Chapter 7 Cybercrime - Group 4

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Bautista, BJ G.

only allowed for private actions for damages or

injunctions if there was harm to land. Thus smells
BS Crim 3-B
emanating from pig sties, strict liability against
Environmental Laws & Protection dumping rubbish, or damage from exploding dams.

Chapter VII From Environmental law to Environmental

What is Environmental Law?
The concepts of economic order and social order as
Environmental law, also known as environmental
well known the term environmental order is
and natural resources law, is a collective term
however largely unknown and is common neither as
describing the network of treaties, statues,
a set phrases of as a concept. By giving the
regulations, common and customary laws
examples of economic order and social order.
addressing the effects of human activity on the
natural environment. The core environmental law
regimes address environmental pollution.
What do environmental laws regulate? -
Law and Care of the Environment
Environmental laws cover a wide range of topics
including the following: Environmental law: the “ecological nuancing” of
1. Air Quality – Air quality laws protect the air
from pollution and may include measures to protect During and after the First World War, law was
the air from things like ozone depletion. given an “economic nuance” and thus became
economic law; today environmental law has, with
2. Water Quality – Environmental laws may
the newly created concept of nuance” to legal norms
protect water from pollution.
in public law, criminal law, private law, and
3. Waste Management – Municipal waste, international law, designed to protect and look after
hazardous substances and nuclear waste all fall in the natural foundations of human life, in other
the category of waste management. words care of the environment.
4. Contaminant Cleanup- Not all environmental Principles and functions of Environmental Law
law focuses on preventing pollution.
Principles of prevention, polluter-pays principle,
5. Chemical Safety- Chemical safety regulations principle of cooperation
manage things like pesticide use and chemicals in
Firstly, let us look at the principles of prevention,
products like plastic bottles.
the material leitmotiv for environment policy. The
6. Hunting and Fishing- Environmental laws may early application of measures founded on this
regulate and protect wildlife populations. principle is designed not only toward off danger and
remove damage, but also to prevent potential
7. Major environmental legislation.
negative environmental impacts from arising at all-
if possible at source and by means of risk-reduction
– so as to achieve sustainable use of the
History of Environmental Law environment, providing care for the assets at stake.
Early examples of legal enactments The second concept, the polluter-pays principle
designed to consciously preserve the environment, must be understood as a fundamental allocation of
for its own sake or human enjoyment, are found costs but not automatically also as a principle of
throughout history. In the common law, the primary allocation of responsibility. Costs incurred to avoid,
protection was found in the law of nuisance, but this
remove and compensate damage should be allocated Waste Management
to the party responsible. This also serves to avoid
Waste management laws govern the
distortions in competition.
transport, treatment, storage, and disposal of all
The third principle that of cooperation, means that manner of waste, including municipal solid waste,
care of the environment is a common task of both hazardous waste, and nuclear waste, among many
the State and Citizens and must, as far as possible, other types. Waste laws are generally designed to
be affected in cooperation between the two. minimize or eliminate the uncontrolled dispersal of
waste materials into the environment in a manner
that may cause ecological or biological harm, and
The principle of emissions and the principle of include laws designed to reduce the generation of
emissions waste and promote or mandate waste recycling.

The standards to be met either now or in the

future by the environment or a part of a certain
Contaminant Cleanup
environment or a part of a certain environment both
as regards quality and quantity may be subsumed in Environmental cleanup laws govern the
the term environmental quality. removal of pollution or contaminants from
environmental media such as soil, sediment, surface
water or ground water. Unlike pollution control
Threefold function laws, cleanup laws are designed to respond after-
the-fact to environmental contamination, and
In taking on the task of caring for the consequently must often define not only the
environment, law has a threefold function, the most necessary response actions, but also the parties who
significant being its existential function in care of may be responsible for undertaking (or paying for)
the environment. Law is designed to secure such actions.
mankind’s life, survival and health and give men
and women an existence worthy of human dignity.
Chemical Safety

PRINCIPLES INFLUENCING Chemical Safety laws govern the use of

ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS chemicals in human activities, particularly man-
made chemicals in modern industrial applications.
1. Environmentalism As contrasted with media-oriented environmental
2. Ecology laws (e.g., air of water quality laws), chemical
control laws seek to manage the (potential)
3. Conservation pollutants themselves.
4. Stewardship Resource Sustainability
5. Responsibility and Sustainability What is Sustainability?
The terms Sustainable and Sustainability are used to
Pollution Control describe many different approaches toward
improving our way of life. Sustainability means
Water quality laws govern the release of pollutants reducing our harm on the environment and
into water resources, including surface water, ultimately reversing the harm we have already
ground water, and stored drinking water. Some caused.
water quality laws, such as drinking water
regulations, may be designed solely with reference
to human health.
Mineral Resources- Mining Law Sustainable Development
Mineral resource laws cover several basic Development that meets the needs of the present
topics, including the ownership of the mineral without compromising the ability of future
resource and who can work them. Mining is also generations to meet their own needs, sustainable
affected by various regulations regarding the health development may be considered together with the
and safety of miners. concepts of integration (development cannot be
considered in isolation from sustainability) and
interdependence (social and economic development,
Forest Resources – Forestry Law and environmental protection, are interdependent).

Forestry laws govern activities in designated forest

lands, most commonly with respect to forest
Equity – Intergenerational Equity
management and timber harvesting. Ancillary laws
may regulate forest land acquisition and prescribed The right of future generations to enjoy a fair level
burn practices. of the common patrimony and intragenerational
equity- the right of all people within the current
generation to fair access to the current generation’s
Wildlife and Plants entitlement to the Earth’s natural resources-
environmental equity considers the present
Wildlife laws govern the potential impact of human generation under an obligation to accurse for long
activity on wild animals, whether directly on term impacts of activities, and to act to sustain the
individuals or populations, or indirectly via habitat global environment and resources base for future
degradation. Similar laws may operate to protect generation.
plant species. Such laws may be enacted entirely to
protect biodiversity, or as a means for protecting
species deemed important for other reasons.
Transboundary Responsibility
The international law context as an obligation to
Fish and Game protect one’s own environment, and to prevent
damage to neighboring environments, UNEP
Fish and Game laws regulate the right to
considers transboundary responsibility at the
pursue and take or kill certain kinds of fish and wild
international level as a potential limitation on the
animal (Game). Such laws may restrict the days to
rights of the sovereign state.
harvest fish or game, the number of animals caught
per person, the species harvested, or the weapons or
fishing gear used.
Public Participation and Transparency
Identified as essential conditions for accountable
Principles governments, industrial concerns and organizations
generally public participation and transparency are
Environmental law has developed in response to
presented by UNEP are requiring effective
emerging awareness of and concern over issues
protection of the human right to hold and express
impacting the entire world. While laws have
opinions and to seek, receive and impart ideas… a
developed piecemeal and for a variety of reasons,
right of access to appropriate, comprehensible and
some effort has gone into identifying key concepts
timely information held by governments and
and guiding principles common to environmental
industrial concerns on economic and social policies
law as a whole.
regarding the sustainable use of natural resources
and the protection of the environment, without aims to protect human health and the environment
imposing undue financial burdens upon the against the adverse effects of hazardous wastes:
applicants and with adequate protection of privacy
and business confidentiality and effective judicial
and administrative proceedings. 1. Generation and Management
2. Trans- Boundary Movements
Precautionary Principle 3. Disposal
In order to protect the environment the
precautionary approach shall be widely applied by
Convention on Biological Diversity
States according to their capabilities.
Resulted from the recognition that damage to
biodiversity can only be effectively dealt with in a
Prevention comprehensive manner (not dealing with specific
species or habitats)
The concept of prevention can perhaps better be
considered an overarching aim that gives rise to a
multitude of legal mechanisms, including prior
assessment of environmental harm, licensing or
authorization that set out the conditions for
operation and the consequences for violation of the
conditions, as well as the adoption of strategies and

Polluter Pays Principle

The polluter pays principle stands for the idea that
the environmental costs of economic activities,
including the cost of preventing potential harm,
should be internalized rather than imposed upon
society at large.

Environmental law is a continuing source of
controversy. Debates over the necessity, fairness,
and cost of environmental regulation are ongoing,
as well as regarding the appropriateness of
regulations vs. market solutions to achieve even
agreed-upon ends.

The most comprehensive global environment
agreement on hazardous and other wastes which

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