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It is valuable to engage into part time jobs while studying nursing, how much would you

spend to study nursing and be graduated, is it more expensive that other courses.
Choosing to study nursing is a tough decision you need to do, perhaps you need to take
a lot of considerations and there are a lot of unanswered question you have at the back
your mind. A four-year program for the students who aspires to be registered nurse, and
can also be a pre-med course does not come cheap. From the record of 2020-2021, the
estimated tuition fee for Nursing is, P51,384 for the first year, P53, 396 for the second
year and P51,901 for the third year. Adding to it are the expenses for books, uniforms,
for the actual hospital duty, summer semester, equipment for clinical rotations, lab fees
and amidst of the pandemic era these expenses put them into a difficult situation.
Studies explained why nursing is included in the list of the expensive courses. Nursing
Education at all level needs to have better understanding about the experience of care
management, quality improvement methods, system level change management and the
reconceptualized roles of nurses in a reformed health care system. It is a platform that
pursue opportunities for seamless transaction to higher degree programs. Students who
aspire to be a nurse should achieve the higher levels of education and training, as this
profession is one of most in demand nowadays, nurses undergraduate education
should emphasize the needs to meet the educational needs. As this course requires
costs higher than other courses, students find it difficult to pursue nursing. Most
question emerge like can a student’s works to part time job while taking the nursing
course. Special analysis is granted for the students obtaining a degree in health and
sciences, they are required to participate in the hospital internship for the academic
formation and this is a very demanding program.(Moore, 2008).
The compatibility between work and education was studied from different perspective
(Lang, 2012). Working while studying is a driving forces that leads to different
consequences that affects the living of the students engage in part time jobs. The
Working Student 2016, studied that the several jobs that the student takes into are
online jobs, paid corporate internship, fast food crew and school jobs. Filipino students
find it difficult to because they have to meet the standards in their jobs to improve their
performance so that they can earn good at the same time maintain their academic
performance to avoid failing grades. However it is not impossible for a nursing students
to engage into a part time jobs, in fact it can help to support his finances since studying
cost a lot of money. A research on the university students with paid work and the impact
of work in their academic performance suggested that impact of work is negative, when
the working hours is tight. (Reyes et al, 2012). One study in Northen Ireland explained it
findings that students working a clinical activities as their part time jobs had an
advantages in the clinical practice compared to those who did not. (Hasson,Mckenna
and Keeney, 2012. But it was complemented by the study of (Salamonson et al 2012),
working hours increased as the nursing students improves in their studies and in
nursing related activities and asserted that working more than 16 hours per week can
caused several disadvantages to their academic performances regardless if the work is
related to their career.
The study titled’ Impact of paid work on the academic performance of nursing students’
present their findings that upon analyzing the working hours of the participants per
week, 54.5% students worked more than 20 hour per week and 44.5% worked less than
20 hour per week. Socioeconomic status got the highest reason why this students
engaged in part time jobs. Therefore if the reason to work is because of economic
necessity it can be concluded that nursing students are struggling in terms of financing
their studies. On the other hand, the findings also suggest a reason why nursing
students choose to work voluntarily as their jobs is directly related clinical career,
gaining autonomy, experiences as the same money is an essential factor. The research
found out that academic performances of the nursing students is directly affected if they
are working for at least 20 hour per week, especially the 1 st semester of the program
since it will be the time of adjusting and arranging schedules between studies and jobs,
compared to those nursing students who do not work less than 20 hours per hour. This
was measured using the factors: their performances in school, general weighted
average, credit lost, and the probability of finishing the degree at the time established by
the program.

Hasson F, McKenna HP, Keeney S. 2012. A qualitative study exploring the impact of
student nurses working part time as a health care assistant. Nurse Education Today
Salamonson Y, Andrew S. 2006. Academic performance in nursing students: influence
of part-time employment, age and ethnicity. Journal of Advanced Nursing

García-Vargas et al. (2016), Impact of paid work on the academic performance of

nursing students. PeerJ4:e1838; DOI 10.7717/peerj.1838

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