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As a STEM student of Phinma Araullo University we all know that being

a stem student requires a good time management, because a good time
management is the key on how you survive the STEM strand.

Using SOCIAL MEDIA (platforms) helps us in many ways, it has so many

good effects to the students especially in this current time because
of the pandemic students can’t go to school that easy as how we’ve
used to be in the past 2 years.

Since the day the social media was born, it influnces so many people
to study by means of bandwagons, even in our current year 2023 social
media have become a big help to the students, because it can serve as
the tool to communicate with your teacher, classmates and friends
about a specific task that needs to be done in a given time and it can
also serve as the tool or the way to submit, share and present your
tasks that is given by a teachers, or by the professors, the social
medias can also be the one that sorts our schedules for us to have a
good time management

Social Media is not a big help only to the students but also to the
teachers, because social media helps teacher in so many ways like for
example giving a task and a materials using the messenger app and not
just that but also teacher can held a meeting by the means of the
video call feature in messenger.

It's true that social media has so many benefits when it comes to
helping students in their study and communication, however social
media always have its own adverse effects of affecting the students
ability to come up with an organized and planned time management.

Different studies were carried out to define how social media affect
students time management. Most of them agree that it steals a lot of
precious time. Students get absorbed by various platforms and lose
interest in their studies. Regardless of the purpose, they hang there,
the priorities of students strongly change.
Our time management will be destroyed or will be ruined if we get used
to using it abusively to the point that we’re addicted to it.
Social media can also have some negative effects on time management of
a student. For example, social media can be a huge time-suck if you
allow yourself to get caught up in it. It is easy to spend hours
scrolling through your newsfeed or looking at other people’s profiles.
Additionally, social media can sometimes give us a false sense of what
is really going on in other people’s lives. We may see someone’s
perfectly curated feed and think that their life is perfect when in
reality, it is not.
There are the following problems related to social media and time

 Loss of interest in studies and other spheres of life.

 Avoidance of responsibilities.
 Laziness.
 Social isolation.
 Distraction from studies.
 An inability to gain a proper concentration.
 Worsening of learning results.
 A decrease in learning abilities.

Every academic task has a clear deadline. If a student violates them,

he or she loses a lot of grades. Besides, there are different subjects
and a limited number of hours given to master the material. If they
are inattentive during their classes or even miss them, they will
never learn what is required.

Students steadily lose their grip. Their skills remain at the same
level and due to a lack of practice those skills worsen. Students
aren’t interested in any sort of academic competition and lose any
interest. Even when they try to study, they get distracted by a
continuous desire to review a few videos or send a couple of messages.
They lose the possibility to focus on any task for a long period of
time. Students become obsessed with social media and this is a real
mental deviation.

Here are some tips for managing your time when using social media:

- time limit: Set a time limit for yourself. Whether it is 15

minutes per day or an hour per week, make sure you stick to your
time limit!

- Use a timer: Set a timer for however long you want to spend on
social media, and then stick to it!

- Log out when you’re done: Pay attention to which apps are open in
the background because we tend to check them unconsciously. If
you’re not scheduled to check an app, make sure that tab is
closed or the app is in its folder. Once you’ve reached your time
limit, make sure to log out of all of your social media accounts.
This will help prevent you from getting sucked back in!

- Do something else. If you find yourself with some extra time and
the urge to hop on social media, do something else instead! Go
for a walk, read a book, or call a friend.

- Say no to notifications. flip off all your signals. You don’t

want to know on every occasion someone posts something in your
feed. it is able to wait.
- Set a social media timetable. test your apps on a schedule, now
not on a whim. allow anybody to realize you’re doing it, so they
don’t get annoyed whilst you’re taking too long to have
interaction considered one of their posts.


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