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Vidhya Sanskar School

Gokarneshwor Municipality-08, Attarkhel, Kathmandu


Grade: Ten Subject: Science

Online – Session: 16
Chapter: 16
Blood Circulation in Human Body

What is haemoglobin? Write down the composition and function of

Haemoglobin is a red coloured iron containing pigment that is present in
RBCs. It contains hemoglobin (4%) and protein part 96%.
• It helps in transportation i.e. of oxygen and CO2.
• It helps to maintain acid - base balance.

What is anaemia? State it's causes and Symptoms

Anaemia is a condition of a long- term decrease in the number of RBCs or in
the amount of haemoglobin or in both. It is mainly caused due to malnutrition
• Loss of weight and appetite
• Slow and retarded growth.
• Pale and dull colour of skin.

The person suffering from anaemia feels tired after waking short period. Why?
The person suffering from anaemia has deficiency of RBC or haemoglobin. So,
adequate amount of O2 can't be carried by the blood to release energy. As a
result, the person suffering from anaemia feels tired after walking a short period.
White Blood Corpuscles (WBC) [Leukocytes]

White Blood Cells

Granular Non- Granular

They ingest and

Neutrophills destroy Bacteria


They participate in immediate They produce

Eosinophills allergic reactions. antibodies

Basophills They secrete anti- Monocytes


They ingest non-bacterial

foreign substances during

Characters of WBC

1. They are colourless and irregular in shape.

2. They have nuclei but no haemoglobin.
3. Each cubic mm of blood contains 6,000 to 10,000 WBC.
4. They are formed in bone marrow and lymph glands and they get destroyed in liver or
5. Their lifespan is about 15 days.
6. They are directly related with immunity power. So, they act as the defense mechanism of
the body.

Functions of WBC

1. Major functions are:

o WBC fights with the disease causing organisms.
o Some of them can even kill the microorganisms that cause diseases
o Lymphocytes and monocytes build up the immune system.
More number of WBC than the normal --------> Leukaemia (Blood Cancer)
Less number of WBC than the normal ---------> Leukopenia (Loss of immunity power)

Define leukopenia and leukaemia.

Leukopenia is the condition in which there is decease in the WBC count i.e. below 4000 per mm.
of blood.

Leukaemia is a malignant disease in which the WBC count is greatly increased at the cost of
RBCs. This condition is also known as blood cancer.

WBC are called as the soldiers of the body, why ?

WBC protects the body from the attack of micro - organisms and other harmful foreign materials.
Hence, it is called as the soldiers of the body.

What are platelets (Thrombocytes) ? State it's important features.

Platlets or thrombocytes are colorless, unucleated blood cells. Features:
• They are oval, non- nucleated cells.
• Their life span is 2 to 3 days.
• They are formed in bone marrow and destroyed in spleen.
• Their number varies from 2 to 4 lakhs per cubic mm. of blood.
• They help in blood clotting.

State the function of Platlets.

Platlets help in clotting of blood during bleeding.

What is Hemophilia? Explain.

It is a genetic disease in which the blood loses its ability to from a cloth. it leads to slow &
persistent bleeding. It is a sex linked recessive disease found in males.

Define clotting or coagulation of blood.

When the blood is exposed to air due to cuts or wounds it changes into a jelly like mass as a
result of a series of changes, this process of solidification of blood is called clotting or
coagulation of blood.

What are the two proteins/ hormones that are found in platelets.
The two hormones that are found in platelets are prothrombin and fibrinogen.

S.No. Name of the Blood Shape Numbers in Life Birth and destruction Functions
Cells each cubic mm span
of blood
1. RBC Circular, biconcave, non- 45-50 lakhs About 4 Birth- Bone marrow They carry oxygen to
nucleated months Death – Liver or Spleen each cells and bring back
their carbon-dioxide.
2. WBC Colourless, Irregular and 6,000 – 10,000 About 15 Birth- Bone marrow They protect our bodies
nucleated. days Death – Liver or Spleen from different diseases.
3. Platelets Small, colourless, oval cells 2 – 4 lakhs About 2 Birth- Bone marrow They help in clotting of
– 3 days Death – Liver or Spleen blood during bleeding.

S.No. Red Blood Cells (RBC) S.No. White Blood Cells (WBC)
1. They are oval, biconcave and non 1. They are round or amoeboid and
nucleated. nucleated.
2. They are small in size. 2. They are large in size.
3. They are more in number. 3. They are less in number.
4. They are red in colour due to the 4. They are white is colour due to the
presence of haemoglobin. absence of haemoglobin.
5. They help in respiration. 5. They help in the defence of the body.

S.No. Blood Cells S.No. Plasma

1. It contains haemoglobin. 1. It does not contain haemoglobin.
2. It occurs in blood vessels. 2. It occurs in lymph vessels.
3. It is formed of blood cells like 3. It is formed of water and solid materials.
erythrocytes, leukocytes and 4. It is light yellow in colour.
platelets. 5. It acts as mediator between blood and
4. It is red in colour. body cells.
5. Its function is to transport materials
inside the body.

[End of online Session-16]

Ishor KC
Head of Department- Science
Vidhya Sanskar School
Gokarneshwor Municipality – 08,
Attarkhel, Kathmandu

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