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FORMAT : QF/05/02

Renata Limited ISSUE NO.

: 01
: 15/06/1998


Head Office: Plot # 1, Section 7, Milk Vita Road Factory: Noyapara
Mirpur, Dhaka - 1216, Bangladesh Rajendrapur, Gazipur - 1700, Bangladesh

Phone: 88-02-8001450 Fax: 88-02-8001446 Phone: 06825-55148 Fax: 06825-55148

Magnet Packers Ltd. PO No. 2023-06-02-004143 (V-0) Date 10-JUL-23

KEWA,Boiragirchala,Sreepur,Gazipur PR No. Date
1740, Bangladesh QTN No. Date
Phone : Fax :

Please supply the following materials in accordance with the specifications and terms and conditions provided with:
Supplier Site : RMPM Site
CS Number (V) :
Free Delivery to our Location, R03-Cephalosporin Production Facility (RRJCPF)
Item Code Item Name Item Specification Other Specification UOM Quantity Price/ Unit Value in Taka
105110496 Foil: Ptd(Exp) Orcef 400mg Appearance: Printed aluminium foil. V01 Kilogr 10 980 9800.00
Tabs. 253mm (Gen - CPF) Foil Width: (252.00 – 254.00) mm. am
Total Thickness: [ 23 µm - 28 µm ]
Thickness of Lacquer Part: [ 4 µm - 8 µm ]
Thickness of Aluminium Part: [ 18.4 µm - 21.6 µm ]
Grammage: (52.00 – 67.00) g/m2.
Identification: Responds to the test for aluminium.
Text and Color: As per standard copy and design.
Ink Lifting: No color or printing should be lifted on
the cello tape.
Mfg. Lic. Nos.: 273 & 501.
DAR No.: 353-167-023.
Pin hole: Nil
Item Code: 105110496.
Shipping damage: Nil
Microbial limit test: Total Aerobic Microbial Count
(TAMC): NMT 50 cfu/100 cm2, Total Yeast and
Mold Count (TYMC): NMT 05 cfu/100 cm2,
Absence of Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas
aeruginosa, Escherichia coli and Salmonella species.
Acceptable Quality Levels(AQLs) of Defects:
Critical Defects: AQL- NMT 0.01%, Major Defects:
AQL- NMT 1.0%, Minor Defects: AQL- NMT

Total Taka 9,800.00

Add VAT @Taka 15% 1,470.00
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FORMAT : QF/05/02

Renata Limited ISSUE NO.

: 01
: 15/06/1998

Grand Total Taka 11,270.00

Discount Taka 0.00
Payable Taka 11,270.00
Total : Taka Eleven Thousand Two Hundred Seventy And Zero Paise Only

N.B.: The price is inclusive of all taxes and duties. In case of VAT imposed, VAT chalan must be attached with delivery chalan & bill for payment.
Delivery: 17-July-23
Goods shall be supplied as per our Q.A. approval.
Remarks: 10-July-23, Req dt. 5-July -23 from Mr. Imrul
For Renata Limited


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FORMAT : QF/05/02

Renata Limited ISSUE NO.

: 01
: 15/06/1998

Terms & Conditions:

1. The goods shall be delivered by installment upon request at the place specified and at suppliers expenses unless otherwise stated.
2. Delivery of goods will not be accepted unless accompanied by an invoice.
3. The goods shall be in accordance with the sample and/or as per specification. Goods delivered will be accepted subject to
inspection of our Quality Assurance Department; and all goods rejected for inferior quality and/or for failure to satisfy the specification
will be returned at the supplier''s cost
4. Rejected Materials must be removed within one week of rejection, otherwise will be destroyed by the company at the cost of
supplier.Rejected printed materials are not returnable and are destroyed in presence of vendor.
5. Dulicate copy of the Purchase Order to be signed as a token of acceptance of the order.
6. Delivery must be effected within the time stated, failing which the company reserves the right to purchase the goods from the open
market and to charge the supplier with any loss incurred as a result thereof, or to cancel the order.
7. In the case of plants, machines and fittings ordered for whether imported or of local manufacture, those must be erected, installed
or delivered at the specified place in perfect working condition, failing which all expenses incurred to put those in working condition
at the specified place will have to be borne by the supplier.
8. In case of labels, cartons product insert Caps, Seals, Stoppers, droppers and spoons 5% more or less in the supply is acceptable.
9. The company shall have the option to cancel the whole order or to reject the goods in case of short deliveries. Part deliveries
will be accepted only if specified so.
10. All supplies are to be accompanied by delivery Chalans in duplicate and original VAT Chalans.
11. The Bill and delivery Chalans shall contain reference to purchase order number.
12. Payment will be made after 30 days of receiving the goods subject to receiving approval from our QAD.
13. Bill without VAT Chalan will not be accepted for payment.

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