Choral Speaking K2 Lily

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Choral speaking : Be Good To All

Good morning, good morning

Good morning to all…
We, students of K2 Lily
For the first time
We will entertain you with our story ~ Be Good To All
Solo [ What? OMG….. soooo boring! ]
Solo [ Who cares? Why should we anyway? ]
We do silly!
It may be uninteresting
It may be boooring.
But we need to show we care!
Yes we do! Yes we do!

Scene :
A child sitting and playing with hp. Mother is sweeping the floor, child lift up
the leg and throw wrapper on the floor. Mother keeps sweeping the floor.

Ish 4x We should not do that to our parents
Solo [ NO! NO! NO!]
Always pray for them (do’a for parents in arabic)
Oh Allah, please forgive me and parents. Love them as they have loved me!

Scene : Child help mother and mother hug her

All [Awwwwww YES! YES! YES!]

Don’t forget our friends and neighbours!
Scene :
Hi …..

Hadith : ‫حبا‬ ‫زر غبا تزدد‬

Zul Ghibban tazdad hubban
Visit occasionally, and your love will increase.
Action to show love : Hmmmmmm

Do you know that plants around us need our love and care too!
What!? How?
Scene : A child sneakily pluck a plant, giggle and say : I loooove flowers!
STOP! Keep our garden beautiful and don’t pluck any plants or flowers!
Yes! Plants pray to Allah too!

Scene : Ants marching
All (sing)
The ants go marching One by one Hurrah.. hurrah.. (2x)
The ants go marching one by one
The little one stops to suck his thumb
And they all go marching down to the ground to get out of the rain
boom.. boom.. boom.. boom..
Boy : Ewww…. So many ants crawling! I hate ants! I’m going to crush
STOP! Do you remember the story of ants and prophet Sulaiman?

ْ ُ‫ ۡٱد ُخل‬ ‫ٱلنَّمۡ ُل‬ ‫يَ ٰـَٓأيُّهَا‬ ‫ة‬ٞ َ‫نَمۡ ل‬ ‫قَالَ ۡت‬ ‫ٱلنَّمۡ ِل‬ ‫ َوا ِد‬ ‫ َعلَ ٰى‬ ‫َأتَ ۡو ْا‬ ‫ِإ َذٓا‬ ‫َحتَّ ٰ ٓى‬
‫ َم ٰ َس ِكنَ ُك‬ ‫وا‬
َ ‫يَ ۡش ُعر‬  ‫اَل‬  ۡ‫ َوهُم‬ ُ‫ َو ُجنُو ُد ۥه‬ ‫ ُسلَ ۡي ٰ َم ُن‬  ۡ‫يَ ۡح ِط َمنَّ ُكم‬  ‫اَل‬  ۡ‫م‬
and when they came to the Valley of the Ants, one ant said, ‘Ants! Go into your
homes, in case Solomon and his hosts unwittingly crush you.’
Always do good to animals!
4 bahagian

1. Kepada ibu bapa (masukkan doa)

2. Kepada jiran, kawan2 (hadith : makna.. ziarahlah org yg takde absent, dia
akan menambahkan kasih saying)
3. Tumbuh tumbuhan : buat baik dgn tumbuhan ..jgn petik sembarang
4. Binatang : Kisah nabi sulaiman (ayat quran surah An naml ayat 18 :
Do’a semut pada nabi sulaiman
Kereana dia baik dgn binatang, binatang pun hormat nabi sulaiman

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