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KYAMBOGO UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF THE ACADEMIC REGISTRAR ‘Alovelindex A-level Ye Name Gender [Bachelor of Engineering in Civil and Building Engineering (Evening) 1. uo027I618 2015 WAMBUYA FRANCIS 2 uo027#613 2010 BWIIRE ANTHONY laachelor of Electrical Engineering (Day) 4 usoteisss 2018 ATWINE BYLON ” [Bachelor of Engineering Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (Evening) 1) uresas74 2020 MABERO EVARIST ™ [Bachelor of Science n Chemical and Processing Engineering (Oy) 1 Uottaisst 2015 WAFULAPETER " JBachelor of Arts with Education (Day) 1. Us204/510 2019 WAKHONGOLA SHARIFF ” 2 U20selso1 2020 _KIWANUKA APOLLO ” 3 U2962/544 2020‘ MIREMBEINGRID F 4 U15261520 2020 NABULYA HAPPY RATIFAH . 5 UIT4BI514 2019 OSAKO ALOYSIUS “ © uiessi708 2020 BBAALE KADOU Bachelor of Science wth Education - Biological (ay) 1) uo742744 2020. NABAKOOZA JOSEPHINE F |Bachelor of Science with Education - Physical (O3y) 1) 3s27!619 2020 _BAWABYANASSER 2 uraasi6oa 2019 OKIM VINCENT 3 vo0z7'sss 2020 _ETOCHUAIRUS DIRECT ENTRY SCHEME MOP-UP ADMISSION LIST ACADEMIC YEAR 2022/2023 a2 4 no a1 243 26 216 18 178 204 26 Bapoecermudo AUK Pvt Art Hoe coer we bch anew aon terol Oe bet een tnt 2 onossan | sin AALAMAWERUNGAROSENARY waa cher toroid ttt (Oy eshte Dvelogmer sem) echt eta nna an Rees ovemans my) 2 [onsocse | 20 mama manzE wae 7 hosrowra | aan” pawonr em fae cht ra sn inoration one fom) 1 uieeso4 a0 Nahe MonEEN . chose Wr on Sct Adntrton shelter) 2 nmests 207 WAKYESETTYNAGSINA 4 ursarea 20 ontisa casa roms rmmes | 20 NwRRVONAPATRGA alee 1 ween amo ensmvercvreneacne =r) shaeeecpomee En- Tevainden Aa ae cman] eects and tte Catrina (ey 1+ oniees6—2t20 KAVA KENNETH Te escsorotarte nat (ay 1+ Uoksoeas an20 ATWenoAEsTHER fom sacs rence (0) bscsort Vestn! sts in Aarstire wih Etcation ay) 1 oneensre | ave” WANABWE COMA “om poco o ar an insti eign m7) 1 U%G69860 2020 OOVONAEMMAMUELIENNETH mara seco computa rote Destan Oy) escalate nd Landecape Des Oy) 1 uimoossoana0 KADDUSAMUELKIRMNTEU = was becsort Vocation sus in rt and Onin wih Edaion (Oy) 2 Uoeear4 2820 KYPTOOALLAN a) beso octane Land Economies (Oy) lbscmsorot ince Surveying an Land ifrmation pte (Oy) eecaoro architect (2p 1+ uinsaeso aoa SaGuMAcoun a2 see uace and Couenting fm) 2 Uoo87as 1888 KMONOGODENS ZSMWE M8 Me A rear Bagand agar ‘level nex A-level Ye Name [Bachelor of Community Dovelopment and Social Justice (Day) 1 Uoosai6ss 2020 ATI MARY MAMACULATE 2 Uo367/580 2020 TAYEEBWA PROMISE 3 U2t601608 2019 $5071 ABDUL NASSER 4 u2t40/536 2020 NAMUGGAREBECCA bachelor of Business Administration (O2y) 11 u006s1605 2020 MUWANGUZIERIVA 2 U0676/558 2019 NAMUTOSI EUNICE 3. U1350/508 2020 ABEJJA PRISCILLA PRECIOUS lBachetor of Science in Accounting and Finance (Day) 41 UIT60Is06 2020 NABAGEREKA PATIENCE 2 UIB10I577 2017 _MBATUDDE PATRICIA CELINE 3 U2028/509 2020 NAMULINOWA HILLARY 4 vo7s21703 2020 NABWIRE MARIAM. 5 UOSS0/508 2018 NABATEESA PATRICIA © Uoss215186 2020 NOAGIRE HELEN 4 voresis22 2011 LOKUT DAVID Diploma in Community Based Rehabiltation (Day) 1 urrsos22 2020 AKELLORERECCA Diploma in Sign Language Inrepreting (Osy) 1 ur411596 2018 NAMUGAMBERITAH Diploma in Water Engineering (Day) 4 Urt4ols17 2019 MUTYABA EMMANUEL Diploma in interior Design (Day) 1 Vo7s0Ns44 2020 NALUTAAYASWAFRAH biptoma in Hota and Institutional Catering (Oay) 1. 20951563 2020 AKUMUWINFRED. uugecromea |aachelor of Vocational Studies in Technological Studies with Education (1 f a a wm a6 308 269 ars 2 a4 268 24 178 38 204 146 We

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