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Questions and Answers

1) Where the term system is originally derived from ?

 The term system is originally derived from the Greek word “systema”.
2) What is system ?
 System is an interconnected set of business procedures use within one
business unit working together for a purpose.
3) List characteristics of a system ?
 The characteristics of a system are :-
 Interrelated components
 Environment
 Interface
 Input
 Output
4) What is an information system ?
 Information system : are combined network of hardware , software ,
and telecommunication networks that user use to collect , create , and
distribute useful data.
5) Mention the components of information system ?
 The components of information system are :-
 Hardware
 Software
 Data
 People
 processes
6) Define hardware ?
 Hardware contains everything in the physical layer of the information
7) What is software ?
 Software , refers to the programs that manage the hardware and
produce favored information or result.
8) Software can be broken down into two main categories , what are they?
 software can be broken down into two main categories and they are :-
 system software
 Application software
9) Mention the core piece of system software?
 The core piece of system software is the operating system.
10) What is application software?
 Application software is intended for specific tasks.
11) What is the purpose of information system?
 The purpose of information system include :-
 Better performance and increases productivity
 Support the distribution of information to different departments
of organization for operation purpose.
12) What is system analysis and design?
 System analysis and design: is the mechanism by which people build
automated information system.
13) What is system analyst ?
 System analyst is a title given to a person who studies the problems
and needs of organization.
14) Write the skills that system analyst should have ?
 A system analyst should have the following skills :-
 Working knowledge of information technology
 Computer programing experience
 Character and ethics
 Flexibility and adaptability
 General problem solving skills
 Good interpersonal communication skills
15) Define data ?
 Data is a raw material that an information system transforms useful
16) Define stakeholder?
 People who have interest an information system are called

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