Courses MSC in Climate Change and Development MSCCD 2015 (2071)

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2015 (2071/2072)

Table of content

1. INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………………………
3.1. Program Entry requirement
3.2. Entrance examination
3.3. Selection
3.4. Categories of Students
3.5. Duration of Study
4.1. Content
4.2. Credit
4.3. Course Code
4.4. Instructional Method
4.5. Registration
5.1. Evaluation system
5.2. Qualifying criteria
6.1. Core Course
6.2. Elective Course

The Master of Science (M.Sc.) program in Structural Engineering is offered by
Department of Civil Engineering at Pulchowk Campus of Institute of Engineering,
Tribhuvan University. The title of program is Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Structural
To train engineers in technical and analytical skills of structural engineering with latest
methods of structural analysis and design, advanced design and material technology. The
graduates of the program will be able to
a. carry out higher studies;
b. practical as professional structural engineer in design and construction
3.1 Program Entry Requirements: In order to be eligible for admission for Master of
Science Engineering in Civil Engineering, a candidate must have:
a. A Bachelors' Degree from a Four Year Engineering Program in Civil Engineering
from Tribhuvan University and other recognized universities as well as degree
equivalent to any of the aforementioned branches of engineering.
b. Secure at least a minimum score as prescribed by the Faculty Board in the
admission test conducted by the Institute of Engineering.
3.2 Entrance Examination: The nature of entrance test will be decided by the Entrance
Examination Board of the Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University.
3.3 Selection: Candidate fulfilling the Program Entry requirements will be selected for
admission on the basis of merit based on MS-ESPM Entrance Test.
3.4 Categories of Students: Four categories of students are envisaged in this course and
they are:
a. 1. Regular fee paying students
b. 2. Full Fee paying students
c. 3. Sponsored students.
3.5 Duration of Study: The normal duration of the course for the fulfillment of the
degree is two academic year. The maximum period within which a student is allowed
to complete the course is four years. Each student must take a minimum of 60
credits. Students may take more than 60 credits but the excess credit will not be
counted for.


4.1 Contents: The courses offered in the program are classified into two groups, namely,
core courses and electives. Core courses are the ones which are fundamental in
nature and which each students of the program must learn. These courses provide
essential knowledge or pre requisite for taking up higher level courses in the area of
structural engineering. Elective courses allow the students to specifically trail them
in a particular direction, for example, in the direction of higher studies and research,
or in the direction of construction and field activity.
In addition to the courses, each student has to undertake a project thesis of 16 credits.
The project essential provides research training to the student. The students will work
on specific topic under the guidance of supervisor. The students are encourage to
think independently, to do systematic review work, to develop computer software or
to carry out laboratory experiments and present the outcome of the work in the form
of a dissertation (thesis).
4.2 Credit system: The course curriculum is organized in the overall frame work of
credit system. The prominent feature of the credit system are a process of continuous
of a student’s performance, and flexibility allow a student to progress at an optimum
pace suited to his ability and convenience. Each course has certain number of credits
which describes its weightage. The number of credits depends upon the contact hours
for the course and its work load. A course, in general, is designed for a 3 hr. lecture
contact and 1 hr. tutorial (or assignment discussion) contact per week. This is
denoted by a level (3- 1-0) indicating ‘0’ contact hr. for laboratory. The courses
having laboratory contacts will have levels like, 1-0-3 indicating 1 hr. lecture contact,
0 hr. tutorial contact and 3 hr. laboratory contact. Generally, a 3-1-0 Level Course is
assigned a credit of 4.
4.3 Course Codes: Each course offered by the institute is defined by the institute is
identified by two letters, EG, Followed by three number digit and two letters. The
first digit denotes the program and the year in which the course is normally taken.
The first digit 8 and 9 indicates the first and second year respectively of Master level
course. The second digit from 0 to 4 is used for courses offered in the first semester
and 5 to 9 for the second semester. The third digit is used to identify the particular
course. The last two letters denote the department, which offer the course.
Example: EG 802 CE Denotes the course ‘Advance Structural Analysis’ which is
offered in the first year first semester of M.Sc. Program by Department of Civil

The Course offered and Marks distribution

M. Sc. Climate Change and Development

Year : I Part I
Teaching Schedule Examination Scheme
Final Tota Remark
S. Course Assessme
Course title Credit Duration Mark l s
N. Code nt Marks
Hours s
1 Climate Science 4 40 3 60 100
2 Energy and Environment 4 40 3 60 100
3 Impact of Climate Change 4 40 3 60 100
on Sustainable
4 Climate Change Planning. 4 40 3 60 100
policy and Law
16 160 15 240 400

Year : I Part II
Teaching Schedule Examination Scheme
Final Tota Remark
S. Course Assessme
Course title Credit Duration Mark l s
N. Code nt Marks
Hours s
1 Research Methodology 4 40 3 60 100
2 Climate Change 4 40 3 60 100
Adaptation Mitigation:
Theory and Practice
3 Elective I : Climate 4 40 3 60 100
Change Economics and
Policy Analysis
4 Elective II (One to be 4 40 3 60 100
Technologies for Climate
Change Adaption and
Climate Change Impact
on Agriculture, Forestry
and Health Sectors
Climate Change Impact
on Hydropower, Transport
and Industry Sectors
16 160 12 240 400

Year : II Part I
Teaching Schedule Examination Scheme
Final Tota Remark
S. Course Assessme
Course title Credit Duration Mark l s
N. Code nt Marks
Hours s
1 Elective III (One to be 4 40 3 60 100
Community based
Urban Climate change
Low carbon and climate
resilient technology
2 Elective IV (One to be 4 40 3 60 100
Glacier melting
Sustainable Biodiversity
Management and
Climate Change Induced
Disaster and Management
Climate Change Modeling
3 Group Project 4 40 - 60 100
12 180 6 120 300

Year : II Part II
Teaching Schedule Examination Scheme
Final Tota Remark
S. Course Assessme
Course title Credit Duration Mark l s
N. Code nt Marks
Hours s
1 Case Study Seminar
2 951 ME Thesis 16 100 100

Elective : I
Teaching Schedule Examination Scheme
Final Tota Remark
S. Course Assessme
Course title Credit Duration Mark l s
N. Code nt Marks
Hours s
1 ................. Renewable Energy 4 40 3 60 100
.. System Technology

Elective : II

Teaching Schedule Examination Scheme
Final Tota Remark
S. Course Assessme
Course title Credit Duration Mark l s
N. Code nt Marks
Hours s
1 ................. Solar Thermal 4 40 3 60 100
.. Technology
2 ................. Solar PV Technology 4 40 3 60 100
3 ................. Micro-hydro 4 40 3 60 100
4 ................. Bio gas Technology 4 40 3 60 100
5 ................. Bio fuel Technology 4 40 3 60 100
6 ................. Wind Energy Technology 4 40 3 60 100

Elective : III
Teaching Schedule Examination Scheme
Final Tota Remark
S. Course Assessme
Course title Credit Duration Mark l s
N. Code nt Marks
Hours s
1 ................. Project Planning and 4 40 3 60 100
.. Management
2 ................. Operations 4 40 3 60 100
.. Research/Management

Elective : IV
Teaching Schedule Examination Scheme
Final Tota Remark
S. Course Assessme
Course title Credit Duration Mark l s
N. Code nt Marks
Hours s
1 ................. New Renewable Energy 4 40 3 60 100
.. Technologies (NRETs)
2 ................. Environmental Impacts 4 40 3 60 100
.. and Climate Change
3 ................. Energy Planning and 4 40 3 60 100
.. Management
4 ................. Energy Auditing Analysis 4 40 3 60 100
.. and Conservation
5 ................. System Integration 4 40 3 60 100
6 ................. Human Resource 4 40 3 60 100

.. Management and
Communication Skills.
7 ................. Design and Manufacturing 4 40 3 60 100
8 ................. Instrumentation and 4 40 3 60 100
. Measurement System

4.4 Instructional Methods: Every course is co – ordinate by a member of faculty of the

Department which is offering the course in a given semester. This faculty member,
called the Course Coordinator, has the full responsibility for conducting the course,
coordinating the work of other members of the faculty involved in that course,
holding the test and assignments, and awarding marks. For any difficulty the student
is encouraged to approach the course coordinator for advice and clarification. Apart
from the lectures, though which the course is delivered, a certain number of
assignments will be given in each course. Each assignment or a tutorial sheet consists
of a number of problems that covers a particular section of the course. The problems
are set in such a fashion that the students understand thoroughly the subject matters
presented in the section after solving them. Generally, 4 to 8 assignments are given
in each course. Tutorial contact hour, allotted in a course, are utilized for assignment
discussion and augmentation of lectures. Practical classes in the form of laboratory
works or computations are used to verify the concepts and to develop necessary
technical and analytical skill. The program, in general emphasizes on process of self
4.5 Registration: Every student must register and seriously attempt to complete all the
courses including project work in two years. In the first two semesters a total of 12
courses will be offered with 6 courses in each semester. Out of 6 in courses in a
semester, 4 courses in the first and 3 courses in the second semester will be from the
list of core courses; the rest will be floated from the list of elective courses. While
Core Courses to be offered in each semester are fixed, the elective courses that will
be offered in a semester may vary and depend upon the convenience of teaching, and
other administrative factors.

Students should follow following requirement:

(a) A student will normally be allowed to register for a minimum of 12 credits

and maximum 24 credits per semester.
(b) A student shall successfully complete, as a minimum requirement, the
Course Work of 12 Credits including at least 2 core courses in I semester
to be eligible to register for II semester.

(c) A student shall successfully complete, as a minimum requirement, the
Course Work of 12 Credits including at least 2 core courses in II semester
to be eligible to register for III semester.
(d) A student may register for Research Project Work (Thesis) in III semester
only after successful completion of 24 credits with at least 4 core courses
in the preceding semesters.
(e) If a student registers for Research Project Work (Thesis) in III semester,
he/she may register for a maximum of 12 credits of Course Work but not
more than 2 Core Courses.
(f) If a student registers for Research Project Work (Thesis) in IV semester,
he/she may register for a maximum of 8 credits of Course Work.

5.1 Evaluation System: The evaluation system is based on the continuous assessment
by the course teacher and the final examination. The students have to pass
individually in the assessment as well as the final examination. The minimum pass
marks for the assessment and final examination is 50%.
The percentage is calculated from the following criterion:

Depending upon the total percentage of the marks obtained, the following division
shall be awarded:
Percentage Division
80 and above Distinction
65 - < 80 % I
50 - < 65% II
>= 50 % Pass
5.2 Qualifying Criteria: To qualify for the degree of Master of Science in Structural
Engineering, a students must satisfactorily complete a program of course work
of 60 credits including an independent Research Project work (Thesis) of 16

Climate Science
 The Sun : the sun as source of energy, short wave and long wave radiation, solar
constant and its determination, total energy budget.
 Atmospheric thermodynamics : composition and structure of the atmosphere,
moisture in the atmosphere, lapse rates, temperature inversion, fumigation and
stagnations, cloud formation.
 Atmospheric radiation : physical concept of radiation, general equation of radiative
transfer, transmittance, absorption by atmospheric gases, radiative heating, scattering
of sunlight in the atmosphere.
 Atmospheric ozone : UV radiation-types and its effects, tropospheric and
stratospheric ozone and their measurement, ozone depletion, control of ozone
depleting substance.
 Radiation measurements : thermal detector, quantum detectors, radiation scales,
pyranometer, pyrheliometer, UV meters, radiation data analysis.
Energy and Environment
 Energy : sources of energy, renewable and non renewable energy, energy
consumption and conservation.
 Air quality : air pollutants; gaseous and particulates, aerosols, sink and removal of
air pollutant, air quality monitoring, emission inventory, transport and diffusion of
pollutants, dispersion models for point, line and area sources, source apportionment
studies, effects of air pollution : visibility, acid deposition, smog.
 Weather and Climate: horizontal and vertical motions in the atmosphere, mountain
meteorology, greenhouse gases, Climate change: natural change, human induced
change consequences of climate change.
 Regulations and public policies: Air Pollution and development, public policy
issues, pollution control; policy and technical options, environment policies.
Impact of Climate Change for Sustainable Development
 Social and economic tools and techniques at strategic, regional, local and site scales
in order to: analyze socio-economic policies and theory related to community
development and social planning; undertake formal and informal Social and
Economic Impact Assessment (SEIA); and prepare and implement Social Impacts
Plans (SIP) for existing operations and project proposals.
 Technical aspects of environmental and resource economics and improve their
ability to conduct technical assessments and analyses.
 Issues of Climate Change from the Perspectives of LDCs
Climate Change Planning, Policy and Law
 Interplay between policies, policy, science and planning.
 Development and nature of international environmental policy (IEP).
 Environmental policy and planning theory and practice at scales from the local,
regional to the global.
 Origins and sources of environmental laws.
 National and international environmental laws.
 International summits and Negotiations.
Research Methodology
 Introduction to research, objective of research, research design.
 Data collection system, measurement system, sampling technique, analysis of data.

 Application of GIS
 Application of various statistical tools and report writing an interpretation
Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation: Theory and Practice
 Theory , methods, tools and skills required for conducting analyses of vulnerability
and adaptation to climate variability and change (including extreme climate events);
reducing and mitigating global warming; and other environmental changes.
 Integration of disciplines, covering a range of topics, from climate science,
biophysical environmental impact to socio-economic and cultural effects.
 Theoretical and practical aspects of assessment process in relation to climate change
 Introduction to climate change mitigation: actions to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions and to enhance and protect carbon sinks.
 Integration of theoretical and practical knowledge across disciplines including
atmospheric science, environmental economics, international negotiations, risk
management, technology assessments, carbon trading schemes and policy
 Implications of policy design as well as the use of practical tools for modeling to
relationship between emissions, climate change and the economy with a framework
of sustainable development.
6.2 Elective subjects
Climate Change Economics and Policy Analysis
 Basic economics: introduction to theory of demand and supply in market, consumer
and producer behaviors, market failure due to externalities.
 Regulation of GHG in markets for goods, services and inputs.
 Net damage: theory and measurement
 Net abatement costs: theory and measurement
 Predictions of changes in demand and supply of net GHG emissions and risk
 Economic models of GHG stabilization target determination and reduction
 Cost effectiveness and economic aspects of mitigation and adaption policies.
 Macroeconomic challenges of transitioning to the carbon neutral economy and green
Technologies for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation
Technologies for Adaptation
 Sectors vulnerable to climate change
 Prioritization of vulnerable sectors
 Current status of technologies for in prioritized sectors
 Adaptation technology options and their benefits
 Technological fact sheet for selected technologies

Technologies for Mitigation
 National GHG inventory
 Current climatic variability: temperature and precipitation trend
 Mitigation options: reducing emissions, removing GHG from the atmosphere,
reducing radiative forcing.
 GHG emitting sectors and their trends
 Prioritization of Sectors for Mitigation
 Technological Fact Sheet for Selected technologies
Climate Change Impact on Agriculture, Forestry and Health Sectors
 Production Cultivation
 Vector Diseases
Climate Change Impact on Hydropower, Transport and Industry Sectors
 Rain fall pattern, Flooding, High Dam, Impact on Upstream and Downstream
 Air Pollution and Health Impact, GHG Emission, Energy Security
 Industrial Pollution, Fuel supply and demand in industries
Community Based Adaptation
 Designing and funding sustainable community based adaptation projects-
development of real project on real time.
 Planning for impact - Long frames, detailed budgets, timelines, compelling fact
sheets, monitoring & evaluation plans, outcomes and impact.
 Community focus - climate change adaptation at community level, available
adaptation tools,
 Sustainable implementation-lunching of adaptation projects, importance of
community engagement and project co-management, learning tools: monitoring &
evaluation, community empowerment.
 Urban Climate Change Management
 Classical and modern urban planning/management
 Sector wise management: solid waste, waste water, air quality
 Adaptation in modern urbanization
 Green Buildings
Low Carbon and Climate Resilient Technology
 Historical trend of GHG emissions and role of conventional GHG emitting
 Low carbon technologies: renewable energy, energy efficiency carbon sequestration/
carbon capture and storage technologies
 Effects of climate change and role of climate resilient technologies.
 Financial policies and instruments for dissemination of low carbon and climate
resilient technology.

 Socio-economic implications and challenges of low carbon and climate resilient
 Low carbon society and green growth.

Glacier Melting
 Glaciers: definition, hydrologic cycle, glacial budgets,
 Glaciers formation: ice mechanics, mechanisms of glacial movement, ductile flow,
basal slip, climatic influence.
 Types of glaciers: dry glaciers, wet glaciers, glacial budgets, zone of accumulation,
zone of ablation,
 Glacial flow : idiosyncrasies of glacial flow, surges, crevasse, processes of glacial
 Glacial sedimentation: drift, till, stratified drift, erratic
Sustainable Biodiversity Management and Technology
 Concepts and components, genetic, species and ecosystem, human population
growth and its implications on biodiversity, biodiversity indices, value of
 Conservation of biodiversity, in-situ and ex-situ conservation. Wildlife reserves in
Nepal, Earth summit and follow up action, Convention on biodiversity.
 National and global read data lists, categories of species and their management,
biodiversity prospecting, IPR of biodiversity and its products, patent production and
 Bioprospecting and conservation, biodiversity informatics, databases in biological
materials. International effects and issues of sustainability.
 Role of Technology for sustainable biodiversity.
Climate Change Induced Disaster and Management
 Cases of climate-related stress and disaster
 Theories of vulnerability and adaption
 Practice and policies designed to reduce economic loss, hunger faming and
dislocation in the face of climate trends and events.
Climate Change Modeling
 History of climate models, sensitivity, parameterization
 Energy balance models, Radiative-convective models
 Two dimensional models, models, of intermediate complexity
 General circulation modeling of the atmosphere, ocean, and cryosphere
 Land surface modeling
 Modeling of atmospheric chemistry, couple modeling
 Climate model evaluation, predictions and policy applications
 Models used for analysis of climate change mitigation and adaptation.


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