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The Use of Targeted Biomarkers for Chronic

Kidney Disease
Prasad Devarajan
There is a paucity of sensitive and specific biomarkers for the early prediction of CKD progression. The recent application of in-
novative technologies such as functional genomics, proteomics, and biofluid profiling has uncovered several new candidates
that are emerging as predictive biomarkers of CKD. The most promising among these include urinary proteins such as neutro-
phil gelatinase-associated lipocalin, kidney injury molecule-1, and liver-type fatty acid binding protein. In addition, an improved
understanding of the complex pathophysiologic processes underlying CKD progression has also provided discriminatory bio-
markers of CKD progression that are being actively evaluated. Candidates included in this category are plasma proteins such as
asymmetric dimethylarginine, adiponectin, apolipoprotein A-IV, fibroblast growth factor 23, neutrophil gelatinase-associated
lipocalin, and the natriuretic peptides, as well as urinary N-acetyl-b-D-glucosaminidase. This review represents a critical
appraisal of the current status of these emerging CKD biomarkers. Currently, none of these are ready for routine clinical use.
Additional large, multicenter prospective studies are needed to validate the biomarkers, identify thresholds and cut-offs for
prediction of CKD progression and adverse events, assess the effects of confounding variables, and establish the ideal assays.
Q 2010 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.
Key Words: Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin, Kidney injury molecule-1, Asymmetric dimethylarginine, Adiponectin,
Fibroblast growth factor 23

The Urgent Need for Targeted Chronic Kidney GFR by hyperfiltration and compensatory hypertrophy
Disease Biomarkers of the remaining healthy nephrons.8 This adaptability of
nephrons allows for continued clearance of plasma sol-
C KD is a global epidemic with an increasing preva-
lence worldwide.1 In 2003, its prevalence among the
adult population in the United States was reported to be
utes, so that the plasma markers used in calculating
eGFR (creatinine and urea) show significant increases
only after the GFR reduces by about 50%. In addition,
11%;2 however, it is clearly increasing at an alarming
these plasma markers are confounded by a large number
rate.3 Recent refinements to the kidney function estimat-
of variables, including age, gender, race, muscle mass,
ing equations4,5 as well as the widespread adoption of
muscle metabolism, hydration status, and medica-
a 5-stage classification system6 have increased awareness,
tions.9,10 Furthermore, the enhanced tubular secretion of
standardized staging, and facilitated management of
creatinine which is characteristically encountered at
CKD. In addition, effective strategies are now available
lower rates of GFR results in an overestimation of renal
to potentially slow down the progression of CKD and re-
duce the risk of cardiovascular events.1 Although several
Proteinuria (or more specifically, albuminuria and mi-
clinical risk factors for the progression of CKD have been
croalbuminuria) has also been used as a marker of CKD
identified,7 at least 2 issues remain that have impeded
progression. Recent reports have supported the use of pro-
progress. First, there is a lack of a consensus definition
teinuria for prediction of adverse outcomes in CKD11,12 and
for CKD progression. Several definitions have been
as a surrogate outcome to facilitate clinical trials.13 How-
used in published studies, depending on the clinical set-
ever, a large number of glomerular, tubular, and interstitial
ting and the duration of the study (Table 1). This lack of
pathophysiologic mechanisms can lead to proteinuria, and
uniformity in the definition adds to the difficulties in
significant structural damage has typically already oc-
interpreting the published data, and will likely continue
curred before proteinuria is measureable.14 Progressive
to be a limitation for future observational and interven-
decline in renal function has usually already commenced
tional studies.
at the onset of microalbuminuria.15,16 The predictive
Second, there is a paucity of sensitive and specific
biomarkers for the early prediction of CKD progression.
From the Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, Cincinnati Children’s
In current clinical practice, the most commonly used
Hospital Medical Center, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine,
markers are formulas which measure eGFR and protein- Cincinnati, OH.
uria, both of which are easily available but are flawed. Es- Dr. Devarajan is a co-inventor of patents on the use of NGAL as a biomarker
timations of glomerular filtration rate (GFR)4,5 reflect late of acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease, and is a consultant to Abbott
functional changes, and not early structural alterations in Diagnostics and Biosite, Inc.
Address correspondence to Prasad Devarajan, MD, Division of Nephrology
the kidney that would identify subtle damage. Functional
and Hypertension, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, University
changes are inherently delayed because of the well of Cincinnati College of Medicine, MLC 7022, 3333 Burnet Avenue,
known concept of ‘‘renal reserve’’; irrespective of the Cincinnati, OH 45229-3039. E-mail:
underlying disease, with progressive destruction of Ó 2010 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.
nephrons, the kidney has an innate ability to maintain 1548-5595/$36.00

Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease, Vol 17, No 6 (November), 2010: pp 469-479 469
470 Devarajan

Table 1. Commonly Used End Points as Measures of CKD Table 2. Desirable Properties of CKD Biomarkers
Noninvasive—use easily accessible samples such as urine or
Doubling of serum creatinine blood
Decline in GFR by 50% Easy to perform—use standardized clinical laboratory assays
Need for dialysis or kidney transplantation Biologic plausibility—correlate with pathophysiology, reflect
Yearly or monthly decline in GFR severity of injury
Worsening of proteinuria Sensitive—facilitate early detection, minimize false negatives
Graft loss Wide dynamic range—facilitate risk stratification
Specific—facilitate diagnosis, minimize false positives
Predictive—predict CKD progression, cardiovascular
value of microalbuminuria has recently been questioned complications, and mortality
because a large proportion of diabetic patients with Theranostic—monitor response to interventions
microalbuminuria revert to normoalbuminuria, and only
a minority progress to overt proteinuria.17 Downstream proteomic analyses also revealed NGAL
Thus, improved biomarkers are clearly required to to be one of the most highly induced proteins in the
stratify subjects who are at greatest risk for CKD progres- kidney after ischemic or nephrotoxic AKI in animal
sion, and who might maximally benefit from increased models.23-25 The serendipitous finding that NGAL
surveillance, early prevention, and specific interventions. protein was easily detected in the urine soon after AKI
Such biomarkers may also serve as important surrogate in animal studies23-25 has inspired several translational
end points in clinical trials. In addition, they may provide human studies, and NGAL has emerged as an excellent
an improved understanding of the underlying pathogen- biomarker in the urine and plasma for early diagnosis,
esis, and identify novel therapeutic targets. Desirable therapeutic monitoring, and prediction of the prognosis
properties of clinically applicable CKD biomarkers are in common clinical AKI scenarios.26-32 The deployment
outlined in Table 2. of standardized clinical platforms for the rapid and
accurate measurement of NGAL in urine33 and plasma34
The Search for Novel CKD Biomarkers has further facilitated the widespread use and validation
of NGAL as a biomarker.
The quest for early markers of CKD and its progression is
The biologic plausibility of NGAL as a biomarker of
an area of intense contemporary research. The recent ap-
kidney disease is now reasonably well established. Hu-
plication of innovative technologies such as functional
man NGAL protein was originally isolated from second-
genomics, proteomics, and biofluid profiling has uncov-
ary granules of human neutrophils, and subsequently
ered several new candidates that are emerging as predic-
shown to be a 25-kDa protein covalently bound to neutro-
tive biomarkers of both acute kidney injury (AKI) and
phil gelatinase. NGAL mRNA is normally expressed in
CKD.9,10,18-21 The most promising biomarkers among
a variety of adult human tissues, including prostate,
these include urinary proteins such as neutrophil
salivary gland, stomach, colon, trachea, lung, liver, and
gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL), kidney injury
kidney.32 Several of these tissues are prone to exposure
molecule-1 (KIM-1), and liver-type fatty acid binding
to microorganisms, and constitutively express NGAL
protein (L-FABP), as shown in Table 3. In addition, an im-
protein at low levels. The major ligands for NGAL are
proved understanding of the complex pathophysiologic
siderophores, which are small iron-binding molecules.
processes underlying CKD progression has also pro-
Siderophores are synthesized by bacteria to scavenge
vided discriminatory biomarkers of CKD progression
iron from the surroundings, and use specific transporters
that are under active evaluation.7,14 Candidates
to recover the siderophore:iron complex, ensuring their
included in this category are plasma proteins such as
iron supply. Therefore, the siderophore-chelating prop-
asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA), adiponectin,
erty of NGAL renders it as a bacteriostatic agent. In con-
apolipoprotein A-IV (apoA-IV), fibroblast growth factor
trast, siderophores produced by eukaryotes participate in
23 (FGF23), NGAL, natriuretic peptides, as well as
NGAL-mediated iron shuttling which is critical to vari-
urinary N-acetyl-b-D-glucosaminidase (NAG). In this
ous cellular responses such as proliferation and differen-
review, the current status of these emerging CKD
tiation.35 This property provides a potential molecular
biomarkers will be critically appraised. For each
mechanism for the documented role of NGAL in enhanc-
candidate, an attempt will be made to outline the
ing the epithelial phenotype.36 In the context of kidney
discovery, biologic plausibility, clinical status, and
injury, the biological role of early and rapid NGAL induc-
limitations as a CKD biomarker.
tion is one of marked preservation of function, attenua-
tion of apoptosis, and an enhanced proliferative
Neutrophil Gelatinase-associated Lipocalin
response.25,32 As expected, gene expression studies in
Preclinical complementary DNA (cDNA) microarray AKI have demonstrated a rapid and massive
studies in animal models of AKI identified Ngal (also upregulation of NGAL mRNA in the distal nephron
known as lipocalin 2 or lcn2) to be one of the earliest segments—specifically in the thick ascending limb of
and most upregulated genes in the kidney.18,22 Henle’s loop and the collecting ducts.35 The resultant
Biomarkers in CKD 471

Table 3. Characteristics of Promising Novel CKD Biomarkers

Biomarker Sample Origin Biological Function
NGAL Urine Distal tubule, collecting duct Promotes tubule cell survival and proliferation, limits tubule cell apoptosis
KIM-1 Urine Proximal tubule Promotes epithelial regeneration, regulates tubule cell apoptosis
L-FABP Urine Proximal tubule Endogenous antioxidant, suppresses tubulointerstitial damage
NAG Urine Proximal tubule Glycosidase activity in lysosomes of proximal tubule cells
NGAL Blood Liver, lung, neutrophils Acute phase reactant, marker of organ cross-talk after kidney injury
ADMA Blood Methylated proteins Inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase, promotes endothelial damage and sclerosis
Adiponectin Blood Adipose tissue Improves insulin sensitivity, anti-inflammatory, antiatherogenic
ApoA-IV Blood Intestinal enterocytes Reverse cholesterol transport pathway, antiatherogenic
FGF23 Blood Osteocytes, osteoblasts Phosphaturic, reduction of circulating calcitriol, inhibition of parathyroid
hormone secretion
ANP, BNP Blood Stretched heart walls Natriuresis, diuresis, vasodilation, regulation of cardio-renal axis, anti-fibrotic

Abbreviations: NGAL, neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin; KIM-1, kidney injury molecule-1; L-FABP, liver-type fatty acid binding
protein; NAG, N-acetyl-b-D-glucosaminidase; ADMA, asymmetric dimethylarginine; apoA-IV, apolipoprotein A-IV; FGF23, fibroblast growth
factor 23; ANP, A-type natriuretic peptide; BNP, B-type natriuretic peptide.

synthesis of NGAL protein in the distal nephron and dilated microcystic tubules in a transgenic mouse model
secretion into the urine comprises the major fraction of of HIVAN, suggesting the effectiveness of urine NGAL
urinary NGAL. Although plasma NGAL is freely filtered for the early diagnosis of CKD because of HIVAN.43
by the glomerulus, it is largely reabsorbed in the proxi- Elevated levels of NGAL, as well as an inverse correlation
mal tubules. Thus, any urinary excretion of NGAL is with GFR, have now been documented in several
likely only when a kidney disease precludes proximal tu- publications examining patients with CKD as a result of
bular NGAL reabsorption, and/or induces distal tubular membranous nephropathy,43-45 primary focal segmental
de novo NGAL synthesis. Regarding plasma NGAL, the glomerulosclerosis,43 type-2 diabetic nephropathy,46,47
kidney itself does not appear to be a major source. NGAL and in a mixed population with CKD stages 2 to 4.48,49
protein released into the circulation from distant organs Urinary NGAL levels also highly correlated with the
such as the liver and lung constitute a distinct systemic degree of proteinuria in patients with CKD because of
pool. Additional contributions to the systemic pool may immunoglobulin A (IgA) nephropathy,39 membranous
be derived from activated neutrophils, macrophages, nephropathy,43-45 type-2 diabetic nephropathy,46,47 and
and other immune cells. Furthermore, any decrease in early type-1 diabetic nephropathy,50,51 further indicating
GFR would decrease the renal clearance of NGAL, with that there is a relationship between biomarker
subsequent accumulation in the systemic circulation in concentration and disease severity. Urinary NGAL has
patients with CKD. also been correlated with the degree of histologic
Interestingly, animal models of AKI-to-CKD transition damage in IgA nephropathy.39 Both serum and urinary
have identified NGAL and KIM-1 as 2 of the most upregu- NGAL levels are significantly elevated in type-1 diabetes
lated genes and proteins in the kidney, revealing a possible mellitus despite normal urinary albumin excretion,
role for these proteins as biomarkers of the chronically in- suggesting NGAL as a more sensitive and predictive
jured kidney.37 NGAL protein expression was first noted biomarker than microalbuminuria in this population.51
to be markedly increased in kidney biopsy samples from Both serum and urine NGAL concentrations increased
human beings with a variety of chronic glomerular and tu- in subjects chronically treated with cyclosporine, with
bular diseases.38,39 Cross-sectional studies revealed that a positive correlation between the levels of the biomarker
CKD is also associated with increased concentrations of and serum cyclosporine despite absence of changes in
NGAL in both urine and plasma when compared with eGFR, suggesting the use of NGAL for the early detection
normal individuals, although not to the same extent as of kidney damage in chronic nephrotoxicity.52 Finally,
in AKI.38 Plasma and urine NGAL in CKD were shown several studies have documented NGAL as a useful mea-
to correlate well with measured (ioversol clearance) or sure of kidney disease activity in chronic lupus nephritis,
estimated GFR.40,41 In a study of subjects with CKD as and as an early predictive marker for relapses.53-57
a result of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney However, only a few studies have examined NGAL as
disease, both urine and plasma NGAL were found to be a discriminatory marker of CKD progression. In a small
elevated and inversely correlated with GFR, and a sub- study of 23 patients with CKD from membranous ne-
set of patients with higher cystic growth displayed the phropathy who were followed up for 12 months,45 those
highest concentrations of urine and plasma NGAL, with the highest baseline levels of urine NGAL displayed
indicating a correlation with disease severity and the greatest reduction in kidney function, with a 3.36 risk
progression.42 A recent report has shown increased uri- ratio of developing a $50% decrease in eGFR. In another
nary NGAL expression in patients with biopsy-proven study of 78 patients with CKD of various etiologies who
human immunodeficiency virus-associated nephropathy were followed up over a mean time of 200 days,58 levels
(HIVAN), and abundant NGAL mRNA expression in of urine NGAL at baseline significantly correlated with
472 Devarajan

future changes in serum creatinine (r ¼ 0.77; P ¼ .0002) common. However, the differentiation between AKI
and eGFR (r ¼ 20.40; P ¼ .02). Similarly, in a study of and CKD using NGAL levels has been easy in the clinical
74 individuals with type-2 diabetic nephropathy fol- setting, considering the much more robust increase in
lowed up for 1 year,47 urine NGAL concentrations at biomarker levels that are characteristic of AKI.31 Indeed,
baseline correlated with follow-up levels of eGFR (r ¼ urine NGAL levels increase by about 20-fold when sub-
20.57, P , .001), serum creatinine (r ¼ 0.57, P , .001), jects with CKD develop AKI.64 Plasma NGAL measure-
and cystatin C (r ¼ 0.56, P , .001). In the largest study re- ments may be influenced by several coexisting variables
ported to date,49 96 subjects with CKD stages 2 to 4 result- such as chronic hypertension, systemic infections, inflam-
ing from a variety of causes were followed up for matory conditions, anemia, hypoxia, and malignan-
a median time of 18.5 months, during which 32% of the cies.65-67 In addition, NGAL has been shown to be
subjects reached the composite end point for CKD pro- expressed in human atherosclerotic plaques,68 which may
gression (doubling of baseline serum creatinine and/or also influence plasma NGAL measurements. Urine
onset of ESRD). Both urine and plasma NGAL levels at NGAL levels may be increased in urinary tract infections.69
baseline predicted CKD progression, independent of Future studies should be aimed at addressing all of these
other factors such as eGFR and age. High values at base- limitations, taking into account these potential confound-
line for both serum and urine NGAL were associated ing variables. Currently, the routine measurements of
with a significantly faster evolution to the composite NGAL in patients with CKD cannot be recommended.
end point. The area under the receiver operating charac-
teristic curve (AUC) for predicting CKD progression was
Kidney Injury Molecule 1
0.78 for baseline urine NGAL and 0.70 for baseline serum
NGAL, both indicating good diagnostic accuracy. Preclinical subtractive hybridization screens identified
Recent preliminary studies have also suggested a role kidney injury molecule 1 (Kim-1) as a gene that is mark-
for NGAL as an efficacy biomarker during treatments for edly upregulated in ischemic rat kidneys.70 Downstream
CKD. A decrease in urinary NGAL levels have been proteomic studies have also shown KIM-1 to be one of the
shown to herald the response to therapies in patients most highly induced proteins in the kidney after AKI in
with nephrotic syndrome,59 membranous nephropathy animal models. KIM-1 is a transmembrane protein that
treated with intravenous immunoglobulin,60 and hyper- is not expressed in the normal kidney, but is specifically
tensive subjects treated with angiotensin receptor upregulated in dedifferentiated proximal tubule cells af-
blockers.61 In CKD subjects treated with chronic hemodi- ter ischemic or nephrotoxic AKI. It has been identified as
alysis, plasma NGAL concentrations were found to corre- a phosphatidylserine receptor that transforms epithelial
late well with measures of dialysis adequacy, suggesting cells into phagocytes by recognizing cell surface-specific
a role for this biomarker in guiding the management of epitopes which are expressed by apoptotic tubular epi-
dialysis prescriptions.62,63 thelia.71 A proteolytically processed extracellular domain
Collectively, the studies reported in this article indicate of KIM-1 is detectable in the urine soon after AKI.72
that NGAL is emerging as a promising biomarker for the KIM-1 represents a promising biomarker for the early
early detection and staging of CKD, for predicting pro- diagnosis of AKI and its clinical outcomes.73-75 The
gression, and for monitoring the response to interven- recent availability of a rapid urine dipstick test for
tions. However, there are several limitations that should KIM-1 will facilitate its further evaluation in preclinical
be acknowledged. First, they represent single center stud- and clinical studies.76
ies with relatively small numbers of cases, and the results Preliminary studies have reported the potential useful-
will need to be confirmed in larger multicenter trials. ness of KIM-1 as a CKD biomarker. In a kidney biopsy
Second, most studies report only statistical associations, study of 74 patients with CKD from various etiologies,
but do not provide sensitivity, specificity, and AUCs for KIM-1 was primarily expressed at the luminal side of
the diagnosis of CKD progression, which are essential dedifferentiated proximal tubules in areas with fibrosis
to determine the accuracy of the biomarker. Third, most and inflammation.77 KIM-1 staining in the kidney
publications have reported on results obtained using correlated positively with morphological damage and
research-based enzyme-linked immuno-sorbant assay negatively with renal function. Urinary KIM-1 levels mea-
(ELISA)-type assays, which are impractical from the sured in a subset of these patients were also negatively
clinical utility standpoint. Fourth, the definitions of correlated with eGFR (r ¼ 20.37; P ¼.016). In a prospective
CKD and its progression in the published studies vary study of 145 patients who underwent kidney transplant
widely, but are largely based on the changes in and were followed up for an average of 4 years, elevated
creatinine-based eGFR measurements, which raise the urinary KIM-1 levels were associated with a 5.1-fold
challenge of using a flawed outcome variable to analyze increased risk of graft loss.78 Prediction of graft loss by
the performance of a novel assay. Fifth, increases in KIM-1 was independent of donor age, creatinine clear-
NGAL levels are not specific to CKD. It is well known ance, and proteinuria. In a retrospective study of nondia-
that NGAL is an early responder to AKI, and clinical betic, proteinuric subjects, antiproteinuric therapies
situations where AKI is superimposed on CKD are reduced the urinary excretion of KIM-1, suggesting its
Biomarkers in CKD 473

use as an efficient marker.79 Finally, KIM-1 has proven to represents both a biomarker as well as a potential target
be an excellent marker of nephrotoxicity in preclinical for therapy in CKD.89
studies,80 but published data on human beings are Accumulation of circulating ADMA and resultant in-
currently lacking. hibition of NOS in human beings was first demonstrated
Many of the limitations mentioned earlier in the text in patients on hemodialysis.90 ADMA levels were also
for NGAL as a CKD biomarker also pertain to KIM-1, shown to be elevated early in the course of CKD as a re-
and additionally, large long-term studies are required to sult of IgA nephropathy and autosomal dominant poly-
confirm the utility of KIM-1 in the CKD setting. A combi- cystic kidney disease, preceding a reduction in renal
nation of biomarkers such as NGAL and KIM-1 may pro- function when measured by inulin clearance.91 Several
vide complementary information, with NGAL reflecting prospective studies have now demonstrated the utility
acute inflammatory events in real time and KIM-1 indi- of ADMA as a marker of CKD progression. The Mild to
cating the more chronic fibrotic changes. Moderate Kidney Disease Study92 recruited 227 patients
with nondiabetic CKD (stages 1 to 3) to demonstrate
Liver-type Fatty Acid Binding Protein a strong correlation between plasma ADMA and GFR
measured by iothalamate clearance (r ¼ 20.591, P ,
L-FABP is a protein expressed in the proximal tubule of
.01). During follow-up for an average of 7 years, those
the kidney. Increased expression and urinary excretion
whose CKD progressed further (defined as a doubling
have been described in animal models as well as in hu-
of serum creatinine or requiring renal replacement ther-
man beings with AKI.81,82 Although its precise function
apy) displayed significantly higher levels of ADMA at
is unknown, L-FABP in the kidney has been postulated
baseline. After correction for baseline serum creatinine
to represent an endogenous antioxidant capable of
levels, each 0.1 mmol/L increase in plasma ADMA con-
suppressing tubulointerstitial damage.83 Its urinary ex-
centration was associated with a 47% increase in the
cretion is also increased in the setting of CKD. A clinical
probability for CKD progression. In another cohort of
trial of 120 patients with nondiabetic CKD evaluated uri-
131 subjects with CKD stages 2 to 5,93 plasma ADMA
nary L-FABP levels as a marker of CKD and its progres-
concentrations were moderately correlated with GFR es-
sion.84 Urine L-FABP levels correlated with urine
timated by Modification of Diet in Renal Disease formula
protein and serum creatinine levels. Notably, L-FABP
(r ¼ 20.22, P ¼ .01). During a mean follow-up time of 27
levels were significantly higher in the group of patients
months, ADMA levels predicted progression to ESRD or
with mild CKD, who later progressed to more severe dis-
death (21% increased risk per 0.1 mmol/L increase in
ease (P ¼ .05). Neither serum creatinine nor urine protein
plasma ADMA concentration). In a large prospective
levels differed between those same groups. In another
study of 397 patients with type-1 diabetes with overt ne-
small study of patients with type-2 diabetes, urinary
phropathy who were followed up for a median time of
L-FABP levels were associated with degree of protein-
11.3 years,94 ADMA levels above the median were associ-
uria.85 In a large health screening study, urinary excretion
ated with an increased rate of major cardiovascular
of L-FABP was found to be increased in subjects with hy-
events (adjusted hazard ratio ¼ 2.05, P ¼ .002), decline
pertension and diabetes mellitus, even in the absence of
in measured GFR (increased by 1.2 mL/min/1.73m2
obvious kidney damage.86 Additional longitudinal stud-
per year, P ¼ .004), and development of ESRD (adjusted
ies are needed to demonstrate the ability of L-FABP to
hazard ratio ¼ 1.85, P ¼ .055). In another prospective
predict CKD and its progression. Standardized clinical
study of 225 subjects with type-2 diabetes followed up
platforms for the measurement of urinary L-FABP are
for 5.2 years,95 ADMA levels above the median predicted
not currently available.
progression of nephropathy (defined as advancing albu-
minuria) with an adjusted hazard ratio of 2.72 (P ¼ .012).
Asymmetric Dimethylarginine
Finally, in a prospective randomized trial, 111 obese
ADMA is a naturally occurring amino acid and the most patients with CKD received a low-protein diet supple-
potent endogenous inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase mented with either keto-amino acids or placebo for 36
(NOS). Circulating ADMA is generated from the hydro- months.96 Those patients receiving keto-amino acids
lysis of methylated proteins containing ADMA resi- demonstrated decreased levels of ADMA, visceral body
dues.87 It is largely metabolized by the enzyme fat, proteinuria, glycated hemoglobin, low density
dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase, which is co- lipoproteins (LDL)-cholesterol, pentosidine, and a signifi-
localized along with NOS in glomerular endothelial cantly lower decrease in eGFR.
and tubular epithelial cells. Even mild kidney dysfunc- Together, these studies indicate that plasma ADMA is
tion can interfere with ADMA metabolism, leading to a promising biomarker for the early detection and staging
its increased circulating levels. By competing with of CKD, for predicting progression, and perhaps for mon-
arginine for binding sites on NOS, the high ADMA levels itoring the response to interventions. However, there are
result in decreased local nitric oxide production, with limitations to this biomarker. Specificity for CKD is a ma-
resultant progressive kidney damage, as has been jor issue, because increased plasma concentrations of
demonstrated in animal models.88 Therefore, ADMA ADMA are encountered in a variety of clinical settings
474 Devarajan

characterized by endothelial dysfunction, including hy- type-2 diabetes, and coronary artery disease, whereas
pertension, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes mellitus, they are increased with angiotensin converting enzyme
and congestive heart failure.95 Also currently lacking (ACE) inhibitor therapy; they are also influenced by
are data on human beings indicating that lowering genetic variations in the adiponectin gene.100 Finally,
plasma ADMA levels is clinically beneficial.87 Finally, the immunofluorometric assay for adiponectin remains
measurement of ADMA still requires research-based as- a specialized research-based measurement. Therefore,
says such as high-performance liquid chromatography,87 the routine measurement of adiponectin in patients
mass spectrometry,92 or ELISA.93 Hence, measuring with CKD cannot be recommended as yet.
ADMA in patients with CKD cannot be recommended
on a routine basis as yet.87 Apolipoprotein A-IV
Human apoA-IV is a 46 kDa glycoprotein which is syn-
Adiponectin thesized in intestinal enterocytes during fat absorption
and is incorporated onto the surface of chylomi-
Adiponectin is a 30-kDa protein secreted exclusively from
crons.102-104 Although it was originally thought to be
the adipose tissue, but its serum concentration is inversely
involved in fat absorption, recent evidence suggests an
associated with adiposity. It improves insulin sensitivity
important role for apoA-IV in the reverse cholesterol
and decreases the adverse effects of inflammatory media-
transport pathway, which removes cholesterol from pe-
tors in vascular cells.97 The association between adiponec-
ripheral cells and directs it to the liver for metabolism.
tin levels and kidney disease is complicated. There is
Thus, ApoA-IV has antiatherogenic properties, and is
a direct correlation between adiponectin levels and mac-
found at low levels in patients with coronary artery
roalbuminuria, but an inverse correlation between adipo-
nectin and normoalbuminuria in type-2 diabetes.98
Several studies have demonstrated elevated apoA-IV
Several studies have demonstrated elevated levels of
levels in ESRD as well as in the early stages of
plasma adiponectin in patients with CKD. The proposed
CKD,102,103 which is likely a result of either decreased
mechanisms include a reduction in clearance (because
clearance and/or decreased renal catabolism. In terms
adiponectin levels normalize rapidly after kidney trans-
of CKD progression, a study of 177 patients with mild-
plantation in patients with ESRD), a state of adiponectin
to-moderate CKD followed up prospectively for 7
resistance, and a counter-regulatory response to the com-
years104 showed increased baseline apoA-IV levels in
plex metabolic derangements in those with CKD.7
those with increased risk for CKD progression (doubling
Adiponectin has also been proposed as a biomarker
of serum creatinine or renal replacement therapy, n ¼ 65).
for CKD progression. In a study of 177 patients with
ApoA-IV predicted progression by 11 mL/min decrease
CKD who were prospectively followed up for 7 years,
in GFR for an increment of 1 mg/dL, with an AUC of
those who reached a progression end point, defined as
0.792 (P , .001) and a hazard ratio of 1.062 (P ¼ .006).
doubling of serum creatinine or dialysis requirement,
However, the corresponding AUC for baseline measured
displayed higher adiponectin concentrations at base-
GFR was higher (AUC ¼ 0.842).
line.99 Interestingly, this effect was gender-specific; high
However, some confounding variables do exist. Serum
adiponectin levels were an independent predictor of
apoA-IV levels are directly correlated with serum
CKD progression in men but not in women. As part of
albumin concentrations, and inversely with the degree
a large study of 438 subjects with nephropathy as a result
of proteinuria in nephrotic subjects,103 likely because of
of type-1 diabetes followed up for an average of 8
increased renal losses. The effects of genotype polymor-
years,100 198 subjects had their serum adiponectin levels
phisms have not been fully explored. Additional studies
measured. Within this subgroup, those with progression
of apoA-IV in CKD are warranted.
of CKD (defined as ESRD, n ¼ 40) showed significantly
higher levels of plasma adiponectin at baseline. The
Fibroblast Growth Factor 23
unadjusted hazard ratio for ESRD in patients with
adiponectin concentrations above the median was 2.72 FGF23 is a protein primarily secreted by osteocytes and has
(P ¼ .010). Similarly, in a subgroup of 296 patients with recently occupied center stage in the bone–kidney axis,
type-1 diabetic nephropathy and macroalbuminuria,101 the regulation of calcium–phosphate metabolism, and
adiponectin levels were significantly elevated among implications for CKD outcomes.105,106 FGF23 induces
those who progressed to ESRD (n ¼ 83). The regression phosphaturia by decreasing phosphate reabsorption in
analysis revealed a hazard ratio of 1.022 (P ¼ .011) for the proximal tubule through downregulation of luminal
progression. However, adiponectin levels were not sodium–phosphate co-transporters, reduces circulating
predictive of the progression to ESRD in patients with levels of calcitriol by inhibiting 1-a hydroxylase and stim-
normoalbuminia or microalbuminuria, which limits the ulating 24-hydroxylase in the kidney, and inhibits secre-
use of this marker in milder cases of CKD. tion of parathyroid hormone. Although several studies
There are other limitations to this biomarker. have established the link between hyperphosphatemia
Adiponectin levels are lowered in subjects with obesity, and adverse clinical outcomes in patients with CKD,
Biomarkers in CKD 475

serum phosphorus itself is an inadequate biomarker. (defined as a doubling of serum creatinine or dialysis
Therefore, FGF23 has been proposed and examined as requirement). BNP and NT-proBNP levels at baseline
a more sensitive biomarker of phosphorus metabolism. were significantly elevated among those with CKD
The potential use of FGF23 to guide phosphorus-related progression.113 An increment of 1 standard deviation in
therapies to treat CKD is of particular interest. Sensitive BNP and NT-proBNP increased the risk of CKD progres-
ELISA-based assays for both intact FGF23 and the C- sion by hazard ratios of 1.38 (P ¼ .009) and 2.28 (P , .001),
terminal fragment are now available, but a wide distribu- respectively. The AUC for CKD progression was 0.758 for
tion between the results of these assays has been reported, NT-proBNP but only 0.603 for BNP. After adjustment for
and data demonstrating their relative utilities are currently known risk factors of CKD progression, only NT-proBNP
not available. remained a significant independent predictor. Although
Circulating FGF23 levels increase progressively as GFR NT-proBNP is not the biologically active peptide, the
declines at the onset in the early stages of CKD.107,108 It reason for its better performance is likely related to the
remains unclear whether this is a cause or a consequence longer half-life of NT-proBNP as compared with BNP
of disturbed mineral metabolism in CKD. Proposed (120 minutes vs 22 minutes). Additionally, the use of
mechanisms include decreased clearance, a compensatory BNP may be limited by the assay, because about 20% of
increase in response to hyperphosphatemia, or a response patients with CKD displayed BNP concentrations below
to vitamin D therapy. In a prospective study of 177 the threshold for detection.113
patients with mild-to-moderate nondiabetic CKD followed In the same cohort of patients, ANP and ADM were
up for a median of 53 months,109 increased FGF23 levels analyzed using novel sandwich immunoassays covering
were associated with increased risk for CKD progression the mid-regional epitopes of the stable prohormones
(defined as a doubling of serum creatinine or dialysis (MRproANP and MR-proADM). Increased plasma con-
requirement). FGF23 levels at baseline independently centrations were documented for both peptides at base-
predicted progression of CKD after adjustment for age, line in those with CKD progression.114 The AUCs for
gender, GFR, proteinuria, and serum levels of calcium, the prediction of CKD progression were similar for
phosphate, and parathyroid hormone. However, the GFR (0.838), MR-proANP (0.810), and MRproADM
AUCs for prediction of CKD prognosis for FGF23 (0.81 (0.876). Increased plasma concentrations of both peptides
for C-terminal FGF23 and 0.72 for intact FGF23) were some- were each strongly predictive of the progression of CKD
what inferior to that of measured GFR (AUC ¼ 0.84). In a re- after adjustments for age, gender, GFR, proteinuria, and
cent study of 21 subjects with CKD stages 3 to 4, therapy amino-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide. Each in-
with the phosphate binder sevelamer for 6 weeks resulted crement of 1 SD in ADM and ANP more than doubled
in a significant reduction of circulating FGF23 levels.110 the risk of CKD progression.
Although promising, additional studies are clearly Additional studies examining the natriuretic peptides
needed before FGF23 can be integrated into routine are required, especially in the diabetic CKD patients. The
CKD practice. Potential confounding effects of age, coexistence of congestive heart failure will present a ma-
body mass index, assay type, steroid therapy, AKI, and jor confounding variable for the use of these peptides in
dietary intake of phosphorus and vitamin D also need CKD progression.
to be resolved.111

Natriuretic Peptides N-acetyl-b-D-glucosaminidase

Natriuretic peptides such as adrenomedullin (ADM), NAG is a lysosomal enzyme that is constitutively ex-
A-type natriuretic peptide (ANP), B-type natriuretic pressed by the proximal tubule, and a well-studied uri-
peptide (BNP), and its precursor N-terminal pro-brain nary marker of established proximal tubule cell injury.9
natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) play critical roles in In a recent nested case-control study of type-1 diabetic
the cardio–renal axis by causing natriuresis, diuresis, subjects who participated in the Diabetes Control and
and vasodilation.112 All of these have been shown to pre- Complications Trial,115 baseline levels of urinary NAG in-
dict cardiac dysfunction, and recent evidence for their dependently predicted the development of macroalbu-
role in CKD has emerged.113,114 Plasma concentrations of minuria (adjusted odds ratio ¼ 2.26, P , .001), as well
natriuretic hormones are increased in CKD and correlate as microalbuminuria (adjusted odds ratio ¼ 1.86, P ,
with the estimated GFR. Postulated mechanisms include .001), during the follow-up period of 9 years. The lack
diminished renal clearance as well as a compensatory of data about the use of ACE inhibitors in this study
homeostatic response of the heart to impaired renal limits its generalizability to the diabetic population as
function. a whole, and NAG has not been studied in other CKD
In terms of CKD progression, these peptides have been populations. In addition, several studies have demon-
examined in a prospective study of 177 patients with strated a direct correlation between NAG excretion and
mild-to-moderate nondiabetic CKD who were followed hyperglycemia; this confounding variable may further
up for a median of 53 months for CKD progression limit the use of NAG as a biomarker in diabetic subjects.
476 Devarajan

Summary 6. Levey AS, Eckardt KU, Tsukamoto Y, et al: Definition and classifi-
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7. Kronenberg F: Emerging risk factors and markers of chronic kid-
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KIM-1, and L-FABP. In addition, several constitutively 15:386-395, 1995
expressed circulating proteins accumulate in CKD, and 9. Parikh CR, Lu JC, Coca SG, et al: Tubular proteinuria in acute
are being tested as biomarkers of CKD progression. Ex- kidney injury: A critical evaluation of current status and future
promise. Ann Clin Biochem 47:301-312, 2010
amples include ADMA, adiponectin, apoA-IV, FGF23,
10. Devarajan P: Proteomics for biomarker discovery in acute kidney
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these analytes as CKD biomarkers has been explored in 11. Hemmelgarn BR, Manns BJ, Lloyd A, et al: Relation between
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time. Additional large, multicenter, prospective studies 423-429, 2010
12. Hallan SI, Ritz E, Lydersen S, et al: Combining GFR and albumin-
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Administration. Am J Kidney Dis 54:205-226, 2009
continue to predict CKD progression longitudinally, in
14. Chaudhary K, Phadke G, Nistala R, et al: The emerging role of
addition to merely the baseline levels that appear to biomarkers in diabetic and hypertensive chronic kidney disease.
correlate with progression. It is likely that a panel of Curr Diab Rep 10:37-42, 2010
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any one biomarker alone. On the basis of pathophysio- may predict renal function decline in type 1 diabetes and microal-
buminuria. J Am Soc Nephrol 20:2065-2074, 2009
logic considerations, it is also likely that CKD biomarkers
16. Perkins BA, Ficociello LH, Ostrander BE, et al: Microalbuminuria
may need to be context-specific. For example, distinct and the risk for early progressive renal function decline in type 1
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des. Discrete CKD biomarker panels may also emerge buminuria in type 1 diabetes. N Engl J Med 348:2285-2293, 2003
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that reflect the major underlying pathologic feature
pression following early renal ischemia/reperfusion. Kidney Int
such as tubulointerstitial fibrosis and inflammation. 63:1714-1724, 2003
Finally, ongoing discoveries using techniques such as 19. Devarajan P: Update on mechanisms of ischemic acute kidney
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microRNA analysis are continuing to reveal novel bio- 20. Devarajan P: Emerging biomarkers of acute kidney injury. Contrib
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markers and therapeutic targets that could dramatically
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future. 22. Devarajan P, Mishra J, Supavekin S, et al: Gene expression in early
ischemia renal injury: Clues towards pathogenesis, biomarker dis-
covery, and novel therapeutics. Mol Genet Metab 80:365-376, 2003
Acknowledgments 23. Mishra J, Mori K, Ma Q, et al: Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lip-
Studies cited in this review that were performed in the author’s ocalin: A novel early urinary biomarker for cisplatin nephrotoxi-
laboratory were supported by grants from the NIH (R01 city. Am J Nephrol 24:307-315, 2004
24. Mishra J, Ma Q, Prada A, et al: Identification of neutrophil
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