Biology and Geology 4 ESO Everything Changes: Section Units

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Section 1. The Earth changes

Units Unit 1: The Earth, a planet in continual change. (The history of Earth)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1. 2. 3.

The origin of the Earth Geological time Historical ideas about the age of the Earth Principles and procedures that enable us to reconstruct our history Using the present to see the past Fossils and their importance as a testament to the past Geological eras/periods The first living beings and their influence on the planet Basic reconstruction of history of your local area through a simple stratigraphic column The origin and formation of different types of mountain chains with some historical interpretations. The rock cycle Evidence of continental drift and the formation of ocean ridge and the phenomenon of sea floor spreading. The distribution of volcanoes and earthquakes Interpretation of the dynamic model of the internal structure of the Earth Plate tectonics, a revolution in Earth sciences. Using plate tectonics to interpret landforms and geological events Assessing the consequences of a dynamic planetary interior on the Earths surface The cell as the unit of life, its importance in Biology as a structural and functional basis of living organisms. How understanding of the cell is used to underpin interpretation of the form and functioning of living organisms. The nucleus contains chromosomes that carry the genes Cell division through mitosis and meiosis, the difference between these processes and their individual importance to living organisms. The composition, structure and properties of DNA. The importance of the discovery to subsequent development of biological sciences. The different levels of organization of living organisms from unicellular to multicellular, and exploration of these through the microscope. Mendelian inheritance; solving simple problems using Mendels laws. Human genetics, sex determination and sex- linked

Unit 2: : Plate tectonics and their Effects

4. 5. 6.


2. The living beings change

UD 3: evolution life

The of


2. 3.



UD 4: Heredity and Transmission

1. 2.

3. Ecosyst ems change

UD 5: The origin and Evolution of Living Organisms

UD 6: Dynamics and evolution of ecosystems

heredity diseases 3. Genes and the genetic code; mutations in the chromosomes 4. Genetic engineering and manipulation; the most important applications, repercussions and harmful consequences. Genetically modified food; Cloning; The human genome project. 5. Ecological, social and ethical implications of advances in genetic and reproductive biotechnology. 1. Hypothesis of the origin of life on Earth 2. The main steps in Darwins theory of natural selection leading to the evolution or extinction of species. 3. The evolution of living beings using creationism to explain the development of life on Earth. 4. Organisms have changed over time and fossils provide evidence for these changes. 5. The evolutionary process in humans. 6. When environments change some animal and plant species evolve and survive but many become extinct. 7. The increase in biodiversity as a result of evolutionary processes. 1. Ecosystems and their interactions 2. Food chains and webs 3. Influence of abiotic factors. Land and aquatic ecosystems 4. Influence of biotic factors. Ecological successions and soil formation 5. Population growth and its limiting factors. Pests and biological control 6. Competition 7. Adaptations 8. Energy flow and circulation of materials 9. Environmental issues

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