Final Term Assignment - CCMTT

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Final Term Assignment

Attempt any one of the following:

Kindly attend any one among the 4 topics provided. You need to copy the topic in a word file
and write your assignment and then attach the document and email it to

Topic 1: What is the Montessori Method of Education and how did it originate? What is
the role of a Montessori teacher?

a) Introduction: Who was Maria Montessori, Life of Maria Montessori. (15)
b) Origin of Montessori Method, What is Montessori Method of education. (25)
c) Role of a Montessori teacher, Teacher’s Preparation (25)
d) Conclusion (10)

25 marks will be given if the project is supported with models, chart - paper, flash- cards, pictures
etc. Teaching aids should be labeled explaining briefly on what is the teaching aid about, what
material was used to prepare the aid, what is the purpose of the aid etc.

Topic 2 : What do you mean by the term "Education" and how did it originate? What are
the principles of Montessori Education and how does this approach work?
What is the role of a teacher in Montessori Approach?

a) Introduction: What is Education, Meaning of Education. (5)
b) Origin of Education, Indian and Western Concept of Education, Red den's definition of
Education. (25)
c) Principles of Montessori Education, How does Montessori Approach work. (20)
d) Role of a teacher in implementing this child-centered approach. (20)
e) Conclusion(5)
Final Term Assignment

25 marks will be given if the project is supported with models, chart - paper, flash- cards, pictures
etc. Teaching aids should be labeled explaining briefly on what is the teaching aid about, what
material was used to prepare the aid, what is the purpose of the aid etc.

Topic 3 : What do you mean by the term “EPL”? Explain the purpose of the Practical Life
activities in Montessori? Support your discussion with appropriate examples.

a) Introduction: Definition of EPL, four areas in exercises of practical life. (10)
b) Purpose of the Practical Life curriculum in Montessori (25)
c) Support your discussion with appropriate examples like what are the activities that are
done in the Montessori classroom. (30)
d) Conclusion (10)

25 marks will be given if the project is supported with models, chart - paper, flash- cards, pictures
etc. Teaching aids should be labeled explaining briefly on what is the teaching aid about, what
material was used to prepare the aid, what is the purpose of the aid etc.

Topic 4 : What do you mean by the term “Sensorial”? Explain the purpose of the
sensorial activities in the Montessori? Support your discussion with
appropriate examples.

a) Introduction: Definition of Sensorial (10)
b) Purpose of the sensorial activities in the Montessori (25)
c) Support your discussion with appropriate examples like what are the activities that are
done in the Montessori classroom. (30)
d) Conclusion(10)

25 marks will be given if the project is supported with models, chart - paper, flash- cards, pictures
etc. Teaching aids should be labeled explaining briefly on what is the teaching aid about, what
material was used to prepare the aid, what is the purpose of the aid etc.

Topic 5 : Why is writing important and how does it help us? What are the techniques for
encouraging and motivating the writers? What is the ideal way of teaching
“Reading "in Montessori schools? What role should parents play to encourage
child's reading skills?


a) Introduction: Importance of writing and how does it help us. (15)

Final Term Assignment

b) Strategies for growing young writers, Different types of writers, techniques for encouraging
and motivating them. (30)
c) Reading techniques in Montessori school, Role played by parents to develop the reading
skills of a child, Difference between spoken and written language. (30)

25 marks will be given if the project is supported with models, chart - paper, flash- cards, pictures
etc. Teaching aids should be labeled explaining briefly on what is the teaching aid about, what
material was used to prepare the aid, what is the purpose of the aid etc.

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