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Second Term 2018/2019 Examination INFORMATION
Services IS POWER

Subject: DATA PROCESSING Class: SSS 1 Time: 1Hr 30 Minutes

Name: ________________________________________________________
1. The following are positive impact of ict A. Alphabetic b. Category c.

on the society except ____ Chronological d. Hierarchical e. None of

A. Faster communication speed the above

b. Paperless environment 6. Interpretation of information involves

c. Lower communication cost all of the following except ______

d. Sharing of information e. Identify A. Inferring b. B. Classifying c. C.

theft Evaluating d. Comparing e. Sorting

2. The following are some of the uses of 7. ________ is the arranging of

ICT in the society except____ information in such a way that it can be

A. Engineering b. Accounting used more effectively.

c. Medicine d. None of the above A. Collation b. Organization c. Analysis d.

3. The following are procedures for Interpretation e. All of the above

information processing into except ____ 8. Information can be transmitted through

a. Collation of information the following ways except ____

b. Organization of information. A. Courier b. Fie fighting c. Oral d. Radio

C. Analysis of information e. Television

d. Deleting of information 9. Transfer of information from one

4. _________ is the assembly of written location to another is called ____

information into a standard order. A. Information interference b.

a. Collation b. Organization Information location c. Information

c. Interpretation d. All of the above transmission d. Radio communication e.

5. The following are ways of organization Television communication

information. Except ____

10.The following are ancient methods of 15.Which of the following is an operating

information transmission except ____ system?

A. Whistling b. Beating drum c. Fire A. Lotus b. Linux c. Microsoft excel

lighting d. Drawing diagram e. Radio d. Ms-word

11. The following are electronic methods of 16.An operating system that allows

information transmission except ___ terminals to communicate with each

A. Television b. Telex c. Telephone d. other in an environment where the is

Drawing diagram radio host is called

12.Information transmission requires all of A. Multi-user operating system

the following except ____ b. Single-user operating system

A. Sender b. Message c. Recipient d. All C. Extranet operating system

of the above e. Radio d. Network operating system

13.The following are advantages of 17.The kind of operating system that makes

operating system except ____ the computer available for only ones user

A. It serve as the communication link at a time is ___

between the user and the computer A. Individual operating system

B. It provides automatic transmission of B. One-man operating system

data or information C. Single-user operating system

C. It requires the use of manual D. Network operating system

operation form someone 18.Saving a document for the first time

D. It gives control access of the involves clicking and _______

computer to the user A. Save b. Keep c. Save as d. Print

14.A suite of program that ensures 19.Which of these keys cannot be used to

efficient use of the computing resources move the cursors in MS-word?

is called _ A. Space bar b. Caps lock

A. Operating system b. Interpreter c. c. Enter keys d. Arrow keys

Compiler d. Assembler e. Language Use the diagram below to answer

translator. questions 20-23

1 2 3

20. The part labeled 1is _____

a. Cut b. Undo

c. New blank document d. Menu

21.The part labeled 2 is ____ 27.

a. Cut b. Undo

c. New blank document d. Menu 28.

22. The part labeled 3 is _____

a. Cut b. Undo 29.

c. New blank document d. Menu 30.
23. The shortcut for opening a file is ___ The
A. CTRL + I b. CTRL + O following are computer ethics except___
c. CTRL + P d. CTRL + s a. Turn off your pc at the end of the
24. Which of these keys cannot be used to day
move the cursor in MS-word? b. Ensure that the air-condition or fan is
a. Space bar b. Cap lock on when computers are in use
c. Enter keys d. Arrow keys C. Always put food on the computer
25. The following are word processing keyboard
packages except ___ D. Always remove the cable from the
A. Corelword b. Supercalc main socket after the work
c. Word pad d. Microsoft word 31.Among computer room ethics, why the
Identify the following images in use of rug? This is done to ___
Microsoft word program: A word bank is A. Suppress heat b. Suppress dust
provided below to help you with your prevent theft d. Increase coolness
answers. 32. The following are ways of caring for

Home Tab Picture style the computer except _____

A. Do not eat too in computer 36. Which of these ages is characterized

environment by the use of machines?

a. Ancient age b. Electronic age
B. Do not drink water or soft drink in
c. Industrial age d. computer age
computer room 37. Information can be transmitted
C. Installs pirated software on your through the following ways except ___
a. Courier b. Fire fighting
system always
c. Oral d. Radio
D. Scan your system regularly for virus 38. Transfer of information from one
E. Unplug the system from the power location to another is called __
a. Information interference
source when not in use
b. Information location
33. Technology is categorize in the c. Information transmission
following except ____
d. Radio communication
a. Ancient age b. Electronic age
39. The following are ancient method of
c. Machine age d. Middle age
information transmission except
34. The present information ages is known
a. Whistling b. Beating drum
c. Drawing diagram d. Radio
a. Early age b. Electronic age
40. The following are electronic methods of
c. Jet age d. Millennium age
information transmission except___
35. The fastest way of getting information
a. Television b. Telex
across the world is through ___
c. Telephone d. Drawing diagram
a. Internet b. Television
c. Radio d. Computer

Theory part

Answer all the questions in this part.

Question 1

a. Define computer ethics

b. List five ways of taking good care of computers

C. State ten(10) responsible ways of using the computer in the computer laboratory.

Question 2.

a. State the ten(10) commandment of computer ethics.

b. Briefly explain the three(3) types of information transmission media.

c. Explain the three(3) modes of information transmission.

Question 3

a. Explain in full details the process of information transmission

b. State and briefly explain the four(4) procedure for information processing.

Question 4.

a. Define the art of information processing

b. Mentioned five(5) steps in information interpretation.

c. Write short note on the following ancient methods of transmitting information,

i. Beating drum

ii. Fire lighting

iii. Drawing diagram


 Open 3 blank page documents

Page 1
 Prepare a birthday party invitation letter.
 Use Word Art for your Title
 The body of the letter should be typed using font style RAVIE, font size 14 with colour
 Insert page border with colour blue.
 Type in your name and class at the bottom of your document using AGENCY FB font type,
font size should be 28 with colour green
Page 2
 Prepare a list of 20 friends you wish to send the letter to by creating a table in this format
Nos Friends’ Names Gender (Male or Female)

 Use font style FORTE for the friends names, font size 16 with colour blue
Page 3
 Create the following shapes and add different colours to each shape
i. Right Angled Triangle
ii. Isosceles Triangle
iii. Rectangle
iv. Equilateral Triangle
v. Cylinder
vi. Cone
 Label all the shapes.
Second Term 2018/2019 Examination INFORMATION
Services IS POWER

Subject: DATA PROCESSING Class: SSS 2 Time: Time: 1Hr 30

Name: ________________________________________________________

1. A collection of related fields about a access, retrieval and use of the data is

particular thing is referred to as ___ called ____

A. File B. record C. data base D. Data A. Date B. Database C. File D.

field Information E. Record.

2. The following are types of database 5. The full meaning of DBMS is _____

EXCEPT ___ A. Data Base Management System B.

A. Flat model B. Hierarchical model. D. Data Base Manipulation system C. Data

Network model E. Relational model Base management System D. Data Byte

3. Database management system is management system E. data Byte

defined as _____ manipulation system

A. collection of related records 6. The maximum number of characters

B. A computer program that constructs that the value of a field may assume is

organizes and maintains a database. known as_____

C. A system that consists of fixed- A. Dec B. Field type C. Field width D.

length and variable length record. Float E. Index

D. An organized term though which a 7. A ____ is a unit of information

record A. Character B. Database C. Field D.

E. the system through which a records File E. Record

can be accessed in database 8. A group of related records is called

4. A collection of interrelated data ___

organized in a manner that allows

A. Character B. Database C. Field D. A. Do not eat too in computer

File E. Record environment

9. The following function of a database B. Do not drink water or soft drink in

management system EXCEPT ____ computer room

A. Arranging data files B. creating data C. installs pirated software on your

files C. Querying the data stored in system always

data file D. Reporting data D. Scan your system regularly for virus

E. Storing data E. Unplug the system from the power

10.What is the single symbol used in data source when not in use

processing? 14.The following are reasons for taking

A. Character B. File C. Field care of computer EXCEPT____

D. Database E. Record A. To protect the computer from being

11. The following are computer ethics stolen

except___ B. to protect the computer from virus

A. Turn off your PC at the end of the attack

day C. To prevent data lost

B. Ensure that the air-condition or fan D. To erase the data inside the

is on when computers are in use computer

C. Always put food on the computer E. To prevent damage to the computer

keyboard and the peripherals

D. Always remove the cable from the 15.___ is the act of copying someone

main socket after the work else’s work and publishing it as your

12.Among computer room ethics, why the own.

use of rug? This is done to ___ A. fraud B. cyber war C. plagiarism D.

A. Suppress heat B. Suppress dust Stealing E. Invasion

Prevent theft D. increase coolness 16.The following are computer safety

13.The following are ways of caring for measures except ____

the computer EXCEPT _____

A. Install antivirus protection A. System software B. utility software

software and update regularly

C. browsers D. Internet tools
B. install firewall
21.When data move from one set of major
C. Install spyware protection tool

D. install identity security connections to another on the internet,

17.The following are ways of caring for

we call these connections ___
the humanware EXCEPT ____
A. Pathway B. backbone
A. always maintain proper sitting

posture C. Communications system D. Routers

B. using the anti-glare protector

22. What types of telecommunications
C. Maintaining a dust free environment
hardware allows you to access the web
D. Computer room needs not be

illuminated A. Browser B. Modem

E. keep liquids always from computers

C. FTP protocol D. IRC
18.A _____ is typically a room which
23. Which of the following identifies a
contains many networked computers

for public use. specific web page and its computer on

A. Computer laboratory B. Cyber war C.

the Web?
human laboratory D. all of the above
A. Web site B. Web site address
19.The following are types of seating

arrangement in the computer lab C. URL D. Domain Name

24. Who had the internet first?
A. cluster arrangement B. Rows
A. The military B. financial
arrangement C. u-shape arrangement

D. table arrangement Institution C. Schools & Hospitals

20. Software, such as explorer and

D. Individuals

Firefox, are referred to as ____

25. In the e-mail address 31. Which of the following devices is not a
larryson2emerald.com, “larryson” is the A. Notebook B. Laptop
C. EDVAC D. Desktop
A. password B. Server name
32. Which of the following computing
C. user name D. Client computer devices did not exist in the pre-computing
age to the 19th Century
26. All of the following are top-level A. Napier’s bone B. Abacus
C. EMAC D. Slide Rule
domains EXCEPT______?
33. The computing devices invented by
A. .com B. .mil C. .army D. .org Charles Babbage are
A. Difference-Engine and Abacus
27. All except one are in Microsoft B. Analytical Engine and Slide Rule
C. Abacus and Slide Rule
office software _____ D. Analytical and Difference Engines

A. Ms-Access B. Ms-Excel C. Ms 34. In a computer, the sets of instruction

that direct it in performing a particular
CorelDraw D. MS PowerPoint task is called
A. information B. program
28. The first calculator was built by C. data D. file
A. Marie Jacquard B. Blaise Pascal C.
Charles Babbage D. John Napier 35. Which of the following items best
describes the hardcopy?
29. A similarity between data and A. Print out from the printer
information is that both B. Information stored on a hard disk
A. Can be displayed on the monitor C. Written on a hard board
B. Are computer inputs D: Amount of data
C. Are processed facts
D. Are computer results 36. Which of the following signifies the
correct association between a hardware
30. The computer hardware can be component and its functions?
classified into A. Mouse to input B. Monitor to print
A. ALU and Control Unit. B. System Unit C, GPU to storage D. Hard disk to
and Peripheral C. Central Processing processing
Unit and Control Unit D. Input and
Output Units 37. Which of the following software is
best suitable for keeping records during
national population census?
A. Microsoft word A. Attributes B. Relational Model
B. Microsoft PowerPoint C. Entity sets D. Entity-Relationship
C. Microsoft Excel Model
D. Microsoft Access
40. _____ allows us to describe the data
38. _____ is way of arranging the records involved in a real-word enterprise in terms
in a file when the file is stored on disk. of objects and relationships.
A. Cost Model File B. Relational Model A. Attributes B. Relational Model
C. File Organization D. Entity- C. Entity sets D. Entity-Relationship
Relationship Model Model
39. _____ are data objects that either
identify or describe entities.

Theory part

Answer all the questions in this part.

Question 1

a. Mention and explain the three(3) types of file organization.

b. Write steps in creating an e-mail account.
c. Mention and briefly explain 5 abuses of the internet.

Question 2
a. Write step by step how to load Microsoft Access 2010/2013 from the Taskbar:
b. Complete the below Table by given the Attributes of the Entity
1 “Customer”



c. What do you understand by the term “E_R model”?

Question 3
Define the following;
a. Entities
b. Attributes
c. Relationships
Question 4
a. What is internet?
b. Mention 5 benefits to be derived from the internet.
c. What is internet security?
d. Mention 5 commonly used internet security.


Create a Database File for 20 SSS 2 Student in Estbank Academy School, using the following
i. Surname
ii. First name
iii. Middle name
iv. Sex
v. Age
vi. Admission Number
vii. Phone Nos.

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