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Rapidly Evolving Genes and Genetic Systems

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Rapidly Evolving
Genes and Genetic

Rama S. Singh
McMaster University, Canada
Jianping Xu
McMaster University, Canada
Rob J. Kulathinal
Temple University, USA

Rapidly Evolving Genes and Genetic Systems. First Edition. Edited by Rama S. Singh, Jianping Xu,
and Rob J. Kulathinal. © 2012 Oxford University Press. Published 2012 by Oxford University Press.
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Foreword xiv
Richard Lewontin
Preface xvi
List of Contributors xvii

1 Introduction 1
Rama S. Singh, Jianping Xu, and Rob J. Kulathinal
1.1 A gradualist history 1
1.2 Mechanisms of rapid and episodic change 2
1.2.1 Unconstrained neutral space 2
1.2.2 Horizontal gene transfer 3
1.2.3 Developmental macromutations 3
1.2.4 Evolution by gene regulation 3
1.2.5 Coevolutionary forces 4
1.2.6 Sexual selection and sexual arms races 4
1.2.7 Population demography and genetic revolutions 5
1.2.8 Adaptive radiation 5
1.3 Punctuated equilibrium within a microevolution framework 5
1.4 Tempo, mode, and the genomic landscape 6
1.5 ‘Rapidly evolving genes and genetic systems’: a brief overview 7
1.6 Future prospects 8

Part I From Theory to Experiment

2 Theoretical perspectives on rapid evolutionary change 13

Sarah P. Otto
2.1 Introduction 13
2.2 When is strong selection strong? 13
2.3 Does strong selection differ in kind from weak selection? 16
2.4 Concluding thoughts 20

3 Recombination reshuffles the genotypic deck, thus accelerating the rate

of evolution 23
Mihai Albu, Amir R. Kermany, and Donal A. Hickey
3.1 Introduction 23
3.2 Simulating selection on multilocus genotypes 24
3.3 Discussion 27
3.4 Conclusions 29

4 Heterogeneity in neutral divergence across genomic regions induced by

sex-specific hybrid incompatibility 31
Seiji Kumagai and Marcy K. Uyenoyama
4.1 Introduction 31
4.1.1 Detecting incompatibility factors 31
4.1.2 Within-species polymorphisms for incompatibility factors with
sex-limited transmission 31
4.2 Genealogical migration rate 32
4.2.1 Definition 32
4.2.2 Non-sex-specific incompatibility 33
4.2.3 Sex-specific incompatibility 33
4.3 Applications 33
4.3.1 Mitochondrial introgression 33
4.3.2 Interpreting region-specific F ST 35
4.4 Conclusions 37

5 Rapid evolution in experimental populations of major life forms 40

Jianping Xu
5.1 Introduction 40
5.2 Features of experimental evolution 41
5.3 Types of experimental evolution 42
5.3.1 Directional selection 42
5.3.2 Adaptation 42
5.3.3 Mutation accumulation 42
5.4 Rapid change and divergence among mutation accumulation
population lines 43
5.4.1 Microbial growth rate 43
5.4.2 Other microbial traits 45
5.4.3 Plants and animals 45
5.5 Adaptation and directional selection experiments 47
5.5.1 Adaptation of E. coli populations 47
5.5.2 Adaptation of viral populations 47
5.5.3 Adaptation and directional selection in fruit flies 48
5.5.4 Adaptation in yeast 48
5.5.5 Directional selection in mammals 48
5.5.6 Correlated changes between traits 49
5.5.7 Acquisition of novel phenotypes 49
5.6 Genomic analysis of experimental evolution populations 50
5.7 Conclusions and perspectives 50

Part II Rapidly Evolving Genetic Elements

6 Rapid evolution of low complexity sequences and single amino

acid repeats across eukaryotes 55
Wilfried Haerty and G. Brian Golding
6.1 Introduction 55
6.2 Rapid evolution of low complexity sequences 55
6.2.1 Mutational processes 56

6.3 Rapid divergence of LCRs and their impact on surrounding sequences 57

6.3.1 LCRs as indicators of regions of lowered purifying
selective pressures 57
6.3.2 Mutagenic effect of LCRs 58
6.4 Low complexity sequences under selection 59
6.4.1 Deleterious effects of LCR size variation 59
6.4.2 DNA composition 59
6.4.3 LCR distribution 60
6.4.4 Phenotypic effects of LCR size variation 60
6.4.5 Selection for low information content 61
6.5 Perspectives 61

7 Fast rates of evolution in bacteria due to horizontal gene transfer 64

Weilong Hao
7.1 Introduction 64
7.2 Quantifying horizontal gene transfer 65
7.3 Understanding the variation of gene gain and loss 66
7.4 Horizontal gene transfer in duplicated genes 67
7.5 Pseudogenization of horizontally transferred genes 67
7.6 Mobile sequences and gene movement 68
7.7 Gene exchange goes fine-scale 69
7.8 Conclusions 69

8 Rapid evolution of animal mitochondrial DNA 73

Xuhua Xia
8.1 Introduction 73
8.2 Mitochondrial replication, strand bias, and evolutionary rates 74
8.3 The change in genetic code and evolutionary rate 77
8.4 The change in tRNA genes and evolutionary rate 79
8.5 Conclusions 81

9 Rapid evolution of centromeres and centromeric/kinetochore proteins 83

Kevin C. Roach, Benjamin D. Ross, and Harmit S. Malik
9.1 Centromeres in ‘the fast lane’ 83
9.2 Rapidly evolving centromeric histones 83
9.3 Bewildering centromeric DNA complexity and evolution 85
9.4 The ‘centromere paradox’: conflict, not coevolution 87
9.5 Support for the centromere drive model 89
9.6 Taxonomic differences in susceptibility to centromere drive 89
9.7 Rapid evolution of other centromeric proteins 90
9.8 Centromere drive and postzygotic isolation between species 91
9.9 Future directions 91

10 Rapid evolution via chimeric genes 94

Rebekah L. Rogers and Daniel L. Hartl
10.1 Introduction 94
10.2 Mechanisms of formation 94
10.3 Selection 96

10.4 Genomic stability 96

10.5 Function 97
10.6 Non-coding DNA 98
10.7 Future directions 99

11 Evolutionary interactions between sex chromosomes and autosomes 101

Manyuan Long, Maria D. Vibranovski, and Yong E. Zhang
11.1 Introduction 101
11.2 Gene traffic between sex chromosome and autosomes 102
11.2.1 Gene traffic in Drosophila 102
11.2.2 Gene traffic in mammals 103
11.2.3 The cause and consequence of gene traffic 104
11.3 The generality of gene traffic out of the X in the genus Drosophila 105
11.3.1 Gene traffic in Drosophilidae and RNA-based and DNA-based
duplication 105
11.3.2 Independent tests of gene traffic 105
11.4 Mechanisms underlying gene traffic out of the X: the detection of meiotic
sex chromosome inactivation 107
11.4.1 Evolutionary genetic models 107
11.4.2 Molecular mechanistic models 107
11.5 The X-recruitment of young male-biased genes and gene traffic out of the
X chromosome 108
11.5.1 Age-dependence in Drosophila 109
11.5.2 Age-dependence in mammals 110
11.5.3 The slow enrichment of X-linked female genes 110
11.6 Concluding remarks 111

12 Evolutionary signatures in non-coding DNA 115

Dara G. Torgerson and Ryan D. Hernandez
12.1 Introduction 115
12.2 Challenges to studying the evolution of non-coding DNA 116
12.2.1 Identifying functional non-coding DNA 116
12.2.2 Estimating the neutral evolutionary rate 117
12.2.3 Limitations of identifying rapid evolution in non-coding DNA 117
12.3 Patterns of evolution in non-coding DNA 117
12.3.1 Selection in conserved non-coding sequences? 118
12.3.2 Detecting selection in promoters and TFBSs 120
12.3.3 Emerging trends in microRNA binding sites 121
12.3.4 Coding versus non-coding 121
12.4 Future prospects 122

Part III Sex- and Reproduction-Related Genetic Systems

13 Evolution of sperm–egg interaction 127

Melody R. Palmer and Willie J. Swanson
13.1 Introduction 127
13.2 Evolution at each step of sperm–egg interaction 127

13.3 Causes of rapid evolution 130

13.4 Methods to identify interacting proteins 132
13.5 Conclusions 132

14 Rates of sea urchin bindin evolution 136

H. A. Lessios and Kirk S. Zigler
14.1 Introduction 136
14.2 Function and structure of bindin 136
14.3 Rate of bindin evolution 137
14.4 Possible reasons for different evolutionary rates in bindin 139
14.5 Conclusions and future prospects 141

15 Evolution of Drosophila seminal proteins and their networks 144

Alex Wong and Mariana F. Wolfner
15.1 Introduction 144
15.2 Drosophila seminal fluid as a model system for rapidly
evolving proteins 144
15.3 Extensive variation in rates of SFP evolution 147
15.4 Selection on a network? 149
15.5 Conclusions 150

16 Evolutionary genomics of the sperm proteome 153

Timothy L. Karr and Steve Dorus
16.1 Introduction 153
16.2 Characterization of the Drosophila sperm proteome 154
16.3 Molecular evolution of the Drosophila sperm proteome 154
16.4 Evolution of novel Drosophila sperm components 155
16.4.1 Novel genes in the sperm proteome 156
16.4.2 Expansion and diversification of S-LAP gene family 157
16.5 The mouse sperm proteome: intensified selection on sperm membrane
and acrosome genes 157
16.6 Rapid evolution of immunity-related genes in mammalian sperm 160
16.7 Sexual selection and compartmentalized adaptation in reproductive
genetic systems 161
16.8 Future perspectives 162

17 Fast evolution of reproductive genes: when is selection sexual? 165

Alberto Civetta
17.1 Introduction 165
17.2 What has been the role of selection during the evolution of male
reproductive genes? 167
17.3 When is selection sexual? The phylogenetic approach 168
17.4 Testing sexual selection in the era of genomes 168
17.5 The need for association studies and functional assays 171
17.6 Conclusions 172

18 Rapid morphological, behavioral, and ecological evolution in Drosophila:

comparisons between the endemic Hawaiian Drosophila and the
cactophilic repleta species group 176
Patrick M. O’Grady and Therese Ann Markow
18.1 Introduction 176
18.1.1 Ecological adaptations 177
18.1.2 Morphological adaptations 177
18.1.3 Behavioral adaptations 178
18.2 Hawaiian Drosophila radiation 179
18.2.1 Phylogenetic relationships 179
18.2.2 Sexual adaptations to morphology and behavior 179
18.2.3 Ecological adaptations to morphology and behavior 179
18.3 Cactophilic Drosophila radiation in the New World 180
18.3.1 Phylogenetic relationships 180
18.3.2 Rapid evolution of ecological adaptations 180
18.3.3 Rapid evolution of behavioral traits 182
18.4 Conclusions: adaptive radiation versus adaptive infiltration 183

19 Ancient yet fast: rapid evolution of mating genes and mating systems
in fungi 187
Timothy Y. James
19.1 Introduction 187
19.2 Incompatibility systems in fungi 189
19.3 Fungal reproductive proteins show evidence for positive and
balancing selection 190
19.4 Evidence for rapid evolution of fungal incompatibility genes
and systems 193
19.4.1 Sequence evolution 194
19.4.2 Mating systems and loci 194
19.5 Evidence for ancient alleles and mating systems 196
19.6 Conclusions 198

Part IV Pathogens and their Hosts

20 Rapid evolution of innate immune response genes 203

Brian P. Lazzaro and Andrew G. Clark
20.1 The evolution of immunity 203
20.2 Orthology and gene family evolution in antimicrobial immunity 204
20.3 Molecular evolution of the antimicrobial immune system 205
20.4 The evolution of defense against viruses and transposable elements 206
20.5 Concluding remarks 208

21 Rapid evolution of the plague pathogen 211

Ruifu Yang, Yujun Cui, and Dongsheng Zhou
21.1 Introduction 211
21.2 Plasmid acquisition in Y. pestis 212
21.3 The impact of phages on genome structure 213

21.4 Prophages in the Y. pestis genome 213

21.5 CRISPRs diversity and the battle between phage and Y. pestis 214
21.6 Gene acquisition, loss, and inactivation 216
21.7 Rearrangements and copy number variants 217
21.8 Neutral versus adaptive evolution 219
21.9 Conclusions 220

22 Evolution of human erythrocyte-specific genes involved in malaria

susceptibility 223
Wen-Ya Ko, Felicia Gomez, and Sarah A. Tishkoff
22.1 Introduction 223
22.2 Adaptive evolution in erythrocyte-specific genes 224
22.2.1 Genetic variants causing erythrocytic structural, regulatory, or
enzymatic deficiency: candidates for heterozygote advantage 224
22.2.2 Positive selection on erythrocyte-surface receptors 226
22.3 Evolutionary response of the human genome to malaria infection 227
22.3.1 Maintenance of deleterious mutations due to selective
pressure of malaria 227
22.3.2 Effects of population substructure on genetic variation in
malaria-endemic human populations 230
22.3.3 Effects of gene conversion between homologous sequences on
genetic variation at loci associated with malarial susceptibility 232
22.4 Future perspectives 232

Part V From Gene Expression to Development to Speciation

23 The rapid evolution of gene expression 237

Carlo G. Artieri
23.1 Introduction 237
23.2 One genome harbors many transcriptomes 238
23.3 Transcriptome divergence is complex 239
23.4 Factors affecting the rate of evolution of gene expression 240
23.4.1 Spatial heterogeneity 240
23.4.2 Temporal heterogeneity 241
23.5 Beyond comparisons of expression levels 242
23.6 Open questions and future directions 243

24 Rate variation in the evolution of development: a phylogenetic

perspective 246
Artyom Kopp
24.1 Introduction 246
24.2 Examples of rate variation in the evolution of development 247
24.2.1 Same clade, different pathways: evolution of vulval development
in rhabditid nematodes 247
24.2.2 Same pathway, different clades: evolution of sex combs and
pigmentation in Drosophila 248

24.2.3 Same clade, same pathway, different genes: evolution of

embryonic development and sex determination in insects 251
24.3 Technical and conceptual challenges to quantifying the evolution
of development 252
24.4 Future directions: the promise of phylogenetic approaches to the
evolution of development 253

25 Natural hybridization as a catalyst of rapid evolutionary change 256

Michael L. Arnold, Jennafer A.P. Hamlin, Amanda N. Brothers, and
Evangeline S. Ballerini
25.1 Introduction 256
25.2 Adaptive trait introgression: when strange is really good 256
25.2.1 Adaptive trait transfer in Canis: wolves in dogs’ clothing 257
25.2.2 Adaptive trait origin in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: hybrids
make the best wine 258
25.3 Hybrid speciation: when opposites attract 259
25.3.1 Homoploid hybrid speciation: hybrid butterflies (quickly)
change their spots 259
25.3.2 Allopolyploid speciation: Tragopogon hybrid polyploids form
again, and again, and again . . . in less than 100 years . . . 260
25.4 Natural hybridization and adaptive radiations: hybrid speciation
on steroids 261
25.4.1 Hybridization and adaptive radiations of Lake Malawi cichlids:
from hybrid swarm to 800 species, in one lake?! 261
25.4.2 Hybridization and adaptive radiations in Alpine lake whitefish:
Swiss fish diversify after the last big thaw 262
25.4.3 Hybridization and adaptive radiations in Hawaiian silverswords:
allopolyploids in an island paradise 263
25.5 Conclusions and future prospects 264

26 Rapid evolution of pollinator-mediated plant reproductive isolation 266

Annika M. Moe, Wendy L. Clement, and George D. Weiblen
26.1 Plant–insect diversification 266
26.2 Pollination and reproductive isolation 266
26.3 Ficus versus Castilleae 267
26.4 A pollinator-mediated model for fig speciation 269
26.5 Future directions: plant–pollinator interactions and rapid evolution 271

27 Sexual system genomics and speciation 274

Rob J. Kulathinal and Rama S. Singh
27.1 In the beginning: Darwin and Wallace on sexual selection and speciation 274
27.2 The Modern Synthesis and the development of speciation theory 275
27.3 A new paradigm: the genomics of sexual systems and the origin
of species 276
27.3.1 Functional genomics: organization into sexual and
non-sexual systems 277
27.3.2 Higher variation among reproductive systems 277

27.3.3 Strength of sexual selection 278

27.3.4 Sexual systems interaction, coevolution, and rapid change 279
27.3.5 Rapid breakdown of sexual systems in species hybrids 280
27.4 Towards a post-genomics synthesis of speciation 280
27.5 Future prospects: sex as a major force in evolution 281

Index 285
Richard Lewontin

Our understanding of the dynamics of the evo- a cross differing in two simple genetic characters,
lutionary process has long been dominated by a the genes involved have to be on different chro-
simplified picture built by generations of biologists mosomes. So Mendel must have been quite careful
who followed Darwin, a process of the slow and to choose the mutant forms he worked with, and
steady change resulting from the constant accumu- there were, no doubt, some false starts. Nor was
lation of small inherited changes over very long Darwin unaware of cases that did not seem to fit
periods of time. This book, Rapidly Evolving Genes his general theory if evolution by natural selection.
and Genetic Systems, has as its purpose to pro- Indeed, he devoted an entire chapter of The Origin of
mote our understanding of how developing scien- Species to ‘Difficulties of the Theory’ although assur-
tific knowledge of the complexity of the processes ing us that ‘the greater number are only apparent,
of inheritance and development has greatly aug- and those that are real are not, I think, fatal to the
mented what was, for a long time, a standardized theory.’
view based on an overly simple understanding of If we take 1900, with the rediscovery of Mendel’s
those processes. work as the beginning of modern genetics, the
In the ambition to build a new usable theory of mechanistic apparatus of evolutionary genetics and
some important aspect of the natural world, sci- of selection under domestication remained more or
entists have to cope with two disturbing factors. less unchanged for 50 years. R.A. Fisher, Sewall
First, given the heterogeneity of the real world of Wright, J.B.S. Haldane, and their respective schools
the relevant phenomena, the theory that they build of population genetics built a theoretical appara-
must abstract the description of that world, putting tus from a model of large numbers of unlinked
aside as minor deviations certain observed details, Mendelian gene loci. That apparatus was used to
sometimes even to the extent of ignoring well- understand the variation of traits in nature and
known observations. Second, there exist important to design schemes of artificial selection in agricul-
relevant causal mechanisms which, at a particular ture. It is the apparatus that remains to this day
time in the history of the science, have yet to be as the usual skeleton structure for the training of
discovered. future population geneticists and plant and animal
While every student of nature recognizes these breeders. This theoretical structure fits the gen-
limitations, the socially created drive to make gen- eral nature of paleontological theory and observa-
eral theories often leads us to ignore, or at least min- tions that emphasized the slow and steady evolu-
imize, some of the complexities of the real world. tion that was said to characterize the fossil record.
From a literature on experiments in plant breed- But all that began to change in the 1950s and
ing, Mendel was well aware of the usual outcome remains a major activity of genetics to the present
of crossing two strains of plants that differed some- time, with the molecularization of genetics, the dis-
what in height. Plant height, except for the unusual covery of the mobility of genetic elements within
mutant forms like the one used by Mendel, is a the genome, the mechanisms of mobility of DNA
typical example of a continuously varying character sequence information between genomes, and the
and plant breeders of his time were cognizant of the variation in the rules of passage of gene copies from
fact. Moreover, to get a neat 9:3:3:1 ratio in the F2 of one organism to another and from one generation

to another. It is now clear that if we want to under- them, but the possibility of evolving a new niche as
stand evolution both in nature and under domes- the organisms change is itself limited and directed
tication we cannot model genetic evolution simply by the situation in the world external to the organ-
by using the classical models built of simple dis- ism. An organism cannot evolve in a particular
crete Mendelizing factors. So, a work like my own way unless there is the possibility of remaking its
‘The Genetic Basis of Evolutionary Change,’ which niche in a corresponding fashion. But that means
depended entirely on the simple observations of that there are both internal and external factors that
allelic variation within populations, is incomplete limit and, in part, determine the rate of evolution
in the program implied in its title. of a species. Given that complex dependence there
It is not only the extraordinary complexity of is no reason to expect that evolutionary rates will
the underlying genetic basis of evolution that has be constant over time for any particular phyletic
changed our understanding of evolution. We must line. What S.J. Gould labeled ‘punctuated evolu-
also rid ourselves of the classical notion of a causal tion’ is not a simple start and stop process in which,
division between organisms and the environments for a long time, nothing at all happens and then
which they ‘inhabit.’ We have inherited a notion of suddenly there is a burst of evolutionary change.
a distinction between an organism and the ‘ecolog- As recognized by G.G. Simpson in his ‘Tempo and
ical niche’ into which it ‘fits.’ Organisms do not ‘fit’ Mode in Evolution,’ differential rates of change
into preexistent niches. They construct their niches within any evolutionary line and differences in rate
by their life activities. Of the infinity of ways we between related branches of an evolutionary ‘tree’
can describe combinations of physical and biotic are a universal feature of all evolution, but evolu-
factors, only those corresponding the actual ways tion never stops until the inevitable extinction of
that organisms make a living are realized niches. every particular branch and, finally, the inevitable
As organisms evolve, so their niches evolve with extinction of life on Earth.

Evolution’s tempo and mode shapes our under- 27 chapters is that while the rate of evolution
standing of life’s fundamental processes and sys- can vary significantly, rapid changes are commonly
tems. From early discussions between Charles observed. Furthermore, they play extremely impor-
Darwin and Alfred Wallace about the pace of tant roles in adaptation, speciation, and the gener-
species change to present-day concerns about the ation and maintenance of a diversity of biological
transmission of drug-resistant superbugs, biologists traits and properties.
have tried to characterize the evolutionary dynam- The aim of this book is to not only provide case
ics of genetic systems. A range of theories on studies that exemplify rapid evolution but to also
rates of evolution—from static to gradual to punc- showcase the diversity of rapidly evolving genes
tuated to quantum—have mostly been drawn by and genetic systems. Together, these chapters shed
comparing morphological changes over geological light on the rapid rate of evolution at the genetic,
timescales as described in the fossil record. How- genomic, and phenotypic levels that span a diver-
ever, new paleontological, experimental, molecular, sity of timescales: from a few days in laboratory
and genomic investigations have injected a tremen- experimental populations to tens of millions of
dous amount of new data, fresh perspectives, and years on geological timescales. While rates of evolu-
excitement, offering valuable insights on the rates tionary change have been treated in various books
of evolutionary change, particularly in those fast and chapters in the post-Modern Synthesis era, to
evolving genetic systems. the best of our knowledge this is the first book of
This book attempts to capture these recent excit- its kind in terms of its comprehensive coverage,
ing developments by bringing together informa- breadth of genetic mechanisms, and relevant evo-
tion from morphological, molecular, cellular, devel- lutionary processes and case histories. We believe
opmental, and genetic investigations of both nat- that this book is timely and we hope it will con-
ural and experimental populations across a diver- tinue to evolve as more and more data and theory
sity of life forms. An emerging theme among the gather.

Rama S. Singh
Jianping Xu
Rob J. Kulathinal
List of Contributors

Mihai Albu, Banting and Best Department of Medi- Felicia Gomez, Department of Genetics and Biology,
cal Research, University of Toronto, Canada School of Medicine and School of Arts and Sci- ences, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
Michael L. Arnold, Department of Genetics, Fred PA, USA; and Department of Anthropology, Cen-
C. Davison Life Sciences Complex, University of ter for the Advanced Study of Hominid Paleobi-
Georgia, Athens, GA, USA ology, The George Washington University, Wash- ington, DC, USA
Carlo G. Artieri, Department of Biology, Stanford
University, Stanford, CA, USA Wilfried Haerty, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Evangeline S. Ballerini, Department of Genetics, Fred
C. Davison Life Sciences Complex, University of Jennafer A.P. Hamlin, Department of Genetics, Fred
Georgia, Athens, GA, USA C. Davison Life Sciences Complex, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA
Amanda N. Brothers, Department of Genetics, Fred
C. Davison Life Sciences Complex, University of Weilong Hao, Department of Biological Sciences,
Georgia, Athens, GA, USA Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA
Daniel L. Hartl, Department of Organismic and
Alberto Civetta, Department of Biology, University
Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University, Cam-
of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
bridge, MA, USA
Andrew G. Clark, Department of Molecular Biology
Ryan D. Hernandez, Department of Bioengineering
and Genetics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA
and Therapeutic Sciences, University of Califor-
nia San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA
Wendy L. Clement, Department of Ecology and Evo-
lutionary Biology, Yale University, New Haven,
Donal A. Hickey, Department of Biology, Concordia
University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Yujun Cui, Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epi- Timothy Y. James, Department of Ecology and Evo-
demiology, Beijing, China lutionary Biology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Steve Dorus, Department of Biology and Biochem-
istry, University of Bath, Bath, UK Timothy L. Karr, Center for Infectious Diseases and Center for Vaccinology and Evolutionary
G. Brian Golding, Biology Department, McMaster Medicine and Informatics, Biodesign Institute,
University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA
xviii L I S T O F C O N T R I B U TO R S

Amir R. Kermany, Department of Human Genetics, Kevin C. Roach, Department of Genome Sci-
The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA ences, University of Washington and Division of Basic Sciences, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research
Wen-Ya Ko, Department of Genetics and Biology, Center, Seattle, WA, USA
School of Medicine and School of Arts and Sci-
ences, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Rebekah L. Rogers, Department of Ecology and Evo-
PA, USA lutionary Biology, University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA
Artyom Kopp, Department of Evolution and Ecol-
ogy, University of California Davis, Davis, CA, Benjamin D. Ross, Molecular and Cellular Biology
USA Program, University of Washington and Division of Basic Sciences, Fred Hutchinson
Rob J. Kulathinal, Department of Biology, Temple Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA,
University, Philadelphia, PA, USA USA
Seiji Kumagai, Department of Biology, Duke Univer- Rama S. Singh, Biology Department, McMaster Uni-
sity, Durham, NC, USA versity, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Brian P. Lazzaro, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA Willie J. Swanson, Department of Genome Sci- ences, University of Washington, Seattle, WA,
H.A. Lessios, Smithsonian Tropical Research Insti- USA
tute, Balboa, Panama Sarah A. Tishkoff, Department of Genetics and Biol-
Manyuan Long, Department of Ecology and Evolu- ogy, School of Medicine, School of Arts and Sci-
tion, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA ences, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Harmit S. Malik, Division of Basic Sciences and
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Fred Hutchin- Dara G. Torgerson, Department of Medicine, Univer-
son Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA, USA sity of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA
Therese Ann Markow, Section of Cell and Devel-
opmental Biology, University of California San Marcy K. Uyenoyama, Department of Biology, Duke
Diego, San Diego, CA, USA University, Durham, NC, USA
Annika M. Moe, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, Maria D. Vibranovski, Department of Ecology and
USA Evolution, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA
Patrick M. O’Grady, Department of Environmental
Science, Policy and Management, University of George D. Weiblen, University of Minnesota, St Paul,
California, Berkeley, CA, USA MN, USA
Sarah P. Otto, Department of Zoology & Biodiversity Mariana F. Wolfner, Department of Molecular Biol-
Research Centre, University of British Columbia, ogy and Genetics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY,
Vancouver, Canada USA
Melody R. Palmer, Department of Genome Sciences, Alex Wong, Department of Biology, Carleton Univer-
University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA sity, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
L I S T O F C O N T R I B U TO R S xix

Xuhua Xia, Department of Biology, University of Yong E. Zhang, Department of Ecology and Evolu-
Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada tion, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA
Jianping Xu, Biology Department, McMaster Univer- Dongsheng Zhou, Beijing Institute of Microbiology
sity, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada and Epidemiology, Fengtai, Beijing, China
Ruifu Yang, Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Kirk S. Zigler, Biology Department, Sewanee: The
Epidemiology, Fengtai, Beijing, China University of the South, Sewanee, TN, USA
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Rama S. Singh, Jianping Xu, and Rob J. Kulathinal

tion; but with the knowledge we now possess of the

1.1 A gradualist history
great amount and range of individual variation, there
Our knowledge of evolutionary rates is as old seems no difficulty in an amount of change, quite
as evolutionary theory itself. Gradualism—or slow equivalent to that which usually distinguishes allied
and steady change—has been one of the most species, sometimes taking place in less than a century,
important defining characteristics of the theory of should any rapid change of conditions necessitate an
equally rapid adaptation (Wallace 1889, p. 125).
evolution since its inception (Darwin 1859). Along
with variation and adaptation, gradual evolution Even Thomas Huxley, a strong advocate of Dar-
quickly became integrated into evolutionary theory win’s new theory, warned Darwin about his insis-
for a variety of reasons. First, we hardly observe tence on gradual evolution when he wrote ‘you
discernable evolutionary changes during our own have loaded yourself with an unnecessary difficulty
lifetimes and we do not expect to since the environ- in adopting natura non facit saltum so unreservedly’
ment, while fluctuating wildly back and forth, does (quoted in Gould 2002, p. 151).
not appear to change in any net (i.e. predictable) In the early years of the 20th century, gradual-
direction in any significant way. Second, evolution- ism found its way into the mechanistic underpin-
ary change requires excess death (of less fit indi- nings of evolutionary models, thus making the bold
viduals) and/or excess fertility. While some species leap from phenotypes to their underlying geno-
possess high fertility and hence can afford strong types. Ronald Fisher provided theoretical support
selection on short timescales, it is not true for all for gradual evolution on the basis that micromu-
organisms, especially those with low reproductive tations would allow evolutionary changes to occur
rates, high parental investments, and/or small pop- smoothly without destroying existing adaptations
ulation sizes such as those found in many large through major mutations (Fisher 1918). Much of
mammals. Third, the immensity of the evolution- this was a response to the saltationist mutational
ary timescale as perceived from the geological and theories of Hugo DeVries and William Bateson at
fossil records seemed in favor of slow and con- the beginning of the century and later espoused
stant evolutionary change. Finally, some argue that by Richard Goldschmidt (1940). Early population
Darwin promoted the idea of gradual evolution in geneticists built on a paradigm of small gradual
order to make the theory more palatable to a con- change and evolution by micromutations and this
servative Victorian society that believed in social paradigm has become the cornerstone of popula-
stability and had little room for fluctuations of any tion genetics theory (Fisher 1930; Wright 1931; Hal-
kind—revolutionary, evolutionary, or otherwise. dane 1932; Mayr and Provine 1980).
Although this paradigm of slow and steady However, there remained an obvious gap bet-
change became generally accepted, an active debate ween the continuous microevolutionary patterns
on rates prevailed after Darwin’s Origins. Alfred found in population genetic models and the
Russell Wallace wrote: episodic macroevolutionary patterns observed in
systematics and paleontology. The Modern Evolu-
Mr. Darwin was rather inclined to exaggerate the tionary Synthesis attempted to fill this void by inte-
necessary slowness of the action of natural selec- grating population genetic theory with systematics

Rapidly Evolving Genes and Genetic Systems. First Edition. Edited by Rama S. Singh, Jianping Xu, and Rob J. Kulathinal.
© 2012 Oxford University Press. Published 2012 by Oxford University Press.

and paleontological views (Dobzhansky 1937/1951; the null model, it would be impossible to evalu-
Simpson 1944). Using gradualist mechanisms of ate whether an allele is directly under selection, is
microevolutionary change, it became possible to being hitch-hiked, or has low functional constraints.
explain the discontinuities found in the fossil Finally, neutral theory showed that, even in the
record. Thus, within this framework, gradualism face of adaptive evolution, much existing genetic
conforms, on one hand, to the immensity of the variation can remain standing because of neutral
geological timescale and, on the other hand, to the fitness effects, and such mutations can drift to fix-
imperceptible changes in the environment requir- ation over time. Together, these three contributions
ing adaptive modifications. Under this model and made us realize, for the first time, that while popu-
in the short term, most changes in nature would be lations may be under selective pressures (stabilizing
of a stabilizing nature and the changes in the envi- or directional) on a regular basis, this does not nec-
ronment, biotic or abiotic, would generally be of a essarily mean that surviving organisms are geneti-
very slow and gradual nature. Thus, evolutionary cally optimized. It also reinforced the idea that rates
rates were seen in concordance with the geological of change—whether slow, moderate, or fast—are a
timescale. constant force of nature and provide a seemingly
In addition, population genetic theory suggested linear rate of evolution over long periods of time.
that most lineages might not be able to sustain
rapid evolution for long, continuous periods of
1.2 Mechanisms of rapid and episodic
time. Sooner or later, the lack of adequate genetic
variation and/or the lack of opportunity would
eventually slow the pace of change. Over longer Yet, this tradition of evolutionary regularity does
periods of time, evolutionary rates would likely not mean that all evolutionary biologists have
average out to increasingly slower rates. Therefore, always accepted gradual evolution as dogma. In
it is expected that any rapid evolution will be of an fact, far from it. Debates of one kind or another
intermittent nature—few and far between geologic and arguments have been made in support of rapid,
time points, much like Gould’s punctuated equilib- and often episodic, modes of evolutionary change.
rium (see Section 1.3)—and, therefore, in terms of These arguments have been largely based on non-
overall long-term evolution, the law of diminishing equilibrium situations such as changes in the neu-
average returns will prevail. Thus, gradual evolu- tral landscape, sudden demographic shifts in pop-
tion would appear to be a geologic reality. ulations, and adaptive radiations. In the following
Gradualism found its greatest ally in the grand sections, we highlight representative mechanisms
neutral theory of molecular evolution, formalized in which non-gradual, and in particular, rapid evo-
during the latter part of the last century. Motoo lution, occurs from molecular to population level
Kimura’s neutral theory (1968) posits the regular- perspectives.
ity of evolutionary change, observed previously in
proteins by biochemists such as Emile Zuckerkandl
1.2.1 Unconstrained neutral space
and Linus Pauling (1962) and Emanuel Margoliash
(1963), as the basic product of fixed substitutions Marathon runners dream of running free, unen-
on neutral mutations. Neutral theory made three cumbered by other runners or by any other factors.
important contributions. First, and most impor- At the start, their pace may be constrained due to an
tantly to this discussion, neutral theory suggested abundance of fellow runners, but soon the crowds
a clock-like mechanism of evolutionary change at thin out and they run in relative autonomy. Neutral
the molecular level. Using this clock, neutral the- mutations are like marathon runners—their evolu-
ory offers us the ability to infer historical patterns tion may also be constrained at the start line due to
and estimate rates of molecular evolution on vary- neighboring mutations that are armed with selec-
ing timescales across a range of genes and species. tive advantages or disadvantages. However, they
Second, it provided a null hypothesis to measure may ultimately evolve at rates free of constraint
selection and adaptation at the gene level. Without and that are solely governed by neutral mutation

rates (Kimura 1968). Depending on the degree of degenerate quickly and are often rapidly removed
functional constraints, different genes or genetic from the genomes (Hao and Golding 2006). Differ-
elements will also evolve at different rates. Third ent from genetic exchanges in sexual eukaryotes,
codon positions, intergenic regions, gene duplica- horizontal gene transfer is generally localized to a
tions, multigene families, satellite DNA, and pseu- small genomic region, and does not involve whole
dogenes are examples of genetic elements that genome shuffling typical of sexual recombination in
evolve at faster rates due to lower selective con- eukaryotes.
straints (Kreitman 1983; Lynch 2007).
Yet a model of strict neutrality does not fit most
1.2.3 Developmental macromutations
genetic data. For example, Gillespie (1984) observed
that molecular evolution generally did not follow Developmental biology, more often than not, has
a Poisson model of constant rate change. He used been at odds with population genetics particularly
the term ‘episodic clock’ to directly contrast its during their early histories. The most famous exam-
behavior to the regularity of the molecular clock, ple is that of Richard Goldschmidt who proposed
as originally proposed by Kimura (1968). Context- the idea of rate genes, i.e. genes controlling molec-
dependent fitness effects offer a mechanism to ular and physiological steps, which he envisioned
explain how molecules, which are usually evolv- could accelerate rates of evolution. In simple terms,
ing neutrally, can possess different evolutionary rate genes were macromutations with the capacity
rates over time. In particular, landscape models that to make major phenotypic changes (Goldschmidt
were originally developed by Sewall Wright have 1940). As a first-rate experimental biologist who
recently begun to be used to incorporate the role of studied variation and evolution in moths, Gold-
epistasis in the evolution of proteins (e.g. Kulathi- schmidt accepted microevolution within species.
nal et al. 2004; Weinreich et al. 2006), providing a However, he did not believe that microevolu-
mechanism to rapidly change the pace of evolution. tion gave rise, or was the natural precursor, to
macroevolution, i.e. speciation. As a result, he sup-
ported the role of macromutations in speciation. It is
1.2.2 Horizontal gene transfer
important to note that the argument has never been
In complex eukaryotes, mating and sexual repro- whether macromutations can create rapid change
duction between individuals of the same species is but whether such mutations play a major role in
a common feature of reproduction. This mode of long-term evolution (Singh 2003). The argument,
reproduction allows genetic exchange and recom- however, has been more about the mode rather
bination to take place but also at the same time than the tempo of evolution. The occasional role of
provides a means to safeguard the genome integri- macromutations, especially in a new environment,
ties of populations and species from invasions by has been an accepted component of modern popu-
foreign genetic elements. However, such a mecha- lation genetics theory (Wright 1982).
nism is not present in prokaryotes. Instead, genetic The field of evolutionary developmental biology
exchange can occur among distantly related organ- (‘evo-devo’) has provided many examples of such
isms through transformation, transduction, and large evolutionary jumps caused by mutations in
conjugation. Indeed, genomic sequence analyses of developmental genes, gene clusters, and sometimes
bacteria and archaea over the last decade have even whole genomes (e.g. genome duplication and
shown that horizontal gene transfer is a major force polyploidization events). These events can place
in shaping prokaryotic genome size, and gene con- these individuals at a selective advantage resulting
tent, and plays an important role in the adapta- in saltational leaps in both genotype and pheno-
tion and long-term survival of these organisms. type.
Horizontal gene transfer allows for the fast acqui-
sition of novel genes: if these genes enhance the
1.2.4 Evolution by gene regulation
host cell’s survival and reproduction, they will be
retained by the host genome. However, if the newly Changes in gene regulation—the variation in
acquired genetic elements are not beneficial, they amount and time of gene expression, and in tis-

sue distribution—have always been seen as a faster. And if faster, these rates can accelerate
source of rapid phenotypic change. A landmark extremely rapidly. For example, the generation and
study by Mary-Claire King and Allan Wilson maintenance of disease resistance and immune-
(King and Wilson 1975) based on comparative response genes in humans are direct reflections of
molecular studies of genetic differences between the hosts’ responses to the diversity of infectious
humans and chimpanzees, highlighted the impor- agents. Similarly, interactions between predators
tance of gene regulation evolution in species and prey (e.g. Brodie et al. 2002) and between polli-
differences. King and Wilson observed that the nators and flowering plants (Farrell 1998) have been
level of protein electrophoretic divergence between hypothesized as the main mechanism responsible
humans and chimps was no greater than that for the rapid evolution of genes and genetic systems
found between indistinguishable sibling species of in such biological communities.
Drosophila. However, based on their results, what
they proposed was truly shocking at that time: that
1.2.6 Sexual selection and sexual arms races
humans and chimpanzees diverged from a common
ancestor 5–7 million years ago (mya), and not 30 Secondary sexual traits provide some of the most
mya, as was commonly believed at the time based spectacular displays of diversity, especially in birds,
on anthropological studies. How can humans and insects, and mammals (Andersson 1994). Darwin
chimps be so different, yet share a very recent com- proposed his sexual selection theory to explain the
mon ancestor? Thus, the great debate on evolution evolution of secondary sexual traits. These traits
by gene regulation began. are more common in males and are often exagger-
Gene regulatory changes have the potential to ated in appearance and look maladaptive from a
make rapid phenotypic changes but only if the survival point of view. Darwin surmised that the
organism-environment circumstances allow for it to evolution of these traits is driven by mate choice
happen. For example, it is generally believed that as females use these traits as a basis for choos-
the hominid lineage has evolved faster in cognitive, ing mates. As demonstrated by Fisher’s ‘runaway
behavioral, and social characters but it is not evi- selection’ model of sexual selection (Fisher 1930),
dent if gene regulation has played a greater role. secondary sexual traits, including genes affecting
Considering that the supply of extant genetic vari- secondary sexual traits in the male and choosi-
ation is a universal feature of all sexually repro- ness in females, are expected to evolve at faster
ducing organisms, a relatively rapid rate of evolu- rates: the mutual reinforcement between increasing
tion can be sustained by changes in gene regulation female choice and male traits can lead to a cycle
as well (Hoekstra and Coyne 2007). Nevertheless, of accelerated evolution of secondary sexual traits
rapid gene-regulation-driven evolution, especially in males and rapid speciation (Fisher 1930; Lande
through cis-acting elements, has been taken as not 1981).
just a possibility, but the norm, by some authors Other sexual selection mechanisms also incorpo-
(e.g. Carroll 2005). rate rapid evolution into their models. Although
female choice is primarily female-driven, we can
imagine the two sexes interacting in many ways to
1.2.5 Coevolutionary forces
increase their own fitness by what is now called
Aside from abiotic factors, biotic factors such as the a sexual arms race (Arnqvist and Rowe 2005; Rice
activities of other species can exert significant influ- 1996). Sexual arms races can quickly lead to the
ence on rates of evolution. The influence is stronger rapid evolution of traits associated with sex and
if the organisms are more closely linked to each reproduction. Such arms races resemble predator–
other in their respective life cycles. This is precisely prey or host–parasite models except that in the case
what occurs in coevolution involving interacting of the former, the effects of response and its counter
partners such as host–parasite, predator–prey, and response is felt by traits affecting sex and reproduc-
pollinator–plants. In coupled systems such as these, tion of interacting partners within the same species.
rates of evolution can, in principle, be slower or Sexual selection has been a driving force in the

evolution of sex- and reproduction-related genes in of evolution and in levels of diversity among dif-
general (Civetta and Singh 1998) and mating system ferent taxonomic groups. Niche expansion, or the
and egg–sperm fertilization proteins in particular availability of new niches, has the potential to initi-
(Swanson and Vacquier 1998). ate rapid evolution. For example, Gaylord Simpson
(1949) described the relatively rapid evolution of
mammals after the demise of the dinosaurs: within
1.2.7 Population demography and genetic
a span of just 60 million years, a remarkable diver-
sity of mammals evolved. Other recent examples of
Major demographic and geographical shifts in pop- adaptive radiations include anole lizards, cichlids,
ulations can also lead to very rapid, and episodic, and the Hawaiian Drosophila.
evolutionary change. Peripatric speciation (Mayr Since Darwinian evolution is usually taken to
1954) is a popular extension of the allopatric mean both adaptive and gradual, do radiations
model of speciation, involving smaller subpop- such as the ones listed here fit Darwin’s notion
ulations located at the periphery of its species’ of gradualism? Non-gradual or rapid evolution
distribution. The combination of small popula- is not necessarily anti-Darwinian. The nature of
tion size and more extreme environmental varia- genetic variation in combination with various evo-
tion makes rapid genetic changes more likely in lutionary forces has the potential to produce grad-
what Mayr called speciation by genetic revolu- ual or non-gradual response. Biologists expound-
tion (Mayr 1963). A variation on the same theme ing rapid evolution have historically raised an eye-
was proposed by Hampton Carson when studying brow or two among their peers. However, they have
Hawaiian Drosophila (Carson 1971). For their size traditionally been focusing on the role of either
and age (molecular evidence demonstrates that the unusual genetic variation (such as macromutations)
Hawaiian Drosophila lineage is quite old), Hawai- or dramatic demographic shifts. Niche expansion-
ian Islands have a disproportionately high num- associated rapid evolution works fully within the
ber of Drosophila species that are morphologically framework of Darwinian evolution. In fact, one
and behaviorally very diverse. Geologic evidence of Darwin’s favorite evolutionary examples is the
reveals that the Hawaiian Islands form a chain rapid radiation of finches found on different island
of islands of which the newest ones have arisen habitats in the Galapagos (Grant 1999).
through the most recent volcanic eruptions, giv-
ing rise to opportunities for new species, while
1.3 Punctuated equilibrium within
the oldest ones are re-submerged. The founder-
a microevolution framework
effect speciation model was proposed to fit the
observation of rapid and diversified speciation in As shown earlier, a wide range of mechanisms,
Hawaiian Drosophila. Carson (1971) extended the from molecular to population and community, can
founder-effect speciation model to involve popu- generate rapid episodic rates of change. All these
lations going through repeated rounds of increase mechanisms fit within a population genetics frame-
(flush) and decrease (crash) in size giving rise to work that can be explained by mutation, selec-
rapid evolution. Carson envisioned these popula- tion, drift, and gene flow. In contrast, paleontol-
tion cycles as a result of volcanic eruptions and ogy examines the changes in fauna and flora as
decimation of populations followed again by expo- well as their anatomical and morphological fea-
nential population growth between eruptions with tures through the geological record. The remark-
dramatic effects on the constancy of evolutionary able breadth and depth of fossil record evidence
rates. have provided some of the most direct support
for the theory of evolution. With respect to mech-
anisms of evolution, paleontology has tradition-
1.2.8 Adaptive radiation
ally dealt with macroevolution while population
For decades, evolutionary biologists have been genetics stays within the domain of microevolu-
describing the widespread variation found in rates tion. The combinations of the two fields were essen-

tial in forging the ‘Modern Synthesis’ in the 1940s the two views connected and interchanged them
(Simpson 1944). However, these same two fields back and forth. Gould treated species as individuals
have often shown divergent views on the mech- with a propensity to speciate—a characteristic that
anisms of macroevolution. Stephen J. Gould and could not be reduced to the characteristics of the
Nile Eldredge’s punctuated evolution is a promi- comprising individual organisms and thus not to be
nent case in point (Gould and Eldredge 1977). explained by natural selection. In fact, Gould went
There are many instances of the fossil series so far as to initially maintain that all significant evo-
where geological records provide distinct and lutionary changes occur during speciation (Gould
unequivocal evidence of non-gradual evolution, i.e. 1982) but later relented. As seen in the previous
long periods of stasis followed by brief bursts of sections (1.2.1–1.2.8), it is now clear that there are
diversity and speciation. For example, new species ample microevolutionary mechanisms that could
often appear suddenly in the fossil record. While it generate such extreme patterns of variable evolu-
has been argued that such findings are fortuitous, tionary rate.
e.g. that these new species may have originated
elsewhere and migrated to the fossilized locale, the
1.4 Tempo, mode, and the genomic
idea that speciation can occur through physiolog-
ical and behavioral changes, with morphological
differentiation following later, did not hold ground In Tempo and Mode in Evolution, Gaylord Simpson
against Gould’s persistent and eloquent arguments (1944) promoted the Modern Evolutionary Synthe-
to the contrary. Since large populations are more sis by interconnecting the disparate fields of genet-
likely to leave fossils than small populations, Gould ics, systematics, and paleontology within a gradu-
appealed to Mayr’s peripatric model of speciation. alist framework. Since then, researchers have been
This appeal was later extended to sympatric models finding more and more examples of non-gradual
of speciation, to Goldschmidt’s rate genes, and to change, as either an episodic phase or a rapid and
any theory that would make speciation go faster. continual process in a species’ evolutionary trajec-
While peripatric speciation fully fits in the realms tory. All known cases of rapid evolution, whether
of population genetics theory, as time went on, in the wild or in the lab, are directly or indirectly
Gould became more convinced that the rapid rate associated with high selective pressure or sudden
of speciation was the property of the speciating lin- changes in the direction of selection. For exam-
eage itself rather than the property of the speciation ple, the high diversity of Hawaiian Drosophila and
process. island fauna and flora in general are associated
A careful reading of Gould’s writing on punctu- with geographic isolation, environmental variation,
ated speciation reveals that he was using the term, and population dynamics. The spectacular diver-
speciation, in a geological sense and not in a popu- sity of cultivated plants and animals during the
lation genetics sense. Based on fossil records, Gould last few thousand years is the result of not new
suggested that the punctuation or evolutionary genetic variation but strong man-made selection
burst period accounted for only about 1–2 % of the pressure. The famous long-term University of Illi-
length of the stasis period, implying a punctuation nois selection experiment for increased oil content
period of about 1–2 million years (my) in a lineage in corn from 4% to nearly 20% over 90 genera-
undergoing a stasis period of ∼100 my. In popula- tions is a classic case of selection and human-driven
tion genetics terms, 1–2 my is an exceedingly long rapid change (Dudley and Lambert 1992). More
time for gradual evolution, even though it repre- recent cases of very rapid evolution include sexual
sents a very short time on the geological scale. One selection-driven changes in color spots in male gup-
would think that there shouldn’t be a disagreement pies within months (Endler 1986), the evolution of
between geologically-inspired punctuated specia- new carbon sources in bacteria (Lenski and Trav-
tion and gradual speciation in population genetics isano 1994), the domestication of silver foxes within
(for a discussion, see Jagdeeshan et al. 2011) but 35 generations (Trut 1999), and the evolution of
Gould, looking for a mechanistic explanation, kept diet (from insectivore to herbivore) and associated

changes in head shape and muscles in the lizard, lineages can evolve faster or slower than the aver-
Podarcis sicula, on two Adriatic islands off the coast age rates.
of Croatia within a span of a mere 30 years (Herrel During much of the last 150 years, evolution-
et al. 2008). ary biology has preoccupied itself with the study
The field of evolutionary biology has also of phenotypic evolution. Such studies have greatly
expanded in tools, resources, and scope, and we enriched our perception and appreciation of organ-
now can readily evaluate the tempo and mode of ismal diversity from molecules to humans. Now,
molecular evolution at the genomic level, and to the arrival of the genomics era promises not only
relate it to the tempo and mode observed at the to unravel the structure of molecular machinery,
phenotypic level. The super-exponential increase but also to provide us with an unprecedented
of genomic information has propelled the field knowledge of the rates and limits of evolutionary
into exciting new domains. Evolutionary genomics change. Such knowledge would be needed as we
allows large-scale comparisons of sequence and embark on manipulating genomes for food, medic-
gene expression changes in both closely and widely inal, and commercial purposes. Just as comparative
separated taxa and thus provides relevant data genomics has helped settle the debate between neu-
for comparing rates of evolution between dif- tralist and adaptationist views of molecular vari-
ferent genetic elements as well as in different ation by supplying evidence that supports both
evolutionary lineages over any desired length of views (Kimura 1983; Kreitman 1983; Andolfatto
time. In a very short period of time, evolution- 2005), functional and developmental genomics will
ary genomics has revised our view of almost all progressively reveal the diverse rates of evolution,
aspects of genetic variation: the nature of point unravel the complex relationships between geno-
mutation, nucleotide repetition, insertion-deletions, types and phenotypes (Lewontin 1974; Artieri et al.
copy number polymorphism and gene duplication, 2009; Artieri and Singh 2010) and provide the mate-
retrotransposition, gene families, and structural and rial basis for understanding the tempo and mode of
functional redundancies (Lynch 2007). The rate of both molecular and phenotypic evolution.
progress in sequencing technologies and down-
stream informatics is indeed breathtaking. Com-
parative genomics is allowing researchers to study
1.5 ‘Rapidly evolving genes and genetic
rates of evolution from single nucleotides to whole
systems’: a brief overview
genomes and is thus providing in-depth views on The objective of this book is to provide an advan-
how the various components of the genome have ced, comprehensive, and topical overview of evo-
changed over time. lutionary rates in biological systems by drawing
In microorganisms, unique genetic mechanisms upon evidence for the rapid evolution of genes
(e.g. horizontal gene transfer) and/or rapid changes and genetic systems from diverse perspectives. The
in the environment, such as the use of antibi- 27 chapters, together, describe a fantastic array of
otics, provides opportunities for rapid change. In rapidly evolving systems: from individual pheno-
prokaryotes, rapid changes as seen in eukaryotic types to sets of related traits and developmental
sexual system genes and immune response genes pathways; from natural populations to experimen-
are more likely due to responses to changes in tal evolutionary studies; from bacteria to fungi;
the environment as has likely been the case in the from plants to animals; from simple genetic ele-
Hawaiian Drosophila and the cichlids of Lake Victo- ments to a complex of species. These chapters are
ria. Common sense dictates that in the long term, placed into the following five parts.
genetic and phenotypic evolution would necessar- The first part, ‘From Theory to Experiment’, con-
ily be coupled and the law of gradualism would tains four chapters and provides readers with a the-
apply as a result of a rolling average of rates. How- oretical, and experimental foundation on the rate
ever, in the short term, evolutionarily speaking, and of evolution. Otto introduces the concept in Chap-
in different organisms and at different times, this ter 2 from a historical and theory-driven perspec-
need not be the case: different genetic elements and tive. In Chapter 3, Albu et al. model the effects of

recombination on the rate of selective change while Dorus (Chapter 16), Civetta’s essay on natural
Kumagai and Uyenoyama, in Chapter 4, explore selection versus sexual selection of reproductive
how sex-specific hybrid incompatibilities can drive systems (Chapter 17), O’Grady and Markow’s
the distribution of evolutionary rates across the chapter on behavioral traits involved in mating
genome. Xu (Chapter 5) provides a review of and host use (Chapter 18) and, finally, fungal
the experimental evolution field. Together, this mating systems and mating type genes by James
first part shows how such parameters as popula- (Chapter 19).
tion size, recombination, and intensity of selection, The fourth part, ‘Pathogens and their Hosts’, con-
impact the rate of evolution for a variety of geno- tains three chapters that highlight the evolution of
typic and phenotypic traits in natural, experimen- pathogens and the impacts of pathogen genomic
tal, and in silico biological systems. changes on their hosts, from Drosophila to humans.
The second part, ‘Rapidly Evolving Genetic Ele- Lazzaro and Clark (Chapter 20) provide a review of
ments’, contains seven chapters that showcase the evolution of the Drosophila innate immunity sys-
a variety of genetic and genomic examples for tem. Yang et al. (Chapter 21) focus on the rapid evo-
variable and often rapid rates of DNA sequence lution of the human plague pathogen, Yersinia pestis.
change. Chapter 6 by Haerty and Golding, focuses Lastly, an excellent example of how the human
on the rapid evolution of a specific category of genome responds to the evolution of the malaria
coding sequences, the low complexity sequences, parasite is covered by Ko et al. (Chapter 22).
and amino acid repeat regions. Hao (Chapter 7) The fifth and final part, ‘From Gene Expression to
describes the ubiquitous signature of horizontal Development to Speciation’ comprises five chapters
gene transfer in bacteria and how these trans- that highlight above species-level consequences of
fers impact bacterial genome evolution, including rapidly evolving processes. Artieri (Chapter 23) dis-
those related to virulence properties. Xia (Chap- cusses the rapid changes in gene expression across
ter 8) describes the patterns of animal mitochon- closely related species and focuses on the roles that
drial genome evolution and discusses the mech- these changes often bring to dramatic phenotypic
anisms for its rapid evolution. Roach et al. high- divergence between these species. Kopp (Chapter
light the rapid evolution of centromere and cen- 24) utilizes an evo-devo approach to understand-
tromeric/kinetochores in Chapter 9. Rogers and ing the consequences of rapidly evolving genes.
Hartl (Chapter 10) discuss the rapid origin and evo- Arnold et al. (Chapter 25) and Moe et al. (Chapter
lution of novel genes and gene functions through 26) explore how, respectively, species hybridization
the formation of chimeric genes. In Chapter 11, and coevolutionary processes, can drive the rapid
Long et al. highlight the interactions between sex evolution of traits and lineages. Finally, Kulathinal
chromosomes and autosomes. Torgerson and Her- and Singh (Chapter 27) provide a synthesis in speci-
nandez discuss, in the last chapter of this part, the ation theory, based on the consequences of rapidly
general patterns of non-coding DNA sequence vari- evolving reproductive genetic systems.
ation, with a special focus on the human genome
(Chapter 12).
1.6 Future prospects
The third part, ‘Sex- and Reproduction-Related
Genetic Systems’, presents seven chapters Exciting new developments in evolutionary
highlighting the rapid evolution of sex and research are providing an opportunity to study
reproduction-related genes. The chapter topics genetic systems in unprecedented detail with the
include Palmer and Swanson’s review on promise of learning not only about genic rates
sperm–egg interactions (Chapter 13), Lessios and of evolution but about the mechanisms as well.
Zigler’s analysis of evolutionary rates in the sea A comprehensive understanding of evolutionary
urchin bindin protein (Chapter 14), fast evolving rates across lineages would allow us, for the first
Drosophila seminal proteins and their networks time, to infer from rates of genic changes, the
by Wong and Wolfner (Chapter 15), the evolution rates of environmental changes—both abiotic and
of the sperm proteome in Drosophila by Karr and biotic—that have generated the diversity of life

on our planet. While a post-genomic synthesis Gould, S.J. (1982) Darwinism and the expansion of evolu-
awaits us, the exceptional chapters in this book, tionary theory. Science 216: 380–7.
together, provide an exciting step to understanding Gould, S.J. (2002) The structure of evolutionary theory. Cam-
the important evolutionary forces that have shaped bridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Gould, S.J. and Eldredge, N. (1977) Punctuated equilibria:
our world.
the tempo and mode of evolution reconsidered. Paleobi-
ology 3: 115–51.
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From Theory to Experiment
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Theoretical perspectives on rapid

evolutionary change
Sarah P. Otto

2.1 Introduction haldane (1/10th of a standard deviation) in a sin-

gle generation (faster than most observed cases of
Rapid evolutionary change is a common outcome natural selection; Hendry and Kinnison 1999), yet
of strong phenotypic selection—from exposure to generate weak selection on any one SNP (e.g. s =
unusual temperatures to attack by unfamiliar par- 0.013 assuming alleles at frequency 1/2, additive
asites to growth on new food resources—organisms diploid selection, independent selective effects on
evolve rapidly under challenging circumstances as each locus, no initial disequilibrium, and a heri-
long as the requisite genetic variation is present. tability of 1/2). Indeed, in the infinitesimal limit,
As recounted throughout this book, revolutionary there is no appreciable selection or change in allele
changes in sequencing technology and bioinformat- frequency at any one of the infinitely many loci
ics have allowed biologists to develop a detailed underlying the trait (Crow and Kimura 1970; Bul-
understanding of the genetic basis of rapid evolu- mer 1971). Consequently, for strong selection at
tionary change from a variety of case studies, from the phenotypic level to generate strong selection at
antibiotic resistance to evolutionary responses to the genic level requires that one or a few loci con-
sexual conflict. tribute disproportionately to the genetic variation
This chapter explores the theoretical implications present in a population.
of strong selection. Much of basic evolutionary Up until the late 1900s, many evolutionary biol-
theory assumes weak selection acting on a gene; ogists thought that major effect loci, while they
here we will ask when and to what extent strong underlie traits exhibiting Mendelian inheritance,
selection would alter our theoretical predictions. would explain little of the response to selection on
To begin, we must address the issue that strong quantitative traits. Instead, it was widely regarded
selection at the phenotypic level need not generate that quantitative traits evolved via slight changes
strong selection at the genic level. We then explore in gene frequency at a great number of minor sites.
the implications of selection when it is strong at the To understand why this view was so commonplace
genic level. and why it shifted, we must look back to the early
days of population genetic theory.
In his groundbreaking reconciliation of Men-
2.2 When is strong selection strong? delian genetics and biometry, Ronald A. Fisher
A rapid response to selection is possible by accumu- (1918) demonstrated that a normal distribution
lating many small changes or a handful of larger would emerge for a quantitative character influ-
ones. If variation is due to many alleles of weak enced by numerous genetic, developmental, and
effect, even very strong selection at the pheno- environmental factors. Mathematically, this is the
typic level can result in weak selection at any one naturel outcome of the central limit theorem: given
site. For example, if a trait were equally affected a sufficiently large number of contributing factors,
by 1000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), each of which is independent and identically dis-
selection could shift the value of the trait by 0.1 tributed (or roughly so), the resulting distribution is

Rapidly Evolving Genes and Genetic Systems. First Edition. Edited by Rama S. Singh, Jianping Xu, and Rob J. Kulathinal.
© 2012 Oxford University Press. Published 2012 by Oxford University Press.

(a) 0.5

5 0.4

4 0.3

0 1 2 3 4 5 –4 –2 0 2 4
(b) 0.5

5 0.4

4 0.3

0 1 2 3 4 5 –4 –2 0 2 4

(c) 0.5

5 0.4

4 0.3

0 1 2 3 4 5 –4 –2 0 2 4
Effect size Trait value

Figure 2.1 Phenotypic distributions with major effect alleles. (a) 1000 loci affecting a trait were randomly assigned an allele with frequency drawn
uniformly between 0 and 1 and effect size drawn from an exponential distribution (left panel). 10,000 individuals were then drawn from this population to
obtain a phenotypic distribution, which was standardized to have a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1 (right panel; solid curve shows a normal
distribution for comparison; panel assumes no environmental variation and no linkage disequilibrium). (b) Same as (a) but one allele was replaced with one
having ∼50 times larger effect, resulting in a decidedly non-normal phenotypic distribution (right). (c) 1000 loci were redrawn from a long-tailed
distribution (90% chance of being drawn from the same exponential as in (a) and a 10% chance of being drawn from a second exponential with a tenfold
higher mean). Arrows show the five alleles with greatest effect.

normal (Fig. 2.1a). If a single gene contributes sub- by metaphor that mutations were akin to random
stantially to variation in a trait, however, the result turns of the focus knobs of a microscope. If the
will often be decidedly non-normal (Fig. 2.1b). Con- image was slightly out of focus, a large random turn
sequently, the widespread occurrence of normally to a knob would be unlikely to bring the image
distributed characters suggested that major effect closer in focus. A small turn in either direction,
alleles rarely contribute to variation in quantitative however, would have a 50:50 chance of sharpen-
traits. ing the image. Geometrically, with n knobs, the
In his 1930 book, Fisher introduced a second degree of focus can be represented as a point on
argument against major effect alleles. He argued an n-dimensional sphere, whose center represents
T H E O R E T I C A L P E R S P E C T I V E S O N R A P I D E VO L U T I O N A RY C H A N G E 15

(a) The opposing view, that large-effect mutations

matter, has gained prominence in recent decades,
X with a combination of theoretical and empir-
ical support. Building on Fisher’s microscope
metaphor, Kimura (1983) pointed out that small-
effect mutations, even if more numerous, are more
likely to be lost by random genetic drift while rare.
Consequently, the distribution of mutations that
are both beneficial and survive loss while rare is
shifted, with a mode no longer at zero (Fig. 2.2b).
Orr (1998) further showed that if we consider not
just the first step, but a series of steps toward the
0.4 optimum, the largest step taken need not be the
first step and so is slightly larger, on average, than

0.3 the first step. A number of other theoretical studies

also predict that large-effect mutations contribute
substantially more often to adaptation than one
0.1 would expect based on the frequency of such muta-
tions. These include models that consider the fitness
0.0 distribution of all possible sequences reachable by
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
single mutations (Gillespie 1984; Orr, 2002; Joyce
Scaled effect size
et al. 2008), that track a changing optimum (Otto
and Jones 2000; Griswold and Whitlock 2003), that
Figure 2.2 Fisher’s geometric model. (a) Shown is an imaginary
three-dimensional trait space, where the current population lies at a point, account for migration swamping small-effect muta-
x, on the surface of a sphere, whose centre represents the optimal trait tions (Griswold 2006; Yeaman and Whitlock 2011),
combination (black circle). All trait combinations that are equally distant and that incorporate clonal interference in asexual
from the optimum (on the sphere’s surface) have the same fitness. populations (Rozen et al. 2002).
Mutations pointing out of the sphere are thus disadvantageous (solid
Returning to the argument that quantitative char-
arrow), while mutations pointing inward are beneficial (dashed arrow). (b)
Fisher (1930) approximated the probability (solid curves) that a mutation acters are typically normally distributed, it turns
pointing in a random direction would be beneficial given a particular effect out that the central limit theorem is remarkably
size (x-axis) in n -dimensional trait space (black: n = 20; grey: n = 100),

robust; even if factors are drawn from a distribu-
where the scaled effect size of a mutation is its magnitude times n /d for tion with a long tail, such that large-effect alleles
a sphere of diameter d . Kimura (1983) noted, however, that only a fraction
are reasonably common, a normal distribution still
of these (roughly proportional to the effect size) would survive loss while
rare (dashed curves), shifting the modes of the curves toward larger effect emerges with enough underlying factors. In Fig.
mutations. 2.1a, for example, we drew factors from an expo-
nential distribution, the tail of which included two
major alleles whose effects were 5.9 and 7.9 times
the optimal focus. By analogy, we can imagine an larger than the average. If allele effects are drawn
organism positioned on a sphere some distance from even more long-tailed distributions, the result-
from its optimum in n-dimensional trait space (Fig. ing genotypic distribution may still appear normal,
2.2a). The beauty of this metaphor is that it can be despite the presence of major effect alleles (as in
used to determine the probability that a mutation, Fig. 2.1c, where the two largest alleles have effects
randomly pointing in any direction, falls inside the 21.0 and 27.5 times the average). Thus, the obser-
sphere and so is advantageous (Fig. 2.2b). Fisher vation of a normal phenotypic distribution does
noted that this probability falls sharply as muta- not exclude the possibility of large-effect alleles,
tions increase in their effect size. This argument bol- and such alleles could rise rapidly in frequency in
stered the view that small-effect mutations would response to strong phenotypic selection. The ques-
contribute to the bulk of evolutionary change. tion is fundamentally an empirical one: how often

do major alleles underlie variation in quantitative enough small-effect loci that the Gaussian assump-
traits? tion underlying quantitative genetic theory is rea-
Empirically, two forms of data have provided sonable, and genetic variation may remain roughly
evidence that large-effect alleles can contribute to constant even as the major-effect alleles spread,
phenotypic differences in quantitative traits. First, especially in the presence of new mutations (Turelli
studies searching for quantitative trait loci (QTL) and Barton 1994; Barton and Keightley 2002).
typically find some genomic regions that have a A second type of evidence for large-effect alle-
major effect on the phenotype. For example, among les has come from genomic scans revealing signs
the QTL studies summarized by Lynch and Walsh of selection at a number of sites. For example,
(1998, supplementary table available online), the Sabeti et al. (2007) report finding ∼300 candidate
maximum QTL accounted for an average of 21.6% regions showing longer than expected haplotypes
of the phenotypic variance across 201 different trait in a cross-population analysis of human genomes
and species combinations (SE = 1.0%, range 2–86%). (XP-EHH: cross-population extended haplotype
Granted, the effect sizes are somewhat overesti- homozygosity). Several of these sites are implicated
mated due to the ‘Beavis effect’ (Beavis 1994), and in disease resistance, diet (e.g. lactose tolerance), or
many smaller QTL are typically found as well (aver- skin and hair variation. Very weak selection would
age minimum QTL: 7.0 ± 0.47% of the pheno- not generate such extended haplotypes, because
typic variance; average number of QTL: 6.1 ± 0.3). recombination would have time to break down
Moreover, many small-effect QTL certainly remain the extended haplotype during the slow spread
undetected. Indeed, in the earlier mentioned stud- of a weakly favored allele. A plethora of such
ies, the total percentage of phenotypic variation genomic scans have now been published (Akey
explained by all of the detected QTL was only 42.7% (2009) reviews 21 genome-wide scans), based on
± 1.5%, on average. Furthermore, even those major a variety of different metrics, including allele fre-
QTL detected might be comprised of linked loci quency distributions, linkage disequilibria (includ-
of smaller effect (e.g. Perez and Wu 1995). More ing extended haplotype methods), and population
powerful QTL studies based on genome-wide SNPs differentiation (e.g. studies based on Fst ). Regard-
have revealed hundreds of potential underlying less of the metric, however, weak selection at a
factors, but even then only a handful are often single site is almost certain to remain undetected.
responsible for the bulk of the variation. For exam- Indeed, it has been estimated that selection on a
ple, in a recent genomic analysis of trait variation site must be stronger than ∼100/Ne , where Ne rep-
in Drosophila melanogaster, 6–10 SNPs accounted for resents the effective population size, for there to
65–90% of the genetic variation in all three traits be a reasonable chance of detection (Akey 2009).
considered (Mackay et al. 2012). Of course, humans might be a poor species in
Overall, it is not uncommon to find one or more which to study selective differences among popula-
QTL contributing a substantial fraction of the phe- tions (except for the obvious reason of self-interest)
notypic variation in a quantitative trait, substan- because we are all so closely related, with recent
tial enough that we can expect strong selection at common ancestry within Africa and a relatively
the phenotypic level to translate into strong selec- small effective population size. Genomic scans in
tion at the genetic level. This is an essential issue non-human species promise to provide fascinating
if we are to have any hope of observing signs of information about the prevalence and nature of
past selection from sequence data. If numerous very major effect alleles.
small-effect loci underlie a phenotypic trait, selec-
tion on the phenotype might lead to only small
2.3 Does strong selection differ in kind
shifts in allele frequency, occurring so slowly over
from weak selection?
time that recombination would destroy the sig-
nals of selection. Nevertheless, as Roff (2003) cau- Strong selection obviously differs in degree from
tions, we should not throw out the baby with the weak selection, but does it ever differ in kind? Does
bathwater: the major-effect loci often co-occur with it ever lead to dramatically different evolution-
T H E O R E T I C A L P E R S P E C T I V E S O N R A P I D E VO L U T I O N A RY C H A N G E 17

ary outcomes than weak selection? Theoreticians (a) 1.0

often resort to assuming weak selection in order

to obtain analytical solutions; if selection is strong, 0.8

do the results differ in any substantial way? As

we review here, the answer to this set of questions
is mixed, depending on the phenomenon being
modeled. Often, the expected outcome of evolution
under strong selection exhibits only minor quan-
0.2 s=10 1 0.1 0.01
titative discrepancies from what we would pre-
dict by increasing the strength of selection in weak
selection approximations. In other cases, however, 0.1 1 10 100 1000
predictions are fundamentally different when selec-
tion is strong rather than weak. (b) 1.0

To begin, consider one of the core equations in
evolutionary biology, which describes the change


Fixation probaility

in frequency, p(t), of an allele A over time t. To

keep things simple, we consider a haploid popula-
tion subject to discrete and non-overlapping gener-
ations, where allele A causes its carriers to have fit- 0.4

ness is 1 + s times that of an alternate allele, a . After

one generation of selection, the A allele changes in
frequency to:
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
(1 + s) p(t)
p(t + 1) = (2.1) Selection coefficient, s
(1 + s) p(t) + (1 − p(t))
(see Otto and Day (2007) for derivations of the Figure 2.3 Weak versus strong selection. (a) The frequency of a
results presented in this chapter). This equation can beneficial allele with relative fitness 1 + s is shown over time in a haploid
population, starting at frequency 0.001. The exact frequency in a haploid
be solved exactly for any strength of selection to
population (equation 2.2; solid) predicts a slower response to selection
give the allele frequency in any future generation: than the weak selection approximation (equation 2.4; dashed). (b) The
exact fixation probability of a beneficial allele in an infinitely large
(1 + s)t p(0)
p(t) = . (2.2) population (equation 2.6; solid) is lower than the weak selection
(1 + s)t p(0) + (1 − p(0)) approximation, 2s (equation 2.7; dashed).

In most models of evolutionary change, where

additional complications are incorporated (e.g. While different in form from equation (2.2), the
dominance or frequency dependence), an exact qualitative behavior is very similar (Fig. 2.3a), and
solution is not possible. Theoreticians then often visible differences in the speed of the trajectories
invoke a weak-selection approximation, for exam- only appear for s greater than about 0.1. For exam-
ple, replacing the recursion equation (2.1) with the ple, the time to spread from any initial frequency to
analogous differential equation: any final frequency is 4.7% faster under the approx-
dp imation (2.4) than with the exact solution (2.2) when
= s p(t) (1 − p(t)) . (2.3) s = 0.1. Even then, the trajectories remain S-shaped
and differ solely in timing. Only if we needed pre-
A wider array of differential equations can be cise predictions about the timing of the spread of a
solved, which is why a weak-selection approxima- favorable allele would strong selection violate the
tion is often invoked. For example, the solution to weak-selection approximation (2.4).
equation (2.3) is: A second core equation in evolutionary theory
e s t p(0) concerns the fixation probability of an allele. Even
p(t) = . (2.4) beneficial alleles can be lost, by chance, after they
e s t p(0)+ (1 − p(0))

first arise, simply because their carriers fail to repro- Selection may be weak relative to 0.1, for exam-
duce. In very large populations, Haldane (1927) ple, but strong relative to random genetic drift.
argued that the probability that a newly arisen allele Selection overwhelms drift when the best predictor
will ultimately be lost from the population must of the future distribution of allele frequencies is s
equal the probability that all j offspring carrying rather than the population size, N. With respect to
the allele are ultimately lost. Letting 1 − P equal the fate of an allele, we say that selection is strong
the probability of loss and assuming that the fate of relative to drift when the fixation probability of an
each allele is independent, this logic results in the allele is predicted to be higher as a result of selection
equation: alone (∼2s) than drift alone (fixation probability is
   1/(cN), for an organism whose ploidy level is c).
1− P = prob j offspring (1 − P) j , (2.5) For diploids (c = 2), this leads to the oft-stated rule
that selection overwhelms drift whenever 2s >>
where the sum is taken over the probability distri- 1/(2N), commonly written as Ë = 4Ns >> 1.
bution of having j offspring. If this offspring distri- Selection can be strong enough to overwhelm
bution is Poisson with mean 1 + s for individuals drift but not strong enough to overwhelm other
carrying the beneficial mutation, then the sum in processes, such as migration. Consider the simplest
equation (2.5) can be evaluated, leading to: haploid case where an allele A is favored in a patch
(with fitness 1 relative to the alternate allele with
1 − P = e −(1+s)P . (2.6) fitness 1 – s) but is reduced in frequency by migra-
tion from a source population (at rate m). If selec-
The fixation probability, P, is implicitly given by
tion is weak relative to migration (s < m), the A
equation (2.6), but this is still a complicated equa-
allele fails to establish and the population in the
tion to evaluate. Theoreticians often simplify such
patch remains locally maladapted. With stronger
equations by assuming weak selection, obtaining
selection (s > m), however, population differenti-
answers that keep the leading order terms (e.g. of
ation can occur, with the A allele approaching a
order s) but drop terms of smaller order (e.g. s 2 or
frequency of 1 – m/s (Haldane (1930), who also
smaller). In this case, such a ‘Taylor series’ approxi-
considered diploidy and sex linkage; see also Yea-
mation gives us the oft-cited probability of fixation
man and Otto (2011) for cases with bidirectional
for a beneficial allele:
migration and drift). Empirically, these conditions
P ≈ 2s. (2.7) are important because they indicate that population
differentiation in the face of ongoing migration will
Fig. 2.3b shows that the weak-selection approxima- typically not be comprised of small-effect alleles.
tion (2.7) performs well for selection coefficients up Here, the strength of selection is critical; only alleles
to about 0.1 (the 2s approximation then overesti- experiencing strong selection relative to migration
mates the fixation probability by 13.6%). are capable of being maintained and contributing to
These considerations suggest that, roughly local adaptation in the face of gene flow (Griswold
speaking, the boundary between weak and strong 2006; Yeaman and Whitlock 2011).
selection occurs at 0.1. This is a reasonable rule Another situation in which strong selection can
of thumb when it comes to theory considering behave qualitatively differently than weak selection
only selection acting at a single locus. In general, is when the fitness surface is multipeaked. The abil-
however, what constitutes strong versus weak ity to traverse fitness valleys then depends critically
selection depends on the context. In reality, on the strength of selection relative to other forces,
selection is never the only process acting on especially the rate of recombination. For example,
a population to affect allele frequencies. Thus, consider a population currently fixed for one gene
whether selection is strong is relative, depending combination (ab) at two loci, where each single
on the magnitude of selection in comparison to the mutant is selected against (creating the ‘fitness val-
impact of other processes, such as drift, mutation, ley’), but where the double mutant (AB) has high-
migration, and recombination. est fitness (WAB > Wa b, > WAb , WaB ). If selection is
T H E O R E T I C A L P E R S P E C T I V E S O N R A P I D E VO L U T I O N A RY C H A N G E 19

weak relative to the recombination rate between the ation surrounding a site can only detect alleles of
two loci, r , the fitness valley forms an insurmount- moderately strong effect.
able barrier, and the population remains fixed for Strong selection also affects the type of hitchhik-
ab. If selection is strong relative to recombination, ing event that we should expect within a genomic
such that WAB (1 - r ) > Wa b (or, in terms of selec- region. The scenario considered by Maynard Smith

tion coefficients, (s AB − sa b ) (1 + s AB ) > r ), then the and Haigh (1974) was of a beneficial allele that
favorable gene combination, AB, spreads (Bodmer arose in only a single copy; the reduction in genetic
and Felsenstein 1967). Thus, whether or not evo- variation at surrounding sites due to the spread of
lution is prevented from traversing a multipeaked this allele is known as a ‘hard selective sweep.’ But
fitness surface depends on just how strong selection if the environment changes and there are multiple
is, with strong selection being able to drive benefi- copies of the beneficial allele when it first becomes
cial gene combinations through to fixation, despite favorable (i.e., there is standing genetic variation),
the fact that these combinations are broken apart by then strong selection makes it more likely that more
recombination. than one copy of the allele will survive loss while
A related context in which the strength of selec- rare and contribute to adaptation (Hermisson and
tion matters involves hitchhiking of alleles linked Pennings 2005). The cofixation of distinct haplo-
to a site under selection. Maynard Smith and Haigh types bearing the favorable allele causes a so-called
(1974) first tackled this question, assuming that a ‘soft selective sweep.’ Compared to hard selective
favorable allele spreads deterministically, having sweeps, soft selective sweeps preserve more vari-
arisen on one particular genetic background. Con- ation at neighboring sites, but they can also gen-
sidering a specific allele at a linked neutral site that erate stronger patterns of linkage disequilibrium,
initially co-occurs with the beneficial allele, they extending further into surrounding regions, when-
showed that hitchhiking in a haploid population ever the haplotypes are distantly related. Interest-
causes a proportional reduction in the frequency of ingly, one might also predict that strong selection
any other allele at this site by approximately: would make it more likely to fix the same muta-
  tion if it recurred by chance after the sweep was
r 1
log (2.7) underway, but the increased chance that such recur-
s p0
rent mutations would fix is almost entirely counter-
where r is the recombination rate between the balanced by the decreased amount of time taken
selected and neutral site and p0 is the initial fre- until the sweep is over (Pennings and Hermisson
quency of the selected allele in a haploid population 2006). Thus, strong selection has a large impact on
( p0 = 1/N). This approximation assumes that selec- how many alleles survive from the pool of standing
tion is weak (again, s not much greater than 0.1) genetic variation when the environment changes,
but greater than the recombination rate (r << s). but less impact on how many recurrent mutations
Importantly, equation (2.7) tells us that variation at get captured along the way.
linked neutral sites will be impacted whenever the A particularly negative consequence of hitchhik-
recombination distance is small relative to the selec- ing with a favored allele is that less fit alleles at
tion coefficient, s. Thus, what we might consider neighboring sites can rise in frequency and even
to be weak selection in an absolute sense (s << fix (Barton 1995; Yu and Etheridge 2010; Hartfield
0.1) may still be strong selection when it comes to and Otto 2011). Hitchhiking to fixation of deleteri-
hitchhiking, as long as recombination rates are less ous alleles requires that selection for the favorable
than the selection coefficients. More sophisticated allele is even stronger relative to the recombination
stochastic models have similarly shown that hitch- rate (compared to the case with one neutral and
hiking has a major impact on genetic variation and one selected site), because recombinant lineages
coalescence times only when selection is strong rel- that combine together the fittest alleles are espe-
ative to recombination (Kaplan et al. 1989; Barton cially likely to persist (Hartfield and Otto 2011). At
1998). This is the underlying reason why genomic the extreme of no recombination, deleterious alleles
scans of selection based on unusual patterns of vari- hitchhiking with favored alleles can cause a ratch-

eting decline in the fitness of an asexual lineage, selection, host–parasite cycles are relatively slow,
which lacks recombination entirely, relative to a sex- allowing enough time for genetic associations to
ual population in the face of a changing environ- re-equilibrate and erasing previously favored gene
ment, a decline that may eventually drive asexual combinations (Otto and Nuismer 2004). Thus, an
lineages to extinction (Hadany and Feldman 2005). important open empirical question facing the Red
In a related fashion, alleles subject to strong selec- Queen hypothesis is how often strong selection acts
tion because of their effect along one particular on the genes mediating host–parasite interactions.
phenotypic axis can drag along stronger pleiotropic
side consequences with respect to other traits. For
2.4 Concluding thoughts
example, consider an environmental change select-
ing for a particular trait, such as increased tem- Evolutionary biologists live fairly comfortably with
perature tolerance. An allele that slightly increased using the terms ‘weak’ and ‘strong’ selection with-
heat tolerance but had numerous pleiotropic effects out strictly defining what we mean. The reason for
on other characters is more likely to have a net this vagueness is that the dividing line between
deleterious effect on fitness and fail to spread. By strong and weak depends so much on the context.
contrast, an allele that strongly increased heat tol- When we are concerned with whether the change
erance, and experienced a strong selective advan- in allele frequency due to selection is overwhelmed
tage in doing so, is more likely to spread, despite by drift or by mutation, what counts as ‘strong’
disrupting other features. Otto (2004) estimated selection may still be exceedingly weak (e.g., 2s >>
that the selective advantage of such favorable alle- 1/(2N) or 2s >> Ï with mutation rate Ï). In con-
les would, on average, be halved by negative trast, when we approximate complicated equations
pleiotropic side-consequences. Because organisms in terms of simpler functions of s (e.g. using a
having experienced strong selection in the past may Taylor series, as in equation (2.7)), our standards
have changed along multiple dimensions, it might shift; now, selection only starts to wreak havoc
be difficult to determine the precise trait(s) that with our approximations once the strength rises
was positively selected. We see this with domesti- above, approximately, 0.1 (essentially because terms
cated corn, for example, where the tb1 allele that involving s 2 may no longer be small relative to
differentiates corn from teosinte accounts for phe- terms involving only s). Finally, the strength of
notypic differences in a large number of traits, selection can qualitatively impact the outcome of an
including seed shattering, cob size, and apical dom- evolutionary process when selection is opposed by
inance (Doebley et al. 1995), making it difficult to other processes, such as migration of a disfavored
know which character(s) was most directly under allele or recombination breaking apart favorable
selection. gene combinations. In these contexts, what defines
We end with one final example where strong strong selection is, by necessity, relative (e.g. rela-
selection differs in kind from weak selection, tive to m or to r ).
involving the Red Queen explanation for sex Finally, regardless of where we might place the
and recombination. With strong selection acting dividing line between strong and weak selection
on genes mediating interactions between hosts at the genic level, the correspondence to strong
and parasites, gene combinations that have been and weak selection at the phenotypic level is fuzzy.
favored in the recent past can be currently preva- Strong selection at the phenotypic level might gen-
lent but disadvantageous, selecting for sex and erate only weak selection on the underlying loci,
recombination to break apart these combinations. if there are many alleles of similar effect and/or
Such a mismatch between which gene combina- substantial environmental variation contributing
tions are prevalent and which gene combinations to the phenotypic variation. Conversely, relatively
are fittest only really occurs, however, if selection is modest selection at the phenotypic level could
strong relative to the forces breaking apart genetic cause strong selection at the genic level, if a few
associations, such as segregation, recombination, underlying loci contribute the bulk of phenotypic
and mutation (Gandon and Otto 2007). With weak variation.
T H E O R E T I C A L P E R S P E C T I V E S O N R A P I D E VO L U T I O N A RY C H A N G E 21

Although applying a more stringent and consis- Hadany, L. and Feldman, M.W. (2005) Evolutionary trac-
tent definition for the term ‘strong selection’ might tion: the cost of adaptation and the evolution of sex.
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and artificial selection, part V: selection and mutation.
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Math Proc Camb Philos Soc 23: 838–44.
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Recombination reshuffles the

genotypic deck, thus accelerating
the rate of evolution
Mihai Albu, Amir R. Kermany, and Donal A. Hickey

3.1 Introduction common thread among the several theories that

have been advanced to explain the maintenance of
The ubiquity of sexual reproduction, especially sexual reproduction is that they focus on the poten-
among multicellular plants and animals, gives tial selective benefits of homologous recombination.
strong support for the belief that sex provides But these theories about the potential advantage of
an important biological function. It has proved recombination may be subdivided further accord-
surprisingly difficult, however, to pinpoint what ing to whether they deal with: (i) recombination of
exactly this function might be. Sex is not a necessity new favorable mutations (Fisher 1930; Muller 1932;
of life, nor of reproduction, as is clearly illustrated Crow and Kimura 1965); or (ii) recombination of
by the many instances of asexual reproduction that new deleterious mutations (Kondrashov 1982); or
exist, especially among microbes and plants. But, (iii) recombination of the standing genetic variation
because of its wide distribution in nature, we can (Weismann 1887; Goddard et al. 2005; Teotónio et al.
conclude that sexual reproduction—and the result- 2009).
ing genetic recombination—are necessities, or near- The proposal that the benefit of recombination
necessities of adaptive evolution. Eighty years ago lies in the fact that it combines different benefi-
Ronald Fisher wrote that sexual reproduction ‘is a cial mutations into a single genotype is intuitively
development of some special value to the organ- appealing to biologists and it was first explored
isms which employ it’ (Fisher 1930). Eight decades many decades ago (Muller 1932, 1964). Later work,
later, we are still trying to decipher what that ‘spe- however, showed that the benefits of combining
cial value’ might be. As Sarah Otto remarked (see advantageous mutations are offset by the fact that
Otto 2009), we are still trying to ‘solve the paradox recombination also breaks up these favorable com-
of sex.’ binations once they have been formed (Maynard
Theories about the evolution of sex and recom- Smith 1968, 1978). In other words, recombination
bination can be divided into two broad categories: simply randomizes genotypes, without regard to
those that deal with the origin of sex and those the fitness of the alleles being recombined. This
that deal with its maintenance. For instance, the led to a shift of focus from the consideration of
enzymatic processes involved in genetic recom- favorable mutations to a consideration of the more
bination may have evolved due to prior selec- frequently-occurring deleterious mutations, and it
tion for DNA repair (Bernstein et al. 1985; Long was shown that recombination could provide a
and Michod 1995), while the process of conjuga- selective advantage if the number of mutant loci
tion could have originated due to selection for in the genome were sufficiently large (Kondrashov
the spread of transposable elements (Hickey 1982). 1982). This advantage would be even greater if
Regardless of how sex originated, however, it is there were negative epistatic interactions between
maintained despite its obvious biological costs. The the new deleterious mutations (for a review, see

Rapidly Evolving Genes and Genetic Systems. First Edition. Edited by Rama S. Singh, Jianping Xu, and Rob J. Kulathinal.
© 2012 Oxford University Press. Published 2012 by Oxford University Press.

Otto and Feldman 1997). It is not obvious, how- assume two such loci in the same haploid popu-
ever, that such negatively epistatic interactions are lation, we will have four possible genotypes with
the norm in nature (Kondrashov and Kondrashov 25,000 individuals of each type. We can continue
2001). Whether one is dealing with positive or neg- increasing the number of loci in this manner; for
ative mutations, it is difficult to test these ideas example, 10 loci will give us 1024 genotypes and
experimentally because, first, mutations are rare we expect to see approximately 100 individuals of
and, secondly, the time from the occurrence of each type. As soon as we assume 17 loci, however,
the initial mutation until its eventual fixation by this simple calculation begins to run into difficulty.
natural selection is usually very long. In contrast, Now there are more than 130,000 genotypic com-
theories about the effects of recombination on the binations for 17 bi-allelic loci, and this means that
standing genetic variation are more amendable to the expected number of individuals with any par-
experimental verification and, indeed, there is some ticular genotypic combination is less than one. At
experimental evidence that recombination can pro- 20 loci, we have more than a million possible allelic
vide a significant advantage when selecting on this combinations, making the number of genotypes an
standing genetic variation (Goddard et al. 2005; order of magnitude larger than the population size.
Teotónio et al. 2009). It should be noted that theo- At 100 loci—which is still a tiny genome—the num-
ries of fluctuating selection based on host–parasite ber of genotypes is vastly greater than the num-
cycles are also implicitly theories about the effects of ber of individuals in the population. This means
recombination on the standing genotypic composi- that in any real finite population, the existing array
tion (Hamilton et al. 1990; Peters and Lively 1999). of multilocus genotypes is only a miniscule sam-
ple of all possible combinations of the segregating
alleles. To illustrate how this affects the interaction
3.2 Simulating selection on multilocus
between recombination and selection, we devel-
oped a simple, individual-based simulation, and we
In this chapter it is not our goal to choose between show some of the results in the following para-
these theories but rather to consider the effects of graphs. Our conclusion is that the beneficial effect
recombination from a different perspective. Specif- of recombination becomes obvious as the number
ically, we will ask if the effect of recombination of selected loci increases.
changes as the number of genetic loci under consid- Our model was as follows. The initial allele fre-
eration increases from fewer than ten loci to hun- quencies were 0.5 at all loci. For the initial pop-
dreds or thousands of loci. Although we all agree ulation, we generated each individual by creating
that eukaryotic genomes contain several thousand an allelic string equal to the number of loci. For
genes, most of the past work has focused on models example, if there were 100 loci, the string length
describing very few loci, usually fewer than five. If was 100 and the chance of an allele being desig-
the benefits of recombination are due to its effects nated as ‘+’ was 0.5 at each locus. We assigned a
on the genome as a whole, then many of these mod- fitness value of 0.01 to each ‘+’ allele. Thus the initial
els may be missing an essential element of the ques- population had a binomial distribution of fitness
tion. As explained in this section, we suggest that centered on a mean fitness of 0.5. Each individ-
the benefit of recombination could be that it helps ual produced offspring from a Poisson distribution
to alleviate the ‘curse of dimensionality’ (Bellman with a mean of 2, and the probability of survival of
1957) that is inherent in multilocus genotypes. these offspring was based on their genotypic fitness.
We reasoned as follows. Let’s assume a popula- The population size was maintained as constant by
tion of 100,000 individuals and one bi-allelic locus choosing N individuals at random each generation
where the two alleles are equally frequent. If we among the selected offspring. Recombination was
assume, to simplify matters further, that the indi- simulated by randomly pairing genotypes and gen-
viduals are haploid then we will expect to find erating a new pair of genotypes as a result of a sin-
50,000 individuals of each of the two types, and gle, randomly-placed recombination event between
there will be minimal genetic drift. Now, if we the two strings. The simulation could be performed
R E C O M B I N AT I O N R E S H U F F L E S T H E G E N OT Y P I C D E C K 25

either with or without recombination. The graphical from the figure, both the recombining and the non-
user interface allows one to input various combi- recombining populations have initial fitness dis-
nations of parameters and to compare the results tributions that are identical (Fig. 3.1a). Also, as is
between recombining and non-recombining popu- shown in the second panel of the figure, the mean
lations. fitness of both populations increases in response
A sampling of the results from one such sim- to 60 generations of selection. But we can also
ulation is shown in Fig. 3.1. As can been seen clearly see that the non-recombining population is

No recombination
(a) Generation 0/300
With recombination

0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00

No recombination
Generation 60/300
With recombination
(b) 1

0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00

Generation 300/300 No recombination

(c) With recombination

0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00

Figure 3.1 Individual-based simulations of multilocus selection, in the presence or absence of recombination. Each individual had a linear array of
100 loci and the initial frequency of the selected alleles was 0.5 at all loci. The recombination rate between adjacent loci was 0.01. The fitness effect of
each selected allele was 0.01. At the beginning of the simulation alleles were randomly associated between loci, i.e. in linkage equilibrium. The population
size was 10,000. Panel (a) shows the initial frequency distributions of genotypic fitnesses in the recombinant and non-recombinant populations. Panel (b)
shows these distributions after 60 generations of selection, and panel (c) shows the distributions after 300 generations of selection.

limited by the fittest type that was already present approach the limit of the initial genotypic distribu-
in the original population, whereas the recombin- tion and it is at this point that the non-recombining
ing population can generate new genotypes dis- population is at a serious disadvantage, whereas
tributed around the increasing mean fitness. As the the recombining population is not subject to this
simulation progresses (see Fig. 3.1c) this limitation limit. After 300 generations of selection, the recom-
of the non-recombining population becomes more bining population has become almost fixed for ‘+’
and more severe. We can summarize the results alleles at all 100 loci, while the non-recombining
of the simulation by plotting the mean fitness of population is ‘stuck’ at a maximum fitness just
both populations over the whole 300 generations of under 0.7 i.e., ‘+’ alleles at only 70 out of the 100 loci.
the simulation (see Fig. 3.2a). We see that initially, The particular simulation described here was
and indeed for the first 30 generations of selection, performed using 100 loci and 10,000 individuals.
there is virtually no effect of recombination on the We then explored the results using different pop-
mean fitness. That is because both populations are ulation sizes, with 100 loci in all cases. The results
responding to selection primarily by adjusting the are summarized in Fig. 3.2b. The figure, which is
frequencies of existing genotypic classes. As the based on 10 replicate simulations for each popula-
selection proceeds, however, the mean begins to tion size, shows the final average fitness after 500

(a) 1

Average fitness



0.6 No Recomb
0.5 With Recomb

0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300

Average fitness in generation 500



0.7 No Recomb
With Recomb


1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000
Population size

Figure 3.2 Change in average fitness, in the presence or absence of recombination. Panel (a) shows the change in the average fitness for the
recombinant and non-recombinant populations that were simulated as described in Fig. 3.1. Panel (b) shows the relationship between the final average
fitness (after 500 generations of selection) and the population size. These data are based on 10 replicate simulations; 95% confidence intervals are shown.
R E C O M B I N AT I O N R E S H U F F L E S T H E G E N OT Y P I C D E C K 27

generations of selection. From the figure, we see 1

that there is little effect of recombination at very

Maximum fitness
small population sizes. This is because genetic drift
erodes the allelic variation at each locus, and there 0.8
is no advantage to recombining monomorphic loci. 0.7
When the population size reaches 1000, however,
there is little loss of alleles due to genetic drift at 0.6

individual loci, and this allows recombination to 0.5

exploit the allelic variation to produce new fitter
genotypes. As the population size increases, we 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
see that there is also a predictable increase in the Population size

fitness value of the fittest genotype in the non- 2 loci 20 loci 1000 loci
recombining population, but this increase is rela- 10 loci 100 loci
tively small. Thus, for any ‘reasonable’ population
size, i.e. 1000 individuals or more, recombination Figure 3.3 The relationship between maximum genotypic fitness and
allows selection to proceed far beyond the limits of population size in an asexual population. Genotype distributions, of the
the initial population, while still using the allelic type shown in Fig. 3.1a, were generated using different numbers of loci
and a range of population sizes. Then the genotype with the maximum
variation that was already present in that initial
fitness in that population was scored and its fitness expressed relative to
population. the fitness of an individual with selectively favorable alleles at all selected
One could say that these results do not so much loci. The data are based on ten replicate simulations and the 95%
show an advantage for recombination as that they confidence intervals are shown.
show a disadvantage or limitation for the lack of
recombination. This limitation relates to the fact there is no imaginable human population size that
that if we consider 100 loci, there is necessarily a would be sufficient to provide even a tiny fraction
very limited sampling of the astronomically large of all the possible genotypic combinations at the 200
number of genotypic combinations in any finite selected loci.
population. We have already explained that this
limitation gets more severe as the number of loci
3.3 Discussion
increases, but we can ask if it can be compensated
for by a corresponding increase in population size. Our results show that, in a multilocus context,
We explored this question and the results are shown recombination can be a very powerful force for
in Fig. 3.3. We generated initial populations, of the translating existing allelic variation into new geno-
type described for Fig. 3.1, using a range of popula- typic variation that has a fitness distribution that
tion sizes and a range of numbers of loci. From the goes far beyond the highest fitness in the origi-
results, we can see that for a genome with only two nal population. This is not because recombination
loci (which corresponds to the implicit assumption can preferentially produce fitter genotypes. It is
of several theoretical studies) a population size of because selection increases the frequency of the fit-
100 is sufficient to produce some individuals with ter alleles and then recombination generates ran-
the fittest genotype (indeed, we would expect 25 dom genotypic combinations based on these new
such individuals in a population of 100). When we allelic frequencies. In other words, recombination
consider 10 loci, however, we need 10,000 individu- gives no fitness benefit by itself but it acts in a
als to have a reasonable chance of getting individu- synergistic way with the directional selection. In
als with the highest possible fitness. At 20 loci, even contrast to this, the non-recombining population
100,000 individuals is insufficient, and at a 100 loci, is limited to the genotypes that were originally
the highest fitness will be in the region of 0.7 even present in the non-selected population. And as our
in a population of 100,000 individuals. To put this numerical calculations have shown, in a multilo-
in perspective, if we consider that if even only 1% cus genome the original suite of genotypes repre-
of the 20,000 human genes were subject to selection, sents an extremely sparse sampling of the entire

range of possible genotypes. We could say that multilocus combinations is inevitable even in very
the function of recombination is that it continually large populations.
‘resets’ the genotypic frequencies to reflect the cur- We have focused on the effects of recombination
rent allelic frequencies. This explains why recom- on the standing genetic variation. One could ask
bination shows little effect in the early stages of if the same considerations apply to new genetic
the simulations; its benefit only becomes evident variation that is introduced into the population by
when the genotypic frequencies have changed sig- positive or negative mutations. Some recent studies
nificantly in response to selection. As stated by indicate that this is indeed the case. For example,
Crow (1992), directional selection in an asexual pop- it has been shown that new favorable mutations
ulation monotonically decreases the genotypic vari- in yeast usually occur on suboptimal genetic back-
ance, whereas the sexual population is relatively grounds (Lang et al. 2011) and Hartfield and Otto
immune to this erosion of genotypic variance. This (2011) have shown that many deleterious muta-
effect was also noted by Charlesworth (1993) in the tions could hitchhike to higher frequencies on high-
case of directional selection on a quantitative trait. fitness genetic backgrounds. By randomizing the
Our simulation shows that not only is the geno- mutations with respect to their initial genetic back-
typic variance maintained in the recombining pop- grounds, recombination allows the beneficial muta-
ulation, but that the initial distribution of genotypes tions to rise in frequency and the deleterious muta-
is replaced by an equally variable, but fitter range of tions to be selected out of the population. Both
genotypes. of these studies are assuming, quite realistically,
Our simulation provides a specific illustration of that new mutations occur in an already genet-
the general claim that recombination can evolve in ically variable population. Previous studies that
large finite populations given that there is selection focused on two loci only were implicitly assum-
occurring on a sufficient number of genetic loci (Iles ing monomorphism at all of the other loci in the
et al. 2003). What is striking about our results is that genome. A related point is that the calculation of
the ‘sufficient number’ can be a very small fraction the time until the occurrence of a second muta-
of all the loci in the eukaryotic genome, and that tion at a second locus considered possible beneficial
the ‘large finite populations’ can be astronomically mutations only at a given second locus, whereas it
large. In other words, if even 1% of the loci in a would be more reasonable to think of the chance
typical eukaryotic genome are subject to selection, of a second mutation at any one of thousands of
then recombination will provide an advantage even other loci. This would increase by several orders of
if the population size is in the billions. This state- magnitude the probability that beneficial mutations
ment may seem to be in contradiction to some of the would be selected concurrently, making the condi-
previous work on the relationship between recom- tions for an advantage of recombination much less
bination and population size (Hill and Robertson stringent than is often assumed (Christiansen et al.
1966; Felsenstein 1974: Barton and Otto 2005) which 1998).
concludes that population sizes have to be small Our results, along with the studies referred to in
in order for recombination to be favored. But this the preceding paragraph seem to be at odds with
seeming contradiction disappears when we remem- the view of Maynard Smith who stated that gen-
ber that much of this work only considered a few eration of new beneficial combinations by recom-
selected loci. Indeed, the previous studies of Otto bination will be equalized with their breakdown
and Barton (2001) and Iles et al. (2003) are consistent by recombination (see Maynard Smith 1968, 1978).
with our finding that the restriction on population This seeming paradox can be solved when we
size tends to disappear as the number of selected remember that Maynard Smith was thinking pri-
loci increases. This is because the number of pos- marily of two loci which would yield only four pos-
sible genotypes quickly outstrips any realistic pop- sible gametic haplotypes. In any reasonably-sized
ulation size. Thus, while the loss of alleles at indi- population, we would expect all four types to be
vidual loci through sampling drift only happens in represented. As the number of loci increases, how-
small populations, the absence of many (or most) ever, most of the myriad of possible combination
R E C O M B I N AT I O N R E S H U F F L E S T H E G E N OT Y P I C D E C K 29

of alleles will be missing. What recombination of DNA replication but, in its absence replication
does in this situation is to allow the population would quickly grind to a halt due to the supercoil-
to explore the genotypic space far beyond the ing of DNA ahead of the replication fork. Another
initial range of genotypes. Moreover, this explo- way to state this point is to say that recombination
ration is ‘guided’ by the increasing frequency of does not increase the genotypic variance but, rather,
the selectively favored alleles, thus increasing the that it prevents the genotypic variance from being
probability of generating genotypes with increased quickly eroded by selection (or indeed by genetic
fitness. drift).
We were gratified, but somewhat surprised to see Finally, our results are reminiscent of Weismann’s
that a single recombination event per chromosome original suggestion for the function of sex (Weis-
per generation was sufficient to allow the popu- mann 1887). He stated:
lation to respond to selection while maintaining a
smooth binomial distribution of fitnesses. The grat- We must attempt to explain the reason why Nature
ification comes from the fact that this is approxi- has insisted upon the rise and progress of sexual
propagation. If we bear in mind that in sexual prop-
mately the real recombination rate per chromosome
agation twice as many individuals are required in
arm in mammals. We were surprised because, intu-
order to produce any number of descendants, and
itively this seems like a very low rate of recombi- if we further remember the important morphologi-
nation. The explanation is that the recombination cal differentiations which must take place in order
rate is indeed low if we consider a specific lineage to render sexual propagation possible, we are led to
within the population, but selection is acting on the conviction that sexual propagation must confer
all lineages simultaneously. Thus while some chro- immense benefits upon organic life. I believe that
mosomes may have a single recombination event such beneficial results will be found in the fact that
between locus 34 and locus 35, for example, another sexual propagation may be regarded as a source
chromosome within the population will have the of individual variability, furnishing material for the
event occurring between locus 88 and 89, and so operation of natural selection.
on, for 100,000 different events per generation over
We now understand that not recombination is not
the entire population. Thus the process is remi-
the source of genic (i.e. allelic) variation. But we
niscent of the parallel approach to computing: the
have shown that it can interact with selection-based
population is simultaneously ‘searching’ for new
changes in allelic frequencies to produce new adap-
genotypic combinations in 100,000 independent
tive genotypic variation. So we could argue that
Weismann was mistaken if we interpret ‘individual
variability’ to mean allelic variation, but he was not
3.4 Conclusions mistaken it we interpret variability to mean geno-
typic variation. As we have shown here, recombi-
Our results imply that the main function of recom-
nation does not generate new favorable alleles but
bination may not be to provide some biological
it can generate new favorable genotypic combina-
advantage in the strict sense of the word. Instead, it
tions as the frequency of certain alleles increases in
functions to prevent a potential problem and, in so
response to selection.
doing, it extends the ‘genotypic range’ of the pop-
ulation during the course of selection. To relate our
findings to the theme of this volume, we could say References
that while recombination does not actively acceler-
Barton, N.H. and Otto, S.P. (2005) Evolution of recombina-
ate evolution, it does allow evolution to proceed
tion due to random drift. Genetics 169: 2353–70.
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on the range of genotypic combinations. We could Princeton University Press.
think of recombination as being analogous to the Bernstein, H., Byerly, H.C., Hopf, F.A., and Michod, R.E.
action of topoisomerase during DNA replication. (1985) Genetic damage, mutation, and the evolution of
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Hill, W. and Robertson, A. (1966) The effect of linkage on fluctuating epistasis: a population genetic analysis of
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Iles, M.M., Walters, K., and Cannings, C. (2003) Recom- Teotónio, H., Chelo, I.M., Bradiæ, M., Rose, M.R., and
bination can evolve in large finite populations given Long, A.D. (2009) Experimental evolution reveals nat-
selection on sufficient loci. Genetics 165: 2249–58. ural selection on standing genetic variation. Nat Genet
Kondrashov, A.S. (1982) Selection against harmful muta- 41: 251–7.
tions in large sexual and asexual populations. Genet Res Weismann, A. (1887) On the significance of the polar glob-
40: 325–32. ules. Nature 36: 607–9.

Heterogeneity in neutral divergence

across genomic regions induced by
sex-specific hybrid incompatibility
Seiji Kumagai and Marcy K. Uyenoyama

4.1 Introduction over intraspecific differences in genomic regions

adjacent to known incompatibility factors.
Genes introduced into a genomic or environmental A departure from earlier theoretical expectations
context different from the context in which they is that sex-specific incompatibility can differentially
evolved may induce deleterious effects. Among the impede introgression of neutral markers even in the
best-documented cases are hybrid incompatibility absence of physical linkage (Fusco and Uyenoyama,
factors, which cause severe disruptions in viability, 2011b). This effect derives from associations of
fertility, morphology, and behavior in interspecific genetic regions with sex, in the absence of func-
hybrids (Coyne and Orr, 2004; Nosil and Schluter, tional epistasis between targets of selection and
2011). Further, adaptation to local ecological condi- neutral markers. For example, deleterious factors
tions may engender divergent selection across envi- tend to be eliminated more slowly from the sex
ronments (Charlesworth et al., 1997; Schluter, 2001). in which they are more benign and neutral mark-
Here, we refer to genes that are neutral in their ers transmitted primarily or exclusively through
home context and deleterious in other contexts as one sex experience incompatibility factors predom-
incompatibility factors. inantly in the context of that sex.

4.1.1 Detecting incompatibility factors 4.1.2 Within-species polymorphisms for

incompatibility factors with sex-limited
Many studies of genomic patterns of variation
treat locus-specificity as a hallmark of selection,
assuming that demographic history and popula- Chippindale and Rice (2001) detected remark-
tion structure affect all regions of the genome ably strong effects on male fitness of Y chro-
uniformly (e.g. Akey et al., 2002; Innan et al., mosomes segregating within a laboratory strain
2003). Neutral markers tightly linked to targets of of Drosophila melanogaster. Recent analyses have
incompatibility selection are expected to show low demonstrated pervasive disruptions in expression
introgression relative to unlinked markers (Bengts- of genes throughout the genome upon introgression
son, 1985; Barton and Bengtsson, 1986; Navarro of Y chromosomes between laboratory strains or
and Barton, 2003). Kulathinal et al. (2009) exam- natural populations (Lemos et al., 2008, 2010; Jiang
ined genome-wide pairwise nucleotide differences et al., 2010). Earlier work had documented greater
in intraspecific comparisons (different strains of divergence between D. melanogaster and D. simu-
Drosophila pseudoobscura) and interspecific compar- lans of genes with male-biased expression (Ranz
isons (D. pseudoobscura to sister species D. persim- et al., 2003). Male-biased genes contributed dispro-
ilis or to outgroup D. miranda). This exploration portionately to those subject to Y-linked regula-
appeared to indicate greater excess of interspecific tory variation (YRV), and YRV genes show greater

Rapidly Evolving Genes and Genetic Systems. First Edition. Edited by Rama S. Singh, Jianping Xu, and Rob J. Kulathinal.
© 2012 Oxford University Press. Published 2012 by Oxford University Press.

divergence between D. melanogaster and D. simulans with an incompatibility factor by one-way migra-
(Lemos et al., 2008). tion. Kobayashi et al. (2008) defined ‘neutral effec-
Substitution of mitochondrial genomes among tive migration rate’ in terms of the change in fre-
strains also induces pervasive changes in expres- quency of a foreign allele relative to the difference in
sion throughout the D. melanogaster genome (Inno- frequency of the allele within the deme and among
centi et al., 2011), with genes with male-biased migrants.
expression again over-represented among affected Our objective is to characterize the pattern of
genes. The authors suggested that near-complete variation at neutral markers in a genome contain-
restriction of mitochondrial transmission through ing incompatibility factors. Fusco and Uyenoyama
the female line indicates that selection on mitochon- (2011a,b) approximated the full, complex process
drial genomes, driven primarily by their effects on using a structured population model of neutral
female but not male fitness, may be strongly sexu- variation with a migration rate scaled to account
ally antagonistic (reviewed by Rice, 1998). for selection targeted to incompatibility factors and
As extensive disruption of expression is likely to crossing-over between the marker and incompati-
be highly deleterious, these examples suggest that bility loci. The genealogical migration rate (g) corre-
polymorphisms for incompatibility factors with sponds to the parameter of an exponential waiting
sex-limited transmission may induce substantial time density of migration events along a random
barriers to introgression among populations of lineage traced backwards in time:
conspecifics. Further, that genes with sex-biased
expression diverge at accelerated rates (Ranz et al., g = m˘, (4.1)
2003) suggests that incompatibility at the intraspe-
cific level as well as the interspecific level may tend for m the backward migration rate (proportion of
to be sex-specific. the local gamete pool derived from migrants) and ˘
In this chapter, we summarize the nature the relative reproductive rate. For  indicating the
of differential rates of introgression across the locations of incompatibility factors, relative repro-
genome generated by sex-specific incompatibility. ductive rate ˘l,s
 represents the expected number

We explore the implications of this process for the of descendants in a generation far into the future
inference of population structure. of a neutral marker gene at genomic location l on
a gamete (vm ) transmitted by a migrant of sex s,
relative to a marker gene on a resident gamete (vr ).
4.2 Genealogical migration rate It corresponds to the limit

4.2.1 Definition vm(ZSG)t e

 = lim , (4.2)
t→∞ vr (ZSG)t e
A number of indices have been proposed to quan-
tify rates of neutral introgression induced by incom- for Z describing the generation of zygotes from
patibility factors. The index most widely used gametes; S selection on zygotes; G the transmis-
in the context of interspecific hybridization (e.g. sion by reproducing zygotes of gametes bearing
Barton and Bengtsson, 1986; Navarro and Bar- neutral marker genes; t the number of genera-
ton, 2003) is Bengtsson’s (1985) ‘gene flow factor,’ tions since the focal migration event; and e the
which corresponds to the probability that a for- vector with all elements equal to 1 (Fusco and
eign marker allele will succeed in transferring to a Uyenoyama, 2011a). Results of simulations (Fusco
genomic background free of incompatibility factors. and Uyenoyama, 2011b) suggest that for backward
Gavrilets (1997) used the inverse of the equilibrium migration rates (m) sufficiently low so that the inter-
frequency of a marker allele in a deme in which val between migration events is long relative to the
its existence requires gene flow in opposition to time to convergence of the limit in (4.2), the waiting
selection. Takahata and Slatkin (1984) studied the time to the most recent migration event along a ran-
rate of replacement of the local neutral marker allele dom lineage at the neutral marker locus is indeed
by a foreign allele repeatedly introduced together well-approximated by an exponential distribution
S E X - S P E C I F I C H Y B R I D I N C O M PAT I B I L I T Y 33

with parameter given by the genealogical migration show maximal associations with sex, differentially
rate (4.1). impede introgression of neutral markers on auto-
For c the proportion of females among repro- somes, sex chromosomes, or mitochondria (table 1
ducing migrants, incompatibility loci at genomic of Fusco and Uyenoyama, 2011b).
locations indicated by  induce an overall relative In general, barriers to neutral introgression
reproductive rate at a neutral marker locus at loca- engendered by sex-specific incompatibility depend
tion l of on the locations within the genome of incompati-
l, f
bility loci and neutral marker loci and on the sex
¯ l = c˘ + (1 − c)˘l,m
˘  . (4.3) of migrants. Table 4.1 provides expressions for rela-
tive reproductive rate (4.2) in ZW sex determination
4.2.2 Non-sex-specific incompatibility systems.
Sex-specificity also causes barriers generated
While previous analyses of barriers to interspe- by multiple sex-specific incompatibility factors to
cific introgression have assumed the absence of depart from earlier expectations. In the absence
disfavored incompatibility alleles in pure-species of sex-specificity, the total barrier to introgres-
populations, polymorphisms appear to be common sion induced by incompatibility factors showing
in plants (Rieseberg and Blackman, 2010) and are no functional epistasis corresponds to the prod-
expected to arise among conspecific demes adapted uct of the barriers induced by the factors indi-
to local ecological conditions. Relative reproductive vidually (Barton and Bengtsson, 1986; Fusco and
rate as defined in (4.2) easily accommodates poly- Uyenoyama, 2011b). In contrast, associations with
morphisms maintained by a balance between selec- sex developed by multiple sex-specific incompati-
tion and migration (Fusco and Uyenoyama, 2011a). bility factor influence their joint distribution. Non-
Under purifying or disruptive selection, regimes epistatic factors with concordant effects on the sexes
that promote within-deme monomorphism, (e.g. impairing males more than females or higher
genealogical migration rate g (4.1) declines with rates of crossing-over with the neutral marker in
increasing difference in incompatibility allele females) generate a submultiplicative total barrier
frequency between the local gamete pool and (below the multiplicative expectation) and factors
gametes transmitted by migrants. In contrast, with discordant effects a supermultiplicative total
overdominant selection within demes engenders barrier (Fusco and Uyenoyama, 2011b). This effect
almost no barrier to introgression, even for very reflects the greater efficiency of selection acting to
large between-deme differences in equilibrium purge incompatibility factors associated with the
frequencies of incompatibility alleles. Under same sex (compare Hill and Robertson, 1966; Bar-
meiotic drive opposing purifying selection within ton, 1995).
demes, relative reproductive rate ˘l,s  (4.2) can
exceed unity, signifying that migrants have greater
expected numbers of descendants than residents. 4.3 Applications
We explore some implications of sex-specific incom-
patibility for patterns of variation across genomic
4.2.3 Sex-specific incompatibility
Sex-specific incompatibility may reflect differential
impairment of the sexes by foreign alleles, link-
4.3.1 Mitochondrial introgression
age to genomic regions transmitted primarily or
exclusively through one sex, or differences between Petit and Excoffier (2009) conducted a literature
the sexes in rates of crossing-over between neu- survey of patterns of interspecific introgression in
tral marker loci and targets of incompatibility selec- 37 mammal, bird, and insect species known to
tion. For example, incompatibility factors borne on have sex-biased dispersal. Their results appeared
Y chromosomes or mitochondrial genomes (e.g. to indicate a trend opposite to prediction based on
Lemos et al., 2008; Innocenti et al., 2011), which sex-biased migration alone: all 16 organisms with

Table 4.1 Relative reproductive rates under ZW sex determination

Positiona Relative reproductive rate

Factor Marker Female migrant Male migrant

Û f r f + Ûm r m Û f r f + Ûm r m
1 − Û f (1 − r f ) + 1 − Ûm (1 − r m ) 1 − Û f (1 − r f ) + 1 − Ûm (1 − r m )

Ûm (4 + Û f ) 2(Û f + Ûm ) + Û f Ûm
8 − Ûm (2 + Û f ) 8 − Ûm (2 + Û f )
A W 0
2 − Ûf
A mt 0
2 − Ûf
4 + Ûm 2(Û f + Ûm ) + Û f Ûm
8 − Ûm (2 + Û f ) 8 − Ûm (2 + Û f )
2Ûm r m Ûm (1 + Û f )r m
2 − Ûm (1 + Û f )(1 − r m ) 2 − Ûm (1 + Û f )(1 − r m )

Z W 1 0
Z mt 1 0
W A 1
2 − Ûf
W Z 1 1
W W 0 0
W mt 0 0
mt A 1
2 − Ûf
mt Z Ûm 1
mt W 0 0
mt mt 0 0

Genomic location: autosomal (A), Z-linked (Z), W-linked (W), mitochondrial (mt)

female-biased dispersal showed lower introgres- drial genome, foreign W chromosome, and female-
sion of mitochondrial than nuclear markers and all ness show complete cosegregation. In particular,
but two of 21 organisms with male-based disper- Table 4.1 indicates that a W-linked incompatibility
sal showed higher introgression of mitochondrial factor completely blocks mitochondrial introgres-
mt, f
markers. Most of the species designated as having sion (˘W = 0), while a Y-linked factor presents no
mt, f
female-biased dispersal also had a ZW sex determi- barrier at all (˘Y = 1). To the extent that incom-
nation system with homogametic (ZZ) males and patibility factors occur on the chromosome held
most of the species with male-biased dispersal had exclusively by the heterogametic sex (Y or W), this
heterogametic (XY or XO) males. comparison suggests greater mitochondrial than
We compare XY and ZW sex determination sys- nuclear introgression in natural populations with
tems with respect to barriers to mitochondrial intro- XY but not ZW sex determination systems.
gression induced by incompatibility factors on the Y This prediction appears to be consistent with
or W chromosome. A major difference between XY Petit and Excoffier’s (2009) finding of higher mito-
and ZW sex determination systems is the nature of chondrial than nuclear introgression in 13 of the 17
cosegregation of mitochondria with sex. In descen- organisms with XY sex determination and in four of
dants of a female migrant, the foreign mitochon- the 17 organisms with ZW sex determination. Fur-
S E X - S P E C I F I C H Y B R I D I N C O M PAT I B I L I T Y 35

ther, in one of the first empirical observations docu- 4N f Nm

menting differential interspecific divergence among Ne =
N f + Nm
genomic regions, Powell (1983) reported that sym-
patric but not allopatric populations of Drosophila me = (m f + mm )/2
pseudoobscura and D. persilimis (XY) share mito-
chondrial genomes despite abundant evidence of for autosomal marker loci and
nuclear divergence in sympatry as well as allopatry. 9N f Nm
Ne =
2N f + 4Nm

4.3.2 Interpreting region-specific FST me = (2m f + mm )/3

A seminal analysis by Seielstad et al. (1998) revealed for X-linked marker loci, in which N f and Nm
striking differences in F ST estimated from auto- denote effective numbers of female and male repro-
somal, mitochondrial, and Y-linked variation at a ductives within demes and m f and mm female and
local scale (hundreds of kilometers) among human male backward migration rates.
European populations. They suggested that the Ramachandran et al. (2008) addressed the rela-
large (eightfold) difference in numbers of migrants tionship between the ratio of migrant numbers
inferred from mitochondrial and Y-linked varia- (M f /Mm = N f m f /(Nm mm )) and the proportion of
tion primarily reflects higher migration rates in females among reproductives within a deme (r =
females. A number of subsequent studies have N f /(N f + Nm )):
based inferences about sex-bias in effective number   

or migration rate on comparisons of F ST (reviewed

Mf r −3 F 1A − F1X + (5 − 4r ) F1X − 1
by Wilkins, 2006). Exploring sex-bias at the genome =  ST ST


Mm 2(1 − r ) 3 1 − 1 − (1 − 2r ) 1 − 1
scale in global samples has proven to be more com- FA FX ST FX
plex than anticipated, with some data sets failing to (4.5)
show expected patterns (Wilder et al., 2004), show-
ing conflicting patterns across data sets (Hammer Sex-specific incompatibility: Here, we explore infer-
et al., 2008; Keinan et al., 2009; Bustamante and ences about sex-biased dispersal or effective num-
Ramachandran, 2009), or showing no consistent bers that might be drawn from F ST generated
pattern across loci (Garrigan et al., 2007). under a distinct model: sex-specific incompatibil-
Sex-bias in migration or effective numbers: A number ity with sex-independent effective numbers (N f =
of methods have been proposed to estimate sex- Nm = N/2) and an overall backward migration rate
bias in migration rate or effective number based on of m. Under our model,
genomic patterns of variation (e.g. Hamilton et al.,
2005; Hammer et al., 2008; Ramachandran et al., A 1
F ST =
2008; Ségurel et al., 2008). In particular, low F ST 1+ 4Nm˘
¯ A[d/(d − 1)]2
X (4.6)
estimated from X-linked (F ST ) relative to autoso- 1
mal (F ST ) markers has been interpreted as indica-
F ST = ,
1 + 3Nm˘
¯ X [d/(d − 1)]2
tive of greater numbers of female migrants. For the
island model with small rates of mutation relative for ˘
¯ A and ˘¯ X defined in (4.3). Substitution of these
to migration, expected values into (4.5) produces

1 Mf r (2 − r )˘ ¯X−˘ ¯ A
F ST = , (4.4) = A  . (4.7)
1 + 4Ne me [d/(d − 1)]2 Mm (1 − r ) 2˘¯  − (2 − r )˘ ¯ X

for Ne the effective number of zygotes, me the effec- Positivity of the inferred ratio of female to male
tive rate of migration, and d the number of demes migrants (M f /Mm ) requires
(e.g. Hudson, 1990; Slatkin, 1991). Under sex-biased
dispersal or effective numbers, 2˘¯ A/(2 − r ) > ˘
¯ X > ˘
¯ A /(2 − r ),

which reduces, under equal effective numbers of 5

males and females (r = 1/2), to
4 s f > sm
4 A 2 A
˘ ¯ X > ˘
¯ >˘ ¯ . (4.8)
3  3  3
Satisfaction of the inequality on the left ensures
, consistent with lower effective num- 2
bers of X-linked than autosomal genes. However,
sex-specific incompatibility can induce sufficient s f < sm
greater barriers to neutral introgression of autoso-
mal than X-linked markers to cause F ST to exceed 0. 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
F ST . c
Fig. 4.1 shows the ratio of female to male
A Figure 4.2 Ratio of numbers of female to male migrants ( M f / M m )
migrants (4.7) inferred from values of F ST and inferred from values of F SAT and F SXT expected under sex-specific
F ST expected to arise in response to a sex- incompatibility induced by an autosomal factor that reduces the viability of
specific Y-linked incompatibility factor that reduces its female and male carriers to Û f and Ûm as a function of the proportion
the viability of its carriers to Ûm = 0.5 (solid) or of females among migrants (c ). The solid line corresponds to Û f = 0.6 and
to Ûm = 0.8 (dashed). For increasing proportions the dashed line to Û f = 0.4, under the constraint Û f + Ûm = 1.

of females among reproducing migrants (c), the

inferred M f /Mm uniformly decreases. Because X- exceed F ST (violation of the left inequality of (4.8))
linked marker genes borne by a male migrant are for sufficiently low c, in spite of the higher effective
transmitted only to factor-free daughters, Y-linked number of autosomal genes. This effect generates a
incompatibility factors induce no barrier to their discontinuity in the inferred M f /Mm ratio, as exem-
introgression (˘ ¯ YX = 1). In contrast, autosomal mark- plified by the hyperbola in Fig. 4.1 (Ûm = 0.5).
ers transmitted to sons of a male migrant suffer Fig. 4.2 illustrates trends in the inferred M f /Mm
reductions in fitness induced by the Y-linked factor, (4.7) under sex-specific incompatibility due to an
implying autosomal factor that reduces the viability of its
female (Û f ) and male (Ûm ) carriers relative to factor-
¯ YA = c + (1 − c)/(2 − Ûm ) free individuals (1 > Û f , Ûm ). To maintain a fixed
(from table 1 of Fusco and Uyenoyama, 2011b). total amount of selection across the comparison,
Strong incompatibility (Ûm < 2/3) can cause F ST
to we imposed the constraint Û f + Ûm = 1. Fig. 4.2 indi-
cates that the inferred M f /Mm increases with the
20 proportion of females among reproducing migrants
(c) only for factors that impair females more than
males (Ûm > Û f ).
10 2
sm> An autosomal factor induces relative reproduc-
Mf tive rates at markers on a separate autosome and
0 on the X-chromosome of
Mm 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
c Û f + Ûm
˘ A, f A,m
A = ˘A =
-10 4 − Û f − Ûm
X, f 2(Û f + Ûm ) + Û f Ûm
-20 ˘A =
8 − Û f (2 + Ûm )

Figure 4.1 Ratio of numbers of female to male migrants ( M f / M m ) Û f (4 + Ûm )

˘ X,m =
inferred from values of F SAT and F SXT expected under sex-specific
8 − Û f (2 + Ûm )
incompatibility induced by Y-linked incompatibility factors as a function of
the proportion of females among migrants (c ). The solid lines represent the (from table 1 of Fusco and Uyenoyama, 2011b).
effects of a factor that reduces the viability of its carriers to Ûm = 0.5 and Under the constraint Û f + Ûm = 1, the relative repro-
the dashed line to Ûm = 0.8. ductive rate at the unlinked autosomal marker ˘ AA
S E X - S P E C I F I C H Y B R I D I N C O M PAT I B I L I T Y 37

reduces to 1/3. For incompatibility factors causing et al., 2003). Even at the intraspecific level, transfer
greater impairment of females than males (Û f < between populations of genomic regions with sex-
Ûm ), X-linked markers introgress at lower rates than limited transmission can cause pervasive disrup-
X, f
autosomal markers, with ˘ X,m A < ˘ A < ˘ AA. This tions of expression of genes throughout the genome
relation reflects a stronger association of the X- (Lemos et al., 2008; Innocenti et al., 2011).
chromosome with females, the sex more impaired Rapidly evolving sex-specific hybrid incompati-
by incompatibility. The association between female- bility can generate heterogeneity in neutral diver-
ness and the X-linked marker strengthens with gence across genomic regions. The locus-specific
higher proportions of male migrants, which trans- nature of the induced barriers to introgression
mit the X-linked marker exclusively to daughters. derive not from physical linkage to incompatibil-
The inferred ratio of numbers of female to male ity factors but rather from associations between sex
migrants (4.7) increases with increasing c (decreas- and neutral markers and between sex and targets
ing proportion of male migrants), although it indi- of sex-specific selection (Fusco and Uyenoyama,
cates a male-bias in migrant number (M f /Mm < 1) 2011b). As such associations arise even in the
even for c exceeding 1/2. absence of linkage, a single sex-specific incompat-
For incompatibility factors causing greater ibility factor can induce locus-specific patterns of
impairment of males than females (Û f > Ûm ), neutral divergence across genomic regions. We sug-
however, the inferred ratio M f /Mm declines with gest that the locus-specific nature of barriers to
increasing proportions of female migrants (solid introgression both between species and between
line in Fig. 4.2). In this case, X-linked markers conspecific populations induced by sex-specific
introgress at higher rates than autosomal markers incompatibility may affect inferences regarding sex-
X, f
(˘ X,m
A > ˘ A > ˘ AA), with the dependence on c biased dispersal and selection.
reflecting the strengthening of the association of the
X-linked marker with femaleness as the proportion
of male migrants increases. Inferences based on Acknowledgments
(4.7) would indicate uniformly higher numbers
of female migrants (M f /Mm > 1), even for c less Public Health Service grant GM 37841 (MKU) pro-
than 1/2. vided partial funding for this research. We grate-
These examples illustrate that sex-specific incom- fully acknowledge support for the National Evolu-
patibility can induce differential rates of introgres- tionary Synthesis Center (NESCent) working group
sion across the genome, especially among regions on Genomic Introgression.
that differ in their cosegregation with sex. Associ-
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Rapid evolution in experimental

populations of major life forms
Jianping Xu

5.1 Introduction create varieties with extreme differences within a

single species were recognized by Charles Darwin
Questions in evolutionary biology are typically over 150 years ago, who started his book, On The
addressed by one of two approaches. In the first Origin of Species, with a chapter on the widespread
and the more common approach, biological sam- variation found in domestic animals. For example,
ples from natural environments are analyzed and there are now over 400 breeds of dogs that differ
compared with other biotic (e.g. symbionts, preda- tremendously in size, shape, coat color, sensitiv-
tors, pathogens, etc.) and abiotic data (e.g. climatic, ity to smell, and behavior (Shearman and Wilton
geological, geographic, physical/chemical proper- 2011). However, most early selection and breed-
ties of the environment, etc.) in order to infer his- ing experiments were not well documented, and
torical processes, generate novel patterns, and/or not based on carefully designed and reproducible
test specific hypotheses. The second approach uses experiments.
experimental evolution: monitoring and analyz- The British microbiologist and microscope expert
ing human-controlled long-term selection, adapta- William Dallinger performed one of the first con-
tion, or mutation accumulation in populations of trolled long-term evolution experiments. From
organisms. While most chapters in this book deal 1880–1886, he continuously cultivated and recorded
with data from the first approach, this chapter the phenotypic changes of three flagellated monads,
highlights methods and data from the experimen- Tetramitus rostratus, Monas dallingeri, and Dallingera
tal evolution approach. As shown in the follow- drysdali, with one species in each of three custom-
ing paragraphs, experimental evolutionary studies built incubators (Dallinger 1887). During the 7-year
have provided some of the best and most direct period, he slowly increased the temperature of the
evidence for rapid evolution of genes and genetic incubators from an initial 16˚C to 70˚C and con-
systems. And the recent arrival of highthroughput tinuously monitored their cellular morphology and
genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics technolo- development using microscopy. The initial cultures
gies has opened an exciting new chapter in experi- grew well at 16˚C but were incapable of surviv-
mental evolution studies. ing at 70˚C. In contrast, those at the end of the
Experimental evolution studies have roots dat- selection experiments all survived well at 70˚C but
ing to early human civilization, during the domes- grew poorly or were unable to grow at the ini-
tication of plants and animals. Over the past few tial 16˚C. Unfortunately, there was no repetition of
millennia, for some organisms, such domestica- his treatments, and only one sample was exam-
tion and selective breeding experiments have led ined for each of the three species. As a result, the
to a large number of varieties that phenotypically potential variations in the trajectories of adapta-
often differ dramatically from each other and from tion could not be inferred. In addition, none of the
their original wild-type ancestors. Notable exam- ancestral or evolved strains were saved for future
ples include dogs, horses, cats, maize, rice, and investigations, including eliminating the possibility
cabbages. Indeed, the effects of human breeding to that these results were due to contaminations. And

Rapidly Evolving Genes and Genetic Systems. First Edition. Edited by Rama S. Singh, Jianping Xu, and Rob J. Kulathinal.
© 2012 Oxford University Press. Published 2012 by Oxford University Press.

lastly, the incubators were accidentally destroyed, bacterium Escherichia coli. A topical book titled
leaving no possibility for follow-up experiments for Experimental Evolution (Garland and Rose 2009) was
this seemingly remarkable adaptation to high tem- recently published that highlighted the contribu-
perature growth for these organisms. Similar to the tions of experimental evolution to biology, agricul-
studies of Dallinger, most experimental evolution ture, animal husbandry, and medicine. Although
studies from the 1880s to the 1960s had no or few any organism could theoretically be used for exper-
repetitions, often lacked stored ancestral and inter- imental evolution studies, for several reasons,
mediately evolved populations, or were conducted microbes have become the organisms of choice.
for relatively few generations. First, microbes typically have short generation
times, allowing a large number of generations to
be passed in a relatively short period of time.
5.2 Features of experimental evolution
Second, microbes are, by definition, small. There-
Both repetition and a relatively large number of fore, a large number of cells (billions to trillions)
generations are critical in experimental evolution- can be easily grown and maintained in the lab.
ary investigations. Their importance is linked to Third, microbes can be readily reproduced clon-
the two most fundamental features of biological ally and a large number of genetically identical (or
evolution: (i) the adaptation of organisms to their nearly identical) cells can be stored permanently as
environments; and (ii) the divergence of popula- ‘living fossils’ for comparisons among themselves
tions and species from each other. Without repeti- as well as with their ancestral genotypes, mak-
tion, the roles of stochastic chance events and selec- ing estimates of various contributors (genotype,
tion can not be unambiguously distinguished. Simi- environment, and genotype–environment interac-
larly, since evolution in nature is a historical process tions) to overall phenotype variation relatively
and accumulating notable changes can take time, straightforward. Fourth, most microbes are, or can
long-term laboratory evolution (although still much be made, genetically tractable, allowing specific
shorter than most evolutionary processes in nature) marker genes to be followed through many gener-
is often essential in making biologically meaning- ations. Such genetic tractability allows both testing
ful inferences. Furthermore, though not essential the effects of specific genes and alleles and helping
or even possible for some species, having stored to identify potential contaminations. Finally, cer-
ancestral and evolved populations (both intermedi- tain microbes, e.g. those with RNA-based viruses,
ate and final) allow for comparisons of traits at the have naturally high mutation rates and thus allow a
same time and under the same environmental con- large number of genetic changes to be accumulated
ditions. The availability of stored materials for com- rapidly. For microbes with DNA-based genomes,
parisons minimizes experimental errors and per- there are genes known to impact mutation rate.
mits better estimates of the potential contributions As a result, the deletion/alteration of these genes
of accumulated genetic changes and genotype– through genetic manipulations can increase muta-
environment interactions to the observed pheno- tional rate of the host genome, accelerate overall
typic characteristics. In addition, potential prob- genetic change, and quickly impact on divergence
lems such as contamination could also be effec- and adaptation of experimental populations to spe-
tively addressed by comparing the genotypes of the cific environmental conditions.
stored strains and populations across the duration In the following sections, I first provide a brief
of the experiment. overview of experimental evolution approaches.
At the beginning of the 1960s, a number of evo- I will then review a few selected organisms and
lutionary biologists working with different groups traits to showcase the rapid rates of adaptation and
of organisms began to establish long-term, mul- divergence in these populations. While experimen-
tiple parallel experimental evolution lines. The tal evolution of plants and animals will be dis-
organisms include fruit flies, mice, crop plants, cussed, the focus here is on microbial experimental
viruses, yeasts, and a common mammalian gut evolution studies.

5.3 Types of experimental evolution chosen, the organisms to establish future genera-
tions in adaptation experiments are not individu-
Based on the type and amount of selective pressure ally picked but, rather, are randomly drawn from all
imposed on evolving experimental populations, those that survived the previous generation. Each
experimental evolution studies can be broadly clas- individual that survived the previous generation
sified into three types: directional selection, adapta- has the potential to be a founder for the next round
tion, and mutation accumulation. of adaptation. In addition, the founder population
for future generations in adaptation experiments
5.3.1 Directional selection is often larger than those in directional selection
In directional selection experiments, individuals
with specific trait(s) or trait value(s) are directly
selected at an appropriate life stage by the exper- 5.3.3 Mutation accumulation
imenter to establish subsequent generations. Typ- The third type of experimental evolution is muta-
ically, this process is repeated over many gener- tion accumulation (Mukai 1964). Different from
ations where the selected trait or trait value can directional selection and adaptation experiments,
change through the selection process. At the end selective pressure is typically not applied to the
of the selection phase of the experiment, the traits study populations in mutation accumulation exper-
and trait values are analyzed and compared with iments. As a result, aside from mutations that are
progenitors and among parallel selection lines. The lethal in the specific mutation accumulation envi-
Danish botanist Wilhelm Johanssen (1903) reported ronment, all other mutations (be they beneficial,
one of the first directional selection experiments neutral, or deleterious) can be accumulated in these
on beans where he selected both the largest and populations at each round of the mutation accu-
smallest beans in self-fertilizing populations. The mulation phase and different replicate populations
underlying genetic changes accumulated during can accumulate different types and numbers of
selection are often further analyzed by genetic mutations. To enhance the chances that all cells
crossing and progeny analyses, and in recent years, (including both mutation-free cells and mutants)
whole-genome resequencing, and gene expression have equal probabilities of being passed on to the
profiling. next generations, a single random individual (or
pairs of individuals in obligate sexual organisms)
is generally taken at each transfer for each line for
5.3.2 Adaptation
the next generation, maximizing genetic drift and
In adaptation experiments, a selective pressure is enhancing the possibility of continuously accumu-
typically applied to parallel populations of the lating random mutations. Evolving populations at
experimental organism and only those that survive intermediate steps and the final stage of the muta-
and reproduce in the specific environment will have tion accumulation phase are typically stored. These
a chance to be passed onto the next generation of populations, along with that of the starting popu-
experimental populations. The selective pressures lation, are then examined for specific phenotypes.
can be from abiotic physical/chemical factors such The phenotypic differences are used to calculate
as high or low values of temperature (e.g. Dallinger the rates of change over time and the degree of
1887), pH, salt concentrations, and antibiotics or divergence among parallel mutation accumulation
from biotic factors such as pathogens, predators, lines. Such data are often used to infer fundamental
and symbionts. Similar to those in directional selec- organismal parameters such as mutation rates and
tion experiments, the intensity of selective pressure phenotypic effects per mutation for many traits in a
can change over time in adaptation experiments variety of organisms.
during the long-term adaptation process. However, In the following sections, I highlight examples
unlike in directional selection experiments where of rapid evolution in each of the three experimen-
organisms for the next generations are individually tal evolution approaches. I specifically focus on the

rate of change in population mean phenotype and pathogen, Cryptococcus neoformans, was intermedi-
the rate of divergence among parallel experimental ate (Xu 2002, 2004), about 25 times of that in E. coli
evolution populations. Together, these approaches and less than half of those in bacteriophage Ø6 and
have allowed for the examination of both chance S. cerevisiae. The exact reason for the relatively low
and necessity in the evolution of a wide variety of rate of decline in E. coli is unknown but may be
traits. related to the extended maintenance of this organ-
ism in the laboratory setting, likely adapted bet-
ter to the lab environment than the other organ-
5.4 Rapid change and divergence
isms and therefore experiencing lower rates of fit-
among mutation accumulation
ness decline when further cultured in the same
population lines
lab environment. As expected, the mutation repair-
Compared to the total number of taxa that exist deficient strain of S. cerevisiae had a greater growth
in the biosphere, the number and diversity of rate decline per generation, over twice of that in
organisms that have been investigated in muta- the mutation repair-competent strain of the same
tion accumulation experiments are extremely small. species (Table 5.1).
However, representatives from the major groups In contrast to the large differences in the rates of
of organisms belonging to viruses, bacteria, fungi, fitness decline, rates of divergence among replicate
plants, and animals have been investigated in labo- mutation accumulation lines were similar among
ratory mutation accumulation experiments. Most of three of the four organisms (bacteriophage Ø6,
these organisms are model species that have been E. coli, and C. neoformans), all within a threefold
used extensively in other types of studies. Table 5.1 difference (Table 5.1). However, the rates of diver-
shows selected examples of the diversities of organ- gence among populations of both strains of S. cere-
isms and traits that have been examined so far visiae were over 20 times higher than those in the
through this approach. Next, I present a brief sum- other three organisms, with the mutation repair-
mary of these studies. competent strain about four times greater than that
in the mutation repair-deficient strain. The rela-
tively large rates of decline and rapid divergence
5.4.1 Microbial growth rate
among replicate lines in S. cerevisiae was mainly due
Among microorganisms, a commonly examined to the loss of mitochondrial genes and genomes in
trait in mutation accumulation experiments is asex- these mutation accumulation populations, result-
ual reproductive rate or vegetative growth rate. As ing in the formation of petit colonies (Zeyl and
shown in Table 5.1, all examined microbial species De Visser 2001). S. cerevisiae is a facultative aer-
reveal noticeable declines in vegetative growth after obic/anaerobic yeast. In the absence of oxygen
mutation accumulation, even after only a relatively (i.e. in anaerobic conditions), oxidative phospho-
short period of time (within a few months). The rylation by the mitochondria for energy genera-
results are consistent with the hypothesis that most tion is not required and losing mitochondria can
mutations are deleterious and that bottlenecking be advantageous for the cells in such an environ-
allows effective accumulation of such mutations in ment. Even in the presence of oxygen, some cells
laboratory experimental populations. Interestingly, are prone to lose their mitochondrial genes, result-
the rates of decline differed greatly among the four ing in petit colonies on solid agar. In contrast,
microbial species in Table 5.1. For example, the E. coli and C. neoformans have different metabolic
rate of decline in both the bacteriophage Ø6 and needs with both growing much faster under aerobic
the mutation repair-competent strain of the bud- conditions than anaerobic ones. Indeed, C. neofor-
ding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, were over 55–60 mans is incapable of growing in anaerobic envi-
times greater than that observed in the common ronments. Excluding petit mutants from the analy-
gut bacterium, Escherichia coli (Chao 1990; Kibota ses yields estimates more similar to those observed
and Lynch 1996; Zeyl and de Visser 2001). The in the other three microbes (Zeyl and De Visser
rate of decline in the human basidiomycete yeast 2001).
Table 5.1 Representative studies highlighting the rapid change and divergence in traits among experimental populations of bacteriophage Ø6, bacteria, fungi, plants, and animals that have undergone
mutation accumulation and genetic drift

Organism Phenotypic trait Number of replicate Number of Rate of change per Rate of divergence per Reference
lines generations generationa (×10−3 ) generation (×10−3 )

Bacteriophage Ø6 Growth rate 20 1320 −0.167 0.039 Chao et al. 1990

Pseudomonas Utilization pattern of 95 20 2000 −0.41/95 carbon sources 1.41/95 carbon sources MacLean and Bell 2003
aeruginosa carbon sources
Escherichia coli Cell sizeb 12 10,000 0.045 0.015 Barrick et al. 2009
Growth rate 50 6600 −0.003 0.021 Kibota and Lynch 1996
Cryptococcus Mating ability 16 600 −1.222 0.322 Xu 2002, 2004
Filamentation ability 16 600 −0.643 0.298
Growth ratec 16 600 −0.075 0.075
Saccharomyces Growth rate (wild type strain) 50 600 −0.183 5.874 Zeyl and De Visser 2001
Growth rate (mutator strain) 50 600 −0.348 1.472
Drosophila Abdominal bristle number 25 100 −0.153 8.401 Mackay et al. 1992
melanogaster (ancestral base number =15)
Sternopleural bristle number 25 100 −0.094 3.687
(ancestral base number ∼16)
Viability 47 44 −3.8 0.103 Houle et al. 1992
Life-time fitness 47 44 −12.8 0.828
Caenorhabditis Life-time fitness 50 60 −0.3 1.2 Keightley and Caballero
elegans 1997
Life span 50 60 −0.714 0.4
Arabidopsis thaliana Germination rate 924 10 −0.710 0.1 Schultz et al. 1999
Fruit set 924 10 −0.421 0.01
Seeds per fruit 143 10 −0.441 0.083
Total fitness 127 10 −5.47 0.137

The values here refer to change relative to that of the ancestral strain/population. The ancestral strain/population trait values were all scaled to 1
Cells were selected for adaptation to minimum medium, increase in cell size is an accidental side effect
In these studies, the fitness of evolved populations were examined on several different growth media/conditions. However, only result from the growth medium/condition originally used during mutation accumulation is shown

5.4.2 Other microbial traits isms (Table 5.1; Xu 2002, 2004). The overall results
suggest that while mutational targets for vegetative
Aside from vegetative growth rates, several other
growth rates might be broader than most special-
traits have also been examined using the muta-
ized traits, with rare exceptions (e.g. loss of mito-
tion accumulation approach in microorganisms.
chondrial genomes in S. cerevisiae), the effect per
These included carbon source utilization abilities in
mutation for vegetative growth in typical mutation
the plant and animal pathogenic bacterium, Pseu-
lines are overall smaller than other traits.
domonas aeruginosa, cell size in E. coli, and the
mating and filamentation abilities in C. neoformans
(Table 5.1). Of these four traits in Table 5.1, cell 5.4.3 Plants and animals
size in E. coli increased in the absence of selec-
Similar to declines in fitness-related traits observed
tion, suggesting that large cell size might be dele-
in microorganisms, all fitness-related traits exam-
terious in long-term evolution (Fig. 5.1). However,
ined so far showed declines in mutation accumula-
the cell size data here were obtained from a long-
tion lines in complex multicellular organisms such
term adaptation experiment to a minimum medium
as the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, the nema-
(Barrick et al. 2009). Therefore, it is entirely possi-
tode, Caenorhabditis elegans, and the mustard weed
ble that the observed cell size increase was due to
plant, Arabidopsis thaliana (Table 5.1). As expected,
the pleiotropic effects of adaptation to the minimal
among the examined traits, the largest declines
medium in these populations, even though cell size
were seen for lifetime fitness or total fitness where
was not directly selected.
all individual fitness trait values were combined
The remaining fitness-related traits other than the
in the analyses (Mackay et al. 1994; Keightley
vegetative growth rate listed in Table 5.1 all demon-
et al. 1997; Schultz et al. 1999). Of the individual
strated declines in mutation accumulation lines. For
traits, their rates of decline varied by about 30-
example, the loss of carbon source utilization ability
fold, from the lowest in sternopleural bristle num-
in P. aeruginosa was rapid, about 1 for every 2000
ber to the highest in viability, both in the fruit fly
generations for the 95 examined carbon sources
(Table 5.2). In contrast to the big differences among
(MacLean and Bell 2003). Similarly, both the mat-
traits in the fruit fly, the three fitness related traits
ing ability and filamentation ability in C. neoformans
in A. thaliana showed remarkably similar rates of
showed much greater declines than those observed
decline, all within a twofold difference and similar
for vegetative growth in the examined microorgan-
to the declines in mating and filamentation abili-
ties in C. neoformans. However, the lifetime repro-
ductive fitness in the fruit fly and the mustard
0.9 weed showed much greater declines than that in
0.8 the nematode. Akin to the large differences in the
rates of decline, the rates of divergence also dif-
Cell size

fered greatly among the organisms and traits. How-
ever, as shown for microorganisms, there was no
0.5 clear correlation between the rate of decline and the
0.4 rate of divergence. The most rapidly declining trait
0.3 didn not show the biggest divergence among repli-
0 2500 5000 7500 10,000 12,500 cate lines and vice versa. The mechanisms under-
Number of generations lying the differences among the species are largely
unknown but may be related to differences in their
Figure 5.1 Changes in mean cell size in evolving E. coli populations ecology and reproductive biology. Further compar-
over 10,000 generations. The x-axis shows the number of generations. The
y-axis shows the mean cell volume (×10−15 L). Note the relatively rapid
ative investigations are urgently needed in this area.
change during the first 2000 generations. Vertical lines indicate standard All mutation accumulation populations exam-
deviations calculated from 12 experimental populations. The original data ined so far have limited or no recombination.
for this graph were from Lenski (2012; Instead, the populations were propagated through
Table 5.2 Examples of responses to adaptation and directional selection in experimental evolution populations. Highlighted in bold are examples of directional selection while others are examples of adaptation

Organism Phenotypic trait Number of replicate lines Number of experimental Rate of change per Rate of divergence Reference
generations generationa (×10−3 ) per generation
(×10−3 )

Escherichia coli Growth rate in an arabinose minimum medium 12 2000 0.192 0.32 Lenski et al. 1991
Growth rate in an arabinose minimum medium 12 20,000 0.042 0.008 Barrick et al. 2009
Growth rate at 42˚C 6 400 0.18 0.007 Bennett and Lenski 1999
Pseudomonas Utilization pattern of 95 carbon sources 4 lines each in 23 novel 1100 2.003/95 carbon sources 2.183/95 carbon MacLean and Bell 2003
aeruginosa carbon source media sources
Drosophila Abdominal bristle number (high selection 3 lines 125 1.76 0.613 Mackay et al. 1994
melanogaster lines)
Abdominal bristle number (low selection 3 lines 125 −4.96 1.63
Sternopleural bristle number (high 3 lines 125 2.65 2.02
selection lines)
Sternopleural bristle number (low 3 lines 125 −1.5 0.865
selection lines)
Ethanol resistance (large population size 1600) 2 outbred lines 65 70.553 3.938 Weber and Diggins 1990
Ethanol resistance (small population size 160) 4 outbred lines 65 44.369 4.738
Mus domesticus Body weight at 6 weeks (high-weight 1 line 50 1.818 N/A Keightley 1998
selection line)
Body weight at 6 weeks (low-weight 1 line 50 −3.909 N/A
selection line)
Wheel-running: total revolution/day in 4 lines 10 50 5.68 Swallow et al. 1998
first 2 weeks
Saccharomyces Growth rate in test tube-sexual populations 5 200 0.378 0.197 Grimberg and Zeyl 2005
Growth rate in test tube-asexual populations 5 250 0.221 0.046
Growth rate in mouse-sexual populations 4 260 0.197 0.023
Growth rate in mouse-asexual populations 4 150 0.659 0.0987
øX 174 Growth at high temperature (42˚C) 5 (11 days, ∼3000 1755.6 447.3 Bull et al. 1997
genome replications)

Experimental evolution studies highlighted in bold employed the directional selection approach while those in normal font used the adaptation approach.

clonal asexual reproduction (for microorganisms), 1.7

selfing (e.g. C. elegans and A. thaliana), or employing 1.6
balancer chromosomes to prevent recombination

Vegetative growth relative


to the starting clone

(D. melanogaster). Limiting recombination in these
populations is crucial for understanding the effects
of mutation alone on specific phenotypes. Indeed,
follow-up analyses of progeny from crosses using
mutation accumulation lines as parental strains 1.1

often showed rapid recovery of population fitness 1

(e.g. Chao et al. 1992). Results from these mutation 0.9
accumulation experiments clearly demonstrated 0.8
the importance of sex and recombination in main- 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10,000 12,000
Number of generations
taining population fitness.

Figure 5.2 Changes in mean relative fitness of evolving E. coli

5.5 Adaptation and directional populations over 10,000 generations. The x-axis shows the number of
generations. The y-axis shows fitness of evolving E. coli populations with
selection experiments
the fitness of the ancestral population scaled to 1. Note the relatively rapid
In contrast to mutation accumulation studies dis- change during the first 2000 generations. Vertical lines indicate standard
deviations calculated from 12 experimental populations. The original data
cussed earlier where no or little selective pressures
for this graph were from Lenski (2012;
are applied to the evolving experimental popu-
lations, significant selective pressures are usually
applied to populations under adaptation and direc- experiment (Lenski et al. 1991), with the rate of fit-
tional selection regimes. There are many examples ness increase decreasing over time (Table 5.2, Fig.
of experimental evolutionary studies that deal with 5.2). Recent investigations showed that the dimin-
adaptation and directional selection. Listed in Table ishing returns were largely due to negative epista-
5.2 are a few examples representing both a broad sis among the newly accumulated beneficial muta-
group of organisms and a diverse spectrum of traits. tions (Khan et al. 2011). Indeed, negative epistasis is
In these studies, noticeable changes in the selected commonly observed among beneficial mutations in
phenotypic traits were evident in the evolved pop- diverse organisms (Weinreich et al. 2005; Chou et al.
ulations. As expected, the overall rate of change in 2011).
adaptation/directional selection experiments was Despite negative epistasis, fitness gains were still
greater than those seen in mutation accumulation evident in evolving E. coli populations even after
experiments. 40,000 generations under the same growth condi-
tion (Barrick et al. 2009). In addition, similar rates
and patterns of fitness gain were found for popu-
5.5.1 Adaptation of E. coli populations lations of E. coli adapting to two different environ-
In one of the most elegant series of experimental ments, a minimum medium with arabinose as the
evolutionary studies, Lenski and colleagues per- carbon source and a high temperature environment
formed a series of experiments to examine the rel- at 42˚C (Table 5.2; Bennett and Lenski 1999 Lenski
ative roles of adaptation, chance, and historical et al. 1991).
contingency in shaping phenotypic and genotypic
diversity among populations of E. coli. Twelve pop-
5.5.2 Adaptation of viral populations
ulations of E. coli were permitted to evolve in a
novel sugar (arabinose) environment continuously Among the other studies shown in Table 5.2, the
for over 20 years in batch culture with regular trans- most remarkable change in phenotype was the
fers to fresh medium in order to maintain active adaptation of the bacteriophage øX174 to a high
growth. Interestingly, all 12 populations showed temperature stressful environment at 42˚C (Bull
much greater fitness gains at the beginning of the et al. 1997). Through 11 days of adaptation that cor-

responds to about 3000 phage generations, phage tubes where no sex was induced, the sexual geno-
growth rates improved by over 5000-fold. In addi- types were fixed in all five replicates within 250
tion, because øX174 has a small genome, Bull and mitotic generations, whereas in mouse brain with
colleagues analyzed the specific changes in DNA no sex induced, the asexual genotype was fixed
sequences in each of the five replicate populations. in all four replicates by 170 generations. However,
Sequencing results indicated that approximately inducing sex altered the outcomes in opposite direc-
half of the changes occurred in more than one of tions, i.e. decreasing the fixation frequencies of the
the lineages. This study indicated that the same evo- sexual genotypes in test tubes but increasing them
lutionary changes could appear repeatedly in pop- in mice. The rate of change and the rate of diver-
ulations exposed to the same novel environmental gence among replicate lines followed similar pat-
stress conditions. terns (Table 5.2).

5.5.3 Adaptation and directional selection in

fruit flies 5.5.5 Directional selection in mammals
In the fruit fly, rapid responses to both directional Similar to mutation accumulation experiments,
selection of bristle numbers and to adaptation to mammals have also been used as models for exper-
ethanol stress were observed. In the directional imental evolution in adaptation and directional
selection experiments to both low and high num- selection response studies. Two such studies are
bers of bristles (for both sternopleural and abdom- briefly discussed here. In the first, Swallow et al.
inal bristle numbers), the rates of change were (1998) selected populations of mice on the basis of
over 10 times higher than those found in muta- their voluntary running behavior. Mice that ran the
tion accumulation lines (McKay et al. 1992, 1994). most in cage wheels were mated with each other.
The response to ethanol resistance in fruit flies After 10 generations of selection and breeding,
was even greater, with a faster rate of change in these lineages were compared to controls that were
larger populations than that in smaller popula- bred at random for their voluntary running behav-
tions (Weber and Diggins 1990), consistent with the ior. Evan after only 10 generations, the voluntary
hypothesis that mutation supply was an important running ability of the selected mice approximately
factor in population adaptation. A larger popula- doubled and their maximum oxygen consumption
tion provides a greater number of mutation tar- in the selected mice similarly increased. In the sec-
gets and mutations per generation than a smaller ond study, Keightley (1998) divergently selected
population. a long-established inbred strain of mice for both
high and low body weight for 50 generations. His
selection of new mutations affecting body weight
5.5.4 Adaptation in yeast
eventually led to a divergence of approximately
In addition to population size, other factors such three phenotypic standard deviations between the
as the mode of reproduction and the heterogeneity high and low lines. Heritability for body weight
of environmental conditions can also influence the increased at a rate between 0.23–0.57% per genera-
rate of adaptation and the fixation of sexual and tion from new mutations. Because the response to
asexual strains. For example, Grimberg and Zeyl selection was episodic, a substantial contribution
(2005) tested the advantages of sex in S. cerevisiae from the selection was likely due to mutations with
strains in two contrasting environments: a homoge- large effects on the trait. The analyses of data from
neous in vitro laboratory environment of minimal a cross between the selected high line and an uns-
medium in test tubes, and a relatively heteroge- elected control line indicated that two major loci
neous in vivo environment of a mouse brain. They were involved, with the potential of an additional
established initial populations as equal mixtures minor locus. Together, these populations and stud-
of sexual and obligate asexual genotypes. In test ies can serve as models to test more general evolu-

tionary theories concerning performance trade-offs the ability to utilize a new carbon source through
in mammals including humans. adaptation than losing one through mutation accu-
mulation (Tables 5.1 and 5.2).
The origination of new phenotypes can be
5.5.6 Correlated changes between traits
impacted by many factors such as species and
Often, phenotypic changes in one character can strain genetic background, biotic and abiotic envi-
impact another character. For example, Rose and ronmental factors, the availability of genes coding
colleagues (1990) found trade-offs between early for such phenotypes in other species and strains in
reproduction and longevity in experimental evo- the immediate environments, and the complexity
lution populations. Specifically, they selected some of the phenotypic traits themselves. For example,
populations of fruit flies for early reproduction in the 12 evolving E. coli populations maintained
and prevented others from reproducing until later by Lenski and colleagues, Blount et al. (2008) iden-
in life. As predicted, they found that lifespan tified that none of the 12 populations evolved the
increased significantly in those that reproduced capacity to utilize citrate, a substrate in the medium
late in life. Interestingly, and somewhat unantic- since the beginning of the experiment in 1988, until
ipated, the longer-lived populations also evolved about 31,500 generations in one of the 12 popula-
greater resistance to some types of environmen- tions. Two hypotheses were proposed for the long-
tal stresses, including desiccation and starvation. delayed and unique evolution of this function. In
When selection for delayed reproduction was the first, citrate utilization is an uncommon trait
removed, longevity decreased, as did stress resis- and only extremely rare mutations could render
tance. These studies have greatly influenced our the strain capable of utilizing citrate. In the sec-
thinking about aging and its evolutionary and ond, the mutation to utilize citrate may be ordi-
physiological bases. nary and similar to many other traits. However, its
occurrence or functional expression might be con-
tingent on other prior mutations in the population.
5.5.7 Acquisition of novel phenotypes
Blount et al. (2008) tested these two hypotheses in
The previous examples all examined the quanti- experiments that ‘replayed’ evolution from differ-
tative changes of existing phenotypes. However, ent points in that population’s history. They found
the origin of novel traits can also be studied using no citrate-utilizing (Cit+) mutants among 8.4 × 1012
experimental evolution systems. The most common screened ancestral cells, nor among the 9 × 1012 cells
trait studied in this category is probably the gain from 60 clones sampled in the first 15,000 genera-
of resistance to antibiotics by infectious pathogens. tions. Interestingly, a significantly greater tendency
This topic has been reviewed extensively since the for later clones to evolve Cit+ was found, consistent
emergence of antibiotic resistance in the 1950s, soon with some potentiating mutation(s) that arose by
after the widespread application of these agents in about 20,000 generations. Furthermore, this poten-
treating infectious diseases in humans, and later for tiating change seemed very specific, only increased
protecting vegetables, crops, forests, and farm ani- the mutation rate to Cit+ and did not cause gen-
mals (Levin and Anderson 1999; Rowe-Magnus and eralized hypermutability. The authors concluded
Mazel 2006). Significant variations in the potential that the evolution of the Cit+ phenotype was con-
for antibiotic resistance have been found among dif- tingent on the particular history of the population
ferent microbial pathogen species as well as among that gave rise to citrate utilization (Blount et al.
strains within the same species (e.g. Xu et al. 2001). 2008).
Aside from antibiotic resistance, the gain of novel Overall, these results are consistent with the
carbon source utilizations was also examined in genomic and metabolic flexibilities of microorgan-
experimental populations of the bacterium, Pseu- isms in their adaptation to utilizing novel substrates
domonas aeruginosa (MacLean and Bell 2003). Their and to coping with environmental stresses, includ-
results showed a fourfold higher rate of acquiring ing antibiotics.

5.6 Genomic analysis of experimental ses of natural populations and communities, but
evolution populations also provided novel insights and direct empirical
observations about evolution by natural selection.
Most experimental evolution studies so far have The representative studies discussed here showed
focused on phenotypic changes over time. In the that even in relative short periods of time, from a
last few years, due to the arrival of high-throughput few days to weeks and months, rapid changes can
next-generation sequencing in addition to newer be observed in experimental populations and that
and even more efficient sequencing technologies, these populations can diverge significantly from
genome analyses of experimental evolution popu- each other.
lations are beginning to emerge. For example, Bar- In situations such as those during the initial
rick et al. (2009) examined the relationship between introduction of a new species into a novel envi-
rates of genomic evolution and phenotypic changes ronment or after a catastrophic event (e.g. hurri-
in populations of E. coli that have undergone long- cane, flooding, wild fire), rapid evolution may occur
term adaptation to the arabinose carbon source. and be comparable to what we observe in labora-
They sequenced genomes sampled through 40,000 tory settings. However, caution should be placed
generations of adaptation and found that although on using results from controlled laboratory experi-
the rate of fitness gains in the arabinose medium mental evolution studies to directly infer the rates
changed and decelerated sharply, genomic evolu- of evolution in natural populations. One caveat
tion was nearly constant. In addition, while such is that phenotypic changes in laboratory experi-
clock-like genome evolution regularity is usually mental populations are often unidirectional, regard-
viewed as the signature of neutral evolution, their less whether the experimental populations undergo
analyses suggested that almost all of these muta- mutation accumulation (which almost universally
tions were beneficial. In contrast, the population result in fitness decline) or adaptation/directional
that later evolved an elevated mutation rate (due selection (which would change according to the
to mutation in DNA repair pathways) and accumu- direction of selection). Yet in nature, environmen-
lated hundreds of additional mutations was domi- tal conditions often fluctuate and the direction of
nated by signatures of neutral mutation. The exper- phenotype change may change as well. As a result,
imental results thus suggest that the relationship some of those phenotypic changes may cancel each
between genome evolution and adaptive pheno- other to yield lower rates of changes over the long
type evolution is complex and can be counterintu- term in nature than those observed in laboratory
itive even in a constant environment such as that in experimental populations.
the long-term evolving E. coli populations. In par- So far in experimental evolution studies, the
ticular, results from this study indicated that while common traits examined have been those rela-
adaptive phenotypic changes in evolving E. coli tively easily quantifiable phenotypes, with many
populations were largely episodic, beneficial substi- directly related to fitness. In addition, most of the
tutions were surprisingly uniform over time (Bar- study organisms are model species that we already
rick et al. 2009). In contrast, neutral substitutions have substantial ecological, genetic, and genomic
were highly variable due to unpredictable muta- information. However, with increasing technical
tions in genes involved in DNA-repair pathways. advances in both hardware and software, many
other biological traits in non-model organisms will
likely be examined through experimental evolu-
5.7 Conclusions and perspectives
tion studies. Furthermore, with ever decreasing
Over the last 50 years, experimental evolutionary costs, sequencing experimental evolution popula-
studies have become a mainstream method for test- tions will likely be common in the coming years,
ing a variety of hypotheses and addressing many thus ushering in an exciting phase of experimental
biological questions that have often been difficult to evolutionary studies.
investigate through other approaches. Indeed, these Comparisons between genome sequence evolu-
studies have not only complemented our analy- tion and phenotypic changes will provide unprece-

dented information to address many fundamental Chao, L. (1990) Fitness of RNA virus decreased by
and applied questions. For example, while phe- Muller’s ratchet. Nature 348: 454–5.
notypic changes differ in both the patterns and Chao, L., Trang, T., and Matthews, C. (1992) Muller’s
the rates between mutation accumulation popula- ratchet and the advantage of sex in the RNA virus f6.
Evolution 46: 289–99.
tions and adaptation/directionally selected popu-
Chou, H.H., Chiu, H.C., Delaney, N.F., Segre, D., and
lations, do evolutionary patterns observed in the
Marx, C.J. (2011) Diminishing returns epistasis among
genomes also differ between these two types of beneficial mutations decelerates adaptation. Science 332:
experimental evolution populations? How frequent 1190–2.
are epistatic interactions between novel mutations? Dallinger, W.H. (1887) The president’s address. J Roy
Are there differences in the patterns of epistatic Microscop Soc April: 185–99.
interactions among beneficial mutations, among Darwin, C. (1859) On the origin of species. London: Murray.
deleterious mutations, and between beneficial and Garland, T. Jr. and Rose, M.R. (2009) Experimental Evo-
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responsible for the episodic phenotypic changes in Experiments. Berkeley, CA: University of California
both mutation accumulation and adaptation experi- Press.
Grimberg, B. and Zeyl, C. (2005) The effects of sex
ments? What is the impact of sex and recombination
and mutation rate on adaptation in test tubes and to
in genome structural changes in evolving experi-
mouse hosts by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Evolution 59:
mental populations? How do those changes influ- 431–8.
ence phenotypes differently between sexual and Houle, D., Hoffmaster, D.K., Assmacopoulos, S., and
asexual populations? And, how can we prevent the Charlesworth, B. (1992) The genomic mutation rate for
degeneration of genetic stocks used in agriculture, fitness in Drosophila. Nature 359: 58–60.
forestry, animal husbandry, and food manufactur- Johanssen, W. (1903) Über Erblichkeit in Populationen und in
ing? Many of these stocks are maintained in labo- reinen Linien. Jena: Gustav Fischer (Cited in Garland and
ratory settings. Understanding their rates of evolu- Rose 2009).
tion in artificial settings will help us design optimal Keightley, P.D. and Caballero, A. (1997) Genomic muta-
strategies to conserve and even increase their quali- tion rates for lifetime reproductive output and lifespan
in Caenorhabditis elegans. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 94:
ties for future applications.
Keightley. P.D. (1998) Genetic basis of response to 50 gen-
Acknowledgments erations of selection on body weight in inbred mice.
Genetics 148: 1931–9.
Research in my laboratory on experimental evolu- Khan, A.I., Dinh, D.M., Schneider, D., Lenski, R.E., and
tion has been supported by Natural Sciences and Cooper, T.F. (2011) Negative epistasis between beneficial
Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada. mutations in an evolving bacterial population. Science
332: 1193–6.
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Rapidly Evolving Genetic Elements
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Rapid evolution of low complexity

sequences and single amino acid
repeats across eukaryotes
Wilfried Haerty and G. Brian Golding

6.1 Introduction quickly both within and between species. Further-

more, because of the lack of detectable structure and
According to the lock and key paradigm, the func- the low information content of these regions, such
tionality of a protein region is defined by its propen- sequences have been deemed non-functional and
sity to fold into a stable three-dimensional struc- to evolve neutrally. However, the size variation of
ture. Unexpectedly, the most commonly shared numerous LCRs has direct effects on the physiology
polypeptide sequence among eukaryotes pro- and behavior of several species and in humans, it is
teomes is composed of the repetition of few or a also known to be associated with genetic disorders.
single amino acid that cannot fold into an identi- Because of the rapid evolution of these sequences
fiable stable three-dimensional structure with the and their potential phenotypic effects as well as
consequence of an under-representation of these their influence upon their surrounding sequences,
simple sequences in the protein databases (Hunt- some authors proposed that these simple sequences
ley and Golding 2002). These simple sequences can act as ‘evolution knobs’, allowing in some cases
be grouped into low complexity regions (LCRs), rapid adaptation (Kashi and King 2006).
single amino acid repeats (homopolymers), as well
as intrinsically disordered regions. The terms ‘low
complexity sequences’ and ‘intrinsically disordered
regions’ are often used interchangeably although
6.2 Rapid evolution of low complexity
they specify regions with different properties. ‘Low
complexity sequences’ are sequences of low infor- Simple sequences, including low complexity
mation content, whereas ‘intrinsically disordered sequences, trinucleotide repeats, and intrinsically
regions’ specify sequences that are unfolded in their disordered regions are known to diverge rapidly
native state but fold into an ordered structure upon between closely related species (Ellegren 2004).
binding to another protein (Haerty and Golding Likewise, variation in homopolymer content is
2010a). found between the 12 fully sequenced Drosophila
The proportion of proteins including at least species. Depending upon the species analyzed,
one low complexity sequence varies greatly among between 12–30% of the proteins have at least one
eukaryotes, from about 13% in Caenorhabditis ele- homopolymer (Huntley and Clark 2007). These
gans up to 34% in Dictyostellium discoideum (Haerty results found at the interspecific level also extend
and Golding 2010a). Depending upon the parame- to within species; the analysis of 14 Plasmodium
ters used to detect low complexity sequences up to falciparum isolates shows that more than half of the
95% of the proteins in Plasmodium falciparum con- 7711 aligned LCRs are variable in size in at least
tain at least one simple sequence. These regions one isolate with a maximum size variation of 120
of low information content are known to diverge amino acids (Haerty and Golding 2011).

Rapidly Evolving Genes and Genetic Systems. First Edition. Edited by Rama S. Singh, Jianping Xu, and Rob J. Kulathinal.
© 2012 Oxford University Press. Published 2012 by Oxford University Press.

6.2.1 Mutational processes contraction is expected and could partly be the

consequence of the deleterious effects of the LCR
The estimated mutation rate of repeated sequences (Hancock and Simon 2005; Usdin 2008). In addition
is 10–100,000 times greater than for point muta- the composition of the sequence will also change
tions (Gemayel et al. 2010). Because of the repetitive with the accumulation of point mutations which, in
nature of low complexity sequences, the mutational turn, will decrease the opportunity for replication
processes involved are the same as those previously slippage to occur. This latter process is expected to
proposed to explain the evolution of microsatellite lead to the degeneracy of the repeat. However, it is
loci with the added selective constraints associated still possible that enough repeated motifs remain to
to coding sequences. allow replication slippage to generate a new repeat
The main mutational process leading to the con- (Buschiazzo and Gemmell 2006). This model of the
traction or expansion of low complexity sequences formation of repeated sequences relies partly on
is slipped strand mispairing. During replication, a threshold size above which replication slippage
after the dissociation of the two strands, as a con- will occur. Although this model has been widely
sequence of the repetitive nature of low complexity accepted, a recent study showed that slippage can
sequences, single-stranded DNA can fold and form occur for repeats smaller than the expected thresh-
stable hairpin loops which may cause the misalign- old size (Leclercq et al. 2010).
ment of the strands during the re-association. The Although a relationship between recombination
size of the repeat will either contract if a hairpin rate and non-coding repeat sequences has been
is formed within the template strand or expand if reported in multiple organisms, the causality of
the hairpin is located on the nascent strand (Elle- such a relationship is still unclear. The presence
gren 2004). This process is mostly modeled with of repeats in recombination hotspots can be the
the addition/subtraction of a single repeated unit consequence of the mutagenic effect of recombina-
in most of the mutational events. The probabil- tion (Ellegren 2004), or in contrast, the presence of
ity that replication slippage occurs depends upon long tandem repeats leading to the formation of
both the homogeneity and the size of the repeated Z-DNA can be the cause of double-strand breaks
sequence. Therefore, the occurrence of mutations and recombination. However the role of recombi-
within the repeat disrupting the motif leads to nation in low complexity sequence evolution has
an increased stability by decreasing the opportu- been increasingly suggested to explain large size
nity for replication slippage to occur. Both theo- variations between populations of the same species.
retical and empirical observations confirmed this Evidence for unequal crossing-over impacting the
assumption (Kruglyak et al. 1998; Hancock and stability of low complexity sequences was first
Simon 2005). Studies of repeated sequence instabil- discovered for the poly-alanine repeat within the
ity within multiple taxa reported a significant cor- HOXD13 gene whose size variation may cause
relation between repeat instability and the repeat synpolydactyly in human. In its normal state this
homogeneity and length (Ellegren 2004). repeat is known to be stable across generations and
Perfect repeats are proposed to evolve from a has a heterogeneous codon composition (GCN)n ,
proto-repeat composed of the repetition of few potentially reducing the probability for replication
motifs formed by single point mutation or inser- slippage to occur (Kruglyak et al. 1998).
tions/deletion (indel) slippage following a dou- Other factors either intrinsic or extrinsic to the
ble strand break (Buschiazzo and Gemmell 2006; repeat can also be directly involved in low com-
Leclercq et al. 2010). This proto-repeat will act as a plexity sequence instability. For instance, DNA
seed for the future repeat that will expand or con- demethylation has been found to directly affect the
tract due to replication slippage if a critical num- stability of trinucleotide repeats (Cleary et al. 2002).
ber of repeated units is reached. Through time the Furthermore, the distance to the origin of repli-
size of the repeat will vary due to slippage. As cation also affects the repeat stability: the closer
for microsatellites, there is an upper size boundary the repeats are to the front of the origin of repli-
above which a mutational bias toward sequence cation, the more unstable the repeats are (Cleary
R A P I D E VO L U T I O N O F L O W C O M P L E X I T Y S E Q U E N C E S A N D S I N G L E A M I N O AC I D 57

et al. 2002). Similarly, the orientation of the repeated fully sequenced genomes of closely related species,
sequence with respect to the origin of replication many reports have now validated previous obser-
is also a factor influencing the repeat variation. vations made on a handful of loci. We have gained
For example, (CTG)n and (CAG)n did not show a better understanding of the forces shaping the
the same stability (Cleary et al. 2002). Transcrip- divergence of these sequences between species. Fur-
tion can also affect low complexity sequence stabil- thermore, we now realize that the variation of low
ity. The formation of R-loops (RNA: DNA hybrid) complexity sequences and trinucleotide repeats and
at G+C rich regions during transcription leads to more generally any repeats can have significant
trinucleotide repeats instability as shown for both effects on their surrounding regions and in some
(CAG)n and (CGG)n repeats in human cells (Lin cases on the overall genome structure.
et al. 2010).
Size variation between repeats with the same
6.3.1 LCRs as indicators of regions of lowered
codon composition can be influenced by the organ-
purifying selective pressures
ism, the locus, as well as tissue specific factors.
Differences in instability for the same repeat at Early in the study of microsatellites, observations
the same locus have been found between cell lines were made of an increased polymorphism in the
depending upon their tissue of origin (Gomes- flanking sequences of the repeats, characterized
Pereira et al. 2001). Experiments have shown that by an increased density of polymorphic sites near
repeats inserted in mouse are more stable than in the repeat boundaries (Brohede and Ellegren 1999).
human and longer repeated sequences are needed These observations have now been confirmed in
to observe repeat instability. Although most of the multiple organisms for both coding and non-coding
single unit mutational events will be targeted by repeated sequences (Haerty and Golding 2011; Sid-
the mismatch repair system (Harr et al. 2002), the dle et al. 2011).
repair mechanism has been proven ineffective for Owing to their rapid divergence both in size
larger insertions/deletions in human (Panigrahi and amino acid composition between species, low
et al. 2010). complexity sequences have long been considered to
evolve neutrally or under relaxed constraints. These
conclusions stem from the analyses of their compo-
6.3 Rapid divergence of LCRs and their
sition, as well as the divergence between species of
impact on surrounding sequences
both low complexity sequences and their flanking
One of the main characteristics of LCRs is their regions.
rapid divergence in size and amino acid compo- Distribution biases of low complexity sequences
sition both within and between species (Fig. 6.1). between and within proteins can be interpreted as
The repeat instability of the low complexity the consequence of lowered selective constraints.
sequence/trinucleotide repeats is directly related to In most of the eukaryotes studied thus far low
its length, composition, homogeneity, as well as the complexity sequences are mainly composed of
selective pressures acting on the genomic regions in hydrophilic amino acids (Huntley and Clark 2007),
which the LCR can be found. It is believed that the and are most often located on the surface of the
LCR will generally expand until it reaches a size proteins in contact with the solvent, away from
above which it is deleterious (Hancock and Simon the core of the protein in which buried residues
2005). Because of the assumption of LCRs being are known to be under strong purifying selec-
non-functional and their rapid evolution, simple tion. In addition to the preferential distribution of
sequences are often considered to evolve neutrally. LCRs on the periphery of the three-dimensional
Since the late 1990s, numerous studies have ana- structure of the protein, LCRs are enriched within
lyzed how simple sequences (trinucleotide repeats, alternatively spliced exons in nematode, fruitfly,
sequences of low information content, intrinsi- zebrafish, mouse, and human relative to constitu-
cally disordered regions) vary both within and tively spliced exons (Haerty and Golding 2010b).
between species. With the increasing number of Because alternatively spliced exons are found only

LCR size Recombination A+T

LCR instability type

Distance to Nucleotide
origin of polymorphism

Figure 6.1 Relationship between low complexity sequence variation and different factors. Gray arrows indicate positive correlations, black arrows
represent negative relationships, and dashed lines represent factors for which both positive and negative relationship with LCR instability are known.

in a fraction of the mature mRNA transcripts in of human and mouse orthologs, Hancock et al.
comparison to constitutively spliced exons, lower (2001) showed an increased substitution rate in the
selective constraints are expected to act on alter- flanking sequences of homologous low complexity
natively spliced exons (Haerty and Golding 2009). sequences. These results have since then been con-
As expected within alternatively spliced exons, the firmed based on data from genome-wide analyses
codon composition of low complexity sequences is (Faux et al. 2007). A recent analysis of multiple P.
more homogeneous than that within constitutively falciparum genomes revealed an increasing density
spliced exons and LCRs are also more variable of single nucleotide polymorphisms towards the
in size between species than those found within boundaries of low complexity sequences (Haerty
constitutively spliced exons (Haerty and Golding and Golding 2011). Using a sample set of 31 proteins
2010a). previously tested for evidence of selection (Huntley
Among the many factors proposed to affect cod- and Golding 2006), Huntley and Clark also showed
ing sequence evolution, gene expression has been that the flanking sequences of repeats affected by
found to be the major explanatory variable of replication slippage were more divergent between
sequence divergence between species. All obser- species than sequences flanking repeats under
vations thus far found highly expressed genes stronger selective pressures. More generally, pro-
to be under stronger selective constraints than teins hosting low complexity sequences are found
lowly expressed genes. In P. falciparum we found to diverge faster between species than proteins
a negative correlation between the protein expres- without LCRs, even after removal of the simple
sion level and repeat size variation between iso- sequences and controlling for functional annotation
lates (Haerty and Golding 2011), as low complex- effects (Huntley and Clark 2007; Haerty and Gold-
ity sequences within highly expressed genes are ing 2011).
less variable than similar simple sequences within
genes with lower expression levels. This observa-
tion, once again, agrees with the hypothesis of low-
6.3.2 Mutagenic effect of LCRs
ered selective constraints acting on low complexity
sequences. As mentioned earlier, it is likely that relaxation
Likewise, the flanking sequences of low com- of selection may play an important role in the
plexity sequences also show evidence for relax- increased polymorphism within species and diver-
ation of selection. Using a small data set composed gence between species of LCRs flanking sequences.
R A P I D E VO L U T I O N O F L O W C O M P L E X I T Y S E Q U E N C E S A N D S I N G L E A M I N O AC I D 59

However, we cannot rule out a potential mutagenic of repeated sequences to stall the replication fork
effect of repeated sequences. and to cause double strand breaks, every time such
The increased polymorphism near low complex- events occur the surrounding DNA will be resyn-
ity sequence boundaries can be detected up to thesized by the error-prone DNA repair mecha-
150 nucleotides away from the repeats themselves nism.
in P. falciparum. Tian et al. (2008) reported simi- LCR instability can spread to other repeats within
lar ranges of increased polymorphism with respect the genome. Blackwood et al. (2010) found insta-
to indels in multiple species including yeast, rice, bility at a (CAG)n repeat promoted variation at a
Drosophila, rodents, and primates. The authors also tandem repeat located about 6.3 kb away in the
found an increased SNP density with increasing Escherichia coli genome. Interestingly, Huntley and
size and abundance of indels. Using yeast genomes Clark (2007) found an increased density of sites
Tian et al. (2008) found an almost 35-fold increased with evidence of positive selection in the vicinity of
mutation rate at heterozygous indels. The authors, LCRs and homopolymers in Drosophila species. This
after rejecting the potential mutagenic effects of suggests that mutations induced by low complexity
recombination, suggest that heterozygosity at an sequences can be the target of selection.
indel is directly responsible for the increased poly-
morphism found in the surrounding DNA. Accord-
ing to this hypothesis, the presence of heterozygous 6.4 Low complexity sequences under
indels locally affects chromosomal pairing lead- selection
ing to replication errors in the flanking sequences 6.4.1 Deleterious effects of LCR size variation
of the indel. This hypothesis has since been con-
firmed from the analysis of polymorphism relative Low complexity sequences and, more specifically,
to indels in plants with different rates of selfing. trinucleotide repeats are best known for the asso-
According to this model, the density of polymor- ciation between their size variation and several
phic sites close to indels should decrease as the genetic disorders in humans. At least 26 diseases
rate of self-fertilization increases because the time and genetic syndromes are associated with trin-
an allele spends in the heterzygous state is strongly ucleotide repeats, of which 17 are found within
reduced in comparison to dioecious species (Hollis- coding sequences and they mainly code for polyg-
ter et al. 2010). Accordingly, Hollister et al. (2010) lutamine and polyalanine repeats (Mirkin 2007).
found a decrease of single nucleotide polymor- For each of these syndromes, the size of the trinu-
phism (SNP) density close to indels as the self- cleotide repeats directly influences the severity and
ing rate increases. The same hypothesis of a muta- the age of onset of the disease and the deleteri-
genic effect of indels has also been invoked to ous effect of the repeats can be both at the RNA
explain similar observations within the flanking level for simple sequences found within the intron,
sequences of microsatellites (Amos 2010) and it UTRs, and promoter regions and at the protein level
is likely that a similar mechanism is responsible (Mirkin 2007). In this latter case, the presence of an
for the increased mutation rate observed in the expanded repeat can result in protein toxicity asso-
flanking sequences of low complexity sequences in ciated with misfolding and increased stability of
P. falciparum. Recently, using a population genomic the protein (Usdin 2008). In addition proteins with
approach in Escherichia coli, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, poly-Q or poly-A can aggregate with other glu-
Drosophila melanogaster, and humans, McDonald tamine or alanine rich proteins to inactivate these
et al. (2011) reported that the increased nucleotide proteins and result in the formation of cytotoxic
substitution rate near insertion/deletions were not protein inclusions and cell death.
the consequence of indels per se but instead
were directly associated to repeated sequences. The
6.4.2 DNA composition
authors proposed the ‘Repeat-sequence-induced
Recurrent Repair’ hypothesis to explain the surge Other evidence for the action of selection acting
of mutations near repeats. Because of the potential on low complexity sequences is the enrichment of

coding regions in trinucleotide and hexanucleotide rounding sequences are rapidly diverging (Gojo-
repeats in comparison to non-coding sequences, bori and Ueda 2011). Polylysine, polyarginine poly-
possibly as a consequence of purifying selection threonine, and polyleucine repeats are found to be
for frame preservation. In addition, there is a conserved in length between mammals (Gojobori
non-random distribution between coding and non- and Ueda 2011). The same result was observed
coding sequences of trinucleotide repeats depend- by Simon and Hancock (2009) for the polyleucine
ing upon their sequences. (CAG)n and (CCG)n repeats among eukaryotes. The authors associated
repeats are significantly enriched within coding the conservation of the repeat to a potential sig-
sequences in comparison to non-coding sequences nal function. Polyhistidine has been found to be
in mammals and Drosophila (Huntley and Clark directly involved in protein localization in the
2007; Bacolla et al. 2008). Huntley and Clark nuclear speckles and is relatively conserved in pri-
(2007) also noted that while (CAG)n repeats encod- mates (Salichs et al. 2009).
ing poly-Q are over-represented within coding In Drosophila, the distribution of the low com-
sequences, (CAA)n repeats also coding for poly-Q plexity sequences is non-random as the N- and C-
are more common within non-coding sequences. terminal ends of the proteins are enriched in sim-
In a similar fashion the instability of a trinu- ple sequences (Huntley and Clark 2007). This non-
cleotide repeat also depends upon its composi- random distribution can also be found in humans.
tion. In P. falciparum, although poly-lysine repeats Generally the first translated exon is enriched in
are abundant, they are among the least variable poly-Q and poly-E (Bacolla et al. 2008). In P. fal-
repeats. Because these repeats are mainly composed ciparum low complexity sequences are found at
of (AAA)n repeats, replication slippage will likely a greater distance to the exon boundaries than
cause frameshift mutations beyond the LCR repeat, expected by chance. Many studies have found exon
hence the low variability of these repeats is proba- boundaries to be under strong selective constraints
bly the consequence of purifying selection (Haerty due to the presence of splicing regulatory elements
and Golding 2011). (Warnecke and Hurst 2007), and hence purifying
selection may prevent low complexity regions col-
onizing exon boundaries.
6.4.3 LCR distribution
In addition to the greater evolutionary age of
At the gene level, there is a non-random distri- constitutively spliced exons, purifying selection can
bution of low complexity sequences among genes also help explain the increased codon heterogeneity
depending upon their function. Genes involved of low complexity sequences within constitutively
in development, transcription, DNA/RNA bind- spliced exons compared to alternatively spliced
ing, reproduction, or immunity are enriched in low exons. If size variation of low complexity sequences
complexity sequences (Huntley and Clark 2007). is deleterious, point mutations that decrease the
In contrast, genes with enzymatic functions, or opportunity for replication slippage to occur are
involved in protein synthesis have a lower pro- likely to be favored (Haerty and Golding 2010b).
portion of low complexity sequences (Huntley and
Clark 2007). The nature of the simple sequence
6.4.4 Phenotypic effects of LCR size variation
was also found to differ depending upon both
the exon splicing pattern (Haerty and Golding The size variation of simple sequences within sev-
2010b) and the gene function as poly-E, poly-L are eral developmental genes is directly associated with
enriched among genes involved DNA binding and morphological variation and evolutionary novelty
transmembrane activity respectively, whereas poly- in eukaryotes. For instance, the size variation of
A, poly-G, poly-P, poly-S, and poly-Q are found two single amino acid repeats (poly-Q, poly-A)
mostly in genes with a transcription factor activity within the Runx2 gene is tightly associated with the
(Simon and Hancock 2009). variation of skull morphology between dog breeds
Some single amino acid repeats can be highly (Fondon and Garner 2004). In a similar fashion,
conserved between species although their sur- an increased size of the polyalanine repeat within
R A P I D E VO L U T I O N O F L O W C O M P L E X I T Y S E Q U E N C E S A N D S I N G L E A M I N O AC I D 61

the HOXD13 gene, which is directly responsible ity sequence can be under the scrutiny of selec-
for the synpolydactyly in mouse and human, is tion. Low complexity sequences have been pro-
likely responsible for the increased number of dig- posed to act as linkers between protein domains
its in the ancestor of the cetaceans (Wang et al. (Huntley and Golding 2000). Clarke et al. (2003)
2009). demonstrated that in Plasmodium berghei the low
Among the many genes with simple sequences complexity protein segment found between the
in eukaryotes, the Clock genes that are responsi- glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) and 6-
ble for the regulation of the physiological rhythms phosphogluconolactonase domains is essential for
including circadian rhythm have been well stud- the function of the G6PD domain. The deletion
ied. Across eukaryotes, the CLOCK protein has a of the LCR resulted in the inactivation of the
polyglutamine repeat whose deletion will impede G6PD domain and the function can be rescued by
the transcription of downstream genes. This obser- the insertion of a LCR from another species even
vation was found across many eukaryotes includ- though there is low amino acid conservation.
ing human, mouse, and fruit fly. In addition the
existence of an association between the length of the
poly-Q repeat and circadian rhythm duration sug- 6.5 Perspectives
gests their roles in environmental adaptation. A lat-
Low complexity sequences have been suggested by
itudinal gradient is observed in both the Chinook
some to act as ‘evolutionary knobs’ and their insta-
salmon and birds for the size of the repeat with
bility can generate genetic variation upon which
longer alleles found in high frequency in north-
selection may act (Kashi and King, 2006). The
ern latitudes whereas shortened alleles are found
potential mutagenic effect of LCRs on their sur-
in high frequency in southern latitudes. This vari-
rounding sequences (Haerty and Golding 2011)
ation in the size of the poly-Q tract likely reflects
and the increased density of sites under posi-
adaptation to different daylight durations between
tive selection in the vicinity of LCRs (Huntley
habitats (O’Malley and Banks 2008).
and Clark, 2007) strengthen the hypothesis that
Among the genes involved in biological rhythm
LCRs may have a significant impact in evolu-
regulation, the PERIOD protein in Drosophila har-
tion. However, this hypothesis needs to be prop-
bors a proline–glycine repeat whose length vari-
erly addressed. Thus far, with the exception of a
ation not only affect the circadian rhythm dura-
handful of studies, most of the analyses performed
tion but also multiple components of reproductive
have used a single genome per species with the
behavior (Kyriacou et al. 2008). Once again a lati-
assumption that the variation within species is neg-
tudinal cline in repeat length is found in Drosophila
ligible with respect to the between-species diver-
populations with longer alleles found in northern
gence. Although this is true for single nucleotide
latitudes and this likely reflects the effect of eco-
variation, because of the high mutation rate of
logical adaptive selection (Kyriacou et al. 2008).
LCR, this assumption need not always hold (Haerty
A significant difference in circadian rhythm dura-
and Golding 2011). The increasing number of fully
tion is found between alleles depending upon their
sequenced genomes of individuals of the same
length, longer alleles leading to shorter but more
species as well as of closely related species will pro-
thermally stable periods whereas shorter alleles
vide us unprecedented power to assess the evolu-
result in longer circadian periods that are, how-
tion of low complexity sequences within a phyloge-
ever, less stable at low temperature (Kyriacou et al.
netic framework.

6.4.5 Selection for low information content Acknowledgments

Although the low complexity sequences within This work was supported by a Natural Sciences
coding sequences may not be the direct target and Engineering Research Council of Canada and
of selection, the function of the low complex- Canada Research Chair grant to G.B.G.

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Fast rates of evolution in bacteria due

to horizontal gene transfer
Weilong Hao

7.1 Introduction organisms, that these regions need not necessar-

ily be carried on plasmids, and that collections of
In the traditional teachings of evolution there are genes with related functions could be transferred
three major components: the generation of genetic as a whole. When involved with antibiotic resis-
variation, the action of population genetic processes tance or adaptations that might lead to disease,
on this variation, and the inheritance of the remain- these regions were termed pathogenicity islands
ing genetic variation. In the generation of genetic (Blum et al. 1994). Now, it is widely accepted that
variation, the major processes are mutations gener- antibiotic resistance genes are derived from a large
ating de novo genetic changes and processes such as and diverse gene pool presumably already present
recombination and segregation that generate new in environmental bacteria and that the spread of
combinations of existing variation. Mutation is gen- antibiotic resistance is strongly associated with hor-
erally a rare process such that rates of mutation izontal gene transfer (D’Costa et al. 2007).
at a single base are usually 10−7 –10−8 per base More recent efforts to document the importance
pair per generation or less. It is only within RNA of horizontal gene transfer in bacterial and archaeal
viruses that mutation rates tend to be larger than evolution (Garcia-Vallvé et al. 2000; Ochman et al.
10−5 (Drake 1993), but such a large mutation rate 2000; Koonin et al. 2001; Gogarten et al. 2002) sug-
limits the size of the genome that can be maintained gest that horizontal gene transfer plays a larger role
(Lynch 2010). But it is these rare mutations that the in prokaryotic genome evolution than previously
processes of selection and random drift act upon, thought. For instance, it has been shown that as
and the resulting change in variation that is inher- much as 81% of genes in prokaryotic genomes have
ited by the next generation. been acquired by horizontal gene transfer (Dagan
Bacteria have been known to have the ability to et al. 2008), and genes from all functional categories
change rapidly in new environments. They have a are subject to transfer (Zhaxybayeva et al. 2006).
large repertoire of biochemical abilities, but do not A particularly noteworthy culmination of the
seem to have to wait to modify existing genes via massive effect of horizontal gene transfer was
slow mutations but instead adapt more rapidly to presented by Welch et al. (2002) in a compar-
changing conditions. As just one example, antibi- ison of three genomes of Escherichia coli. They
otics were first used during the Second World War compared the gene complement of uropathogenic
and yet within a short period resistant bacteria strain CFT073, enterohemorrhagic strain EDL933
were discovered. A short time later the mechanism (O157:H7), and laboratory strain MG1655 (K-12).
for this resistance was discovered to be due to an Despite the very close phylogenetic relationships of
‘R-factor’ (Hotchkiss 1951). This resistance factor to these organisms, this comparison found only 2996
penicillin turned out to be a plasmid that carried genes were shared among a total gene content of
an antibiotic resistance gene and had been trans- 5016, 5063, and 4288, respectively, and these 2996
ferred into pneumococci. Later, it was discovered genes only constitute 39.2% of the combined (non-
that large regions could be transferred between redundant) set of 7638 genes (Welch et al. 2002).

Rapidly Evolving Genes and Genetic Systems. First Edition. Edited by Rama S. Singh, Jianping Xu, and Rob J. Kulathinal.
© 2012 Oxford University Press. Published 2012 by Oxford University Press.

The small proportion of shared genes among Table 7.1 Quantifying horizontal gene transfer (HGT) within individ-
closely related bacteria suggests that horizontal ual genomes and cross phylogenetic groups
gene transfer is not only a potent force leading to Genomea /groupb Genes involved in HGT: Reference
the acquisition of new genes and new functions but in each genome
in addition, it must be a rapid process. How rapidly
can this process take place in naturally occurring Treponema pallidum 32.6% Koonin et al. 2001
Chlorobium tepidum 24.1% Nakamura et al. 2004
bacteria? To answer this question required the addi-
Thermotoga maritima 24% Nelson et al. 1999
tion of more data from more genomes and a frame-
E. coli K-12 18% Lawrence and
work to put these data into perspective. Here we
Ochman 1998
review some of the major breakthroughs in recent Bacillus subtilis 14.5% Garcia-Vallvé et al.
studies. 2000
across the groupc
Bacteria (181) 81% Dagan et al. 2008
7.2 Quantifying horizontal gene
Proteobacteria (329) 75% Kloesges et al. 2011
transfer Prokaryotes (190) 75% Dagan and Martin
A straightforward way of quantifying horizontal 2007
gene transfer is to count the identified foreign Prokaryotes (100) 62% Puigbò et al. 2009
Cyanobacteria (11) 61% Zhaxybayeva et al.
genes within each genome (Table 7.1). For instance,
Koonin et al. (2001) found that the percentage of
Cyanobacteria (13) 53% Shi and Falkowski
horizontally transferred genes varies from near 0%
to 32.6% in the 22 complete bacterial genomes Bacteria (98) 40% Kunin et al. 2005
that they examined. The percentage of horizontally Lactobacillus (5) 40% Nicolas et al. 2007
transferred genes is about 24% in the bacterium Prokaryotes (63) 34% Cohen and Pupko
Thermatoga maritima, and most of the foreign genes 2010
are of archaebacterial origins (Nelson et al. 1999). Bacteria (144) 26% Beiko et al. 2005
Another way of quantifying horizontal gene trans-
The most HGT-rich genome identified in each reference
fer is to summarize the phylogenetic incongruence b
With the number of studied taxa in each group shown in parentheses
between each gene tree and a trusted reference tree c
Minimum estimates across the group
or between independently inferred gene trees. Phy-
logenetic conflicts are very common in cyanobac-
teria and horizontal gene transfer has occurred for transferred genes across phylogenetic groups are
about 61% of genes from all functional categories generally higher than the fraction observed within
(Zhaxybayeva et al. 2006; and Table 7.1). Both meth- an individual genome (Table 7.1). To obtain a clearer
ods are powerful in addressing the significance of big picture of bacterial genome evolution, various
horizontal gene transfer in each genome or each methods have been developed to quantify horizon-
gene family, but they become limited on the under- tal gene transfer by mapping the changes onto a
standing of the big picture of the horizontal gene phylogeny (Snel et al. 2002; Kunin and Ouzounis,
transfer process. Let’s assume that a certain fraction 2003; Mirkin et al. 2003).
(x) of genes in each of the y examined genomes Horizontal gene transfers could also be identi-
are involved in horizontal transfer, the probability fied by detecting genes with an uneven presence or
to have a gene tree identical to the species tree is absence pattern, since gene transfer can result in the
(1 − x) y . The high frequency of phylogenetic con- addition of novel genes in a particular genome. This
flicts, i.e. small (1 − x) y , could be due to either high simple criterion for identifying horizontally trans-
percentage (x) of horizontally transferred genes or ferred genes has become increasingly popular and
a large number (y) of examined genomes, or a com- powerful due to the fast accumulation of multiple,
bination of both. In fact, due to the accumulation closely related genome sequences. The number of
of horizontally transferred genes over evolution- gene gains/losses was inferred and mapped onto
ary timescales, minimum estimates of horizontally a phylogeny first using a parsimony approach (Snel

et al. 2002) and the results uncovered a fast turnover (a) (b)
Transfer Loss
of gene content during bacterial genome evolution.
Taking similar approaches, Kunin and Ouzounis
(2003) observed a pattern with substantially more Pseudogenization
lineage-specific gene gains than losses and demon-
strated that, in order to keep genome size roughly
constant, two or three gene losses per gene gain are
needed to explain the observed pattern from the
proteobacteria data. In a separate study, however, (c) (d)
Mirkin et al. (2003) showed that the number of gene
gains is approximately the same as the number of
gene losses on a phylogeny that covers bacteria,
archaea, and eukaryote. The notable discrepancy
between these two studies turned out to be due
to the fact that many recently acquired genes are
rapidly lost during evolution (Hao and Golding
2004) and the significantly different depths in their
phylogenies. Figure 7.1 Cartoon model of gene movement during bacterial genome
A better way to measure rates of gene gains and evolution. (a) Many recently acquired genes are deleted rapidly upon
arrival. (b) Some horizontally transferred genes become pseudogenes and
gene losses was developed based on the maximum
are deleted rapidly afterwards. (c) Some horizontally transferred genes are
likelihood paradigm (Hao and Golding 2006). The subject to transposition, and gene deletion consequently. (d)
rates of gene gain and gene loss were assumed to be Transpositioned genes could be subject to pseudogenization and then gene
equal. The results suggest that the rates of horizon- deletion.
tal transfer are comparable to the rate of nucleotide
substitution. This suggests that gene gains and models open the door for a thorough investigation
losses are common in bacterial genome evolution of gene gain and loss in bacterial genome evolution.
(Fig. 7.1a). Furthermore, when rates of gene gain First, the rates of gene gains and losses may not nec-
and loss were separated on different parts of the essarily be equal and constant. Spencer and Sangar-
phylogeny, much higher rates were observed on the alingam (2009) demonstrated that the evolutionary
most recent branches. The observed faster changes pattern of gene gains and losses in some reductive
on recent branches are the consequence of high genomes involves heterotachy (i.e. the change of
rates of gene turnover. Most acquired genes are evolutionary rate along the edges of a phylogenetic
rapidly lost and they do not persist for long. As tree). A similar study on archaea has shown that
a result, most anciently acquired genes are even- most lineages are characterized by a net loss of
tually deleted. When we examine extant genomes, gene families and major increases in gene repertoire
we find, not surprisingly, only the genes that have have occurred only a few times (Csuros and Miklos
been retained, which are predominantly the ones 2009).
that have been recently acquired. This not only con- Second, the rates of gene gains and losses
firmed the conclusion of fast gene turnover in bacte- vary significantly across genes. For instance, many
rial genome evolution drawn from previous parsi- recently acquired genes are rapidly lost during evo-
mony studies but also put it on a firmer quantitative lution (Hao and Golding 2004), while some persist
basis. vertically for great lengths of time and even become
characteristic of the group (Lerat et al. 2003). It has
also been well documented that genes involved in
7.3 Understanding the variation
metabolic pathways are more likely to be horizon-
of gene gain and loss
tally transferred than genes involved in information
The fast accumulation of genome sequences and the processing (Rivera et al. 1998). Incorporating varia-
successful development of advanced mathematical tion in the rates of gene gains and gene losses, we

have shown that while the difference in informa- ies mainly due to the high possibility of intro-
tional gene rates contributes to rate variation, it is ducing misleading phylogenetic signals (Gogarten
only a small fraction of the variation present (Hao and Townsend 2005). In contrast to the rich liter-
and Golding 2008b). We further demonstrated that ature on patterns of gene transfer, the association
a substantial amount of rate variation for gene gains between gene transfer and duplication has not been
and losses remains among both informational genes extensively examined. In recent years, some evi-
and among non-informational genes. Consistently, dence has emerged that there is a significant associ-
Cohen et al. (2011) also found a significant amount ation between gene duplication and horizontal gene
of rate variation for gene gains and losses across transfer, and this association is an important com-
different gene functional categories. ponent of the rapid bacterial genome evolution.
Rate variation for gene gains and losses has Using both compositional and phylogenetic
also been accessed with respect to other gene approaches, Hooper and Berg (2003) identified a
propensities. For instance, in E. coli/Shigella, genes number of proposed horizontally transferred genes
acquired from distantly related bacterial groups and examined their frequency of duplication. Their
are less likely to persist than the gene with no results revealed that duplications are significantly
existing homologs, known as ORFans (van Passel over-represented among horizontally transferred
et al. 2008). The different persistence potentials in genes compared to the native ones. The study sug-
a genome suggest that many adaptive traits are gested that horizontal transfer may accelerate the
conferred by completely novel genes that do not evolutionary process of duplication by bringing for-
originate in distant bacterial genomes. Another fac- eign genes that have mainly weak or no function
tor concerns the number of interactions in which into the genome (Hooper and Berg 2003). A similar
the encoded protein is involved. Recently acquired pattern has been found in a recent study that a low
genes have fewer interaction partners compared to duplicability of a gene is linked to a lower chance of
native genes in both regulatory and protein interac- being horizontally transferred (Wellner et al. 2007).
tion networks, suggesting that transferred genes are More recently, Treangen and Rocha (2011) moved
gradually integrated into the regulatory network of one step further to distinguish the homologous
their host over slow evolutionary time (Lercher and members in protein families into xenologs (hori-
Pal 2008). In fact, connectivity has been shown to zontally transferred genes) and paralogs (intrachro-
be an important and statistically significant factor in mosomally duplicated genes). They have found
determining transferability (the ability for a gene to that xenologs share fewer protein interactions,
be horizontally transferred and maintained) (Cohen evolve faster, and persist longer in prokaryotic lin-
et al. 2011). Despite having fewer interaction part- eages possibly due to a higher/longer adaptive
ners, horizontally acquired proteins contain signif- role; while duplicated genes are expressed more,
icantly more putative interaction sites than native and when persistent, they evolve slower. Further-
proteins, so that the persisted ones would have more, expansions are much more likely to arise
a greater chance of forming new interactions in by horizontal transfer than by intrachromosomal
new species, thus integrating into existing networks duplication (Treangen and Rocha 2011). Therefore,
(Gophna and Ofran 2011). horizontal gene transfer could not only bring in a
substantial number of completely novel genes, but
also contribute significantly to sequence diversifica-
7.4 Horizontal gene transfer
tion in existing protein families.
in duplicated genes
Gene duplication is believed to play a major role
7.5 Pseudogenization of horizontally
in genome evolution. In bacterial genome evo-
transferred genes
lution, duplicated genes contribute to gene fam-
ily expansion and hence genome size expansion Pseudogenes are commonly seen in various bacte-
(Ranea et al. 2004). However, duplicated genes were rial genomes, although the number of pseudogenes
often ignored in most horizontal gene transfer stud- could vary significantly among different genomes.

By and large, pseudogenes are unique in each are in the process of being eliminated from the
genome, suggesting that pseudogenes are formed genome.
and eliminated relatively rapidly from most bac-
terial genomes (Lerat and Ochman 2005). On the
7.6 Mobile sequences and gene
other hand, some highly degraded pseudogenes
that have persisted correspond to genes with low
expression levels and low connectivity in gene net- Bacterial genomes in many lineages appear to
works, supporting a view that pseudogenes need undergo rapid change not only through gene gain
not be evolving in a strictly neutral manner (van and gene loss but also through gene transposition
Passel and Ochman 2007). A similar pattern was and large-scale genome rearrangement. Many of
found in an extremely pseudogene-rich genome, these genomic changes are associated with mobile
Mycobacterium leprae, such that pseudogenes tend to sequences. There are three major types of mobile
be functionally less important and to be located in sequence: phages, insertion sequences (IS) elements
the 3 half of the operon (Muro et al. 2011). Kuo and (including transposases), and plasmids. All three
Ochman (2010) have proposed that selection acts to types contribute significantly to genetic exchange
remove the highly expressed and connected pseu- between different genomes in various environmen-
dogenes to minimize the costs associated with tran- tal conditions, but the contribution of each type to
scribing and translating nonfunctional genes. To gene exchange might vary among organisms. In a
further understand the nature of selection on pseu- systematic examination on gene families from 111
dogenes, research could be focused on examining genomes, it has been shown that plasmids are over-
the pseudogene retention time and the conse- all the most dominant vectors of genetic exchange
quent substitution pattern after gene pseudogeniza- between bacterial chromosomes (Halary et al.
tion by comparing closely related pseudogene-rich 2010).
genomes. Many mobile sequences undergo fast rates of
The presence of pseudogenes in bacterial geno- sequence turnover. For instance, when two closely
mes could potentially affect the rate estimation of related bacterial genomes have a large number of
gene gain and gene loss (Zhaxybayeva et al. 2007), IS elements, they are most frequently of different
since many pseudogenes in bacterial genomes are types (Wagner 2006). Such an over-representation
not properly recognized (e.g. some pseudogenes are of recent IS elements results from their short per-
annotated as whole ORFs, while some others are sistence times in bacterial genomes, because gene
completely unannotated) (Lerat and Ochman 2004). transposition caused by IS elements tends to have
In fact, the misrecognition of pseudogenes could deleterious consequences. The same trend seems
result in complicated effects on estimates of gene to be true for phages and plasmids, since bacte-
gain and gene loss (Hao and Golding 2008a). Impor- rial genomes from the same named species often
tantly, examination on the evolutionary histories have different phage sequences and variable plas-
of truncated protein sequences has revealed that mid genes when plasmids exist for these taxa.
gene truncation tends to take place preferentially in Gene transposition has been found to be sig-
recently transferred genes (Hao and Golding 2008a; nificantly associated with horizontally transferred
and as shown in Figure 1B). This suggests that genes (Fig. 7.1c and d), suggesting that gene trans-
gene truncation plays a role in facilitating the fast position accelerates the evolution of horizontally
turnover of recently transferred genes. For these transferred genes (Hao and Golding 2009). This
reasons, truncated genes were added as a new char- observed association is partly because gene trans-
acteristic parameter in addition to gene presence position is deleterious, many horizontally trans-
and absence in a quantitative estimation and the ferred genes are under relaxed selection, and hence
results supported the notion that recently acquired transposition of horizontally transferred genes
genes are rapidly lost during bacterial genome evo- might be less deleterious compared to the situation
lution (Hao and Golding 2010). Furthermore, these with native genes. The association between gene
results revealed that many recently truncated genes transposition and horizontally transferred genes

could also result from mechanisms other than selec- rates, while disease-related lineages show lowered
tion. For instance, conjugative DNA transfer could recombination rates (Bisharat et al. 2007). The lat-
induce the bacterial SOS response and then SOS ter is likely due to epidemic spread of a subset of
induction facilitates gene transposition (Baharoglu virulent clones. In the genus Neisseria, commensals
et al. 2010). have an extensive repertoire of virulence alleles, a
Furthermore, IS elements play an important large fraction of which are exchanged on a fine scale
role in pseudogenization in genome evolution. with their pathogenic counterparts (Marri et al.
For instance, large proportions of pseudogenes in 2010).
Shigella flexneri 2a, are generated by IS element Fine-scale recombination plays a crucial role in
insertions. Yet these events seldom produce the introducing both sequence diversity and sequence
pseudogenes present in the other genomes exam- divergence. In E. coli, bacterial diversity could be
ined by Lerat and Ochman (2004). Interestingly, mostly due to recombination rather than mutation
Shigella genomes generally have really high num- (Guttman and Dykhuizen, 1994). A recent study
bers of IS sequences (Touchon and Rocha 2007). based on examining 240 Streptococcus pneumoniae
Therefore, it would be of interest to systematically genomes showed that 88% of all single-nucleotide
examine IS elements and pseudogenes in the IS polymorphisms (SNPs) were introduced by recom-
element-rich genomes to quantitatively access the bination rather than by mutation (Croucher et al.
association between IS elements and pseudogeniza- 2011). In a large-scale comparison of homolo-
tion in bacterial genome evolution. gous recombination rates in bacteria and archaea,
recombination was shown to contribute to more
nucleotide changes than point mutation in over half
7.7 Gene exchange goes fine-scale
(27 out of 48) of the examined species (Vos and
Despite the wide use of the term ‘horizontal gene Didelot 2009). Some of these changes introduced by
transfer’, horizontal transfer need not necessar- recombination might lead to significant functional
ily take place in the unit of gene. For instance, consequences.
the penicillin-binding protein gene (penA) from
penicillin-susceptible strains of Neisseria meningi-
7.8 Conclusions
tidis and N. gonorrhoeae are very uniform, whereas
those from penicillin-resistant strains consist of a During evolution, many genes are acquired into
mosaic of regions of different origins, suggesting bacterial genomes via horizontal gene transfer.
that recombination can occur on a fine-scale (Spratt After transfer most genes are eventually deleted,
et al. 1992). Fine-scale recombination could also during their transient stay, some might be subject
occur intricately to form a rather complex mosaic to processes such as duplication, pseudogenization,
gene structure (Baldo et al. 2005). Recent system- and transposition. All integrated processes can lead
atic studies further demonstrated that the physical to fast rates of bacterial genome evolution. From
position for horizontal transfer or recombination to an evolutionary standpoint, the process of gene
occur is not restricted by any functional units (e.g. turnover, just like the process of nucleotide sub-
motif, domain, or gene (Chan et al. 2009)). stitution, is the combination of the accumulation
Recombination rates vary substantially across of changes over time and the outcome of ensuing
genomes with respect to phylogeny and ecology selection.
(Vos and Didelot 2009). Many obligate intracellular
parasites were found to exhibit low recombination
rates, some well-studied species such as Vibrio and
Neisseria have high recombination rates, and some This work was supported by startup funds from
lesser known species, Flavobacterium and Pelagibac- Wayne State University. I am grateful to Brian Gold-
ter, were found to be even more recombinogenic. ing for his extremely valuable input and comments,
In the species Vibrio vulnificus, environmental iso- and I apologize to authors of work uncited due to
lates were found to have very high recombination space constraints.

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Rapid evolution of animal

mitochondrial DNA
Xuhua Xia

8.1 Introduction nucleotide substitution. I show that global strand

bias is shared by nearly all animal groups except
Animal mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNAs) are inter- for poriferans and cnidarians. MtDNAs in these last
esting not only because they generally evolve much two groups are similar to plant mtDNA in several
faster than nuclear genomes or plant mtDNAs ways, as will be shown later.
(Gray et al. 1989; Lynch et al. 2006), but also because Second, in contrast to plant mtDNA with a sin-
of the immense heterogeneity in their evolutionary gle standard genetic code, animal mtDNAs feature
rates. Even within mammalian species alone, the a variety of different genetic codes. A change in
rate can vary by nearly two orders of magnitude genetic code represents a landmark change in evo-
(Nabholz et al. 2008). Such results serve to motivate lution and is expected to contribute to accelerated
evolutionary biologists to search for causes for the and episodic evolution rates (Lynch et al. 2006). The
rapid and episodic evolution. slow-evolving mtDNAs in poriferans and cnidari-
The rapid evolution in animal mtDNA relative ans (Shearer et al. 2002) share a genetic code sim-
to nuclear genomes used to be attributed to three ilar to the standard code, whereas fast-evolving
factors, i.e. the high mutation rate associated with mtDNAs in other metazoans have genetic codes
the production of free radicals in mitochondria (Bal- which differ more from the standard code. I will
aban et al. 2005), the limited DNA repair function show that a significant portion of amino acid and
in mitochondria (Mason et al. 2003), and the mul- codon substitutions can be attributed to changes in
tiple mitochondrial generations per cell generation genetic code.
coupled with a much higher replication error in Third, while plant mitochondria have efficient
mtDNA than in nuclear DNA (Johnson and John- mechanisms for tRNA import (Salinas et al. 2006),
son 2001). However, it is not clear why these factors most metazoan mitochondria typically depend
do not seem to apply to plant mtDNA (Lynch et al. entirely on tRNAs coded in mtDNA for transla-
2006) which generally evolves much slower than tion, with cnidarian mitochondria being rare excep-
plant nuclear genomes (Wolfe et al. 1987; Drouin tions (Beagley et al. 1998). A gain/loss in tRNA
et al. 2008). genes in animal mtDNA often leads to signif-
Here I present genomic evidence to high- icant changes at the coding sequences. I illus-
light three differences between animal and plant trate this point by contrasting mtDNAs with only
mtDNA, with the objective to further our under- tRNAMet/CAU (where CAU is the anticodon) and
standing of not only the rapid evolution of ani- those with both tRNAMet/CAU and tRNAMet/UAU
mal mtDNA but also the rate heterogeneity among genes. The gain of tRNAMet/UAU leads to signifi-
different animal mtDNA lineages. First, mtDNA cantly increased AUA usage and AUG→AUA sub-
replication in animals is not only error prone, but stitutions. The gain/loss of mitochondrial tRNA
also leads to strong strand bias which, when cou- genes in plants does not yield detectable effect
pled with strand switching of mitochondrial genes on coding sequences or codon usage in plant
from one strand to the other, results in high rate of mtDNA.

Rapidly Evolving Genes and Genetic Systems. First Edition. Edited by Rama S. Singh, Jianping Xu, and Rob J. Kulathinal.
© 2012 Oxford University Press. Published 2012 by Oxford University Press.

8.2 Mitochondrial replication, strand eubacterial ancestor (Fig. 8.1b), so does the slow-
bias, and evolutionary rates evolving hydra (Cnidaria) mtDNA lineage. In con-
trast, the fast-evolving vertebrate mtDNAs share
Most mutations occur during DNA replication, and the strand asymmetric pattern (Fig. 8.1c and d)
different DNA replication mechanisms often leave consistent with the strand-displacement model of
distinct footprints in genomic strand asymmetric DNA replication (Clayton 1982; Shadel and Clay-
patterns (Xia 2012), which is typically measured ton 1997; Clayton 2000; Bogenhagen and Clayton
by the GC skew (Lobry 1996; Marín and Xia 2008) 2003; Brown et al. 2005) which, although challenged
defined as (PG −PC )/(PG +PC ). Bacterial species from recently by a new proposal of a strand-coupled
Bacillus subtilis to Escherichia coli share the strand bidirectional replication (Yang et al. 2002; Yasukawa
asymmetric pattern in Fig. 8.1a, which is a finger- et al. 2005), is favored by current empirical evi-
print of the single-origin bidirectional DNA repli- dence (Brown et al. 2005). The GC skew values
cation shared by eubacterial species. The excep- for vertebrate mtDNA are all negative, implying
tionally slow-evolving sponge (Porifera) mtDNAs global asymmetry in addition to the local asymmet-
share the same strand asymmetric fingerprint as its ric patterns.

(a) (b)
Bacillus subtilis 0.13
Oscarella lobularis
0.06 (sponge)
GC skew

0.02 0.03
GC skew

–0.02 Replication

–0.04 –0.07
–0.06 termination
–0.08 Replication
Origin –0.17
0 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000
Site Site

(c) (d)
–0.2 –0.15

Gallus gallus (chicken) –0.2

Homo sapiens (human)
–0.35 –0.35
GC Skew

GC skew

–0.4 –0.4

OH –0.45
–0.45 OH
–0.5 OL
OL –0.55
0 5,000 10,000 15,000 0 5,000 10,000 15,000
Site Site

Figure 8.1 Genomic strand asymmetric patterns characterized by GC skew values along a sliding window, with inferred replication origins. The Bacillus
subtilis pattern (a) is shared among all eubacterial species known to have single-origin bidirectional replication. The sponge mtDNA, which evolves slower
than the nuclear DNA, has the strand asymmetric pattern similar to its eubacterial ancestor (b). Vertebrate mtDNAs are replicated by the highly derived, but
error-prone, two-origin strand-displacement replication, and evolve much faster than the nuclear DNA. Modified from fig. 1, fig. 9a, fig. 9b and fig. 10c in
Xia (2012), with permission from Bentham Science Publishers.
R A P I D E VO L U T I O N O F A N I M A L M I TO C H O N D R I A L D N A 75

Mammalian mtDNA has two strands of differ- Single-stranded DNA binding proteins (SSB) pro-
ent buoyant densities and consequently these are tects single-stranded DNA from nucleolytic degra-
named the H-strand and the L-strand. The two dations. In E. coli, this works best with the presence
strands have different nucleotide frequencies, with of Rec-A. SSB from E. coli also reduces the C–U
the H-strand being rich in G and T and the L-strand deamination rate in single-stranded DNA by four-
rich in A and C (Xia 2005). According to the to fivefold (Lough et al. 2001). However, it is not
strand-displacement model of DNA replication, the known if mtSSB also has the equivalent Rec-A part-
L-strand is first used as a template to replicate ner or if it also protects single-stranded DNA from
the daughter H-strand, while the parental H-strand deamination in mitochondria.
was left single-stranded for an extended period The vertebrate L-strand and H-strand, being
because the DNA replication rate in vivo is only AC-rich and GT-rich, respectively, would have a
about 270 nucleotides/min (Clayton 1982; Shadel negative and a positive GC skew, respectively, but
and Clayton 1997; Clayton 2000) which is about 200 with the same absolute value. Therefore, we may
times slower than that in Escherichia coli). Limited use the absolute value of the global GC skew (with
evidence suggests that selection for faster mtDNA PC and PG values from the entire genome rather
replication is weak. For example, mutant human than from a sliding window) to characterize global
mitochondrial single-stranded DNA-binding pro- strand asymmetry (GSA, Table 8.1). Plant mtDNAs
tein (mtSSB) with two highly variable (presumably exhibit little global strand asymmetry, with their
non-functional) regions deleted, which increases GSA values close to zero. In contrast, animal mtD-
the mtSSB isoelectric point (pI) and presum- NAs typically have high GSA values (Table 8.1). The
ably would also improve its electrostatic interac- sponge (Oscarella lobularis) and the hydra (Hydra oli-
tion with the negatively charged DNA, leads to gactis), representing Porifera and Cnidaria, respec-
more efficient DNA synthesis than the wild type tively, are exceptional among animals in that their
mtSSB (Oliveira and Kaguni 2010). Thus, either mtDNAs have GSA values similar to those in plant
the deletion mutant has never arisen naturally mtDNA. These two animal groups are also similar
or it did but has not been favored by natural to plants in having slower evolutionary rates than
selection. their nuclear genomes (Shearer et al. 2002). The dif-
Spontaneous deamination of both A and C (San- ference in GSA between plant mtDNA and animal
car and Sancar 1988; Lindahl 1993) occurs fre- mtDNA (excluding the sponge and hydra mtDNA)
quently in human mitochondrial DNA (Tanaka is highly significant (t-test, DF = 16, p < 0.0001).
and Ozawa 1994), generating A→G and C→U The strong strand bias observed in animal
mutations. Among these two types of spontaneous mtDNA (Table 8.1, except for the sponge and the
deamination, the C→U mutation occurs more fre- hydra mtDNA) suggest that a gene relocated from
quently than the A→G mutation (Lindahl 1993). one strand to the other will experience a different
In particular, the C→U mutation mediated by the mutation spectrum and consequently would evolve
spontaneous deamination occurs in single-stranded rapidly. In contrast, a strand switching is expected
DNA more than 100 times as frequently as in to have less effect on evolutionary rate in plant
double-stranded DNA (Frederico et al. 1990). These mtDNA.
C→U mutants will immediately be used as a tem- Four tRNA genes (tRNAAsp , tRNAGlu , tRNALys ,
plate to replicate the daughter L-strand, leading and tRNAVal ) have switched strands in the eight
to a G→A mutation in the L-strand after one decapod species (Fig. 8.2), whereas all other tRNA
round of DNA duplication. Therefore, the H-strand, genes, as well as all protein-coding genes and rRNA
left single-stranded for an extended period during genes, have not. I used this set of mtDNA to test
DNA replication, tend to accumulate A→G and the prediction that the four tRNA genes that have
C→U mutations and become rich in G and T while switched strands should evolve faster than homol-
the L-strand will become rich in A and C. This ogous tRNA genes that have not. Because tRNA
results in strong strand bias, i.e. the violation of genes are too short for reliable phylogenetic recon-
Chargaff’s parity rule 2. struction, I used the COX1 sequences from the eight

Table 8.1 Nucleotide frequencies (PA , PC , PG , and PT ) and global strand asymmetry (GSA) for representative metazoans and plants

Species Accession Length PA PC PG PT GSA

Oscarella lobularis NC_014863 20260 0.333 0.176 0.173 0.318 0.006

Hydra oligactis NC_010214 16314 0.348 0.114 0.124 0.414 0.039
Caenorhabditis elegans NC_001328 13794 0.314 0.089 0.149 0.448 0.253
Schistosoma japonicum NC_002544 14085 0.249 0.084 0.206 0.462 0.422
Drosophila melanogaster NC_001709 19517 0.418 0.103 0.076 0.404 0.150
Ciona intestinalis NC_004447 14790 0.342 0.095 0.119 0.444 0.116
Branchiostoma lanceolatum NC_001912 15076 0.269 0.159 0.214 0.358 0.148
Eptatretus burgeri NC_002807 17168 0.328 0.229 0.106 0.337 0.366
Mitsukurina owstoni NC_011825 17743 0.323 0.254 0.134 0.290 0.309
Danio rerio NC_002333 16596 0.319 0.239 0.160 0.281 0.198
Xenopus laevis NC_001573 17553 0.331 0.235 0.135 0.300 0.270
Alligator mississippiensis NC_001922 16646 0.312 0.295 0.135 0.257 0.371
Gallus gallus NC_001323 16775 0.303 0.325 0.135 0.238 0.412
Mus musculus NC_005089 16299 0.345 0.244 0.124 0.287 0.328
Marchantia polymorpha NC_001660 186609 0.285 0.210 0.214 0.291 0.009
Cycas taitungensis NC_010303 414903 0.264 0.235 0.235 0.266 0.000
Arabidopsis thaliana NC_001284 366924 0.279 0.225 0.222 0.273 0.006
Oryza sativa indica NC_007886 491515 0.279 0.219 0.220 0.283 0.002
Sorghum bicolor NC_008360 468628 0.281 0.220 0.217 0.282 0.008
Triticum aestivum NC_007579 452528 0.279 0.221 0.222 0.278 0.002

NC_006281 Callinectes sapidus


NC_006992 Eriocheir sinensis

NC_011243 Cherax destructor

NC_008413 Halocaridina rubra

NC_006880 Macrobrachium rosenbergii

NC_004251 Panulirus japonicus

NC_007010 Marsupenaeus japonicus

NC_009626 Litopenaeus vannamei

Figure 8.2 Phylogenetic tree of eight decapod species, built from the mitochondrial COX1 gene. The leaves are labeled with both GenBank accession
numbers and the species name. There is no strand switching event involving COX1.
R A P I D E VO L U T I O N O F A N I M A L M I TO C H O N D R I A L D N A 77

mtDNA to construct a tree (Fig. 8.2) and used the rate observed in Fig. 8.3a–c is not due to a gener-
COX1 tree to constrain the topology of trees built ally increased evolutionary rate in the E. sinensis
with tRNA sequences, i.e. the tRNA sequences are mtDNA. tRNAVal switched strand in the lineage
used only to evaluate branch lengths. The predic- leading to Cherax destructor, and also exhibited a
tion is that a tRNA gene that has switched strand in correspondingly accelerated evolutionary rate (Fig.
a lineage would evolve more rapidly than that in its 8.3d). The GSA values for E. sinensis and C. destruc-
sister lineage. tor are 0.248 and 0.280, respectively.
The four trees built with the four tRNA genes
(Fig. 8.3) show a consistent pattern, i.e. the tRNA
gene that switched strand evolved dramatically 8.3 The change in genetic code
faster than its homologues that have not switched and evolutionary rate
strands. Three of the strand-switching events In contrast to plant mtDNA with the same stan-
involving tRNA genes (Fig. 8.3a–c) occurred in the dard genetic code, animal mtDNAs feature a vari-
lineage leading to Eriocheir sinensis. Other mito- ety of genetic codes (with translation tables 2, 4, 5,
chondrial genes in E. sinensis that have not switched 9, 13, 14, 21, and 24) of which a sample is shown in
strand do not evolve faster than those in its sis- Fig. 8.4. A change in translation table could have
ter taxon, suggesting that the faster evolutionary a profound effect on the evolution of amino acid

NC_006281 Callinectes sapidus NC_006281 Callinectes sapidus

NC_006992 Eriocheir sinensis NC_006992 Eriocheir sinensis
NC_011243 Cherax destructor NC_011243 Cherax destructor
NC_008413 Halocaridina rubra NC_008413 Halocaridina rubra
NC_006880 Macrobrachium rosenbergii NC_006880 Macrobrachium rosenbergii
NC_009626 Litopenaeus vannamei NC_009626 Litopenaeus vannamei

NC_007010 Marsupenaeus japonicus NC_007010 Marsupenaeus japonicus

NC_004251 Panulirus japonicus NC_004251 Panulirus japonicus

(a) tRNAAsp (c) tRNALys

NC_006281 Callinectes sapidus NC_006281 Callinectes sapidus

NC_006992 Eriocheir sinensis NC_006992 Eriocheir sinensis
NC_011243 Cherax destructor NC_011243 Cherax destructor
NC_008413 Halocaridina rubra NC_008413 Halocaridina rubra

NC_006880 Macrobrachium rosenbergii NC_006880 Macrobrachium rosenbergii

NC_009626 Litopenaeus vannamei NC_009626 Litopenaeus vannamei

NC_007010 Marsupenaeus japonicus NC_007010 Marsupenaeus japonicus

NC_004251 Panulirus japonicus NC_004251 Panulirus japonicus

(b) tRNAGlu (d) tRNAVal

Figure 8.3 Trees constructed from tRNA genes, with the topology constrained by the COX1 tree in Fig. 8.2. Each tree has one lineage (in bold) where
the tRNA gene has switched strand, which is associated with a dramatically increased evolutionary rate.

Hydra oligactis NC_010214 Hydra: TT4 (a)

Danio rerio NC_002333
Vertebrate: TT2
Myxine glutinosa NC_002639 Hagfish: TT2
Eptatretus burgeri NC_002807

Epigonichthys maldivensis NC_006465 (b)

Branchiostoma belcheri NC_004537 Lancelet: TT5 TT2 TT5 TT9 TT13 TT4 TT1
AGA end Ser Ser Gly Arg Arg
Branchiostoma lanceolatum NC_001912
AGG end Ser Ser Gly Arg Arg
Branchiostoma floridae NC_000834
AUA Met Met Ile Met Ile Ile
Ophiopholis aculeata NC_005334 AAA Lys Lys Asn Lys Lys Lys
Sea star: TT9
UGA Trp Trp Trp Trp Trp End
Acanthaster planci NC_007788

Spadella cephaloptera NC_006386

Arrow worm: TT5
Paraspadella gotoi NC_006083

Schistosoma japonicum NC_002544 Blood fluke/tape

2 worm: TT9
Echinococcus multilocularis NC_000928
Halocynthiaroretzi NC_002177

Doliolum nationalis NC_006627

Sea squirt/tunicte: TT13
Ciona savignyi NC_004570

Ciona intestinalis NC_004447

Oscarella lobularis NC_014863 Sponge: TT4

Figure 8.4 Different mitochondrial translation tables (TT) in representative animal species. The tree (a) is constructed from the amino acid sequence of
the mitochondrial COX1 gene and conforms largely to the common consensus except for the position of tunicates. However, the grouping of tunicates with
blood flukes/tape worms is consistent with trees built from other mitochondrial protein-coding genes (e.g. Cyt-b, ND4, ND5) and ribosomal genes. Codons
with different meanings in different animal mitochondrial genetic codes are tabled in (b). Also note that Porifera and Cnidaria represented by the sponge
(Oscarella lobularis ) and the hydra (Hydra oligactis ), respectively, are known to have the slowest evolutionary rates among metazoans. They also have a
genetic code (TT4) most similar to the standard code.

sequences and coding sequences leading to poten- substitutions at these suboptimal Gly and Met sites.
tially many fortuitous mutation events (Lynch et al. Also, if the original ‘. . . Arg Arg Ile. . . ’ is optimal,
2006). This effect can manifest at two stages, illus- then there is positive selection favoring nonsynony-
trated as follows. First, the coding sequence ‘. . . mous substitutions to revert the new ‘. . . Gly Gly
AGA AGG AUA . . . ’ coding for ‘. . . Arg Arg Ile Met . . . ’ to the original.
. . . ’ in genetic code 4 would code for ‘. . . Gly Gly In short, the change in genetic code in the first
Met . . . ’ when the genetic code is changed to genetic stage leads to amino acid replacements without
code 13. Thus, we have three amino acid replace- changing the coding sequence, whereas the sec-
ments without any change to the coding sequence. ond stage mediated by the weakened purifying
Second, if the original amino acid sequence ‘. . . Arg selection or the positive selection for the new
Arg Ile. . . ’ is functionally optimal, then there would amino acid sequence to revert to the original would
be little purifying selection maintaining the new result in nonsynonymous substitutions in the cod-
‘. . . Gly Gly Met . . . ’ sequence. This would increase ing sequences. In either case, an increased nonsyn-
the propensity of the new sequence to accumulate onymous substitution rate is expected. This sug-
R A P I D E VO L U T I O N O F A N I M A L M I TO C H O N D R I A L D N A 79

gests that the amino acids coded by codons whose That is, the AGR codons, originally coding Gly
meaning is changed by a change in genetic code in genetic code 13, changed meaning from Gly
would be frequently involved in amino acid substi- to Ser when the genetic code changed from 13
tutions. to 9. If the original Gly functions well, then there
Changes in genetic codes in animal mtDNA is positive selection to revert the new Ser back
involve eight amino acids, Arg, Asn, Gly, Ile, Lys, to Gly by an AGR→GGR mutation. This would
Met, Ser, and Trp (Fig. 8.4b). They together rep- explain why Ser→Gly replacements are the most
resent 39.7% of all amino acids in the mtDNA in frequent among Ser→Other replacements along the
the 19 species included in Fig. 8.4. However, they branches between nodes 1 and 2 and between
participated in 72.7% of all amino acid replacements node 2 and the two leaves (S. japonicum and E.
along the tree (which can be obtained by recon- multilocularis). However, to drive this point home,
structing the ancestral sequences for each node and one would need to take into consideration of sev-
making pairwise comparisons along the tree, e.g. eral other factors, such as Ser and Gly codon fre-
between node 1 and node 2, between node 2 and quencies, and Ser and Gly similarities relative to the
Schistosoma japonicum, and between node 2 and similarity between Ser and other amino acids.
Echinococcus multilocularis in Fig. 8.4). These amino While this result does not prove the effect of the
acids are involved in a smaller percentage of amino genetic code change, it is surely consistent with the
acid replacements if comparisons are limited within inferred effect of genetic code change. This indicates
clades sharing the same translation table, with or that a significant proportion of substitutions at the
without the time of divergence controlled for. amino acid sequence or coding sequences can be
The pattern of amino acid replacements can attributed to changes in genetic code. As changes
also help us infer the ancestral genetic code. For in genetic code are hardly gradual, codon substi-
example, if the ancestral genetic code at node tutions mediated by such genetic code changes are
1 (Fig. 8.4) is TT13, then all AGR (where R expected to result in episodic changes at the coding
stands for A or G) codons will change mean- sequence.
ing from Gly to Ser along the lineages leading The diversification of genetic codes in animal
to S. japonicum and E. multilocularis whose mtD- mtDNAs is not surprising. Animal mtDNAs encode
NAs follow TT9. These non-adapted AGR codons few genes and some codons are rare or even absent
will then be free to be replaced by alternative in mtDNA. A change in genetic code involving such
codons. Indeed, most of the amino acid replace- codons will typically have little functional conse-
ments along the branches between nodes 1 and quence. In addition, because of the existence of mul-
2, between node 2 and the two leaves (S. japon- tiple mitochondrial genomes in a mitochondrion,
icum and E. multilocularis) are Ser→Other replace- nature is relatively free to experiment with differ-
ments (where ‘Other’ stands for amino acids other ent genetic codes through tRNA reassignment. A
than Ser). Of 85 nonsynonymous codon replace- parallel diversification in genetic codon is observed
ments inferred along the branch between nodes 1 in fungal mtDNA lineages with associated diversi-
and 2 (Fig. 8.4), 34 are Ser→Other replacements, fication in codon usage (Carullo and Xia 2008; Xia
and only five are Other→Ser replacements. Simi- 2008). In contrast, a change in genetic code in the
larly, 11 of the 30 amino acid replacements between nuclear genome will affect many codons and many
node 2 and E. multilocularis are Ser→Other replace- genes and is expected to have a major effect.
ments and only two are Other→Ser replacements.
Of the 53 amino acid replacements inferred along
8.4 The change in tRNA genes
the branch between node 2 and S. japonicum, 19
and evolutionary rate
are Ser→Other replacements and only two are
Other→Ser replacements. Plant mitochondria have complicated and efficient
Of the Ser→Other substitutions, the most fre- mechanisms for importing nucleus-encoded tRNAs
quent substitutions are Ser→Gly. This makes sense into mitochondria (Salinas et al. 2006), leading
if the ancestral genetic code is genetic code 13. to limited autonomy of the tRNA pool in plant

mitochondria. In contrast, nucleus-encoded tRNA tuberculata, Crassostrea gigas, C. Virginica, Hiatella

import into animal mitochondria is rare, except for arctica, Placopecten magellanicus, and Venerupis philip-
cnidarians whose mtDNAs code only one or two pinarum), both tRNAMet genes have a CAU anti-
tRNA genes (i.e. nuclear import is a necessity). codon forming Watson–Crick base pairs with codon
A change in mitochondrial tRNA genes can often AUG. In some other bivalve species (e.g. Mytilus
result in significant changes in coding sequences edulis, M. galloprovincialis, and M. trossulus), one
and coding strategy in animal mtDNA. I illustrate tRNAMet has a CAU anticodon and the other has a
this with the Met codon family as follows. UAU anticodon forming Watson–Crick base pairs
MtDNA in most animal species code Met by with the AUA codon. One would predict that
AUA and AUG codons. In some animal species, the latter should be more likely to code Met by
e.g. vertebrates, these two codons are translated AUA than the former, i.e. the proportion of AUA
by a single tRNAMet/CAU species with a modified codon within the AUR codon family, designated
C (i.e. f5 C) at the first anticodon position (Gros- PAUA , should be greater in the latter with both
jean et al. 2010). In other animal species, e.g. tuni- a tRNAMet/CAU and a tRNAMet/UAU gene than in
cates, an additional tRNAMet/UAU gene is present the former with a single tRNAMet/CAU gene in the
in the mtDNA. One would expect that, when mtDNA (Xia et al. 2007).
tRNAMet/UAU is absent, Met should be preferably To test the prediction, I will use PUUA (the pro-
coded by AUG with reduced AUA usage. The gain portion of UUA codon in the UUR codon family)
of tRNAMet/UAU would favor more Met to be coded as a reference control. Note that, at the same PUUA
by AUA. Such a prediction can be readily tested by level, PAUA in the three Mytilus mtDNA with both
existing mtDNA data (Xia et al. 2007). a tRNAMet/CAU and a tRNAMet/UAU gene is signif-
MtDNA in bivalve species have two tRNAMet icantly higher than that in the six bivalve species
genes. In some bivalve species (e.g. Acanthocardia without a tRNAMet/UAU gene (Fig. 8.5a, ANCOVA


30 40 50 60 70 80


0.25 0.35 0.45 0.55 0.65 0.75 0.85 0.95

Figure 8.5 Relationship between PAUA and PUUA , highlighting the observation that PAUA is greater when both a tRNAMet/CAU and a tRNAMet/UAU are
present than when only tRNAMet/CAU is present in the mtDNA, for bivalve species (a) and chordate species (b). The filled squares are for mtDNA containing
both tRNAMet/CAU and tRNAMet/UAU genes, and the open triangles are for mtDNA without a tRNAMet/UAU gene.
R A P I D E VO L U T I O N O F A N I M A L M I TO C H O N D R I A L D N A 81

test, p = 0.0111). Thus, the presence of tRNAMet/UAU tribute significantly to codon replacements in mito-
increases AUA usage significantly. chondrial genes. All these factors are expected to
A similar comparison can be performed result in accelerated and episodic evolution. Recent
between the urochordates (tunicates, with both progresses in mtDNA research suggest that, while
tRNAMet/CAU and tRNAMet/UAU genes in their laboratory experiments remain important, many
mtDNA) and cephalochordates (lancelets, with questions concerning mtDNA evolution can be
only a tRNAMet/CAU gene in their mtDNA). Fig. 8.5b addressed with the availability of genomic data and
shows that PAUA is much smaller in lancelets than a comparative genomic approach.
in tunicates at the same PUUA level. Thus, AUA
usage is consistently increased by the gain of a Acknowledgments
tRNAMet/UAU gene (or consistently decreased by the
loss of a tRNAMet/UAU gene) in animal mtDNA. This study is supported by the Discovery Grant
A gain of a tRNAMet/UAU gene is also associated from Natural Science and Engineering Research
with a surplus of AUG→AUA substitutions in ani- Council of Canada.
mal mitochondrial coding sequences (results not
shown). Similar associations can also be observed References
with other gain/loss of tRNA genes in animal mito-
chondrial. In contrast, a gain/loss of tRNA genes Balaban, R.S., Nemoto, S., and Finkel, T. (2005) Mitochon-
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in plant mtDNA appears to have little effect on
Beagley, C.T., Okimoto, R., and Wolstenholme, D.R. (1998)
nucleotide substitutions or codon usage, presum-
The mitochondrial genome of the sea anemone Metrid-
ably because such gain/loss events do not signif-
ium senile (Cnidaria): introns, a paucity of tRNA
icantly alter the tRNA pool with a great deal of genes, and a near-standard genetic code. Genetics 148:
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8.5 Conclusions
Biochem Sci 28: 357–60.
Three factors may account for the rapid evolution, Brown, T.A., Cecconi, C., Tkachuk, A.N., Bustamante, C.,
as well as the rate heterogeneity, among animal and Clayton, D.A. (2005) Replication of mitochondrial
mtDNA lineages. First, animal mtDNAs, except for DNA occurs by strand displacement with alternative
light-strand origins, not via a strand-coupled mecha-
those in Porifera and Cnidaria, exhibit strong local
nism. Genes Dev 19: 2466–76.
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Second, in contrast to plant mtDNA with a sin-
Frederico, L.A., Kunkel, T.A., and Shaw, B.R. (1990) A sen-
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Rapid evolution of centromeres and

centromeric/kinetochore proteins
Kevin C. Roach, Benjamin D. Ross, and Harmit S. Malik

9.1 Centromeres in ‘the fast lane’ finding that centromeric DNA and essential genes
encoding components of the chromosome segre-
Accurate chromosome segregation is essential at gation apparatus evolve rapidly. Here, we high-
each eukaryotic mitotic and meiotic cell division. light these observations and review a model that
The basic process of segregating chromosomes dur- posits that competition between homologous chro-
ing cell division has remained virtually unchanged mosomes during female meiosis is the driving force
across millions of years of eukaryotic evolution behind this rapid evolution (Henikoff et al. 2001).
(Malik and Henikoff 2009). This vital function is This model provides broad taxonomic predictions
mediated by the kinetochore complex of proteins, for the evolution of centromeric DNA and proteins
which binds to the centromere and provides the and introduces a general explanation for how rapid
attachment site for spindle microtubules. These evolution at the protein–DNA interface might drive
microtubules pull apart sister chromatids, ensuring incompatibilities and reproductive isolation in ani-
proper chromosome segregation. Incorrectly mal species.
attached or unattached microtubules can trigger
a cascade of signals that halts cell division. Given
the high degree of functional constraint and the
9.2 Rapidly evolving centromeric
broad similarities across eukaryotes, the apparatus
for chromosome segregation is expected to reflect
purifying selection, wherein natural selection acts Eukaryotic genomes are wrapped by nucleosomes
to conserve the sequence and function of most that allow higher-order packaging of DNA into
genes by removing deleterious mutations. Contrary chromosomes (Malik and Henikoff 2003). Most
to this expectation, centromeric DNA and a few nucleosomes are comprised of an octamer of
key proteins required for chromosome segregation histone proteins, two copies each of four canon-
evolve rapidly across broad lineages of plants and ical histones: H2A, H2B, H3, and H4. Because
animals. this packaging of DNA plays an important role
A pattern of rapid evolution is often seen in other in all aspects of chromosome structure, replication,
genes involved in recurrent adaptation or those that and expression, it is unsurprising that canonical
participate in genetic conflict. In the latter scenario, histones represent some of the most highly con-
classically described as a ‘Red Queen interaction’, served proteins across eukaryotes. In contrast to
competing entities constantly vie for evolutionary the bulk of genomic DNA, centromeric DNA is
dominance (van Valen 1973). Such ‘Red Queen’ wrapped into specialized nucleosomes. Multiple
scenarios explain rapid evolution in a wide range studies have shown that canonical histone H3 pro-
of biological phenomena including host–pathogen teins are replaced by a centromere-specific variant,
and sperm–egg interactions (discussed in Chapters hereafter referred to as CenH3. Although CenH3s
20 and 13 respectively). Red Queen interactions were discovered first by biochemical studies in
may also provide an explanation for the surprising mammals (where they are referred to as CENP-A)

Rapidly Evolving Genes and Genetic Systems. First Edition. Edited by Rama S. Singh, Jianping Xu, and Rob J. Kulathinal.
© 2012 Oxford University Press. Published 2012 by Oxford University Press.

(Earnshaw and Rothfield 1985; Palmer et al. 1991), are variable in length and sequence to such a
they are now believed to be present at the cen- degree that they cannot even be considered homol-
tromere in all eukaryotes. CenH3-containing nucle- ogous across different taxonomic groups. Second,
osomes, interspersed with canonical nucleosomes, the length of the loop 1 region of the histone fold
are the fundamental units of centromeric chromatin domain, which contacts DNA, is longer in CenH3s
(Blower et al. 2002; Panchenko and Black 2009). In than canonical H3 proteins. This might suggest a
situations where one of two potential centromeres greater degree of sequence specificity in CenH3s
on a chromosome is active (dicentric), or where a when compared to canonical H3 proteins. Third,
previously non-centromeric DNA acquires the abil- and perhaps most relevant from the perspective
ity to serve as a centromere (neocentromere), it is of this chapter, despite stringent functional con-
the presence of CenH3 proteins that serves as the straint, CenH3s evolve rapidly across many lin-
diagnostic marker of active centromeric function. eages (Fig. 9.1).
Functional CenH3 not only defines the basic unit Evolutionary studies of CenH3 genes in plants
of centromeric chromatin but also serves as part (Arabidopsis), insects (Drosophila), and mammals
of a scaffold to recruit other kinetochore proteins (primates) revealed strong evidence of adaptive
and is thus essential for chromosome segregation evolution in the N-terminal tail and the loop 1
(Panchenko and Black 2009). region of the histone tail fold domain (Malik and
CenH3s differ from canonical H3 proteins in Henikoff 2001; Talbert et al. 2002; Schueler et al.
three important ways (Malik and Henikoff 2003). 2010). Several lines of evidence imply that this
First, canonical H3 proteins are highly conserved rapid evolution is important for CenH3 function.
in both their histone fold domain and N-terminal For instance, chimeric swaps of the rapidly evolv-
tails, almost identical in sequence from Entamoeba ing Loop1 region of the histone fold domain of
to humans. In contrast, CenH3 N-terminal tails Drosophila reveal that Loop1 domains are required

(a) (c)
N-terminal Tail Histone Fold Domain S. cerevisae H3
S. cerevisiae - H3 H. sapiens H3
C. elegans - H3 O. sativa H3 D. melano-
D. melanogaster - H3 gaster H3
T. thermophila H3
O. sativa - H3
H. sapiens - H3

O. sativa Cenp-A
S. cerevisiae - Cse4
H. sapiens Cenp-A
C. elegans - HCP-3
D. melanogaster - Cid
O. sativa - Cenp-A T. thermophila
H. sapiens - Cenp-A CNA1

Loop1 S. cerevisiae Cse4 D. rerio CenpA

(b) S. cerevisiae H3 A Q D F K T - - - D L R F Q S X. tropicalis CenpA

C. elegans H3 A Q D F K T - - - D L R F Q S
D. melanogaster H3 A Q D F K T - - - D L R F Q S
O. sativa H3 A Q D F K T - - - D L R F Q S D. discoideum CenH3
H. sapiens H3 A Q D F K T - - - D L R F Q S

S. cerevisiae Cse4 T D EFTT KDQD LR W Q S C. elegans HCP-3

C. elegans HCP-3 M Q T STP FGAD CR I R S
D. melanogaster Cid I V KY SD -D EP LR V T E
O. sativa Cenp-A T D FY SK --DV SR W T L
H. sapiens Cenp-A C V KFTR -GVD FN W Q A
D. melanogaster Cid

Figure 9.1 Centromeric histones diverge from canonical H3 proteins in sequence and function. (a) CenH3 proteins are distinguished from canonical
histone H3s by several features. Canonical histones are highly conserved, while divergence of the N-terminal tail of CenH3 is so great that it is not possible
to align these features across taxa. (b) Loop 1 domains within the histone hold domain also vary greatly in sequence and length in CenH3s but not
canonical H3 proteins. (c) A neighbor-joining phylogeny of the histone-fold domains of select canonical and centromere proteins (CenH3s in bold lines)
show the much faster evolution of CenH3s even in their histone fold domain.
R A P I D E VO L U T I O N O F C E N T R O M E R E S A N D C E N T R O M E R I C / K I N E TO C H O R E P R OT E I N S 85

for the correct localization of CenH3s to cen- mostly on a few detailed studies of the centromeres
tromeres (Vermaak et al. 2002). Replacement of of primates, Drosophila, and rice that required
the Loop1 domain in D. melanogaster CenH3 with painstaking assembly and characterization over
the orthologous domain from D. bipectinata abro- many years of effort.
gated correct centromeric localization. This implies Primate centromeres are composed of megabases
that positive selection has actively shaped the cen- of an AT-rich DNA sequence known as alpha-
tromeric protein–DNA interface. Similarly, CenH3 satellite. Alpha-satellite is a 171-bp monomeric
alleles from closely related plant species are not repetitive sequence that was first identified as
sufficient to confer full CenH3 function in Ara- human DNA that disrupted chromosome segrega-
bidopsis species (Ravi et al. 2010). Because CenH3s tion upon introduction into the chromosomes of
perform a conserved and essential function in African green monkey cultured cells (Haaf et al.
eukaryotes, these findings of rapid evolution and 1992). Subsequent analysis of human centromeric
functional divergence in CenH3s were quite sur- sequences revealed that alpha-satellites in humans
prising. Furthermore, rapid evolution in the Loop1 and primate relatives are arranged in higher-
centromeric localization domain raised intriguing order arrays, where the array size varies from
questions about the evolutionary forces that shape single alpha-satellites in most species (Cellamare
the interaction of CenH3s with centromeric DNA, et al. 2009) to a higher-order array in human cen-
which is also rapidly evolving in most species. tromeres, consisting of multiple tandemly-arranged
monomers in repeat units. Conservation between
monomers of the same array can be as low as
9.3 Bewildering centromeric DNA
70–80% identity. In contrast, conservation between
complexity and evolution
multimeric repeats is much higher (Rudd et al.
Despite carrying out identical function across 2006). The higher-order array structure appears
eukaryotes, centromeric DNA varies widely among to be evolutionarily young, found in only in
species (Malik and Henikoff 2009). The first cen- some great apes. Moreover, some satellite-arrays
tromeres characterized at the sequence level were are both evolutionarily young and chromosome-
the ‘point’ centromeres of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. specific in human centromeres. For instance, the
One hundred and twenty-five base pairs (bp) of human X-chromosomal centromeric alpha-satellite
centromeric DNA is necessary and sufficient to array is a 2-kilobase repeat unit that is composed
recruit and assemble the protein components of the of 12 monomers of the DXZ1 alpha-satellite, an
budding yeast kinetochore complex (Fig. 9.2). Thus, arrangement that is only found in the closest rela-
budding yeast centromeres are genetically defined. tives of humans.
However, the simple ’point’ centromeres of bud- The evolution of centromeric and pericentric
ding yeasts are exceptions to the rule even amongst DNA sequences is sculpted by recombination
fungi, many of which possess larger centromeres. (unequal crossing over and gene conversion),
Moreover, in most fungi (e.g., S. pombe), centromere which acts to homogenize sequences in the center
identity is not dictated by the sequence of cen- of centromeric arrays, whereas flanking pericen-
tromeric DNA but by the binding of centromeric tric sequences accumulate mutations and trans-
proteins like CenH3s. positions (Malik and Henikoff 2002). Repetitive
Centromeres in most multicellular organisms monomers of alpha-satellite sequences are there-
are even more complex, composed of large AT-rich fore not exclusive to primate centromeres; they are
repetitive sequences. These repetitive sequences, also found immediately adjacent to centromeres
also termed ‘satellite’ DNA, were identified in pericentric heterochromatin. These pericentric
through early cloning and sequencing studies. sequences do not recruit centromeric proteins but
The repetitive nature of centromeric DNA is still function to ensure proper chromosome segre-
challenging for modern sequencing technology gation by recruiting cohesion proteins. Less pair-
and assembly. Current knowledge of metazoan wise sequence identity is observed among pericen-
centromeric DNA sequences is therefore based tric alpha-satellite monomers than between those

Pericentric Pericentric
DNA Centromeric DNA DNA

Saccharomyces cerevisiae
~ 125 bp

Schizosaccharomyces pombe
~1 kb
otr imr cnt imr otrr

Drosophila melanogaster
450 kb–5 mb

Oryza sativa
60 kb–2 mb

Nomascus leucogenys (gibbons)

500 kb–12 mb

Homo sapiens >95% Identity

500 kb–12 mb

~80% Indentity
>95% Indentity

Figure 9.2 Dramatic variability in centromere size and sequence across eukaryotes. We present a few representative centromeres to highlight differences
in their composition and size, ranging from 125 bp in S. cerevisiae to at least hundreds of kilobases in primates. Fungalcs centromeres are generally small.
These may be specified genetically, as with Saccharomyces cerevisiae, or epigenetically as CenH3- bound DNA (e.g. cnt region in S. pombe ). Drosophila
melanogaster relies on regions of homogenous tandemly repeating pentameric repeats for CenH3 deposition. Oryza sativa, has a complex centromere
common to many grasses. A 155-bp satellite, CentO, is arranged in long tandem arrays. Interspersed among arrays are centromeric retrotranspons in rice
(CRRs) and actively transcribed genes. Both CentO and CRRs are bound by CenH3 and proposed to be functional centromeric sequences. Primate
centromeres illustrate two types of arrays of alpha-satellites. Nomascus leucogenys centromeres consist of tandemly repeated monomers of 171-bp
alpha-satellites, each with very high identity with its neighbors. In contrast, Homo sapiens alpha-satellites are arranged in arrays or repeat units (indicated
by parentheses) spanning many alpha-satellites. The repeat units are highly identical within an array, although the neighboring alpha satellites within a
repeat unit are quite dissimilar to each other.

found in centromeric arrays, which may reflect example of this phenomenon is found in the peri-
relaxed constraint or less efficient homogenization. centric region of the human X-chromosome, where
It has been suggested that pericentric alpha-satellite the oldest alpha-satellite domains are the furthest
monomers represent older centromeric satellites from the current centromere (Rudd et al. 2006).
that were replaced by newly arisen variants in Homogenization of alpha-satellites is not always
the middle of the centromere. In the process, the limited to a single chromosomal array. Indeed,
alpha-satellite monomers were gradually displaced a higher-order array can arise at the centromere
to the edges of the centromeric array. Thus, these of one chromosome during recent primate evo-
pericentric sequences serve as fossil records of lution, spread to other chromosomes by transpo-
ancestral centromeric sequences. The best-studied sition, and become fixed (Schueler and Sullivan
R A P I D E VO L U T I O N O F C E N T R O M E R E S A N D C E N T R O M E R I C / K I N E TO C H O R E P R OT E I N S 87

2006). Surprisingly, centromeric satellite sequences 9.4 The ‘centromere paradox’: conflict,
are more divergent between species than are peri- not coevolution
centric satellites (Rudd et al. 2006). The functional
centromeric sequences are thus the most rapidly Observations from primates, Drosophila, and plants
evolving between species, despite being most func- reveal a dynamic picture of centromeric DNA evo-
tionally constrained by their role in chromosome lution and rapid evolution of centromeric proteins,
segregation. despite an essential conserved role in chromosome
In D. melanogaster, centromeric DNA from a segregation. How do we reconcile this rapid evo-
minichromosome was found to be primarily com- lution in the face of extreme functional constraint?
posed of repetitive pentameric sequences inter- We consider three scenarios that may explain this
spersed with transposable elements. Eighty-five ‘centromere paradox’.
percent of the centromeric sequence was found In the first scenario, higher mutation rates may
to be AATAT and AAGAG satellites, with very introduce rapid changes in centromeric DNA,
low sequence variation (Sun et al. 1997). While which then have to be accommodated by changes
the sequence composition of centromeric satellites in centromeric proteins. It is conceivable that cen-
seems to be invariant within species, the size of tromeric satellite repeats might be subject to a
satellite arrays can vary dramatically within mem- higher mutation rate, perhaps a result of the unique
bers of the same Drosophila species (Bachmann chromatin environment they are in or as a result
and Sperlich 1993). However, centromeric satel- of their unique AT-rich nucleotide composition.
lites differ even more dramatically between species. Indeed, recent reports from budding yeast suggest
For example, there is a hundred-fold difference that centromeric DNAs might be subject to elevated
in abundance for the AAGAG satellite between mutation rates (Bensasson et al. 2008). Nonetheless,
D. melanogaster and D. erecta, which shared a com- for newly arisen mutant centromeric sequences to
mon ancestor only 5–10 million years ago (Lohe and survive under this coevolutionary scenario, they
Brutlag 1987). Furthermore, some satellites present would have to encounter rare compensatory muta-
in the D. melanogaster genome are completely absent tions in a centromere binding protein to avoid being
in the genome of D. simulans, suggesting complete eliminated by purifying selection. Thus, even if cen-
turnover of centromeric sequences in less than 2.5 tromeric mutation rates were higher, the frequency
million years (Sawamura et al. 1995). of compensatory mutations in centromeric pro-
Rapid evolution of centromeric DNA has teins would be rare, so this coevolutionary scenario
also been observed in plants. In Oryza sativa, appears unlikely to account for the centromere
centromeric regions are largely composed of paradox.
two components that are interspersed with each In a second scenario, biased gene conversion
other: a 155-bp centromeric CentO satellite, and a may rapidly alter centromeric DNA satellites, fol-
centromeric specific CRR (centromeric retrotrans- lowed by coevolutionary accommodation by cen-
poson in rice) retrotransposon. Using chromatin tromeric proteins (Dover 2002). A new centromeric
immunoprecipitation experiments, investigators allele could arise which was favored by recombi-
pulled down DNA associated with rice CenH3 and nation (or by biased gene conversion). This new
found a high level of sequence divergence at the centromeric variant could then spread throughout
centromeres of closely related species of wild rice. the satellite arrays of homologous centromeres in
Some species of rice completely lack centromeric the species. If such biased gene conversion events
CentO. Comparative genomics revealed that the result in the fixation of a new centromeric DNA
CentO satellites represent evolutionarily young array that compromises accurate chromosome seg-
inventions that supplanted ancestral centromeric regation, strong selection will act on centromere
satellites during recent evolution in rice species proteins to restore function. Since centromeric DNA
(Lee et al. 2005). This implies that plants, like is strongly impacted by recombination, this sce-
primates and Drosophila, have experienced nario has some explanatory power. However, the
dynamic evolution of their centromeric DNA. coevolutionary process should stop once a satellite

variant has driven to fixation and centromeric pro- only one of the four products of female meiosis can
teins have coevolved. For it to start anew, new be passed on to the next generation in the oocyte.
recombinational bias would have to be invoked in There is, therefore, an opportunity for competition
which the previously successful centromeres were among loci on homologous chromosomes to
replaced by newer versions. This process therefore compete for positioning and inclusion in the
seems unlikely to produce the recurrent patterns of oocyte. Centromeres are ideally positioned to
rapid evolution observed across taxa. Furthermore, compete during female meiosis. Under this model,
under this scenario, the new centromere is fixed not centromeres competitively orient towards the
because of increased centromeric ability but would ‘preferred pole’ during meiosis I (Fig. 9.3), perhaps
have to be fixed in spite of decreased centromeric by recruiting more microtubules and biasing the
ability to account for the positive selection of cen- acentrosomal spindle in female meiosis, resulting
tromeric proteins. in a transmission advantage. It bears mentioning
We favor a third possibility in which increased that unlike postmeiotic dysfunction following
centromeric ability translates directly to increased male meiosis, centromere drive incurs no fertility
transmission during chromosome segregation cost to females (Malik 2005). We posit that this
(Henikoff et al. 2001; Henikoff and Malik 2002; competition, or centromere-drive, is the underlying
Malik and Henikoff 2009). This opportunity for genetic conflict that explains the rapid evolution of
increased transmission arises from the unique centromeric DNA. If this transmission advantage
nature of female meiosis in both plants and animals. in female meiosis has a subsequent negative
Unlike mitosis or male meiosis, female meiosis in consequence in male meiosis, it would require
plants and animals is an asymmetric cell division. centromeric proteins to adapt to restore male
While mitosis produces two identical daughter cells fertility. The key advantages of the centromere-
and male meiosis results in four viable gametes, drive model (over the biased gene conversion

♀ Female meiosis ♂ Male meiosis


Satellite expansion recruits Selection for variant

more centromere proteins centromere proteins

Centromeric DNA Centromeric protein

evolution evolution

Biased transmission Tension defects

leads to increase in induce checkpoint
frequency and decreased fertilty

Figure 9.3 Centromere drive and suppression. In this illustration, a centromeric satellite expansion on a chromosome, for instance an X chromosome,
allows for increased recruitment of centromeric proteins and microtubule attachment (a). This now ‘stronger’ centromere can alter the orientation of the
meiotic spindle and increase its transmission during the asymmetric female meiotic divisions relative to its non-driving homolog. Such a variant would quickly
increase in frequency in a population. However, the consequences of centromere drive are revealed during the symmetrical male meiotic divisions (b), here
illustrated with paired X and Y chromosomes. The ‘stronger’ X centromere could induce tension defects that lead to reduced male fertility through the
activation of a checkpoint or increased non-disjunction. Thus, strong selective pressure will favor alleles of centromere proteins that can restore tension
equality and alleviate centromere drive. Thus, rapid evolution of centromeric DNA and proteins can be explained in two subsequent steps of a classic ‘Red
Queen’ conflict.
R A P I D E VO L U T I O N O F C E N T R O M E R E S A N D C E N T R O M E R I C / K I N E TO C H O R E P R OT E I N S 89

scenario) are twofold. First, the new centromeres between M. guttatus and M. nasutus, the D locus
have increased rather than compromised exhibited a 98% transmission bias in female meiosis
centromere function. Second, it has the dynamics (Fishman and Willis 2005). In the absence of viabil-
of a classical meiotic drive-suppression system, in ity differences, such strong transmission bias could
which the cheating centromere ‘wins’ initially, but only result from distortion during meiosis I, leaving
is ‘suppressed’ in subsequent steps via adaptation. the centromere as the most probable candidate for
A key discriminator between these models is the D locus (Fishman and Willis 2005; Malik 2005).
that ‘centromere drive’ should be highly subject Both of these examples highlight a key point
to taxonomic differences in meiotic programs, about consequences of transmission distortion in
whereas biased gene conversion should not. As we female meiosis i.e. an accompanying defect in
highlight here, the genetic and taxonomic patterns male meiosis. For instance, human male carriers of
of centromeric protein evolution support this Robertsonian fusions suffer a high rate of fertility
model overwhelmingly. defects (Daniel 2002). Similarly, M. guttatus males
that are homozygous for the D locus suffer 20%
lower pollen counts (Fishman and Saunders 2008).
9.5 Support for the centromere drive
This suggests that either heterozygosity or homozy-
gosity of a driving centromere can be deleterious
The first cytological evidence that chromosomes to male meiosis. One likely explanation is that
can exploit asymmetries in female meiosis came unequal centromere strengths might result in ten-
from studies of B chromosomes in grasshoppers, sion inequity and increased non-disjunction in male
which exploit this asymmetry to enhance their meiosis (Henikoff et al. 2001; Henikoff and Malik
own transmission (Hewitt 1973). There is now 2002). While this could conceivably occur between
increasing evidence that many animals and plant any pair of chromosomes, the sex chromosomes
chromosomes are shaped by similar biases in might be especially susceptible to the deleterious
female meiosis. One of the more dramatic exam- effects of centromere drive. For instance, in XY sys-
ples is from Robertsonian chromosomes in humans. tems such as mammals, the Y chromosome does not
Robertsonians are formed by the fusion of two undergo female meiosis and is thus not subjected
acrocentric chromosomes into a single metacentric to centromere drive. Repeated rounds of competi-
chromosome. Offspring of heterozygous individu- tion and drive on X chromosomes could result in
als (carriers) receive either the Robertsonian fusion a ‘super-X’ centromere competing against a much
or the two wild type acrocentric chromosomes. weaker Y centromere. This inequity in centromere
In humans, male Robertsonian carriers transmit affinity can lead to greater rates of non-disjunction
the wild-type chromosomes and the Robertsonian in XY male meiosis and potentially result in male
fusion to their offspring at equal rates, whereas the sterility. Thus, selection will favor alleles of cen-
Robertsonian fusion chromosome is preferentially tromere binding proteins that alleviate drive and
transmitted to 58% of the offspring from a female restore meiotic parity by adaptively altering their
carrier (Pardo-Manuel de Villena and Sapienza DNA-binding specificity.
Further evidence for centromere drive comes
9.6 Taxonomic differences in
from genetic studies in Mimulus (monkeyflower)
susceptibility to centromere drive
species. In intraspecies crosses of M. guttatus, there
is a transmission bias associated with the D locus, The concept of intragenomic conflict between self-
which is thought to be an expansion/duplication ish centromeric DNA sequences and centromere
of a centromeric region. Chromosomes bearing the binding proteins is a general principle that can be
D locus were preferentially transmitted at 58% extrapolated across taxa that undergo asymmetri-
through female meiosis, whereas no distortion was cal meiotic divisions. While patterns of evolution
seen in male meiosis (Fishman and Saunders 2008). at the centromere play out differently in different
In earlier crosses involving interspecies F1 hybrids lineages, the underlying selective forces may be

universal across such taxa. Centromere drive there- to acting as a scaffold to link the outer kinetochore
fore provides specific predictions about where we proteins to the centromere. Evidence from mam-
might expect to encounter rapid evolution of cen- mals showed that while CENP-C recognizes and
tromeres and their proteins, based on taxonomic binds centromeric DNA directly, it is still dependent
differences in meiotic programs. on CenH3 for proper localization (Politi et al. 2002;
For instance, plants and animals undergo both Trazzi et al. 2009). However, in Drosophila, CenH3
female and male meiosis, rendering them suscep- and CENP-C have an interdependent relationship.
tible to both centromere drive and its suppres- For instance, depletion of CENP-C by RNA inter-
sion. This is consistent with findings that both cen- ference affects the deposition of new CenH3 at
tromeric DNA and proteins evolve rapidly in plants Drosophila centromeres (Orr and Sunkel 2011). Con-
and animals (Malik and Henikoff 2001; Talbert et al. sistent with the predictions of the centromere-drive
2002; Schueler et al. 2010). In contrast, fungi only model, CENP-C evolves rapidly in both plants
undergo symmetric ‘male’ meiosis. As a result, they and animals. CENP-C evolution is often much
are not expected to undergo centromere-drive and more rapid than that of CenH3, likely reflecting
therefore should show no evidence of centromere- the higher evolutionary constraints imposed on
drive suppression. Patterns of evolution appear to CenH3s (Talbert et al. 2004; Schueler et al. 2010).
largely bear out this prediction; in particular, fun- The kinetochore is a trilaminar structure, con-
gal centromeric proteins do not appear to evolve sisting of an inner and outer kinetochore with a
rapidly (Talbert et al. 2004). Other eukaryotic taxa fibrous corona forming the connection to the micro-
experience only asymmetric ‘female’ meiosis. For tubules (Cheeseman and Desai 2008). All three kine-
instance, ciliated protozoans like Tetrahymena ther- tochore layers contain proteins that are essential for
mophila undergo mating between two partners, each its function and for chromosome segregation. How-
of which undergoes asymmetric ‘female’ meiosis, ever, the centromere-drive model predicts that only
before exchanging gametes. Intriguingly, we find inner kinetochore proteins that directly interact with
no evidence of positive selection on Tetrahymena centromeric DNA will have an opportunity to sup-
centromeric histones (Elde et al. 2011). This might press driving centromeres, be subject to selection,
indicate that suppressing deleterious effects in male and rapidly evolve. The constitutive centromere-
meiosis might be the primary driver of centromeric associated network (CCAN) is the principal group
protein evolution in taxa like plants and animals. of proteins in the inner kinetochore (Hori et al.
More taxonomic sampling in lineages that have 2008). As the name suggests, the 16 proteins that
either male or female meiosis, or neither, will shed constitute the CCAN are found bound to the cen-
further light into the universality of the centromere- tromere during the entire cell cycle. Based on their
drive model. proximity to centromeric DNA, the CCAN proteins
are ideally positioned to act as suppressors of cen-
tromere drive. Thus, systematic evolutionary analy-
9.7 Rapid evolution of other
sis of the CCAN proteins, together with those found
centromeric proteins
in the outer kinetochore and corona might lend fur-
Based on the centromere drive model, centromeric ther support to the predictions of the centromere
histones need not be the only proteins that evolve drive model.
to suppress the driving centromeres. Other proteins Heterochromatin proteins that participate in
of the kinetochore, especially those that bind or are satellite-DNA binding proximal to centromeric
more closely associated with the centromeric DNA regions could also be candidates for novel sup-
are also candidates to suppress centromere drive. pressors of centromere drive. Like CenH3s, het-
CENP-C is another well-studied centromeric pro- erochromatic satellite-binding proteins are often
tein that, like CenH3, is essential and found in essential yet evolve rapidly. It is conceivable that
all eukaryotes that have been investigated thus far similar genetic conflicts may shape the evolution
(Fukagawa et al. 1999). CENP-C binds both cen- of both centromeric and heterochromatic proteins.
tromeric DNA and CenH3s in humans, in addition By adapting to bind newly arisen centromeric satel-
R A P I D E VO L U T I O N O F C E N T R O M E R E S A N D C E N T R O M E R I C / K I N E TO C H O R E P R OT E I N S 91

lites, these heterochromatin proteins could prevent explanatory power, several key questions remain
recruitment of centromeric proteins and thereby unanswered, leaving this field ripe for further
suppress centromere drive. investigation. For instance, while CenH3
(and to some extent CENP-C) evolution has
been investigated, most other centromere and
9.8 Centromere drive and postzygotic
kinetochore proteins have not been similarly
isolation between species
examined. Evolutionary characterization of the
It is remarkable that a process as essential as chro- entire complement of proteins that function in
mosome segregation could nonetheless be shaped chromosome segregation could provide support
by lineage-specific genetic conflict and rapid evo- for the idea that conflict with centromeric DNA
lution. This opens up the possibility that protein– sequences drives the evolution of genes encoding
DNA interactions crucial for meiosis and mitosis centromere-binding proteins. Such an evolutionary
may not function identically across even closely systems analysis could not only confirm this
related species. In hybrids, this could create incom- prediction of the centromere-drive model, but
patibilities resulting from a gain or loss of protein– also identify novel DNA-binding components
DNA interactions. In crosses between Drosophila of the kinetochore. Another prediction of the
melanogaster and D. simulans (two species that centromere-drive model is that centromere binding
have diverged for about 2.5 million years), hybrid proteins like CenH3 will only evolve rapidly in
inviability is caused by allelic mismatches of a taxa with both asymmetric and symmetric meiotic
heterochromatin protein Lethal hybrid rescue (Lhr) programs. Evolutionary investigation of taxa that
gene in one direction (Brideau et al. 2006), and lack meiosis or with unusual meiosis programs
caused by a species-specific satellite repeat called could provide further support or modifications to
Zygotic hybrid rescue (Zhr) in the other direction the model. Finally, to understand the functional
(Sawamura et al. 1995; Ferree and Barbash 2009). consequences of the rapid evolution of centromeric
Altered heterochromatic DNA-binding specificity proteins and DNA, it will be very informative
also appears to play a key role in the male hybrid to genetically test whether adaptive changes in
sterility phenotypes associated with the OdsH gene centromere proteins like CenH3 and Cenp-C
in hybrids between D. simulans and D. mauri- affect chromosome segregation during meiosis or
tiana (two species that diverged less than 0.5 mil- mitosis using model systems such as Drosophila or
lion years ago) (Bayes and Malik 2009). Although Arabidopsis.
such cases represent only a few examples, associa-
tion with centromeric/heterochromatic function is
highly overrepresented in the dataset of genes that Acknowledgments
have been found to be implicated in hybrid invia-
We thank Nitin Phadnis for his comments on the
bility and sterility, suggestive of a broader role for
manuscript. This work was supported by predoc-
centromere drive in postzygotic isolation of incipi-
toral fellowships from the National Science Founda-
ent species (Malik and Henikoff 2009). It is indeed
tion (to KCR and to BDR), grant R01-GM74108 from
an intriguing possibility that genetic conflicts that
the National Institutes of Health (to HSM) and a
drive the rapid evolution of centromeric DNA and
grant from the Mathers Foundation (to HSM). HSM
proteins might underlie the hybrid sterility and
is an Early Career Scientist of the Howard Hughes
inviability on which species concepts are most com-
Medical Institute.
monly based.

9.9 Future directions References

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C H A P T E R 10

Rapid evolution via chimeric genes

Rebekah L. Rogers and Daniel L. Hartl

10.1 Introduction 10.2 Mechanisms of formation

Adaptation depends ultimately upon genetic vari- The mutational mechanisms that form chimeric
ation. While single amino acid substitutions are genes can have distinct impacts on the struc-
extremely common, their ability to explore all adap- ture, function, and regulation of chimeric genes
tive possibilities is limited (Carneiro and Hartl as well as the rates at which they are formed.
2010). Similarly, duplicate genes, although key In D. melanogaster, the youngest chimeric genes
players in adaptive evolution and the origins of have formed through tandem duplications that
developmental complexity, do not provide a sub- have not respected gene boundaries. There are two
stantial source of functional novelty in the near molecular mechanisms that explain the placement
term (Rogers and Hartl 2011). Duplicate genes cre- and structure of the youngest chimeric genes. One
ate redundancy, which allows genes to diverge involves the large-loop mismatch repair system,
via neofunctionalization and subfunctionalization whereas the other results from a process similar
(Lynch and Conery 2000). However, each of these to replication slippage (Rogers et al. 2009). There
fates requires long periods of time in which are no known chimeric genes in D. melanogaster
genes accumulate point mutations, thus provid- that appear to have formed from retrogenes, a
ing a very limited source of novel functions in pattern in stark contrast to the alcohol dehydroge-
the face of sudden or rapidly changing selective nase (Adh) chimeras that are found in other species
pressures. of Drosophila (Wang et al. 2000; Jones and Begun
More unusual mutations that combine different 2005; Jones et al. 2005) but highly consistent with
coding sequences, while somewhat rare, are able to low levels of transposable element (TE) activity in
explore greater distances in protein folding space, the D. melanogaster lineage (Zhou et al. 2008; Rogers
rendering accessible a greater number of adaptive et al. 2009).
peaks (Giver and Arnold 1998; Cui et al. 2002). Similarly at odds with D. melanogaster, taxa out-
Chimeric genes, which are created when portions of side the genus Drosophila show a marked associ-
two distinct gene sequences unite to form a novel ation between chimeras and TE or retro-element
open reading frame, offer a means whereby single activity, with a number of chimeric genes form-
mutations can produce substantial flexibility that ing through retrotransposition. In rice, many newly
can allow organisms to explore a vast range of formed retrogenes recruit new exons, adding mate-
mutational space. rial to the 3 end of the gene (Wang et al. 2006).
In this chapter, we describe how chimeric genes In primates, a number of chimeric retrogenes exist
serve as a substantial source of new genes, which (Vinckenbosc et al. 2006; Virgen et al. 2008; Zhang
can effect rapid and drastic genetic changes in the et al. 2009), although segmental duplication can
face of selective pressures. We also explore the produce chimeric genes as well (Marques-Bonet
forces that result in the formation and maintenance et al. 2009). In these species, higher numbers of
of chimeric genes within the genome as well as how TEs and other repetitive elements can also facil-
these forces differ among organisms. itate recombination, allowing for the formation

Rapidly Evolving Genes and Genetic Systems. First Edition. Edited by Rama S. Singh, Jianping Xu, and Rob J. Kulathinal.
© 2012 Oxford University Press. Published 2012 by Oxford University Press.
R A P I D E VO L U T I O N V I A C H I M E R I C G E N E S 95

(a) (b)






(c) (d)



Figure 10.1 Four putative mechanisms for the formation of chimeric genes. A. Large loop mismatch repair. During either meiosis or mitosis a chromatid
containing a duplication pairs with an unduplicated chromatid. The extruding loop of unpaired DNA invokes the action of the large loop mismatch repair
system, which excises the segment imprecisely, producing a chimeric gene. B. Replication slippage. During replication the polymerase stalls and dissociates
after partially replicating parental gene A. When replication continues, parental genes A and B misalign, producing a chimeric gene. C. Ectopic
recombination. Similar nucleotide sequences in parental genes A and B facilitate pairing and recombination, resulting in a chimeric gene.
D. Retrotransposition. The mRNA of one parental gene is reverse transcribed by a retroelement. The new retrogene lands within or adjacent to a second
gene sequence, recruiting new exons to produce a chimeric gene.

of new genes, whereas the compact genome of Classical views on exon-shuffling predict that
D. melanogaster is governed more by local DNA introns could provide reasonable breakpoints so
mutations. Furthermore, retrotransposition will be that different domains can combine without dis-
strongly biased towards genes that are highly rupting protein folding patterns (Gilbert 1978;
expressed, as supported by the large number of Adh Patthy 2003). Yet, in D. melanogaster we have found
chimeras in the Drosophila. Hence, retrogenes may that breakpoints within exons are common, that
influence genome content in different ways from the boundaries of chimera formation do not often
errors in DNA replication and repair. respect protein domains (Rogers et al. 2009; Rogers
In mammals, where genomes contain long and Hartl 2011) and that many of these mid-
introns and large amounts of repetitive DNA, a domain breaks are selectively favored (Rogers and
small number of chimeric genes have been iden- Hartl 2011). Furthermore, the chimeric gene Qtzl
tified that have formed through ectopic recombi- carries a segment inherited out of frame with
nation or ectopic gene conversion (Sedman et al. respect to the parental genes, yet it has demon-
2008; Opazo et al. 2009). These observations afford strable phenotypic effects (Rogers et al. 2010).
a compelling case that even small changes in cellu- Hence, the limits of protein space may be more
lar machinery and TE profiles can have profound flexible than widely assumed, and the limits of
influences on the genetic makeup of various organ- protein modularity may fall at a level below
isms and their abilities to adapt to environmental conserved functional domains (Rogers and Hartl
changes. 2011).

However, the ability of chimeric genes to produce often followed by a series of adaptive amino acid
variation goes beyond obvious protein rearrange- replacements that can modify the function of a
ments. In D. melanogaster, chimeric genes appear chimeric gene (Jones and Begun 2005; Jones et al.
to be commonly associated with changes in RNA 2005). Furthermore, chimeric genes form at high
transcription or stability, as well as changes in cel- enough rates to provide a steady stream of adap-
lular targeting (Rogers and Hartl 2011). By shuffling tive changes (Rogers et al. 2009). Thus, chimeric
different upstream and downstream sequences, genes, while seemingly unconventional, are impor-
both tissue-specific and timepoint-specific expres- tant factors in adaptive evolution as well as serious
sion can change independently (Rogers and Hartl contributors to genomic content and organization
2011). This ability to effect changes in gene regula- in D. melanogaster.
tion as well as peptide sequence can have distinct Although the role of chimeric genes in adapta-
evolutionary consequences. tion has not been systematically surveyed in any
Sequences that are expressed in multiple tis- organism outside Drosophila, there are a few well-
sues or in both sexes may be highly constrained defined cases of adaptive chimeric genes in other
by pleiotropic effects (Van Dyken and Wade 2010; organisms. In humans the chimeric gene PIPSL
Yampolsky and Bouzinier 2010). New changes that formed from retrotransposition to produce a new
can be advantageous in one tissue or life stage coding sequence that is expressed in the testes, and
can cause detrimental effects in another. Chimeric has experienced adaptive bursts similar to those
genes offer a means whereby single mutations seen in several Adh-derived chimeras (Zhang et al.
can produce substantial flexibility that will allow 2009). In contrast, many chimeric retrogenes in
organisms to explore a wide range of mutational rice show dN /dS values that signal strong selec-
space. The ability to change regulatory patterns tive constraint (Wang et al. 2006). The frequency
along different axes immediately and indepen- with which chimeric genes can foster adaptive
dently can free chimeric genes from a large number changes in organisms outside Drosophila remains
of pleiotropic constraints and allow rapid evolu- to be seen. Differences in environmental stability,
tion. Thus, chimeric genes can allow not only for developmental plasticity, and cellular tolerance for
immediate changes, but they can also potentially abnormal genetic changes could easily result in dif-
allow sequences to explore a greater range of muta- ferent genetic profiles across phyla, and may there-
tional space and adaptive possibilities than other fore influence organisms’ ability to adapt to sudden
types of mutations (Rogers and Hartl 2011). environmental change.

10.3 Selection 10.4 Genomic stability

Evolutionary theory predicts that initial adaptive Intimately coupled with selective pressures and the
steps come from mutations of large effect, which cellular mechanisms that produce chimeric genes
are then followed by mutations of smaller effect are the rates at which they form and are preserved,
that offer minor functional adjustments (Orr 2005). or stably incorporated into the genome. Estimated
Chimeric genes provide for large-scale genetic rates of formation and preservation are at this point
change, which in some cases can translate to available only for D. melanogaster, but they indicate
extreme selective effects. Estimates of selection coef- that chimeric genes from at relatively high rates
ficients for chimeric genes can be as high as 1% of about 76 per million years (Rogers et al. 2009).
(Rogers et al. 2010), a massive selective impact In contrast, systematic chimeric gene searches in S.
for D. melanogaster relative to its effective popula- cerevisiae and C. albicans have netted no chimeric
tion size (Ne ≈ 106 ). Roughly 20% of newly-formed genes (Rogers, Bedford, and Hartl, unpublished).
chimeric genes in D. melanogaster appear to be adap- More permissive chimeric gene searches in C. ele-
tive, a fivefold enrichment for selective sweeps gans and rice have netted large numbers of chimeric
compared to newly formed duplicate genes (Rogers genes, possibly indicating even higher rates of for-
and Hartl 2011). The appearance of these genes is mation than in D. melanogaster (Katju, and Lynch
R A P I D E VO L U T I O N V I A C H I M E R I C G E N E S 97

2006; Wang et al. 2006). The extent to which these (a)

differences are due to annotation methods for exist-
ing gene models or indicate genuine absence is not
entirely clear. Still, there could be stark differences
in the rates at which these genes form among organ-
isms, which could in turn influence the organisms’ (b) (c)
potential to respond to selective changes.
Estimates of chimeric gene preservation in
D. melanogaster indicate that 1.4% of chimeric genes
that form become stably incorporated into the Figure 10.2 Putative fates of a duplicated gene in a population of four
genome, a rate of preservation that is roughly haploid individuals. A. Formation. A duplication forms on a single
equivalent to the rate of preservation for duplicate chromosome in the population. This duplication may then be lost or
preserved, depending on functional impacts, selective impacts, and
genes (Rogers et al. 2009) but far lower than the rate
population dynamics. B. Fixation. One duplicate copy neofunctionalizes
at which chimeric genes fix due to selection (Rogers and becomes fixed in a population due to selection. If selective pressures
and Hartl 2011). These preserved chimeric genes all remain constant, this gene will be preserved. Alternatively, if selective
appear to have formed from related peptides that pressures change, the gene may be removed from the genome through
are currently differentially regulated (Rogers and nonfunctionalizing mutations. In D. melanogaster 3.8% of new duplicate
genes fix due to selective sweeps compared with 19.3% of newly formed
Hartl 2011). Shuffling portions of distantly related
chimeras. C. Preservation. Duplicate copies subfunctionalize, such that
proteins has been shown to produce novel pheno- each copy performs a subset ancestral gene functions. Neither copy can be
typic effects in yeast (Mody et al. 2005), and it is removed from the genome without incurring a selective disadvantage, and
possible that while these parental peptides appear hence the gene will be preserved in the genome regardless of selective
similar, their chimeric rearrangements could pro- impacts or frequency in the population. Estimates from D. melanogaster
suggest that 1.4% of chimeric genes are eventually preserved compared
duce fully distinct functions. Still, our results also
with 4.1% of duplicates.
suggest that regulatory differences may often be
essential for chimera preservation.
These preserved genes that are maintained in the are not currently favored. Moreover, fixation alone
genome due to selective forces are also in stark con- is not sufficient to result in the preservation of
trast to jingwei and the other young chimeras that genes over long time periods. Rather, preservation
have been associated with recent selective sweeps, occurs when constant selective pressures prevent
which all form from drastically unrelated peptides the removal of the new sequences. Such selec-
(Wang et al. 2000; Rogers and Hartl 2011). Such a tive constraints can result either from partitioning
disparity implies that in D. melanogaster the forces ancestral gene functions or through the develop-
that shape genome content over long periods of ment of new functions (Lynch and Conery 2000).
time may differ from the forces that are active in Therefore, the distinction between genes that are
short-term adaptation to newly arising selective maintained over time and those that are removed
pressures. While many new chimeric genes form from the genome hinges on the persistence of selec-
from unrelated parental genes, virtually all of these tive pressures.
types of chimeras seem to disappear over time,
leaving only those that have formed from distantly
10.5 Function
related paralogs (Rogers and Hartl 2011).
This disparity between old and young chimeras One of the least understood aspects of chimeric
implies that advantageous genes conferring novel genes concerns the ways in which different pro-
functions may readily fix, but often will not tein segments contribute to novel and adaptive
be maintained when selective pressures shift. In functions. One of the first chimeric genes discov-
the absence of selection to maintain newly fixed ered in Drosophila, jingwei, is derived from a retro-
genes, a deletion-biased genome like that of D. transposed copy of the Adh locus, with a new 5
melanogaster (Petrov et al. 1996) is likely to lose end derived from yande (Wang et al. 2000). This
genetic factors that were once advantageous but novel peptide performs dehydrogenase activity like

Adh, but the new residues confer a different speci- that even seemingly unlikely candidates such as
ficity towards long-chain primary alchols to pro- this frame-shifted chimera can produce phenotypic
duce a novel phenotype (Zhang et al. 2004). Hence, effects. The two other genes in our study that show
the adaptive value of jingwei derives not from an signals of selection, CG18853 and CG18217, have P-
entirely novel chemical activity, but rather from a element insertion lines that are viable and fertile,
change in the substrate upon which the enzyme but which have not been assessed for other pheno-
acts. typic effects (Rogers and Hartl 2011).
While it is clear that many of these chimeric For the remaining chimeras identified in D.
peptides are beneficial, it is difficult to partition melanogaster, progress may require a substantial
their molecular impacts with respect to selection. amount of effort and creativity, as many of these
We do not fully understand how often interac- are not readily amenable to standard approaches
tions between domains produce novel functions or of RNAi or targeted knockouts. However, CG11961
whether chimeras are favored primarily due to the is an older chimeric gene now expressed in the
regulatory changes they can effect upon existing testes, where both of its parental genes are silenced.
domains. In the formation of jingwei, changes in This gene is also highly expressed in late larvae, as
specificity due to new amino acid residues have well as whole adult females in which, again, both
resulted in a new phenotype, but it is still unclear parental genes are silenced. CG11961 is separated
how easily such changes can take place with other from its parental genes by several mutations, and
peptides or how they might be coordinated with may therefore be an amenable target for RNAi. As
regulatory changes. this gene has a regulatory profile that is differenti-
For many of the older chimeric genes it is equally ated from both of its parental genes, it is a strong
difficult to infer the original selective impacts of a candidate for neofunctionalization.
gene from its current functions. The chimeric gene
pannier has been implicated in the differentiation of
10.6 Non-coding DNA
cardiac mesoderm, while its parental genes GATAe
and grn are known to be involved in the devel- Sdic is a chimeric gene functioning in the testes that
opment of the endoderm and ectoderm respec- has experienced a selective sweep in D. melanogaster
tively (Rogers et al. 2009). However, each of these (Nurminsky et al. 1998). However, Sdic appears to
genes has additional functions in subsequent devel- be unusual in that several exons are derived wholly
opmental stages, with pnr involved in eye devel- or partly from previously non-coding sequence. A
opment (Oros et al. 2010). A hypothesis of initial large number of similar constructs have been iden-
benefits through basic developmental pathways fol- tified in C. elegans, suggesting that such chimeras
lowed by resurrection for alternative functions in may not be unusual. Similarly, stop and start codon
later stages may seem compelling. However, the shifting is common in D. melanogaster, showing that
full dimensions of this particular story will not be the addition of previously non-coding DNA to an
elucidated without determining the functions of the open reading frame is not necessarily detrimental.
parental genes in distant relatives, which are not Yet, it is uncertain how many of these have bene-
currently tractable models. ficial effects like Sdic. Even Qtzl, although created
In the case of the D. melanogaster chimera Qtzl from two coding sequences, includes a large seg-
we have limited functional data. This gene has ment that is inherited in a different reading frame
appeared only recently and swept to fixation (Rogers et al. 2010). While selective benefits from
around 15,000 years ago. Hence, it is unlikely to previously non-coding material may be rare, they
have diverged from its original adaptive functions. are not as highly unlikely as was once thought.
Overexpression of Qtzl is sufficient to partially sup- Many chimeric genes, including those that were
press defects in neurodevelopment (Laviolette et al. involved in selective sweeps, display mid-domain
2005; Rogers et al. 2010), a factor that is suggestive breaks in putative protein folding domains, even
of a role for Qtzl in neurons under normal condi- when the chimera joins drastically different pep-
tions. More importantly, however, it demonstrates tides (Rogers and Hartl 2011). These mid-domain
R A P I D E VO L U T I O N V I A C H I M E R I C G E N E S 99

breaks are often thought to be detrimental, result- to persist for millions of years rather than provid-
ing in dysfunctional peptides that can harm the ing for transient selective sweeps will advance our
cell. Yet, the genes encoding some of these peptides understanding of the evolutionary forces that shape
are found at or near the center of a strong selec- organisms and their genomes.
tive sweep, making it unlikely that the chimeric
protein causes massive cellular problems (Rogers
and Hartl 2011). While whole-domain shuffling References
can clearly produce new, functional peptides, these
Carneiro, M. and Hartl, D. L. (2010) Colloquium papers:
results suggest that mid-domain breaks could be
Adaptive landscapes and protein evolution. Proc Natl
equally important for development of novel func-
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engineering. H. S. (2002) Recombinatoric exploration of novel folded
structures: a heteropolymer-based model of protein
evolutionary landscapes. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 99:
10.7 Future directions
We have firmly established that chimeric genes Gilbert, W. (1978) Why genes in pieces? Nature 271: 501.
can indeed contribute to adaptation and that they Giver, L. and Arnold, F. H. (1998) Combinatorial protein
have the potential to serve as an exceptionally rich design by in vitro recombination. Curr Opin Chem Biol 2:
source of functional novelty in Drosophila. We also
Jones, C. D. and Begun, D. J. (2005) Parallel evolution
know that chimeras are reasonably common in
of chimeric fusion genes. Proc Natl Acad Sci, USA 102:
most higher eukaryotes, although cursory searches
suggest that the number and type of chimeric genes Jones, C. D., Custer, A. W., and Begun, D. J. (2005) Origin
vary greatly across taxa. Still, the ways in which and evolution of a chimeric fusion gene in Drosophila
this standing variation in chimeric genes influences subobscura, D. madeirensis and D. guanche. Genetics
evolutionary outcomes has not yet been fully elu- 170: 207–19.
cidated. Furthermore, if different cellular mecha- Katju, V. and Lynch, M. (2006) On the formation of novel
nisms can produce a bias in the types of chimeric genes by duplication in the Caenorhabditis elegans
genes produced, it is not yet understood how these genome. 23: 1056–67.
differences in genome content can provide for dif- Laviolette, M. J., Nunes, P., Peyre, J. B., Aigaki, T., and
Stewart, B. A. (2005) A genetic screen for suppressors of
ferent adaptive solutions in the face of environmen-
Drosophila NSF2 neuromuscular junction overgrowth.
tal change. Systematic surveys of chimeric genes
Genetics 170: 779–92.
and their contributions to adaptation in a variety
Lynch, M. and Conery, J. S. (2000) The evolutionary
of taxa is essential to understand the broad impacts fate and consequences of duplicate genes. Science 290:
complex mutations have during evolution. 1151–55.
A second major open question concerns the role Marques-Bonet, T., Girirajan, S., and Eichler, E. E. (2009)
of chimeric genes and other complex mutations in The origins and impact of primate segmental duplica-
the evolution of genome content and organismic tions. Trends genet 25: 443–54.
complexity. The observed decoupling of selective Mody, A., Weiner, J., and Ramanathan, S. (2009) Modu-
sweeps and adaptation from the forces that define larity of MAP kinases allows deformation of their sig-
genome content over long periods of time would nalling pathways. Nat Cell Biol 11: 484–91.
Nurminsky, D. I., Nurminskaya, M. V., Aguiar, D. D., and
suggest that the factors which influence genomic
Hartl, D. L. (1998) Selective sweep of a newly evolved
complexity are largely undefined. Understanding
sperm-specific gene in Drosophila. Nature 396: 572–575.
the functional consequences of chimeric gene for-
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neofunctionalization or adaptive subfunctionaliza- the beta/delta-globin gene of paenungulate mammals.
tion should help determine why some genes are Mol Biol Evol 26: 1469–78.
preserved. More importantly, discovering which Oros, S. M., Tare, M., Kango-Singh, M., and Singh, A.
types of genetic and functional changes are likely (2010) Dorsal eye selector pannier (pnr) suppresses the

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C H A P T E R 11

Evolutionary interactions between sex

chromosomes and autosomes
Manyuan Long, Maria D. Vibranovski, and Yong E. Zhang

11.1 Introduction evolution. Since several reviews (e.g. Vicoso and

Charlesworth 2006; Ellegren and Parsch 2007; Elle-
The sex chromosomes offer a genetic appara- gren 2011) provide clear overviews of these major
tus involved in the sex determination in many lines of research, we will not simply repeat what
dioecious organisms. There can be heterogameti- these reviews have already summarized but will
cally defined males and homogametically defined focus on the discussion of a new picture that is
females (the X–Y systems, e.g. humans and recently emerging in a third stage of sex chromo-
Drosophila) or vice versa as heterogametically some evolution research: the interaction between
females and homogametically males (the Z–W sys- sex chromosomes and autosomes.
tems, e.g. chickens and silkworms). The origin and Whereas investigations based on the specific biol-
evolution of sex chromosomes has been a clas- ogy of sex chromosomes gave exciting insight and
sic topic in evolutionary genetics that has led to generated valuable data about the evolution of
many interesting observations and various the- sex chromosomes, this third stage of research—
ories with predicting powers. From a retrospec- exploring the interaction between coevolving sex
tive view, three stages of pursuit with respect chromosomes and autosomes—started a decade
to the evolution of sex chromosomes have pro- ago when a directional copying process through
vided much progress in understanding of the pro- retroposition was observed (Betran et al. 2002). The
cess, patterns, and evolutionary forces involved. central question raised was no longer how the two
In the first stage, attention was paid more often members of the sex chromosome pair and the genes
to the member of the sex chromosomal pair with encoded in them evolve by themselves, or how the
genetically suppressed recombination, Y and W. sex chromosomes affect each other during evolu-
It was proposed that these highly diverged, often tion. The new question is whether or not the sex
degenerate, chromosomes originated from auto- chromosomes and autosomes directly affect each
somes (Muller 1932; Ohno 1967; Charlesworth other over evolutionary timescales. In other words,
1978, 1991; Lucchesi 1994), with mounting evidence how is the evolution of the entire genome deter-
recently from various genetic and genomic com- mined by evolutionary interactions between the
parisons (Charlesworth and Charlesworth 2000). In sex chromosomes and autosomes? Three questions
the second stage, an active exploration examined were derived from this newly defined problem:
the evolutionary changes that occurred on the X (1) what is the global genome-wide pattern asso-
chromosome. For example, the rapid-X hypothesis, ciated with this interaction process? (2) How does
with its evolutionary dynamics that interpret the the evolution of sex chromosomes globally change
rapid change of X-linked genes (Charlesworth et al. the gene content across the whole genome? (3)
1987), explained whether or not sexual antagonis- What is the evolutionary mechanism that under-
tic mutations prefer an X-linked environment (Rice lies sex chromosome–autosome interactions? The
1984). These two stages of exploration gave insight pursuit of these questions presented a new angle
into the process and mechanisms of chromosomal to view, together, sex chromosome and genome

Rapidly Evolving Genes and Genetic Systems. First Edition. Edited by Rama S. Singh, Jianping Xu, and Rob J. Kulathinal.
© 2012 Oxford University Press. Published 2012 by Oxford University Press.

evolution. Evidence revealed that the evolution of 2000), a computational approach to identify new
sex chromosomes was no longer solely a conse- genes was developed (Betran et al. 2002). Because
quence of the unique genetics of the sex chromo- there was only one fruit fly assembly available,
somes themselves, but a result of global interac- the team decided to focus on the paralogous com-
tions between sex chromosomes and autosomes. In parisons for identifying new genes created from
this chapter, we will provide an overview of this RNA-based duplication, e.g. retroposition (Brosius
emerging area of genome evolution, often rapid 1993), in which a parental gene transcribes, pro-
in nature, which has been driven by evolutionary cesses out introns, and then adds a poly-A tail to
interactions between the sex chromosomes and the the 3 end of the retrogene and a pair of short dupli-
autosomes. cate sequences flanking the retrosequence. The
ancestral relationship between parental and new
copies can be easily discriminated by looking at the
11.2 Gene traffic between sex
exon–intron structures: the parental copy contains
chromosome and autosomes
introns whereas the new copy is intronless and may
Male-biased genes are a class of rapidly evolving carry a poly-A track. Through a pairwise compar-
elements with high rates of origination (e.g. Swan- ison of all annotated genes, recent gene duplicates
son et al. 2001, 2004; Ellegren and Parsch 2006; with protein sequence identities higher than 70%
Vicoso and Charlesworth, 2006). Early theoretical were identified in the D. melanogaster genome. Fur-
works described predictions of the chromosome ther inspection of intron presence or absence in
locations of mutations from various genetic mod- these duplicates identified 24 pairs of new retro-
els. Notably, Rice (1984) discussed the genetic con- genes and parental gene pairs (Betran et al. 2002).
ditions in which the mutation for sexual antago- A reduction to 50% protein identity uncovered 81
nism with advantageous male but disadvantageous interchromosomal retroposition events (Dai et al.
female effects would more likely be X-linked if it 2007).
was recessive. Charlesworth et al. (1987) compared This dataset of interchromosomal retropositions
the fixation probabilities between sex chromosomal revealed two unexpected patterns (Table 11.1).
and autosomal mutations in various genetic mod- First, there were 53% retrogenes that originated
els, showing that for recessive mutations, X-linked from the X-linked (X) parental copies. The
loci possess a fixation probability higher than auto- proportion of X→A retropositions was remarkably
somal loci. These theoretical results led to a con- higher than the proportion of genes on the X
ventional belief in the early 2000s that most genes (17% in the fly genome). An expectation of
for male functions might be on the X-chromosome neutrality that assumed the random generation
with very limited data of genomic locations (e.g. and insertion of retrosequences predicted that
Wang et al. 2001; Bainbridge 2003). However, the frequency of interchromosomal retroposition
such predictions on the chromosomal locations of should be proportional to the numbers of genes
male-biased genes were soon put into question and the lengths of chromosomes (the formula for
with the analyses of genome sequence data from calculating expectation was developed in Betran
Drosophila melanogaster and humans. These genomic et al. (2002)). Thus, the observed and expected
sequence data and analyses revealed unexpected rates of retroposition across chromosomes differed
interaction between the X chromosome and auto- significantly. Second, it was observed that 90% of
somes, which also impacted the genomic loca- new genes from the X→A retroposition evolved
tions of sex-biased genes and the evolution of testis expression. This suggests that the origin of
sex chromosomes. retrogenes would be related to the evolution of de
novo testis function. By using genomic sequences
of multiple Drosophila species, Bai et al. (2007)
11.2.1 Gene traffic in Drosophila
estimated the rate of retroposition throughout
Soon after D. melanogaster, the first multicellular different evolutionary periods in ancestral genomes
organism, was sequenced in 2000 (Adams et al. of Drosophila and detected no origination bursts,

Table 11.1 Retrogenes prefer autosomal locations in Drosophila (Dai et al. 2007)

X→A A→X Ai → Aj Total

Observation 43 10 28 81
Expectation 18 16 47
Excess (%) 132 −37 −40
˜ 2 = 39.13, df = 2, P = 2 ×10−8

indicating that the process of retrosposition is a 11.2.2 Gene traffic in mammals

stable process with a constant rate within Drosophila
Soon after the initial observations of X→A traf-
fic in Drosophila, attempts were made to investi-
Retroposition also occurs within chromosomes,
gate whether or not a similar process of retrogene
i.e. both retrogene and parent copies are located on
origination also existed in the genomes of humans
the same chromosome. Dai et al. (2007) showed that
and other mammalian species. However, two issues
retroposition events within autosomes 2 and 3 in D.
from previous analyses of the genomes of Drosophila
melanogaster were actually more frequent than the
and humans had to be considered. First, Venter
retroposition between autosomes (46:28). However,
et al. (2001) failed to find a pattern in their genomic
contrary to the autosomes, the parental genes that
analysis of retroposition between the X chromo-
are located on the X appeared to avoid inserting
some and autosomes, because no attempt was made
its retrogenes onto the X chromosome. Among 44
to construct a theoretical expectation as a baseline
X-derived retrogenes, only one was re-inserted onto
for comparison with the observation. Second, in
the X whereas the other 43 moved to autosomes 2
the derivation of the expected chromosomal dis-
and 3. Thus, these within-chromosomal data fur-
tribution of the Drosophila retrogenes, the expecta-
ther supported the interchromosomal analysis: the
tion that retroposition number was proportional to
X chromosome tended to be avoided as an insertion
both the gene number and the length of donor and
site of retrogenes while a large excess of its genes
recipient chromosomes assumed random mutation.
fathered the retrogenes.
It was unlikely to directly test this hypothesis in
These described studies were primarily con-
Drosophila because of a lack of functionless ret-
ducted on the retrogenes found from a single
rogenes, i.e. the processed pseudogenes (Harrison
species, D. melanogaster, so the system was under-
et al. 2003), although it seems to be so in an indi-
utilized: the Drosophila genus consists of more than
rect inference (Betran et al. 2004) by examining
2000 species (Powell 1997). Is the X→A retrogene
the distribution of the LINE-like retrotransposons
traffic a general phenomenon in the entire genus?
(Kaminker et al. 2002).
After the genomes of 12 Drosophila species, rep-
Stimulated by these considerations, Emerson
resentative of the species in the two subgenera
et al. (2004) investigated the chromosomal distri-
of Drosophila, were sequenced (Clark et al. 2007),
bution of retroposition mutations by surveying the
Vibranovski et al. (2009a) and Meisel et al. (2009)
distribution of the retropseudogenes and their par-
independently investigated this problem. The for-
ents in humans. Because retropseudogenes are not
mer study took advantage of a gene relocation
functional, their fixation probabilities should fol-
database including RNA-based duplicates indepen-
low the prediction of the neutral theory of molec-
dently identified by Bhutkar et al. (2007) in the
ular evolution (Kimura 1983), that mutation rate is
12 species and the latter created their own retro-
equal to the rate of neutral substitution. An exami-
gene database via a comparison of the 12 genome
nation of 1859 retropseudogenes and their parents
sequences. Both studies revealed significant X→A
in the human genome revealed a highly signifi-
retrogene traffics in non-D. melanogaster lineages,
cant linear regression with the number of genes
suggesting that this is a general phenomenon in the
per chromosome as donors and chromosome length

as recipients. This finding strongly suggested that 180 million years ago (mya), coincidently when the
retroposition in mammalian genomes is a random nascent sex chromosomes were formed. The expres-
process with respect to their chromosomal distri- sion analysis of these retrogenes out of the X chro-
bution. Comparing 94 and 105 functional retro- mosome was found to compensate for the silencing
genes in, respectively, human and mouse, created of their X-linked parental genes during male mei-
by interchromosomal retroposition with expected otic sex chromosome inactivation (MSCI), indicat-
random frequencies, Emerson et al. (2004) revealed ing that the MSCI is a main selective target to drive
patterns unexpected from the previous analysis the retrogenes into the autosomes.
with Drosophila. Similar to Drosophila, there is an
excess of X-linked parental genes that were copied
as a retrogene onto autosomes. Different from 11.2.3 The cause and consequence of gene
Drosophila, there is an excess of retrogenes on the traffic
X-chromosome, in sharp contrast to a low rate
of retroposition between autosomes (Table 11.2). The non-random distribution of retrogenes and
Thus, the gene traffic in mammals are two-way their parental genes discussed in the earlier sections
processes between the X chromosome and auto- in mammals and flies indicated that the muta-
somes. However, looking at the expression of these tion distribution was not the cause. Further func-
genes unveiled interesting patterns: the vast major- tional analyses based on tissue expression revealed
ity of the autosomal retrogenes which originated a potential target for natural selection: compensa-
from the X-linked parental genes were found to tion for MSCI on the X chromosome that often
be expressed in testis while an excess of the ret- silences the expression of X-linked parental genes
rogenes on the X were non-sexually expressed or is likely a selective advantage that can direction-
female-expressed (Potrzebowski et al. 2008). These ally fix the retrogenes on the autosomes. A recent
bidirectional movements of retrogenes revealed the population genomic analyses using the McDonald–
mutual impact of the X chromosome and autosomes Kreitman test (McDonald and Kreitman 1991) on
in the fixation of new retrogenes and reorganizing retroposed loci in D. melanogaster detected positive
the landscape of sex genes and non-sexual genes in selection responsible for the significant excess of
the mammalian genome, as also seen in the mouse fixed X-origination events of retroposition (Schrider
genome (Emerson et al. 2004). et al. 2011).
When did the retrogene traffic start to emerge? Retrosposition represents a copying mechanism
Comparative genomic analysis of multiple mam- that can transfer genes between ectopic chromo-
malian species mapped the retroposition events on somal locations, e.g. between the X chromosome
various branches of the mammalian phylogenetic and autosomes. There are other copying mecha-
tree (Potrzebowski et al. 2008). A high rate of retro- nisms that can also facilitate gene movement to
gene origination (also see Vinckenbosch et al. 2006) autosomes, including DNA-based duplication (e.g.
was observed close to the eutherian–marsupial split Vibranovski et al. 2009a; Zhang et al. 2010a) and

Table 11.2 Retroposition between the X chromosome and autosomes in humans (Emerson et al.

Retroposition Expected Observed Excess (%) P-value

Parental copies from chromosomes:

X→ 3.76 15 299 0.00012
A→ 90.24 79 −12
Retrogene insertion into chromosomes:
→X 3.61 13 260 0.00244
→A 90.39 81 −10

selective gene extinction on the X chromosome 11.3.1 Gene traffic in Drosophilidae and
(Sturgill et al. 2007). These copying mechanisms, if RNA-based and DNA-based duplication
under positive selection over a long evolutionary
Vibranovski et al. (2009b) analyzed the duplicate
timescale, predict an enrichment of male expression
gene database from an independent group (Bhutkar
genes on autosomes. This predicted consequence
et al. 2007) who identified all duplicate events
has been detected in the genomes of mammals (Khil
by comparing the genome sequences of the 12
et al. 2004) and Drosophila (Parisi et al. 2003; Ranz
Drosophila species (Clark et al. 2007). They dif-
et al. 2003) in which an under-representation of
ferentiated between newly created copies derived
male genes was observed on the X chromosome,
from RNA-based and DNA-based duplications and
resulting in dominant male genes on the auto-
mapped the traffic patterns between the X chro-
somes. Recently, it was also observed that excess
mosome and autosomes onto the phylogenetic tree
female genes moved to autosomes in birds (Elle-
of this genus (Fig. 11.1). The distributions of the
gren 2011), which can be interpreted as the earlier
RNA-based and DNA-based duplication events in
observed depletion of female-biased genes on the
the phylogenetic tree compared to neutral expecta-
Z (Kaiser and Ellegren 2006; Storchova and Divina
tions (Fig. 11.1) revealed that: (1) RNA-based dupli-
2006; Mank and Ellegren 2008). The bidirectional
cation events in the non-D. melanogaster lineages
retrogene movement between the Z chromosome
showed significant X→A movements, as was pre-
and autosomes was recently found to be associated
viously found in the paralogous analysis in the
with an excess of female retrogenes from the Z chro-
D. melanogaster lineage (Betran et al. 2002). This
mosome and an excess of male retrogenes onto the
analysis suggests that the gene traffic generated by
Z chromosome (Wang et al. 2011), which confirms
RNA-based duplication is not a specific property
a previously observed over-representation of testis-
of the D. melanogaster genome, but a general phe-
specific genes on the Z chromosome in these organ-
nomenon in the Drosophila genus as represented
isms (Arunkumar et al. 2009). Thus, the evolution
by the sequenced twelve species. (2) Surpris-
of sex chromosomes clearly impacted the numbers
ingly, DNA-based duplication events identified
and functional properties of genes in autosomes;
from the 12 species also showed significant out-of-
these two chromosomes extensively interacted in
X moment. By pooling all 203 events, 85 moved
the past.
from the X chromosome to autosomes, significantly
more frequently than expected at a 61.7% excess
11.3 The generality of gene traffic out (Table 11.3).
of the X in the genus Drosophila
Gene traffic associated with testis expression raised
11.3.2 Independent tests of gene traffic
the possibility that natural selection may have
played an essential role in the distribution of sex- Meisel et al. (2009) also generated a gene duplicate
biased genes, suggesting that the ‘out of the X’ database using the 12 Drosophila species’ genomes.
movement pattern should not be limited on the par- In this valuable effort, they provided an indepen-
ticular lineage toward D. melanogaster or on the dent test of similar issues. First, they confirmed
particular molecular mechanism to generate new the X–A patterns in the RNA-based duplication
gene duplicates. Similar gene traffic should also be in these species. Second, they reported no signifi-
observed in non-D. melanoagster species and non- cant X→A excess in interchromosomal distribution
RNA-based duplication such as DNA-based dupli- of DNA-based duplication events except for the
cation. Testing the generality of gene traffic requires excess of DNA-based movement out of the neo-X
a multiple-species genomic comparison in order chromosome in D. pseudoobscura. Thus, while most
to assess the ancestral and derived states of gene observations in the Vibranovski et al. (2009b) were
duplicates, which fortunately is supported by the confirmed, there was a difference regarding most
availability of the 12 sequenced Drosophila species lineages in the DNA-based duplicates in this study.
(Clark et al. 2007). This difference was embedded in the different tests

D. melanogaster
D. sechellia

D. simulans

D. yakuba

C D. erecta

B D. ananassae

G D. pseudoobscura

D. persimilis

D. willistoni

D. virilis
D. mojavensis

D. grimshawi

Figure 11.1 The phylogenetic distribution of new genes created by RNA-based and DNA-based duplication in the Drosophila genus (Vibranovski et al.
2009). Relocations based on RNA and DNA are located above and below the branch lines, respectively. Movements between chromosomes are presented
as follows: () X→ A; (•) A→X; () Ai→Aj. The average expected proportions of these relocations are 21:23:56, respectively. For species bearing neo-X
chromosome the average expected proportions are 35:34:31.

Table 11.3 The analysis of the new genes which originated through RNA-based duplication and DNA-based duplication within the Drosophila genus

Observation RNA-based duplication Excess Observation DNA-based duplication Excess

Expectation Expectation

X→A 39 18 121% 85 53 62%

A→X 9 16 −43% 52 62 −16%
Ai→Aj 11 26 −57% 66 89 −26%
x2 = 36.29, df = 2, P = 1.32 × 10−8 x2 = 27.28, df = 2, P = 1.19 × 10−6

Note: all the branches toward D. melanogaster were excluded for the RNA-based duplication.

that dealt with sample size and lineage distribu- duplication, most of the cases (11) demonstrated a
tion. In the Meisel et al. (2009) study, individual positive excess for X→A, implicating a pattern in
lineages were tested individually, many of which support of the conclusion drawn by Vibranovski
had very small numbers of duplication events ren- et al. (2009a). It appears to be safe to conclude that
dering the tests with very low statistical power. For the two different databases independently created
example, in D. melanogaster, only 9–12 events were by Bhutkar et al. (2007) and Meisel et al. (2009)
detected and used in a statistical analysis while in support the same conclusion: X→A gene traffic is
D. grimshawi, a sample size as small as four events a general property in the Drosophila genus, indepen-
was used. Even so, when checked, the excess in dent of duplication mechanisms (i.e. RNA-based vs.
the analysis of 15 individual cases for DNA-based DNA-based duplication).

11.4 Mechanisms underlying gene sor to suppress the X-linked distorter in order to
traffic out of the X: the detection of ensure a normal sex ratio. In this model, the excess
meiotic sex chromosome inactivation of autosomal retrogenes can be a result of selection
against meiotic-drive.
A few evolutionary genetic models have been pro-
posed to discuss the roles of related evolutionary
mechanisms that drive the accumulation of male- 11.4.2 Molecular mechanistic models
biased genes on the autosomes and can be used to Currently, there are two mechanistic processes
interpret the gene traffic between sex chromosomes which may serve as target selection to avoid: MSCI
and autosomes. These include models built at the which was used in Betran et al. (2002) and dosage
population genetic level and the molecular mecha- compensation (DC) recently proposed by Vicoso
nistic level. and Charlesworth (2009) and Bachtrog et al. (2010).
Both hypotheses are based on the idea that if some
functional process is occurring on the X that pre-
11.4.1 Evolutionary genetic models
vent or reduce the expression of male-biased genes,
The evolutionary models commonly discussed then natural selection will favor those mutations
include sexual antagonism, faster-X evolution, and which relocate these genes onto autosomes. The
the meiotic drive model. All these models, under DC and MSCI hypotheses complement each other
the assumptions of certain genetic conditions, can by restricting the localization of male-biased genes
provide interpretations for the observed interac- on the X because both are not complete processes,
tions between the sex chromosome and autosomes. as shown in the observation that those X-linked
However, no statistical tests were developed for the regions expressing MSCI were in the regions less
quantitative analyses of gene movement. In sexual compensated between the sites initiating DC in D.
antagonism, the original version, as proposed in melanogaster (Bachtrog et al. 2010).
Rice (1984), predicted the X-enrichment of antag- The phenomenology of MSCI has been well
onistic alleles that favor males and were undesir- established in mammals (Richler et al. 1992; Ayoub
able for females if such alleles were recessive. This et al. 1997) and observed in nematodes (Kelly et al.
was not the case for the distribution of male-biased 2002; Reinke et al. 2004) and birds (Shoenmakers
genes (Parisi et al. 2003; Ranz et al. 2003), which et al. 2009). The recent origination of MSCI in the-
might represent the resolution of the conflict (Inno- rian was found to correlate with the starting stage
centi and Morrow 2010). But this, similar to the of gene movement out of the X in the similar period
faster-X evolution for recessive advantageous alle- (Potrzebowski et al. 2008) (Fig. 11.1). It should be
les (Charlesworth et al. 1987), is consistent with noted that the inactivation is by no means complete,
the initial stage of the traffic, a temporal excess of showing various degrees of reduction in the expres-
young male genes, as demonstrated by Zhang et al. sion level in different chromosomal regions and dif-
(2010a). Assuming the dominance of antagonistic ferent organisms. However, the same phenomenon
alleles, a prediction is a higher fixation probability and its evolutionary role were not so straightfor-
in autosomes, which provides an explanation of the ward in the exploration.
excess X→A traffic. Recently, duplication was pro- The possibility that MSCI may exist in Drosophila
posed as a mechanism to resolve the sexual antago- can be traced back to the early 1970s when
nism in which different copies can evolve male- and Lifschytz and Lindsley (1972) analyzed the relation-
female-specific functions (Ellegren and Parsch 2007; ship between sterility and chromosomal translo-
Gallach et al. 2010; Gallach and Betran 2011). An cations in Drosophila. While MSCI has been iden-
analysis of the duplication model of sexual antag- tified in mammals and nematodes (Richler et al.
onism revealed that dominance was not needed to 1992; Kelly et al. 2002), it was not until recently
interpret these patterns of gene movement (Connal- that supporting evidence for MSCI in Drosophila
lon and Clark 2011). The meiotic-drive alternative and chicken has been demonstrated (Hense et al.
proposed by Tao (2007a, b) predicted that autoso- 2007; Vibranovski et al. 2009a; Schoenmakers et al.
mal retrogenes might serve as an autosomal repres- 2009). In Drosophila, two studies used different

approaches to measure gene activity in spermatoge- (a)

nesis to show the downregulation of X-linked genes Parental genes Retrogenes
(Hense et al. 2007; Vibranovski et al. 2009a). In the


e io
e io
first study, a testis-specific reporter gene construct



t ic

t ic


s t-
s t-
was inserted into different positions of the genome

it o

it o




(Hense et al. 2007). Revealed by ‚- galactosidase
enzymatic assays and RT-PCR (reverse transcrip- 1
tion polymerase chain reaction) in whole Drosophila
testis, the X-linked insertions showed significantly
lower expression than those of the autosomal- 7
linked ones, thus supporting the MSCI in Drosophila
(Hense et al. 2007). The insertion positions were 10
later expanded to construct a fine-scale map of the 13
X-chromosome demonstrating that the inactivation
phenomenon is spread along the entire chromo- (b)
some (Kemkemer et al. 2011). In the second study, 35 57
a global gene expression profile from mitotic and Proportion of genes (%)
meiotic and postmeiotic cells from male germline
was characterized via microarrays (Vibranovski
et al. 2009b). Although the cells from the two first 31
stages of spermatogenesis were not completely sep- 53
arated, the Bayesian analysis provided a more pow-
erful approach than regular means-based compar-
isons (e.g. Sturgill et al. 2007; Meiklejoin et al. 2011) 51
detecting a significant downregulation of X-linked
genes in meiosis (Fig. 11.2). Furthermore, this anal-
ysis also revealed the compensatory expression X Autosome X Autosome
between parental genes and retrogenes in mitotic Mitosis < Meiosis Mitosis > Meiosis
and meiotic stages. These data, based on expres-
sion differences between mitotic and meiotic stages, Figure 11.2 The gene locations and MSCI. (a) Mouse parental and
retrogenes (from Potrzebowski et al. 2008). The transcription profile for the
provided the first opportunity to place the MSCI
14 genes in spermatogenesis which show that the retrogenes, which are
phenomenon in a specific meiotic phase of sper- copied onto autosomes, express in the MSCI stages of meiosis and
matogenesis (Vibranovski et al. 2009b). Recently, the postmeiosis while the parental genes on the X-chromosome express only
reanalysis of Drosophila testis transcriptional pro- in the mitosis stage before MSCI. (b) Drosophila genes that are expressed
files in a mutant that terminated the development of in spermatogenesis (from Vibranovski et al. 2009b). Bayesian comparison
of the genes that show higher expression in meiosis compared to mitosis
spermatogenesis in early stages of mitosis revealed
revealed a significant enrichment on autosomes (the left panel: meiosis >
a significant reduction in the expression of the X- mitosis). In contrast, a comparison of the genes that show a higher
linked genes compared to autosomes in the wild- expression in mitosis than meiosis revealed that most genes are X-linked
type males, suggesting both dosage compensation (the right panel: meiosis < mitosis). Significantly more genes show the
in mitosis and X-inactivation in meiosis (Deng et al. complementary expression patterns between the mitosis and meiosis
stages, as shown in mouse (a).

et al. 2003). In mammals, Khil et al. (2004) found

11.5 The X-recruitment of young
that the genes expressed during the meiotic stage
male-biased genes and gene traffic
in the male germline were also under-represented
out of the X chromosome
on the X-chromosome. This genome-wide pat-
The previous analyses revealed that male-biased tern was further confirmed in multiple Drosophila
genes are under-represented on the X chromo- species (Sturgill et al. 2007). Consistently, gene traf-
some of D. melanogaster (Parisi et al. 2003; Ranz fic studies showed an out-of-X gene traffic pattern

where both DNA- and RNA-level autosomal dupli- into seven different age groups and 947 (7%) young
cates tend to be male-biased if they have X-linked genes originated after Sophophora and Drosophila
parental genes (Betran et al. 2002; Betran et al. subgenus split.
2004; Vibranovski et al. 2009a). These results may We next profiled the transcriptional bias of new
be interpreted in the sexual antagonistic model of genes based on FlyAtlas microarray data (Chin-
dominant male-beneficial and female-undesirable tapalli et al. 2007). After removing probes map-
alleles (Rice 1984) or the MSCI (Vibranovski et al. ping to both parental gene and daughter genes
2009b). However, a number of studies identified (Dai et al. 2005) and identifying genes differentially
X-linked young testis-specific genes including Sdic expressed between testis and ovary (Gentleman
and Hun originated by DNA-level duplication et al. 2004; Smyth 2004), a stage-specific distribu-
(Nurminsky et al. 1998; Arguello et al. 2006) and tion of new genes with distinctive expression pat-
Hydra and four other de novo genes (Levine et al. tern was observed. As shown in Fig. 11.3, X-linked
2006; Chen et al. 2007). Are these observations con- young genes are significantly more male-biased
tradictory with the observed out-of-X gene traffic? compared to autosomal young genes. Interestingly,
a majority (70%) of recently evolved X-linked genes
postdating the D. melanogaster and D. yakuba split
11.5.1 Age-dependence in Drosophila
are male-biased. With the elapse of evolutionary
This line of evidence suggests that the X chro- time, this proportion steadily declined. In contrast,
mosome is actively recruiting new male-biased autosomal young genes show a relatively stable
genes regardless of its overall paucity of male- proportion of male-biased genes. We also per-
biased genes and out-of-X male-biased gene traf- formed a genome-wide analysis without partition-
fic. In order to test this hypothesis, we developed ing genes into different age groups and confirmed
a genome-wide dating strategy to infer gene ages the overall demasculization of the X-chromosome
based on syntenic genomic alignments (Zhang et al. where only 19% of X-linked genes are male-biased
2010a). We classified 12,856 protein-coding genes in contrast to 26% of autosomal genes which were

X male-biased
100 A male-biased
X non-male-biased
A non-male-biased
Proportion of genes (%)




>> 63 60 50 40 30 20 10
Million years ago

Figure 11.3 The shift of gene expression between the X-chromosome and autosomes over evolutionary time in the Drosophila genus, as shown by the
proportions of male-biased and non-male-biased (female-biased and unbiased combined) genes originating in different evolutionary periods (Zhang et al.
2010a). For male-biased genes, we calculated the male-biased proportion as the number of male-biased genes in a given chromosome out of the whole
genome. Analogously, we calculated non-male-biased gene proportions. Pie plots mark chromosomal proportions of male-biased genes. The proportions
were calculated across six different evolutionary timeframes (0–6) from ancestral lineages towards present-day D . melanogaster.

male-biased. We, thus, detected the early stages trend extends later to spermatids. In contrast, 35
in which X-linked male-biased genes are domi- young genes are not subject to MSCI where a similar
nant: X-linked dominance then decreases over time proportion of young genes are expressed in sper-
until autosomal male-biased genes establish their matocyte (29% vs. 23%) and a significantly higher
dominance. proportion of X-linked young genes are expressed
in spermatids (71% vs. 29%). In rodent genomes,
55% of the testis genes which showed the X-linkage
11.5.2 Age-dependence in mammals originated in the 10 million years (my) after mouse
diverged from rat and the rest, 25%, are rodent-
Since mammals and flies possess a similar XY
specific although they originated after mouse–rat
system that may be subject to similar evolution-
divergence (Mueller et al. 2008; Zhang et al. 2010b).
ary processes such as sexual antagonism, faster-
X, and MSCI, we expect a similar, if not iden-
tical, pattern of new gene origination with their
11.5.3 The slow enrichment of X-linked
sex-biased expression as observed in evolution of
female genes
Drosophila new genes. Indeed, both human and
mouse data show that young X-linked genes are In both flies and mammals, the enrichment of
enriched with male-biased genes and the trend female-biased genes on the X-chromosome was
becomes reversed as gene age increases until evo- observed in the older gene group. In Drosophila,
lutionary old male-biased genes become dominant for all the genes older than 63 my (predating
on the autosomes (Fig. 11.3; Zhang et al. 2010b). the divergence of the two subgenera, Sophophora
However, because the number of young genes and Drosophila), the proportion of female genes
(hominoid-specific or primate-specific) is only 10% on the X chromosome is 11% higher than autoso-
the fraction of the older male-biased genes, the mal females genes. On the other hand, for new
general pattern seen from whole testis transcrip- genes that have originated within 63 my, only
tomes in humans is that autosomal male-biased 9% of X-linked new genes evolved female-biased
genes are in significant excess over X-linked male- expression and only a few new autosomal genes
biased genes. Consistent with the previous genome- were detected to have female-biased expression
wide analysis (Namekawa et al. 2006), the majority (Fig. 11.4). These data revealed a slow pace of
of X-linked genes (i.e. 489 old X-linked genes) are female gene evolution and their preferential fix-
subject to MSCI whereas significantly more auto- ation onto the X-chromosome. A similar evolu-
somal genes are transcribed in spermatocytes. This tionary process of ovary-biased genes was also

(a) 80 Old genes Male (b) Young genes

(> 63 million years ago) (within 13 million years)
Proportion of genes (%)

60 Unbiased



2L 2R 3L 3R X 2L 2R 3L 3R X

Figure 11.4 The female enrichment of genes in Drosophila, as shown in the chromosomal distributions of male-biased, female-biased, and unbiased
D. melanogaster genes. (a) Evolutionary older genes that originated 63 mya before the Sophophora –Drosophila subgenus split. (b) Evolutionary recent
genes that originated within recent 13 my.

observed in mammalian genomes, leading to sig- a dominant presence in autosomes and a lower
nificantly higher proportion of ovary-biased genes but significant excess of genes with homogametic
fixed in the X than autosomes, ∼180 mys (before sex-biased expression in the sex chromosomes, X
the placental–marsupial split) (Zhang et al. 2010). and Z. In Drosophila and mammalian genomes
However, for the genes which originated within with independent origins of sex chromosomes, pro-
primates, more ovary-biased genes are fixed in cesses of gene evolution share an evident pat-
autosomes than the X-chromosome. In genes origi- tern: both started from the X-linkage of dominant
nating between the therian and primate divergence, young male-biased genes before the trend shifted
there are no significant differences in female-biased towards an autosomal dominance of male-biased
gene fixation between the X and autosomes. This genes. Furthermore, the diverse genomes of XY
pattern is consistent with the detected low rate and ZW genetic systems evolved via symmetrical
of copying autosomal parental genes onto the X patterns of gene movements through long evolu-
by the mechanism of retroposition (Emerson et al. tionary processes even though their heterogameties
2004), revealing a long evolutionary time before (or homogameties) define opposite sexes. However,
the X-chromosome establishes a significant enrich- although it may be safe to conclude that the under-
ment of female-biased genes. Interestingly, in the lying evolutionary force to drive the interaction is
chicken genome, it was observed that testis-biased positive selection, the evolutionary genetic mecha-
genes originating during avian evolution appeared nisms and selective targets are far from clear. The
to have moved to the Z-chromosomes, thus leading current data reveal that there are likely multiple
to over-representation on the Z chromosome (Elle- factors responsible, including population genetic
gren, 2011), consistent with the female-biased gene processes and molecular mechanisms. Mechanis-
fixation patterns in XY sex chromosomal systems. tic processes such as meiotic sex chromosomal
However, it was observed that the excess of old inactivation and dosage compensation are better
genes which are expressed in somatic ovarian cells understood than population genetic processes in
(Granulosa) were enriched on the Z chromosome which no explicit statistical tests have been devel-
of chicken too (Morkovsky et al. 2010). These data oped. These leave new and challenging questions
suggest that X/Z chromosomes have been experi- to pursue the understanding of evolutionary inter-
encing a similar functional reorganization towards actions between the sex chromosome and auto-
an enrichment of heterogametic sex functions, since somes and their roles in driving the evolution of
their origination from ancestral autosomes. genes, genomes, and genetic systems such as sex
and reproduction.

11.6 Concluding remarks

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C H A P T E R 12

Evolutionary signatures in non-coding

Dara G. Torgerson and Ryan D. Hernandez

could argue that, first and foremost, identifying

12.1 Introduction
deviations from neutral evolution can lead the
Approximately 97–98% of the human genome is way in identifying novel functional regions. Nat-
estimated to be non-coding in nature, yet the major- ural selection must act on an expressed pheno-
ity of evolutionary studies continue to focus on type, which is why identifying non-coding regions
protein-coding regions to search for signatures of subject to natural selection has frequently paved
adaptive evolution. In fact, it was originally thought the way for functional studies to prioritize regions
that sequencing the vast amounts of non-coding that are more likely to be functionally relevant
DNA was a waste of resources, as the majority was today. Identifying functional non-coding DNA can,
likely to be functionally devoid. Results from high- in turn, advance our understanding of basic nuclear
throughput genomic analyses have changed this structure and processes, including the regulation
opinion, although many hurdles remain. of gene expression as it extends from studies of
Part of the challenge is that non-coding DNA is general organismal biology to understanding the
involved in a diverse array of biological functions mechanisms of human disease.
that often remain elusive. Although it’s commonly One could equally argue that until we fully
referred to as ‘non-coding’ DNA, our understand- integrate evolutionary studies of coding and non-
ing to date is that it codes for a variety of coding regions of the genome, we will never fully
functional elements predominantly related to gene understand the mechanisms of evolution itself, how
regulation and genome architecture, including tran- speciation occurs, or the genetic structure and his-
scription factor binding sites (TFBSs), non-coding tory of populations. In fact, despite the initial focus
RNAs, microRNA binding sites, splice sites, and of studying evolutionary patterns in protein-coding
histone/nucleosome binding sites. The occurrence DNA, it is possible that the majority of adaptive
of non-random patterns in non-coding DNA with evolutionary change has occurred in non-coding
respect to nucleotide composition, methylation pat- DNA. It has long been proposed that phenotypic
terns, recombination rates, divergence, and genetic differences between human and chimp are more
diversity give a general indication of its functional likely a result of differences in gene regulation
relevance. Even the once-termed ‘junk DNA’ may as compared to differences in the actual protein
also function as a genetic ‘pool’ for evolutionary sequence itself (King and Wilson, 1975), yet we
novelty, including ancestral repeats and pseudo- are only beginning to test that hypothesis. There
genes. As we work towards a more detailed anno- are several examples whereby adaptation to novel
tation of the human genome, we expect that an environments has involved changes in gene regula-
increasing proportion of the non-coding genome tion, and there is evidence to suggest that a greater
will be identified as being functional. extent of adaptive evolution has taken place in non-
This leads to the question of why it is essential coding as compared to protein-coding DNA.
to study evolutionary patterns in non-coding DNA, In this chapter we will discuss the challenges
despite the majority of it awaiting annotation. One and opportunities of studying the evolution of

Rapidly Evolving Genes and Genetic Systems. First Edition. Edited by Rama S. Singh, Jianping Xu, and Rob J. Kulathinal.
© 2012 Oxford University Press. Published 2012 by Oxford University Press.

non-coding DNA, and review the emerging pat- acid sequence may have a functional consequence,
terns of evolutionary signatures in different classes defining a unit of study in non-coding DNA is
of non-coding DNA in the human genome. We will logistically more difficult. Progress has been made
conclude with a brief discussion of future scientific by grouping non-coding sites into phylogenetically
prospects as we undergo an exponential growth in conserved and non-conserved classes of sites, and
the amount of genomic data available for evolution- by identifying those more likely to have a gene reg-
ary analyses in non-coding DNA. ulatory function using either experimental or com-
putational approaches.
High-throughput experimental approaches have
12.2 Challenges to studying the
greatly accelerated the functional annotation of
evolution of non-coding DNA
non-coding DNA over the past few years, includ-
One of the fundamental questions in evolution- ing chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by
ary genetics is to what degree natural selection microarray analysis (ChIP-chip) or by sequencing
has acted on non-coding DNA. Because natural (ChIP-seq). By cross-linking proteins that are bound
selection must act on an expressed phenotype, to the DNA sequence and determining their loca-
it is important to distinguish between functional tion, specific regions in the genome have been iden-
and non-functional non-coding DNA—analogous tified where proteins interact with non-coding DNA
to distinguishing between synonymous and non- to regulate transcription. As a result of this tech-
synonymous sites in studies of the evolution of nology, the general location of numerous histone
protein-coding DNA. Equally non-trivial is decid- modification and TFBSs have been identified, how-
ing on whether existing evolutionary models are ever, with the caveat that differences in temporal
suitably transferable to studies of non-coding DNA, and experimental conditions can affect the location
despite the potential for increased heterogeneity in and types of regulatory proteins that are bound to
the genomic environment (such as differential GC the DNA sequence. For example, differences in the
content, mutation and recombination rates) and the tissue or cell type examined (including in vitro- vs.
presence of novel or potentially unique modes of in vivo-based experiments), developmental stage,
evolution (such as increased turnover of functional time of day, diet, and numerous other environmen-
sites). Lastly, many of the existing methods for tal factors can lead to differential patterns of gene
detecting non-neutral evolution have been geared expression. Regardless, the application of high-
towards protein-coding regions, which often rely throughput experimental approaches to genome
on using non-coding DNA as a neutral standard. annotation has notably enhanced the annotation of
In this section we provide a brief overview of what non-coding DNA in the human genome, notably
we perceive as the three major challenges for iden- by the efforts of the National Human Genome
tifying signatures of non-neutral evolution in non- Research Institute (NHGRI) Encyclopedia of DNA
coding DNA. Elements (ENCODE) Project (Birney et al. 2007).
Various computational methods have been devel-
oped to facilitate the identification of functional
12.2.1 Identifying functional non-coding DNA
non-coding DNA. For example, identifying sig-
Methods for detecting selection rely on identifying nals of phylogenetic conservation and non-neutral
patterns of diversity and/or divergence in function- evolution based on the observation that function-
ally relevant sequences that deviate from a neu- ally relevant sites are more likely to be conserved
tral model. In protein-coding DNA the functional throughout evolution (Birney et al. 2007). Of course,
unit of study is typically defined as nonsynony- not all functional regions are expected to be con-
mous sites within a single gene (but occasionally a served, and therefore the interpretation of the
single exon or even codon), or by grouping these results of evolutionary studies must consider the
sites across all genes or those belonging to a sim- means by which putatively functional non-coding
ilar pathway or functional group. While it is intu- DNA was identified. Another common approach
itive to assume that mutations that alter the amino makes use of a sample of experimentally deter-
E VO L U T I O N A RY S I G N AT U R E S I N N O N - C O D I N G D N A 117

mined TFBSs to predict specific sequence motifs non-neutral evolution in non-coding DNA. While
where transcription factors are more likely to form in coding regions one can default to using synony-
direct interactions. The inferred motifs can then be mous sites as a neutral proxy, no such category of
used to search for novel occurrences of predicted sites exists outside of genes.
TFBSs throughout the genome. However, because
TFBSs are typically short, degenerate sequences,
12.2.3 Limitations of identifying rapid
this method is subject to a high false positive rate.
evolution in non-coding DNA
Ways of getting around this have been explored,
for example by conditioning on the clustering of Comparative and population genomics have set
multiple TFBSs to identify a cis-regulatory module the stage for inferring the effects of natural selec-
(Blanchette et al. 2006). tion across the human genome, yet the majority
These are only a few of the methods used to of methods are either more appropriate, or have
distinguish between functional and putatively non- increased power for the analysis of protein-coding
functional, non-coding DNA, and each have their DNA. By statistically comparing the genomes of
own limitations for evolutionary studies. a wide range of species, it is possible to identify
regions that are highly conserved across species
and those that are rapidly evolving. However, it
12.2.2 Estimating the neutral evolutionary
is often more difficult to distinguish rapidly evolv-
ing sequences from paralogous sequences in non-
Characterizing the effects of natural selection coding as compared to protein-coding sequences,
throughout the genome requires an accurate depic- due to a greater heterogeneity in evolutionary pat-
tion of expected patterns of polymorphism and terns in the former. Furthermore, it is reasonable
divergence under neutrality. The neutral evolution- to assume that a greater proportion of rapidly
ary rate is generally estimated from regions of the evolving non-coding sequences have no alignable
genome that are putatively non-functional, but sev- orthologous sequences, resulting in much of the
eral challenges exist. For example, it is recognized analysis of non-coding DNA being limited to con-
that most genomes are composed of heterogeneous served non-coding sequences (CNCs). While this
patterns of GC content, which is correlated with surely has an effect on the analysis of both coding
patterns of recombination, which in turn are both and non-coding sequences, alignments of rapidly
correlated with levels of diversity and substitu- evolving protein-coding DNA can be augmented
tion rates (Duret and Arndt 2008). Moreover, it has through an alignment of the translated amino acid
been hypothesized that one of the major drivers of sequence itself whereas non-coding sequences can-
evolutionary rates is GC-biased gene conversion— not. Methods based on comparing patterns of poly-
a byproduct of the double-stranded break repair morphism to divergence are subject to the same
mechanism required during meiosis. limitations, with the added caveat that historically
In addition to neutral processes confounding esti- there was little data available on human non-coding
mates of overall evolutionary rates, unidentified variation that was uniformly ascertained.
targets of natural selection can also cause mis-
leading results. Certain targets of natural selection
12.3 Patterns of evolution
can also have an effect on evolutionary rates at
in non-coding DNA
linked neutral sites, particularly when comparing
closely related species (e.g. background selection Recent advances in high-throughput sequencing
(Charlesworth 1994)). In the end, characterizing the have lead to an accelerating amount of publicly
neutral evolutionary rate that should be used as available, mammalian full-genome sequences. We
a baseline for inferring natural selection is a com- have also begun quantifying human variation at
plicated mixture of partially correlated effects and the genome-wide level in a less-biased fashion,
confounding factors. Overcoming these difficulties enabling new opportunities for evolutionary anal-
is a central challenge for inferring the effects of ysis on non-coding DNA. Together these advances

have lead to an explosion of studies with the could not be attributed to increased adaptive
common goal of identifying signatures of natural evolution in primates, but rather to differences
selection in the non-coding region of the human in the effective population size of primates and
genome. As with all evolutionary genetics stud- rodents. However, similar comparisons by Bush
ies, approaches taken in the analysis of non-coding and Lahn (2005) suggested that purifying selection
DNA are comparative in nature, with the primary has remained an active force on conserved non-
differences between studies residing in the types of coding DNA throughout primate evolution. Three
sites being studied, and the types of comparisons independent studies examining patterns of human
being made. genetic variation in the Perlegen (Keightley et al.
2005a), HapMap (Drake et al. 2006), and a more
recent resequencing study (Torgerson et al. 2009)
12.3.1 Selection in conserved non-coding
came to the same conclusion. All observed an excess
of low frequency derived mutations within CNCs
Phylogenetic conservation is a good predictor of compared to a neutral standard (e.g. Fig. 12.1),
biological function that is useful for identifying suggesting that purifying selection has acted to
non-coding sequences that are involved in gene reg- maintain weakly deleterious mutations at low fre-
ulation (Birney et al. 2007). However, there are var- quencies. But the question remained: was there
ious definitions and methods for identifying CNCs, any evidence for widespread adaptive evolution in
ranging from a simple estimate of pairwise diver- CNCs in humans?
gence between two species at orthologous sites to While it may seem counterintuitive to look for
employing a model-based estimate of conservation signatures of rapid, adaptive evolution in con-
using multispecies alignments (Siepel et al. 2005). served sequences (as we assume they are conserved
One surprising finding is that the majority of con- due to increased selective constraint on functionally
served regions lie in non-coding regions of the relevant regions), a valid strategy is to define con-
genome (Waterston et al. 2002), raising the pos- served regions in a manner that is nested, and/or
sibility that a greater degree of functionally rele- independent of the test being used to identify rapid
vant DNA is non-coding in nature. Moreover, the evolution. In many studies this has involved search-
existence of ‘ultraconserved’ non-coding elements ing for accelerated evolution along the branch lead-
(Bejerano et al. 2004) that have been subject to ing to modern humans as compared to the rest of
purifying selection three times as strong as nonsyn- the phylogenetic tree. Alternatively, several have
onymous sites (Katzman et al. 2007), and ‘human taken the approach of identifying CNCs using
accelerated regions’ (HARs) that are predominantly more distantly related species (interspecific com-
non-coding in nature and otherwise conserved parisons), but comparing patterns of genetic vari-
in mammals (Pollard et al. 2006). Over the past ation (intraspecific comparisons) and divergence to
few years, studies aimed at identifying signa- a more closely related species.
tures of natural selection in conserved non-coding Beginning in 2006, genomic analyses began to
sequences have begun to reveal some interesting identify signatures of adaptive evolution in CNCs
patterns in the evolution of non-coding DNA. in mammals, and to find non-random patterns with
In 2005 it was being debated as to whether non- respect to the types of genes that reside next to
coding DNA in humans was subject to natural rapidly evolving CNCs. Several studies compared
selection at all. Comparisons of human and chimp evolutionary rates along different branches of the
divergence in non-coding DNA in the upstream mammalian tree in order to test for human-specific
regions of genes by Keightley and others (2005b) acceleration. Prabhakar and others (2006) found an
revealed less conservation in CNCs compared to excess of human-specific substitutions within CNCs
rodents, suggesting a general relaxation of natural than expected under a model of selective constraint,
selection on gene regulatory regions in primates. suggesting that CNCs are not all evolutionarily
Patterns of human polymorphism suggested that constrained. Interestingly, they found that rapidly
the reduced conservation between human/chimp evolving CNCs along both the human and chimp
E VO L U T I O N A RY S I G N AT U R E S I N N O N - C O D I N G D N A 119

Conserved non-coding




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Frequency of derived allele in sample (N/16)

Figure 12.1 Plot of the site frequency spectrum in coding and conserved non-coding sites from the resequencing of 15 African Americans by Celera
Genomics (data from Torgerson et al. 2009). The proportion of low-frequency-derived alleles (frequency of 1/16) is highest in nonsynonymous sites,
followed by conserved non-coding and then synonymous sites. An excess of low-frequency-derived alleles suggests the presence of selective constraint on
functionally relevant sites.

branches were more likely to be found near genes a consistent rate along a phylogenetic branch. Kim
involved in neuronal cell adhesion, despite limited and Pritchard (2007) excluded regions of segmental
overlap in the location of accelerated CNCs in either duplications, however, their results and those from
species. Their results suggested that gene regulation Bird and others (2007) both revealed that numer-
associated with brain development and function is ous CNCs have been subject to positive selection
subject to adaptive evolution in both the human throughout human evolution.
and chimp, but with a different set of genes. Patterns of human variation are also consistent
The existence of rapid evolution in CNCs via with the existence of positive selection driving the
positive selection was corroborated by two inde- rapid evolution of CNCs. Bird and others (2007)
pendent studies using different datasets and meth- observed an excess of high-frequency derived alle-
ods of analysis. Bird and others (2007) applied a les in accelerated CNCs using an expanded set of
relative rate test and concluded that 15% of CNCs HapMap snps (phase I and II) than examined previ-
showed evidence of accelerated evolution, and that ously (Drake et al. 2006), consistent with the actions
accelerated CNCs were enriched in regions that of positive selection driving advantageous alleles to
had undergone segmental duplications. In 2007, high frequency. Furthermore, SNPs within acceler-
Kim and Pritchard developed a shared rates test ated CNCs showed patterns of higher F ST (fixation
to identify lineage specific rate variation across index) between human populations as compared
the mammalian tree, and estimated that 32% of to SNPs in non-accelerated CNCs, suggesting that
CNCs deviated from neutrality by either showing rapid evolution of CNCs has likely occurred more
faster or slower rates of evolution (or both) (Kim recently in human evolution leading to population-
and Pritchard 2007). Interestingly they observed a specific differences in allele frequencies. Lastly, they
slight excess of ‘speed ups’ as compared to ‘slow identified a significant excess of expression quanti-
downs’ (55% vs. 45%), hinting that adaptive evolu- tative trait loci (eQTLs) in accelerated CNCs, sug-
tion may, in fact, be more common than selective gesting that positive selection was in fact driven by
constraint in CNCs. Moreover, their data suggested changes in gene regulation.
that rapid evolution in CNCs was more likely to One of the challenges in examining patterns of
occur in short bursts of adaptation as compared to human variation using data from the HapMap

project is that of ascertainment bias (Clark et al. occurred through modes of selection that are incon-
2005), however, resequencing studies have come sistent with the classic models of positive selec-
to similar conclusions. In the early 2000s, Cel- tion, or has occurred in non-coding regions of the
era Genomics resequenced CNCs in the flanking genome that are not evolutionarily conserved.
regions of over 15,000 genes in 39 humans (Torg-
erson et al. 2009). Patterns in the site frequency
12.3.2 Detecting selection in promoters
spectrum suggest that CNCs are subject to stronger
and TFBSs
selective constraints as compared to synonymous
sites (Fig. 12.1). Gene-specific analyses revealed that Although conserved non-coding DNA is often func-
CNCs near genes expressed in the fetal brain had tional, not all functional non-coding DNA is con-
significantly higher probabilities of positive selec- served (Birney et al. 2007). Therefore the search
tion as compared to CNCs near genes expressed in for non-neutral evolution in non-coding DNA is
other tissues. Together with the results of Prabhakar incomplete without looking at functional elements
and others (2006), non-random patterns observed in identified through means other than conservation.
human variation and lineage-specific substitution Several studies have approached this by examining
rates in CNCs suggest that gene regulation associ- specific classes of non-coding sequences, including
ated with brain development and function is more the entire 5 upstream region of genes regardless
often subject to adaptive evolution. of conservation, core promoter regions, experi-
Not surprisingly, evolution occurs by processes mentally and computationally predicted TFBSs,
other than single nucleotide substitutions, includ- microRNA binding sites, and the microRNAs them-
ing those only recently recognized that remain to selves.
be integrated into a unified model of evolution- A typical model of gene regulation involves
ary change in non-coding DNA. For example, in the binding of specific combinations of transcrip-
2011 McLean and others (McLean et al. 2011) iden- tion factors to short, degenerate TFBSs that are
tified over 500 highly conserved sequences at least often just upstream of the transcription start site.
1 kb in size that underwent human-specific dele- While patterns of human variation suggest that
tion. Almost all were non-coding in nature, and non-coding sequences in the 5 upstream (pro-
many were found near genes involved in steroid moter) region of genes have experienced more
hormone signaling and neural function. Two of purifying selection compared to other non-coding
these regions involved the deletion of tissue-specific sequences (Torgerson et al. 2009), these findings
enhancers, including one that lead to a loss of are based on conserved non-coding sequences and
androgen-dependent sensory vibrissae and penile may not be representative of upstream regions as
spines in humans, and another that was corre- a whole. A study by Haygood and others (2007)
lated to the expansion of specific brain regions in compared rates of human evolution within the
humans. Clearly we have only begun to understand entire promoter region of genes as defined by 5 kb
the dynamics and extent of natural selection acting upstream of the transcription start site (TSS), with-
on conserved non-coding regions, and as we nar- out prior conditioning on phylogenetic conserva-
row in on the specific functions of these regions we tion (that is, apart from requiring a whole-genome
are likely to discover the true extent of rapid and alignment of orthologous human–chimp–macaque
adaptive evolution in non-coding DNA. sequences). They identified at least 250 promoter
However, the patterns and process of human evo- regions with evidence of positive selection enriched
lution via natural selection remains controversial. for genes involved in neural development and
Hernandez and others (2011) discovered that sub- function, consistent with trends observed in CNCs
stitutions in CNCs (and protein-coding sequences) (Prabhakar et al. 2006; Torgerson et al. 2009). There-
along the human lineage are largely devoid of any fore, the hypothesis that more adaptive evolution
convincing evidence for positive selection using has occurred in the regulation of genes involved
pilot data from the 1000 Genomes Project. They in human cognition is supported regardless of
concluded that much of human adaptation has conservation.
E VO L U T I O N A RY S I G N AT U R E S I N N O N - C O D I N G D N A 121

Haygood and others (2007) also made the obser- adding another layer of complexity to gene regula-
vation that the promoter regions of genes involved tion. A typical microRNA binding site is similarly
in nutrition (notably glucose metabolism) show quite short (∼22 nucleotides in length), although
a excess of positive selection along the human it is often less degenerate than a TFBS. While not
lineage, suggesting that dietary shifts in humans all human genes appear to be regulated by microR-
may have driven the rapid evolution of non- NAs, the ones that are tend to evolve under strong
coding DNA. Three additional studies lend support selective constraint (Nielsen et al. 2009).
to this hypothesis. First, Sethupathy and others As with TFBS, microRNA binding sites (Chen
(2008) identified signatures of adaptive evolution and Rajewsky 2006; Mu et al. 2011) and the microR-
within the upstream/promoter regions of genes NAs themselves (Quach et al. 2009) show evi-
by examining patterns of human polymorphism, dence for selective constraint based on patterns of
also without conditioning on conservation. How- human variation, however there is also evidence
ever, they restricted their analysis to include only to suggest these non-coding sites may also evolve
those non-coding sites within computationally pre- under rapid, adaptive evolution. In fact, Chen and
dicted TFBSs (as compared to the entire 5 promoter Rajewsky (2006) identified a SNP in a predicted
region as in Haygood et al. (2007)), and identified microRNA binding site of the Map1lc3b gene that
an enrichment of positive selection in the promot- showed a high degree of differentiation between
ers of genes involved in protein metabolism. Liang human populations (F ST in the 99.8 percentile of
and others (2008) identified signatures of positive HapMap and Perlegen SNPs present in 3 UTRs
selection in the core promoters of 24 genes enriched with the same heterozygosity), suggesting recent
for biosynthetic and metabolic processes by com- adaptive evolution in a population-specific man-
paring substitution patterns in core promoters to ner. Notably, post-transcriptional misregulation of
that of proximal promoters. Planas and Serrat (2010) Map1lc3b has been implicated in giant axonal neu-
applied the identical method to Haygood et al. ropathy and fragile X syndrome, and is important
(2007) but restricted their analysis to non-coding for neurogenesis. Quach and others (2009) noted
sites within the proximal promoter region (1 kb vs. the existence of a non-coding RNA-rich island on
5 kb upstream of the TSS). Overall they found that chromosome 14 that contained SNPs with indepen-
21% of genes with positively selected proximal pro- dent evidence for population-specific positive selec-
moters were involved in protein metabolism and tion in Europeans and East Asians. Moreover, data
metabolism in general. Therefore, multiple studies from the 1000 Genomes Pilot Project suggests that
support the hypothesis that rapid, adaptive evolu- microRNAs with more predicted targets are more
tion in non-coding DNA is driven by dietary shifts often subject to positive selection based on having
in humans. reduced polymorphism, higher divergence, and an
excess of high-frequency derived alleles (Mu et al.
2011). Therefore, rapid evolution through positive
12.3.3 Emerging trends in microRNA binding
selection is likely occurring in non-coding DNA
involved in microRNA gene regulation as well.
Non-coding RNAs are also heavily involved in
the regulation of gene expression, with microR-
12.3.4 Coding versus non-coding
NAs receiving the majority of attention in stud-
ies of human evolution. MicroRNAs are a class Genomic studies are beginning to reveal differ-
of non-coding RNAs involved in post-translational ences in evolutionary patterns in coding versus
gene regulation through repression of translation non-coding regions. Initial genomic comparisons
and mRNA degradation. While TFBSs are typically suggested that non-coding DNA contains a greater
found within the upstream regions of genes and absolute number of constrained sites compared
thought to initiate gene transcription, microRNA to protein-coding sites. Gaffney and Keightley
binding sites are typically located in the 3 UTRs (2006) identified three times as many constrained
of mRNAs and act to suppress gene translation, sites in non-coding compared to coding DNA by

comparisons of human/mouse substitution rates, a large proportion of non-functional sites. Using

and that the majority of sites were located in inter- a phylogenetic-based comparison, Planas and Ser-
genic regions over 5 kb away from any known rat (2010) found no significant difference in the
genes. They also found that genes involved in absolute percentage of genes showing signatures
developmental and neuronal processes tend to have of positive selection in both promoter and coding
a greater number of constrained non-coding sites regions. However, this result is surprising as the
in their proximity as compared to electron trans- likely inclusion of a greater proportion of neutral,
port and a variety of metabolic processes. While non-functional sites in the analysis of non-coding
this appears to contradict the findings of more regions is predicted to underestimate the extent of
adaptive evolution in non-coding DNA near genes positive selection.
involved in brain development and function (Prab- Evidence for a decoupling of selection on coding
hakar et al. 2006; Haygood et al. 2007; Torgerson and non-coding DNA stems from comparisons of
et al. 2009), the presence of selective constraint as the strength and direction of selection, and from
estimated from human/mouse comparisons does differences in the kinds of genes that are enriched
not preclude the possibility for lineage-specific pos- for signatures of natural selection. Although there
itive selection, nor the existence of positive selection is a slight correlation between estimates of the prob-
at nearby sites. ability of natural selection in coding and flanking
However, the proportion of protein-coding sites CNCs (which may be driven by linkage disequilib-
under constraint appears to be much higher than rium), there is little predictive power to infer selec-
the proportion of non-coding sites, both in con- tion on non-coding sites based on patterns observed
served non-coding sites (Torgerson et al. 2009) and in protein-coding sites and vice versa (Torgerson
TFBSs (Mu et al. 2011). Comparisons of human et al. 2009). Furthermore, the correlation between
polymorphism and divergence suggest that non- selective constraint and breadth of gene expression
synonymous sites are under stronger selective con- (Gaffney and Keightley 2006), and the proportion
straint as compared to CNCs and synonymous of positively selected genes in the center versus the
sites, however, CNCs notably in the 5 upstream periphery of protein networks (Planas and Serrat
region of genes are more constrained than syn- 2010) appear to be in the opposite direction for
onymous sites (Torgerson et al. 2009). Selective coding versus non-coding sites. However, Torger-
constraint also appears to be higher in TFBSs as son and others (2009) report a higher probability
compared to synonymous sites, yet not as high as of positive selection in CNCs near genes expressed
synonymous sites (Mu et al. 2011). However, com- in the fetal brain, but find no such enrichment at
parisons of the extent of non-neutral evolution in corresponding nonsynonymous sites. Planas and
coding vs. non-coding sequences have yet to be Serrat (2010) found only a small number of pos-
made on equal grounds, as the delimitation of func- itively selected genes within enriched functional
tional non-coding DNA has remained much more classes, however, they found a non-overlapping set
elusive as compared to protein-coding DNA. of positively selected genes between coding and
Comparisons of the extent of adaptive evolution proximal promoter regions. Therefore, while direct
in coding versus the flanking non-coding regions comparisons of the degree to which human adapta-
have also been attempted, but are subject to the tion has been driven by changes in coding versus
same limitation. For example, Torgerson et al. (2009) non-coding DNA are being refined, an emerging
identified higher probabilities of positive selec- trend is that there are differential effects of nat-
tion on CNCs as compared to nonsynonymous ural selection on coding and regulatory regions
sites through an analysis of human polymorphism. of genes.
However, comparisons with synonymous sites sug-
gested the difference may be driven by more neu-
12.4 Future prospects
tral rather than more adaptive evolution in CNCs.
This could in part be due to differences in power As we gain a more thorough understanding of the
to detect natural selection, as CNCs likely contain function of non-coding DNA, we will undoubtedly
E VO L U T I O N A RY S I G N AT U R E S I N N O N - C O D I N G D N A 123

make additional insights into human evolutionary Bush, E.C., and Lahn, B.T. (2005) Selective constraint on
history. Facilitating this process are the rapid tech- noncoding regions of hominid genomes. PLoS Comput
nological advances in data collection that has made Biol 1: e73.
full genome sequencing more commonplace. Our Charlesworth, B. (1994) The effect of background selec-
tion against deleterious mutations on weakly selected,
understanding of evolutionary patterns is being
linked variants. Genet Res 63: 213–27.
accelerated through sequencing the genomes of a
Chen, K. and Rajewsky, N. (2006) Natural selection on
thousand species (e.g. Genome 10K Community human microRNA binding sites inferred from SNP
of Scientists 2009), and of thousands of individu- data. Nat Genet 38: 1452–6.
als within a single species (e.g. the 1000 Genomes Clark, A.G., Hubisz, M.J., Bustamante, C.D., Williamson,
Project (Durbin et al. 2010)). However, many chal- S.H., and Nielsen, R. (2005) Ascertainment bias in stud-
lenges exist in developing and refining experimen- ies of human genome-wide polymorphism. Genome Res
tal, statistical, and computational techniques for 15: 1496–502.
studying patterns of evolution in non-coding DNA. Drake, J.A., Bird, C., Nemesh, J., Thomas, D.J., Newton-
For example, a more complete integration of com- Cheh, C., Reymond, A., et al. (2006) Conserved non-
parative and population genomics approaches is coding sequences are selectively constrained and not
mutation cold spots. Nat Genet 38: 223–7.
required to combine long-term evidence of rapid
Durbin, R.M., Abecasis, G.R., Altshuler, D.L., Auton, A.,
evolution with very recent effects of natural selec-
Brooks, L.D., Durbin, R.M., et al. (2010) A map of human
tion. Moreover, novel strategies will be necessary genome variation from population-scale sequencing.
to better compare evolutionary patterns in coding Nature 467: 1061–73.
and non-coding DNA. Despite these challenges, Duret, L. and Arndt, P.F. (2008) The impact of recombina-
there are many lines of evidence to already suggest tion on nucleotide substitutions in the human genome.
that non-coding DNA has in many instances under- PLoS Genet 4: e1000071.
gone rapid, adaptive evolution in humans. Future Gaffney, D.J., Blekhman, R., and Majewski, J. (2008) Selec-
scientific advances in data collection and analyt- tive constraints in experimentally defined primate reg-
ical methods are likely to reveal this is only the ulatory regions. PLoS Genet 4: e1000157.
beginning. Gaffney, D.J., and Keightley, P.D. (2006) Genomic selective
constraints in murid noncoding DNA. PLoS Genet 2:
Genome 10K Community of Scientists. (2009) Genome
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and nutrition-related genes have experienced posi-
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tive selection during human evolution. Nat Genet 39:
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Bird, C.P., Stranger, B.E., Liu, M., Thomas, D.J., Ingle,
Auton, A., McVean, G., et al. (2011) Classic selective
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sweeps were rare in recent human evolution. Science
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Gingeras, T.R., Margulies, E.H., et al. (2007) Identifica- L., Wilson, R.K., et al. (2007) Human genome ultracon-
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Sex- and Reproduction-Related
Genetic Systems
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C H A P T E R 13

Evolution of sperm–egg interaction

Melody R. Palmer and Willie J. Swanson

13.1 Introduction
The success of fertilization and reproduction in sex-
ual species is dependent on the interaction between Binding to
Sperm egg envelope
sperm and egg. Some sperm–egg interactions suc-
ceed between distant species, creating hybrids, but Entry
others fail between closely related species at one or Sperm–egg
more stages. Given the importance of fertilization fusion
in the maintenance of species integrity and bound-
aries, it is surprising that reproductive proteins Egg envelope

are often evolving more rapidly than the genome-

wide average (Swanson and Vacquier 2002). In this
review we will discuss the evolution of sperm–
egg interaction in terms of the mechanisms, pro-
teins, and selective pressures involved. Experimen-
tal approaches are rapidly changing with new Egg cytoplasm
genomic and proteomic technologies, and there is
a correspondingly rapid increase in the amount of Figure 13.1 Simplified depiction of the basic steps of mammalian and
new data on fertilization-associated proteins. This invertebrate fertilization.
data will improve our understanding of the evo-
lution of sperm–egg interacting proteins, for which fertilization? Looking at the specific steps (Fig. 13.1)
variation or conservation may determine the degree will give insights into the stages of fertilization
of reproductive isolation between populations or that are under the strongest selection in rapidly
species. There are exciting opportunities to identify evolving systems. For example, the marine mollusk
the molecular players in the process of speciation: abalone sperm proteins lysin and sp18 are both
the more species studied in greater detail, the more evolving rapidly, but sp18, which acts closer to the
proteins could be identified. end of fertilization, has higher divergence between
species than lysin (Metz et al. 1998). Non-sperm
ejaculated proteins, such as seminal fluid proteins
13.2 Evolution at each step
(SFPs) in insects (Drosophila; Findlay et al. 2009) and
of sperm–egg interaction
mammals (rodents; Ramm et al. 2009) also evolve
Sperm and eggs in the organisms we will discuss rapidly, and their function is the subject of active
are similar in their basic structures, but diverse research.
in their molecules and mechanisms of recognition, In order to physically interact, the sperm must
binding, entry, and fusion. At each step, we see first find the egg. An important factor in this step is
variation in the degree of species specificity and chemoattraction—where the egg releases an attrac-
rate of protein evolution. Is this a result of varia- tant that stimulates sperm to swim in the direc-
tion in selective pressure at the different stages of tion of the egg. Chemotaxis of sperm to eggs has

Rapidly Evolving Genes and Genetic Systems. First Edition. Edited by Rama S. Singh, Jianping Xu, and Rob J. Kulathinal.
© 2012 Oxford University Press. Published 2012 by Oxford University Press.

been observed in vitro in organisms from free- 2008). More candidate receptor proteins will be
spawning marine invertebrates to mammals (Eisen- discovered with new proteomic techniques. More
bach 1999). A diverse range of in vitro attractants sequence information may reveal interesting pat-
has been identified, including small molecules, pep- terns of selection at the stage of chemotaxis.
tides, low molecular mass proteins, and a lipid The next step is binding and passage through
molecule, but few have been associated with eggs the egg envelope, one of the best-studied molec-
outside of marine invertebrates (Ward et al. 1985; ular mechanisms of sperm–egg interaction. The
Miller and Vogt 1996; Spehr et al. 2003; Kaupp et al. known molecules that mediate this interaction are
2008). The sperm’s environment and path to the diverse. Egg envelopes are composed of large gly-
egg differ between internal and external fertilizers, coproteinaceous matrices. They share structural
which may impact the evolution of the attractant properties across taxa from marine invertebrates to
molecules and receptor proteins. In internal fertil- mammals, such as the ZP domain (Monné et al.
izers such as mammals, in vivo chemoattraction is 2006), but are divergent in sequence. A recent anal-
not well understood. Researchers have identified ysis showed similarity in the functionally impor-
a few candidate receptors in mammalian sperm, tant residues of structurally homologous regions of
but none are confirmed or well characterized. One ZP domains in human, mollusk, and yeast. This
group of candidates is testis-expressed olfactory suggests that the overall mechanisms may be sim-
receptors. A small group of these are implicated ilar. In contrast, for sperm egg-binding and entry
in sperm signal response, such as hOR17-4, but proteins there is generally no homology between
no natural ligands are known (Spehr et al. 2003). distantly related species. The striking diversity of
In mammals, testis-expressed ORs are highly con- sperm proteins involved in egg-coat entry reflects
served, particularly in the ligand binding domain the variation of selective pressures and speciation
(Branscomb et al. 2000). Consistent with this, Sun events over a long evolutionary history.
et al. (2003) showed that chemotaxis toward fol- Before the sperm penetrates the egg envelope
licular factors is not species specific in rabbit and it must undergo the acrosome reaction (AR), the
human sperm. release of the contents of a vesicle in the sperm
Chemoattraction is particularly important in free- head. In marine invertebrates there is variation in
spawning marine organisms because of the height- the importance of this step in the species-specificity
ened possibility of encountering heterospecific of fertilization. The sea urchin sperm receptor for
gametes and the dilution of sperm and eggs in the egg jelly (suREJ1) and egg fucose sulfate polymers
ocean. For example, corals undergo mass spawn- interact to induce the AR (Vacquier and Moy 1997).
ing events where gametes from multiple species are The fucan polymers vary between urchin species
present in the water at once. One study showed and are species-specific inducers of the AR (Vilela-
that three species of Acropora have species-specific Silva et al. 2008). However, their species-specificity
sperm motility initiation by eggs, but no molecular and importance as a barrier to hybridization dif-
players are known (Morita et al. 2006). In abalone, fer across species pairs. Sea stars also have an egg
chemotaxis is also species specific (Riffell et al. jelly polysaccharide recognition and AR induction
2004). Haliotis rufescens eggs release L-tryptophan, system, but it is so far only found to be subfamily
which acts as a chemoattractant. Sperm from H. ful- specific (Nakachi et al. 2006). A later step, mediated
gens do not respond to egg factors from H. rufescens, by bindin in sea urchins, may be more important for
and the same for the reciprocal. This could be a species-specific fertilization. Receptor suREJ1 has a
result of selection against hybridization in species mammalian homolog, Pkdrej (Hughes et al. 1999),
with overlapping habitats and spawning seasons. which localizes to the sperm head and is evolving
In sea urchin species, the egg peptide speract varies under positive selection in primates (Hamm et al.
in sequence and sperm response (Guerrero et al. 2007). However, it appears to be involved in the
2010). Conversely, in frogs and mice, allurin, a timing of the AR in mammals rather than hav-
member of the Crisp protein family, appears to have ing a direct interaction with the egg (Sutton et al.
conserved chemotactic induction (Burnett et al. 2008).
E VO L U T I O N O F S P E R M – E G G I N T E R AC T I O N 129

Sperm–egg envelope interactions are best char- been lost in many lineages, suggesting redundant
acterized in urchin, abalone, and mouse. The molecular mechanisms for gamete fusion, maybe
egg envelope is a major hybridization barrier in as a result of positive selection. Positive selection
mammal in vitro fertilization; its removal allows is seen in fusagenic sperm proteins in mammals
greater heterospecific membrane fusion (Yanagi- and marine invertebrates. Sea urchin bindin and
machi 1994). It appears that a complex interaction abalone sp18 are both acrosome proteins with in
of the ZP proteins is important for species-specific vitro fusagenic properties, and both evolve rapidly
recognition in mammalian eggs (Yauger et al. 2011). and localize to the acrosome (Ulrich et al. 1998;
Abalone lysin and vitelline envelope receptor for Swanson and Vacquier 1995). In mouse, 23 mem-
lysin (VERL) was the first pair of interacting fer- brane proteins from the sperm surface and acroso-
tilization proteins to be identified (Swanson and mal membrane show evidence of positive selection
Vacquier 1997). Lysin creates a hole in the egg (Dorus et al. 2010), and in mammals five sperm
vitelline envelope through non-enzymatic interac- surface ADAM proteins show positive selection in
tions with VERL (Lewis et al. 1982). Sperm proteins their adhesion domains (Finn and Civetta 2010).
lysin and sea urchin bindin are both rapidly evolv- Phenotypes in mouse knockout studies frequently
ing under positive selection (Lee and Vacquier 1992; contradict in vitro results. One current hypoth-
Lee et al. 1995; Metz and Palumbi 1996). Egg recep- esis is that egg CD9 plays a role in fusion in
tor proteins have more recently been sequenced mice, and Izumo is a candidate interacting pro-
and found to also be under positive selection. For tein (for a recent review of mammalian sperm–egg
example, abalone VERL and mammalian ZP2 and fusion, please see Rubinstein et al. (2006)). Like
ZP3 show positive selection (Galindo et al. 2003; other gamete interaction proteins, CD9 has sites
Swanson et al. 2001; Turner and Hoekstra 2006), under positive selection (Swanson et al. 2003). In
and urchin EBR1 activity is species-specific (Kamei Drosophila the sperm enters the egg and must go
and Glabe 2003). Other abalone ZP domain pro- through plasma membrane breakdown (PMBD).
teins of unknown function are also under positive Two proteins, Snky and Mfr, are required for effi-
selection (Aagaard et al. 2006). Rapidly evolving cient PMBD, but their specific functions are still
residues can often be correlated to ligand-receptor unclear (Wilson et al. 2006; Smith and Wakimoto
binding domains, implicating selection on the inter- 2007). Both appear to have homologs in distant
action between sperm and egg. Sea urchin bindin species, but have not been found in studies of
has been used extensively to study the evolutionary mosquito testis transcriptomes and sperm pro-
dynamics of sperm-egg interaction. For example, teomes (Krzywinska and Krzywinski 2009; Sirot
Palumbi et al. (1999) found that the success of a et al. 2011). The prevalence of positive selection on
sperm depends on its and the female’s bindin geno- fusagenic proteins may vary based on the fertiliza-
type (Palumbi 1999). Levitan and Stapper found tion system. If there is selection for a barrier to fertil-
that this effect is dependent on population densities ization and rapid evolution at earlier steps results in
(Levitan and Stapper 2010). Lysin and VERL, along successful adaptations, there may be relaxed selec-
with mammalian sperm sp56 and egg envelope pro- tion on the later steps.
tein ZP3, show evolutionary patterns that indicate Another class of proteins exhibiting rapid evolu-
coevolution (Clark et al. 2009; Rohlfs et al. 2010). tion in internally fertilizing species is SFPs, which
Sperm–egg membrane fusion mechanisms are are ejaculated along with sperm. Ramm et al. (2009)
less well understood. Known and putative gamete found interspecific diversity in SFP composition
fusagens vary in their sequence conservation. and sequence within muroid rodents. Seminal fluid
HAP2-GCS1 is a gamete fusagen in Plasmodium, and sperm protein evolution can also be com-
Chlamydomonas, and Arabidopsis. It is hypothesized pared by dissection and partitioning of male repro-
to be the ancestral gene for gamete fusion, due to its ductive tissues for comparative proteomics and
presence in many animal genomes, and its expres- EST (expressed sequence tag) sequencing. In mice,
sion in the testis of Hydra, a basal cnidarian (Wong seminal vesicle proteins evolve rapidly on aver-
and Johnson 2010). However, it appears to have age, but proteins from the other male reproduc-

tive tract tissues are under evolutionary constraint 2000). In one model, females diversify into two
when compared to the whole genome (Dean et al. distinct groups due to sexual conflict. In response,
2009). In insects, cross-species studies show that males may either be stuck in an intermediate fitness
accessory gland proteins have increased evolution- state or diversify to match each genotype, result-
ary rates (Wagstaff and Begun 2005; Andres et al. ing in sympatric speciation (Gavrilets and Waxman
2006). In field crickets, positive selection is seen in 2002). Experimental studies of the relationship of
SFPs between closely related species (Andres et al. sperm densities, the genotype of a protein involved
2006; Marshall et al. 2011), and there appears to in sperm–egg interaction, and reproductive suc-
be little conservation in overall insect SFP com- cess are limited to sea urchin bindin. Reproduc-
position (Walters and Harrison 2010). Two Gryl- tive success in Echinometra sea urchins is depen-
lus species of crickets that have rapidly diverging dent on male bindin genotype, and varies according
seminal fluid proteomes, but are otherwise closely to female bindin genotype (Palumbi 1999). Levitan
related, are an example of how we can use these and collegues have conducted many studies on the
systems to study the evolution of reproductive iso- effect of male and female density on reproductive
lation in hybrid zones (Andres et al. 2008). The success. In Strongylocentrotus franciscanus, there is
specific functions and interactions of seminal fluid an optimum range of female reproductive success
proteins are still largely uncharacterized. Accessory between sperm limitation and polyspermy, and a
gland proteins in Drosophila modulate female post- relationship between sperm bindin genotype suc-
mating behavior, such as causing an increase in egg cess and density (Levitan and Ferrell 2006). Consis-
laying (Wolfner 2009). Work in Drosophila on SFPs is tent with predictions of sexual conflict, rare male
addressed in Chapter 15. alleles are more successful in high-density situ-
ations. In a high-density living Strongylocentrotus
species, common bindin alleles were generally more
13.3 Causes of rapid evolution
advantageous, but selection maintains some less
We have long observed the pattern of rapidly evolv- common, highly successful, variants (Levitan and
ing gamete interaction proteins in a wide range of Stapper 2010). These results would be even more
taxa (Swanson and Vacquier 2002). Identification of interesting if they were able to also include the
putative sperm–egg interaction proteins under pos- EBR1 sequence of the females, and attempt to better
itive selection is becoming easier as new technolo- understand the evolution of the interaction itself.
gies allow faster and cheaper DNA sequencing and We are also beginning to see these patterns in
protein identification by mass spectrometry. How- mammals. Sperm competition can affect the devel-
ever, testing hypotheses about why these proteins opment of fertilization barriers between closely
evolve rapidly remains a challenge. What selective related rodents (Martín-Coello et al. 2009). As
pressures are acting in each situation? It is likely female proteins that prevent polyspermy are
that an interplay of forces act in a variable way selected for, diversification arises, and a byproduct
in each group of species. Here we will discuss the of that is differentiation between species. Sperm
various hypotheses to explain rapid gamete inter- competition may also affect primate seminal fluid
action protein evolution, and the data that support genes. Positive selection in a main component of the
or refute each hypothesis. semen coagulum in primates correlates with higher
Some proposed mechanisms for rapid evolu- female promiscuity (Dorus et al. 2004).
tion of reproductive proteins deal with the within- Alternatively, the reinforcement hypothesis states
species effects such as sexual conflict and sperm that diversifying selection for fertilization proteins
competition (Fig. 13.2). High population density to prevent hybridization when spawning or copu-
can drive sexual conflict over the mating rate, lation between species overlaps causes rapid evo-
which may result in several possible patterns of lution (for review see Noor 1999). This hypothesis
evolution. Mathematical models demonstrate that can apply to behavioral and ecological factors as
runaway coevolution can result in the evolution well as the proteins involved in direct gamete inter-
of reproductive barriers within species (Gavrilets action. The latter is best studied in free-spawning
E VO L U T I O N O F S P E R M – E G G I N T E R AC T I O N 131

1 Sperm competition: 2 Polyspermy: costly to female

Selection for fast-fertilizing sperm

Low male fertilization success Low female fertilization success

3 Selection for slow-fertilizing eggs

Figure 13.2 A cycle of sexual conflict can drive rapid coevolution between sperm and egg proteins in sperm-dense situations. Sperm competition results
in selection for the sperm that can most rapidly fertilize the egg. That may lead to an increase in polyspermy rates, which results in selection for eggs that
have stronger blocks to fertilization.

marine organisms. Reinforcement in species such as data in this field is from studies of sea urchin and
mussels, abalone, and sea urchin can be tested by its sperm protein bindin. Bindin evolution studies
comparing the rates of evolution of a gamete inter- vary in their implications. Two species of South
action protein between sympatric and allopatric Pacific Echinometra have divergence and positive
populations. The data produced to date do not selection in sympatric populations, but some share
consistently support this hypothesis. Single stud- alleles in allopatric populations, supporting rein-
ies have found no evidence for reinforcement in forcement (Geyer and Palumbi 2003). However, fur-
abalone lysin (Clark et al. 2007) or ascidian gamete ther studies of Echinometra species found bindin
recognition proteins (Nydam and Harrison 2011). positive selection and heterospecific incompatibil-
In Mytilus species of mussels, Springer and Crespi ity in allopatric populations (Metz et al. 1994;
(2007) found lysin-M7 divergence patterns support- McCartney and Lessios 2004; Geyer and Lessios
ing the reinforcement hypothesis, but in another 2009). These results suggest that some interspecific
study Slaughter et al. (2008) tested gamete compat- selective pressures such as sexual conflict or sperm
ibility and found greater compatibility in sympatry, competition may be driving the rapid evolution of
suggesting reinforcement is not the dominant selec- bindin. In addition, an understanding of the evolu-
tive force. Riginos et al. (2006) also did not detect tion of the female receptor protein for bindin in each
reproductive character displacement between sym- case would also be useful because reinforcement
patric and allopatric species of Mytilus. The most suggests selective pressure should be stronger on

the egg, because it is most negatively affected by interacting protein pairs often contain signatures of
non-specific fertilization. coevolution. Using that signal, Clark et al. (2009)
and Rohlfs et al. (2010) presented sequence analysis
methods to predict protein–protein interaction in
13.4 Methods to identify interacting
reproductive proteins that are physically un-linked.
Clark et al. used the known interacting pair lysin
Sexual conflict and sperm competition drive rapid and VERL in eight species of abalone. They showed
divergence between sperm–egg interacting pro- a correlation of dN/dS values along the branches
teins. These are potential mechanisms of sympatric that were not seen in non-interacting proteins, and
speciation (Gavrilets and Waxman 2002). We must determined statistical significance with likelihood
identify the proteins responsible for species isola- ratio tests. Rohlfs et al. detected selection for allele
tion in order to study past and current speciation matching using human population genotype data
events. Identification methods include biochem- and composite linkage disequilibrium. They found
ical, immunochemical, and genetic approaches. that the human putative interacting proteins egg
Gamete interaction proteins were first identified ZP3 and sperm ZP3R showed allelic associations at
with biochemical purification, starting with sea more SNPs than those at background genomic lev-
urchin bindin (Vacquier and Moy 1977). This is why els and random gene pairs. Their result is consistent
abalone and sea urchin, in which large amounts with the prediction that interacting proteins will fix
of gametes can be easily obtained, were the ear- compensatory mutations as each protein evolves in
liest models of fertilization. Mammalian interac- order to maintain allele matching.
tions have been tested with in vitro antibody block-
ing studies, but these may be non-specific in their
results. Genetic knockouts in mouse are useful 13.5 Conclusions
because you can remove a single protein and test
the specific result. However, sometimes they give We have described the current state of knowledge
results that conflict with in vitro protein function of gamete interaction proteins, their evolution, and
predictions (e.g. Baba et al. 1994). One reason could methods of analysis and identification. Many more
be that the interaction relies on a combination of candidate sperm–egg interaction proteins will be
proteins that remain functional with the loss of identified as DNA sequencing and mass spectrom-
one member, or some other form of redundancy. In etry become more accessible. Thorough phyloge-
knockout studies, it is important to also characterize netic sampling will allow us to assess the diversity
the ability of mutant sperm to compete with wild and evolution of these candidates. However, it is
type. This was key in revealing a phenotype for important to understand their function in gamete
mutant Pkdrej mice (Sutton et al. 2008). A benefit interaction with genetic and biochemical studies as
of using free-spawning invertebrates as model sys- well. In addition, we should work to characterize
tems is that you can more easily observe fertiliza- the evolution of more egg proteins, to better under-
tion under natural conditions than in those with stand selection acting on proteins from both sides.
internal fertilizations such as mammals. Recently, Knowing the sequences and binding domains of
mass spectrometry has allowed the characterization interacting protein pairs will be particularly useful
of numerous sperm and seminal fluid proteomes for understanding the evolution, divergence, and
(mouse: Stein et al. 2006; human: Baker 2007; fruit mechanisms that lead to reproductive isolation.
fly: Dorus et al. 2006). More should be done to
describe the proteomes of the egg coat and egg
plasma membrane (like Aagaard et al. 2006, 2010; References
Yamada et al. 2009). Aagaard, J.E., Yi, X., MacCoss, M.J., and Swanson, W.J.
Detecting putative interacting protein pairs may (2006) Rapidly evolving zona pellucida domain pro-
be possible without first finding clear biochemi- teins are a major component of the vitelline envelope of
cal evidence. Experimental data have shown that abalone eggs. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 103(46): 17302–7.
E VO L U T I O N O F S P E R M – E G G I N T E R AC T I O N 133

Aagaard, J.E., Vacquier, V.D., MacCoss, M.J., and Swanson, selection on mouse sperm membrane and acrosome
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C H A P T E R 14

Rates of sea urchin bindin evolution

H. A. Lessios and Kirk S. Zigler

14.1 Introduction Gao et al. (1986), and then studied with regards
to its intra- and interspecific polymorphism with
Reproduction at the level of gametic interactions special attention given to detecting positive selec-
involves activation and attraction of the sperm by tion in its exons. These topics have been exten-
egg compounds, induction of the acrosome reaction sively reviewed (Vacquier et al. 1995; Swanson and
by the egg jelly, adhesion of the sperm to the egg, Vacquier 2002a, b; Lessios 2007, 2011; Zigler 2008;
and fusion of the two membranes in order to permit Palumbi 2009; Vacquier and Swanson 2011). In this
the transmission of genetic material. All of these chapter, we explore what bindin sequences from
interactions are mediated by molecules. Some of various sea urchin species reveal about the rate
these molecules, such as sea urchin speract, carry of evolution of this molecule. Does bindin really
out their functions indiscriminately, even if sperm evolve in the fast lane?
and egg belong to distantly related taxa (Vieira
and Miller 2006). Others function in a species-
specific or even genotype-specific manner. Selectiv- 14.2 Function and structure of bindin
ity between sperm gamete recognition molecules Sea urchin bindin is a protein that coats the acro-
and their egg receptors is particularly important some process of sperm after the acrosomal reaction
in organisms with external fertilization, because occurs. It interacts with the egg bindin receptor,
in the absence of copulation, there are few other EBR1, a glycoprotein (Kamei and Glabe 2003), to
opportunities for exercising mate choice. Conse- attach the sperm to the egg’s vitelline layer and
quently, such molecules are exposed to the action to fuse membranes of the gametes. The full-length
of selection more directly than molecules with the precursor of bindin is cleaved after translation to
same function in organisms with internal fertiliza- form the mature molecule. Among the sea urchin
tion. The DNA that codes for gamete recognition species that have been studied to date, the length
molecules often, but not always, evolves rapidly, of mature bindin ranges from 193–418 amino acids
displaying ratios of amino acid replacement to (Zigler and Lessios 2003a). The single sea star in
synonymous substitutions larger than unity, a sig- which bindin has been characterized was found
nature of positive (diversifying) selection (Swan- to contain 793 amino acids (Patino et al. 2009). In
son and Vacquier 2002a, b; Vacquier and Swanson both sea urchins and sea stars, there is a single
2011). As a rule, such positive selection is targeted intron separating two exons. Bindins of 11 species
at certain regions of each molecule, presumably of sea urchins from six orders contain a conserved
involved in gamete selectivity, whereas the rest region in the second exon that codes for approxi-
of the sequence may evolve conservatively under mately 55 amino acids. Eighteen amino acids in this
purifying selection, because it performs basic func- conserved region, thought to be involved in mem-
tions essential for fertilization. brane fusion (Rocha et al. 2008), have not changed
The first gamete recognition protein to be charac- since the extant orders of Echinoidea split from
terized was sea urchin bindin (Vacquier and Moy each other, 250 million years ago (mya). Only one
1977). Bindin DNA was subsequently amplified amino acid in this region has changed between sea
and sequenced in Strongylocentrotus purpuratus by stars and sea urchins in the 500 million years (my)

Rapidly Evolving Genes and Genetic Systems. First Edition. Edited by Rama S. Singh, Jianping Xu, and Rob J. Kulathinal.
© 2012 Oxford University Press. Published 2012 by Oxford University Press.
R AT E S O F S E A U R C H I N B I N D I N E VO L U T I O N 137

that the two echinoderm classes have been evolv- rates. To compare the absolute rate of evolution
ing independently (Patino et al. 2009; Vacquier and between genera we need to determine the number
Swanson 2011). The reputation of bindin as a fast- of nonsynonymous substitutions per nonsynony-
evolving protein is owed to two regions flanking mous site that accumulate per unit time. Such a cal-
the conserved core, which in some genera have culation requires evidence of dates of divergence. In
accumulated many point mutations and insertions– this chapter, we will use the interspecific divergence
deletions. These are the regions that most likely of cytochrome oxidase I (COI) as a proxy for the
confer fertilization species-specificity (Lopez et al. time since speciation. Calibrated by the rise of the
1993). The protein moiety of EBR1, which contains Isthmus of Panama, approximately 3 mya, COI of
3713–4595 amino acids, has only been sequenced in sea urchins diverges at an average rate of 3.6 % per
two species of Strongylocentrotus (Kamei and Glabe my (Lessios 2008).
2003). Gauged by divergence in COI, average rates
of adaptive divergence of bindin within a genus
vary between 2.80 × 10−3 nonsynonymous substi-
14.3 Rate of bindin evolution
tutions per nonsynonymous site per my (dN my−1 )
Bindin has been sequenced in 11 genera of sea in Arbacia and 22.4 × 10−3 dN my−1 in Strongylocen-
urchins, but intrageneric variation, which permits trotus (Table 14.1). As one might expect, genera
insights in the evolution of the molecule, has in which bindin evolves under positive selection,
been studied in only seven: Echinometra (Metz show amino acid divergence rates almost four times
and Palumbi 1996; McCartney and Lessios 2004), higher than genera in which bindin appears to be
Strongylocentrotus (Biermann 1998), Arbacia (Metz under purifying selection: the average substitution
et al. 1998a), Tripneustes (Zigler and Lessios 2003b), rate in Strongylocentrotus, Echinometra, and Helioci-
Heliocidaris (Zigler et al. 2003), Lytechinus (Zigler daris is 20.4 × 10−3 dN my−1 whereas in Arbacia, Trip-
and Lessios 2004), and Paracentrotus (Calderon et al. neustes, Lytechinus, Pseudoboletia, and Diadema, it is
2009, 2010). Selection on bindin in all of these genera 5.96 × 10−3 dN my−1 . The question we would like
has been studied as the ratio of amino acid replace- to answer is how these rates of adaptive evolution
ment to silent substitutions (˘ = dN /dS ). By this cri- compare with those of other proteins, both of those
terion, there is evidence of positive selection (˘ >1) that have been deemed to evolve rapidly in other
in Echinometra, Strongylocentrotus, Heliocidaris, and taxa, and those that carry out other functions in sea
Paracentrotus, but not in Arbacia, Tripneustes, and urchins.
Lytechinus. In addition to being an indication of Fig. 14. 1 presents a comparison of the rates of
selection at the nucleotide level, the ˘ ratio would adaptive evolution of bindin to seven other classes
also be a good measure of relative rates of adap- of reproductive proteins from five groups of organ-
tive evolution if silent sites evolved at the same isms. These are all proteins that are generally con-
rate in all genera. This, however, is not the case sidered as fast-evolving. Because COI in different
in bindin. Bindins with higher rates of nonsynony- taxa evolves at different rates, it is necessary to
mous substitution also have higher rates of syn- apply taxon-specific calibrations to calculate diver-
onymous substitution (Zigler and Lessios 2003b). gence rates. To estimate absolute rates of protein
This correlation has also been observed in other evolution, we have assumed that COI evolves at
molecules such as alcohol dehydrogenase, ATP syn- an average rate of 3.6% per my in sea urchins
thetase, cyclophilin 1, or enolase (e.g. Dunn et al. (Lessios 2008), 2.7% per MY in gastropods (Lessios
2001), and there are a number of hypotheses as to 2008), 2.3% per my in insects (Papadopoulou et al.
its cause. While it is typically thought to arise from 2010), and 1.6% per my in hominids (Kumar et al.
some form of codon bias, codon usage in sea urchin 2005). Estimated in this manner, the evolutionary
bindin is very equitable (Zigler and Lessios 2003a). rates of bindins in different genera of sea urchins,
Thus, due to different codon biases, comparing ˘ even those found to be under selection, are slower
ratios between bindins of different genera may lead than that of reproductive proteins of gastropods
to erroneous conclusions regarding evolutionary or insects. They are more comparable to those of
Table 14.1 Pairwise divergence in bindin and in cytochrome oxidase I (COI) of selected species of sea urchin genera in which bindin variation has been studied. K2P: Kimura two-parameter distance; dN :
amino acid substitutions per non-synonymous site; dS : synonymous substitutions per synonymous site; MY: million years. Estimated rates of divergence of bindin are based on the assumption that COI in sea
urchins diverges at a rate of 0.036 per site per my.

Genus Species Species Bindin COI Bindin dN / Bindin dS / Bindin dN / MY Reference


Arbacia lixula punctulata 0.007 0.069 0.090 0.072 0.764 0.0026 Metz et al. 1998a
Arbacia lixula stellata=incisa 0.007 0.096 0.134 0.053 0.716 0.0019
Arbacia lixula dufresnei 0.016 0.071 0.124 0.129 0.570 0.0046
Arbacia punctulata stellata=incisa 0.003 0.088 0.139 0.022 0.635 0.0008
Arbacia punctulata dufresnei 0.011 0.059 0.124 0.085 0.477 0.0031
Arbacia stellata=incisa dufresnei 0.013 0.071 0.119 0.105 0.597 0.0038
Heliocidaris erythrogramma tuberculata 0.069 0.149 0.147 0.469 1.014 0.0169 Zigler et al. 2003
Tripneustes ventricosus gratilla+depressus 0.016 0.026 0.087 0.187 0.293 0.0067 Zigler and Lessios 2003
Echinometra oblonga mathaei 0.021 0.054 0.023 0.905 2.328 0.0326 Metz and Palumbi 1996
Echinometra oblonga type A 0.024 0.076 0.032 0.757 2.371 0.0273
Echinometra mathaei type A 0.028 0.051 0.024 1.169 2.107 0.0421
Echinometra lucunter viridis 0.022 0.047 0.050 0.440 0.940 0.0158 McCartney and Lessios 2004
Echinometra lucunter vanbrunti 0.026 0.046 0.102 0.255 0.451 0.0092
Echinometra viridis vanbrunti 0.014 0.083 0.126 0.111 0.659 0.0040
Lytechinus pictus variegatus 0.013 0.105 0.135 0.096 0.778 0.0035 Zigler and Lessios 2004
Lytechinus variegatus williamsi 0.006 0.022 0.017 0.353 1.294 0.0127
Lytechinus semituberculatus pictus 0.025 0.073 0.114 0.219 0.640 0.0079
Lytechinus euerces Sphaerechinus granularis 0.019 0.100 0.089 0.213 1.124 0.0077
Pseudoboletia indiana maculata 0.006 0.024 0.073 0.082 0.329 0.0030 Zigler et al. (in press)
Strongylocentrotus purpuratus pallidus 0.021 0.062 0.072 0.287 0.863 0.0103 Biermann 1998
Strongylocentrotus purpuratus pallidus droebachiensis 0.031 0.086 0.075 0.418 1.148 0.0150
Strongylocentrotus purpuratus H. pulcherrimus 0.073 0.158 0.104 0.704 1.514 0.0253
Strongylocentrotus pallidus droebachiensis 0.025 0.036 0.035 0.715 1.011 0.0257
Strongylocentrotus pallidus H. pulcherrimus 0.066 0.119 0.070 0.941 1.696 0.0339
Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis H. pulcherrimus 0.063 0.139 0.094 0.672 1.481 0.0242
R AT E S O F S E A U R C H I N B I N D I N E VO L U T I O N 139

40 may be: (1) missing from the annotated Strongy-

locentrotus genome; (2) lost in the Strongylocentro-
tus lineage; or (3) mis-annotated in their original
dN / my × 10–2

20 Lytechinus entry. The set of genes that we compared

contained proteins with various functions, includ-
ing many involved in reproduction, and also in
0 development, cytoskeleton formation, cell attach-
ment, and stress responses. After ranking the diver-
B HL H18 TL TMAP Acps P ZP/OGP gences of the 85 proteins, that of bindin was the
Selected rapidly evolving reproductive proteins sixth largest, with a p-distance of 0.326 for the full-
length molecule and 0.314 for the mature portion.
Figure 14.1 Bindin evolution relative to known fast-evolving
Of the five proteins with divergence values higher
reproductive proteins from other taxa. Non-synonymous substitutions per
non-synonymous site (dN ) per million years, between congeneric species than bindin, vitellogenin and SFE-1 also carry out
(except in hominids, in which they are within the same family) in sea urchin functions related to reproduction, whereas the other
bindin (B) (data from references in Table 14.1), abalone lysin (HL) and 18 three were involved in development. Considering
kD protein (H18) (data from Metz et al. 1998b), Tegula lysin (TL), and the the inevitable bias of proteins available for compar-
mature region of TMAP protein (TMAP) (data from Hellberg and Vacquier
ison, the conclusion from this comparison is that
1999; Hellberg et al. 2000), Drosophila Acp26Aa and Acp36DE (Acps)
(data from Tsaur and Wu 1997), hominid protamine 1 and 2 (P), ZP2, ZP3 bindin evolves at moderately fast rates in relation
and oviductal glycoprotein (ZP/OGP) (data from Wyckoff et al. 2000). to other sea urchin proteins.

protamines, zona pellucida proteins, and oviductal

14.4 Possible reasons for different
glycoprotein in hominids. Adjustments to the
evolutionary rates in bindin
assumed rate of COI evolution, or even an assump-
tion of a universal COI clock, would not change Why does bindin in four sea urchin genera evolve
this conclusion. Thus, by the standard of other fast- more rapidly under strong positive selection, than
evolving reproductive proteins from other inverte- in three other genera in which it is subject to puri-
brates, bindin evolves only at moderate rates. fying selection? In the absence of data regarding
How do rates of bindin evolution compare to variation in its egg receptor, the answer can only be
rates of evolution among other sea urchin pro- speculative. Possible reasons for this lack of pattern
teins? To answer this question, we compared all have been thoroughly reviewed (Lessios 2007, 2011;
protein coding DNA sequences of Lytechinus var- Zigler 2008; Palumbi 2009). Here we present a sum-
iegatus in GenBank to their closest matches in mary of the hypotheses that have been proposed
the Strongylocentrotus purpuratus complete genome. so far.
With the exception of S. purpuratus, more genes One possibility is that positive selection of
have been sequenced from Lytechinus variegatus bindin arises from the need for species recogni-
than any other species of sea urchin. Lytechinus tion when two closely related species are in danger
and Strongylocentrotus diverged approximately 60 of hybridizing with each other. We will call this
mya. Sequences were available for 90 L. variegatus the ‘reinforcement hypothesis.’ This name does not
genes. The protein sequence of each gene was com- imply that speciation by reinforcement has actually
pared between the two species via protein-protein taken place, but rather that bindin alleles resem-
BLAST to GenBank’s ‘non-redundant (nr) protein bling those of a sympatric species—and thus allow-
sequences’ database. The closest match to a S. pur- ing gamete wastage in inferior hybrids—have been
puratus protein was noted, and the two protein selected against. A broad-brush picture of compar-
sequences were aligned using Clustal in MEGA isons between genera is consistent with this hypoth-
(v. 4.0). We then used MEGA to calculate the p- esis. When bindin rates of divergence of species
distance between the aligned protein sequences. that are entirely allopatric with respect to congeners
We identified matches for 85 of the 90 Lytechinus are compared to those of species that may have a
genes. The five genes that did not have a match higher probability of hybridization, those of the for-

mer are clustered around lower values than those of related to the relative age of species in different
the latter (Fig. 14.2). Genera with many sympatric sea urchin genera. If, as Civetta and Singh (1998)
species, such as Strongylocentrotus, and Echinometra have suggested, episodes of divergence in repro-
tend to have the highest rates of interspecific bindin ductive molecules are concentrated at the time
divergence. Not all the data, however, are consis- of speciation, and if selection on these molecules
tent with the reinforcement hypothesis. Contrary to is subsequently relaxed, younger species would
what is expected from selection for species recog- show higher rates of bindin differentiation than
nition, bindin is polymorphic and shows the signa- older ones. This hypothesis is not supported by
ture of positive selection not just between species the data. Sea urchins tend to conform to ‘Jordan’s
but also between alleles of the same species (Metz rule’ (Jordan 1905). Young sister species tend to
and Palumbi 1996; Lessios 2007, 2011). A pattern be distributed on either side of a geographic bar-
of character displacement is present in one species rier, and only older species become sympatric with
of Pacific Echinometra (Geyer and Palumbi 2003) in the passage of time (Lessios 2010). Thus, allopatric
partial geographic overlap with its sister species species are, in general, younger than sympatric
but not in an Atlantic species of the same genus ones, and if bindin divergence were accelerated
that also needs to contend with the challenge of a during speciation then slowed down, they should
sister species existing over part of its range (Geyer show more differences in this molecule per unit
and Lessios 2009). Given the present evidence, the time than sympatric ones. The opposite is true
hypothesis that reinforcement in sympatry acceler- (Fig. 14.2).
ates bindin divergence is as likely as the hypothe- The most credible hypothesis to date for differ-
sis that divergence in bindin, due to other causes, ences in the rates of bindin evolution is that they
allows for sympatric coexistence. are caused by differences in the intensity of sex-
Another possibility for the differences in rates ual selection and sexual conflict. Using variation in
of bindin evolution could be that they are cor- bindin genotypes of females as a proxy for varia-
tion in the bindin receptor (with which bindin is
expected to show linkage disequilibrium), Palumbi
(1999) has found that sexual selection exists in Echi-
Pseudoboletia nometra mathaei. Eggs are fertilized at higher rates
1.2 Arbacia
Strongylocentrotus S by sperm carrying the same bindin allele. Using the
1.0 Echinometra S same proxy, Levitan and Farrell (2006) and Levi-
tan and Stapper (2010) showed in Strongylocentrotus
Bindin dN/K2PCOI

Heliocidaris S franciscanus and S. purpuratus that sperm density
0.6 and the danger of polyspermy establish different
selective regimes for various bindin alleles. At low
0.4 sperm densities, most offspring are produced by
the union of sperm and egg possessing bindin
alleles that are most common in the population.
0.0 At high sperm densities, rare alleles leave behind
the most offspring, because common alleles, caus-
Allopatric Sympatric ing fast fertilization, result in polyspermic zygotes,
which fail to develop. Thus, there is always selec-
Figure 14.2 Comparison of interspecific rates of bindin divergence tion on males to effect fast fertilization, but females
between genera. Amino acid replacement substitutions (dN ) per in high sperm densities benefit from having alle-
replacement site in bindin divided by Kimura-two-parameter distance in les that retard fertilization: a typical sexual conflict
cytochrome oxidase I (COI K2P) in allopatric and sympatric species of eight
situation. Depending on ecological conditions, sex-
genera of sea urchins. A species is considered as ‘allopatric’ if its range
does not overlap with that of another member of the same genus. Genera ual conflict can occur in some populations but not
in which bindin has been shown to be under selection are marked in the others, thus resulting in different rates of bindin
legend with S. evolution.
R AT E S O F S E A U R C H I N B I N D I N E VO L U T I O N 141

14.5 Conclusions and future prospects bindin is involved in speciation depends not just
on the species-specificity of its interactions with its
In comparison to other invertebrate reproductive receptor but on the probability that gametes of two
proteins, bindin evolves moderately rapidly in closely related sea urchin species will encounter
some genera and slowly in others. Selective reasons each other in nature. Even when gametic interac-
for the differences that cause these dissimilarities in tions are, in fact, species-specific, it is still neces-
rates are still the subject of speculation, but they sary to determine whether bindin or some other
may well be related to fertilization environments molecule, acting earlier in the sequence of fertiliza-
and intraspecific processes. Interspecific processes, tion, is responsible. Thus, information on habitat
such as reinforcement, can also not be ruled out. separation, reproductive timing, and pre-spawning
There may well be no universal explanation for the chemical communication as well as on the role of
presence or absence of positive selection in different other reproductive molecules is important in under-
sea urchin taxa. Gametic proteins are often brought standing whether intra- or interspecific interactions
up as examples of rapid evolution. Fast evolution is mold the evolution of the bindin. Most of all, we
certainly true for each of these proteins in the partic- will need to link variation of bindin to variation
ular genus in which they have been studied. How- in its egg receptor. The study of EBR1 has been
ever, in a great many of the documented cases of retarded by its enormous size. Recent advances
fast molecular evolution, the evidence comes only in techniques for massive DNA sequencing have
from a small fraction of taxa. Data on sea urchin made it practical to gather data on individual vari-
bindin, though far from covering the entire echinoid ation in large stretches of genetic material, and will
class, derive from multiple genera. This broader no doubt soon be applied to this problem.
taxonomic coverage alone may explain why more
diversity in the mode of evolution of this molecule
has been documented than has been found in other Acknowledgments
invertebrate reproductive proteins.
We thank Laura Geyer and Santosh Jagadeeshan for
Future laboratory studies linking the structure
comments on the manuscript.
of different bindin alleles with the specificity of
fertilization would be of great benefit in under-
standing the evolution of this molecule. We already References
know which amino acids evolve under selection,
Biermann, C.H. (1998) The molecular evolution of sperm
but we will need to determine the functional rea-
bindin in six species of sea urchins (Echinoida: Strongy-
sons for such selection. Additional understanding
locentrotidae). Mol Biol Evol 15: 1761–71.
of the sources of natural selection on this molecule Calderon, I., Turon, X., and Lessios, H.A. (2009) Character-
and the rate of its evolution would come from com- ization of the sperm molecule bindin in the sea urchin
parative studies that link fertilization ecology in genus Paracentrotus. J Mol Evol 68: 366–76.
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les. Simply characterizing species as sympatric or H.A. (2010) Genetic divergence and assortative mating
allopatric on the basis of their geographic distri- between colour morphs of the sea urchin Paracentrotus
bution is not adequate for determining the role gaimardi. Mol Ecol 19: 484–93.
of reinforcement or other interspecific processes in Civetta, A. and Singh, R.S. (1998) Sex-related genes, direc-
tional sexual selection, and speciation. Mol Biol Evol 15:
bindin evolution. Ultimately, interest in the evolu-
tion of bindin and similar molecules stems from
Dunn, K.A., Bielawski, J.P., and Yang, Z. (2001) Substitu-
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the importance of bindin as a reproductive isolation Sequence of mRNA coding for bindin, a species-specific
barrier between species relies on studies that are sea urchin sperm protein required for fertilization. Proc
not aimed directly at this molecule alone. Whether Natl Acad Sci U S A 83: 8634–8.

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Altantic sea urchins of the genus Echinometra. Mol Biol (1998a) Mitochondrial DNA and bindin gene sequence
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C H A P T E R 15

Evolution of Drosophila seminal

proteins and their networks
Alex Wong and Mariana F. Wolfner

15.1 Introduction network can include members that are conserved

and ones that are rapidly evolving; this can still lead
Since the early days of comparative genetics and to rapid evolution of the network’s function, while
biochemistry, researchers have noted striking vari- preserving conserved biochemical activities.
ation in rates of molecular evolution among pro-
teins (e.g. Zuckerkandl and Pauling 1965). At one
end of the spectrum, the sequences of proteins
such as histones evolve extremely slowly, with 15.2 Drosophila seminal fluid as a
very few changes over long periods of time (e.g. model system for rapidly evolving
DeLange et al. 1969), indicating strong selection proteins
against amino acid change. At the other extreme, The SFPs of Drosophila have been studied in great
the antigen-recognition domain of the mammalian detail, from both functional and evolutionary per-
class I major histocompatibility complex shows spectives. SFPs are produced in several secre-
extensive diversity both within and between tory organs in the male reproductive tract, includ-
species, due to balancing selection (Hughes and Nei ing the ejaculatory bulb, the ejaculatory duct,
1988). In recent years, general patterns concerning and the paired accessory glands; products of the
the functions of proteins on this rapidly evolving latter are referred to as Acps. SFPs are trans-
end of the spectrum have emerged from a growing ferred to the female during mating along with
wealth of comparative genomic data. For example, sperm and non-protein components of the seminal
proteins involved in reproduction, as well as those fluid. In Drosophila melanogaster, SFPs are required
involved in immunity, are consistently identified for a wide range of behavioral and physiologi-
among the most rapidly evolving proteins encoded cal postmating changes in females (reviewed in
in the genomes of animals (e.g. in Drosophila; Chapman, 2008; Sirot et al. 2009; Avila et al.
Civetta and Singh 1995; Clark et al. 2007). 2011), including increased egg-production and egg-
In this chapter, we focus on members of one laying, decreased receptivity to remating, decreased
group of proteins that has been an example of rapid lifespan and sleep, changes in uterine conforma-
evolution—seminal fluid proteins (SFPs). Using tion, and increased feeding. Moreover, some SFPs
Drosophila SFPs as a case study, we briefly review have demonstrated effects on sperm storage and
evidence for the rapid evolution of some of these sperm competition (see Avila et al. 2011 for a
reproductive proteins, and discuss potential causes review).
of this rapid divergence. We also note that within To date, well over 150 SFPs have been identi-
the category of seminal proteins there are members fied in D. melanogaster (reviewed in Avila et al.
that have evolved more slowly than others. We then 2011). Initially, SFPs were identified in two gen-
propose that the evolutionary dynamics of some eral ways: based on phenotypes produced after
SFPs are more properly viewed in the context of the introduction into females, or based on the proteins’
networks in which they participate. For example, a tissue- and sex-specific gene expression. For exam-

Rapidly Evolving Genes and Genetic Systems. First Edition. Edited by Rama S. Singh, Jianping Xu, and Rob J. Kulathinal.
© 2012 Oxford University Press. Published 2012 by Oxford University Press.

ple, fractionated extracts of male accessory glands Table 15.1 Positive selection on diverse seminal fluid proteins in
were tested for the ability to induce egg produc- Drosophila melanogaster and D . simulans; selected examples
tion or to decrease mating receptivity upon injec- SFP Functions/phenotypes
tion into females. This identified several proteins in
Drosophila, such as the sex peptide (SP, Acp70A) in Ovulin Induction of ovulation 24 hours postmating
D. melanogaster (Chen et al. 1988). Gene expression CG9997 Release of sperm from storage; long-term
response; modulation of sex-peptide activity
studies included differential cDNA hybridization
Acp36DE Sperm storage; sperm competition
approaches, in which genes were identified on the
Acp29AB Sperm storage; sperm competition
basis of exclusive (or much higher) RNA abundance
Acp62F Sperm competition; toxic; ovulin processing
in male accessory glands, and further chosen on the CG32382 (Sphinx2) Immunity
basis of encoding a protein with a predicted signal CG10363 Immunity
sequence. Once ‘-omic’ methods became available, 29 other SFPs Unknown
EST (expressed sequence tag) studies, microarrays,
and proteomics studies identified additional semi-
nal proteins (reviewed in Avila et al. 2011). Note- on a number of Drosophila SFPs. The Drosophila
worthy among the proteomics studies is that of SFP ‘ovulin’ in particular, has been surveyed inten-
Findlay et al. (2008), since its authors were able sively, with a series of studies documenting high
to directly identify proteins that had been trans- within- and between-species diversity, as well as
ferred to females during mating: females were evidence for pervasive directional selection on this
labeled with heavy nitrogen, rendering their pro- protein (e.g. Aguadé et al. 1992; Tsaur et al. 1998;
teins undetectable by standard mass spectrometry. Findlay et al. 2008; Wong et al. 2012). Since the pio-
The females were then mated to unlabeled males, neering work of Aguadé and colleagues on ovulin’s
and proteins from the mated females’ reproductive evolutionary history, evidence for positive selec-
tracts were subjected to mass spectrometry. Only tion has been reported for a number of other SFPs
the proteins they had received from males were (Table 15.1). Rapidly evolving SFPs participate in
detectable. This method has now been successful a wide range of processes, including induction of
in identifying seminal proteins in other animals ovulation (ovulin), sperm storage and/or sperm
as well (mosquito: Sirot et al. 2011; mouse: Dean competition (Acp36DE, Acp29AB, CG9997), prote-
et al. 2011). Finally, recent guilt-by-association stud- olysis (CG9997), and immunity (CG32382; Kam-
ies have identified several new SFPs as genes whose bris et al. 2006) (Fig. 15.1), but functions of other
expression correlates with known SFPs across a rapidly evolving SFPs have yet to be elucidated.
series of wild-derived lines (Ayroles et al. 2011). Consistent with findings of rapid evolution at many
SFPs identified in D. melanogaster fall into a vari- individual SFP genes, large-scale sequence compar-
ety of biochemical classes, as inferred from pri- isons in several species have shown that, on aver-
mary sequence and from comparative modeling age, SFP loci evolve more rapidly and/or are more
(e.g. Mueller et al. 2004 for Acps). Classes include likely to experience positive selection than are genes
a variety of proteases and protease inhibitor types, not encoding SFPs (Civetta and Singh 1995; Haerty
lectins, cysteine-rich secretory proteins (CRISPs), et al. 2007; Findlay and Swanson 2010). Formally-
lipases, and prohormone-like proteins and pep- analogous rapid-evolutionary patterns have been
tides. Notably, the same classes of proteins are demonstrated in rodents (Turner et al. 2008; Dean
found in the ejaculates of all animals that have et al. 2009) and primates (Clark and Swanson 2005;
been tested thus far, indicating a broad conservation Wong 2010).
of biochemical functions associated with seminal In addition to the rapid evolution of SFP genes
fluid. at the sequence level, it is becoming evident that
Although biochemical classes of SFPs are con- the overall complement of SFPs changes rapidly:
served between insects and mammals, population Studies in different species of Drosophila have
genetic and molecular evolutionary studies have found numerous species- or clade-specific SFPs (e.g.
documented rapid evolution and positive selection Wagstaff and Begun 2007; Findlay et al. 2008, 2009;

tory sexual selection refers to any process occurring


after the act of mating that affects gamete usage.

For example, in species in which females mate

with several males, postcopulatory sexual selection

includes competition between ejaculates from dif-
ferent males (sperm competition), as well as biased

patterns of sperm usage by females (sperm pref-

erence or cryptic female choice). In addition, since
male and female reproductive interests may not

always coincide—for example, it will typically be

in a male’s interest to prevent a female from remat-

ing, but it will sometimes be in a female’s interest

to remate—sexual conflict over a female’s postmat-
ing behavior and physiology is another important

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 variety of postcopulatory sexual selection. Given
dN/dS that a number of Drosophila SFPs are known to be
important for sperm competition, sperm storage,
Figure 15.1 Distribution of dN/dS (omega) values for 47 SFP genes in and the control of postmating female behaviours
the Drosophila melanogaster subgroup (estimated from six Drosophila
(reviewed in Sirot et al. 2009; Avila et al. 2011), and
species by Larracuente et al. 2008). The solid vertical line represents an
average dN/dS for tissue-specific genes in the Drosophila genome (AW
that variation in SFP genes is associated with sperm
unpublished data), with the dotted lines marking the quartiles of the competitive ability and with variation in postmat-
distribution of dN/dS for tissue-specific genes. ing female behavior (e.g. Fiumera et al. 2005), it is
likely that they are subject to strong postcopulatory
Almeida and Desalle 2009), and clear orthologs of sexual selection.
many D. melanogaster SFPs are apparently absent Host–pathogen interactions may also underlie
from other species with fully sequenced genomes the rapid evolution of some SFPs. The seminal flu-
(Mueller et al. 2005; Wagstaff and Begun 2005; ids of Drosophila and of other insect species con-
Haerty et al. 2007). Similarly, gene duplicates are tain anti-bacterial proteins (reviewed in Avila et al.
common amongst SFPs, with several recent dupli- 2011), and SFPs alter the expression of immune
cates identified in D. melanogaster and other species genes in females after mating (e.g. Lawniczak and
(e.g. Wagstaff and Begun 2007). The apparently Begun 2004; McGraw et al. 2004; Innocenti and
rapid turnover of SFP genes may be indicative of Morrow 2009; Peng et al. 2005, Mack et al. 2006,
positive selection for novel SFPs. Positive selec- Kapelnikov et al. 2008). Moreover, at least two
tion for new SFP genes might occur under sex- Drosophila SFPs have known roles in immune cas-
ual conflict if, for example, novel proteins are able cades (CG32382 and CG32383; Kambris et al. 2006).
to manipulate previously unexploited pathways in Interestingly, while the expression of immune genes
females. Alternatively, rapid loss of some SFP genes is generally increased in females following mat-
could be due to a relatively minor fitness cost asso- ing, systemic immune function is actually reduced
ciated with the loss of individual SFP genes, per- (Fedorka et al. 2007), suggesting that reproductive-
haps due to redundancy between SFPs. tract specific assays of immune function will be
The rapid sequence evolution of individual SFPs required. Host–pathogen interactions are thought
(and possibly of the complement of SFPs), and that to drive the rapid evolution of immune proteins
of reproductive proteins more widely, has primarily in a wide variety of species (e.g. Hughes and Nei
been ascribed to two processes in animals: post- 1988; Sackton et al. 2007), and so immune processes
copulatory sexual selection, and immune interac- occurring in the female reproductive tract could
tions (for reviews and perspectives, see Simmons result in positive selection on SFP proteins involved
2005; Singh and Kulathinal 2005; Panhuis et al. 2006; in pathogen response present (see Lawniczak et al.
Lawniczak et al. 2007; Chapman 2008). Postcopula- 2007 for a review).

15.3 Extensive variation in rates of SFP specific genes like Acps tend to evolve more rapidly
evolution in general than do broadly-expressed genes, pos-
sibly due to lower levels of pleiotropy (e.g. Lar-
Most work on the evolution of SFPs (and other racuente et al. 2008; Wong et al. unpublished data).
reproductive proteins) has focused on their rapid In the present context, it is interesting to note that
evolution, documenting high evolutionary rates 21 of these Acps have a dN/dS value lower than
and evidence for positive selection in many species the average for tissue-specific genes, indicating sub-
(reviewed in Panhuis et al. 2006), and investigating stantial sequence conservation. Thus, while a num-
the causes of rapid evolution (e.g. Clark et al. 2009; ber of SFPs evolve rapidly, many do not (see also
Finn and Civetta 2010; Civetta, Chapter 17, this Findlay and Swanson 2010). Such SFPs may not be
volume). This focus is entirely appropriate given subject to sexual selection, sexual conflict, or immu-
observations of high rates of molecular evolution nity, and thus would not experience positive selec-
and evidence for positive selection on many SFPs. tion from these sources. Alternatively, even if these
Nonetheless, extensive variation in rates of SFP evo- slowly evolving SFPs are involved in processes that
lution has been overlooked as a consequence of this promote rapid evolution, pleiotropy, and/or partic-
attention to rapid evolution: Not all SFPs evolve ularly rigid structural constraints may lead to an
rapidly or show evidence of positive selection, and overall pattern of conservation.
indeed some are highly conserved. Fig. 15.1 shows Sex-peptide (SP, also known as Acp70A) rep-
a histogram of dN/dS values for 47 Acp genes for resents a particularly interesting case study. SP,
which comparative sequence data were analyzed a 36-amino acid peptide, was first identified as
by (Clark et al. 2007; Larracuente et al. 2008). Also a potent inducer of egg-laying and inhibition of
shown on Fig. 15.1 is the mean dN/dS value (solid receptivity upon injection into unmated female
vertical line) for tissue-specific genes for ∼8000 Drosophila (Chen et al. 1988). Subsequent studies
Drosophila genes (Larracuente et al. 2008); tissue- have shown that SP is necessary for many other

(a) CG9997 (b)

Transfer of
CG1652/1656 from
male to female Ovulin

SP CG1652/1656 Acp62F
Ovulin cleavage
Attachment of SP,
CG1656 to sperm

Binding to

SP release and
binding to SPR


Figure 15.2 Interaction networks of the Drosophila SFPs sex-peptide (a) and ovulin (b). Proteins encoded by genes showing evidence of positive
selection are highlighted in boldface type.

postmating effects in the female (reviewed in Avila may lack power to detect selection. The power of
et al. 2011), such as reduced lifespan, increases in other methods that detect selection from patterns of
feeding, activity, and juvenile hormone synthesis polymorphism should not be affected by the short
postmating, proper sperm release from storage, and length of the SP locus, however, since polymor-
that it may modulate the female immune system. phisms in flanking sequences are also used in the
Given the effects of SP on mated females, we might inference of selection.
expect this protein to be subject to strong positive More interestingly, substantial constraints may be
selection—each of these effects could be implicated imposed on SP evolution by interactions with its
in sexual conflict, sperm competition, and/or host– receptor, SPR (Yapici et al. 2008). This G-protein
pathogen interactions. coupled receptor has been shown by genetic studies
Comparative genomic and population genetic to act through neurons in the reproductive tract to
data, however, give little evidence for positive mediate SP’s action on egg production and recep-
selection on SP. dN/dS for the SP gene in the tivity (Häsemeyer et al. 2009; Yang et al. 2009).
melanogaster subgroup is about 0.28 (AW, unpub- Interestingly, SPR has several ligands in addition
lished data), and this relatively high value of to SP (Kim et al. 2010; Poels et al. 2010; Yamanaka
dN/dS falls in the top 12% of dN/dS values for et al. 2010). SPR is highly conserved, having been
tissue-specific genes (Wong unpublished data; Lar- identified in such distantly related insects as moths
racuente et al. 2008; note that many of the ∼6000 (Hanin et al. 2011). It is possible that SPR’s evolu-
genes not analyzed by Larracuente et al. are likely tion is constrained by its interactions with several
to be rapidly evolving, and so SP’s dN/dS is ligands. Given the conservation of SPR, features of
probably less elevated than this 12% figure sug- SP itself that are involved in interactions with SPR
gests). While SP’s elevated dN/dS is intriguing, may be under considerable constraint.
it is not itself indicative of positive selection (for The apparent lack of positive selection on SP itself
which dN/dS > 1 would be required), and sta- seemed unexpected given this molecule’s involve-
tistical tests of neutrality do not indicate a his- ment in processes relevant to sexual conflict, sperm
tory of positive selection on SP. For example, Wong competition, and immunity, which are tradition-
et al. (2012) surveyed molecular polymorphism ally thought to result in positive selection. SP does
data at the SP locus in African populations of not act alone, however. Recent studies have iden-
D. melanogaster and its close relative D. simulans. tified four SFPs that are required to associate SP
Neutrality tests aimed at detecting selection on a with sperm, an association that is necessary to
variety of timescales, using different features of retain SP in mated females (Ravi Ram and Wolfner
the data, failed to detect any signature of selec- 2007, 2009). Subsequent slow release of SP from
tion. Furthermore, in a polymorphism survey in the sperm allows it to continue to exert its effect
a European population of D. melanogaster, Cir- in females (as long as they contain sperm and
era and Aguadé (1997) did identify unusual hap- SP), a phenomenon referred to as the long-term
lotype structure upstream of the SP locus, with response to mating (LTR) (Peng et al. 2005). The
two distinct haplotypes distinguishable by 22 poly- four SFPs needed to associate SP with sperm are the
morphisms over an ∼300-base pair region. How- predicted lectins CG1652 and CG1656, the CRISP
ever, given the recent colonization of Europe by (cysteine-rich secretory protein) CG17575, and the
D. melanogaster (Haddrill et al. 2005), demographic predicted protease homolog CG9997. RNA inter-
events, rather than selection, are a likely explana- ference (RNAi) knockdown of any of these genes
tion for these patterns. eliminates the LTR to a similar degree as the knock-
Several factors could contribute to the apparent out/knockdown of SP itself (Ravi Ram and Wolfner
lack of positive selection at the SP locus. One pos- 2007). These four proteins, as well as SP, exhibit a
sibility is simply lack of statistical power: given complex set of interactions, leading Ravi Ram and
that the SP locus is very short, some methods— Wolfner (2009) to propose that they constitute a LTR
particularly those that contrast nonsynonymous network, possibly in conjunction with other as yet
and synonymous substitutions within a gene— unidentified partners.

15.4 Selection on a network? for SP function: the long-term response results from
a slow release of SP from sperm, so males produc-
The discovery of the LTR network raises the pos- ing longer sperm may induce a stronger or longer-
sibility that positive selection might act on some lasting LTR if longer sperm ‘store’ more SP. In addi-
members of the network, but not others, e.g. not tion, Wigby et al. (2009), Fedorka et al. (2011), and
on SP itself. Different members of the network may Sirot et al. (2011) showed that males adjust the lev-
be subject to different constraints, either for intrin- els SFPs produced, or transferred to females during
sic, structural reasons, or owing to pleiotropic con- mating, in response to the presence of competitor
sequences of new mutations. Thus, even if few males and female mating status. Thus, physiologi-
adaptive mutations are available for SP itself for cal and behavioral factors can also modulate sem-
the reasons suggested earlier, selection may act on inal fluid function without changes in the protein
other proteins involved with SP function. In this sequence of seminal fluid proteins.
way, network function might evolve in response Consideration of selection on network function
to sperm competition or sexual conflict, but with suggests that a more comprehensive approach will
minimal negative outcomes for non-selected phe- be important in understanding the evolution of
notypes. Consistent with this line of thought, the reproductive proteins. Selection ultimately acts on
protease CG9997 has been subject to positive selec- reproductive phenotypes, such as female remating
tion, with an excess of amino acid substitutions rate. While this outcome may be altered at the
between D. melanogaster and D. simulans (Wong level of direct male–female interactions, for exam-
et al. 2012). While the functional consequences of ple, SFPs and their receptors in females, selection
this rapid evolution are not known, we propose that may act upon many other parts of the network. As
changes at CG9997 may modulate aspects of the the preceding examples suggest, network function
LTR without perturbing the entire system (see also might be altered by changing the availability of key
Findlay and Swanson (2010) for a discussion of the SFPs, through changes in amounts transferred or
evolution of SP and the LTR network). stored, or through changes in protein stability. In
In addition to interactions between members of addition, the activity of SFPs could be modulated
the LTR network, a number of interactions have through interactions with other binding partners,
been described amongst other SFPs. Ovulin, for or through post-translational modifications such
example, is proteolytically cleaved following trans- as proteolysis. For their part, females could con-
fer to the female, and at least two other SFPs, trol remating rate through sequence changes of the
the protease CG11864 and the protease inhibitor sex-peptide receptor that affect SP binding (direct
Acp62F, are required for its normal proteolysis interactions), or by modulating downstream events
(Ravi Ram et al. 2006; Mueller et al. 2008). Both such as signal transduction and transcriptional acti-
ovulin and one molecule that may mediate its vation. Alterations in the sequence or expression
activity (Acp62F) are subject to positive selection level of downstream effector genes could also play
(Table 15.1), while an additional potential modula- important roles. Neurological and endocrine path-
tor (CG11864) shows no evidence for positive selec- ways, as well as systems involved in resource parti-
tion (Wong et al. 2012). This example stands in con- tioning, are likely to contribute.
trast to the LTR network, where the active hormone It is unclear a priori whether the same path-
(SP) does not show evidence for positive selection. ways, and the same components thereof, will con-
Different interaction networks may therefore show tribute to changes in reproductive phenotypes in
markedly different patterns of selection. different lineages. Indeed, the rapid turnover of
Seminal protein activity is likely modulated in a SFP genes may indicate that different pathways or
variety of ways, extending beyond direct interac- pathway components are the focus of postmating
tions (such as between SP and CG9997, or between sexual selection in different species. Under a con-
CG11864 and ovulin). For example, Peng et al. flict scenario, for example, a male might manipu-
(2005) proposed that between-species variation in late his mates’ responses, and a female may distin-
the length of the sperm tail may have consequences guish between different potential fathers, using a

variety of mechanisms. If females evolve an effec- (MFW: grant R01-HD038921) and the Banting Post-
tive mechanism to avoid male manipulation via doctoral Fellowship program (AW).
one pathway, then male ejaculate proteins targeting
that pathway may become ineffective. If a partic-
ular ejaculate protein loses effectiveness due to a
female counter-adaptation, then selection on that Aguadé, M., Miyashita, N., and Langley, C.H. (1992) Poly-
protein will be relaxed, i.e. inactivating mutations morphism and divergence in the Mst26A male acces-
will have no fitness effects. Consequently, male– sory gland gene region in Drosophila. Genetics 132:
female conflict may result in the pseudogenization
Almeida, F.C. and Desalle, R. (2009) Orthology, func-
of genes encoding proteins that are no longer effec-
tion and evolution of accessory gland proteins in the
tive in manipulating female postmating responses.. Drosophila repleta group. Genetics 181: 235–45.
Novel ejaculate proteins targeting other pathways Avila, F.W., Sirot, L.K., LaFlamme, B.A., Rubinstein, C.D.,
(or other components of the same pathway) might and Wolfner, M.F. (2011) Insect seminal fluid pro-
then become favored, leading to an accumulation of teins: identification and function. Annu Rev Entomol 56:
different ejaculate components in different lineages. 21–40.
Ayroles, J.F., LaFlamme, B.A., Stone, E.A., Wolfner, M.F.,
and Mackay, T.F.C. (2011) Functional genome annota-
15.5 Conclusions tion of Drosophila seminal fluid proteins using tran-
Reproductive proteins are consistently identified scriptional genetic networks. Genet Res (Camb) 93(6):
as some of the most rapidly evolving members of
Chapman, T. (2008) The soup in my fly: evolution, form
animal proteomes. In Drosophila, extensive genetic,
and function of seminal fluid proteins. PLoS Biol 6: e179.
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erally supported the hypotheses that postcopula- Bienz, M., and Böhlen, P. (1988) A male accessory gland
tory sexual selection and/or immune interactions peptide that regulates reproductive behavior of female
are responsible for the rapid sequence evolution D. melanogaster. Cell 54: 291–8.
of SFPs. Nonetheless, not all SFPs evolve rapidly. Cirera, S. and Aguadé, M. (1997) Evolutionary history
Moreover, some SFPs that might be expected to be of the sex-peptide (Acp70A) gene region in Drosophila
subject to sexual selection, such as SP, show no evi- melanogaster. Genetics 147: 189–97.
dence for positive selection. We have suggested that Civetta, A. and Singh, R. (1995) High divergence of repro-
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gotic reproductive isolation in Drosophila melanogaster
ate may help to explain the heterogeneous nature
and Drosophila virilis group species. J Mol Evol 41:
of selection on these molecules, as well as the high
rate of loss and gain of SFP genes. Identification Clark, A.G., Eisen, M.B., Smith, D.R., Bergman, C.M.,
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Acknowledgments e35.
We thank Rama Singh, Jianping Xu, and Rob Clark, N.L., Gasper, J., Sekino, M., Springer, S.A.,
Aquadro, C.F., and Swanson, W.J. (2009) Coevolution of
Kulathinal for inviting our contribution to this
interacting fertilization proteins. PLoS Genet 5: e1000570.
book. Frank Avila, Geoff Findlay, and Jessica Sitnik
Dean, M.D., Clark, N.L., Findlay, G.D., Karn, R.C., Yi, X.,
provided valuable comments on the manuscript.
Swanson, W.J., et al. (2009) Proteomics and comparative
We apologize to authors whose work could not be genomic investigations reveal heterogeneity in evolu-
cited directly (but is rather cited through its inclu- tionary rate of male reproductive proteins in mice (Mus
sion in review articles) due to limitations on the domesticus). Mol Biol Evol 26: 1733–43.
number of references permitted for this chapter. Dean, M.D., Findlay, G.D., Hoopmann, M.R., Wu, C.C.,
We acknowledge funding support from the NIH Maccoss, M.J., Swanson, W.J., et al. (2011) Identification

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C H A P T E R 16

Evolutionary genomics of the sperm

Timothy L. Karr and Steve Dorus

16.1 Introduction (reviewed in Swanson and Vacquier 2002), anal-

yses of sperm lagged significantly behind other
The evolution of sexual reproduction and its asso- reproductive genetic systems due largely to the
ciated systems has been a prominent topic of sci- fact that mature spermatozoa are transcriptionally
entific research and debate since the inception of silent (Hecht 1990). This characteristic of sperm ren-
evolutionary theory. At the cellular level, the sperm dered gene expression assays largely uninforma-
and the egg are the sine qua non of sexual repro- tive regarding the ultimate molecular composition
duction and, as the central players of animal fit- of sperm. Evolutionary analyses were thus con-
ness and species survival, these two cell types have ducted upon testis expressed genes often without
understandably occupied human inquiry for mil- direct links to sperm form or function. This obstacle
lennia. Historically, a multitude of perspectives, was ultimately overcome with the application of
hypotheses, and experimental approaches relating mass spectrometry (MS) to the study of the sperm
to the evolution of sex have converged upon sper- proteome. These studies, which began in earnest
matozoa. This ‘sperm-centric’ perspective arose in a decade ago, were initially targeted studies aim-
large part because sperm are physically responsi- ing to identify sperm components which differed
ble for the delivery of male contributions required between fertile and infertile males (Ficarro et al.
for fertilization and are produced in vast num- 2003) or proteins which undergo post-translational
bers, thus making them easy to isolate and study. modification during sperm capacitation (Pixton
They are also the first cell type upon which an et al. 2004) and have progressed, in step with
entire evolutionary theory, sperm competition, was advances in proteomic methodologies, to whole-
based (Parker et al. 1972). Sperm competition has cell proteome characterization in Drosophila (Dorus
been extensively researched, both theoretically and et al. 2006; Wasbrough et al. 2010) and a range of
empirically, and the evolutionary outcomes of dif- mammalian taxa (reviewed in Oliva et al. 2009).
ferent ‘scenarios’ related to sperm motility, stor- In this review, we discuss the remarkable increase
age, utilization, and inheritance have been explored in our understanding of the molecular composi-
in great detail (reviewed in Birkhead et al. 2008). tion of sperm achieved primarily through mass
Therefore, our understanding of the basic principles spectrometry-based proteomics and the associated
and likely selective forces associated with sperm revelations concerning the evolutionary genomics
competition and sperm evolution far exceed our of sperm. We begin with an overview of our charac-
understanding of other cellular systems. Despite terization of the Drosophila melanogaster sperm pro-
this, the impact of selection associated with sperm teome and the surprising insights it has provided
competition upon the molecular building blocks about the selective forces acting upon sperm, as
of sperm and the genome as a whole have, until well as the dynamic role gene creation has played
recently, remained enigmatic. in sperm evolution. Turning our focus to posi-
Although there has been widespread interest tive selection acting upon mammalian sperm, we
in the molecular evolution of reproductive genes then discuss the accelerated evolution of sperm cell

Rapidly Evolving Genes and Genetic Systems. First Edition. Edited by Rama S. Singh, Jianping Xu, and Rob J. Kulathinal.
© 2012 Oxford University Press. Published 2012 by Oxford University Press.

membrane and acrosome proteins revealed in an a range of protein classes believed to be criti-
analysis of subcellular sperm protein localization. cal to sperm structure or function. These included
In conclusion, we summarize evidence support- enzymes involved in metabolism and energetics
ing the theory of compartmentalized adaptation in (e.g. oxidoreductases, hydrolases, and transferases),
response to sexual selection, a theory which has cytoskeletal and related functions, and other minor
emerged from our evolutionary genomic analyses categories (e.g. proteases, isomerases, and chaper-
of sperm and from complementary studies of other ones). By far the largest category was found to be
male reproductive tissues. proteins with unclassified functions, a finding con-
sistent with our analysis of the DmSP-I. Further
curation of the DmSP-II revealed 40 proteins known
16.2 Characterization of the Drosophila
to directly affect sperm development or function.
sperm proteome
The majority of these have been demonstrated
Our initial characterization of the Drosophila to affect sperm motility, including the ‚Tub85D,
melanogaster sperm proteome (Dorus et al. 2006; ‚Tub56D and ·Tub84B family of proteins. A sec-
termed the DmSP-I) provided the first whole-cell ond class of proteins related to spermatid develop-
catalog of integral proteins comprising insect sperm ment and differentiation (e.g. blw, dj, heph, Hsp83,
and the first evolutionary and functional genomic jar, and ox), sperm individualization (poe and shi),
analysis of a whole eukaryotic cell type. Since then, and germline development (tud) was also identi-
dramatic advances in MS instrumentation and fied. The DmSP-II also contains four Y-linked genes
associated computational tools, has allowed us (kl-3, kl-5, ORY, and ARY) not previously found
to reanalyze the original DmSP-I using improved in the DmSP-I, of which kl-3 and kl-5 are known
methodologies that have significantly increased the to impact male fertility (Carvalho et al. 2000). The
depth of proteome coverage and reproducibility successful identification of a wide range of proteins
across biological replicates (Wasbrough et al. 2010). known to have functions related to sperm and male
This reanalysis has resulted in an expanded sperm fertility demonstrates the utility of the DmSP-II as a
proteome (termed the DmSP-II) containing 1108 tool for future genetic and molecular investigations
proteins and represents the most robust database of insect sperm biology. We now turn our focus to
of insect sperm proteins for evolutionary genomic the evolutionary insights which have been obtained
analyses. through the integrated analysis of both insect and
On a mass basis, consistent with our previ- mammalian sperm proteomes in an evolutionary
ous two-dimensional quantitative gel analysis, the genomic framework.
DmSP-II is dominated by two categories of protein
families, the tubulins and a diverse family of sperm
16.3 Molecular evolution of the
leucyl aminopeptidases, the S-LAP protein family
Drosophila sperm proteome
(Dorus et al. 2011). Additionally, the proteome is
enriched for proteins functioning in diverse central Reproductive proteins are thought to evolve
metabolic pathways, including proteins involved rapidly owing to evolutionary pressures associ-
in glycolysis and gluconeogenesis, the citric acid ated with sexual selection. However, no large-scale
cycle, and those with oxidative reductase activity. molecular evolutionary analysis of genes specifi-
Other highlights from the DmSP-II include three cally encoding integral sperm proteins had been
heat shock proteins (Hsp26, Hsp68, Hsp83). Hsp83 conducted prior to the characterization of the
has previously been shown to function in sperm DmSP-I (Dorus et al. 2006). Our original analy-
axoneme assembly, an observation supporting its ses aimed to characterize the evolutionary forces
identification in the DmSP-II (Yue et al. 1999). Inter- acting on the proteome, through the identifica-
estingly, 22 ribosomal proteins, including nine pro- tion of D. simulans orthogs and common method-
teins of the small ribosomal subunit and 11 pro- ologies, to estimate selective constraints on gene
teins of the large ribosomal subunit, are also present evolution (nonsynonymous (dN) and synonymous
in the DmSP-II. Gene ontology analyses revealed (dS) rates of molecular evolution). Surprisingly,
E VO L U T I O N A RY G E N O M I C S O F T H E S P E R M P R OT E O M E 155

this analysis revealed that most sperm proteins 80

have evolved under purifying selection, a find- 70
ing that was in stark contrast to the very rapid

Percent of genes
evolution of other male reproductive genes, most
notably those expressed in the accessory gland. 50
Among individual functional categories of sperm 40
genes, the highest evolutionary constraint was
amongst genes encoding structural proteins, central
metabolic enzymes, and proteins involved in ener-
getics. Interestingly, genes encoding DNA and RNA 10
binding factors were found to evolve rapidly, com- 0
parable to the average evolutionary rate of acces- 0.0 >0.01 >0.02 >0.03 >0.04 >0.05
to to to to to
sory gland genes. Furthermore, individual DmSP 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
genes did not show evidence of positive selection, Nonsynonymous divergence range
as measured by a dN/dS ratio that significantly
exceeded 1.0. Thus, it was concluded that the sperm Figure 16.1 Evolutionary rates of sperm and accessory gland genes in
proteome, as a whole, is evolving quite conserva- Drosophila. Histogram comparing the percentages of sperm proteome
tively, presumably under the influence of functional (black), accessory gland (light gray) and ACP genes (dark gray) within the
indicated ranges of nonsynonymous substitution rates between D .
and structural constraints. In retrospect, these high
melanogaster and D . simulans orthologs. The analysis was conducted on
levels of selective constraint might be expected for 915 sperm proteome genes identified in the DmSP-I (Dorus et al. 2006)
several reasons, including the fact that some of the and DmSP-II (Wasbrough et al. 2010).
DmSP gene products perform critical cellular func-
tions in sperm and possibly other cell types (such as cases, the relationship between their function in
in motility and primary metabolism) and that a sub- sperm and positive selection is unknown. There
set of the DmSP genes are not specific to sperm and is, however, one notable exception: Pkd2 encodes a
therefore may be subject to pleiotropic functional sperm cation channel that is required for directional
contraints. sperm movement and has been implicated in sperm
In this chapter, we have reconfirmed these gen- competition (Gao et al. 2003). This observation is
eral findings by repeating our original analysis on potentially interesting in light of our demonstration
the much larger and more comprehensive DmSP-II. of the rapid evolution of mouse sperm membrane
Consistent with our original analysis, sperm genes proteins (discussed in Section 16.5). In conclusion,
were found to have an average Ka of 0.013 and increased knowledge of the sperm proteome com-
an average Ka/Ks of 0.076 in a pairwise analysis plemented by the availability of additional genome
with D. simulans. These observations confirm that sequences and the application of more robust ana-
purifying selection is, in fact, the predominant force lytical methodologies has successfully identified a
acting on the sperm proteome and that the evolu- set of Drosophila sperm proteins impacted by posi-
tion of the sperm proteome is quite distinct from tive selection despite the overall conservative evo-
the evolution of genes expressed in the accessory lutionary nature of the proteome as a whole.
gland (Fig. 16.1). The availability of genome annota-
tions across the Sophophora subgenus (Clark et al.
16.4 Evolution of novel Drosophila
2007) has allowed us to examine (using a maximum
sperm components
likelihood codon analysis) the signature of posi-
tive selection on 924 DmSPII genes (pers. comm. Despite the conservative evolution of sperm pro-
S. D.). This analysis identified significant evidence teome genes, comparative genomic analyses have
of positive selection on 77 sperm genes, represent- revealed that gene creation has been an influential
ing approximately 8% of the genes analyzed. It mechanism in the molecular evolution of sperm.
is noteworthy that only 24.6% (19 of 77) of these Duplication of genetic information is believed to
genes are testis-specific in expression and, in most be essential in the evolution of functional novelty

and biological diversity, and long recognized as of Sdic, a newly created gene encoding a protein
important to the evolution of species-specific traits localized to the sperm tail (Nurminsky et al. 1998).
(Ohno 1970). Of particular relevance to the evolu- Sdic is an unusual case of an X-linked chimeric
tion of sperm is the observation that many novel gene specific to D. melanogaster that was created
retrogenes acquire testis-enriched or testis-specific through the duplication of annexinX (AnnX) and
expression in Drosophila (Betran et al. 2002; Dorus subsequent fusion with Cdic, a cytoplasmic dynein.
et al. 2008) and mammals (Dorus et al. 2003; Emer- This chimeric gene has also undergone a series
son et al. 2004; Marques et al. 2005; Vinckenbosch of tandem gene duplication events resulting in a
et al. 2006). Despite this, the functional ramifica- multigene cluster (Ponce and Hartl 2006). Although
tions of this process remain to be elucidated in most the precise function of Sdic in sperm is not known,
cases as do the mechanisms by which new genes further analysis of this gene and other novel testis-
ultimately evolve new roles in cellular function. enriched genes should provide important insights
In this section, we review the mounting evidence into the processes involved in the integration of
that gene duplication, both via DNA- and RNA- novel proteins as components of mature sperm and
based mechanisms, is of particular importance in the role selection plays in their evolutionary reten-
sperm evolution based on our analysis of the sperm tion. The third example is the Drosophila gene (mjl)
proteome in Drosophila. We also discuss our recent mojoless (mjl), which was created approximately
analysis of an expanded S-LAP gene family which 50 million years ago through retrotransposition
highlights the role of gene creation in the evolution (Kalamegham et al. 2007). Evolutionary analysis
of novel gene functions in sperm (Dorus et al. 2011). indicate that this gene represents a retrotransposed
Although no comprehensive analyses of sperm copy of shaggy (sgg), a glycogen synthase kinase-
gene creation or duplication were possible prior 3 encoding gene. By unknown mechanisms, mjl
to the characterization of the DmSP-I, several acquired male germline expression and testis func-
examples of novel sperm genes had been docu- tion as shown by RNA interference (RNAi) experi-
mented. The first involves the evolutionary history ments that resulted in male infertility. Interestingly,
of ms(3)K81 (‘K81’) a strict paternal effect gene cre- mjl partially rescues the sgg mutant phenotype indi-
ated through retrotransposition prior to the diver- cating that it maintains some ancestral biochemical
gence of the melanogaster subgroup (Loppin et al. function despite its newly acquired role in male fer-
2005). As a paternal effect lethal mutation, K81 flies tility. The final example is the tandem duplicates,
are viable, produce motile sperm, and have no adult don juan and don juan-like, which are coexpressed
phenotype. Instead, the phenotype is manifested during meiotic prophase and share 42% amino acid
during fertilization following sperm entrance into identity. Although their precise function remains
the egg (Yasuda et al. 1995). In wild-type eggs fertil- unclear, both were identified in the DmSP-I and
ized by sperm from K81 homozygous males, pater- DmSP-II (Dorus et al. 2006; Wasbrough et al. 2010),
nal chromosomes systematically fail to properly appear to localize to both the spermatid nucleus
separate sister chromatids during the first zygotic and flagellum, and have been implicated in sperm
division leading to lethality early in embryogenesis individualization (Hempel et al. 2006).
(Loppin et al. 2005). Recent evidence suggests that
K81 is critical for telomere maintenance in sperm
16.4.1 Novel genes in the sperm proteome
and, thus, the K81 protein should be physically
present in sperm (Dubruille et al. 2010; Gao et al. Knowledge of the DmSP-I permitted the first char-
2011). Despite this, K81 has never been empiri- acterization of novel genes functioning within a
cally identified in the sperm proteome of wildtype specific cellular context (Dorus et al. 2008). This
males, possibly due to an excess of trypsin cleavage characterization resulted in two primary findings:
sites present in this small protein which results in (1) the creation and expansion of testis-expressed
short peptides difficult to identify robustly by MS gene clusters through tandem duplication has
(average size of predicted cleavage product < 10 resulted in D. melanogaster specific sperm genes and
amino acids). The second is the well-studied case (2) retrotransposition has been influential in the
E VO L U T I O N A RY G E N O M I C S O F T H E S P E R M P R OT E O M E 157

creation of novel sperm components. Analysis of went rapid expansion during the early evolution of
very recent, melanogaster-specific duplication events the Drosophila clade (Fig. 16.2a). Interestingly, this
resulted in the identification of two particularly most dramatic expansion of the S-LAP gene family
informative cases. First, the ancestral gene encod- occurred after the ancestral gene underwent a series
ing Drosophila protamines, Mst-35, has been dupli- of amino acid substitutions that radically altered
cated specifically in D. melanogaster and these dupli- critical residues within the catalytic site, most likely
cates have subsequently evolved under the impact abolishing enzymatic activity (Fig. 16.2b.) There-
of positive selection with an enrichment of evo- fore, it appears that the S-LAP gene family has
lutionary changes in the HMG box DNA binding evolved a novel, but yet to be determined, sperm
domain. Protamines are the small basic molecules specific function and that this neofunctionalization
involved in genome repackaging and compaction may have been selectively involved in the retention
during nuclear condensation when the genome of newly created S-LAP gene copies during early
is transitioned from histone- to protamine-based Drosophila evolution. Further functional and evolu-
nucleosomes. It is noteworthy that protamines have tionary studies are required to elucidate the func-
been identified as the target of positive selection in tions of these predominant sperm proteins and the
a range of studies, including the proposition that possible role of positive selection in the dramatic
differential levels of sexual selection influence pro- evolutionary expansion of this gene family.
tamines across various primate taxa (Wyckoff et al.
2000) and a study demonstrating that protamine
16.5 The mouse sperm proteome:
promoter evolution correlates with sperm head
intensified selection on sperm membrane
morphology and sperm motility in rodents (Martin-
and acrosome genes
Coello et al. 2009). The second case involves
two tandem duplications on the X chromosome, Despite the successful identification of a relatively
which has resulted in a multigene cluster of tektin small number of Drosophila sperm genes driven
genes encoding structural components of sperm. by positive selection, a general lack of knowledge
Interestingly, two of these genes share identical about how and where these genes function in sperm
sequences suggestive of a very recent duplication has limited the conclusions that can be made about
event (Dorus et al. 2008). The evolutionary origins differential selection across the proteome. Contrary
of the tektin gene cluster is very reminiscent to that to the situation in Drosophila, more is known about
of the Sdic cluster. Finally, analysis of the sperm pro- mammalian sperm protein function and subcellu-
teome also revealed four novel sperm components lar localization. Previous retrospective studies of
created through retrotransposition, including ctp, mammalian sperm genes identified from the liter-
Acon, CG8310, and CG32063. It is noteworthy that ature found evidence of positive selection on 35
two of these retrotransposition events result in X functionally diverse sperm genes, including pro-
to autosome gene movement consistent with other tamines and several cell surface proteins (Torg-
studies of Drosophila retrogenes (Betran et al. 2002). erson et al. 2002). The recent characterization of
the mouse and rat sperm proteomes (Baker et al.
2008a, b), in conjunction with proteomes of tar-
16.4.2 Expansion and diversification of S-LAP
geted subcellular sperm compartments, have made
gene family
it possible to re-examine the evolutionary impact of
Functional analysis of the sperm proteome revealed selection on mammalian sperm from a proteome-
a statistical enrichment of annotated M17 leucyl wide perspective (Dorus et al. 2010). This study
aminopeptidases relative to the genome as a analyzed over 1000 genes and was designed to
whole and further analyses determined that these detect candidate genes under positive selection
genes are testis-specific and encode the most within characterized subcellular compartments of
abundant proteins, by mass, in Drosophila sperm the sperm proteome. These compartments included
(Dorus et al. 2011). These eight genes, now named the flagellum accessory structure (Cao et al. 2006),
sperm leucyl aminopeptidases (S-LAPs), under- and the sperm membrane and acrosome (Stein
(a) 46 S-LAP 6 (loopin)
97 S-LAP 5 (CG18369)
100 S-LAP 8 (CG4439) Drosophila
S-LAP 3 (CG32063) S-LAP Cluster I
100 S-LAP 4 (CG32064)
97 91 S-LAP 7 (CG13340)
T.castaneum sim. to LAP (LOC663523)
A.gambiae AGAP007904 S-LAP Cluster I
100 C.quinquefasciatus XM_001845127 orthologs
100 A.aegypti LAP XM_001652410

98 100 S-LAP 1 (CG6372) Drophila

83 S-LAP 2 (CG32351) S-LAP Cluster II
A.gambiae AGAP001952
100 C.quinquefasciatus XM_001842608
52 C.quinquefasciatus XM_001850894 S-LAP Cluster II
68 A.aegypti 85–1716 orthologs
87 T.castaneum sim. to GA19547
B.mori NM_001114998

T.castaneum sim. to AGAP003869

A.mellifera XR015072
A.pisum sim. to AGAP003869 aminopeptidases
A.gambiae AGAP003869 with homology to
C.quinquefasciatus LAP 1–1416 Drosophila S-LAPs
99 A.aegypti LAP 6–1538
99 A.aegypti LAP 15–809
C.quinquefasciatus 1–1560
73 99 A.gambiae AGAP007809 granny-smith
44 A.aegypti LAP 71–1639 and orthologs
100 T.castaneum sim. to GA20276
0.1 A.pisum aminopeptidase-like 1 (Npepl1)

(b) Divalent cation Catalytic

binding residues residues
M17 aminopeptidase Lys Asp Asp Lys Glu Lys Arg
consensus 327* 332* 350* 409 411* 339 413
S-LAP Cluster I Val
S-LAP 6 (loopin) Gln His Ala Asp Ala Lys
S-LAP 5 (CG18369) Lys Asn Cys Ser Ala Lys Thr
S-LAP 8 (CG4439) Lys Asn Ala Ser Ala His Thr
S-LAP 3 (CG32063) Gln Asn Asp Ser Thr Arg Val
S-LAP 4 (CG32064) Lys Asn Cys Asp Ala Lys Val
S-LAP 7 (CG13340) Lys Asn Ser Asp Ala Arg Val
mosquito orthologs Lys Asn Ser Asp/Ser Ala Lys Arg
S-LAP Cluster II Lys
S-LAP 1 (CG6372) Gln Asp Asp Asp Glu Val
S-LAP 2 (CG32351) Gln Asp Asp Asp Glu Lys Val
mosquito orthologs Lys Asp Arg Asp/Ser Glu Lys Arg
granny-smith Lys Asp Asp Asp Glu Lys Arg
mosquito orthologs Lys Asp Lys Asp Glu Lys Arg

M17 aminopeptidase consensus a.a. Non- M17 LAP metal binding a.a. substitutions

Characterized M17 LAP metal ligand a.a. * Residues coordinating tight Zn+ binding (”site 2”)

Figure 16.2 Evolutionary expansion and neofunctionalizatin of the S-LAP gene family. (a) Comparative genomic analyses identified a total of 17 related
aminopeptidases in A . gambiae, C . quinquefasciatus, A . aegypti, T . castaneum, A . pisum, and A . mellifera. Bootstrap values are presented next to
relevant nodes and the phylogeny is drawn to scale based on amino acid substitutions per site. S-LAP Cluster I, comprised of six genes in Drosophila, is
related to a single copy aminopeptidase in mosquitos and Tribolium. Similarly, S-LAP Cluster II, comprised of two genes in Drosophila, is related to a single
copy aminopeptidase in other insect taxa with the exception of C . quinquefasciatus where two gene copies are present in the genome. In contrast,
granny-smith has ‘one-to-one’ orthology relationships in other insect taxa. (b) Amino acid composition at the seven residues involved in metal ion binding
and catalysis. Cation binding sites, residues matching the M17 leucyl aminopeptidase consensus are highlighted in dark gray, substitutions to other metal
binding amino acids in M17 leucyl aminopeptidases are highlighted in light gray and substitutions to non-M17 leucyl aminopeptidase metal binding
residues in white. Catalytic residues, residues matching the M17 leucyl aminopeptidase consensus are highlighted in gray and those divergent from the
consensus in white. Amino acid residues Lys327, Asp332, Asp350 and Glu411 comprise the tight, Zn2+ -specific binding (site 2), while residue 409 is
involved in loose coordination of divalent cations (site 1).
E VO L U T I O N A RY G E N O M I C S O F T H E S P E R M P R OT E O M E 159

et al. 2006) which were analyzed in relation to surface, focuses attention on several types of molec-
the remainder of the sperm proteome for which ular interactions as possible targets of sexual selec-
subcellular localization information was not avail- tion. An essential interaction, which has been stud-
able. This analysis identified a statistically signif- ied in great detail (reviewed in Karr et al. 2008), is
icant twofold acceleration in evolutionary rate of the process by which sperm contact and fuse with
genes encoding sperm cell membrane proteins com- the oocyte during fertilization. For example, this
pared to the remainder of the sperm proteome (Fig. process involves molecular recognition between lig-
16.3a). Furthermore, maximum likelihood analy- and and receptor molecules present on the sperm
ses detected the signature of positive selection on and zona pellucida of mammalian and other ver-
approximately 22% of sperm cell membrane pro- tebrate eggs. Many of these genes tend to evolve
teins, representing a significant enrichment rela- rapidly, possibly due to coevolutionary forces, as
tive to other sperm proteins (Fig. 16.3b). Sperm has been described in detail in invertebrate taxa
cell membrane proteins impacted by positive selec- (Yang et al. 2000; Swanson et al. 2001; Galindo
tion included several well-characterized proteins et al. 2003). Our analysis is generally consistent
involved in sperm–egg fusion, intracellular trans- with the invertebrate data as the signature of pos-
port, and a diverse set of proteases/peptidases. itive selection was observed in known components
The enhancement of positive selection among of sperm–egg interactions including Zonadhesin,
proteins localized to the sperm cell membrane and Zona pellucida 3 receptor, Izumo1, and the Adam
acrosome, which are likely to interact with the gene family (Swanson and Vacquier 2002; Civetta
intrauterine environment and ultimately the egg 2003; Swanson et al. 2003; Inoue et al. 2005; Gasper

(a) (b)

* *
0.30 20
Percentage of genes
ω (dN/dS)

0.20 15


Flagellum Whole Cell Genome Flagellum Whole Cell Flagellum Whole Cell
accessory sperm membrane average accessory sperm membrane accessory sperm membrane
structure structure structure
Mouse lineage Mouse-rat

Figure 16.3 Rapid evolution and enhanced positive selection on sperm cell membrane genes. (a) Comparison of the average evolutionary rates (dN/dS)
for flagellum accessory structure, whole-sperm MS, and cell membrane data sets. Average evolutionary rates using mouse–rat comparisons also include a
comparison with the genomic average between orthologs (95% confidence intervals are also indicated). Significantly higher dN/dS values are observed for
sperm cell membrane genes relative to other classes of sperm genes (*P <0.01). (b) Percentage of flagellum accessory structure, whole-sperm MS, and cell
membrane genes displaying significant evidence for positive selection in mammals using codon-based maximum likelihood analyses. A significant
enrichment of cell membrane genes under positive selection was observed (P <0.001).

and Swanson 2006). Above and beyond interac- vations that some proteins of the immune system
tions with the oocyte, we suggest that interactions may also have discernable roles in fertilization. For
between the sperm and the surrounding environ- example, the Izumo proteins which are believed
ment in the male during spermatogenesis, migra- to be critical to sperm–egg binding have evolved
tion, and development in the epididymis, and the from an ancestral immunoglobulin protein. Fur-
female reproductive tract may drive the molecular thermore, males with MHC haplotypes that differ
evolution of sperm cell membrane and acrosome from the inseminated females have been shown
proteins. more likely to be successful in fertilization competi-
tion assays (Gillingham et al. 2009). Consistent with
these observations, the mouse sperm proteome also
16.6 Rapid evolution of contains a variety of immunity-related genes, and
immunity-related genes in some of these genes also display a signature of pos-
mammalian sperm itive selection (Table 16.1). Many of these, including
In addition to reproductive genes, comparative C3, Hc, Ighg1, Itgb2, Trf, and Mug, are expressed
genomics has consistently identified immunity- at relatively low levels in the testis compared to
related genes to be among the fastest evolving other tissues and their rapid evolution may not
in the genome, often displaying evidence of posi- be the result of selection associated with reproduc-
tive selection (Hughes and Yeager 1997; Tennessen tive functions. However, several immunity-related
2005; Sackton et al. 2007). This has logically been sperm genes are overexpressed in the testis (CD46,
attributed to the potent coevolutionary arms race Irgc1, and CD109) and may be under selection due
between ever changing pathogens and the genes of to their role in reproduction. Interestingly, CD46
the immune system responsible for host defense. generally functions as a complement receptor that
In addition to their well-characterized roles within protects cells by inhibiting the autologous comple-
immune response, there have been several obser- ment system in most mammals. However, CD46 has

Table 16.1 Immunity-related proteins in the mouse sperm proteome

Protein symbol Immunity function or protein name Evidence of selection

Cd109 Membrane antigen Yes

Cd46 Complement regulation Yes
Hpx Positive regulation of immunoglobulin production Yes
Igbp1b Immunoglobulin (CD79A) binding protein 1b Yes
Izumo1a Sperm fusion to egg plasma membrane Yes
Ace Neutrophil mediated immunity No
Apoa 1, 2 and 4 Negative regulation of cytokine secretion No
Cd55 Innate immune response No
DefB22 Beta-defensin 22 No
Rbpj B cell differentiation No
Hc Hemolytic complement No
Hspd1 Positive regulation of T cell activation No
Ighg1 Complement activation, classical pathway No
Irgc1 Immunity-related GTPase family, cinema 1 No
Il5 Positive regulation of immunoglobulin secretion No
Was T cell activation No
Mug1 Murinoglobulin 1 No
C1qbp Complement component 1 No
C3 Complement component 3 No

Izumo proteins evolved from immunoglobulins but no longer have a characterized function relating to immunity
E VO L U T I O N A RY G E N O M I C S O F T H E S P E R M P R OT E O M E 161

apparently evolved a specialized function in mouse believed to be a focal point of sexual selection,
sperm. CD46 localizes to the inner acrosomal mem- mediated by sperm competition (Birkhead et al.
brane of the sperm and knockout mice lacking the 2008), (2) testis expressed genes have been demon-
CD46 gene exhibit accelerated acrosome reactions strated to evolve rapidly (reviewed in Ellegren and
and improved fertilization ability (Inoue et al. 2003). Parsch 2007), and (3) the observation that mam-
A knockout phenotype resulting in improved fer- malian sperm genes have been impacted by positive
tilization rates in vitro is somewhat surprising and selection (Wyckoff et al. 2000; Torgerson et al. 2002).
suggests that the adaptive evolution of this special- Purifying selection was most pronounced on sperm
ized immune gene may be functionally related to proteins with structural and energetic molecular
optimizing acrosomal reaction dynamics. Although functions, an observation consistent with our sub-
reproductive functions have yet to be elucidated for sequent analysis of an expanded and more compre-
other immunity-related sperm genes in the mouse, hensive sperm proteome. As previously mentioned,
it is known that several complement regulatory pro- the sperm proteome is comprised, to a large extent,
teins are present in the cell membrane of human of metabolic/energetic and structural proteins, and
spermatozoa and may protect sperm from com- more importantly, many of these sperm genes are
plement mediated lysis in the female reproductive ubiquitously or widely expressed across a variety of
tract (Harris et al. 2006). It is therefore plausible tissues (Wasbrough et al. 2010). It is therefore possi-
that positive selection on mouse sperm immunity ble that some portion of the purifying selection on
genes (especially complement proteins in the cell the proteome is due to pleiotropic constraints asso-
membrane, such as CD109 and C3) may be associ- ciated with functions in other tissues. It is notewor-
ated with avoiding detection by immune response thy that sperm proteome genes with unannotated
mechanisms in the female reproductive tract. A functions are more often testis-specific in expression
preliminary analysis of Drosophila, where immune and generally have higher rates of molecular evolu-
responses are limited to the innate system, did not tion (Dorus et al. 2006, 2010).
identify an enrichment of immunity-related genes Our original analysis of the sperm proteome
in the DmSP-II. This raises the possibility that the suggested that compartmentalized adaptation in
presence and function of immunity genes in mam- response to sexual selection was likely to occur
malian sperm proteomes is an adaptation specific both between male reproductive tissues (e.g. testis
to those taxa possessing more complex immune vs. accessory gland) as well as amongst genes
systems. expressed within a single tissue, i.e. the testis. Ulti-
mately, a more nuanced appreciation for the rate
heterogeneity of male reproductive gene evolution
16.7 Sexual selection and
has been achieved through additional studies in
compartmentalized adaptation in
both mammals and insects. For example, an evolu-
reproductive genetic systems
tionary rate analysis across a largely comprehensive
Our initial evolutionary analysis of the Drosophila range of rodent male reproductive tissues (but not
sperm proteome revealed a remarkably high level the testis) revealed marked heterogeneity between
of functional constraint upon the genes encod- tissues and particularly rapid evolution amongst
ing proteins in mature spermatozoa, leading to seminal vesicle expressed genes (Dean et al. 2008).
the proposition that sexual selection or adaptive A relationship between seminal vesicle gene evolu-
responses to selection is compartmentalized within tion, polyandry, and predicted levels of sperm com-
a restricted subset of genes with specific functions petition has been previously documented (Dorus
or within specific tissues of the male reproductive et al. 2004) and the rapid evolution of genes encod-
system (Dorus et al. 2006). Such compartmentaliza- ing secreted components of the ejaculate appears
tion of selection is clearly evident in Drosophila by to be a general taxonomical phenomenon (e.g.
the evolutionary rate disparities observed between mammalian seminal vesicle and Drosophila acces-
sperm and accessory gland genes (Fig. 16.1). This sory gland genes). Lastly, we have already provided
was a surprising result given that: (1) sperm are evidence for subcellular adaptive compartmental-

ization in our discussion of the evolution of the From a practical standpoint, spermatozoa can be
mouse sperm proteome with respect to protein viewed as the finished product of a complex devel-
localization. This analysis strongly suggests that opmental process of cellular differentiation. This
compartmentalized adaptation is not solely the view considers the testis as a factory of machinery
result of heterogeneous functional constraint, but and raw materials (the ‘input’ which is largely a bio-
rather, can also be due to variation in the inten- logical ‘graybox’) that produces sperm (i.e. the out-
sity (or presence) of sexual selection upon different put). Although spermatogenesis remains a highly
aspects of male reproductive genetics. complex graybox that remains beyond our ability
Ultimately, the significance of a theory of to fully understand, sperm proteomes are far less
compartmentalized adaptation is dependent on the complex. Therefore the sperm proteome represents
relative importance of heterogeneous selective con- a ‘footprint’ of spermatogenesis and we can begin
straint within the relevant genetic system and the to ‘work backwards’ from the finished product to
actual variation in the targets and intensity of selec- provide guideposts and clues that will help us to
tion. Overall, evidence seems to suggest that sexual focus on the most relevant processes. For example,
selection does in fact vary a great deal across male our analysis so far has demonstrated the nonran-
reproductive architecture and it will be fascinating dom distribution of DmSP genes in the genome,
to determine if this is also true in genetic systems and further identified regions of DmSP gene clus-
underlying other sexually selected traits (such as tering that should provide a useful starting point for
sexually dimorphic traits, reproductive behavior, systems-level analyses of gene regulation during
etc.). Compartmentalized adaptation in sperm has spermatogenesis.
implications beyond evolutionary genomics and The basic discovery phase of Drosophila sperm
may be of importance to our understanding of the proteomes is well underway and sets the stage
development of mature sperm, a process involving for study of sperm proteomes of the 12 Drosophila
both spermatogenesis in the testis and critical mat- species so far sequenced (Clark et al. 2007). Knowl-
uration steps in the epididymis. edge of the precise protein compositions of sperm
across these lineages will form the basis of much
larger functional and evolutionary studies that will
16.8 Future perspectives allow us to make both intra- and interspecific
Although the evolutionary origins of sperm remain inferences about sperm divergence as it relates to
a mystery, recent advances in high-throughput MS the various differences between life-history traits.
has greatly increased our knowledge of the basic For example, the 12 species include the Drosophila
protein constituents of spermatozoa. Integration and Sophophora lineages that diverged approxi-
of this knowledge with comparative genomic and mately 50 million years ago and inhabit highly
transcriptomic analysis has allowed us to measure diverse habitats including island endemic groups
the impact of positive selection across the proteome (e.g. D. grimshawi) and world-wide human com-
of a cell type that is central to sexual reproduction mensals (e.g. D. melanogaster). These large differ-
and a focal point of sexual selection. As a result, we ences in evolutionary and ecological histories can
now have a preliminary understanding of the het- eventually be juxtaposed with more refined and
erogeneous selective forces acting across not only subtle evolutionary trajectories inherent in compar-
the sperm proteome but also across different repro- isons with more closely related species (e.g. the
ductive genetics systems and tissues. The proteome melanogaster subgroup). Ultimately such focused
thus serves as a foundational database for future studies on Drosophila can be applied to other taxa
functional and molecular studies of not only the including mammals and primates where knowl-
spermatozoa proper, but also for proteins derived edge of these systems will have direct application
from other reproductive tissues that interact with to human infertility.
sperm such as seminal fluid proteins, female repro- In conclusion, sperm proteomics represents an
ductive tract proteins, and other proteins surround- emerging new research area that synergizes the
ing, or associated with, the ovum. enormous technological advances in MS (and asso-
E VO L U T I O N A RY G E N O M I C S O F T H E S P E R M P R OT E O M E 163

ciated computational hardware and software) with lution of the Drosophila melanogaster sperm proteome.
the power of developmental genetics and functional Nat Genet 38: 1440–5.
genomics. The ultimate goal is to use these new Dorus, S., Freeman, Z.N., Parker, E.R., Heath, B.D., and
tools to probe the entire functional landscape and Karr, T.L. (2008) Recent origins of sperm genes in
Drosophila. Mol Biol Evol 25: 2157–66.
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Dorus, S., Wasbrough, E.R., Busby, J., Wilkins, E.C., and
tually generate a systems-level understanding of
Karr, T.L. (2010) Sperm proteomics reveals intensified
sperm form and function.
selection on mouse sperm membrane and acrosome
genes. Mol Biol Evol 27(6): 1235–46.
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C H A P T E R 17

Fast evolution of reproductive genes:

when is selection sexual?
Alberto Civetta

17.1 Introduction ductive tract morphology is also widely divergent,

highlighting the potential role of sexual selection
Oddity captures our attention and so it is not sur- through female cryptic choice and/or coevolution
prising that Darwin was intrigued by the complex with sperm morphology (Pitnick et al. 2009). The
and elaborate traits found only in males. He real- continuity of male–male competition and female
ized that an extremely long tail or bright colorations choice after mating has led to the hypothesizing
could be a problem for survival and should be and testing of sexual selection as a process molding
selected against. However, males could use such the evolution of both pre- and postcopulatory traits
traits to attract females to mate with them or to com- (Fig. 17.1).
pete against other males for access to mating. Such At the molecular level, some of the first evidence
reproductive advantage should be driven by a dif- of rapid divergence of male reproductive tract
ferent form of selection, which he referred to as sex- genes came from studies done in the 1980s and
ual selection (Darwin 1871). For a long time, biolo- 1990s in Dr Rama Singh’s lab. Using a pioneering
gists believed that sexual selection was restricted to proteomics approach, students in Singh’s lab
secondary sexual traits used by males for premating were able to establish a common pattern of rapid
competition and the peacock’s tail became a widely divergence of proteins expressed in the testes and
used textbook example of a costly trait that had male accessory glands of Drosophila (Civetta 2003).
evolved under sexual selection for mating display. While results from these studies supported a faster
More recently, we have come to the realiza- evolution of genes expressed in male reproductive
tion that the morphology of primary genitalia can tissue samples than in non-reproductive genes, a
be molded by pressures exerted from copulatory series of possible explanations for such a pattern
competition. Electron microscopic analysis of the as well as some procedural limitations were
penes of dragonflies and damselflies shows elab- linked to these studies. Proteins expressed in male
orate adaptations such as hammer-like structures reproductive tissue might rapidly evolve as a
and horn-like appendages that are used to remove consequence of a higher mutation rate driven by
or reposition sperm from rival males within the faster cell cycles linked to the constant production
female sperm storage organs. This makes a com- of sperm and ejaculatory secretions. However,
petitor’s sperm less readily available for fertiliza- proteins in the female reproductive tract showed
tion or simply removes sperm already present in the similar patterns of divergence as male reproductive
ducts of the female storage organs (Simmons 2001). tract proteins, providing indirect support for the
Moreover, postcopulatory competition is now well possibility that rapid divergence might be driven
documented in a wide variety of organisms and it by male–female interactions (Civetta 2003). One
is known to have driven the extreme diversifica- of the major limitations of these early proteomics
tion of sperm morphology among species. In fact, studies was the fact that divergence was scored
sperm has been referred to as the most diverse as either presence or absence of spots in a gel and
cell type known (Pitnick et al. 2009). Female repro- so the data was not informative enough to test

Rapidly Evolving Genes and Genetic Systems. First Edition. Edited by Rama S. Singh, Jianping Xu, and Rob J. Kulathinal.
© 2012 Oxford University Press. Published 2012 by Oxford University Press.


competition/ 1 2
Female choice

3 Postcopulatory
Female cryptic


Figure 17.1 Precopulatory and postcopulatory sexual selection. Lines connecting males indicate competition, with the thicker line pointing at the winner.
Lines connecting males to female indicate multiple mating, with male subscript denoting different males. Lines of different thickness connecting females to
eggs and eggs to progeny represent differential ejaculate success/female cryptic choice. Pictures of precopulatory and postcopulatory traits are: A male
peacock performing a mating display (taken at the Assiniboine Park Zoo, Winnipeg, MB), and Drosophila sperm and female reproductive tract.

between alternative hypotheses of neutrality or also been detected at the level of regulation of gene
selection. Moreover, it was unclear how much of the expression. Genes with a male-biased pattern of
divergence was driven by proteins in the somatic expression have been shown to be more abundant
tissue of the reproductive tract and to what extent and evolve faster between species than do female-
it was due to post-translational modifications. biased or unbiased genes (Gallach et al. 2011). This
With advances in DNA sequencing technologies greater abundance of male-biased genes is sugges-
and the development of sequence databases such tive of a greater turnover with constant loss and
as Genbank, it became possible to extend the anal- acquisition of new male genes. Some of the most
ysis to the DNA level with the advantage that striking examples come from genes expressed in the
nucleotide substitutions can be classified in terms male accessory glands of Drosophila (Haerty et al.
of their potential impact on gene function based 2007), and the sperm proteome of Drosophila which
on location (e.g. intron vs. coding) or the expected has also been influenced by gene duplications and
impact on a protein product and function (e.g. non- gene retrotranspositions into new genomic loca-
synonymous vs. synonymous). DNA sequence data tions (Dorus et al. 2008).
analysis has established a pattern of rapid diver- In summary, male genes in general and par-
gence in the coding sequence of male genes with ticularly those with a role in reproduction, have
a role in reproduction in taxa as diverse as plants, been shown over and over again to have expe-
invertebrates, and mammals (Clark et al. 2006; Pan- rienced rapid rates of evolutionary diversification
huis et al. 2006; Turner and Hoekstra 2008). Only among species resulting in a pattern that is consis-
a handful of studies have found evidence of simi- tent across a wide variety of taxa. In the following
lar rapid divergence in genes with a role in female sections, I present a series of examples to illustrate
reproduction (Swanson et al. 2001; Galindo et al. how different hypotheses, from relaxation of selec-
2003; Turner and Hoekstra 2006); however, it is tive constraints to adaptive diversification, might
likely that the scanty data are the result of the dif- explain the rapid diversification of male reproduc-
ficulty in identifying female postcopulatory recep- tive genes. I then stress the fact that in cases where
tors for sperm and ejaculate proteins. More recently, adaptive selection has been established it has not
the pattern of rapid divergence of male genes has always been clear whether selection has been sexual
FA S T E VO L U T I O N O F R E P R O D U C T I V E G E N E S : W H E N I S S E L E C T I O N S E X UA L ? 167

in nature. I discuss some of the limitations and (Rooney et al. 2000). Moreover, high arginine
advantages of recent studies that have used genes content in sperm nuclear basic proteins (SNBPs),
known to affect male reproductive fitness to test the like protamines, appears to relate to the protein
role played by sexual selection using phylogenetic roles not only in DNA binding and chromatin con-
information. I end by pointing out that with devel- densation but also in changes of sperm morphology
opments in genomics, there is a need to: (1) expand potentially linked to fertilization success as well
our current analytical approach from broad phylo- as activation of regulatory proteins responsible for
genetic studies where only coding sequence data cellular and metabolic changes in fertilized eggs
is tested to more focused analyses where pairs or (Eirín-López and Ausió 2009). Thus, if the only
trios of species are studied within a genomics con- restriction for protein function is a need for a min-
text; (2) incorporate population genomics analyti- imum number of arginines to be retained, turnover
cal approaches that include polymorphism infor- of amino acids between species could freely occur
mation in order to validate or reject inferences of regardless of position. Such a scenario could easily
selection from interspecies comparisons; (3) per- explain an elevated proportion of nonsynonymous
form phenotype–genotype association studies, tak- substitutions between species as such changes
ing advantage of available genome information, to would not modify the protein function. A recent
identify candidate genes linked to sexually selected study of sequence evolution that tested selection
phenotypes that can later be tested in functional both in regulatory (promoters) and coding regions
assays. of protamines among 10 species of mice found low
estimates of gene divergence by adaptive evolution
at protamine 2 but not protamine 1. Interestingly,
17.2 What has been the role of
a strong association was found between species’
selection during the evolution of male
sperm competition levels and sequence divergence
reproductive genes?
within the protamine 2 promoters (Martin-Coello
There are a large number of studies in a wide et al. 2009). This result highlights the need for
variety of taxa that have addressed this question. future studies to incorporate non-coding sequence
Overall, most studies support the idea that data in formal tests of sexual selection.
rapid evolution is driven by positive or adaptive Genome scans have found a significantly larger
selection; however, it is worth highlighting a few proportion of genes under positive selection in the
exceptions. Protamines are small arginine-rich chimpanzee lineage than in humans (Arbiza et al.
nuclear proteins important during sperm head 2006; Bakewell et al. 2007) and it is likely that
condensation as they replace histones during the some of these genes might be driven by sexual
late stages of spermatogenesis (Ward 2010). It was selection linked to the more promiscuous mating
originally proposed that rapid diversification of system of chimpanzees than humans. However,
protamines among primates was driven by species- in genome scans there is the possibility of detect-
specific adaptations to fertilization, indicating ing false positive signals of selection driven by
possible sexual selection (Wyckoff et al. 2000). error associated with lower sequence quality due
Interestingly, by comparing protamines in primates to lower sequence coverage. This is a very likely
and other groups such as monotremes, marsupials, possibility when comparisons are made between
and ruminants, others have noticed that the protein model organism genomes and their non-model sis-
maintains a rather constant number of arginine ter species such as chimpanzee. Sequencing errors
residues while their location changes from species aside, a recent study by Wong found that in com-
to species (Rooney et al. 2000). All codons for parisons between squirrel (promiscuous) and owl
arginine are guanine (G) rich and protamines show (monogamous) monkeys, the differences found on
a large bias in G content at their second nucleotide the basis of mating systems were also influenced
codon position. This observation is consistent by mutational load, suggesting that certain lineages
with selection for arginines, causing an increase could be affected by mutational pressures rather
in the frequency of G at the second codon position than adaptive diversification (Wong 2010).

These few examples serve as a very powerful rized the results of studies done in both primates
cautionary tale of the need to properly control for and rodents, and has shown that only six out of
factors such as nucleotide or amino acid bias com- 29 genes (21%) analyzed show any evidence of an
position, differences in mutation rates/ generation association between positive selection and differ-
times along compared lineages or simply errors ences in mating patterns even though 26 of the
linked to the data used to test for selection. 29 genes (90%) tested showed evidence of positive
selection. In his review, Wong elegantly explains
some of the specific problems linked to the sta-
17.3 When is selection sexual?
tistical methods used to test associations between
The phylogenetic approach
mating systems and molecular evolution. Wong
The overwhelming evidence showing positive also clearly points out how other factors, such as
selection at genes linked to male reproduction immune challenges and interactions, can lead to
and/or fertilization should not be immediately positive selection signals with no link to differences
used to claim sexual selection, or even worse, to in sexual systems and hence no role to be attributed
support particular forms of sexual selection such as to sexual selection (Wong 2011). However, a prob-
male–female conflict. It is important to test whether lem that might have contributed to the low num-
positive selection is, in fact, sexual selection. Tradi- ber of genes linked to sexual selection likely lies in
tional molecular evolution studies have looked at the phylogenetic approach itself. Unless all or most
differences in ratios of nonsynonymous to synony- branches in a phylogeny leading to the promis-
mous substitutions between species at genes linked cuous species had experienced the same or sim-
to reproduction versus other genes. In recent years, ilar selective pressures, selection would be unde-
a more powerful approach to test sexual selection tectable. This is a problem because the power
at the molecular level has been the combined use to directly test genotype–phenotype association is
of phylogenetic information to test for selection expected to suffer a considerable drop in studies
along different lineages and correlation to asso- that include few species or use short sequences
ciate lineage-specific bouts of selection with differ- for analysis (O’Connor and Mundy 2009). A per-
ences in mating systems among species. A handful fect example of the limitations of the phylogenetic
of studies have used this approach to test sexual analysis is SEMG1. While SEMG1 shows no sig-
selection in rodents and primates (e.g. Wong 2011). nal of sexual selection in multispecies, phylogenetic
The original target of study was semenogelin 2 assays, a population genetics study has shown evi-
(SEMG2), a protein that contributes to the formation dence of a selective sweep with low polymorphism
of a copulatory plug in promiscuous species. The in chimpanzees but a high rate of evolution driven
studies found a strong signal of positive selection by positive selection between humans and chim-
in this gene and an association between proxies of panzees (Kingan et al. 2003). This population genet-
sexual selection, such as residual testes size, and ics study and others showing that gorillas, with a
an elevated ratio of nonsynonymous to synony- polygamous mating system, have actually lost the
mous substitutions at the gene. SEMG2 has become SEMG1 gene (Carnahan and Jensen-Seaman 2008)
the best example of sexual selection at the molec- demonstrate how localized branch-specific bouts of
ular level because several groups have indepen- sexual selection can be easily missed in phyloge-
dently confirmed the original association detected netic context studies that can detect evidence of
by Dorus between differences in mating systems more long-term selective bouts.
and rate of evolution in both rodents and primates
(Dorus et al. 2004). Interestingly, SEMG1 also con-
17.4 Testing sexual selection in the era
tributes to the formation of a copulatory plug. How-
of genomes
ever, studies using a phylogenetic approach have
failed to detect selection linked to differences in Phylogenetic approaches are powerful and have
mating system (Ramm et al. 2008; O’Connor and proven useful in detecting long-term selection
Mundy 2009). Recently, Wong (2011) has summa- linked to differences in mating systems. However, it
FA S T E VO L U T I O N O F R E P R O D U C T I V E G E N E S : W H E N I S S E L E C T I O N S E X UA L ? 169

is important to understand the limitations of apply- test of selection to include more species given the
ing phylogenetic approaches. As stated earlier, the eminent release of more primate genome sequence
need for a sufficient number of taxa available for data. However, it is interesting to note that while
phylogenetic reconstruction and, more importantly, Adam2 showed evidence of selection when using
the effect of pulling together lineages with very either mammal sequence data or primates only,
different evolutionary histories, can lead to miss- Adam18 only showed a bout of sexual selection
ing signals of selection if sexual selection has been within primates. Similarly, signals of positive selec-
localized to specific lineages. Additionally, lineage- tion at other Adam genes detected in mammals dis-
specific selective pressures that are not truly driven appeared when focusing the analysis on primates.
by mating system can lead to false positives. How- Therefore, it is likely that the selective bout for
ever, this should be less problematic in phyloge- Adam18 is localized to a few species rather than
netic studies that incorporate a large number of taxa spread over many and that the inclusion of more
with substantive variation in mating system types. species in a phylogenetic based analysis will miss
Finally, I would like to expand on a historical con- sexual selection at this gene.
straint of both phylogenetic and non-phylogenetic To address the issue of localized bouts of sex-
based tests of selection that have compared rates ual selection one could simply analyze pairs of
of nonsynonymous to synonymous substitutions. species such as chimpanzee and humans and use
Such an approach misses information that could be genome, rather than gene, sequence comparisons.
derived from polymorphism data (e.g. SEMG1) or There are several reasons to use chimpanzee and
patterns of substitutions in a genome environment humans beyond the obvious interest in understand-
within which the coding sequence resides. As an ing our own species. For example, we have found
example of the potential benefits and possible pit- significant evidence of selection on Adam genes
falls of extending our current tests of selection, I will along the chimpanzee lineage in phylogenetic tests
describe some of the work performed in my lab on (Finn and Civetta 2010) and a genome scan found
the molecular evolution of ADAM proteins that has a significantly higher proportion of nonsynony-
expanded the analysis from gene to genomes and mous changes for testes-expressed genes along the
from phylogenetics to pairs or trios of species. chimpanzee lineage than along the human lineage
The ADAM (a disintegrin and metalloprotease) (Wong 2010). In the case of Adam genes, our prior
gene family is ideal to address whether posi- analysis using phylogenetic approaches identified
tive selection at reproductive genes is driven by two Adam genes (2 and 18) that happen to be local-
postmating sexual selection. Sperm ADAM pro- ized adjacent to each other on the primate chromo-
teins have been linked to sperm fertilization abil- some 8. More interesting is the fact that three other
ity, sperm migration, and aggregation (Han et al. sperm surface genes, for which we lacked statistical
2009; Muro and Okabe 2011). ADAM proteins have power to test selection due to the low number of
well characterized domains and positively selected primate sequences available, are immediate chro-
codon sites localized within the adhesion domain mosome neighbors of Adam2 and Adam18 (Adam3,
of sperm proteins are indicative of selection driven Adam5, and Adam32). This region, within chromo-
by molecular male × female interactions (Glassey some 8, is a perfect target for genome sequence
and Civetta 2004). Moreover, we have used associa- analysis that would incorporate both coding and
tions of signals of selection with differences in mat- non-coding sequence data. If this genome region
ing type to support sexual selection at the molecu- is aligned between species, one could simply code
lar level for two sperm surface genes, Adam2 and substitutions as an event as it has been done in
Adam18, in primates (Finn and Civetta 2010). One single gene sequence scans (Tang and Lewontin
limitation in our latest study was the number of 1999). A cumulative distribution function can then
species available for testing, which reduced our be used to test for regional differences in sequence
power to directly test genotype–phenotype associa- divergence without relying on coding informa-
tions (O’Connor and Mundy 2009; Finn and Civetta tion only. This method should allow detection of
2010). It will be straightforward to expand our monotonic increases (rapid change) or decreases

(conservation) in different genome regions and this Adam2 genome region. A general lack of selective
can be used to determine whether selection signals constraints should lead to such heterogeneity but
previously detected along specific protein domains it is also possible that some informative direction-
are influenced by patterns of substitutions in neigh- ality or bias in patterns of substitutions within
boring non-coding regions. This first pass of anal- non-coding intronic and flanking regions might be
ysis can quickly identify whether a coding gene driven by selection. To test this, a careful anal-
or protein domain is within a conserved genome ysis of the type of substitutions (e.g. transitions
environment or in a rapidly changing neighbor- versus transversions) and localization of changes
hood. Preliminary data using this approach shows (e.g. introns, non-coding regions, putative regula-
that Adam18 is, in fact, within a rather conserved tory motifs) using genome comparisons is needed.
genome region between chimpanzee and humans This analysis should be extended to incorporate
as is evident from negative cumulative substitu- polymorphism data from multiple closely related
tion scores. However, it is of interest to note that species to clearly identify fixed substitutions from
the protein adhesion domain we have previously shared polymorphisms and to add to the analysis
shown to evolve under positive selection based the power of the population genomics statistical
on coding sequence analysis is in a flat area sug- toolkit. With new sequence variation data from
gesting an even pattern of conserved sites and the 1000 Genome Project and the availability of
nucleotide substitutions. Thus, it is possible that SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) databases,
the positive selection signal we have previously human polymorphism information should be read-
detected for Adam18 is influenced by a localized ily available (Durbin et al. 2010) with the real
mutational hotspot within the region. Adam2 is challenge being the lack of polymorphism data
in a noisy genomic neighborhood with multiple for chimpanzees. Another potential pitfall or chal-
substitutions having arisen since the species split. lenge comes from differences in sequencing cov-
Interestingly, the adhesion domain of Adam2, pre- erage between genomes analyzed. For example,
viously linked to sexual selection, is in a mono- genome sequence comparisons between human
tonically decreasing (conserved) genome region for and chimpanzee have led to the generalized sug-
substitutions thus reinforcing the likelihood that gestion that the chimpanzee genome harbors a
nonsynonymous substitutions within the adhesion larger proportion of genes under positive selec-
domain of Adam2 are not influenced by mutations tion than the human genome (Arbiza et al. 2006;
(Fig. 17.2). Many reasons can explain the overall Bakewell et al. 2007). This has raised concerns that
heterogeneous pattern of substitutions within the signals of selection might be driven by the lower

(a) 0.03
Adam2 (b) 0.05




0 –0.1

–0.01 –0.15
Position in the genome alignment Position in the genome alignment

Figure 17.2 Cumulative distribution function (CDF) for substitutions between human and chimpanzee at the Adam2 (approximately 94 kb) and Adam18
(approximately 141 kb) genes genome regions. The CDF for the genome region harboring the protein’s adhesion domain is shown as a thicker line. CDF
was calculated as in Tang and Lewontin (1999).
FA S T E VO L U T I O N O F R E P R O D U C T I V E G E N E S : W H E N I S S E L E C T I O N S E X UA L ? 171

quality, due to lower sequence coverage, of the broad introgressed regions (77B to 84B and 88B to
chimpanzee compared to the human genome. In a 92E) within the third chromosome that resulted in
whole-genome scan, even a very low error rate can second male paternity breakdown. Using genome
lead to false positives. Recent studies have acknowl- sequence data and D. melanogaster gene annota-
edged this potential problem and have masked low- tions, we identified 81 broad-sense candidate genes
quality data with filters that improve alignments that were subsequently narrowed down to 14 genes
using synteny information and remove nucleotides based on gene sequence and gene expression data
with low-quality scores from the analysis (Bakewell analysis (Levesque et al. 2010). Interestingly four
et al. 2007; Mallick et al. 2009). Next-generation of the genes are located within the 89B cytogenetic
sequencing technologies are now providing biolo- position and so this region has become our main
gists with unprecedented sequence coverage and target for future studies using SNP-phenotype asso-
filtering tools. ciations and gene knockdown assays.
Other SNP-phenotype association studies have
identified genes potentially linked to postmating
17.5 The need for association studies
prezygotic components of sexual selection. The
and functional assays
main suspects have always been seminal fluid pro-
There are currently more than 600 eukaryotic teins (SFPs) known to contribute to sperm stor-
genomes with either partial or complete seq- age ability or capable of eliciting postcopulatory
uence data available (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. responses in females such as increases in egg-laying
gov/genomes/static/gpstat.html). The numbers rates or reluctance to remate (Avila et al. 2011).
are likely to grow exponentially with recent devel- Some of the most powerful examples come from
opments of high-throughput non-Sanger-based combinations of studies that have either tested asso-
sequencing technologies and the continued devel- ciations between nucleotide variation at SFP genes
opment of next-generation sequencing platforms. and differences in phenotypic performance and oth-
While these technologies give us rapid access to ers that have tested the effect of gene manipula-
sequence data, a current limitation is the lack tions on phenotypes. For example, a gene knock-
of functional annotation even for well-studied out by targeted deletion of the accessory gland
model organisms. More problematic is the fact expressed SFP known as Acp62F resulted in the
that gene function assignments from experimen- increase of a male’s ability to place sperm in stor-
tal manipulations such as gene knockouts do not age (Mueller et al. 2008). A population survey of
necessarily identify genes that explain phenotypic sequence variation found significant associations
variation linked to fitness. The advantage of the between polymorphisms at Acp62F and both sec-
phenotype–genotype association approach using ond male paternity success and female induced
genome sequence information is that one can first fecundity (Fiumera et al. 2007). Loss-of-function
test naturally occurring variation at a trait linked to mutation and RNAi knock-down of Acp29AB and
sexual selection such as mate choice, sperm compe- Acp36DE respectively have established the need of
tition, or morphological adaptations for male dis- these proteins for accumulation and maintenance
play and competition against other males. Genes of sperm in the female storage organs (Wong et al.
associated with such variation are then obvious 2008; Avila and Wolfner 2009). Both genes have also
candidates to test for signatures of sexual selec- shown evidence of associations between nucleotide
tion at the molecular level. We have a few exam- polymorphisms and variation in sperm competitive
ples of studies that have at least partially suc- ability (Clark et al. 1995; Fiumera et al. 2005).
ceeded in identifying a handful of candidate genes. There are also non-accessory gland protein (Acp)
We have recently used different Drosophila simulans genes examples. A recent study aimed at identi-
strains with mapped introgressions from D. mauri- fying how members of the odorant binding pro-
tiana into their third chromosome to measure differ- tein (Obp) gene family in Drosophila have evolved
ences in sperm competitive ability when competing different transcriptional profiles as a consequence
against a wild type D. simulans male. We found two of functional diversification identified the Obp19c

transcript as enriched for GO categories linked to be favored, with some metabolic limitations, due to
postmating behavior and oviposition, with high the ability of longer sperm to swim and reach the
expression in ovaries and accessory glands. While ova faster than shorter sperm (Gomendio et al. 2011;
the evidence from this study is still indirect, it high- Tourmente et al. 2011). In terms of sperm aggre-
lights the power of an association study between gation, sperm of promiscuous deer mice preferen-
olfactory behavior (phenotype) and transcripts pro- tially aggregate with sperm from the same male
files (genotype) to identify one Obp gene that while sperm indiscriminately groups with unre-
could work to modulate female postmating behav- lated sperm in monogamous species suggesting
ior and physiology (Arya et al. 2010). Greenspan that in promiscuous species, sperm competition
and Clark (2011) have recently tested associations might have selected for cooperation among related
between X-chromosome genes and differences in sperm forms (Fisher and Hoekstra 2010). Therefore,
sperm competitive ability in D. melanogaster and it is worth testing candidate genes linked to pheno-
have found four candidate genes within the X chro- typic proxies of sexual selection in gene manipula-
mosome, a chromosome with a scarcity of genes tion assays for genotype–phenotype associations in
for seminal proteins. Outside Drosophila, species of non-genetically manipulated natural populations.
the Allonemobius socius complex of crickets are iso-
lated through postmating prezygotic barriers such
17.6 Conclusions
as male-induced egg-laying and conspecific sperm
precedence. Using a combination of proteomics and Many studies have conclusively established a trend
gene knockdown approaches and mating designs, of rapid evolution and even adaptive selection at
Marshall and collaborators have recently identified several genes linked to male reproductive pheno-
a single protein, named ejaculate serine protease, that types. Only a handful of genes showing signals
is found as a single transcript in the male accessory of positive selection have been successfully linked
glands and that induces egg-laying in females (Mar- to differences in proxies of sexual selection such
shall et al. 2009). as mating type. However, the low numbers might
While research in insect systems is amenable to be a consequence of limitations on the approaches
this approach, other systems have been more diffi- used, which require either long-term and/or
cult to tackle. For example, it has been rather diffi- phylogenetically-spread signals of selection.
cult to establish direct associations between single Future studies of sexual selection at the molec-
gene knock-outs and reproductive phenotypes in ular level could benefit from genomics and the
vertebrates in general and mammals in particular availability of large gene-sample sizes to test bouts
due in part to the complexity of their reproductive of sexual selection that might have been limited
biology and genetics. However, a series of recent to single or few taxa and hence remain unde-
direct gene manipulation studies have started to tected in phylogenetic studies. Similarly, there is
render a clearer picture of the precise function of a need to conduct phenotypic studies of varia-
some long-suspected mammalian male reproduc- tion at traits such as mating behavior and mate
tive genes. For example, a series of null mutations in choice, sperm competitive ability, and female cryp-
mice have established roles for a handful of genes in tic choice as well as other proxies of sexual selec-
sperm migration from the uterus into the oviduct, tion and to link differences in male competitive
sperm aggregation and binding to the zona pel- ability and female choice to genetic polymorphisms
lucida (Han et al. 2009; Ikawa et al. 2011; Muro and divergence. Genotype–phenotype associations
and Okabe 2011). We still lack data on the actual are now facilitated by the availability of genomes
impact of natural variation at such genes on male but there is still a gap in functional characteriza-
proxies of sexual selection, but it is interesting to tion of genes, as even fully sequenced genomes of
notice that there is some support for postcopula- model organisms are still poorly annotated. Genes
tory male × male competition favoring phenotypes or genome regions highlighted in phenotype–
linked to sperm migration ability and sperm aggre- genotype association assays could be readily tested
gation. For example, longer sperm are supposed to by taking advantage of gene manipulations such
FA S T E VO L U T I O N O F R E P R O D U C T I V E G E N E S : W H E N I S S E L E C T I O N S E X UA L ? 173

Divergence and
Divergence at proxies polymorphism at traits
for sexual selection known to be under
sexual selection


Sexual Gene coding

selection nonsynonymous Genome scans of
and synonymous Validate with
sequence divergence
divergence gene function
and polymorphism


Figure 17.3 A schematic representation of differences between traditional gene-based (left panel) and genome-based (right panel) approaches to
testing sexual selection at the molecular level.

as RNAi gene knock-downs, knock-outs, and the Arya, G.H., Weber, A.L., Wang, P., Magwire, M.M.,
use of transgenics (Fig. 17.3). It is an exciting time Negron, Y.L., Mackay, T.F., et al. (2010) Natural vari-
for evolutionary geneticists as the availability of ation, functional pleiotropy and transcriptional con-
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ular toolkits puts us in an excellent position to
Avila, F.W. and Wolfner, M.F. (2009) Acp36DE is
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required for uterine conformational changes in mated
lutionary processes. We are also at a time when
Drosophila females. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 106:
we should be able to frequently bridge what have 15796–800.
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lutionary biologists that work either on genotypes and Wolfner, M.F. (2011) Insect seminal fluid pro-
or phenotypes, thus allowing us to decipher mech- teins: identification and function. Annu Rev Entomol 56:
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and back. Bakewell, M.A., Shi, P., and Zhang, J. (2007) More genes
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than in human evolution. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 104:
Acknowledgments 7489–94.
Carnahan, S.J. and Jensen-Seaman, M.I. (2008) Hominoid
I would like to thank Jennifer Ferguson, Scott Finn seminal protein evolution and ancestral mating behav-
and Leanne Grieves in my lab for proofreading ior. Am J Primatol 70: 939–48.
the original version of this chapter. This work was Civetta, A. (2003) Shall we dance or shall we fight?
supported by a Natural Sciences and Engineering Using DNA sequence data to untangle controversies
Research Council (NSERC) Individual Discovery surrounding sexual selection. Genome 46: 925–9.
Clark, A.G., Aguadé, M., Prout, T., Harshman, L.G.,
Grant to Alberto Civetta.
and Langley, C.H. (1995) Variation in sperm displace-
ment and its association with accessory gland pro-
tein loci in Drosophila melanogaster. Genetics 139:
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C H A P T E R 18

Rapid morphological, behavioral,

and ecological evolution in
Drosophila: comparisons between
the endemic Hawaiian Drosophila
and the cactophilic repleta
species group
Patrick M. O’Grady and Therese Ann Markow

18.1 Introduction tory species (ants and wasps) are introduced and
native species are extirpated from part of their
Flies in the genus Drosophila have served as model ranges and driven higher upslope where invasive
systems in genetics, ecology, and evolutionary biol- species have yet to gain a foothold (Foote and Car-
ogy for over 100 years. In addition to their ease of son 1995). Similar range reductions are predicted for
culture and numerous attractive genetic attributes, alpine taxa with increasing temperatures. As tem-
species in this group also feature a wealth of natu- peratures increase, less heat tolerant species will
rally occurring diversity in morphological, behav- be pushed out of the lower parts of their tradi-
ioral and ecological characters. These three charac- tional ranges to higher elevations. This effect will be
ter systems evolve in concert, sometimes rapidly, as greatest on those Drosophila species that are adapted
the flies interact with and adapt to their environ- to montane environments or have seasonal shifts
ment. For example, historical changes in the envi- in species distributions that are mediated by tem-
ronment, such as geological processes (e.g. island perature. However, desert-adapted species may be
formation, continental movement), long-term cli- unable to undergo altitudinal or latitudinal shifts,
matic patterns (e.g. sea level rise, temperature, and because they specialize on cacti, whose slow growth
rainfall shifts) and host plant availability (e.g. clado- may prevent the host distribution from shifting
genesis and extinction in plant lineages), have been before the flies become extinct. Those species able to
instrumental in laying the basis for the genera, radi- undergo rapid evolution with respect to climatic or
ations, and species groups currently seen in the host variables will be the most likely ones to survive.
Drosophilidae. These long-standing processes can Sexual selection on both morphological and
have a direct impact on ecological associations and, behavioral characters can likewise play a role in
in turn, morphological and behavioral characters driving rapid change in morphology, behavior, and
associated with feeding and breeding ecology. ecological associations. Environmental factors are
More recent environmental phenomena mediated known to influence the chemical and morphologi-
by man’s impact on climate and species distribu- cal underpinnings of sexual selection in Drosophila,
tions, are also having an impact on the evolution thus reproductive behaviors and the characters that
of this genus. An example of this type of pertur- execute them are also of interest in responding to
bation is seen in Hawaiian Drosophila where preda- environmental changes.

Rapidly Evolving Genes and Genetic Systems. First Edition. Edited by Rama S. Singh, Jianping Xu, and Rob J. Kulathinal.
© 2012 Oxford University Press. Published 2012 by Oxford University Press.

18.1.1 Ecological adaptations radiation are generalist frugivores and can be found
on many different rainforest fruits. Substrate special-
The ecology of the genus Drosophila is quite
ists are a class of taxa that have adapted to a single
diverse. When considering ecological associations
substrate type from a single clade of host plant.
in Drosophilidae, it is useful to divide prefer-
Most members of the repleta species group fit in
ence into two discrete categories: (1) adult feed-
this category because they have evolved to necrotic
ing, oviposition site preference, and larval feeding
parts of a single host plant family, Cactaceae. Like-
substrates, and (2) mating site preference. While
wise, most Hawaiian Drosophila are also classified as
these are identical for the majority of drosophilid
substrate specialists because individual species use
species, a number of taxa, such as the Hawaiian
one substrate type from a single clade (e.g. leaves
Drosophila, have evolved separate preferences for
of Araliaceae in the case of Drosophila waddingtoni).
True specialists are the most narrowly defined cate-
Lynn Throckmorton (1975) was the first to sum-
gory and can use only a single type of plant resource
marize ecological adaptations across the family
from a single species of host plant. Drosophila sechel-
Drosophilidae and place them in an evolutionary
lia is a classic example, larvae develop only on rot-
context. He considered most ecological adaptations
ting fruits of Morinda citrifolia (Louis and David
in the family as a reflection of ‘opportunism and
1986; Jones 2005). A small number of specialist taxa
versatility centering around the saprophagous leaf-
have shifted away from rotting plant material to
mold habit’ (Throckmorton 1975). He proposed that
become parasitic on some animal species (Throck-
ancestral drosophilids were able to exploit a num-
morton 1975; Ashburner 1981). Broad generalists,
ber of different types of substrate, although they
substrate generalists and substrate specialists can
may have preferred one (Throckmorton 1975). Sub-
all be considered polyphagous species, while true
sequent elaboration and specialization generated
specialists and parasitic taxa are monophagous.
broad ‘feeding and oviposition guilds,’ such as sap
feeders, fungivores, frugivores, flower breeders, or
those taxa that utilize some other decomposing veg-
18.1.2 Morphological adaptations
etative structure (e.g. leaves, bark). Recent phylo-
genetic results (Fig. 18.1) broadly support Throck- Morphology is quite variable across the genus, with
morton’s hypotheses and show support for clades the various species groups and radiations adapt-
of present-day drosophilid species adapted to var- ing to different ecological niches and microhabi-
ious guilds of rotting plant material (Markow and tats. In addition, there is also a high degree of
O’Grady, 2005, 2008). sexual dimorphism, with males of many taxa pos-
Species can be classified as either generalists or sessing species-specific secondary sexual character-
specialists depending on the breadth of feeding and istics used in courtship and/or mating. A classic
oviposition substrate types they use and the phy- example of such a character is the sex comb of
logenetic relationships of the taxa they specialize Drosophila melanogaster, a row of stout, peg-like bris-
upon. For example, a broad generalist would be able tles on the foreleg of males. Sex combs are quite
to capitalize on multiple resources spread across variable within the broader melanogaster species
feeding guilds. Drosophila melanogaster is an exam- group and have been studied extensively because of
ple of a broad generalist and can be reared from their evolutionary significance and relatively sim-
flowers, fungi, fruits, and a number of other rot- ple genetic architecture (Tanaka et al. 2009). While
ting plant materials. Interestingly, broad generalist sex combs are restricted to the melanogaster and
species have evolved multiple times on the phy- obscura species groups, male-specific foreleg mod-
logeny and can often be seen nested within clades ifications are widespread in the family and can be
of more specialized taxa. Substrate generalists are found in most species groups and genera (e.g. Stark
restricted to a given feeding guild (e.g. fruit) but can and O’Grady 2009), suggesting that evolution of
utilize this resource across a wide array of unrelated these characters is rapid and important to overall
plant species. Many members of the tripunctata mating success in many species.

modified mouthpart
picture wing
modified tarsus
Cactus Leaves
Sap, slime flux Bark
Figure 18.1 Overview of phylogenetic relationships and Fruits, flowers Fungus
substrate type usage in the genus Drosophila. Numbers of Fruits, flowers, fungus Equivocal
species in each clade shown to the right of the phylogeny. reconstruction

Primary sexual characters, particularly the male but are linked more to ecology than sexual behavior.
genitalia, also evolve rapidly (Masly et al. 2011; The ovipositor of many Hawaiian Drosophila species
Richmond et al. in press). These traits are critical has diversified rapidly and has been correlated with
to species recognition and success during courtship oviposition substrate (Craddock and Kambysellis
and intromission. While male characters have been 1997; Hardy et al. 2001).
studied extensively (Hsu 1949; Ashburner et al.
2005; Coyne 1983; Vilela 1983), female characters,
18.1.3 Behavioral adaptations
such as spermathecae (Pitnick et al. 1999), are also
subject to rapid evolutionary change. Other charac- Behavioral evolution in Drosophila entails two broad
teristics of the female terminalia also evolve rapidly, classes of change: modifications to actual behaviors

(e.g. the evolution of male guarding in some species 18.2.2 Sexual adaptations to morphology
of the repleta group and lek behavior in Hawaiian and behavior
Drosophila) and changes in the structures employed
The majority of species in Hawaiian Drosophila pos-
in the various behaviors. Some of the structures
sess secondary sexual modifications in male wings,
involved in this latter category may be either exter-
forelegs, mouthparts, and other head structures.
nal, like wing patterns used in courtship display, or
Mating behavior in this group is among the most
internal, such as in the nervous system or reproduc-
complex in all Diptera. Males of most species lek,
tive organs.
guarding specific territories away from the feed-
ing and oviposition substrate. Male–male aggres-
18.2 Hawaiian Drosophila radiation sion is common and a single male will often need
18.2.1 Phylogenetic relationships to spar with multiple males over the course of a
single day. This ranges from 10–15-minute contests
The Drosophilidae endemic to the Hawaiian occurring three to four times an hour in D. perc-
Archipelago are comprised of two large sister lin- nosoma to 30-second interactions taking place four
eages, Hawaiian Drosophila and the genus Scap- to five times in a 5-minute period in D. imparise-
tomyza (Russo et al. 1995; Remsen and DeSalle tae (Shelley 1987, 1989; P.M. O’Grady unpublished).
1998; Remsen and O’Grady 2002; O’Grady and The genus Scaptomyza provides an interesting con-
DeSalle 2008). Hawaiian Drosophila contains over trast to Hawaiian Drosophila because they have
400 described species (O’Grady et al. 2008) placed a markedly lower degree of sexual dimorphism.
in eight major lineages including the picture wing, While males of most Hawaiian Drosophila species
modified mouthparts, antopocerus, modified tarsus, possess extreme secondary sexual dimorphism, dif-
nudidrosophila, ateledrosophila, rustica, and haleakalae ferences between males and females in most Scap-
species groups. Relationships among the various tomyza species are rare and restricted to the male
lineages of Hawaiian Drosophila (Fig. 18.1) have genital apparatus. Corresponding sexual behaviors
recently been summarized by (O’Grady et al. 2011). are likewise simpler, with courtship in Scaptomyza
The sister lineage of the Hawaiian Drosophila is the being of much shorter duration and less dependent
genus Scaptomyza, a clade of about 300 species, over upon male display. It is possible that these two sister
50% of which are endemic to the Hawaiian Islands. clades represent distinct avenues of sexual selec-
The remainder of taxa in the genus Scaptomyza are tion, one favoring ‘showy’ displays using energet-
found throughout the world, but particularly on ically expensive secondary sexual characters with
islands. O’Grady and DeSalle (2008) examined phy- correspondingly complex behaviors and another
logenetic relationships across the family Drosophil- employing the rapid elaboration of primary sexual
idae to demonstrate: (1) a single common ances- characters (male genitalia) while maintaining rela-
tor of Hawaiian Drosophila and all Scaptomyza on tively simple behaviors.
Hawaii roughly 25 million years ago, (2) the origin
of Scaptomyza in Hawaii, followed by the escape
and global colonization of members of this genus,
18.2.3 Ecological adaptations to morphology
and (3) the subsequent escape from and coloniza-
and behavior
tion of the remainder of the world by members
of the genus Scaptomyza. Molecular clock analyses O’Grady et al. (2011) examined the evolution of
place the divergence between Hawaiian Drosophila substrate and host plant species preference across
and the genus Scaptomyza at ∼20 million years, a the Hawaiian Drosophila. This work builds on pre-
number that fits well with a Scaptomyza species vious studies by Heed (Heed 1968; Heed 1971),
found in Dominican amber. However, the move- Carson (1971), Kambysellis et al. (1995), and Mag-
ment of this genus out of Hawaii seems to have nacca et al. (2008) by placing oviposition and larval
taken place independently within several subgen- feeding preference in the context of a broadly sam-
era and more likely is on the scale of the past 5–10 pled phylogeny of Hawaiian Drosophila. This study
million years. suggested that host plant family was a much more

plastic character than substrate type. This gives major divisions of the family Cactaceae used by
insight into how oviposition preference and larval Drosophila: Pachycereae, Cactae, and the Opun-
feeding might evolve within this group. Based on tioidae (Fig. 18.2). Clearly, then, there are more
these results, a species that has adapted to leaves of cactus species than cactophilic Drosophila species,
Cheirodendron (Arialaceae) could more readily shift reflecting the fact that while some Drosophila species
to leaves of another plant, such as Pisonia (Nyctagi- tend to be associated with only one species of cac-
naceae), than it can change substrate types within tus, many are cactus generalists that can utilize
Cheirodendron and oviposit on stems. While addi- multiple cactus hosts. In some cases, multiple host
tional work is needed to fully understand this phe- use is restricted to hosts of the same genus, but
nomenon, this constraint might be explained by in other cases, flies are able to utilize cacti from
differences in physical or chemical properties of three different cactus lineages. The majority of cac-
leaves versus stems or by microbial communities tophilic Drosophila utilize species of Opuntia, which
adapted to different substrate types across plant is not surprising, given that these represent the
groups. majority of cactus species available and are basal to
the other cacti. Phylogenetic analyses also indicate
that opuntia-breeding is the ancestral state for cac-
18.3 Cactophilic Drosophila radiation tophilic Drosophila.
in the New World Most well-studied of the cactophilic Drosophila
are D. mojavensis and D. arizonae in North America.
18.3.1 Phylogenetic relationships
William Heed and his students and colleagues (Fel-
While the cactophilic lifestyle has arisen more than lows and Heed 1972; Heed 1982; Ruiz and Heed
once in the genus Drosophila, the largest radiation 1988) identified the host specificities of each, and his
of cactus-breeding Drosophila belongs to the repleta subsequent group members characterized the yeast
species group which contains over 100 species. The communities associated with each cactus species
separation between the repleta and the virilis group (Starmer et al. 1982). More recently, the whole
is estimated to have occurred approximately 10 genome of one cactophilic fly species, D. mojavensis,
mya (million years ago). Five subgroups are rec- was published as part of the Drosophila Genomes
ognized within the repleta group: hydei, mercatorum, Consortium effort (Drosophila 12 Genomes Con-
fasciola, repleta, and mulleri. sortium et al. 2007), and the genome of D. buzzatii
At least 60 of the repleta group species, par- currently is being sequenced by Alfredo Ruiz and
ticularly members of the mulleri supbgroup, are his colleagues in Barcelona.
endemic to Mexico, primarily residing in arid or The South American D. buzzatii is another impor-
semi arid areas. Additional species are endemic to tant focal taxon for studies of ecology, evolution and
South America, where radiations of different cactus behavior (Manfrin and Sene 2006). An assortment
species, both opuntia and columnar provide niches of related species, D. koepferi, D. anonieta, D. gouviae,
for them. Members of the fasciola subgroup appear D. buzzatii, and D. serido, with different evolution-
restricted to the wetter areas of the West Indies, ary and reproductive relationships provide a paral-
Central and South America. Drosophila hydei and lel system to the cactophilic drosophilids in North
D. mercatorum, while utilizing cactus in rural areas, America.
also are cosmopolitan, using other decaying fruit
and vegetable materials associated with humans.
18.3.2 Rapid evolution of ecological
Because cacti can be characterized chemically and
their necroses can be tracked at both spatial and
temporal scales, the system is an ideal one for Cactophilic Drosophila are able to utilize the moist,
studies of the interaction of genes and ecology in nutritious habitats afforded by cactus tissue only
evolution. after it becomes necrotic, a condition that occurs
Endemic to the Western hemisphere, the Cac- following an injury to the plant and subsequent
taceae family contains about 1800 species. The invasion and decomposition by bacteria and yeasts.
(a) hydei (7) Cephalocereus (3)
Pachycereus (10)
fasciola (21) 15%
Lophocereus (3)

repleta (9) Carnegia (1)
Neobuxbaumia (9)
mercatorum (4)
Escontria (1)
Polaskia (2)
mulleri subgroup
Myrtillocactus (3)
(53) 80%
Stenocereus (21)
Ferrocactus (13)
Opuntia (>100)
other taxa (9) Percent of repleta species
using each major plant lineage
Ecological Mating behavior
spp. breadth Morphological diversity Visual Auditory Tactile Other
Low Lek (some)
repleta >100 Primary sexual characters No Yes Yes
(1 family) Male guarding (some)
Hawaiian High
>600 Secondary sexual characters Yes Yes Yes Lek (most)
Drosophila (34 families)

antopocerus and
modified tarsus
Percent of species using Percent of species using
a given substrate type a given host plant family
bark multiple families
other other families
all use fungi bark multiple families
other families
modified mouthpart leaf Campanulaceae
flux Pandanaceae
fruit Nyctagenaceae
fungus Araliaceae
multiple Urticaceae
substrates Sapindaceae
Amaranthaceae Campanulaceae
picture wing, bark multiple families
ateledrosophila, and nudodrosophila Urticaceae
multiple flux other families
substrates Agavaceae
leaf Pandanacea

Figure 18.2 Relationship of phylogeny, ecology, and species numbers in Hawaiian Drosophila and the repleta species group. (a) Phylogeny among
subgroups in the repleta group, with numbers of species described in each shown, and phylogeny of Cacteaceae, with numbers of species in each genus.
Central bar indicates percent of repleta species using Pachycereae, Cacteae, and Opuntoideae as feeding and oviposition substrate. (b) Detail of the
ecological, morphological, and behavioral diversity in the repleta group and Hawaiian Drosophila. (c) Phylogenetic relationships among the major lineages
in Hawaiian Drosophila. Colored bars show substrate (leaf, bark, fruit, etc.) and host plant family (e.g. Araliaceae, Campanulaceae, Nyctagenaceae) use
across major clades of Hawaiian Drosophila.

Adult flies feed and mate at or near these necrotic 18.3.3 Rapid evolution of behavioral traits
cacti and females deposit their eggs in the necrotic
In contrast to the frequently spectacular mating
tissue, which then serves as the food for the devel-
behaviors exhibited by Hawaiian Drosophila, visual
oping larvae.
cues appear to play little of any role in mating
In order to exploit the cactus niche, however,
behavior. Among the cactophilic Drosophila, a mov-
the flies face several challenges. With respect to
ing fly of any sex or species will trigger interest
abiotic variables (Gibbs et al. 2003), many cac-
from a male, especially in mating chambers or vials
tophilic species exhibit rapid adaptation to high
in the laboratory, but this appears to be the pri-
temperature (Stratman and Markow 1998) and low
mary role. Courtship consists of males closely fol-
humidity (Matzkin et al. 2007, 2009) that typifies
lowing females and constantly licking the tip of
many cactus habitats. While these resistances are
her abdomen. At the same time, males produce
physiological in nature, often related to cuticular
species-specific auditory cues or ‘songs’ with their
hydrocarbon composition (Markow and Toolson
wings. Unlike the auditory courtship component of
1990; Toolson et al. 1990; Etges and Jackson 2001),
melanogaster group flies, repleta group females also
flies also disperse at night when the temperatures
sing, resulting in a dueting between members of
are lower and humidities higher (Markow and Cas-
the courting pairs. Female flies of all repleta species
trezana 2000).
examined so far indicate their acceptance of a court-
The cacti themselves, with their various toxic
ing male by a characteristic wing spreading behav-
compounds, present additional, biotic challenges
ior without which the males will not attempt to
to the flies. Partial detoxification of the plant tis-
mount. Because the male songs of close relatives are
sue is accomplished by the microbial communities,
distinctive (Etges et al. 2006), they obviously have
unique to each cactus species, which are respon-
evolved quite rapidly which could explain the sex-
sible for the decay process. Although the flies
ual isolation reported among different subspecies of
feed on these microbes, they are still confronted
D. mojavensis (Krebs and Markow 1989; Zouros and
with the need to process many cactus compounds.
d’Entremont 1980).
Byproducts of microbial decomposition and the
Courtship and mating in at least some species
chemical profiles of unaltered plant tissue consti-
of cactophilic Drosophila take place on the cactus,
tute the specific environment that each Drosophila
but away from the necrotic sites where feeding
species must deal with in its own particular host
is taking place. For example, in D. nigrospiracula,
cactus. Oligoarrays based upon the D. mojavensis
males space themselves on healthy tissues in ways
genome have revealed candidate genes for changes
that suggest they are defending small territories
in host use and population genetic analyses of
(Markow 1988). Females land near a male and they
these genes, especially alcohol dehydrogenase and
approach each other with three different outcomes:
glutathione S-transferase D-1, show that they are
(1) females depart rather quickly; (2) courtship
evolving rapidly among subspecies using different
takes place but the female departs; and (3) copu-
hosts (Matzkin 2005, 2008; Matzkin et al. 2006).
lation occurrs (Markow 1988). Drosophila mojavensis
Finding the appropriate cactus host necroses
males, in addition to locating themselves on healthy
is assumed to occur via olfactory cues from the
cactus arms, also can be found in groups on healthy
volatiles specific to that cactus. Flies behaviorally
tissue near the necrosis. Females arrive and there is
have been reported to move toward material from
a flurry of courtship activity some of which results
their native host in a laboratory setting (Newby
in copulation. It is also noteworthy that rapid evo-
and Etges 1998). More recently, however, popu-
lution in male genitalia within species and between
lation genetic differentiation in olfactory recep-
closely related species has been reported for both
tor genes among different host-specific subspecies
South American (Soto et al. 2007) and North Amer-
of D. mojavensis suggest the possibility of con-
ican (Richmond et al. in press) repleta group species.
necting particular olfactory receptors with particu-
Oviposition specificity also has been exten-
lar hosts and their cues (Matzkin and Shumacher
sively studied in cactophilic Drosophila (Barker and

Starmer 1999; Fanara et al. 1999; Fanara and Hasson area, male guarding in some species, courtship song
2001). While D. buzzatii females prefer to oviposit characteristics and pheromone profiles).
in their native hosts compared to other cacti, its Heed and Mangan (1986) used the term ‘adaptive
sister species, D. koepferi, is more of a generalist in its infiltration’ when discussing the ecology of Sonoran
preferences (Soto et al. 2011). Males of both species desert Drosophila, three of which were in the repleta
have greater success in mating when reared on their group. This phenomenon occurs when members of
own host (Hurtado et al. 2011) so, in the case of D. independent lineages adapt to and diversify in the
buzzatii, the oviposition preference supports an evo- same stressful environment, leading to the evolu-
lutionary association between maternal preference tion of convergent characteristics. They applied the
and offspring performance. term narrowly and discussed only four endemic
species, from two separate clades (the repleta and
nannoptera groups) in this region, D. pachea, D.
18.4 Conclusions: adaptive radiation
nigrospiracula, D. mettleri, and D. mojavensis, all of
versus adaptive infiltration
which have adapted to the harsh climate and cac-
Adaptive radiations are characterized by high eco- tophilic lifestyle. However, one can apply this term
logical and phenotypic diversity in a rapidly evolv- more broadly to the entire repleta group, the major-
ing lineage. The Hawaiian Drosophila, with their ity of which are cactophilic and occupy harsh, arid
impressive ecological breadth, high diversity in environments. While this group represents a single
male secondary sexual characters, and over 600 lineage, a complex pattern of adaptations to arid
described species evolving in the past 25 million environments, some due to common descent and
years, are a classic example of adaptive radiation others due to convergence, is seen across this large
in nature (Kaneshiro 1997; O’Grady et al. 2008). group. The specific differences between taxa that
The repleta group also constitutes an impressive have adaptively radiated compared to those that
radiation of over 100 species evolving in the past have adaptively infiltrated can be reflected in the
∼30 million years, with physiological adaptations degree of ecological breadth, physiological toler-
(e.g. desiccation tolerance) and diverse reproduc- ance, rapid morphological innovation (e.g. primary
tive strategies, but lacking the ecological breadth and secondary sexual characters), and behavioral
and phenotypic diversity seen in the Hawaiian taxa. diversity.
Interestingly, most species in this group are adapted Rapid evolution of behavioral and physical traits
to a single plant family, Cactaceae, although this can occur under either scenario: adaptive radiation
family is very diverse and presents significant bio- or adaptive infiltration. In the case of the Hawai-
logical challenges to any species attempting to ian radiation, the most obvious physical traits to
exploit it. have evolved are the morphological ones employed
The differences in the degree to which these two in behavior and behavioral displays. Among the
groups have diversified, in terms of species num- repleta species, the most obvious physical traits are
bers, the degree of ecological breadth, and the mag- chemical ones, especially those used in aggregation
nitude of morphological, behavioral, and physio- and mating. In both cases, however, behavioral and
logical adaptation suggests two separate modes of morphological traits are linked to adapting to new
radiation acting in Hawaiian Drosophila and the ecological niches, although it is unclear whether
repleta group: one where the species spatially seg- behavioral changes precede physical changes and
regate into a number of different host plant family promote their evolution or vice versa.
and substrate types, each with its own ecological
requirements, and another where the species diver-
sify on a single plant lineage but maintain sepa- References
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C H A P T E R 19

Ancient yet fast: rapid evolution

of mating genes and mating systems
in fungi
Timothy Y. James

sexual attraction and heterokaryon (see Box 19.1

19.1 Introduction
for a glossary of terms) maintenance through the
Though seldom observed directly, the life cycle of production of communication and signal trans-
most filamentous fungi includes countless cryptic duction molecules (Hiscock and Kües 1999). The
encounters between conspecific fungal cells as they genes of the vegetative incompatibility pathway
grow within their substrate. Complex substrates (HET genes), function to prevent illicit vegetative
such as soil contain hundreds of species of fungi per fusions and nuclear exchange between incompati-
gram (Buée et al. 2009) and hyphal interactions are ble conspecific mycelia while allowing the network
unavoidable. Most fungi are sexual, and complet- of one genotype to proliferate by branching and
ing the life cycle necessitates that hyphal encoun- re-fusion to self. Vegetative incompatibility genes
ters with potential mates are distinguished from define ‘individuality’ in mycelial fungi, and vegeta-
enemies. Recognition of self from potential mate tive incompatibility can often be observed in nature
or enemy is governed by a set of genes known as as lines in the substrate (physical boundaries) that
incompatibility genes. Unlike mating in the major- demarcate genetically distinct individuals (Rayner
ity of eukaryotes in which sex involves the fusion of 1991; Worrall 1997). In Ascomycota, a monophyletic
two cells, interactions between filamentous fungal group including most lichenized fungi, cup fungi,
individuals are fundamentally different and may many molds and yeasts such as Saccharomyces
be played out in a theater of numerous redundant cerevisiae, individualistic behavior occurs between
and synchronous interactions between nuclei and haploids (homokaryons), whereas in Basidiomy-
the cells that house them. Following an encounter cota, including the rusts, smuts, and a diversity
with a compatible mate, a genetically merged and of mushroom-like groups, it occurs between het-
dynamic colony is formed (Rayner 1991). Hyphal erokaryons (Fig. 19.1). In contrast to heterokaryons,
fusion is seldom followed by nuclear fusion, and filamentous homokaryons in basidiomycetes are
instead filamentous fungi postpone the formation highly promiscuous cells that are able to mate
of a diploid zygote by forming a heterokaryon in with most other conspecific homokaryons they
which nuclei of compatible genotype coexist in the encounter due to increased compatibility imparted
same cell and continue to divide synchronously by by a mating system with a large number of mating
mitosis as the network grows. Only immediately types. Thus the life cycle of the basidiomycete is
before meiosis, does the zygote nucleus form by primarily mated or heterokaryotic, while in that of
karyogamy of the mated partner nuclei (Fig. 19.1). the ascomycetes, with much more limited compat-
Incompatibility genes in fungi control both ibility by possession of only two mating types, sex
sexual and competitive conspecific interactions occurs only at precisely the right condition, place,
through two distinct molecular pathways. The and time, and most of the life cycle exists in a pri-
mating-type incompatibility genes (MAT) control marily haploid or homokaryotic stage.

Rapidly Evolving Genes and Genetic Systems. First Edition. Edited by Rama S. Singh, Jianping Xu, and Rob J. Kulathinal.
© 2012 Oxford University Press. Published 2012 by Oxford University Press.


incompatibility matA1B1, het–2 matA3B1, het–3
matA, het1–2 mata, het1–1
(het loci)

(mat loci)

Sexual Mating
differen- compatibility matA2B2, het–3 matA2B3, het–4
tiation (mat loci) Heterokaryon

matA1/A2 matA2/A3
B1/B2, B1/B3,
het–2/3 het–3/4
Fruiting body Somatic
development incompatibility
(het loci)
Meiotic Fruiting body
progeny (n) development
Maternal Meiotic
homokaryotic progeny (n)
tissue (n+n)
tissue (n)

Figure 19.1 Contrasting life cycles of the filamentous Ascomycota and Basidiomycota. Major differences include the nuclear condition in which HET loci
determine the ability to fuse (homokaryotic stage in Ascomycota, heterokaryotic stage in Basidiomycota) and genetic condition of the fruiting body
(homokaryotic in Ascomycota, heterokaryotic in Basidiomycota). Shown is a tetrapolar basidiomycete with two mating-type loci (mat- A and mat- B ). Both
life cycles are drawn with a single HET locus, but most species typically have several.

Box 19.1 Glossary

Anisogamy: in fungi, occurs when a spermatium (small Homothallic: a non outcrossing mating system in which a
aerially dispersed gamete) fuses with a trichogyne single spore is capable of giving rise to a fruiting
(receptive female hypha). body.
Bipolar: a homoallelic mating incompatibility system with Mating type: equivalent to ‘sexes’ in isogamous or
only a single locus. At meiosis two mating types are hermaphroditic organisms; individuals of the same mating
produced per meiocyte. type are sexually incompatible.
Heterokaryon: a cell type comprised of multiple nuclear Pheromone receptor (P/R) locus: a mating type locus
genotypes maintained in an unfused state through multiple encoding at least one G-protein coupled transmembrane
rounds of mitosis. receptor and one pheromone peptide.
Homeodomain (HD) locus: a mating type locus encoding Tetrapolar: a homoallelic mating incompatibility system
one or more transcription factors that possess a distinctive with two loci. At meiosis four mating types are produced
homeodomain DNA binding motif. per meiocyte.
Homokaryon: a cell type comprised of only a single nuclear

As the result of decades of intensive research, However, in species with fewer VC types, such
much is known about the genes regulating hyphal as Aspergillus nidulans with six HET loci (Jinks
fusion and mating (Hiscock and Kües 1999; Lee et al. 1966), genetically distinct individuals may by
et al. 2010), and some of these pathways are chance or through shared ancestry possess com-
among the best known in eukaryotes, such as the mon alleles and be able to fuse and form het-
pheromone response pathway in yeast (Herskowitz erokaryons. In basidiomycetes, heterokaryons can
1989). Incompatibility genes in fungi have many also be formed outside of the mating cycle through
similarities to genes controlling incompatibility and somatic compatibility between genetically distinct
sex determination in animals and plants. The repro- heterokaryons, leading to the formation of higher-
ductive and incompatibility proteins in the plant order heterokaryons with three or more nuclear
and animal kingdoms have provided some of the types (Johannesson and Stenlid 2004). Currently,
clearest examples of rapid evolution. In fungi, how- nothing is known of the molecular basis for veg-
ever, little is known about the evolutionary dynam- etative incompatibility in basidiomycetes, and in
ics of reproductive proteins, particularly whether ascomycetes, the genes are only known from two
incompatibility genes evolve rapidly as they do in classes of this group, the Sordariomycetes and
plants and animals. Eurotiomycetes. The gene products of the known
In this review I will discuss the expectations for HET loci vary widely but often include a 150 amino
fungal incompatibility systems generated by the acid HET domain. How the HET proteins function
plant/animal systems and provide examples of key is unknown, but the cellular result is compartmen-
studies that can shed light on whether these expec- talization and activation of the programmed cell
tations hold for fungi. I will discuss evidence for death pathway in fused incompatible cells, which
accelerated evolution as well as balancing selection leads to boundary formation among individuals
on incompatibility genes, loci, and mating systems (Glass and Dementhon 2006).
in fungi. Emphasis will be placed on mushroom The allorecognition system of fungi is analogous
fungi as these species have evolved a multiallelic in function to the systems controlling tissue rejec-
system that has many of the characteristics of other tion in vertebrates (animals), for example, the major
fast-evolving incompatibility systems such as those histocompatibility complex (MHC) that controls tis-
observed in flowering plants. sue and fetal rejection and the cell surface recog-
nition molecules alr1 and alr2 controlling fusion
in colonial cnidarians (Nicotra et al. 2009). Main-
19.2 Incompatibility systems in fungi
tenance of a high diversity of alleles is necessary
The two types of incompatibility systems in fungi for these systems to function properly and failure
function through two distinct mechanisms leading to reject results in chimerism.
to two distinct signal cascades. Vegetative incom- In the autorecognition system controlling mat-
patibility is a heteroallelic allorecognition system, ing, individuals that share alleles at MAT loci
whereas mating incompatibility is a homoallelic are the same mating type and are incompatible.
autorecognition system (Hiscock and Kües 1999). Thus MAT loci segregate for alleles that deter-
In the allorecognition system, individuals that mine a cell’s mating type. Most fungi have a sin-
possess different alleles at one or more incom- gle MAT locus (bipolarity), but in many basid-
patibility loci are unable to form a heterokaryon. iomycetes, there are two MAT loci (tetrapolarity)
Depending on the species, the number of loci and heteroallelism at both loci is required for full
involved ranges from a single HET locus to typ- compatibility. MAT proteins regulate steps in mate
ically several, each with two or more alleles. In attraction and fusion (e.g. pheromones) and once
Neurospora, which has 11 such loci, the number mated maintain the heterokaryotic state by nuclear
of potential vegetative compatibility (VC) types signaling. The gene products of ascomycete MAT
based on combinations of the alleles is in the are primarily transcription factors, including pro-
thousands, and thus, random individuals pulled teins with homeodomain and high mobility group
from the population are unlikely to be compatible. (HMG) DNA binding domains (Lee et al. 2010).

Basidiomycete MAT loci also encode homeodomain is similar to the sex determining systems in ani-
transcription factors, but may also encode peptide mals and plants with two sexes in equal frequencies
pheromones and the G protein-coupled pheromone (Hurst 1996). In the multiallelic mating system of
receptors they stimulate. This is another departure basidiomycetes, however, MAT alleles can be lost
from ascomycetes, wherein pheromones and recep- by drift or by replacement with a slightly higher
tor alleles are differentially regulated but not dif- fitness allele. In the following section, I address how
ferentially present between the genomes of mat- fitness differences between MAT alleles in the mul-
ing types. In tetrapolar basidiomycetes, one locus tiallelic basidiomycete system could lead to acceler-
encodes at least one incompatible receptor and ated evolution.
pheromone combination (P/R) and the other locus
typically encodes two types of homeodomain pro-
19.3 Fungal reproductive proteins show
teins (HD1 and HD2) that are self-incompatible
evidence for positive and balancing
but can form a HD1–HD2 heterodimer in heteroal-
lelic encounters. In bipolar basidiomycetes the MAT
locus encodes homeodomain proteins solely or both Non-neutral evolution takes several forms, but
homeodomain proteins and pheromone/receptors, this review focuses on selective mechanisms that
but never a pheromone/receptor solely (James cause rapid evolution of genes within and between
2007). As with the allorecognition system, the typ- species, i.e., positive selection, and the selec-
ical model postulates that the outcome of mating tive forces that maintain polymorphism within a
interactions in filamentous fungi is largely deter- species, i.e., balancing selection. In this review, pos-
mined post-cell fusion by coordination of nuclear itive selection is used to refer to selection that
migration and nuclear acceptance of the mating increases the fitness, and therefore the frequency,
mycelia. of an allele relative to its ancestral allele, whereas
The autorecognition system is analogous in func- balancing selection is used to refer to forces that
tion to the genes that control sex determination prevent allele loss or fixation. Because all incom-
in animals and plants but has more important patibility systems require the maintenance of mul-
similarities to the well-known self-incompatibility tiple alleles in order to function, balancing selec-
(SI) system in flowering plants where interac- tion prevents allele fixation by positive selection.
tions occur on the cellular level independently However, balancing selection can also act to accel-
of the sex of the parent. Here, a dichotomy can erate amino acid replacement at sites under selec-
again be made between ascomycetes and basid- tion under certain selective regimes (e.g., negative
iomycetes. Filamentous ascomycetes have anisog- frequency dependent selection and heterosis).
amous sex (Fig. 19.1) with only two mating types. Reproductive proteins in animals and plants
Agaricomycetes (mushrooms), on the other hand, have often been demonstrated to evolve rapidly
often have multiple mating types (as many as relative to other regions of the genome. Evidence
100s) and always isogamous sex. Maintenance of for rapid evolution can be obtained along mul-
an equal frequency of each of the mating types tiple lines. One line of evidence is based on
or incompatibility alleles is assured by frequency traditional tests for positive selection by detect-
dependent selection that favors rare alleles. This ing an increased rate of nonsynonymous substi-
parallel between a high diversity of plant SI alle- tution over neutral expectations. These data have
les and Agaricomycetes MAT alleles has been often shown that reproductive proteins involved
long recognized and suggests similar evolution- in sperm–egg (Panhuis et al. 2006) or pollen–ovule
ary dynamics (Uyenoyama 2005; Newbigin and interactions (Takebayashi et al. 2003) have rates
Uyenoyama 2005). Why the number of mating of nonsynonymous substitution greater than syn-
types in ascomycetes has been limited to two is onymous substitution. A second line of evidence
unknown but may relate to a lower cost of mating comes from studies demonstrating increased diver-
or ancestral anisogamy (Billiard et al. 2011). This gence in reproductive protein sequences between
stable equilibrium of the two mating type system species relative to other proteins in animals and

plants (Jagadeeshan and Singh 2005). A final line for the number of alleles they may maintain (a
of evidence comes from comparisons of gene dupli- function of population size and mutation rate),
cates that have undergone neofunctionalization. new mutations that generate novel specificities
For example, a testes-specific homeobox variant in have an initial compatibility (fitness) advan-
mammals showed an elevated rate of substitution tage, and this should cause increased allele
relative to the ubiquitously expressed copy from turnover. This constant favoring of novel alle-
which it diverged (Wang and Zhang 2004). les could be observed as an increase in nonsyn-
Balancing selection extends the genealogical onymous substitution rates over synonymous
depth of a collection of alleles, and depending rates because alleles containing new amino acid
the selection coefficient may impart a very high replacements are on average less likely to be
level sequence diversity within and among species lost than those without them during the replace-
(Takahata 1990). In scenarios in which homozygous ment process. See Newbigin and Uyenoyama
genotypes cannot be formed, such as in homoal- (2005) for one model of how the replacement
lelic incompatibility systems, the selection is very and acceleration could work in the plant SI
strong, and alleles are expected to be maintained system. Gaps in knowledge: vanishingly little
for very large numbers of generations, thereby is known about the origin of new alleles, and
increasing the divergence among functionally dis- most alleles appear to be deeply divergent in
tinct allelic lineages at both functionally relevant sequence and therefore, time. One explanation
and linked neutral sites. In extreme cases, this for the deep sequence divergence of mating
may result in a pattern of trans-specific polymor- type and self-incompatibility alleles hypothe-
phism wherein lineages diverged before the species sizes that the absence of recombination in and
in which they are found. Trans-species polymor- near mating type loci causes the accumulation
phism has been observed for lineages of plant SI of genetic load due to a reduced efficacy of puri-
genes (Richman et al. 1996) and the complemen- fying selection (Uyenoyama 2005). The accumu-
tary sex determination genes in hymenoptera, one lation of genetic load then favors pairs of alle-
of the largest orders of insects (Cho et al. 2006). les of deeper divergence as they are less likely
What is unknown is whether the alleles are really to display homozygosity of deleterious alleles
functionally equivalent (in some plant SI systems linked to the mating specificity. Thus, new alle-
they clearly are not) and whether demographic les are most likely to replace the closest related
forces, mutational limitation, or both can lead to the allele, extending the overall coalescence time
observed differences in numbers of alleles across of the genealogy and reducing the rare advan-
species. tage effect. However, it is unclear whether this
Despite the widespread demonstration of rapid genetic load is expected at mushroom mating
evolution of reproductive proteins, the nature of type loci in which recombination immediately
selection on the proteins is actually not often clear outside of MAT appears to be high (James et
(Swanson and Vacquier 2002). Several general mod- al. 2006) and cells have the potential to purge
els have been put forward to explain the rapid evo- deleterious alleles due to selection in the free-
lution of reproductive proteins, but they are likely living haploid stage.
applicable to only a subset of proteins (Swanson 2. Competition/sexual selection model: because of
and Vacquier 2002). Following this logic, I propose the high density of potential mating partners,
that at least five forces may be particularly relevant access to mates through selection on rate of
for rapid evolution and/or extreme sequence diver- nuclear migration may be a fierce arena for
gence of incompatibility proteins in fungi: competition. Opportunities for ‘female’ strains
to choose among potential nuclear donors
1. Rare advantage: The multiallelic MAT incompati- has been observed and linked to differences
bility systems of Agaricomycetes may maintain among mating types (Nieuwenhuis et al. 2011).
hundreds of alleles at a single locus (James et Analogies to sperm competition are clear, with
al. 2004). Even if a population is at equilibrium the end result that proteins in control of

access to mycelia (e.g. the pheromone proteins), achieve through mutation? Variance in compat-
attractiveness to potential ‘female partners’ ibility of alleles is likely to be pronounced in
(nuclear acceptors), or proteins involved in fungal mating systems because MAT proteins
nuclear migration such as dynein and the continue to act after fertilization. This differs
cytoskeletal proteins (Gladfelter and Berman from some of the plant SI systems because in
2009) may be subject to strong selection. Gaps that model of incompatibility, proteins in the
in knowledge: how extranuclear reproductive style must only identify and inhibit fertiliza-
proteins can remain specific to the nucleus in tion by pollen with the same SI type (Wheeler
which the allele is encoded. Do the male/female et al. 2009). Once fertilization is secured, there
roles during fungal provide an avenue for sexu- is no role for the SI system. In contrast, after
ally antagonistic mutations to develop by diver- fertilization in filamentous fungi, the MAT
gence in male/female nuclear behavior? genes function to regulate and maintain a het-
3. Constant tinkering/Red queen model: with constant erokaryotic state, typically through trans-acting
sequence diversification caused by selection and dimerization or pheromone-receptor stimula-
drift, the molecular interactions between pro- tion. Because the proteins must recognize and
teins in the multiallelic MAT systems must cooperatively interact with each and every
be complex and dynamic. Pheromone stimu- other MAT allele, it could be speculated that
lation of the receptors with seven transmem- not all proteins are equivalent in dimerization
brane helices appears to involve tertiary struc- or activation ability, and given the variation
ture, and dimerization of HD1 and HD2 pro- in numbers of genes per MAT allele, alleles
teins involves broadly defined dimerization should be expected differ quantitatively in their
motifs in the specificity determining regions. degree of compatibility/recognition of other alle-
Are some alleles more fit than others, and les (Fig. 19.2). For example at the P/R locus
are fitness improvements difficult or easy to of Coprinopsis cinerea, some haplotypes encode

(a) P/R mating type system (b) Petunia SI system (c) Papaver SI system

Pheromone Cloned S-locus F-box Transmembrane protein

Receptor Hypothesized S-locus F-box Secreted protein

S5 S1

B6 S7 S3
B42 S9 S8
B43 S11

B3 S5



S11 S7

2 B6 S9

Figure 19.2 The pheromone/ pheromone receptors (P/R) in mushroom fungi use redundancy and versatile binding interactions to ensure all alleles are
able to recognize and activate all other alleles (the pheromone response pathway). Positive interactions are shown using single arrows. The P/R system of
mushrooms is most similar to that of Petunia SI in which each allele has a number of pollen-specific F-box proteins that collaboratively work to deactivate
the stylar RNases of all other SI alleles (Kubo et al. 2010). The Papaver SI system (Wheeler et al. 2009) shows a very different interaction network, where
the pollen-specific transmembrane protein need only recognize the homoallelic stylar protein to terminate pollen tube growth.

multiple pheromones (B43) that can stimulate (Alby and Bennett 2011). Examining species-
the same receptor, while others, e.g., B5, encode specific mycoparasites and their host reproduc-
only a single pheromone (Fig. 19.2). The abil- tive proteins for coevolutionary patterns could
ity of a single pheromone to stimulate multiple test this hypothesis.
receptors is reminiscent of the Petunia SI sys- 5. Population size fluctuation model: Given that the
tem in which multiple S-locus F-box pollen pro- equilibrium number of MAT alleles is solely a
teins are encoded by each allele, and many are function of census population size and mutation
capable of deactivating multiple stylar S-RNases rate (Wright 1939), dramatic changes in effective
(Fig. 19.2). In the constant tinkering model, each population size are likely to cause departures
allele must continuously evolve at the sites in from equilibrium that will increase the effective-
the protein sequence that interact with partner ness of selection by rare advantage. For exam-
MAT proteins in order to compensate for muta- ple, if a population undergoes a severe bottle-
tions in these partners. If the rare advantage neck and concomitant loss of mating type alleles
model is also incorporated, then the global opti- followed by a recovery of population size, the
mum is always changing because of the constant number of alleles will be far below the equilib-
introduction of new alleles and thus there will rium number and selection favoring novel alle-
be constant need for adaptation. les arising from mutation will increase. Recur-
Gaps in knowledge: Because each allele rent episodes of population size change will
interacts with a broad spectrum of other thus speed the evolution of amino acid substitu-
alleles (promiscuity) yet must prevent self- tions in specificity-determining regions of MAT
compatibility (Figure 19.2), it stands to rea- alleles.
son that the fitness landscape is very rugged Gaps in knowledge: Fungal demography is
and exploration limited by mutation. How- a large unknown, and estimates of effective
ever, mutagenesis screens have essentially never population size over time have never been
identified new or higher fitness alleles (Raper obtained for any species. Evidence for recent
et al. 1965). Also, the biochemistry of the inter- range expansions exist (Kauserud et al. 2007),
actions among mating proteins is only weakly but whether recurrent changes in effective pop-
predicted by primary and secondary sequence ulation size in fungi should be expected are
structure. unknown because the spatial definitions of pop-
4. Mycoparasites: the early-diverging fungal lin- ulations are also largely unknown (James et al.
eages comprising zygomycetes have a con- 1999). In species like Serpula lacrymans that have
served use of trisporic acid as a pheromone undergone a recent range expansion, it would
for hyphal homing that has been exploited by be interesting to determine whether increased
related parasites for illicit invasion (Schultze rates of nonsynonymous substitutions could be
et al. 2005). Diversification of pheromones and detected in MAT and HET proteins.
receptors and especially HET genes in fungi
could work to prevent mycoparasites from trick-
ing host cells into invasion as well as dimin-
19.4 Evidence for rapid evolution of
ish interspecies fusions. This argues for an
arms race between hosts and parasites that
fungal incompatibility genes and systems
would facilitate rapid evolution of reproduc- It will come as no surprise that fungal incompat-
tive proteins. Gaps in knowledge: Hormones ibility genes appear to share many of the char-
in zygomycetes are conserved and thus rela- acteristics of rapidly evolving animal and plant
tively easy for parasites to track. In the Dikarya reproductive loci. Three aspects of rapid evolution
(Ascomycota + Basidiomycota), pheromones are considered here and shown to apply to fungal
appear to evolve rapidly, but Candida albicans incompatibility genes: rapid evolution of mating
was recently demonstrated to respond to a gene/protein sequences, rapid transitions among
broad range of interspecific mating pheromones mating systems, and rapid changes in MAT loci.

19.4.1 Sequence evolution dimerization (specificity) and transactivation (con-

served) domains in homeodomain proteins. More
Multiallelic MAT loci have been shown to evolve
sensitive tests that allow codons to behave indepen-
faster than biallelic loci based on DNA cross-
dently within a coding sequence allow discrimina-
hybridization of MAT genes within and among
tion between various evolutionary models incorpo-
species (Specht et al. 1994; Metzenberg and Ran-
rating neutrality or selection (Yang et al. 2000).
dall 1995). Sequence variation at the multiallelic
As a first pass to test for non-neutral evolu-
loci among species was found to be much greater
tion in basidiomycete MAT proteins, I applied the
than biallelic loci. In the biallelic Ascomycota sys-
codon models in PAML to test selection versus neu-
tem, allele diversification within a species is a moot
tral models for homeodomain protein alignments
point because the two mating types alleles are
of Coprinellus disseminatus, Coprinopsis cinerea, and
‘idiomorphs,’ meaning the two mating-type alleles
Ustilago maydis (Table 19.1). While the average ˘ is
encode entirely different gene products. Nonethe-
considerably less than 1 for all of the proteins, likeli-
less, MAT genes in Ascomycota appear to evolve
hood ratio tests supported codon-based models that
more quickly relative to other ‘neutral’ genes used
incorporated positive selection over neutral mod-
to study species-level phylogeny (Barve et al. 2003).
els. An additional finding from these explorations is
Most of the evidence for rapid evolution and
that the number positively selected codons differed
selection comes from the multiallelic MAT loci of
between the HD1 and HD2 genes in both C. dissemi-
basidiomycetes which supports the rare advan-
natus and U. maydis, consistent with divergent roles
tage model. Sequencing of MAT alleles from three
between the two protein types (Spit et al. 1998).
model species (the split gill mushroom Schizophyl-
Nonetheless, the data show a strong indication that
lum commune, the inky cap mushroom Coprinop-
for all of the species investigated, positive selection
sis cinerea, and the corn smut Ustilago maydis)
on selected codons is more likely than neutral or
have revealed that alleles are invariably charac-
purifying selection only models.
terized by hyperdiverse amino acid sequences,
Investigations of multiallelic pheromone recep-
with pairwise identities of 37–78% among alleles
tors are likely to be fruitful, as these proteins
(Schulz et al. 1990; Stankis et al. 1992; Halsall et
are typically alignable over the seven transmem-
al. 2000). Heightened polymorphism in these sys-
brane regions at the N-terminus even across all
tems appears to results from both positive selec-
of Basidiomycota. Moreover, evidence that these
tion and balancing selection. However, the evi-
genes may undergo positive selection has been
dence for positive selection on mating type genes
obtained for heterothallic members of the genus
has been difficult to obtain because alleles appear
Neurospora (Karlsson et al. 2008). Here, the genes for
to be so ancient that silent mutations are satu-
pheromone receptors are not mating type genes, but
rated and insertion/deletions have made protein
instead genes involved in mating and have a much
alignments challenging (Badrane and May 1999).
lower polymorphism than in the multiallelic sys-
Moreover, identifying and isolating these proteins
tem. The multiallelic systems that govern some HET
from non-model organisms has remained a chal-
loci in fungi also show hyper-polymorphism and
lenge due to their large sequence diversity that
evidence for positive selection (Table 19.1). Both
complicates isolation by PCR (polymerase chain
pheromones and HET loci are intimately involved
reaction). Standard approaches for detecting posi-
in controlling interactions preventing illicit fusions
tive selection include identifying proteins for which
and would be predicted to be under greater selec-
the ratio of nonsynonymous substitution rate to
tion in more intensely competitive, highly species-
synonymous substitution rate (˘) is significantly
rich niches such as soil.
greater than 1. However, this type of data is typ-
ically unrealistic in molecular evolution, because
19.4.2 Mating systems and loci
most proteins, especially incompatibility proteins,
will have both conserved domains and domains One of the most frequent transitions in the evolu-
that actually impart specificity, for example the tion of fungal mating systems has been the origin

Table 19.1 Elevated polymorphism in basidiomycete homeodomain MAT genes and HET genes from Sordariaceae and tests for positive selection using
PAML (Yang et al. 2000). Model M1a is a nearly neutral model, and M2a is a variant of M1a that allows for sites with ˘ > 1. M7 models variation in using
a beta distribution with ˘ in the range of 0–1. M8 allows for an additional class of codons with ˘ > 1. # selected codons with posterior probabilities > 0.5
(>0.95 in parentheses) using the empirical Bayes method. HD2 motif proteins are shown in bold.

Species N n  ˘ (dn /ds ) P M1a vs. M2a P M7 vs. M8 # selected Reference


Coprinellus 9 1860 0.366 0.349 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 36 (4) James et al. (2006)
Coprinellus 9 1524 0.213 0.400 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 86 (23) James et al. (2006)
Coprinopsis 17 1941 0.271 0.301 > 0.5 < 0.0001 18 (0) Badrane and May (1999)
cinerea b1
Ustilago maydis bW 23 966 0.133 0.547 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 106 (52) Gillissen et al. (1992) + GenBank
Ustilago maydis bE 18 648 0.154 0.544 < 0.001 < 0.0001 6 (4) Gillissen et al. (1992) + GenBank
Sordariaceae het-c 39 375 0.112 0.325 < 0.001 < 0.001 11 (3) Wu et al. (1998)

of homothallic (non-outcorssing) mating systems allele. In each of many tetrapolar to bipolar tran-
from heterothallic (outcrossing) ones (Lin and Heit- sitions investigated in Agaricomycetes, it has been
man 2007). There is no clear-cut evidence that the the P/R mating type locus which has become
reverse transition has occurred. Our understanding self-compatible (James et al. 2011). Similar to the
of mating type gene function provides a reasonable absence of evidence for reversal from heterothallic
explanation for this pattern. Early efforts to produce to homothallic, no reversals from bipolar to tetrap-
novel mating alleles by mutagenesis failed to create olar have been documented. Altogether the data on
new alleles, but instead recovered a large number mating system transitions in fungi provide a genetic
of self-compatible alleles that activated the mating explanation for how rapid evolution of mating sys-
response pathway (Raper et al. 1965). Thus, the tems could proceed, because only a single genomic
MAT genes can become self-activating through sim- change is required, as well as an explanation for
ple changes to their molecular structure whereas why the process is irreversible, the incompatibility
the evolution of novel specificities requires multiple mechanism is fractured in a manner that is difficult
substitutions. Furthermore, self-compatible combi- to repair.
nations can be readily created by recombination Variation in the number of genes present within
within the MAT locus (which normally is sup- MAT haplotypes of the multiallelic mushroom
pressed). Merely bringing the two-component sys- species is common, and two exemplary studies are
tem that is normally provided separately by two provided. These examples involve changes in gene
mating types together into a single genome has led number and organization but not type of genes
to the evolution of homothallic species repeatedly involved in mating determination, which are much
in the Ascomycota (Yun et al. 1999; Nygren et al. more static. Dynamic numbers of homeodomain
2011). genes are known from various A mating types
Within Basidiomycota, transitions from tetrapo- of Coprinopsis cinerea (Kües et al. 2011). The num-
lar to bipolar have occurred numerous times (Hib- ber of complete gene copies per haplotype varies
bett and Donoghue 2001). These transitions appear from four to seven, and among these genes are
to arise from either physical linkage of the two included both non-functional and non-expressed
mating type loci or the inactivation of one of the HD genes (Kües et al. 1994). Whether these result
two loci, possibly by formation of a self-compatible from degenerative processes or could eventually

provide fodder for the future evolution of allelic been detected for ascomycetes (Butler 2007) and the
diversity at the A mating type locus of C. cinerea MAT-A HD genes of basidiomycetes. For example,
is speculation only. Along similar lines, Fowler et the genes SLA2 and MIP are known to be adja-
al. (2004) demonstrated that the model of organi- cent to MAT in most Pezizomycotina and Agari-
zation at the Schizophyllum commune P/R mating comycetes, respectively. The Agaricomycete HD
type locus was not as cleanly divided into two MAT genes are typically found on the largest
functionally redundant subloci (· and ‚) as previ- chromosome, whereas the P/R genes are typi-
ously hypothesized. Using transformation assays, cally found on a smaller chromosome and show
individual pheromones were shown to stimulate no evidence of conserved gene order (Kües et al.
receptors from both · and ‚ subloci. These data, in 2011). It is possible that the conserved location of
combination with genome sequencing and phylo- MAT is related to a reduced recombination rate as
genetic analysis of C. cinerea receptors (Riquelme larger chromosomes appear to have a lower rate
et al. 2005), now suggest that reorganization and of recombination. Alternatively, the larger chromo-
recombination through time make division of mat- somes appear to be enriched for essential genes,
ing genes into clear paralogous classes impossible. and this location may reflect the fact that the HD
MAT genes play a critical role in the basidiomycete
19.5 Evidence for ancient alleles
How long can independent MAT allele lineages
and mating systems
be maintained? For biallelic species, the two lin-
Also contributing to maintenance of diversity at eages will be maintained as long as the system
fungal incompatibility genes are stabilizing forces does not collapse to asexuality (a single mating
that prevent allele or gene turnover. Based on what type) and as long as a third mating type allele
we know about the MAT genes in Dikarya, the does not emerge. As mentioned above, the bial-
loci controlling mating incompatibility have not lelic ascomycetes demonstrate this trans-specific
been reinvented numerous times, unlike, for exam- inheritance of the two mating type allele lineages
ple, the repeated evolution of sex chromosomes in throughout all of the evolution of the Pezizomy-
animal lineages such as fishes. Evidence that all cotina, but instead of alleles, the two MAT variants
Dikarya utilize the same mating response path- are considered ‘idiomorphs’ because they encode
way through activation of a G protein-coupled different genes. In the basidiomycetes, MAT loci
pheromone receptor comes from studies that reca- always encode for alleles instead of idiomorphs,
pitulate the pheromone signaling system in yeast and it has been demonstrated that for the bial-
using P/R genes isolated from mushroom fungi lelic Pucciniomycotina and Ustilaginomycotina, the
(Brown and Casselton 2001). The MAT genes them- same two pheromone receptor lineages have been
selves are essentially the same in all filamen- maintained for over 370 million years of evolution
tous ascomycetes which utilize HMG-motif and ·- (Devier et al. 2009).
domain proteins as the two alleles of MAT. Like- Multiallelic systems found in some Ustilagino-
wise, all basidiomycetes have HD transcription fac- mycotina and most Agaricomycotina have high
tors and often P/R genes as MAT genes. These sys- allelic and sequence diversity owing in large part
tems are thus ancient, having remained the same to balancing selection that extends the age of the
for hundreds of millions of years of evolution, each genealogy of alleles. This extension of the coa-
heterothallic species having inherited a set of alleles lescence time relative to neutral expectations has
during speciation. been measured for the HD gene b1 in Coprinop-
Genomic evidence provides further evidence of sis cinerea (May et al. 1999). May et al. derived an
the longevity of MAT genes rather than the con- estimate of the scaling factor by which the geneal-
stant recruitment of new HD and HMG genes to ogy of the b1 gene was extended in time relative
the MAT locus from the many non-mating type spe- to neutral expectations as 27.8, which was larger
cific copies of these genes throughout the genome. than estimates for vertebrate MHC. This scaling
Specifically, conserved gene order near MAT has factor is difficult to relate to geological time, and

evidence for trans-species polymorphism in mul- exception is the specificity determining region of
tiallelic systems would provide more data on the the bipolar smut U. hordei, which is additionally
timing of sequence divergence at MAT loci relative unusual in that its mating system has been reduced
to speciation events. One example of trans-specific to a biallelic system. Clearly, the alleles in mul-
polymorphism was suggested for the pheromone tiallelic species are turning over faster than 20
receptor genes of the mushroom genus Pleurotus mya, but the timescale investigated is very limited.
(James et al. 2004). However, the absence of posi- Sister species and species complexes need to be
tional or functional information in this study makes investigated.
inferring homology of the studied proteins diffi- How frequently new genes are recruited to
cult. Thus, convincing evidence of trans-specific become HET loci is largely unknown as most
polymorphism in multiallelic species is lacking and molecular information concerns a single order of
should be tested by using recently diverged species. filamentous ascomycetes, Sordariales. However,
A comparison among the relatively closely related investigation of the draft genomes of aspergilli
species with clear homology can be drawn using (Eurotiomycetes) identified the presence of most
the smuts Ustilago maydis, U. hordei, and Sporisorium of the characterized HET genes from Neurospora
reilianum. Approximate divergence times between crassa and Podospora anserina (Pál et al. 2007).
the species are 20 million years ago (mya) for U. Moreover, within the family Sordariaceae, the het-c
maydis–S. reilianum and 60 mya for the divergence locus shows clear evidence of ancient trans-specific
of U. hordei from the other two species based on polymorphism, with three het-c lineages found in
back of the envelope calculations using 18S rRNA most of the species studied (Wu et al. 1998). These
sequence data (Berbee and Taylor 1993). Recipro- data show that the heterokaryon incompatibility
cal monophyly is observed for each region of the systems, like MAT genes are not merely allelic
HD2 gene bW analyzed separately though diver- incompatibilities that arise commonly through
sity is much greater in the specificity-determining genetic drift or isolation but are complex systems
region based on branch lengths (Fig. 19.3). One that have been long maintained.

Specificity-determining HD Constant & trans-activating

region region region

U. maydis
U. hordei
S. reilianum


Figure 19.3 The HD2 protein bW of Ustilaginaceae shows variable and constant domains. Phylogenies were constructed for three separate regions of the
protein and shown are the phylograms with branch lengths at a constant scale. The specificity-determining region displays the highest level of
polymorphism based on branch lengths, but with the exception of the two U . hordei alleles, all other alleles are reciprocally monophyletic between species.

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Pathogens and their Hosts
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C H A P T E R 20

Rapid evolution of innate immune

response genes
Brian P. Lazzaro and Andrew G. Clark

20.1 The evolution of immunity This particular coevolutionary model is sometimes

termed a ‘coevolutionary arms race’ or ‘Red Queen
The immune system is a central mediator of inher- dynamics,’ the former referring to serial escala-
ently antagonistic interactions between hosts and tion that maintains parity between antagonists and
pathogens. Genes in the immune system often the latter referring to the Lewis Carroll charac-
evolve more rapidly than genes in other physio- ter’s assertion to Alice that in Wonderland ‘it
logical systems (e.g. Murphy 1991; Schlenke and takes all the running you can do, to keep in the
Begun 2003), presumably as a consequence of this same place’ (van Valen 1973; Dawkins and Krebs
antagonism. The mode of immune system evolu- 1978).
tion, however, can depend on a multitude of factors, This chapter provides an overview of the evolu-
including whether the pathogens are generalists or tionary dynamics of insect antimicrobial and antivi-
specialists, the prevalence and diversity of infec- ral immune systems, emphasizing the fruit fly,
tious agents in hosts’ natural environments, and Drosophila. Insects have no analog to the charismatic
pleiotropic functions of immune genes. Even within antibody-mediated acquired immunity that allows
the immune system, there is every reason to expect vertebrates to generate hyperdiversity and mem-
that selective pressures will vary across functionally ory of previous infection through somatic recombi-
distinct components. nation and clonal expansion (Murphy et al. 2007).
Host immune systems are generally defined in Instead, insects rely solely on ‘innate’ immunity.
terms of the physiological process of recognizing Innate immune systems, which are also central
and eliminating potentially pathogenic infection. components of vertebrate defense, are hardwired
In order to be effective, any immune system must into the genome and therefore might be more
therefore possess mechanisms for surveillance, for sensitive to host–pathogen coevolutionary dynam-
signal transduction and stimulation of appropri- ics. Innate immune responses to microbes include
ate antipathogen activity, and for sequestration and defensive phagocytosis and the production of
killing of the pathogen. For the pathogen, surviv- broad-spectrum antimicrobial peptides (reviewed
ing the immune response is essential. Pathogens, in Lemaitre and Hoffmann 2007). Innate immu-
therefore, may experience strong selective pres- nity to RNA viruses and transposable elements
sure to evade recognition, subvert or suppress sig- is mediated by RNA interference (RNAi), a cel-
nal transduction, and/or resist host killing mech- lular mechanism for recognizing and degrading
anisms. Pathogen success on any of these fronts, double-stranded RNA (dsRNA), and subsequently
however, imposes renewed selective pressure on single-stranded RNA homologous to the activat-
the host to evolve re-established immunity. Thus, ing dsRNA (van Mierlo et al. 2011). Compo-
hosts and pathogens may reciprocally adapt to nents of both the antimicrobial immune system
each other, serially evolving under positive Dar- and antiviral RNAi have been shown to evolve
winian selection but without achieving any sub- rapidly and adaptively in Drosophila and other
stantial change in the relationship status quo. insects.

Rapidly Evolving Genes and Genetic Systems. First Edition. Edited by Rama S. Singh, Jianping Xu, and Rob J. Kulathinal.
© 2012 Oxford University Press. Published 2012 by Oxford University Press.

20.2 Orthology and gene family

evolution in antimicrobial immunity

Gains or losses per gene

Insect immune responses to microbes can include 0.020

per million years

both defensive phagocytosis and production of
secreted antimicrobial peptides (AMPs). The mech- 0.015
anistic basis for the systemic production of AMPs
has been well studied and appears from compara-
tive genomic analyses to be highly conserved across
invertebrates (reviewed in Lazzaro 2008). There are
two primary signaling pathways used to activate
Recognition Signaling Effector
AMP production, named the Toll pathway and the functional class
Imd pathway after key constituent genes. The Imd
pathway has homology to the mammalian tumor Figure 20.1 Rates of turnover of copy number of different classes of
necrosis factor pathway, and mammalian Toll-like innate immune genes, as inferred from the 12 Drosophila genome
sequences. On the Drosophila phylogeny, the gene copy number of each
signaling pathways are named for their homology
class was determined in the 12 species, and a maximum likelihood
to their insect counterpart. Nearly all the core sig- procedure was used to estimate the rate of change in copy number along
naling proteins in both the Toll and Imd pathways the branches of the phylogeny. The clear conservativeness of copy number
are conserved as strict orthologs across available of the signaling genes stands in contrast to both the recognition and
sequenced invertebrate genomes. effector (antimicrobial) peptides. Redrawn from Sackton et al. (2007).
The Imd and Toll pathways can each be stim-
ulated by host recognition of microbial cell wall related Defensins may, however, be the product of
components. This recognition is achieved by pep- convergent evolution (Broekaert et al. 1995) to a
tidoglycan recognition proteins (PGRPs) and the similar tertiary structure.
Gram-negative binding proteins (GNBPs; mislead- There are exceptions to the pattern of strong con-
ingly named because their recognition spectrum is servation of the Toll and Imd pathways and diver-
not restricted to Gram-negative bacteria). PGRPs sification of PGRPs, GNBPs, and AMPs. For exam-
and GNBPs each exist as multigene families of ple, the pea aphid genome sequence indicates that
roughly four to 15 members in most insects and aphids have lost key genes in the Imd pathway
mammals. These gene families remain evolutionar- and are completely without PGRPs (Gerardo et al.
ily stable over short time periods, but family mem- 2010). Even though the honeybee has intact Toll
bers undergo considerable duplication and dele- and Imd pathways, the bee exhibits reduced copy
tion over longer evolutionary timescales (e.g. Evans number in most multigene families, resulting in
et al. 2006; Sackton et al. 2007; Waterhouse et al. a nearly two-thirds reduction in the complement
2007; Zhou et al. 2007). Fig. 20.1 shows the dis- of identifiable immune system genes (Evans et al.
tribution of turnover rates of genes involved in 2006). It is unclear whether these insects are actu-
recognition, signaling, and effector classes, showing ally immunocompromised. The gene losses may be
that the signaling class has the lowest rate. Genes offset by indirect protection from infection through
encoding antimicrobial peptides show extremely hygienic hive behavior in the case of the honey-
high rates of gene family expansion and contrac- bee or protection by secondary symbionts in the
tion. While genes encoding some peptides, such case of the aphid. Alternatively, the immunological
as cecropins and defensins, are nearly ubiquitous functions lost with the deletions of these genes may
in insects, most peptide gene families are much be regained through other, yet-unidentified genetic
more taxonomically restricted (e.g. Evans et al. mechanisms. These questions cannot be addressed
2006; Sackton et al. 2007; Waterhouse et al. 2007; by comparative genomic analysis, but can only be
Zhou et al. 2007). Peptides in the Defensin class are answered with careful functional study.
the most taxonomically widespread, being found in The evolutionary examination of genes involved
insects, mammals, and plants. The most distantly in defensive phagocytosis has been less thorough.
R A P I D E VO L U T I O N O F I N N AT E I M M U N E R E S P O N S E G E N E S 205

Nonetheless, there are clear indications that, like at the amino acid level. Genes in these pathways
PGRPs and GNBPs, phagocytic receptors duplicate are among the most divergent in the immune sys-
and delete at rates that are significantly higher than tem in comparisons between D. melanogaster and
the genome average (e.g. Sackton et al. 2007). For the mosquitoes Anopheles gambiae and Aedes aegypti
example, receptors in the eater/nimrod/hemese (Waterhouse et al. 2007), and several individual sig-
class are highly diversified in Drosophila (Sackton naling genes exhibit significant evidence of adap-
et al. 2007; Zou et al. 2007; Somogyi et al. 2008). tive evolution within Drosophila (Begun and Whit-
Scavenger receptors are also diversified across dis- ley 2000; Schlenke and Begun 2003; Jiggins and
tinct insect taxa. Class C scavenger receptors have Kim 2007; Sackton et al. 2007). This observation has
expanded from one progenitor to four genes in the been interpreted in light of the capacity of some
melanogaster group of Drosophila (Lazzaro 2005; pathogens to subvert or block host immune sig-
Sackton et al. 2007), and the Class B scavenger recep- naling (Begun and Whitley 2000; Schmid-Hempel
tor family is greatly expanded in Tribolium casta- 2008). The essential requirement of these pathways
neum (Zou et al. 2007). The Tep gene family encodes for antimicrobial immunity and their highly con-
protease-activated opsonins that tag microbes and served orthology may be the very features that
other pathogens for phagocytosis and immunolog- expose them to pathogen manipulation. Whereas
ical elimination. Tep genes are highly diversified recognition proteins and AMPs are comprised of
in mosquitoes (Waterhouse et al. 2007) and experi- diverse and varied gene families, the two signal-
ence rapid gene family evolution across insect taxa ing pathways are a ‘bottleneck’ at which pathogens
(Evans et al. 2006; Zou et al. 2007; Gerardo et al. can choke off the immune response. The ubiqui-
2010). tous orthology of these pathways may further serve
In summary, the rate of gene copy number evolu- to make them attractive targets for interference by
tion varies greatly across different functional com- generalist pathogens. The adaptive evolutionary
ponents of the immune system, but is relatively signature in these pathways may be amplified by
consistent across insect taxa. Core signaling genes the correlated amino acid substitutions within and
in the Imd and Toll pathways tend to be maintained among proteins that maintain pathway function
as strict orthologs across insect taxa. In contrast, while escaping pathogen manipulation (DePristo
PGRP and GNBP recognition proteins that activate et al. 2005).
these pathways and the AMPs that are among their Compared to other functional classes of genes in
downstream targets are highly diversified across the innate immune system, genes encoding recep-
insects. This diversification in recognition and effec- tors display the strongest signature of positive
tor proteins may arise as a consequence of differ- selection (Fig. 20.2). Genes encoding opsonins and
ent species’ ecological exposure to distinct suites of receptors for phagocytosis tend to evolve under
microbes. Alternatively, these genes may be sub- positive selection at the amino acid level. In particu-
ject to ‘threshold’ evolution, where gene copies lar, Tep genes have been shown to evolve adaptively
can duplicate and delete nearly neutrally provided in Drosophila (Jiggins and Kim 2006; Sackton et al.
some minimum capacity for microbial recognition 2007), Anopheles (Little and Cobbe 2005), and the
and clearance is retained. Whichever model is more cladoceran crustacean Daphnia (Little et al. 2004),
correct, rates of evolution for these gene families with selected sites predominantly found in and
are considerably higher than for most genes in the around the domain that is proteolytically cleaved
genome. for TEP activation. The expanded class C scav-
enger receptor family in the melanogaster species
group also evolves unusually quickly at the amino
20.3 Molecular evolution of the
acid level (Lazzaro 2005), as do several other scav-
antimicrobial immune system
enger receptors and bacteria-binding phagocyto-
Despite their strict maintenance of orthology across sis receptors in the nimrod class (Sackton et al.
very distantly related taxa, signaling genes in the 2007). In contrast, there is little indication of adap-
Toll and Imd pathways evolve surprisingly rapidly tive amino-acid level evolution in PGRP and GNBP

0.20 with adaptive amino acid diversification in verte-

brates (Tennessen et al. 2005). AMP gene duplica-
Proportion positively selected (5% FDR)

tion has also been coupled with amino acid diver-
0.15 gence in termites and mosquitoes (Bulmer and
Crozier 2004; Dassanayake et al. 2007), so the data
from Drosophila may represent a departure from
* the norm. Amino acid diversification may result
in altered antimicrobial activity (Tennessen 2005;
Yang et al. 2011), and both gene family expan-
sion and amino acid diversification may be driven
by adaptation to commonly encountered microbes.
Drosophila species may associate less with specific
coevolving microbes, obviating the need for amino-
0.00 acid level adaptation in AMP genes. The limited
All immune (226) Recognition(45) Signaling(117) Effector(61)
Functional class survey work that has been conducted suggests that
most microbes associated with D. melanogaster in
Figure 20.2 Rates of amino-acid substitution are accelerated in the field are generalist opportunists (Corby-Harris
recognition and signaling proteins (as estimated by the maximum et al. 2007; P. Juneja and B.P. Lazzaro unpublished
likelihood fits to the codon substitution model as implemented in PAML),
data), and the Drosophila antimicrobial immune
resulting in a greater proportion of genes in these classes showing
evidence for positive selection ( K A / K S > 1). The dotted line represents
system may be adapted to management of these
the genome-wide average proportion of positively selected genes. more persistent but less threatening challenges
Redrawn from Sackton et al. (2007). (Hultmark 2003).

recognition proteins that activate Toll and Imd sig-

naling (Schlenke and Begun 2003; Jiggins and Kim
20.4 The evolution of defense against
2006; Sackton et al. 2007). The observation of adap-
viruses and transposable elements
tive evolution in signaling genes but not in the
recognition factors that activate signaling seems Genes responsible for defense against viruses and
to be generalizable across invertebrates (e.g. Lit- transposable elements (TEs) can exhibit excep-
tle et al. 2004; Little and Cobbe 2005; Bulmer and tionally fast evolutionary rates. Double-stranded
Crozier 2006), although individual genes may vary RNA (dsRNA) associated with RNA viruses and
in the degree to which they are selected in dif- active transposons are targeted for silencing and
ferent taxa (e.g. Levine and Begun 2007; Sackton degradation by RNAi machinery in plant, insect,
et al. 2007). The distinct evolutionary trajectories of and mammalian cells. Three Drosophila genes
phagocytosis receptors versus PGRPs and GNBPs that are required for processing and silencing of
may stem from differences in binding affinity. transposon- and virus-derived dsRNA (Dicer-2,
Opsonins and phagocytic receptors bind to a diver- R2D2, and Argonaut-2) are among the fastest evolv-
sity of pathogen molecules, some of which may be ing 3% of genes in the D. melanogaster genome
evolutionarily very labile. In contrast, GNBPs and (Fig. 20.3). These genes exhibit highly elevated
PGRPs that activate the immune system are tar- Ka/Ks ratios and McDonald–Kreitman test statis-
geted to highly conserved microbial cell wall com- tics that indicate strong positive selection across the
pounds like peptidoglycan and ‚-glucans. melanogaster subgroup species (Obbard et al. 2006).
Despite their rapid gene family turnover, AMP Dicer-2 and Argonaut-2 in particular appear to have
genes in Drosophila show little indication of rapid been recent targets of selective sweeps, resulting in
evolution at the amino acid level (e.g. Lazzaro significantly reduced genetic diversity at these loci
and Clark 2003; Jiggins and Kim 2005; Sackton in D. melanogaster and related species (Obbard et al.
et al. 2007). This contrasts with the observation 2006, 2011). Modeling of the selective process sug-
that AMP gene duplication is frequently associated gests multiple recurrent, recent, and independent
R A P I D E VO L U T I O N O F I N N AT E I M M U N E R E S P O N S E G E N E S 207

50th percentile
97th percentile
siRNA pathway
1.5 AMPs



Figure 20.3 Rates of adaptive evolution of genes involved
in immune response, expressed as the ratio of nonsynonymous
( K A ) to synonymous ( K S ) rates of nucleotide substitution.
Three genes involved in antiviral response, R 2 D 2, Ago2, and 0.0
Dcr2 are among the top 3% most rapidly evolving genes in 0 1 2 3 4 5
Drosophila. From Obbard et al. (2006). Gene length /kbp

sweeps at Argonaut-2 in D. melanogaster, D. simu- or interacting RNAi proteins (as in DePristo et al.
lans, and D. yakuba (Obbard et al. 2011). 2005; Callahan et al. 2011). An arms race between
RNAi is an effective defense against RNA hosts and viruses implies not only rapid evolution
viruses, and several viruses have mechanisms in the antiviral machinery, but also rapid evolu-
for suppressing or subverting the host defensive tionary turnover in viral VSRs. This condition is
RNAi of plants, mammals, insects, and worms satisfied by the rapid molecular evolutionary ori-
(reviewed in Li and Ding 2006). Viral suppres- gin and elimination of VSRs across viral taxa. VSRs
sion of RNAi (VSR) can occur through a vari- are often encoded by overlapping genes that dif-
ety of mechanisms which may spur molecular fer in reading frame, which arise when an existing
arms races between hosts and viruses. These could gene sequence becomes translated in an alternative
include competitive binding and sequestration of reading frame, a process known as overprinting
processed siRNAs (which would dampen the host (Li and Ding 2006). This results in gene sets that
RNAi response), competitive binding of full-length vary in age, with structurally novel proteins arising
dsRNA (which would prevent access by endoge- instantaneously in viral lineages and resulting in
nous RNAi machinery), and direct inhibition of remarkable VSR functional diversity. As would be
host RNAi proteins (Li and Ding 2006; Obbard expected under an arms race model, VSRs show
et al. 2009). The sites that are putatively evolv- elevated rates of protein divergence relative to other
ing adaptively in host RNAi genes tend not to be viral genes (Obbard et al. 2009).
restricted to known functional domains, but are RNAi genes more conventionally associated with
distributed throughout the proteins (Obbard et al. germline silencing of transposable elements (TEs)
2006; Kolaczkowski et al. 2011; Obbard et al. 2011). also show evidence of recent and recurrent adapta-
Putatively adaptive substitutions occur in a domain tion (Obbard et al. 2009; Kolaczkowski et al. 2011).
critical for RNA-binding by D. melanogaster Dicer- TE silencing in the germline is executed by the
2 (Kolaczkowski et al. 2011), and are particularly PIWI-interacting, or piRNA, pathway. Active TEs
prevalent on molecular surfaces of other genes can be severely deleterious to host lineages and
(Obbard et al. 2006, 2011; Kolaczkowski et al. 2011), are strongly selected against (reviewed in Lee and
which could perhaps indicate coevolution with Langley 2010). Theory predicts, and empiricism
viral genes that physically interact with host RNAi bears out, that piRNAs which silence transposons
machinery or correlated compensatory coevolution should be adaptive through reducing the deleteri-
among physically correlated amino acid residues ous effects of TE mobilization (Lu and Clark 2010).

piRNA pathway genes show strong evidence of rapid gene family diversification and pervasive
adaptive evolution and are among the 5% most adaptive amino acid evolution. The difference in
rapidly evolving genes in D. simulans (Obbard evolutionary profiles between the two classes of
et al. 2009). Several piRNA genes also show evi- pathogen-recognition proteins is likely a function
dence of recent selective sweeps in D. melanogaster of differences in the ligands which they recognize.
(Kolaczkowski et al. 2011). Perhaps surprisingly, intracellular signaling pro-
Because there is mechanistic overlap between teins that activate systemic antimicrobial immunity
antiviral and anti-transposon RNAi functions, it is tend to evolve rapidly at the amino acid level,
difficult to definitively declare that rapid evolution even though these are not expected to have obvi-
of RNAi genes is due to coevolution specifically ous contact with pathogens and show virtually
with viruses or with TEs at the exclusion of the no diversification at the gene family level across
other. Several piRNA components appear to have very distantly related taxa. This has been inter-
additional antiviral functions and some VSRs may preted to result from coevolution with pathogens
affect piRNA pathway genes (reviewed in Obbard that interfere with these highly conserved signal-
et al. 2009, 2011; Kolaczkowski et al. 2011), which ing processes. Although antimicrobial peptides are
could result in the rapid evolution of piRNA genes ubiquitous components of innate immune systems,
without invoking transposon-driven selection. At specific peptide families are typically highly tax-
the same time, the antiviral RNAi genes Dicer-2 onomically restricted and vary across taxa in the
and Argonaut-2 are recruited for anti-TE function in rate at which they evolve at the amino acid level.
an RNAi mechanism so far thought to be unique Finally, RNAi genes that defend against viruses
to Drosophila (Obbard et al. 2009). Unlike trans- and transposable elements evolve extraordinarily
posons, however, viruses have a known mechanism quickly, probably in reflection of tight coevolution
for suppressing host RNAi, and have themselves with highly specific and quickly evolving viruses
the capacity to rapidly evolve in response to evo- that have high mutation rates and short replication
lutionary change in the host. These factors suggest times.
that antagonistic host-virus coevolution may be a Also surprisingly, there is little indication that
more probable driver of rapid evolution in RNAi genes in the innate immune system maintain poly-
genes than is host–TE coevolution. morphism through balancing natural selection.
Instead, where there is evidence of adaptive evolu-
tion, the data reveal rapid directional selection more
20.5 Concluding remarks
consistent with coevolutionary arms races. This
Immune systems tend to evolve rapidly and adap- may partially stem from the fact that serial direc-
tively, and the innate immune system of insects tional selection is experimentally easier to detect
and invertebrates is no exception. The precise than balanced polymorphism, but also is indica-
nature of evolution in immune system genes unsur- tive of the nature of invertebrate immune system
prisingly depends on gene function, but not all evolution.
immune genes evolve in a manner that is nec-
essarily intuitive. For example, pathogen recogni- References
tion proteins that activate antimicrobial immune
signaling show little evidence of adaptive amino Broekaert, W.F., Terras, F.R., Cammue, B.P., and Osborn,
R.W. (1995) Plant defensins: novel antimicrobial pep-
acid evolution, suggesting that these genes tend
tides as components of the host defense system. Plant
not to coevolve. At the same time, the gene fam-
Physiol 108: 1353–8.
ilies encoding these recognition proteins recur-
Begun, D.J. and Whitley, P. (2000) Adaptive evolution of
rently show taxon-specific expansion and deletion, relish, a Drosophila NF-ÍB/IÍB protein. Genetics 154:
potentially indicating adaptation to the spectrum 1231–8.
of microbes encountered by distinct species. Cell- Bulmer, M.S. and Crozier, R.H. (2004) Duplication and
surface and secreted proteins that bind microbes diversifying selection among termite antifungal pep-
for phagocytosis, on the other hand, show both tides. Mol Biol Evol 21: 2256–64.
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C H A P T E R 21

Rapid evolution of the plague

Ruifu Yang, Yujun Cui, and Dongsheng Zhou

21.1 Introduction 2008, 2009; Zhou and Yang 2009). However, differ-
ent studies have traditionally used different strain
Plague, one of the most devastating infections in the typing techniques. There is an urgent need to study
human history, is a zoonotic infection that spreads the same batch of strains of Y. pestis representing
to humans from natural rodent reservoirs, com- different regions around the world using the same
monly via bites of infected fleas. Yersinia pestis, the standardized typing schemes in order to fulfill the
causative agent of plague, is a multihost and multi- systematic understanding of the genome diversities
vector pathogen, involving more than 200 species of of this deadly bacterium. The recent emergence and
wild rodents as hosts and over 80 species of fleas as widespread application of high-throughput DNA
vectors (Anisimov et al. 2004). Different hosts and sequencing technologies are making this possible.
vectors have their own specific ecological niches For example, using whole-genome sequencing and
to inhabit. During its expansion and adaptation to single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis, a
new niches, Y. pestis could undergo rapid genetic relatively comprehensive set of strains of Y. pestis
changes in its genome in response to novel natural from different parts of the world was recently ana-
selective forces. lyzed and the histories of its spread were proposed
To fully understand its evolution, a large collec- (Morelli et al. 2010).
tion of Y. pestis strains from different time periods Plague is a typical zoonosis pathogen and its
and regions around the world would be needed. long-term existence in the natural foci is impacted
However, due to its high virulence and its potential by the interactions between the hosts, the vectors,
use in bioterrorism, obtaining sufficient samples of the pathogen genotype, and the environment (Zhou
this organism has been difficult. Until recently, most et al. 2004a). The plague pathogen is postulated
genetic data about Y. pestis have come from a rela- to have appeared in the Mongolian bobak (Mar-
tively small number of strains from Western Europe mota sibirica Radde, 1862) populations in Central
(Pourcel et al. 2004) and there had been a significant Asia during the Pleistocene (Suntsov and Suntsova
lack of data on strains from China and the former 2000). The late Pleistocene cooling, which induced
Soviet Union. This is unfortunate as most of the deep-freezing of the ground in southern Siberia,
existing plague foci are located in these regions and Mongolia, and Manchuria, likely played a signif-
is where Y. pestis is thought to have originated. icant role for its emergence. The main ecologi-
Two recent developments are changing our cal factors of plague pathogen evolution likely
understanding of the evolution of this pathogen. included the species-specific behavior of the Mon-
The first is due to Dr Anisimov’s effort in analyzing golian bobak. The bobaks hibernate in the arid
the strains and populations of Y. pestis from the for- petrophytic landscapes in winter, bringing the lar-
mer Soviet Union. The second is the recently pub- vae of the flea Oropsylla silantiewi Wagn. with
lished works on genome diversities of Y. pestis in them. After its emergence, Y. pestis expanded to
China by our laboratory, thus helping bridging part other hosts, including synanthropic rats and ger-
of this gap (Song et al. 2004; Cui et al. 2008; Li et al. bils, pikas, voles, and other kinds of marmots, to

Rapidly Evolving Genes and Genetic Systems. First Edition. Edited by Rama S. Singh, Jianping Xu, and Rob J. Kulathinal.
© 2012 Oxford University Press. Published 2012 by Oxford University Press.

become a multihost pathogen. During its expan- plague bacterium from the site of the initial fleabite
sion to different hosts, Y. pestis likely modified its to other sites, while phospholipase D (previously
genome to adapt itself to new niches and gradu- termed as a murine toxin) plays a major role in the
ally diversified to contain strains with different fea- survival of the plague bacteria in fleas.
tures. The diagnostic features include the capacity Of the three plasmids, the greatest size variations
of the strains to ferment glycerol, reduce nitrate, are found in the pMT1 plasmid among the strains,
and their virulence properties to humans. Indeed, followed by plasmid pCD1, and then pPCP1 (Dong
these diversified strains are linked to the types and Yu 1994). Filippov et al. (1990) investigated
of rodent hosts, geographical landscapes, and flea plasmid content in 242 Y. pestis strains from vari-
vectors. ous natural plague foci of the former Soviet Union
Molecular phylogenetic analyses have demon- and other countries. Of these strains, 172 (71%)
strated that Y. pestis split from Y. pseudotubercu- were shown to carry three plasmids described pre-
losis very recently, from about 6500–20,000 years viously. Twenty of them (8%) harbored additional
ago (Achtman et al. 2004). At present, the detailed cryptic plasmids, most often one about 20 MDa in
mechanisms on how Y. pestis speciated from its size. Plasmid pPCP1 displayed considerable con-
ancestor remain incompletely understood. How- stancy of its molecular mass among the strains.
ever, several processes are known to have played a On the contrary, significant size variations in
role in its evolution. These include plasmid acqui- pCD1 (45–49 MDal) and, especially, pMT1 (60–190
sition, horizontal gene transfers that include both MDa) were found. Molecular masses of these plas-
gene acquisition and loss, and neutral or positive mids showed a significant association with host
selection. In this chapter, we present the diver- origins.
sity data of Y. pestis published by different groups There are also other plasmids in Y. pestis and
using different methods and correlate these data many of them are geography specific. For example,
with the evolution of the Y. pestis genome and its a 6-kb cryptic plasmid (pYC; 5919 bp) was found in
pathogenicity. Together, these data demonstrate the the Y. pestis isolates from Yunnan province in south-
rapid evolution of the plague pathogen since its western China. There is evidence that this plasmid
recent emergence. is increasing in frequency in the southern regions
of Yunnan province (Dong et al. 2000). Song et al.
(2004) reported a 21,742-bp plasmid pCRY from an
21.2 Plasmid acquisition in Y. pestis avirulent strain of Y. pestis from Microtus brandti in
There are different kinds of plasmids in strains inner Mongolia.
and populations of Y. pestis from different regions There are quite a number of studies on plasmid
around the world. Most of the strains contain three variation among strains of Y. pestis from different
plasmids, i.e. pPCP1 (also designated pYP, pPla, or regions in the former Soviet Union (Anisimov et al.
pPst, 9.5 kb or ∼6 Mdal), pMT1 (also designated 2004). Variations in plasmid contents and sizes have
pFra, pTox or pYT, ∼100 kb or ∼65 Mdal) and pCD1 been used to classify strains of Y. pestis into different
(also designated pYV, pCad, pLcr, or pVW, ∼70 kb groups of plasmid variants (called plasmidovars),
or ∼45 Mdal). The first two plasmids, pPCP1 and which are often associated, to a high but not exclu-
pMT1, are unique to Y. pestis and their acquisitions sive degree, with strain source and phenotype, as
are thought to play key roles in the evolution of the shown earlier. These results indicate the potential
plague microbe. All pathogenic Yersinia strains con- utility of this method for epidemiological investiga-
tain the virulence-associated pCD1 plasmid, which tions and for contributing to the determination of
encodes finely-tuned type III secretion machinery the pathogenic potential of isolates.
consisting of antiphagocytic factors. pPCP1 encodes Among the diverse genome evolution mecha-
the plasminogen activator and the bacteriocin pes- nisms, plasmid acquisition is probably the quickest
ticin. pMT1 is responsible for the synthesis of frac- and most economical way of evolving new capac-
tion 1 antigen and phospholipase D. The plasmino- ities and novel genotypes. While scientists have
gen activator is involved in the dissemination of the obtained many profiles of Y. pestis plasmids and

correlated them to strain origins, most research has significantly shape the host bacterial genome and
focused on plasmids pPCP1 and pMT1 and the role promote their spread and evolution. In some
of other region-specific plasmids in evolution has human or animal pathogenic bacteria, phages often
not been fully understood. By comparative analy- bring virulence-associated genes to increase and/or
sis, pMT1 has more than 50% nucleotide sequence diversify their host bacterial pathogen’s virulence
identity to a cryptic plasmid pHCM2 in Salmonella properties. For example, the Shiga-toxin-producing
typhi (Prentice et al. 2001), indicating a recent shared Escherichia coli O104: H4 responsible for the recent
common ancestry and/or the potential transfer of food-poisoning outbreak in Germany evolved by
the plasmid between Y. pseudotuberculosis or Y. pestis acquiring a phage carrying genes encoding the
and Salmonella typhi in fleas or hosts. Plasmid pCRY, Shiga toxin 2 from enterohemolytic E. coli by a strain
encoding a cryptic type IV secretion system, was of the enteroaggregative E. coli (Rohde et al. 2011).
found to share a high nucleotide sequence similar- Although we can not decipher exactly how phages
ity to plasmids harbored by members of the Enter- shape bacterial genomes, comparisons of phage or
obactericeae, such as p307 in E. coli, pGSH500 in phage-like sequences in bacterial genomes by bioin-
Klebsiella pneumoniae, pYVe439-80 in Y. enterocolitica, formatics analysis often yield surprising patterns.
and pCP301 in Shigella flexneri (Song et al. 2004).
This data suggests frequent recent transfers of plas-
mids between Y. pseudotuberculosis or Y. pestis and
21.4 Prophages in the Y. pestis
Enterobactericeae members in fleas or hosts. The
abundant evidence of plasmid transfers indicates Four fragments of prophage sequences were anno-
that plasmid acquisitions have played key roles in tated in seven publicly available Y. pestis complete
the evolution of Y. pestis. genomes. Of these four prophage sequences, only
one (prophage2) was found in the genome of Y.
pseudotuberculosis, the most closely related species
21.3 The impact of phages on genome
of Y. pestis. This result suggested that the other three
prophages were likely acquired after speciation
Bacteria are thought to be the most abundant organ- of Y. pestis from Y. pseudotuberculosis (Table 21.1).
isms on our planet, but the number (107 –108 /mL) Prophages 1 and 3 were found in all seven Y. pestis
of viruses in the environments exceeds greatly that genomes, suggesting that they were likely acquired
(106 /mL) of bacteria. In the environment, phages at the early stage of Y. pestis evolution. Prophage4,
play indispensable roles in ecology, and they can also designated DFR13, encodes a filamentous

Table 21.1 Annotated prophages in Y. pestis genomes

Strain IDa Accession number Length (base pairs) Percentageb

Prophage1 Prophage2 Prophage3 Prophage4 Total

CO92 NC_003143 9,931 17,246 46,368 8,758 82,303 1.64%

91001 NC_005810 9,645 17,264 10,331 0 37,240 0.66%
KIM NC_004088 9,644 17,281 39,338 0 66,263 1.44%
Antiqua NC_008150 9,929 17,281 33,300 0 60,510 1.29%
Nepal516 NC_008149 9,929 17,275 46,363 0 73,567 1.62%
Angola NC_010159 9,432 17,282 50,290 0 77,004 1.71%
Pestoides_F NC_009381 9,928 17,270 44,450 0 71,648 1.59%
IP32953 NC_006155 0 17,624 0 0 17,624 1.60%c

IP32953 is an Y. pseudotuberculosis strain and the other seven are all Y. pestis strains
Percentages were calculated as the total length of prophages divided the genome size of each strain
This value included three IP32953-specific prophages that are not shown in this table

phage (Ypfˆ) and contributes to the pathogenicity of fragment contained four insertion sequence (IS)
Y. pestis in mice. It has been shown that prophage 4 elements, including an IS100, an IS1541, and two
forms an unstable episome in strains of biovar Anti- IS285, suggesting that the IS-introduced genomic
qua and biovar Mediavalis. However, this prophage changes can contribute to significant strain vari-
is stably integrated into the chromosome of strains ation among prophage3 sequences. The observa-
of biovar Orientalis as tandem repeats (Derbise tion that prophage3 sequences could be partly lost
et al. 2007). Population genetic studies have shown or interrupted in strains of Y. pestis indicated that
that prophage 4 is widely distributed in biovar while this phage might have played some roles in
Orientalis stains of Y. pestis, whereas very few Y. pestis evolutionary history, it is most likely non-
strains in biovar Antiqua, Medievalis, and Micro- essential and dispensable.
tus contained prophage4. For example, only eight The comparative genomics results of prophages
of the 325 Y. pestis strains of other three biovars in Y. pestis revealed evidence for an arms race
were found to contain prophage4 but all 52 bio- and coevolution between phages and host bacte-
var Orientalis strains tested were positive for this ria. Virulent phages can lyse susceptible host bac-
prophage (Li et al. 2008). These results suggested teria without leaving their signatures on surviving
that prophage4 was acquired by the Y. pestis ances- bacterial genomes. However, for lysogenic phages
tor, but only fixed in the Orientalis lineages, likely such as prophages 1 and 2 in Y. pestis, the phage
due to selective advantages it conferred for this genomes can integrate into the genome of the host
group of strains. This hypothesis is supported by bacterium, and maintain its structure and function
the active expression of genes on prophage4. How- if it can benefit the host bacterial population. Signa-
ever, the genes in the other three prophages were tures of this ‘win–win’ model have been observed
not expressed and may be degenerating to defective through analyzing prophage-like sequences in the
bacteriophages or phage remnants (Table 21.2). target bacterial genomes. For phages that are not
The sizes of prophages 1 and 2 are compara- harmful but also with no apparent benefit for their
ble across the seven completely sequenced Y. pestis host, although they can temporarily integrate into
genomes and their sequences are highly similar the genome of the host bacterium, they will be jet-
among the strains with low diversities (Table 21.1 tisoned eventually during evolution, such as what
and Fig. 21.1). The data indicate that these two has occurred for prophage3 in Y. pestis.
phages may have played indispensable roles in
Y. pestis physiology and genome evolution. How-
21.5 CRISPRs diversity and the battle
ever, sequences of prophage3 were highly poly-
between phage and Y. pestis
morphic among the seven strains. The length of
prophage3 ranged from 10–50kbp. In the Angola Clustered, regularly interspaced short palindromic
strain, the prophage3 sequence was split into two repeats (CRISPRs), a family of repeat elements that
parts separated by 186 kbp. The large DNA insert typically consist of non-contiguous direct repeats

Table 21.2 Characteristics of Y. pestis prophages

ID Start–end (in the CO92 genome) Note Alternate designationsa

CDS Position

Prophage1 YPO1087–1098 1234752–1244683 Phage remnant GI09

Prophage2 YPO1239–1252 1398814–1410182 Defective Mu-like bacteriophage GI10
Prophage3 YPO2084–2140 2363016–2409384 Defective lambdoid bacteriophage DFR12
Prophage4 YPO2271–2281 2554162–2562920 Filamentous phage DFR13, Ypfˆ

GI, genome island
GI and DFR designations here follow those in Zhou et al. (2004b), and Ypfˆ is from Derbise et al. (2007)

0 0 0

4,072,012 581,716 3,446,299 574,383 4,025,661 575,094

CO92 91001 KIM

3,490,296 1,163,432 2,871,916 574,383 3,450,566 1,150,189

4,653,728 bp 4,595,065 bp 4,600,755 bp

2,908,580 1,745,148 2,297,532 1,148,766 2,875,472 1,725,283

2,326,864 1,723,149 2,300,378

0 0 0

4,114,502 587,786 3,967,768 566,824 3,941,224 563,032

Antiqua Nepal516 Angola

3,526,716 1,175,572 3,400,944 1,133,648 3,378,192 1,126,064

4,702,289 bp 4,534,590 bp 4,504,254 bp

2,938,930 1,763,358 2,834,120 1,700,472 2,815,160 1,689,096

2,351,144 2,267,296 2,252,128

3,952,676 564,668

Pestoides_F Prophage 1 Prophage 3

3,388,008 1,129,336

4,517,345 bp
Prophage 2 Prophage 4
2,823,340 1,694,004


Figure 21.1 The distributions of prophages among Y. pestis genomes. The bars on the outside circle of each genome indicate the positions of dispersed
prophage-associated genes. The second circles from outside show the positions and lengths of the four prophages described in Tables 21.1 and 21.2.
The lengths of the prophages were magnified ten times relatively to other genomic regions for easy visualization. Therefore, the prophages and some
adjacent genes seemed overlapped. The innermost circles indicate the genomic locations relative to the origin of replication, at ‘0.’

(DR, 24–47 bp) separated by stretches of similarly- ments and preserved in CRISPR loci. These ‘spac-
sized unique sequences, are widely distributed in ers’ can be used as templates to provide resis-
the genomes of both Bacteria and Archaea (Horvath tance to phages or to conjugative plasmids that
and Barrangou 2010). CRISPRs that are associated contain sequences homologous to the spacers (Gar-
with Cas (CRISPR-associated) proteins and leader neau et al. 2010). The spacer regions in CRISPRs
sequences (the non-coding sequences flanking the seem to be one of the most rapidly diversified
CRISPRs on one side and acting as a promoter) con- regions in prokaryotic genomes, and even in the
stitute a prokaryotic immune system against bac- same species, different spacer arrays often exist in
teriophage attacks via a RNA interference (RNAi)- different isolates (Cui et al. 2008). The highly poly-
like mechanism (Marraffini and Sontheimer 2010). morphic CRISPRs in different isolates has provided
The DR sequences of CRISPRs are usually con- a powerful set of markers for microevolutionary
served among strains of the same species. DR studies, and laid a foundation for ‘spoligotyping,’
sequences of different species can be organized which had been widely used in genotyping strains
into multiple clusters. The sequences of some clus- of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
ters have the tendency to form stable, conserved Three types of CRISPRs loci, designated as YPa,
RNA secondary structures, which may be involved YPb, and YPc, have been identified in the chromo-
in implementing the functions of CRISPRs (Kunin some of Y. pestis (Pourcel et al. 2005). Our labora-
et al. 2007). The unique parts, also called ‘spacers’, tory collected 125 strains of Y. pestis from 26 natu-
were acquired from invading foreign genetic ele- ral plague foci of China, the former Soviet Union,

and Mongolia. We sequenced and analyzed their will likely be kept by natural selection. The patterns
CRISPRs loci variation. In the tested 375 CRISPRs of sequence variation at CRISPR loci would record
loci (125 strains × 3 loci each), a total of 131 part of foreign genetic elements (mostly coming
spacers were found, and 77 (59%) of them had from phages) with which the prokaryotic organ-
sequences homologous to a prophage (YPO2096 isms had interacted during their evolutionary his-
∼2135 in CO92 genome), whereas 22 spacers (17%) tory. As the addition of new spacers is polarized,
were homologous to other non-viral regions in the information preserved in spacer arrays will also
Y. pestis chromosome. There were 83, 37, and 11 show the directional evolutionary traces within one
spacers respectively from the YPa, YPb, and YPc species. Based on these three rules, we predicted
loci, suggesting that the three CRISPRs of Y. pestis and tested the following evolutionary scenario of
had different activities and the YPa locus was the Y. pestis in China. Firstly, since the CRISPRs are
most active of the three. The lengths of spacers var- shaped by interactions between bacteria and their
ied between 29–34 bp, with most at 32 bp (79%). local ecological niches (especially the phage pro-
The largest CRISPRs locus found until now in Y. files in different foci), the distribution of spacers
pestis contained 14 spacers, while some contain and their compositions in Y. pestis strains should
only one spacer. Interestingly, the YPb and YPc loci be strongly correlated with the distribution of nat-
of the Angola strain (GenBank accession number: ural plague foci. Secondly, based on the geno-
NC_010159) contained only one truncated DR and type information at the CRISPRs, the transmis-
the leader sequence, and no spacer was observed sion route of an ancient lineage of Y. pestis, the
at the two loci (Cui et al. 2008). The diversity of microtus strains, could be inferred. This hypothet-
CRISPRs has provided good markers for genotyp- ical route encircled the Takla Makan Desert and
ing Y. pestis. For example, plague natural foci L ZhunGer Basin. Our predictions were largely con-
and M (one in Inner Mongolia and the other in firmed. The route of expansion shown in this study
Qinghai province) are geographically distinct in started from Tajikistan, with one population pass-
China. However, the Y. pestis isolates from these ing through the Kunlun Mountains, and moved
two regions could not be distinguished by their to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Another population
phenotypes, biochemical features, or by other con- headed north via the Pamirs Plateau, the Tian-
ventional phenotyping methods (Zhou et al. 2004b; shan Mountains, the Altai Mountains, and the Inner
Li et al. 2008). We found that there was a 120- Mongolian Plateau. Other Y. pestis genotypes and
bp difference (the length of two spacers as well lineages might emerge from along these routes. The
as the DR sequences) at the YPc locus between inferred patterns were supported by results using
strains of these two foci. This size difference could other molecular typing methods, such as MLVA and
be easily used to differentiate them by conventional DFR (Pourcel et al. 2005; Li et al. 2008, 2009), indi-
polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-gel electrophore- cating that CRISPRs can be used as high-resolution
sis method (Cui et al. 2008). evolutionary research and genotyping tools.
The highly variable spacer compositions in
CRISPRs loci have provided high-resolution mark-
21.6 Gene acquisition, loss,
ers for strain genotyping. In addition, the variation
and inactivation
patterns of CRISPRs also recorded the interactions
between prokaryotes and phages. In a study on Darwinian (positive) selection changes allele fre-
109 CRISPR loci from 61 Y. pestis strains, Pour- quencies in populations due to their effects on
cel et al. (2005) generalized the following rules population fitness. The selective pressures can be
of CRISPR evolution: (1) extrachromosomal gene observed not only on genotypes but also pheno-
elements can be recognized rapidly and inserted types of populations (Zhou and Yang 2009). Over
into CRISPR loci as new spacers to enhance the time, this process will result in the adaptation of
host cell’s immunity; (2) the addition of new spac- organisms to specialize in particular niches, and
ers is always in the leader sequence side of the eventually lead to the emergence of new species.
CRISPR region; and (3) one or more existing spac- Acquired DNA fragments from other sources will
ers can be deleted randomly, and ‘useful’ spacers be retained in the bacterial genome if they confer an

advantage to the host cells. If the acquired fragment remains largely unknown. Using pulsed field gel
confers no beneficial function or is deleterious, their electrophoresis (PFGE) and rRNA gene cluster
inactivation and/or deletion will eventually occur. digests by rare endonuclease enzymes, certain
Selective pressures on inactivation, loss, and acqui- large genome structural variants could be detected
sition of functional genes all follow the principles (Tsuru et al. 2006). PFGE, which separates large
of Darwinian evolution (Zhou and Yang 2009). The DNA fragments (e.g. derived through the diges-
selection of small allelic variants (e.g. gene inactiva- tion of the bacterial chromosome with restriction
tion) may confer small evolutionary changes, while endonucleases that cleave infrequently) (Smith and
the accumulation of large genomic changes (gene Condemine 1990) can facilitate detecting chromoso-
loss or acquisition) can alter phenotypes in ‘quan- mal rearrangements. The method has been highly
tum leaps’. effective in molecular epidemiological studies of
Evidences of gene acquisition, loss, and inacti- bacterial isolates, and can be superior to other meth-
vation have been demonstrated in the genomes ods in discriminating among isolates in many com-
of Y. pestis (Parkhill et al. 2001; Deng et al. 2002; mon pathogens such as Escherichia coli and Staphy-
Song et al. 2004). Compared to its progenitor Y. lococcus aureus (Arbeit et al. 1990). For example, the
pseudotuberculosis (Chain et al. 2004), about 10% method has been used to evaluate the clonal relat-
of the genes of Y. pestis are inactivated or absent edness among bacterial isolates and to investigate
(Parkhill et al. 2001; Deng et al. 2002; Song et al. outbreaks (Bercovier et al. 1979). It has also proved
2004). Since Y. pestis spends its life almost exclu- effective for qualitative evaluation of intraspecific
sively in a flea–reservoir–flea cycle, the organism genetic variation, permitting identification of indi-
could accumulate the inactivated genes encoding vidual isolates within a given species by comparing
enteropathogenic determinants required for its pro- their macrorestriction patterns (Filippov et al. 1995).
genitor Y. pseudotuberculosis (Simonet et al. 1996). Using the PFGE techniques, Lucier and Brubaker
In addition, gene loss and inactivation are closely (1992) found that the SpeIdigested DNA patterns of
linked to flea-borne transmission (Sun et al. 2008) eight Y. pestis strains were closely related to their
and increased virulence (Montminy et al. 2006) in respective biovars. Similar results were obtained
Y. pestis (Zhou and Yang 2009). In comparison to by Rakin and Heesemann (1995) using the I-CeuI
its closest relative Y. pseudotuberculosis, Y. pestis has digested macrorestriction patterns for nine Y. pestis
acquired two unique virulence plasmids (pPCP1 strains and by Huang et al. (2002) using the restric-
and pMT1) (Parkhill et al. 2001; Chain et al. 2004) tion enzyme SpeI.
and probably two chromosomal regions through The choice of an appropriate macrorestriction
horizontal gene transfer (Wang et al. 2007). Indeed, enzyme is critical for PFGE analysis. Huang et al.
pPCP1 and pMT1 encode a set of determinants for compared three different enzymes (NotI, SfiI, and
virulence and transmission, such as plasminogen SpeI) for generating genomic restriction patterns.
activator (Pla), murine toxin (Ymt), and F1 cap- NotI digestion generated closely grouped bands
sule. In summary, gene acquisition, loss, and inac- of high molecular weight, similar to that reported
tivation all greatly promoted the recent emergence by Lucier and Brubaker (1992), with many comi-
and rapid diversification of Y. pestis within natural grating fragments. In contrast, SfiI digestion pro-
plague foci (Zhou et al. 2004b; Li et al. 2008). duced many closely grouped smaller-molecular-
weight bands. However, SpeI produced a relatively
wider range of DNA fragments that could easily
21.7 Rearrangements and copy number
be resolved by PFGE separation conditions used
by Huang et al. Therefore, SpeI digestion seems the
Chromosomal rearrangements and copy num- best of the three for PFGE analysis of Y. pestis.
ber variants (CNVs) have been shown to play For evaluating the extent of variability of the pul-
key roles in genome evolution and genetic dis- sotype by PFGE within one strain, Guiyoule et al.
eases of eukaryotes (Volker et al. 2010). However, (2004) randomly picked eight and four colonies
how these variations promote bacterial evolution from the stock culture of strain Saigon 55–1239

and Kenya 169, respectively, and their genomes identification of pathogenic bacteria, especially for
were subjected to PFGE. Five and three different the recently emerged, highly monomorphic species
SpeI restriction patterns were observed for each of such as Y. pestis (Kim et al. 2002; Banu et al. 2004).
these two strains, indicating a high heterogeneity Tandem repeat variants probably contribute to a
of the pulsotypes within a given strain. They also pathogen’s adaptation to its host, and they can also
found similar phenomena by using other restriction account for bacterial phenotypic variations depend-
enzymes, such as XbaI or NotI. These results pointed ing on their location in the genome. For example,
to the hypervariability of chromosome structures if a tandem repeat is located within the regulatory
in Y. pestis and the potential problems of relying region of a gene, it can play an on/off switch role
only on PFGE for strain typing of Y. pestis. In our in gene expression at the transcriptional level (Le
lab, while the potential PFGE variability among Fleche et al. 2001). Similarly, if they are located
colonies of the same strain has not been inves- within coding regions with repeat unit length of
tigated, we did find different FAFLP (fluorescent three bases they may cause the antigen variations
amplified fragment length polymorphism) profiles for that bacterium, but if the repeat unit length is
among three subcultures of the same strain (Pei not a multiple of three bases, they can induce a
et al. 2004). truncated translation product.
The number of transposable elements, includ- VNTR sequences are common in the Y. pestis
ing ISs, can impact genome plasticity by mediating genome and occur frequently in protein-coding
genetic rearrangements in bacterium (Bickhart et al. gene regions, at an average of 2.18 arrays per
2009). For example, IS can mediate the spon- 10 kbp. These sequences are distributed evenly
taneous deletion of a chromosomal region of throughout both the genome and the two viru-
Y. pestis KIM6+. This region contains the pig- lence plasmids, pCD1 and pMT1 (Klevytska et al.
mentation locus, genes for pesticin sensitivity, 2001). Strain typing based on tandem-repeat vari-
and the HMWP2 virulence locus (Fetherston and ation may be a powerful complement to the exist-
Perry 1994). Whole-genome sequencing of Y. pestis ing phylogenetic tools for Y. pestis. For example,
revealed abundant insertion sequences in their Adair et al. (2000) identified a tetranucleotide repeat
genome with different copy numbers of IS ele- sequence, (CAAA)N , in the genome of Y. pestis,
ment (Parkhill et al. 2001; Deng et al. 2002; Song and demonstrated that this region had nine dif-
et al. 2004). For IS100 in the first three sequenced ferent alleles and a high gene diversity value of
Y. pestis strains, their copy numbers in individual 0.82 (calculated as 1 minus the sum of the squared
strains were (number of IS) is: CO92 (44) > KIM allele frequencies) within a set of 35 diverse Y. pestis
(35) > 91001 (30); for IS 1541: CO92 (62) > KIM strains.
(49) > 91001 (43); for IS 285: 91001 (23)> CO92 (21) Multiple-locus VNTR analysis (MLVA) was
> KIM (19); and for IS1661: KIM (10)> CO92 (9) shown capable of both distinguishing closely
> 91001(8). related strains and successfully classifying more
Copy number variants associated with tandem distant relationships. Pourcel et al. (2004) and
repeats has been instrumental in mammalian genet- Klevytska et al. (2001) examined representative
ics for the construction of genetic maps and is strains of Y. pestis using 25 and 42 VNTR loci respec-
one of the main bases of DNA fingerprinting in tively, and they found vast differences in gene
forensic applications. Tandem repeats are usually diversity among these loci. Pourcel et al. (2004)
classified into satellites (spanning megabases of grouped 180 Y. pestis into 61 different genotypes.
DNA, associated with heterochromatin), minisatel- These genotypes were distributed in the three bio-
lites (repeat units in the range 6–100 bp, span- vars, with biovar Medievalis showing a very high
ning hundreds of base pairs) and microsatellites heterogeneity. They also proposed the seven most
(repeat units in the range 1–5 bp, spanning a few informative VNTR markers for rapid characteriza-
tens of nucleotides). Tandem repeat polymorphisms tion of new strains. Compared to other genotyping
of mini- and microsatellites are a highly signifi- methods, MLVA is easily standardized for estab-
cant source of very informative markers for the lishing databases. This is very important because

Y. pestis is one of the most dangerous bioterrorism a steady rate due to random sampling and chance,
agents and international exchange of Y. pestis strains and forms the basis for the molecular clock hypoth-
is almost impossible. As a result, web-based com- esis. The genetic or phenotypic changes due to drift
parison and identification of VNTR genotypes of Y. are not driven by environmental or adaptive pres-
pestis would be ideal. sures, and may be neutral to reproductive success.
Le Flèche et al. (2001) created a database According to the theory of neutral evolution, the
( of tandem repeats majority of sequences in the genome evolve under
for pathogenic bacteria based on publicly avail- purifying selection and genetic drift, with only a
able bacterial genomes and illustrated its applica- small fraction of genetic variation actually being
tion by the characterization of minisatellites from beneficial and fixed by positive (Darwinian) selec-
two important human pathogens, Y. pestis and Bacil- tion. Positive selection makes gene variants more
lus anthracis. They found that Y. pestis contains 64 or less common depending on their contributions
minisatellites with each repeat unit at least 9 bp to reproductive success. A beneficial genetic vari-
long, and with each unit repeated at least seven ation has a positive effect on the phenotype, and
times. thus increases the fitness of the organism. Indeed,
Denoeud et al. (2004) then presented an Internet- a single event of fixed beneficial genetic variation
based resource to help develop and perform tan- could lead to dramatic evolution of phenotype dif-
dem repeats-based bacterial strain typing. The tools ferences.
are accessible through the Web link provided ear- Genetic variations beneficial to mammalian
lier. There are four parts to the web page: the ‘Tan- blood-borne infection or vector-borne transmission
dem Repeats Database’ enables the identification of by Y. pestis would be stabilized by vertical inheri-
tandem repeats across entire genomes. The ‘Strain tance under positive selection. Darwinian adaptive
Comparison Page’ identifies tandem repeats that evolution could select for Y. pestis to diverge from
differ among genome sequences of strains from the Y. pseudotuberculosis to a new emerging pathogen
same species. The ‘Blast in the Tandem Repeats that was not only able to parasitize insects in part
Database’ facilitates the search for a known tandem of their life cycles, but also being highly viru-
repeat and the prediction of amplification product lent to rodents and humans, causing pandemics
sizes across large taxonomic groups. The ‘Bacterial of a systemic and often fatal disease. Survival of
Genotyping Page’ is a service for strain identifica- Y. pestis in nature primarily depends on rodents
tion at the subspecies level. and fleas, while fleas parasitize rodents and act
as vectors for bacterial transmission. Natural envi-
ronments in various plague foci will have dis-
21.8 Neutral versus adaptive evolution
tinct sets of rodents and fleas. Positive selection
Y. pestis has encountered a diverse array of habi- and the inheritance of beneficial mutations bring
tats, e.g. from the Qinghai-Tibet plateau to deserts about adaptive change, by which favorable geno-
and grasslands across many parts of China. The types and phenotypes become more common in
pathogens from different plague foci have their the reproducing populations of an organism. For
own characteristics, suggesting adaptation to local example, the pseudogenization of rcsA driven by
niches. positive selection allowed the formation of Y. pestis
Genetic variations, including base substitution, biofilms, which enhanced the transmission of the
gene loss, gene acquisition, duplication, insertion, bacteria (Zhang 2008). Similarly, gene acquisition,
and genome rearrangement, can occur randomly. loss, and inactivation could promote parallel diver-
A deleterious genetic variant has a negative effect sification of Y. pestis in different plague foci, which
on the phenotype, and thus decreases the fitness of is reflected by expansion of various plague foci.
the organism, which will be removed by purifying Overall, the complex interactions between the envi-
selection. A neutral one has no harmful or beneficial ronment, the hosts, and Y. pestis could all contribute
effect on the organism. Being fixed by genetic drift, to the microevolution of Y. pestis (Zhou et al. 2004b;
neutral genetic variations occurs in a population at Tong et al. 2005; Li et al. 2008).

21.9 Conclusions Bickhart, D.M., Gogarten, J.P., Lapierre, P., Tisa, L.S., Nor-
mand, P., and Benson, D.R. (2009) Insertion sequence
The evolution of Y. pestis is an important topic for content reflects genome plasticity in strains of the root
genome studies and will remain so in the fore- nodule actinobacterium Frankia. BMC Genomics 10: 468.
seeable future. Such analyses will help us reveal Bos, K.I., Schuenemann, V.J, Golding, G.B, Burbano, H.A,
the evolutionary mechanisms. Correlating studies Waglechner, N., Coombes, B.K., et al. (2011) A draft
of genetic variations with functions could facilitate genome of Yersinia pestis from victims of the Black
the identification of selective forces and sequenc- Death. Nature 478: 506–10.
Chain, P.S., Carniel, E., Larimer, F.W., Lamerdin, J., Stout-
ing large collections of bacterial strains from differ-
land, P.O., Regala, W.M., et al. (2004) Insights into
ent plague foci could help us reveal the nature of
the evolution of Yersinia pestis through whole-genome
their mechanisms. Plague outbreaks have impacted
comparison with Yersinia pseudotuberculosis. Proc Natl
humanity significantly, with three plague pan- Acad Sci U S A 101(38): 13826–31.
demics in recent recorded history. As was shown Cui, Y., Li, Y., Gorge, O., Platonov, M.E., Yan, Y., Guo,
recently, samples from buried plague victims’ bones Z., et al. (2008) Insight into microevolution of Yersinia
can be analyzed for Y. pestis DNA to obtain an pestis by clustered regularly interspaced short palin-
ancient pandemic strain’s genetic background to dromic repeats. PLoS One 3(7): e2652.
help us understand Y. pestis evolution (Papagrigo- Deng, W., Burland, V., Plunkett, G., 3rd, Boutin, A., May-
rakis et al. 2006; Bos et al. 2011; Schuenemann et al. hew, G.F., Liss, P., et al. (2002) Genome sequence of
2011). These and other studies will continue to shed Yersinia pestis KIM. J Bacteriol 184(16): 4601–11.
Denoeud, F. and Vergnaud, G. (2004) Identification of
more light on the patterns and rates of Y. pestis
polymorphic tandem repeats by direct comparison of
evolution through the ages and across host groups,
genome sequence from different bacterial strains: a
vector types, and geographic regions.
web-based resource. BMC Bioinformatics 5(1): 4.
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C H A P T E R 22

Evolution of human
erythrocyte-specific genes
involved in malaria susceptibility
Wen-Ya Ko, Felicia Gomez, and Sarah A. Tishkoff

22.1 Introduction (Kwiatkowski 2005; Weatherall 2008). Thus, in addi-

tion to immunity-related genes, genetic variation in
Malaria is a mosquito-borne blood infection caused many erythrocyte-specific genes has been playing
by apicomplexan parasites of the genus Plasmodium. a central role during the course of an evolution-
It is a severe infectious disease prevalent in trop- ary arms race between human and malaria-causing
ical and subtropical areas including sub-Saharan Plasmodium parasites.
Africa, South Asia, and the Americas, resulting in The effects of malaria pressure on the human
190–311 million clinical cases and 1 million deaths genome are profound. However, the evolutionary
per year (World Health Organization 2008). Some trajectory may vary among these genes because
of the earliest theoretical evolutionary perspectives each gene has its own distinct function and may
of malaria infection in human populations were play a different role against parasite invasion.
initiated by J.B.S. Haldane, who questioned the Indeed, whereas overdominance selection (i.e. het-
unreasonably high mutation rate inferred for muta- erozygote advantage) is well recognized as the
tions causing thalassemia under the assumption underlying force for maintaining high frequency
of mutation-selection balance for a recessive lethal of alleles such as the HbS allele (causing ‘sickle
mutation (Haldane 1949). Haldane proposed the hemoglobin’) of the ‚-hemoglobin (HBB) locus in
possibility of heterozygote advantage as an alterna- many malaria-endemic populations, evidence of
tive hypothesis to account for the high incidence of directional positive selection was demonstrated at
thalassaemia in a population which recently immi- several genes coding for glycosylated membrane
grated to the US from Sicily, a region that was receptors exploited by the Plasmodium parasites for
once under severe malaria threat. Since Haldane’s entrance into RBCs including DARC and GYPB
malaria hypothesis, studies on identifying the can- (Hamblin and Di Rienzo 2000; Ko et al. 2011). In
didate loci and their variants affecting malaria sus- many other cases, ambiguous results were obtained
ceptibility have been carried out extensively using for identifying the causal alleles and genes relevant
case–control or population approaches. Although to malaria resistance or for determining the form
the genetic basis of malaria susceptibility appears of natural selection for a causal allele that confers
to be extremely complex, a number of candidate resistance to malaria infection (e.g. ICAM K ili f i allele;
genes have been identified that appear to play a see Fernandez-Reyes et al. 1997; Flint et al. 1998).
role in malaria susceptibility. These include genes The complex genetic basis underlying malaria
coding for erythrocyte-specific structural proteins resistance perhaps can be better unraveled from an
and metabolic enzymes, and receptors expressed evolutionary genetics perspective. Here, we briefly
on the surface of red blood cells (RBCs) and review the evolution of several human genes that
endothelium cells in blood vessels, as well as genes play major roles in malaria infection by Plasmod-
that play a role in innate and adaptive immunity ium parasites. Evolutionary dynamics and types of

Rapidly Evolving Genes and Genetic Systems. First Edition. Edited by Rama S. Singh, Jianping Xu, and Rob J. Kulathinal.
© 2012 Oxford University Press. Published 2012 by Oxford University Press.

natural selection on these genes are greatly affected splenic sequestration, vaso-occlusive, aplastic, and
by their roles interacting with parasites at different haemolytic crisis (Rees et al. 2010). Heterozygous
invasion stages and the innate deleterious effects of individuals (HbAS) usually have no obvious clin-
mutations that confer protective effects on malaria ical abnormality. Case–control studies of malaria
infection. In addition, because human populations patients have shown that HbAS carriers benefit
are highly substructured, in many genes multiple from an ∼10-fold increase in protection from severe
mutations favored by selection have arisen inde- malaria infection with estimated selection coeffi-
pendently in different ethnic groups or geographic cient (s) of ∼0.1 (Hedrick 2011).
areas. In the cases of multigene families, genetic Unlike sickle-cell anemia which is due to struc-
exchange between duplicated genes (e.g. gene con- tural abnormality of erythrocytes, thalassemia
version) appears to be an important mechanism for results from genetic mutations that cause insuf-
creating novel haplotypes that may be important ficient or no production of one of the ·-globin
for the evolutionary arms race between host and or ‚-globin chains. Thalassemias are the most
parasite. widespread hemoglobinopathies and Mendelian
disorders in humans, causing a serious global
health concern. More than 200 mutations are known
22.2 Adaptive evolution in to cause thalassemia. These mutations occur either
erythrocyte-specific genes at ·-globin or ‚-globin genes and encompass
a broad spectrum of mutations including point
22.2.1 Genetic variants causing erythrocytic
mutations, small insertions or deletions, or gene
structural, regulatory, or enzymatic deficiency:
deletions. Furthermore, many of these mutations
candidates for heterozygote advantage
have been confirmed as protective against malaria
Haldane’s malaria hypothesis has led to sev- (Weatherall and Clegg 2002). In general, homozy-
eral classical studies on heterozygote advantage gous thalassemias often cause severe clinical symp-
against malaria. All of these genetic disorders toms or lethality, whereas individuals heterozygous
appear to be erythrocyte specific. Erythrocytes for thalassemia only suffer mild forms of anemia,
are non-nucleus-containing blood corpuscles filled similar to the case of the hemoglobin S allele, which
with hemoglobins, oxygen-transport metallopro- has highest fitness if present in heterozygous form.
teins, which are evolutionarily conserved across In addition to sickle-cell disease and thalassemia
most vertebrates. Hemoglobin is comprised of two anemia, the geographic range of deficiency of
pairs of ·-globin and ‚-globin that are encoded by the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
two ·-globin genes (HBA1 and HBA2) and one ‚- (G6PD) is also correlated with the prevalence
globin (HBB) gene, respectively (Fig. 22.1a). Stud- of malaria, in agreement with Haldane’s malaria
ies of sickle-cell anemia were the first to confirm hypothesis (Cappellini and Fiorelli 2008). G6PD
Haldane’s hypothesis (Allison 1954). Hemoglobin S is a rate-limiting enzyme in the pentose phos-
(HbS) is a common allele of HBB and is present at phate metabolic pathway for producing pentose
high frequency across a broad range of sub-Saharan (5-carbon sugar) and nicotinamide adenine dinu-
Africa and parts of the Middle East (Fig. 22.1b). cleotide phosphate (NADPH), which leads to the
The geographic distribution and prevalence of the production of glutathione, an important antioxi-
HbS allele correlates with the geographic range dant for preventing cellular damage by peroxides
of endemic malaria (Piel et al. 2010). The HbS and free radicals. This pentose phosphate pathway
allele causes an amino acid change from glutamic is critical in erythrocyte metabolism particularly for
acid to valine at residue 6 of the ‚-globin chain. the Plasmodium-infected erythrocytes because para-
Individuals homozygous for HbS (HbSS) typically sites inside the RBCs will break down hemoglobins
develop sickle cell anemia, a fatal disorder due for their own nutrition and reproduction require-
to severe erythrocyte malformation into a sickle- ment, resulting in the release of vast toxic mate-
shape which can result in severe anemia and var- rials such as iron which is a source of oxidative
ious life-threatening clinical symptoms including stress. G6PD deficiency is also a common genetic
(a) Band 3 complex 4.1R complex

Sialic acids



Band 3 GYPC


Sickle cell mutation Heme

(HbS: b6 Glu®Val)
(HbC: b6 Glu®Lys) Iron atom






HbS Hyper-holoendemic
HbC Mesoendemic
HbE Hypoendemic
FY*O (>90%) Plasmodium vivax only
Ovalocytosis Limits in 1946

Figure 22.1 (a) Diagrammatic representations of the hypothetical models of two multiple protein complexes (i.e. Band 3 and 4.1R complexes) proposed
by Salomao et al. (2008) in the membrane of erythrocyte surface and the molecular structure of hemoglobin are represented. The protein complexes
demonstrate the interaction between cytoskeletal proteins, ·- and ‚-spectrins encoded by SPTA1 and SPTB, respectively, and the interaction between
cytoskeletal proteins and certain integral and transmembrane proteins. Only proteins with genetic variants identified as associated with malaria
susceptibility are labeled. Sialic acids, a family of monosaccharides, are heavily distributed on several major sialoglycoproteins such as glycophorin A
(GYPA), B (GYPB), C (GYPC), and Duffy expressed on the erythrocyte surface. These sialoglycoproteins involve direct ligand–receptor interaction during the
merozoite invasion of erythrocytes by Plasmodium parasites. Sialic acids on these receptors are essential for the binding to parasite ligands whereas the
protein backbone is also important for binding specificity. Hemoglobin consists of two ·-globins encoded by HBA1 and HBA2 and two ‚-globins encoded
by HBB. Numerous genetic variants identified on these globin genes confer some protective effects against malaria, but also result in various
hemoglobinopathies such as thalassemias and sickle-cell diseases. (b) The global map of the spatial limits and endemic levels of malaria (except for the
Americas) and the geographic distributions of the HbS, HbC, HbE, and FY*O alleles, and of Southeast Asian ovalocytosis. The endemicity classes of
malaria: dark gray, hyperendemic and holoendemic (area in which childhood infection prevalence is > 50%); medium gray, mesoendemic (area with
infection prevalence between 11–50%); and light gray, hypoendemic (area with infection prevalence ≤10%). The spatial limit for malaria transmission in
1946 is also shown. Geographic distributions of alleles are according to López et al. (2010) and Howes et al. (2011). The figures are adapted from Snow
et al. (2005), Salomao et al. (2008), and Schechter (2008).

disorder in humans, affecting 400 million people Pacific populations also confers some protective
worldwide. More than 140 different genetic variants effects against malaria for heterozygous carriers
that cause G6PD deficiency have been discovered and might have evolved adaptively (Wilder et al.
(Cappellini and Fiorelli 2008). The observations of 2009a).
long-range linkage disequilibrium (LD) on the chro-
mosomal region surrounding the G6PD-A- variant,
22.2.2 Positive selection on
a derived allele common in sub-Saharan Africa, and
erythrocyte-surface receptors
high levels of genetic differentiation between the
haplotypes of G6PD-A- and ancestral alleles are In the genus Plasmodium, five species are considered
consistent with a genetic signature of recent adap- to be human parasites (i.e. P. vivax, ovale, malariae,
tive evolution (Tishkoff et al. 2001, Sabeti et al. 2002; knowlesi, and falciparum). Among them, P. falciparum
Verrelli et al. 2002). This pattern is attributed to the is the most widespread and life-threatening parasite
rapid increase in frequency of the G6PD-A- car- that causes severe symptoms of malaria. Although
rying haplotypes and, consequently, recombination there is some controversy about the origin of P. falci-
has had little chance to break the genetic linkage parum as a human parasite and the time estimation
between the beneficial mutation and adjacent neu- of the most recent common ancestry of all P. falci-
tral variants, resulting in long-range LD. However, parum strains in humans, recent studies have shown
it remains unclear whether the G6PD-A- allele has that P. falciparum forms a monophyletic group (the
been maintained due to balancing selection in het- Laverania clade) with several other species includ-
erozygous females or due to directional selection in ing P. billbrayu, billcollinsi, gaboni, and reichenow that
both females and males. parasitize African great apes (Prugnolle et al. 2011).
Hereditary ovalocytosis is another blood abnor- These findings indicate that coevolution between
mity that causes the oval shape of RBCs rather the Laverania Plasmodium and the great hominoid
than the typical biconcave disc shape and ovalo- genomes might have been long-standing. However,
cytic erythrocytes have been shown to confer some it is generally thought that selective pressure of
resistance to Plasmodium infection (Gallagher 2005). malaria in humans has greatly increased in the
Ovalocytosis can be caused by a number of genetic last 10,000 years due to the development of agri-
variants from multiple genes including spectrin culture and increased human population density
·1 (SPTA1) and spectrin ‚ (SPTB) genes coding which exacerbate the spread of malaria (Tishkoff
for cytoskeletal proteins, and erythrocyte trans- et al. 2001).
membrane proteins band 4.1 (EPB41) and band 3 Coevolution between host and parasite can be
(SLC4A1) that are also associated with cytoskeletal characterized as continuous processes of adaptation
structural integrity (Fig. 22.1a). Given the genetic and counter-adaptation in both species. Erythro-
variability underlying this disease, many individ- cyte invasion by Plasmodium parasites depends on
uals who inherit ovalocytosis are asymptomatic distinct molecular interactions between the mero-
or suffer only mild forms of hemolytic anemia. zoite ligands and several host receptors expressed
The incidence of hereditary ovalocytosis appears on the erythrocyte surface. Signatures of the evo-
to be higher in populations of African or Mediter- lutionary arms race between humans and Plas-
ranean descent and Malayan natives; these pop- modium parasites have been observed at genes
ulations originate from regions where malaria is coding for several erythrocyte-surface receptors.
or was endemic (Gallagher 2005). In fact, in vitro Among them, Glycophorin A (GYPA) and Gly-
experiments have suggested that several amino cophorin B (GYPB) are two major glycoproteins
acid variants of the ·-chain of spectrin present in that can be recognized by erythrocyte-binding anti-
Africa (e.g. Spa1/65 and Spa1/46 ) might provide some gen 175 (EBA-175) and erythrocyte-binding lig-
protective effects against the invasion of P. falci- and 1 (EBL-1), respectively, expressed by P. falci-
parum (Dhermy et al. 2007). A nine-amino acid dele- parum. In addition, Glycophorin C (not homolo-
tion at band 3 (encoded by SLC4A1) that causes gous to GYPA and GYPB), which codes for the
ovalocytosis in Southeast Asia and Southwest Gerbich blood group antigens, is another highly
E VO L U T I O N O F H U M A N E RY T H R O C Y T E -S P E C I F I C G E N E S I N VO LV E D I N M A L A R I A S U S C E P T I B I L I T Y 227

glycosylated surface-protein that can be recognized protozoans have likely coevolved with our hominid
by EBA-140 of P. falciparum. Accelerated rates of ancestors for a long evolutionary time. Nonethe-
protein evolution were observed at these genes, less, the selective pressure by P. falciparum infec-
providing strong evidence of positive selection tion that causes the most virulent forms of malaria
among the hominoids including humans (Baum in humans appears to be relatively recent, around
et al. 2002; Wang et al. 2003; Wilder et al. 2009b; 10,000 years ago (Tishkoff et al. 2001; Hedrick 2011).
Ko et al. 2011). Interestingly, two forms of selec- Although the genetic basis underlying malaria
tion were observed separately at different parts of susceptibility is complex, several general patterns
the GYPA extracellular domain. While rapid protein appear to be consistent across these erythrocyte-
evolution was identified at the peptide encoded by specific genes. While most membrane-receptor
exons 3–4 (i.e. positive selection), balanced poly- genes have accelerated rates of protein evolution,
morphisms were observed at the O-sialoglycan-rich structural/enzymatic genes appear to evolve rela-
NH2 terminal peptide in some African populations tively slowly among humans and the great apes.
living in areas with high exposure to P. falciparum However, a substantial amount of genetic variation
(Ko et al. 2011). has been observed in each of these genes due to
The Duffy glycoprotein encoded by the FY gene over-dominance selection (e.g. G6PD, HBA1, and
is another membrane-receptor expressed on the HBB; see Fig. 22.2a). Fig. 22.2b also illustrates the
surfaces of RBCs. The Duffy glycoprotein can be proportions of the coding region that are under
exploited by another Plasmodium parasite, P. vivax, purifying selection (d N /d S < 1 where d N /d S is the
during erythrocyte invasion. The FY*O allele dif- ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous substi-
fers from the ancestral FY*B allele by a point muta- tution rates), positive selection (d N /d S > 1), and
tion (T − > C) in the GATA box of the promoter relaxation of functional constraint (d N /d S = 1). It is
region of FY, resulting in no expression of Duffy interesting to note that the majority of the coding
on the erythrocyte surface and complete resistance region was estimated to be under strong func-
to P. vivax infection in its homozygous form. The tional constraint (d N /d S ≈ 0) for each of these struc-
FY*O allele has reached near fixation in most sub- tural/enzymatic genes and, indeed, many variants
Saharan African populations, but is rare outside in each gene are found to be associated with dis-
Africa. Signatures of positive selection at the FY tinct, but usually harmful, phenotypic outcomes
locus have been observed in several studies based (e.g. sickle-cell anemia and thalassemia). In addi-
on the unusually high levels of population differen- tion, many of these variants appear to be specific to
tiation and homozygosity at this locus, particularly a geographic area and have risen adaptively in geo-
for the FY*O allele (Hamblin and Di Rienzo 2000). graphically diverse populations (Flint et al. 1998).

22.3 Evolutionary response of the 22.3.1 Maintenance of deleterious mutations

human genome to malaria infection due to selective pressure of malaria
The evolutionary dynamics of host–parasite inter- According to molecular evolutionary theory, all
action depend on a number of genetic features new mutations fall primarily into three fitness cat-
such as the genetic mating system, pleiotropy and egories. A vast majority of mutations are harm-
epistatic effects, dominance relationship between ful to the carriers by reducing either survival or
selective and non-selective alleles, and generation- fertility. These deleterious mutations are usually
time difference between host and parasite. The quickly eliminated from populations by purifying
effect of host–parasite interaction on genetic vari- selection and, therefore, have little or no contribu-
ation in both host and parasite genomes can be tion to genetic diversity in populations. Secondly,
commonly categorized into stable polymorphisms, a considerable proportion of mutations have lit-
dynamic polymorphisms with temporal or spa- tle or no effect on individual fitness. The evo-
tial fluctuations in allele frequency, and selec- lutionary dynamics of these ‘effectively’ neutral
tive sweeps (Woolhouse et al. 2002). Plasmodium mutations in a population are governed solely by

(a) G6PD 0.023

SPTB 0.058
Structural/enzymatic genes
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0

(b) G6PD w = 0.02

SPTB w <0.06 w = 0.06
HBB 0.06<w<1 w =0 Structural/enzymatic
w=1 w =0
HBA1 w>1 genes
SPTA1 w=0
EPB41 w = 0.55
SLC4A1 w = 0.13
GYPC w = 0.60
DARC w = 0.59
GYPA w=0
GYPB w=0

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Sequence proportion

Figure 22.2 dN /dS analysis for gene-specific molecular evolution in hominid species (i.e. human, chimpanzee, gorilla, and orangutan) was performed for
eleven erythrocyte-related genes using CODEML packaged in PAML. A maximum likelihood approach was used to estimate the ratio of nonsynonymous to
synonymous substitution rate (dN /dS = ˘) assuming constant ˘ over a gene tree, but heterogeneous ˘ among sites (i.e. the M2 model in CODEML; see
Yang et al. 2000). The M2 model allows three classes of sites: the conserved sites (˘ < 1), the neutral sites (˘ = 1), and the adaptive sites (˘ > 1pug)
The overall dN /dS estimates across all species are shown in (a) and the proportions of coding sequence undergoing purifying selection (˘ < 1), neutral
evolution (˘ = 1), and positive selection (˘ > 1) are presented in (b). The transmembrane genes tend to have greater dN /dS estimates than the
structual/enzematic genes (P = 0.05 for the Mann–Whitney U test after exclusion of GYPB due to non-independent evolution between GYPA and GYPB ;
see Ko et al. 2011). The coding sequences for these genes were obtained for each of the hominidae species from the Ensemble Genome Browser if they are
annotated. The estimates of dN /dS in (a) are labeled for the values smaller than 0.1.

genetic drift. Finally, there are advantageous muta- these mutations are strongly selected against (selec-
tions that confer fitness advantages to the carriers tion coefficient ≥ 0.1). The DFE for mutations could
and, consequently, these mutations have better also differ greatly between genes that are subjected
chances to be passed on to the next generation than to different levels of functional constraint. Gen-
their alternative alleles (Ohta 1992). Understand- erally speaking, those structural/enzymatic genes
ing the distribution of fitness effects (DFE) of new that are candidates for overdominance selection
mutations in humans is fundamental to studies that tend to have lower d N /d S estimates in compar-
seek to identify the genetic basis of disease. Despite ison with the membrane receptor genes, reflect-
some discrepancy among studies, Eyre-Walker and ing stronger functional constraint for the former
colleagues (2006) estimated the DFE of amino acid class of genes that are important for the struc-
changing mutations and showed that greater than ture or metabolism of erythrocytes (Fig. 22.2). For
60% of mutations have deleterious effects with example, whereas about 140 different G6PD vari-
selection coefficient > 0.001 (i.e. deleterious and ants that cause reduced enzyme activity have been
mildly deleterious mutations), and one-quarter of identified, affecting 400 million people worldwide
E VO L U T I O N O F H U M A N E RY T H R O C Y T E -S P E C I F I C G E N E S I N VO LV E D I N M A L A R I A S U S C E P T I B I L I T Y 229

(Cappellini and Fiorelli, 2008), the protein evolu- be greater in homozygotes than in heterozygotes
tion of G6PD has been slow and 97% of the G6PD (Kwiatkowski 2005). The HbC and HbE alleles
gene is estimated to be under purifying selection apparently have milder deleterious effects than the
(Fig. 22.2b). HbS allele. If the less severe form of sickle-cell ane-
Because malaria is a very strong selective pres- mia has only little or no effect on survival and
sure, deleterious mutations that occurred in these if HbC or HbE homozygosity confers greater pro-
structural/enzymatic genes might have risen adap- tection from malaria than the heterozygous forms
tively if they confer any protection from malaria (e.g.w HbC/HbC > w HbC/Hb A > w Hb A/Hb A, where w is
despite the fact that their harmful effects often viability), these alleles are expected to eventu-
cause different forms of hemoglobinopathies with ally reach fixation. If the protective effects against
varying levels of severity. In other words, a severe malaria cannot overcome the deleterious effects
infectious disease like malaria can alter the distri- of anemia in the homozygous form (i.e. heterozy-
bution of fitness effects of new mutations by allow- gosity has the highest relative fitness value), the
ing a considerable amount of deleterious muta- polymorphism will be maintained in populations.
tions to evolve adaptively in populations if they Strong deleterious mutations that confer protec-
confer protective effects. In environments where tive effects but are completely dominant are not
malaria is absent, these deleterious mutations are expected to rise in a population. This is because
not expected to segregate in populations at appre- for completely dominant mutations, both heterozy-
ciable frequencies. Whether these mutations will be gous and homozygous carriers are lethal. One
maintained in populations by overdominance selec- exception is the gene family of hemoglobins ·
tion or be driven to fixation by positive selection 1 (HBA1) and · 2 (HBA2), which both code for
may depend on their original deleterious effects (s) ·-globin proteins. In the case of a single-locus sys-
when malaria is absent and the dominance effects tem, a homozygous mutation (e.g. HbSS) often
(h) of new mutations relative to the ancestral alle- leads to severe or lethal symptoms whereas het-
les. Under the assumption of Mendelian inheritance erozygous carriers usually only suffer from mild
given a selection scheme of 1, 1 − hs, and 1 − s symptoms. However, in the case of ·-hemoglobin,
for A1 A1 , A1 A2 , and A2 A2 genotypes, respectively, which is coded by two genes, homozygous individ-
a mutation ( A2 ) that is lethal or harmful when uals for a deleterious mutation at one ·-hemoglobin
homozygous (i.e. 1 − s ≈ 0 for A2 A2 ), but offers gene only suffer from mild anemia because the
protective effects against malaria when heterozy- other wild-type ·-hemoglobin gene can still pro-
gous, is a candidate for overdominance selection (1 duce normal ·-globin. This appears to be an effec-
− hs > 1 for A1 A2 ). A typical example is the HbS tive genetic system to battle against malaria by
allele prevalent in sub-Saharan African populations allowing for mutations from a broad spectrum of
(Fig. 22.1b). While the heterozygous carriers of HbS fitness (s) and dominance (h) effects because het-
are healthy and protected from severe forms of erozygous and homozygous carriers of a strongly
malaria, HbS homozygotes have severe and lethal deleterious and completely dominant mutation
symptoms of sickle-cell anemia. As a result, HbS conferring protection from malaria are able to sur-
heterozygosity is favored by selection in malaria- vive. Natural selection can act effectively in such
endemic populations and balanced polymorphism a system because a dominant allele is expected to
is maintained. increase in frequency faster at the initial stage than a
In contrast, HbC and HbE are two other struc- recessive mutation (i.e. spend less time at low allele
tural variants of ‚-globin that have risen recently frequency) and, therefore, has a lower probability of
in West Africa and Southeast Asia, respectively. loss by genetic drift (Hartl and Clark 1997).
The homozygous carriers of HbC and of HbE Many variants of ·- or ‚- hemoglobin, G6PD,
appear to suffer only mild forms of sickle-cell ane- or the other erythrocytic genes that play a role
mia in comparison with the HbS homozygote, and in malaria resistance have only mildly deleteri-
the heterozygotes are generally asymptomatic. The ous effects (e.g. HbC and HbE). Therefore, both
protective effect of the HbC allele was found to positive and overdominance selection are possible

mechanisms responsible for their rapid increases proportional to the field of possible gene combina-
in allele frequency in a population. However, since tions within this population as defined by Wright.
many alleles associated with malaria resistance Expansion or contraction of the circle is governed
have recent origins within the last 10,000 years jointly by mutation rates, random genetic drift, and
(Weatherall and Clegg 2002), genetic signatures natural selection. An increase in mutation rates or a
may be indistinguishable between overdominance decrease in stabilizing selection enlarges the popu-
and positive selection. lation circle, indicating an expansion of genetic vari-
ation from a selective peak whereas changes in the
reverse direction result in a greater concentration
22.3.2 Effects of population substructure on
around the peak (Fig. 22.3a,b). While selection is
genetic variation in malaria-endemic human
a driving force that brings the population toward
a selective peak, genetic drift moves the popu-
Although Haldane’s malaria hypothesis was orig- lation circle in a random direction (Fig. 22.3d,e).
inally proposed to account for the unusual high Although genetic drift often moves a population
frequency of thalassemia homozygotes under the circle away from a fitness peak, it also provides
simple assumption of Mendelian inheritance at a opportunities for the population to cross over a sad-
single locus (Haldane 1949), it is now clear that the dle toward a neighboring fitness hill (‘peak shift’).
genetic basis of thalassemia encompasses more than In addition, an environmental change could also
200 mutations occurring at the two ·-hemoglobin cause a peak shift by sliding the entire contour map
loci and at the ‚-hemoglobin locus. A large number (Fig. 22.3c). A species is often subdivided into many
of variants have been observed for G6PD deficiency local populations that occupy different locations
and for pyruvate kinase deficiency. Similarly, vari- on a fitness map (Fig. 22.3f). These subpopulations
ous mutations causing ovalocytosis have also been are genetically differentiated by random drift, but
found at spectrin ·1, spectrin ‚, band 4.1 or band allow occasional migrants to exchange genetic vari-
3. A common feature among these genetic traits is ants between subpopulations. When a local pop-
that most mutations are region specific. For exam- ulation acquires a beneficial mutation, this allele
ple, HbS is a common allele across sub-Saharan will rise adaptively to high frequency and may
Africa and some parts of the Middle East, but is spread to neighboring populations due to migra-
rarely found in Southeast Asia, while HbE is dis- tion that would allow the recipient population to
tributed in the opposite geographic pattern. HbC advance toward a high fitness peak. The process,
has a recent origin (<5000 years old; Wood et al. referred to as ‘intergroup selection’ by Wright, con-
2005) and is only restricted to some populations tinues repeatedly with other surrounding popula-
in West Africa. The FY*O allele is nearly fixed in tions until all populations that are under the similar
sub-Saharan African populations, but is rare out- selection scheme have reached the fitness peak.
side Africa, Madagascar, and the Arabian Peninsula Human populations are, indeed, highly substruc-
while the FY*A allele is common in eastern Asian tured. In particular, Africa and Southeast Asia,
and Pacific populations (Howes et al. 2011). both regions with high levels of malaria also have
The evolutionary dynamics of these muta- high levels of population substructure. Tishkoff
tions perhaps can be better understood concep- et al. (2009) identified 14 major ancestral popu-
tually based on Sewall Wright’s fitness landscape lation clusters in Africa in which each popula-
metaphor and the shifting-balancing theory which tion cluster contains several ethnical groups that
emphasizes the importance of population subdi- share similar genetic, cultural, and linguistic prop-
vision and the effects of genetic drift in the pro- erties. Nine population clusters have been identi-
cess of evolutionary adaptation (Wright 1932, 1988). fied in Southeast Asia (Durbin et al. 2010). Wright’s
Fig. 22.3 illustrates a map of the fitness landscape scheme provides useful insights into the evolution-
with multiple fitness peaks and valleys, indicat- ary mechanism that underlie the geographic distri-
ing higher and lower fitness, respectively. A circle bution of malaria-resistance alleles observed among
represents a local population and its diameter is different ethnic groups. The abundance of muta-
E VO L U T I O N O F H U M A N E RY T H R O C Y T E -S P E C I F I C G E N E S I N VO LV E D I N M A L A R I A S U S C E P T I B I L I T Y 231

(a) (b) (c)

Increased mutation or Increased selection or Qualitative change of

reduced selection; reduced mutation; environment;
4Nu, 4Ns very large 4Nu, 4Ns very large 4Nu, 4Ns very large
(d) (e) (f)

Close inbreeding; Slightly inbreeding; Division into local

4Nu, 4Ns very small 4Nu, 4Ns medium populations; 4Nm medium

Figure 22.3 Diagrammatic representation of fitness landscape and effects of population subdivision on evolutionary adaptation. Wright (1988)
envisioned that organisms exist on a fitness landscape characterized by multiple fitness peaks and valleys. An increase in population scaled mutation rates
(4Nu) or a decrease in stabilizing selection (4Ns) enlarge a population circle whose diameter is proportional to the field of genetic combinations (a). A
change in a reverse direction results in a contraction of the population circle (b) and an environmental change can be viewed as a landscape shift (c). A
population circle is expected to be largely shrinking and moving away from the fitness peak when the population size is very small because the effects of
genetic drift greatly exceed the joint effects of 4Nu and 4Ns on the evolutionary trajectory of a population (d). Panel (e) illustrates the joint outcome of
genetic drift, mutation rates, and selection when the effects of these three forces are at the same order. The evolutionary trajectory of the population is
partly random with a loose control by selection, which might result in a ‘peak shift.’ When a species is subdivided into many local populations with
sufficient rates of migration (4Nm), migration events could overcome the antagonistic effects of stabilizing selection that prevents the population moving
away from a local fitness center, and, subsequently, triggers a ‘peak shift.’ Wright considered population subdivision as an effective mechanism for species
adaptation since many local populations can generate greater genetic combinations and expand the exploration area on a fitness landscape. The figure is
adapted from (Wright 1932, 1988).

tions observed in each of the hemoglobinopathies multiple origins of the HbS allele have been sug-
described earlier results not only from the change gested because there are five major distinct hap-
in the distribution of fitness effects of muta- lotypes (four in Africa: Central Africa Republic,
tions but also from population subdivision that Benin, Cameron, and Senegal, and another one in
allows unique mutations to arise independently in India and Saudi Arabia; see Flint et al. (1998)).
each subpopulation. Although infrequent, migra- This hypothesis of multiple origins and conver-
tion events between subpopulations would allow a gent adaptation has recently gained some sup-
beneficial allele, such as G6PD-A-, to spread over port from theoretical modeling (Ralph and Coop
a large geographic region, as observed in sub- 2010). Alternatively, Flint et al. (1998) preferred
Saharan Africa (Tishkoff et al. 2001). Interestingly, a single origin of HbS and argued that the

original mutation was redistributed onto differ- erythrocyte-specific genes that are also members of
ent haplotype backgrounds by gene conversion gene families (e.g. hemoglobin · spectrin ·, and
followed by a random loss of either the origi- spectrin ‚ gene families), however, remain to be
nal or the gene-conversion derived haplotypes in explored.

22.3.3 Effects of gene conversion between 22.4 Future perspectives

homologous sequences on genetic variation at
Many classic studies identifying genetic variants
loci associated with malarial susceptibility
involved in malaria susceptibility, such as the
Gene families encompass a great proportion of sickle-cell causing allele (HbS) and G6PD-A- allele,
genes in the human genome and are character- have been well established in the past decades,
ized by their high sequence similarity if they arose perhaps due to their strong deleterious effects that
recently through gene duplications. In a multi- result in obvious phenotypic or clinical abnormal-
gene family, gene conversion and unequal cross- ity. However, our recent understanding of the dis-
ing over are two common genetic mechanisms that tribution of fitness effects of mutations in humans
homogenize genetic material between homologous suggests that a considerable proportion of new
loci but can introduce novel variation at individ- mutations are likely to be mildly deleterious or
ual loci. Studies on human major compatibility effectively neutral with obscure clinical symptoms.
complex (MHC) have shown that gene conversion Many mutations that fall into this fitness class might
and unequal crossing over are responsible for the have also evolved adaptively in human populations
unusually high levels of polymorphism observed due to severe selection pressure caused by malarial
at class I and class II loci of MHC that are targets infection. These variants are also expected to con-
of natural selection for pathogen recognition (Ohta tribute to genetic burdens in humans and, there-
2010). Several erythrocyte-specific genes described fore, the factors contributing to the maintenance of
previously are also members of multigene fami- these variants at high frequency are of importance.
lies. For example, glycophorins A, B, and E are Recent technological advances in areas of whole-
duplicated genes, which are similar to each other genome genotyping and next-generation sequenc-
at the nucleotide level (> 95%). Various kinds of ing will enable better identification of causal genetic
copy number variants have been identified for these variants that underlie phenotypic adaptation and
loci (Blumenfeld and Huang 1995). Additionally, human disease. For example, with the data avail-
high levels of gene conversion have been observed able from the 1000 genome project, Genovese et al.
at the GYPA, GYPB, and GYPE genes. In particu- (2010) was able to identify two APOL1 variants
lar, the N allele of the MN blood group polymor- as the risk alleles responsible for the higher rates
phism at GYPA was generated by gene conversion of kidney disease in African Americans. Further
and caused two amino acid changes at the extra- functional and sequence analyses have suggested
cellular domain that interacts with erythrocyte- that these two alleles confer some resistance to try-
binding antigen 175 (EBA-175) expressed by P. fal- panosome infection and might have risen adap-
ciparum (Ko et al. 2011). A newly identified hap- tively in the Yoruba population of Nigeria. Simi-
lotype of GYPB causing three amino acid changes lar approaches can be taken for identifying vari-
also contains a gene-conversion-derived mutation ants that played a role in malaria resistance but
at the extracellular peptide that can be recognized cause deleterious effects on human health. How-
by erythrocyte-binding ligand 1 (EBL-1) of P. falci- ever, since human populations are highly sub-
parum. Signatures of adaptive evolution have been structured, particularly in Africa, it will be of
detected at both loci, suggesting that gene conver- great importance to conduct a fine-scale investiga-
sion is indeed an effective mechanism for creat- tion across diverse ethnic groups for discovering
ing novel haplotypes upon which natural selection regional-specific novel variants underlying malaria
could act (Ko et al. 2011). Evolution of other susceptibility.
E VO L U T I O N O F H U M A N E RY T H R O C Y T E -S P E C I F I C G E N E S I N VO LV E D I N M A L A R I A S U S C E P T I B I L I T Y 233

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From Gene Expression to
Development to Speciation
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C H A P T E R 23

The rapid evolution of gene

Carlo G. Artieri

23.1 Introduction sequences have been available for comparison, our

understanding of the evolutionary ‘forces’ acting
Evolution is, like all subjects involving natural his- upon the mechanisms underlying gene regulation
tory, a very slow process occurring over a vast itself lags behind. Clearly this is in no small part due
span of geological time. This is often frustrating to the relative infancy of our ability to easily inter-
to the evolutionary biologist, whose research can- rogate the regulatory state of biological systems,
not help but study the aftermath of processes long let alone those of multiple closely related species.
past. The desire to overcome such challenges may Nevertheless, the unique challenges associated with
explain our fascination with those systems that are the study of regulatory evolution should not be
rapidly evolving, changing over durations compre- understated. A small sample of such difficulties
hensible in the scale of human history (e.g. mil- may include the following:
lennia rather than millions of years). Such systems
have the potential to allow us to observe evolu- 1. Because of material and technical constraints,
tion as it is occurring. In addition, our interest in expression studies in many organisms have
rapid evolution may also be biased as we may stub- ignored tissue and developmental stage-specific
bornly hold on to the notion that the lineage lead- expression variation focusing on the entire
ing to our very own species is the product of a organism as a single transcriptome ‘pool’
bout of accelerated change. Somewhat disappoint- 2. The evolution of these complex transcriptomes
ingly, when methods became available that allowed involves both quantitative (expression level) and
us to compare divergence in the sequence of our qualitative (presence/absence of transcripts)
genome with that of our closest relative, the chim- components. Furthermore, many loci are capable
panzee, it was found that our two species are no of expressing alternatively spliced variants (iso-
more different than morphologically identical sibling forms) that add an additional intralocus dimen-
species of fruit flies (King and Wilson 1975). Given sion to the notion of divergence.
the obvious differences in ‘anatomy and way of 3. Our knowledge of the fitness consequences asso-
life’ differentiating us from our nearest relatives, ciated with changes in gene expression output or
King and Wilson suggested that changes in the alternative splicing is restricted to a small num-
manner in which genes are regulated (expressed) ber of cases, and unlike coding sequences we
could account ‘for the major biological differences lack a well agreed upon neutral standard against
between humans and chimpanzees.’ Therefore, rel- which we can test hypotheses about potential
ative to coding sequences, the divergence of gene selective pressures.
expression levels and patterns may itself be an 4. Complicating the evaluation of selection, gene
agent of rapid phenotypic evolution. expression occurs within the context of poten-
Whereas our grasp of the various factors influ- tially large, complex, and tightly regulated net-
encing nucleotide sequence evolution has grown works, whose details we are only beginning to
considerably in the many decades since DNA explore.

Rapidly Evolving Genes and Genetic Systems. First Edition. Edited by Rama S. Singh, Jianping Xu, and Rob J. Kulathinal.
© 2012 Oxford University Press. Published 2012 by Oxford University Press.

5. Finally, only a handful of the regulatory mecha- (a)

nisms controlling these networks are well under-
stood and we remain incapable of predicting
most cis-regulatory positions either from pri-

(Arbitrary units)
Expression level
mary sequence or based on the structure of the
transcription factors that bind to them, i.e. we
lack a regulatory ‘code’

Encouragingly, we have begun to overcome these Adult

challenges using novel experimental and theoret- Juvenile
ical approaches on an increasing number of com- Late embryo
Brain Fat Heart Early embryo
parable datasets from closely related species. One Muscle
significant conclusion from many of these studies is
that gene sequences and their levels of expression (b)
evolve in qualitatively (if not often quantitatively)
similar manners, suggesting that they are subject
to similar selective regimes and amenable to simi- Expression divergence
lar techniques of evolutionary analysis (Khaitovich (Arbitrary units)
et al. 2005; Artieri and Singh 2010a). In this chapter, I
shall draw upon recent studies in order to highlight
those significant advances that have been made in Adult
our understanding of some of the general factors Juvenile
responsible for determining the rate of interspecific Late embryo
Brain Fat Heart
divergence in gene expression levels and patterns as Early embryo
Muscle Gonad
well as indicate some areas of research that remain
to be explored. I shall focus on studies employ- Figure 23.1 Each organism contains many separate transcriptomes. (a)
ing whole-transcriptome profiling techniques (e.g. Unlike its coding sequence, the expression level of any particular gene
microarrays and RNA-Seq) as patterns and pro- varies widely depending on the tissue (x axis) and developmental stage (y
cesses responsible for broad evolutionary patterns axis) in which it is sampled. (b) Similarly, divergence in expression levels
between species is also heterogenous among tissues and stages, leading
are not adequately explored by case studies of sin-
to situations where rapid evolution (such as in the adult gonad in this
gle genes. Finally, this review concerns the selec- hypothetical example) may be missed by profiling only a single tissue, or
tive pressures influencing the evolution of gene alternatively ‘averaging’ over multiple transcriptomes by sampling from
expression itself rather than the evolutionary details pools of whole organisms. Not shown are the potential external
of the underlying molecular mechanisms of its environmental influences leading to changes in gene expression which is
itself a phenotypic trait that can vary between species, leading to genotype
× environment interactions that complicate the study of interspecific
differences in expression level.

23.2 One genome harbors many

With few exceptions, each cell of a multicellular all RNA transcripts expressed within the cell, irre-
organism harbors its own copy of an identical spective of their function and protein coding poten-
genome. However, from an identical genome, each tial. Whereas developmental stage and external
cell deploys its own subset of the totality of poten- environmental influences are relatively straightfor-
tially expressed loci, which is contingent on its spa- ward to control in the laboratory, even expression
tial location within an organism, its temporal posi- experiments performed on dissected tissues involve
tion within the overall developmental state of the a mixture of a variety of cell types, and by exten-
organism, and the organism’s external environment sion, transcriptomes. In the case of research with
(Fig. 23.1a). I use the term ‘transcriptome’ to denote small organisms such as Drosophila or Caenorhabdi-
T H E R A P I D E VO L U T I O N O F G E N E E X P R E S S I O N 239

tis, pools obtained from a population of homoge- 23.3 Transcriptome divergence

nous individuals (or tissues) have traditionally been is complex
used in order to extract sufficient biological material
from which to conduct expression profiling. Thus The degree of divergence in DNA sequence can be
comparisons between and among such samples are represented via a single numerical value, such as
subject to the possibility that what is actually being classical genetic distance (D) or the ratio of non-
measured is a mixture of different transcriptomes of synonymous substitutions per nonsynonymous site
unequal abundance. to synonymous substitutions per synonymous site
The technical considerations associated with in the case coding sequences (d N /d S ) (Graur and
transcriptome heterogeneity are surely significant, Li 2000). Consequently, estimates of the divergence
yet often overlooked. For instance, is it correct to time between the species being compared allow
say that a testis-specific gene is expressed at a lower us to identify unique instances, or even categories
level in one species if that sample is known to of genes that are evolving rapidly relative to a
possess smaller testes (relative to body weight) as genomic standard. Comparisons of transcriptomes
compared to the other tissues under investigation? among various species are substantially more com-
While there are certainly fewer transcripts of the plicated as divergence rates of expression profiles
RNA in question, the differences are unlikely to be are tissue, stage, and cell dependent (Fig. 23.1b).
solely based on regulatory divergence at this locus, Traditionally, the vast majority of comparative gene
but rather reflect differing allometric abundances expression studies have focused on quantitative
of the tissue in which it is expressed (though the measures of expression or more specifically, com-
differing testes sizes may themselves reflect reg- parisons of the abundance of particular transcripts
ulatory divergence during a point ‘upstream’ in among samples. While techniques for semiquanti-
the course of development). Similarly, a large num- tative measurements of the abundance of individ-
ber of genes have been classified as ‘sex-biased’ ual RNAs have been available for decades, it is the
due to being more abundant in samples extracted advent of high-density DNA microarrays in the mid
from one sex as compared to the other. However, a 1990s that paved the way for large-scale statistical
recent large-scale developmental study performed comparisons of whole transcriptomes (Schena et al.
in Drosophila suggested that many ‘female-biased 1995). Unfortunately, the reliance of most microar-
genes’ (FBGs) identified from whole-fly extractions ray platforms on sequenced, annotated genomes
represent genes that are highly expressed in early (at least for the purpose of meaningful inter-
embryonic development and reflect measurements specific comparisons) has limited the number of
derived from embryos contained within the adult species groups among which expression divergence
female reproductive tract (Graveley et al. 2011). has been studied. Nevertheless, important insights
Such observations become especially important in have been gleaned. For instance, it is clear that sta-
comparisons between and among different species, bilizing selection (i.e. selection limiting divergence)
where the ratios of tissue and/or cellular com- is acting on the majority of loci, as divergence in lev-
position may be quite different. With the emer- els of expression is not proportional to the amount
gence of new technologies that sharply reduce the of evolutionary time separating the species under
amount of starting material required to conduct study. Rather, divergence saturates rapidly (Bed-
gene expression profiling experiments, experimen- ford and Hartl 2009). Furthermore, those genes that
tal design will likely shift towards comparisons do diverge at rates greater than expected by a model
of homogenous cellular extractions. This will cer- of stabilizing selection often do so in predictable
tainly be more informative than the present ‘aver- ways (see later in chapter).
aging over multiple transcriptomes’ effect that cer- Gene expression may also diverge in a qualitative
tainly reduces our ability to detect real differences manner. For instance, studies performed in the field
(and increases the likelihood that we detect non- of developmental biology have long showed that
regulatory differences) that exist among less abun- some loci are expressed in highly restricted tem-
dant cell types. poral and spatial patterns and that these patterns

may differ among species. Such differences can be isoform evolution in individual or small numbers of
seen as qualitative as the switch between com- genes.
plete lack of expression of a locus in one species
to expression in another likely involves fundamen-
tally different evolutionary mechanisms when com- 23.4 Factors affecting the rate
pared to changes in the level of expression of a of evolution of gene expression
locus (e.g. the de novo gain or loss of a regula-
23.4.1 Spatial heterogeneity
tor in the former vs. the modification of the activ-
ity of a promoter or regulatory element in the Not all tissues are subject to the same selective
latter) (e.g. Sucena and Stern 2000). These qual- pressures or constraints and average rates of cod-
itative differences are being revealed by novel, ing sequence evolution for genes expressed in
more-sensitive techniques for measuring expres- different tissues can vary wildly. For instance, a
sion levels, chief among which is RNA-Seq. RNA- large number of studies conducted in a wide vari-
Seq involves direct, short-read sequencing of cDNA ety of taxa have shown persuasively that genes
generated from reverse transcribed RNA (Wang expressed in male reproductive tissues are rapidly
et al. 2009), in which the number of reads gener- diverging in their coding sequences relative to the
ated from any particular transcript is proportional genomic average—see Meisel (2011) for a recent
to both its length and, more importantly, its abun- discussion. One of the first studies to extend the
dance in the sample under study. RNA-Seq thus tissue-specificity of evolutionary rates to the level
provides a digital picture of the transcriptome, with of gene expression in a whole-transcriptome man-
increased dynamic range as compared to microar- ner was that of Khaitovich and colleagues (2005),
rays, and, due to rapid technology improvements, who compared divergence in both coding sequence
very small input sample requirements—going even and expression level in five paired tissues from
so far as allowing transcriptome profiling at single- human and chimpanzee: brain, heart, kidney, liver,
cell resolution (e.g. Tang et al. 2010). Beyond its and testis. Notably, they observed parallel patterns
aforementioned benefits, perhaps the most novel of divergence at loci expressed in these tissues:
contribution of RNA-Seq is its ability to profile genes expressed in the liver and testis were rapidly
the state of alternative splicing among a sample’s diverging in both coding sequence and expression
expressed transcripts. As has been appreciated for level, whereas genes expressed in the brain were
some time (reviewed in Xing and Lee 2006), indi- more conserved at both levels. Such patterns were
vidual genomic loci are often able to selectively lig- not restricted to those genes uniquely expressed in
ate subsets of their total potential exons in order a single tissue: genes detectably expressed in mul-
to create different alternative transcripts—via still tiple tissues remained more conserved in expres-
somewhat poorly understood effectors. In provid- sion level when profiled in brain tissue than in
ing direct access to sequence information, RNA- liver tissue, for instance. In addition, the authors
Seq allows the identification of splice junction span- noted a further pattern influencing rates of diver-
ning reads (tracts of short sequence that cannot gence: broadly expressed genes (those detectably
be mapped directly to the genome without adding expressed in multiple tissues) were less divergent
an intronic ‘gap’) and thus comparison of their than genes showing a more restricted pattern of
abundance between samples. Importantly for the expression. This as well as subsequent studies have
purposes of understanding transcriptome diver- suggested that such conservation reflects the action
gence, isoforms themselves can vary among sam- of negative selection acting to minimize deleterious
ples in both quantitative (abundance) and qualita- pleiotropic effects caused by mutations affecting
tive ways (presence/absence). Given that studying genes with broadly dispersed function.
alternative transcripts in any comprehensive fash- Many of these observations have been confirmed
ion within well-annotated model organisms has in subsequent studies (e.g. Blekhman et al. 2008).
been challenging, it is not surprising that more tra- However the parallelism between rates of expres-
ditional studies have generally focused on studying sion level and coding sequence divergence has not
T H E R A P I D E VO L U T I O N O F G E N E E X P R E S S I O N 241

been observed in all cases. While most studies

have found a positive, albeit often weak, correla- Further development
follows Von Bear’s 3rd law
tion between both levels of divergence, some earlier

Developmental time
studies suggested that expression levels and coding
Phylotypic period
sequences diverge independently—e.g. see the dis-
cussion in Artieri et al. (2007). Few of these studies
have directly compared levels of divergence among High divergence during
different tissues or developmental stages; however, early embryogenesis

there is some evidence that rates of divergence at Divergence

both coding and expression levels are primarily
determined by the stage(s) where the locus is (1) Figure 23.2 The ‘developmental hourglass’ model of embryonic
most highly expressed and (2) functionally relevant divergence (adapted from Raff 1996). Empirical observation has shown
(Jordan et al. 2005). that the earliest stages of embryogenesis can be quite divergent among
species relative to a later stage of conservation known as the phylotypic
period. Once through this period (the ‘waist’ of the hourglass), subsequent
23.4.2 Temporal heterogeneity stages are allowed to accumulate divergence over development in a
manner consistent with Von Baer’s third law (Kalinka et al. 2010).
Studies exploring how expression patterns vary
over development—the second ‘axis’ in Fig. 23.1— to affect only specific regions of organismal mor-
have been motivated by a classical observation pre- phology and thus increasing the apparent rate of
dating Darwin’s formulation of the theory of evo- evolution of later developmental stages.
lution: Karl Ernst Von Baer noted that the early An initial foray with the aim of exploring
developmental stages of organisms are more mor- whether patterns of divergence of gene expres-
phologically conserved than later stages; subse- sion conformed to the hourglass shape of embry-
quently named ‘Von Baer‘s third law’ (see Gould onic morphological divergence was conducted in
1978 for extensive review). Though Von Baer’s a pair of elegant interspecific expression studies
third law holds generally among several differ- over precisely staged developmental time courses
ent phyla, modern analyses have revealed that the (Kalinka et al. 2010; Irie and Kuratani 2011). Kalinka
very earliest stages of development (e.g. stages and colleagues compared the levels of expression
prior to and including gastrulation) can be quite of ∼3000 genes over the course of embryogenesis
divergent among even closely related species (Raff across six species of Drosophila spanning 40 mil-
1996). These observations have led to a revised lion years of evolution. The authors observed that
‘developmental hourglass’ model of phenotypic expression levels were more conserved during the
divergence, wherein the most conserved develop- extended germband stage, which is widely reported
mental stage(s) among organisms, termed the ‘phy- to be the arthropod phylotypic period. Further-
lotypic period,’ occur during mid-embryogenesis more, genes conforming to the hourglass pattern
(reviewed extensively in Raff 1996) (Fig. 23.2). Fur- of divergence show an overrepresentation of func-
thermore, an explicit molecular mechanism has tions associated with cellular and organismal devel-
been suggested for this model: the most spatially opment as well as regulation of gene expression—
organized portions of embryonic development, including the well-studied and highly conserved
which take place during the period of embryo- homeobox or HOX genes—supporting the notion
genesis when organogenesis begins, have highly- that the need for tight regulation of developmen-
integrated and thus tightly-regulated biological net- tally important effectors leads to stronger purify-
works. These periods may be more conserved due ing selection. Irie and Kuratani (2011) took a much
to selection against mutations creating deleterious broader approach and compared expression diver-
pleiotropic effects across highly connected regula- gence of orthologs among a broad phylogenetic
tory networks (a proposal termed ‘developmental selection of vertebrates: mouse, chicken, frogs, and
constraint’). As development progresses it becomes zebrafish. As discussed earlier, they also found evi-
more ‘modular’ causing mutations to be more likely dence that the stage meeting the majority of the

criteria of the vertebrate phylotypic stage showed and mosquito (Anopheles gambiae), two species of
the greatest degree of expression level conservation Diptera who shared a common ancestor ∼200 mya.
among species, with earlier and later stages show- Rather than ask whether orthologs retained similar
ing significantly more divergence. levels of expression, they used statistical models
A handful of studies have explored coding to determine whether they showed conserved pro-
sequence divergence of genes expressed beyond files of up- and downregulation over their respec-
the phylotypic stage and have found evidence that tive species’ embryonic developmental time course.
divergence increases as development progresses They identified clusters of genes whose expres-
(see Artieri and Singh 2010b). Unfortunately, sim- sion patterns differed between the species and
ilar studies comparing levels of gene expression whose likely biological function was associated
over the course of development have been lacking. with known anatomical differences in the develop-
The most comprehensive study of this type was ment of embryonic membranes in Drosophila and
conducted by Artieri and Singh (2010a), who com- Anopheles. Another example of using within-species
pared expression levels of ∼2250 genes in males of comparisons to draw between-species evolutionary
three species of Drosophila: D. melanogaster, D. sim- conclusions involves a large-scale analysis of sex-
ulans, and D. sechellia. D. simulans and D. sechellia biased gene expression conducted in seven species
shared a common ancestor approximately 0.5–1.0 of Drosophila spanning ∼60 million years of evo-
million years ago (mya), and both form a clade lution (Zhang et al. 2007). Zhang and colleagues
with D. melanogaster ∼2.5–5.0 mya. Expression was found that while the majority of fly species pos-
sampled over four developmental time points rep- sessed a greater proportion of their adult transcrip-
resenting three of the four major phases of devel- tome that was male-biased in expression, two of
opment in holometabolous insects (late third instar the species were primarily female-biased (D. pseu-
larvae, early pupation, late pupation, and newly- doobscura and D. mojavensis). Nevertheless, in all
emerged adult). While the authors did not observe species, the magnitude of male bias was signifi-
a monotonic, linear increase in the number of genes cantly greater than that of female bias, indicating
with significantly different levels of expression over that regardless of the actual number of genes in
the developmental interval measured, in all com- each category of bias, male biased genes were closer
parisons where there was a significant difference to being sex-specific. Interestingly, a significantly
in the number of genes differentially expressed greater number of orthologs could be identified
between stages, it was the later stage that showed among female-biased genes as compared to male-
more differentially expressed genes, supporting the biased genes, suggesting that the rate of ‘birth’ of
notion that gene expression is more conserved in new genes, via such processes as gene duplication,
earlier stages. retrotransposition, or de novo generation are funda-
mentally higher among male-biased genes.
The two examples discussed here highlight how
23.5 Beyond comparisons
rapid evolution of the transcriptome can be stud-
of expression levels
ied beyond raw comparisons of the expression lev-
Given the challenges associated with perform- els of orthologs. Identification of a heterochronic
ing direct comparisons of expression levels across shift in the time of activation of a particular clus-
species, some studies have focused instead on how ter of genes during embryogenesis significantly
patterns of expression vary between treatments, aids in the explanation of what would have sim-
sexes, or developmental time points within species, ply been interpreted as a difference in expression
and then comparing how such transcriptional pat- level if interrogated during a single time-point. Sim-
terns differ between species (see Lu et al. (2009) for ilarly, while levels of expression of a locus may
a general review). For instance, Papatsenko and not change significantly when comparing females
colleagues (2011) compared patterns of expression between species, the finding that it is significantly
of orthologs generated from within-species embry- male-biased in only one of the two species may
onic expression time courses in D. melanogaster allow us to draw conclusions about the selective
T H E R A P I D E VO L U T I O N O F G E N E E X P R E S S I O N 243

pressures underlying this potentially rapid evolu- lutionary shifts in expression and morphological
tionary shift (see Ellegren and Parsch (2007) for a change, or whether the numerous discussions of
discussion of sex-biased expression). In addition, this phenomenon within the literature represent
the observation that certain classes of genes are ascertainment bias (Fraser 2011).
more prone to lineage-specificity indicate that the Novel techniques for profiling expression are
contents of the transcriptome itself is changing, producing data from an increasing number of
with evidence that this is occurring at an acceler- species, tissues, and developmental stages, which
ated rate in males as compared to females, and that will allow us to address some of the open ques-
simple comparison of rates of both sequence and tions regarding the causes and mechanisms of rapid
expression divergence of orthologs is insufficient expression divergence. Perhaps the most pressing
to understand how biological complexity evolves question from an evolutionary perspective concerns
(see Singh and Artieri (2010) for a more detailed whether instances of divergence represent adaptive
discussion of this phenomenon). rather than neutral processes. Divergence of expres-
sion level does not ipso facto indicate that adaptive
evolution has occurred—equally plausible is the
23.6 Open questions and future
possibility that selection has been relaxed along one
or more of the lineages. RNA-Seq’s ability to iden-
Despite the relative infancy of our ability to explore tify single nucleotide polymorphisms and hence
expression divergence among species, we are begin- measure allele-specific expression can be exploited
ning to elucidate some of the factors that drive or in hybrids of closely related species in order to
facilitate the rapid evolution of gene expression. detect instances where groups of functionally asso-
As a general consideration, it appears that genes ciated genes share a greater than expected degree
with more spatially restricted patterns of expression of allelic expression bias in the direction of the
evolve more rapidly at both coding and expression same parental lineage (Fraser 2011). Such instances
levels than do genes that are broadly expressed. In uncover adaptive evolutionary change in the cis-
addition, there is evidence that this is the case for regulatory elements (i.e. DNA regulatory elements)
coding sequences among genes that show restricted controlling the expression of these genes. Alterna-
vs. broad patterns of temporal expression as well tively, adaptation may occur via trans-regulatory
(Artieri et al. 2009), though whether these obser- divergence (e.g. evolutionary change in transcrip-
vations apply equally to patterns of divergence tion factors). Such divergence can be detected using
in expression level remains an open question. It RNA-Seq on interspecific hybrids, where alleles
is clear that certain tissues show accelerated pat- that show differences in expression discordant from
terns of expression divergence as compared to oth- expression levels in the pure species indicate trans-
ers, and that furthermore there is compelling evi- regulatory divergence between species (McManus
dence that, in most cases, these patterns parallel et al. 2010); however, confidently inferring adap-
those seen in the evolution of coding sequences tive evolution in such trans loci will require their
(Khaitovich et al. 2005). Many cases of tissue- identification followed by appropriate tests of
specific rapid evolution will likely reflect the partic- selection.
ular idiosyncrasies of the selective pressures acting A second open question in the field of gene
on any particular species, though a long-standing expression evolution has been the extent and sig-
hypothesis suggests that such pressures may often nificance of alternative splicing. RNA-Seq data have
be correlated with changes in morphology (e.g. revealed that a much larger than previously appre-
King and Wilson 1975). As illustrated in this chap- ciated number of loci produce alternative isoforms
ter, the paucity of available whole-transcriptome (e.g. Graveley et al. 2011), though whether all of
expression studies comprehensively exploring reg- these isoforms are themselves functional or are
ulatory changes in a tissue-specific manner between translated into functional proteins is unknown.
species has made it difficult to determine whether Tissue- and developmental stage-biased alterna-
there is a systematic association between rapid evo- tive transcripts may provide a fertile ground for

rapid intralocus divergence, However, the lack of sion (King and Wilson 1975). Alternatively, phe-
comprehensive alternative isoform annotations in notypic outcomes of selection on organismal level
all but a few key model organisms means that it traits could occur via expression changes of one or
remains quite tedious to identify, let alone compare a few loci within the same regulatory network. Sim-
orthologous isoforms on a whole genome scale. ilar outcomes could potentially be accomplished
Recent advances in both reference genome assisted via changes in different network members, thus
and de novo (i.e. without a sequenced genome) increasing the likelihood of cases of convergent evo-
transcriptome assembly as well as comparative lution by expanding the mutational target size of
annotation pipelines are allowing us to more fully traits. Ultimately, our understanding of how diver-
interrogate this potential dimension of regulatory gence of gene expression relates back to divergence
evolution. in organismal phenotype will certainly require an
A third direction of active research involves understanding not only of the structure of complex
determining the regulatory function(s) and evolu- coregulated networks of loci, but also of the molec-
tionary signatures of the multitude of expressed ular mechanisms by which these loci regulate one
non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs; Saxena and Carn- another.
inci 2010). Some classes of ncRNAs, such as Despite the relative infancy of the field, the stud-
microRNAs (miRNAs), are known to have exten- ies discussed in this chapter have highlighted many
sive post-transcriptional regulatory roles, includ- broad factors with the potential to influence the rate
ing destabilization of mRNAs as well as transla- of divergence of various elements of the transcrip-
tional inhibition by targeting ∼7nucleotide ‘seed’ tome. In the past, technological constraints have
sequences in the 3 untranslated regions of their hampered our ability to study the (many) tran-
targets (Chen and Rajewski 2007). Though miRNAs scriptomes of organisms in a manner that takes
themselves appear to be remarkably conserved over into account their heterogeneous nature. Yet those
long phylogenetic distances, their relatively short data that we do possess have made it clear that
seed sequences allow rapid turnover of their tar- this heterogeneity plays a crucial role in determin-
gets, and therefore these ncRNAs may themselves ing patterns and rates at which gene expression
be an agent of rapid evolution of gene expression. evolves. Future analyses will no doubt seek to com-
Other classes of ncRNAs such as long non-coding bine both ‘axes’ of transcriptome divergence—how
RNAs (lncRNAs) remain much less well under- expression patterns of tissues and even cells diverge
stood, leaving unanswered their potential contribu- between species in the context of development—in
tions to transcriptome divergence. order to identify those genes and networks that are
Finally, whereas the majority of this chapter rapidly evolving as well as the evolutionary factors
has focused on the evolution of independent loci facilitating this divergence.
(or groups of loci), it is the functional interac-
tions among these loci that determine when, where
and under what external circumstances genes are
expressed. It is all but certain that the specific Artieri CG. and Singh RS. (2010a) Molecular evidence for
position of a given locus within regulatory net- increased regulatory conservation during metamorpho-
works plays a large role in determining its rate sis, and against deleterious cascading effects of hybrid
of divergence. Early evidence suggests that genes breakdown in Drosophila. BMC Biol 8: 26.
belonging to functional network clusters can coe- Artieri CG. and Singh RS. (2010b) Demystifying pheno-
types: The comparative genomics of evo-devo. Fly 4:
volve in terms of expression level (Fraser 2011),
thus opening the possibility that large networks of
Artieri CG, Haerty W, and Singh RS. (2007) Association
genes could evolve rapidly in a coordinated man- between levels of coding sequence divergence and gene
ner. As organismal phenotype is ultimately deter- misregulation in Drosophila male hybrids. J Mol Evol 65:
mined via the action of such networks, such a pos- 697–704.
sibility may help to explain the puzzlingly rapid Artieri CG, Haerty W, and Singh RS. (2009) Ontogeny
morphological evolution that launched this discus- and phylogeny: molecular signatures of selection, con-
T H E R A P I D E VO L U T I O N O F G E N E E X P R E S S I O N 245

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C H A P T E R 24

Rate variation in the evolution

of development: a phylogenetic
Artyom Kopp

24.1 Introduction approaches makes it possible to compare the rates

of evolution between different characters, pinpoint
The words ‘rapid evolution’ imply a quantita- the nodes in the phylogeny where the rates of
tive comparison. Some characters can change more character evolution change, and test for coevo-
rapidly than others, or the same character can lution of different traits or correlation between
evolve at different rates in different groups of phenotypes and lineage diversification or exter-
organisms (Fig. 24.1). In either case, rapid evolution nal ecological changes. There are many examples
is a testable quantitative hypothesis; in fact, a large where the application of phylogenetically struc-
body of phylogenetic literature is devoted to for- tured tests has changed our inference of evolution-
mulating and testing hypotheses about variation in ary scenarios from comparative data (Garland et al.
evolutionary rates. Rigorous quantitative methods 2005).
have been developed for both discrete and continu- Evolutionary developmental biology (‘evo-
ously variable traits (Pagel et al. 2004; O’Meara et al. devo’) has lagged behind other areas in the
2006). Both types of methods incorporate explicit application of phylogenetic approaches. Most evo-
models of character evolution and use probabilis- devo studies examine a small number of taxa and
tic reconstruction of phylogenetic relationships and make no use of quantitative comparative methods,
ancestral character states so that the marginal esti- relying instead on a simple parsimony framework
mates of evolutionary rates account for both sources to look at character evolution. This is not a sign
of uncertainty. The quantitative power of these of innumeracy or conservatism on the part of
developmental biologists; rather, it reflects great
(a) (b) difficulties in obtaining suitable data. Development,
and especially the structure of developmental gene
networks, is perhaps the hardest level of biological
organization to compare and quantify on a suffi-
ciently large scale. In contrast, molecular sequences
lend themselves naturally to quantitative measures,
Figure 24.1 Different scenarios of variation in evolutionary rates.
so that comparing evolutionary rates and patterns
Circles and stars represent different groups of characters, for example, the among different characters and clades is a matter
presence or absence of particular genes or gene interactions in of relatively straightforward mathematics (Li 2006).
developmental pathways. Symbols above each branch indicate Similarly, a variety of well-established methods
evolutionary changes in character states that have occurred on that
exist for quantifying variation in morphological
branch. (a) The closed-circle characters show rapid evolution in the entire
lineage, relative to the star-shaped characters. (b) The closed-circle
and other terminal phenotypes (Zelditch 2004).
characters evolve at a roughly constant rate, while the star-shaped Importantly, both molecular sequences and
characters show accelerated evolution in the bottom clade. morphological traits can be determined from one or

Rapidly Evolving Genes and Genetic Systems. First Edition. Edited by Rama S. Singh, Jianping Xu, and Rob J. Kulathinal.
© 2012 Oxford University Press. Published 2012 by Oxford University Press.
R AT E VA R I AT I O N I N T H E E VO L U T I O N O F D E V E L O P M E N T: A P H Y L O G E N E T I C P E R S P E C T I V E 247

a few dead specimens, and thus can be compared importantly, what are the reasons for rate variation
in large numbers of non-model taxa. between developmental pathways and evolution-
Development, the process that connects molecu- ary lineages? Can differences in the rate of evolu-
lar sequences to adult phenotypes, is far less acces- tion be explained by external forces, or do rapidly
sible. Developmental traits demand experimental evolving pathways and nodes share some intrinsic
analysis, especially if the structure of genetic path- topological or molecular features? All these ques-
ways is to be determined. Such analysis requires tions are inherently quantitative and comparative,
each taxon to be cultured in the lab, and is so labo- and can only be addressed from a phylogenetic per-
rious that large taxon samples are usually imprac- spective.
tical. At the genetic level, the tools for experimen- In this chapter, I review several recent studies
tal analysis simply do not exist in most species. It that examine the evolution of development using
is not surprising, therefore, that few studies have phylogenetic methods. I look at the challenges that
attempted to apply quantitative phylogenetic meth- stand in the way of this approach, and preview the
ods to the evolution of development. We can doc- types of general questions that will be opened for
ument rapid evolution for many phenotypic traits, investigation as tree-based analyses take hold in the
but in most cases we know little about their devel- evo-devo field.
opmental underpinnings. For example, genome-
wide analyses of gene expression and the perva-
sive pattern of hybrid male sterility indicate that 24.2 Examples of rate variation
testis development and spermatogenesis evolve at in the evolution of development
very high rates, but our understanding of the
24.2.1 Same clade, different pathways:
genetic basis of these changes is fragmentary at best
evolution of vulval development in rhabditid
(Coyne and Orr 2004; Ellegren and Parsch 2007).
At the opposite side of the spectrum, some genetic
pathways have been characterized in great detail A detailed understanding of cell–cell interactions
(Busser et al. 2008), but we lack sufficient taxon during vulval development in the model nematode
samples to look at the tempo and mode of their evo- Caenorhabditis elegans (Sternberg 2005) has opened
lution. Only recently, and only for a few traits, are the way for investigating the evolution of devel-
the conflicting requirements of in-depth mechanis- opmental processes in the larger lineage of rhabdi-
tic analysis and large comparative datasets begin- tid worms (Kiontke et al. 2007). In C. elegans, the
ning to be met. vulva is composed of the progeny of three ventral
As evo-devo is becoming a mature field, quan- ectoblast cells: P5.p, P6.p, and P7.p. (The prefix ‘P’
titative phylogenetic methods hold great promise denotes the embryonic cell lineage that gives rise to
as a unifying framework despite the difficulties in the vulva and some other tissues, while the suffix
their application. Numbers and phylogenetic trees ‘.p’ indicates the posterior daughter of the previous
are the common currency of evolutionary biol- cell division.) P6.p is the ‘primary’ cell that pro-
ogy, allowing examples drawn from different traits duces eight terminally differentiated daughter cells,
and organisms to be integrated and compared. while the ‘secondary’ ectoblasts, P5.p and P7.p, pro-
Thus, tree-based quantification of developmental duce seven progeny each. The adjacent ventral ecto-
changes is essential for any effort to draw general blasts, P3.p, P4.p, and P8.p, are the ‘tertiary’ cells
lessons from diverse case studies and perhaps iden- that have the potential to become vulval progeni-
tify some overarching rules of developmental evo- tors if exposed to the proper inductive signal but
lution. Do some developmental pathways evolve retain epidermal fates in wild-type C. elegans. Thus,
more rapidly than others? Is the rate of their evo- P3.p–P8.p comprise a six-cell vulval ‘competence
lution uniform, or accelerated in particular clades group.’ The inductive signal in C. elegans is pro-
or during certain periods in their history? Are evo- vided by the anchor cell (AC) in the somatic gonad.
lutionary changes equally likely throughout the In the absence of this signal, all ventral ectoblasts
pathway, or concentrated at specific nodes? Most retain the epidermal fate and no vulva develops.

Although the vulva forms from the ventral approach has limited depth, as it does not reveal
ectoblasts in all rhabditid nematodes, there are the genetic pathways underlying cell fate decisions.
many differences among species in its develop- Genetic analysis shows that these pathways have
ment. In some species, including the well-studied diverged considerably between C. elegans and P.
Pristionchus pacificus, vulval induction requires sig- pacificus (Sommer 2009), hinting at an even more
naling from multiple somatic gonad cells rather rapid evolution of development than is apparent
than from the AC alone (Sommer 2005; Kiontke from cellular-level analysis.
et al. 2007). In other genera, such as Mesorhabdi-
tis and Diplogastrellus, at least some species show
24.2.2 Same pathway, different clades:
gonad-independent vulval development, indicat-
evolution of sex combs and pigmentation
ing that no inductive signal is required at all (Kion-
in Drosophila
tke et al. 2007). The composition and fates of the
vulval competence group also differ widely within In Drosophila, as in nematodes, the power of
rhabditida. In some species, P3.p and P4.p undergo an experimental model species combines with
programmed cell death and do not contribute to high phenotypic diversity among its relatives
any adult structures, while in others P3.p, P4.p, and to enable comparative studies of development.
P8.p survive but are not competent to develop into D. melanogaster, the workhorse of developmen-
vulval cells even in the presence of an inductive tal genetics, belongs to a speciose clade (the
signal (Kiontke et al. 2007). melanogaster species group) that is notable for its
Phylogenetic analysis of over 40 developmental diversity of sex-specific morphological traits. The
characters in 51 rhabditid species reveals that dif- best studied of these traits are sex combs and color
ferent aspects of vulval development show differ- patterns. The sex comb is a group of modified
ent rates and patterns of evolution (Kiontke et al. mechanosensory bristles that develops on the front
2007). Some traits, such as which ectoblasts con- legs of males and is used during courtship and
tribute to the adult vulva, have not undergone any mating. This structure is a recent evolutionary inno-
changes within this lineage. Other characters, such vation; it is absent in most Drosophila species but
as the composition of the competence group and the has undergone dramatic diversification in the lin-
source of the inductive signal, show multiple evolu- eage that includes the melanogaster species group.
tionary changes among the same species (Fig. 24.2). Sex comb development is controlled by a sex- and
Developmental characters can vary in the direction- segment-specific developmental pathway centered
ality as well as the frequency of transitions. For on the HOX gene Sex combs reduced (Scr) and the
example, the size of the vulval competence group sex determination gene doublesex (dsx) (Fig. 24.3a)
shows a directional trend toward reduction (double (Tanaka et al. 2011). The diversity of sex comb
arrowheads in Fig. 24.2) while the source of the structures in the melanogaster group reflects fre-
inductive signal has changed in both directions (sin- quent evolutionary changes in the regulation of
gle arrowheads in Fig. 24.2) (Kiontke et al. 2007). Scr and dsx.
The study of Kiontke et al. (2007) represents In many species of the melanogaster group, the
one of the most extensive phylogenetic analyses pigmentation of wings and posterior abdominal
of development to date, and demonstrates how segments is also sexually dimorphic (Kopp et al.
comparative methods can be used to quantify the 2000; Prud’homme et al. 2006). The genetic con-
rate of evolutionary change in development and trol of color patterns is better understood in the
reveal quantitative trends that are not obvious abdomen, where it involves an interaction between
otherwise. A large taxon sample essential for the dsx and another HOX gene, Abdominal-B (Abd-B)
phylogenetic approach was made possible in this (Fig. 24.3b) (Kopp et al. 2000; Williams et al. 2008).
case by the relative ease of analyzing cell interac- These and other transcription factors differentially
tions by laser ablation—an experimental technique regulate enzymes in the melanin synthesis pathway
that does not rely on genetic tools and can be to produce different combination of pigments in dif-
implemented in non-model species. Naturally, this ferent regions of the cuticle (Wittkopp et al. 2003).
Vulva Vulva Final
induction competence vulva
signal group morphology
Rhabditella axei anchor cell P5.p P6.p P7.p P8.p P5.p P6.p P7.p
Somatic gonad
Rhabditis sp. SB347 somatic gonad P5.p P6.p P7.p P8.p P5.p P6.p P7.p
Oscheius tipulae anchor cell P5.p P6.p P7.p P8.p P5.p P6.p P7.p

Cruznema tripartitum ? P3.p P4.p P5.p P6.p P7.p P8.p P5.p P6.p P7.p

P3.p P4.p P5.p P6.p P7.p P8.p Caenorhabditis briggsae anchor cell P5.p P6.p P7.p P8.p P5.p P6.p P7.p

Caenorhabditis remanei anchor cell P3.p P4.p P5.p P6.p P7.p P8.p P5.p P6.p P7.p

Caenorhabditis brenneri anchor cell P3.p P4.p P5.p P6.p P7.p P8.p P5.p P6.p P7.p

Caenorhabditis elegans anchor cell P3.p P4.p P5.p P6.p P7.p P8.p P5.p P6.p P7.p
P5.p P6.p P7.p
Caenorhabditis japonica anchor cell P3.p P4.p P5.p P6.p P7.p P8.p P5.p P6.p P7.p

Vulva Caenorhabditis sp.3 anchor cell P3.p P4.p P5.p P6.p P7.p P8.p P5.p P6.p P7.p

Caenorhabditis sp.2 anchor cell P3.p P4.p P5.p P6.p P7.p P8.p P5.p P6.p P7.p

Caenorhabditis plicata anchor cell ? P5.p P6.p P7.p

Caenorhabditis sp.1 somatic gonad P3.p P4.p P5.p P6.p P7.p P8.p P5.p P6.p P7.p

Prodontorhabditis wirthii anchor cell ? P5.p P6.p P7.p

Pristionchus pacificus somatic gonad P5.p P6.p P7.p P5.p P6.p P7.p

Pristionchus maupasii somatic gonad P5.p P6.p P7.p P5.p P6.p P7.p

Acrostichus halictii ? P5.p P6.p P7.p P5.p P6.p P7.p

Myctolaimus ulmi ? P5.p P6.p P7.p P5.p P6.p P7.p

Koerneria sp. SB110 ? P5.p P6.p P7.p P8.p P5.p P6.p P7.p

Rhabditoides inermis somatic gonad P3.p P4.p P5.p P6.p P7.p P8.p P5.p P6.p P7.p

Mesorhabditis anisomorpha independent P4.p P5.p P6.p P7.p P8.p P5.p P6.p P7.p

Bursilla sp. PS1179 independent P4.p P5.p P6.p P7.p P8.p P5.p P6.p P7.p

Teratorhabditis palmarum independent P4.p P5.p P6.p P7.p P8.p P5.p P6.p P7.p

Rhabditoides regina somatic gonad P4.p P5.p P6.p P7.p P8.p P5.p P6.p P7.p

Pelodera strongyloides somatic gonad P4.p P5.p P6.p P7.p P8.p P5.p P6.p P7.p

Rhabditoides inermiformis anchor cell ? P5.p P6.p P7.p

Poikilolaimus oxycercus somatic gonad P5.p P6.p P7.p P8.p P5.p P6.p P7.p

Panagrellus redivivus somatic gonad P3.p P4.p P5.p P6.p P7.p P8.p P5.p P6.p P7.p

Figure 24.2 Evolution of vulval development in rhabditid nematodes (based on Kiontke et al. (2007)). The inset summarizes vulval development in C. elegans. P3.p–P8.p (middle row) form a six-cell
equivalence group, but only P5.p–P7.p contribute to the adult vulva (lower row). Vulval development is induced by signaling (arrows) from the anchor cell (AC) located in the somatic gonad (top row). In
response to this signaling, P6.p becomes the primary vulval cell (dark gray in middle and lower rows) while P5.p and P7.p become secondary cells (medium gray, middle row; and light gray, lower row). In
wild-type C. elegans, P3.p, P4.p, and P8.p (light gray middle row) do not receive the inductive signal and thus retain the epithelial fate (white). The main panel shows the phylogeny of rhabditid nematodes with
experimentally determined vulval competence groups in the centre column, the source of inductive signal in the left column, and the composition of the adult vulva in the right column. Arrowheads at internal
nodes (grey arrowheads refer to the first column; black arrowheads to the middle column) indicate inferred evolutionary transitions in developmental character states. The direction of each arrowhead shows the
direction of evolutionary change. For example, a grey arrowhead pointing to the right shows a change in the source of the inductive signal from multiple somatic gonad cells (the inferred ancestral state) to
anchor cell alone or gonad-independent development, while a grey arrowhead pointing to the left indicates a reversion toward the ancestral state.

(a) (c) (b)

Spatial dsx Abd-B

dsx melanogaster
biarmipes bab
Bristle mimetica Enzyme genes
specification eugracilis
Sex comb development lucipennis Pigmentation
jambulina Sex-specific
Scr expression lini pigmentation
Monomorphic Absent
Sex-specific trapezifrons
pectinifera Polymorphic

Figure 24.3 Evolution of sex comb development and sex-specific abdominal pigmentation in the melanogaster species group. (a) Genetic control of sex
comb development (simplified from (Tanaka et al., 2011). (b) Genetic control of abdominal pigmentation (simplified from Wittkopp et al. (2003)). (c)
Phylogeny of the melanogaster species group and the distribution of sex-specific characters in different clades (taxon sample reduced from Barmina and
Kopp (2007) and Jeong et al. (2006)). O (Oriental), M (montium ), and A (ananassae ) labels at internal nodes mark the three major clades within the
melanogaster species group. D. pseudoobscura and D. willistoni are outgroup species. Hatched branches indicate ambiguous state reconstructions.

Sex-specific pigmentation of posterior abdominal responsible for the evolution of similar color pat-
segments has been gained and lost many times due terns in different species (Kopp 2009).
to changes both in the upstream transcription fac- Extensive taxon sampling in some of these
tors and in the pigment synthesis enzymes (Jeong studies allows us to examine the evolution of
et al. 2006; Williams et al. 2008). Importantly, genetic developmental traits using quantitative phyloge-
analysis shows that changes in different loci were netic methodology. Barmina and Kopp (2007) used
R AT E VA R I AT I O N I N T H E E VO L U T I O N O F D E V E L O P M E N T: A P H Y L O G E N E T I C P E R S P E C T I V E 251

Bayesian character reconstruction to show that encoded by transformer (tra). The tra/dsx develop-
sex-specific expression of Scr in the presump- mental nexus is conserved in all holometabolous
tive sex comb region has been gained and lost insects, a clade that spans at least 275 million years
multiple times in the melanogaster species group, of divergence (Verhulst et al. 2010). In contrast, the
and that these gains and losses are tightly corre- more upstream parts of this pathway, involving the
lated with parallel transitions between different sex primary sex-determining signals and the upstream
comb morphologies. Other phylogenetic hypothe- regulators of tra, evolve with extraordinary speed.
ses (such as a single gain of sex-specific Scr expres- Insect sex determination mechanisms include XY
sion followed by repeated losses, or multiple gains and ZW sex chromosome systems, dominant male-
with no losses) could be rejected with good statisti- or female-determining genes, haplodiploidy, envi-
cal support. A similar approach was used to show ronmental sex determination, and others (Verhulst
that each of two alternative cellular mechanisms et al. 2010). In fact, the primary sex determination
of sex comb development has likely evolved more signal can vary even within species (Hediger et al.
than once (Tanaka et al. 2009). 2010). At the same time, most sexually dimorphic
Interestingly, evolutionary changes in these phenotypes are lineage-specific, indicating that the
developmental pathways are not distributed evenly downstream parts of the sex determination path-
on the phylogeny (Fig. 24.3c). Comparison among way, such as the downstream targets of dsx, are also
the three major clades within the melanogaster turning over at a high rate.
species group (the montium and ananassae sub- A similar ‘hourglass’ pattern, where the top and
groups and the Oriental lineage) is particularly bottom tiers of developmental pathways diverge
intriguing. Sex-specific expression of Scr has been more rapidly than the middle, is seen in embry-
gained and lost repeatedly in the Oriental lineage onic development. Analysis of over 3000 genes in
but is completely conserved in its sister clade, the the embryos of six Drosophila species shows that
montium subgroup. Conversely, sex-specific abdom- expression divergence is lowest, and selective con-
inal pigmentation shows rapid evolution in the straint highest, at the extended germband stage,
ananassae and montium subgroups, but is static in while the earlier and later developmental stages
the Oriental lineage (Fig. 24.3c). These comparisons show greater variation in gene expression (Kalinka
suggest that the rate of evolution of the same devel- et al. 2010). The hourglass divergence pattern is
opmental pathway can vary between sister clades, most pronounced for genes involved in gene reg-
prompting justifiable questions about the causes of ulation and cell differentiation; genes that function
such variation (see following section). in metabolism, immunity, stress response, and other
non-developmental processes do not tend to fol-
low this pattern. Analysis of specific developmental
24.2.3 Same clade, same pathway, different
pathways also reveals within-pathway rate varia-
genes: evolution of embryonic development
tion consistent with the hourglass model. In the seg-
and sex determination in insects
mentation hierarchy, which is among the best char-
Evolutionary rates can vary within as well as acterized pathways in any organism, the bottom
between developmental pathways. A classical tier of genes (segment polarity genes, which estab-
example comes from the gene network that con- lish segmental boundaries and initiate patterning
trols insect sex determination. In all insects stud- within segments) show highly conserved expres-
ied to date, sexual dimorphism in most somatic sion across insect orders, while the more upstream
tissues is controlled by the sex-specific splicing of tiers such as the gap genes show major differences
the dsx transcription factor: a male-specific isoform even among Dipteran families (Peel et al. 2005;
is produced in males and promotes male pheno- Jaeger 2011).
types, and a female-specific isoform is produced On microevolutionary timescales, genetic analy-
in females and promotes female-specific traits (Ver- sis of various traits shows that convergent pheno-
hulst et al. 2010). Sex-specific splicing of dsx is typic changes in different species are often, though
in turn controlled by the RNA-binding protein not always, due to changes in the same loci, leading

to the suggestion that some genes are pre-disposed the same pathway varies across lineages, whether
to greater evolutionary changes by virtue of their different parts of the same pathway show evidence
position in developmental pathways (Gompel and of correlated changes, and so on.
Prud’homme 2009; Kopp 2009; Stern and Orgogozo For larger pathways, it may be practical to quan-
2009). Overall, it appears that within-pathway vari- tify the rate of change using network-based metrics.
ation in evolutionary rates is a common pattern. One possible approach was recently proposed by
Shou et al. (2011), who assumed that a network
edge (e.g. a regulatory interaction) is orthologous
24.3 Technical and conceptual
between two species if the nodes it connects (e.g.
challenges to quantifying the evolution
transcription factor and its target) are orthologous,
of development
and estimated the rate of network rewiring from
The most obvious obstacle to the application of the fraction of conserved orthologous edges. Their
phylogenetic methods in developmental biology analysis showed, for example, that transcriptional
is, of course, the sheer difficulty of characteriz- and other regulatory networks evolve faster than
ing development in many different taxa. Although protein–protein interaction or metabolic networks
new technologies are rapidly enabling compara- (Shou et al. 2011); a similar approach could be used
tive analyses of genomes and genome-wide expres- to compare different regulatory pathways.
sion profiles in non-model taxa, the study of devel- However, treating regulatory interactions as dis-
opment will always require experimentation. This crete characters is a simplification. In reality, gene
inevitably limits the taxonomic scale of evo-devo interactions are quantitative and we can expect
studies and restricts the use of quantitative com- their changes to be quantitative as well, espe-
parative methods to relatively few traits. As the cially on microevolutionary timescales. Quantita-
examples in this chapter show, the most promising tive changes in regulatory interactions can lead to
traits for this analysis are those that vary among qualitatively different phenotypes; the vulval spec-
the relatives of well-established model taxa, espe- ification pathway reviewed earlier is particularly
cially where additional experimental models can be illuminating in this respect. Computational mod-
developed (Sommer 2009). els show that changes in the quantitative tuning of
Even in a fantasy universe where developmental the same signaling network, without any changes
pathways could be studied rapidly and cheaply in in network topology, can produce a wide variety
any number of taxa, there would be significant chal- of cellular phenotypes including species-specific
lenges to applying quantitative comparative meth- cell behaviors observed in different Caenorhabditis
ods to the evolution of development. How does species (Giurumescu et al. 2009; Hoyos et al. 2011).
one code developmental characters on phylogenetic Needless to say, measuring quantitative changes in
trees? Since the blueprint for development is con- regulatory interactions is even harder than ascer-
tained in regulatory interactions among genes, one taining their presence or absence in each taxon.
possible approach is to treat each interaction as a The second conceptual obstacle to quantifying
discrete character with two states (present/absent) the evolution of developmental pathways is the
and estimate the rate of evolutionary transitions inevitable vagueness in defining the pathways
between these states. This approach was used, for themselves. Since most genes play multiple roles in
example, by Barmina and Kopp (2007) to recon- development, gene networks that control different
struct the evolution of sex-specific Scr regulation phenotypes are in fact interconnected. In focusing
and link it to the diversification of Drosophila sex on a particular trait, where do we draw the bound-
combs. Under this model, each pathway can be aries of the relevant developmental pathway? These
represented as a group of binary characters, and decisions are somewhat arbitrary and affected by
phylogenetic methods developed for other discrete historical and experimental contingencies. In the
traits can be used to quantify the rates of their evo- future, formal network analysis may complement
lution and ask whether different pathways evolve the traditional approach that proceeds from traits
at different rates, whether the rate of evolution of to genes to pathways. As large transcriptional
R AT E VA R I AT I O N I N T H E E VO L U T I O N O F D E V E L O P M E N T: A P H Y L O G E N E T I C P E R S P E C T I V E 253

networks are beginning to be elucidated using statistical support for competing scenarios of char-
genome-scale approaches, objective mathematical acter evolution (Pagel et al. 2004; O’Meara et al.
algorithms can be used to decompose these net- 2006). When applied to developmental pathways,
works into modules that show relatively tight inter- these methods can estimate the minimum num-
connection within and sparser links to other mod- ber of evolutionary changes and the probability of
ules (Newman and Girvan 2004; Guimera and transitions between different types of development
Nunes Amaral 2005). If such network modules can (Barmina and Kopp 2007; Feng et al. 2011).
be linked to particular phenotypes, they may offer If phylogenetic analysis confirms the apparent
a more objective way of defining trait-specific path- pattern, a bigger question awaits: what factors
ways and characterizing their evolution. explain the differences in evolutionary rates within
and between developmental pathways, or between
different clades or periods in evolution? This is
24.4 Future directions: the promise
where phylogenetic methods can yield some of the
of phylogenetic approaches to the
biggest breakthroughs in evo-devo, as they pro-
evolution of development
vide formal statistical tools for identifying corre-
Despite the difficulties in applying formal phyloge- lations between evolutionary patterns and candi-
netic methods to the evolution of development, this date explanatory factors. These factors can be either
approach can play an important role as evo-devo external to development, such as ecological oppor-
becomes a mature field. Accumulation of empir- tunities or sexual selection, or intrinsic, i.e. differ-
ical data from a variety of organisms and traits ences in the structure of the developmental path-
is spurring efforts to synthesize the lessons from ways themselves. To offer a few examples: do the
individual case studies and identify general rules pathways downstream of sex-determining genes
of developmental evolution (Carroll 2008; Stern show faster evolution than other developmental
and Orgogozo 2008; Kopp 2009). Phylogenetic tech- pathways? Does development evolve more rapidly
niques can contribute to this synthesis in two major during periods of rapid speciation? Does the rate
ways: by providing an objective framework for of evolution correlate with topological features of
documenting systematic trends in the evolution the pathway? Does the origin of a novel regulatory
of development, and by helping to identify the interaction precipitate a burst of rapid evolution
causative factors that may explain these trends. elsewhere in the same pathway? Is there evidence of
Description is always the first step toward expla- coevolution among different regulatory links, and
nation: there is little point in seeking a causative can this coevolution explain convergent phenotypic
process if the pattern it seeks to explain is poorly changes?
supported. As this chapter illustrates, there are Although correlation is not the same as causa-
many cases where some pathways or clades appear tion, comparative analysis plays an essential role
to evolve more rapidly than others. Mapping char- in the development of evolutionary theories that
acter changes on phylogenetic trees using quan- seek to explain the patterns of species richness and
titative methods is essential for identifying these phenotypic diversity. Evaluating support for poten-
differences and testing their significance. Parsi- tial cause–effect relationships in comparative data
mony approaches that dominate the evo-devo liter- has become one of the central directions in mod-
ature offer only limited utility in this regard. Since ern phylogenetics. For example, phylogenetic anal-
development is clearly susceptible to homoplastic ysis shows that the transition from solitary to coop-
change (Barmina and Kopp 2007; Kiontke et al. erative breeding in birds is more likely to occur
2007; Tanaka et al. 2009), explicit models of charac- in species with less promiscuous mating systems,
ter evolution that incorporate transition probabili- supporting a causal link between genetic related-
ties and branch length information can offer sub- ness and cooperation (Cornwallis et al. 2010). Sim-
stantial improvement in quantifying the rate of evo- ilarly, a phylogenetic study of centrarchid fishes
lution and testing for correlation among characters. showed that piscivory reduces the rate of evolu-
Bayesian and likelihood-based methods can assess tion of skull and jaw morphology, suggesting that

the proximity of an evolving lineage to an adap- Giurumescu, C.A., Sternberg, P.W., and Asthagiri, A.R.
tive peak limits the rate of its phenotypic diversi- (2009) Predicting phenotypic diversity and the underly-
fication (Collar et al. 2009). Importantly, tree-based ing quantitative molecular transitions. PLoS Comput Biol
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examples, comparing the fit of different models of cone, G., and Bopp, D. (2010) Molecular characterization
character evolution led to the identification of his- of the key switch F provides a basis for understanding
torical trends that were not immediately obvious, the rapid divergence of the sex-determining pathway in
and helped distinguish between competing evolu- the housefly. Genetics 184: 155–70.
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titative variation in autocrine signaling and pathway
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C H A P T E R 25

Natural hybridization as a catalyst

of rapid evolutionary change
Michael L. Arnold, Jennafer A.P. Hamlin, Amanda N. Brothers,
and Evangeline S. Ballerini

25.1 Introduction in the pattern of expression of the introgressed

genes due to their new genomic surroundings
That natural hybridization has played an impor- (Baack and Rieseberg 2007). Yet, the categories of
tant role in many clades in terms of both genomic possible outcomes are useful constructs for dis-
and organismal evolution is now well established cussing the role played by genetic exchange in the
(Anderson and Stebbins 1954; Arnold 1997, 2006; evolution of various species complexes. In the next
Mallet 2005; Baack and Rieseberg 2007; Soltis and section, we will focus on the potential outcomes of
Soltis 2009). Sexual reproduction involving indi- natural hybridization affecting adaptive evolution
viduals from divergent evolutionary lineages can and diversification. In particular, we will discuss
result in small- or large-scale genomic reorganiza- findings that test whether genetic exchange has led
tion (e.g. gene silencing, multiplication of repeti- to adaptive trait introgression, hybrid speciation,
tive elements; see Arnold 2006; Baack and Riese- and/or adaptive radiation in various plant and
berg 2007), adaptive trait transfer (or origin), hybrid animal assemblages. In each case, we will specifi-
speciation and adaptive radiations (Anderson 1949; cally address the expectation that such evolutionary
Arnold 1997, 2006; Seehausen 2004; Soltis and innovations will occur over relatively short time
Soltis 2009). Furthermore, the evolutionary out- spans.
comes from natural hybridization are expected
to be rapid because the effect from combining
genomes from divergent lineages mimics a large-
25.2 Adaptive trait introgression:
scale mutation event in which many unique geno-
when strange is really good
types are produced simultaneously (Stebbins 1959).
Thus, evolutionary events resulting from hybridiza- Like introgressive hybridization (or simply, ‘intro-
tion should occur over a short time span due to gression’), the concept of adaptive trait intro-
the production of extreme genotypic and pheno- gression originated with Edgar Anderson and
typic novelty upon which natural selection can his colleagues. Anderson and Hubricht (1938)
then act. defined introgression in the following manner: ‘. . .
The outcomes from natural hybridization listed through repeated back-crossing of the hybrids to
previously should not be considered discrete rel- the parental species there is an infiltration of the
ative to one another, but rather viewed much germplasm of one species into that of another.’
more like interacting terms in a mathematical for- Though introgression has been seen across the
mula. For example, natural hybridization-mediated breadth of eukaryotic clades, like point mutations
species diversification may very well depend upon we would assume that much of this transfer would
genomic reorganization (Arnold 2006; Soltis and be non-adaptive. However, Anderson and Steb-
Soltis 2009). Likewise, the transfer of genetic mate- bins (1954) proposed that when adaptive effects do
rial between divergent lineages may cause changes occur, it is because:

Rapidly Evolving Genes and Genetic Systems. First Edition. Edited by Rama S. Singh, Jianping Xu, and Rob J. Kulathinal.
© 2012 Oxford University Press. Published 2012 by Oxford University Press.

introgressive hybridization elements of an entirely pathway component, the K locus, as causal in coat
foreign genetic adaptive system can be carried over color variation in North American gray wolves
into a previously stabilized one, permitting the rapid (Canis lupus). This variation ranges from pale
reshuffling of varying adaptations and complex mod- wolves in open tundra regions to darker individu-
ifier systems. Natural selection is presented not with
als in forested areas.
one or two new alleles but with segregating blocks
The habitat associations of paler- and darker-
of genic material belonging to entirely different adap-
tive systems.
colored wolves were suggestive of selective con-
straints leading to these different pelage types in
It is important to note that these authors were areas with more or less ambient light, respectively.
not mainly pointing to the role of introgression in The molecular variability at the K locus supported
the transfer of previously evolved adaptations, but the hypothesis of positive selection favoring differ-
rather their emphasis was on the origin of new ent alleles in different habitats, in that there was
adaptive systems through these genetic exchange extremely low haplotype diversity at this locus, and
events (Anderson and Stebbins 1954). yet a high frequency of alleles that cause darker
From the earlier description we conclude that pelage in the forested areas (Anderson et al. 2009).
‘adaptive trait introgression’ can reflect either the Significantly, findings from Anderson et al. (2009)
transfer of adaptations present in one of the implicated introgression from domestic dogs as the
hybridizing lineages or, alternatively, the develop- source of the alleles causing darker coat color in
ment of novel adaptations due to recombination North American wolves (Fig. 25.1).
between divergent genomes. One of the best exam- The geographical distribution and ecological
ples of such transfer is the species complex of Dar- associations of the melanistic variant support the
win’s finches (Grant and Grant 2010). It is important hypothesis that gene flow was from domestic dogs
to note that not only is adaptive trait introgression into the wild forms. In particular, the K locus
apparent among Darwin’s finch species, but the variant that causes dark pelage is found across
speed at which adaptive evolution was observed dog breeds including ancient lineages from Asia
to occur (i.e. over a few generations; see Grant and and Africa. This contrasts sharply with the occur-
Grant 2010) is instructive for the present discussion. rence of this variant in wild canid populations
Likewise, our own work with the plant complex only in North America except for Italian wolves
known as the Louisiana Irises has identified both that reside in an area known for recent hybridiza-
rapid adaptive trait introgression as well as the ori- tion between wolves and domestic dogs (Anderson
gin of novel adaptive traits within two generations et al. 2009). Likewise, the introgression event from
of hybridization (Arnold and Martin 2010). In the domestic dogs into North American gray wolves
next two sections, we will focus on one example would have occurred sometime since the former
each from an animal and fungal clade that reflect migrated with humans to North America ca. 12,000
the rapid nature of the transfer and origin of adap- ybp (years before present; Fig. 25.1) (Anderson et al.
tive traits via introgressive hybridization. 2009).
A test of the adaptive nature of the pelage trait
introgression was provided by haplotype analyses
25.2.1 Adaptive trait transfer in Canis:
in domestic dogs and North American and Italian
wolves in dogs’ clothing
wolves and coyotes. Haplotypes associated with
The evolution of animal pigmentation is often dark pelage in all domestic and wild canid samples
described as adaptive, and is at least partially clustered into a well-defined group regardless of
controlled by interactions of various genes of the species of origin (Anderson et al. 2009). In contrast,
melanocortin pathway (e.g. Hoekstra et al. 2006). non-melanistic alleles more often than not grouped
Though mutations in the Melanocortin 1 receptor together by species. This phylogenetic signal is con-
(Mc1r) gene are commonly found to cause vari- sistent with the origin of these alleles in domestic
ations in the pigmentation of animals, Anderson dogs with subsequent introgression into not only
et al. (2009) defined an alternative melanocortin North American wolves, but also Italian wolves and

North American

Introgression of
coat color allele
14,00 ybp – 500 ybp

Domestication of dogs from

gray wolves
40,000 ybp – 15,000 ybp Domesticated

Origin of dark coat color allele

121,000 ybp – 13,000 ybp


Figure 25.1 Hypothesized series of events leading to the adaptive introgression of the melanistic coat color allelic variants (i.e. K locus) from domestic
dogs into North American gray wolves. The black, dashed lines before and after the divergence of the wolf and domestic dog lineages reflect the
uncertainty of when these allelic variants arose. The gray section of the wolf lineage indicates that, if the melanistic K locus variants arose before the
divergence of dogs and wolves from a common ancestor, they were lost in the wolf lineage. The dark segment at the tip of the wolf lineage indicates the
approximate timing of the introgression of the melanistic alleles from dogs into wolves, after dogs were brought into North America by migrating humans
(Anderson et al. 2009).

coyotes (Anderson et al. 2009). The limited time for ments as well as those of a human commensal or
introgression, along with the molecular signature pathogen.
of a selective sweep at this locus (Anderson et al. The acquisition of genetic material from other
2009), suggest both the rapid and adaptive nature of lineages—either through introgression or lateral
this introgression event affecting North American exchanges—has been identified as a key step in
wild canids (Fig. 25.1). the adaptive process leading to the broad ecologi-
cal amplitude of S. cerevisiae. For example, adapta-
tion of EC1118, one of the commercial yeast strains
associated with wine production, to the harsh envi-
25.2.2 Adaptive trait origin in Saccharomyces ronmental setting of fermentation (e.g. anaerobio-
cerevisiae: Hybrids make the best wine sis, depletion of nutrients and increasing alcohol
The evolutionary history of the human-associated concentrations), has been partially attributed to the
yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, has included whole- acquisition of foreign genes through lateral trans-
genome duplications, duplications of already exist- fer and introgressive hybridization (Novo et al.
ing genes, introgressive hybridization with other 2009). This strain was found to possess three large
Saccharomyces species, and the acquisition of genes stretches of DNA not found in other S. cerevisiae
from unrelated organisms via horizontal transfer isolates, two of which most likely originated from
(Gordon et al. 2009; Novo et al. 2009). Many, if another fungal genus while the third was likely
not most, of these genetic transfers likely occurred introduced by introgressive hybridization with a
over the past several thousand years during which Saccharomyces species.
humans have utilized Saccharomyces species to pro- The three regions of inserted DNA contained 34
duce various fermentation-based products such as genes, 20 of which possess inferred functions in
wine (Novo et al. 2009). During this brief time the metabolism and transport of sugar or nitro-
period, numerous adaptive shifts have occurred. gen (Novo et al. 2009). Wine production occurs in
The ecological settings that S. cerevisiae occupies a nitrogen-limited environment and requires the
include a wide array of fermentative environ- conversion of huge amounts of sugar into alcohol.

The putative functions of these genes acquired from speciation. Thus, examples of homoploid hybrid
other species are thus consistent with adaptive speciation, including the one discussed in the fol-
trait origin via introgression and horizontal trans- lowing section, could also be referred to the cate-
fer. Furthermore, the inserted regions detected in gory of ‘adaptive trait origin via introgression’ since
the EC1118 winemaking strain are differentially dis- the possession of novel adaptations is the mecha-
tributed across other strains of S. cerevisiae. Specif- nism by which at least partial reproductive isolation
ically, the majority of strains carrying the inserted from the parental lineages may arise (e.g. Gompert
regions are involved in wine production. That et al. 2006).
the inserted regions are distributed across large
geographic distances and in numerous winemak- 25.3.1 Homoploid hybrid speciation: hybrid
ing strains was taken as evidence of continuous butterflies (quickly) change their spots
genetic restructuring of these S. cerevisiae variants
by rapid, genetic exchange-mediated adaptive evo- The neotropical butterfly genus, Heliconius, is
lution (Novo et al. 2009). renowned for its aposematic wing color patterns
that are a paradigm of Müllerian mimicry (Merrill
et al. 2011). The mimicry in wing markings pro-
25.3 Hybrid speciation: when opposites
vides a greater level of protection for all of the
associated Heliconius species due to the cumulative
Both homoploid and allopolyploid hybrid speci- effects on predator behavior (Merrill et al. 2011).
ation have been detected in plant and animal Furthermore, sister taxa often belong to ‘mimicry
clades (Arnold 1997; 2006; Rieseberg 1997; Soltis rings’ in which the variation in wing patterning
and Soltis 2009). The former involves the combi- also results in some degree of reproductive isola-
nation of divergent genomes resulting in hybrids tion from closely related species (Merrill et al. 2011).
with more or less the same chromosome number Indeed, associations between wing color variation
as the hybridizing taxa, while the latter involves and both pre- and postzygotic reproductive isola-
hybridization accompanied by increases in chro- tion have been detected, with loci affecting wing
mosome number by multiples of the parental hap- coloration and reproductive isolation being clus-
loid sets (for reviews, see Rieseberg 1997; Soltis tered within the Heliconius genome (Merrill et al.
and Soltis 2009). Like adaptive trait introgression 2011). This genetic linkage would impede the break-
and natural hybridization-mediated adaptive radi- ing up, through recombination and segregation, of
ations, hybrid speciation is, by definition, a sym- the loci that affect ecological traits (i.e. aposematic
patric process that is expected to occur rapidly. markings) from those that result in pre- and postzy-
Indeed, in cases of allopolyploid speciation, the pro- gotic reproductive isolation (Salazar et al. 2010;
cess is considered instantaneous given that repro- Merrill et al. 2011).
ductive isolation is expected to be immediately In addition to being a model of Müllerian
present between the polyploid and its diploid pro- mimicry and ecological speciation, the Heliconius
genitors. Though sympatric speciation had been species complex has recently become a focus of
persona non grata for many decades following the hypotheses surrounding the process of natural
neo-Darwinian synthesis (Arnold 1997, 2006), it is hybridization, specifically, homoploid hybrid spe-
now understood that a large proportion of lineage ciation. Heliconius heurippa has been identified as a
diversification has likely occurred in the presence hybrid derivative of H. melpomene and H. cydno. The
of at least intermittent gene flow between diverging original definition of this species was based upon
taxa (Pinho and Hey 2010). its admixed morphological and genomic character-
To illustrate some of the mechanisms associ- istics, both of which could be recreated through
ated with divergence-with-gene-flow, we will con- experimental, introgressive hybridization between
sider one case of homoploid hybrid speciation in H. melpomene and H. cydno (Salazar et al. 2010).
animals and one of allopolyploidy in plants. As The admixed morphology of H. heurippa can be
stated previously, these categories are somewhat explained by the introgression of the alleles causing
arbitrary, especially in the case of homoploid hybrid the red-banded H. melpomene phenotype onto the

color background of H. cydno (Salazar et al. 2010). lineages (see Arnold (2006) for a review and ref-
Consistent with this model of introgression, 670 erences). In particular, it is now accepted that the
single nucleotide polymorphisms from 29 unlinked majority of plant clades likely underwent multiple
genes grouped H. heurippa most closely with rounds of allopolyploidy (Soltis and Soltis 2009;
H. cydno. In contrast, 344 SNPs from genes associ- Symonds et al. 2010). Indeed, even the evolutionary
ated with the red-band markings placed H. heurippa history of the model ‘diploid’ organism, Arabidop-
most closely with H. melpomene (Salazar et al. 2010). sis thaliana, included at least two whole-genome
The molecular signature of the hybrid speciation duplication events (Bowers et al. 2003). These find-
event resulting in H. heurippa supports the hypoth- ings indicate the degree to which plant speciation
esis of adaptive transfer, with some of the genetic reflects a reticulate, rather than a purely diver-
loci putatively affecting pattern formation of the gent, evolutionary pattern (Soltis and Soltis 2009).
forewing and thus an important ecological trait (i.e. This reticulate pattern of evolution is illustrated
predation avoidance; Salazar et al. 2010). Further- nowhere better than in cases of recent, allopoly-
more, as with the other aposematic species, the ori- ploid speciation: such ‘neoallopolyploids’ have
gin of a novel pattern of wing coloration (in this case most often formed multiple times from hybridiza-
through introgressive hybridization) has resulted tion events between the same diploid parents (see
in some measure of reproductive isolation between Soltis and Soltis (2009) for a review and references).
the homoploid hybrid and other Heliconius species One of the best-known examples of a neoal-
(Salazar et al. 2010). Finally, the origin of the wing lopolyploid complex comes from the recent work
color patterning present in the homoploid hybrid, of Pam Soltis and Doug Soltis on the plant genus
H. heurippa, would have likely arisen rapidly given Tragopogon. Using the two species, T. mirus and
that only three generations of experimental, intro- T. miscellus, as a model system, they tested hypothe-
gressive hybridization are necessary to construct ses concerning the formation and subsequent evo-
this phenotype (Salazar et al. 2010). lution of allopolyploids. From their studies of Trago-
pogon, and their reviews of findings for other
neoallopolyploid complexes (Soltis and Soltis 2009;
Symonds et al. 2010), several general evolution-
25.3.2 Allopolyploid speciation: Tragopogon
ary trends associated with allopolyploid specia-
hybrid polyploids form again, and again, and
tion have been identified. As already stated, most
again . . . in less than 100 years . . .
allopolyploids are the product of multiple origina-
Whole-genome duplication events have been det- tion events from hybridization between the same
ected in the evolutionary history of all eukaryotic diploid parent species (Fig. 25.2). Associated with

T.miscellus T.mirus
3–13 independent origins 3–7 independent origins
< 80 yrs

T. pratensis T.porrifolius T.dubius


Figure 25.2 The evolutionary origin of the Tragopogon allopolyploids, T. miscellus and T. mirus. These two hybrid species formed sometime over the past
80 years. T. miscellus and T. mirus arose from the hybridization of T. dubius × T. pratensis and T. dubius × T. porrifolius, respectively. Both allopolyploids
originated numerous times, through independent hybridization events (Soltis and Soltis 2009; Symonds et al. 2010).

their derivation from multiple origins, these neoal- swarm’ (e.g. Anderson 1949), Seehausen (2004)
lopolyploids possess elevated genetic variation. Yet, named his model the ‘hybrid swarm theory.’
this elevated genetic variability does not neces- Tests of the generality of the hybrid swarm model
sarily reflect current patterns of variability in the of adaptive radiation require a combination of data
diploid progenitors. For example, the allelic vari- that inform several predictions (Seehausen 2004).
ation detected in T. mirus and T. miscellus was First, a period of hybridization preceding numer-
described as a ‘. . . snapshot of historical population ous radiations must be demonstrated. Second, a
structure in diploid progenitors, rather than mod- majority of the extant diversity must be shown to
ern diploid genotypes’ (Symonds et al. 2010). have derived from a period of crossing between
In addition to the detection of multiple reticu- divergent lineages. Third, a portion of the diversity
late events forming the Tragopogon allopolyploids, originating during natural hybridization must be
reflecting a web-like rather than a simple tree- functional (e.g. adaptive morphological variation in
like evolutionary history, the formation of these hybrid derivatives should reflect genetic variation
allopolyploids occurred within approximately the inherited from both of the progenitors). Fourth, nat-
past 80 years (Fig. 25.2). The dating of the hybrid ural hybridization must increase the likelihood of
speciation events was substantiated by exten- adaptive radiations (Seehausen 2004).
sive sampling of natural Tragopogon populations Some of the best-characterized examples of adap-
over the past 100 years thereby revealing when tive radiations associated with natural hybridiza-
the parental species first came into contact thus tion come from the spectacularly diverse African
allowing the formation of the allopolyploids (see rift lake cichlids. We have chosen a recently pub-
Symonds et al. (2010) for a review). The limited lished example from the cichlids (Joyce et al. 2011),
time period, during which the Tragopogon species along with Alpine lake whitefish (Hudson et al.
formed, as well as the theoretical expectations of 2011), and a Hawaiian plant clade (i.e. the ‘silver-
instantaneous speciation through the production of swords’; Barrier et al. 1999, 2001) to illustrate tests
allopolyploid offspring per se, indicates the rapid- of various components of the hybrid swarm model.
ity of this natural hybridization-mediated evolu-
tionary process (Fig. 25.2; Soltis and Soltis 2009;
25.4.1 Hybridization and adaptive radiations
Symonds et al. 2010).
of Lake Malawi cichlids: from hybrid swarm
to 800 species, in one lake?!
East African Great Lake cichlids are well-known
25.4 Natural hybridization and adaptive
examples of truly explosive adaptive radiations.
radiations: hybrid speciation on steroids
Significantly, the cichlid diversifications are
As already discussed, the concept of natural assumed to have occurred over a very short period
hybridization-generated adaptive evolution and of time following the invasion of the African
speciation was proposed and expanded upon dur- rift lakes by riverine lineages (Seehausen 2006).
ing the mid-1900s (Anderson 1949; Anderson and The various endemic species flocks are often so
Stebbins 1954; Stebbins 1959). However, it was morphologically and ecologically diverse that
not until the work of Seehausen (2004) that an they have been separated into hundreds of related
explicit model was developed to predict how natu- species, yet the assemblages from any given lake
ral hybridization might act as a catalyst for adaptive have most often been inferred to be monophyletic
radiations. Specifically, this model rested upon the (Seehausen 2006). This latter inference, however,
burgeoning genetic and ecological data from cases may reflect a lack of appropriate data for testing
of natural hybridization, along with the recently for the alternative signatures of paraphyly
developed conceptual framework of ecological spe- and monophyly (Joyce et al. 2011). In particular,
ciation. Because the large amount of morphological sequences from mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) have
variability generated from crosses between diver- often been the sole data used to define phylogenetic
gent lineages has been referred to as a ‘hybrid history. Sequences from a uniparentally inherited,

non-recombining genome may not provide a from a series of adaptive radiations since the last
sensitive assay for evolutionary pattern and glacial maxima in Europe (< 15,000 ybp; Hudson
process when an adaptive radiation was founded et al. 2011). The recency of the radiations indicates
upon multiple lineages, particularly when the rapid, parallel nature of the speciation events
hybridization was involved (Arnold 1997, 2006). in the series of Alpine lakes in which these taxa
For example, Joyce et al. (2011) highlighted the lack occur (Fig. 25.3). Furthermore, the differentiation
of a robust test of the hypothesis of monophyly for among coexisting species, at both random genetic
the adaptive radiation of cichlids in Lake Malawi. loci and in phenotypes associated with feeding ecol-
The inference of monophyly was drawn without ogy, reflects both the rapidity of differentiation and
assays of key riverine taxa that could have played a the adaptive nature of the radiations in the various
role in the founding of the Lake Malawi radiation, lacustrine habitats (Hudson et al. 2011).
and was made using only mtDNA sequence data. The radiation of the Alpine lake whitefish has
Thus, the evolutionary origin of possibly the largest resulted in endemic flocks of up to six species in
radiation of cichlids in any rift lake (i.e. up to 800 each lake, each flock consisting of sympatric forms
species formed) was not well defined. that vary in ecological adaptations that are found
To identify the likely progenitor(s) of the Lake across different lakes (Hudson et al. 2011). Of par-
Malawi cichlid adaptive radiation, Joyce et al. (2011) ticular interest for the topic of this chapter, the
collected both nuclear (2045 polymorphic AFLP evolutionary history of this assemblage is postu-
loci) and mitochondrial sequence (control region) lated to have included introgressive hybridization.
data from representative taxa (in terms of ecologi- Using >1000 AFLP loci and sequence data from the
cal associations and morphological characteristics) mitochondrial control region, Hudson et al. (2011)
from the six previously-defined mtDNA clades as were able to test for phylogenetic and population
well as 17 cichlid populations from river systems of genetic patterning within and among 36 bodies
varying distances from Lake Malawi. The genetic of water associated with the Coregonus radiation.
screens of the riverine and Lake Malawi samples These analyses provided a number of inferences
detected recombination among lineages belong- concerning the genetic and evolutionary trajectories
ing to multiple cichlid clades indicating a hybrid for the endemic lake assemblages. The overall sig-
origin for this adaptive radiation. Current phy- nal was one of cytonuclear discordance. This dis-
logenetic methodologies are used to detect puta- cordance reflected strongly contrasting patterns of
tive examples of reticulate evolution by testing for genetic variability for the nuclear AFLP and cyto-
non-congruence between trees generated from dif- plasmic mtDNA data sets. The nuclear data sup-
ferent data sets. For example, the most diverse ported a monophyletic origin for the entire radia-
clade within the lake, that of the ‘rock-dwelling tion, with major lake systems falling into separate
mbuna’ appears to possess nuclear and mitochon- clades, while the mtDNA sequence data revealed
drial genomes from highly divergent progenitor the presence of two divergent lineages scattered
lineages (Joyce et al. 2011). As predicted by the across the various species flocks (Fig. 25.3; Hudson
hybrid swarm model, the Lake Malawi cichlids et al. 2011).
reflect introgressive hybridization during the ear- Taken as a whole, the genetic and ecological
liest stages of an adaptive radiation leading to the data supported the hybrid swarm model in the
rapid origin of hundreds of species with admixed diversification of the Coregonus flocks. Based upon
genomes. nuclear genotype data, flocks from different lakes
were placed within separate clades yet had sim-
ilar adaptations; this observation was consistent
25.4.2 Hybridization and adaptive radiations
with the in situ origination of the species within
in Alpine lake whitefish: Swiss fish diversify
lakes due to environmental selection. However, as
after the last big thaw
predicted by the hybrid swarm model (Seehausen
The Coregonus lavaretus clade (Alpine lake white- 2004), the flocks apparently derived from multiple
fish) is made up of numerous species that arose lineages as reflected by the admixture of divergent

Divergence in Refugia— Admixture in Hybrid Swarm— Sympatric Speciation—

divergent mitochondrial nuclear loci from N and C species within each lake form
haplotypes evolve in refugia recombine, genetic clades based on nuclear loci,
North (N) and Central (C) diversity increases mitochondrial haplotypes are
European refugia not fixed within lakes



Glaciation Glacial retreat Dispersal into alpine lakes

> 15,000 yBP Present

Figure 25.3 Inferred evolutionary history of the Alpine lake whitefish species complex. The origin of the individual species flocks apparently involved
hybridization between multiple divergent lineages residing in glacial refugia, resulting in the formation of hybrid swarms. The signature of hybridization
was lost from the nuclear genomes of the resulting lineages due to recombination. However, the hybrid nature of the founders of the individual flocks is
reflected by the presence of multiple, divergent mtDNA haplotypes both within and among different lakes. Remarkably, the adaptive radiation that
followed hybridization between the divergent whitefish lineages occurred within the space of < 15,000 years (Hudson et al. 2011).

mtDNA haplotypes within lakes (Fig. 25.3; Hudson logical settings from lava flows to bogs, (3) pos-
et al. 2011). Not only was it likely that the vari- sesses species with radically different growth forms
ous Alpine lake whitefish flocks originated rapidly including cushion plants, shrubs, trees, and lianas,
and sympatrically, but there is ample evidence that and (4) is most closely related to North American
these flocks were also derived from a genetically tarweeds, but unlike the diploid tarweed progeni-
enriched, hybrid stock. tors, silverswords possess polyploid genomes (Bar-
rier et al. 1999, 2001).
At a minimum, for the adaptive radiation of
25.4.3 Hybridization and adaptive radiations
the silverswords to be consistent with the hybrid
in Hawaiian silverswords: allopolyploids
swarm model of Seehausen (2004), the derivation
in an island paradise
of the ancestral lineage(s) that invaded the Hawai-
The Hawaiian silversword assemblage, like the East ian archipelago would necessarily need to have
African rift lake cichlids, is known as a paradigm been allopolyploid (i.e. hybrid) derivatives of the
of the process of adaptive radiation. This complex: diploid tarweeds. Barrier et al. (1999) tested this
(1) consists of 30 species belonging to three gen- hypothesis by using the sequence variation found
era endemic to six of the eight main Hawaiian at two floral homeotic genes to construct phyloge-
islands, (2) is distributed across widely varying eco- netic relationships among silversword and tarweed

lineages. Their findings identified two to three tar- Whitney et al. 2010). In addition to the deficit of
weed lineages that apparently contributed to the examples of direct estimates of fitness, there is
extant silversword complex thereby confirming an also little understanding of the adaptive pheno-
allopolyploid hybrid speciation event at the base typic traits that are being created through recom-
of this adaptive radiation (Barrier et al. 1999). In a bination between divergent lineages. Though some
later study of the molecular evolutionary patterns correlations have been noted, for example, between
of the same floral homeotic genes, Barrier et al. important ecological traits and adaptive radiations
(2001) detected a signature of accelerated evolu- (Hudson et al. 2011), there is a general lack of
tion at these regulatory loci following the forma- detailed descriptive or experimental data to test
tion of the hybrid lineages. Specifically, they found for causality between natural hybridization and
an increase in nonsynonymous versus synonymous the origin of adaptations and adaptive radiations.
base pair substitutions in these homeotic genes fol- However, when such tests have been possible, sig-
lowing allopolyploidization (Barrier et al. 2001). natures of rapid, natural hybridization-mediated
These observations suggested a role for the inter- adaptive evolution have been detected (e.g. Riese-
action between hybridization and regulatory gene berg et al. 2003; Martin et al. 2006; Grant and Grant
evolution in catalyzing adaptive radiations (Bar- 2010; Whitney et al. 2010).
rier et al. 2001). Furthermore, the allopolyploid ori-
gin for this adaptive radiation indicates that the
expected rapidity of the ecological diversification of Acknowledgments
this plant clade (Seehausen 2004) was preceded by
an instantaneous hybrid speciation event. During the writing of this review, A.N.B. and
E.S.B. were supported by National Science Founda-
tion grants DEB-0949479/0949424 (a collaborative
25.5 Conclusions and future prospects grant between M.L.A. and N.H. Martin, Texas State
Outcomes of natural hybridization can lead to University-San Marcos) and DEB-1049757 (M.L.A.),
lineage diversification and adaptive evolutionary and by funds from the Office of the Vice President
change. The earlier examples also suggest that for Research at the University of Georgia. J.A.P.H.
genetic exchange-mediated evolution will often be was supported by the National Science Foundation
rapid (Figs. 25.1–25.3). This would be expected PIRE grant, OISE-0730218 (R. Mauricio, PI).
given that the process involves invasion of open,
novel ecological settings (Seehausen 2004; Arnold
2006). Rapid stabilization of hybrid lineages might References
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Rapid parallel adaptive radiations from a single hybri- Symonds, V.V., Soltis, P.S., and Soltis, D.E. (2010) Dynam-
dogenetic ancestral population. Proc R Soc B 278: 58–66. ics of polyploid formation in Tragopogon (Asteraceae):
Joyce, D.A., Lunt, D.H., Genner, M.J., Turner, G.F., Bills, R., Recurrent formation, gene flow, and population struc-
and Seehausen, O. (2011) Repeated colonization and ture. Evolution 64: 1984–2003.
hybridization in Lake Malawi cichlids. Curr Biol 21: Whitney, K.D., Randell, R.A., and Rieseberg, L.H. (2010)
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Mallet, J. (2005) Hybridization as an invasion of the in the sunflower Helianthus annuus. New Phytol 187:
genome. Trends Ecol Evol 20: 229–37. 230–9.
C H A P T E R 26

Rapid evolution of
pollinator-mediated plant
reproductive isolation
Annika M. Moe, Wendy L. Clement, and George D. Weiblen

could influence the rate of speciation in flowering

26.1 Plant–insect diversification
When considering the tree of life, the fact that
some lineages are much more taxonomically rich
26.2 Pollination and reproductive
than others suggests that rates of species diver-
sification are highly variable. Explaining patterns
of species diversity according to changes in diver- While examining orchids, Darwin hypothesized
sification rate is limited by our power to recon- that coevolution between flowering plants and
struct patterns of speciation and extinction through pollinators might be responsible for their corre-
time, but this has not deterred speculation on lated patterns of diversity (Darwin 1862). Overall
the rate of evolution in mega-diverse groups such patterns of angiosperm diversity suggest that ele-
as flowering plants and insects (Sanderson and vated diversification rates might be associated with
Donoghue 1994; Farrell 1998). The role of special- biotic pollination (Jesson 2007). However, critical
ized interactions between insect herbivores and evaluation of this hypothesis leads to the conclusion
their host plants has been especially popular in that biotic pollination is ‘neither a necessary nor
explaining insect diversity by coevolutionary pro- sufficient condition for large numbers of species’
cesses (Ehrlich and Raven 1964; Farrell et al. 1992). (Gorelick 2001). Recent meta-analysis (Vamosi and
That reproductive isolation of herbivore popula- Vamosi 2010) attributed episodes of angiosperm
tions may arise due to specialization on novel plant diversification primarily to geography, or ‘space to
hosts is illustrated by the apple maggot fly, Rhago- diversify,’ and only secondarily to biotic pollination.
letis pomonella, which broadened its host range over Given the limitations of such broad comparisons
the past 300 years from native hawthorn (Crataegus) and correlative methods in identifying evolution-
to include the introduced apple (Malus) in North ary processes, we focus on particular systems in
America (Feder et al. 1994). Yet examples of her- which (and mechanisms by which) pollinators are
bivore speciation as a consequence of adaptation implicated in accelerated plant diversification.
to different host plants, such as soapberry bugs The role of pollinators as agents of selection
(Carroll and Boyd 1992) and pea aphids (Peccoud on floral traits and the idea that pollinator spe-
et al. 2010), rarely consider the rate of host plant cialization on divergent floral forms could result
diversification. The role of herbivores in affecting in the reproductive isolation of plant varieties
plant diversification may be intensified when herbi- gained broad acceptance during the 20th century
vores also provide pollination services, and directly (Grant 1949; Kiester et al. 1984; Johnson et al.
affect reproduction of the host plant. In this chap- 1998). Nonetheless, there are few specific cases of
ter we focus on conditions in which insect polli- increased plant diversification attributed to pollina-
nators acting as agents of reproductive isolation tor interactions (Hodges et al. 2004; Sargent 2004).

Rapidly Evolving Genes and Genetic Systems. First Edition. Edited by Rama S. Singh, Jianping Xu, and Rob J. Kulathinal.
© 2012 Oxford University Press. Published 2012 by Oxford University Press.
R A P I D E VO L U T I O N O F P O L L I N ATO R - M E D I AT E D P L A N T R E P R O D U C T I V E I S O L AT I O N 267

Pollinator foraging behavior has repeatedly been pollination were morphological changes in the posi-
shown to play a role in plant reproductive isola- tion of flowers within inflorescences, particularly
tion through constancy of floral visitation (Kephart the arrangement of bracts that encircle the flow-
and Theiss 2004). Modes of pollen transfer have ers of each inflorescence (Clement and Weiblen
also been implicated. For example, floral symme- 2009). Whereas Ficus is one of the largest and most
try restricts the approach and movement of polli- ubiquitous plant genera in tropical and subtropi-
nators such that pollen placement may be precise cal forests with more than 800 species worldwide,
and further reduces the likelihood of interbreed- Castilleae spans the same habitats and geographic
ing among dissimilar floral forms (Sargent 2004). range but comprises 11 genera and only ∼60 species
Floral mechanical means of reproductive isolation in total. This tenfold difference in species rich-
has been documented in species-rich groups such ness cannot be solely attributed to the shift from
as orchids (Sun et al. 2011), gingers (Kay 2006), and wind to biotic pollination in the common ances-
louseworts (Yang et al. 2007). However, it is diffi- tor. But rather, we must consider other ecological
cult to discern whether such mechanisms are causes or evolutionary differences among the descendants.
or consequences of diversification if we admit the Along the continuum of generalization and spe-
possibility of selection for traits reducing the like- cialization in plant–pollinator interactions, brood-
lihood of interbreeding when hybrids are less fit site pollination mutualisms involving insects are
(e.g. reinforcement). In this chapter, we describe the most extremely specialized (Waser and Oller-
a system in which reinforcement appears unlikely ton 2006). Although comparatively little is known
and that also happens to meet conditions for rapid, about pollination syndromes in Castilleae, recent
pollinator-mediated speciation. Simple models pre- ecological studies (Sakai 2001; Zerega et al. 2004;
dict pollinator-mediated plant diversification in Clement 2008) have uncovered an insect brood-
the case of obligate mutualisms with highly host- site pollination syndrome similar to that of figs
specific pollinating seed predators where plant and throughout the geographic distribution of the tribe.
pollinator reproduction are closely coupled (Kiester From what we do know of pollination syndromes
et al. 1984). The fig–fig wasp mutualism not only in Castilleae, the evolution of a specialized brood-
meets these criteria, but molecular phylogenetic site pollination syndrome from a more conventional
studies (Datwyler and Weiblen 2004) have estab- and generalized mode of insect pollination does not
lished the evolutionary historical context necessary appear to account for the richness of Ficus relative
for comparing diversification rates. to Castilleae. In seeking to explain the tenfold dif-
ference in numbers of species between sister clades,
we describe their pollination ecology in detail and
26.3 Ficus versus Castilleae
conditions affecting the evolution of reproductive
The recently discovered sister group relationship of isolation in particular.
figs (Ficus) to the tribe Castilleae (Moraceae) pro- Ficus is characterized by a completely enclosed
vides the opportunity to compare extant diversity inflorescence, or syconium, which is the site of
and infer conditions associated with changes in the obligate mutualism with pollinating fig wasps
diversification rate. Sister-group comparison may (Agaonidae, Hymenoptera). The urn-shaped recep-
provide insights on such conditions given that these tacle bearing numerous unisexual flowers is closed
lineages share similar floral traits, modes of polli- at the apex by involucral bracts that form a
nation, and time since divergence from their most narrow passage, or ostiole, which is only acces-
recent common ancestor at least 65 million years sible to certain agaonid wasps (Fig. 26.1). The
ago (Zerega et al. 2005). Wind pollination is the agaonid life cycle begins and ends in syconia, where
inferred ancestral condition of the mulberry fam- galled pistillate flowers nourish larvae, and mat-
ily (Moraceae) with a hypothesized shift to biotic ing occurs in the fig cavity immediately upon eclo-
pollination in the most recent common ancestor of sion. Female wasps collect pollen from staminate
Ficus and Castilleae (Datwyler and Weiblen 2004). flowers, emerge from ripening syconia, and search
Associated with the transition from wind to insect for receptive syconia in which to oviposit. Floral

linators to fig volatiles (Grison-Pige et al. 2002),

navigation of ostiolar bracts according to pollinator
head shape (van Noort and Compton 1996), gall
and seed formation as mediated by the interaction
of the ovipositor with floral morphology (Weiblen
2004), variation in larval performance among hosts,
and pollen compatibility. We will argue that interac-
tions which are lacking in the Castilleae brood-site
pollination mutualism could affect the rapid evolu-
tion of reproductive isolation in pollinators and figs
Compared to syconia, the inflorescences of
Figure 26.1 Inflorescence morphology of Ficus and Castilleae
thrips-pollinated Castilleae are discoid or urn-
(Moraceae). The fig, or syconium (left), completely encloses the flowers
within a hollow receptacle accessible only through a bract-lined opening, shaped (Sakai 2001; Clement and Weiblen 2009)
or ostiole. The staminate inflorescence of Antiaropsis decipiens (Castilleae, but the receptacle does not completely enclose the
right) is discoid and has dozens of tightly packed flowers surrounded by flowers (Fig. 26.1). Inflorescences are unisexual with
involucral bracts. The illustration for Ficus first appeared in Whitfeld and either stigmas or stamens protruding beyond the
Weiblen (2010) in Harvard Papers in Botany 15: 1–10 and is reprinted
involucral bracts of pistillate and staminate inflores-
here with permission of the editors of Harvard Papers in Botany. The
illustration for Antiropsis first appeared in (Zerega et al. 2004) (© cences, respectively (Datwyler and Weiblen 2004).
University of Chicago 2004). Although studies of fig pollination are more numer-
ous, reports of Castilleae pollination from each
volatiles and agaonid chemosensory antennae are major tropical region involve thrips (Thysanoptera)
involved in locating and choosing hosts. Access (Sakai 2001; Zerega et al. 2004; Clement 2008).
to potential brood sites requires passage through Thrips feed on pollen at all life stages and only
the ostiole where involucral bracts strip the wings incidentally pollinate in the course of foraging,
and antennae of agaonids such that the syconium but they are known to breed in flowers and can
generally entombs each floral visitor. As agaonids be highly host-specific (Mound 2005). In the case
lay eggs in a fraction of the pistillate flowers, pol- of Castilleae, pistillate inflorescences provide no
lination may be either active or passive but in reward such that pollination involves deceit by flo-
either case, the development of seeds and galls is ral mimicry. Thrips lay eggs prior to anthesis in
assured. the relatively short-lived staminate inflorescences,
The specialized nature of fig/pollinator interac- where nymphs later feed on pollen and eventually
tions has made the system a focal point for studies pupate in fallen litter. Unlike fig wasps, thrips feed
of coevolution (Herre 1989; Ganeshaiah et al. 1995; as adults and move between plants while foraging
Weiblen 2004; Ma et al. 2009). Each Ficus species is and seeking opportunities for mating and ovipo-
associated with one or several pollinating fig wasp sition. Thrips are predominantly associated with
species (Herre et al. 2008) and approximately paral- staminate inflorescences of Castilleae but the sim-
lel patterns of phylogenetic diversity among more ilar appearance and odor of pistillate inflorescences
than 800 taxa has drawn much speculation on pro- attracts occasional thrips where passive pollination
cesses of diversification (Weiblen and Bush 2002; of exposed stigmas is sufficient to affect fertiliza-
Machado et al. 2005; Jackson et al. 2008; Jousselin tion (Zerega et al. 2004; Clement 2008). The fact
et al. 2008). Whether diversification is the result that individual adult thrips have an opportunity to
of cospeciation, host switching, or hybridization, visit flowers in multiple inflorescences whereas fig
the intertwining of fig and pollinator life cycles is wasps are limited to visiting a single inflorescence
implicated. When life cycles are linked, specificity per generation is a key difference between polli-
has the potential to influence reproductive isolation nation syndromes, possibly affecting the evolution
of diverging populations in several ways. Among of reproductive isolation and the rate of host plant
the possibilities are chemosensory responses of pol- speciation.
R A P I D E VO L U T I O N O F P O L L I N ATO R - M E D I AT E D P L A N T R E P R O D U C T I V E I S O L AT I O N 269

Differing extinction rates provide an alterna- quences of host choice by floral visitors are closely
tive explanation for the relatively greater richness coupled with pollination may influence the rate by
of Ficus but there is little reason to expect that which plant reproductive isolation evolves if an
Castilleae are more extinction-prone. The groups additional condition is met.
share identical habitats and pan-tropical geographic The second condition for rapid plant specia-
distributions. The complete enclosure of flowers tion has to do with the number of floral visits
within the syconium that severely limits opportuni- per pollinator generation. Because fig wasps gen-
ties for pollination favors fig species as more likely erally visit only a single inflorescence per genera-
candidates for extinction than Castilleae. We argue tion, host choice has more immediate fitness con-
that a higher rate of speciation in Ficus, due to par- sequences for fig wasps than for thrips. Once a fig
ticular conditions of the pollination syndrome, pro- wasp has located a host fig and entered the ostiole,
motes the rapid evolution of reproductive isolation her reproductive success is completely dependent
and explains why figs outnumber their sister group on the suitability of that particular host whereas
in species by ten to one. Species-specificity and flo- thrips have the option of bet hedging with visits
ral constancy of pollinators are often invoked as to multiple inflorescences. The existence of ‘tomb
reproductive isolating mechanisms in plants (Waser blossoms,’ especially in functionally dioecious Ficus
and Ollerton 2006). The discovery of thrips as pri- species having ‘female’ figs in which pollinators
mary pollinators of Castilleae, comprising not only absolutely fail to achieve fitness, may impose
greater than 95% of visitors to inflorescences but intense selection on wasps to discern host qual-
also exhibiting one-to-one host species-specificity ity prior to passing the ostiole. Recent manipula-
in Panama and Papua New Guinea (Sakai 2001; tive pollination experiments with functionally dioe-
Zerega et al. 2004), indicates a degree of special- cious figs documented the complete failure of polli-
ization that appears rather similar to fig pollina- nators to reproduce in sympatric, close relatives of a
tion. A closer examination of life history differences preferred host species (Moe 2011). Whereas visiting
between these brood-site pollination syndromes the wrong host imposes an absolute fitness cost to
is needed to identify conditions beyond species- a fig wasp, thrips visiting suboptimal hosts, such as
specificity that favors more rapid evolution of the pistillate infloresences of Castilleae that provide
pollinator-mediated reproductive isolation in figs no reward, at least affords the possibility of locating
than Castilleae. a more suitable host with subsequent foraging. Pos-
Here we elaborate on two conditions that appear itive selection for highly discriminatory host choice
likely to have accelerated fig diversification rela- in response to the volatile chemical attractants of
tive to Castilleae. The first involves the nature of receptive figs is consistent with extremely species-
the reward for pollination services. Although both specific patterns of fig/pollinator association (Bron-
systems provide brood sites, fig wasps are seed stein 1987; Weiblen et al. 2001), the low incidence
predators whereas thrips are pollen feeders. Fig pol- of pollinator sharing among sympatric fig species
lination enhances pollinator fitness by provision- (Weiblen et al. 2001; Moe et al. 2011), and the appar-
ing seed resources to offspring in galled pistillate ent rarity of natural hybrids in at least some fig lin-
flowers whereas pollination of Castilleae does not eages (Parrish et al. 2003; Moe 2011). Such selection
directly contribute to thrips fitness. A fig that hosts on fig wasps sets the stage for the rapid evolution
the offspring of a particular pollinator also achieves of reproductive isolation in the host species.
fitness through the attraction of that pollinator such
that gene flow in fig populations is closely cou-
26.4 A pollinator-mediated model
pled with the reproductive consequences of wasp
for fig speciation
host choice. In dioecious Castilleae, however, thrips
oviposition and pollen feeding only occur on non- The obligate association of mutualistic partners
pollinated plants such that the female component (Fig. 26.2) sets conditions such that the discrimina-
of plant fitness is not positively associated with for- tory behavior of floral visitors is sufficient for plant
aging for brood sites. Whether or not fitness conse- reproductive isolation in the absence of postzy-

gotic mechanisms such as pollen incompatibility, bouquets introduced into a fig population through
hybrid inferiority, or infertility. Crossing experi- mutation, migration, hybridization, or even non-
ments recently demonstrated that closely related genetic factors such as local soil conditions or
fig species are interfertile and that hybrid seedlings microbial interactions has the potential to become
grow at rates comparable to non-hybrids (Moe a target for discrimination that could effectively
2011). There are also numerous anecdotal reports of achieve reproductive isolation among variant sub-
fig hybrids in nature (Parrish et al. 2003; Machado populations within a few generations (Fig. 26.3).
et al. 2005; Moe 2011) However, manipulative The divergence of fig subpopulations, either by
experiments bypassing the host recognition phase genetic drift or local adaptation, is expected to
of the pollinator life cycle found that the offspring lag behind that of pollinator host race formation
of pollinators which successfully galled novel host according to differences in generation time but
species did not develop to maturity (Moe 2011). is nonetheless expected to outpace that of Castil-
These observations together suggest that repro- leae where selection for pollinator discriminatory
ductive isolation among fig populations depends behavior is neither so intense nor positively asso-
less upon postzygotic mechanisms and more upon ciated with pollination.
pollinator fitness consequences of attraction to fig The proposed model finds obvious applica-
volatile chemistry. Given that wasp generation tion in fig/pollinator associations characterized by
times are at least an order of magnitude shorter extreme host specificity and congruent cophylo-
than those of their host trees (Fig. 26.2), the wasp genetic patterns (Weiblen and Bush 2002) but it
chemosensory apparatus and associated behaviors also applies to alternative modes of speciation. Pol-
are also likely to evolve more rapidly than postzy- linator sharing among fig species (Molbo et al.
gotic isolating mechanisms in host figs. We argue 2003), incongruent fig and pollinator phylogenies
that the evolution of prezygotic reproductive iso- (Machado et al. 2005), and cyto-nuclear discordance
lation is driven by the wasp olfactory response indicative of fig hybridization (Renoult et al. 2009)
that, according to the results of manipulative exper- suggest that host-switching may also be an impor-
iments, is selected for attraction to figs similar to tant mechanism of diversification in this system
that of the natal fig. Variation in volatile chemical (Herre et al. 2008). Hybridization has the potential

Host location Volatile

and recognition chemical signals

Mature female
wasps disperse Figs develop
with pollen > 1 generations Oviposition Pollination < 0.1 generations to maturity
per year per year

develop to Seed
maturity and develops
mate and establishment

Figure 26.2 Intersecting life cycles of figs and fig wasps. The evolutionary dynamics of reproductive isolation are likely to involve genes affecting the
production of volatile chemical signals by figs and their recognition by wasps. Genes affecting the success of oviposition, pollination, seed and larval
development are also likely to be important. Due to the interplay of relatively shorter wasp generation times with longer fig life cycles, selection acting on
wasp genetic systems and/or the evolution of reproductive isolation among wasp populations may increase the rate of speciation in figs.
R A P I D E VO L U T I O N O F P O L L I N ATO R - M E D I AT E D P L A N T R E P R O D U C T I V E I S O L AT I O N 271

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e)

Figure 26.3 A model for the rapid evolution of pollinator-mediated reproductive isolation in figs. Horizontal arrows represent gene flow. Vertical and
diagonal arrows represent plant/pollinator interactions. Solid arrows indicate frequent events whereas dashed arrows indicate rare events. (a) Host
population with individuals having volatile bouquets with equal probability of attracting pollinators. (b) Variant fig arises with initial low probability of
attracting pollinators. (c) Once colonized, the probability of the new variant attracting specific pollinators increases, given that wasps prefer volatiles similar
to that of their birth fig. (d) Preference of pollinators for different variants leads to assortative mating, reproductive isolation, and speciation of pollinator
host races. (e) Host plant speciation lags behind pollinator speciation due to longer generation times.

to generate novel profiles of chemical attractants Given the continuum of variation from specialized
and new targets for discriminatory pollinators such to generalized animal-pollinated systems, it seems
that a hybrid fig, once colonized by a pollinator unreasonable to expect diversification in biotic pol-
whose offspring prefer similar hosts, could found a lination systems to be elevated relative to abiotic
new lineage capable of exploiting ecological niches pollination overall. Comparisons of highly special-
inaccessible to the parental species within a few ized systems similar to fig pollination are needed
generations (Gross and Rieseberg 2005). Evidence to gain further insights on conditions for rapid,
from fig wasp phylogeography (Haine et al. 2006; pollinator-mediated plant diversification. Specia-
Moe and Weiblen 2010) suggests allopatric spe- tion in figs appears to be accelerated through: (1)
ciation where geographic variation in fig volatile the linkage of plant and pollinator reproduction,
profiles could also contribute to the rapid evolu- (2) severe pollinator fitness consequences for ‘mis-
tion of pollinator-mediated reproductive isolation. takes’ such that highly discriminatory behavior is
A next step in validating the proposed model and selected, and, (3) substantially shorter generation
investigating its generality would be to examine the times in pollinators than in host plants. It will be
molecular evolution of genes affecting the fig wasp necessary to examine these criteria in other brood-
chemosensory apparatus and fig volatile chemistry pollination mutualisms involving yucca and yucca
in diverse fig/pollinator lineages and geographic moths (Pellmyr 2003), senita cactus and senita
contexts. moths (Fleming and Holland 1998), and phyllan-
thoid euphorbs and Epicephala moths (Kato et al.
2003). For instance, Yucca is not more rich in species
26.5 Future directions: plant–pollinator
than its wind-pollinated sister group (Smith et al.
interactions and rapid evolution
2008). Although plant and pollinator reproduction
The coupling of plant and pollinator life cycles may are also linked in yucca pollination, moths have
accelerate plant speciation under certain conditions. generation times comparable to their hosts and

moths may visit flowers of multiple plants such Grison-Pige, L., Bessiere, J., and Hoessaert-McKey, M.
that the consequences of suboptimal choices are not (2002) Specific attraction of fig-pollinating wasps: Role
as severe as for fig wasps. Such comparisons may of volatile compounds released by tropical figs. J Chem
shed light on whether the evolution of pollinator- Ecol 28: 283–95.
Gross, B.L. and Rieseberg, L.H. (2005) The ecological
mediated reproductive isolation has matched plant
genetics of homoploid hybrid speciatioN. J Hered 96:
speciation by polyploidy or hybridization in rapid-
ity and extent. Haine, E.R., Martin, J., and Cook, J.M. (2006) Deep mtDNA
divergences indicate cryptic species in a fig-pollinating
wasp. BMC Evol Biol 6: 83.
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C H A P T E R 27

Sexual system genomics

and speciation
Rob J. Kulathinal and Rama S. Singh

27.1 In the beginning: Darwin and species with bright conspicuous male plumages
Wallace on sexual selection and evolved by gradually selecting for dull-coloration
speciation in females in response to predation pressure (Wal-
lace 1890).
The grand theory of natural selection that Charles To explain why hybrid sterility occurs so fre-
Darwin and Alfred Wallace jointly proposed was quently, Darwin and Wallace again evoked different
meant to explain the origin and evolution of bio- models for selection to act upon. Since it would
logical diversity among all living things. Both men be counter-productive, in the context of a popula-
shared a common vision on precisely how nat- tion’s overall fitness, for sterility to evolve within a
ural selection operated and, for the remainder species by natural selection, Darwin explained it as
of their lives, maintained a healthy connection merely an incidental outcome of natural selection
that included a mutual appreciation and recipro- on diverging populations (Darwin 1859). Wallace,
cal endorsement of each other’s work. However, on the contrary, held that natural selection could
Darwin and Wallace remained unconvinced of the increase the degree of sterility in hybrids, ultimately
other’s selective explanations for two of nature’s proposing a mechanism that is the precursor of
most visible and widespread biological features: the what is now known as sympatric speciation and
presence of spectacular secondary sexual dimor- reinforcement.
phic characters, and the phenomenon of hybrid It is interesting to note that disagreements still
sterility that commonly occurs when plant and ani- exist over the explanations of these two phenom-
mal breeders cross closely related species. ena among evolutionary biologists, more than a
Darwin explained the evolution of secondary century after Darwin and Wallace’s congenial cor-
and seemingly maladaptive sexual traits such as respondences. The genetic basis of hybrid sterility
the peacock’s long tail (Fig. 27.1a) by sexual is a well-studied field of inquiry and a variety of
selection, i.e. sex-biased selection as the result explanations have been put forth (for a review, see
of each sex possessing different strategies to Kulathinal and Singh 2008). Ecological and genetic
increase their reproductive output (Darwin 1871). studies of sexual selection now cover a full range
Darwin distinguished sexual from natural selec- of hypotheses from game theory to good-genes
tion in order to explain how boldly dimorphic models (Shuster and Wade 2003). While it is most
traits were the byproduct of selecting mates by certainly true that neither Darwin nor Wallace com-
females and outcompeting other males. In con- prehended the importance of hybrid sterility and
trast, Wallace thought that the spectacular sex- sexual selection in the context of species formation,
ual dimorphisms found in nature could be best both these phenomena currently represent two of
explained by natural selection for protective adap- the most active areas of research in the field of
tation. For Wallace, sexual dimorphism in bird speciation.

Rapidly Evolving Genes and Genetic Systems. First Edition. Edited by Rama S. Singh, Jianping Xu, and Rob J. Kulathinal.
© 2012 Oxford University Press. Published 2012 by Oxford University Press.
S E X UA L S YS T E M G E N O M I C S A N D S P E C I AT I O N 275

Figure 27.1 Examples of morphological diversity that may have been driven by sexual selection. (a) Classic example of the formation of elaborate but
maladaptive display feathers in the male peacock, Pavo cristatus. (b) Two stalk-eyed male flies (family Diopsidae) approach each other from opposite sides
of a twig. (c) Male (striped) and female (plain) pair of Midas cichlids, Cichlasoma citrinellum, exhibiting extreme sexual dimorphism in size and coloration
alongside their 1-day-old fry. (d) Morphological diversity in two ‘picture-winged’ species of Hawaiian Drosophila, Drosophila nigribasis and D. macrothrix,
compared to the non-native Hawaiian, D. suzukii (from left to right). (e) Two species of Darwin’s finches, Geospiza magnirostris (top), Certhidea olivacea
(bottom). Beak sizes correlated to song used in mating. (f) Diversity of sex-specific reproductive tissues in flowers may be augmented by the coevolution in
flower-pollinator systems. Images courtesy of A. Konings (c) and of K. Kaneshiro (d).

27.2 The Modern Synthesis and the assumptions. Mayr emphasized the importance of
development of speciation theory geographic isolation and considered reproductive
isolation as a byproduct of genetic divergence in
After the Modern Evolutionary Synthesis of the isolation, much like Darwin did a century earlier
1930s and 1940s introduced species as reproduc- (Mayr 1963). Theodosius Dobzhansky, on the other
tively isolated units (Dobzhansky 1937; Mayr 1942), hand, focused on the evolution of reproductive
post-Synthesis theories of speciation were based on isolating mechanisms proposing the role of natu-
two prevailing views in population genetics: that ral selection in their perfection (Dobzhansky 1937,
the genetic basis of most adaptive traits is complex 1951). While Wallace had argued for the importance
and multigenic, and that gene flow is a powerful of natural selection under sympatric conditions,
force of homogenization such that population dif- Dobzhansky extended the role of natural selection
ferentiation cannot take place without geographi- during secondary contact between species as an
cal or temporal isolation (Dobzhansky 1951; Mayr additional stage in the allopatric model of specia-
1963). Ernst Mayr’s allopatric geographic theory tion that allowed for the reinforcement of premat-
of speciation was built on the basis of these two ing isolation (Dobzhansky 1951).

Two of the most fruitful approaches in under- based advantages (Maynard Smith 1991), the indi-
standing the genetics of speciation include the rect appraisal of males by the good-genes model
Mendelian analysis of hybrid incompatibility genes (Andersson 1994), and coevolutionary arms conflict
and expanding the role of sexual selection from between male and female strategies (Rice 1996).
morphological to molecular levels. Dobzhansky With new molecular evidence, a new and encom-
first made use of genetic crosses to investi- passing view of sexual selection has begun to mate-
gate the genetic basis of hybrid sterility between rialize (Coulthart and Singh 1988; Civetta and Singh
species, employing two closely related fruit fly 1999; Swanson and Vacquier 2002). This broadened
species, Drosophila pseudoobscura and D. persim- perspective allows mechanisms of sexual selection
ilis (Dobzhansky 1937). By backcrossing fertile F1 to be extended beyond classical examples of female
hybrids to either parent, he showed that the X chro- choice and exaggerated male phenotypes that have
mosome produced the largest effect on hybrid male been limited to male secondary sexual traits and
sterility. Not much was done for 40 years until extreme male behavior (Darwin 1871). Foremost,
a new generation of speciation geneticists resur- the extension of sexual selection to the molecular
rected the technique en force (Coyne and Orr 1989) level finally presents a direct link to the genet-
to study the genetic basis of Haldane’s rule, i.e. ics of speciation by providing a common func-
the observation that hybrid inviability and sterility tional pool of genes and traits. This systems-based
tend to occur more commonly in the heterogametic framework enables us to understand the origin of
than homogametic sex (Haldane 1922). Observa- species-specific characters alongside species forma-
tions from crosses between different species paved tion and divergence. In addition, microevolutionary
the way to new theoretical developments such as processes that are rapidly evolving can be viewed
the faster-X (Charlesworth et al. 1987) and dom- to directly impact macroevolutionary patterns of
inance (Orr and Turelli 1996) theories of hybrid diversity.
incompatibilities. On the empirical side, a handful
of genes affecting hybrid inviability and sterility
have been identified (reviewed in Presgraves 2010).
27.3 A new paradigm: the genomics of
Indeed, the use of trans-species Mendelian genetics
and its associated theoretical developments have
sexual systems and the origin of species
taught us more about the genetic basis of speciation Our view of how species form has changed dramat-
during the last 25 years than over the previous 150 ically over the past 150 years. Early theories of spe-
years. ciation were shaped more by population dynamics,
The second approach, pursued independently i.e. how populations split in both space and time
and in parallel, has allowed theories of specia- and ultimately become species, than by the kind of
tion based on sexual selection and mating behav- genes or genetic mechanisms involved. A shift in
ior to grow in scope (Fig. 27.1b,c). During the last emphasis to studying sex and reproduction-related
three decades, formal mathematical models (e.g. systems holds the potential of providing us with
Lande 1981; Kirkpatrick 1982) and empirical exam- greater insight on how populations diverge and
ples spanning a wide range of organisms (Arn- ultimately become reproductively isolated. Using
qvist and Rowe 2005) have propelled the field of empirical evidence from the literature, we briefly
sexual selection into the forefront of evolutionary outline the following framework for this shift in
biology. An emphasis on classic male features can paradigm with highlights from the recent litera-
be seen in such early models as runaway selection ture: (1) genomes can be broadly organized into
which attempted to explain Darwin’s original para- sexual and non-sexual functional components, (2)
doxical observation that outwardly maladaptive sexual systems are generally more variable and pos-
traits are the evolutionary consequence of increas- sess higher rates of evolutionary change, (3) sex-
ing male fitness (Fisher 1930; Lande 1981). Later ual selection is generally strong and repetitive, (4)
theories of sexual selection emphasized the benefits sexual coevolutionary forces and interacting sys-
of female discrimination through direct resource- tems can drive rapid evolution, and (5) reproduc-
S E X UA L S YS T E M G E N O M I C S A N D S P E C I AT I O N 277

tive systems are generally the first to break down in Modern genomic tools provide growing support
interspecific hybrids. for a functional treatment of the genomic landscape.
Genomic approaches can quickly assay for sex-
biased gene expression on a genome-wide scale for
27.3.1 Functional genomics: organization both male- and female-specific tissues in addition to
into sexual and non-sexual systems somatic ones. Microarray, EST (expressed sequence
Sexual systems are comprised of genes involved tag), and now RNAseq studies reveal that a sur-
in male and female fertility in addition to mor- prisingly large fraction of the genome is involved
phological and behavioral traits involved in sexual in reproductive function. In Drosophila, upwards
selection. By being directly or indirectly involved to one half of all genes are expressed in the male
in some aspect of reproductive function, sex genes testis (Ranz et al. 2003; Parisi et al. 2004). In addi-
are prone to sexual selective pressures. In contrast, tion, testes harbor a much greater fraction of tissue-
non-sex genes primarily affect viability and are sub- specific genes than other tissues (Singh and Kulathi-
ject mostly to natural selection. This binary clas- nal 2005) suggesting the availability of a large num-
sification provides a heuristic framework to treat ber of targets for sexual selection to act upon.
reproduction and survival as separate but coupled Of course, any dichotomous perspective that
evolutionary systems open to independent modifi- classifies genes, traits, and systems as sex versus
cation at different evolutionary rates (Singh 2000). non-sex may be too simplistic due to the multi-
Ultimately, the basis of this dichotomy has its origin functional and pleiotropic nature of most genes
in the concept of individual fitness. As integrated and traits. A more realistic representation pictures
components of fitness, fertility and viability are dif- somatic non-sexual roles at one end of the func-
ficult to tease apart, yet historically, the viability tional spectrum and purely reproductive roles at the
component has received disproportionate attention. opposite end. This functional grouping allows us to
From the handful of studies that quantify both com- better visualize how different selective processes act
ponents of fitness, fertility appears more prominent. upon each genetic system with respect to mecha-
For example, in a meta-analysis of studies from nism (Fig. 27.2: sexual vs. natural selection, positive
the literature where selection was quantified in the vs. purifying selection, rapid vs. slow evolution).
wild, fertility fitness components were found to be
more significant than viability and sexual selection
27.3.2 Higher variation among reproductive
stronger than natural selection (Kingsolver et al.
2001). It was also found that sex-specific variance in
reproductive success produces a much larger effect Mounting evidence reveals that traits involved
than differences between males and females in sur- in pre- and postzygotic mechanisms of isolation
vivability (Charlesworth 2001). are evolving rapidly, suggesting that sex and

Natural Systems primarily Purifying
selection involved in growth, selection
viability and survival
Rate of evolution

Systems with
Figure 27.2 The relative contribution of natural versus pleiotropic effects
sexual selection on various genetic systems. The effectiveness
in sexual and
(right-hand side triangles) of purifying selection (negative
selection on deleterious characters) and positive selection
non-sexual systems
(eventual fixation of advantageous variants) differs between
systems since genes related to sex and reproductive allow for Systems primarily
more latitude on an organism’s genetic endowment. Also Sexual involved in mate Positive
indicated are expected correlated differences in evolutionary selection and gamete choice selection

reproduction-related (SRR) genes are preferentially genes (Dorus et al. 2008), thus, molecular diver-
involved in speciation (Singh and Kulathinal 2000). sity may be directly associated with morphological
Two pioneering studies of sexual systems set the specialization in sexual systems. (5) Reproductive
stage on studies of reproductive characters and tissues exhibit greater variance in gene expression.
their association to speciation. William Eberhard’s Computational and microarray approaches using
broad survey of animal taxa found male genitalia Drosophila point towards a complex set of tran-
to be among the most disparate and diagnostic scripts (Telonis-Scott et al. 2009). Furthermore, in
(Eberhard 1985). Of course, entomologists had dis- a large number of cases, ubiquitously expressed
tinguished related species on the basis of geni- genes show significantly higher levels of expression
talia for centuries (for example, sexual characters in the testis when compared to ovary or somatic
were the basis for the Linnaean system of classifi- tissue (Parisi et al. 2004).
cation), however, Eberhard’s comprehensive com-
pilation of male gonadal morphology underscored
27.3.3 Strength of sexual selection
the connection of high gonadal diversity to sexual
selection. In the second pioneering study, Hampton Why do SRR genes, traits, and systems tend to
Carson demonstrated that over a very short period evolve faster? Male competition and female choice
of time (∼6 million years), a founding population form the basis of Darwin’s original hypothesis
of fruit flies diverged to over 500 species across an (Darwin 1871). Recent theories have focused on
expanding Hawaiian archipelago, and that much the antagonistic interaction (conflict) that arises
of the remarkable morphological diversity between between opposing male and female strategies.
species was driven by the evolution of behavioral These mechanisms of conflict may be behavioral,
preferences for conspecific mates in newly founded morphological, or physiological. That females con-
populations (Carson 1997; Fig. 27.1d). These two tinually respond and coevolve to counter male
case studies point to the power of sexual selection strategies has been demonstrated in many taxa. In
driving the variability of both reproductive systems a now classic experimental evolution study, it was
and species diversity. found that Drosophila females that were not given
Recent genomics studies are also finding that the the opportunity to coevolve with males were less fit
genetic components of SRR systems are generally than females allowed to coevolve with those same
more liable to rapid evolutionary change. Various males (Rice 1996). Such experiments reveal that
lines of evidence are summarized as follows: (1) what biologists actually observe in both nature and
among developmental programs, reproductive sys- the laboratory is most likely the tip of the iceberg.
tems including sex determination (Hodgkin 1990), Due to the coevolutionary and recurrent nature of
mating strategies (Shuster and Wade 2003), and flo- sexual selection, the majority of directional change
ral pollination (Charlesworth et al. 2005; Cozzolino will most likely be cryptic. Furthermore, the cycle
and Widmer 2005) are among the most rapidly of inconspicuous change in the male’s and female’s
evolving. (2) Reproductive genes show faster rates sexual machinery does not cease to take place.
of sequence evolution (Civetta and Singh 1998; Empirically, the rate of speciation between
Wyckoff et al. 2000) and a more rapid loss of orthol- groups of phylogenetically similar species of insects
ogy (Haerty et al. 2007). Sex genes, by virtue of that differ in their capacity for sexual conflict
their non-ubiquitous expression and action, and has also been compared (Arnqvist et al. 2000).
not because of their dispensability (Torgerson et al. Species with multiple partners, allowing for sexu-
2005), appear to be more open to mutational, selec- ally antagonistic strategies to develop, were com-
tional and neutral change than other genes. (3) pared to related species with monogamous mating
Reproductive genes, particularly those expressed in systems. Results show that speciation rates are four
the male testis, show higher rates of retention in the times higher in species where conflict is present,
testis after evolving off the X chromosome onto an providing evidence that sexual conflict is an impor-
autosome via retroposition (Emerson et al. 2004). tant driver of evolutionary change, and specia-
(4) Sexual systems are more likely to evolve novel tion. While sexual conflict has become an important
S E X UA L S YS T E M G E N O M I C S A N D S P E C I AT I O N 279

topic in the field of speciation, the rapid evolu- and sexual conflict in fitness interests, make sexual
tion of reproductive systems presents an alternative traits more liable to rapid, often exaggerated, and
to the metaphor of ‘fitness conflicts.’ In this view, seemingly ‘maladaptive’ evolutionary change. The
reproduction and fitness do not belong to males or exaggerated tail length of peacocks and the wastage
females alone but to both sexes together, and battles of reproductive gametes (such as the excessive pro-
(interactions) between males and males, females duction of pollen in plants and sperm in animals)
and females, and males and females are all part of a most likely represent only a fraction of the maladap-
broader form of sexual selection (known as broad- tive change with regard to reproduction in these
sense sexual selection; Civetta and Singh 1999). organisms.
A more recent theory explains rapid sexual sys- While pleiotropic effects across different genetic
tems evolution as the direct result of male sexual systems may yield greater selective pressure and
drive (Singh and Kulathinal 2005; also known as constraint, intermolecular coevolution between
male-driven sexual selection) whereby all aspects of male and female components can generate rapid
males are under intense sexual selection due to their change. These components may include signal-
leading role in initiating mating and doing every- response systems such as pheromones and visual
thing possible—from molecules to morphology—to cues used in mating rituals as well as gametic
increase their chances of mating with females, and interactions in fertilization. A growing number of
thus increasing their overall fitness. An important intermolecular examples from the coevolution of
consequence of male sexual drive theory is how sperm–egg proteins in marine invertebrates (Swan-
the genome itself becomes masculinized by sexual son and Vacquier 2002) to male-specific sperm
selection. In general, genomes appear to maintain accessory proteins and their targets in female
a disproportionate number of reproductive genes, Drosophila (Ram and Wolfner 2009) have been char-
an influx of new male-specific genes, and a biased acterized.
distribution of harbored male versus female genes The extension of sexual selection to beyond their
on sex chromosomes (Singh and Kulathinal 2005). original precopulatory scope also allows its inclu-
Female reproductive systems often coevolve with sion in other taxa and processes that have not
these male genes into a rapidly evolving trajectory. been part of traditional sexual selection literature.
For example, reproductive mechanisms not aligned
with the classic notion of female choice on male
27.3.4 Sexual systems interaction,
traits may provide a forum for sexual selection
coevolution, and rapid change
to prevail in plants. Because many angiosperms
Using an expanded role of sexual selection, it is release pollen in massive amounts, pollination can
highly probable that we will find natural and sexual be considered analogous to sperm competition
selection to often interact and reinforce each other’s (Delph and Havens 1998). Insect–plant pollination
effects. How often natural and sexual selection rein- interactions may also be viewed to help orchestrate
force or oppose each other is an area of current male–female coevolutionary interactions found in
interest. Selection on secondary sexual traits most sexual selection models (for example, Fig. 27.1f).
likely affects survival. Similarly, natural selection on A growing number of examples between plants
nonsexual traits, such as the shape and size of beaks and animals are discovering such coevolving part-
in Darwin’s finches, may affect mate choice and ners of rapid evolutionary change (e.g. Whittall
reproduction through their effect on song (Podos and Hodges 2007). It is intriguing to consider that
2001) (Fig. 27.1e). Since sexual systems are more not only does strong and recurring selection main-
closely allied with fitness, and are more prone to be tain many of the dramatic sexual dimorphisms
affected both by natural and sexual selection, they observed within species, but that it may also play
have the potential to evolve the fastest. Perpetual a role in creating the complex web of species-to-
sexual interactions, coupled with inequalities in sex species interactions in many ecosystems by evolv-
allocation, differences in selection intensity (due to ing innovative new traits that are specific to a
males generally being more active and passionate), particular species and its partners.

27.3.5 Rapid breakdown of sexual systems Applying a sexual/non-sexual gene pool

in species hybrids dichotomy also allows species concepts and
competing genetic theories of speciation to be
Darwin devoted an entire chapter in Origins to
related directly to one or more components of
the evolution of hybrid sterility (Darwin 1859) and
genetic systems. The result of this sexual systems
it is generally now observed that hybrid sterility
approach is that speciation theories may not be as
evolves faster than hybrid inviability (Wu et al.
different to each other as they appear. For example,
1996). This pattern contrasts the distribution of
as an explanation to species formation on small
within-species mutations: in Drosophila, there are
isolated island populations—observations that
many more incidences of mutations affecting viabil-
inspired Darwin on his seminal voyage on the
ity than sterility (Lindsley and Lifschytz 1972). This
Beagle—Mayr proposed founder (also known as
contrast suggests that the genetic basis of hybrid
peripatric) speciation models. Various founder
sterility is of a different nature than within-species
effect models prominently feature sexual traits
sterility (Kulathinal and Singh 2008). Of course, the
and sexual selection (Carson 1989). Non-founder
rapid evolution of reproductive genes may account
models include those that employ the ‘Recognition’
for this pattern by generating a higher rate of
species concept’ (Paterson 1985), which apply to
deleterious interactions in the hybrid. In addition,
only the subset of genes affecting species-specific
sequence divergence is correlated to gene expres-
sexual recognition signals and does not constrain
sion divergence as shown in Drosophila species
the variation and evolution of genes affecting other
hybrids (Artieri et al. 2007). However, the contrast
functional components. Allopatric speciation with
of gene expression profiles between species and
reinforcement and sympatric models also rely
gene expression breakdown in their hybrids sug-
on a phase that involves homogametic mating to
gests that regulatory divergence in response to sta-
complete incipient reproductive isolation (Noor
bilizing selection alone may be capable of produc-
1995). Table 27.1 summarizes the implications
ing hybrid incompatibility. Indeed, the role of regu-
of a dichotomous gene pool concept to various
latory divergence as a result of stabilizing selection,
speciation theories.
at present, remains unappreciated.
An understanding of sexual systems evolution
may help resolve a host of controversies associ-
ated with the general problem of speciation. For
example, the faster evolution of reproductive genes,
27.4 Towards a post-genomics synthesis
along with the mechanics of dominance and hem-
of speciation
izygosity, may provide a more unitary explana-
Molecular studies of sexual systems are provid- tion of Haldane’s rule (Haldane 1922) than the
ing a general framework to explore genetic mech- faster-male hypothesis by including cases in which
anisms of speciation among sexually reproducing the heterogametic sex is either male or female
organisms. By categorizing genes according to their (Kulathinal and Singh 2008). The Dobzhansky–
function, the relative roles of natural versus sex- Muller model of reproductive incompatibility, rep-
ual selection, as well as the importance of purify- resenting the general framework used by speciation
ing versus positive selection and their associated geneticists today, can be extended to include gene
evolutionary rates among functional classes, can be function (Fig. 27.2; Kulathinal and Singh 2008). For
established (Fig. 27.2). As we extend our approach example, by introducing a simple binary parame-
to studying speciation from a Mendelian one to a ter of sexual versus non-sexual function to loci in
genomics one, it will be exciting to see how differ- the Dobzhansky–Muller model, we may begin to
ent genomes and transcriptomes from a range of envision a wider scope to the resolution of why
species have evolved depending on such biological hybrid sterility evolves faster than hybrid inviabil-
parameters as mating strategies, the strength of sex- ity. A focus on the study of sexual system genes
ual isolation, as well as the genetic bases of evolved may also offer new perspectives on other such phe-
reproductive networks. nomena as the evolution of sexual dimorphism, sex
S E X UA L S YS T E M G E N O M I C S A N D S P E C I AT I O N 281

Table 27.1 Sexual vs. non-sexual traits: effects on components of fitness and relevance to theories of speciation

Functional classification Effect on fitness components Relevance to theories

of speciation
Viability Fertility

Primary sexual traits Small, pleiotropic Large, direct Organizational theory
(e.g. gametogenesis, Mate recognition
fertilization, mating behavior) Genetic transilience
Secondary sexual traits Large, direct Large, pleiotropic Runaway selection
(adapted for both sexual and Reinforcement
non-sexual function)
Non-sexual traits Large, direct Small, pleiotropic Allopatric speciation
(e.g. development, metabolism, Sympatric speciation

Carson (1982), 2 Paterson (1985), 3 Templeton (1980), 4 Lande (1981), 5 Dobzhansky (1951), 6 Mayr (1940), 7 Bush (1969)

allocation, life-history traits, and the maintenance genomics and a molecular re-appraisal of sexual
of sex (Singh and Artieri 2010). selection are offering a new perspective: while natu-
ral selection is responsible for survival and mainte-
nance of multitude of characters, sexual selection is
27.5 Future prospects: sex as a major primarily responsible for some of the most spectac-
force in evolution ular aspects of organismal diversity, including sex-
ual dimorphism and possibly the origin of species.
Molecular and evolutionary genomic studies of Subsuming sexual selection under natural selection,
sexual systems are beginning to connect two of although technically correct, tends to rob us of the
Darwin’s greatest theories: sexual selection at the rich view spanned by the evolutionary dynamics
microevolutionary level, and species formation at of sexual and reproductive systems. Studying the
the macroevolutionary level. Functional genomics genomic consequences of rapidly evolving sexual
provides a direct way to sort through which selec- systems at both the organismal and molecular lev-
tive mechanism—natural or sexual—a gene or trait els holds much promise in our quest to understand
will be most prone to be acted upon. At present, one of the greatest of all mysteries: the origin of
genetic systems remain poorly characterized. For species.
example, how pleiotropic are genes in sexual ver-
sus non-sexual systems? What proportion of genes
from each genetic system has evolved de novo? What
epigenetic landscape does a typical gene lie in? At
a higher level of genetic organization, how different Andersson, M. (1994) Sexual selection. Princeton, NJ:
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accessory gland 130, 139, 144–5, 147, branches 66, 79, 104, 106, 118–19, conflict 87, 91, 107, 132, 278
155, 161, 171–2 132, 168, 204, 246 conservation 60, 85, 118, 120–1, 127,
acrosome 127, 129, 159 130, 145, 147–8, 170, 240–1
acrosome reaction 127 candidate genes 157, 167, 171–2, 182, conspecifics 32, 187, 194
adaptation 1–3, 15, 19, 31, 40–2, 45, 223, 227 copy number variants
47–50, 61, 64, 89, 94, 96, 99, 115, candidates 16, 89–90, 128–9, 132, 171, (CNVs) 217–18, 232
119, 129, 161, 165, 167, 183, 206, 224, 228–9, 253 courtship 177–9, 182, 248
208, 211, 219, 226, 231, 243, cell activation 160
257–8, 262, 264, 266 cell division 83, 247 Darwin 1, 4, 165, 266, 274–6, 278,
compartmentalized 154, 161–2 cell size 45 280–1
viral populations 47 centromere Darwinian evolution 5, 217
adaptive evolution 2, 23, 84, 94, 96, paradox 87 deleterious 31–2, 42–3, 45, 57, 60, 68,
115, 118–23, 137, 161, 167, 205–8, proteins 84, 87–8, 91 89, 207, 217, 228–9, 232
219, 224, 226, 232, 243, 256–7 centromeres 8, 83–91 deleterious mutations 23, 28, 51, 118,
signatures of 115, 118, 121 centromeric DNA 83, 85, 87–8, 90–1 227, 229
adaptive radiations 2, 5, 183, 256, centromeric proteins 85, 87–8, 90–1 deletion 61, 120, 171, 204, 208, 217,
261–4 chimeras 94, 97–9 224
allele frequencies 13, 16–18, 20, 216, chimeric genes 8, 94–9, 156 descendants 29, 32–4, 267
227, 230 chimpanzees 4, 115, 118–19, 167–71, developmental pathways 7, 246–8,
alleles 228, 237, 240 251–3
ancient 195 chromosome inactivation, meiotic directional selection 27–8, 42, 47–8,
antagonistic 107 sex 107 226
common 140, 189, 224, 230 chromosome segregation 83–5, 87–8, divergence
derived 119, 226 90–1 between-species 61
large-effect 15–16 chromosomes 29, 31, 33–4, 83–6, neutral 31, 33, 35, 37
low-frequency-derived 119 88–9, 101–6, 108–11, 121, 157, rapid 43, 57, 132, 144, 165–6
non-selective 227 171–2, 193, 195–6, 214, 276, 278 regulatory 239, 243, 280
self-compatible 194–5 coding regions 60, 117, 122, 167, 218, transcriptome 239, 244
allopatric 139–41 227 diversification 79, 130, 166, 205, 208,
allopolyploids 259–61, 263–4 coding sequence evolution 58, 81, 248, 252, 256, 262, 267–71
amino acid composition 57, 158 240, 243 dN/dS 96, 132, 137, 146–8, 159, 227,
amino acid replacements 78–9, 136–7 coding sequences 8, 56, 59–61, 73, 239
amino acids 8, 55, 73, 77, 79, 136–7, 78–80, 94, 96, 98, 166, 169, 193, DNA
141, 156, 167 228, 237–41, 243 nuclear 73–4
antagonistic alleles 107 codon bias 137 protein-coding 115–17, 122
arms races, evolutionary 160, 203, codons 78–80, 116, 167, 193–4, 197 single-stranded 56, 75
208, 223–4, 226 coevolution 4, 87, 129, 132, 165, DNA-based duplication 104–6
autosomes 8, 33, 35–6, 101–5, 107–11, 207–8, 214, 226, 246, 253, 266, DNA replication 29, 74–5, 95
278 268, 275, 279 DNA sequences 48, 116, 239
coevolutionary processes 8, 87, 266 dominance 17, 83, 107, 110, 276,
bacteria 3, 6–8, 43, 64–7, 69, 180, 213, common ancestor 4, 87, 242, 258, 267 280
215–16, 219 compensation, dosage 107–8, 111 duplicate genes 94, 97
genomes 67–9, 213–14, 216, 219 compensatory mutations 87, 132 duplicates 97, 102, 146, 156–7, 205
bindin 128, 131, 136–7, 139–41 competition 83, 88–9, 146, 166, 171, duplication 67, 69, 94, 97, 106–7,
branch lengths 77, 196–7 192 156–7, 204, 219, 258

ecological adaptations 177, 179–80, female-biased genes 105, 110–11, genetic drift 27, 29, 197, 219, 228–31,
262 239, 242 270
ecological speciation 259, 261 female choice 4, 165–6, 172, 276, 279 genetic load 192
ecology 45, 69, 176–8, 180–1, 183, 213 fertilization 127–9, 131–2, 136, 141, genetic variation 2, 4–7, 13, 16, 19,
effective population size 16, 96, 118 153, 156, 159–60, 165, 167–8, 190, 28, 61, 64, 94, 118, 219–20, 223,
embryogenesis 156, 241–2 268, 279, 281 227, 230, 232, 261
endemic 179–80, 226, 261 fitness 4, 15, 17–20, 23–7, 29, 36, 43, genome evolution 50, 67, 69, 102,
eukaryotes 3, 55, 57, 60–1, 66, 83–6, 45, 47, 50, 171, 219, 227, 229, 264, 214, 217
90, 99, 187, 189, 217 269, 274, 277, 279 genome sequences 65–6, 103, 105,
evolution consequences 237 155, 219
accelerated 118–19, 153, 189, 246, effects 25, 150, 228–9, 231–2 genome sequencing 123, 195
264 landscape 192 genomic analysis, comparative 155,
convergent 204, 244 fitness consequences 237, 269 158, 204
developmental 247, 253–4 fixation 2, 18–19, 24, 48, 87–8, 97–8, genomics 31, 49, 121, 127, 167, 172,
ecological 176–7, 179, 183 104, 227, 229, 277 239, 256, 280–1
episodic 73, 81 fixation probability 17–18, 102–3, 107 comparative 7, 87, 148, 160, 162
gene expression 238, 240, 243 frequency evolutionary 7, 153, 155, 157, 159,
genomic 50 allelic 27–9 161–3
gradual 1–2, 6 genotypic 28 genotypes 3, 24, 26–9, 41, 130, 172–3,
human 119–21 FST 16, 35, 37, 121 187, 197, 216, 218, 229, 238, 264
neutral 50, 115, 219, 227–8 functional categories 65, 67, 155 gradualism 1–2, 5, 7
regulatory 237, 244 functional classes 64, 204–6, 280
evolution of reproductive fungi 7, 43, 85, 90, 177–8, 187, 189, haplotypes 19, 190–1, 226, 232, 257
isolation 130, 141, 267–8, 270 191–5, 197 heterogeneous 48, 162, 228
evolution of sex 23, 153 heterokaryons 187–9
evolution of sex gametes 32–3, 88, 128, 132, 136, 141 heterokaryotic 187–8
chromosomes 101–2, 105 gene acquisition 212, 216–17, 219 heterozygotes 191, 229
evolutionary analyses 116–17, 153, gene conversion 85, 224, 232 high-frequency derived alleles 119,
156, 238 gene deletion 66, 224 121
evolutionary forces 5, 8, 85, 99, 101, gene duplicates 102, 105, 146, 191 homeodomain proteins 190, 193
154 gene exchange 68–9 homology 128, 204
evolutionary history 68, 145, 156, gene expression 3, 8, 58, 109, 116, horizontal gene transfer (HGT) 3,
163, 169, 214, 216, 258, 260–2 122, 145, 218, 237–44, 247, 251, 7–8, 64–5, 67, 69, 212, 217
evolutionary mechanisms 101, 107, 278 human genome 8, 16, 103, 115–18,
220, 230, 240 gene families 7, 65–6, 68, 157, 169, 170–1, 223, 227, 232
evolutionary processes 20, 41, 67, 171, 204–5, 229, 232 hybrid inviability 91
110, 173 gene losses 66, 68, 204, 217, 219 hybrid speciation 256, 259, 261
evolutionary rates 1–3, 6–8, 66, 73–5, gene movement 66, 68, 104, 107, 111 hybrid sterility 91, 274, 276, 280
77–9, 117–18, 137, 139, 155, 159, gene regulation 3–4, 96, 115, 118–21, hybridization 128, 130, 139, 256–7,
240, 246, 251–3, 277 162, 237, 251 259–64, 268, 270, 272
increased 77, 130 gene transposition 68–9 introgressive 256–60, 262
neutral 117 generalists 177, 183, 203 hybrids 91, 127, 243, 256, 258–9, 264,
evolutionary response 13, 227 generations 4, 6, 17, 24, 26, 28–9, 32, 267, 270, 274, 280
evolutionary theory 1, 17, 96, 153 41–3, 45, 47–50, 56, 64, 88, 191, interspecific 31, 243, 277
evolutionary time 109, 239 198, 228, 257, 260, 264, 268–71,
evolutionary trajectories 6, 162, 223, 276 immune responses 160–1, 203–5,
231, 262 genes 207
exons 94–5, 98, 136, 227 autosomal 36, 109–10 immune system 148, 160, 203, 205–6,
spliced 57–8, 60 duplicated 67, 97, 224, 232 208, 215
expansion 56, 67, 120, 156–7, 208, immune 146, 203–4, 208 immune system evolution 203, 208
211–12, 216, 219, 230 nonfunctional 68 immunity-related genes 160–1, 223
experimental evolution 40–2, 48, 51 novel 3, 8, 65, 67, 156 inactivation 61, 107, 195, 216–17, 219
experiments rapid evolution of 4, 7, 40 incompatibility 31–3, 36–7, 91,
mutation accumulation 42–3, 47–8 genetic architecture 177 189–90, 197, 281
selection 40, 42, 47–8 genetic basis 13, 173, 223, 227–8, 230, incompatibility alleles 33, 190
expressed genes 58, 153, 161, 240, 247, 275–6, 280 incompatibility loci 32–3, 189
242, 278 genetic conflicts 83, 88, 90–1 interspecific divergence 137, 238

interspecific hybrids 31, 131 morphology 31, 165, 176–7, 179, 243, piRNAs 207
introgression 31–4, 36–7, 256–60 279 pleiotropic 147, 155, 281
mtDNA 73, 75, 77, 79–81, 261 pollen 190, 267–8, 270, 279
life cycles 187–8, 219, 268, 270 animal 73, 75, 79–81 pollination 266–71, 279
low complexity sequences 8, 55–61 plant 73, 75, 77, 81 polymorphism 32–3, 59, 117, 148,
mutation accumulation 40, 42–3, 171, 173, 191, 196–7, 208, 218,
macroevolution 3, 5 49–51 229
male-biased genes 31, 102, 107–11, mutation distribution 15, 104 population differentiation 16, 18,
166, 242 mutation rates 20, 41–2, 49, 64, 87, 227, 275
male fertility 88, 154, 156 103, 165, 168, 230–1 population dynamics 6, 97, 276
male genitalia 178–9, 182–3, 278 centromeric 87 population fitness 47, 216
male germline 108 elevated 41, 50, 61, 73, 87, 208, 223 population genetics 3, 5–6, 145, 214,
male reproductive genes 155, 166–7, increased 59 275
172 mutation spectrum 75, 224 population genomics 117, 167, 170
mass spectrometry (MS) 130, 132, mutational space 94, 96 population size 1, 5, 8, 18, 24–9, 48,
145, 153, 156, 163 mutations 231
mating 3, 8, 45, 144–6, 148–9, 165, autosomal 102 populations
177, 182–3, 187, 189–90, 194–5, complex 99 allopatric 35, 131
248, 267–8, 275, 279 distribution of fitness effects 231–2 asexual 15, 27–8, 51
mating behavior 172, 179, 182, negative 24, 28 conspecific 32, 37
276, 281 neutral 2, 50 haploid 17, 19, 24
mating genes 187, 189, 191, 193, random 42, 103 human 121, 223–4, 230, 232
195, 197 rare 49, 64 large 6, 17, 28
mating systems 4, 8, 167–9, 187, 189, recessive 102, 229 positive selection 59, 61, 78–9, 85, 88,
191, 193–7, 254 recurrent 19 105, 111, 119–22, 128–31, 136–7,
mating types 169, 172, 187–8, 190, 139, 141, 145–50, 153, 155, 157,
192, 194–5 natural hybridization 256–7, 259, 159–62, 167–70, 172, 191, 193–4,
meiosis 88–91, 95, 108, 117, 187–8 261, 263–4 197, 205–6, 212, 219, 223, 226–30,
MHC (major histocompatibility nematodes 45, 57, 107, 111, 248 257, 269, 277, 280
complex) 144, 160, 189, 197, neofunctionalization 94, 98–9, 157, signature of 140, 155, 159–60, 205
232 191 primates 59–60, 84–7, 94, 111, 118,
microbes 23, 41, 43, 182, 203–6, 208 neutral expectations 105, 191, 196 128, 130, 145, 162, 167–9
microevolution 3, 5, 219 non-coding DNA 98, 115–18, 120–3 prokaryotes 3, 7, 65, 216
microorganisms 7, 43, 45, 47, 49 non-coding sequences 60, 98, 117, promoter regions 59, 120–1, 227
microRNAs 120–1, 244 120, 122 promoters 120–2, 167, 215, 240
microsatellites 56–7, 59, 218 non-functional sites 122 proofreading 173
migrants 32–3, 35–6, 230 non-neutral evolution 116–17, 120, protamines 137, 157, 167
migration 18, 20, 33, 35, 160, 230–1, 122, 190, 193 protein-coding genes 75, 109
270 nonsynonymous sites 116, 118–19, protein-DNA interactions 91
mimicry 259 122, 137, 239 protein domains 61, 95, 170
minisatellites 218–19 protein evolution 3, 127, 137, 227,
mitochondria 33–4, 43, 73, 75, 79–80 oocyte 88, 159–60 229
mitochondrial genes 43, 73, 77, 81 protein-protein interaction 132, 252
mitochondrial genomes 32–3, 35, 45, pathogens 8, 40, 42–3, 203, 205, 208, proteins
262 211, 219, 258 acrosome 129, 154, 160
mitochondrial tRNA genes 73, 80 pathways 116, 149–50, 189, 205, 207, centromere binding 87, 89, 91
mitosis 88, 91, 95, 108, 187–8 247–8, 251–3 cytoskeletal 192, 225–6
models pheromone receptor genes 196 interacting 127, 129, 132
centromere-drive 88, 90–1 pheromones 189–95, 279 novel 146, 156, 207
coevolutionary 203 phylogenetic analyses 168, 180, 248, regulatory 116, 161, 167
evolutionary 1, 107, 116, 193 253 structural 155, 161, 223
neutral 116, 193–4 phylogenetic relationships 177–81, proteome 132, 154–5, 157, 161–2
sexual selection 4, 274, 276 246, 263 pseudogenes 3, 66–9
speciation 5–6, 130–1, 139–40, 280 phylogenetic trees 66, 76–9, 105, 118, pseudogenization 66–7, 69, 150
molecular evolution 2–3, 7, 144, 147, 247, 252–3, 262, 266 purifying selection 33, 60, 78, 83, 87,
153–5, 160–1, 168, 193, 205, 228, phylogeny 65–6, 69, 158, 168, 177, 118, 120, 136–7, 139, 155, 161,
271 181, 197, 204, 246, 250–1 194, 219, 227–9, 277

QTL (quantitative trait loci) 16, 119 weak 13, 16, 18–20 specificity 98, 141, 192–3, 196, 268
selection coefficients 17–19, 96, 228 sperm 127–9, 131–2, 136, 140, 144–9,
radiations 5, 176–7, 180, 183, 261–2 selective constraints 56, 58, 97, 153–7, 159–62, 165–7, 171–2, 279
rapid evolution of reproductive 118–19, 121–2, 154–5, 162, 166, sperm competition 130–2, 144–6,
proteins 130, 192 170, 251, 257 148–9, 153, 155, 161, 171–2,
rapid evolutionary change 13, 15, 17, selective forces 90, 97, 153, 162, 220 192, 279
19, 21, 178, 256–7, 259, 261, 263, selective mechanisms 190, 281 sperm-egg interactions 8, 83, 127–31,
278–9 selective pressures 2, 42, 47, 57–8, 94, 159
rate variation 67, 119, 246–7, 251, 253 96–7, 127–8, 130–1, 168–9, 203, sperm genes 155–7, 159, 161
receptors 129, 141, 147–9, 159, 190, 216–17, 227, 238, 240, 243, 279 sperm proteins 128, 155, 159, 161,
192, 195, 205, 223, 225, 257 selective sweeps 19, 96–9, 168, 206, 169
recognition 127, 129, 203–6, 270, 281 208, 227, 258 sperm proteome 8, 129, 153, 155–7,
recombination rates 18–19, 25, 29, 56, sequence divergence 58, 69, 87, 167, 159, 161–3
69, 115–16 169, 173, 190, 192, 280 spermatogenesis 108, 160, 162, 167,
regulatory networks 67, 244, 252 sequence diversity 69, 191, 196 247
reinforcement 131, 139–41, 267, sequence evolution 167, 193, 278 sterility 91, 107, 274, 276, 280
274–5, 280 sequence variation 171, 193, 216, substitutions 35, 50, 78–9, 120, 158,
reproduction 3–4, 23, 60, 111, 127, 263 169–70, 191
136, 139, 144, 160, 166, 168, 266, sex-biased expression 32, 110–11, nonsynonymous 78, 137, 167, 170,
277, 279 243 191
sexual 3, 23, 153, 162, 256 sex chromosomes 8, 33, 89, 101–3, synonymous 136–7, 148, 168–9,
reproductive genes 153, 160, 165, 105, 107, 109, 111, 195, 279 239
167, 169, 171, 173, 278–80 sexual antagonism 102, 107, 110, 192 synonymous sites 117, 119–20,
reproductive isolation 83, 130, 132, sexual conflict 13, 130–2, 140, 146–9, 122, 239
141, 198, 259, 266–71, 275, 280 278–9
reproductive proteins 127, 132, 137, sexual dimorphism 177, 179, 195, testis 96, 98, 104, 109, 129, 153, 160–2,
141, 144, 146–7, 149–50, 154, 251, 274, 279–81 165, 239–40, 278
189–92 sexual selection 4, 8, 140–1, 146–7, tissues 57, 96, 116, 120, 144, 147,
reproductive success 130, 219, 269, 149–50, 154, 159, 161–2, 165–73, 160–2, 189, 238–41, 243–4,
277 176, 179, 198, 253, 274–81 247, 277
reproductive tract 145–6, 148, 160–1, sexual systems 168, 276–81 transcription factor binding sites
165–6, 183, 239 sexual traits, secondary 4, 165, 279, (TFBS) 115–17, 120–2
residues 98, 128–9, 158, 224 281 transcripts 172, 237, 239–40, 243,
retrogenes 94–5, 102–4, 108, 111 SFP (seminal fluid proteins) 127, 278
retroposition 101–4, 111, 278 129–30, 144–50, 162, 171 transfer, horizontal 65–7, 69, 258–9
retrotransposition 7, 94–6, 156–7, 242 sister species 31, 140, 183, 196 transposable elements (TEs) 23, 87,
RNAi genes 207–8 SNPs (single nucleotide 94, 203, 206–8, 218
rodents 59, 118, 127, 130, 145, 157, polymorphisms) 13, 58–9, 69, tRNA genes 73, 75, 77, 79–80
161, 168, 219 121, 132, 170, 211, 243, 260
specialists 177, 203 variation
secondary sexual traits 4 specialization 177, 266–7, 269 genomic patterns of 31, 35
selection speciation 3, 5–6, 8, 37, 115, 127, 137, natural 172
adaptive 61, 166–7, 172 139–41, 196, 198, 213, 259, 261, phenotypic 16, 20, 171
background 117 266, 269–71, 274–81 viability 31, 36, 45, 229, 277, 280
balancing 144, 189–91, 193, 196, allopatric 271, 280
226 allopolyploid 259–60 X-chromosome 36–7, 102, 104,
diversifying 130 peripatric 5–6 108–11, 172
negative 240, 277 plant 260, 271 X-linked 35–6, 101–2, 108–10
overdominance 33, 223, 228–9 rapid 4, 253 XY 34–5, 89, 111
relaxation of 58 sympatric 130, 132, 259, 263, 274 XY sex 34
stabilizing 231, 239, 280 speciation events 128, 132, 196, 262
strength of 16–20 species, sympatric 139–40 ZW sex 33–4, 136–7, 139
strong 1, 13, 16–20, 87, 144, 192 species concepts 91, 280 zygotes 32, 35

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