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1 Vitamin Sea: A Prescription for Tan Lines, Good Times, and Ocean Crimes

2 Diving into the Initiatives for Coastal and Mangrove Rehabilitation

3 and Navigating through the Challenges it Faces

4 by CRUZ, Felix Antonio L.; HERNANDEZ, Jackielyn May S.; LINTAG, Adrian Justine D.

6 When was the last time you felt the hot sand beneath your feet, and the cool,

7 salty water splash on your skin? Vacations on beaches will always be a classic summer

8 bucket list! Swimming in the clear water, running on the soft beach sand, and

9 appreciating the scenic view to destress make all the difference in the world. After all,

10 who would want to visit a beach and be greeted with murky waters and unclean

11 surroundings? You simply wouldn’t be able to relax! Unfortunately, that’s exactly what’s

12 happening to some tourist spots in the Visayas region of the Philippines.

13 Popularly known for its pristine beaches, thrilling diving spots, and breathtaking

14 sceneries, Visayas is a paradise home to some of the Philippines’ most beautiful tourist

15 destinations. However, places on these islands frequented by tourists are experiencing

16 environmental problems that endanger their ecosystems. This group of islands has

17 been very susceptible to water pollution with industrial waste, sewage, and trash

18 polluting rivers, lakes, and coastal regions. In 2022, the Department of Health - Central

19 Visayas Center for Health Development released an advisory that warns public

20 swimming and other water recreation activities in the coastal areas of Cordova, Cebu

21 due to fecal coliforms in the water.

22 The coastal waters, teeming with marine life, have their future jeopardized due to

23 human activities. For instance, in a paper from the Ateneo de Manila University,
24 mangroves are currently facing the threat of deforestation. These trees are a primary

25 food source for several marine species and serve as breeding grounds for some marine

26 fishes that we all love to see when we go diving or snorkeling. Moreover, they also

27 serve as a habitat for a lot of other life forms. Despite the ecological importance of these

28 trees, their population continues to decline due to human disturbance. These

29 environmental problems will continue to persist if no one bats an eye.

30 Luckily, the combined efforts of some locals and the government help alleviate

31 the problems that the region is currently facing. Programs and projects that prioritize

32 ecotourism rehabilitation are fueled by the participation of people in nearby areas. The

33 importance of community participation in restoration initiatives was demonstrated in the

34 same conference proceeding by the Ateneo De Manila University. The Cebu Provincial

35 Government joined forces with different fisherfolk groups and corporate institutions to

36 boost mangrove replanting as a community-based rehabilitation strategy. Surveys were

37 also conducted to ensure that rehabilitation programs were accomplished based on the

38 views of the people living within the ecotourism areas.

39 Meanwhile, coastal rehabilitation case studies in the provinces of Guimaras and

40 Iloilo also pointed out that rehabilitation requires the utmost support of local

41 communities to ensure success. Through these approaches, we can see the positive

42 impact of community-centered projects toward achieving the goals of ecotourism for the

43 people by the people.

44 However, it’s not always sunshine and rainbows. Despite the upside of

45 rehabilitating ecotourism destinations, it also faces many challenges. A study on

46 mangrove rehabilitation in Indonesia explains that a lack of technical and financial

47 resources is a hindrance to implementing effective measures.

48 Another study by the Philippine Institute for Development Studies mentions other

49 challenges that rehabilitation efforts face such as differences in stakeholder (LGUs,

50 private sector, local communities) interests and expectations. Evaluating the ecological,

51 social, economic, and cultural benefits of the restored areas is also crucial for ensuring

52 the rehabilitations’ quality and accountability. Lastly, we should consider factors like

53 climate change, natural disasters, or policy changes to help with sustainable

54 rehabilitation. The future of ecotourism rehabilitation still has a lot to go, but it has

55 already achieved a lot so far.

56 So, the next time you visit a picturesque beach with glistening waters and clean,

57 white sand, remember that there are still good people out there taking care of these

58 places. But it can’t always be up to the people in charge. We as tourists also have a

59 critical role to play — that is to be responsible for what we leave behind. If we want to

60 continue visiting places wherein, we can kick back, relax, iced tea in hand, then we

61 have to be kind to these wonderful places so that we can preserve their natural beauty.

62 After all, we only get one earth.



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