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" Father, Forgive Them, For They Do Not Know What They are
Song : Sa Iyong Mga Yapak
Bible Verse:
"Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are
doing." And they divided up his clothes by casting lots." - Luke 23:34


This reminds us that we are being blinded by sin, which turns us away
from God, but He never turns away from us. It is because Jesus felt pity
on those who mocked him because of his ministry, his teachings, and
his miracles. And he never felt anger nor treated them as his enemies, it
is because the love of God has prevailed in him even in suffering on the

We must acknowledge that God is merciful even in times when we are

committing sin, like when we steal from someone else, or when we
punched somebody as a result of anger. We are still humans after all,
and we are still growing in maturity as long as our conscience is
stronger in controlling our sinful desires. Lastly, we should love our
enemies or the people whom we have anger with, let us pray for them
so that they would be able to change themselves for the better.


Dear Almighty Father, I acknowledge that I am a sinner, I was blinded

by the effects of all my sins and I am now repenting these to You. I now
ask You to forgive me, for I do not know what I am doing. I am prepared
to offer myself back to You. Amen.

2. "Today, You Will Be With Me in Paradise."

Song : One Thing I Ask
Bible Verse:

"Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when You come into Your

kingdom!” And Jesus said to him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be
with Me in Paradise.”" - Luke 23:42-43


The Repentant Thief, who's name is Dismas, bravely accepted his fate
for he and the other thief who's name is Gestas, deserved to be
condemned for their actions, but acknowledges that Jesus doesn't as he
has done nothing wrong to deserve this suffering and humiliations.

This reminds us that even though we are sinners, and we done grave
sins either against humanity or against God Himself, we shall be
promised to be granted eternal life as long as we repent on our sins and
ask for forgiveness from God and others as well, and we show our
repentance through changed behavior towards others. God forgives us
no matter what sin we have committed, because He loves us as His


Dear Almighty Father, I hereby repent for my sins for the sake of the
cleansing of my soul here on earth. No matter what sins I have done
against You or against humanity, my conscience is the one that prevails
as this made me feel sorry about by actions, and preventing me from
committing mistakes in the future. I repent my sins because I desire to
be granted eternal life that Your Beloved Son promised on the cross. I
am prepared to offer myself back to You. Amen.
3. "Woman, Behold Your Son. Son, Behold Your Mother."
Song : Mariang Ina Ko
Bible Verse:

"Near the cross of Jesus stood His mother and her sister, as well as
Mary the wife of Clopas and Mary Magdalene. When Jesus saw His
mother and the disciple whom He loved standing nearby, He said to His
mother, “Woman, here is your son.” Then He said to the disciple, “Here
is your mother.” So from that hour, this disciple took her into his
home." - John 19:25-27


Jesus entrusted his disciple John, the brother of James, to care for his
mother, Mary. Likewise, us before the hour that we depart from this
world, we still care for the welfare of our loved ones here on earth. We
are concerned about what would happen to our families and friends
once we are gone, after we have departed from this world. It is actually
a difficult thing to think about, so we must prepare for it when the time

In the case of Jesus, his love for his mother comes before everything
else, so he must entrust someone worthy to care for her. There was no
one else worthy for care for her except John who is his disciple, who
stayed behind at the foot of the cross because of his love for his master
despite fear being prevalent in the other disciples.


Dear Almighty Father, I entrust to You the welfare of all my family and
friends on earth. Keep them safe and free from all harm that would
destroy their lives and souls, for them being safe makes my life
complete. That's all I ask from Your Mighty Hand, that shows Your Love
for all mankind. I am prepared to offer myself back to You. Amen.

4. "My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?"

Song : Awit ng Paghahangad

Bible Verse:
"From the sixth hour until the ninth hour darkness came over all the
land. About the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema
sabachthani?” which means, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken
Me?” When some of those standing there heard this, they said, “He is
calling Elijah.”" - Matthew 27:45-47


There are times when we are in deep suffering, anxiety, and

depression, we tend to think that God has already abandoned us and
left us alone in the darkness of life. Yes, it is still understandable to
think that way due to the fact that for us, it seems that there is no
solution or end to this suffering. But no, we must not think that way,
God allowed these trials and sufferings as tests for our faith to
determine if we still keep our spirit strong and have the capabilities to
overcome all these challenges.

Yes, there are already people dying because of depression and such
suffering, but we must not blame them for having little or no faith. We
must show love for other people because we never know what trials
and sufferings they are enduring in their own lives. Let us show them
that God has never ever abandoned them by praying for them and
consoling them when they tell or show their sufferings. It is no easy task
from Him, but it must be done for the sake of another's life.

Dear Almighty God, You already know that there are times when I feel
that You have already abandoned me, especially during times when I
am in trial and suffering. It is only now that I realize that these are tests
of my faith in You, to show that You really have never abandoned me. I
pray for those people who are in deep sorrow and suffering at this very
moment, send them Your caring hand to prove to them that You really
have never forsaken them. For there is hope with You. I am prepared to
offer myself back to You. Amen.

5. "I Thirst."
Song : As the Deer
Bible Verse:

"After this, knowing that everything had now been accomplished, and
to fulfill the Scripture, Jesus said, “I am thirsty.” A jar of sour wine was
sitting there. So they soaked a sponge in the wine, put it on a stalk of
hyssop, and lifted it to His mouth."

- John 19:28-29


There are times when we hunger and thirst for something, whether it
be physical, emotional, or spiritual. Especially in this day and age, when
such issues concerning the young adult generation are prevalent such
as stress due to school works and workload, loneliness due to
abandonment from friends and people around us, and depression from
the combination of all these problems in life. We need someone or
something to complete us, what it is would be up to us to obtain it.
In the case of Jesus, it means that he is now ready to accept the
fulfillment of the promise of The Father to humanity. He now spiritually
accepted his death in order to complete his mission to save mankind
from sin.


Dear Almighty God, I hunger and thirst for Your divine love all the days
of my life. I am ready to accept whatever Your plan is for me, because I
know it is for the nourishment of my soul. Help me face the
consequences of my acceptance of Your will, for You shall lead me to
the path of righteousness if I deserve it. I am prepared to offer myself
back to You. Amen.

6. "It is Finished."
Song : My Life in You
Bible Verse:

"When Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished.” And
bowing His head, He yielded up His spirit." - John 19:30


This now proves the fulfillment of God's promise of our salvation, Jesus
has now accomplished his mission here on earth, and he has now
accepted death as his sacrifice for us. It seems like he is victorious even
in death, it is because we are now saved from our sins. Us too, we feel
victorious whenever we accomplish something in our life, like making
another's life better by means of helping them succeed. We have
accomplished what God has instructed us to do.

It is also the completion of all the prophesies and foreshadowing from

the Old Testament, as all these prophesies has led to this very moment.
His earthly mission seemed to have finished, but his spiritual presence
and guidance to us still continues up to this very day. Us too, once we
are done with our mission here on earth, we have fulfilled the graces
and promises of the Lord, and we are now prepared to walk through
the path of salvation.


Dear Almighty God, Your only begotten Son has now fulfilled his
mission to save us from our sins. I now humbly accept the fulfillment of
Your promise to us, my triumph over suffering has prevailed, and it is
only You who knows when my mission is completed. I am prepared to
offer myself back to You. Amen.

7. "Father, Into Your Hands, I Commend My Spirit."

Song : Gandang Sinauna at Sariwa
Bible Verse:

"The sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was torn down the
middle. Then Jesus called out in a loud voice, “Father, into Your hands I
commit My Spirit.” And when He had said this, He breathed His last." -
Luke 23:45-46


When we are in times of suffering and deep trial, we tend to lose hope
in God as it seemed like He has already abandoned us. But no, He
actually has something better prepared for us either here on earth or in
Heaven. We may not know what it is until He shows it to us at His
perfect time, we just have to keep an eye to realize what it is, as it may
already be hiding in plain sight.
Especially during times when we are in sickness which seem worse or
even terminal, we have nothing to do except offer our sufferings to
God. For it is His will that will be done. We may not be physically
healed, but we are spiritually healed by His grace and His undying and
unconditional love for us. We lift up all our sufferings, all our trials that
have tested us, our bodies, our personalities, and most importantly, our
faith, to Him and His mighty hand. For it is the ultimate mission of all,
the offering of one's self, in life and in death, to the greater glory of
God, and allowing His Will to be done.


Dear Almighty God, We now have come to the conclusion that we lift
up all our sufferings, our trials, and most especially, all our blessings in
life, to You. As we acknowledge that these were sent to us as tests of
our faith, send us the grace to provide us the wisdom and strength to
face these challenges. For it is by Your Will that would be done.
Because Father, into Your loving hands, I commend to You my spirit to
have eternal life with You. I am prepared to offer myself back to You.

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