hatred and violence into the Snake River, stole their
structure. In addition, Chinese Exclusion Act was enacted in 1882 against that particular targeted mined gold, and burned their camp
citizens are singled out in the bill to and the Alien Land Laws were group. Horrendous crimes were and equipment. The crime was not
be excluded from acquiring any real passed in many states in the 1910s. committed after the Chinese Exclu- discovered until the battered bodies
estate in the state. “We are doing this again? In the sion Act was passed. of the Chinese began appearing in
Sharing her experience in a Zoom name of national security, they can the Snake River 65 miles (105 km)
meeting organized by the United do anything. That’s really scary to Brutal massacre from the crime scene.
Chinese Americans, a nonprofit civ- anyone of us. I am thinking for my In September 1885, three years Just like in the Wyoming massa-
ic movement, this month, King, an kids, if we don’t do anything, this after Congress enacted the Chinese cre, though the identity of the seven
immigration lawyer in Orlando, will get worse,” said Yeh, who has Allen High School students light candles at a vigil four days after a Exclusion Act, close to 30 immi- killers was known, none was convict-
Florida, said she quickly took action started a super PAC (political action gunman shot and killed eight people at a mall in Allen, Texas, on grant Chinese were massacred in ed or punished. Soon the case was
and formed a group with like-mind- committee) in Kansas to get actively May 10. SHELBY TAUBER / REUTERS Rock Springs, Wyoming, according forgotten until the file was rediscov-
ed people from the community to involved in local political process. to ered in a safe that had been donated
fight the discriminative bill. In four Yeh was not alone to view the cur- In this racially motivated killing, to a local county museum in 1995.
days, they mobilized more than 100 rent legislative trend banning China II, where regardless of citizenship, hard against Texas bills aiming to 150 white miners killed 28 Chinese A local judge told The Associated
people to go to Florida’s capital, Tal- from purchasing land in the US as a regardless of nativity, they were prohibit Chinese citizens from buy- miners, wounded 15 others and Press in 1995 that “the records were
lahassee, to testify against it. repeat of history. A February CNN racially categorized as enemy ing land in Texas, said in a recent drove a few hundred of them out of more than just lost, they seem to
Their efforts gained support from report about a similar Texas bill SB aliens,” Hsu continued. Zoom meeting that “there’s increas- town. In the end, only 45 white min- have been hidden. Somebody inten-
some legislators and the bill was 147 was titled “History repeats itself One netizen named Mivey, com- ing evidence that the shooter in ers were fired by the railroad compa- tionally tried to keep this story from
modified to make an exception for with anti-China land ownership menting on Alabama’s passing of Allen, Texas, specifically targeted ny, but none of the perpetrators ever happening”.
Chinese citizens with non-tourist proposals”. HB 379 prohibiting Chinese citi- Asian Americans”. faced any legal action for the killings. Keenly aware that those discrimi-
visas, but still limited to single par- In the report, Madeline Hsu, a his- zens, entities and government bod- In the May 6 shooting at an Allen “The Chinese had been victims of native laws could fuel hatred and
cels smaller than 2 acres (0.81 hec- tory professor and expert in Asian ies from purchasing property in the mall which, according to the Texas prejudice and violence ever since violence toward Asian Americans,
tares) and at least 5 miles (8 American studies at the University state, succinctly summed up how Tribune, largely attracts minority they first began to come to the West Wu said that even if SB 147 does not
kilometers) from military bases. of Texas in Austin, told CNN, “It’s many Asian Americans are facing and especially Asian shoppers, the in the mid-19th century, fleeing fam- pass in Texas, the anti-Asian hate
Their fight was not enough to stop definitely a sort of reinvocation of the current wave of “land laws” gunman killed eight; seven of them ine and political upheaval,” said a fear is a real thing.
SB 264 from passing, and on May 8, what people in Asian American across so many states: “Making were minorities and four of them history article about the massacre “We should start discussing what
Republican Florida Governor Ron studies would refer to as ‘Yellow Per- American 1882 again”. were Asians. on the website. we need to do (with anti-Asian
DeSantis signed it into law. il’ fearmongering. Yeh was not alone to worry that Authorities found that the gun- “Widely blamed for all sorts of hate)” after the Texas legislation
Florida is just one of more than 20 “There are ways in which it reso- such bills would drive up anti-Asian man held white supremacy and neo- social ills, the Chinese were also sin- session ends at the end of this
or perhaps about 30 states that have nates with what happened to Japa- hate crimes. Gene Wu, Texas repre- Nazi beliefs and had Nazi symbols gled out for attack by some national month, he told the Chinese Ameri-
either passed similar bills, or pro- nese Americans during World War sentative who has been fighting tattooed on his body, including a politicians who popularized stri- can community.

Chinese Canadians want ancestors’ sacrifices to be recognized

By RENA LI in Toronto the western stretch of the railway had After the railway was completed unjust legislation of the Chinese the most daunting conditions and it in November 1885, those Chinese Exclusion Act and compensated the
was largely built by Chinese workers. people who were recruited were living head tax payers and their
July 1 will mark 100 years since Raising the tax twice was not homeless, destitute and drifting spouses.
the passing of the Chinese Exclusion enough to stop the Chinese, so the along the tracks. They had no jobs “So, our goal at the foundation is to
Act in Canada, and the descendants Canadian government turned to and could not speak English. Some help everybody remember and
of Chinese railroad workers in Cana- legislation to formally institutional- of them started operating laundries recognize the Chinese labor, blood,
da are calling to proclaim this July 1 ize racism — the Chinese Immigra- and Chinese restaurants. sweat and tears and the 4,000 Chi-
as Chinese People’s Railway Day. tion Act, also known as the Chinese “So, if you think about our Chi- nese loggers that were lost during the
At a news conference on Monday, Exclusion Act, in 1923. nese ancestors and their bloodline, building of the CPR,” Anderson said.
Landy Anderson, chair of the Foun- “You can’t talk about the railway how many descendants are here The provincial capital cities of
dation to Commemorate the Chi- without the head tax, and the head and prospering in Canada today for British Columbia, New Brunswick,
nese Railroad Workers in Canada, tax was designed specifically to keep Canada’s economic success?” Nova Scotia and Ottawa have sent
said the 100th anniversary of the Chinese people out of Canada,” said Anderson said. the foundation support letters to
Chinese Exclusion Act is vitally Anderson, who is the granddaugh- proclaim July 1 as Chinese People’s
important to commemorate. ter of a head tax payer and Chinese Reverberating impact Railway Day.
“Most Canadians refer to July 1 as railroad worker. The Chinese Exclusion Act banned On May 14, Canadian Prime Min-
Canada Day, which the Chinese The Chinese pioneers who came to People pay tribute to Chinese veterans on April 22, 2018, during a Chinese immigrants for 24 years ister Justin Trudeau issued a state-
community refers to as ‘Humiliation Canada in the 1880s to help build the Special Council Meeting where Gregor Robertson, then-Vancouver until it was repealed in 1947. During ment to mark 100 years since the
Day’. We’re asking every capital city railroad united Canada from coast to mayor, officially apologized to the Chinese community for historical the exclusionary period, many wives Chinese Immigration Act of 1923.
of the national provinces to pro- coast politically, geographically and discrimination, in Vancouver, Canada. YU RUIDONG / CHINA NEWS SERVICE and children in China were separat- “The Chinese Immigration Act of
claim July 1 as Chinese People’s Rail- economically, and the foundation ed from the Chinese men in Canada. 1923 ... was a dark time in Canada’s
way Day. That’s our campaign on calls them nation builders. The impact of the act reverberates history that has lasting impacts
July 1 this year,” Anderson said. Of the 17,000 men who came from Macdonald recruited the Chinese late 1800s with the absence of tech- through Chinese families and com- today,” the statement said. “This
After the transcontinental Canadi- Guangdong province in South Chi- people specifically to build the rail- nology? Can you imagine what our munities to this day. systemic discrimination and racist
an Pacific Railway, or CPR, was com- na, more than 4,000 died because of way because they worked stronger, ancestors went through? And the On June 22, 2006, then-Canadian policy separated loved ones, impov-
pleted in 1885, the Canadian unsafe working conditions, land- faster, harder, more efficiently,” discrimination they faced in the prime minister Stephen Harper erished families and reinforced
government imposed a punitive head slides and premature blastings. Anderson said. anti-Chinese society? They faced said the construction of the railroad prejudice against people of Chinese
tax to deter Chinese citizens from “Canada recruited them here; our “Can you imagine how hard (it significant racism because we were was a nation-building enterprise. origin in Canada — scars that would
coming to Canada. Construction of first prime minister Sir John A. was) to build a railway system in the a threat?” He formally apologized for the endure for generations.”
CHINA DAILY Tuesday, May 23, 2023 | 11

Asia summit
Firefighters work to
contain a fire at a

aims to revive
historic post office
building in the
Philippine capital
Manila on Monday.
Seven people were
injured. The fire

trade routes started before

midnight in the
basement of the
neoclassical five-
story building and
was brought under
Meet reinvigorates ancient Silk Road control on Monday
and deepens mutual trust, experts say morning. XINHUA

By REN QI in Almaty, Kazakhstan, chief of the Kazakhstan newspaper

XU WEIWEI in Hong Kong and DKnews, said he believes the summit
CHEN WEIHUA in Brussels will enhance long-term cooperation
and development across multiple
The China-Central Asia Summit fields between the six countries, add-
is reinvigorating the ancient Silk ing that “a new format of cooperation
Road with the high-quality green
Belt and Road Initiative that fea-
tures joint contribution and shared
will make it possible to involve the
Central Asian region with China’s
large market in close economic ties”.
Cambodia lauds BRI for promoting development
benefits, international analysts say.
Khalid Taimur Akram, executive Common progress SIHANOUKVILLE, Cambodia — been carried out in Cambodia. “The tions have signed documents said the SSEZ, the largest industrial
director of the Pakistan Research “China has now become an impor- Cambodia celebrated the 10th BRI has greatly benefited not only under the BRI framework. zone in Cambodia in terms of size
Center for a Community with tant partner in trade and economic anniversary of the China-proposed Cambodia, but also the ASEAN Hun Sen said the BRI was and occupancy, is a model project of
Shared Future, Islamabad, said the cooperation of the five countries,” Belt and Road Initiative, highlight- (Association of Southeast Asian designed to promote common practical cooperation between Chi-
summit hopes to revive these old said Tursunali Kuziev, professor at ing its great contributions to the Nations) as well as other participat- peace, development and economic na and Cambodia under the BRI.
trade routes and advance contem- the Journalism and Mass Communi- kingdom’s socioeconomic develop- ing countries,” he said at the event prosperity of the countries in the “This special economic zone has
porary economic and commercial cations University of Uzbekistan, ment and poverty reduction. attended by more than 24,000 work- region and the world. become the locomotive of econom-
cooperation. Xi’an city represents adding that innovation and Cambodian Prime Minister Sam- ers from 175 factories in the SSEZ. “It has provided mutually benefi- ic growth in Sihanoukville province
the historical interactions and thriv- exchange in agricultural sciences dech Techo Hun Sen and Chinese The BRI, which consists of the cial cooperation and win-win and provided ‘golden rice bowl’
ing commercial activity along the have constantly pushed forward Ambassador to Cambodia Wang Silk Road Economic Belt and the results for all,” he added. jobs for local residents,” he said.
Silk Road as it is also the starting common progress in this field. Wentian attended the celebration 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, As 2023 marks the 65th anniver- At the event, Hun Sen also offi-
point of the historic trade route, the Sheradil Baktygulov, foreign event, which was held at the Siha- was proposed by China in 2013 sary of the diplomatic relations cially inaugurated the $300-mil-
Pakistani expert said. affairs consultant at the Kyrgyz noukville Special Economic Zone, or with the aim of building trade and between Cambodia and China, lion General Tire Technology
Akram added that China wants to National Institute for Strategic SSEZ, a flagship project of the BRI. infrastructure networks connect- Hun Sen said the bilateral ties have (Cambodia) plant, a subsidiary of
see a dynamic and prosperous Central Studies, said China deserves great Hun Sen said under the BRI, ing Asia with Europe and Africa on reached the highest ever in history, Chinese tire maker Jiangsu Gener-
Asia that will support people in the respect and support for contribut- many megaprojects, including and beyond the ancient Silk Road noting that the “ironclad friend- al Science Technology and a new-
region in realizing their aspirations for ing to relations of peace, friendship roads, bridges, ports, power plants, trade routes. ship” between the two countries is comer to the SSEZ.
a better life and provide a significant and cooperation in Central Asia and expressways, special economic Over the past decade, 151 coun- “unbreakable.”
boost to global economic recovery. for advocating mutually beneficial zones, airports, and stadiums have tries and 32 international organiza- Meanwhile, Ambassador Wang XINHUA
S.L. Kanthan, a geopolitical ana- cooperation and peaceful develop-
lyst based in Bengaluru, India, ment among all countries.
reminded that more than 2,000
years ago, Xi’an — also known as
Chang’an — was the origin of the
Mominul Islam, CEO at IPDC
Finance in Bangladesh, said during
his participation at the annual meet-
Tea helps to sip taste of life, says China’s UN envoy
famed Silk Road, which linked Chi- ing of the Association of Develop-
nese merchants to those in Central ment Financing Institutions in Asia By MINLU ZHANG Zhang said he hoped the face-to-
Asia, Persia and the Roman Empire. and the Pacific, or ADFIAP, in Almaty, at the United Nations face exchanges would “not only
According to him, the ancient Silk Kazakhstan, that China’s ambitious enhance our friendship, but also
Road could be viewed as the genesis Belt and Road Initiative has brought explore the intrinsic link between
of globalization and free trade, and opportunities to Central Asia. When examining the Chinese tea and human development, and
its contemporary version is the BRI, The summit has significant mean- character for tea, the composition seek common development and a
the largest infrastructure project in ings to the region, as all five presi- consists of three parts: grass on top, shared future”.
human history. dents from Central Asia participated, people in the middle, and wood at the The tea boom and its related
“Obviously, the Central Asian Islam said. He said the cooperation bottom. The character depicts “peo- drinking products and industries
countries are pivotal to the BRI has been growing fast and the poten- ple living in nature”, explained Chi- create many jobs and much eco-
since they act as China’s gateway to tial for deepening connections could na’s top envoy to the United Nations. nomic value, said Zhang, adding
the Middle East and beyond to be seen in various fields. “(Tea) helps us sip the taste of life, that tea is a bond between civiliza-
Europe,” the analyst added. Nikolai Podguzov, chairman of enjoy the spiritual tranquillity, tions, and the development of tea
Shavkat Alimbekov, a researcher the Eurasian Development Bank evoke enlightenment, and bring our culture is “an epitome of mutual
at the International Institute for management board, said China is heart and soul back to mother learning between human civiliza-
Central Asia in Uzbekistan, said the important to the whole Central nature. For thousands of years, the tions”, he said.
summit would outline a new plan Asian region. China has attached sustainable cycle from tea planting From the ancient Silk Road to the Participants taste specialty tea from China’s Quanzhou at a tea-
for the development of mutually great importance to cooperation to tea drinking has been a vivid Tea-Horse Road and the Belt and themed cultural salon in New York on Saturday. WANG YILING / XINHUA
beneficial relations for the future, with Central Asia as well as the lat- example of harmonious coexistence Road Initiative, tea has transcend-
and open a new era of cooperation. ter’s potential, he said. between humans and nature,” ed time and borders and promoted
He said the summit will continue Central Asia is a fast-developing Zhang Jun, China’s permanent rep- mutual understanding and friend- bodia, Indonesia, Eritrea, Bangla- Pu’er tea. It makes me feel very
to deepen strategic mutual trust region, which has vowed to tap into resentative to the UN, said on Friday ship among people, and diverse desh, Kyrgyzstan and other coun- relaxed and happy,” Ivaylo, a staff
between China and the Central energy efficiency, connectivity, food in his opening remarks on the cele- and harmonious coexistence tries said tea is a key driver for member at the Permanent Mission of
Asian countries, which are friendly production, and other industries. bration of International Tea Day. among civilizations, Zhang said. social and economic development. Bulgaria to the UN, told China Daily.
neighbors and strategic partners. The summit in Xi’an is set to solve In December 2019, the 74th ses- “In today’s challenge-ridden They said tea is an effective means “I love tea ceremonies. I think
“One of the key aspects of this some global and regional problems, sion of the UN General Assembly world, we wish to use tea as a medi- to help less developed regions erad- Chinese tea culture is a great cul-
cooperation is the Green Silk Road boost mutual benefit for the econo- adopted a resolution establishing um to promote international icate poverty, increase farmers’ tural asset that China can use and
program, which focuses on using my, and strengthen cooperation May 21 as International Tea Day. exchange and cooperation, enhance income and empower women. does use around the world.”
green development strategies, inno- both in the region and all over the After three years of COVID-19, the mutual learning, mutual under- “I enjoy drinking tea, and my
vative solutions and advanced tech- world, Podguzov said. Permanent Mission of China to the standing and mutual trust among favorite Chinese tea is Longjing tea. Online
nologies to achieve environmental UN held the first in-person celebra- civilizations, and achieve harmoni- It’s a kind of green tea, which is very See more by
efficiency and sustainability,” he said. Contact the writers at tion for the event at the UN head- ous coexistence,” he said. nice to drink in the summer when it’s scanning the
Serik Korzhumbayev, editor-in- quarters in New York on Friday. UN representatives from Cam- hot. And in winter, I prefer to drink code.

Girl’s death exposes medical inadequacies at US border Israeli minister’s visit to holy
SAN DIEGO — The recent deaths
of an 8-year-old Panamanian girl
site sparks condemnations ond week of May compared to a
daily average of 5,200 in March.
and a 17-year-old boy from Hondu- The Border Patrol had 28,717 JERUSALEM — Israeli National “Such provocative behavior is incon-
ras who were under US govern- people in custody on May 10, one Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir sistent with the wisdom and respon-
ment supervision have again raised day before pandemic asylum visited the Al-Aqsa Mosque com- sibility of officials,” the Egyptian
questions about how prepared restrictions expired, according to a pound on Sunday, drawing condem- foreign ministry said in a statement.
authorities are to handle medical court filing. By Sunday, the custody nations from the Palestinians. Egypt also called on Israel to
emergencies suffered by migrants count dropped 23 percent to The visit came three days after immediately stop the practices that
arriving in the US, especially as 22,259, still historically high. Ben-Gvir and tens of thousands of fuel tensions in the occupied territo-
agencies struggle with massive The custody capacity is about Jewish nationalists marched ries of Palestine.
overcrowding at facilities along the 17,000, according to a government through the Old City and just over a The Al-Aqsa Mosque compound
southern border. document last year, and the admin- week into a fragile Gaza cease-fire, has been administered by the Jeru-
Anadith Tanay Reyes Alvarez istration has been adding tempo- Agence France-Presse reported. salem Islamic Waqf, a Jordanian
became unresponsive on what was rary giant tents like one in San Escorted by heavy police and the body, since 1948.
at least a third visit to medics Diego that opened in January with internal Shin Bet security agency, It is the second time that Ben-Gvir,
Wednesday at a Border Patrol sta- room for about 500 people. Ben-Gvir visited the compound in the the ultranationalist leader of the Jew-
tion in Harlingen, Texas, and died Meanwhile, the FBI and Tohono early morning hours, according to a ish Power party, visited the site since
later in a hospital, US Customs and A migrant holds out his arms appealing to Texas National O’odham Nation police are investi- video statement released by his office. he became a member of the Israeli
Border Protection said. The girl Guardsmen in Matamoros, Mexico, on May 11. FERNANDO LLANO / AP gating the fatal shooting of a tribal He said he was glad to come up to coalition government. The govern-
had complained that day of vomit- member by US Border Patrol the compound, and thanked the ment, the most far-right in Israel’s his-
ing and stomach pain. agents in southern Arizona. police officers at the site. tory, was inaugurated last December.
She died on her family’s ninth day view with The Associated Press. It hospital care, according to the Customs and Border Protection Palestinian presidential spokes- The compound is a sensitive site
in custody; the most time allowed is initially published only a brief mother. officials said agents from the Ajo man Nabil Abu Rudeineh said in a in East Jerusalem holy to both Mus-
72 hours under agency policy. statement. The girl’s death came a week aft- Border Patrol station were involved statement that the visit is “a blatant lims and Jews and a longtime focal
The family told agents that the Mabel Alvarez Benedicks told the er 17-year-old Angel Eduardo Mara- in a fatal shooting on the Tohono attack” on the holy site. point of tensions between Israelis
girl had a history of heart problems AP that agents repeatedly ignored diaga Espinoza of Honduras died O’odham reservation near Ajo The Jordanian Foreign Ministry and Palestinians.
and sickle cell anemia, the CBP pleas to hospitalize her medically in US Health and Human Services around 10 pm Thursday. on Sunday condemned Ben-Gvir’s Israel gained control of East Jeru-
acknowledged in its second state- fragile daughter as she felt pain in her Department’s custody. He was trav- They said the incident is under “incursion” into the Al-Aqsa Mosque salem during the 1967 Middle East
ment on the death. She was diag- bones, struggled to breathe and was eling alone. review by Customs and Border Pro- compound. Ben-Gvir’s visit is a pro- war and occupied it despite interna-
nosed with influenza on the unable to walk. She said her daughter A rush to the border before pan- tection’s Office of Professional vocative step and a grave violation tional criticism. Under a long-held
family’s sixth day in custody. was finally taken in an ambulance demic-related asylum limits Responsibility. But they haven’t that leads to escalation, the minis- status quo, the site is administrated
The CBP published a detailed after falling limp and unconscious known as Title 42 expired brought released any additional informa- try’s spokesperson Sinan Al-Majali by the Jordanian Waqf, allowing
account on Sunday, confirming key and bleeding from the mouth. extraordinary pressure. The Border tion. said in a statement. only Muslim worship.
aspects of what the girl’s mother Agents said her daughter’s diag- Patrol took an average of 10,100 Egypt on Sunday condemned Ben-
said two days earlier in an inter- nosis of influenza did not require people into custody a day in the sec- AGENCIES VIA XINHUA Gvir’s visit to the mosque compound. XINHUA—AGENCIES
12 | Tuesday, May 23, 2023 CHINA DAILY

Russia calls
Briefly Irreparable damage
President of DR
Congo to visit China
President of the Democratic
Republic of the Congo Felix-Anto-
ine Tshisekedi Tshilombo will pay
a state visit to China starting from
Wednesday, the Foreign Ministry
G7 incubator
for ‘hysteria’
has announced. During his six-
day tour, President Xi Jinping will
hold talks with the DR Congo’s
president and they will jointly
attend a signing ceremony of
cooperation documents, Foreign
Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning Zelensky lobbies for support as claims
said. Premier Li Qiang and top
Chinese legislator Zhao Leji will on Bakhmut from Moscow, Kyiv vary
meet with him respectively, she
said. China believes that the visit MOSCOW — Russia on Sunday “(Russian President) Vladimir
will inject new impetus into the dismissed the G7 summit in Japan’s Putin congratulates the Wagner
development of bilateral rela- Hiroshima as a “politicized” event assault detachments, as well as all
tions, Mao said. that it said had pumped out anti- servicemen of the Russian Armed
Russian and anti-Chinese state- Forces units … on the completion
UNITED STATES ments and accused the group of of the operation to liberate Arty-
Biden, McCarthy to undermining global stability. omovsk,” the presidential press
Palestinians inspect a damaged building following an Israeli army raid in the Balata refugee camp near Moscow lashed out after the service said.
meet on debt ceiling the West Bank town of Nablus on Monday. Palestinian health officials say Israeli fire has killed at least Western leaders said they would Zelensky denied that Russian
US President Joe Biden and House three people in the refugee camp. MAJDI MOHAMMED / ASSOCIATED PRESS not back down from supporting troops now occupy Bakhmut,
Speaker Kevin McCarthy were set Ukraine, in a warning to Moscow although he acknowledged they
to meet at the White House at a piv- as it claimed to have taken the were in the city, which has been
otal moment as Washington works eastern city of Bakhmut, some- ground into ruins in months of
to strike a budget compromise and
raise the nation’s borrowing limit in
time to avert a devastating federal
Chinese development model applauded thing Kyiv denied.
In a statement posted on Tele-
gram, the Russian Foreign Ministry
brutal fighting that shows little
sign of slowing.
He left Japan with reassurances,
default. The meeting on Monday said the G7 had “irreversibly deteri- however, that his allies will see out
afternoon between the Democratic By WANG QINGYUN Some accuse China’s values, ideas and tradi- orated” and the forum had become the fight, with US President Joe
president and the new Republican the world’s sec- tions need to be better understood “an ‘incubator’ where, under the Biden insisting that Ukraine’s
speaker was expected to be critical ond-largest in other parts of the world, where leadership of the Anglo-Saxons, backers “will not waver”.
as they race to prevent a looming China’s development model is an economy of many countries have considered destructive initiatives that under-
debt crisis. After a weekend of start- alternative that shows moderniza- being a “threat”. modernization the same as West- mine global stability are prepared”. Military package
stop talks, both appeared upbeat as tion does not necessarily mean Some even hype ernization, Nastase said. The statement accused the G7 of The White House earlier unveiled
they face a deadline, as soon as Westernization, former Romanian the possibility of Nastase also shared his view on fanning anti-Russian and anti- a $375-million package of US aid
June 1. Biden and McCarthy spoke prime minister Adrian Nastase a “Thucydides the Belt and Road Initiative. Chinese “hysteria”. that includes ammunition for HIM-
by phone on Sunday while the pres- said. trap”, or a clash Calling the initiative “the project Russia used to be a member of ARS rocket launchers, artillery
Adrian Nastase
ident was returning home after the Chinese modernization sends a between pow- of the century” that translates glo- the G7 club of industrialized coun- shells, anti-tank guided missiles
Group of Seven summit in Japan. message that “each country should ers, lying ahead balization into action, Nastase said tries, which was previously known and thermal imaging systems.
seek its own modernization accord- for China. the BRI’s connection of infrastruc- as the G8, until Moscow was It came after the United States
ITALY ing to its own needs”, Nastase told Concerned by the claims, Nastase tures around the world is essential excluded after Crimea joined Rus- lifted a veto on Ukrainian access to
Activists turn Rome’s China Daily. said the media and politicians in the for trade, investment and people-to- sia through a referendum in 2014. advanced US-made F-16 fighter
“For countries like mine, modern- United States and some European people exchanges. Ukrainian President Volodymyr jets, a significant upgrade from
Trevi Fountain black ization meant Westernization,” Nas- countries tend to perceive China as Nastase hopes there will be more Zelensky was present at the Hiro- Kyiv’s Cold War-era fleet of MiGs
Climate activists in Italy turned tase said. “But later on, we an enemy. BRI cooperation projects carried shima summit as a guest, an oppor- and Sukhois.
Rome’s famous Trevi Fountain understood … that sometimes it is Such a misperception is “very out in his country, which signed a tunity he used to encourage The transfer of F-16 fighter jets
black on Sunday, saying floods much more important to have your dangerous”, he said. “China, in my memorandum of understanding on member nations to maintain arms to Ukraine would raise the ques-
that have killed 14 people in the own line of development, to think opinion, is not interested in a war,” BRI cooperation with China in supplies and diplomatic support for tion of NATO’s involvement in the
country’s northeast were “a warn- about the features of your country, Nastase said. 2015. Kyiv amid its conflict with Russia. conflict, Russia’s Ambassador to
ing”. Activists from the anti-cli- traditions, culture.” Impressed by China’s growth, Nastase served as Romanian He leveraged the powerful sym- the United States Anatoly Antonov
mate change organization Last Characterized by features that are including its achievement in pover- prime minister from 2000 to 2004. bolism of Hiroshima, synonymous said in remarks published early on
Generation climbed onto the land- unique to the Chinese context, Chi- ty eradication, Nastase stressed that He made a visit to China at the with the horrors of war, to press Monday.
mark and poured a vegetable- nese modernization involves a huge different civilizations must coexist, height of the SARS outbreak in May partners and skeptics alike to back The Russian Foreign Ministry,
based carbon liquid into it, before population, aims at common pros- and that dialogue is essential for 2003. his defense against Russia’s in the same statement, accused the
being pulled out and escorted perity for all, focuses on both mate- avoiding a “clash of civilizations”. During that trip, Nastase brought 15-month special military operation, G7 of “flirting” with non-Western
away by police. The Trevi Foun- rial and cultural-ethical His opinion is similar to what Chi- some medical equipment with him Agence France-Presse commented. states in an effort to stymie the
tain’s most iconic moment saw advancement, underlines harmony na has called for. to show his support for China’s fight On the battlefield, Yevgeny Pri- development of their ties with
Swedish actress Anita Ekberg go between humanity and nature, and Advocating for equality and inclu- against SARS. He also expressed gozhin, head of Russia’s Wagner Moscow and Beijing.
for a dip in Federico Fellini’s film pursues peaceful development. siveness of civilizations, China has hope for strengthened cooperation paramilitary military group, said It said it was convinced though
La Dolce Vita. The protest came as Over the past several decades, supported mutual learning and between the two countries. in a video message posted on his that the forum was incapable of
Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni China has grown in leaps and exchanges among civilizations to Huge progress has taken place in Telegram channel that Wagner reflecting the interests of the Asia-
arrived in Emilia- Romagna to vis- bounds through its own pattern of promote common progress, and has China since his trip two decades will begin to withdraw its units on Pacific region, South Asia, the Mid-
it areas devastated by floods. development. The special pattern opposed a “cookie-cutter” approach ago, not only in China’s urban land- May 25 for rest and retraining, and dle East, Africa or Latin America.
has been met with not only praise, to the development of different scape but also in the way its people its fighters will create “the neces-
AGENCIES—CHINA DAILY but also doubt. countries. behave, Nastase said. sary lines of defense”. AGENCIES—XINHUA

Wide ‘web’
Fishermen use colorful fishing
nets on Matla River in the
Canning town of India’s West
Bengal state on Sunday. The town
is located about 100 kilometers
from the state’s capital Kolkata.

Greek PM in big lead, seeking new vote

By CHEN WEIHUA in Brussels and steadily, to complete today’s could happen as early as June 25. important first step, and be the final Under a new electoral law that
winners,” he said, adding that comes into play in the next election,
Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Greeks “want a strong government”. the winner can obtain a bonus of up
Mitsotakis, whose party won Sun- The biggest rival, left-wing Syriza to 50 seats, which now looks set for
day’s election albeit short of a party led by former prime minister New Democracy based on the results.
majority, said on Monday he would Alexis Tsipras, won only 20 percent New Democracy has ruled Greece
not form a coalition government of the vote, or 71 seats. for the last four years. The country’s
and hoped for a new election. Tsipras said he had called Mitso- economic growth of 6 percent last
Mitsotakis made the comments takis to congratulate him on the year was among the strongest in the
to President Katerina Sakellaro- win, but he has also not given up, European Union, almost double the
poulou, who formally offered him saying that “the electoral cycle is not EU’s average rate.
an opportunity to form a coalition over yet”, adding that the next battle Sunday’s victory was widely
under the constitution. will be “critical and final”. viewed as a win for Mitsotakis,
Mitsotakis’ New Democracy party Pasok, another socialist party, whose government has suffered
won 41 percent of the vote, or 146 came in third by winning 11.5 per- attacks from a wiretapping scandal
seats in the 300-seat parliament, cent of the vote, or 41 seats. and a deadly train collision causing
five seats short of a majority. Voter turnout was 60.92 percent, more than 50 deaths and ensuing
Mitsotakis told supporters that a according to the Ministry of Interior. public outrage in February.
“great victory surpassed our own Starting from Monday, Sakella- Mitsotakis, 55, comes from one of
expectations” and the result showed ropoulou will offer three days each Greece’s most powerful political
that Greeks have given the party a to the three leading parties in par- dynasties. His father Konstantinos
mandate for a four-year government. liament to form a coalition govern- Mitsotakis was prime minister from
“The people wanted the choice of ment. But it seems unlikely for 1990 to 1993; his sister Dora Bakoy-
a Greece run by a majority govern- Syriza and Pasok to succeed given annis was foreign minister from 2006
ment and by New Democracy with- Sunday’s results. to 2009 and her son Kostas Bakoyan-
out the help of others,” he said in a If that process fails, a senior judge nis is the current mayor of Athens.
victory speech. will be named interim prime minis-
“We will move forward, boldly ter and call for new elections, which Agencies contributed to this story.

Regulator Tech PE
plan to lift
stresses tighter returns of
insurance liquor firms


Plans recently put in place by a

group of leading Chinese liquor mak-
ers, including the country’s largest
liquor producer Kweichow Moutai, to
NAFR underlines healthy solvency set up private equity investment funds
adequacy ratio, prevention of risk — with a major focus on the tech sec-
tors — reflect a cross-boundary trend
of diversifying investments by tradi-
By SHI JING in Shanghai ment yield of insurance funds was tional consumption giants in order to 5.24 percent, showing a positive boost financial returns, experts said.
trend of recovery, said the NAFR. A view of CNOOC Guanlan, China’s first deep-sea floating wind power platform. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY Kweichow Moutai said last week
Supervision over the insurance While the minimum capital that it would set up two investment
industry, especially over insurers’ requirement for insurers is set at funds with a cumulative capital of
solvency, should be further
strengthened to firmly safeguard
the bottom line of preventing sys-
temic financial risks, said the newly
2.47 trillion yuan, the actual capital
was 4.7 trillion yuan by the end of
the first quarter, according to NAFR
CNOOC links deep-sea wind more than 10 billion yuan ($1.4 bil-
lion). The new investments would
focus on cutting-edge information
technology sectors, such as biotech-
unveiled National Administration
of Financial Regulation.
The NAFR, which was formed
According to Fitch Ratings,
smaller and weaker life and non-
life insurers in China are likely to
power to Hainan oil field grid nology, new energy, new materials
and high-end equipment, different
from previous investments that
on the basis of the former China seek additional capital this year to mainly focused on the consumption
Banking and Insurance Regulato- support their solvency positions By LIU YUKUN in water depths exceeding 100 supply are required for daily pro- industry.
ry Commission and launched on after organic growth in capital meters. duction activities, CNOOC said. The two funds, of 5.51 billion yuan
Thursday, made the above com- weakened in 2022 due to the glob- During its design and construc- The company said that currently, each, will be co-operated with China
ments at its first work conference. al market volatility. China National Offshore Oil tion, the platform conducted com- both domestic and international Merchants Capital and Goldstone
By the end of the first quarter, the But China’s optimized COVID- Corp said over the weekend its prehensive studies on offshore oil fields rely on fossil fuels Investment, a PE arm of China Mer-
average comprehensive solvency 19 control measures since Decem- CNOOC Guanlan, China’s first environment and technological for electricity. However, wind pow- chants Group and CITIC Securities.
adequacy ratio of the reviewed 185 ber, the gradual recovery of its deep-sea floating wind power plat- innovation in wind power facili- er generation offers a greener alter- Meanwhile, Sichuan-based Wuli-
insurance companies was 190.3 per- economy and better consumer form, successfully connected to the ties, to ensure safe and stable oper- native for electricity supply to angye Yibin Co Ltd and Jiangsu-based
cent, with the average core solvency sentiment will boost insurers’ power grid in Wenchang oil field in ation even under the impact of deep-sea oil field clusters. Never- Jiangsu Yanghe Distillery Co Ltd have
adequacy ratio reaching 125.7 per- growth momentum this year, Fitch Hainan province. strong typhoons. theless, uncertainty in wind power also jumped on the bandwagon of pri-
cent, said the NAFR. Ratings said. This marks new progress in pro- Yang Yun, executive vice-presi- supply poses higher challenges to vate equity investments, with semi-
The minimum solvency adequa- Market insiders said that Chi- viding green power for use in off- dent of CNOOC, said that with the the task of maintaining stable pow- conductor, medical care and new
cy ratio for insurance companies is nese life insurance companies’ shore oil production, CNOOC said. installation of CNOOC Guanlan, er supply to offshore oil and gas materials among major focus areas.
set at 100 percent in China. The assumed interest rate will be low- Guanlan is Chinese for “watch- the company hopes to help pro- platforms. “It has been a trend recently for
regulator will require the insurer ered in June, although the rate was ing waves”. Installed at an offshore mote the development of China’s To ensure continuous and stable traditional companies to become
to suspend all businesses once the once set at 3.5 percent. The former oil field located 136 kilometers floating wind power in deep-sea operation of the power grid in oil limited partners and do CVC, or cor-
ratio drops below the 100-percent CBIRC’s industry research in from Wenchang, CNOOC Guanlan areas, especially in terms of core fields after wind power is connect- porate venture capital, investment,
level. March to find out the cost of debt has an installed capacity of 7.25 technology, large-scale offshore ed to it, the Wenchang oil field has which mainly refers to the invest-
At the end of 2022, the average of insurance companies is consid- megawatts. With a total height installation equipment and developed a new power supply ment of corporate funds directly in
comprehensive solvency adequacy ered a signal to lower the rate. exceeding 200 meters and a draft resource management along the model that integrates wind power external firms,” said Kong Xiaolong,
ratio of Chinese insurance compa- Zheng Xinru, a researcher at weight of 11,000 metric tons, industrial chain. generation with power generated founding partner of private equity
nies was 196 percent. Zhixin Investment, said the expect- CNOOC Guanlan is anchored in “By building zero-carbon oil and from gas and smart grids. The new service platform Fofweekly.
The decline in insurers’ solvency ed lowering will push the assumed the deep ocean at a depth of 120 gas fields in deep-sea areas, we model coordinates four fossil fuel “As these companies have stable
adequacy ratio has narrowed sig- interest rate to adapt to market meters with the help of nine hope to realize green and low-car- power generators with CNOOC cash flow and investment returns in
nificantly and remains within a changes, as the five-year bond yield anchor chains. bon offshore oil and gas produc- Guanlan to better manage power their own sectors, they tend to do
reasonable range, the NAFR said now is 3.12 percent and the five-year CNOOC said the green electricity tion and promote the integration generation for a steady supply of cross-boundary investments in
at its meeting. deposit rate is set below 3 percent, generated by the platform is routed of oil and gas with new energies,” electricity. emerging sectors like tech, to diversi-
The average comprehensive sol- both of which are quite low com- to the grid in Wenchang oil field Yang said. Qin Lifeng, production manager fy their financial returns,” Kong said.
vency adequacy ratios of property pared to historical data. through a 5-kilometer-long China has abundant wind ener- of CNOOC’s Zhanjiang branch, Moutai said in a statement that it
insurance companies, life insurance Fang Guobing, a researcher at dynamic submarine cable. After its gy resources in deep-ocean areas. said the power grid in Wenchang would use its own funds and leverage
companies and reinsurance compa- the Shanghai National Accounting operationalization, the platform According to data from the Nation- oil field represents an attempt by professional investment institutions
nies were 227.1 percent, 180.9 per- Institute, said the declining will generate 22 million kilowatt- al Climate Center, China’s technical CNOOC to establish a new type of to increase the rate of return and cre-
cent and 277.7 percent, respectively, assumed interest rate helps hours of electricity on average exploitable capacity of deep-sea green and low-carbon power sys- ate value for shareholders.
by the end of the first quarter. enhance insurance companies’ sol- annually. The electricity thus gen- wind resources exceeds 2 billion tem at sea. According to Moutai’s financial
Meanwhile, the insurance vency in light of the current macro- erated will be used to supply power kilowatts, indicating great poten- On the one hand, it meets the report for fiscal year 2022, its cash
industry is showing better-than- economic situation and the market to the oil field for its own opera- tial for exploration. high stability requirements for and cash equivalents balance were
expected growth in the first quar- interest rates. The new policies will tions. The platform will save nearly CNOOC said the development power supply at offshore oil and more than 152 billion yuan as of last
ter, with the insurance premium further regulate insurance compa- 10 million cubic meters of natural and utilization of offshore wind gas fields by coordinating multi- year. The company’s stock has been
income up by 9.2 percent year-on- nies’ product design and market- gas and reduce carbon dioxide power resources are considered ple power generators at an oil one of the most valuable for inves-
year to 1.95 trillion yuan ($280 bil- ing, preventing insurers from emissions by 22,000 tons per year. one of the most effective ways to field. tors in the country.
lion) in the first quarter. The passing on high-risk investments to According to Tang Xinguo, help achieve China’s decarboniza- On the other hand, it takes a cru- Xiao Bing, executive partner of
annualized comprehensive invest- policyholders, he said. director of the Wenchang 13-2 oil tion goals. cial step forward by connecting investment firm Fortune Capital,
field at CNOOC’s Zhanjiang The establishment of offshore oil large-capacity renewable energy said in a conference earlier this
branch, CNOOC Guanlan is Chi- field power system is vital for the generators to the grid, which facili- month that hard technology would
Start with a good ‘end’ na’s first floating wind power plat-
form that is located more than 100
operation of offshore oil and gas
platforms, as a significant amount
tates the high-proportion utiliza-
tion of new energy electricity in
become a top investment area for
investors this year as China aims to
kilometers from the coastline and of electricity as well as stable power offshore oil and gas fields. boost its technological prowess.


Siemens Healthineers to invest 1b yuan in new unit

By ZHOU MO well as globally,” said Bernd Montag, enhance local production and R&D tion in China. GE Healthcare, for
in Shenzhen, Guangdong CEO of the company. capabilities in China to cultivate a example, displayed 23 medical tech- He made the remarks in Shenzhen comprehensive local innovation nology products at the China Interna-
on Monday during a signing ceremo- ecosystem, he said. tional Medical Equipment Fair held in
Siemens Healthineers, a German ny for strategic collaboration between Siemens Healthineers entered Shanghai earlier this month, of which
healthcare equipment provider, is the company’s Shenzhen base called Shenzhen in 2002. Its Shenzhen base 18 are developed and made in China,
betting big on China’s innovation Siemens Shenzhen Magnetic Reso- has become one of the largest according to media reports.
and manufacturing capacity. nance Ltd and the Nanshan district of research and manufacturing centers Half of the output of Shenzhen’s
Construction workers ready the ground at the exit of Xujiapo On Monday, it announced it will Shenzhen, to build the site. of the company, with business opera- medical equipment industry is tar-
Tunnel for the upcoming tunneling project on the Kangyu section invest an additional 1 billion yuan Noting that China is an “impor- tions covering magnetic resonance geting overseas markets, mainly
of the Xi’an-Chongqing high-speed railway in Chongqing on Fri- ($142 million) or more to set up a tant and dynamic” market, Montag systems, angiography systems and developed markets like the United
day. With a length of 4.8 kilometers and a maximum depth of 280 new research and production site in said the country is also becoming an medical electronic components. States and Europe, said Cai Qiaowu,
meters, it will go through the underground part of a tunnel on a Shenzhen, Guangdong province, increasingly important source of A cumulative 8,000 units of com- secretary-general of the Shenzhen
highway. Xujiapo Tunnel is a double-rail one listed as a key marking its second such facility in innovation and creativity. plete equipment have been shipped Medical Device Association.
project in the building of the railway section. Spanning Chong- the southern metropolis. Wang Hao, president of Sie- from the Shenzhen base to over 100 The strong technological strength
qing, Sichuan province and Shaanxi province, the Xi’an-Chong- “China is of elementary importance mens Healthineers Greater China, countries and regions so far. Locali- of Siemens Healthineers and its sol-
qing high-speed railway aims to play a big role in boosting for Siemens Healthineers. Through its said the company’s latest invest- zation rate of product components id record in implementing interna-
integrated regional development and facilitate trips for inland technology savviness and openness to ments in Shenzhen demonstrate at the Shenzhen base has reached tional regulations and standards
provinces’ passengers bound for Beijing and the Shaanxi provin- partnerships and innovation, China is its determination and confidence about 80 percent, the company said. will help Shenzhen’s industry play-
cial capital. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY already, and will continue to be, a stra- in the Chinese market. Other multinational medical com- ers better tap into the international
tegic innovation driver for us locally as The company will further panies are also stepping up localiza- markets, he said.


Hainan FTP boosts mission is to enhance the opening- ability to host international sport- credit assets generally stable, offi- Huawei completes ing yet another victory for the
up of Hainan’s education sector to ing events. cial data showed. The ratio edged company amid prolonged restric-
educational opening-up the outside world. The zone’s Ling- down 0.01 percentage point from
ERP switch in 15 hours tions by the United States govern-
Hainan province is constructing an shui Comprehensive Sports Center, the end of 2022, according to the Huawei Technologies Co has ment. ERP represents key
education innovation zone at the located in Lingshui Li autonomous
Banks’ bad loan National Administration of Finan- replaced the legacy enterprise software underpinning a compa-
Hainan Free Trade Port to boost its county and built by China Railway ratio falls in Q1 cial Regulation. By the end of resource planning system with a ny’s business operations, ranging
educational opening-up. The Li’an No 4 Engineering Group Co Ltd, The nonperforming loan ratio of March, these banks had outstand- self-developed one, MetaERP sys- from accounting to supply chain
International Education Innovation was also topped-out recently, com- China’s commercial banks fell to ing bad loans of 3.1 trillion yuan tem, at 88 overseas subsidiaries in management.
Pilot Zone will be the FTP’s sole pleting a key landmark for the 1.62 percent by the end of the first ($440.62 billion), up 134.1 billion just 15 hours, highlighting its
education pilot zone, and its core Hainan FTP and aiding Hainan’s quarter, with the quality of their yuan from the end of last year. technological strength and mark- XINHUA - CHINA DAILY
14 | Tuesday, May 23, 2023 CHINA DAILY

Swarovski charts plan
for sparkling growth
CEO vows more sumption appetite is putting China Although cyclical factors and low-
slowly on track to become Swarov- ering interest rates also exerted some
store openings in ski’s No 1 market,” Nasard said. impact, the contraction in household
Chinese cities to While the United States is still the
top moneymaker for Swarovski,
savings has reflected people’s rising
risk appetite and consumption will-
tap burgeoning which is expected to account for 12 ingness, said Ming Ming, chief econ-
percent of the company’s annual omist of CITIC Securities.
Gen Z demand revenue this year, China, its second- The National Bureau of Statistics
largest market, is not too far behind, said on Tuesday that China’s total
By SHI JING expecting to contribute 11 percent to retail sales of consumer goods Swarovski’s annual turnover. exceeded 3.49 trillion yuan in April,
up 18.4 percent year-on-year and
Austrian jewelry and accessories reported the growth rate rose by 7.8
brand Swarovski will achieve a percentage points than that in March.
record rate of store openings in Chi- People’s interest in luxury prod- An employee of Alps Alpine, a Japanese electromechanical components maker, works at the compa-
na this year, the company’s CEO
The recovery ucts is recovering, as 52 percent of ny’s facility in Wuxi, Jiangsu province, in July. LI BO / XINHUA
Alexis Nasard said in an exclusive in people’s Chinese mainland consumers will
interview with China Daily. consumption increase their luxury expenditure
Nasard said this during a visit to
China in mid-May — his first to the
country since it optimized its COV-
appetite is putting
China slowly on
this year, which is higher than the
2020 level of 44 percent, according
to a report jointly released by media
Wuxi delegation’s 3-nation tour leads
ID-19 control measures.
The new Swarovski stores will be
located in both first-tier cities and
track to become
Swarovski’s No 1
group Ruder Finn and research firm
CSG Intage in March.
Generation Z — those born
to blossoming of economic, trade ties
smaller ones. Meanwhile, the com- between 1995 and 2009 — should
pany will have refurbished 70 per- market.” not be overlooked as they will soon By CANG WEI in Nanjing Singapore Science and Technology gence, new energy and the biologi-
cent of its existing stores in China by Alexis Nasard, CEO of Austrian become the largest luxury consumer Innovation City to introduce cal industry.
the end of this year, said Nasard. jewelry and accessories brand group, according to experts of pro- advanced technologies and lead- The Republic of Korea and Japan
Apart from better brand building, Swarovski fessional services provider KPMG. A high-level delegation from ing enterprises to the city from the are important trading partners of
the company’s stress on physical The same trend has been noticed Wuxi led by its mayor Zhao Jianjun Belt and Road Initiative markets Wuxi, especially in the fields of
stores can be attributed to data that by Swarovski, as Gen Z and millenni- visited Singapore, the Republic of and member nations of the integrated circuits, new energy,
75 percent of its sales revenue is gen- According to Nasard, the spike in als now represent two-thirds of the Korea and Japan from May 4 to Regional Comprehensive Eco- bio-pharmaceuticals and automo-
erated by offline channels, while the personal savings in China during company’s consumers, said Nasard. May 12 to strengthen economic, nomic Partnership. tive industries.
rest is from online retailing, Nasard the pandemic period can be trans- The sophistication of Chinese trade and cultural ties, and signed Singapore has stood out as a By the end of last year, ROK had
said. lated into much growth potential for consumers and the expansion of the 79 cooperation projects amounting friendly, trustworthy and reliable invested in 742 companies in Wuxi,
Swarovski saw double-digit growth Swarovski. middle-income group have pointed to a total contract value of $12.2 bil- partner in Wuxi’s history of interna- with a cumulative amount of
in its China stores in April. Consum- According to the People’s Bank of to much growth potential in China, lion with the top companies of tional exchanges, according to the $25.84 billion, accounting for near-
ers are returning to the stores, doing China, the central bank, household he added. these countries, according to the municipal government. Wuxi’s ly one-third of Jiangsu’s use of capi-
“a lot of revenge spending”. As a deposits in China increased by 17.84 In light of the multiple growth Wuxi municipal government. trade value with Singapore touched tal from the country.
result, the company’s combined trillion yuan ($2.55 trillion) in 2022, engines in China, Swarovski will Wuxi, in Jiangsu province, has $4.12 billion last year, an increase of Last year, Japan became Wuxi’s
online and offline sales in China are up more than 80 percent year-on- launch three China-specific capsule topped Chinese cities in per capita 11.1 percent year-on-year. second-largest trade partner with a
back to their pre-pandemic levels. year. Household savings continued collections in the second half of this GDP in 2020, 2021 and 2022, and Singapore has invested in more trade value of $10.68 billion. As of
This is in line with market con- to increase by 9.9 trillion yuan in the year. The company will launch a has established a market-orient- than 700 enterprises in Wuxi with a the end of 2022, Japan had invest-
sultancy Bain & Co’s prediction in first quarter of this year. global photography-themed brand ed, rule-based and globalized cumulative capital of $16.4 billion ed $16.65 billion in 1,278 compa-
February, which said that China’s However, a turning point was campaign this year — with one in environment to bolster its econo- as of December, while Wuxi’s enter- nies in the city.
luxury market will recover before seen in April, as household savings China in early June — and a cultural my and trade, it said. The city has prises have invested in 61 projects “The rapid development of Wuxi’s
the first quarter wraps up. decreased by 1.2 trillion yuan — the event in Shanghai by the year-end, attracted more than 7,200 foreign- in Singapore with an agreed invest- integrated circuit industry and its
“The recovery in people’s con- first decline in 13 months. said Nasard. funded companies, and its use of ment amount of $1.06 billion as of attraction of South Korean capital
foreign capital has surpassed $80 February, the municipal govern- have proved the strong manufac-
billion. ment said. turing industry and support capa-
Last year, foreign-funded com- According to Hu Zhuojun, exec- bilities of the city,” said Chen Ping,
panies contributed to 30 percent utive director of Singapore’s THI director of the Wuxi Investment
of the city’s industrial output and Industrial Investment Group, Promotion Center.
tax revenue, according to the Jiangsu is an attraction for inves- The city now has 36 of the 41
statement. tors as it is one of the most econom- major industrial categories in the
“We will take this exchange as ically developed regions in China, country, Chen said.
an opportunity to further expand and has a strong industrial founda- To deepen cooperation, the Wuxi
high-level opening-up and pro- tion. delegation unveiled multiple ser-
vide better services, preferential “We will build an industrial vice platforms, including the Wuxi
policies and a comfortable envi- park with Singapore characteris- (Seoul) Business Innovation
ronment,” Zhao said in a state- tics in Wuxi, based on the previ- Exchange Center, Wuxi (Tokyo)
ment. ous investment experience of Business Innovation Exchange
In Singapore, the delegation Singapore by introducing enter- Center and Wuxi Cultural Tourism
held an international cooperation prises from the marine and ship- (Tokyo) Promotion Center.
and exchange conference and building industry,” he was quoted Wuxi said it would construct five
communicated with leading as saying by the Jiangsu Broad- to eight new high-quality interna-
enterprises and universities to casting Corp. tional communities and more than
deepen understanding and coop- Kim Doo-gyeom, mayor of three international medical insti-
eration between Wuxi and the Ulsan, South Korea, said the city’s tutions over the next three years in
city-state. plan was to continuously deepen order to provide a better environ-
Wuxi and Singapore’s Sembcorp cooperation between the two cities ment for global investors to start
Group agreed to build the Wuxi in areas such as artificial intelli- businesses in the city.

Xiling gold mine shines brighter

with discovery of 200-ton reserve
By ZHAO RUIXUE in Jinan over 300,000 meters, among which the deepest reached 4,006 meters
down into the ground.
The total gold reserve of Xiling
Gold reserve in the The gold orebody at Xiling mine
gold mine in East China’s Shand- mine is mainly extends more than 2,050 meters
ong province has risen to 580 met- distributed at a depth and part of it has a thickness of
ric tons after the recent discovery 62.35 meters. The gold reserve has
of nearly 200 tons of reserves in the of 1,000 meters to been detected to have an average
mine, according to the Shandong 2,500 meters, gold grade of 4.26 grams per ton,
Provincial Department of Natural Feng said.
Resources. making Xiling the “Xiling gold mine is expected to
The discovery makes Xiling the deepest gold mine maintain production that has a
largest single gold reserve mine in daily process capacity of 10,000
China, the department said last discovered in China.” tons of ore working for more than
week. Feng Tao, vice-general manag- 30 years,” he said.
Shandong Gold Group Co, the er of Shandong Gold Geological Both gold consumption and
owner of Xiling gold mine, and Mineral Exploration Co Ltd investment demand for gold in the
announced in 2017 that the compa- domestic market saw an increase
ny detected 382.58 tons of gold during the first quarter. Gold con-
reserve in the Xiling mine. Sanshandao island area where a sumption volume reached 291.58
Based on the price of gold in the huge gold orebody was identified tons in the first quarter, a 12.03 per-
Chinese market on Thursday, the in 2016. The Sanshandao gold ore cent year-on-year growth, accord-
gold reserve in Xiling mine repre- field is the first marine gold field ing to the CGA.
sents a potential value of more discovered in China with a gold Sales of gold jewelry reached
than 200 billion yuan ($28.5 bil- reserve of 470 tons. 189.61 tons in the first quarter, a
lion). “Xiling gold mine is a represent- year-on-year increase of 12.29 per-
Xiling gold mine is located in the ative of deep prospecting projects. cent, while gold bars and coin sales
region between Laizhou and Zhao- Gold reserve in the mine is mainly totaled 83.87 tons, up 20.47 percent
yuan, the two coastal county-level distributed at a depth of 1,000 year-on-year.
cities of Yantai in Shandong prov- meters to 2,500 meters, making Data from the People’s Bank of
ince. The region is one of the larg- Xiling the deepest gold mine dis- China show that China has
est gold production areas in China, covered in China,” said Feng Tao, increased its gold reserves for six
with the gold reserves and output vice-general manager of Shandong consecutive months, with the cen-
ranking first in the country, accord- Gold Geological and Mineral tral bank’s gold reserves reaching
ing to the China Gold Association Exploration Co Ltd. 66.76 million ounces by the end of
(CGA). Explorers drilled 180 boreholes April, an increase of 260,000 oun-
North of the Xiling mine is the into the mine with a total length of ces compared to the end of March.
CHINA DAILY Tuesday, May 23, 2023 | 15

Rise in online trade with
Africa benefits consumers
By FAN FEIFEI duced nearly 200 specialties from African countries, such as South
African wine, abalone and rooibos
Ethiopian coffee, Kenyan black tea, an infusion made from a native
tea, Tanzanian cashew nuts, chili herb. Nuts, fresh oysters and frozen
sauce from Rwanda and chocolate seafood from South Africa are also
from Ghana — these are among the expected to be available in China in
affordable products from Africa the near future, the company said.
offered to Chinese consumers, who China’s cross-border e-commerce
are embracing cross-border online sector has been growing exponen-
shopping for high-quality, imported tially over the past few years as the
and foreign-brand items. country’s middle- and high-income
Chinese online retailers are ramp- shoppers demand increasingly
ing up efforts to expand their foot- diversified and personalized prod-
print in African nations, helping local ucts and services, experts said.
farmers sell their specialties by lever- The nation’s cross-border e-com-
aging new technologies such as lives- merce reached 2.11 trillion yuan
treaming and providing related ($300.2 billion) in 2022, a year-on-
cross-border e-commerce train- year increase of 9.8 percent, accord-
ing courses. It’s part of a broader ing to the General Administration of
push to bolster Sino-African econom- Customs.
ic and trade cooperation. Unlike Europe and the United
In February, the Rwanda Develop- States, where the reach for online
ment Board and, Chi- shopping is relatively high, Africa
nese tech heavyweight Alibaba has enormous growth potential in
Group’s business-to-business plat- the cross-border e-commerce sector,
form, signed a new e-commerce agree- said Zhang Zhouping, a senior ana-
ment, saying that an initial group of lyst of business-to-business and
20 Rwandan small and medium- cross-border activities at the Inter-
sized enterprises will sell their prod- net Economy Institute, a domestic
ucts through as a way to consultancy.
start their digitalized operations. “As a new form of foreign trade, will provide compre- cross-border e-commerce has wit-
hensive e-commerce operational nessed rapid growth during the
guidance and a full range of support COVID-19 pandemic and become a
services for the Rwandan SMEs, new engine of the country’s foreign
such as web design, training and trade development,” Zhang said. He

African entrepreneurs partner

counseling, to help them establish emphasized that digital trade is
online stores, select suitable prod- expected to play a bigger role in pro-
ucts and optimize store operations, moting economic and trade cooper-
the company said. ation between China and Africa,
“This partnership will not only and empower the development of
help Rwandan enterprises improve the real economy.

with China for success, growth the sales and exports of their prod-
ucts, but also facilitate their digital
transformation,” said Zhang Entao,
deputy general manager of the glob-
al supplier development depart-
According to a report from the JD
Consumption and Industry Develop-
ment Research Institute, Chinese
consumers are increasingly demand-
ing diversified and high-end con-
Access to large market, technical know-how boon for budding businesses ment at sumer goods, with their expenditure
In 2018, Rwanda agreed to work on imported products being a signifi-
with Alibaba through the electronic cant driver in that area. JD has pro-
By WANG ZHUOQIONG in Beijing World Trade Platform initiative to cured more than 500 billion yuan in
and ZHU YOUFANG in Changsha export local specialties. The concept imported products over the past
of eWTP was proposed by Alibaba three years, the company said.
Silas Musyoka, based in his founder Jack Ma to connect world- “Chinese e-commerce platforms
home country of Kenya, has wide SMEs through e-commerce, are accelerating their presence in
worked as a sales growth manag- technology and streamlined admin- overseas markets to seek new sour-
er at Chinese e-commerce firm istrative procedures. Rwanda is the ces of revenue, as growth in the
Kilimall for five years. first African nation to sign an eWTP domestic e-commerce sector is
“I’m still learning about the ever- deal with Alibaba. slowing,” said Chen Tao, a Beijing-
growing e-commerce sector in this Rwanda’s spicy chili sauce has based analyst at internet consultan-
country. I believe that Kilimall will been listed on Alibaba’s fresh food cy Analysys. He said Chinese
have a big impact shaping many chain Freshippo. Rwandan coffee enterprises should step up localiza-
economies in Africa,” said Musyoka, has also landed on Tmall Global, Ali- tion efforts in overseas markets and
32, who obtained his master’s degree baba’s cross-border e-commerce site. comply with local laws and regula-
in political science from Jinan Uni- “E-commerce has brought more tions to ensure they become reputed
versity in Guangzhou. and more African goods to Chinese brands overseas.
Kilimall is Kenya’s leading online families,” said James Kimonyo, Zhang Tianbing, head of Deloitte
shopping mall. It was set up in 2014 Rwandan ambassador to China. Asia-Pacific consumer products and
with the motto of “Enriching Lives There are many local specialties retail industry, said, “With the expan-
for Africa”, and has more than 10 in Rwanda, such as avocado oil, that sion of domestic demand and advan-
million registered users. will be popular with Chinese con- ces in emerging retail technologies,
The company is among other sumers, he said. Kimonyo has taken China has introduced preferential
e-commerce firms banking on part in quite a few livestreaming policies, such as lowering import tax-
the promising trade opportuni- sessions to promote his nation’s es and expanding the range of goods
ties between China and African products to Chinese consumers. allowed to be imported.”
countries. In order to satisfy Chinese consum- The boom in celebrity livestream-
Musyoka said Kilimall has ers’ rising demand for high-quality ing has also spurred cross-border
helped him better understand the Top: Entrepreneurs exchange opinions on cross-border e-commerce at the Djibouti International products made in Africa, JD Super, e-commerce purchases by domestic
market and supply chain dynamics Free Trade Zone in September 2022. DONG JIANGHUI / XINHUA the online supermarket arm of Chi- consumers, Zhang said, adding that
in his home country and what it Above: A teacher instructs an international student from Africa in e-commerce-related skills in nese e-commerce platform, overseas brands are moving to
takes to succeed in the tech indus- Chongqing in May 2020. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY has opened online national pavilions cross-border platforms as they
try, which is still in its infancy in covering a wide range of commodi- expand their distribution channels
Kenya. He said he has witnessed ties from Tanzania and South Africa. in light of COVID-19 disruptions to
how e-commerce has shaped local three most downloaded e-com- is about the same as Hunan’s. “Chi- Currently, JD Super has intro- offline retail.
businesses. merce mobile applications in Ken- na has offered a huge market for
“In this regard, I have been an ya, Guan said. me,” he said.
influencer to most of my peers who Having built The company is looking to boost After studying and working in
are looking to start, establish and e-commerce giants, bilateral trade between China and Changsha for years, Murimi com-
grow their businesses in Kenya. I African countries, especially bined what he had learned there
am in a position to coach and guide China has the through exporting more African with China’s advanced technology
them in their businesses thanks to knowledge to help us goods, such as coffee, nuts, red and policies, the value of its curren-
the knowledge that I have gained wine and aloe, to China to meet the cy and the availability of products
while working at Kilimall,” he said. have the same demand for higher-quality con- in China.
Musyoka first visited China as a experience here in sumer goods, he said. Last year, the trade volume of
businessman and later as a student, In the first half of last year, reve- Murimi’s firm was around 400,000
juggling school and work. Africa.” nue from trade between China and yuan ($56,903). His company
“Life in China is fast-paced, Silas Musyoka, sales Africa reached $137.4 billion, up 16.6 exports mostly nail polish, wigs
where you have to adjust really fast growth manager at Chinese percent year-on-year, according to and electronics to Africa. He
to changing situations. More than e-commerce firm Kilimall the website of China’s Ministry of exports nail polish, his bestseller, to
what is taught in class, your experi- Commerce. Imports from Africa to Kenya, Ethiopia and Uganda.
ences in the markets, factories, his- here in Africa,” Musyoka said. China were $60.6 billion, an Murimi’s family business in Ken-
torical and tourist sites and Kilimall, which considers itself a increase of 19.1 percent year-on- ya, operating coffee processing
interactions with people also con- Kenyan company, was founded by year. Exports from China to African plants, has exported coffee to the
tribute just as much to the learning Yang Tao, a former marketing exec- countries were $76.8 billion, grow- United States for over 10 years. He
experiences,” he said. utive for a leading Chinese tech ing 14.7 percent year-on-year. said he plans to accelerate the com-
Musyoka said China has a lot to firm’s branch in Kenya. Kilimall’s presence in Kenya has pany’s business development in Chi-
offer in terms of knowledge, skills The company has now developed helped expand trade. The compa- na, where the coffee sector still has
and technology. its marketing, payment, distribu- ny’s local employees and distribu- great potential.
“We still have a long way to go to tion centers and customer services tion networks in Kenya add value The company has been in con-
gain the skills and the knowledge in Kenya, with operational and to sourcing quality products in tact with retail coffee chains and
required to build stable e-commerce technology teams based in Chang- Africa, Guan said. other Chinese retail stores, such as
platforms in this region,” he said. sha, capital of Hunan province. “It still takes time and effort for supermarkets, and it also expects to
Musyoka said Kilimall has been “We hope to be viewed as Africa’s Chinese consumers to become sell online.
helpful in both those areas. “We answer to Taobao or,” said more aware of the value of African “Starting this year, we are work-
have a taste of what China-Africa Guan Jian, vice-president of Kili- products,” he added. ing on more products for export and
partnership has to offer.” mall. “The profound knowledge African entrepreneurs have been import, including products like avo-
He said China is a good partner from our executive teams, made up enthusiastic about shipping more cados,” he said. “Kenya has become
for Africa in terms of filling in the of veteran Chinese professionals goods to China. one of the countries in Africa that
gaps in the supply chain and the stationed in Africa, has empowered Njagi Kevin Murimi, 30, who has been authorized to work with
technology that is necessary to help our firm to understand the nuances started Changsha Connect Trade the Chinese government to export Top: Farmers pick tea leaves at a tea plantation in Kericho, Kenya,
small businesses grow in Kenya. in both Africa and China, to match Co Ltd four years ago, said he came fresh avocados to China,” he said. in August 2021. BILLY MUTAI / GETTY IMAGES
“Having built e-commerce resources from the two sides.” to China first for the sheer size of Above: Visitors gather at the booth of during a cross-
giants, China has the knowledge to Kilimall doubled its revenue last the market. Contact the writers at wangzhuo- border e-commerce expo in Fuzhou, Fujian province, in March.
help us have the same experience year and has become one of the top Murimi said Kenya’s population LYU MING / CHINA NEWS SERVICE
16 | Tuesday, May 23, 2023 CHINA DAILY

nder the soft patter of a After seeing the other perform-
light drizzle, bands hail-
ing from Chinese ethnic
groups, such as the Lahu
and Zhuang, along with musicians
from across the ASEAN bloc, sere-
Festival helps village tune ances at the festival, she says that
she has found the folk music scene
in China to be “unique, memorable
and amazing”, and also believes it
has the power to unite people.

into wider audience

naded audiences with mesmerizing The local government aims to cre-
melodies produced by traditional ate biannual rural music gatherings,
instruments, while bustling food centered around the key agricultur-
stalls served up an array of delecta- al seasons of “spring sowing” and
ble cuisines. “autumn harvest”.
This hometown-themed music These events will serve as plat-
festival was held in Guyuepo village, forms for facilitating artistic
Nanyang town of Nanning, capital Guangxi ethnic performers and ASEAN bloc musicians exchange musical exchanges between China and
of the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous culture, establishing bonds, report Xing Wen and Shi Ruipeng in Nanning. ASEAN countries, while promoting
region, from May 13 to 14. the development and flourishing of
The opening band was the Mumi- indigenous music culture.
an ensemble (mumian meaning As a rural vitalizing endeavor, the
kapok), formed in 2012 and consist- music gatherings also aim to elevate
ing of five Zhuang musicians. the cultural appeal of Guyuepo vil-
The band has made a name for lage and the greater Nanyang town
itself through participation in cul- area.
tural events promoting Zhuang tra- Chen Chaofeng, Party secretary
ditional culture. of Nanyang, says that the town
In 2015, they released their plans to drive rural vitalization
debut album and embarked on through developing its cultural
their first concert tour within industry.
Guangxi. Their original composi- “Building upon the success of the
tions feature a distinctive musical spring and autumn music festivals,
style revolving around blending our goal is to expand the frequency
traditional Zhuang folk songs with of similar events, aiming for quar-
modern pop elements. terly or monthly performances,”
They skillfully incorporate a mix Chen says.
of instruments, harmonies and Efforts will be made to attract
vocal styles, presenting a fresh inter- more musicians to establish studios
pretation of Zhuang music and in Nanyang and explore the produc-
allowing more people to appreciate tion of ethnic musical instruments
its unique charm. there.
“We are delighted to participate “We hope to explore the aesthetics
in this international music festival, of traditional music in a modern
which has provided us with the context,” Chen adds.
chance to connect with foreign During the festival, music and
bands from such countries as Indo- cultural exchange centers co-es-
nesia and Malaysia,” says Lu Jian- tablished in Guoyuepo village by
ping, founder of the group. the local government and foreign
He says that through this A music festival, held from May 13 to 14, gathers bands hailing from Chinese ethnic groups and musicians from ASEAN countries, institutions from countries includ-
exchange of music and culture, par- including Indonesian Jenny Besin and her band (top left) and the Mumian ensemble (above right), adding a cultural allure to Guyuepo ing Indonesia, Malaysia and the
ticipants have deepened their mutu- village in Nanning, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region. PHOTOS PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY Philippines also conducted open-
al understanding and made ing ceremonies, showcasing their
significant advances through commitment to fostering cross-
shared learning. Zhuang ethnic group,” says Lu. nesian pop band at the festival, was me,” says the Indonesian musi- met here were kind and welcom- cultural connections and long-
“We will continue to uncover the “Through music, we aim to foster also enthusiastic. cian. ing, open to learning about our cul- term friendship.
cultural essence of ethnic music in a greater understanding of Guangxi “Participating in music activi- Being able to share Indonesian ture. When I saw their
Guangxi and create more distinctive among audiences.” ties in China has been a great hon- music with the audiences has made appreciation, it made me feel more Contact the writers at
musical works that represent the Jenny Besin, a member of an Indo- or and an amazing experience for her proud, she adds. “The people I at home.”

Book restorers keep ancient treasures alive

By WANG KAIHAO character hu (lake) returned from “This project explores a path for and diplomats, the monumental Canada to be housed at the National how public institutions and other work revolutionized understanding
Library of China in 2013, it was wel- sectors of society can closely cooper- of world geography among Chinese
The restoration of a precious copy comed by excited librarians, who had ate on the preservation of cultural literati and offered key inspiration
of the Yongle Dadian (“Yongle ency- been waiting to restore its aged pages. relics,” says Xiong Yuanming, direct- for Japan’s modernization drive.
clopedia”) is being celebrated In 2021, the national library, the or of the national library. Chen Chao, director of the Shang- Above: One of the restored vol-
through a special exhibition at the China Foundation for Cultural Heri- Xiong says many new methods hai Library, says: “We chose this book umes of Yongle Dadian. Left: A
National Library of China in Beijing. tage Conservation and ByteDance, were utilized in the restoration of to join the project not only because of visitor interacts with a virtual
First compiled in the early 15th the parent company of short-video the Yongle Dadian volume. In previ- its importance, but also because the reality game about ancient book
century during the Ming Dynasty platform TikTok, or Douyin in China, ous restorations of other volumes, copy had various kinds of ‘diseases’ — restoration at the National
(1368-1644) following an edict by jointly established a fund to restore silk pieces available on the market it was damaged by water and bugs Library of China in Beijing.
the Emperor Yongle, this set of the document. that were similar to those in the and its color was fading. PHOTOS BY WANG KAIHAO / CHINA DAILY
handwritten texts is often consid- About 10 million yuan ($1.43 mil- original version were used. But for “It thus offered a perfect case for
ered the largest paper-based ency- lion) was spent, not only on the res- this project, restorers conducted a restorers to try for a comprehensive as tangyang, are also showcased in cialists, went online last year, and
clopedia ever written. It included an toration of the text, but also on detailed materials analysis and cure, combining traditional crafts- the exhibition. According to Chen attracted 34 million views within its
estimated 370 million Chinese char- training restorers, digitalizing the were able to weave textiles specially manship and new technology. Con- Hongyan, head of the ancient book first month of release.
acters, and consisted of 22,937 vol- work and creating associated public tailored to resemble those used in servation of relics needs to catch up department of the national library, “Ancient books are part of the long
umes in 11,095 copies. education programs. the past. with the times.” these special documents — stereo- lineage of Chinese culture and histo-
The original edition went missing The fund has also sponsored the Other exhibited books are also Other exhibits include ancient scopic building blueprints — can ry and demonstrate the vitality of
in history, though a 16th-century restoration of 104 other ancient milestones in Chinese literary histo- maps of the Yellow River, ink- offer crucial references for restora- Chinese civilization,” says Liu Yuzhu,
duplicate survived into the 19th cen- books from 10 libraries nationwide. ry. For example, the Shanghai rubbed bronzewares, and a Yuan tion of historical architecture. head of the China Foundation for
tury, mostly intact. Many more vol- The fruits of this project were Library presented an 1848 print edi- Dynasty (1271-1368) book written in Since 2021, 107 restorers of Cultural Heritage Conservation.
umes were subsequently destroyed apparent at the exhibition, in which tion of Yinghuan Zhilue (“brief Tangut script, an extinct language ancient works have attended train- “Our efforts show that ancient books
or got lost in upheaval. Today, only 39 recently restored ancient books record of the globe”). Written by Xu spoken by the Tangut people who ing sessions within the framework can still garner enthusiastic feedback
about 400 survive, and every one is were on display. The exhibition, Jishe, an official in coastal Fujian once lived in northwestern China. of the joint fund. Ancient Books from the public today. More creative
considered a literary treasure. launched in the national library last province who was in contact with Several ancient paper-made mod- Traveling Through Time and Space, ways are needed in the future to fur-
When a volume on the Chinese week, will last for two months. foreign missionaries, merchants els of imperial architecture, known a documentary featuring these spe- ther protect and bring them alive.”
CHINA DAILY Tuesday, May 23, 2023 | 17


From left: A map of the Ancient Tea Horse Road in Nakeli, a key stop in Pu’er, Yunnan province. Su Guowen, leader of the Blang ethnic group in Pu’er, examines the tea leaves at his tea plantation. Nakeli used to
be a stop that provided accommodation and horses for caravans and is now a tourist destination. PHOTOS BY ZHANG WEI / CHINA DAILY

n a summer’s day in 1990, caravans would take the commodity

A thirst for tea culture

Chen Baoya and five to South Asian countries.
friends embarked on a “My father told me that there was
three-month hiking trip an old tea trail more than 800 years
with horses, dogs and tents in which old not far away from my village,”
they would explore ancient roads says Su, whose family has cultivated
between Yunnan province and the tea trees for 1,800 years according to
Tibet autonomous region. the ethnic group’s records.
The roads they used had formed a On the trail, horse hooves left
network linking China with the rest After China gave up its secrets on making silk, an ancient trade route was put to deep indentations, round and deep
of the world for more than 1,000 in either the stone stairs or cobbled
years. many other lucrative uses, report Deng Zhangyu and Li Yingqing in Kunming. lanes. Marks of horseshoe prints
“Our plan was to do research on and burned stones nearby are
linguistics and culture along the important tokens for Chen in identi-
ancient route,” says Chen, who with fying an ancient tea route.
a few of the other team members “The caravans took little food
were teachers at Yunnan University with them. They cooked food during
in Kunming, the provincial capital. the commercial journey, and those
“One thing we discovered was burned stones are firm evidence of
that tea had been an important this.”
commodity along the route we The trek was not just arduous but
trekked,” says Chen, now a profes- perilous, many tea porters never
sor of linguistics at Peking Universi- making the return journey.
ty. Chen says that on his trek, his
Thus it was how the trekkers team encountered large wild ani-
coined the term chama gudao, or mals, endured extreme weather,
the Ancient Tea Horse Road, to managed to avoid mud slides and
describe the route they had cov- struggled with the physical stresses
ered. of traveling at high altitude.
They set off from Zhongdian, or “When we got back to Shangri-La,
Shangri-La, in Yunnan in June, trav- many people were amazed that all
eling over snowcapped mountains, six of us had returned in one piece,”
valleys and grasslands at extremely Chen says.
high altitudes, reaching Chamdo in Almost every year since that
Tibet and Kangding in Sichuan arduous trek, Chen has covered the
province, before making the return same route, but in the relative luxu-
trip and being back in Shangri-La in ry of a car. He has also visited
September. Japan, Malaysia and South Korea
During the trek, they met tea por- doing research related to the tea
ters who worked for horse caravans. route.
The scholars were told that these tea “Japanese people treat tea as an
porters had traveled to India with elegant lifestyle, while Tibetans in
horse and mule caravans along the China treat it as a daily necessity,”
ancient route. says Chen, who spent a year in
In a published research paper on Above: Farmers working in Erlong Mountain, in Pu’er, where a large volume of China’s tea is produced. ZHANG WEI / CHINA DAILY Japan as a visiting scholar in 2006.
the trek, they used the name the Below: Chen Baoya, one of the scholars who coined the phrase Ancient Tea Horse Road in 1990, with local children on his trek to the tea In terms of linguistics, he says the
Ancient Tea Horse Road, and it road. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY word for tea in most places around
attracted a great deal of attention, the world derives from the Chinese
helping generate further research in cha.
China and elsewhere. being wealthy people in the West. Thailand and Vietnam. It was also “It’s just one more piece of evi-
The name was based on the com- However, as the know-how of taken to the north, through the dence of how tea culture spread
mon trade of tea for horses a millen- raising silkworms and making silk Xinjiang Uygur or Inner Mongolia along the Ancient Tea Horse Road
nium earlier, when Chinese needed became implanted in many coun- autonomous region, to Russia. from China.”
the animals as they fought to ward tries, they stopped buying it from “Russia is very cold and high-alti- Following tea culture, art pro-
off enemies in the north. China, meaning many of the Silk tude,” Chen says. duced by Buddhism, commodities
The network of roads became to Road’s arteries fell into disuse. “Tea grown in China was largely including jewelry, jade, fragrance
be increasingly used in the Song “Only when the drinking of tea transported to Russia using the and ceramics have been exchanged
(960-1279) and Yuan (1271-1368) thrived during the Tang Dynasty ancient route.” along the most actively used inter-
dynasties and stretching through to (618-907) was the old trail reacti- Tea trees require a certain alti- national commercial route linking
the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing vated and became a major com- tude, sunshine, humidity and par- the East and the West.
(1644-1911) dynasties. mercial route between the East and ticular soil types to grow, and those In addition to that route, tea pro-
“The route had once been called the West,” says Chen, 67, who since requirements kept the ancient duced in China was eventually
the South Silk Road,” Chen says. the 1990 journey has never let up road humming with trade for cen- being exported from Zhejiang and
“But silk was not a necessity for on his research. turies. Fujian provinces to Europe by sea.
most people, and the Silk Road link- He describes the route as a “life Su Guowen, 80, a Blang ethnic “Both the ancient road and mari-
ing China with the rest of the world road” because the Tibetans living at group leader in Jingmai Mountain time routes helped transport Chi-
was little used.” high altitudes acquired a taste for in Pu’er, the main tea producing nese tea and culture to the world,”
Nevertheless, before the roads tea in the Tang Dynasty, and it tea growing, the long-distance tea ried on the backs of horses, mules area in Yunnan, says that when he Chen says.
became conduits for tea, silk was the became a staple of their daily life. trade began from Yunnan where tea and even yaks into high-altitude was a boy, he had to walk a long way
predominant, lucrative commodity However, because those moun- trees were largely cultivated. areas, and to the south, including to to a tea trading market to sell tea Contact the writers at
carried along them, its destination tainous areas are not conducive to Tea produced in Yunnan was car- what is now India, Laos, Myanmar, with his family, from which horse

Perfect taste of tradition, brewed in a stream

was by no means an instant success.
When what she showed online was
almost exclusively related to tea, she
had fewer than 100 viewers for a
time, but several months after she
By DENG ZHANGYU tea plantation, and I helped her pick up to,” Xian says. “I guess they began diversifying what she was
and LI YINGQING tea leaves,” Xian says. thought we were just idling about.” presenting, such as showing scenic
Making and drinking tea is inte- When they cottoned on to what tea plantations and the attractive
In a forest on Jingmai Mountain gral to the lives of all villagers, young Xian and his boyfriend were doing, ancient village, the number of view-
in Lancang county, Yunnan prov- and old, she says. they gave the couple’s online ven- ers shot up into the tens of thou-
ince, Xian Jin, 22, tasted tea under a However, what makes Xian stand ture a giant thumbs-up, aware that sands, she says.
tea tree more than 100 years old in out is that she is the first of the Dai the area’s tea traditions were being “I was proud and excited to see
late March, the ripest of times for villagers to sell tea online and to pro- made known to a wide audience. that so many people from across the
picking tea. mote the local tea culture through Once the venture became well world love our tea and village.”
In front of her was a smartphone that channel, mainly by way of Dou- known to young people who had left Xian demonstrates all aspects of
through whose screen viewers were yin, a popular video-sharing plat- the village to study or to make the tea production, such as climbing
deluging her with questions about form. most of better work opportunities, onto tea trees to pick leaves and
the taste of the tea and the local tea She often starts streaming at 3 pm many returned to the village and tossing and drying leaves in pots.
culture. or 4 pm, she says, continuing until began setting up their own lives- The colorful traditional Dai clothing
Xian interacts with the viewers late into the night at the busiest treaming channels. and accessories she wears add to the
through a livestreaming platform times of the year, in spring and Ai Sailuan, leader of the Dai eth- spectacle.
that demonstrates how tea picking is autumn when tea is harvested and nic group in the area, says Xian has “Audiences are often keen to
done, and now and again they enjoy processed. set a good example on spreading tea know about what I’m wearing, and
a bonus: Xian singing and dancing to At other times Xian presents to culture and has thus given a fillip to that gives me an opportunity to talk
the melody of local music. In March viewers the picturesque landscape Xian Jin and her boyfriend Ding Zhixiong utilize the internet and the tea industry there. Previously about our culture,” Xian says.
and April it is common for her to of the village and its surrounds and social media to promote the tea and ethnic culture of their home- tea sales had been restricted to peo- Ding says that livestreaming in
work until about 10 pm as villagers gives them insights into the villagers town in Lancang county, Yunnan province. ZHANG WEI / CHINA DAILY ple visiting the area, he says. the tea tree forest at night presents
process freshly picked leaves. and their culture. Some of her view- “Older people like me have little some risks.
Xian is a member of the Dai eth- ers come from across the globe, idea of the internet and social “We come across various types of
nic group in the village of Nuogang including Italy and nations of one of the few young people in the Last year when she began lives- media. Young people like Xian are snakes, and Xian once stumbled on
on Jingmai Mountain, where one of Southeast Asia. village who has stepped foot in big treaming with her boyfriend Ding helping us make our tea available to a poisonous one.”
the world’s oldest and largest culti- The very rudimentary transport cities, including Kunming, capital of Zhixiong, 28, they spent a day, a much larger group of buyers. That Xian says the livestreaming is
vated tea forests is located. For more routes giving access from the out- Yunnan, and Shenzhen, Guangdong smartphone in hand, touring the vil- also means that many young people bringing in about 8,000 yuan
than 1,000 years the village has lived side world to Jingmai Mountain, province, where Xian learned a lot lage and the tea plantations to give are opting to live in the village rath- ($1,160) in tea sales a day. Ai, the vil-
off the ancient tea plantations. and vice versa, mean that few of of what she knows about Chinese internet audiences a glimpse of vil- er than moving to cities to make a lage leader, says the average yearly
“When I was 3, my mother carried those who live there ever venture tea culture, the art of tea making lagers producing tea. living.” income of a villager is less than
me with a basket on the back to the beyond its confines. Indeed Xian is and tea tasting. “Villagers didn’t get what we were Xian stresses that her business 20,000 yuan.
18 | Tuesday, May 23, 2023 CHINA DAILY

Sound of the past, note for the future
Traditional bamboo flute attracts new admirers with its melodious tone, Wang Ru reports.

ften accompanying the ment, which conforms to the tradi-
guqin, a zither-like seven- tional Chinese aesthetic idea that,
stringed traditional ‘the greatest music has the faintest
musical instrument, the notes’,” he adds.
xiao, a traditional vertical bamboo In recent years, the instrument
flute with a relatively light sound, has regained its vitality with
was often viewed as a foil. But with improved tools and skills to make
its long history and rich cultural it, which means it can produce
connotations, the once-ignored louder sounds now and can per-
instrument is now attracting more form in solos. The criteria for its
and more attention. intonation has also been set.
Shen Yingbiao is a xiao player. “The xiao is such a good instru-
Although he had strong interests in ment. It’s cheap, easy to carry, can
musical instruments from child- produce gorgeous music and pip-
hood, and learned the harmonica, ing the xiao is healthy. I just cannot
the erhu (two-stringed bowed wait to make more people know
instrument) and guitar when he about it,” says Shen.
was young, it is the xiao that has From his perspective, piping a
been an inseparable part of his life xiao is also a way of cultivating
for decades. yourself. “Compared with others,
Shen was infatuated with the the xiao is an extremely simple
instrument after he bought a tape of instrument. It is only part of a bam-
xiao music and listened to the soft, boo with holes. Since it is so simple
graceful and mellow sound in his that you can hardly make any
hometown of Hangzhou, Zhejiang changes on it, you can only change
province, in 1988. yourself, like your posture and
He threw himself into the world movement when piping, to make
of the xiao. He spent almost a dec- your music performance better and
ade learning to play the instrument better,” says Shen.
and polish his skills, another dec- “It’s actually an introspective
ade imparting them to others, and process. You repeat and improve
now the 53-year-old is still working yourself, so that you are increasing-
to promote the instrument and its ly skilled, before finally you can cre-
culture. ate good music. The process is a big
Not long after Shen was first harvest that brings great joy,” he
attracted to the instrument, he adds.
decided to learn it. In the 1990s, After 40, he finally devoted him-
when internet usage was not wide- self to the cause full-time. “Before
spread in China, learning a less that time, the biggest difficulty for
popular instrument was not an me was to strike a balance between
easy task, not least because of the pursuing my interest and supporting
scarcity of nearby teachers. my family. I could only devote myself
Besides teaching himself and lis- to it part-time to ensure my income
tening to tapes to compare and when I was younger. But after 40,
improve, Shen embarked on trips when I didn’t have many economic
to visit those who gave compelling burdens, I could wholeheartedly put
performances he heard on tape, myself into it,” says Shen.
and received tutoring from mas- In 2007, the Xixi Xiao Society was
ters in this area, such as Song Jing- renamed Qiantang (the old name
lian, Luo Shoucheng and Chen of Hangzhou) Xiao Society, where
Hangming. people can learn to play the xiao
Since he had to study at school and xiao lovers communicate with
and then work to support himself, each other. In 2020, a free xiao
he could only undertake such trips course was started at the society,
in his spare time. As a result, the which has enabled nearly 1,000
learning process spanned his 20s. people, especially old people who
“It was very tiring. Without high- are retired, to learn the instrument,
speed trains, common today, I had according to Shen.
to take a train for more than 20 Tao Xiaohong, who used to be a
hours to Beijing, or other places, to student of Shen, and now works as
visit people. But I was resolute to secretary-general of the Qiantang
take this road. I wanted to improve Xiao Society, says: “Shen has car-
my skills and learn more,” says Clockwise from top: Xiao musician Shen Yingbiao (right) plays the traditional Chinese musical instrument with another performer ried out deep research on the xiao,
Shen. playing guqin at a concert in Shanghai last year; Shen (right) judges a woman’s xiao skills during a grading test in Taizhou, Zhejiang especially on how to show features
While learning the instrument, province, last year; he introduces the xiao to an attentive audience in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, in January. PHOTOS PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY of this old instrument in music per-
Shen was increasingly fascinated formances. He is conscientious and
by the rich cultural connotations unreserved in teaching, and has
contained in the xiao. According to the importance of bamboo in their promote the instrument. continued to improve it.
him, a scene from a TV series of a hearts. Although the xiao was once popu- “It’s a pity the xiao is still not as
literate person piping the xiao in Therefore, the xiao, made of lar in history, it gradually fell into popular as we imagine now. In fact,
the moonlight, an image full of ele- bamboo, was much more than an At first, the xiao was just my oblivion. Nine major conservatories it can produce brilliant music and
gance and poetry, evoked his instrument, but something they hobby. Walking through all were established in the country after touch people deeply. I agree with
romantic imagination and has often held in hands or put on walls 1949, when the People’s Republic of Shen’s ideas on the xiao and would
been engraved in his heart since to remind themselves of their pur- the difficulties, it gradually China was founded, but it was not like to join his society to help him
childhood. And that reflects the suits, and they sometimes used became my profession, my included as an independent subject promote this instrument,” she adds.
close relationship between this xiao to refer to themselves in for music education. Recalling his past years, Shen
instrument and the literate in poems as well, according to Shen. cause, and now, it’s my “The xiao sound was too light, says, “At first, the xiao was just my
times gone by. “Since the Tang Dynasty (618- mission to spread it.” which weakened its expressive- hobby. Walking through all the diffi-
In ancient China, bamboo symbol- 907), the xiao was often used in ness. Moreover, there was not a culties, it gradually became my pro-
ized integrity, modesty and a spirit of gatherings and meetings of the Shen Yingbiao, xiao player and educator standard for its intonation. These fession, my cause, and now, it’s my
striving to make progress. As a educated and literate, just like the all made the instrument gradually mission to spread it.”
result, many liked the plant and guqin. It was so popular then that if marginalized,” says Shen.
used it to refer to their pursuits in one was not able to perform it, they which paved the way for his later (south of the Yangtze River, in its “But the instrument kept its Ma Zhenhuan in Hangzhou
poems. For example, Song Dynasty were regarded as old-fashioned,” teaching career. In 2000, with the lower reaches) area of China, at an unique attractiveness, which paved contributed to this story.
(960-1279) poet Su Shi once wrote, says Shen. growth of his stature, he was invit- art school in Hangzhou. A year lat- the way for it to be revived. It pro-
“Better to eat without meat than During his learning process, ed to teach dongxiao, a genre of er, he established the Xixi Xiao duces heavenly music, and has a Contact the writer at
live without bamboo”, suggesting Shen summarized his experience, xiao popular in the Jiangnan Society with his students to better concise but profound tempera-

Lure of pandas is always worth bearing in mind

Countless column inches have how lucky I am, also through the effort has been put in to ensure passion, even though she is asked
already been filled concerning nature of my work, I have to cover that the wild population is not the same questions day in day out
Yaya — the giant panda that was a lot of ground in areas that may only sustained but supported by a fawning domestic and inter-
returned to China from the United not be so interesting. So, swings through various programs and national media that are desperate
States in April. However, the Yaya and roundabouts. efforts. to learn more about China’s
story dovetails nicely with a recent First, the obvious. Yes, they are It was this aspect of my experi- national treasure.
experience of mine, cute. The small ones at least. Their ence that amazed in almost equal Then there’s He Shengshan, who
that is, getting up cute little black eyes, fluffy ears measure, from the majesty of the works on rewilding pandas born in
close and seeing a and wobbly movements are all pandas, to the dedicated individu- captivity. Like pandas themselves,
giant panda in the adorable. As with humans, the als who work around them, be He is patient, thoughtful and giv-
flesh for the very larger they get, the less cute they they carers, breeders or ground- ing of his time when discussing the
first time. become, but they remain an amaz- skeepers. There is something work he does.
But I didn’t see ing sight to see nonetheless. about giant pandas that just makes In order to successfully rewild a
Owen just one panda, nor The wild population of giant people smile. panda, its interactions with
Fishwick two, I saw a bunch pandas has been under protection Xingxing’s smile lights up a humans have to be greatly limited.
Second of them. Luckily, for years and was once threatened room, and it absolutely shimmers And so, if He needs to enter the A giant panda at the Hetaoping wilderness training base in Sichuan
Thoughts through the nature by deforestation, farming, the when she’s talking about her pas- enclosure used in preparation for province enjoys a bamboo snack. OWEN FISHWICK / CHINA DAILY
of my work, I was building of infrastructure and oth- sion — giant pandas, of course. rewilding, he must dress up in a
recently given the opportunity to er human activities. Today, there Her passion also happens to be her full-body panda outfit that has
visit several giant panda are an estimated 2,000 giant pan- job — she cares for the panda cubs been sprayed with panda scents well. I donned a well-worn pan- smell as bad as you might think.”
research, breeding and rewilding das living in the wild in Sichuan, at one of the panda breeding bases including but not limited to panda da onesie, placed the hood over But like I said before, swings and
bases in Southwest China’s Sich- Gansu and Shaanxi provinces. in Sichuan province — so things urine. my head and mask over my face, roundabouts.
uan province. Giant pandas are classified as a for her are pretty bright altogether. Though I did not enter the and was then sprayed with pan-
Now, before anyone mentions conservation-reliant vulnerable She still smiles and speaks enclosure, I was afforded the da urine. For those wondering, Contact the writer at
anything about being jealous or species, and so a great deal of enthusiastically about her job and opportunity to experience this as the answer is: “No, it doesn’t
CHINA DAILY Tuesday, May 23, 2023 | 19


Giro’s China return is ride on time

Famous Italian
race visits Yangtze
Delta region for
feast of cycling fun

The 2023 Giro d’Italia Ride Like A

Pro Yangtze River Delta Open treat-
ed Chinese cycling fans to a two-day
carnival of top-class road-racing
action and entertainment over the
The event not only attracted some
of the world’s leading riders, local
government support, and throngs of
cycling enthusiasts, but also served
to showcase the Yangtze River Delta
region’s thriving economic and cul-
tural sectors.
This year’s event — the third time Legendary rider Andy Schleck Tegshbayar Batsaikhan of Mon-
the prestigious Italian race has visit- takes a selfie before the start of golia crosses the finish line to
ed China via this promotional mod- Sunday’s Ride Like A Pro Competitors are all smiles as they wait to start Sunday’s Giro d’Italia Ride Like A Pro Yangtze River Delta win Sunday’s elite group
el — comprised a circuit race geared race. LIU HAIBIN / FOR CHINA DAILY Open road race in Shanghai’s Qingpu district. LIU HAIBIN / FOR CHINA DAILY race. WANG LIMING / FOR CHINA DAILY
toward amateur riders on Saturday,
followed by an elite-level road race
on Sunday. at the Giro d’Italia Yangtze River Yangtze River Delta in recent years,” nue, the design of the course outside of its traditional European promoting cycling.
The 88-kilometer route of the Delta Open, and hailed this year’s said Gu Jun, vice-secretary-general allowed participants of all ages and stronghold, with events like last “We have a very large group of
road race traversed three areas edition as a major upgrade on his of the Shanghai Municipal People’s ability levels to take part. weekend’s increasingly popular in participants, including children rid-
within the so-called “integrated debut in 2019. Government. Over 100 riders competed in Sun- North America, China, and the Asia- ing on balance bikes, the youth
demonstration zone” — commenc- “I finished the 70-kilometer road “Through hosting this event, we day’s elite road race, with the 88-km Pacific region. In addition, commu- group, professional athletes com-
ing and concluding in Shanghai’s race across Qingpu district last aim to foster closer ties among the route taking in the Yangtze River nity activities and public peting on professional courses, and
Qingpu district, and passing time. But when I see this year’s orga- governments of Qingpu, Wujiang, Delta ecological development dem- participation are also on the rise. amateur athletes, which allows for
through Jiashan county, Jiaxing, nization, I feel that, whether it be and Jiashan, thereby showcasing onstration zone, and passing “On the professional side, I don’t leisurely cycling in an excellent envi-
Zhejiang province, and the Wujiang the track, the carnival or the organi- our shared vision of development, through the ancient town of Zhujia- think that in the big races riders are ronment. So this event appeals to a
district of Suzhou, Jiangsu province. zation of the entire event, it is more construction, and mutually benefi- jiao, Wujiang, and Jiashan. faster compared to when I was rac- wide range of participants,” said
This international event was professional and on a larger scale. In cial cooperation in the integrated Tegshbayar Batsaikhan of Mongo- ing. However, I do think lower down Zhong, who won team sprint gold
jointly hosted by the Shanghai addition, more people have attend- development demonstration zone lia topped the podium ahead of sec- the levels riders are becoming faster. for China at the 2016 Rio and 2020
Administration of Sports, local gov- ed this year’s event,” said Schleck, of the Yangtze River Delta,” said Gu, ond-placed Kongphob Thimachai of So, the density of good riders is a lot Tokyo Games.
ernment and sports bureaus of the who won the 2010 Tour de France who is also the director of both the Thailand, and Bold Iderbold of higher than it was a couple of years “Although China is considered a
relevant regions, the Yangtze River and the Giro’s young rider classifica- Shanghai Development and Reform Mongolia in third spot. ago,” explained Schleck, adding that top cycling nation, most people still
Delta Ecological Green Integration tion in 2007. Commission, and the Executive “The essentials of cycling stay the improvements in cycling equip- associate bicycles with transporta-
Demonstration Zone Executive “The Giro d’Italia Yangtze River Committee of the Integrated Dem- same, people who ride the fastest ment have also contributed to the tion,” Zhong added. “But now, when
Committee, the Shanghai Cycling Delta Open Race, as an internation- onstration Zone. will win the race eventually. But rapid development of the sport. you witness the scenes at this two-
Association, and a number of other al and professional cycling event, Saturday’s circuit race featured what has changed is the size,” China’s two-time Olympic track day festival, you can feel that Chi-
organizations. represents one of the largest, high- five categories — open, master, team Schleck said of cycling’s global champion Zhong Tianshi hailed nese people’s perception of cycling is
Legendary rider Andy Schleck level, and most influential cycling time trial, youth, and family fun boom in recent years. the vast scope of the Giro d’Italia changing, and this is a really posi-
was making his second appearance events to have taken place in the ride. Located on Dianshanhu Ave- He added that cycling is thriving Ride Like a Pro as a great way of tive development.”


Miami steamrollers red-faced Celtics Ancelotti condemns

MIAMI — Erik Spoelstra had his
team fully expecting that Game 3 of
Vinicius racist abuse
the Eastern Conference finals
would be extremely difficult, that BARCELONA — Real Madrid It’s not football, it’s La Liga,” wrote
the Miami Heat were going to have coach Carlo Ancelotti said Spanish the 22-year-old.
to take the best shot that a desper- soccer has a racism problem and The forward said Spain was
ate bunch of Boston Celtics could needs to be prepared to halt match- viewed as “a country of racists” in
muster. es, after Madrid star Vinicius Junior his homeland Brazil.
He was wrong. was again the target of abuse during “The league that once belonged to
It was a Heat romp — and a team a 1-0 defeat at Valencia in La Liga on Ronaldinho, Ronaldo, Cristiano
that had to pull off a frantic rally Sunday. (Ronaldo) and (Leo) Messi, now
just to make the playoffs is now one “The Spanish league has a prob- belongs to racists,” added Vinicius.
win from the NBA Finals. lem, and Vinicius is not the prob- La Liga said in a statement that it
Gabe Vincent scored a career- lem. Vinicius is the victim. There’s a was investigating the incident and
high 29 points, Duncan Robinson very serious problem,” Ancelotti would take legal action if a hate
added 22 and the eighth-seeded said, adding that Vinicius was “sad, crime had been committed.
Heat rolled past the Celtics 128-102 not angry” after the incidents at the The Spanish top flight said it has
on Sunday night. Miami leads the Mestalla. been “proactive” in previous cases of
series 3-0, with a chance to finish Play was delayed for several min- racism against Vinicius, filing nine
off a stunning sweep on Tuesday utes in the second half after Vinicius complaints with relevant authori-
night at home in Game 4. appeared to be racially abused by a ties and prosecutors.
“That was a solid, mature, profes- Valencia supporter. After Vinicius’ standoff with
sional approach,” said Spoelstra, The Brazilian forward stood in Valencia supporters, referee Ricar-
now on the brink of a sixth trip to front of the fans behind the goal and do de Burgos Bengoetxea spoke to
the NBA Finals as Miami’s coach. pointed to one, with teammate Eder stadium officials, who made an
“There’s a lot of pent-up stuff here Militao by his side. announcement calling for racist
and we’re getting closer, but we still Vinicius was later sent off in add- insults to stop before play resumed
have to finish this off.” ed time at the end of the game for around 10 minutes later.
Caleb Martin scored 18, Jimmy Miami Heat guard Gabe Vincent drives to the basket during Game 3 of the NBA Eastern Conference hitting Hugo Duro during a brawl, In his post-match report, the ref-
Butler finished with 16, Bam Ade- finals against the Boston Celtics on Sunday in Miami. The eighth-seeded Heat romped to a 128-102 with Valencia triumphing through eree wrote that a fan shouted “mon-
bayo had 13 and Max Strus added victory to take a 3-0 lead in the best-of-seven series. AP Diego Lopez’s first-half goal. key, monkey” at the player.
10 for Miami. Every team in NBA “The fact I thought about taking “There’s a lack of respect for Vini-
history that has won the first three him off because of the racist atmos- cius shown continuously at almost
games of a best-of-seven has ulti- I’ve got to give them respect. Gabe was less than three minutes away ourselves down. And it was collec- phere does not seem good to me,” every stadium in Spain,” Madrid
mately prevailed; the Heat are 8-0 Vincent, Martin, Strus, Duncan from being eliminated in the play- tive. We can point fingers, but in Ancelotti told reporters. midfielder Dani Ceballos told Movi-
in that situation. Robinson, guys that we should be in tournament, getting past top- reality, it was just embarrassing.” “What has happened today has star.
“The rim was as big as the ocean able to keep under control are play- seeded Milwaukee in five games, Boston got within 61-49 when happened before, but not like that, Madrid goalkeeper Thibaut Cour-
for everybody,” Adebayo said, after ing their (butts) off.” then fifth-seeded New York in six, Marcus Smart had a three-point it’s unacceptable.” tois said he heard some “monkey
Miami shot 57 percent. The NBA Finals start June 1, and and now on the brink of denying play on the opening possession of Vinicius has been racially abused noises” after around 20 minutes and
Jayson Tatum scored 14 and Jay- the way things are going, that the Celtics a second consecutive the second half. The rest was all at several stadiums this season in said he would have walked off with
len Brown added 12 for the second- might mean the league is about to East crown. Miami, which immediately Spain and an effigy of him was hung Vinicius if the Brazilian chose to
seeded Celtics, who won three go a few days without games. The And the Heat let Boston know answered with a 28-7 run to open a from a bridge in the Spanish capital stop playing.
times on Miami’s floor on the way Western Conference finals could how much they were enjoying this 33-point lead at 89-56, which had by Atletico Madrid fans. “If Vini wants to keep playing, we
to winning last season’s East finals end Monday; Denver leads that one. the building rolling. The lead was La Liga has filed legal complaints keep playing, but if Vini says he’s not
— but simply never had a chance in series against the Los Angeles Lak- Mindful that Boston’s Al Hor- so big, and there was so much time to Spanish authorities on multiple playing anymore, I’m leaving the
this one and basically emptied the ers 3-0. And now, the East finals ford directed a timeout signal left, that the sellout crowd of occasions this season, with the pitch with him, because we cannot
bench for the fourth quarter. could end Tuesday. toward the Miami bench during 20,088 actually was subdued a bit league pledging on Sunday to do so tolerate these things,” Courtois told
“I just didn’t have them ready to “It’s the first to four games,” Vin- Game 1 when the Celtics were on a by the time it was over. again after investigating. However, Movistar.
play,” said Boston coach Joe Maz- cent said. “We’re not satisfied with second-quarter spurt to build a They might have been yelled-out. Ancelotti said it was not helping. Players from both sides ended up
zulla, who has been the subject of three.” comfortable lead, Butler did the Or maybe they were saving it for “What has happened? Reports, in a brawl in stoppage time which
tons of criticism in this series — and There’s never been a season same to Horford as the Heat were the hockey on Monday night, when and nothing at all has come from it. ended with a red card for Vinicius
will surely face more going into where both conference finals end- running away in the third quarter the Florida Panthers — another No The solution is to stop the game,” for lashing out at Duro with his arm,
Tuesday. “Whatever it was, whether ed in sweeps; it happened in 1957 in of Game 3. 8 seed on a magical playoff run in continued the coach. although the Valencia forward was
it was the starting lineup or an the division finals immediately pre- Besides, the Heat rallied to win South Florida — will try to take a “I am very sad, this has never hap- pictured with his arm around the
adjustment, I have to get them in a ceding the title series, when Boston Game 1 anyway. There was no rally 3-0 lead in their East finals series pened to me — I’ve never had to take Brazilian’s neck.
better place, ready to play. That’s on beat Syracuse 3-0 and St. Louis beat required in Game 3 by the Heat. against the Carolina Hurricanes. off a player because of insults. On Monday, Brazilian President
me.” Minneapolis 3-0. There was barely one attempted by “We’ll decompress tomorrow,” “He’s a kid, he likes playing foot- Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva con-
Grant Williams and Payton Prit- Of all the 3-0 series leads in NBA the Celtics, for that matter. Spoelstra said, “but we’ll really get ball, but in these conditions it’s very demned the racist abuse, and called
chard each added 12 for Boston. history, this one might be the most “I don’t even know where to our minds right to finish this thing complicated.” for FIFA and the Spanish league to
“To their credit, they’re playing unexpected — a No 8 seed in the start,” Brown said. “It’s an obvious off.” Vinicius took to Instagram after take “serious measures”.
well above their means,” Brown Heat, a team that struggled just to letdown. I feel like we let our fan the defeat. “The prize for the racists
said. “They’re ballin’ right now and get into the playoffs, a team that base, organization down. We let AGENCIES VIA XINHUA today is that they have sent me off. AFP
20 | Tuesday, May 23, 2023 CHINA DAILY



Team China caps dramatic week’s action with record-extending triumph at Sudirman Cup

By SHI FUTIAN Yamaguchi of Japan was another wonderful adver- sen. The Dane, who speaks fluent Mandarin, sus- “I want to share my experience with the younger tisement for the sport. tained a left hamstring injury during a quarterfinal generation of players. I hope the young Team China
Men’s double heroes Ou and Liu still only rank No 5 match and subsequently withdrew from the tourna- can continue to blossom, and I will keep contributing

third straight Sudirman Cup title cement- in the world, although China tops the standings in the ment. His silver lining was the support and best wish- to this sport.”
ed China’s dominance of badminton’s pres- mixed and women’s doubles, with Zheng and Huang, es he received from Chinese fans.
tigious mixed team championship in and Chen Qingchen and Jia retaining their No 1 posi- “I’m on my way home at the airport, and I want to Organizers excel
Suzhou, Jiangsu province, on Sunday. tions this week. express my thanks to all the Chinese fans who have To ensure the world’s elite badminton aces enjoyed
However, the epic effort required to fend off their Back when legends Lin Dan and Zhang Ning held been supporting me. There were so many Chinese fans the best possible competition and living environment,
rivals last week suggested Chinese players will face court, Team China was the undisputed dominant cheering for me at the venue, hotel and online. I’m so local organizers pulled out all the stops.
major challenges to retain their crown in the future. force in every discipline. Whether China’s new genera- happy to return to China to play. I hope the next time I Feng Tao, an official of the Suzhou Olympic Sports
With the deafening roar of around 7,000 spectators tion can truly fill those greats’ shoes remains to be can play more matches in China, and I hope I can Center, said ensuring the courts were of the highest
filling the Suzhou Olympic Sports Center, and tens of seen. However, in Suzhou they showed they certainly recover as soon as possible,” Axelsen said in a video quality was a priority.
millions of fans glued to the action on TV, Team China don’t lack for determination and persistence. posted on his Weibo account. “For instance, the gap between any two pieces of
delivered under pressure to beat South Korea 3-0 in “You can say that my skills are not the best and you Pusarla V. Sindhu of India was also impressed by the wood flooring under the courts should not exceed one
Sunday’s final. can say that I’m even a mediocre player, but you can atmosphere in Suzhou. millimeter. Amateur players would probably not
Men’s singles ace Shi Yuqi, reigning women’s singles never say that I lack fighting spirit and resolve. I never “This is the first time after a long time for me to come notice the difference, but the pros are very sensitive to
Olympic champion Chen Yufei and world No 1 mixed give up on any match and I never run away from my to China. I think the facilities here are very good and I the quality of the courts,” Feng told media.
doubles pair Zheng Siwei and Huang Yaqiong were responsibilities,” said an emotional Chen Yufei after can feel the enthusiasm of the crowds, which are fan- “After we finished preparing the courts, we asked
the heroes, sweeping the Koreans to secure victory. her victory over world No 2 An Se-young of South tastic. And here we have a really big stadium. I’m hap- players to train on them, and then we made adjust-
Despite their individual brilliance, all the Chinese Korea, which followed Saturday’s defeat to Yamaguchi. py to be back in China again,” Sindhu told reporters. ments based on their feedback. We made sure they
players were keen to stress the triumph was a collec- “No matter what physical condition I’m in, I always Organizers ratcheted up the feel-good factor by enjoyed the best courts.”
tive effort. want to win once I step onto the court. No one should hosting a series of retirement ceremonies for people Shuttlecocks are sensitive to even the slightest cur-
“If I can win my match and ensure the players after underestimate me. I have great courage from all the who have forged careers in badminton. Chen Long, rent of air, so ensuring the correct conditions inside
me face a 2-0 situation, then that eases the pressure a people and friends who support me.” the 2016 Rio Olympic gold medalist, was among the the venue was another task that required extreme pre-
bit and all they need to do is focus on their matches. players to be honored. cision and care. Air-conditioning vents were, there-
Simply reaching the final was an extremely tough Close connection “I decided to end my badminton career here at the fore, installed under the seats in the stands.
journey. So in Sunday’s final, all the Team China play- Last week’s action marked the first time many Sudirman Cup. It was not an easy decision, and it was The lights inside the venue were also state of the art.
ers shared the same goal of winning,” said Shi. international players had returned to China since the hard for me to say goodbye. Right now, I’m pretty emo- Feng explained that providing players with the correct
China breezed through the group stage, beating pandemic. tional. I want to thank Team China, my family and all illumination level (measured in lux) was crucial.
Egypt, Singapore and Denmark, all 5-0, before seeing The foreign stars enjoyed a warm welcome from the fans. The 17 years I spent in the national team was “Usually in training venues, the lights are just 500
off Indonesia 3-0 on Friday in the first knockout round. fans in Suzhou — none more so than world No 1 Axel- the best time of my life,” said Chen Long. lux, but in our venue the lights reach 1,800 lux. Also, we
An epic seven-hour semifinal tussle with Japan, have to ensure the lights are shadow-less, so the play-
however, pushed Team China to its limit, with the ers aren’t affected by the lights and can focus on their
reigning champion somehow managing to battle back matches,” Feng added.
from the brink of elimination and prevail 3-2. About 300 volunteers, mostly local university stu-
China found itself trailing 2-1 after Huang Dong- dents, served at the Sudirman Cup. From translators
ping and Feng Yanzhe lost the opening mixed doubles to guides, the volunteers provided players, media and
rubber, and Chen Yufei was defeated by women’s all participants with comprehensive help.
world No 1 Akane Yamaguchi. Shi Yuqi managed to get “We all know that the Sudirman Cup is the world’s
China off the mark by winning a tough men’s singles top badminton competition, and we have players and
three-setter against Kodai Naraoka. fans from all over the world gathered here. As volun-
Liu Yuchen and Ou Xuanyi were then faced with a teers, we represent not just ourselves but also the
must-win men’s doubles clash, and they obliged in image of the city,” said volunteer Fan Wenjie.
dramatic fashion — saving four match points to rescue A number of promotional badminton events were
the defending champion. Women’s doubles pair Chen staged on the sidelines of the tournament. One high-
Qingchen and Jia Yifan completed the stunning come- light of these activities was the visit of star Chinese
back to seal glory. players Huang Dongping, Chen Qingchen and Shi
The enthralling semifinal highlighted the increas- Yuqi to local primary and middle schools to interact
ingly stiff competition China faces on the global with and coach students.
stage. “Badminton has a huge fan base in China, especially
Denmark’s Viktor Axelsen remains the world No 1 among young people. Through these activities, we
in men’s singles, where the highest-ranked Chinese hope our champions can pass on their values and spir-
player is Shi at No 10. In the women’s singles, reign- it to the next generation and enrich their lives,” said
ing Olympic champion Chen Yufei is now world No Team China celebrates with the Sudirman Cup after Sunday’s 3-0 final victory over South Korea Xia Xuanze, a vice-president of the Chinese Badmin-
4, and her compelling battle with the top-ranked at the Suzhou Olympic Sports Center. *PHOTOS BY WEI XIAOHAO / CHINA DAILY ton Association.

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