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Task XV – A not very common sport in Peru


A: Hello guys, do you play any sport?

B: Sport? Hmm, I like to train regularly in the evenings

C: Hello Friends, are you talking about exercise?

A: Not exactly, rather, about sports

C: I see, I just comed of my baseball training

B: Baseball? Very few people play it here, as it is more famous in North and Central America.

A: Like field hockey, which is more famous in Europe and North America, in fact, I recently
joined a hockey club, they taught me how to play it.

C: And how do you score points? For example, in baseball you have to go through all three
bases and return to home plate during an inning.

A: In field hockey you score when the puck is completely across the goal.

B: And how many players does each team consist of?

A: Each team consists of five players on the field and a goalkeeper.

C: It consists of two teams of nine players each.

B: Wow, that's a lot of people. I read that field hockey was first played in 1954, is that true?

A: No, a lot of people were playing back then. It started to be played in the 18th Century and
the first international competition was played in 1895.

C: On the other hand, baseball started to be played in the same century, in the year 1744.

B: Wow, they're still fun sports, maybe I'll join one of them.

A & C: They're a lot of fun, come with me anytime.

B: We'll see which one I like best

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