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| Origami MuseumEi ANIMALS by Akira Yoshizawa fe & Origami Museum! ! ANIMALS by Akira Yoshizawa Translated by Iliroke Ichiyama and Mary Kiyono Published 4y Kamakura Shobo ublishing Go., Led., Lokyo, Japan Oserseas Distributors Japan Publicatious Tradinw Co., Led. P.O. Bax 5030 Tokyo Inrernational, Tokyo, Japan Distribwters: UNITE STARS: Kodansha Tnternational (USA, Lid. through Farrar, Seraus & Girmws, 19 Union Square West, New Yurk 10009. Gaxana: Fithensy & Whiteside Lid., 195 Allswie Parkway, Markham, Qatario LSK (18, BRITISH Premier Bouk Murketing Lid., | Gower Street, London WCE GHA, EvROPRAN CoN HINENT. European Book Service PBD, Strijkviertel 65, 3154 PR De Meern, The Netherlands. AUSTRALIA ANT NEW ZhALASTE Bonkwise International, 54 Gritteuden Ross, Findon, South Australia 52 THE FAR EAST AND JAPAN: Japan Publications Trading Co. Lid, YL, Sarugukuecho, Chiyodaskn, Tokyo 101 ISBN 0497040-737-6 V1987 hy Akira Yoshizawa All rights reserved, induding the right w reproduce dils bouk or portions therenf in any form without the written peemission of the publisher, Serene printing: July 1989 Printed in Japan. PREFACE It gives me the utmost joy to create figures which are not only beautiiul but are hear-warming anc endear themselves la people. Every diagram iniroduced in tnis book was bern aut of my longing for many years to do this. Creative Origami with free expression, which | admire most, begins oy working with limitless lines and results in the production of the most beautiful figures which perfectly match the given theme. These folding lines must follow the laws of nature, The theme of this book is anirals; therefore it is necessary tor overyono ot us to get acquainted with animals and observe them carefully in order to bring liveliness to the tolded objects. Here, | have tried to fold paper more freely and creatively combining planes and folding lines most eifectively In this way, each person can produce something unique out of plain paper and one's own creativity becomes Langivle and alive in Japan, origami of the past was 4 repetitious copying, simply folding the same subjects exactly as others did. in such a way, there was no creativity in the works. In 1955, there was exhibit of my works in Euroge presenled by Dr.Gershon Lagman Through the exhibition my works were introduced lo many nations of the world as a complaiely new ari of paper work. Sines than, mare and more peaple have become interested in and understand origami. | believe that origami carries the message of peace to everyone in the world in the coming ist century, | sincerely hope lhal crigami can bring each one of you joy, at the same time can reach every corner of the world, Akira Yoshizawa President of International Origami Society Sehlember 2986 “ENDLESS JOY AND WONDER” It is @ source of great delight to know thal in recent years the art of origami has spread throughout America, Europe and many other countries of the world. It is more than fifty years since | first became enchanted with origami. | then saw, through Mr. ‘Yoshizawa's books, that unbelievably beautiful, life-like objects could be created from a combina- tion of folding lines and planes on @ simple piece of paper At the same lime, il lilled ime with = sanse of endless joy and wonder. Sines that beginning, | Came te know Mr. Yoshizawa through years of correspondence and finally, in 1959, | was able to meet him in parson Mr.Yoshizawa, the gifted master of origami, who excels others by far, has created artistic, ingenious, heart-warming creatures and figures in abundance. | am so happy tat mere is now 6 book in English so tha! you will be able to not only discover the great joy of origami but will receive ai insight into the natural scienlific and philosophical knowledge which underlies all his work. Iig the desire of Master Yoshizawa thal origami enthusiasts will share his nope that this creative art will be correctly introduced to others I myself continue to value creative origami, to spread the knowledge of il becavee | am ‘conyinsad that it is meant to snrich everyone, everywhere. Peebean Ofperhicer Liltian Oppeatheimer Founder and Director The Origami Center of America Ociober Last) i TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFAGE === sete “ENDLESS JOY AND WONDER’ SYMBOLS OF FOLDING « BUTTERFLY «: TADPOLE - MOTHER GROW AND BABIES ~ oP DUCK FAMILY - 7 OWL » DOVE COW RABBIT ~ 5 ‘ 2 JUMPING FROG 2 SNAIL ~ 4 RACCOON The Drummer CICADA 8 SNAKE sess CRAB “ 8 DRAGON GRASSHOPPER a MOUSE JUMPING ORIGAMI « a TIGER DRAGONFLY + _ GIRATTE WHALE AND FISH ° GORILLA . LOBSTER i GIANT PANDA =» HERMIT CRAB 20 FACE OF DOG TURTLE 22 PUPPY > BIRD + IGUANODON FLYING ROWE 2 ELEPHANT sevvsssoeemsssoconnunsseen PENGUIN cROW - 0 ABOUT THE AUTHOR SYMBOLS OF FOLDING === Mountain fold : w------= Valley f @ co » per Pah in ® — Voigtowararigntsige | |__Meurtain told oo Fold towertwror i owarddwrore Sk ashi “HOD — Rotce toa OQ. saa Vetay Yors Sa Puller gushin ® SS Trediayram magnitic Propo atve sotiy | mre Indicates the dines. eras the paper ~ Genter line NOTE: + The symbole only shown on tne oxte rior gurfases, sit the instructions are the same for several forms, the repetitious parts are Geleted + When diagrams are sufficient, instruc- tions ere omitted > We used symbols ABC plus 1] & and others when necessary te mark the corners and surfaces. + In the small areas of the diagrams, the folding lines are extenciad. If you match your Paper to the comers it will make il easier for to fold a figure, With a sheet of paper and 4 bi uf tree wr joy. Paper for origarn ean be found nd us in innumerable textures and we Origam) the paper /g Not cul or pasted but is simply talded and the lines and ese ihe Qeauly Of nature, delight or sorrow. Just as there is an endless variety of re ere any nuMOer of Themes you can choose from. However, unless you tirat peecam: lar with the basic folds, you ounnot fold frealy | only then will you gradually be able to step further into the World of erative art After the jong celd winter spring has come. Flowers bloom in the fields and buttertlies flit ang them enjoying [heir sweet scent. What a pleasure it would be express the joy of spring, so thal the color and fexture wall n you can anjay bundance ai ting endiess beauly and if you could write a poom ch the fri lity of buttertiias. Stick folded wullerties on the wail or make a mobile with ther. eer 1 Use a squaie sheet Gt bape Fold al the point of} of tne shoot, Then told at in WwW fall (You can ose # rectan x gular cheet with a 3:4 ratio. ) E G E ® @ Adjust the fwad and body by folding an the mountain @ Fold 1 8 J wiwnst as andl yalley [oils arrows indicate © ° @ ne Lary over * @ Make a pleat and hook ton whe booy 4 Open as in clagram @) ® Man the urls eta uly folds, retald as in diagram 5) G bysh town cap. 2 Fold in O order of 1, 2 and a fn ™ 7 m aie ict Wh. Pees: ee ie all ee ee OS EET Ne “DP Bring & down trom B line 4 tha mountain square picce of paper acm A han tod © & 10 4 fury 8 winch sdotted § Fold mi tier ot A, tren fold part of B from" mauniain tine in shape of 6 (Make eyes by folding email cornare of A Fold © and D- inward on. the mountain ne and. Bong thom out at the valley line co rmankee thet fee TADPOLE | grew up in the country and | often used to walk barefooted on the paths between the rice fields. Many limes, | found tadpoios ewimming in the streams OF in the Irrigatien water A small ledpole [ooking like a black ink spot wilh @ liny tall soon grows te the size ot 4 lima bean, Then, rear leas sprout near the tail and forcieas later appear. Finally, tere is a baby frog. a Rerfect miniature of is parent, hopping around all over the place. When a baby frag hears footsteps, it quickly jumps into the stream and hides itself, leaving behind only the Sound of a faint ‘splash’. It was quick enough, | could catch a tiny frog in my hand, When | slowly opened my fingers, I would find it ooking up at me in surprise. Yes, | remember my childhood days very well Here then is a tadpole, After you learn how make il, why don’t you make many more? You can use small sheets of gray paper and arrarige them as if they are swimming in @ pond ua METHOD | c : a8 B) crygo @ _ & D 1 FoF eG inward, Pull AG 9 Make eyes ~ by folding 35 S shown 7 luna wo Press point X and slide your finger, then frog will jum forward, Finish 12 @) _ METHOD] age @ & * ‘ ® Bring B to eee © ; JUMPING FROG Let's make a mobile origami. The diagram tor the frog is designed functionally so that it preduccs a maverment just like a real frog. If you told i well, it will jump four or five times the length ot its body. You will have fun playing wilh the folded frog by having it jump towards a bullseye marked an drawing paper or onto ir notevook, You can also told many trogs and let them have a jumping corpeliton, By varying the size at the body or Gurving the nose. you can also 7 ; make different Kinds Q1 frogs as the green rag or Be caretul (o note the —— in InMathod [1 you ® Fod D fot follgw steps) diagram {) which denotes #1 fowieg the watley tof} of Method | diraotion of the fiber in the pager ed ‘mpourisin then fold ake wat ond ei ons. ing front "legs Finish tminnor and rear ones longer. 2 Fal loqjatier to mai § Bring Eto ne Crease mado in Use 0 square piece Of paper with: differs ent colors on each side to cifferentiate the body from the shell Fold the comers See eee order to make yes as shown in photograph 9 Fold AFC kacuiter down to tha lett on ine Mountain feld, a6 the AiroW TeRCoRSE ‘arrow Indi af Hee Open up as i Folia Do fhe valey live fioke Aller a light afternoon shower, we offen tind snails slicing slowly down the trunk of a tree or coming out from under the fallen loaves. Thara ara several shapes ol snails show in this picture I you told E in ai ram inward instead of outward, the body sectron ang te snail section will be reversed, This will determine whether the shell winds sinistrally or dexirally, in other wards, counter-clackwise or clockwiva The spiral of tho shall in the picture is folded from the outside. You can pinch the gaper softly and told Peli pte en Ha larger, you can slightly shift the folding line. Tur & of diagram 4) to the right to make the legs. B and © are for tha little horns. i Make diagonal 2 Pinch 8 and make fines ona square pace a stem Opan 9 papor.Foid them ll jo bit and shan ogether ale CICADA When you wish to make origami of beauliful crealures at cule insects, it is best to watoh and observe carciully how thay zet and live In their natural surroundings instead of depending upon illustrated books and photographs By closely waiching a tiny insect thal ie doing its very best to survive, you cannot help Out fee! love for it, When you have this fecling of love, it will invariably snow up in your work There are many kinds 0! cicadas, You can try to make differant ones aut at tno seme diagram shown here. such as the cicada that sings in the tree under the hot summer sun, Ine hauntingly clear-toned cicada thal you ca hear in the morning or evening mist and the small cicada that sings al the end of summer. dQ paper ae et In the diagram. Pu leat into the branch a with the 0 the cente om! The back side af @ Po haga. Fil All together Gown onthe valley folkd siege font Noes Jeng w) a D Feld a (wy indicare, For the cicada shown at Spread wingerotvloada, fs Won ite leno sean trom the back of a) told an isosceles triangic Holo A with fingers and al 1/4 of the dangth, ‘throw ib it flies: well Make many pleats on A. Follow steps in (1) and (1) Iz a curvover T Fold AaB © th Hod Backward as Sene @ —— ® LR 2 / Peet he Boose on defied nes mar x a hed ec Do Mark mountain and allay folds an shown fold as 2 CA) orate ap arrows indicate ¥ Letisandoro, Fant My Eg Ir order to make CJ, | tnided CU forward, but crab [A+ will stand better. you tole CLI on the mouniain tot Follaw steps tram Vow of CA), Fo A&B back A too @ a aia! arrow indicates (Shc8, fora “again an (B) the valley folds. ard on mountaie B As shown 2 Bring DB Pull out the part Fold A make folding n direction —B thal doubles as, 2 181 Open ut af arrow Make te iountan gpraad CAD and teid following fold id oull agai '9 open both sides sh i be folded Inside a) Sips from Dt Bn sh TAT and [6 calle iNOS Turn ayer as 0) B Finish Le! nstand on ‘ore Load. @® cad parou Aa 8 fo [he easiest way to make eyes fe form tgurests CRAB It is very diflicult to make a figure of any creature that has many legs but | have succeeded in folding a ‘ealistic crab using complicated yet baie folds, The back of II ape while nolding Mi Fold HB | f owing folding Le BW Foidthecone OOS Ga HS and bora it atrows ina ibn to the corner GF Fo AaB euntein anc valk ‘ols ee re ee, ne eee replica of a living creature but to vapture ily characteristics, employing the simplest method possible With @ squar of paper, | made each part o the body by cimply folding tha corners 1 was abla to ndicate the ayes and the foaming mouth by utilizing the different colors of the ngnt and wrong sicins ot the paper. | nelieve that it succeeds in expressing the haracteristics of a crab in folding animals, | usually make the tigure on the basis of the bone structure. In the cage of a crab, shell represents ils bore structure. You will 6c make ditterent kins of crabs by varying the angle of the shell, the size of the legs and the shape of claws. In order to show that there are four legs on each side, the feet should be tolaeo larger to give them RR De Ae Oe GRASSHOPPER Inere are no boundaries in copying animals and insects realistically so in this case, | have dared to focus upon the creature in a moro abstract way. Watching grasshoppers in the ticld makes me eager lo express their movement in origami Grasshopper (A) = When you told GH of diagram @) back and gently push the top down to the dotted line, you will suddenly have a lifelike figure instead ot a mere diagramatic pattern. Grasshopper (B) - This grasshopper has its rear leas extended and is tiying through the air, A grasshopper, unlike a bird oF @ butterfly which fly by using their wings, springs up cn its rear legs and glides through the air. The grasshopper in diagram @ can fly as it is bul it will yo larther if you push down EF of @), which makes a little more space under the wings and this creates a special air stream, Grasshopper (C) : This is grasshopper (B)_ at rest, with its wings folded, $ Pull out A ena Told G8 H upward » oA) 2 2 Fold A sown on the valley ‘centimeter ‘ouq 1. ait lou up on mounan foid 2 Fold into hal on the valley bola FRE laid 3 @ > 4 mee Da fl asin @ 4, Foig ¢ same as D. i mountain folds and fold as ma ® : a *~me 8 Iola c @ Marx valley anid shown ® & ung A & 8 fogelhe i @) Ad) Fold the corn @ GIG Spread C & D. Fold wnge on the vahey ling PD Foils & backward and F forward Pull out : $ Hold at point Ci of fi Hat amet the Wo wigs. Threw into ee ai y 1 Fold the veley Told and bring over ane of be wings, Fold tha Bottom of the stgraen ais Trew ips nerd Fo C8 rele lave s ® a (Note) Joleen err 7 (Bi ic} JUMPING ORIGAMI Childien are very interested in moving objects. The ones shown here, unlike those which must be made by adult. can ba made and enjoyed tegether with the paran Folding vaper ir layers makes it more lactable ; then a @® light tap on the area indicated by the arraw or 2 slignt push will make it bounce farward [here are vertical and horizontal fibers cunning through origami paper It is easier te told the paper along horizantal fiburs, However, in making jumping figures asin (@) of grasshopper (A), it ig wise to fold the paper agains! the vertical fibers, Here [have shown several simple folds, The common tactor among them |s that from these forms you will be able fo pragress lo mdividualistic vartations. When teaching children though, | would advise you to teach one pattern until they have thorauahly learned il and aller an interygl, go on to @ ditterent pattern. 22 GRASSHOPPER FROG ® : Fova the square pager twice hore vecirntaaily, @ @ Fold the ® | square paper é i fwne 4) When yens oer ay ie 4 BH. Ityou pres the fi aev hea | 7 za wien Show b 1" id mow BIO. will jt (ve ano move terward You can an follow the same the same poociton as Wot To make eves (B) te aus (0) more natural, follaw aiagrams on pace 22, Be a sepe, py i) dy ‘os angter © ward, Fold siens Tb ot (BT ® snd open up. Mrs moun tain [G08 aS shone a «Fold game ge up to pe ite Bot (a) . Fold the comer ot & upward mn (c) ZS i t ee oe ————..__ | sz a © Bets ram ne mos 6 Been Saee, cE the point of the cS mountain Tole, dt Feld Ain ee 2 Make tyes ana (D) ® ae fark the riuatain “ais and valley Tos Bel tg 7 ® yon thes unpre inward, and tae Pats corner ote ine (8) fold corners inward DRAGONFLY Let's told @ red dragonfly flitting in the bright autumn air As shown in the photograph, you can make a nice display ! a dragonfly resting on a leat stem which Is made trom a sheet of long paper. if you find it diffivull 16 make the head, you may simply roll the paper and gush it in trom both sides, You can make many cranantlies with your children and let them pera on the top 01.2 pole of Make 4 mobile of them: You will get a greal deal more enjoyment if you go outside and observe dragontlies in ri instead of just talding one by following # diagram. moll 2 Full ou ¢ ane make $ ® 2D tallow steps a3 mar. ked T_Use a square piace of gaper Mark mountain arc! valiey tolds, FOIO ale unligy folds, Fold a . ¥ Fold twice as shown in [hs siagrare ®@ ® © turn cs 5 Jad th Fak! a @ Pull samme a B gown Du ARB 7 betwent Ww Fold the corner of & Maka double 6 by totdina on ian) and valley lolse aw D Spread A & B Fal C&D inward wings bys the point of Being A out to Ine Make eyes following sles Wang Fi Pull A & Bout 10 the dot in cWo> & on moun- of B. Fala In hi id valley Ih center line Fola a square ploce 2 Fons saper Bao bec kerarcs. Fold & & F im owing meus alley folds Fla togctrer upwarc, 0 58 Pull D } Fold in nalt and place aver the valley Put B inside of tine, pount A WHALE AND FISH Gowran Let us make @ whale, the ho dottee biggest animal of all and a tiny ine tish Firsl, you should learn the folds on a piece of paper adout 15 centimeters (6 inehgs) suua'e and then you could use a piece ot fancy paper and make one as large as you like. When you use tnis type of paper, it is advisable to dampen it to make it mere pliaic. in using bigger shesis of paper, lake care to told them roughly in arder to avoid mak- ing wrinkles. This will project a good image of the animal as a whole Ifyou make the ab demen round, the whale will fold E & F out look as if it is swimming grace ae et fully wilh a balanced move- “ial gerily and wo ment the top 0 i we 3 Wake ai) iosceles trangle out ota square piece ot paper Patlon sleps 1-4) hawt in the giagrame,then oper i Up io make f ‘ cy yo @®e Bbw © te same as D. 8 ® 8 § Fold C 8D accoramiy 1c o Breed 1a Mark moun, 8 ea tam Tolds 1&2 and fold on the Turn ove 7 Make thin woe ine fewiatien by fale 5 gc & Dae wn in the Fold accord 2 ing 1 mounin and waliey tolds ly 2 fen Gan along. meuntain fonts. Fes te eynainaiae | @ H nd ty fo line ® them ups wh mountain folds a Ther WW Make. pleats oid the, valley by tat Peale E 8 F, folds 2 ang meuat ‘deep orng G & || out waite isd wand 2nd pu ward an tie sh LOBSTER In Japan, a stately red lobster is an indispansa- ble part of the New Year's decoration make a lobster using a larger sheet of red paper, It can be devoraled with pine needles and bamboo leaves made from grean paper To capture the charaeteristies of the lobster, | have uged iriwigular snaped piece of paper. It you use thin paper, you ean simply totd it into halt as shown in @) HERMIT CRAB There are many lively creatures on the beach in the summer Among them are the amusing hermit crabs which | never tire of watching, The nermit crab has claws like @ crab, With its protruding eyas and minute antenna, it cautiously walks around and at the slightest noise or movement, il quickly withdraws into iis stiell, slamming the entrance shul wilh iis big claws. Iho head and claws of the hermit crab are similar to tho: Must live ift @ spiral shell to protect its solt body, Ag il gr shell of the shrimp or crab but il ows bigger, tt must move to a larger That is why in Japanese, its name means “hause borrawer’ Hermit crabs which live on the beach are amphibious like crabs. Others live cnly on ihe land and there are some which are good a! climbing trees You can make your hermit crab came to life by the way you {eld the legs or by changing their direction. You can use two different colors of paper, back fo back, to show the contrast between the body and the shell. The head er legs can be pushed in or ayt of the shell to alter the appearance In the photograph above, the heriil crab in ihe middle is folded more realist cally, 4 Unng H a ue ib Tent te co musa ep tiwarc A ® A co : ® Make mount aod vee 6 ‘ey folds ona piece of square © et Fog & irst, and told A by * rolling up es shown, . 4 Make 2) a3 in ine wiearann Cao D FodH& i @ Open up Vinge , Vax Show 1 to right E a turin (B) the donad line ® Fad @ 8 Don | ; girectian 0! i Follow same arrows, Hops 1-@ Of (A) E : i Make valley folds on QD € & D. Open up the @ Follow < angies wid fold © & D the same ag the arrows inate, sslens 4.0. . Then [ocd in half on the 4, 7 @ es Eee felt side © @ bo f fete Fela A on mountain fold 1 ang bring i Back a the valioy line 2 ip tow AC & ow DBupward on ihe valley ine 2 Fold at the . tee rie. hall i Eee &D aul- v we cy @ 1S Make eyes py toleing she bare! oF B. Pinch the two ets inside ot O, and pull @ oul t te dowd line Finish Thee chil) weil pull ay Press GB Push Ainas ie the anton Indie ~E = cline TURTLE There are many approaches to the art of folding origami, such as the realistic, the A@rammatic or the abstract Here, | have made a realistic sea turtle like a skeich lrom life. In the artistic approach to folding origami, you must first decide an the object that is to be folded and design the folding lines accordingly. You cannot just come up with the figure by vaguely playing wilh the paper. We icy to fold each part with meaning. in this case, it means to focus on the head of the turtle, The four comars ta paper wil become its front and real lags.You will find i easy to master if you compare each parl as you fold il Ig the finished turtle shown above. 32 ric er ag 2 Fold A & Ble Mahe oY \make the underside of ine head widen ri Mark mountain @ : and valley folds on @ ® c Suave prece ol papier ; = @ Soda be c folded the same as A ant ® A&C (bebing A) should Ee folded to mach the dotted line 5 8D should be the toldad ward ® 5 ba 7 & we 1H a T Make rear legs outor as B, shaw s1 Bring the loft side to righ! on the surface anes @ x ia @ @ PSI EEG La Hwee pen up A and fold it cul to the dottad ino, Oo tre samme with & Fold valley and moun {gn foloe 10 make a pleat on the nack DB Ot yor Make the neck nar Tum ever cower al the joint. 2s shown. ® (B) rinisn @ Bie 49 ‘Make a pleat on the “TA1 . Then &ireich oul ihe neck. |OROW of Lay VO, Se Ae Menace hg Te SRE, HI TOE tas 8 Make mountain and valley lee nL BIRD When the warm sunshine hathes the fresh arcen leaves, baby birds star! their life under the watehiul syes of their parents. Even when they become big enough to sit on the branches, they continuo to bag tor food by fluttering their wings and cheeping noisily. Here, | decided to fold @ baby bird like tha ones that can be soon in gho garden or the woons The flying bird will tly very well bes ause Of I'S overall Dalanec. dfn He) chege-ci'ihe benicar Iheowlacey Vounan'sjdich inecoloner tharaide Gy vouL altering the shape of the beak or the wings, You can mate 3 ott s ich the color of th choice of paper lor of the birds by your a” Z *s \“@9d Y 2 cof ten ath Fold a ware piece of i es dla yma | o's! pwarid io the , @ Fold ot the cents: edo CAD c Finish wk Tae the contafing Floint, ‘ake mourta hand valley {olde okt B to maka i Turn over and fold Accame as B Fold E accord {3 mountain and y folds. Fold F& S wer pull out (part to make Open the mouth by " & con tee OM ® the valley fold and shape wings. Hole) mark with fingers, Throw te let it tly @ (8) PUD gul ie Finish Foto a the het (A) Open Without toid-na fold on lines lo: w as mae il fly fast and far. put to eapture its lite rhythm and appear beautiful at the seme time. Roth of these glider doves, in figures (i and (@) fly very well After you finish toiding tha shape of the dove, you can spread it out as in figure @) which will make if fly even better Tho center of gravily in the case of doves lies in the front section and they will only fly if you hold them and throw them as snewn in the photograph above You will be able to enjoy 4 variety of tiying mevamonts with 2) and ® because there is 2 difference in the center of pravily, speed and lift in each one of them, 36 Bb Fold {i Mark strapon) lies, AB ad C8 as OD, Divide fram A 10 Ma Ganier artows to & and make rolled folds. Turn over. sO 8 a’ Fo Fo& G 6 inward, Open” up can. 5 Vhrmy the bind lightly holding the tid a7 Ka ess oe PONMGWIN ‘Origami is divided between the types which can be made by eveyone and thase which especially please young ohildren. There is a certain uniqueness in origami folded by children even though the pieces may not be very precisely made It comes easily to them to fald something with a natural theme. Awareness of perceptual constancy,nurlured by repeated folding, helps them absorb scisntitic and artistie values which will Blossom into a spirit of independence. | tried to fold this penguin in a really abstract way and by changing the prepartions of the head and wings, you can make penguins with different expressions. CA] shows how to fold a baby penguin, In (B) . folding the section under the wings makas it Inok more realistic from the head ta the back, The straight line from the chest to the feet is strongly accentuated as ig shown in diagram @. It you told the corner at the bottom right hand side, the whole appearanee is spindle shaped which really makgs il look like a penguin, in (C) .| mage the head more iru to life, In (2) , | made the test by ratolding the part In diggram @ as |llustrated. It you round off the figure from the neck to the chest as shown in 9%, the characteristios of the penguin become more pronounced Thus, it is possible fo express artistic values even in diagrammatic forms, Even if it is designed for children, you can tind graat art in these simple origami Follow sivjs to Hol CC), Open e = le lhe mounian told Gontiuse, fait kom §o! CB) 6 Push A in on mountain fold then pull 1 eal on . the vallay ‘old 2 Tinish (D) bs pasa A (B) ecuare pace © ene) rine aisional ® A paver © anc old o inthe ra 7 ‘of the arrows, 6 (an pi a Fold 2 Enon a Oven A ee aes pas] na (10 ® fe ar on ite oun E fey oan Git. Pull gut, telded E on the disited line 1 to make a f0t Fold F ip tte same way 19 ake the other too! Continue fold ing trom 4 of CAD Make mountain 612 valley tice an D ‘and Con the Hack. Trew fold D and U ag. shawn "the Lge rata 5 oid inward on ® the moumain told % Fold the wings inward Make the body: round BY InseNg Your finger Push the enost ® in softy to assume Ihe : a poslure. Finish Finish Finish CROW Itis only recently that origam) has gained recognition from the ctandpaint ot art and education Uniil now, educational origami consisted of the familist Ovizuru, helmet and pallcon which came out exactly the same whan folded by anyone. When the international Arts and Grafts Fducation Conference was held in 1954 under tne sponsorship of UNESCO, this Iraditional type of origam| Was not aceaptad as being adequate educational material. Fortunately, | was given an opportunity to explain and demonstrate my theory of Creative Origami with free expression and tts was accepted, The crow introduced here is folded with a completely new idea. Every angle and fold ig well thought oul arid planned with a sense of beauty and deep feeling. Wher! | fold paper, | try to express not only the beauty of the creatures in nature but | alse regard them trom a scientific point of view. It Hels to understand basic ideas such as the function and structure of the creatures, the laws of nature and so forth In making this crow, il was necessary to take into consideration such things as circular motion, rebound movement and tho projected curve of item thrown into the air, Jumping origami, like those shown on pages 22 and 23 and the crows here and on the nexi page are made from the most basic folds, By closing or widennig E&F in (B), you can balance the folded crow. It is alse tun 19 adjust the mountain fold line in diagram (2) and see how it changes the balance between the head and the body. (AJ 2D Mark (by Bring ing a tip of Ak Mark the mouitain $12 paratuily tid A boatraan the snoers Soot, Jone ar Bon! 3 with your fin Ber it ull move tol wari When you teach small children: 3S @ : ® e ; Fold on the chatted e © tine shi = fold A torward slong tre mountain told NI center of gravity, moves yropen up a# Ht. MaKe Ihe valley 1210 backward so. that 1 will res stan UP oo (8) om >. ® “ 2d bole & on the mountam $_ When you epread told 1, and Paton tecmierot beng i oro Gravy moves forward he vay fold 2 So imat_i will_ move dow ward as shown by the datied ting D fold aL Haydon tne valley {c) told = ® 6 If yeu put your ringers in Fa and move them, 1 1ooko Tike the craw is eating sone thing stretoning aur its nock. 4) Fold on tha vale you ale ight handed. you ley fo, upen up A Should put your Ihumg ir | ang caver over Ihe and you! forelinger in F. Bug Walley (oid Sort the igure with your mids in finger Fold a square pies «. er as in 1, Pod B the mauniam ani lay folds. Put ec 8 Open up A again ang Oring t ovet_as Inciealed by the dotte ings to make the head z Bring F over &. a Foi & as in the diagram end tole ia nlf 05 a. @ Foc 8D! Gowr' along Y Pinch G&D To Make f maura and ing fines C&D Valiay 19108 na pul out in fai then fot (Dotted lines direction ot along valley told aie an extention ANOS, 4 Bae of valley toi0t a8) ———_ a (BJ » CA) (@y Finish = os traits (a EX olla atens fram ) t6 1 Cad Arrange 1 shapes, anor ing io the su gested In a r i Fold as shorn in dia. Mane a on 2 and &) 4 ® AB and E inside on mountain totes 63 Fold thom gn. valley folds 284 berg rar & cicatest ties ® Oven up & again and _loidl ww. Fold B up nine tolibe & Fold A tows the wrang side, Finish MOTHER CROW AND BABIES Crows have been olase to peouly through the ages Lel's tald a mother eraw and same babies! The crows which app the preceeding paue were foidec on the basis of their function, balance and motion 4 4 Although Raby crows actually have quite large leet, | have made @) ther small, You can learn a lot aboul the ohysique and tunctions of a living creatures by comparing these baby crows with their parent as fe you add the wings and tail feathers, é ° Both mothar and baby in (AJ are folded simply You can ¢ art hem te 100k a6 though the baby is begging for food, In (B) , | tried jor a more realistic look by raking the hend round ow steos f) to This technique ot accenting the head area will make not only dirds, s well come lo life al) other animals You can choose black, DIL for the baby Grow i one-fyurth the size of nl ple Fold the lo mak or charcoal gray paper The size of lor the mother. 43 ® 1 upaweara towarg te back Foid # square ® fue 0] paper ssn Fold E & F O & : BABY DUCK = ea Use | Poi ae tap f W Ooo up A it! teciion of artows ang fold sown asin the diearam to) rake he beak DUCK FAMILY We'll now fold Mother Duck and her 7 Within the dotted lines, fold C&D down. addles when it walks. By iting eak. you can capture an innocent expression and lolding the feet ta the axe il appear as though the duck is swimming When you make the feat, as shawn diagram (f, | edvise you to fold CD tog the midge, whicn w feet at any angle and Open B up © the dotted be made trem paper of that used to. OWL The wise old ow! is a familiar figure. The one shown here is face is purposely detormed lo bring out the characteristi You can use any kind of paper but try to choose ai nn uve either the same colar for both sides or contrast olored paper may alse be selected. Ete: You may like with fancy paper ieled in reliet torm and the of the owl approdriale color tor an owl. You g colors, Two sheets of dittere ciwe use of OGIOr will rigke the ow! very lifelike perch your owl on a branch with leaves made [rom heavy paper 2 46 } Foe © & Dac Fold. Agomnware. 2 Mark ® ana & wn your finger- AN Seen am, Jn a picce of eee 3 ® Dieta ie age a Finish @ rod ca D toward Dak Fold & as indicated 8 by the dotted line B Fold a mount ang valley ‘elds to 4 mane a ‘a pleat ® fold E & F backward. Make: @ plealvon G8 Fold B as shown in the diaitean am 2 i Pinch GB fi, Fold) & J down ) waxes emai and’ make. (eles bilge shown Told pleat on A 83 Fold ine top ot the the oontal point how Fou F&F heao ‘backward to toward the insite make i round Fates long mountsin anc 12 J upward. valley folds mi order to make Dold FG. H 4 Oe and | imvaid on cs 0 ie. fre theunt pulling ® Make fnguntain and valley fold a reases on Wp oquare pace of 8 ager ab shown Poid-as in D ham na er e rscan @ ao B Maken ical and fold outward again ag in iD P lous inward ana) teen newarc if il & up otted tines and toward dotted ires. on the mountain 1019, T . Fold 8 down round of tne breast li between LandM, pulling A uipmard 10 pi indicates by the dotted and ‘olds vailay Reference tei. Fold CB D folloninge Folding Ihe fel * Mane te head by folding A folioning: stops Hy Mand 8 4 Simpiitied tles fur the breast ang head. RAN/JE ea The dove i the symbol of peace and is widely loved Rotors making the Wesign, | visited a nearby park 10 walch the doves. There was always a conspicuous, strong nosing bose leading he graup There are many kinds of doves such as the carrier pigeon and the turtle dove which are casy tc identily whereas some others may ueiong to the The dove tn the phoks Is Barra apncios But Nave distinct booy lines. mace by forwing Spe ae, You can make ihe ditierent kinds by altering the angle i and tolding liries as shown hare Try making doves in cifferent postures, as it they are flying or eating as cow We have known the domesticated cow from _aneient times The folding m thods in diagrams @) and to an be varied Hy making adjustments in the length ang angle from the inside Here, the folding is done to capture thi cheracteristios of the cow by presenting only is Nead, Using photographs {or reference, you should pe able to told other types auch as the waler bulfalo, the Amerivan sleer or Japanese cows Choose your paper to match the calor of he cow. The size far the call one-third that ould be wired for the cow. CALF ' 1 Make vaiiay toil Open it uo agai ene on) wally (leh 2 i rol ihe ears ove them, the mout @ cow D [oag B forward and lid © & D batkwart! a olece o} square fax shown Fold it to B Fold B ig Pula. on the allay and Daal in D i Yon {Bhd and then wea the velle oon the moun way as B the valley foes, tain. fold ki O the ® tua a aver Bond D aver C10 (W@ Make a picat at eve ‘evel, 9) Fold AR ROME E10 make init nos Foie EP Fee Thanh make me ba Geran fons Suan wp Ba Be Finish (erie as Eiaty "ole te top of tno hood hacked: rene the fsce as a whole. 81 RABBIT The rabnit is one o! the cutest was from such @ story that | got th pointing upwards. The lur of some wild rabbits becomes white in the winter. Here, | used a piece of pink paper with a while back. The white side was used to make the body and the pink appears as the inside of the rabbil's ears 46 Illustrated In diagram @. M you skip the steps fram ( to @®. wing C and D as it is, you Will ome up with a rakolt with bigger ears nimals. It appeal idea to mi in many legends and fairy tales and it this rabbit, slanding erect with its ears ® Fold G aH mart Ob Pale ® @ %) Fold 8 cele bachnaid) pices of square Bape asin T ® fod G on mountain ang valley ‘olds so maka a pleat Fold on the direction of the Open i As PDPOdCRO nese test and cove CD from re idee as in f Open un 4 at the valiey fais as The arrow Indicates. Fold B| down f) Fold A ever an tha valley waid, Fold G up fon the mountain fod cp, belneen sheets ® Fod A&B Eales he ase A a8 feet 4 Pull A gently and fold GOO ere retrial Sea teat tne end. Spread the feet Sed a Pinch © Op Twisting Ih a Fold OB T) Make @ iagonal on a square pace of paper Make valley folge song ihe & Giagorel crease Fold G & 0 sin a z wren o aN A on mountain and wahey folds ja make inom q turn A narrower, wind and bring Ate the top A ig 44 A Open Ain tien of arrows: ® nag daw both AB «Finch And fold tl between bafoost LF Cet on hw mountan ane okis to make 1) RACCOON, The Drummer Lot’ s fold the raccoon, which is so well known irom dapanase fairy tales and old folk songs. Take a piece ot brown paper which is white on the back. It should 6¢ folded so that ihe white side appears on the stomach and chest Pushing the tail upwards will give it the pasture of the soon shown on the right Alter folding it, you can hold the figure by the neck and insert your finger trom the back pushing to make the stomach more rotund. By pulling A fram the inside of diagram @, you can make the face rounde! and this will make it look fen more like @ raccoon, Finish nA Make a 1 the aye olds to Mske Ine nose. Fold | & Joubert to mal pet. Shape th fock round SNAKE Reference Thern are not many people who like snvkes | triod tu make these snakes more lovable by adopting the familiar, simple form at lovel toys Mercury, the Roman god of commerce and FO nM aE oak tin we snakes and in Japan, snakeg are also painted ‘on votive tablets for good lok im Quginess. Tusually choose a color that matenes the animal or abject | am making. However, in the case of these snakes. | deliberately chose e different color in order la give them a ieeling of being toys. In the upper photograph, | folded the part between the head and the abciomon into two and getitly qulled the neck up and wound the sec: trom the abdomen to {he tail around my finger (See referance.) Fuld tolionin elope Pare 4g Foie B on A a Malley ‘lines Then ‘tae the el rwanda ® brows indicate io make @ Fold ot the ener thaka a long narrow bad. ® ® Fold a square piece CP heper 23 Bm Ld Then fold € 8 Fin direction oF Bran 8 SS D Open and {aig Aupward al 1/3 of the veel A & Fold A i roa cyar Datween sheets. & Fou A on GD Shona ‘the valley ‘minute ings 1 DY" Make a pleat on A, th is mat Hc tha fps na PLD ins in order to Make the tai ie ‘hal on aha fable = a You can curv the tell ge you ; sesh kb take your stake look a cr more alne s7 By (Back of 2) ow ® 8) @ > Make valley 8 folding @ & 7 ( @ @ 4 eB B Mane diagonal j 4 A along ©, Open ue @ to B Foe ing Aa FC EO tease fake 8 eer f), oid betwen #8 Push A upward nthe mouniain fold. Open yp the Body an fold as shown i) DRAGON bi) i ihe arrow cuicates Shape the nese anc oharoe Among the twelve animals in the Japanese zodiac, omly the dragon is a fictional one. However. unlike many of the popular monsters of the present day. il is a reiimed creature In Japan, sculptured dragons are frequently seen in the decorations of shrines. They appear in folie tales as the god of the sea or the dragon 2d, 11s also said that dragons can summon the fain clouds anc therefore, thay ara alia the guardian deily of wooden buildings. In folding this animal, iL is import detine th and mane. Try 10 give ft ar appearance ol dignity by adjusting the a betwasn the face and the neck t to clearly RAMITICo ee ee It iG vory oasy to become enthusiastic about origami bat 2 it is so simple ta do. | would like to st the impor arigami trom the point of view ot the formative arts, When we think about orgami tor hildren, there are two kinds. ‘igami that adulis fold and give to children and the Kind hat they can told themselues by following diagrams. The ideal size of paper in aithor caso should oe 12 cm x 12. cm (7 in x Tin) Ifthe pa jer than this, it ficult to handle, When you ach children to fold Arigami, you Should oi next lo them se thal trey Gar your hands instead of sitting in trent ot trem. Generally speaking, however 215m x 16 om square sheet of paper is recommended I should he about the same thickness as vie of stationery. Wher you have learned to told an object with a small piece of paper, itis guile larger y to do the sarne with & ® 4) Foi Aun avihin the cortod "Open um € 8 F and fold dt tip of A inna thet bath sides to mane Ie as homer fave fold AW Make Ihe tail nansower and pen Up ine ears flaund tne pouy by cutting your finger inside ft @ Fold E upward on tha val ley told. Told F same as E Finish Bring A down between E 6 F. 3) Fold the tower part of the face on the mountain toluis Told [3 upmard 12 make the tail kings ot maser b anglis of the tails arc lirvals OF by the site of p: 4ko the head tk np part Marken " balances on the The head (1) 1 easy for ehildren t wn in Jsing heavy paper, you big parent a and the baby can ba made sm Cl oorate a wal 6z Bing A 8 Hosa ai SG unmade 7 e diitted ® lines @ Fold & & : i downward fb Fala at in tho diagram, making = *) ede 1/19 smae ® @ ler than the. ether Tun over Marke valley end meu iain shown folgL on Sowe on the domed. he S Giese. Gooning op. on the RoE: direction ol hake a) Head (10 Geman gina over Fisieh @+7 1 Follow tha stops 18 2. Shape the muz oH He and SSIS HIT @ ong G & Hup on the valley folds. te Tithe thes fet Ati St he heed shown in 3 Feed (he Lal inward 8 make it narrower Open up A and fold 1 up as in the diagram, to a) Isa body Body @ @ Ee 5 8 -— AB Fon sian pice F Fold acoorcing ts 1 Dib old A ag tha arvaw inaicates. Fowd 8 paper ae inf) ard Zand 3 beween E &F on mountan fold 1. men bring pen i up iPenck up to valloy fold 2 GIRAFFE baG Let Us now fold a lony-nevked girafte, Just as you shoula make many sketches of animals you plan to paint or carve, it is important ta do the same when folding origami berause you then become familiar with their physique and posture. The study of healthy animals, to ai int oneself wilh their characteristics. is a vital steo in enabling one to capture them in origami, Here is ong of the lundamental palterns for folding any vertebrate. After you have mastered it. you can werk on the hone structure and modcling to make the object more lite~ ike. You can aise fold other animals like the ones shown above, 64 % Fold 6 4.0 eward on the valley folds VP Mark the siagonal 2) Make valley tolos as) Bring B to G to crease AB on a square 2D mark | Fold A back the other line the diago i Fold 8 inside to the dotted jing [old 4 & 1 outward of) the valiey fold Foc parte inward a3 fhe: arrows inchcate, ater al ing ote 9 On the mountain fold folsi both & B down ie tis anc between cy ante Fold head, rand fea! arrows. indicate, Shape the gitat- fe as a whole fal, ring, 2 Fol He anows indi cate 1 inake C&D nar rener W Bring A up to the devlletd Tine, & @ Dp ® (og A gn the mountain {elo os the araw wnlicalas Put tho indes tinger of yaur fel) hana insiog of ©. sup- port tne otnar sige ‘of the booy wilt your middie finger and pl your Huth ‘on the front of the body Then, your fgnt fuch BF a direction ot GORILLA Our next subjec one @ musi pepular animals it s th fgrgest and strong nihropolds and vr ipright, ike a man his method of folding is simple and shows the gorilla in ils most familiar stare ou ware actually I ad Id do a0 forenead mi gorilla, ory Image will cause the paper 10 become 1, Try not to be | sncemnnd with {he (ace hen you make it, You graph, By making able to make il jooK lik 0 produce igtac 3 the mauth 66 * 1 Make vatiey Wrong side whounta 2 tlds 32 Srown se ona square eld AG ancl a 5 su Go Yerdard @ piece at paper together L | as @ D Spread ow 0 culasimE Pu Gunde 4 pn “rier, B fo aa Oo (D Put your thumbs; inwsrd on the inside the pouches + moutlas! fokis formed by E_ and: push Ihem ip as Inae Fold E down on he valley fol {i Atound Ihe 1 Make ine mouth leaving shoulders, tae L roynd and ofl mela aed jowith ni aid ihe ss ing a ingicate the whole fi maurtain Fold the giant panda by using 0 eheee of paper, black on one sie whils or the other, Head te make we need and body separate Qoen up the ches ol ORD) wah your fingers 10 the dotted tires, Fuld @ Squale piace of papier ue in Fold all corners as shown, Fold in fait on the conter mountain fois, = 2 Fold tre pottom line inward on the mountain told Vold | inward on the mountain fod and pring up on the ay iol (3: loward under the Jai. Malar dante at the front an Tear lest 16. make it sland up Hook of §: of the head over pl tie Bunly GIANT PANDA Next, we would like tw lod the giant panda, that rare, charming animal which is tound only in China, In) the beginning, | irled to make @ realistic panda out of ‘ane shect of paper However, it was impossible lo produce a guod figure without more knowleags of the animal so | joined the crowds at the Ueno Zev in Tokyo Io gee them, It was 30 crowded that each person only had about 30 seconds to observe them. A friend arranged for me to look at a documentary tilm on pandas and one of the keepers told me about Ineirhablts anc characteristins. Pandas are gonerally farctree animals and usually slexp long hyurs. | used two sheets of paper to make it easy to fold. Depending on now yu arrange Ue head on the body, you can make your panda show various expressions, | made lhe lace rather simpig with nick upper eyelids, Just in head alone sa nice object, 43 THE FACE OF A DOG ORIGAMI AS FORMATIVE ART — PART | in the process of raising children. it Is very Important to clarify the following factars in order to le! them know exactly what § going on in their ives when, where, who, whal src how. Animals (including numan veins) aujust themselves to the constantly changing environment By using thelr perceptive organs of vision, hearing, smell, touch and taste and furthermore, they cooperate will each other by communicating with voice and saund. | have ined (9 illustrate the tundamantal knowleduy Lal leads us to a healthy lite in my Formatiie Onwanei, | wart Wo activate children’s Fanse of Beauly and love through the themes that they wish to fold. As an example, lel us choose a puppy “it's spring and the fields are covered with prelly green grass | can't seo it but | can hear a puppy cryin. It's coming nearer and nearer. There, | can see ity face!” Alter telling the childron this, you ean maxe the !ace of the dog snown in CA) and by mowing Its mouth, you will delight them by mimicking the cries of 4 puppy Then, you can facus on a puppy's scase of smell by saying, “Oh, | can smell something good!” And you can wiggle the puppy's nase io order fo cateh and hylef the attention of active children, it ig euvential 10 indica the action and movement af the object clearly. Yuu may continue your story by saying, “I hear many more suppies. Why don’ t we go and play with them? Crigam: can he used in this way i the formative educational field, We van make up many es to tell the children and till them with \maginatien through the art of origami. 70 ® ‘ % Fold © up ' a) Fald vatey OMe | Bae See i ibid 1 rot, One Me nose, "Pod i re nS ove the lower jan ti, i up and. fold fea Licown 10 Mase tne es (ety i valley told ? i make the ears the diagram, (B) a ru the same sieps sen in ioe Bie amie He ARS 6 Oogn yp LI ps azons ind ‘Pe pointed part backwards. fhe longeet under the upper jaw Finish yy fe , @ ub ® , ® fold anna Open up Ena the diaganal ling pouches of & & > © Fold a small pleat an 0 16 2) Fold © twice to make the eg d on a- square Band. oring muzze, Pull E 8 F toward the eae ie careiby taining piece st paper hem out to tho center and press thie remy Ee ee ane Faid A first and dotted lines wi ringers. valley and mountain folds on = T-@ af G) 4) Make ears by mark peel ‘ (p) ee ee direction of arrows nm

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