Critical Thinking

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Critical Thinking

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Critical Thinking

Are creationism and science necessarily combative?

Creationism and science need not to necessarily be combative. The two perspectives are

close although creationism lacks prove hence becoming a misfit with conservatism. Significant

rivals are inherent between creationism and science since these two use different approaches to

explain natural phenomena. Science is evidence-based and systematic in understanding the

nature whereby the if-then logic, observation, and experiments are conducted. Creationism

explains the development of life through the interpretation of religious texts. Dawkins (2006)

questions God's nature and existence because he perceives religion as a delusion. As an

evolutionist, he argues that creationism clashes with the evolution fact that living and dead

organisms are final products of development from few forms. The necessity of combat arises

because creationism and science, particularly evolution, cannot be accommodated. Therefore, to

allow for scientific explanations, creationism should be interpreted metaphorically.

Is there another option needing consideration?

Pantheism is an alternative that needs consideration as much as we discuss the

perspectives of creationism and science. Pantheism places religion in a metaphysical position by

affirming the divinity of nature. Arguments are more philosophical rather than theological.

Pantheists argue that the power of individual things is undermined if God is the beginner of

every object (Buckareff, 2022). God is a being in himself and is the essence of everything.

Pantheism is all-encompassing and accommodates differentiated values of life, creating the

strongest objection. If nature is so divine, its divinity should be treated with sanity and respect.

 Consider whether one is superior, or perhaps we have a false dichotomy.


There is complexity in answering whether science or creationism is superior or whether

there is a false dichotomy between the two. To respond on balance-based analysis, the evaluation

of superiority between science and creationism needs consideration of their domains. This

superiority of one to the other relies on individual beliefs, worldviews, and the context of

application. There is no essence in perceiving direct combat between the two regarding false

dichotomy since they use differentiated approaches to explain originality and both deserve



Buckareff, A. A. (2022). Pantheism. Cambridge University Press.

Dawkins, R. (2006) interview.

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