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Bangladesh University of Business and Technology
DEPARTMENT OF Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)

Enhancing Brain Tumor Detection: A Machine Learning Paradigm

for Accurate and Timely Diagnosis


MD. Mizanor Rahman Jubayer Al Mahmud

ID:19202103398 Assistant Professor
Intake: 44 Section: 04 Department of Computer Science and
Engineering (CSE)
Meher Mahbub
ID: 19202103482
Intake: 44 Section: 04
Hasibur Rahman Hasib
ID: 19202103494
Intake: 44 Section: 04
Etiraz Iftikhar Niloy PROJECT SUPERVISOR
ID: 19202103503 Md. Saddam Hossain
Intake: 44 Section: 04 Assistant Professor
Mosaddik Habib Tauhid Department of Computer Science and
ID: 19202103371 Engineering (CSE)
Enhancing Brain Tumor Detection: A Machine Learning Paradigm
for Accurate and Timely Diagnosis

Brain tumor detection must be accurate and fast in order to provide effective
treatment and enhance patient outcomes. Current diagnostic approaches, however,
suffer from human error, subjectivity, and delays. The issue is inadequate detection
and categorization of brain tumors, which impedes patient care and treatment
efficacy. Our motivation is driven by the urgent need to overcome these limitations
and improve brain tumor detection. We hope to automate and optimize the diagnosis
process by building a machine learning paradigm that reduces errors and variability.
Our goal is to transform medical imaging analysis and extract new insights from
complex data, resulting in better diagnosis and comprehension of brain tumors. This
research could save lives, improve quality of life, and promote personalized
treatment options.


• Develop a highly accurate machine learning model for brain tumor detection.
• Automate the detection process to reduce reliance on manual interpretation.
• Improve the classification of brain tumor types using machine learning
• Uncover novel insights and patterns in brain tumor data through advanced
analysis techniques.
• Contribute to the advancement of medical imaging analysis and personalized
• Enhance timely diagnoses and treatment planning for improved patient

The limited accuracy of current methods, the requirement for prompt diagnoses, the
complexity of tumor classification, interpreting complex medical imaging data,
generalization across varied patient populations, and integration with current
healthcare systems are the major obstacles to improving brain tumor detection using
a machine learning paradigm. The detection of brain tumors must be improved in
terms of accuracy, efficiency, and efficacy if patient care and treatment results are to
be improved.
Addressing Complex Engineering Problems (Ps) Through This Project –
▪ P1: Depth of knowledge required
o The project requires a deep understanding of machine learning
algorithms and medical imaging analysis (K8).
o The goal is to predict brain tumor detection accurately and in a timely
manner, requiring knowledge of the intricate aspects of brain tumors
o Engineering design and development expertise (K5 & K6).
o Knowledge of engineering principles (K3) and big data analysis (K4).

▪ P2: Range of conflicting requirements

The availability of comprehensive and reliable brain tumor datasets is a
challenge, as they may be limited or contain variations and noise.

▪ P3: Depth of analysis required

Recognizing the complex factors contributing to brain tumors and integrating
them seamlessly into a unified framework requires in-depth analysis.

▪ P4: Familiarity of issues

Brain tumours are difficult to identify and classify since there is no clear
association between their many characteristics.

▪ P5: Extent of applicable codes

Estimation of brain tumor detection using various machine learning
algorithms and deep neural networks.

▪ P6: Extent of stakeholder involvement and conflicting requirements

Healthcare professionals, radiologists, and patients are among the research's
stakeholders. Each has certain needs and expectations.

▪ p7: Interdependence
Brain tumour identification can be viewed as an interconnected problem with
numerous component pieces or sub-problems. It entails comprehending the
Interplay of numerous components, Neorology and medical imaging techniques.
K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 K8

P1 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

P2 ✔ ✔ ✔

P3 ✔ ✔ ✔

P4 ✔

P6 ✔ ✔

P7 ✔

Addressing Complex Engineering Activities (As) Through This Project –

▪ A1: Range of resources
o Medical imaging scans (MRI, CT scans, etc.)
o Brain tumor datasets
o Patient records and medical history

▪ A2: Level of interaction

Significant difficulties arise when handling and analysing the temporal
features of complicated medical imaging data.

▪ A3: Innovation
Innovation is crucial in developing novel machine learning algorithms to
analyze brain tumor data effectively.

▪ A4: Consequences for society and the environment

Will improve the traffic state of the cities and save people’s time and resources
when commuting.
▪ A5: Familiarity
Increased survival rates, better patient outcomes, and lower healthcare costs
can all be brought about by improved brain tumour identification.

The research focuses on the analysis of brain tumor data using machine learning
techniques, requiring familiarity with medical imaging analysis and neurology.

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