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Formative test

A. Read the text carefully to answer these following questions!

Text for 1-4
There are many arguments in favor of a boarding school education. Nevertheless, the boarding school
is not always the best education institution for everyone.
At an early age interacting and communicating with people is very important for a child’s personal life
and can be especially helpful for his/her future. In a boarding school, shy children can take advantage of
interaction through communal activities. The boarding school also offers a great variety of activities such as
arts, sports, and music that allow children to demonstrate and develop specialized skills in their free time.
Furthermore, the structured way of life and strict rules at the boarding school may helps students to get
used to a well ordered way of life. The manners and social skills will help them to become more responsible
and confident, and to develop their talents in leadership. Professionally trained teachers and educators in the
boarding school can offer excellent education without the parents’ constant supervision.
In spite of these good points, it is not advisable to send a child to a boarding school if he/she is a
dependent learner. A boarding school usually demands that student learn independently. In addition, the
boarding school should not be seen as a measure to solve inappropriate behavior or unsatisfactory study
performance. Instead of improving, problematic children may close off their relationship with their peers and
In conclusion although a boarding school may provide good education to many children, it is not recommended
for those who are strongly attached to their families. They may become frustrated and socially isolated.
1. What is the text about?
2. How many argument do you find on the text?
3. What is the third paragraph about?
4. What is the writer’s recommendation?
Text for question 5 - 8
Students’ cheating is one of the biggest problems faced by teachers nowadays.
Despite the fact that teachers advise their students not to do dishonest acts during tests, some students
still do cheating. There are many kinds of cheating that students do during the test or examination, such as
looking other students’ work, put some notes under their clothes, write notes or formulas on their desks make
hand signals or go to rest rooms to get the answers from their friends.
In my view, students who do cheating are committing a crime. It is a sort of taking something illegally.
This crime causes negative results to the students. Students who always cheat deteriorate their mental
capacity. Cheating acts also create dependence. They weaken their self confidence. Instead of preparing for
the coming test, they are busy to organize notes on a piece of paper. If this awful habit continues, the students
will lose their opportunity to develop their intellectual and mind.
Therefore, school should consider cheating as a very serious problem. School board and administration
should go hand to overcome this matter. Honesty must be put in school’s vision. Harsh punishment must be
applied to students who commit this crime.
5. What is the structure of the text?
6. “It is a sort of taking something illegally.” Paragraph 2 the word “it” refers to…?
7. What happens with the students who always cheat?
8. What should the teacher do to overcome the students who cheat?
Text for question 9 - 12
We are writing to complain about ads on TV. There are so many ads, especially during our favourite
programmes. We think they should be stopped for a number of reasons.
First, ads are nuisance. They go on for a long time and there are so many. Sometimes there seems to
be more ads than programmes.
Second, ads are bad influence on people. They try to encourage people to buy unhealthy food like beer,
soft drink, candy and chips. And they make people want things they do not really need and can not.
Finally, the people who make ads have too much say in what programmes people watch. That is because they
want to put all their ads on popular programs that a lot of people watch. Some programmes which are not so
popular get stopped because they do not attract enough ads, even though those programmes may be
someone’s favourite.
For those reasons, we think TV station should stop showing ads. They interrupt programmes. They are
bad influences on people, and they are sometimes put a stop to people’s favourite shows. We are sick of ads,
and now we mostly watch other channels.
9. What is the thesis?
10. What is the third paragraph about?
11. Write the time connectives which you find on the text!
12. What is the purpose of the text?
B. Answer the following questions to make a hortatory exposition!
Paragraph 1
13. What is bullying
14. Is that impact bad or good effect to the students?
15. According to you, how many bad effect of bullying to the students’ mental?
Paragraph 2
16. What is those bad effect?
17. Why can it be?
Paragraph 3
18. According to you, how it can be solved?

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