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= = MADHUCON PROJECTS LIMITED (om LrextoreooopLcontii6 Ref: MPL/NL/AE/CZ-4/2022-23/405 Date: 9 February 2023 To, ‘The Team Leader, Authority’s Engineer, jondz Giobai infra Consuitants Ltd. (JV) Mangaiam Asso Zunheboto District, Nagaland-798620. Project Name:" -Construction of Two-Lane with Hard Shoulders of Chakabama - Zunheboto Road on EPC basis from Existing Km 79.042 to Km 100.345 [Design Km. 75.000 to Km. 95.000] (Design Length - Km. 20,000) in the State of Nagaland under SARDP-NE Phase A” Subject: Submission of SPS-21 for the above said pro} garding. Dear Sir, With reference to above subject matter, we are submitting the Stage Payment Statement-21 for the period of 23 December 2022 to 8* February 2023 with Work Done Amount KS. 10,79,58,970 (Rupees Sixteen Crore Seventy-Nine Lakhs Eighty-Eight Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy only) and net payable amount after withheld and statutory deduction is Rs. 15,15,20,051/- (Rupees Fifteen Crore Fifteen Lakhs Twenty Thousand Fifty One Only) for the above said project with pursuant to clause 19.4 of contract agreement for your kind perusal and necessary action please. Thanking you and assuring our best services always, we remain. With best regards. For Madhucon Projects Limited. son eojeets Ltd For, MIS Suresh Pothineni (General Manager) Encl: As Mentioned above Copy to: 1.The General Manager(P), NHIDCL, PMU, Pfutsero for kind information 2, Site office, NHIDCL, Zunheboto, For kind information 491-40-23586001 - 4 Fax Regd. Otce : HNo.1-7-7,Jubpur, Khammam, Telangana - 807 00, Ina = vi" MADHUCON PROJECTS LIMITED (nN: LreztoTreoPLCoTTT 6 Ref: MPLINL/AE/CZ-4/2022-23/406 Date: 9" February 2023 To ‘The Team Leader, Authority’s Engineer, AGICL &Manglam Associates (JV), Zunheboto District, Nagaland-798620. Project Name “Construction of Two-Lane with Hard Shoulders of Chakabama - Zunheboto Road on EPC basis from Existing Km 79.042 to Km 100.345 [Design Km. 75.000 to Km. 95.000] (Design Length - Km. 20,000) in the State of Nagaland under SARDP-NE Phase A”-Certificate of ‘Sub-Contracting as per Clause 3.2 of Contract Agreement — Reg. Ref: MPL/NL/AE/CZ-4/2022-23/405 dated 9" February 2023 Dear Sir, With reference to the above stated subject and cited letter reference; we would like to bring your kind attention that as per contract agreement clause 3.2.1, we have not subcontracted any work in more than 49% of the total length of the project Highway. As per contract agreement clause 3.2.2, We have not sub-contracted more than 5% for any works or the aggregate of such sub- contracts with any sub-contractor. This is for your information and necessary action please. Thanking you and assuring our best services all the time. With best regards For Madhucon Projects Limited. cis Lid Suresh Pothineni, General Manager. Copy to: 1. The General Manager (P), NHIDCL, PMU-Pfutesro, Nagaland. 2, NHIDCL, SO-Zunheboto, Nagaland. ‘Corp. Ofice :"Madhucon House’, 112W/A, oad No 6, Juilee Fils, Hyderabad - 600033, Telangana, Ina "el: #81-40-23556001 4 Fax : +31-40-23586005 E-mall: corporate Regd. Office: H1No1-7-70,Jubipwa, Khammam, Telangana - 507003, nia Annexure-C CERTIFICATE It is to certify that all the quantities of items of works have been verified at site and have been carried out commensurate to the payments recommended/released up to SPS-21 for the work “Construction of Two-I ane with Hard Shoulders of Chakahama - Zunheboto Road on EPC basis from Existing Km 79.042 to Km 100.345 [Design Km. 75.000 to Km. 95,000] (Design Length - Km. 20.000) in the State of Nagaland under SARDP-NE Phase A” and there exists no case of overpayment for the said work. id Representative of TL of Authority's GE/Manager (P) General Manager (P) Contractor Engineer NHIDCL, NHIDCL | | BUILDING INFRASTRUCTURE - BUILDING THE NATION NATIONAL HIGHWAYS & INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LIMITED (A Public sector undertaking under Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Govt. of India) Name of Work: “Construction of Two-Lane with Hard Shoulders of Chakabama - Zunheboto Road on EPC basis from Existing Km 79.042 to Km 100.345 [Design Km. 75.000 to Km. 95.000] (Design Length - Km, 20.000) in the State of Nagaland under ISARDP-NE Phase A” afta sents Ppa Brejenté EM Stage Payment Statement-21 A Fs 23rd December 2022 to 8th February 2023 a | mon q Z M/s Almonds Global infra-Consutant umited | VE¥¢ OL. Manglam Associates M/s Manglam Associates the sac pect Authority + National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited Authority's Engineer: M/s. Almondz Global Infra-Consultant Limited and Manglam Associates Contractor : M/s Madhucon Projects Limited Contract Price + 2133 Name of Works :“Construction of Two-Lane with Hard Shoulders of Chakabama - Zunheboto Road on EPC basis from Existing Km 79.042 to Km 100.345 t State of Nagaland under SARDP-NE Phase A’ :National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation eae Limited (NHIDCL) 4 : M/s. Almondz Global Infra-Consultant Limited and Manglam Authority's Engineer |. tes OV) Contractor : M/s Madhucon Projects Limited Stage Payment Statement-21 Ne Project Details Index BG Detail [Documentation sheet [Quality Certificate Payment Abstract Bill-wise Abstract (Cost Calculation wlelalalalmlelrela » S [ational Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (NHIDCL) ‘Stage Payment Statement 21 2rd December 2022 to 8th February 2023, [Name of Work: “Construction of Two-Lane with Hard Shoulders of Chakabama - Zunheboto Road on EPC basis from Existing Kus 78.042 to ‘Kim 10045 [Design Kin. 75.000 to Kin. 9.000} (Design Length - Kan. 20.000) in the State of Nagaland ander SARDP-NE Phase A” m Face otieah : 1 |p tte enor [he naahacon jt nied 1 [oe oCommceme ik sr Dao Reorence Bik Gare , [See [Raine 3h amar) [vara Ramco a bao roman | loomance| soqnonupien | «tnomnon| 20638 O18 Bek Lied Lime | | | L 3 bers Fa 1 [strane Mablnion @Y ol Con : 6 [artnet Daw ec 7 [emia ond eth inn rg a monte 9 |i tne ey pond E a va sxe | __ Neweottaey oli Nespas — Workmen /Employees - . 1 sega umn :nr0/20aa| 20/10/2023] TOTAL INSURANCE SOLUTIONS THEN INDIA vo | 2 | Poéstonaitiaty cove | crmomnsomama | 1270] s4/an| ASSURANCECOLTD Untold THE Ne RIA scsutancecoc@ Contr AR Pai ronexona 9 : Rik Paley ou sapaarans| e7ayaia| ASSURANCE COLT ‘niin -exzuy [eqD zpuourTY “S/N : “pry wopezod10> juamdojaaag amyongyseszuy pur skemySty [euoTeN : queynsuoD ay} 50 quart ayp jo AW 28d YN-dCUVS A9pun puepesen jo aeag ayy uy (9O0'0T “UNI - yIBUAq UBysaq) [o00's6 “ary 03 000°S2 "Uy UBsaq]] SFE"0OT UN 09 ZBO'GL UM SuPSHXg UTOLZ sISeq Dad uo peoy ojoqayunz - eueqeyeY_y JO siap[oYs prey YIM aue]-OM] Jo UoTINASUOD,,: “GLI NOLLVUOdAOD LNIWdOTIAAC FUNIDNALSNAINI GNV SKVMHOIH TWNOLLVN aurey]| auren]| auren]| >]10.M Jo aureny NATIONAL HIGHWAYS & INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LIMITED (A Public sector undertaking under Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Govt. of India) QUALITY CERTIFICATE Name of Work: — “Construction of Two-Lane with Hard Shoulders of Chakabama - Zunheboto Road on EPC basis from Existing Km 79.042 to Km 100.345 [Design Km. 75.000 to Km. 95.000] (Design Length - Km. 20.000) in the State of Nagaland under SARDP-NE Phase A” Stage Payment Statement-21 Period : 23rd December 2022 to 8th February 2023 confirming to the specifications stipulated in the contract and the test check carried out by the authority's engineer is at least 100% as per clause 11.10 of contract agreement Further, the construction materials have been procured from the approved sources For, Mjs May PSEA Signatory) (Suresh Pothineni ) Material Engineer General Manager < AGICL-MA QV) Authority's Engineer cz4 Payment Abstract Paget [Name of Work: Construction of Two-Lane with Hard Shoulders of Chakabama-Zanheboto Read on EPC bas from Exeting Km 7,012 0 ‘Ka 100345 [Design Kn 75.00 o Kn. 85:00 (Design Length- Kan 22000 in the Stat of Nagaland under SARDE-NE Phase A Authority + National Highways & Infastructare Development Corporation Limited (NHIDCT) Authors Engineer: Mf Almonds Global Infa-Consutant Limited and Manglam Associates V) Contactor + M/s Madhacon Projects Limited Payment Abstract Stage Payment Statement 2 aed December 2022 to th February 2023 Total value upto this] Value uplo Previous| Value of tia SPS Description of Heme ee SPS (Rs) TRC/SPS| Ro) s) 1 2 3 1 5 [estimated amount forthe works executed in acordance with Clause + See ees eisizeey| — taizznnese| 0) [the eatimated amount for the work executed in accordance with Clause » [stm mean he wna casomsesziay)—casaersnia0 cramer] ¢_ Petalestimated workenecuteas per Chowe 19.361 Orcas 28650 | esergarroor] eazonaaneaoy e167 seasm0 ab) ae 4 [Areas ting neni pi od in Ce Saas) Himpsel aa [Feta Amount (Work done + Price Adjustment) (Ecuding GST) eo. {o.00) €149;990151 © [estes ioe ea Coo] €25905.2730) 2 Coo} eam g0951508) er7e SRB 37IN) [rout of (ar) Tasooc asa] cismas7anne7 avo} [Payment ecommended 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|uvezvece | sevsweeer freuoveiz freuooverr lrrucovor | serve jmoore: |sreacsr | ewwmrsacise | saccr | _npratscrs e Goer sesmegii gra oW>O4 ee eee marae 70 [rucouone [ora [woven | xouro Taam AD rarweot sacraver —|wbnonoseaeubvonen —fubsooseie| worst fovesior avon oon | sect raga errs veel oS Seats ey ES ees one) = a a 7 eae pres o n o = z wa jemopaang ond) nppeymemmy = eapeymmms) (%) mL |e MAIL | sropanng onde, wor | soupptvoy | emmy | (up venuoa | atentiom. seatbod at fans Seed ll wecnell gait lemons | et (ow emes ine ‘Son at Kae oe NG PE Teens ening es eaey And Se Te Project Name Authority Authority's Engineer Contractor GSB-Widening Madhucon Projects Limited Paget “Construction of Two-Lane with Hard Shoulders of Chakabama - Zunheboto Road on EPC basis from Existing Km 79.042 to Km 100.345 [Design Km. 75.000 to Km, 95,000] (Design Length - Km. 20.000) in the State of Nagaland under SARDP-NE Phase A” National Highways é& Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited Almondz Global Infra-Consultant Limited and Manglam Associates (JV) STAGE PAYMENT STATEMENT-21 Measurement Sheet - Sub Base Course (GSB) A. Widening and Strengthening existing road 75+955 2 a 3 76+990 2 corr 2) wis sr58 5 77+210 77+350 140 BHS ‘SPS-08 6 77+400. 78+340 940 BHS ‘SPS-08 7 78+340 78+570 230 BHS ‘SPS-08 8 78+570 78+815 245 BHS SPS-08 2 [ames | aoe 25 ae S509 10 79+400 79+520 120 BHS ‘SPS-09 u 79+880, 79+990 110 BHS ‘SPS-14 12 79+990 80+100 110 BHS ‘SPS-20 13 80+100 80+210 110 BHS SPS-14 4 80+405 80+500 95 BHS ‘SPS-14 15 80+500, 80+590 90 BHS ‘SPS-09 a 0 Be 3509 17 80+780. 80+790 10 BHS SPS-15 ; 18 80°790 804810 20 BHS SPS-14 ia ae Ta ae Ss [ 20 80+820 80+880 60 BHS SPS-14 sexs ys pause Presents ad Prabhakar Mishra Sanjay Kumar aes fsa eoneeee pees General Manager AGICL-MA (JV) AGICL-MA (JV) Madhucon Projects Limited Authority's Engineer ‘Authonty's Engineer STAGE PAYMENT STATEMENT-21 GSB-Widening Page2 ‘Measurement Sheet - Sub Base Course (GSB) A. Widening and Strengthening existing road 80+880 81+000 81+000 814180 B 81450 814460 10 BAS SPS-12 24 81460 814545, 85 BES 2B 817595 814700 105 BHS 26 81700 81-710 0 BHS 8 81+940 824110 170 BHS 2 824155 824270 15 BHS 30 824270 824610 340 3i azr685 824755 110 32 82+895 834230 335, 3 834265 834500 25 3 83+500 834680 180 35 83+725 844-060 335, 36 844125 844160 35 a7 844255 844320 6 38 84360 844450 0 39 84505 844740 235 40 849765 84855 0 a 81900 854050 150 2 854250 854350 100 8 85+520 85+800 280 4 85+970 86+650 680 ‘ 5 86*700 86+850 150 BHS 46 86+850 86+980 130 BS | 47 | __86+980 87+010 30 BHS For, fiotusorrs i Fiforised Signatory) Suresh Pothineni General Manager Madhucon Projects Limited Prabhakar Mishra Resident Engineer ‘AGICLMA (JV) Authority's Engineer Sanjay Kumar Team Leader AGICLMA (V) ‘Authority's Engineer STAGE PAYMENT STATEMENT-21 GSB-Widening Pages Measurement Sheet - Sub Base Course (GSB) A. Widening and Strengthening existing road 87+010 874065 874070 874250 32 874350 87700 350 BHS 53 874700 86+140 440 BHS [ 4 88170 85+285 15 BHS 3 884340 Ce BHS 56 884395 85+620 25 BS. 7 85620 85+640 20 BAS 38 884640 88810 170 BHS Ey 884810 88+830 20 BHS Ey 88+830 88+910 80 BHS a 88+960 88+980 20 BHS a2 88+980 894230 250 BHS 3 894230 89+305 B DHS: o 89410 894810 400 BHS SPS-14 6 894895 894950 55 BRS SPS-14 66 90-010 90*200 190 BHS SPS-14 L@ 904235 90+400 175 BHS SPS14 8 90400 90500 100 BHS SPS-20 o 90640 90*740 100 BHS SPS-21 70 904740 90+965 25 BHS SPS-20 7 914005 91030 3 BHS SPS-A5 . 2 91030 91150 320 BHS SPS-A2 [a _ [oreo 31730 Bo, Bis ssaz [7 914730 01+780 50 BHS ‘SPS-20 For, Mi ENE a Prabhakar Mishra Sanjay Kuma ‘Suresh Pothineni Resident Engineer Team Leade General Manager AGICL-MA (WV) AGICLMA WV cz4 GSB-Widening Pages STAGE PAYMENT STATEMENT-21 Measurement Sheet - Sub Base Course (GSB) A. Widening and Strengthening existing road Grand Total Up to SPS-21 ‘Total Length Claimed Up to SPS-20 Net Payable in this SPS-21 yoon PD lad ropppusparcen woes! Rathorised Signatory) Prabhakar Mishra Sanjay Kumar ‘Suresh Pothineni Resident Engineer ‘Team Leader General Manager ‘AGICL-MA (JV) AGICL-MA (JV) cz4 GSB-Realignment Paget Project Name “Construction of Two-Lane with Hard Shoulders of Chakabama - Zunheboto Road on EPC bain frou Eaiviing, Kut 79.052 iv Kus 100.345 [Design Ku, 73.000 to Km, 95.000] (Design Length - Km. 20.000) in the State of Nagaland under SARDP-NE Phase A” Authority National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited Authority's Engineer Almondz Global Infra-Consultant Limited and Manglam Associates (JV) Contractor Madhucon Projects Limited STAGE PAYMENT STATEMENT-21 Measurement Sheet - Sub Base Course (GSB) B.1- Reconstruction/New 2 lane realignment/bypass (Flexible pavement) 2 75+020 75+380 360 BHS SPS-09 3 75+380 75+500 120 BHS ‘SPS-08 4 ‘75+955, 76+005 50 BHS ‘SPS-08. 5 7o+00S Foro 05> Hl SPS-i2 eet ee = 7 76+990, 77+020 30 BHS SPS-09 9 7+350 77+400 50 BHS 10 794100, 79+400 300 BHS 1 794520 79+880 360 BHS 12 80+210, 80+365, 155 BHS 43 804365 804375 iit es [gee fi 14 80+375, 80+405, 30 BHS 15 80+590 80+650 60 BHS 16 81+180 81+450 270 BHS tees +s + + sac ‘sian To oe ‘AGICL-MA (JV) AGICL-MA (JV) rie cz-4 GSB-Realignment Page? STAGE PAYMENT STATEMENT-21 Measurement Sheet - Sub Base Course (GSB) B.1- Reconstruction/New 2 lane realignmen/bypass (Flexible pavement) 82+895, 2B 83+230 83+265 35 BHS SPS-16 24 834680 83+725, 45 BHS SPS-10 2B 84+060 844125, 65 BHS SPS-11 26 84+160 84+255 95 BHS SPS-A1 7 844320 84+360 40 BHS SPS-11 28 844450 84+505 55 BHS SPS-11 29 844740 844765 25 BHS SPS-11 30. 844855 84+900 45 BHS SPS-11 31 854050 85+250 200 BHS SPS-11 32 854350 85+520 170 BHS SPS-1L 33 85+800 85+900 100 BHS SPS-10 34 ‘854900 85+970 70 BHS SPS14 35 864650 86+700 50 BHS. SPS-10 36 87+085 87+250 165 BHS SPS-12 37 884140 (884170 30 BHS: SPS-21 38 884285 88+340 55 BHS SPS-10 39 88+910 88+960 50 BHS SPS-10 40 89+305 89+320 15 BHS SPS-10 4a 894320 89400 80 I BHS SPS-16 2 89+400 894410 10 BHS SPS-14 89+950 90+010 60. BHS, SPS-14 45 90+200 90+225 25 BHS SPS-14 46 90+500 90+540 40 BHS: SPS-21 a7 90+965 91+005 40. BHS SPS-21 48 914150 91+600 450 BHS SPS-12 49 92+080 924135 55 BHS SPS-14 Ges f Nuon Poles Ltd ec aaa eter) Prabhakar Mishra ‘Sanjay Kumar ‘Suresh Pothineni Resident Engineer ‘Team Leader General Manager ‘AGICL-MA (JV) AGICL-MA (JV) cz4 GSB-Realignment Pages STAGE PAYMENT STATEMENT-21 Measurement Sheet - Sub Base Course (GSB) B.1- Reconstruction/New 2 lane realignment/bypass (Flexible pavement) 92+195 924655 93+340 934460 93+745 944150 944345 944372 944375 94+380 94480 94+800 Grand Total Up to SPS-21 Total Length Claimed Up to SPS-20 Net Payable in this SPS-21 FS ug Pda Prabhakar Mishra ‘Sanjay Kumar ‘Suresh Pothineni Resident Engineer Team Leader General Manager ‘AGICL-MA (JV) AGICL-MA (JV) Madhucon Projects Limited Authority's Engineer Authority's Engineer cz4 WMM.Widening Paget Project Name “Construction of Two-Lane with Hard Shoulders of Chakabama - Zunheboto Road on EPC basis from Existing Km 79,042 to Km 100,345 [Design Km. 75.000 to ‘Km. 95.000] (Design Length - Km. 20,000) in the State of Nagaland under SARDP- NE Phase A” ‘Authority National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited Authority's Engineer Almondz Global Infra-Consultant Limited and Manglam Associates Contractor Madhucon Projects Limited STAGE PAYMENT STATEMENT-21 ‘Measurement Sheet ion Bituminous Base Course (WMM) A. Widening and Strengthening existing road 75+500 75+955, a 76+010 76+180 3 76+400 76+990 4 7+020 77#150 130 BHS: 130 SPS-09 5 77+210 774350 140 BHS: 140 SPS-09 6 77+400 78+340 940 ‘BHS 940 SPS-09 a 78+340 78+570 230 BHS: 230 SPS-09 8 78+570 78+815, 245 BHS 245 SPS-09 9 78+815, 79+100 285 BHS 285 ‘SPS-10 10 79+400 79+520 120 BHS: 120 SPS-10 1 79+880 80+000 120 BHS: 120 SPS0 2 80+000 80+100 100 BHS 100 ‘SPS-20 2B 80+100 80+210 110 BHS: 110 SPS14 14 80+405 80+500 95 BHS 95: SPS-14 15 an500) Rne500) 20) BHS on SPS10 16 80+650 80+780 130 BHS 130 SPS-10 7 80+780 80+790 10 BHS 10 SPS-15 » [18 80+790 80+810 20 BHS 20 SPS-14 19 B0+8I0 80+820 iw bus 30 SPSS 20 80+820 80+880 60. BHS 60, SPS-14 2 80+880 81+000 120 BHS 120 SPS-10 2 81+000 814180 180 BHS: 180 SPS-13 Nps Lid ised Prabhakar Mishra ‘Sanjay Kumar ‘Suresh Pothineni Resident Engineer Team Leader General Manager AGICL-MA (JV) AGICL-MA (JV) Madhucon Projects limited Authority's Engineer ‘Authority's Engineer cz4 WMM-Widening Page2 STAGE PAYMENT STATFMENT-21 Measurement Sheet : Non Bituminous Base Course (WMM) ‘A. Widening and Strengthening existing road 81+450, 81+460, 26 814595, 81+710 115 115 ‘SPS-14 7 810765 81910 175 175 SPS-14 28 81+940 82+110 170 170 ‘SPS-13 azri55 B2270 15 BAS 15 SrS3 30 821270 82450 180 BAS 180 SPSS 31 82450 82+610 160 BAS 160 SPS 32 82+645 82+755 110 BHS 110 SPS-11 33 82+895, (83+230 335 BHS 335 ‘SPS-11 a4 83+265, 83+500 235 BHS 235 ‘SPS-11 35 83+500 83+680 180 BAS 180 SPS 36 (83+725 84+060 335 BHS 335 SPS-13 37 84+125 84+160 35 BHS 35, ‘SPS-14 38 84+255, 84+320 65 BHS 65 ‘SPS-14 39 84+360 (84+450 90 BHS 90 SPS-17 40 844505 ‘84+660 155 BHS 155, ‘SPS-17 41 84+660 80 BHS 80 SPS-16 42 84+765, 3 BHS 25 ‘SPS-17 B 84+790 65 BHS 65 ‘SPS-16 44 84+000 150 as ps4 5 354250 100 BS 100 SP5-16 46 85+520 280 BHS 280 ‘SPS-13 * 47 85+970 150 BHS: 150 ‘SPS-14 9 86+600 86+650 50 BAS 50 SPS15 50 86+700 86+850 150 BHS 150 ‘SPS-20 51 86+850 86+980 130 BHS 130 ‘SPS-15 is five rivets id LT haiay sions Caneaeonee cen aee General Manager AGICL-MA (JV) AGICL-MA (JV) Madhucon Projects limited Authority's Engi Authority's Engineer cz4 WMM.Widening Pages STAGE PAYMENT STATEMENT- Measurement Sheet : Non Bituminous Base Course (WMM) ‘A. Widening and Strengthening existing road S.No From To ev Side ~ 36 37800 874900 700 BAS 100 SPS 7 37900 88+040 140 BAS 140 SPS17 38 35040 aee1a0 700 BAS 70 SPs 3 384170 350285 15 BES 15 SPS-21 o 36340 5460 120 Bis 720 SPs ai 38460 88+780 220 BHS 320 SPSS @ 38780 Ber10 30 BHS 30 SPS16 @ 354810 88+830 20 BAS 20 SP520 o 354830 884850 20 BHS 20 SPSi6 6 38+850 35910 #0 BHS o SPS | 35960 587980 20 BHS 20 SPS15 a 38980 39230 250 BHS 250 SPS20 @ 394230 89305 a Bis % SPs21 @ 89410 99500 90 BHS 0 SPS 70 39500 39+600 700 BHS 700 SPS16 7i 39600 59810 210 BAS 20 SPS15 7 394895 59950 5 BHS 5 SPS15 73 90010 90100 %0 BHS 0 SPS 74 90100 90200 700 BHS 100 SPSi4 7 90225 90-260 5 BHS 35 SPS15 76 90260 90400 140 BHS 140 SPS16 77 90-400 90500 100 | _BHS 100 SP520 73 30-690 904740 100 BAS 700 srs 2 90-740 90765 % BHS B SPS-20 30 900765 90965 200 BHIS 200 SPS-21 inucon Projects Lid Prabhakar Mishra Sanjay Kumar ‘Suresh Pothineni Resident Engineer Team Leader Generai Manager AGICL-MA (JV) AGICL-MA (JV) Madhucon Projects limited Authority's Engineer Authority's Engineer cz4 WMM-Widening Page4 Measurement Sheet : Non Bituminous Base Course (WMM) ‘A. Widening and Strengthening existing road 91+030 91+150 914710 91+730 914795 92+080 87 924135 924195 60 BHS: 60. SPS-15 88. 92+235 924250 15 BHS: 15 SPS-15 89, 924250 92+280 30 BHS: 30, SPS-16 90, 924280 92+500 220 BHS 220 SPS-15 92+580 924655 92+70 93+280 93+340 93+460 93+870 94+000 94+150 94+345 94+800 94+855 95+000 Grand Total Up to SPS-21 Total Length Claimed Up to SPS-20 ‘Net Payable in this SPS-21 Prabhakar Mishra ‘Sanjay Kumar ‘Suresh Pothineni Resident Engineer Team Leader General Manager AGICL-MA (JV) AGICL-MA (JV) Madhucon Projects limited Authority's Engineer Authority’s Engineer cz4 WMM-Realignment Paget Project Name “Construction of Two-Lane with Hard Shoulders of Chakabama - Zunheboto Road on EPC basis from Existing Km 79.042 to Km 100,345 [Design Km. 75.000 to ‘Km. 95.000] (Design Length - Km. 20.000) in the State of Nagaland under SARDP- NE Phase A” Authority National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited Authority's Engineer Almondz. Global Infra-Consultant Limited and Manglam Associates Contractor ‘Madhucon Projects Limited STAGE PAYMENT STATEMENT-21 Measurement Sheet : Non Bituminous Base Course (WMM) B.1- Reconstruction/New 2 lane realignment/bypass (Flexible pavement) 1 75+400 400 SPS-10 a 75+500 100 SPS5-09 3 75+955 76+005 50 BHS: 50 SPS-09 4 76+005 76+010 05 BHS: 05 SPS-13 5 76+180 76+400 220 BHS, 20 SPS-09 7 77+150 77+210 60. BHS, 60 SPS-10 8 77+350 77400 50. BHS: 50 SPS-09 9 79+100 79+400 300 BHS 300 SPS-09 10 794520 79+880 360 [Bes 360 SPS-10 Co 80#210 804365 155 BHS: 155 SPS-14 2 80+365, 804375 10 BHS 10 SPS-17 cy 804375 804405 30 BHS| 30. SPS14 14 80+590 80+650 60. BHS| 60. ‘SPS14 15 81+180 814450 270 BHS| 270 SPS13 16 814545, 814595 50 BHS| 50. SPS14 7 814710 814765 55, ‘BHS 55, SPS14 18 82+110 824155 45 BHS 45 SPS-13 19 82+610 824645 ooh BHS: 35 SPS-14 20 82+755 824875 120 BHS 120 SPs a 82+875, 824895 20 BHS: 20 SPS14 2 83+230 83+265 35 BHS. Eg SPS-21 Prabhakar Mishra ‘Sanjay Kumar ‘Suresh Pothineni Resident Engineer Team Leader General Manager ‘AGICL-MA (JV) AGICL-MA (JV) Madhucon Projects limited Authonty’s Engine Authority's Engineer cz WMIM-Realignment Page2 Measurement Sheet : Non Bituminous Base Course (WMM) B.1- Reconstruction/New 2 lane realignment/bypass (Flexible pavement) 23 24 25 26 7 84450 844505 35 BES 35 SPS 2B 84740 844765 25 BAS Ey SPS16 29 84+855 84900 5 BS Go SS 30 85+050 854250 200 BAS 200 SPSA1 a roe) ae500 17 TS 170 spat 32 85+800 854970 170 BHS 170 sP14 3 864650 864700 50 BHS 50 SPSS 4 87+085 874250 165 BHS 165 SPs14 35 88+140 88+170 30 BHS 30 SPS2 36 854285 38330 5 BS: 45 SPS-2 37 884390 88+340 10 BHS 10 SPS2 38 88+910 884960 50 BHS 50 SPS15 9 894005 894410 105 BHS 105 SPSS 40 39610 894895 35 BHS 5 SPS15 a 89+950 w0r010 | 60 BHS 0 SPs a2 90200 90295 25 BHS 25 SPS 8 90+500 904540 40 BS 40 SPS-21 4 904965 91-005 40 BHI 40 4 SPS21 45 914150 914220 70 BAS 70 SPSS, 46 914220 91260 40 BAS 40 SPS16 7 91-260 91420 160 BAS 160 SPS15 48 91420 91550 130 BES 130 SPS-16 » 91550 91600 50 BHS 50 SPSS 50 92+080 924135 55 BHS 55 SPs. 31 924195 924235 40 BHS 40 SPSS Prabhakar Mishra ‘Sanjay Kumar Resident Engineer Team Leader General Manager AGICL-MA (JV) AGICL-MA (JV) Madhucon Projects limited Authority's Engineer ‘Authority's Engineer cz4 WMM-Realignment ‘Measurement Sheet : Non Bituminous Base Course (WMM) B.1- Reconstruction/New 2 lane realignmenY/bypass (Flexible pavement) Effective Length (M) 924655 92+700 SPS-I7 93+340 93+360 SPS-17 93+460 934745 SPS-16 93+ 745 93+850 SPSA7_ 944150 94+290 SPSA7_ 944345 944480 SPS-21 94480 94-+620 94+800 944835 Grand Total Up to SPS-21 Total Length Claimed Up to SPS-20 Net Payable in this SPS-21 Prabhakar Mishra ‘Sanjay Kumar Shiresh Pothineni Resicent Engineer Team leader General Manager AGICL-MA (JV) AGICL-MA (JV) Madhucon Projects limited Authority's Engineer Authority's Engineer cz DBM-Widening Paget Project Name “Construction of Two-Lane with Hard Shoulders of Chakabama - Zunheboto Road on EPC basis from Existing Km 79.042 to Km 100.345 |Design Km. 75.000 to Km. 95.000] (Design Length - Km. 20.000) in the State of Nagaland under SARDP-NE Phase A” ‘Authority National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited Authority's Engineer Almond Global Infra-Consultant Limited and Manglam Associates Contractor Madhucon Projects Limited ‘STAGE PAYMENT STATEMENT- Measurement Sheet : Bituminous Base Course (DBM) A.Widening and Strengthening existing road 1 2 3 4 5 6 7+400 78+340 940 BHS) ‘940 SPS-I a 78+340 78+390 50 BHS 50 SPS 8 78+390 79+100 710 BHS 710 SPS-I1 @ 704400 7o+050) 50 RHS 30

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