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Name : Jaweria Ashraf

Roll no: 10
Semester: 07
Assignment : TESOL
Submitted to: Ma’am Irum

Essay Writing:
Mobile phone should be allowed in the classroom by the teachers:
Mobile phones have revolutionized our lives and it is considered a major addiction in today’s
times. They are at the heart of current social and economic progress of the world. Mobile Phones
are the important form of communication these days and today’s students are referred to as
digital natives. The advantages of mobile phones are indisputable for everyone, so teachers
should permit their use in the classroom.
With the widespread use of smartphones by students, here  are the practical reasons for
allowing smartphones as a learning tool in the classroom. First of all, students learn in a way
they are comfortable in. Smartphones are people's intuitive. More and more students know how
to use them, and they are becoming the most used “tool” by students. Secondly, students can get
answers quickly without any confusion and make things clear and  they also have access to
educational apps. There are many educational apps available on a wide range of subjects for all
kinds of learners. Plus, students (and you, the teacher) will love the change from regular lecture
instruction through slides, YouTube videos and using word-based documents in a shift form too.
Moreover, smartphones allow for social learning as they help to browse the internet for
the collection of information. They search for their study topics and use materials to make notes
to study effectively. It improves their knowledge. Moreover, students send and receive
documents and do their assignments using smart phones. Smartphones can allow students to
work in groups on projects, sharing information and discoveries. They can move toward a
common goal, again, in a format they are comfortable using. There are some disadvantages, like
it is a huge distraction considered in being a classroom. Students will not pay attention to
lectures. And, for some, the ability to just look online for answers instead of spending time
researching and learning things the hard way, can stop them from deep learning a subject. In this
regard, teachers can be a positive force in helping students use them properly in the classroom.
They should set ground rules for smartphones in the classroom, along with clear expectations of
what happens if they’re used inappropriately or break the rules while learning.
To conclude, mobile phones , though an essential part of today’s  life  and  in the
classroom, can  improve students' performance and help them to have better learning outcomes.
It can save time, prevent them from carrying heavy bags with textbooks and notebooks and
increase the accessibility of course materials. In this way, their learning process does not end.
They learn even outside of  the class, they find easy access to the world’s biggest library to find
materials for their studies.

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