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The Wisdom of the Spirit World

The Wisdom Of The Spirit World

All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2023 Pastor Banjo Ayeka
Time To eat Ministry

Pst Banjo Ayeka

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................... 6

CHAPTER ONE .................................................................................... 14

WISDOM IN THE HEAVENLY PLACES ............................................. 14

CHAPTER TWO................................................................................... 30

THE SOURCE OF WISDOM .................................................................. 30

CHAPTER THREE ............................................................................... 40

THE PRIORITY OF WISDOM .............................................................. 40

CHAPTER FOUR ................................................................................. 52

THE NATURE OF WISDOM ................................................................. 52

CHAPTER FIVE ................................................................................... 62

WISDOM OF THE HOLY GHOST ........................................................ 62

CHAPTER SIX ...................................................................................... 72

THE LIGHT OF WISDOM...................................................................... 72

CHAPTER SEVEN ................................................................................ 84

RELIGION: THE ENEMY OF GOD'S WISDOM ................................. 84

CHAPTER EIGHT ............................................................................. 112

THE WISDOM IN YOUR HAND ......................................................... 112

CHAPTER NINE ............................................................................... 120

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

WISDOM FOR PRAYER...................................................................... 120

CHAPTER TEN ................................................................................. 140

WISDOM FOR SPIRITUAL GROWTH ............................................ 140

CHAPTER ELEVEN .......................................................................... 150

THE HIDDEN WISDOM OF GOD ..................................................... 150

CHAPTER TWELVE ........................................................................ 168

THE WISDOM FOR THE SPIRITS ................................................... 168

CHAPTER THIRTEEN ..................................................................... 186

THE WISDOM OF THE ANGELS ...................................................... 186

CHAPTER FOURTEEN .................................................................... 198

THE WISDOM OF THE SCRIPTURE ............................................... 198

CHAPTER FIFTEEN ........................................................................ 210

THE WAYS OF THE HEAVENLIES .................................................. 210

CHAPTER SIXTEEN ........................................................................ 222

WISDOM FOR THE SOUL .................................................................. 222

CHAPTER SEVENTEEN .................................................................. 270

THE WISDOM OF PRAYER ............................................................... 270

CHAPTER EIGHTEEN ..................................................................... 286

WISDOM FOR WORSHIP .................................................................. 286

Pst Banjo Ayeka

CHAPTER NINETEEN ..................................................................... 296

THE HIDDEN WISDOM OF GOD ...................................................... 296

CHAPTER TWENTY ........................................................................ 316

WISDOM FOR PROPHECY ................................................................. 316

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

Pst Banjo Ayeka


Exodus 7:11 "Then Pharaoh also called the WISE MEN and
the sorcerers: now the magicians of Egypt, they also did in like
manner with their enchantments."

When you look at men who were tagged to be wise men in the
scripture, they are not men of oratory, they are men of oracle,
they are men who understand how to use the code of the spirit
to achieve reality in the natural men, they are men who have
access to sacred books that contains reality and code of the
spirit world, they don't look like philosophers, they look like
astrologers, they don't look like able men, they look like

Matthew 2:1 "Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of

Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came WISE
MEN from the east to Jerusalem,"

Take note of those that the scripture described to be wise men

from those two bible verses.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

I am just saying this to give us a picture of the wisdom of the

spirit and men who found it, because there are many whom the
being of the spirit world count to be foolish men whom we have
rated to be wise men in this natural realm because we don't
understand what the spirit defines to be wisdom and whom the
spirit world declares to be wise one because men whom we
think are wise are not really wise in the sight of the spirit world,
they are only men who have built their natural intellectual
capacity to generate some life principles and use it to work
things out in the realm of man and you see them
communicating those PRINCIPLES and we tend to call them
men of understanding. However, when the Bible wanted to
describe the meaning of understanding, he said 'the knowledge
of the holy is understanding.

Proverbs 9:10b: "the knowledge of the holy is understanding."

The world "Holy" means the Invisible world, the world of the
Angelic, the Invisible realms that control the visible realms,
those realms have different spirits and have books, men who
have encountered the spirits and understand the sacred books
of the spirit world are known to be men of understanding and

Pst Banjo Ayeka

men of wisdom. That is, men who understand the sacred things,
men who understand the world of the spirit, and know how to
take advantage of the natural realm from that throne are the
ones who have understanding. We have two kinds of
supernatural men.
The first are those who have encountered a spirit from the spirit
world and that spirit dwells in them, so by the power of that
spirit they can begin to make the impossible things possible in
the natural realms through words, this set are called the
powerful men, the spirit in them has made their tongues a word
of authority and power, so as they decree, so shall it be.

The second are those who have encountered a book from the
spirit world and they know how to study this book of the spirit
and use the reality in it to make the impossible possible in the
natural realm, these ones are the ones called the WISE MEN,
all they do is to apply the principle of the spirit world to the
reality of life in the natural world.

Don't make the mistake of thinking human wisdom is the

wisdom of the Spirit, human wisdom only rides on natural
principles and the law of things under the sun, while the

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

wisdom of the spirit rides on the Principles and things above

the sun. That was why when Solomon lost the spirit of God, he
lost the honey of the gift of wisdom that God gave to him, you
begin to see him saying I observe the things under the sun.

Ecclesiastes 1:14 "I have seen all the works that are done under
the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit."

Ecclesiastes 3:16 "And moreover I saw under the sun the place
of judgment, that wickedness was there; and the place of
righteousness, that iniquity was there."

Everything he was now able to capture was reality under the

sun, this is not the expression and the nature of the wisdom
God gave to Solomon, he lost the deep dimensions of his
wisdom when he lost the consecration guiding that spirit of
wisdom upon him. Any wisdom that can't capture reality more
than the things under the sun like the wisdom of Solomon is a
wisdom of a falling man, that is why you don't need to be
initiated into the spirit world by being born again to apply the
book of Proverbs because it is a wisdom for natural men, which
a natural man can apply without salvation.

Pst Banjo Ayeka

Meaning, Solomon can't see and know the reality beyond the
things under the sun, that is why a natural man can just pick a
Wisdom of Solomon and apply it because all he was just
expressing is just the wisdom for the common sense, he was
only restoring back the common sense of men who have lost
their senses. He was only restoring back common sense to men
acting below sense, but his wisdom can't take men above the
level of the common sense of man, that wasn't the end of what
wisdom can do, but that becomes a reality of any one with the
gift of wisdom who has lost the spirit of wisdom because there
is a gift of the spirit and there is a spirit of gift, when you still
have a gift but lost the spirit, your manifestation will be
different from when you still had the spirit of gift and also have
the gift of the spirit with it.

When you see a man with the gift of prophecy who has lost the
spirit of the gift, you will know, everything he will be seeing
are things under the heaven, like calling phone numbers,
predicting Nigeria election, he will not be able to see like John
into the throne of heaven and see the holy one sitting on the

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

Revelation 4:1 "After this I looked, and, behold, a door was

opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it
were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither,
and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter."

You can see an expression of a person who can see the reality
beyond the sun. A man with the gift of prophecy without the
spirit of Prophecy for instance will not be able to see like Isaiah
the vision of heaven, he will only be seeing the vision of earth,
the next election, how you will travel to the UK next year and
the enemy of your father's house is attacking you.

Those are the expressions of men who have lost the true spirit
of prophecy but still have the gift of prophecy because it is a
gift that is without repentance, spirit is with repentance, when
you lose alignment, you can't lose the gift but you can lose the
spirit sponsoring that gift. This is what happened to Solomon,
get this, the same gift of wisdom upon Solomon was also the
gift of wisdom upon Daniel, but you dare not try studying the
book of Daniel with common sense.

Pst Banjo Ayeka

Pick the book of Proverbs out of the Bible and hand it over to
a natural man who is not born again, he will read it and
understand everything clearly, apply it and get results without

You don't need the spirit of God to understand the writing of

Solomon, and you don't need salvation to apply it, you only
need common sense, why? He was not writing again with the
spirit of wisdom, he was only writing with the gift of wisdom,
so all he could see and explain are things under the sun.

You dare not try to read the book of Daniel with common sense
because those writings are not the expression of the gift of
wisdom, but the expression of the spirit of wisdom.

Daniel 5:14 "I have even heard of thee, that the spirit of the
gods is in thee, and that light and understanding and excellent
wisdom is found in thee."

There are men who have wisdom but the Spirit of the Holy God
is not in them, such is the case of Solomon, if wisdom alone
was also found in Daniel without the spirit of the Holy God, he

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

will also be operating like Solomon giving wise counsel to a

natural man, he will not be able to handle sacred things of the
eternity any longer. His wise teachings will only be for
common men who need common sense, but not for spiritual
men who need spiritual sense.

No matter how wise you may sound to be in this natural realm,

if your wisdom is not a product of the spirit world, you are
counted to be a foolish one in the sight of God and in the sight
of beings of the spirit. After this book, you will see that men
who are truly wise are few, even though the pathway to this
wisdom of the spirit world is easy for the children of light
because Christ has paid all the sacrifice needed for them to
access it, but the pathway is hard for the children of darkness
because no one paid the price for them so they need to pay the
price and sacrifice for themselves.

Pst Banjo Ayeka



Job 28:12-14 “But where shall wisdom be found? And where

is the place of understanding? Man knoweth not the price
thereof; neither is it found in the land of the living. The depth
saith, it is not in me: and the sea saith, it is not with me."

This is the first characteristic you must understand about the

nature of wisdom. Job began a search in the spirit to know
where Wisdom can be found and he came to the understanding
that Wisdom cannot be found in the land of the living.
Meaning, when you find a man whom the wisdom of the spirit
world is found in him, he didn't encounter it in the land of the

You can find men who carry wisdom in the land of the living,
but you can never encounter wisdom you found in men in the
land of the living.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

Job now began to ask, 'where does wisdom now come from,
where is now the place of understanding?'

Job 28:20-21 “Whence then cometh wisdom? And where is the

place of understanding?"

Verse 21 began to show us a reality about Wisdom that it is

hidden from the eye of all living;

21: "Seeing it is hid from the eyes of all living, and kept close
from the fowls of the air."

Just showing us what wisdom is all about, and how spiritual it

can be, for you to know that what we are picking in many books
called wisdom is not Wisdom, you can't find wisdom in books,
it is knowledge and understanding that you can find in books.

The source of knowledge can be a book, the source of

understanding can be a deep explanation by a teacher, but the
source of wisdom is not found in the land of the living.

Pst Banjo Ayeka

Men who have encounters with light or darkness in the realm

beyond the natural are the only ones with capacity to express
wisdom in the land of man. The Africans are majorly known
with the nature of exploring the kingdom of darkness for
power, and when we got born again also, the nature never
departed from us, we began to love to explore the kingdom of
light for power because we are nations who don't value
wisdom, we are nations who sit and camp around power than
wisdom, and that is why we never move forward in Africa.

We are translated from the kingdom of darkness to the

kingdom of light, yet inside the light, we began to look for fire,
we don't appreciate the light so we don't explore it, and rather
we began to shout for fire, we want to carry fire. We don't know
that it is only demons that are afraid of fire but the devil himself
is not afraid of fire, not afraid of men of fire, he is only afraid
of men who are loaded and flooded with light because you can't
consume the devil with fire, you can only expose him with
light, and once he is exposed, he becomes powerless.

So because we don't value wisdom and light in Africa, we

never seek it but come to nations who value Wisdom, you see

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

the children of darkness amongst them seeking the kingdom of

darkness for wisdom and illumination, while the born again
amongst them will begin to seek the kingdom of light for
wisdom and understanding because they know that true
wisdom can't be found in the land of the living.

Don't let anyone deceive you that he got his wisdom through
deep thinking and meditation, the scripture already said, "True
wisdom which is the wisdom of the spirit world can't be gotten
through any natural means."

Job 28:12-13 "But where shall wisdom be found? And where

is the place of understanding?
13: Man knoweth not the price thereof; neither is it found in
the land of the living."

Job 28: 20-21 "then cometh wisdom? And where is the place
of understanding? Seeing it is hid from the eyes of all living,
and kept close from the fowls of the air."

It is something that can be found in the natural realm that you

get through observation, it is something that can be found in

Pst Banjo Ayeka

the imaginary realm that you can get through deep thinking and
meditation, but something found in the spirit realm can't be
gotten through those means. For us in the kingdom of light, we
got it through just one means...which is prayer.

If anyone lacks wisdom of the spirit, let him ask...

James 1:5 "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that
giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be
given him."

The children of darkness may pay price to get wisdom from the
realm of darkness but for us in the realm of light, all you need
is to desire it, know the value of it, place a demand for it in
prayer and God releases it to you without finding fault. Ask of
him in prayer and he will show you great and mighty things
you know not.

Jeremiah 33:3 "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew
thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not."
The energy we put in asking for power in Africa, if we channel
it to asking for wisdom, Africa can never be in this same

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

position. When you look at the body of Christ in Africa, it will

be evident to you that the wisdom of God is extremely missing,
many are talking and preaching but only few are talking
wisdom. I hardly come across a Christian in Africa who will
claim he is fasting for wisdom, who will be fasting like Daniel
to set his heart to understanding.

Daniel 10:12 "Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from
the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to
chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am
come for thy words."

We thought power is gotten in the place of prayer while

wisdom is gotten in the place of studying, I kept on asking
myself, 'where do we get such understanding?' It is wisdom
that the scripture told us is gotten in the place of prayer and not
power, power is a product of calling and ordination and not a
product of prayer, but wisdom is ordained to be a product of
prayer. If you are not called into the ministry of power, even
though you fast for 500 days and pray for 600 days, you will
only encounter ulcer but not power because this is what the
scripture says:

Pst Banjo Ayeka

1 Corinthians 12:9 "To another faith by the same Spirit; to

another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit;"

Not to all, but to another gift of healing, meaning to 'some.'

Paul now began to ask again that do all do miracles? No, do all
work in healing? Do all teach ?

1 Corinthians 12:29 "Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are

all teachers? are all workers of miracles?"

And all these are just gifts, it is a lack of wisdom of the spirit
world to be fasting and praying for power. If something is a
gift of the spirit, wisdom should tell us that it can't be gotten by
paying the price, it is a gift means it is free. That is why if you
have encountered the wisdom of the spirit world, you will
know by the help of wisdom that power is only given based on
ordination and calling in the realm of light, it is in the kingdom
of darkness you get it by paying price and sacrifice.

This is what Jesus said concerning power, he said 'freely you

receive, so freely you give.'

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

Matthew 10:8 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead,
cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.

So don't raise shoulders as if you paid the price- freely you

received, it is lack of the wisdom of the spirit world that will
make you to come to the pulpit and be telling people how you
fasted for 5 years before you walked in power, freely you
receive, freely you must give.

If you are to fast, let it be for wisdom, you are not ordained to
get power with all thy getting, but you are commanded to get
wisdom with all thy getting, and prayer is the key. Solomon
never got his wisdom by studying, he got it by demanding for
it from God in prayer. Many in the church of Africa never
sought after wisdom because they have not come to the
understanding that wisdom is the principal thing, we still
preach with the mentality that power is the principal thing.
When God told us to get wisdom with all our getting, we are
still busy getting many things outside wisdom with all our

Pst Banjo Ayeka

Ecclesiastes 1:13 "And I gave my heart to seek and SEARCH

ARE DONE UNDER HEAVEN: this sore travail hath God
given to the sons of man to be exercised therewith."

There are wisdom that enable you to search out the things that
are in the heavens while there is Wisdom that enables you to
search out the things that are under the heaven, that is, there are
natural wisdom for natural men used to search out things under
the heaven and there are spiritual wisdom for spiritual men
used to search out things in the heavenlies.

A gift of wisdom without the spirit of wisdom makes your

wisdom to be natural, and all you will begin to do with such
wisdom is to be searching out things that are under the Heaven,
but a gift of wisdom with the spirit of wisdom in you will
launch you into the reality of the spirit world to begin to search
out things that are above the heaven. That is why I said
Solomon manifested below the grace of God upon him. If you
know the nature of the wisdom God gave to him, you will know
that all he wrote down in the book of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes
and Songs of Solomon are too low compared to the dimensions

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

of grace of wisdom God gave to him. The wisdom God gave

to Solomon has the capability to understand and decode the
language of animals, Adam was the last man that walked in
that wisdom, wisdom of Solomon can decode the language of
the beings in the spirit world like the Holy Angels and the
fallen Angels and how their activities are influencing the world
of man, but Solomon didn't explore those realms. When the
scripture wanted to explain the potency of the Wisdom of
Solomon, kindly look at what the scripture says:

1 Kings 4:30 "And Solomon's wisdom excelled the wisdom of

all the children of the east country, and all the wisdom of

If you know the wisdom of Egypt, you will know that what we
saw in the Book of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes was too low
compared to the deposit of God in him. The Wisdom of Egypt
is not philosophical in nature, it is astrological in nature, the
wisdom of Egypt is not natural in nature, it is supernatural in
nature, men who walked in it are not brilliant people, they are
Supernatural demonic people, the wise men of Egypt are not
oratory people who can speak life principles, they are

Pst Banjo Ayeka

magicians with a magic book loaded with codes of

manipulating lives and destinies.

If you encounter the magic book of Egypt, you will understand

the wisdom of Egypt and yet the scripture says the wisdom of
Solomon excelled all the wisdom of Egypt, and yet all that
Solomon could hand over to us as fruits of his wisdom were
the book of Proverbs that contained the wise counsel, the book
of Ecclesiastes that contained his regret, the book of Solomon
that contained his pleasure, even though those book still
contain some eternal mystery, but they are too low compared
to what God gave to Solomon as wisdom. Something happened
to him and he lost the ability to see beyond the earth, so all he
now began to study were things under heaven. That is why at
a time, God never identified with his wisdom any longer, it is
no longer God's wisdom in Solomon, it has now become the
wisdom of Solomon.

Matthew 12:42 "The queen of the south shall rise up in the

judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she
came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

WISDOM OF SOLOMON; and, behold, a greater than

Solomon is here."

Look at this scripture (ECCLESIASTES 1:13) very well so as

to know the difference between the Wisdom of Solomon and
the wisdom of the spirit world.

Ecclesiastes 1:13 "And I gave my heart to seek and search out

by wisdom concerning all things that are done under heaven:
this sore travail hath God given to the sons of man to be
exercised therewith."

There are two kinds of wisdom I will be talking about in this


1. The wisdom to study everything under heaven and bring out

the fact of everything, and many people with creative capacity,
philosophical ability and natural intelligence are exploring this
realm through deep thinking, observation, research, and many

Pst Banjo Ayeka

2. Wisdom to study everything in the heavenly and bring out

the truth of everything, this realm only belongs to those who
have been initiated into the spirit world

When you study the wisdom under heaven, you build your life
on the reality of things that will make you to do on earth as it
is done on earth, but when you study the wisdom of the spirit
which is the wisdom that rules the heavenliest and use that
wisdom to build your life, it will make you to do on earth as it
is done in heaven, and the will of God is not for you to do on
earth as it is done on earth, but to do on earth as it is done in

The wisdom that God gave to Solomon is a deep wisdom of

God, but when Solomon departed from the way of God, the
wisdom lost its ability to see into heaven and see the things
above heaven. All he could now begin to study were the things
under heaven, and this is no longer different from the wisdom
of a natural man used in creating many things we have on earth,
making theories for everything we have on earth, making
research on everything we have on earth, and described as
philosophers on earth. As far as heaven is concerned, Solomon

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

is just a great philosopher that is the greatest philosopher that

lived. The wisdom of God in David is not up to ten percent of
the wisdom God gave to Solomon and yet you see David by
the spirit of wisdom began to capture the reality of the world
to come. What was captured in Psalm 24 is not a product of the
wisdom of this world. By his wisdom he was able to capture
through inspiration the reality that will exist in the day of Jesus,
but misalignment made Solomon to camp around things under
heaven, while David began to capture things in hell, things in
the world to come and things in the heavenliest.

Even the Children of Darkness esteemed the wisdom of David

loaded in the book of Psalms, and you see them using it for
manipulative acts which some compromised white garments
churches are still doing till today. Studying the things under
heaven is not a manifestation of the wisdom of the spirit for the
spirit, they are wisdom of the soul for the soul, they are just
facts but they are not truth, but such wisdom only makes you
see things from its fallen nature and not from its true nature
because if you can see everything under the heaven from the
heavenly perspective, you will know that everything under the
heaven is a picture of everything in the heavenliest.

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So when you sit under the wisdom of Solomon sponsored by

studying and observation, you only see things from the earthly
perspective, but when you sit under the wisdom of the spirit
world sponsored by the inspiration of the Almighty and
revelation, you see things from HEAVEN'S point of view, and
until you begin to see things from heaven's point of view, you
can never live on earth as they are living in heaven.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

Pst Banjo Ayeka



Proverbs 2:6 "For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of his mouth
cometh knowledge and understanding."

In Chapter one, we began to show us the reality of the places

where wisdom can't be gotten and the book of Job began to
show us that wisdom cannot be found in the land of the living,
and wisdom also can't be found in the sea (Job 28: 12-14). Now
the book of Proverbs began to tell us that it is the Lord that
gives wisdom.

Proverbs 2:6 "For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of his mouth
cometh knowledge and understanding."

That is why the book of James began to command us to ask for

it and God will give it to us (James 1:5). Now the question is,
'how does God give Wisdom? How do we know we have
received it when we ask for it in prayer?'

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

For instance, when light enters into your heart and brings you
into the awareness of something, you will know that
knowledge has come to you, if the eyes of your understanding
opens, you will know that understanding has come to you, but
the question is 'how will you know if wisdom has come to you?'
Because if you look at that scripture in Proverbs 2:6 very well,
you will discover that it only shows us how knowledge and
understanding come but that scripture never showed us how
Wisdom came. Look at the scripture again and again...

Proverbs 2:6 "For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of his mouth
cometh knowledge and understanding."

The Bible says out of the mouth of God comes knowledge and
understanding, meaning if you want to get knowledge, if you
want to get light, pay attention to the word that proceed out of
the mouth of God. That is why the scripture also says the
entrance of thy word gives light and gives understanding to the
Psalms 119:130 "The entrance of thy words giveth light; it
giveth understanding unto the simple."

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If light means knowledge, it means the entrance of thy word

gives knowledge and it gives understanding to the simple. So,
there is no doubt on the reality of how to get the knowledge of
the spirit, it is from the mouth of God and if you want to know
what has come out of the mouth of God, study the written word
of God. All scripture are written by the inspiration of the
Almighty - by the help of the Holy Bible, you will get true
knowledge, while by the help of the Holy Spirit or Holy
teachers, you will get true understanding. Now the question is,
'how does God give Wisdom, if Wisdom comes from God, how
does God give Wisdom?'

Because if wisdom comes from the mouth of God, the scripture

will not say Wisdom comes from God and knowledge comes
from the mouth of God. The expression of words of the bible
are intentional, for the scripture to write it this way, it means
the way wisdom comes into the heart of man is different from
the way knowledge comes into the heart of man. It is
knowledge that comes from the mouth of God and not
Wisdom. Now the question is 'how does wisdom come?'
Wisdom comes as fear of the lord. When you notice the fear of

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

the Lord in your heart, just know the wisdom of God has
entered into your heart

1. Knowledge comes as Light.

2. Understanding comes as an open veil.
3. While Wisdom comes as fear of the Lord.

Because the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, in

fact, the book of Job didn't even say the fear of the Lord is the
beginning of wisdom, it says directly that the fear of the Lord
is Wisdom.

Job 28:28a. "And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the
Lord, that is wisdom;"

So oratory with the ability to write books like me is not the

beginning of wisdom, those may be part of the fruit of
knowledge and understanding but not a fruit of wisdom, the
fear of the lord is wisdom. So you can't study my book and by
that conclude that Pst Banjo is a man of wisdom, you don't
study my book to know I am a man of wisdom, you only study
my heart to know I am a man of wisdom. If you can find the

Pst Banjo Ayeka

fear of the Lord in my heart, then you have found the wisdom
of God because the fear of the Lord is wisdom. Show me a man
who has the fear of the Lord, I will show you a man whom the
wisdom of God can be found in him.

The day you begin to have the fear of the Lord that is the day
the wisdom of God rests on you. Just as the love of God
produces faith in us, so also the fear of the Lord produces
wisdom of God in us. The Bible says faith finds expression in
love (Galatians 5 vs 4), so also wisdom finds expression in fear
of the Lord. We have many children of God who have the love
of God but don't have the fear of the Lord. Get this, the new
creature reality does not rule out the fear of the Lord, it only
rules out the fear of God because the love of God the Father
has casted out any form of evil fear.

Get this clearly, the FEAR OF GOD is different from the

FEAR OF THE LORD. Eternity doesn't count the fear of God
as holy fear, it is counted as evil fear, it is the fear of the Lord
that is counted as Holy fear. The fear of God doesn't exist in
the realm of FATHER to SON relationship, it only exists in the
realm of MASTER to SLAVE relationship, but the fear of the

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

Lord exists in the realm of the Father to son relationship. If you

have the fear of God rather than having the love of God, it is
an evil fear, but if you have the fear of the Lord, it is holy fear
because just as we have evil fear, so also we have holy fear.
The kind of fear the men had towards God in the Old Testament
is called an evil fear, that is not the expression of the fear of the
Lord, you will discover that such fear doesn't produce any
Wisdom in them, it even made them to act foolishly the more.

There is a fear of God that is the beginning of slavery, while

there is a fear of the Lord that is the beginning of wisdom. The
fear that the men of the Old Testament had towards God didn't
produce any Wisdom in them; rather it made them lose their
relationship with God and made them run away from God. So
the fear of God the master is not the fear God wants us to have
in the New Testament, that kind of fear doesn't produce any
Wisdom, it produces slavery, it makes us run away from God,
it kills fellowship, kills relationships and exalt only worship.

When a master gives you a COMMANDMENT, he gives you

the COMMANDMENT for his own sake and if you don't obey,
he punishes you while if you obey, he reward you, but when a

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father gives you a COMMANDMENT, he gives you the

COMMANDMENT for your own sake, if you obey, you enjoy
the benefit while if you don't obey, you face the Consequences.
Take note, It was not your Father that punished you with the
Consequences, but Your Father has seen the consequences
ahead as a trap from the devil and out of his love for you that
is why he gives you the commandment not to do that thing or
go that way so that you will not destroy yourself..

A Father trains you for your own good because he wants the
best for you, he takes you through training you don't like
because he wants you to come out best in life, while a master
trained you because he wants to use you, the act of a master is
always selfish. Take note of these two examples:

1. 'Don't go to that place because if you go I will flog you.' That

is the master's COMMANDMENT and that is not God of the
New Testament
2. 'Don't go to that place because if you go, you will enter into
the trap of the enemy and fall.' This is the Father's
COMMANDMENT and that is how God of the New
Testament commands us).

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

This second one is an expression of the fear of the Lord that is

the beginning of wisdom. That is, it is not God that speaks you
are afraid of, but what he said is what you are afraid of, that is,
you are afraid of the words of your Father because you know
the implications of following what he said. There is a
dimension of God called the Father, while there is a dimension
of God called the Lord, that aspect called the Lord is known as
the WORD (The word of the Father). The person of God is
called the Father, while the word of God is called the Lord and
Jesus is the Lord. Jesus is the word that became flesh. So, the
aspect of God you love is the Father, while the aspect of God
you fear is Christ, his word because Christ is the word of God.

So, the fear of the word of God is the beginning of wisdom, the
fear of your shepherd is the beginning of wisdom. So whenever
God wants to put his wisdom in you, he puts the fear of his
word in you. That is, he puts the love of his person in you and
puts the fear of his word in you, which will make you want to
fellowship with him based on his love in your heart and
trembling at his word based on the fear of his word in your
heart. When you begin to have the fear of the person of God,

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then you have not been taught with the lens of the New
Testament that captured the revelation of God the Father.
When you begin to have his love, faith is built in you, while
when you begin to have the fear of his word, Wisdom is built
in you.

The problem of many is that they don't have the fear of the
word of God, so they despised the word of God and claimed to
have a relationship and fellowship with the person of God.
Truly God will draw near to you if you draw near to him based
on love, but yet your journey will be frustrated in life because
you despised his word and you despised his wisdom.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

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Proverbs 3:13-15 Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and

the man that getteth understanding.

14: For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of

silver, and the gain thereof is better than fine gold.

15: She is more precious than rubies: and all the things thou
canst desire are not to be compared unto her.

If you have not come to a stage where you desire wisdom more
than money, then you have not known wisdom.

If you don't seek after it as men seek after money, if you don't
labour for it as men labour for power then you don't know
Wisdom, you don't know the importance of it to your destiny.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

You don't know that nothing of this life and the life to come
can be desired more than wisdom.

Look at verse 15 very well

15: She is more precious than rubies: and all the things thou
canst desire are not to be compared unto her.

And you will agree with me that in Africa, the majority of us

have not yet known wisdom, because if we know it, it will
come to our understanding that nothing can be compared to it,
in the mind of many of us now many things can be compared
to Wisdom, there are many things we value more than wisdom.

And that we lack WISDOM in Africa is a report card that we

lack the fear of the Lord. We only have the fear of God but we
don't have the fear of the Lord.

The fear of God is the beginning of Religion while the fear of

the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

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It is not an indisputable fact that Africa is a religious continent

and it is because we have the fear of God, and Africa is far from
wisdom because we lack the fear of the Lord.

So, we accept the person of God and reject his wisdom, we

hallowed his name but never hallowed his wisdom, knowledge
and understanding God brought our path day and night, we
love to talk to him in prayer but we hate to hear from the throne
of wisdom.

And the scripture says Wisdom cry in the streets.

Proverbs 1:20 Wisdom crieth without; she uttereth her voice in
the streets:

We don't know that Wisdom is an answer to our prayer,

meaning the answer to our prayer is crying in the streets day
and night, but lack of value for it makes us despise it.

Prayer is when men are speaking to God while Wisdom is

when God is speaking to man and it is by it we live (Mathew 4
vs 4).

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

The voice of man to God is the only thing saw crying in the
street and we tag it prayer and that is what God told us to do in
secret (Mathew 6:6).

Matthew 6:6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet,
and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is
in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee

It is the reward of prayer that God told us to be waiting for in

the open and that reward of prayer is wisdom, and that is why
the scripture says Wisdom is crying in the streets.

Proverbs 1:20 Wisdom crieth without; she uttereth her voice in

the streets:

That is, the answer to our prayer is crying in the secret, the
solution to our problem is crying in the streets.

The New Testament is designed in such a way that the answer

to every prayer on promotion, direction, glory, prosperity, and

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honour is Wisdom, it is only the answer to prayer on healing

and some emergency cases that is designed to be power.

So when God said when you pray to him in secret he will

reward you openly, it is WISDOM he wants to use to reward
you, wisdom is the answer to 95 per cent of our prayer request,
so, the wisdom crying in the streets is an answer to your secret
prayer, but because we don't know the systematic way through
which God bring the solution to us, we reject light daily and
yet expect a miracle on daily basis.

That is why God said wisdom is the principal thing, but a

miracle is not the principal thing, if you build your life around
miracles, you will be frustrated in life, truly as a believer, and
we must expect miracles in our lives because our God is
miraculous, but build your life on Wisdom because that is the
will of God.

That is why the word of God came to us expressly to tell us

that wisdom is the principal thing, it didn't say prayer is the
principal thing even though prayer is also important.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

But Religion pays attention to talking to God in prayer while

true Spirituality pays attention to you sitting to hear from God
in prayer because that is the true prayer.

Now this is a question if the Scripture says Wisdom is the

principal thing, why does the Scripture say so?

Out of everything in life, why will God say with all thy getting
get wisdom and understanding?

When it comes to every other thing in life you can get it with
some of your getting, but when it comes to wisdom, you are to
get it with all thy getting.

The question is why? The answer is in Proverbs 4:7 to 9.

Proverbs 4:7-9 Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get

wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.

8:Exalt her, and she shall promote thee: she shall bring thee to
honour, when thou dost embrace her.

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9: She shall give to thine head an ornament of grace: a crown

of glory shall she deliver to thee.

Everything a man needs in life is in verse 8 and verse 9 and the

scripture now says if you make verse 7 your priority, verse 8
and verse 9 will become your reality effortlessly without
paying any sacrifice.

Look at verse 8

Everyone in life desires to be exalted, everyone in life desires

to be promoted. The religious leader has told you to sow a seed
of promotion on many occasions, they have told you to pay the
price and make the sacrifice, but the scripture says in verse 8
that if you seek Wisdom, Wisdom will promote you.

Everyone desires the garment of honour, and the scripture now

says when you embrace Wisdom, when you exalt Wisdom,
when you desire Wisdom, when you love Wisdom and when
you have wisdom, that Wisdom in you will exalt you, the
wisdom will promote you, and the wisdom shall give you

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

Now, I understand when the scripture says when you find

wisdom, you will have a long life in your right hand and riches
and honour in your left hand.

Proverbs 3:13, 16 Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and

the man that getteth understanding.

16:Length of days is in her right hand; and in her left hand

riches and honour.

Now let us move to Proverbs 4 verse 9

The Bible says when you seek wisdom she shall give to thine
head an ornament of grace.

Proverbs 4:7, 9 Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get

wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.

9: She shall give to thine head an ornament of grace: a crown

of glory shall she deliver to thee.

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This is the simple pathway I followed to receive the writing

and teaching grace upon me in the year 2015.

All I know was that Wisdom was just my priority, I was busy
seeking Scriptural knowledge, seeking for wisdom and
suddenly oil of grace began to find Expression in my life.

Every one of us also desires glory, the Bible says when you
seek Wisdom, a crown of glory shall be delivered unto you.

Vs 9b: a crown of glory shall she deliver to thee.

You can see why the scripture says with all thy getting get
wisdom, you can see why the scripture says wisdom is the
principal thing because she is the key to everything you may
desire in life.

God is telling you to get wisdom with all thy getting know the
simple way you will get all you need in life.
Religion tells you to get fasting and prayer with all thy getting,
they tell you to pray for 8 hours every day with all thy getting,
they tell you to follow sacrifice with all thy getting.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

Religion is a demonic force that will make you neglect the

pathway of wisdom and begin to show you the pathway of

The way of wisdom is always simple, while the way of

Religion is always hard.

The scripture says Wisdom cry in the secret and say when will
you start loving simplicity.

Proverbs 1:20, 22 Wisdom crieth without; she uttereth her

voice in the streets:

22: How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity?

I know you like hard things, you love sacrifice, we don't know
that Ignorance is the key behind anything hard, lack of
knowledge is the key behind sacrifice, just as the presence of
civilized knowledge produces technology that makes
everything easy, so also lack of knowledge in the past made
everything difficult.

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When you see anyone sweating in the place of prayer now, you
see that to be fervency, and in the spirit that is ignorance.

The Bible says anywhere you see wisdom you see simplicity,
God gives understanding only to the simple, when you hate
simplicity understanding will be far from you.

Because the entrance of God's word only gives understanding

to the simple. So to despise Wisdom is to despise he that has
been ordained to promote you, to anoint you and to honour you.

Even that power you are fasting for, it is through the pathway
of wisdom you will see the protocol of entering into power
effortlessly, it is not power you seek to get power, it is
WISDOM you seek to get power because when you begin to
seek Wisdom for power, Wisdom will open the eyes of your
understanding into your ordination to show you if you really
need the ministry of power you are crying for or business
anointing is all you need.

Because one of the problem of many of us is that we don't know

our ordination, so we don't know what to be seeking.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

Many of us are only inspired and motivated by the Apostolic

move and Apostles we see on social media so we want to be
like them, and we have allowed the foolishness in us to minister
to us that we must pay the price of power to be like Apostle
Joshua Selman.

But when you sit with wisdom, your understanding will open
to what you need, the price you need to pay may just be to go
and put in for your master's degree, but you are busy forcing
yourself to be praying for 8 hours per day because you want to
touch power that is far from your ordination and calling.

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Proverbs 5:1 My son, attend unto my wisdom, and bow thine

ear to my understanding:

Proverbs 5:12-13 And say, How have I hated instruction, and

my heart despised reproof;

13: And have not obeyed the voice of my teachers, nor inclined
mine ear to them that instructed me!

When a man wants to begin to work in the path of foolishness,

this scripture (Proverbs 5 vs 12 :13) is one of the major fruits
you will begin to notice in his life.

The first thing you will notice is that he will begin to despise
reproof and hate instructions. The fruit of wisdom is

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

Proverbs 1:3 To receive the instruction of wisdom, justice, and

judgment, and equity;

Moving with instinct is what we define to be wisdom, but

moving with instructions is wisdom.

And where the instructions are coming from is what makes it

Wisdom. If it is coming from Your master to you the servant,
it is not Wisdom, it is called law and this is where the law of
Moses falls into but if the instruction is coming from your
Father to you the son, it is called Wisdom.

Proverbs 5:1 My son, attend unto my wisdom, and bow thine

ear to my understanding:

The word "My son" in this context means, it is instructions

coming from a father who wants the best for his son, Not an
instruction coming from the Master looking for the best servant
to use for himself.

I do say it when Wisdom appears to you, one of the reasons

why you will despise it is because wisdom doesn't look like it.

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To you wisdom must be sweet, but wisdom is not sweet to the

foolish. That is why people despise it even though wisdom
cries in the streets.

Because at the time you think Wisdom will come as a deep

wise saying in the form of proverbs backed with good oratory
and loaded with principles you can apply, it just comes as
simple instructions and commandments.

There are many who love to go to congress and conferences in

search of wisdom. They have learnt many things and are loaded
with life's information. They are very educated and full of
knowledge and yet they are foolish.

Instead of submitting to instructions they will rather be moving

about gathering different knowledge to apply in solving their
problems for themselves, they don't know that is not the
pathway of wisdom.

Because all that knowledge and education gathered together

doesn't amount to wisdom. Infact, that knowledge will sponsor

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

his foolishness the more because knowledge leads to pride and

pride is a fruit of foolishness.

Why? This is because when wisdom appears, it doesn't look

like it, because it will appear as instructions but you are
expecting what will look like instinct.

In fact, it will look foolish at the first instance, but the reason
why the wise hearted follow the instructions is because they
trust in the integrity and wisdom of the person who gives them
the instruction.

I have said that to a natural man in the natural realm, wisdom

is more of applications of acquired knowledge. That is, they sit
with knowledge in conferences, gather knowledge in seminars
and books and they begin to apply it.

But the Wisdom of the spirit world doesn't function in such a

nature, Wisdom of the spirit world is more of instructions, it is
received as instructions, profitable to direct, profitable for
defense, and profitable as a weapon of warfare.

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Ecclesiastes 10: 10 but wisdom is profitable to direct.

Ecclesiastes 7: 12 for wisdom is a defense, Ecclesiastes 9: 18
Wisdom is better than weapons of war:

Wisdom of the spirit world doesn't come to you as

enlightenment. Spiritual knowledge and understanding can
come in such a manner, but when it comes to Wisdom, it is
given as commandment, and received as instructions.

That is why if you are not under someone that can give you
instructions, reproof you, whom you acknowledge as a teacher
with Wisdom, I tell you that you are walking in the path of
foolishness but you don't know.

Highest percentage of us walk in foolishness in life even

though we claim we have Spiritual fathers, and it is simply
because we only have spiritual fathers and mentors not to
appear we are rebellious, but deep inside we only follow our
instinct to do what we want to do, rather than follow

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

The reason why you should submit to a man is because he has

wisdom and you must be able to trust his wisdom as all you
need for destiny.

Highest percentage of destiny problems of humanity is lack of

direction and wisdom is profitable to direct, (Eccl 10: 10). Our
problem is that we received an attack due to lack of defense
and wisdom is a defense (Eccl 7:12).

Our problem is that we fail in warfare and we are defeated by

the devil but we don't know that Wisdom is the best and
greatest weapon of war (Eccl. 9:18).

May God bring your life across men whom the wisdom of God
is found in to help shape your life and give definition to your
destiny, you will experience speed in your life and free from
many battles and attacks.

Because one of the greatest enemies we have is our own

understanding, your understanding may solve every problem
minus your own problem.

Pst Banjo Ayeka

Your understanding may give advice and directions to people

but if you try to use that same understanding to solve your own
problem you'll enter into more problems.

That is why anyone who wants to go far in life will build his
life based on the instruction of the wise father. The instructions
of the elders and the instructions of the wise teacher God brings
his way.

Take note of the choice of my words. I didn't say the

instructions of father and teacher, but the instructions of the
wise father and wise teacher.

Some said how will I know a wise father and wise teachers?
They are fathers and teachers who have the fear of the Lord.

When you submit to a father or teacher who doesn't have the

fear of the Lord, they'll guide you and direct you for their own
selfish benefits and not for your own good benefits.
What they'll gain in you and through you is what they will be
after, and not what you will gain in life, you will follow them
for years and waste your life and time.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

When the devil wants to make you walk most foolishly, he will
make you despise the instructions of Father and teachers who
have the fear of the Lord and begin to tell you to follow the
holy spirit inside of you. You will be making silly and foolish
decisions and tag it the leading of the Holy Spirit.

And by the time you will be willing to submit, he will make

you to begin to follow the fathers and teachers who lack the
fear of the Lord but have good things of God, you will be
following them because of the material things you see in them
and they will be using you selfishly for the material things they
want to get for themselves.

If you are the type who does not obey the voice of your teacher
and does not incline your ear to his instructions, then you don't
know wisdom.
I didn't say you pick the teacher's book. For instance, if you
pick any of my books and read, you will only gain knowledge
and understanding, you may read those books and still be
making foolish decisions in life.

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Because that is not the way of wisdom, the way of wisdom is

following instructions of the authority of wisdom you submit
to, even if you don't understand but you choose to follow
because you trust in the integrity of the teacher and know that
over this Destiny journey he knows more than you.

That is why if you are not first a sheep, you can't walk in

Because it is only sheep that accept to know nothing but choose

to follow whom he sees as someone who knows everything
about the way he chooses to follow.

But if you think you know something already, you can't submit
like a sheep because you will only be looking for teachings that
agree with your understanding, or teaching that confirms your
belief and understanding, and this ends up becoming the most
frustrating thing in life because knowledge and understanding
is not Wisdom and get this, it is not the fault of those who are
not submissive, or not willing to yield to instructions of the
wise counsel. Many find it difficult to be sheep because there
is no shepherd.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

Many who claim to be shepherds are just wolves in shepherd

clothes, some are men also with much experience but lack the
fear of God. Wisdom obtained through much experience is not
a wisdom of the spirit world, Wisdom of the spirit world is a
product of just one thing, the fear of the Lord.

If your life experience didn't bring you into the knowledge of

the fear of God then it can't become a wisdom for men unto
direction. So just as it is foolish not to submit to a teacher with
wisdom known as a teacher with the fear of the Lord. So, also
it is also foolish to submit to a teacher without Wisdom, that is,
a teacher or father without the fear of the Lord.

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1 Corinthians 2:13
Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's
wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth;
comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

Take note of a statement in that Bible verse, Paul says the

wisdom we speak, is not in the words which man's Wisdom

Meaning, it is not only the Holy Spirit that can teach, it is not
only the Holy Ghost that releases Wisdom, the wisdom of man
can also teach. That is, just as the evil Spirit has wisdom. The
Holy Spirit has wisdom, so also the Human spirit has wisdom
and it is unfortunate that many are already camping around this
wisdom of man as the wisdom of God, that we are discussing
something sensible in church with facts following doesn't mean
it is a wisdom of the spirit world.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

It may sound deep, but it is not Scriptural, that it sounds

sensible doesn't mean it is true, many in the body of Christ
have forgotten quickly that we are Spiritual beings, and
anything that is not Spiritual has no value to our heart.

Whatever that is not eternal is not Wisdom for the new life you
receive in Christ, the only thing your new spirit needs is the
word of God. So, beware of the teaching sponsored by the
wisdom of man with much enticing words.

1 Corinthians 2:4
And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words
of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of

Be very careful with enticing words of man's wisdom. That it

is sounding deep and sweet doesn't mean it is honey to your
spirit and for such reason Paul give this warning in Colossians
2: 4.
Colossians 2:4 And this I say, lest any man should beguile you
with enticing words.

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So you must be able to know the difference between the

wisdom of the spirit which the Holy Ghost teaches and the
wisdom of this Earth with which the wisdom of man teaches.

Kindly look at the scripture again and again:

1 Corinthians 2:13
Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's
wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth;
comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

Paul began to speak in this SCRIPTURE that the wisdom we

teach is the one that the Holy Ghost teaches. Meaning, many
are rising in the day of Paul to stand in the office of a teacher
to release wisdom into the heart of man, and men got carried
away with their high sounding nonsense, with their
philosophical facts backed up with enticing words, of which
they are just wisdom of man, because we can't just trace it to
the scripture.
They are just teaching not from the study of scripture but from
the study of patterns and principles they discovered that govern

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

the universe under heaven. This was the strength of Solomon

when he lost the ability to search matter by wisdom that
pertains to heavenlies all we saw with Solomon was that he
began to teach based on the reality under heaven.

Ecclesiastes 1:13 And I gave my heart to seek and search out

by wisdom concerning all things that are done under heaven:
this sore travail hath God given to the sons of man to be
exercised therewith.

This is purely the strength of the wisdom of man, a capacity to

search out by human Wisdom concerning all things that are
done under heaven. If you study all things done under heaven
with the wisdom of the spirit world, what you will see and say
will be different from when you study all things under heaven
with the wisdom of man.

When you study all things under heaven with the wisdom of
the spirit world, you will begin to see everything under heaven
from eternal point of view, you will begin to use what is under
the heaven to understand the things that are in the heaven
because there is a way nature speak about spiritual reality.

Pst Banjo Ayeka

Romans 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation
of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things
that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they
are without excuse:

Meaning the invisible things of God can be seen and

understood by the things that are under heaven, you can only
understand this when you study things under heaven with the
wisdom of the spirit world but when you began to study what
you see under the heaven with the wisdom of man, you only
end up becoming philosopher speaking reality and fact you see
with much enticing words, and this has become the teaching on
the pulpit of many churches.

When the scripture says let those who have ear hear what the
spirit is saying to the church, meaning it is the spirit that wants
to speak to the church and not the wisdom of man, that is why
Paul said, we are only a voice of the spirit, not a voice of human
understanding, what we speak and teach is not what the
wisdom man teaches, it is what the Holy Ghost teaches.
That is, there is difference between the teaching of the wisdom
of man and the teaching of the Holy Ghost but you can easily

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

know the difference, even though they may look similar but the
Scriptural verse already told us how to know the difference.

Look at the scripture again

1 Corinthians 2:13
Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's
wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth;
comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

Paul began to reveal in that Bible verse the patterns through

which the Holy Spirit communicated his wisdom. He said
whenever the Holy Spirit wants to teach, he teaches by
comparing Spiritual with Spiritual.

Whenever the wisdom of man wants to teach, he teaches by

observing the things that happen under the heaven, comparing
what has happened in the past under the heaven with what is
happening now under the heaven and by it brings out a theory,
principle and fact and begins to download it into the heart of
man as wisdom.

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This is what Solomon fell into at the time he got to

Ecclesiastes, all he could do was to begin to study the things
under Heaven, and Solomon ended up saying there is nothing
new under heaven. Nothing will be new about your teaching if
all you say and teach are based on observation of things under

Solomon has lost the true spirit of wisdom which is the Holy
Spirit who taught by comparing Spiritual with Spiritual, he
only has the gift of wisdom which now makes him begin to
sound philosophical rather than sound Spiritual.

Solomon began to compare physical with physical, he began to

compare Natural with natural and it is unfortunate that this is
what many have been teaching others and they call themselves
the teacher of God.

A teacher of God is a teacher of the word of God, not a teacher

of things that happened under the sun, but a teacher of things
that happened above the sun. A teacher of things that happen
in heaven teaches by comparing Spiritual with Spiritual, and to
compare Spiritual with Spiritual means to compare

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

SCRIPTURE with scripture. That is, comparing the word of

God with the word of God or comparing the work of God with
the word of God, because the only two things that are Spiritual
are the word of God and the work of God. That is, the scripture
and nature.

1. it’s either you compare SCRIPTURE with scripture.

2. Or, you compare the natural with Spiritual because

everything in the natural is a picture of Eternal reality, and you
see Jesus using this method saying in many occasions that the
kingdom of God is like a Tree, the kingdom of God is like a
farmer, the kingdom of God is like mustard seed.

You also see him saying I am the vine while you are branches,
all these fact is an act of using the natural to explain the
spiritual but when you begin to teach and all you are doing is
comparing natural with natural, using how things are working
by observation, or by studying patterns, you are already
operating by the wisdom of man.

Pst Banjo Ayeka

For instance, someone can just see how many of our General
overseers and big ministers built their camp at Mowe Lagos
Ibadan expressway, and came up with theories based on that
pattern that there is a mystery about that Mowe.

Sir, these are just expressions of the wisdom of man.

The Holy Ghost doesn't teach that way, the wisdom of the spirit
is scripture, if it is not Scripture it is not a wisdom of the spirit
world of light.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

Pst Banjo Ayeka



Isaiah 60:3 And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings
to the brightness of thy rising.

The light of the Gospel which is the light of Christ is not a light
that shines in darkness, it is a light that rules the day, it is a
light that shines in the day.

Men of darkness saw it and came out of darkness to come into

this marvelous light.

It is light of religion which symbolizes moon that shines in

darkness, that is why Religion only reigns in the environment
where ignorance that stands for darkness rules but TRUE
christianity reigns in an environment empty of religion and full
of civilization, that is why what we have in Africa that we
celebrate as revival light is not yet the light of Christ, it is just
the light of Christian Religion. Honestly speaking, the Gospel

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

still needs to be preached to many who claim to be born again

in Africa, because many are yet to encounter the good news.

Any religion can gather crowd in Africa, because Africa is a

religious environment, because the light of true Gospel that can
attract the gentiles has not yet shine in Africa, men are getting
the light at individual level, but it has not yet shine at global

If you preach that men need to pay a price to walk in power, it

means you have not encountered the Good News, You have not
encountered the true light of the gospel, because if you do, you
will know that freely we received power in this kingdom and
freely we give.

Matthew 10:8
Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils:
freely ye have received, freely give.

if you claim men need to attain righteousness of the law before

they can be blessed by God then you have not encounter the
Good News, you don't know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Pst Banjo Ayeka

you have not Behold the glory of the light of Christ that is full
of grace (John 1:14).

And all these are what we preach in many African churches

that we tag to be holiness and righteousness messages.

The center message of every RELIGION is holiness and

righteousness, so that makes you think they are true and have
the truth but they know nothing about the holiness and
righteousness of God, what they preach is self-holiness and

Romans 10:3 For they being ignorant of God's righteousness,

and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not
submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.

That is why what we have in Nigeria is far from the light of the
gospel, what we have in Africa is just a light of Religion, that
is why we find it easy to brainwash the fools and the ignorant
and find it difficult to convince the educated ones who use their
reasoning faculty because we have educated fools who doesn't
use their intellectual capacity to reason out messages they

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

listen to, because if not so, how can an educated person be

falling for teaching like tithing and devourers for not tithing,
believing that until you tithe things will be tight for you, and
until you pay offering you will continue to suffer.

How will you believe a teaching that lack of tithing is the key
to poverty, yet you claim to be a graduate of a university?

It is because you are not using your reasoning faculty, because

if you are using your reasoning faculty, you will see millions
of people on earth who are not tithers nor Christian and yet they
are very rich in a legit way and you will be able to question
such doctrine, you will see nations like UK that highest
percentage of Christians there never tithe and yet they are very
rich because they have a system that is working but light of
religion tells you to suspend your reasoning faculty and just
believe Malachi 3:11 because it works but that is not the light
of Christ, light of Christ tells you not to rely on your
understanding by showing you higher light, that is, come to a
realm where you use your reasoning faculty to reason matter in
a higher way.

Pst Banjo Ayeka

Light of Christ doesn't close your understanding, it opens your

understanding to see from higher perspective, so you are not
just believing what you don't understand and what you can't
explain with your intelligence, if you can't explain it and you
claim it works, it is not the light of Christ, the light of Christ
do business with your intelligence, he doesn't kill your
reasoning faculty, it is religion that kills your reasoning faculty
so as not to ask questions and if you try to question on what
they say, they will tag you a rebellion.

That is why Gentiles doesn't come to the light of Religion that

is why what we preach in Africa as message can't cross
borders, they will laugh at us.

Do you know that the biggest denominations in Nigeria who

have branches in overseas like UK do not use the same Sunday
school they use in Nigeria over there. They make another
Sunday school for people living in the UK and USA, because
they know that they will question many things they wrote in
the same Sunday school they are using to minister to their
Nigeria members. (Kindly research this and get my point).

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

You can see that many of those General overseers are really
taking their Nigeria members to be fools. It is only their
members in Africa that can come to their light, because it is not
the light of the gospel.

Gentiles known as civilized people who love Wisdom can't

come to this kind of light we are releasing in many of our
churches in Africa. They are too low to common sense, what
we preach should be higher than common sense not lower than
common sense.

When the Bible says Gentiles shall come to your light, it means
they have seen a light higher than the light from civilization,
science and technology, not a light lower than civilization and
scientific or philosophical observation.

The scripture already told us what the Gentiles seek, they seek
after wisdom;

1 Corinthians 1:22 For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks
seek after wisdom:

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So Because the Gentiles seek after wisdom, the scripture now

says the Gentiles shall come to our wisdom.

The Gentiles shall come to our light means the Gentiles shall
come to our Wisdom.

Because, the scripture says in the beginning was the word, the
word was with God and God is the word, and in the word was
life and the life is the light of men

John 1:1, 4 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was
with God, and the Word was God.

4:In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

Look at this scripture very well to see the source of wisdom. In

him was life and that life was the light of man

Mind you, the book of Proverbs told us clearly that wisdom of

God is the life.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

Ecclesiastes 7:12 but the Excellency of knowledge is, that

wisdom giveth life to them that have it.

Proverbs 3:13, 18 Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and

the man that getteth understanding.

18: She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her: and
happy is every one that retaineth her.

If the book of John says that life is the light of men, and the
book of proverbs now says wisdom is that life, it means the
wisdom of God is the light of man.

So if the scripture says the Gentiles shall come to our light, it

means they shall come to our Wisdom.

Meaning, the Gentiles have exhausted their philosophical,

scientific and technological wisdom, yet they are not satisfied
because those lights may give solution to the problem of their
lives and body temporarily but it can't give solution to the
problem of their lives and body permanently.

Pst Banjo Ayeka

So, in the cause of searching for light that will solve the
problem of their soul, and bring permanent solution to their
problem, they discovered a light from us which is the light of
Christ, the light of the gospel, and the scripture says Gentiles
seek after such light.

The Gentiles have a light that can give them healing through
drug, medical treatment and some medical technology, because
they have trained medical specialties, but they don't have a
light that can make them walk in divine health.

Guess what? The church is still busy shouting power as of the

old about thinking healing is the major thing God wants to use
to get the attention of the Gentiles, no sir, how to walk in divine
health is different from healing.

Power gives you healing, but Wisdom which is the light of man
brings you into divine health. Power brings you out of
problems but wisdom prevents you from problems.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

By power you can be free from the attack of the devil whenever
he attack you, but there is a light that can bring you into a
position in Christ where you become untouchable.

The church has not yet been teaching and releasing the wisdom
that can make Gentiles to come to our light, because what we
are teaching are messages on how to get from Jesus all things
that Gentiles have without Jesus, the Gentiles have those things
they still don't have joy, they don't have peace and they don't
have right standing with God in the Holy Ghost but the light
our messages release is a light that brings you into peace and
give peace to your soul, it brings you into joy and brings joy
into your soul, it makes you have right standing with God
which is gift of righteousness in the Holy Ghost.

Romans 14:17 For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink;
but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.

What many of us are still teaching still sounds foolish to the

Gentiles, it doesn't sound foolish because it is above the sense
of man, it sounds foolish because it is even lower that common
sense because how can you claim to be teaching and say the

Pst Banjo Ayeka

key to breakthrough is for someone to be sowing a seed.

Gentiles can never come to such light, they will make jest of
such light. It takes a teaching and statement that is above the
sense of man to capture the Gentiles not teaching and statement
that is below the sense of man.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

Pst Banjo Ayeka



Proverbs 3:9
Honour the LORD with thy substance, and with the first fruits
of all thine increase:

Truly this is what the scripture says about first fruit and your
substances, but the problem with Religion is wrong
interpretation which now leads to wrong application of the

Truly the scripture says honour the Lord with your first fruit
and with your substances, and in the Old Testament whenever
you want to honor the Lord with your substances or first fruit,
you bring it to the temple, because in the Old Testament the
temple is the place where men meet with God, but in the New
Testament, God didn't dwell in the house built by man, the
temple is different from the church, if you are giving God

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

anything you don't necessarily need to bring it to the temple

built by men, because you can't meet God in any temple, you
only meet men of God in the temple and not God of men.

Acts 7:48 Howbeit the most High dwelleth not in temples made
with hands; as saith the prophet.

Christ didn't come to build a Temple, he came to build a

church, and church is totally different from temple of worship,
church is not a place of worship, church are people
worshipping, church is not denominational gathering, church
is not a name of ministry, church is not a place of gathering,
church are people and it is only Christ that can build church.

Jesus said upon this rock will I build my church, no man can
build church, in fact, Christ doesn't use man to build church,
man can only build denominations and ministry but not church,
when it comes to church, Christ is the one building it himself
and Christ has been building his church since 2000 year ago,
and his church is just one.

Pst Banjo Ayeka

You may have many denominations and ministry but none is a

church of Christ. The church Christ has been building since
2000 years ago is just one, and we are the part of the church,
we all are the living stone Christ is using to build his church.

1 Peter 2:5 Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual

house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices,
acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.

The church Christ is building is called Spiritual house and it is

invisible, and we are the living Stone.

So what Christ describes us to be is living stone, both the men

of God and the sons of God in the ministry of men of God, all
of us are living stone, that Christ is using to build his Spiritual

But know this today that the church that Christ is building is
different from all the denominations you are seeing in any
country, Christ didn't come to build Religion gathering as

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

Christian association of Nigeria (CAN) and Pentecostal

Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) is not the picture of the body of
Christ or church.

So you don't bring first fruit to church temple because God

doesn't dwell in any Church temple at the same time God didn't
dwell in the temple anymore.

If you bring your first fruit to any temple in the New Testament
just know you didn't give it to God, you only give it to men of
God, heaven doesn't recognize any first fruit you give to any
man of God because there is no scripture that says we the men
of God is the channel through which you give to God. It is very
unscriptural in the New Testament to think men of God is the
channel through which you give to God.

Scripturally speaking, the needy is the channel through which

you give to God.

Proverbs 19:17 He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto
the LORD; and that which he hath given will he pay him again.

Pst Banjo Ayeka

And Jesus also came to confirm this scripture in the book of

Mathew 25 that it is what you do to the least of this brethren
that you do to God and not what you do to men of God.

Matthew 25:37, 40 Then shall the righteous answer him,

saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or
thirsty, and gave thee drink?

40: And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say
unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of
these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

Can I say it to you; Anything you do to any man is counted as

if you do it to Christ, not necessarily anointed men of God but
any children of God.

Children of God is higher than anointed servant of God in the

realm of the spirit, that is why Jesus said the least of the
children of God is greater than the greatest of all prophet in the
old testament.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

So if you pay first fruit to any man in need, you give it to God.
So if you believe in the doctrine of first fruits, there is nothing
bad in that, but follow the scripture in detail if you want to see
the reward attached to it. What the scripture says is that give it
to God, not give it to ministry. There are scriptural ways God
has ordained to provide for ministry and first fruit is not
amongst, let us stop brainwashing our innocent members, I am
also a full time pastor who pastor a church, but we must not
because of our selfish ambition manipulate scripture.

God dwelled in the Old Testament temple that is why men

brought their first fruit to the Old Testament, but God no longer
dwell in any temple made by man so why bring first fruit to the

Our body is now the temple of God, meaning anyone who have
the Holy spirit in him can receive first fruit, once you give it to
the person that really needs it, because anything you do to the
needy you did it to God, if you give to anyone who have the
Holy Spirit in him and in need, you give to the Temple of God,
that is what it mean to honour God with your substances or first

Pst Banjo Ayeka

I am not saying this to bring down any denomination, or men

of God, by his grace, I am also a church founder, but we can't
because of what we want to gain and eat deny the truth of the

One thing about the message of Religion is that it favours the

men of God and suffers the masses who are ignorant.

Whenever you hear give to God what religions has

programmed into the mind of their followers is giving to
church, but I tell you today that give to your parents is also
giving to God, giving to the needy is also giving to God, Give
to church is not giving to God, let we men of God have the fear
of God.

Get this, the prayer you receive from your parents if you give
to them is higher than the prayer you can receive from any man
of God if you give to us.

Someone said but it is when I give to men of God and he prays

for men that I received a breakthrough, sir, hear this truth
today, if you believe the prayer of your mother the same way

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

you believe the prayer of your man of God, you will also
receive strange breakthroughs and favours.

Because where you put your faith is what activates answer, our
faith level to the prayer of our parents is low that is why results
doesn't follow, but our faith level to the prayer of our man of
God is high that is why results follow.

No matter the anointing of a man of God if you don't believe

his prayer you can't get any results if he prays for you, and even
though your parents are not Anointed if you believe their
prayer you will get results, for you to know that it is not about
the men of God it is about your Faith.

If you claim the prayer of your parents doesn't work, provoke

them to anger and try their curse, then you will know the power
of the words of our parents over us.

So church is not Temple, we all see how the Apostle gave to

church in the New Testament.

Pst Banjo Ayeka

Any giving that is brought to church gatherings as it is called

is to be shared for those who are in need, it is not for pastor or
for running ministry programs.

Apostles never received any contribution to run their ministry,

they received contribution to share it amongst the needy, and
that is how to give to God.

What we tag to be God's work called Ministry is just our vision.

Just as having a company is your vision, so also having
ministry is my vision.

If God leads you to start a business and God leads me to start a

church ministry, your business is as spiritual as my church in
the sight of God.

If anyone gives to that business to promote it, it is the same as

giving to my ministry to expand it in the sight of God, anything
that is eternally birthed has equal ranking before God, be it
business or ministry because the expression of God's purpose
on earth is not only about ministry, God's eternal purpose for
you may be to have a school and raised godly children from

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

your school and build their moral life because ministry should
not be a place where moral life should be built, those should
purely be an assignment of secular schools. How I wish we had
Christians taking such a vision up.

Secular schools and homes should be places where the moral

life of people are built while ministry is ordained to be the place
where the spiritual life of people is trained. So, God's eternal
purpose for you may be to have a school, to build the moral life
of people, while God's eternal purpose for me may be to have
a ministry and build the spiritual life of men, while the eternal
purpose of another may be to have a business or company to
build the financial life of people.

So both your school, another man's business or company and

my church ministry have the same spiritual equivalency before
God. God sees things from his purpose and not necessarily
from our act.

So don't let any man of God make you see his Ministry vision
as God's work and now make you see your company as if it is
your carnal business that have no eternal relevance, your

Pst Banjo Ayeka

company is also God's work in your hands, just as Ministry is

also God's work in your Pastor or General Overseer's hands.

What you do in your General Overseer's church on Sunday and

weekly service is not what heaven counts as your primary work
for the kingdom, what you do in your company and in your
business is what heaven counts as your primary God's work,
every other things you do in any man's ministry is secondary
God's work.

When your pastor wants to register the church name with CAC,
does he register it with God's name or with his own personal
name, does he use external person as next of kin or he uses his
wife or first son as next of kin. Just as you register your
company in your name, so also a Pastor registers his ministry
in his name, and at the end he called his own God's work and
made you to see everything you do in his church ministry as
the major God's works, that is an act of brainwashing that has
been long established in denominations.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

All these brainwashing structures are what is sponsoring the

expansion of many ministries and making them rich and not
necessarily God.

Sir, your pastor's ministry is his vision, just as you have your
own vision, CHI church is the vision God gave to me, Business
can be your vision if God give it to you, no church ministry or
any denominational gathering on earth is more Spiritual than
that your fuel station company if God lead you to build a fuel
station for business and to solve the problem of unemployment.

You said it is God that gives you the vision to start a ministry,
yes, but just remember also that those Spiritual Christians who
have companies, it is God that also gives them the vision.

So, before God, his company's vision and your church's vision
has the same Spiritual potency in the sight of God.

So, it is religious brainwashing to create an impression that

giving or sowing seed to your ministry is all it means to give
to God. If God leads you to create a company and people give
to that vision to support you, they have given to God. If you

Pst Banjo Ayeka

received a vision from God to create private schools and people

give to that vision, they have given to God, that is the structure
of the body of Christ, the body of Christ is not a
denominational structure, it is a kingdom structure where
different secular, natural and Spiritual activity take place by the
grace of God to the glory of God.

It becomes God's kingdom when men begin to do natural

things or secular things by the grace of God, grace of God is
not only for ministry work, you can receive God's grace for
business or receive Anointing to create a Bank and your
branches are everywhere.

I can receive power to heal the sick and begin a church ministry
and begin to have branches everywhere, while you can receive
power to get wealth and begin to build fuel stations
everywhere, all is about God's work once all is to the glory of

For instance, when the spirit of wisdom rested upon me, the
spirit began to lead me into priesthood ministry because of the
structure and nature of the wisdom, but when the same wisdom

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

rested upon Solomon, he made him a king of a kingdom

because of the structure and nature of his wisdom, while when
the same spirit of wisdom rested upon some people in the book
of Exodus, they began to do all manner of workmanship.

Exodus 31:3 "And I have filled him with the spirit of God, in
wisdom, and in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all
manner of workmanship".

In the Book of Exodus 28: 3 also, some receive the same spirit
of wisdom and they became fashion designers.

Exodus 28:3 "And thou shalt speak unto all that are wise
hearted, whom I have filled with the spirit of wisdom, that they
may make Aaron's garments to consecrate him, that he may
minister unto me in the priest's office."

Their own Wisdom is not to minister in the priest office but to

create a consecrated garment for Aaron to minister in
priesthood office.

Pst Banjo Ayeka

So, the person who is using his wisdom for fashion designing
and the people using his wisdom to teach and write is the same
in the sight of God.

What is the point? Spiritual gift is not only for ministry, so

what people do in church is not their primary God's work for
them, don't let us be brainwashing people about, that is why
you will discover that the position of your children to your
business is the position of my son to my ministry. If ministry
is God's work, why are General Overseers putting their
children in sensitive good position in their ministry?

Why can't they start from the beginning like the least pastors
in that church, why can't their children be in the same position
with the children of other pastors and deacons in that church.

The same way a business man put his son in a good position in
his company is the same way we put our sons in good positions
in our ministry, and we claim it is the work and ministry of

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

You love business and you know you can do well in it that is
why you go into business, I love teaching scripture and I know
I am good at it that is why I go into teaching ministry.

Bovas filling station is the same as CHI church ministry in the

sight of God, our CHI church is solving spiritual problems,
while Bovas fuel station is solving economic problems in the
area of fuel.

This is the way God designed the New Testament church to be.
What God wants to build is a government and a kingdom, not
a denomination and a temple of worship kind of a thing.

Go back to church history, the word 'church' is a secular

language, it is not a language of the Jews. Jesus borrowed the
language from the Roman Empire of his day.

Because the word 'church' is the called out people by a Roman

Empire Kingdom or Government who are sent into another
kingdom to influence that kingdom with the culture and
language of the Roman Empire. So, Pilate for instance is a
member of the church sent by the Roman Empire to the land of

Pst Banjo Ayeka

Jews, they are called Apostles, Ambassadors, Governors, or

ministers. Pilate is an Apostle to the land of Jew.

The word 'Apostle' is a secular language, Jesus borrowed those

languages from the system of Roman Empire. An apostle is
someone sent by a kingdom or government for governmental
assignments, they are the sent one.

The word 'disciples' is a secular language, it means 'students.'

Jesus avoided every RELIGIOUS language in his teachings

and dealings just to create a new impression of his assignment
to us that it goes beyond temple and denominational setting.

Denomination is not a church, where we gather together on

Sunday to pray and learn the word of God is not a church, those
are just your ministry hall or Ministry center.

So, the word 'minister of God' is a language borrowed from

government, like minister of education, minister of sport, so
also we have minister of God.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

So, don't let us make religion out of all these things, Jesus is
not a religious fellow and he didn't come to create any
RELIGIOUS center. What he came to create is a kingdom, a
government, the structure of the church Christ came to build is
more of governmental structure and kingdom structure, not in
any way a Temple structure.

The Old Testament Temple is not the picture or shadow of the

New Testament Church where you have the holy of holies,
outer court and holy place, where the priest will now enter the
holy of holies.

No sir, the Old Testament Temple is the picture of your body

because the New Testament Temple is your body, the holy of
holies is the picture of your spirit, the holy place is the picture
of your soul, while the outer court is the picture of your body.
So, your body is the reality of the Old Testament Temple, so
there is no revelation to bring out of Old Testament Temple to
build the New Testament Church, lest you don't know what
Christ came to do.

Pst Banjo Ayeka

He came to create a kingdom, a community, a government

ruled by heaven. Anywhere you see religion just know that
Jesus is not there, and once Jesus is not there, wisdom will not
be there. You may see power there, but you will never see the
wisdom of God there because religion is one of the greatest
enemy of God's wisdom.

You may now want to ask, 'why do you see God's power in
any RELIGIOUS setting, center and atmosphere but will never
see God's wisdom in that place?'


What we tag to be God's work called Ministry is just our vision.

Just as having a company is your vision, so also having
ministry is my vision.
If God leads you to start a business and God leads me to start a
church ministry, your business is as spiritual as my church in
the sight of God.
If anyone gives to that business to promote it, it is the same as
giving to my ministry to expand it in the sight of God, anything
that is eternally birthed has equal ranking before God, be it

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

business or ministry because the expression of God's purpose

on earth is not only about ministry, God's eternal purpose for
you may be to have a school and raise godly children from your
school and build their moral life because ministry should not
be a place where moral life should be built, those should purely
be an assignment of secular schools. How wish we have
Christians taking such vision up.
Secular schools and home should be place where the moral life
of people should be built why ministry is ordained to be the
place where the spiritual life of people should be trained.
So God's eternal purpose for you may be to have a school to
build the moral life of people, while God's eternal purpose for
me may be to have a ministry and build the spiritual life of
men, while the Eternal purpose of another may be to have a
business or company to build the financial life of people. So
both your school, another man's business or company and my
church ministry has the same spiritual equality before God.

God sees things from his purpose and not necessarily from our
act. So don't let any man of God make you see his Ministry
vision as God's work and now make you see your company as
if it is your carnal business that have no Eternal relevance, your

Pst Banjo Ayeka

company is also God's work in your hands, just as Ministry is

also God's work in your Pastor or General Overseer's hands.
What you do in your General Overseer's church on Sunday and
weekly service is not what heaven counts as your primary work
for the kingdom, what you do in your company and in your
business is what heaven counts as your primary God's work,
every other things you do in any man's ministry is secondary
God's work. When your pastor wants to register the church
name with CAC, does he register it with God's name or with
his own personal name, does he use external person as next of
kin or he uses his wife or first son as next of kin. Just as you
register your company in your name, so also a Pastor registers
his ministry in his name, and at the end he called his own God's
work and made you to see everything you do in his church
ministry is the major God's works, that is an act of
brainwashing that has been long established in the
denominations, all this brainwashing structure is what is
sponsoring the expansion of many Ministry and making them
rich and not necessarily God.
Sir, your pastor's ministry is his vision, just as you have your
own vision, Chi church is my vision God gave it to me,
Business can be your vision if God give it to you, no church

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

ministry or any denominational gathering on earth is more

Spiritual than that your fueling station company if God leads
you to build a fueling station for business and to solve the
problem of unemployment.
You said it is God that give you the vision to start a ministry,
yes, but just remember also that those Spiritual Christians who
have companies, it is God that also give them the vision.
So before God, his company, vision, and your church vision
has the same Spiritual potency in the sight of God.
So, it is religious brainwashing to create an impression that
giving or sowing seed to your ministry is all it means to give
to God. If God leads you to create a company and people give
to that vision to support you, they have given to God. If you
received a vision from God to create private schools and people
give to that vision, they have given to God, rhat is the structure
of the body of Christ, the body of Christ is not denominational
structure, it is kingdom structure where different secular,
natural and Spiritual activity take place by the grace of God to
the glory of God.
It becomes God's kingdom when men begin to do Natural
things or secular things by the grace of God, grace of God is
not only for ministry work, you can receive God's grace for

Pst Banjo Ayeka

business or receive Anointing to create Bank and your

branches are everywhere.
I can receive power to heal the sick and begin a church ministry
and begin to have branches everywhere, while you can receive
power to get wealth and begin to build fueling stations
everywhere, all is about God's work once all is to the glory of
For instance, when the spirit of wisdom rested upon me, the
spirit began to lead me into priesthood ministry because of the
structure and nature of the wisdom, but when the same Wisdom
rested upon Solomon, he made him a king of a kingdom
because of the structure and nature of his wisdom, while when
the same spirit of wisdom rested upon some people in the book
of Exodus, they began to do all manner of workmanship.

Exodus 31:3
"And I have filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, and
in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of

In the Book of Exodus 28 vs. 3 also, some receive the same

spirit of wisdom and they became fashion designers.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

Exodus 28:3
"And thou shalt speak unto all that are wise hearted, whom I
have filled with the spirit of wisdom, that they may make
Aaron's garments to consecrate him, that he may minister unto
me in the priest's office."

Their own Wisdom is not to minister in the priest office but to

create a consecrated garment for Aaron to minister in
priesthood office.
So the person who is using his wisdom for fashion designing
and the people using his wisdom to teach and write is the same
in the sight of God.
What is the point? Spiritual gift is not only for ministry, so
what people do in church is not their primary God's work for
them, don’t be brainwashing people about. That is why you
will discover that the position of your children to your business
is the position of my son to my ministry. If ministry is God's
work, why are General Overseers putting their children in
sensitive good position in their ministry?

Why can't they start from the beginning like the least pastors
in that church, why can't their children be in the same position

Pst Banjo Ayeka

with the children of other pastors and deacon in that church?

The same way a business man put his son in a good position in
his company is the same way we put our son in good positions
in our ministry, and we claim it is the work and ministry of
You love business and you know you can do well in it that is
why you go into business, I love teaching scripture and I know
I am good at it that is why I go into teaching ministry.
Bovas filling station is the same as CHI churches ministry in
the sight of God, our CHI church is solving spiritual problems,
while Bovas fueling station is solving economic problems in
the area of fuel.

This is the way God designed the New Testament church to be.
What God wants to build is a government and a kingdom, not
a denomination and a temple of worship kind of a thing.
Go back to church history, the word 'church' is a secular
language, it is not a language of the Jews. Jesus borrowed the
language from Roman Empire of his day, because the word
'church' is the called out of people by a Roman Empire
Kingdom or Government and sent into another kingdom to
influence that kingdom with the culture and language of

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

Roman Empire. So, Pilate for instance is a member of the

church sent by Roman Empire to the land of Jew, they are
called Apostles, Ambassadors, Governors, or ministers. Pilate
is an Apostle to the land of Jew.
The word 'Apostle' is a secular language, Jesus borrowed those
languages from the system of Roman Empire. An apostle is
someone sent by a kingdom or government for governmental
assignments, they are the sent one.
The word 'disciples' is a secular language, it means 'students.'
Jesus avoided every RELIGIOUS language in his teachings
and dealings just to create a new impression of his assignment
to us that it goes beyond Temple and denominational setting.
Denomination is not a church, where we gather together on
Sunday to pray and learn the word of God is not a church, those
are just your ministry hall or Ministry center.
So, the word 'minister of God' is a language borrowed from
government, like minister of education, minister of sport, so
also we have minister of God.
So, don't let us make Religion out of all these things, Jesus is
not a Religious fellow and he didn't come to create any

Pst Banjo Ayeka

What he came to create is a kingdom, a government, the

structure of the church Christ came to build is more of
governmental structure and kingdom structure, not in any way
Temple structure.

Old testament Temple is not the picture or shadow of New

Testament Church where you have holy of holies, outer court
and holy place, where the priest will now enter the holy of
holies. No sir, Old Testament Temple is the picture of your
body because the New Testament Temple is your body, the
holy of holies is the picture of your spirit, the holy place is the
picture of your soul, while the outer court is the picture of your

So your body is the reality of the Old Testament Temple, so

there is no revelation to bring out of from Old Testament
Temple to build New Testament Church, lest you don't know
what Christ came to do.
He came to create a kingdom, a community, a government
ruled by heaven. Anywhere you see Religion just know that
Jesus is not there, and once Jesus is not there, wisdom will not
be there. You may see power there, but you will never see the

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

wisdom of God there because Religion is one of the greatest

enemy of God's wisdom.
You may now want to ask, 'why do you see God's power in any
RELIGIOUS setting, center and atmosphere but will never see
God's wisdom in that place?'

See you in the next chapter for that.

Pst Banjo Ayeka



There are Wisdom behind everything both in the visible realm

and in the invisible realm, everything in life both in the visible
and in the invisible have been subjected to Principles and

And Spiritual knowledge is the ability to search out those

PRINCIPLES of the spirit world. Spiritual Understanding is
the ability to comprehend those PRINCIPLES of the spirit
world while Spiritual Wisdom is the ability to apply those
PRINCIPLES of the spirit world.

It is when the principle of the wisdom of the spirit has been

dully followed that we see supernatural Manifestation in the
physical realm.
There is nothing that can't be achieved and attained with
Supernatural ability, if you can understand the wisdom of the
spirit behind everything.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

This is what the herbalists do. This is what the wise men in the
realm of darkness do, because the people who are known as
wise men in the spirit are the ones operating as powerful men
in the physical realm.
That is why the children of darkness that the scripture describe
to be wise men in the scripture are magicians, astrologers and
Genesis 41:8
And it came to pass in the morning that his spirit was troubled;
and he sent and called for all the magicians of Egypt, and all
the wise men thereof: and Pharaoh told them his dream; but
there was none that could interpret them unto Pharaoh.

Look at the scripture very well. They need men to interpret the
dream of a king. Kindly look at the quality of men they begin
to send for, the magicians of Egypt and all the wise men.

Look at another scripture also;

Exodus 7:11

Pst Banjo Ayeka

Then Pharaoh also called the wise men and the sorcerers: now
the magicians of Egypt, they also did in like manner with their

Kindly look at the set of people the children of darkness group

together with wise men, the magicians, the sorcerers.
This are men and nations who understand what it means to be
wise men, but come to my generation and mention a wise man,
you begin to see my generation grouping them with the
professors, the academicians and the philosophers. As far as
the scripture is concerned all these are just the expression of
the wisdom of man and not the expression of the wisdom of the
What we count as wisdom in the natural is what they count as
foolishness in the spirit realm while what the spirit count as
Wisdom is what we count has foolishness in the natural, that is
why the scripture says the wisdom of God is folishness to
natural men.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

1 Corinthians 2:14
But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of
God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know
them, because they are spiritually discerned.

Things of the spirit is foolishness to a natural man. So also

things of the natural is also foolish to the spirit man.

1 Corinthians 3:19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness

with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own

It is because we don't know the fruit of wisdom of the spirit

that is why we tag some people to be wise men when the spirit
is seeing them as the most foolish men. You are tagged a wise
man by the spirit world when your supernatural manifestation
in the physical realm is an expression of instructions from a
sacred dark book or sacred Holy Book you followed in the
secret place. The same way magic book, sacred dark book can
be in the hand of the wise men of darkness which they read and
follow the instructions of those book and by that they begin to
operate in the supernatural. So also the Holy Scripture can be

Pst Banjo Ayeka

in our hand if we know how to use it, follow the instructions in

Get this, you can follow the instructions of the scripture and
yet no supernatural results will follow if all you do is to be
following the instructions religiously.
If you see scripture as the book of the law which is the way
they see it in the Old Testament it only makes you moral.
If you see scripture as book of COMMANDMENT, it only
makes you religious but when you see it as sacred Book that
contains the wisdom of the spirit, you become Spiritual and
become supernatural because it is unfortunate that many don't
know how to study and apply the wisdom of the spirit in the
All they know is the moral and religious law in the scripture
but they don't know the spiritual law in the scripture and if you
know how to apply it, results of the spirit follow.
I tell you today that once you have bible, you have solution to
all problems in your hand, but lack of how to study it spiritually
can make you to die empty with all your head full of the
knowledge of the bible.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

Just as you can have dark book of darkness read it and apply it
and yet no single results will follow because it is not about
access to the book, it is about how to apply it.
My daddy had one of the sacred dark book of darkness before
he died because he was into occultic when we were young,
before he left when they began to demand for his first born
which was my senior brother. My family was delivered back
then by a church.
To cut the long story short, the church came to our house and
set on fire all the charm they saw in our house. They asked my
daddy to surrender all the diabolic things which he did but little
did we know that my father didn't surrender the dark book of
darkness in his hand. After many years, my daddy began to
secretly use this book for his own personal issue, whenever
things go wrong, but what we noticed was that the book doesn't
work in his hand again. He will apply the instructions given in
the book, miss it with the leaf and diabolic things needed yet
no results will follow.
I could remember when I wanted to sit for my junior WAEC
exam. My dad brought the dark book to cook some concussion
for me so as to come out with flying color in my junior WAEC

Pst Banjo Ayeka

He did the concussion, I could still remember some of the

material he used, like local EGG, local sponge with some
things also and my dad took me to dung hill, he dug a hole at
the center of the dung hill and began to wash my head at the
center of the dung hill with some incantations as instructed in
the book, but it was unfortunate that I failed woefully in my
junior WAEC.
Even though I was one of the best students in the class, and I
also read so well for the exam but it was so unfortunate even
the person that copied me in the exam passed better than me.
Why? Not that the book is not powerful, but the user is no
longer wise, he can't understand the book any longer and he
can't know how to use it. All my daddy was doing then was
using human knowledge and academic intelligence to study a
spiritual book of darkness because just as you need holy
SPIRIT to study and know holy book so also you need evil
spirit to study those demonic books.
When my daddy died, been a seventeen-year-old young guy
who is very inquisitive about the things of the spirit, I picked
up the same dark book and began to study it, I sat down with
the book and began to study it, and I followed the instructions
in the book, yet each time I use it, I didn't get results.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

Until I discovered that it is a book of the spirit world, and you

must be initiated into the spirit world before the book will work
for you. To every dark book, you need a dark spirit to teach
you how to use it, you are not yet wise if you access the book,
you only become wise when you access the book by the spirit
of darkness.
Thank God I met Christ which made me to set the book on fire
in the year 2012. By now, I could journey into dark world to
encounter the spirit that can make the book to open to me,
because just as you need Holy spirit to make SCRIPTURE
open to you. So also the children of darkness need evil spirit to
make those dark book open to them.
Just as Scripture remains powerless, until the Holy Spirit opens
a scripture to you and it becomes revelation in you. So also
those dark book can remain powerless in your hand until evil
spirit open those book to you.
Application of SCRIPTURE that Holy Spirit put in you as
revelation is what makes heaven see you as wise men.

Pst Banjo Ayeka



Matthew 10:8
Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils:
freely ye have received, freely give.

Why has God Not release power on us in this generation as of

the past, says a passionate soul that want to see revival in his
It is because this generation is trying to think we can do
something to operate in power of God, we don't know that there
is nothing we can do and there is no price we can pay that can
make us to walk in power.
The scripture says freely you receive, not you pay the price to
receive, but freely you receive, don't try to attach sacrifice and
price tag on what ETERNITY as declared to be given freely.
Any attempt to think you can receive by sacrifice what has
been ordained to be released by grace, you cut yourself from

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

grace, and that is one the act of foolishness recognize by the

spirit world.

Galatians 5:4 Christ is become of no effect unto you,

whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from

It is like coming from UK to pay the price of all you need at

ShopRite in Nigeria, and I have given instructions to the
ShopRite receptionist that anyone that comes to ShopRite in
my name have access to buy anything without paying any
I also select some marketers to go to public to make publicity
that someone called Banjo Ayeka has paid the price of all the
goods in ShopRite that just believe and go to Shoprite and pick
anything and if they ask you where is your money tell them
you came in the name of Banjo Ayeka.

Therefore, many begins to go and receive free gift from

ShopRite, not because the gifts and products in ShopRite are
cheap, but they became free because someone paid the price
for it.

Pst Banjo Ayeka

It's now become foolishness after receiving such information,

you now go to ShopRite and be thinking you want to pay the
price to get to buy what someone has paid the price to give
This is what this generation is doing, one of the things you can
never and never pay the price to get is power, no single person
pay the price to walk in power in the scripture, it is one of the
most expensive Spiritual commodity in the spirit, no man can
pay the price aside Christ, you may use blood sacrifice and
price to get the fake of it in the kingdom of darkness, but you
can never you sacrifice or price to get any Supernatural or
Spiritual Blessings in the kingdom of light

Because every other sacrifice and price aside from the sacrifice
of Christ is like dung hill before God, if you believe in Christ
and is finished work, it is counted to you as if you pay the
highest price and sacrifice on earth,
And Christ pay the price to make it available for us free, but
my generation begin to think they can use sacrifice of long
fasting and prayer to walk in power, and the more we attempt
such realm with such mindset, the more we become powerless,
because we lack the wisdom of the spirit world.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

One of the greatest attack devil has released on us in this

generation is to pride ourselves in prayer.

We think prayer is our strength and advantage, so we think we

can use prayer to obtain and attain supernatural from God.

However, the last time I read the book of Romans what I found
there is that one of our greatest weakness is that we don't know
how to pray as we ought to.

Romans 8:26 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities:

for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the
Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which
cannot be uttered.

Our strength in the spirit is not that we are doing intercessory

prayer, but our strength in the spirit is that we have the Holy
Spirit who is doing the intercession for us.
The scripture didn't say he is doing the intercession in us, or
with us, but he is doing it for us.

Pst Banjo Ayeka

We will not see revival until we come to the humility that

prayer is not our strength, prayer is our weakness, the scripture
says we don't know what to pray as we ought to.
We only have energy for gymnastics prayers but we lack the
wisdom of what to pray, Wisdom of prayer is what is missing
in us. Energy for prayer without Wisdom for prayer is like
making noise in the market place.
Our weakness is that we don't know what to pray as we ought
to pray and our strength is that Holy Spirit is praying for us as
we enter our rest, the scripture didn't say because our weakness
is that we don't know what to pray so therefore we should
substitute our weakness with speaking in tongues for hours
(you can see another foolishness raised to power two
manifesting in some).
How can we have a scripture and refuse to follow the simple
guide line found in it over every subject matter, because that is
how seed of wisdom manifest in man. What God want to do is
to make us acknowledge and accept our weakness so that we
can trust in Christ and his finished work but rather we try to
claim we can use speaking in tongues as substitute to our

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

What the scripture says is that one of our weakness is that we

don't know what to pray as we ought to and because of that the
grace of God make provision for the Holy Spirit to begin to
intercede for us.

The Holy Spirit groaning is the substitute for our weakness in

prayer and not our speaking in tongues which we tag to be
groaning, your groaning in the spirit is not the substitute for
your weakness that is even the expression of your weakness.
If not for lack of knowledge which is also another greatest
weakness we have, how can you tag speaking in tongues to be
Kindly go to your dictionary to see the meaning of groaning, it
has nothing to do with speaking in tongues.
Kindly go to history, every revival that happen in the past are
product of faith and grace, not in any way a product of
Truly when grace and anointing is released, it may bring you
into certain consecrated life, it is not the consecrated life that
produce the grace and the anointing, it is the grace that produce
the consecrated life.

Pst Banjo Ayeka

So it is the consecrated life we saw and celebrate rather than

the grace of Christ upon them.
So we now exalt those general of old rather than exalting grace
that pay the price to make the grace and anointing available for
them freely.
This is how religion is formed, Religion is formed when
followers of Christ rejected the sacrifice of Christ for them as
all that is enough and begin to follow the sacrifice of their
general overseer, and they begin to do by self-effort and self-
energy what their general overseer is doing by grace.
Everyone who walked in power have the high tendency to lead
generation to error, because, been the fact that they see the
Manifestation of the supernatural in him, that will make his
followers to think he can teach them.
No sir, that you work in the Supernatural means you can preach
about a person who is Jesus, but that doesn't mean you can
teach Christ or teach the scripture. Preaching about Jesus is
different from teaching Christ and teaching SCRIPTURE.
The power manifesting in you is an advertisement tools to
introduce men to Christ who gave you the power freely and not
a qualifications to teach scripture. These are what the apostle
did in the book of act, Peter heal the cripple man at the beautiful

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

gate and men begin to look at him as if by his power and

holiness he raised the cripple, but instead of Peter to begin to
teach them how to command the Supernatural, teach them how
to work in power as this my generational men of God are
wrongly doing, but Peter begin to preach about Christ to them.

Acts 3:6, 11-12 Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none;
but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth rise up and walk.
6: And as the lame man which was healed held Peter and John,
all the people ran together unto them in the porch that is called
Solomon's, greatly wondering.

11: And when Peter saw it, he answered unto the people, Ye
men of Israel, why marvel ye at this? Or why look ye so
earnestly on us, as though by our own power or holiness we
had made this man to walk?
12:The God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God
of our fathers, hath glorified his Son Jesus; whom ye delivered
up, and denied him in the presence of Pilate, when he was
determined to let him go.

Pst Banjo Ayeka

You can look at the scripture very well, they look at Peter as
though it is by their power and Holiness they work in power,
but Peter correct them that this supernatural you see is the
product what is done by faith in the name of Jesus.

Acts 3: 16 And his name through faith in his name hath made
this man strong, whom ye see and know: yea, the faith which
is by him hath given him this perfect soundness in the presence
of you all.

Religion will make you to see what you do as the key to

supernatural, why true Spirituality make you to see what Christ
has done as the only key to supernatural, because power is
designed to be an Evangelist tool, it is not a tool to announce
you, it is a tool to announce Christ, that is why Christ paid the

Some said all I need to be known globally is power, you can

see error, power is not a tool to announce you and your
ministry, it is a tool to announce Christ and his finished works.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

It is when Christ be lifted up that he draw many to himself.

John 12:32
And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto

You are not the one to draw yourself up, so stop looking for
supernatural to draw yourself up, it is Christ himself that draw
a man up

2 Corinthians 12:9 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient

for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most
gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the
power of Christ may rest upon me.

Some believe that the reason why we need to pray is because

we are weak, no Sir! Our weakness is that we don't know what
to pray.
There is no scripture that says prayer is the substitute for
weakness, what the scripture says is that grace is the substitute

Pst Banjo Ayeka

for weakness, what the scripture says is that my grace is

sufficient for you.
My grace work most in your weakness is what the scripture
says scripture didn't say my grace work most in your prayers.
Someone said, but grace come through prayer, but the scripture
didn't say so, don't let us be reading our mind into
SCRIPTURE, don't assume for God how things should be.
The scripture never say I give grace to the prayerful people,
what he said in that Bible verse is that I glory in my weakness
so that the power of God will rest upon me.

2 Corinthians 12:9 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient

for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most
gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the
power of Christ may rest upon me.

You can see the hidden Wisdom of walking in the power of

God that many didn't know, read the scripture yourself again
and again and see the hidden truth of walking in the
supernatural, Paul says it is when I glory in my weakness, not
when I pray in tongues for hours because of my weakness, not

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

when I fast because of my weakness, but when I glory in my

weakness that the power of Christ rest upon men
You can see the mystery of grace, I give grace to the humble
says the scripture, not I give grace to the prayerful.

James 4:6 But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God

resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.

I say this with all sincerity, as far as Africa is concerned, prayer

is not a fruit of humility, prayer for us is a fruit of pride, and
we felt we are the praying country while other nations are not.
And until we acknowledge that we don't know what to pray as
we ought to, we will continue to be at the back comparing with
other nations , humility is the ability to acknowledge your
weakness and trust only on the finished work of Christ in that
Some said, the reason why you will remain weak in the spirit
is because you don't pray, then I pause and ask myself, which
Bible is my praying generation reading? Then I discovered that
this wrong spirit manifesting as praying movement in this
generation is taking away the submission to Scripture from the
heart of many, because I don't believe a student of the spirit

Pst Banjo Ayeka

who is humble enough to be educated by the spirit can utter

such utterance.

one of the danger of prayer moment is that they will think they
can violate simple instructions of the scripture and think they
can substitute it with sacrifice of fasting and prayer, they don't
know that obedience is better than sacrifice.
Show me the denominations tagged to be praying
denominations in this generation, you will discover they are the
one behind in everything of life, show me a praying Nation you
will discover they are the one behind in life
There is not Scripture that says the reason why you are weak is
because you are not praying and there is no scripture that says
the key to be strong in the spirit is prayer.
What the Bible says is that those who know their God shall be
strong, not those who pray to God shall be strong.

Daniel 11:32: but the people that do know their God shall be
strong, and do exploits.

Those who talk to God are not the one that are ordained to be
strong but to who sit to learn from God to know his person ,

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

know his act and know his ways, they are the one the scripture
says shall be strong and do exploit.
Meaning, the key to be strong and do exploit as far as the spirit
world is concerned is knowledge and not prayer.
The scripture says he that pray in tongues edify himself, kindly
check the meaning of edification yourself, it means to be build
mentality and build morally.
It has nothing to do with building your spirit, what build you
Spirit is every word that proceed out of the mouth of God to
you and not every word that proceed out of your mouth to God

Luke 4:4 And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That

man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.
Meaning, you live by revelation, because when the word that
proceed out of the mouth of God enter into your spirit it come
as revelation, it com as light, so we live by light in this
kingdom, because the entrance of the word give light and that
light is the food of your spirit.
Someone said, if you are not praying you are not living, they
claimed prayer is like breathe, I don't know if they have their
bible from sky different from the one we are reading, because
as far as the Bible in my hand in concerned, there is no scripture

Pst Banjo Ayeka

that say if you are not praying you are dying, there is no
Scripture that link prayer to be breath in the spirit or Link
prayer to be food in the spirit. What the scripture say is that the
word of God is the food by which we live, the word of God is
the living bread, just as your biological life survive by physical
bread, so also your spiritual life survive by living bread, and
the living bread is every word that proceed out of the mouth of
God to you and not every word that proceed out of your mouth
to God. Meaning if the word of God is not entering into your
heart has light you are dying.
Revelation is the food of your spirit, revelational knowledge of
the scripture is the only food that builds your spirit.
So scripturally, speaking in tongues does not produce any
power or produce gift of the spirit, it produces fruit of the spirit,
because the results of edification is fruit of the spirit.
This is what the scripture says about speaking in tongues

1 Corinthians 14:4 He that speaketh in an unknown tongue

edifieth himself;

Mind you also , this scripture didn't say if you speak in tongues
for ten hours, be very careful of RELIGIOUS, they have a

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

demonic assignment of placing yoke and burden on people

which Christ didn't sent them
One of the way to know any teaching that is of Christ is that
the yoke will be easy and the burden will be light.

Matthew 11:30 For my yoke( Teaching) is easy, and my burden

is light.

Truly the scripture say speak in tongues, but the scripture never
told us the hours you must use before you can strike a code in
the spirit.
Meaning, as long as heaven is concerned, if you speak in
tongues for 1 minutes with faith in Christ and the finished work
of Christ as what is sufficient, you have a chances to be
accepted than someone speaking in tongues for hours with his
faith in the hours he use to speak in tongues
Many be my generation who pride in speaking in tongues need
to read 1 Corithians 13:1.

1 Corinthians 13:1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and

of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass,
or a tinkling cymbal.

Pst Banjo Ayeka

If you understand this scripture you will know that love is what
we should exalt in the body of Christ and not speaking in
tongues and prayer, if God should judge Africa by this
scripture, you will know that what we tag prayer and praying
church are just making noise as far the spirit realm is
concerned, they are becoming sounding brass or tinkling
cymbals because go and study men who pride themselves to be
men of prayer, nation of prayer, church of prayer, love and
unity is far from them.

Why? We left the weightier matter of the spirit which is love,

we left the principal things which is wisdom, and because of
that deception set in.
The deception of the devil got us so well that all we tag to the
Manifestation of power is people falling and rolling on the
floor without any shift, miracles or blessings in their life.
The cripples are not healed, the blind did not see, the mad
people who are the true manifestation of demon possessed
people still remains possessed without been cast out, but
because people fall on the floor and begin to roll which most

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

of them are ladies we tag that to be manifestation of power.

How could that be the manifestation of power?
Go to the ministration of many of our father in faith, people
doesn't fall in the ministration of Daddy Oyedepo, Daddy
Kumuyi and also Daddy Bishop Benson Idahosa and we see
strange miraculous results following.
Even in the ministration of our father in faith like Daddy Paul
Eneche, Daddy Christ Oyakilome that have testimony of
People falling, people don't just fall and rise up without
testimony, strange supernatural testimony follows.
You see them falling and at the time they will come up, strange
testimony of healing will begin to follow but come to my
generation, we lack the manifestation of power even with our
so called manifestation of prayer, and it is because wisdom is
missing in our so called prayers.
We thought long prayer is a fruit of strength in the spirit, we
don't know that long prayer is a fruit of weakness in the spirit,
it is a fruit of lack of faith.
Men of faith doesn't talk much when standing or sitting to pray
before God , if you see them staying long in the place of prayer,
it is because God is talking to them not because they are talking
to God

Pst Banjo Ayeka

They stayed long with books and pen in their hand writing
down Revelations for hours in the place of prayer because they
have come to the understanding that prayer is fellowship and
not all this gymnastics, sweating and vibrating of shaking the
body for hours we are doing in Africa that we tag to be fervent
prayer, strength of youth is intoxicating us in this generation.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

Pst Banjo Ayeka



Jeremiah 3:15 And I will give you pastors according to mine

heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.
Whenever you feel that your spiritual life is down, the solution
is not by trying to fast and pray or trying to study scripture
yourself, the solution is to look for teacher or pastor whom God
will use to feed you, look for men ordained by God purposely
to feed the saint with Spiritual knowledge and understanding.
That is why the scripture says I have given you a pastor who
will feed you with knowledge and understanding.
All that your spirit needs to be revived is to be spiritually fed,
many thought in this kingdom you can feed yourself, you see
them trying to study the scripture by themselves, but you can’t.
Kindly look at this scripture...
Acts 8:28, 30-31 Was returning, and sitting in his chariot read
Esaias the prophet.
30: And Philip ran thither to him, and heard him read the
prophet Esaias, and said,

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

31: Understandest thou what thou readest?

And he said, how can I, except some man should guide me?
And he desired Philip that he would come up and sit with him.
From this scripture you will see that the eunuch man was
reading the Book of Isaiah but he didn’t understand what he
was reading, and Philip ask him, did you understand what you
are reading?
And the eunuch answered, how can I understand except a man
explain it to me, and Philip took it upon himself and begin to
explain it,
You just have to be humble enough to sit to be fed, and this is
what Mary was doing that Jesus said she has chosen the
greatest thing.
Luke 10:41-42 And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha,
Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things:
42: But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good
part, which shall not be taken away from her.
What was that one thing that is needful which Mary has
chosen? Verse 39 showed that to us
Luke 10:39 and she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at
Jesus’ feet, and heard his word.

Pst Banjo Ayeka

Mary was not doing devotion by herself, she was not doing the
studying by herself, but she sat down to listen to men that carry
the word.
At every season of your life, God has placed in your way
teachers who will feed you with knowledge and understanding,
it is through their message you get revived back in the spirit,
get their Spiritual material and sit down with it, get their
messages and sit down with it.
After feeding under the ministration of someone for long and
you discover that you are loosing interest in the things of the
spirit, it may be that you need another person to feed you again,
every man of God appear in your life for a season, kindly learn
to know that.
Look at the scripture very well.
Jeremiah 3:15 And I will give you pastors according to mine
heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.
God said I have given you pastors (plural), not pastor
(singular). Meaning, God didn’t give you just one pastor but he
has given you many pastors, but this is the balancing; those
pastors that God has given to you will not come to you at the
same time, they come season by season.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

Because a good sheep doesn’t have many Shepard at a time, it

is one Shepard that can have many sheep at a time , but the
Shepard of a sheep can be changed in season. Meaning, one
will be coming to feed you per time, and a season will come
when you will outgrow the dimensions of that pastor and you
see God bringing another pastor your way to continue to feed
you from where the previous pastor stopped.
This is how we grow in the spirit, no single person stay under
a pastor for life and grow, because no single man of God is
given all Spiritual curriculum that can capture the need of your
spirit – life existence.
You stay under a pastor seasonally as long as you find
satisfaction with what he is teaching, once you no longer find
satisfaction, it mean it is time to trust God for another pastor
who will continue to feed you with Spiritual knowledge and
Till today I still trust in God, for God to bring my way pastors
that will feed me also, because just as God made me a teacher
to some, I am also a student of some.
This is the wisdom of spiritual growth that many didn’t know.
If you don’t understand this, you will keep on remaining
stagnant spiritually, your spiritual life will be full of ups and

Pst Banjo Ayeka

downs. Why? Because you are trying to feed yourself, and this
is what religion has taught you, they said read your Bible
yourself, that you have the holy spirit in you by yourself who
can teach you.
Sir, you can’t read your Bible yourself and be blessed, you
need someone to feed you.
The moment you have Christ in you, the second thing you need
to grow spiritually is Holy Scripture and the third thing you
need is teaching priest.
2 Chronicles 15:3 Now for a long season Israel hath been
without the true God, and without a teaching priest, and
without law.
You can see the structural wisdom right from the Old
Testament, once you are with God, you must be with teaching
priest, who will use the scripture to teach about the God.
Someone said but I have the Holy Spirit in me, but I believe
the Holy Spirit has been in you when you open your Bible and
it look boring and uninteresting, didn’t you have the Holy spirit
when you read the Bible and yet didn’t understand what you
are reading? Was it not until you now picked the book of
Kenneth Haggins that you now understand what the scripture
is saying through that material.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

Has it not happen to you that you are praying to God for
direction and you just stumble on a book of Bishop David
Oyedepo and you get the direction to your prayer in the book?
Why can’t the Holy Spirit in you teach you all things without
the book of Daddy David Oyedepo ? It is because you didn’t
know that the assignment of the person of the holy spirit you
receive is not to teach you but rather to use men to teach you.
There are two SCRIPTURE we misunderstood that make us to
think that once we receive Holy Spirit he can teach us ourselves
Look at the two scripture
John 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he
will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself;
but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will
shew you things to come.
14: He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall
shew it unto you.

Take note of the assignment of the Holy Spirit in that scripture

Guide you into all truth, not teach you the scripture, guiding
you into all truth is different from teaching you Scripture.

Pst Banjo Ayeka

He will not speak of himself, but whoever he hears he will

speak, not whatsoever he hear he will teach. ‘He will teach' is
different from ‘He will speak'
He shall show you things to come, not teach you,
He shall receive from Christ and show it unto you. Holy Spirit
in you can show you scripture and use it to speak to you, but
not teach you SCRIPTURE, showing you Scripture is different
from teaching you Scripture.

So if you look at this particular scripture very well, you will

discover that the scripture is not in any way saying the Holy
Spirit in you will teach you SCRIPTURE , don’t let pride
birthed by Religion spirit make you think you can know bible
by yourself.
Now let us look at the second scripture again where the
scripture intentionally mentioned that the Holy Spirit will teach
us all things.
John 14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom
the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things,
and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have
said unto you.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

This is another scripture many misunderstood to think the Holy

Spirit in them can teach them Bible by themselves. Truly when
the Holy Spirit comes he will teach you all things, not that he
will use YOU to teach YOU, but he will use OTHERS to teach
One of the errors we make is that we do think that Holy Spirit
will use you to teach you, no sir he will use others to teach you.
Truly when The Holy Spirit come he will guide you into all
truth, but not that he will use you to guide you into all truth but
he will use others to guide you into all truth. Truly when Holy
Spirit come he will show you things to come, not that he will
use YOU to show YOU things to come, but he will use others
to show you things to come, and that is what he use John to do
for us in the book of revelation.
When God was showing John those mystery in the book of
revelation, it was not John that God have in mind to reveal
those things to, it was the body of Christ that God have in mind,
so he use John to reveal those things so that it might be fulfilled
that truly when the Holy Spirit come he will show us things to
come and he has done that through John, there is nothing to
come as far as Eternal plan of God is concerned that has not
been captured in the book of revelation.

Pst Banjo Ayeka

We are not wired to be sufficient in ourselves no matter the

Holy Spirit in you, you are only sufficient when you are joined
to the body of Christ and humble to enjoy the grace available
in the body but not available in you
The major assignment of the Holy Spirit in you is to bear you
witness when others are teaching you by the inspiration of the
Holy spirit, to confirm what others are teaching you if what
they are teaching you is truth or not, to comprehend when
others are teaching you.
Look at the scripture very well, he said how be it when the
spirit come, he didn’t say when the spirit come into you as
individual, but when it come into us as a body of Christ, don’t
separate yourself from the body and think you can stand alone
just because you claim you have the Holy Spirit in you, you
will struggle and stumble, You will enter into error, confusion
and frustration, you will be like a sheep without Shepard.
I tell you today that you can’t know scripture by yourself,
humble yourself under men that God has ordained into the
office of teacher called teaching priest and let them teach you
If the assignment of the Holy Spirit in you is to teach you all
things then there will not be any need for Christ to create the

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

office of a teacher. The office of a teacher mentioned in the

book of Ephesians 4 is not to teach those who didn’t have Holy
Spirit in them; their assignment is to teach scripture to those
that have Holy Spirit in them.
This is one of the long time errors that have killed many in the
body of Christ.

Pst Banjo Ayeka



1 Corinthians 2:7 But we speak the wisdom of God in a

mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before
the world unto our glory:
I explained in the past pages that the wisdom of God is totally
different from the utterances of philosophers, not a wise saying
that is very sweet to the sense of man, not a natural principle
which you can apply communicated with the power of oratory.
Kindly look at what Paul says about the wisdom of God in this
scripture, it says when we communicate it, we speak it in
mystery, we don’t speak the wisdom of God in principles we
speak it in mystery.
A man that has the mystery of the things of the spirit is the man
that has the wisdom of the spirit world, that is, the man that has
the wisdom of God, if it is not communicated in mystery it is
not the wisdom of God.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

That is why I said that the Wisdom of Solomon can be wisdom

from God, but that is not the wisdom of God, something FROM
God is different from something OF God.
When the wisdom of God appears we all know and Jesus said
he that is greater than Solomon is here.
Matthew 12:42 the queen of the south shall rise up in the
judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she
came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom
of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here.
Meaning the wisdom that is greater than the Wisdom of
Solomon is here, and Christ is that Wisdom
1 Corinthians 1:24 Christ the power of God, and the wisdom
of God.
The Wisdom of Solomon is a wisdom FROM God, while the
wisdom of Jesus is a wisdom OF God. The wisdom of Solomon
is just a restoration of common sense, everything he said is
appealing to sense, a man in his good and right sense can relate
with it and agree with it, but Christ which is the hidden
Wisdom of God is not a restoration of common sense; it is life
to a dead spirit, it is salvation to a caged soul, it is light to the
blind mind, and a restoration of the spiritual sense.

Pst Banjo Ayeka

So when talking about the expression of the wisdom of God,

Solomon is not the perfect picture, Christ is the perfect picture.
Solomon only manifests the wisdom from God but not the
wisdom of God.
The wisdom of Solomon is an expression of the highest level
of common sense, it only captures things and reality under the
heaven and the highest level of common sense is far below the
lowest level of spirit sense, because the spirit sense captures
the things in the heavenly and when a man with spirit sense is
communicating, he speaks in mystery because the wisdom of
God is released in mystery.
The wisdom of Solomon, which is the highest level of common
sense says; plan for tomorrow and asks you to learn from the
ant (proverbs 6:6-8) but when the wisdom of God begins to
speak in the book of Mathew, he says take no thought of
tomorrow and he begins to ask you to learn from the bird.
(Mathew 6:26)
Matthew 6:26 behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not,
neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly
Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?
This is mystery, it doesn’t appeal to common sense, it is against
the law of logical thinking, and this is how the wisdom of God

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

is expressed. That is why the scripture says the wisdom of the

spirit is foolishness to a natural man.
1 Corinthians 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things
of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither
can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
But the Wisdom of Solomon is deep and correct to a natural
man. The Wisdom of Solomon is wisdom to a natural man,
because men like the queen of Sheba who gives kudos to his
wisdom are natural men of this life.
Look at the report of Queen Sheba concerning the Wisdom of
1 Kings 10:4, 7 And when the queen of Sheba had seen all
Solomon’s wisdom, and the house that he had built,
7: Howbeit I believed not the words, until I came, and mine
eyes had seen it: and, behold, the half was not told me: thy
wisdom and prosperity exceedeth the fame which I heard.
If the same queen Sheba that gave kudos to the Wisdom of
Solomon comes across the wisdom of Christ, it will sound
foolish to her because she will not be able to communicate it
nor understand it because it is communicated in mystery. The
wisdom of Christ which is the wisdom of God is offensive to
the Jew and Foolishness to the Greek.

Pst Banjo Ayeka

As educated as Nicodemus may sound to be, when he

encountered the hidden wisdom of God in John 3, he got
confused and asked Jesus, “how can all this things you are
saying be?”
John 3:9 Nicodemus answered and said unto him, How can
these things be?
Look at the response of Jesus.
John 3:12 If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not,
how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?
Meaning to Jesus, he has come to the level of Nicodemus to
speak to him and yet he could not still understand, and Jesus
said, “ what about if I begin to tell you heavenly things?”
Meaning everything Jesus was communicating beginning from
John chapter 3:2 - 11 on the teaching of being born again and
how to be born again is an earthly things, meaning Jesus has
not started speaking heavenly things, and yet Nicodemus can’t
comprehend it.
The Bible says the light shine in darkness and darkness can’t
comprehend it.
John 1:5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness
comprehended it not.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

The word COMPREHEND IT NOT means they can’t

understand it, if the children of darkness can comprehend and
understand your light, then you are speaking from the realm of
Solomon and not from the realm of Christ. If Jesus speaks,
queen Sheba can’t comprehend it, she will first have to be born
by the spirit, receive the person of the Holy Spirit to
comprehend the things of the spirit.
When I see Christians who teach that "the children of darkness
rejected the person of Christ but embraced the principle of
Christ, that is why they are materially rich", I see a man of God
who lack the knowledge of the wisdom and Principles of
Christ, No children of darkness can comprehend the principles
of Christ, it is foolishness unto them, how can you comprehend
‘take no thought of tomorrow’? How can you comprehend the
principle of 'seeking first the kingdom and every other things
will be added (Mathew 6:25-34)'? How can you comprehend
the principle of Christ that says 'lay up your treasure in heaven
and not in bank’?
Matthew 6:20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven,
where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do
not break through nor steal:

Pst Banjo Ayeka

This is foolishness to a natural man. If a natural man can

comprehend your teaching as a man of God, then you are not
communicating the wisdom of God. It means your wisdom is
not the wisdom of the spirit world, it is just mere teaching for
the common sense of man to bring men back to their sense.
God needed to give Solomon that kind of wisdom because the
children of Israelites had lost their sense, because they had
been caged under the Law of Moses which became Religion to
them for years and Religion is the greatest killer of common
sense. That is, anywhere there is Religion there is poverty,
there is backwardness, and there is lack of exposure. So God
had to release wisdom to Solomon that will restore common
sense to the children of Israel.
That is why many African churches need to first begin from
wisdom of Solomon, because many Christians have been so
religiously brainwashed by many general overseers that they
have lost their common sense, so there are men of God raised
by God with Wisdom of Solomon to bring RELIGIOUS people
back to their common sense.
So before you begin to talk about the wisdom of the spirit world
to some, they first need the wisdom of Solomon for their
common sense to be restored, because it is lack of common

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

sense to think you must speak in tongues for ten hours to touch
heaven, it is lack of common sense to think tithing is the key to
Prosperity. It is lack of common sense to think you can be born
again and still be under generational curses because common
sense from the book of Solomon which shows you that if your
way pleases the lord, he will make generational curse to be at
peace with you. Common sense from the book of Ecclesiastes
will tell you that if you don’t break the hedge serpent can’t bite.
Ecclesiastes 10:8 He that diggeth a pit shall fall into it; and
whoso breaketh an hedge, a serpent shall bite him.
Serpent can only deceive if you have not broken the edge, but
once you break the hedge, he has the legal right to bite you. It
is when you understand all those earthly things that you are
ripe to begin to receive heavenly things. Because the things of
the spirit, which is the wisdom of heaven, is for men who are
in their right senses because the characteristics of a light from
above is that it shines in darkness and darkness can’t
comprehend it. Light means knowledge, meaning darkness
and the children of darkness can’t understand the knowledge
because it is the heavenly things. And the scripture says, “ a
natural man can’t comprehend the things of the spirit.”

Pst Banjo Ayeka

We don’t communicate the wisdom of God in a principle, we

communicate it in mystery that is why darkness can’t
comprehend it. You have seen many teaching like ten
principles to make money, they call it wisdom, sir I tell you
that is not the wisdom of God that is just the expression of the
wisdom of man. That is why congresses, conferences and
seminars are the best places to discuss and communicate the
wisdom of man for others to get sense but it is unfortunate that
the church has fallen to a stage that all this Wisdom for
common sense is what we are now teaching in the church.
Church is not a place of people with common sense, school is
designed to be the place where your sense is corrected because
every communication in the academic sector is to your sense,
to shape your sense, correct your sense, and educate your sense
but the church is a school of the spirit and not a school of the
sense, it is a school for the spiritual, a school for those born by
the spirit to learn the things of the spirits and learn the wisdom
of the spirit because the wisdom of God simply means the
wisdom of the Spirit, Because God is a Spirit ,and the scripture
says whenever this Wisdom is communicated, it is
communicated in a mystery.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

If it is not communicated in a mystery, it is not the wisdom of

It is the wisdom of man you communicate in principle and not
the wisdom of God. When it comes to the wisdom of God, we
communicate it in mystery.
1 Corinthians 2:7 But we speak the wisdom of God in a
mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before
the world unto our glory:
The wisdom of God is the principle through which God applies
to do what he wants to do or what he has done, not the principle
you apply to do what you need to do. When God want to act,
how he does his things is different from how men do their
things when men want to act over a matter.
The wisdom of God is not given to you to apply, Get that to
your understanding, it is given to you to know what God has
done, not given to you to know what you should do. it is a
wisdom that capture how God will do what only Him can do.
It is the wisdom FROM God that is given to man to know what
he should do, but the wisdom OF God is given to know what
God will do, or to know what God has done and how He did it.
When the wisdom of God is communicated, it gives us rest and
peace, it makes us to know how to enter our rest because God

Pst Banjo Ayeka

is in control of the situation by his wisdom, How he want to do

it we don’t know, and that is why it is called the Hidden
Wisdom of God.
The wisdom of God is not given to us to do something so that
God can do something. When the wisdom of God is
communicated, it makes us know what God has done and upon
that knowledge we enter our rest.
Some said, “I don’t know what to do with my life, it is because
you don’t know what God has done with your life already in
Christ.” If you know what God has done for you in Christ upon
that revelation, you will effortlessly know what you should do.
How do I know I am to write for my generation? It is by seeing
the finished work of God in my life, by seeing what God has
done in my life. And when I saw what God has done in my life
what I saw is writing and teaching grace, and by that I know I
am to write for my generation. I don’t need ten Principles to
write. I don’t need to attend class on how to write. All these are
the wisdom of man. Under the wisdom of man, you learn to
know what to do by Principles. But under the wisdom of God
you know what to do by the divine enablement, you know what
to do by the power and grace at work in you

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

The wisdom of God is about what God will do and how He will
do what only him can do. He wants to bring Joseph to the
palace, but the wisdom of God began to take Joseph to prison.
There is no Principle that can create road from prison to palace;
it is only the wisdom of God that can do such.
And this is the difference between the wisdom OF God and
wisdom FROM God, Wisdom FROM God teach you how to
do what you should do, while Wisdom OF God teach you how
God will do what only him can do.
For instance, God can say to your Joseph I will make you a
prime minister of the land of Egypt, God can begin to give you
Wisdom, as Principles, on how to achieve it, any attempt to
follow such Principle is called the wisdom FROM God and this
is the wisdom of Solomon, But God can decide to manifest his
wisdom by bringing you to the palace through prison, and this
will always sound Foolish.
That is why Christ is the picture of wisdom OF God while
Solomon is the picture of wisdom FROM God, that is why
Jesus said he that is greater than Solomon is here.
Matthew 12:42 The queen of the south shall rise up in the
judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she

Pst Banjo Ayeka

came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom
of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here.
The wisdom from God which Solomon is the example of it is
communicated in Principle while the wisdom of God which
Christ is the example of it is communicated in mystery. That is
why Paul says the wisdom of God we speak, we speak it in
1 Corinthians 2:7 But we speak the wisdom of God in a
mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before
the world unto our glory:
The wisdom of God is always Foolish when in operation, that
is why if you want to know the wisdom of God study Christ,
you will see the wisdom by which God brings salvation to us,
how can killing Jesus be a solution to the sin of man? It is only
the wisdom of God that can achieve that, and it is foolishness
to them to perish.
Even when the wisdom of God is in operation, it is hidden to
devil himself.
1 Corinthians 2:7-8 But we speak the wisdom of God in a
mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before
the world unto our glory:

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

8: Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they
known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.
No man can explain God’s Wisdom when in operation, it
remains hidden, it is after the wisdom has finished his work
that it will begin to manifest as revelation into the heart of men.
How can you explain to Joseph in prison that he is on his way
to palace? Many struggle with scripture because they don’t
know how to differentiate the “wisdom of God” in the scripture
from the “wisdom from God” in the scripture. They don’t know
SCRIPTURE is primarily a book that contains what God will
do, how God will do it, what God has done and how God has
done it which is the expression of the wisdom of God
SCRIPTURE is first a book that contains the wisdom of God
and second a book that contain the wisdom from God.
Many of us are trying to do what only God can do, that is why
we struggle. For instance, the Bible says, “And God was
working with them confirming what they say with signs and
Mark 16:20 And they went forth, and preached everywhere,
the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with
signs following. Amen.

Pst Banjo Ayeka

Meaning, the disciples are not the one doing signs and
wonders, their own is just to speak while it is the responsibility
of God to confirm their word with signs and wonder. But come
to us, we are the one that wants to do the sign and wonder, so
we begin to read books on how to do signs and wonder, we
begin to read book on how to walk in power, so we begin to
encounter books suggesting some Religion sacrifice to us and
we begin to apply those sacrificial Religion Principles and yet
we get frustrated.
Instead of us to put our faith in the wisdom of God so that he
can do what only him can do, we begin to look for what to do
to work in power. Why? We want to do what only God should
do, we want to do what only God can do.
SCRIPTURE is not primarily a book that contains what you
should do, it is first a book that contains what God will do and
how God will do it, what God has done and how God has done
it , it is base on this revelation you can begin to know what you
should do from SCRIPTURE.
If you first pick scripture with the mind-set of looking for what
to do in it, you will injure yourself, because letter kills. You
will enter into Religion and that same bible will become
powerless in your hands.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

How can we now know what to do? By knowing what God has
done or by knowing what God is doing. He is the one at work
in you making you to will and to do.
Philippians 2:13 For it is God which worketh in you both to
will and to do of his good pleasure.
So study within, what do you notice God is making you to will
and to do? Then do it. I know I am to write, because when I
look within I noticed God at work in me making me to be
willing to write and has also given me inspiration to write, then
I rose up and write.
Someone said what about if I don’t notice anything in me to
will and to do, then God doesn’t want you to do anything at
that season, God wants you to rest, he wants you to enter your
rest and be enjoying.
Get this, the instructions of the spirit don’t come as law, they
come as power. They don’t come as COMMANDMENTS in
words; they come as enablement.
If God wants you to do something, he supplies the grace, by
his enablement at work in you , you can effortlessly know what
He want you to do, and by what you are struggling to do you
can know what God didn’t send you to do but which Religion
has impose on you to do. It is men who speak in words, spirit

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doesn’t speak in words. The word of the Spirit is POWER, the

word of the spirit is LIGHT. The light aspect gives
understanding while the spirit aspect gives enablement.
If you claim God asks you to do something, and you don’t see
supernatural ability to do it, I announce to you today that you
only hear Religion spirit, you only hear the angels of darkness
that appear as angel of light. You have not heard God , the word
of God is spirit and it is life. The word of God can’t leave you
in confusion and it can’t leave you powerless.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

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There is a wisdom by which God do what he says he will do,

while there is wisdom by which God want you to do what he
says you should do.
The wisdom of the spirit world is for the Spirit alone and is
different from the wisdom of the spirit world for man. Just as
men have sense so also the spirit have sense, just as we have
the intelligence of man so also we have the intelligence of the
There is a scripture that even talk about the wisdom of the
2 Samuel 14:20 To fetch about this form of speech hath thy
servant Joab done this thing: and my lord is wise, according to
the wisdom of an angel of God, to know all things that are in
the earth.
Meaning men can be wise according to the wisdom of an
Angel. For you to know that the Angelic also operate with a
kind of wisdom different from the wisdom of a natural man,
and different from the wisdom of the princes of hell.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

Just as God have a personal wisdom by which He uses to do

his things, so also He gave the angels some wisdom by which
they carry out their assignment, and He also gave men some
wisdom by which He wants us to do what He called us to do
and devil also fell with some wisdom, with his corruptive
nature has made the wisdom to become deceptive Wisdom.
So the wisdom by which God did what He says He will do, or
the wisdom by which He has done all you have seen him doing
is called the wisdom of God.
Men doesn’t have the right to use this dimensions of wisdom,
we can only know it but we can’t use it, we are to know it so
as to trust in the wisdom not so that we can use it , we can’t
access or possess it lest man will create another earth, lest man
will become equal in ranking with God because the scripture
says it is by this Wisdom of God that he used to form the earth.
Proverbs 3:19 The LORD by wisdom hath founded the earth;
by understanding hath he established the heavens.
No man can reproduce anything God has done because the
wisdom by which God does his things is called hidden wisdom,
it is not a wisdom that is hidden for man, but it is a wisdom that
is hidden from man.

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The scientist want to try to search out this Wisdom so as to

replicate things created by God, but God keep on asking man
that where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth.
Job 38:4-5 Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the
earth? Declare, if thou hast understanding.
Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? Or who
hath stretched the line upon it?
These are questions that goes beyond the intelligence of man
that God began to ask us here, for you to know that man was
not designed to be carried along when the wisdom of God is in
operation, it is after God has manifested his wisdom in
anything that he woke the spiritual understanding of man to
begin to learn what God has done.
That was why when God wanted to create Eve out of man, he
ensured he suspended the intelligence of Adam by making him
to sleep off, so that the wisdom that bring Eve to existence will
not be captured by the intelligence of Adam.
Adam only knew by revelation that Eve was the bone of his
bone and was taken from his rip, after God has finished his
work on Eve, but the intelligence that make up that formation
and the wisdom by which such came into reality can not be
explained by man. Even the Devil before he fall in his wisdom

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

doesn’t know the wisdom by which God does his things, you
can’t predict God when he is in operation, you can’t predict
where God will land when he is working. That is why God ask
us in Job 38 that show me who laid the measure of the earth,
meaning there are centimeters by which the earth was
measured by the spirit.
It is when God has finished working that we can now by
revelation, begin to explain what God has done. That is why
we are only permitted to know the wisdom of God and speak
it in mystery after we have seen the end product of what God
has done.
You can’t by revelation understand what God is doing when
you see Jesus been arrested by mere men, flogged by mere
man, crucified by mere man. How can you explain that this is
the wisdom that God wants to use to destroy the works of the
devil in the life of man? How can you relate flogging Jesus to
been healed from sickness? how can Christ become poor and
you now begin to tell me that it is through his poverty I will be
2 Corinthians 8:9 For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus
Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became
poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich.

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By human Wisdom, you can only be rich through the wealth

and riches of someone, not through the poverty of someone,
but when the wisdom of the spirit world came to display, he
began to create a system through which men can become rich
through the poverty of someone without any yoke of tithe and
first fruits.
The wisdom of God created Spiritual Blessings out of the
poverty of Jesus to make one rich without adding any sorrow
to it. That is the revelation of Solomon in the book of proverbs
that the blessing of the Lord is the one that make one rich now
begin to find fulfilment in Christ.
Proverbs 10:22 The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and
he addeth no sorrow with it.
The question now is how does this Wisdom find expression?
How can Christ become poor so that through his poverty I can
be rich? What is the intelligence behind this mystery? This is
the wisdom; because before Christ came, the condition to
obtain the blessing of the Lord is mentioned in Psalm 24, and
it is only those that have clean hands and pure heart and those
who do not lift up their soul into vanities that can only obtain
the blessing from God that can make them rich without adding
sorrow to it.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

Psalms 24:4-5 He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who
hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.
5:He shall receive the blessing from the LORD, and
righteousness from the God of his salvation.
And since Adam, no single man can fulfil this condition, no
single man can receive blessing from God based on this
condition, even Abraham that was the first to walk in this
blessing of the Lord never obtained it by keeping those law and
conditions mentioned in Psalm 24. It was recorded that it was
by faith he was able to obtain the blessing and not by law.
Romans 4:3 For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed
God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness.
So no single man could obtain this blessing of the Lord by
keeping those law, even the children of Israel that was under
the law of tithing never received any blessing base on tithing,
they understood how to bribe their way before God by the
blood of the lamp which make God to bless them upon that
ceremonial substitution. It is now so unfortunate that the body
of Christ that have access to better blood to receive from God,
left the blood of Jesus and begin to hold unto the law of tithing
as key to Prosperity and because of what many General
Overseers wants to benefit, they kept the truth in their heart and

Pst Banjo Ayeka

begin to speak lies to their congregations brainwashing them

on tithing.
Back to the point, for years no man could keep the law of Psalm
24 and by it obtain the blessing of the Lord and suddenly Jesus
appeared on the scene as the second Adam, came under the law
and fulfilled the condition of Psalms 24 and God released all
the blessings that can make us rich upon Jesus.
And because of us Jesus never used this blessing, he now
decided to give us the blessing rather than enjoying the
blessing, just as he took away our sin and gave us his
righteousness, even though he knew no sin, so also he took
away our poverty and gave us the blessing of the Lord as free
gift, without paying tithe, without a need of having clean hands
and pure heart, but just by faith in him because once you now
believe in Jesus and his finished work, it will now be counted
unto you as if you have the highest level of purest heart, it will
be counted unto you as if you have clean hands and it will be
counted unto you as if you have never for once lifted up your
soul unto vanities, you can see the hidden wisdom of God
finding expression, you can see the wisdom of God we are
communicating in mystery but many can’t still comprehend it.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

Just as Abraham believed and it was counted unto him as if he

is the most righteous man on earth who never sinned, so also
when you believe in Jesus and his finished work for you, you
will be counted as the most righteous man in the sight of God
who never sinned and the blessing attached to righteousness
become yours freely.
Before Christ came, it is whosever that diligently hearken to
the law of God to obey all that is in it, God will raise him above
all Nations
Deuteronomy 28:1 And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt
hearken diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to
observe and to do all his commandments which I command
thee this day, that the LORD thy God will set thee on high
above all nations of the earth:
Of which no single person born of man can fulfil this
Deuteronomy 28 vs 1, no single man born of woman can
observe to do all that is in the commandment, and by the law if
you obey 99 percentages and failed in one, you are not different
from someone who obey one and failed in 99. The law is as
wicked as that.
James 2:10 For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet
offend in one point, he is guilty of all.

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How do we now receive the promised Blessings attached to

Deuteronomy 28 if we can’t obey the condition of law attached
to it? It is now by faith in Christ and what He has done, and
upon that revelational understanding you can now say because
Christ has diligently hearken to the voice of God to obey all the
law I Banjo Ayeka can now rise above all Nations, because
Christ has come to fulfil all the condition of the law so that we
can receive freely the Blessings attached to the law by faith (
see Romans 4 vs 18 to confirm that )
This is the wisdom behind our confession of faith. This is the
reason why we can claim any God’s promises in the scripture
without putting ourselves under the yoke of the condition
attached to the promise, you can now claim open heaven
without tithing, and when devourer now sees the Blood of
Jesus in your life he pass over Because we understand the
wisdom behind substitution, that is Christ obeyed the
condition, he received the blessing attached to the condition
and by our faith in him and what he has done for us, he gave
us the blessing of his obedience freely.
What you receive as reward in the old covenant has become
grace in the new covenant because it is by one Man’s
disobedience we lost the blessing of the Lord, so also it can

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

only be by one man’s obedience we can receive back the

blessing of the Lord.
Romans 5:17-18 For if by one man’s offence death reigned by
one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of
the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.)
18; Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all
men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the
free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.
You can see the wisdom of God in action. When I now see
anyone telling you seven things you must do to obtain the
blessings of the Lord, then I see a man who doesn’t understand
the wisdom of God, and that is why they can’t communicate it.
When I see anyone telling you the price you must pay to walk
in God’s blessings, God’s grace and God’s power, I see a man
who claim to know scripture but lack the knowledge of the
wisdom of God.
Not everyone can communicate the wisdom of God in mystery.
1 Corinthians 2:7 But we speak the wisdom of God in a
mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before
the world unto our glory:
If something is communicated to you in mystery, all you just
need to do is to believe it, it is not to apply it. When you learn

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the wisdom of God you don’t stand to rise to action, you sit to
enter your rest, because the revelation of the wisdom of God
that is communicated in mystery is not something that open
you to what you should do, it is Wisdom that open you to what
you should stop doing and enter your rest. Because the wisdom
of God open the eyes of your understanding to see that
everything that Religion is asking you to do as condition to
receive from God, is everything Christ has done to make the
Blessings available for you freely.
The greatest enemy of the wisdom of God is Religion, because
it spoils business for them, it is an offensive message to them,
you will discover that the only people Jesus have problem with
when he was alive are the Religious rulers, and the major
people he has business with are the so called sinners.
That is why when the light of the wisdom of God is revealed,
it is gentiles that first come to the light, then followed by the
kings , the religious people are the first to attack the light while
the gentiles are the first to embrace the light.
Isaiah 60:3 And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings
to the brightness of thy rising.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

And if something is communicated to you in mystery, all you

just need to do is to believe it. It is when something is
communicated to you in principles that you can apply it
So take very good note of the two kind of Wisdom
The Wisdom of God that is communicated in mystery which
you are to just believe, and the book of 1cor 2 vs 7 give us the
nature of this Wisdom and how it look like when you see it, (
it is communicated in mystery)

1 Corinthians 2:7 But we speak the wisdom of God in a

mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before
the world unto our glory:

The wisdom from God that is communicated in Principle

which you are to apply as you relate with man and James 3 vs
17 give us the nature of this Wisdom and how it look like when
you see it, ( it is communicated as Principles)

James 3:17 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then
peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and
good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.

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And look at the scripture very well, he said the wisdom that is
FROM above... Not the wisdom that is OF above. The wisdom
that is OF above is called the wisdom of God and the wisdom
of Christ is an example of this that only Belong to God and
how he want to do his things, while the wisdom that is FROM
above is called the wisdom from God and the wisdom of
Solomon is an example of this and this belong to man and it is
given to man to use to do what God want us to do.
Someone said what about the wisdom of Daniel, where does
that wisdom fall into? Because if you see the expression of the
wisdom of Solomon it’s totally different from the expression
of the wisdom of Daniel.
The expression of the wisdom of Daniel almost look like
prophetic, like the wisdom of the wise men of Egypt, like the
wisdom of the magicians, it manifest like Prophetic, such
Wisdom doesn’t relate with sense, meditation and imagination,
it relate with the invisible and that is an example of the wisdom
of the Angel.
The wisdom of Daniel is not the wisdom to restore the common
sense back to order like the wisdom of Solomon, it is not also
the wisdom of God, but it is one of the wisdom of the spirit
world called the wisdom of angels.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

Only few men walk in the wisdom of angel in the Old

Testament like Joab, Daniel, and like Joseph, these are wisdom
that can explain mystery and interprete dreams.
Look at the scripture that talk about the wisdom of angels and
how it was found in man.
2 Samuel 14:20 To fetch about this form of speech hath thy
servant Joab done this thing: and my lord is wise,
to know all things that are in the earth.
You can be wise according to the wisdom of the devil, you can
be wise according to the wisdom of man, you can he wise
according to the wisdom of an angel and you can also be wise
according to the wisdom of God, because there are different
kind of wisdom in the spirit world.
Most of the people you see operating in the Prophetic that are
true and genuine are walking by the wisdom of the angels, It is
one of the wisdom Available in the spirit world. While most of
the people you see walking in revelation are operating by the
wisdom of God, while those operating in divinations, fake
prophet, magicians, herbalist are operating by the wisdom of
the falling Angels, while the philosopher, the scientist, the
technologists are operating with the wisdom of man.

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Someone say, can the wisdom of man produce air craft, phone,
and many strange technology and scientific equipment we are
seeing this day? Yes sir the wisdom of man before man fall is
ordained to walk in those dimensions, but after the fall of man
in the garden of Eden we lost our senses, and fall into the realm
of higher animals, that is, the sense of man is now a little bit
higher than the sense of animal, that now make man to begin
to seek the spirit help for the restoration of sense.
Some begin to seek the help of Satan for illumination so that
the intelligence of man can begin to work at high frequency as
of Adam before he fell, While some who understands the role
of Christians in technological world also need to begin to seek
the help of the holy spirit for revelation so that their sense can
begin to work in creative intelligence.
There is a dimension of wisdom like that in the scripture and
we see God releasing upon men the spirit of wisdom in all
manner of workmanship
Exodus 31:3 And I have filled him with the spirit of God, in
wisdom, and in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all
manner of workmanship,
Take note of that scripture, not some manner of workmanship,
but all manners of workmanship, that is, there is a wisdom in

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

God that can supply all manner of scientific and technological

wisdom you can think of.
This is why it is unfortunate that those who need to begin to
cry for such creative wisdom, religion has crippled them and
they begin to fast and pray for mantle of Idahosa and power of
Ayodele babalola, they begin to pray for 20 hours for mantle
of Benny Hinn.
So all the wisdom from the spirit world either the one that can
make you prophetic which is the wisdom angel, or the wisdom
that can make you philosophical in nature like the wisdom of
Solomon, or the wisdom that can make you technological or
scientific which is the wisdom of Bezaleel the son of Uri the
tribe of Judah in the book of Exodus 31 vs 1, All this Wisdom
can be applied, because they have their Principles, law, and
protocol, so they are communicated in principle, they can be
learn, you can school men into it .
The only wisdom that can’t be applied is called the wisdom of
God, it is a wisdom communicated in mystery and it is design
only to be believed, because it contains the principle that only
God use to do His things.

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So when the wisdom of God is communicated you only believe

it if you understand it, while when the wisdom from God is
communicated you apply it if you understand it.
That is why the wisdom expressing as faith is different from
wisdom expressing as Principles. And men who know this
Wisdom of God and can communicate it are men that have the
spirit of wisdom and revelation mentioned in the book of
Ephesians 1 vs 17.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

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Daniel 5:14
I have even heard of thee, that the spirit of the gods is in thee,
and that light and understanding and excellent wisdom is found
in thee.

Daniel 1:17
As for these four children, God gave them knowledge and skill
in all learning and wisdom: and Daniel had understanding in
all visions and dreams.

What men call you to do for them is determined by the kind of

wisdom that is found in you, from the two scriptures above you
will discover that the kind of wisdom found in Daniel is the
wisdom to understand dream and vision and based on that
understanding he will give interpretation to dream and vision.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

And I said in the previous pages that this kind of wisdom is

called the wisdom of the angelic, Because there is a wisdom
called the wisdom of the angels.

2 Samuel 14:20
To fetch about this form of speech hath thy servant Joab done
this thing: and my lord is wise, according to the wisdom of an
angel of God, to know all things that are in the earth.

And if this Wisdom is found in man the person will began to

manifest in Prophetic vision and dreams, that is why there is
always connection between the angelic and dream and vision,
just as there is always connection between the holy spirit and
revelation because the channel through which the holy spirit is
designed to communicate is SCRIPTURE, because Jesus said
when the holy spirit come he will not speak of himself he will
take out of the word, and reveal it to us.

John 16:13
Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you
into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever

Pst Banjo Ayeka

he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things
to come.

John 16:14 He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine,

and shall shew it unto you.

So just as there is always connection between the holy Spirit

and Scripture, because scripture is the channel through which
he speak to us, scripture is the word that become FLESH, so if
Jesus said the holy spirit will not speak of himself but take out
of mine and reveal it to you, it mean he will take out the word
that become FLESH, he will take out of scripture, and reveal it
to you. That is how Holy spirit speak,

So just as there is big connection between scripture and holy

spirit, so also there is connection between the angelic and
dreams/visions, because majorly it is through dream and vision
that the angels speak to man both in the old and the new
testament and whenever they want to speak it is by their
wisdom called the wisdom of the angels that they speak to you
through dreams and visions.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

Just as to everything that live and can grow, there is a life

behind it, so also to anything that can speak and can act there
is a wisdom behind it, so angels can speak and act and if angels
can act and speak, there is a wisdom by which they speak and
act and that is why the bible called it the wisdom of the angels
and whenever angel want to speak, they speak with signs,
symbols, pictures and drama, that is why dream and vision is
their strength, because that is the channel through which they
can bring those pictures, signs, symbols and dramas to you.

When angels are communicating in their wisdom, they don't

speak from your level of intelligence, they speak from their
level of intelligence, that is why if they don't interpret what
they are saying to you in dreams and visions, you can never
and never use your human intelligence to interpret it by

For instance the angel of the lord appeared to Daniel in the

book of Daniel 8 and begin to show him the vision of RAM
with two horns.

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Daniel 8:1,3 In the third year of the reign of king Belshazzar a

vision appeared unto me, even unto me Daniel, after that which
appeared unto me at the first.
3:Then I lifted up mine eyes, and saw, and, behold, there stood
before the river a ram which had two horns: and the two horns
were high; but one was higher than the other, and the higher
came up last.

How on earth can you know by human understanding what a

ram with two horns represent until the scripture begin to show
us what they represent in verse 20 of that same chapter.

Daniel 8:20 The ram which thou sawest having two horns are
the kings of Media and Persia.

How on earth can you think of it that the ram with two horns
means the king of Media and the king of Persia. If not for
Gabriel that appeared to him again in that vision and begin to
give him the understanding of the vision.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

Daniel 8:15-16 And it came to pass, when I, even I Daniel, had

seen the vision, and sought for the meaning, then, behold, there
stood before me as the appearance of a man
16:And I heard a man's voice between the banks of Ulai, which
called, and said, Gabriel, make this man to understand the

Look at verse 15 very well, the scripture says when Daniel saw
the vision, he begin to sought for the meaning and suddenly he
saw someone in the appearance of man who stood before him
which I think may be Christ and he COMMANDED the Angel
Gabriel to make Daniel understand the vision.

Though the scripture didn't say it was Christ who was in the
appearance of man that commanded Angel but by the virtue of
Spiritual ranking, no other angel can command Gabriel to do
such assignment, because Gabriel is an Arch Angel, so for
another being who is not an angel to command Gabriel, it must
have been a being higher than Angel Gabriel and that can only
be Christ.

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And immediately Gabriel begin to educate the mind of Daniel

concerning the vision and in verse 20, Gabriel begin to say that
the ram with horns stand for the king of Media and king of
You can see the intelligence at which angel speak to men by
vision of which if they don't interpret such vision by
themselves or you encounter men with the wisdom of angel to
interpret such vision for you, you will just make mess of
yourself and don't make the mistake of trying to use your sense,
because if angels show you a man in a black cloth it may mean
God and if an Angel show you a man in a white cloth it may
mean devil, so don't let nigeria movies that painted devil as
animal with two horns make you to bring wrong interpretation
out of your dreams.
I could remember many years ago,I saw a strange being in a
night vision standing in the sky and he began to challenge men
mentioning my name, for years I took this being to be another
thing, I give it another interpretation based on my mindset
which was shaped by Nigeria Christian movies, until after 7
years the holy spirit by revelation bring me back to that vision
and begin to tell me that the name of the strange being I saw in

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

the night dream is called demon of religion, that is the being

preventing men from entering into the economy of Grace.
A demonic force that will make you to be paying religious
sacrifice and yet no supernatural will follow, he will blind your
eyes to the sacrifice Christ has paid for you and open your eyes
to the sacrifice you should be paying, very demonic spirit. I
woke up from the vision with an attack from this demon, the
attack begin to manifest as passion to pay strange spiritual
sacrifice, I never know I just encounter the devil that want to
destroy my life,health and brain, suddenly I began a strange
fasting that would last for a year by feeding on only 5 slices of
biscuit by 10 pm every day because of power, I almost ran mad
at this season, because the much fasting begin to affect my
Intelligent and draw me into lunactic.
I now understood why many innocent people enter into
Spiritism and ran mad after much Religion activity which now
lunch then to begin to hear strange voice, claiming it is the holy
spirit speaking to them. The role of this religious spirit is not
to draw you backward, but to push you forward,anytime the
devil discover that he can not draw you backward again due to
your much passion for God, he will begin to push you forward
to do things in extreme and bring you to error, it will promote

Pst Banjo Ayeka

strange zeal in you, but it will be zeal without knowledge, it

took God's mercy for me to be delivered from this religious
spirit back then, I was in a battle with this demon of religion
for years.
When God began to call me into the ministry of grace message,
I begin to ask God why do you allow me to encounter this
demon, until God told me that it is so that you can have
experiential knowledge of what I called you to deliver people
from, with the tool called grace message, that is why I know it,
when I see the mark of this demon of religion in anyone.
What is the point? Whenever you have encounter with angelic
vision, don't make the mistake of using human understanding
to interpret it,there is a wisdom called the wisdom of angels to
interpret dream and vision.
There is a wisdom to interpret SCRIPTURE, there is a wisdom
to interpret DREAMS AND VISIONS, there is a wisdom to
interpret TIME AND SEASON, there is also a wisdom to
interpret STARS called the astrological wisdom, we saw the
three wise men walking in this dimensions

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

Matthew 2:1-2 Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of

Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise
men from the east to Jerusalem,
2: Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? For we
have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.

How could a man discover by star that a king has been born, it
take astrological Wisdom to discover that, those Wisdom
doesn't exist in the realm of man, they are Wisdom of the spirit
The wisdom found in DANIEL and JOSEPH is not a wisdom
to interpret scripture, it is not a wisdom to interpret time and
season, it is not also a wisdom to interpret stars, but it is
wisdom to interpret DREAMS AND VISIONS while the
wisdom found in the children of ISSACHAR is not a wisdom
to interpret dreams, not a wisdom to interpret scripture but
wisdom to interpret TIME AND SEASON.

1 Chronicles 12:32
And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had
understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do;

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the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren
were at their commandment.

The wisdom found in the THREE WISE MEN is not a wisdom

to interpret scripture, not a wisdom to interpret dream and
vision, not a wisdom to interpret time and season but a wisdom
to INTERPRET STARS and by it they know that a king has
been born.
The wisdom that was present in PAUL also is not a wisdom to
interpret dreams and visions, not a wisdom to interpret stars but
it is a wisdom to interpret SCRIPTURE while the wisdom
found in SOLOMON is not the wisdom to interpret scripture,
not a wisdom to interpret time and season, not the wisdom to
interpret star, not a wisdom to interpret dream and vision but
wisdom to interpret LIFE AND REALITY OF LIFE, that is
why if you want to understand this life and every activities
under the heaven study the book of Ecclesiastes and if you
want to know how to relate with life study the book of
I am just pointing you out to see men who walk in Wisdom in
scripture and see the difference dimensions of wisdom they
operate in. One of the vital role of wisdom is the ability to

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

interpret things because there can never be proper application

without proper interpretation. Many are wrongly applying
SCRIPTURE today because they have misinterpreted
Just imagine if Joseph wrongly interpret the dream of pharaoh,
how on earth would they come to the understanding of saving
their products for seven years because a national famine is
Same to bible, the scripture is not producing result for many
today because of wrong interpretation which now lead to
wrong application, and that is why Africa just think they can
now use fasting and prayer to substitute everything.

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Take note of this four Scriptures to see the different kind of

men that walk in Wisdom aside from Solomon in the Old
1. The first man is BEZALEEL the son of Uri he was a man
that God filled the spirit of wisdom in all manner of

Exodus 31:2-3
See, I have called by name Bezaleel the son of Uri, the son of
Hur, of the tribe of Judah: 3:And I have filled him with the
spirit of God, in wisdom, and in understanding, and in
knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship,

2. The Second man is JOAB the scripture say he was wise

according to the wisdom of Angels of God

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

2 Samuel 14:20
To fetch about this form of speech hath thy servant Joab done
this thing: and my lord is wise, according to the wisdom of an
angel of God, to know all things that are in the earth.

3. Another man is Joshua, And the scripture says he was full of

wisdom because Moses had laid upon him.

Deuteronomy 34:9
And Joshua the son of Nun was full of the spirit of wisdom; for
Moses had laid his hands upon him: and the children of Israel
hearkened unto him, and did as the LORD commanded Moses.

4. The fourth person is Daniel and the scripture says an

excellent Wisdom was found in him.

Daniel 5:14
I have even heard of thee, that the spirit of the gods is in thee,
and that light and understanding and excellent wisdom is found
in thee.

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From this scripture above, you will see different kind of men
that walk in wisdom in the Old Testament aside from Solomon,
meaning whenever we mentioned Wisdom, Solomon is not the
only one that walked in wisdom in the old testament.
Daniel walked in wisdom, because the scripture says the
excellent wisdom was found in him.
Joab also walked in wisdom because the bible says the wisdom
of the angels was found in him.
Joshua also walked in wisdom because the bible says and
Moses laid hand on him and the spirit of wisdom rested upon
The Bible also said Bezaleel walked in wisdom because the
spirit of wisdom was given to him in all manner of
Coming to the New Testament also we also see Paul walking
in wisdom because the spirit of wisdom and revelation to
interpret the scripture was found in him.
Now, looking at all this men mentioned in the scripture with
expression of wisdom, you will discover that they all walked
in wisdom but the nature of their wisdom are totally different
from each other.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

For Bezalel, he walked in a kind of wisdom that is

technological in nature and not philosophical in nature like the
one of Solomon.
For Joab, he walked in a kind of wisdom that is angelic in
For Daniel, he walked in Wisdom that is prophetic in nature.
For Solomon, he walked in wisdom that is philosophical in
nature while for Paul he walked in wisdom that is spiritual in
nature. Meaning it is not compulsory for every human being to
walk in the same wisdom, God didn't wire us that way, we are
designed by God to complement each other and not to compete
with each other.
A measure of wisdom is expected to be found in every one,
because your success in life is in the area of your wisdom, but
the same nature of wisdom is not compulsorily designed to be
found in all of us, Get this, the major nature of wisdom is to
solve problem and the kind of problem available will determine
the kind of wisdom to be sought for, so since we are not
designed by God to solve the same problem in life so also we
are not wired by God to have the same Wisdom in life
You can not have technological problem and be looking for the
kind of wisdom that was found in Daniel because the nature of

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the wisdom of Daniel is to solve the problem of dream and

vision. You can't have a dream and need interpretation and seek
for the wisdom found in Paul. As for Paul, the nature of his
wisdom is to understand and interpret scripture while as for
Daniel the nature of his wisdom is to understand and interpret
vision and dream.
As for Solomon the nature of his wisdom is to understand
everything under the heaven and know how to interpret it.

Ecclesiastes 1:13 And I gave my heart to seek and search out

by wisdom concerning all things that are done under heaven:

You can see why he was able to use his wisdom to solve the
problem of two woman who came to him fighting over a child
because that is an activity that happen under the heaven, it is
under the strength of the wisdom of Solomon and by his
wisdom he gave judgement and justice to that matter but
Daniel may not be able to solve such problem of same
situation,because the strength of his wisdom is to interpret
things done in the supernatural realm,to interpret dreams and

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

What is the message? no single man has all wisdom, that

Solomon is wise doesn't mean he is wise in all area of life, he
is only wise in all philosophical matter of life, because when
you look at that same Solomon you will discover that maritally
he is Foolish, meaning the wisdom to build family and
marriage is not found in him.
Every man has his own area of wisdom and foolishness, once
you understand this, you will learn how to hide yourself under
your strength and hide your weakness under you because once
you move out of your lane, your weakness will be revealed
while your wisdom will be hidden, but when you stay in your
lane, your weakness will be hidden while your wisdom will be
For instance the nature of the wisdom that is found in me by
God's grace is like the nature of the wisdom of paul, called the
spirit wisdom and revelation, it means the spirit of wisdom,
manifesting as revelation, the nature of that kind of wisdom is
to interpret scripture, and apply scripture to your day to day
life, and this as been the strength of my happiness in life and
family. I hardly face many of the demonic attack and problem
some men of God are facing about, either maritally or
ninisterialy even as a church founder, because I do almost

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everything in life from the place of rest, not because demonic

attack doesn't exist, but I have learn from SCRIPTURE how to
use the scripture as your weapon of war, I know by the word
of God that scripture is the greatest and best sword of the spirit.

Ephesians 6:17
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit,
which is the word of God:

Before I got married all the news arround about marriage is that
it is full of battle, quarrel, fight and settlement, but because
scripture is my strength I go back to SCRIPTURE to search for
the key to heat-free marriage, and I found out the key in
Proverbs 24 that by Wisdom a home is built and through
understanding my marriage is established.

Proverbs 24:3 Through wisdom is an house builded; and by

understanding it is established:

Not through love the home is established, not through

prosperity the home is established, if that is the key no rich
family we go for divorce, but by research the rich people going

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

for divorce is more than the poor people going for divorce, but
I found out from SCRIPTURE that if I want my home to be
established it is by wisdom and understanding and I go into
marriage with this two keys and by his grace my marriage is
about to be two years and my wife and I, has never sit down to
settle misunderstanding, this may look unreal and fake, you can
come to my house and stay with us for one month and see for
When I found out that the key to marriage is Wisdom, then I
begin to search out scripture that talked about marriage and
what was the wisdom God has given to us in his word to hold
our home in peace and unity and I found out the key in
Ephesians 5:21.

Ephesians 5:21 Submitting yourselves one to another in the

fear of God.

Many men who lack WISDOM felt it is wife that must submit
to them so they raised their ego and be waiting for their wife to
submit to them, so they only quote verse 22 out of context
claiming it is the wife that must submit to the husband, but for
me I found the key in verse 21, submit yourself to one another.

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Meaning, just as my wife is Scripturally commanded to submit

to me, I must also learn to submit to my wife, it is not only my
wife that should take permission from me before doing
anything, I also seek my wife's consent before doing anything
in life, we both plan everything we do in life together including
our finances.
So just as we must both love one another so also we must both
submit to one another in the fear of God, but many who teach
on marriage never quote Ephesians 5 from verse 21.

Ephesians 5:21-22
Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.
22: Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto
the Lord.

Verse 21 is the main message, verse 22 was just only re-

emphasizing the matter because woman have the problem of
submission while men have the problem of love but the main
commandment is that both of you should submit to one
another. When you see any marriage facing crisis, foolishness
from the both parties or from one of the both parties is the

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

major factor because the way and fruit of wisdom is peace and

Proverbs 3:13, 17
Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth
17:Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are

So if pleasantness and peace is missing in your marriage,

Wisdom is what is missing, what is my point? I have learnt
how to use scripture to handle matters of life, because that is
the only strength I have. If you want to expose my weakness
take me out scripture, I am not technologically wise,I am not
philosophically wise like Solomon, I am not prophetically wise
like Daniel so I can't interpret dreams and visions, but by his
grace I know how to rely on scripture for wisdom. If you have
a dream and asked me to interpret it for you, you have called
the wrong person but if you have a scripture and ask me to
interpret it for you, you have called the right person and the
kind of problem available determines the kind of wisdom

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SOLUTION TO PROBLEM, anywhere problem is present, it

means wisdom is missing while anywhere wisdom is present
problem will be missing.
Daniel was called for because the problem on ground had to do
with the need of interpretation of dream and vision. If the
problem on ground will be in need of Doctors, you can't call
Daniel because medical wisdom is not found in Daniel.
Every problem you see in church today is just because of one
kind of wisdom that is missing and that is the wisdom to
interpret the scripture because wrong interpretation of scripture
will produce wrong application of scripture and wrong
application of scripture lead to error, which result to act of
foolishness and then lead to problem.
Most men walking in foolishness who claimed to be Pastor,
Prophet and Apostle in church today will tell you that they have
scripture to back up their act of foolishness. Truly, there is
scripture they are holding to act the way they act and speak the
way they speak but the truth is that they only hold such
scripture in error, wrong interpretation lead to wrong
For the church to be free from foolishness and reproach, Men
called into teaching ministry who are Scripturally wise and

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

can interpret scripture must rise and teach only the scripture
because scripture is the wisdom of the church, scripture is the
strength of the church because just as it is men who are
medically wise that are license to have Hospital,. a man who is
academically wise can have a school and run it excellently and
succefully so also it is men whom God has blessed with the
wisdom of the scripture who is scripturally wise that should
pastor a church.
Even though you are operating in power, if you are not
scripturally wise, you will be the next calamity that will happen
to your church members, and church has become object of
shame on social media by many bloggers because men who are
not scripturally wise are the one founding and pastoring a

Pst Banjo Ayeka



Isaiah 55:8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are
your ways my ways, saith the LORD.
9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways
higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

If you can understand the ways of the heavenly, you will

understand the wisdom of the heavenly, so also if you
understand the wisdom of God that we communicate in
mystery, you will understand the ways of God.
The Ways of God simply mean the way he has chosen to do
what only him can do, you may know what God want to do by
PROPHECY, and that is why the Bible says he show his act to
the children of Israelite, but you can never know how he will
do what he says he will do all else he shows you his way and
the Bible says he only show his way to Moses in the old
Psalms 103:7

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

He made known his ways unto Moses, his acts unto the
children of Israel.

By prophecy you know his act, why by the revelation of the

hidden Wisdom you know his ways, and God has been
communicating His way to Moses in shadows, in symbols but
yet the children of Israelites can't comprehend it. It take the
spirit of revelation for Paul to now begin to speak in mystery
those hidden wisdom God shows to Moses in types and
If God wants to do something for you, he doesn't need you, it
is when he wants to do something for others that he needs you.
Over your case, over his plan for you, over his promises for
you, he doesn't need you co -operation to fufil it, because you
can never know how he wants to do it, this is the mystery about
the wisdom of God and he has use Moses to communicate this
to the children of Israelite on many occasions yet they didn't
get the message.
Should we talk about the time snake was biting them in the
wilderness and yet God told them not to try to kill the snake by
themselves, God will not use you to solve your own problem
by yourself, that is one of the expression of the wisdom of God

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, he use you for others and use other for you, but he will not
use you for yourself, so drop your shoulder and ego and seek
help because How God will do what he said he will do for you
is the mystery behind the wisdom of God, you can't search it
out. It can only be communicated only after God has finished
his work, because that is when we can now explain, because
that is when we can understand what God is doing and how he
did it and why he choose to do it that way.
Your Joseph can never understand when in prison that, this is
the way to palace, because naturally speaking that is not the
pathway, but spiritually speaking that is the way, because the
person that will recommend him to palace is in prison and God
must make him and Joseph to meet, and mind you, at the time
Joseph meet him, he doesn't look like destiny helper, he even
appear as if he is the one that need the help of Joseph, that is
the mystery of the wisdom of God, you can't explain it when in
operation because God's way is not our way, and as heaven is
far from earth so his way is far from our way. You can predict
the way man will do what he wants to do, but you can never
predict the way God will do what he wants to do, that is just
the difference between when the wisdom of God is in operation
and when the wisdom of man is in operation.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

I have said in the previous chapter that it is the wisdom of man

or the wisdom from God available for man that is expressed in
Principles, and Principles are like formulas, you can by the
application of Principles predict the outcome of what to be
expecting but when it comes to the wisdom of God that is
design for God alone, the one God use to do what he want to
do, it can only be expressed in mystery, it can only be
communicated in mystery , because we can't just use the
process to figure out what God is doing and the outcome of
what God is doing.
You cannot look at Joseph in prison and not conclude he is
under generational curses, that a man can't be unfortunate this
way if the mark of the devil is not upon him, so such is the
expression of God's wisdom. When God's wisdom is in
operation, the highest part of your sense will count it to be devil
at work, it will be too foolish to the sense of a man to think this
can be God, and the last Nigeria election is enough to humble
the body of Christ that we know nothing yet about how the
wisdom of God find expression because if we do, we will never
put our hope in Peter Obi, we will never be so intentional about
him, because that is not wisdom.

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A man who understands the wisdom of God will say whosever

that become the president is ordained by God, because there is
no power that can be if God didn't allow it says the scripture

Romans 13:1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers.
For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are
ordained of God.

It is God that rule in the affair of man and he give it to whosever

he will, not whosever we will says the scripture

Daniel 4:17 This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and

the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the
living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of
men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over
it the basest of men.

From this scripture we will know we are not the determinant

factor on who rules us in this country.
Are we now to be passive with politics since we know it is God
that determines who rules th affairs of man? No!! we are not to
be passive, we must engaged with all our might and strength

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

but we must learn how to do our best base on understanding

and capacity and leave the rest for God, we must learn to enter
our rest after we have done the needful, that no matter who we
may think is the best candidate for us, let the will of God still
be done and that will make us to enter our rest over anyone that
may climb the sit of power knowing fully that the heart of kings
is in the hand of God, God can use whom we count to be most
corrupt person to change the country, If God can use Raharb
the harlot to deliver the nation of Israel, God can use any body
over national matters
It is over spiritual or ministerial matter that God can't use any
body, but over political or national matter God can use the least
person will admire but because we don't understand this, we all
fell victim of putting our hope in man and PVC, few days to
the election when I saw the way we put our hope in man and
PVC I came out to write that PVC is not the solution, it sounds
so foolish to many by then.
I am not a prophet by calling but anyone who can choose
scripture as his lens and see through the lens of scripture will
see far more than any Prophet. How do I know that God will
disappoint the churches with PVC, it is by just one scripture

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that say anything man exalt as the solution become an

abomination before God.

Luke 16:15
And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves
before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is
highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of

So I know by the spirit of revelation that God will not honour

the effort of our PVC, when I saw the way we highly esteem
Peter obi and PVC amongst men as the solution, I know God
will reject this man and he will reject this method we put our

Truly we trust in God as the source of the solution whenever

we pray to God, that is why we pray to him, but we fail to know
that once you trust God over anything and you pray to him,
learn to trust Christ only as the channel, don't say truly God
will do it but it is through PVC, PVC can never be the way,
Christ is the only way. Don't say truly God will do it but it is
men he will use, you can never know and predict the men he

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

will use that is why we put our hope only in Christ as the way
and not in man. because woe is the person that but his trust in
man. Truly we can never predict the method God will use that
is why we put our hope only in God as the source of all things
will want him to do and put our Faith in Christ has the channel
through which all things we need will come. Over anything in
life, once you pray to God as the source learn to trust Christ
only as the channel, that is what Jesus mean when he said
believe in God and believe in me also

John 14:1 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God,

believe also in me.

That is believe in God as the source of all blessings then believe

in Jesus as the channel of all blessings. Don't come and say it
is men that God will use after you have pray over something,
that is foolishness, you can't dictate to God who he will use, he
can decide to use tree, or use stone, so because we can't predict
how God will do what we desire him to do after prayer, we
must learn to trust in Christ as the channel and enter our rest,
he is the only way, way means channel , that is I am the way
means I am the channel.

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God is the source of all grace, while Christ is the channel of all
grace, all blessings is from God but Christ is the channel of all
blessings, woe is the person that put his trust in man or in a
method, that is why I have issue with some heretic teaching
moving at a time exalting gift of men, truly God uses men, but
we don't know whom God will use, that is why we don't honour
some man and leave others, we honour all men.
If you are honoring anyone because of what you want to get
from them you have broken the law of heaven, because honour
all men is what the scripture says not honour some men.
1 Peter 2:17a. Honour all men.

Because you can never know whom God will use, Infact one
of the expression of God's wisdom is that whenever he wants
to use a man, those men he will use doesn't look like it, if he
look like it, he is not the one God will use for you, that was
why when I began to campaign for Peter Obi because he looks
like it, suddenly 3 months to election I lost peace over him, that
was when i stop the series article titled EMI LOKAN that I
was writing to promote him.
I couldn't just explain why I lost peace over him, but the whole
atmosphere was shouting his name, so I got confused, but two

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

week to the election, the inspiration of the Holy Ghost brought

me to a scripture where prophet Samuel wants to anoint Eliab,
I told my wife that I heard in my spirit that Peter obi is Eliab,
and because our Samuel is looking at the outward we want to
anoint him, that he is not the David, He is not the will of God
for us now.
Why do we all fall victim of him? we want to dictate for God
how he should do what only him can do, Truly NIGERIA will
still be known for Righteousness, but how God will do it,
nobody can explain, but once God has finished his work, we
can now explain, then it will dawn on us that over national
matters God can use anyone, because he owns the heart of any
God doesn't need to kill or change king Nebuchadnezzar to
bring change in his government, it is the same king
Nebuchadnezzar he used, what God did was not to change him
but to change his heart. There are times God change situation
by changing the man on sit, why there are time God change
situation by changing the heart of the man on sit, we can't just
predict how God will do what only him can do.
God didn't hear our prayer over Buhari because we are only
praying with emotions, all we are praying is that God should

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kill him, we never pray that God should change his heart, we
have forgotten that God doesn't love the death of anyone but
for all to come to repentance.
Meaning, if repentance of heart is what we are praying to God
for over Buhari, who knows if God could have heard our
prayer, because it is only when we pray according to his will
that he hear us no matter who is praying, but the more we pray
for him to die, the more he become stronger. So why should
we now be deciding in the Christendom who must win
presidential election, when the scripture says it is God that rule
in the affairs of man. The scripture did not say it is God that
rule in the affairs of church or the body of Christ, but the affairs
of men, because as far as heaven is concerned it is still for God
so loved the world, not for God so loved the church. God
doesn't love the church more than the world, if you need to
know, the church are only the set of people who have been
saved amongst those that God love, the rest of the world who
are not yet save God still love them. So don't feel important
and special more than any sinner in the sight of God.
It is just like you have ten people of whom you love drown in
water and 4 has been rescued, do you now love those that has
been rescue more than those that still need to be rescue, that is

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

the way church and the world is to God. Any love that God
shows to the church is lesser than the love God shows to the
world, the highest Expression of love is for someone to release
his only begotten son to die not for the church but for the world,
So don't make the mistake of thinking God loves the church
more than the world.
The wisdom of God is unpredictable, his love is unsearchable.
If it is a predictable wisdom, then it is no longer the wisdom of
God, if you can predict a love it is not the love of God.

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Take note of this following scripture and see the role of

wisdom to your soul, and connection between wisdom and
your soul.

Proverbs 19:8
He that getteth wisdom loveth his own soul: he that keepeth
understanding shall find good.

Proverbs 2:10
When wisdom entereth into thine heart, and knowledge is
pleasant unto thy soul;

Proverbs 24:13-14
My son, eat thou honey, because it is good; and the
honeycomb, which is sweet to thy taste:

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

14:So shall the knowledge of wisdom be unto thy soul: when

thou hast found it, then there shall be a reward, and thy
expectation shall not be cut off.

There is always connection between your soul and wisdom

because since your soul is the center seat of decision making
that is why the greatest thing your soul need to make right
decision in life is wisdom. Behind every wrong choice in life,
there is foolishness while behind every right choice in life there
is Wisdom and man was created with a soul because man is
designed to make decisions in life and be responsible for the
consequences and benefits of such decision. That was why
when God created Adam, he set before him two trees which
was the tree of life that stood for Grace message and the tree of
knowledge of good and evil that stood for law message because
the major assignment of law is to bring you into the knowledge
of good and evil (Romans 7:7) and any attempt to eat it
thinking it will make you wise shows you your nakedness,
bring you into condemnation, make you run away from God in
fear and kill you, because the Bible say letter( law) killeth.
The Bible says law is holy and law is Spiritual, yes, the
forbidden fruit is also holy and Spiritual, for it to be planted in

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the garden of Eden mean it is holy, for it to be in the garden of

God's presence mean it is spiritual, it was planted by God and
not the devil, just as law came from God and not the devil.
So that it is holy, that it is spiritual, and that it came from God
doesn't mean it must be consumed, so if you understand why
God planted the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the
holy garden of Eden, you will understand why law is found in
the Bible and planted side by side with grace.

John 1:17
For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by
Jesus Christ.

It is because God made you with soul and you have

responsibility to choose either to be under the law or to be
under the grace which is the truth because if you study John
1:17 from Greek version, the Bible didn't say grace and truth,
what was written in the original context is Law,which was
given by Moses but grace which is the truth came by Jesus (you
can make your research), that scripture didn't say there is grace
one side and there is truth in the other side, it means grace
message is the truth that came by Jesus and that is what you

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

must know to set you free, nothing set a man free aside grace,
when salvation want to come into your heart it was grace that
bring the salvation (Titus 2:11).
That is why the scripture say in John 1:16 that of the fullness
we have received grace for grace, not grace and truth, because
grace is that truth.
John 1:16 And of his fullness have all we received, and grace
for grace.

So because we are created with a soul, God set before us life

and death, and law is that death, because to be under the law is
to be under death.

God set before us blessings and curse and law is that curse, to
be under the law is to be under a curse.

Galatians 3:10
For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse:
for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all
things which are written in the book of the law to do them.

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So if God want to set before you Blessings and Curse, he put

grace message and law message before you, to be under grace
is blessings why to be under law is curse. No matter good
decision you make in life, once you are under the law you are
under a cursed, curse is everyone under the law.
Law is the forbidden fruit but because man was created with
soul designed to make decisions, two trees were set before him
and wisdom was given to him by God on the one to eat and the
one not to eat.
God had to tell Adam your soul can feed with every
information (fruit) in the garden of Eden, but don't feed on the
information of religion, don't feed on law, because the day you
feed on law message you shall surely die.

Genesis 2:16-17
And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every
tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:
17:But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt
not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt
surely die.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

Do you know what it means to eat all the tree? one thing you
must know about the book of Genesis is that it is symbolic in
expression, this book of Genesis is not talking about food for
the body, it was talking about food for the soul.
The scripture was talking about different kind of wisdom
available for man in the garden of Eden, because before Adam
fell, information is the food of man, wisdom is the food of man,
the word that proceed out of the mouth of God is the food of
man, not rice and beans, man doesn't leave by bread in the
garden of Eden but by word that proceed out of the mouth of
God. So when God was given the commandment to Adam to
eat all the fruit of the trees, don't make the mistake of thinking
the trees are mango and orange trees, garden of Eden is a
Spiritual environment, it is not a natural environment, every
tree in the garden of Eden stands for a source of information
and the fruits in the garden of Eden stand for different kind of
wisdom and knowledge.
That is, once you eat this fruit, it bring you into a level of
exposure, it bring you into a civilisation, tree that brings man
into technological civilization and wisdom is in that garden,
tree that bring man into scientific civilization is in that garden,
the plan of God is that the scientific knowledge should be use

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to bring solution to plant and animal that was brought under

the government of man. It should be the animal that you should
be in need of a Doctor not man how I wish man didn't fall,
because God created our life to be under his mercy and created
the life of animal and plant to be under our mercy.
What we are to have dominion over before the fall of Adam is
not devil and demons but plant and animal kingdom, look at
the scripture very well yourself

Genesis 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image,
after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of
the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and
over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth
upon the earth.

So there are wisdom amongst all the tree in the garden that
supply wisdom to rules the animals. In the Garden also there
are academic wisdom, there are philosophical wisdom, and
God said to Adam to eat all the trees, that is, feed your soul
with all the wisdom and knowledge, except the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

Genesis 2:16-17
And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, of every
tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:
16: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt
not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt
surely die.

Every tree in the garden of Eden gives one thing and that is
wisdom, knowledge and understanding, including the tree of

Let us confirm that in the scripture

Proverbs 3:13, 18
Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth
18: She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her: and
happy is every one that retaineth her.

You can see that the tree of life is wisdom, so the fruit of every
tree in the garden is wisdom, knowledge and understanding
about something, the tree of life is special because it contains

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the wisdom, knowledge and understanding about God, while

the forbidden fruit contain the knowledge, Wisdom and
understanding of good and Evil (and this is what stands for law
message in the new testament). You can feed your soul on
scientific information, feed your soul on technological
information, feed your soul on philosophical information,
nothing will happen to your soul, and spiritual life, those
information doesn't affect your spiritual life because those are
what we learn in academic and sociological environment and
God commands us to feed on all those trees in the garden but
the day you sit under law message, you shall surely die, your
spiritual life will die but you will not know, because many
Christians doesn't know the difference between religious life
and Spiritual life, Spiritual life doesn't manifest as prayer life,
bible study life, fasting life, all those are just fruit of
RELIGIOUS life, the fruit of spiritual life is love.

Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,
longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,

But inability to know that the fruit of Spiritual life is love, you
will be praying for 10 hours, fast for 40 days and speak in

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

tongues for 5 hours daily and think you have spiritual life, those
are just RELIGIOUS Life , many doesn't build their love life
they are building their prayer life
Look at what the scripture say about them

1 Corinthians 13:1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and

of angels, and have not Love, I am become as sounding brass,
or a tinkling cymbal.

You can see error we are building in this generation that we tag
to be praying movement, and it is because we are feeding on
the wrong tree. God doesn't want you to feed on it because it is
a food that open your eyes not to God but to good and evil, it
open your eyes to know good and evil, it opens your eyes to
your imperfection, it closes your eyes to what you have and
open your eyes to what you lack, you will always see yourself
that you are naked, you are not perfect, you are sinner in the
hand of an angry God, and this will make you to be running
away from God like Adam and we have many so called men of
God feeding this generation with the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil, they tag themselves to be holiness and

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righteousness preacher, busy opening your eyes to your


Genesis 3:6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good
for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be
desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did
eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.

And the church that stand for the woman, the church that stand
for the bride of the second Adam, has begun to see that the tree(
information) is good for food, because men who feed them are
very good in cooking, they have much eloquent and mighty in
words like Apollo, oratory is their strength , so their message
look like the information to make one wise and the Eve of this
generation could no longer make right decisions with their
soul, they are following the part of Religion thinking they are
following the part of spirituality because just as God brings
Eve out of Adam so also God brings the church out of Christ,
so just as Eve is the body of Adam, so also church is the body
of Christ.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

Just as Eve gave the law to Adam and Adam ate and die, so
also the church gave law to Christ on the cross as judgment and
Christ died.
The only difference between the first Adam and the second
Adam is that the first Adam could not resurrect after the death
to save Eve back and give life back to Eve but Christ that was
killed under the law resurrected again and save the Eve (the
church) back by Grace and it is unfortunate now that the Eve
who have been redeemed and saved by Grace are now busy
going back to the forbidden fruit rather than staying with the
message of grace to build them.
You can't be saved by grace and think you can be built by law,
If the message of grace save you, you can only be built by the
message of grace, that was why Paul said I commit you to the
message of grace (Tree of life) which is able to build you.

Acts 20:32 And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to

the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give
you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.

So two trees are before everyone born again now, which is the
tree of life (Grace message) and tree of the knowledge of Good

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and Evil (Law message) and your soul have a role to choose
which one to feed on. The two are Wisdom, the two have the
capability to make you wise, but one is a wisdom that give life
while the second is the wisdom that give death.
One is a wisdom that make you trust in God to solve your
problem yourself, another one is a wisdom telling you to take
leaves to cover yourself by yourself.
Now pay attention to see the mystery on how we have been
using our soul in a wrong way, just be following this teaching,
you will see how the tree of the knowledge of good and Evil
has pretended to be message of holiness and righteousness
which many are busy plucking the fruit to eat in this generation.
They are messages that are just showing you how naked you
are and presenting leaf for you to cover your nakedness, and
those leaves has become garment of religion many are wearing,
making them to be outwardly righteous but inwardly evil. That
is why if you encounter the message of grace, the first thing he
will remove from your Adam is the leaf you have use to cover
yourself, the fake righteousness you have use to cover yourself
, the so called sacrificial religious activity of fasting, prayer and
consecration you have used to cover yourself, the every 2 hours
of praying in tongues daily you have used to cover yourself,

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

the tithing and first fruit you have used to cover yourself, all
those are leaves that can't cover your nakedness before God.
What grace message will begin to do is to introduce you to the
lamb of the world that has been killed to cover your nakedness
which is Christ, it was this lamp (Christ) that God killed to
cover the nakedness of Adam when he removed the garment
and leaf of religion he use to cover himself.
Now pay attention to see the mystery on how we have been
using our soul in a wrong way.

And I have told you that we have two kind of wisdom, which
is the wisdom of God which we communicate in mystery (1
Corinthians 2:7) and the wisdom from God which we
communicate in Principle (James 3:17).
The purpose of the wisdom of God which we communicate in
mystery is to enable you to make right decision with your soul
on who to BELIEVE and what to BELIEVE while the wisdom
from God will communicate in Principle is to enable you to
make right decision on how to behave and make right decision
on what to do. That is why when you study the nature of the

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wisdom that is from above you will see what he want to


James 3:17 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure,
then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy
and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.
You can see that it is the Wisdom that show you how to behave,
but the the wisdom of God we communicate in mystery
mentioned in 1 Corinthians 2:7 doesn't come to show us how
to behave, it is a wisdom to show us who to believe and what
to believe, that is why it is communicated in mystery and it is
received as revelation.

1 Corinthians 2:7 But we speak the wisdom of God in a

mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before
the world unto our glory:

And the plan of God is that you use your soul to choose who to
believe, because your soul is exposed to the voice of two
person which is God and the devil, that is the voice of God and
the voice of the devil, that is why God ask Adam that who told

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

you that you are naked, it is not about what you do, but about
who speak to you that you believe his voice that you are naked.
Now get this, making decisions on who to believe is different
from making decisions on how to believe and what to do in
life. The wisdom that enable you to know who to believe and
what to believe is the wisdom mentioned in 1 Corinthians 2:7,
while the wisdom that enable you to know how to behave and
what to do in life is the wisdom mentioned in the book of James
3: 17.

If all you preach about is the wisdom of James 3:17 you will
produce religion out of people, because men must have right
believing before their right behaviour can be accepted before
A right behaviour without a right believing is called religion,
and that is eternally describe as filthy rag.
It is religion that is counted to be filthy rag before God when
you have wrong believing and have a right behavior, and such
right behavior doesn't last, if is not a nature, it is just a garment
and message of law can lead you to this, you will be outwardly
holy and righteous before men but filthy before God. Many
doesn't understand that the pattern through which God wants

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you to have a right behavior is not by choosing to behave right

, less you will see how weak your soul can be, because things
you don't want to do, you will find yourself doing it, not that
your soul is weak, but it become weak when you want to use
it to do what the soul is not design to do, The soul of man is
not design to choose between right behaving and wrong
behaving , it was designed to choose between right believing
and wrong believing .
The pattern through which God want you to have right
behavior is by having right believing and upon that right
believing you receive grace to have a right behavior and
receive grace to do what is right. How do you know your
believe is right? it will produce grace to do what is right, grace
come by faith and with the strength of that Grace you do what
is right. Your soul is not given to you to choose what to do, it
is given to you to choose who to believe and choose what to
believe, it is grace that is given to you to choose what to do.
Law set before you good behavior and bad behavior and ask
you to choose with your soul, but the soul of man is not
designed to do that, that is why many struggle but Grace set
before you right believing and wrong believing and ask you to

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

choose and this is what your soul is design to do by God, that

is, to use it to decide who to believe and what to believe.
Your soul is not a tool to choose how to behave or choose what
to do, it it given to to you to choose who to believe and choose
what to believe, it is grace of God that is given to you to enable
you to do what is right and enable you to behave right.
Lack of this knowledge as lead many into frustration by just
trying to be holy and righteous by the determination of their
soul. Any atempt to think you can use your soul to choose what
to do or choose how to believe, two things is likely to be the
results that will happen to you.
1.The first is that things you don't want to do you find yourself
doing, the more you try to use your soul to determine, the more
you see how weak and wresthed you are, if you try to choose
with your soul to do what is right or behave right the reality of
Romans 7:15 is likely to be your portion.
Romans 7:15 For that which I do I allow not: for what I would,
that do I not; but what I hate, that do I.
The evil you don't want to do is what you will find yourself
doing, while the good you want to do, you find yourself not
doing it.

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2. Secondly, if you now think you can now by self-

determination do what you use your soul to choose to do, you
will see yourself doing it successfully but without no single
successful results following.

There are some they want to use their soul to fast, and they
embacked on it, and things they don't want to do they find
themselves doing it, the food they don't want to eat they find
themselves eating it, they plan to go on three days fasting but
suddenly they see themselves breaking by 10 am the first day,
this set of people are called weak-will people but we have some
who are strong-will in nature , men who are coleric in nature,
they can make a determination on something and achieve it,
they are born with strong will, self-determination is there
strength, so by that strong will they use their soul to decide to
go on 7, 21, 40 days fasting and they achieve it, their self-
determination results to self actualization but because it is by
the power of your soul you make such decision to fast, you see
such fasting not producing any supernatural result for you,
instead of supernatural power to follow such sacrifice done by
self-determination it is ulcer that follows.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

Why? in this kindgom you don't use your soul to choose what
to do, you only use your soul to choose who to believe and
what to believe, while it is grace of God that is ordained to
choose for you what to do, it is God that is ordained to choose
for you what to do and not you chose for yourself.
And how do grace choose for you, how do God choose for you?
the answer is in Philippians 3:13 he will be at work in you
making you to will and to do.

Philippians 2:13 For it is God which worketh in you both to

will and to do of his good pleasure.

He will not make you to will and leave you to do, he makes
you to will and to do, he will not also set before you good and
evil like the law and asking you to be willing yourself, he
makes you to will.
He will not say to you like when men were under the law that
it is when you are willing and obedient that you eat the good
fruit of the law, But instead God will bring you into new
covenant where he will be at work in you to make you will and
to make you obey so that the good of the land will come
effortlessly without any struggle. What are we now to be doing

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with our soul and choices since God has come down to make
us will and do? You are to choose who to believe and who not
to believe with your soul.
It is now whosever believes in him will not perish but have
everlasting life, everything about your life under new covenant
is center on WHO YOU BELIEVE and WHAT YOU
BELIEVE, that is why you must exposed yourself to the
wisdom of God that we communicate in mystery, because that
is the wisdom that can help your soul on what to believe and
who to believe.
Many doesn't know the purpose why God give them soul, your
soul is not given to you to make decisions on what to do, it is
given to you to make decisions on who to believe. It is by grace
that enables you to do anything in life and come out with result
not by choice, because it is not of him that willeth again.

Romans 9:11 (For the children being not yet born, neither
having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God
according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that
It is no longer base on what you choose to do, or willing to do,
it is now base on what you are called to do, so you soul is not

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

given to you to either accept the call of God or reject the call
of God.

The concept of strong will or weak will doesn't exist in the

dictionary of God because your soul is not design by God to
choose what to do, it is given to choose who to believe, not to
make decisions on Principles but to make decisions on faith,
that is why the message of Jesus is all about faith and belief.
Some came to Jesus in the book of John 6:28 to ask him what
should they do, to do the work of God, they want to know the
principle to follow, so that they can make the decision with
their soul, but Jesus said to them that just believe is all God
demand from you.

John 6:28-29
Then said they unto him, what shall we do, that we might work
the works of God?
29: Jesus answered and said unto them, this is the work of God,
that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.

Because to believe is what your soul is created by God for, to

make decisions on who to believe and what to believe.

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You can see why God said without faith (right believing) no
man can please God, the scripture didn't say without right
behavior no man can please God, the emphasis is all about
Choose today what you will believe and who you will believe.
If WHO you believe is right which is JESUS, Eternal life will
follow as gift why if WHAT you believe is right which is THE
FINISHED WORK OF CHRIST and the sacrifice of Christ the
of our Lord Jesus will grace follow as gift also
Proverbs 24:13-14
My son, eat thou honey, because it is good; and the
honeycomb, which is sweet to thy taste:
14:So shall the knowledge of wisdom be unto thy soul: when
thou hast found it, then there shall be a reward, and thy
expectation shall not be cut off.

Many don't know the purpose God gave them soul. Your soul
is not given to you to make decisions on what to do and choose
how to behave, it is given to you to make decisions on who to

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

So the reason why your soul needs the wisdom of God is so

that he can choose who to believe and choose what to believe
while the reason why your soul needs the grace of God is so
that he can have the willingness and the capability to do the
will of God, because Grace is the one at work in our soul
making us to will and to do.

Philippians 2:13
[13] For God is at work within you, helping you want to obey
him, and then helping you do what he wants. (TLB) The Living

If God doesn't help you want to obey him and then help you do
what he want, you can't by the power of soul choose what he
wants and do it, you will attempt it, fail and fall, and if you
didn't fall and fail you will do it and no results will follow. I
tell you today that it is possible for you to pick the word of God
and by choice choose to obey his word and yet God will not
honour your obedience, and God will not reward your
obedience, this has made many to think God is unfair because
by their own standard of measurement, they felt they are
righteous than someone and yet it looks as if God is blessing

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that fellow more than them. So they are tempted to think,

righteousness doesn't pay. Yes sir, righteousness done in the
energy of the flesh and the energy of the soul don't pay before
God, it is counted as filthy rag. It is only when God is at work
in you helping you to will and do that he counts your
righteousness as the original one capable of attracting the
favour of eternity. it is him at work in us making us to will and
to do. So you can only work out your salvation with fear and
trembling when God is at work in you making you to will and
to do .

Philippians 2:12-13 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have

always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much
more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear
and trembling.
13: For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do
of his good pleasure.

Look at the scripture very well, if verse 13 didn't become

reality in your soul, verse 12 become impossible in your life.
So when I see anyone who boasts in his self-determination, I
see a man who doesn't know the weakness of the soul of man.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

It is by grace that enables you to do anything in life and come

out with result,that is why you don't copy the principles Mr W
follow over the reality of life and think the principles will work
for you.
Have you considered that by what ordination is he using to
apply such principles? Have you considered the grace upon
him that he is using to apply the principle? But you just see the
result his life is commanding and you begin to ask what is the
secret? Instead of him also to point you to Christ he will now
be pointing you to some principles and sacrifice he paid (
Christianity is not occultism that ride on one's sacrifice,
Christianity ride on the sacrifice and blood of Jesus). I have
said it before and I am saying it again, the fact that someone
have results doesn't mean he has the message, that doesn't mean
what he is saying is eternally true.
Be sincere with yourself, with all the principle of fathers of
faith you have been holding, how many have you applied to
command the results you see in their lives?
You want to be using the principles of fathers of faith when the
Grace of father of faith is not upon you. If I listen to any father
of faith, I don't listen to them to apply any of the principles they
apply, I know it can never work for me if I apply it because

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there is a grace upon them that made them to apply the

principles before they can produce results for them, but it is
unfortunate that you want apply the same principle they
applied without the grace they have, without the same
ordination they have and without the same calling and
assignment they have, you can see our generational error in the
body of Christ.
I listen to men of God to learn from their mistake and the
message of Christ and about Christ they preach, if your
message is not about Christ, your message is not eternally
recognize, I don't feed my soul on forbidden fruit.
I don't listen to them to tell me what they do right and get
results, when I fully know that there is nobody in Christ that
get results in anything he do because he did anything right, we
all get results because Christ did everything right, let people
know we are men of like passion like others.
If you get results in anything you do because you did
something right or follow some right Principles, it means you
are not in Christ, because the moment you enter into Christ, his
grace work most in your weakness.
2 Corinthians 12:9 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient
for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the

power of Christ may rest upon me.
Before you entered into Christ, your strength was your
advantage while your weakness was your disadvantage, but
once you enter into Christ, your strength becomes your greatest
enemy that will hinder you from God's grace while your
weakness becomes your advantage in Christ because his grace
works most in your weakness.
I love the way Living Bible puts it. 2 Corinthians 12: 9.

2 Corinthians 12
[9] Each time he said, No. But I am with you; that is all you
need. My power shows up best in weak people. Now I am glad
to boast about how weak I am; I am glad to be a living
demonstration of Christ’s power, instead of showing off my
own power and abilities.(TLB)

In this kingdom we don't glory in anything we do right, we

glory in everything we do wrong and despite God in his mercy
and grace blesses us, instead of showing your own ability,
kindly show Christ's ability that work that work for you despite
your inability.

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That is why Paul said I glory in my weakness, because it is by

that the power of God rest upon me, that I show men what I
didn't do right, I show men that his grace is not of my power or
Holiness, but by the grace of God , I show men that this grace
and supernatural you see is not because I did anything right,
but because Christ did every right, ( that is how to glory in you
weakness) because if you don't glory in your weakness, the
glory of Christ can't be seen and this is what we saw Peter
doing in the book of act 2 when he raised the cripple and men
begin to look at him as if by his power and holiness he raised
the cripple.

Acts 3:12 And when Peter saw it, he answered unto the people,
Ye men of Israel, why marvel ye at this? or why look ye so
earnestly on us, as though by our own power or holiness we
had made this man to walk?

Go and check any men of God in the body of Christ, the day
pride took over them and they begin to teach sacrifice, that
become the day they begin to reduce in supernatural ( take your
mind back to history and check all of them all). Anyone of
them that still have consistent supernatural manifestation till

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

today, they are men who doesn't teach on sacrifice and price
but only teach on faith (make this research and prove me
Many of them are riding on past supernatural glory when it
come to supernatural manifestation, why? Because pride took
over them and begin to teach that it is by their sacrifice they
walk in the supernatural, and God doesn't give more grace to
the proud, their past supernatural glory is only producing
current financial glory, that is what they use to cover up, but if
you check their ministration you will know that the
supernatural power and manifestation that was present in their
ministry in the past years is nowhere to be found in their
ministry today.
Why? because the day you start exalting sacrifice and price in
your teaching and Preaching you start falling from supernatural
grace gradually.

Galatians 5:4 Christ is become of no effect unto you,

whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from
Because it is the law that exalt your sacrifice but grace exalt
the sacrifice of Christ, You can never see Daddy Chris

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Oyakhilome linking his supernatural to his sacrifice, and till

today he is still Consistent with strange supernatural
You can never see Daddy Kumuyi linking his supernatural to
his holiness or sacrifice, I have listened to him back to back
and I discovered that each time he want to teach on
supernatural he always link it to faith and not sacrifice( listened
to all his crusade message where supernatural took place).
Same to Bishop Benson Idahosa, I followed his teaching also
and I discovered that you can never see him linking his
supernatural to sacrifice and price, he always link it to faith.
Same to T.L Osborn who was the mentor of our father in faith
in Nigeria in the past in term of the supernatural, I read his
book and I saw clearly how he against men teaching on their
sacrifice but never teach on the sacrifice of Christ, he laid
emphasis on it again and again that faith is the key to
supernatural and not any sacrifice you paid, and all this fathers
work in the supernatural till their last breathe.
Kenneth Hagin said the longest fast he did in his life is three
days, anyone who have read his book where he wrote on fasting
will know what I am saying.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

Benny Hinn said before he did his morning devotion, he always

love to eat something, because to him if his body is not
comfortable he can't enjoy fellowship, and yet all this men still
have track record of supernatural till today, (that is for those
alive amongst them) while those who have died amongst them
walk in the supernatural even to their last breathe but come to
those shouting sacrifice and price about amongst those who
have walked in the supernatural, you will discover that their
past record is only what is supernatural about them,
Scripturally speaking the day you start exalting sacrifice, you
are making the finished work or Christ to become of no effect,
you are downgrading the sacrifice Christ paid for us. This is
not about the life reality alone, let us go to the scripture, Jesus
said he that believe in him out of his belly shall flow river of
living water, he didn't say he that pay the sacrifice of long
fasting, long prayer and long speaking in tongues.

John 7:38
He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his
belly shall flow rivers of living water.

Pst Banjo Ayeka

Show me any single person from the scripture that walked in

power and supernatural because he paid the price, none of
them, the book of Hebrews list their names to us and show us
all of them walked in their various supernatural by faith.
In all the scripture no man paid sacrifice like John the Baptist,
yet he never walk in any supernatural power, for you to know
it is not by sacrifice, it is by Grace, ordination and your calling,
John the Baptist pay sacrifice more than Elijah, and yet with
the spirit of Elijah upon him he never walk in the power of
Why ? no single man on earth work in power because he paid
the price, what Jesus said is that freely you receive, not you
paid the price to receive it
Matthew 10:8
Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils:
freely ye have received, freely give.

look at another school again..

Galatians 3:5

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

He therefore that ministereth to you the Spirit, and worketh

miracles among you, doeth he it by the works of the law, or by
the hearing of faith?

Matthew 10: 8 shows us that you don't pay the price for power,
while Galatians 3:5 show us that it is not by your righteousness,
it is by hearing of faith, that is why whenever men seek for you
to show them the secret of your success, if the principles you
apply and the sacrifice you paid is what you begin to point them
to instead pointing them to Christ, then you are ungrateful in
the kingdom.
That is why what Christ has done right is the only true message
and not what you did right.
Believing in what Christ has done right is what produces grace
for you to do right, and it is the right you now do with that
grace that produces result for you.
1 Corinthians 2:7
But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden
wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory:

Pst Banjo Ayeka

When you try to do right and follow right Principles without

God's grace upon you, then you will know that right principle
can land you in frustration, that is why the role of the wisdom
of God we communicate in mystery is not to enable you to have
a right behavior or do the right thing, it is to enable you to have
a right believing, that is, know who to believe and choose who
to believe and upon that revelation of your choice, you receive
grace to now do the right thing. It takes grace to behave right,
it takes grace to choose right behavior while it takes God's
wisdom to choose right believing.
I repeat that utterance so as to keep you in a state of humility,
it takes grace to choose right behavior while it takes wisdom to
choose right believing. So the wisdom of the spirit world is to
enable you to have a right believing.
If you have this understanding it will give you a sense of
humility and whenever you see anyone doing wrong things, it
will enable you to communicate your correction to him with all
sense of love and humility, and without any sense of
judgmental spirit finding expression in you. That is why Paul
said when you see any one doing wrong things, you who are
Spiritual you must be able correct him in love considering that
you are a man of like passion but grace only sustained you.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

Galatians 6:1
Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are
spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness;
considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.

I so much love the way The Living Bible puts it;

[1] Dear brothers, if a Christian is overcome by some sin, you
who are godly should gently and humbly help him back onto
the right path, remembering that next time it might be one of
you who is in the wrong. (TLB) The Living Bible

It says remembering that next time it may be you who is in the

wrong. Meaning as long as you are still in this mortal body,
you can be in the wrong, you are not perfect, you are just an
imperfect person who think he is perfect who now begin to
correct others with such incorrect mindset, that is why your
correction is judgmental in nature with no sense of compassion
and humility but if you know that you are an imperfect person
correcting the wrong of another imperfect person, you will do

Pst Banjo Ayeka

all your correction with all sense of humility. When you see
anyone doing wrong, the only difference between you and that
person is that the grace upon you that is helping you to do right
is not in him, if the grace upon you making you to will and to
do is also at work in them, they will do good and live right,
while if the grace upon you making you to do good is not upon
you, you will live worst than the person you are correcting. We
are what we are in life just by the grace of God because if we
all have a sense of remembrance where God took us from, we
will not look any one in wrong act and not have compassion on
One thing I have observed is that people who easily pass
judgement on people are the so called people born in church
and born in Christain home who grew up with morals. People
like us whom God picked on campus from the extreme part of
darkness and the world and by his mercy and grace brought us
into his marvellous light, can never look at those in the world
and pass judgement on them, we all rather look at them and
have compassion on them.
Imagine me, Banjo Ayeka who have been visiting the house of
the harbalist at Age 17, having sex at age 9, got arrested by
police at age 14 , arrested twice on campus for atrocities now

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

met with Christ on campus, begin to pass judgement on those

in the world, if I show you my past, you will understand grace.
I didn't grow up in a house where we go to church, my mother
stepped her foot into church three years ago after she saw what
God is using me to do, because she couldn't believe it. I have
seen a person who gave his life to Christ on campus because I,
Banjo Ayeka got born again, he said if God can save me then
he know God exist.
So, when I see people who just come to social media and begin
to correct people anyhow, I see people who doesn't have a past
like us, I see people who are born saint, who never committed
any sin in their life and I see Jesus looking at them and saying
"if you have not committed any sin, be the first to write on
social media with judgmental spirit that someone is morally
wrong". All I noticed is that people are just too quick to forget
where God has taken them from and how God grace has taken
them so far.
The Bible says when Jesus looked at some set of people he
had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without
a Shepherd, not he got angry at them.

Matthew 9:36

Pst Banjo Ayeka

But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with

compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered
abroad, as sheep having no shepherd.

The scripture didn't say Jesus got angry at them, and begin to
correct them in anger, Jesus knew that correcting them is like
correcting a mad man for dressing naked, he knew that they
were like that because they don't have a shepherd, they are like
a sheep without shepherd, they were not goat.
A natural man will see them as goat who does not listen or
stubborn, but Christ saw them as sheep without shepherd. What
a natural man will see to be the problem of those people is not
what Jesus is seeing to be the problem, Jesus was able to see
into the source of the problem.
Many of us lack compassion on those doing wrong because we
see from the fruit of the problem, but a spiritual man should be
able to see from the root of the problem, that is why the
scripture say it is only the spiritual that can judge all things.

1 Corinthians 2:15 But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet

he himself is judged of no man.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

Meaning, before you can sit in the position of judgment, your

life must come to a stage where you yourself is free from
judgment of man. Meaning, it is only a man who is spiritual
that can sit in that position but if you know you are not perfect,
don't be too quick to pass correction on people who are not
under you, anyone who doesn't see your word as the word of
God to his life can never yield to your correction if you try to
give him one. Get that today.( Don't create unnecessary enemy
for yourself all because you want to claim to be speaking the
truth), following peace with all man is as important as the
Holiness you want to promote, don't break the law of peace
with your neighbor just because you want to promote the law
of Holiness.
You must be Spiritual to Judge all things, because those are the
one that can see from the root of the problem and judge with
all sense of compassion like Jesus. A natural man could look
at those crucifying Jesus and say this person deserve a wrath of
God, thunder must come from heaven to strike them down but
Jesus who is Spiritual that can judge all things could look at
them and say have mercy on them for they don't know what
they are doing. Can you look at a lady doing prostitution and

Pst Banjo Ayeka

judge from the spirit by saying how wish the situation of this
country is good, she may not be found doing this kind of job.
Truly, what she did is wrong, but can you honestly judge from
the stand point of what led her to such dirty job. That is how
Jesus see things that make him to say those people are like
sheep without Shepherd, and if he is the one we are emulating
we should also learn to see things like him.
Don't learn character from Paul, don't learn mode of
corrections from Paul or Peter, any attitude you see in the
apostles not found in Jesus just know that such act is a work of
the flesh, because apostles are also work in progress. The
apostles were not perfect, you will see the elements of
imperfection in their character beginning from the book of Act
to book of revelation.
That is why the only person we look unto is Christ, and the
only people Christ frown at are the law keepers and religious
people and the person he is so freely with are the sinner. If
Jesus come today to dwell amongst us, you will see how he
will be so free, kind and friendly to those we tag sinner doing
wrong things and be so angry to those we tag to be saint.
Learn from how Jesus have compassion on those people, he
said they are like sheep without Shepherd, can you look at

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

those with immoral behavior and have compassion on them.

Jesus didn't say they are disobedient sheep that is why they are
acting that way, but he said they are like sheep without a
He was able to judge from the source of the act and not from
the fruit of the act but a natural man judge from the fruit of the
act, that is why the scripture say before you place correction,
ensure you are Spiritual.
You can never correct as a Spiritual man and the person you
are correcting get offended, if you are trying to bring correction
to something or someone and people you are correcting get
offended, it means wisdom is missing in your manner of
approach, time of approach, content of approach. If you are
bringing correction to someone what is your goal? if your goal
is to get him angry you can talk anyhow, if your goal is to see
him repent, you must talk wisely because your correction can
be found with wrong act tomorrow because it is by grace we
do what is right in this kingdom, any right thing you do that is
not sponsored by the grace of God is tagged filthy rag and it
doesn't attract any blessing, it attracts more problems and
calamity, it makes you to fall from grace.

Pst Banjo Ayeka

Galatians 5:4 Christ is become of no effect unto you,

whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from

That is why you see many religious people who pride

themselves in all this self-righteousness never flow in any
grace of God aside their General Overseer who received grace
from God but now began to teach his followers to do by self-
effort what he is doing by grace, that is why I don't listen to
people who teach principles, without grace, no principles work
for anyone in life if the grace to make it work is not upon you
in life.

You may teach the principles of honour and service, if the

grace of God is not upon you, you will honour and serve
someone for 20 years and yet no blessing will follow and you
see someone just come around the person you are honoring and
serve for just for 6 months and you see them gifting him with
car as a birthday gift.
I tell you today that nothing good pays in this life if the grace
of God is not first upon you, you can help someone and land in
prison with your help, you can pay tithe consistently and still

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

be poor consistently, you can serve and yet you and the person
you are serving have an issue and fight at the end of the day,
you can follow the principle of honour and your honour may
lead to humiliation, they take advantage of your honour and
begin to use you anyhow as slave. Why? it is because nothing
good in life pays without God's grace, God's behavior.
Righteousness doesn't pay if God's grace is not upon you. You
can try to obey God and still receive the curse of God if the
grace of God is not upon you, read Galatians 3:13 to understand
my point.

Galatians 3:10 For as many as are of the works of the law are
under the curse:

As many as are of the work of the law mean those who try to
please God by trying to be righteous, the Bible says God
releases curse on them. How can a man be cursed for trying to
please God?

The answer is in verse 11.


Pst Banjo Ayeka

[11] Consequently, it is clear that no one can ever win God’s

favor by trying to keep the laws because God has said that the
only way we can be right in his sight is by faith. As the prophet
Habakkuk says it, The man who finds life will find it through
trusting God.( TLB)

Can you now understand why the scripture says without faith
it is impossible to please God? So, when you now think you
want to be pleasing God by right behavior instead of right
believing, God releases a curse on you.

This will humble you to understand that all in this kingdom is

by grace, don't let anyone deceive you that the secret of his
ministerial success is the sacrifice of fasting, you will try that
same fasting without grace and land in hospital to tread chronic
ulcer yet with no supernatural results follow.

The so called principles of prosperity you apply and get results,

do you know there are thousands of men who have applies the
same principle accurately and yet no financial results followed
them? May you be humble enough to know that if life is
favouring you doesn't mean you do anything right and don't see

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

those that life is not favoring as though they do anything


You see some coming to social media saying I want to give

you ten principles to become rich in life, sir it is the blessing of
the Lord that make one rich without adding any sorrow to it,
no principle of prosperity can make you rich. If the blessings
of the Lord is not upon you and you apply those PRINCIPLES
of prosperity, it will land you in more debt, and the Blessings
of the Lord is design to come only by grace through faith
because Christ has paid the price, it is Abrahamic Blessings,
no covenant is attached to it, it is by faith.

It is when the blessings is upon you that you can sit down under
such teaching asking you to apply principles of prosperity and
apply it and you see results, that is why if you don't first
understand grace, nothing will work for you in life, then you
will know in this kingdom it is not by power nor by might but
by the spirit ( grace) says the Lord. It is not of him that willeth
nor of him that runneth but of him that God show mercy and
favour to.

Pst Banjo Ayeka

And the way of this mercy and favour is to sit down to learn
the message of grace. It is the only message recommended by
scripture that can build you and give you your Inheritance
amongst the saint.

Acts 20:32 And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to

the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give
you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.

Mercy is your inheritance, favour is your inheritance, goodness

is your inheritance and it is only the message of grace that can
give you this.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

Pst Banjo Ayeka



Philippians 4:6
Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and
supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made
known unto God.
The moment you accept God as your father, you are saying you
are willing to depend on him for everything you need, and
prayer is the way of life of someone who depends on his father
for all he need, prayer simply mean making your request
known to God.
If you need the gift of men he supplies it, if you need the gift
of cash he supplies it, if you need wisdom he supplies it, if you
need work or job, he is the one responsible for supplying it,
you are no longer in the category of men who seek after things
or search for things to get, you are now in the category of men
who seek first the kingdom of God and wait for God to add
every other things to it.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

We know that no man can get anything in life except it is given

by God, so rather than seeking the things we need, we seek the
giver of it. Don't let wrong teaching on hard work as the key to
success make you lost your absolute dependent on God
because hard work only pays when what you are working on is
a work or job provided for you by God, but hard work become
a curse- producing sweat with no results when what you are
working hard to do is not the work or job that God provided for
you. Some will say God will not come down to do for you what
you should do for yourself. Yes, you are right, but if God wants
you to do something for yourself, he supplies the wisdom and
the grace needed for it if you depend on him.
Why? Because you have known him as your father, You are
not permitted to move in life like an orphan, who thinks of how
to solve his problem by himself rather than asking his father
for all he needs. If you know Christ as your saviour, he saves
you, if you know Holy Spirit as your helper, he helps you, and
likewise if you know God as your father also he provides all
you need for you.
Many born by God move in life like an orphan because they
have not caught the revelation of God as their father, if you
know him as a father, you will know having him in life is

Pst Banjo Ayeka

enough, you will know if God is all you have, it is more than
enough and it is when the wisdom of God is communicated in
mystery and we received it as the revelation that we catch the
knowledge of God as father. Something happened to me weeks
ago, my right ear suddenly become close to deafness, and I was
only hearing the voice of people with the left ear, it became a
worry in my heart and many thoughts begin to run through my
heart like, like is this how I will just become half-deaf? I bean
to take some medical step over it, one evening during prayer
walk I was having a discussion with my Father who art in
heaven over the matter, and a scripture came to my heart.

Luke 12:7 But even the very hairs of your head are all
numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many

If God knows about every hair that drop from our head,
meaning God is aware that something is wrong with my ear,
that consciousness that God is aware about it suddenly gave me
rest, it means God will take control of it once I talk to him about
it, because as a father to my son, I know how I will take control
of Oreofe if he happened to be in that situation, if I can do that

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

to my son, how much more God? So I entered my rest.

Suddenly, I have a nightdream and saw a man telling me to
stop using the medication I bought from the pharmaceutical
shop over it and I did, and after some weeks, I just discovered
God has taken control, my ear opened back fully again without
any medical help.
After some weeks, I began to Google to know the cause of that
ear problem and then discovered that the first warning I saw
was the negative effect of the drug recommended to me by the
pharmacist,I could have caused more problems to myself. Then
I discovered that in most cases, most of the decisions you make
in the cost of trying to bring a solution to our problem are the
ones that will land us into more problems, most of the financial
decisions you take without God's direction in the cost of trying
to bring a solution to your financial problem will complicate
the issues the more. Going to the hospital is good when you are
sick, but don't let that be the first option as sons of God, let
prayer be your first option as a son of God, let God by himself
take control.
God can take control by using the Doctor and God can take
control without the doctor, but let prayer be the first thing
because every step you now begin to take after prayer will

Pst Banjo Ayeka

surely be divinely orchestrated, if you take any step outside

God's will after prayer you see God frustrating it, and if you
take right step after prayer you see God directing it. If we can
know God as our father, that settled all the case of life, you will
know that our faith in him is secret behind our strength, when
you hear prayer your heart will be full of joy.
If you want people to pray, teaching them about prayer is not
the first thing, teaching them about God as their father is the
first thing, You don't need to teach a son to be asking anything
from his father, he only need to know his father, know the
capability of his father, know the love of his father for him,
upon those knowledge you see him asking anything from his
We lost that ability to depend on God as a father the day Adam
ate the wrong fruit and he was exposed to another civilization
that made him think he can do things by himself with his own
understanding,that was why when Adam fell, instead of him to
cry to God in prayer, he began to attend seminar where he will
get principle on how to cover his nakedness, he was told you
have to be responsible for your life.
Adam was told by motivational speakers that God will not
come down from heaven to cover your nakedness for you, you

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

have to make a move by yourself and they began to tell Adam

that the first step is to get some leaves, the second step is to use
the leaves to cover himself, Adam wrote those principles down
to apply it, that was why when God appeared to him, the first
thing that God asked him is that who told you that you are
naked? What seminar do you attend that fed you with wrong
Mind you, God didn't say who told you to eat the fruit, for you
to know that what we count to be the problem that God have
with Adam was not the problem. The problem we think God
have with Adam was that Satan told him to eat the fruit but the
issue God had with Adam was that he has been exposed to
another civilization that begin to teach him what to do and how
to do things by himself without the involvement of God. That
is why God said who told you,you are naked, who told you to
get leaves to cover yourself?
Mind you, Satan never told Adam he was naked, Satan only
deceived him to eat the fruit but after eating the fruit,
something came upon him and that is sense of self dependent,
before he fell the sense he had was sense of God's dependent,
but now that he fell, he begins to have a sense of self-dependent
and this is what the tree of the knowledge of good and evil does

Pst Banjo Ayeka

to him, the tree disconnected his soul from depending on God

to depend on his sense and use his sense and logic to handle his
life and the first thing he did is to use sense to look for means
to cover his nakedness.
You will discover that the first thing God did was to remove
the leaf because in this kingdom we are wired to only survive
by what God provides for us and not what we provide for
We are exposed to many teaching telling us to take
responsibility for our lives. Let me ask you a question!! Are
you the owner of your life? How can you be taking
responsibility for the life God ask you to surrender? It is no
longer us who live but Christ that lives in us, in the realm of
God we only do what God give us the grace to do, we only
move when God open the door of opportunities for us. If we
are to labour more than others in life, it is because God give us
the grace more than others in life, we don't labour for grace, we
labour with grace.
Look at this scripture very well, when Paul began to show us
his good work and how he laboured more than others, he
quickly correct himself in the next verse that all this you see is
by the grace.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

1 Corinthians 15:10
But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which
was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more
abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which
was with me.

Meaning, I Paul laboured more than them all not because I did
it, but because the grace of God was upon me. Meaning, if the
grace that was given to Paul was given to you, you will do what
Paul did. Someone said but people can waste grace, it means
you don't know grace, if grace rest upon you it took over you,
it took over your capacity, took over your emotions, took over
your passion, it took over your will, you see yourself wanting
and willing to do what God has given you grace to do because
the Grace of God will enter into you and begin to make you to
will and to make you to do (Philippians 2: 13)
In most cases whenever I say I don't want to write anything this
week because I want to rest that is when I will end up writing
the more, because it is grace, I can't hold it, I can't resist it, it is
a compelling force of the hand of God resting upon you to
make you do what a natural man can't do. So we don't carry the

Pst Banjo Ayeka

sense of responsibility in this kingdom, less pride take over

your life and think you are the reason why you are great in life,
God's grace is the reason and grace doesn't come because God
knows you will deliver for him, grace comes because God
knows that you will fail in life, God knows you will disappoint
him, disappoint yourself and disappoint your generation, so
you are weak that is why grace came and that is the expression
of the fatherhood of God. So, you are not the anyway the reason
why God Give you grace, Christ is the reason, God didn't give
you grace because he sees anything good in you, he give you
grace because he sees everything good in Christ
If you understand this you will be humble enough to make
prayer your way of life. Principle is a proof of wisdom in the
natural while prayer is a proof of wisdom in the spirit. Mind
you, when I mean prayer, I don't mean the unscriptural prayer
you see in many Africans churches, if you want to learn
Scriptural prayer and Scriptural way of praying, don't make the
mistake of looking at Africans churches, heaven doesn't
recognize Africa as praying Nation. It is only when you want
to see foolish, ignorant and religious way of praying then you
can come to Africa for research, but if you want to learn
Scriptural way of praying, don't make the mistake of looking

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

at Africa, because we have a weakness of loving to violate

simple scriptures in the cost of establishing scriptural reality,
we love to do God things in our own way and not in God way.
Other nations who doesn't have regards for God, love to do
their thing in their own way, but in Africa we have regards for
God, but our problem is that we love to do God's thing in our
own way and that is why it look as if those who doesn't have
regards for God are getting more results more than us.
A man who does his things in his own way have the chance of
getting more results in life than a man who does God's things
in his own way without following God's way, and that is what
we do with prayer in Africa.
Africa only have the spirit of prayer without having the
wisdom of prayer and spirit of prayer only produce energy and
passion for prayer, it does not produce any results after prayer.
It is the wisdom of prayer that produce results after prayer. It
is the wisdom for prayer that produce right prayer point, that
produce praying according to the will of God and it is not the
energy you put in prayer that make prayer to work, prayer
produces result because you pray according to the will of God,
that is why the scripture says this is the confidence we have, if
we pray according to his will he hear us.

Pst Banjo Ayeka

1 John 5:14-15 And this is the confidence that we have in him,

that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:
And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know
that we have the petitions that we desired of him.

There is no energy you can put in prayer that can be more than
the one Jesus put in prayer at Gethsemane, and yet God didn't
hear him. For you, it is by sweat coming out in the place of
prayer and you think by that God will hear you, for Jesus his
sweat was coming out as blood and yet God didn't hear him,
because he was not praying according to the will of God, he
was praying that God should take the cup of our sins away from
him, when he supposed to drink the cup of our Iniquity and
become sin for our sake so that we can become righteousness
for his sake, so God didn't hear him but when he said God let
your will be done, he never prayed over it twice, he never
repeated himself, he just woke up. When he was praying wrong
prayer he needed men to pray with him for one hour, but when
he prayed right prayer, he didn't need men again, he told his
disciples to stop praying.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

Matthew 26:42, 45
He went away again the second time, and prayed, saying, O my
Father, if this cup may not pass away from me, except I drink
it, thy will be done.
45:Then cometh he to his disciples, and saith unto them, Sleep
on now, and take your rest: behold, the hour is at hand, and the
Son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners.

If you need men to pray with you over a matter, before God
will hear, then you are praying wrong prayer point, so you
think God can hear you by much persuasive act, you
misunderstood what Jesus was saying in Luke 18: 1 to think
we must keep on repeating prayer point again and again.
The simple and lovely way of praying is described by Jesus in
the book of Mathew.

Matthew 6:6-8
But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when
thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret;
and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.

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7: But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen

do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much
8:Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth
what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.

If Prayer is harder than the way it is explained here by Jesus it

is no longer prayer, I tell you what you claimed to be doing is
no longer prayer. The most easiest thing to do is prayer, it
doesn't take any strength to pray, it only take faith and humility
to prayer, if you are not praying it is not because you are lazy
it is because you are either proud or you are faithless.
You are proud because you think you can handle the matter of
your life yourself and you are faithless because you don't
believe God can handle it. So the way Jesus explained prayer
in Mathew 6 is the simplicity of prayer, anything outside that
is just Africa way of praying and not Scriptural way of praying,
and heaven doesn't recognize Africa way of praying, because
heaven can never recognize what is not in the template of
prayer, you can see why the results we have in Africa in all
areas of life is extremely low to the effort we put in prayer, we

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

pride in the energy we put in prayer that is full of foolishness

and ignorance.

Look at the way The Living Bible put Mathew 6.

Matthew 6:5-7
[5] And now about prayer. When you pray, don’t be like the
hypocrites who pretend piety by praying publicly on street
corners and in the synagogues where everyone can see them.
Truly, that is all the reward they will ever get.
[6] But when you pray, go away by yourself, all alone, and shut
the door behind you and pray to your Father secretly, and your
Father, who knows your secrets, will reward you.*
[7] Don’t recite the same prayer over and over as the heathen
do, who think prayers are answered only by repeating them
again and again. Remember, your Father knows exactly what
you need even before you ask him!
(TLB) The Living Bible

It is as if Jesus is talking to Nigeria church in this scripture ,

each time I see those who claim to be praying people, I ask
myself didn't they read this scripture in there bible. Every
instructions on prayer mentioned by Jesus in this scripture is

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what we are violating, How can you be violating the

instructions of prayer given by God and be praying to that same
God in the way you think? You can see that our problem is that
we love doing God's things in our own way.
He told you to talk to him in prayer as a son, but you are
shouting and screaming as a slave, he told you to enter into
closet, lock your door and talk to him in secret, but you enter
into secret and be shouting, disturbing the peace of people in
the environment claiming you are speaking in tongues for
hours, everyone already know you are praying, you now come
out from prayer room with sweat on your body to show a sign
of fervency, sir, you are a baby, you have received your reward
before men.

Look the way the message version put it.

Mathew 6:
6 “Here’s what I want you to do: Find a quiet, secluded place
so you won’t be tempted to role-play before God. Just be there
as simply and honestly as you can manage. The focus will shift
from you to God, and you will begin to sense his grace.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

7-13 “The world is full of so-called prayer warriors who are

prayer-ignorant. They’re full of formulas and programs and
advice, peddling techniques for getting what you want from
God. Don’t fall for that nonsense. This is your Father you are
dealing with, and he knows better than you what you need.
With a God like this loving you, you can pray very simply.
Like this:

What we tagged to be praying movement in Nigeria, the

message version called it nonsense, verse 7 says Nigeria is full
of prayer warriors who are prayer- ignorant, and the message
version say don't fall for those nonsense.

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John 17:3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee
the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.

Look at the scripture very well, it say this is the Eternal life, to
know God and to know Christ, meaning the tree of life in the
garden of Eden is designed to make Adam know God and know
Christ, just as the second tree is a tree to make man know Good
and evil so also the tree of life is a tree to make man know God
and also know Christ because the tree of life is a tree to give
Adam the Eternal life, and the scripture now begin to show us
in John 17 vs 3 that the Eternal life means to know God and to
know Christ.
Meaning, we have major two trees in the garden of Eden which
one is the tree of life that is the tree known as the tree of the
knowledge of God and Christ, and the second tree which is the
tree of death known as the tree of the knowledge of good and
evil and this is also the message we are exposed to today in the

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

body of Christ, the message of law, which is the message to

make you know good and evil.

Romans 7:7 What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God
forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not
known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet.

You can see that Law is the new testament tree of the
knowledge of good and evil, just as the law is not sin, so also
the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is not sin, eating it
is only what become sin, because death come through eating it,
the wages of eating it is death

1 Corinthians 15:56
The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.

That is why the Bible called the law, the law of sin and death,
and called grace the law of the spirit of life.

Romans 8:2-3
For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me
free from the law of sin and death.

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3:For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through
the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful
flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:

Just as the tree of good and evil is holy and Spiritual, so also
law is holy and Spiritual, because for anything to be in the
garden of Eden it mean it is holy, for anything to be created by
God mean it is spiritual, so also to law, it came from God
through Moses and that means it is holy and Spiritual, the only
problem is that it is not meant for eating. The greatest enemy
of the eternal life you receive when you believe in Christ is
law, but the first thing you are tempted to embrace to make you
wise after you have received Eternal life is the law and this law
is what stand for tree of death today which the day you listen
to it to receive it you surely die.

If the message of law and the minister of the law is what you
are feeding with, then you are feeding on the knowledge of
good and evil, and the day you begin to eat it you shall surely

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

Look for message that make you to know God and know
Christ, because that is the Eternal life and that is how to have
life in abundant, the more you know God and know Christ the
more life you have, and the more grace you also have, because
grace and peace be multiply through the knowledge of God and
the knowledge of Christ.

2 Peter 1:2 Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the
knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord,

Grace doesn't multiply through the knowledge of good and

evil, grace died through the knowledge of good and evil, but
grace multiply through the knowledge of God and of Christ our
Lord. We count men who feed us with the knowledge of what
is good and what is evil to be true preachers, but you can't be
build under their message and you can't obtain your Inheritance
under their message, you will only be built Religiously under
their message but never grow spiritually, because scripture has
already recommended for us the kind of message that can build
us and give us Inheritance and he called it the message of his

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Acts 20:32 And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to

the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give
you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.

Two things is sure for you if you begin to feed from the three
of life, and the first is peace of mind and the second is grace of
God, but when you begin to feed yourself with the message of
law, condemnation increased, fear of God increase and the love
of God reduces, And God doesn't want his children to fear him,
the fear of God is the beginning of bondage, it is the fear of the
lord that is the beginning of wisdom and not the fear of God.
What God demand is that you have the love of God in you and
have the fear of the lord in you, because God has reveal himself
to you as father why Christ want to reveal himself as Lord, so
the aspect of God you love is the father why the aspect you fear
is the lord which is Christ, but once you begin to feed on the
tree of good and evil which is the law, you will begin to fear
God that you should love and that will now make worship to
increase why fellowship reduced, because worship is done in
fear why fellowship is done in love. The highest demand from
God to man before Christ came is worship but the highest
demand from God after Christ came is fellowship, because the

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

only aspect God want his son's to know is knowing him as the
father. God can be different things to different people, he can
be a master to those who are slave, Creator to those who are
creature, Judge to those under the law but he is father to we his
children and a king of kings to us because we are the Kings,
that is why He called us ROYAL PRIESTHOOD and a
peculiar people that is after the order of Christ and
Melchizedek and not SERVANT PRIESTHOOD that is after
the order of Aaron and Moses.

You can see God's position to you and your position to God,
what he demands from you is not to worship him, but to
fellowship with him, God demands worship from his servants
and demand fellowship from his children, that is why worship
is to the Old Testament why fellowship is to the New
You don't demand fellowship from someone you hate, for
instance if your wife is saying you don't have time for her, you
don't create time for her, that she wants your time, it is because
she love you so much and she wants you around her, fellowship
is all about demanding someone's time, attention, and walk.
You don't want whom you fear around you, you always want

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him away from you because his presence around you put you
in bondage, while his absence around you give you freedom
but for someone you love, his presence around you is what give
you liberty, because anywhere there is the spirit of love their is
liberty, while the absence of Whom you love around you is
So, fellowship is what God demands from you as a son. He
demands worship from the angles, while he demands
fellowship from the sons but someone says but we have many
places where the scripture mentioned the word worship as per
something God demand from us, for instance the book of
Romans 12:1.

Romans 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies

of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy,
acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.(

Old King James Version use the word reasonable worship but
most of the new King James Version and other translation used
reasonable service. Get this, anywhere you see the word
worship in the new testament it is from the word service, not

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

service to God, but service to humanity in the name of God

because in the old testament what you do in the temple is what
is counted as worship, that is what is counted as service to God,
but in the new testament what you do to your neighbor in the
name of Christ is what is counted as worship, that is the true
In the Old Testament place of worship is very important and
paramount, but in the New Testament, place of worship no
longer matter, because worship is no longer what you do in the
temple, or church gatherings. (John 4:12 -24)

Worship now is designed to be done in spirit and in truth, that

is service now is designed to be done in spirit and in truth, and
if it is done in the spirit, the fruit will be love, the fruit will be
the nine fruit of the spirit. Worship in the spirit is not singing a
slow song with your two hand up claiming you are connected
in the spirit that is just what religion has made out of pure
Worship simply means pure religion, pure service to humanity
in the name of Christ, Worship simply means service, and the
service is to humanity in the name of Jesus. This is pure
worship as far as God is concerned.

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James 1:27
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this,
To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to
keep himself unspotted from the world.

Service to humanity not done in the name of Jesus is called

philanthropy, while service done to humanity in the name of
Jesus is called worship. So to understand worship, you must
understand philanthropy not worship songs. There is nothing
like worship songs, we only have worship act, because worship
is not a song, worship is a service and worship is not a service
done in temple, worship is done anywhere you can find human
being to help by the grace of God upon your life in the name
of Jesus.
So what God wants to achieve when he began the business of
reconciliation over your life is fellowship. You can see that
there is no aspect of life you do not need wisdom, you need
wisdom for worship less things will be done foolishly, lack of
wisdom on worship will make you to think singing slow song
that make you emotional is worship, that is just foolishness,
that is lack of wisdom and what make foolishness to be
different from disobedient is that, in disobedient you will do

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

wrong things and know you are doing wrong things, that is you
know what is right and wrong but just because of what you
want to achieve you begin to do what is wrong, but when it
comes to foolishness, you will be doing wrong things and think
you are doing right thing, because your spiritual Intelligence is
not mature enough to know that what you are doing is wrong.
It is just like my son, everything he does now is right in his
own eyes but wrong in my eyes, why? That is what happens
when wisdom is missing in a place or person.

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Genesis 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image,
after our likeness:

Colossians 1:15 (Christ) who is the image of the invisible God,

the firstborn of every creature:

Pay attention to this two scripture, there are things I will be

communicating out of it to understand the wisdom behind
Eternal formation of man. When God want to create man in
their own image, the first thing they do was to create a man
which is not in their own image known as Adam , then out of
Adam which is not the image of God come the Christ which is
now the exact image of the Godhead. Just like light come out
of darkness, so also the man in the image of God known as
Christ come out of the man that is not the image of God known
as Adam. Adam is not the image of God even before he fell,
God didn't plan to create Adam in his own image, we are the

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

one that misunderstood the Eternal language that the book of

Genesis was communicating to us and what God planned to do
when he created Adam.
The life of Adam was under predestination, it has been
ordained before the foundation of the world that Adan will fall,
God has prepared Christ to come even before Adam fell,
meaning God already for-known that Adan will fall.

1 Peter 1:19-20 But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a

lamb without blemish and without spot:
20: Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the
world, but was manifest in these last times for you,

Revelation 13:8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship
him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the
Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

Ephesians 1:4
According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation
of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before
him in love:

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We were not choosen in Adam to be Holy at the foundation of

the world, we were chosen in Christ before the foundation of
the world even before Adam fell. If you look at this three
scripture you will discover that the coming of Christ was not
an assignment that was arranged as substitute to the fall of
Adam, it was eternally designed assignment arranged even
before the foundation of the earth. The fall of Adam has Eternal
relivance than him not falling, because it was his falling that
will usher the coming of Christ into the earth which has been
ordained before the foundation of the world because Christ is
the man that God want to create in his own image and not
Adam, Christ is the visible image of the invisible God and not
God begin the assignment of creating man in his own image in
Genesis I vs 26 when he says let us create man in our own
image but it took God over 4000 years to achieve it. He began
the formation of man in his own image by creating Adam, and
he finished the formation in Christ.
So when God says let us create man in own image and
immediately God create Adam, Adam was the beginning of the
process of that statement. Adam was not the result of the
statement, Adam was the beginning of the process, and Christ

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

is the result of the statement. God begin the process of creating

the man in his own image with Adam, that Adam will fall is
part of the process, that sin will come is part of the process, that
darkness will come is part of the process. The nature of God is
that, he create what he need out of what he hate, he create what
he want to see our what he doesn't want to see, because it is
upon that, the glory of what he love will manifest.
Truly, God hate darkness and love light, but do you know that
if there is no darkness, the glory of light can never shine. What
we tagged evil is a raw material in the hand of God to create
the glory of what is good. You can never know the value of
Good until you first taste evil.

Look at this scripture.

2 Corinthians 4:6 For God, who commanded the light to shine

out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of
the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

The Bible says God commanded light out of darkness, not that
God commanded light out of Heaven but out of darkness God
create light, so also out of Adam come the true image and

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likeness of God know as Christ. So when God declared let us

create man in our own image and in our likeness, we all thought
Adam is the creature created in the image and likeness of God
but Christ is the main visible image of the visible God.
It is just like when a man said I want to build a house and he
began the drawing of the architecture design, the drawing of
the architecture design is not the building, same to Adam,
Adam was just the beginning of the process.
Adam was the beginning of the process while Christ is the end
product of the process, if you want to see the visible image of
the invisible God, you don't look at the first Adam, and you
look at the second Adam. Some said, Adam lost the image after
the fall, Adam has never for once have the image of God, the
image of God can never fall, the image of a God can never be
tempted by the devil and fall, the image of a God is all knowing
like his father, the image of God is not limited to the wisdom
of the devil.
The lesser agent can never deceive the higher agent, for Satan
to deceive man, it means Satan is higher than the first Adam in
wisdom,that can't be the image of God, that is just the
beginning of the image, it takes God 4000 years to create his

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

God didn't create his image on the seventh day, he created the
first Adam on the seventh day, he began the creator of his
image on the seventh day. Look at the scripture very well, he
said let US create man in our own image, not let ME create
man in our own image, but let us create man in our own image
but it was only God that finished work in Genesis, not the
trinity. That is, God finished his own part of creation in
Genesis, it was God that created Adam not the trinity and when
God finished his part of the assignment, God rested. Then the
second person and the third person of the trinity came to
continue from where God the father stopped in Mathew when
the holy spirit overshadowed the man (Mary) which is the man
God created and he conceived, that is part of the process of the
formation and the word become flesh and dwell amongst man,
it was in Christ you can see the work of the trinity and not in
Adam. The word let us create man in our image was fulfilled
in Christ and not in Adam.
Adam was not a complete man that is why he fell, Adam was
perfect, Adam was good, but Adam was not complete and an
incomplete man can never be the image and likeness of God,
but in Christ, man was perfect and man was complete. Get this,
the way God does his things is different from the way man does

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his things, the way of God is past finding, who is the man that
can know it? Even though, God show it to you, you can't still
know his way.

Romans 11:33 O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom

and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments,
and his ways past finding out!

Truly, the Bible says God showed his way to Moses, but it is
so evident that Moses didn't understand the ways of God
himself. If God show it to you, what you will see will be
One thing you must know is that the visible image of the
invisible God can not be created from the soil. The part of man
that come from the soil must be removed for you to be the
visible image of the invisible God. Jesus that was born was not
the visible image of the invisible God,the Jesus that was born
was just part of the process, The trinity are still working, but
the Jesus that was born by Mary is the finishing process of the
visible image of the invisible God but the Christ that
resurrected after the death of Jesus of flesh and blood is the
visible image of the invisible God. He created man from the

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

soil like a seed, and except the seed fall into the ground and die
it abides alone but once it died, it bears fruit, that fruit is the
visible image of the invisible God.
The resurrected Jesus is the visible image of the invisible God.
The apostles were fortunate to see the visible image of the
invisible God before he went back to heaven but we also shall
put off this corruptible body to behold the visible image of the
invisible God after rapture and as we behold him in his glory
we changed into his image.

2 Corinthians 3:18
But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of
the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory,
even as by the Spirit of the Lord.

As we behold, we automatically change into the image and

likeness of God. This your body now is not the visible image
of the invisible God, even after salvation, the man inside of you
born by the spirit is the visible image of the invisible God and
you can't see the new man in you now in his true nature, it is
after rapture that you see your true nature and true self because
just as Christ is so you shall be, then we that are created in the

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image and the likeness of a God shall now reign in the new
earth for 1000 years, it is then the statement let them have
dominion over animal, over all creeping things shall now come
to pass,that is also when we will see the reality of the blessings
God bless man in Genesis, that is, be fruitful and multiply,
replenish the earth.

Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them,
Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue
it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl
of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the

Adam did not fulfill any of this blessings, no man was able to
fulfill any of this blessings mentioned in Genesis 1:28 this
scripture was only fulfilled in Christ and by Christ. God didn't
ordained man to be fruitful through child bearing, the pattern
through which God ordained man to be fruitful was mentioned
in the book of John 12:24.
John 12:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of
wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die,
it bringeth forth much fruit.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

So the first man to fulfilled the blessings of Genesis 1:26 was

Christ. See you in the next page for more explanation on that.
Just be patient with this chapter, because I know the spirit of
many will first reject it, but just be following, it is an expression
of the hidden Wisdom of God ordained for our glory.
Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them,
Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue
it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl
of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the

I said in the last page that no man was able to fulfill this
scripture where God said to man that be fruitful, and let your
fruit be multiply and let your fruit replenish the earth. When
God said to man be fruitful, it was Christ that fulfilled the
scripture. Adam didn't bring us any fruit, Adam only produce
seeds, it is Christ that now come to produce fruit.

Look at this scripture

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Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the
woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy
head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

Take note of the scripture, he said , I will put enmity between

you and the woman and between your SEED and her SEED,
he didn't say between your FRUIT and her FRUIT, because
heaven doesn't recognize anything that come through child
bearing as fruit, it is recognize in heaven as a SEED.
Look at another scripture to see the choice of the word of the
language of heaven.
Genesis 4:25
And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and called
his name Seth: For God, said she, hath appointed me another
SEED instead of Abel, whom Cain slew.

Not God has appointed me another fruit, but he has appointed

me another seed, I am just showing you the mystery behind the
statement of Jesus that says except the corn d wheat fall into
the ground and die he abide alone, it is because FRUIT doesn't
fall down and die, it is SEED that fall down and die to bear
fruit. Lack of the revelation of your identity as a SEED is what

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

make you to think you can be alive at the same time be bearing
FRUIT. First, it is because you don't know what Spiritual fruit
is all about and you don't also know what you are about,
anything that come out of you in this body is called seed not

Look at another scripture

Genesis 9:8-9
And God spake unto Noah, and to his sons with him, saying,
9And I, behold, I establish my covenant with you, and with
your seed after you;

This is God making a covenant with Noah in this scripture and

God begin to speak further that I will extend the covenant with
your seed after you, meaning with his children and children-
children , God didn't refer to the children of Noah as fruit after
him, but he refer them to as seed after him, because as far as
heaven is concerned anything that come through Adam is not
a fruit, it is a seed, and until that seed fall into the ground and
die, he can never bear fruit, he can never be fruitful.

Let us look at another four scriptures again.

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Genesis 12:7
And the LORD appeared unto Abram, and said, Unto thy seed
will I give this land: and there builded he an altar unto the
LORD, who appeared unto him.

Genesis 13:16
And I will make thy seed as the dust of the earth: so that if a
man can number the dust of the earth, then shall thy seed also
be numbered.

Genesis 15:3
And Abram said, Behold, to me thou hast given no seed: and,
lo, one born in my house is mine heir.

Genesis 16:10
And the angel of the LORD said unto her, I will multiply thy
seed exceedingly, that it shall not be numbered for multitude.

You can see how God was intentionally using seed for
everything that come through child bearing, and anything that
come from the womb,

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

Genesis 16 vs 10 says and God said to her I will multiply thy

seed, not I will multiply thy fruit.
You will now discover that when God said be fruitful and let
your fruit multiply, what we saw manifesting in Adam was that
Adam was seedful and his seeds was multiplying the earth.
And be fruitful and multiply the earth is different from be
seedful and multiply the earth, so the race of man didn't fulfill
Genesis 1:26.
The Eternal way through which fruit is ordained to come is not
through childbearing, as far as heaven is concerned, the coming
together of man and woman does not produce fruit, she only
produce seed.
The way through which fruit is ordained to come is for the seed
to fall into the ground and die and Christ was the first seed to
fall into the ground and die to produce fruit.
The reason why no seed could produce fruit before Christ came
was that all seed that fell into the ground and die has died
before they fell into the soil, they are dead seed living, they are
not a living seed, it take a living seed to die and bear fruit
because death came through Adam and corrupt all his seeds, so

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no seed of Adam could fall into the ground and die and bear
fruit, they died and decayed.
So, it is only the seed that now come as Christ that became the
first seed to die and become the first fruit and we also the seeds
that through Christ that can die and bear fruit at the last day.
Every one of us that is now alive in Christ are living seed, we
are not yet a fruits, it is either we fall into the ground and die
when our time of departure has come before we can bear fruit
to heaven, or when rapture come suddenly. The seed doesn't
fall into the ground and die by faith, it is by physical death, we
died when our time of departure has come, just as Christ died
when his hour has come, and because we are a living seed, we
have the hope of resurrection, and our falling body is the seed,
why our resurrected body is the fruit.
This current earth is not the earth where the fruit will be
multiplied and replenished the earth, this earth is a place for the
seed and not a place for the fruit, we leave on this Earth as a
seed while the living seed amongst all race will live in the earth
to come as a fruit, it is in the new earth that we become fruitful,
it is in the new earth that we multiply the earth as a fruit
because this earth that came to accommodate seeds shall pass

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

away, while the new earth that can accommodate fruit shall

Revelation 21:1
And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven
and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more

It is the earth that is coming that is a place for the fruits, once
you are born again, you are a seed that can become fruit once
he fall into the ground and die but if you don't have Christ in
you, you are a seed that will fall into the ground and decay, you
can't bear fruit in the paradise you land in hell.
So as far as heaven is concerned, every human being on earth
before Christ came are dead seed, the first living seed is Christ,
that is why the bible says Christ is the first fruit, because he is
the first seed to fall into the ground and die and bear fruit.

1 Corinthians 15:20
But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the
firstfruits of them that slept.

Pst Banjo Ayeka

That is the revelation of first fruit in the old testament that God
was using agricultural fruit and product to communicate to the
children of isrealite, but they don't understand, it now become
unfortunate that we the children of light that God has given the
grace to know the mystery of the kingdom didn't still
Many churches has turned bringing your first salary to church
as first fruit, they have make doctrine out of first fruit because
they don't understand that God was using natural things to
communicate to the children of Israel.
When a Pastor is blind to what scripture is saying, he began to
make money out of scripture that is talking about Christ, he
will begin to turn scripture that is talking about Christ to
Scripture talking about money
I do say it, if you can't Capture the revelation of the old
testament and see Christ in then, you are not qualified to stand
at the church to teach the scripture, Bible is not literature, it is
not a book you can read and understand with common sense,
Bible is a book of mystery given to the children of God to know
and given to those called into teaching ministry standing in the
office of a teacher to teach.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

To us has been given to know the mystery of the kingdom, to

others it is parables.

Mark 4:11
And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the
mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without,
all these things are done in parables:

And that mystery of the kingdom is designed to be known

through the scripture, once it is closed it called mystery, it is
called hidden wisdom, but once it is open, it is called
You will build wrong doctrine out of scripture if you don't
know how to see Christ from Genesis to Malachi because Jesus
himself said that everything in the Old Testament bible from
Genesis to Malachi is talking about him and pointing to him.

John 5:39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have

eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.

Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 where God said be fruitful is not

talking about Adam, they are which testify of Christ.

Pst Banjo Ayeka

Malachi 3: 11-13 is not talking about tithing, lack of this will

make you to think scripture that is talking about Christ is
talking about tithe and offering. So the first fruit mentioned in
the old testament is just a message, a shadow of reality, it is
talking about Christ in shadow, just as every first fruit must
belong to God so also Christ has belong to God as the first fruit
and just as once the first fruit is holy every other fruit become
holy and that is why every one of us who are born again are
eternally holy.
God doesn't see man now as fruit, the only fruit now as heaven
is concerned is Christ that is why in Genesis God said your
seed shall bruise the head of his seed. The scripture did not say
your fruit shall bruise the head of her fruit. Same to Abraham,
God didn't bless his fruit, he blessed his seed because as far
God is concerned, we are seeds not yet fruit and God didn't say
be "seedful", Adam can never be fruitful, he can only be

Christ is the only person to be fruitful, and he has shown us

how to be fruitful.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

John 12:24
Verily, verily, I say unto you, except a corn of wheat fall into
the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth
forth much fruit.

Someone said what about John 15 where Jesus told us to be

fruitful? Just be following, you will see clearly what John
15 is talking about, it has nothing to do with all those carnal
fruit we are bearing for ourselves about claiming we are
winning soul to the kingdom. Some felt once they win a soul
to Christ, they have bear fruit... that is not true and that has
nothing to do with John 15.

Pst Banjo Ayeka



When anything that is sacred is foolishly done or done by the

unwise, there is much tendencies for mockery to follow by the
To everything designed and ordained to be done in the body of
Christ, there are scriptural wisdom God has ordained to be used
in carrying them out.
It is not enough to just say God ask you to do something, you
must understand the pertains God has ordained for it to be
done. If truly God ask you to do ministry and you don't
understand the wisdom for ministry, you will end up
manifesting different kind of ministerial foolishness and
violating ministerial ethics, such is the subject of prophecy in
the body of Christ, many who claimed to give prophecy need
to be educated with the wisdom of prophecy less they will keep
on bringing reproach to the body of christ with their so called
prophecy. There is a spirit of prophecy, there is also a wisdom
of prophecy, just as spirit of prayer without wisdom of prayer

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

will make you to join the nonsense many in this generation are
doing which they tagged prayer movements, so also the present
of the spirit of prophecy in you and lack of the wisdom of
prophecy will make you to you to fall victim of the lieing spirit
influencing the prophecy of many.
No scriptural fact about prophecy, it is sovereignty, it is
predestined, and it can never be stopped from manifestation
either by the will of man or by the will of the devil.
So, if you claim to give prophecy and you begin to ask people
to pray very well so that it can come to pass once it is positive
or pray very well so that it will not come to pass once it is
negative, what you just gave is not prophecy, it is just
prediction because once something is prophecy, it is
unconditional, the prayer of man can't change it if it is negative,
and the will of the devil can't stop it from coming to pass if it
is positive.
Just as the case of Jesus and Peter, he told peter that in few
days to come devil is about to sift you like a wheat but I have
pray for you, not that I have pray for you that the prophecy will
not come to pass, but i have pray for you that your faith fail not
when the prophecy will come to pass.

Pst Banjo Ayeka

Luke 22:31 Jesus Predicts Peter’s Denial

And the Lord said, “Simon, Simon! Indeed, Satan has asked
for you, that he may sift you as wheat.
:32 But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail;
and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren.”

Because once something is prophecy no prayer can stop it from

coming to pass, so what Jesus did was to pray for Peter for his
faith not to fail at the time the prophecy will be coming to pass.
So the uniqueness of anything prophecy is that once you give
it and it didn't come to pass, just admit with all humility that
you have given a false prophecy.
That is what the scripture say in Deuteronomy 18.

Deuteronomy 18:21 And if you say in your heart, ‘How shall

we know the word which the Lord has not spoken?’—
18:22 when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the
thing does not happen or come to pass, that is the thing which
the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it
presumptuously; you shall not be afraid of him.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

So once it is prophecy from the lord, it must come to pass, there

is nothing like conditional prophecy. Prophecy is different
from the gospel, in Prophecy you don't need to believe it before
it come to pass, in fact it is better you don't believe it so that
your mind will not be in it, because you believing it or not has
nothing to do with it, once anything is Prophecy it is absolute.
Prophecy doesn't change, there is nothing like conditional
Prophecy, if it is conditioner it is no longer a Prophecy, then it
is either a promise from God, a warning from God or a decree
from God.
If it is warning, the repentance of man determines if your word
will come to pass, such is the case of Jonah and the people of
If it is promise, obedient or disobedient to the condition
determines what will come to pass and if it is decree, your
strong petition determines if it will come to pass like the case
of Isaiah and Hezekiah but once something is prophecy, the
will of man or the will of the devil doesn’t determine if it will
come to pass or not, Gods sovereign will is strictly the
determinant factor. It is when it is a promise that can either be
conditional or unconditional, but when it comes to prophecy, it
is eternal, the will of man has not role to play in it.

Pst Banjo Ayeka

When God give a promise, the will of man have a role to play
but once God give a prophecy the will of man doesn't have any
role to play.
No devil can stop any prophecy from coming to pass, and not
man can stop any prophecy from coming to pass, if a word
come to you and the enemy stop it then it is not prophecy. Once
something is prophecy, it is predestination, it is when what as
been ordained before the foundation of the world is revealed to
the ear of man.
That is the different between promise and prophecy.
There are some prophet who doesn't understand Scripture, who
have tried to divide Prophecy into two categories, that we have
conditional Prophecy and unconditional Prophecy and they
ignorantly begin to use the case of Hezekiah and prophet Isaiah
to explain conditional Prophecy (Isaiah 38:1-5). You see them
saying that you can use prayer to change the Prophecy of God
just as Hezekiah did, ... why such statements from the womb
of ignorance? It is because men have not sit down with
scripture to understand what prophecy is all about.
What do we even take God for, do we think God is a God that
is working like man, God doesn't do anything anyhow, if God
speak and change his word anyhow, no one will depend on him

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

anymore. God doesn't speak what he want to do as prophecy,

he speak what he has done before the foundation of the world
as prophecy so that men can receive it as prophecy and hope
for the manifestation at the right time (so nothing can change
God has done all before the foundation of the world and he
subjected all to time and chance, that is why it is time and
chance that happens to all things.
I have said it before and I am saying it again that prayer doesn't
change things, prayer only change us, it is time and chance that
changes all things. Don't use the case of Isaiah and Hezekiah
to explain Prophecy, that is not Prophecy, what Isaiah told
Hezekiah is not Prophecy, that is a decree. There are
differences between Prophecy and decree, a decree over your
life can change by prayer, a promise over your life can change
by your decision in life but the prophecy over your life can
never change.
God can change his mind over you but he can't change his will
over you, because his mind is govern by his promises and
decree and his promises is subjected to condition and his decree
is subjected to petitions if you can present your story reason

Pst Banjo Ayeka

like Hezekiah but Gods will is not govern by promise, his will
is governed by prophecy.
Once something is prophecy, it means it is something that has
been ordained from the foundation of the world, it is
predestinated and not predicted, so If you can't see into the
spirit to capture what has been ordained to be over Nigeria,
don't make the mistake of given a prediction and call it
prophecy and be asking us to pray very well if we want it to
come to pass.
Prediction is based on intelligent calculations and it is always
appeal to the sense of reasonable man, but prophecy is the
unveiling of mystery on what has happened already in the spirit
just waiting for time to manifest in the physical. The different
between prophecy and revelation is that, revelation unveiled
what God has done before the foundation of the world and have
manifested in time already, why prophecy is the unveiling of
what God has done already before the foundation of the world
but have not yet manifested in time.
So it is about something that has been done already before the
foundation of the world, so no prayer can change it, because
the manifestation of anything prophecy either what look like
negative or positive have a role to play in the agenda of God

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

on earth. Prophecy has come through Pa.Elton for instant that

Nigeria will be known for corruption all over the world, I want
to believe the body of Christ that received the prophecy then in
the 80s must have prayed against it, but once something is
prophecy it is unconditional , the will of man can never
determine the manifestation of it or prevent the manifestation
of it.
Remember, that Pa Elton also gave the good side of the
prophecy that after some seasons again the same Nigeria will
be known for righteousness all over the world, no devil can
stop the good side from coming to pass, lack of the knowledge
of what prophecy is all about is what we make you to think we
must pray it to pass. It has been predestined that Christ will
come, the fall of Adam is not what make Christ to come, it has
been predestined that Christ will come, the lamb has been slain
before the foundation of the world, that is why when the
Prophecy about Christ begin to come nothing can change it
from coming, the will of man can't change it, any attempt for
the will of man or will of the devil to stop it will end up
becoming part of tools to bring it to pass.
The act of devil sponsoring the killing of Jesus was an attempt
to stop the prophecy about Jesus, they have seen the star, they

Pst Banjo Ayeka

know something is strange and unique about Jesus, they decide

to kill him, not knowing that the killing of jesus is part of the
fulfilment of prophecy, that is why if you understand prophecy,
you will be happy when you see devil trying to stop it, because
it is through his act against prophecy that hisfoolishness wiill
reveal and it is through the act of the devil against prophecy
that the wisdom of God will be made manifest .
So, when it look as if devil is attacking prophecy of God,
instead of telling us to pray, just tell us to be laughing, that is
why when something that looks negative happened in the cost
of waiting for the manifestation of prophecy, it is so that what
has been ordained from the foundation of the world spoken as
Prophecy will come to pass.
Many prophets has used unconditional prophecy to justify
many of their prophecy not coming to pass, if you speak any
Prophecy and it doesn't come to pass, your Prophecy is not true,
it is either you are a fake Prophet, or you are true prophet giving
false Prophesy just because you want to speak what people
want to hear, and that is the temptation many of our good
prophets fell into in the last election.

Look at what the scripture says again.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

Deuteronomy 18:21 And if you say in your heart, ‘How shall

we know the word which the Lord has not spoken?’—
18:22 when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the
thing does not happen or come to pass, that is the thing which
the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it
presumptuously; you shall not be afraid of him.

The heart of many ones desire peter obi should be the president,
and prophet begin to rise to speak what people want to hear.
After giving prophecy you now see them saying we need to
pray, sir no prayer can change prophecy.
If your prophetic statement is true, time will only tell. It is time
that reveals true or fake Prophecy not prayer. You can predict
the future that is not prophecy, you can see the plan of the
enemy over the life of someone or nations, that is not prophecy.
You can call phone number or see the past and secret of
someone, those are not prophecy, that can be visions, but not
prophecy, not every prophet that see vision can give prophecy,
but many prophet full themselves because they don't know this,
so you see almost all of them coming to give prophecy about
Nigeria elections, which they all make fool of themselves. Pa

Pst Banjo Ayeka

Elton that gave prophecy over Nigeria is not a prophet by

calling, he is a teacher by calling.
There is nothing like conditional Prophecy, all Prophecy is
sovereignty, and it is unconditional, it can't be determined by
the will of man or the will of the devil, it is under the
government of absolute will of God, God himself ordained it
before the foundation of the world, God himself choose to
reveal it and God himself determines when it will come to pass.

Lamentations 3:37 Who is he who speaks and it comes to pass,

When the Lord has not commanded it?

How do we know fake prophecy, it is very easy, if the

prophecy doesn't come to pass, then it is fake, because if it is
fake or false it can never come to pass, no man can speak and
it will come to pass when the lord has not commanded it. So
time is the only major tools ordained by God to reveal true
prophecy from fake prophecy at general level while
discernment is the tool to know true or fake prophecy at
personal level and get this any student of scripture can have
discernment, discernment is a product of knowledge of the

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

scriptures, you don't test spirit by spirit, you test spirit by

scripture, there is more connections between wisdom,
knowledge, understanding and discernment.

God has given every Christian the right to judge prophecy,

anyone giving prophecy is not under any form of superiority,
that is why the scriptures says let two or three give prophecy
and let others judge.

1 Corinthians 14:29 Let two or three prophets speak, and let

the others judge.(NKJV)

1 Corinthians 14:29 Let two or three prophesy, and let the

others evaluate what is said.( TLB)

That is, he that is giving prophecy can't judge prophecy, that

you mentioned how you encountered angels in the vision
telling you things to come doesn't mean we should believe
what you are saying, what you said as prophecy must be
brought under evaluation by men who understand the
scriptures, because we know that there is no prophecy that is

Pst Banjo Ayeka

of private interpretation, you can’t tell us this is what God is

saying at the same time only you is giving us the interpretation.
Every spirit must be brought under subjection and authority of
the scriptures and time. If the prophecy passed the test of
scripture we subject it to time, it may pass the test of scripture
and fail the test of time, because scripture already told us that
if anyone speak and what he said didn't come to pass, that is
the absolute evidence that he didn't speak by the lord, he never
speak by the inspiration of the holy spirit.

Kindly look at the question on how to know true prophecy in

Deuteronomy 18 vs 21

Deuteronomy 18:21 And if you say in your heart, ‘How shall

we know the word which the Lord has not spoken?’—

Kindly see the answer in verse 22

Deuteronomy 18:22 when a prophet speaks in the name of the

Lord, if the thing does not happen or come to pass, that is the
thing which the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it
presumptuously; you shall not be afraid of him.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

Since not everyone have the discernment to judge prophet at

the time the prophecy is released, but everyone can be patient
with time to test it, all you do is to wait for time to reveal it.
Once a vision or prophecy is of the lord all you do is to write it
down, you don't need to speak for it or speak against it, just
write it down and wait for it, at the right time, the prophecy or
vision will either speak for itself or speak against itself.

Habakkuk 2:2 The Just Live by Faith

Then the Lord answered me and said:
“Write the vision
And make it plain on tablets,
That he may run who reads it.
Habakkuk 2:3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time;
But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie.
Though it tarries, wait for it;
Because it will surely come,
It will not tarry.

Prophecy or vision has a way of speaking for itself or speak

against itself, it is just a matter of time. I have seen many

Pst Banjo Ayeka

speaking for their prophecy just to justify themselves,

prophecy itself have a mouth to speak either for itself or against
I have also seen many trying to speak against people's
prophecy, you don't need it for the sake of love and peace, new
testament way of life doesn't violate the law of peace with all
man to promote holiness or promote sacred things. All you just
need is to write it down, the prophecy has a way of exposing
the one that give the prophecy either to be true or to be false
because, if it doesn't come to pass, then it is not God, because
who is he that will speak and it will come to pass when God
has not commanded it.

Lamentations 3:37 Who is he who speaks and it comes to pass,

When the Lord has not commanded it?

So don't come and tell us that God changed his mind because
men didn't pray or because devil overpowers the prophecy.
What do we take God for? How will a creator speak his
sovereign plan and one visible creature call man or one
invisible creature called devil will stand and fight against it,

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

every attempt to stand against it will end up leading to support

of it.
If devil stand against any will and plan of God, this is what he
end up saying.

1 Corinthians 2:8 which none of the rulers of this age knew;

for had they known, they would not have crucified the Lord of

Because every of the attempt of the enemy to attack Gods

prophecy will end up becoming a force to bring the prophecy
to fulfilment. So who is he that speaks and it comes to pass
when the lord has not commanded it, so if it doesn't come to
pass, it is a clear evidence that God has not commanded, and if
God commanded it, the devil or man that will make it not to
come to pass has not be created.
Meaning, devil himself cannot speak and it will come to pass
if God has not commanded it.
So, if you speak and claim thus says the lord, we will wait for
it, because we know by the authority of the scriptures that no
man can speak and it will come to pass if God has not
commanded it. We also know by the authorities of scripture

Pst Banjo Ayeka

that one of the eternal way to know true prophecy is that once
it is released it will come to pass and if it is not God, once it is
releases it will not come to pass. So no argument, don’t let any
prophet hide under conditional prophecy to justify his failure.
You must know that a true prophet can give a false prophecy if
he is manipulated, why a true prophet can also give false
prophecy once he has falling away and departed from the way
of God. You can see clearly how to use time to judge true
Someone say how can I use scripture to know a true prophecy
from the false prophecy?
The scriptures has told us the nature of the spirit of prophecy
and he said the testimony of christ is the spirit of prophecy.

Revelation 19:10 For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of


That is, if what you claim to be prophecy is not about christ,

not in anyway about the agenda of christ on earth, what you
claim to give is not a prophecy and your utterance is sponsored
by false spirit.

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

Every prophecy in the old testament is all about christ, it is all

about the coming of Christ either in parable, picture, and many
more, if it is not about Christ it is not the spirit of prophecy.
You can see that those calling phone number in church are just
acting, because they thought the pulpit is a stage and their
audience watching them are fools, and you begin to see them

The testimony of Christ is the spirit of prophecy, if you are

giving prophecy about Nigeria, it must have to do with the
agenda of Christ on earth and at this end time. So we must learn
to know the difference between prediction and prophecy, the
difference between prophecy and fore telling, difference
between prophecy and vision.
Prophecy can come through vision but prophecy is not vision,
revelation is about revealing the agenda of God through Christ
that has been achieved in time why prophecy is revealing the
agenda of God through christ that is yet to manifest in time.
You will see that if prophet are properly educated none of them
will be jumping to social media to claim to be giving prophecy,
because you will have your name and reputation to protect,

Pst Banjo Ayeka

because you will keep on asking yourself that what if what I'm
about to say didn't come to pass?

That is, how I wish the prophets have the understanding that
everyone in the church know how to test true prophecy by time
and by scripture which I have explained now, none of then we
be eager to speak on any election again in Nigeria. Many of
them have brainwashed you to think prophecy from God can
fail that is why they still hold microphone after election
unashamedly because how i wish they know that you know that
the word of God is like rain, once it fell from the mouth of God
it must come to pass, because that is how the integrity of God
is been protected, that is why God doesn't speak what he will
do as prophecy, he speak what he has done in heaven before
the foundation of the earth waiting to manifest in time on earth
as prophecy, that is why time is the only factor that determines
the prophecy of God not man and not devil.
How can devil stand against what God has done in heaven,
even before devil was created it was designed to manifest in
time on earth. It wasn't the fall of Adam that make heaven to
decide that Jesus should come and save man. Christ has died

The Wisdom of the Spirit World

before the foundation of the visible and invisible world even

before devil that will come and make man fall was created.
So if you know that prophecy is revealing the will of God that
will be done on earth as it is done in heaven then you will know
that the will of man or the will of God cannot stand against it.
The only thing the will of devil can stand against is the will of
man, the will of man can only stand against the will of the
devil, if the will of man is in alignment with the will of God
while the will of the devil can stand against the will of man if
the will of man is not in alignment with the will of God.
Meaning, nothing can stand against the will of God, who can
battle with the lord? I said nobody. That is why when your will
and way is in alignment with the will and way of God just go
and be resting, because the devil that will stand against that
your will and way have not exist.
That is why the bible say if God is for you, who can be against
you? He a spiritual Jamb question to the host of hell and none
of them has been able to answer it till today

Romans 8:31 God’s Everlasting Love

What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who
can be against us?

Pst Banjo Ayeka

That is why the scripture say if your will and way pleases the
lord, he makes even your enemy to be at peace with you. That
is, if devil fight against or stand against anything you are doing
and he succeeded then what you are doing is not Gods will. If
devil is against you, it means God is not for you, all else you
don't believe this scripture.
We come to the end of this book.


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