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IA ITB – Indonesianisme Summit 2017

Building Indonesia Digitalpreneur

with Disruptive Silicon Valley

Ign. Wiseto P. Agung

VP Media & Digital Strategy and Development,
PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk.

Jakarta, 09 December 2017

P T. Te l e ko m u n i k a s i I n d o n e s i a , T b k
01 Why: Telkom builds Digital Entrepreneurs

02 How: Indigo Creative Nation

03 Lesson Learned

P T. Te l e ko m u n i k a s i I n d o n e s i a , T b k 2
01 Why: Telkom builds Digital Entrepreneurs

02 How: Indigo Creative Nation

03 Lesson Learned

P T. Te l e ko m u n i k a s i I n d o n e s i a , T b k 3
In today’s business environment, innovation is an essential component of entrepreneurship, in most cases associated with new
technologies to create new products and services.

Source: Accenture Entrepreneurial Innovation Report, 2013

P T. Te l e ko m u n i k a s i I n d o n e s i a , T b k 4
Corporations Startup
Access to market • Difficulties in accessing new markets A good start-up ecosystem proves to be better at
• Market knowledge • New to market shortening the cycles of innovation, exploiting
• Workforce • Limited workforce technology, enhancing existing business models, and
• Economics of scale • Lack of resources and partners inventing new ones more quickly and effectively than big
• Resources & power • Need of extra resources to scale
• Capital Viability • Lack of money
• Lack of visibility
• Slowness Innovation Early-stage high-growth businesses should benefit from
• Lack of creativity New Business the support of bigger and more experienced companies
• Encouragement of continuity • Organizational agility
that help them with valuable resources, better sales and
• Standardization of processes • Continuous new ideas
• Challenge to the status quo supply chain opportunities in exchange for their
• Limited motivation
• Slow-paced growth • Versatile environment creativity and ideas. This makes a big difference
• Risk aversion • Highly motivated teams to startups as they can go to market or scale more easily.
• Operate in mature markets • Potentially rapid growth
• Willingness to take risks
• Capillarity to enter new markets

Source:, 2017

P T. Te l e ko m u n i k a s i I n d o n e s i a , T b k 5
01 Why: Telkom builds Digital Entrepreneurs

02 How: Indigo Creative Nation

03 Lesson Learned

P T. Te l e ko m u n i k a s i I n d o n e s i a , T b k 6
Telkom Indonesia’s initiative in encouraging the growth of
digital creative industry through Nurturing Creativity,
Incubation, Acceleration and Follow-on-Funding program for
Indonesia’s Digital Startup.

P T. Te l e ko m u n i k a s i I n d o n e s i a , T b k 7
They are often weak on strategy,
poor at execution and build weak • Fail to
teams below them develop a
Problem product that
meets the
market need.
Running out of

• Find a scalable way
to acquire • There is not a compelling enough value • Leads to a company running
customers Business proposition, or compelling event, to out of cash, and unable to
• cause the buyer to actually commit to raise more
Monetize those Model Failure purchasing.
customers at a
• The market timing is wrong
significantly higher • The market size of people that have
level than cost of pain, and have funds is simply not large
acquisition enough
P T. Te l e ko m u n i k a s i I n d o n e s i a , T b k 8
• During the development phase,
startups go through the Valley
of Death.
• In this position, startups need
to have:
▫ Strong passion
▫ Strong team work
▫ Clear vision
▫ Dare to pivot (if needed)
▫ Clear and structured work

P T. Te l e ko m u n i k a s i I n d o n e s i a , T b k 9
1 People 2 Planet
Providing 16
Building strong creative camps
Digitalpreneur and 5 creative
thru Incubation centers and its
Program and supporting facilities
nurturing for pre-startup, and
thousands of startup incubation
talents program

3 Participation
Academic + B usiness C ommunity G overnment M edia
Research institute
Startup Ecosystem
development thru Penta
Helix Collaboration

P T. Te l e ko m u n i k a s i I n d o n e s i a , T b k 10
• Indigo Incubator
§ Bandung Digital • Jakarta Digital
Valley (BDV) Valley (JakDiVa)
§ Jogja Digital • MDI (Metra Digital
Valley (JDV) Innova on)

Cultivates Mengakselerasi
Innovation Inovasi

2009 - 2012 2012 - 2013 2013 - 2015 2015 - Now

Appreciates Menjemput
Acquires Innovative
Creativity Talenta Inovasi

• Indigo Fellowship
• Digital Innova on
• Indigo-preneur Award Lounge (DILo)
• Indigo Music Award

▪ DILo was developed to foster the digital talent in the community

▪ The DILo output includes a new startup to be developed in Indigo's incubation and professional developers
▪ Background of DILo establishment: Indigo's startup number is very small and startup quality needs to be improved (startup readiness)
P T. Te l e ko m u n i k a s i I n d o n e s i a , T b k 11
Local & Global Mentors with Silicon Valley mindset

Creative Camp Creative Centre Creative Capital

Nurturing Selecting Customer Product Business Market Value
Creativity Creativity Validation Validation Model Validation Validation
Pre-Startup Incubation Acceleration Next Investment

Telkom CVC

Pre-Startup Stage Incubation Stage Acceleration Stage Next Investment Stage

• Digital talent development • Validate startup idea •Product is ready to market • Prepare startup for fund
• Idea exploration & founder • Develop product & biz model, and validate to •Marketing & channeling raising to get a bigger
match making early adopter product to acquire market investment
• Startup forming • Start to integrate into CFU environment growth

17.461 4.266 98 16 STARTUPS

18 15
Oct’ 2017

P T. Te l e ko m u n i k a s i I n d o n e s i a , T b k 12
Funding, Mentoring, APIs, Market Access
▪ Bandung Digital Valley
▪ Jogja Digital Valley
▪ Jakarta Digital Valley

180 millions customers

▪ Resident Mentor
▪ Expert Mentor
▪ Global Mentor

More than 200K

corporate customer,
include SME
P T. Te l e ko m u n i k a s i I n d o n e s i a , T b k 13
P T. Te l e ko m u n i k a s i I n d o n e s i a , T b k 14
01 Why: Telkom builds Digital Entrepreneurs

02 How: Indigo Creative Nation

03 Lesson Learned

P T. Te l e ko m u n i k a s i I n d o n e s i a , T b k 15
INDIGO encourages
talents to develop their
skills through the
creativity to commerce

Source: World Skills Russia, 2016

P T. Te l e ko m u n i k a s i I n d o n e s i a , T b k 16
Be consistent and always make
continuous improvement

Collaboration: building the digital creative

industry requires comprehensive
functions and roles

Bring startups close to the market

Meet Telkom Market Demo Day
Give business opportunities for startups to Bi-annual events to introduce qualified
integrate their products into Telkom Group startups to investors, corporations, and
Portfolios and supporting systems government agencies to encourage further
(e.g: Privy ID with Indihome & DES) startup growth

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Mobile Payment Ecosystem to reinvent cash culture and
simplify payment. Envisioned to be the fastest, simplest
and safest way in Indonesia, while creating value for
facilitators and merchants
P T. Te l e ko m u n i k a s i I n d o n e s i a , T b k 20
this slide is not the end,
we’ll just begin …

Let’s Rockin’

thank you
Collaboration of Corporations, Startups, Universities, Societies, and other related parties are required to generate completely new ideas
for digitalizing Indonesia

Source: Silicon Valley Innovation Center, 2017

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Let's work Together
to build a superior
Indonesian startup

Source: Startup Commons, Innovation Partnership Program, 2016

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