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Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Hello everyone, my name is Dwi Juliawati you can call me Julia, I’am from class 12 tkj 2
So today, I will show you how to make an avocado milk shake

Oke, First of all, I will introduce the ingredients, I have:

 Avocado
 Milk
 Ice cube
 Sugar

For the equitpment, I have:

 Stainless glass
 Spoon
 Knife
 Whisk
 Cup
 Cup lid
 Straw

- First step, cut the avocado, leave the seed.

And put some pieces into a stainless glass, puree the avocado
- Second, put some milk, ice cube, and sugar into a stainless glass
- Third, shake until well mixed
- If you wanna make it more tasty, you can put some chocolate milk into the cup.
And put the avocado
- Last step, close and give a straw
- And finished, the avocado milk shake is ready to be enjoyed

That! Easy right? Would you like to try it at home? I hope you give it a try!
That’s all from me, i’m Dwi Juliawati, Thank you for your time, bye bye
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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