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SEMESTER 2 (2022 - 2023)

SUBJECT: Statistic for Business




June, 2023

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam


Name Student ID Responsibility Contribution

Cao Thùy Trang BABAWE21420 Calculating Month profit & sales of 100%
Fashion category; Writing

Trần Thị Lý BAFNIU20338 Making comments and evaluations 100%

on data, chart of Electronic category.
Writing Introduction.

Lý Yến Nhi BABAUH21134 Calculating the region of Fashion 100%

category & writing Methodology and

Võ Huyền Giang BABAWE21683 Calculating and writing Month profit 100%

& sales of Auto & Accessories.

Lê Ngọc Bảo Trân BABAWE18543 Writing Abstract; Calculating and 100%

writing Region sales of Auto &

Nguyễn Trần Chí Tiến BAFNIU20439 Writing Suggestion and Editing 100%

Lê Thái BABAWE20092 Calculating and writing Home & 100%

Furniture and Aging

Nguyễn Nhữ Thảo Vy BABAIU21591 Making comments and evaluations 100%

on data, chart of Electronic category.
Prepare bar chart on total data sales
and revenue for monthly and regional


I. ABSTRACT................................................................................................ 4
II. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................... 4
III. METHODOLOGY & DATA..................................................................4
1. Auto & Accessories.................................................................................... 7
2. Electronic....................................................................................................8
3. Fashion...................................................................................................... 10
4. Home & Furniture................................................................................... 11
IV. SUGGESTION....................................................................................... 14
V. CONCLUSION........................................................................................ 14

This study aims to gain an understanding of the current status of an e-commerce company
by analyzing the sales data at three departments: sale, profit, and market. The survey collects
the e-commerce company's sales data to examine its major business performances in 2015
across four product groups: Auto and Accessories, Electronics, Fashion, and Home and
The report provides a comprehensive view of the company's sales trends, revenue generated,
and customer preferences. It highlights the key factors driving the company's success, as well
as areas for improvement. The analysis covers each department separately, providing a
detailed overview of sales, profits, and market trends.
Overall, the report offers valuable information for businesses looking to understand the
dynamics of e-commerce sales and help the company identify areas for potential
improvement and optimize its overall operations. By leveraging this data, companies can
make informed decisions about product offerings, marketing strategies, and other key
business operations.

This company is a company that trades in a variety of products in the form of wholesale and
retail. However, looking at the 2015 business report, the product sold to an average customer
is 1 to 5 products, so we have a more retail-oriented assessment of the company. The
company's products are divided into four main groups. The first is the Auto & Accessories
group, the products of this group are the accessories of the means of transport, such as Car
Seat Covers, Bike Tires, Car Mat, etc. The second is the Electronic group, which includes
equipment From smart electronics to household electrical appliances such as: Apple Laptop,
Tablet, LED, etc. The next group is Home & Furniture, with household products used a lot in
every family's life such as: Curtains , Dinner Crockery, Beds,… And the last group is Fashion
which is one of the top selling groups, and is the main source of revenue of the company.
Prominent products such as: Sneakers, T - Shirts, Fossil Watch, etc. The company's
customers come from 13 countries, including countries with developed economies such as the
United States, Germany, Australia, etc. In general, 2015 data is very well documented. Each
order is recorded with the order date, dispatch date, selling price, shipping cost, promotion,
etc. However, we will focus on analyzing the main items as “Sales & Profit of month”, “Sales
& profit of month”, “Sales & Profit of region” and consumption market. Thereby, it is
possible to accurately assess the strategic situation, the problems of the company and offer
solutions to overcome.


Methodology and Data survey was done and the sale data of an e-commerce company was
studied at three departments (sale, profit, and market) to gain an understanding of the
company's current status. This survey collects the company's sales data in order to examine

the firm's major business performances in 2015, including sales, profit, market, and revenue
analysis. The components that contribute to income are only simulated data and cannot
accurately predict the pattern in the coming years. As a result, we employ descriptive
statistics to determine the source of the company's sales and profits. Demographic questions
were included in the analysis. Fashion has the biggest revenue in the company when
compared to other categories. We'd like to compute all of the major variables depending on
the firm's data. A variable is anything that has a variable amount or quality. The survey's key
subjects will be (Research Variables: Auto & Accessories,Electronic,Fashion,Home &
Furniture). These primary variables were picked since they are the company's selling and
profit. To evaluate those characteristics, the company has a statistical table divided into levels
from low to high with no specified distance between them. As a result, all of the primary
variables have the same measurement level as categorical and the same data type as ordinal.


I- Basic analyze on total data sales by regional and monthly


Based on the given data, the sales performance of a company is represented by 13 different
regions. The total sales and profit of a company that analyzed on a regional basis to gain a
better understanding of the company's financial performance in various regions. By breaking
down sales and profit by region, businesses can identify areas where revenue and profits are
the strongest or weakest. For instance, the company may discover that the Central market
generates both higher sales and profit compared to other regions.
As per the data, the lowest sales and profit were recorded in the Canada region, with total
profits of all products worth 27,782.3 dollars, and total sales performance 60,003 dollars.
Overall, the data suggest that the Central region is the key revenue driver for the company,
while the Canada regions need improvement in sales. This information allows the company to
optimize its sales and marketing strategy in each region, as well as adjust pricing and
distribution to improve profitability.

The total sales and profits of a company can fluctuate on a monthly basis and can be
influenced by a variety of factors such as market trends, competition, and overall economic
conditions. Keeping in track with these numbers is important for the business to understand
its financial health.
By looking at these figures, it appears that the company’s sales and profit experience remain
relatively stable.

II - Analyze on each Category products:

1. Auto & Accessories

- The first category is Auto & Accessories. After calculating the sales statistics table on
that category, the statistics show that a total of 22395 products were sold. Besides, the
total selling value is $ 1,097,139.0 and the total profit earned by the company is $

1.1 Total sale and profit by month

- Below are specific statistics and charts of the total sales value as well as the total
monthly profit of Auto & Accessories products. As can be seen, the selling value in
each month did not change significantly and remained stable at about $ 88,000 to
more than $ 97,000. Regarding returns, month-to-month spreads are quite high
between $38,0000 and $43,0000. In February, the Sum of Sales was $ 85,683 and
this was also the lowest profit month with $38,447.3. The product that sold the most
and brought the highest income was in October respectively $97,347 & $43,305.

1.2 Total sales by region

- Regarding the value of products sold by region, it can be seen that Auto &
Accessories products are distributed unevenly across each region. Specifically,
through the chart, the 'sum of sales' decreases from Central to Canada. The total
selling value in the Central area is very high, up to $227,929. Meanwhile, in Canada,

this number only accounts for $10,382, with a difference from Central of $217,547.

2. Electronic

The data table above shows that the total number of products sold in the Electronic category
is 8211 products. At the end of 2015 the company's revenue was $39,738. After deducting all
expenses and capital, the company has a total profit of $174,175
Although the electronic category includes products with huge growth potential in today's
market, the figures for the electronic category over the course of 12 months have been
consistently low and much lower than the other three categories.

2.1 Total sale and profit by month

This low quantity ran over 12 months of the year 2015, and does not have significant
changes. The amount of total profit and total sales reached their peak of $15,156.7 in
December and $39,240 in October respectively. In February, total profit fell to a low point of
$12,679.4. In July, total sales hit a low of $29,644.

It is indicated that Electronics Products are not popular among consumers of the company
and it is not meeting the demand of the market. Although it does not bring a large source of
revenue to the company, its profit is always maintained at a stable level (nearly 50% of
revenue), so it is a product group with very good potential for development. As a result,
businesses can find ways to reach and promote products to consumers or just focus on
products, areas where they can get more revenue for them.

2.2 Total sale and profit by region

The graph behind shows the total profits and sales that the company achieved over the
thirteen regions.
Overall, the company generated the same sales and profits in most regions. The top three
regions in terms of sales and profit were Central, South, and EMEA. On the other hand, the
region Canada, the Caribbean, and Asia has reported the lowest profit and sales.
In short, they may need to revise their strategies such as cutting off providing products in
Canada, the Caribbean, and Asia; and at the same time trying to promote this type of product
in Central, South, and EMEA. Some possible strategies for the company are to focus on
providing quality products, competitive prices, effective marketing, and excellent customer
service to increase sales of electricity products.

3. Fashion
As can be seen in the table below, after calculating sales across the Fashion category,
statistics reveal that 92,071 products were sold in total. Additionally, the total selling price
was $5,212,097 and the business had a total profit of $2,483,852.63. When compared to the
national average, this figure is high.

3.1 Total sales and profits by months

Specifically, we have drafted the data into the Monthly sales table ( table in the left). The
figures and graph below show the total selling price and monthly profit for Fashion products.
The selling price often fluctuates little month to month and stays between $400,000 to
$453,000. But the second month's total sales were just under $400,000($397,420 in detail)
and this was the month with the lowest profit at $191,681.3 in detail. On the contrary, the
item that generated the most revenue, $216,460.3 and the most sales,$452,066 was in
December. Monthly spreads between $191,000 and $216,000 are extremely substantial in
terms of returns.

It is indicated that the products of the Fashion category are well-known for customers due to
its total number of sales and profits. Specifically, as can be seen from the right Chart, both the
sales columns and profit columns are not too fluctuating. Therefore, Fashion products can
bring a large source of revenue and profit for the company. In other words, Fashion products
can be seen as the main economic source in order to develop the company.
3.2 Total sales and profits by region
Regarding the value of products sold by region, it can be seen that Auto & Accessories
products are distributed unevenly across each region. Specifically, through the chart, the 'sum
of sales' decreases from Central to Canada. The total selling value in the Central area is very
high, up to $227,929. Meanwhile, in Canada, this number only accounts for $10,382, with a
difference from Central of $217,547.

4. Home & Furniture
The last category is Home and Furniture. After statistics, it can be seen that the total number
of products sold is 31,055 products (calculated by all products of Home and Furniture).
Besides, the total selling value is $1,319,407 and the total profit earned by the company is
$587,597.5. This is a rather high number compared to the general average.

4.1 Total sales and profits by months

More specifically, below is the statistics and chart of the total selling value as well as the
total profit by month of Home & Furniture products. In general, the selling value in each
month is not too different and remains at about $100,000 to $115,000. However, in the 2nd
month, Sum of Sales was only $97,361 and this was also the lowest profit month with
$42,988.9. The product that sold the most and brought the highest income was in July with
$119,095. In terms of returns, month-to-month spreads are quite high between $42,000 and
$53,000. The most profitable month is January with a figure of $53,274.4.

4.2 Total sales and profits by region
Regarding the value of products sold by region, it can be seen that Home and Furniture
products are distributed unevenly across each region. Specifically, through the chart, the 'sum
of sales' decreases from Central to Canada. The total selling value in the Central area is very
high, up to $278,301. Meanwhile, in Canada, this number only accounts for $11,413, with a
difference from Central of $266,888.

*Aging ( For the marketing research of the company in 2015)
Below is the aging statistics of the product category and segment. In 4 product categories
including Auto & Accessories; Electronic; Fashion; Home & Furniture, it can be seen that
Fashion occupies the highest position in all segments including consumer, corporate, and
home office. The number of consumer segments of Fashion product is 87,320, corporate is
50,555 and home office is 10,081. Meanwhile, electronics accounted for a relatively small
number in all 3 segments with 1,467 respectively; 728; and 506 in consumer, corporate, and
home office.

After the analysis processes, there are several opinions that can be confirmed:
- Fashion is the most valuable category in terms of all aspects (consumers, corporate,
home office and grand total).
- Auto & Accessories and Home & Furniture are quite stable in sles per month and
have their own favorite markets. However, the total values are dominated by Fashion
then they are basically struggling in catching up at the present and in the future.
- Unluckily, Electronics - a potential category to make profit - has the lowest total
values then can be called a failed investment of the company.
Brainstorming some methods to solve issues and promote current advantages, optimal
options can be offered are:
- Concentrating on other categories: It can be seen that the Fashion has wonderful
growth so they can leave the aside to care more about Auto & Accessories and Home
& Furniture respectively although the combination of them still can not compare to
Fashion. Therefore, the company should focus on enhancing the scale of business
(spend additional expenditures for advertisements, customers’ services and so on) and
prepare for unpredictable risks. The dangers of losing always come with chances to
have a kick-off in the sales so it can be considered as a must-try strategy at the
- Cutting off loss: Electronics is full of potential to support the company to become
Big-Cheese in the market. However, the actual results suffer them from growing and
can be called non-profit business or a failure. There are 2 ways to help it: completely
quitting producing and delivering them and switching attention to other categories or
keeping the risks for a better time (2015 was the year of massive changes in
technologies with existences of smaller, cheaper and more multi function devices and
one of simple artificial intelligence). Both ways are just the solutions based on
predictions but it may be worked for at least a few following years.
- Concerning about the depth of each category: Besides the phenomenal result, they
still can go deeper to make it more perfect. For instance, the company gets huge
differences in sales per market (some of them are too tiny compared to others). Thus,
they may do some research or surveys to understand the demand, then adjust their
products to catch up with the trend.

To sum up, after significant research and calculating the sale data, we can conclude that
based on the data features, the 4 main product groups affect the economic development of the
company more or less. Overall, The Fashion product categories gained the highest number of
both sales and profits, followed by the Home & Furniture and Auto & Accessories ranked
2nd and 3rd respectively. As a result, in order to increase the company's sales and profits, we
think they should concentrate more on other products and have specific actions and plans to
predict marketing trends.



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