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Accelerat ing t he world's research.

The increase in hemoglobin

concentration with altitude varies
among human populations
Leonid Livshits

Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

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Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. ISSN 0077-8923


Special Issue: Hemoglobin Concentration for Assessing Anemia

The increase in hemoglobin concentration with altitude

varies among human populations
Max Gassmann,1,2,a Heimo Mairbäurl,3,a Leonid Livshits,1 Svenja Seide,4
Matthes Hackbusch,4 Monika Malczyk,5 Simone Kraut,5 Norina N. Gassmann,1
Norbert Weissmann,5 and Martina U. Muckenthaler6,a
Institute of Veterinary Physiology, Vetsuisse Faculty and Zurich Center for Integrative Human Physiology (ZIHP), University of
Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland. 2 Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (UPCH), Lima, Peru. 3 Translational Lung Research
Center Heidelberg (TLRC), the German Center for Lung Research (DZL), Heidelberg, Germany. 4 Institute of Medical Biometry
and Informatics (IMBI), University Hospital Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany. 5 Excellence Cluster Cardiopulmonary System,
Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, University of Giessen and Marburg Lung Center, the German Center for Lung Research
(DZL), Heidelberg, Germany. 6 Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology, University Hospital Heidelberg, Molecular
Medicine Partnership Unit, University of Heidelberg, Translational Lung Research Center Heidelberg (TLRC), the German
Center for Lung Research, Heidelberg, Germany

Address for correspondence: Heimo Mairbäurl, University of Heidelberg, Translational Lung Research Center Heidelberg
(TLRH), the German Center for Lung Research (DZL) Im Neuenheimer Feld 410, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany.

Decreased oxygen availability at high altitude requires physiological adjustments allowing for adequate tissue oxy-
genation. One such mechanism is a slow increase in the hemoglobin concentration ([Hb]) resulting in elevated [Hb]
in high-altitude residents. Diagnosis of anemia at different altitudes requires reference values for [Hb]. Our aim was
to establish such values based on published data of residents living at different altitudes by applying meta-analysis
and multiple regressions. Results show that [Hb] is increased in all high-altitude residents. However, the magnitude
of increase varies among the regions analyzed and among ethnic groups within a region. The highest increase was
found in residents of the Andes (1 g/dL/1000 m), but this increment was smaller in all other regions of the world
(0.6 g/dL/1000 m). While sufficient data exist for adult males and females showing that sex differences in [Hb] per-
sist with altitude, data for infants, children, and pregnant women are incomplete preventing such analyses. Because
WHO reference values were originally based on [Hb] of South American people, we conclude that individual ref-
erence values have to be defined for ethnic groups to reliably diagnose anemia and erythrocytosis in high-altitude
residents. Future studies need to test their applicability for children of different ages and pregnant women.

Keywords: anemia; excessive erythrocytosis; ethnicity; newborns; infants; pregnancy

Introduction lary blood to improve tissue oxygen supply.2 Arte-

rial oxygen content is increased by a decrease in
The decreased barometric pressure at high alti-
plasma volume that occurs within days upon ascent
tude results in reduced oxygen partial pressure and
to high altitude.3 In addition, a slow increase in
oxygen saturation of hemoglobin (Hb) in arterial
total Hb occurs.4,5 Despite those adjustments, tissue
blood.1 Hypoxemia stimulates ventilation, increases
oxygen supply remains insufficient, as impressively
cardiac output, alters the distribution of blood
indicated by decreased birth weight in high-altitude
flow, and enhances oxygen extraction from capil-
residents6 and reduced maximal oxygen uptake in
Hypoxia stimulates erythropoiesis by complex
These authors equally contributed to this manuscript. molecular mechanisms (for review, see Ref. 8).

doi: 10.1111/nyas.14136
204 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1450 (2019) 204–220 © 2019 New York Academy of Sciences.
Gassmann et al. Hemoglobin levels at high altitude

Briefly, hypoxia and reduced iron availability inac- differences among children, nonpregnant and preg-
tivate prolyl hydroxylases (PHDs, especially PHD2) nant women, and men. In terms of ethnicity, only
in renal peritubular fibroblasts causing stabilization the difference between Caucasian people and peo-
of the α-subunit of hypoxia-inducible factor-2 alpha ple with African extraction from the United States
(HIF-2α). HIF-2α dimerizes with HIF-1β. The het- had been officially considered so far, where the lat-
erodimer binds to the hypoxia-responsive element ter have a [Hb] ∼1 g/dL lower than the former.10,15
of the EPO gene to stimulate transcription and to Factors can be combined to adjust [Hb] for the
increase erythropoietin (Epo) synthesis. Epo pro- detection of abnormalities and program surveys.
motes red blood cell maturation and proliferation Importantly, the currently used adjustment factors
in the bone marrow, a process that requires iron. Its for altitude are based on [Hb] from children liv-
availability is assured by the hormone erythrofer- ing at altitudes between 1200 and 3000 m by apply-
rone and platelet-derived growth factor BB. These ing a curvilinear fit.16 [Hb] of children of this age
factors suppress the expression of hepcidin in the is lower than that of adults. Because of age-related
liver so that hepcidin cannot induce degradation differences between boys and girls,15 it is unclear
of the iron exporter ferroportin in duodenal ente- whether these factors actually apply for adults as
rocytes and in macrophages allowing for increased well. Correction factors for altitudes above 3000 m
iron absorption and release from stores. Iron bound were obtained from the literature on adult high-
to transferrin is delivered to the bone marrow and altitude natives.4 There is convincing evidence that
used for heme synthesis.8,9 these correction factors for altitude do not apply for
Stimulation of erythropoiesis elevates the con- ethnically different natives living at high altitude in
centration of Hb ([Hb]). This process requires different regions of the world.
weeks to months to reach a steady state. Early The present study aimed at analyzing [Hb] with
reports indicate that the increase in [Hb] in sojourn- increasing altitude, with age, sex, pregnancy, and
ers to altitude is small at altitudes up to 3000 m but ethnicity and/or country and region of residence as
increases more at higher altitudes.4 A similar pat- variables. The results are expected to allow for test-
tern of changes in [Hb] has also been observed in ing the validity of the correction factors suggested
high-altitude residents.10 by the WHO.10 We performed a literature search on
Comparison of [Hb] in high-altitude natives and the physiology of life at high altitude and extracted
long-term residents reveals the variation in [Hb]. [Hb] for meta-analysis. Results show increases in
For example, Tibetan people living at high alti- [Hb], but with a distinctly higher response in South
tude have a much lower [Hb] than Han Chi- American people compared with all others. Sub-
nese upon moving to the Tibetan highlands.11 grouping by age was impossible because of insuf-
Moreover, at similar altitude, the [Hb] of Tibetan ficient data. This points to the need for further
and Ethiopian highlanders is lower than that of exploration of [Hb], at best worldwide, to fully char-
Andean highlanders.12,13 The difference in [Hb] acterize its changes with altitude and the variability
among high-altitude natives may have a genetic of this change depending on ethnicity.
basis. In Tibetan people, a gain-of-function muta-
tion in the EGLN1 gene encoding for PDH2 results
in reduced HIF-2α levels, less Epo synthesis, and
decreased [Hb].11,14 These facts make the definition We aimed at analyzing the distribution of [Hb] con-
of “normal” [Hb] in high-altitude residents difficult. centration for infants, children, and adult males and
Dependency of [Hb] on age and sex, pregnancy, females, as well pregnant women with regard to
socioeconomic, and nutritional status (with spe- altitude in as many regions of the world as pos-
cial focus on iron supplies) adds complexity. How- sible based on results published on the physiol-
ever, the knowledge of [Hb] change with altitude ogy of adaptation to moderate and high altitude.
is of great clinical significance because [Hb] is the Unfortunately, the actual classification of data did
first line of evidence for diagnosis of anemia. The not permit such detailed analysis (see below and
World Health Organization (WHO) suggests fac- Supplementary Information, online only). A litera-
tors for correcting [Hb] with regard to altitude.10 ture search on high-altitude medicine and physiol-
The WHO also provides correction factors for [Hb] ogy was performed in June 2017 in PubMed of the

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1450 (2019) 204–220 © 2019 New York Academy of Sciences. 205
Hemoglobin levels at high altitude Gassmann et al.

Table 1. Flowchart of data identification smokers. However, there were insufficient num-
1623 data sources extracted bers of publications to form a separate subgroup
on smokers. In 2005, Leon-Velarde et al. suggested
1513 data sources excluded because: that a cutoff of 21 g/dL for men and 19 g/dL
375 not relevanta for women defines high-altitude residents suffering
304 sojourners <1 yearb
from chronic mountain sickness (CMS).17 Based on
63 normobaric hypoxia
this report, some studies published after 2005 stated
665 sexes combined or not reported
49 age not well definedc
to have omitted individuals with [Hb] above those
26 mentioned smokers and nonsmokers thresholds. Thus, we cannot exclude that in studies
22 no measure of variationd before the appearance of this publication subjects
3 unconventional methods of measuring [Hb] possibly suffering from CMS had been included in
6 only 1 subject studies.
110 Data sources includede
a Disease and treatment studies without control group, case We further aimed to form subgroups with narrow
reports, measurements on animals and cells, mathematical mod-
age ranges of children and juveniles because the
els, reviews, or educational materials.
b Also includes studies on high-altitude training, intermittent [Hb] increases until the maturity is reached.15 How-
hypoxia, and measurements after return from a trekking/ ever, this was impossible because the age of the sub-
climbing expedition. jects recruited in published studies was inconsistent
c No age or age-range is provided; children and adults are com-
and/or incomplete. In addition, data were excluded
d No SD or 95% confidence interval; SEM without “n.” if [Hb] values for adult males and females, pregnant
e Many data sources contained several sets of data, for example, or nonpregnant, were not reported separately.
different age groups, different ethnicities, and men and women We further attempted to subgroup ethnicities,
(see Table 2). regions, and/or countries of the world based on
reported differences in [Hb]. Reports describe
“Andean, Tibetan or Ethiopian patterns of adapt-
National Library of Medicine of the United States, ation”18 and genetic mutations associated with [Hb]
using “hemoglobin,” “hematocrit,” “oxygen trans- in Tibetan people.11,14
port,” and “high altitude” or “highlanders” as key- For calculations, we assigned uncorrected [Hb]
words. This resulted in 1553 hits. We surveyed an values to the nearest altitude provided in the publi-
additional 70 publications quoted in other work on cation. Groups of 1000-m ranges starting at sea level
high-altitude physiology that had not appeared in were formed. Several publications reported the alti-
the above-mentioned search. Our search did not tude where the study had been performed (in a hos-
include other summarized data and national sur- pital or a city) without mentioning the exact altitude
veys. [Hb] was extracted from 110 publications. of residence of the subjects. If ranges of altitudes of
Several studies contained data on more than one residence were provided for a mean value of [Hb],
group, such as men and women or different alti- then the mean altitude was used in our analysis.
tudes. [Hb] has been measured spectrophotometri- Mean [Hb] and the range of validity for the
cally and by the use of various automated systems. defined subgroups (newborn, juveniles, adult men
Exclusion criteria are listed in Table 1. and women, and pregnancy) with regard to ranges
of altitude for various regions of the world are pre-
Inclusion and exclusion criteria of data
sented in Table 2. Details on the grouping variables
Only those data were included in our analy-
used for the classification of altitude ranges, age
sis where authors stated explicitly to have stud-
groups, and of ethnicity/region/country are listed
ied healthy individuals, which is an inevitable
in Table S1 (online only). The countries included
criterion to estimate “physiological” responses to
in the analysis are summarized in Table S2 (online
high altitude. This decision excluded publica-
tions, where [Hb] was very low and with a like-
lihood of anemia without further definition of Statistical analysis
its cause. We also excluded publications explic- The meta-analysis was based on mean values of
itly mentioning that the study group included [Hb] (not adjusted for altitude) and corresponding

206 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1450 (2019) 204–220 © 2019 New York Academy of Sciences.
Gassmann et al. Hemoglobin levels at high altitude

Table 2. Hemoglobin concentration at different altitudes above sea level, in relation to age, sex, and
Gender/age/ 0−999 m 1000−1999 m 2000−2999 m 3000−3999 m 4000−4999 m ≥5000 m
pregnancy N/ds/ N/ds/ N/ds/ N/ds/ N/ds/ 95%- N/ds/
status Mean 95%-CrI refs Mean 95%-CrI refs Mean 95%-CrI refs Mean 95%-CrI refs Mean 95%-CrI refs Mean CrI refs

The United States of America

Newborn 17.2 nc 44/
M-juvenile 12.8 11.0–14.5 2248/
F-juvenile 12.6 11.2–13.9 2113/
M-adult 14.7 13.3–16.0 7440/ 15.6 13.3–17.9 1296/ 16.1 14.1–19.0 34/ 16.4 14.7–18.2 63/ 17.5 nc 4/
18/15 7/16 4/17 5/18 1/17
F-adult 13.0 11.7–14.3 6900/ 13.4 0.0–26.8 129/ 16.0 nc 6/ 15.0 −0.4–30.8 50/
17/45 3/46 1/17 3/47
F-pregnant 12.6 9.5–15.7 10/
Central/South America-rest
Newborn 19.0 nc 53/
F-juvenile 13.1 nc 138/ 15.7 nc 470/ 16.1 nc 96/ 17.6 nc 42/
1/11 2/12 2/13 1/13
M-adult 14.9 11.9–18.0 730/ 15.3 7.7–22.9 589/ 16.6 13.3–19.8 607/ 17.9 13.8–22.0 1803/ 19.5 16.2–22.8 2395/ 20.3 nc 80/
6/S19 2/20 8/21 13/22 17/23 2/24
F-adult 13.7 nc 142/ 14.1 nc 201/ 14.8 13.7–15.9 378/ 15.4 11.0–19.8 562/ 17.0 14.4–19.6 1459/ 18.2 nc 78/
2/48 2/49 7/50 8/51 9/52 2/24
F-pregnant 11.3 nc 8449/ 13.7 12.7–14.8 24833/ 14.1 nc 2305/
2/66 5/67 2/68
South America-Quechua
M-juvenile 15.4 nc 30/
M-adult 17.8 nc 106/ 16.4 14.5–18.2 122/
2/25 7/6
M-adult 14.3 12.4–16.2 475/ 15.4 14.0–16.9 623/ 16.1 nc 10/
5/26 6/27 1/28
F-adult 12.9 12.1–13.7 811/ 13.7 12.0–15.5 959/
6/53 6/54
F-pregnant 11.9 1.0–22.8 3736/ 12.7 nc 100/
3/69 1/69
M-adult 15.4 11.7–19.1 256/ 17.1 14.7–19.5 573/
8/29 9/30
F-adult 14.3 11.8–16.8 109/ 14.2 9.8–18.7 597/ 15.6 13.3–18.0 389/
6/55 4/56 8/57
Newborn 16.0 13.8–18.2 2664/ 17.0 nc 45/ 18.7 nc 574/
5/2 1/3 2/2
M-adult 14.7 12.1–17.3 369/ 16.2 9.2–23.3 1868/ 16.7 nc 114/ 16.0 nc 94/
4/31 4/32 1/33 1/33
F-adult 12.1 nc 288/ 13.3 10.3–16.3 1557/
1/58 4/59
F-pregnant 10.4 nc 80/ 12.3 nc 323/ 12.9 nc 20/
2/70 2/71 1/72


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Hemoglobin levels at high altitude Gassmann et al.

Table 2. Continued

Gender/age/ 0–999 m 1000–1999 m 2000–2999 m 3000–3999 m 4000–4999 m ≥5000 m

pregnancy N/ds/ N/ds/ N/ds/ N/ds/ N/ds/ 95%- N/ds/
status Mean 95%-CrI refs Mean 95%-CrI refs Mean 95%-CrI refs Mean 95%-CrI refs Mean 95%-CrI refs Mean CrI refs

Han Chinese people

Newborn 18.6 12.5–24.7 15/
M-juvenile 13.7 nc 144/ 14.5 12.1–16.8 515/ 15.2 11.7–18.8 54/ 17.1 nc 6/
1/7 12/8 5/9 1/7
F-juvenile 13.7 nc 108/ 14.1 11.5–16.6 350/ 15.4 nc 18/ 15.6 nc 5/
1/7 12/8 1/7 1/7
M-adult 15.5 14.0–17.1 2185/ 15.7 11.0–20.5 1320/ 17.5 14.5–20.5 926/ 18.9 16.6–21.2 1328/ 19.6 nc 30/
11/34 3/35 15/36 7/37 2/7
F-adult 13.4 12.7–14.0 2609/ 14.3 nc 335/ 15.0 12.9–17.0 639/ 16.5 nc 227/ 19.6 nc 30/
8/60 2/7 13/61 2/7 2/7
F-pregnant 14.0 nc 68/
Newborn 16.7 nc 15/
M-juvenile 13.4 nc 42/ 13.9 11.3–16.5 976/ 14.9 13.2–16.6 342/ 14.6 nc 12/
1/7 13/10 7/8 1/7
F-juvenile 13.4 nc 58/ 13.7 11.3–16.1 950/ 14.2 nc 227/ 14.5 nc 10/
1/7 13/10 2/14 1/7
M-adult 14.2 nc 14/ 14.8 10.7–19.0 635/ 16.3 14.4–18.2 1298/ 16.8 14.8–18.5 770/ 16.2 11.8– 74/
1/38 4/35 20/39 17/40 20.6 3/41
F-adult 12.9 nc 326/ 14.4 12.8–16.1 1339/ 15.4 12.7–18.2 809/ 15.2 9.1– 101/
2/7 25/62 14/63 21.2 3/41
F-pregnant 12.5 11.2–13.9 2243/
M-adult 14.2 nc 14/ 16.9 15.6–18.3 198/ 17.0 nc 28/
1/42 4/43 1/44
F-adult 14.8 nc 211/ 15.3 nc 23/
2/64 1/44

Note: Mean values (mean) of the Hb concentration (g/dL) and 95% credible intervals (95% CrI) were calculated from reported
mean values, number of individuals (n) in the number of datasets (ds), and standard deviations as reported in the respective set of
publications (“refs;” see below). Values for Hb are rounded to one decimal. Note that one reference may contain more than one dataset.
Numbers shown in italics and in gray-shaded fields indicate that only one or two datasets were available. In this case, the mean values
of the one or two studies are shown, and the 95% CrI field contains “nc” indicating that from these datasets no convergent range can
be calculated, and that the mean value is thus not reliable. In general, a wide 95% CrI indicates high uncertainty of the estimate of the
mean. Altitudes (or mean values when ranges were provided in the publication) were sorted into the respective categories. Values on
newborns were obtained immediately after delivery. The group “juveniles” covers the age range between 1 and 15 years, adults are
subjects older than 15 years of age. Abbreviations: F, female; M, male.
Refs: 1;6 2;37 3;50 4;38 5;15 6;42 7;41 8;40,41,51 9;40,41 10;40,41,51,52 11;53 12;53,54 13;55 14;41,51 15;15,56–59 16;56–60 17;57 18;48,57 19;4,33,61–64
20;33,61 21;33,61,65–69 22;4,12,33,70–74 23;4,33,55,63,64,75–79 24;55 25;27,80 26;81–83 27;82,84–86 28;87 29;88–91 30;13,88–91 31;92–94 32;92,95,96
33;93 34;28,97–101 35;41,97 36;40,41,98,99,101–105 37;40,41,97,106–108 38;28 39;40,41,74,98,99,102–105,109–112 40;11,40,41,97,106,111,113–115 41;41,116
42;117 43;27,118–121 44;115 45;15,56,57,122 46;56,57 47;6,57 48;61,66 49;61 50;61,65,67,69,123 51;12,43,74,124–128 52;55,75,76,125,126,129 53;81–83,130
54;82,84,85,130,131 55;89–91 56;132 57;89–91,133 58;92 59;92,95,96 60;98–100 61;40,41,98,99,102,105,134 62;40,41,74,98,99,102,105,109,110,112,134,135
63;11,40,41,109,113,114 64;118,121 65;6 66;68,136 67;136 68;136,137 69;138 70;139,140 71;139,141 72;140 73;134,142 74;135,142,143 75.39

standard errors. If publications reported medi- age (see Table S1, online only). Within those sub-
ans and interquartile ranges, mean and standard groups, a pooled mean effect along with a 95%
errors were calculated using a dedicated statistical equal-tailed credible interval was derived by fit-
algorithm.19,20 ting a Bayesian random-effects model to the data.
Individual study results were combined within In a Bayesian meta-analysis, prior information is
prespecified subgroups that were defined with combined with observed data to obtain a poste-
regard to categories of ethnicity, altitude, sex, and rior distribution of the effect of interest, as we are

208 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1450 (2019) 204–220 © 2019 New York Academy of Sciences.
Gassmann et al. Hemoglobin levels at high altitude

23 A adult females 23 B adult males

22 USA 22
Central−/South American
21 Africa − Ethiopian 21
20 Han 20

19 19

18 18
Hb in g/dL

Hb in g/dL
17 17

16 16

15 15

14 14

13 13

12 12

11 11

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000

Altitude in m Altitude in m

Figure 1. Meta-regression analysis of changes in the hemoglobin concentration with altitude of residence in adult females (A)
and males (B). Data are grouped by ethnicity or region/country. Each point indicates the mean value of a dataset reported in the
literature (see references to Table 2). The size of each dot reflects its precision and thus its influence on the regression. Lines are
shown where significant (full lines) or a trend (P < 0.1; dashed line) of differences to the reference group (the U.S. females; gray
line) existed in intercept or slope (see details in Table 3).

mainly interested in an initial summary of avail- as a reference population. Because of insufficient

able data and the underlying distribution of the data, only data of adults were taken into account
population’s [Hb].21 Given the data, the resulting in the meta-regression approach. The South Amer-
95% credible interval includes the true population ican Quechua and Himalayan Sherpa people are
value of Hb with probability of 95%. Due to limited excluded for the same reason.
preliminary information, flat (improper) uniform The analyses were carried out by the software R
priors on the mean effect and the between-study (R Core Team (2017)), a language and environment
heterogeneity were used. for statistical computing (R Foundation for Statis-
Heterogeneity was explored by the I2 -statistic, tical Computing, Vienna, Austria; https://www.R-
calculated with the highest posterior probability of For the Bayesian analysis, we used the
the between studies variance. A sensitivity analysis R package bayesmeta, version 1.5.,22 and for meta-
was conducted by excluding all studies before 1980 regression the R package meta, version 4.7-2-2.23
(chosen arbitrarily) to account for possible hetero-
geneity in methods and design introduced by early
investigations. Table 2 summarizes [Hb] values of various sub-
To investigate the influence of the altitude on groups at different altitudes. Figure 1 and Table 3
[Hb], we performed a meta-regression based on summarize the result of a multifactorial regression
a random-effects model, with altitude (continuous analysis on [Hb] of adult females and males only.
scale), sex (female/male), ethnicity/region/country One important observation is that data published
(the United States, Central/South America, Africa, on the physiology of acclimatization to high altitude
Africa-Ethiopia, Asia (Tibet excluded), Tibetan Han in residents are incomplete. In Table 2, many entries
Chinese, and Tibetan people), and the interaction of are lacking indicating that corresponding data were
altitude and ethnicity/region as covariates. We ran- not available. Fields shaded in gray containing a
domly chose native women from the United States mean value indicate that analysis did not reach

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1450 (2019) 204–220 © 2019 New York Academy of Sciences. 209
Hemoglobin levels at high altitude Gassmann et al.

Table 3. Multiple meta-regression model describing the change in the [Hb] with increasing altitude for adult
females and males in dependence of ethnicity/region/country
Beta SE P value CI.ub

(A) Intercept = sea level (Hb; g/dL)

Reference: U.S. females 12.703 0.137 0.000 12.435 12.970
Males +1.925 0.079 0.000 1.771 2080
Additional correction of intercept for:
South American people −0.331 0.235 0.159 −0.792 0.130
African (not Ethiopian) people −0.188 0.277 0.498 −0.731 0.356
Ethiopian people +0.020 0.345 0.953 −0.656 0.696
Asian (not Han or Tibetan) people +0.020 0.341 0.953 −0.649 0.688
Han Chinese people +0.432 0.210 0.039 0.021 0.843
Tibetan people −0.806 0.418 0.054 −1.625 0.013
(B) Slope = change with altitude (Hb; g/dL/1 km)
Reference group 0.617 0.098 0.000 0.425 0.809
Additional correction of slope for:
altitude∗South-American people 0.433 0.112 0.000 0.213 0.653
altitude∗African people 0.112 0.234 0.631 −0.347 0.571
altitude∗Ethiopian people 0.109 0.147 0.462 −0.180 0.397
altitude∗Asian people 0.020 0.238 0.935 −0.446 0.485
altitude∗Han-Chinese people 0.064 0.111 0.565 −0.154 0.282
altitude∗Tibetan people 0.063 0.142 0.659 −0.215 0.340

Note: As an example, the Hb for a male South American (non-Quechua) living at an altitude of 4500 m (4.5 km) can be estimated as:
Hb = 12.703 g/dL + 1.925 g/dL – 0.331 g/dL + 0.617 g/dL/km ∗ 4.5 km + 0.433 g/dL/km ∗ 4.5 km = 19.022 g/dL, where
12.703 g/dL is the reference Hb of an adult woman living in the United States, 1.925 g/dL is the difference between men and women,
–0.33 g/dL is the difference in the intercept between the U.S. and Andean population (independent of sex), 0.617 g/dL/km ∗ 4.5 km is
the increase in Hb with altitude for the reference-population, and 0.433 g/dL/km ∗ 4.5 km is the additional increase in Hb with altitude
in the Andean population. For comparison, the measured value is 19.5 g/dL (16.2–22.8) as shown in Table 2, suggesting adequacy of
the present equation.
Calculation and comparisons were made using Hb values from adult female residents (randomly chosen) from the United States
as reference (age >15 years, where the actual altitude provided in the respective publication was used for calculations). Quechuas
and Sherpas were not included because of the narrow range of altitudes, where data were available. The model does not include
age and pregnancy due to incomplete datasets. (A) Calculated intercept (i.e., sea-level value) and its correction for sex and ethnic-
ity/region/country. (B) Change in Hb with altitude for the reference population (independent of sex) and the additional correction
factors for individual ethnicity/region/country.
Beta, the respective value; SE, standard error; P value, level of statistical significance; and CI.ub, lower and upper boundary of
the confidence interval, respectively.

congruence (range = nc) because either only one ysis of the remaining groups shows that calculated
publication was available or the published data were [Hb] at sea level (Table 3A) differs among residents
highly variable with unreasonably wide 95% inter- of different ethnicity or region or country. As ref-
vals (95% CrI). Taken together, datasets covering erence [Hb] value, we arbitrarily chose the data
wide ranges of altitudes of residence could only be on healthy female U.S. residents. Based on these
obtained in nonpregnant adult females and males. data, we exemplify how to calculate the predicted
Table 2 serves as a look-up table to check whether a Hb value of a male South American highlander
measured [Hb] is within the normal range or not. living at 4500 m of altitude. In contrast to the South
Because of incomplete datasets, multiple- American population, Tibetan males and females
regression analysis could only be performed on tend to have a [Hb] at sea level that is 0.8 g/dL lower
adult males and nonpregnant females. Also, data than the reference (P = 0.0534). By contrast, the
from Quechua and Sherpa people were omitted calculated sea level [Hb] for Han Chinese people
from multiple-regression analysis because they was significantly higher (+0.4 g/dL; P = 0.0389)
originate from narrow ranges of altitudes. The anal- than [Hb] of the reference group. The model also

210 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1450 (2019) 204–220 © 2019 New York Academy of Sciences.
Gassmann et al. Hemoglobin levels at high altitude

shows that overall, as expected, [Hb] of males is been reported among Andean highlanders indi-
1.9 g/dL higher than that of females (P < 0.0001). cating that when living, for example, at 3600 m,
Our regression analysis confirms previous results Quechua people had a lower [Hb] (15.8 g/dL) than
showing that [Hb] increases with altitude indepen- Aymara (18.2 g/dL). Interestingly, there was no dif-
dent of ethnicity or region or country of the resi- ference between these populations at sea level.4,25
dents (Table 3B). It further shows that independent Later, it has been reported that also [Hb] of natives
of sex, [Hb] of the reference group (North Amer- of the Tibetan plateau,11,26 Himalayan sherpas,27
ican women) increased by 0.62 g/dL per 1000 m and residents of the Ethiopian highlands was lower
of altitude (P < 0.0001). Interestingly, a higher than most of the Andean population.13 Our meta-
rate of increase was found in South American resi- analysis is in line with these results (Table 2)
dents compared with the U.S. reference group (1.05 and indicates significantly higher [Hb] in non-
g/dL/1000 m; P < 0.0001). By contrast, the increase Quechua Andean adult women and men living at
in [Hb] with altitude in all other groups was not dif- altitudes >3000 m than residents of similar altitude
ferent from the reference. ranges from most other countries/regions around
the world.
Discussion This difference points toward varying set-points
Our meta-analysis demonstrates an increased [Hb] for adjusting [Hb] in different ethnicities residing at
in male and female high-altitude residents across moderate to high altitudes. Interestingly, such dif-
all age ranges independent of ethnicity and coun- ferences have also been detected at sea level, where
tries of residence. However, the high-altitude resi- people of South and West African ancestry have
dents from the Andes are exceptional in that they a lower [Hb] than Caucasian people. This differ-
show a significantly more pronounced increase in ence is evident at all ages, in children and adult
[Hb] compared with all other populations of the of both sexes.15 Such differences are not apparent
world. This finding points to different adaptation in other ethnicities, with the exception of Tibetan
strategies related to oxygen transport among differ- people, who show lower [Hb] than Han Chinese
ent ethnicities. The observed heterogeneity implies people at low altitude.28 Our results obtained from
that one single set of correction factors for [Hb] multiple regression analysis (Table 3) support this
at altitude as suggested by the WHO for the diag- notion.
nosis of anemia cannot be applied worldwide. Our The molecular basis for the lower [Hb] in Tibetan
data analysis further revealed that research on high- people is at least in part explained by polymor-
altitude acclimatization so far focused mainly on phisms in genes affecting the oxygen sensing pro-
adult women and men, whereas research on new- cess, the expression of hypoxia-related genes, and
borns, children of different age, pregnancy, but Hb synthesis. High-frequency missense mutations
also on pathophysiologic conditions, such as smok- were described in the EGLN1 gene encoding PHD2,
ing and cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, is the oxygen sensor. These genetic variants exhibit a
sparse. As a result of our literature survey, we gener- lower K(m) value for oxygen, suggesting increased
ated look-up tables (Table 2) for judging whether a HIF degradation under hypoxic conditions. This
measured [Hb] is within the normal range. In these mutation originated approximately 8000 years ago
tables, we also indicated where information is lack- and seems to protect Tibetan people from excessive
ing and where future studies are required to fill these erythrocytosis at high altitude.29 In addition,
gaps. genome-wide analyses revealed a positive selection
of haplotypes in the EPAS1, EGLN1, and PPAR1
[Hb] at high altitude differs among genes encoding HIF-2α, HIF-prolyl-hydroxylase
ethnicities/countries 2, and peroxisome proliferator−activated recep-
A slow increase in erythrocyte count during a tor α, respectively, which were associated with
sojourn at high altitude of mostly Caucasian low- decreased [Hb] in Tibetan people.11,30 Of note, we
landers has been first described by Viault24 over a have observed that this oxygen sensing mechanism
century ago. It was later noticed that also native precisely senses altitude differences of 300 m even in
highlanders of the Andes have elevated [Hb] (sum- low to moderate altitudes (M.G., data unpublished,
marized by Ref. 4). However, heterogeneity has in preparation).

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Taken together, the pronounced differences in by the Center for Disease Control is used for adjust-
[Hb] among high-altitude residents from different ing [Hb] in program surveys; it is based on data
countries around the world point toward alterations covering altitudes ranging from sea level to 3000
in the response to hypoxia among ethnicities. This meters.16 Winslow and Monge32 applied another
differential response also reflects on the need for polynomial fit for data analysis of Chilean workers,
establishing normal [Hb] values in high-altitude where the highest study point was at 4600 meters.33
residents according to their ethnicity to be able to Yet, another approach used the shape of the oxygen
correctly diagnose anemia and erythrocytosis. dissociation curve and was based on data obtained
in Ecuadorian children living up to 3400 meters.34
Degree of increase in [Hb] with altitude In 1945, Hurtado et al.4 estimated correction values
Our multiple regression analysis revealed from the published literature obtained at locations
that the magnitude of increase in [Hb] var- up to 5350 meters. The linear approach applied in
ied considerably among ethnicities/countries the present study appears to give a very good fit for
(Fig. 1). A greater increase in [Hb] with alti- women of all different ethnicities/regions (Fig. 1A).
tude was detected in most South American Interestingly, a deviation from linearity appears to
natives (Hb = 1.05 g/dL/1000 m) compared exist in South American men. It is possible that this
with all others (Hb = 0.62 g/dL/1000 m; disproportionate Hb is contributed by samples
see Table 3). Unfortunately, we were unable to obtained from miners,4,33,35 who intermittently
calculate such slopes for Quechua and Sherpa work at altitudes higher than their altitude of resi-
people because they inhabit only narrow ranges of dence and who are often exposed to dust and badly
altitudes. Figure 1 also shows that in those regions ventilated mining tunnels. Both of these condi-
with the lower Hb the regression lines approxi- tions increase the severity of hypoxia resulting in
mately run parallel and slopes were not significantly more pronounced erythropoiesis. Another reason
different (Table 3B). However, the offsets, which for elevated [Hb] is CMS that is associated with
represent a calculated [Hb] at sea level, were differ- polycythemia.32 Unfortunately, most publications
ent (Table 3A). This finding indicates that oxygen do not state clearly whether individuals suffering
sensitivity of the erythropoietic system is compara- from CMS had been omitted. It was only in 2005
ble in the populations with similar Hb, whereas that a cutoff [Hb] of 21 g/dL in men and 19 g/dL in
an increased oxygen sensitivity of the erythropoi- women has been defined above which an individu-
etic system may account for the greater Hb in als’ [Hb] might indicate CMS.17 Therefore, beyond
the Andean population. Additional explanations 2005, most studies state that individuals with a [Hb]
may include differences in the hypoxic ventila- above this threshold had been omitted, assuming
tory response of the Andean residents, who show that they suffered from CMS but often without
elevated end-tidal CO2 compared with Tibetan clinical verification of this diagnosis. This may not
high-altitude residents and corresponding lower have been the case in studies before 2005, which
arterial SO2 .31 The decreased oxygen sensitivity would result in elevated mean [Hb] in those studies.
of respiratory control results in decreased arterial
oxygen content, which then drives erythropoiesis. Children. Our analysis fails to provide reference
We chose to analyze the data with a linear ranges for the diagnosis of anemia in both chil-
model because grouped data do not allow for more dren and pregnant women because data are scarce
complex curve fitting. The increase in [Hb] with in the literature (Table 2). These groups are partic-
altitude has also been modeled using nonlinear ularly prone to an increased risk when anemic. At
functions, which appears appropriate based on birth, [Hb] is high. It then decreases during the next
the sigmoidal shape of the oxygen dissociation few months and then increases again to reach sta-
curve resulting in a disproportionate decrease in ble values in females at the age of approximately 13–
arterial oxygen saturation at altitudes over 2000 15 years and in males between 17 and 20 years. At
meters. However, nonlinear functions only appear this age, the [Hb] of males is approximately 2 g/dL
appropriate when arterial oxygen saturation and higher compared with females.15,36 [Hb] of chil-
thus oxygen content is the only factor affecting dren of African origin living in the United States is
[Hb]. A polynomial fit of higher orders published approximately 1 g/dL lower than that of Caucasian

212 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1450 (2019) 204–220 © 2019 New York Academy of Sciences.
Gassmann et al. Hemoglobin levels at high altitude

people.15 It is currently not well understood for age, sex, and pregnancy suggested by the WHO
whether the magnitude of change in [Hb] related for low altitude10 and the use of correction values
to altitude is the same in children and adults in dif- for the altitude of residence. Care must be taken
ferent regions of the world. In Saudi Arabia, [Hb] into account for the differences observed between
tended to be elevated in newborns at 2700 m rela- regions (ethnicity), as we report here. Based on
tive to those born at low altitude.37 Niermeyer and our analyses, we strongly recommend using the
colleagues found that [Hb] in Tibetan newborns Hb/1000 m values and the formulas provided in
was lower compared with Han Chinese newborns.38 Table 3A and B to adjust the low altitude anemia
There was no difference in [Hb] in Puno (3840 m) threshold for altitude10 as shown in Table 4A, at
between newborn indigenous Aymaras, Hispanic, least for adult women and men. The adjustment fac-
and mixed origin people.39 [Hb] increased linearly tors previously reported by the WHO were deter-
in Quechua boys by approximately 2.7 g/dL between mined from Hb values analyzed exclusively in South
the age of 6 and 21 years, which is in the same American high-altitude natives and thus are not
range as found in Caucasian boys15 and similar to widely applicable to other high-altitude regions of
the age-related increase of Tibetan and Han Chi- the world. These frequently used correction factors
nese children.40,41 [Hb] of children living in the define wrong cutoff values resulting in false diagno-
Andes has been shown to be approximately 0.5–1.0 sis. For illustration, a Tibetan or an Ethiopian native
g/dL higher than Han Chinese children at compa- with a normal [Hb] for his/her ethnicity and alti-
rable altitude.42 Together, these results indicate dif- tude of residence will be considered anemic after
ferences in children’s [Hb] between ethnical groups applying the South America-derived WHO correc-
that appear to be similar to those observed in adults tion factor.
(Table 2 and Fig. 1). Furthermore, the age-related It is important to note that particularly in South
increase in [Hb] persists in children native to high American Aymaras living at moderate altitudes
altitude. application of a linear increase in [Hb] may result in
higher numbers of individuals diagnosed with ane-
Pregnancy. Plasma volume expansion during
mia compared with those cut-off values suggested
pregnancy reduces [Hb], and this “dilution” might
by WHO, where an exponential fit is applied. Most
be interpreted as anemia. Thus, correction factors
probably, however, this is not the case for South
have been suggested,16 but these factors apply to
American Quechuas who in general show lower
low altitude only. However, there are some indica-
[Hb] compared with Aymaras. It is unclear, whether
tions that changes are similar in European people
similar heterogeneities as seen in South America
and Andean natives living in La Paz, Bolivia, at
exist in other regions of the world, too. This illus-
3600 meters.43,44
trates the urgent need of studying [Hb] of individ-
Diagnosing anemia. Because of the increase in ual ethnicities worldwide, even within regions, in
[Hb] with altitude and the differences in this more detail. Inappropriate cut-off levels for [Hb]
increase among regions/ethnicities, it is a challenge may result in unreasonably high percentages of ane-
to determine whether a measured [Hb] of a high- mia causing unnecessary supplementation with iron
altitude resident shall be considered as clinically and other treatments.
“normal” or not. The mean values and ranges of
[Hb] listed in Table 2 will support this diagnosis. Diagnosing erythrocytosis. At low altitude, val-
Measured [Hb] outside the indicated ranges has ues above a [Hb] of 18.5 g/dL for adult men and
to be considered abnormally low or high for the 16.5 g/dL for adult women have been defined as
respective altitude. However, the utility of Table 2 cutoff values for the detection of excessive ery-
is limited by the quality and availability of data in throcytosis and polycythemia,45,46 aiming mainly
the literature. A large number of imprecise (gray- at the detection of polycythemia vera, but values
shaded) or even missing values, in particular for have never been objectively verified.47 Changes of
newborns, children, and pregnant women, are indi- cutoff values with altitude and differences among
cated in Table 2. ethnicities have not been considered so far indi-
Another possibility to detect anemia in high- cating that those values need to be defined. One
altitude residents is the application of cutoff values possible approach is the correction of these values

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Hemoglobin levels at high altitude Gassmann et al.

Table 4. Cutoff values for the [Hb] (g/dL) to diagnose anemia (A) and erythrocytosis (B) in adult, nonpregnant
women living at different high altitude regions
Altitude (m) South American people Tibetan people Han Chinese people All others WHO altitude formula

(A) Suggested cutoff values for diagnosing anemia in women in g/dL (for men add 1 g/dL)
0 12.0 11.2 12.4 12.0 12.0
1000 13.1 11.8 13.0 12.6 12.1
1500 13.6 12.1 13.3 12.9 12.4
2000 14.1 12.4 13.6 13.2 12.7
2500 14.6 12.7 13.9 13.5 13.2
3000 15.2 13.1 14.3 13.9 13.8
3500 15.7 13.4 14.6 14.2 14.6
4000 16.2 13.7 14.9 14.5 15.4
4500 16.7 14.0 15.2 14.8 16.4
5000 17.3 14.3 15.5 15.1 17.5
(B) Suggested cutoff values for diagnosing erythrocytosis in women (for men add 2 g/dL)
0 16.5 15.7 16.9 16.5 16.5
1000 17.6 16.3 17.5 17.1 16.6
1500 18.1 16.6 17.8 17.4 16.9
2000 18.6 16.9 18.1 17.7 17.2
2500 19.1 17.2 18.4 18.0 17.7
3000 19.7 17.6 18.9 18.4 18.3
3500 20.2 17.9 19.1 18.7 19.1
4000 20.7 18.2 19.4 19.0 19.9
4500 21.2 18.5 19.7 19.3 20.9
5000 21.8 18.8 20.0 19.6 22.0

Note: Values are based on the model presented in Table 2 in comparison to the adjustments suggested by the WHO.10,46 The table
shows only values for those groups (ethnicity/country/region), where statistically significant differences (or a clear trend) existed in
the calculated [Hb] at sea level and its increase with high altitude (Table 3). According to the recommendations by the WHO, the
cutoff for anemia in adult women at sea level is defined as 12 g/dL and for polycythemia as 16.5 g/dL.46 Ethnicity/region–related dif-
ferences in low-altitude Hb values are adjusted according to Table 3A, and altitude-related changes are calculated from the respective
slope (Table 3B) and according to the formula suggested by WHO.10 Values can be applied by choosing the nearest altitude or by
extrapolation between altitude ranges. Cutoff values can be adjusted for age, pregnancy, and smoking as suggested.10

based on the results of the multiple regression altitudes, more specific clinical tests are required to
model presented here. To this end, the WHO cut- distinguish, for example, polycythemia vera and
off values for [Hb] must be corrected with the inter- other forms of excessive erythrocytosis mostly
cepts (sea-level values) for the different ethnicities deriving from CMS.
as presented in Table 3A, resulting in ethnicity-
specific sea-level cutoff values. In a second step, Smokers. [Hb] is elevated by up to 1 g/dL in
the ethnicity-specific increase in [Hb] with alti- smokers, where the degree of increase depends on
tude shown in Table 3B should be applied to calcu- the number of cigarettes/cigars per day.16 Thus,
late cutoff values for specific altitudes. In Table 4B, smoking is another source contributing to abnor-
we exemplified such a calculation and compare the mally high [Hb] at high altitude resulting in dif-
results with adjustments for altitude as suggested by ficulties in reliable detection of both anemia and
the WHO.10 Obviously, the currently used WHO polycythemia. Studies on high-altitude physiology
correction results in much higher cutoff values for typically exclude smokers. Thus, we were unable
altitudes above 4000 m than those after applying to account for this subgroup, which would have
our linear approach (Table 4B). It is important to been of importance because carboxyHb formation
note that cutoff values at altitudes above 3000–4000 decreases arterial oxygen loading and causes hypox-
m reach Hb values higher than those suggested for emia, which stimulates erythropoiesis. This sug-
the detection of CMS.17 This indicates that at those gests that effects on [Hb] of hypoxia by altitude

214 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1450 (2019) 204–220 © 2019 New York Academy of Sciences.
Gassmann et al. Hemoglobin levels at high altitude

and smoking may be additive. In fact, it has been istry of Education and Research 82DZL00401 and
shown that the elevation in [Hb] in response to 82DZL004A1 (M.U.M. and H.M).
smoking is comparable at low and intermediate We apologize to all those authors whose original
altitudes.48,49 or review articles could not be cited due to space
limitation. Moreover, due to the keywords used for
the search, we might have missed important contri-
Conclusion butions. Thus, if the reader feels that some impor-
[Hb] is generally elevated in high-altitude residents, tant publications were not considered, we kindly ask
but the degree of required [Hb] adjustment under to provide us with the suggested paper(s) so that we
physiological conditions varies among different can update this analysis in a future study.
regions of the world. This clearly indicates that Statement
differences exist between ethnicities and points
to different strategies of adjustment of oxygen Part of this manuscript was presented at the World
transport in blood. Accordingly, these variations Health Organization (WHO) technical consultation
render the diagnosis of anemia in high-altitude “Use and Interpretation of Haemoglobin Concen-
residents a difficult task. Moreover, the standard trations for Assessing Anaemia Status in Individu-
correction factor for [Hb] suggested by WHO als and Populations,” held in Geneva, Switzerland
is not valid for its worldwide use. Therefore, we on November 29–30 and December 1, 2017. This
established look-up tables and correction factors paper is being published individually but will be
to account for these differences between ethnic- consolidated with other manuscripts as a special
ities. Due to gaps in available literature data on issue of Annals of the New York Academy of Sci-
high-altitude physiology, we only can provide ences, the coordinators of which were Drs. Maria
information on adult women and men, whereas Nieves Garcia-Casal and Sant-Rayn Pasricha. The
data on newborns, children, and pregnant women special issue is the responsibility of the editorial
are incomplete. We suggest using threshold [Hb] for staff of Annals of the New York Academy of Sci-
the detection of anemia established for low altitude ences, who delegated to the coordinators prelimi-
and to apply region/ethnicity–specific regression nary supervision of both technical conformity to the
lines (Table 3) to extrapolate to the altitude of publishing requirements of Annals of the New York
residence to diagnose anemia in patients in high- Academy of Sciences and general oversight of the sci-
altitude clinics as shown in Table 4. Using a single entific merit of each article. The workshop was sup-
correction factor worldwide is certainly not appro- ported by WHO, the Centers for Disease Control
priate. Importantly, it was outside the scope of this and Prevention (CDC); the United States Agency
analysis to establish additional correction factors, for International Development (USAID), and the
such as for pregnancy, African origin, and smokers Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The authors alone
at various altitudes that are frequently applied for are responsible for the views expressed in this
adjustment of [Hb] in program surveys.10 Future paper; they do not necessarily represent the views,
studies have to be designed to fill all these gaps. decisions, or policies of the WHO. The opinions
expressed in this publication are those of the authors
and are not attributable to the sponsors, publisher,
or editorial staff of Annals of the New York Academy
This work was commissioned by the Evidence and of Sciences.
Programme Guidance Unit, Department of Nutri-
tion for Health and Development of the World Supporting information
Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland. Additional supporting information may be found in
The authors wish to thank Christiane Herth for gen- the online version of this article.
erating the Hb-tables and for help and intense dis-
cussion. We also acknowledge the financial support Table S1. Summary of categories used for the
by the Zurich Center for Integrative Human Physi- present statistical evaluation.
ology (ZIHP) and the Swiss National Science Foun- Table S2. Countries included in the evaluation of
dation (both to M.G.); the German Federal Min- Hb concentration at increasing altitudes.

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