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jl)il'> ):J. i11i1'>

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or by any means without permission in writing from the publisher.

If we may assist you in learning more about i1)i1') p i1)i1') (Yahweh Ben Yahweh)
and the Nation of i1)i1') (Yahweh), please write us without obligation:

PEESS Foundation
P. 0. Box 1768
Seguin, Texas 78155
email -yahweh

Printed in the United States of America

Shalom Aleichem. I am the Grand Master of the Celestial Lodge, Ar-
chitect ofthe Universe, the Blessed and Only Potentate, and I am the Founder
of the Nation of i11iP, True Holiness and Righteousness, the Kingdom of
Shalom, which is the most powerful knowledge ofpeace in existence.
Table of Contents

About the Author ............................................................................................................................ i

Dedication ..................................................................................................................................... iii
Acknowledgments ........................................................................................................................ iv

Introduction ......... .... ... .. ..... .... .. ..... ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ........ ... ... .. .. ..... ........... .. ... ... ... ...... ........ ............. ... I
Restoring a People to Their Land ...... .. .. .. .. ........ ........ .. .... .... ... ......... ... ..... ... ... ... ... ............... ....... .... 3
Return to the Knowledge of i11il') ............................................................................................... 11
Good Men In Hell........................................................................................................................ 15
The "Oh Help Me Lord" Attitude................................................................................................ 19
My Man: i11il') ............................................................................................................................ 23
You Do Not Know What Love Is ................................................................................................ 29
How To Have Plenty .................................................................................................................... 35
What Does Good Mean to You? .................................................................................................. 45
i11il') 1::1. i11il') Is Our Regenerator ............................................................................................ 49
The Feast of Weeks Is Designed to Make You Rich .................................................................... 59
The Shepherd of Good Is Here .................................................................................................... 67
Sow Heavenly Seeds .................................................................................................................... 75
Before You Reap the Harvest, You Must Sow ............................................................................. 83

Your Enemies Changed the Times and the Seasons .................................................................... 91

Knowledge of the Feast of Weeks ............................................................................................. 105
Remember, You Were A Bondman in Egypt ............................................................................. 121
Adam: The Son of il1il'> ........................................•.................................................................. 129
What Language Did il1il'> Teach Adam? ................................................................................... 137
Rejoice! .... ..... ... .... .... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... .. ... ..... .. ... .. .. .. ... .. ... .. ..... ... .. .. ... ... .. ... .. ... ..... .. .. ... ...... .. ... .. . 145
Scriptural References ................................................................................................................. 153
General Index............................................................................................................................. 157
Concordance of il1il'> and il1il'> 1::1 il1il'> .. ... .. ... .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. ... .. ... ... .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. ... .. .. ... . .. .. .. . ... 177

lllustrations ... ............ ... .... .... .. .... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ..... .. ..... .. ... .. ... .... .. ... .. ... ... .. .. ... ..... ... .. ... .... ... 107, 108
About the Author

i11i1') )J. i11i1') (YAHWEH BEN YAHWEH) was born October 27, 1935, in
Kingsfisher, Oklahoma.

He received a Bachelor's Degree from Phillips University, Enid, Oklahoma;

a Master's Degree in Economics from Atlanta University, Atlanta, Georgia; and studied
law at Oklahoma University.

i11i1') )J. i11i1') (YAHWEH BEN YAHWEH) was a tactical instructor while
serving in the United States Air Force. He received an honorable discharge.

i11i1') )J. i11i1') (YAHWEH BEN YAHWEH) came to Miami, Florida, alone in
1979 to become the Spiritual Leader and Founder of The Nation ofi11i1') (YAHWEH).
Although He took a vow of poverty that same year, within 7 years He guided the
Nation and those who followed His teachings and principles to amass an economic
empire in Miami and throughout the United States worth over $250 million.

Under His direction, the Nation of i11i1') (YAHWEH) has grown to encompass
disciples, followers, and supporters in over 1,300 cities within the United States and

16 foreign countries: such as, Ghana, Nigeria, Great Britain, Canada, and the Carib-
bean. The University of il1il') (YAHWEH), for which He established the curriculum,
and for which He has received great acclaim in educational excellence, currently has
locations in both Miami, Florida and Atlanta, Georgia.

il1il') )J. il1il') (YAHWEH BEN YAHWEH) is bringing about changes in the

lives of individuals by causing them to take a different approach to life. This

approach is based on the Scripture which reads, "It is more blessed to give than to

il1il') )J. il1il') (YAHWEH BEN YAHWEH) is here giving. That which He is
giving cannot be measured in terms of monetary wealth. il1il') )J. il1il') (YAHWEH
BEN YAHWEH) is giving the world the keys to success in life-politically,
economically, educationally, socially, and spiritually.


This book is dedicated to the spiritual

resurrection of the righteous people of the
Earth and to the establishment of the King-
dom of Shalom--the Kingdom of God, i1li1~.


I will forever thank My Father, il'lil'), for the dedicated

people whose tireless efforts have contributed toward the
completion of this book.
"The Lord, il'lil'), gave the word: great was the com-
pany of those that published it" (Psalm 68:11).
May il'lil') keep and guide you. Always remember that
il'lil') loves you and so do I, il'lil') )J. il'lil').

Abigail Naomi Israel

Abiyah Hadassah Israel
Carmel Israel
Marge' ah Israel
Shalisha llana Israel
Y'Deedaw Israel


This book is about The Nation of illil\ the Nation of Israel, the Tribe of Judah.

It is designed to teach you about the ''true" history of the so-called Blacks of America,

who are bondmen in Egypt (America). I pray that you will read this book with an

open mind to "receive" the Word of illil).

What a blessing to be alive this day. Many prophets desired to see this day,

according to Luke, Chapter 10, verses 23-24, which reads:

23 "And he turned him unto his disciples, and said privately, Blessed
are the eyes which see the things that ye see:

24 For I tell you, that many prophets and kings have desired to see
those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those
things which ye hear, and have not heard them. "


Thousands are searching for this knowledge, but they are bound by those who are

uncommitted to the program of i1)i1'). Now if you understood what I just said, you

would really rejoice. I pray that I will help you to have a better understanding as you

read this book.

Chapter One

Restoring a People to Their Land

Why should the so-called Blacks of America celebrate the Feast of Weeks?

As The Nation of illil\ The Nation of Israel, the tribe of Judah, we are commanded

to keep the Feast of Weeks, according to Deuteronomy, Chapter 16, verses 9-12:

9 "Seven weeks shalt thou number unto thee: begin to number the
seven weeks from such time as thou beginnest to put the sickle to the

10 And thou shalt keep the feast of weeks unto the LORD thy God,
i11i1\ with a tribute of a freewill offering of thine hand, which thou
shalt give unto the LORD thy God, i11i1\ according as the LORD thy
God, i11i1\ hath blessed thee:

11 And thou shalt rejoice before the LORD thy God, i11i1\ thou, and
thy son, and thy daughter, and thy manservant, and thy maidservant,
and the Levite that is within thy gates, and the stranger, and the
fatherless, and the widow, that are among you, in the place which the


LORD thy God, illil\ hath chosen to place his name there.

12 And thou shalt remember that thou wast a bondman in Egypt: and
thou shalt observe and do these statutes. "

There is a LAND without a people, and a people without a LAND. What do I mean

by this? Just that. There is a land that belongs to a people who have no knowledge

of the reality that this land belongs to them. They have no idea where it is, its value,

nor the giver of this land. They have no knowledge that this land is their inheritance,

as promised in Genesis, Chapter 17, verse 8 and Exodus, Chapter 32, verse 13:

8 "And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the LAND
wherein thou art a stranger, all the LAND of Canaan, for an
everlasting possession; and I will be their God, illil'). "

13 "Remember Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, thy servants, to whom

thou swarest by thine own self, and saidst unto them, I will multiply
your seed as the stars of heaven, and all this land that I have spoken
of will I give unto your seed, and they shall inherit it for ever. "

There are a people who have no knowledge that they have a land. Both are

without each other: the land is without the people, and the people--having no

knowledge of the land--are without the land, though it belongs to them. The people

to whom this land belongs are the richest people in the universe, yet they are suffering


from the worst poverty. The people to whom this land belongs have the power to

move mountains, yet they are powerless. The people to whom this land belongs have

the power to employ the world, yet they are the highest unemployed. The people to

whom this land belongs are bondmen in Egypt (America).

The people to whom this land belongs have the power to lead and teach the

world, and yet other nations are teaching their children. Amazing! The people to

whom this land belongs have the power to set the trends of style in clothes and in

culture in the world, yet they are following the trends of everybody else. The people

to whom this land belongs are to be exalted above all the people upon the planet

Earth, yet they are the lowest of the low--even beneath the basest of men.

The people to whom this land belongs have a light to shine to the world, and

yet they are walking in darkness. The people to whom this land belongs have more

than enough to give to the world and not run out, yet they are the world's greatest

beggars. The people to whom this land belongs were once the world's greatest

warriors, but today, they are the world's greatest cowards. TIDS IS WHAT THE




The people to whom this land belongs have the power to feed the world, yet

they go to bed hungry. Something is wrong with a people who have all the power to

be the most positive, and yet they are the world's greatest negative. This is the

condition of the so-called Black man of America. The people to whom this land

belongs are chosen to rule the world for ever, and yet they cannot rule their own

households: they cannot rule their wives or husbands nor their children. The people

chosen to rule the world cannot rule their own neighborhoods; cannot rule their own

communities. The people to whom this land belongs have been chosen to rule the

world, as written in 1 Chronicles, Chapter 28, verse 4:

"Howbeit the LORD God, i11i1\ of Israel chose me before all the
house of my father to be king over Israel for ever: for he hath chosen
Judah to be the ruler; and of the house of Judah, the house of my
father; and among the sons of my father he liked me to make me king
over all Israel":

The people who are chosen to rule the world are bondmen in Egypt (America)--and,

therefore, are unable to rule anything.

The same people who do not know who gave them this LAND are the same

people who do not know who gave them the power to rule the world for ever. The


people to whom this LAND belongs, and do not know it, are the same people who are

rich, yet they are suffering from poverty, as described in Revelation, Chapter 2, verse


"I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich)

The people to whom this LAND belongs are ignorant of their history, culture,

language, name, land, God, and destiny.

If My people, the so-called Black people of America, knew about the Feast of

Weeks and understood it, there would not be room in any city for the people. I did

not say a building, I said in any "city." There would not be room in "any" city from

the press of the people, as recounted in Luke, Chapter 8, verse 19:

"Then came to him his mother and his brethren, and could not come
at him for the press."

And you ask, "Why am I suffering"? You are suffering because you do not celebrate

the Feast of Weeks. It is as simple as that. Why are you catching hell in America?


CELEBRATE THE FEAST OF WEEKS. That is why. It is just that simple.


Now anytime you can get rid of hell through a "celebration," it means you do

not know how to celebrate. You pretend you like celebrations: You celebrate the

New Year, Thanksgiving, Halloween, and Christmas. You celebrate Valentine Day,

Mother's Day, Father's Day, and Easter. You also celebrate May Day, Fourth of July;

before school, between school, and after school; birthdays and anniversaries--all

kinds of anniversaries: Mother and father's anniversary, your wedding anniversary,

church's anniversary, pastor's anniversary. All of these anniversaries cost you

money. You even celebrate Labor Day. As a matter of fact, all year long you are

celebrating something, but these celebrations do not make you rich. All of your

celebrations make you poor. You spend big money on all of these celebrations. All

of these celebrations are designed to keep you as a bondman in Egypt (America).

The Feast of Weeks is about celebrating your riches. The Feast of Weeks is

about celebrating your income. The Feast of Weeks is about celebrating your

bountiful harvest. The Feast of Weeks is about celebrating and having so much that

you will have a plentiful offering to bring. Now you tell Me which celebration

makes the most sense: the Feast of Weeks where you have plenty and can give in

abundance and it does not deplete your plenty? or all these celebrations I just



il)il') has set up the Feast of Weeks where you celebrate the vastness of your

income. Now if you do not have plenty of money, then you do not know how to

celebrate. Therefore, you need to let Me teach you how to celebrate. The Feast of

Weeks is about coming to celebrate what il)il') has blessed you with. If you do not

have plenty of money to give, and you have not been blessed in abundance, then that

means you have not learned how to celebrate.

The Feast of Weeks is a law, and Joshua, Chapter 1, verse 8, tells you that if

you study the LAW and meditate in the LAW of the Feast of Weeks, you will have

a plentiful harvest, and it reads:

"This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou
shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do
according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy
way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. "

If you do not have plenty, then you are not keeping the law of the Feast of Weeks,

and you are not MEDITATING in the LAW day and night. When you study this

law and meditate in it--research all the facts about the Feast of Weeks, understand the


"nature" of the Feast of Weeks, and apply all of this knowledge of the Feast of

Weeks--then you cannot help but have plenty!

If you did not plant any seeds or if the seeds you planted did not germinate,

then you are failing to keep the law of the Feast of Weeks. The Feast of Weeks is a

celebration of your past work. Of course, you can celebrate in America without

working. You just say, "It is the Fourth of July," and then you go buy some ribs,

which cause you to get sick, go blind, have gout, have high blood, low blood, and so

on, and celebrate. The celebrations that you have been keeping cause you to eat foods

that kill you. You did not do anything to earn the Fourth of July. In fact, when they

came up with the Fourth of July, you were in slavery. Being dependent, I do not

know why you are celebrating independence. TIDS LAND BELONGS TO YOU,


SUFFICIENCY AND INDEPENDENCE; yet, you are the most dependent: You are

a bondman in Egypt (America). But if you study the law of the Feast of Weeks, then

you will become the boss; you will be the employer!

Chapter Two

Return to the Knowledge of il1il'

In order to celebrate the Feast of Weeks, you must first come back into the

possession of the "knowledge" of your God, whose name is i11i1'). This is the work

you must do before you can celebrate the Feast of Weeks. Otherwise, you will just

be attending. When you come into the knowledge of your God, i11i1'), and learn about

Him, then you will go to work for Him. If you do not go to work for Him, then you

have no faith, because faith without WORKS is dead, according to James, Chapter

2, verses 20, 26:

20 "But wilt thou know, 0 vain man, that faith without works is

26 "For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works
is dead also. "


Dead counts for nothing, and that is how you will come to the Feast of Weeks--with

nothing. Obviously, you are working for the wrong man. You are born to work for

a Man that will give you everything; but, instead, you are working for a man that is

taking all you have.

When you study the law of the Feast of Weeks, you will become self-

employed. The law of the Feast of Weeks requires you to own your LAND. i1liP

gave your patriarchal father, Abraham, LAND, like all other nations have land. This

fact is recorded in Genesis, Chapter 17, verse 8 and Genesis, Chapter 13, verses 14-


8 "And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land
wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an
everlasting possession; and I will be their God. "

14 "And the LORD, il1il\ said unto Abram, after that Lot was
separated from him, Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place
where thou art northward, and southward, and eastward, and

15 For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy
seed for ever. "

So, if you do not have any land, then all you have to do is go to work for your Father,


i1li1'), and I guarantee you, He will bless you. In fact, He has already blessed you,

but you just do not know how to "take" possession of your blessing. Yes, when you

study the law of the Feast of Weeks, you will learn how to "come" into possession.

And you won't need a gun for this, but you will have to WORK.

You cannot get something for nothing. It is based on previous works: you

have to get the land ready to receive the seed. And then you have to have the

blessings of Someone who has control over the rain. You also need the blessings of

Someone who has control of the seasons. Yes, you have to have the blessings of

Someone who has enough intelligence to give you rich land, rich soil so when you

plant your seed, it will germinate. That Someone is i1li1'), according to Leviticus,

Chapter 26, verse 4 and Ezekiel, Chapter 34, verses 26-27:

4 "Then I will give you rain in due season, and the land shall yield
her increase, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit. "

26 "And I will make them and the places round about my hill a
blessing; and I will cause the shower to come down in his season;
there shall be showers of blessing.

27 And the tree of the field shall yield her fruit, and the earth shall
yield her increase, ... "

Chapter Three

Good Men In Hell






CERTAIN WOMB, as written in John, Chapter 3, verses 4-7:

4 "Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is

old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be

5 i1,i1., p i1,i1., answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a

man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the
kingdom ofi1,i1'.


6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of
the Spirit is spirit.

7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again."

Of course, you know you cannot enter into your mother's womb again, but you can

enter into My womb. I understand that you do not understand what I am talking

about. I understand that you are terrestrial; but if you have been born again, then you

understand Me.

When you enter into My womb, just like in your mother's womb, the head has

to be formed first, and I am working on the head. I am calling for a certain man. I

am not after bodies. I am not after every body. No, it is not time. I will get every

body in time. But now is not the time. I am after a ''particular" man. And there are

not many of these men on the planet: They are limited to 144,000, according to

Revelation, Chapter 7, verse 4:

"And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were
sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the
children of Israel. "

Now these 144,000 have to be of a certain type of man--called a GOOD MAN. But


the GOOD MAN is blind to his goodness. He is living a bad life. Oh, yes, the

GOOD MAN does not understand his condition.

Before you can change from your present status to a heavenly and rich status,

you have to first understand your condition. The Feast of Weeks is a heavenly

condition--a condition where you have a plentiful, rich, and bountiful harvest; where

you have so much you can bring riches to i11i1~ and feel no pain. That is Heaven

when you can be so rich that you can give and feel no pain; you can be joyous about

giving and have plenty left over. It is painful to want to give and cannot give what

you want to give. That is hell. You have to understand your condition.

Do you want to go to Heaven? What does that mean? It means that if you

want to go there, then you are not already there. If you are not in Heaven, then what

are you in? You are in hell! You are a bondman in Egypt (America). This is your

condition. Oh, yes, TIDS IS A MIND TIDNG. When your mind is in hell, you will

find that your surroundings--your physical conditions--are not quite like you want

them to be: You are supposed to be riding in a Towncar; but instead, you will be

catching the bus. You are supposed to be riding around in a chauffeured limousine,


but instead your chauffeur will be the bus driver who works for the transit company.

Do you understand the mystery? You are in hell. But you read in Joshua, Chapter 1,

verse 8 that if you meditate in the LAW of the Feast of Weeks, day and night, you

will be able to make your way successful and you will be prosperous--without a

problem. Isn't that something?

You said you want to go to Heaven. Why are you not in Heaven? You are not

in Heaven because you do not know how to get there. Wouldn't you like to be in

Heaven if you knew how to get there? Some people are scared to go to Heaven.

Some people do not want to go to Heaven because they do not know what Heaven is.

You do not understand Heaven. You do not have a concept of Heaven. Isn't that

something? There is nothing like having a concept of what you want to do and where

you want to go.

Would you like to be a millionaire? Having a million dollars is easy. A

million dollars is chump change, but the American dream is to be a millionaire.



Chapter Four

The "Oh Help Me Lord" Attitude

The Feast of Weeks is about celebrating big time money. You think it is a

trick. If you received a million dollars, you would be in a trick: Just about everybody

in the country could trick you out of it. As a matter of fact, you would trick yourself

out of it. You would not need a con man, you would con yourself out of it. Thirty

days from the time you received the million, you would not have a nickel, because all

of a sudden the house or apartment you are living in would be too small.

I have seen condominiums that sell for 1.5 million dollars. You could not even

move in with your million. You would be $500,000 short! And, yet, you have said

in your mind, "Uh huh, if I had a million dollars, it would solve my problems." You

could not even move into certain neighborhoods with that little chump change. If it


was a million-dollar condominium, you would put all of your million dollars down

on the condominium, and walk into darkness: You should have bought a cheaper

house so you could have turned the lights on.

You do not know about money, or you would be bringing a million dollars to

the Feast of Weeks. "What? Man, I would not be bringing it to the Feast of Weeks."

That is why you cannot get it. You do not want to give "God" anything. You just

want "God" to give you something. "Oh, Lord, help me today." You never say

anything about what you want to give the "Lord." That is why you do not have

anything. That is why the "Lord" does not listen to you.

Isaac was smarter than you: Isaac went to a country broke--did not have a

nickel, but he came out rich. People are programmed to just beg God. And if God

does not give them what they want, they get angry at God. They do not want to pray

to God any more. "I'm not serving you no more, God. I asked You for something

and You didn't give it to me. Well, that's alright, then I'll hustle for myself. If You

don't want to give it to me, I won't pray to You any more." Do you know some

people who are like this? God hates to see them coming. He is tired of hearing,

"Well, Lord, it is me once more and again, down on bended knees, 'begging' You


once more, Lord ..." They think God is a Santa Claus. They get on their knees with

a "want" list. They do not want to work. When you study the law of the Feast of

Weeks, you will learn that you must do a "previous" work in order to be able to

celebrate the Feast of Weeks. You want a God that will "give" you everything.

This whole country goes to church. There are churches on every comer. In

fact, the best looking buildings in most neighborhoods are churches. People go to

church, and they pray to a God that does not want to see them nor hear them talking

to Him: "Oh, Lord, if you just help me through this, I will be so grateful." And when

a little check comes, they shout, and forget all about God. They go and give their

checks to the same people who always get their money.

Chapter Five

My Man: il1il')

You want God to give you money so you can give it to people who are going

to use it to oppress you, to keep you as a bondman in Egypt (America). You do not

know what to do with money. God just sits back and just looks at you, knowing you

are rich, but you do not know it.

Now Isaac, when he went to a land broke, he had studied the law of the Feast

of Weeks: He said, "I want to be able to celebrate the Feast of Weeks, il'lil'). I'll tell

You what, if You bless me, I promise You a tenth first--up front." il'lil') gave him

some seed to test him. And I read that Isaac sowed in that land, and il'lil') blessed him

a hundredfold, as recorded in Genesis, Chapter 26, verse 12:

"Then Isaac sowed in that land, and received in the same year an


hundredfold: and i11i1'> blessed him. "

Can you imagine getting a hundred dollars back for every dollar you put up and

you were broke yesterday? I am talking about illil'). This is the way illil') blesses

you. I came to Miami broke. I did not have any money. And in just a few short

years, I guided The Nation ofillil') to amass over 250 million dollars .. The nation has

been blessed over a hundred million fold. How would you like to be blessed over a

hundred million fold? You are scared of a million.

I am giving you information now on the way out from your oppressor--out from

being a bondman in Egypt (America). IN ORDER TO BE SET FREE FROM


ON A NEW MIND: Give up the false god that you have been taught to pray to with

a want list, who lets you languish in hell without, and come to the true and living

God--the same God who is blessing Me, whose name is illil'). You need to know My

Man. Do you understand the mystery? Your man is not doing for you what My Man

is doing for Me. Now the greatest blessing that I can bestow upon you is to introduce

you to "My" Man. What is the advantage of Me introducing My Man to you? The

advantage is My Man is ready to do for you what He is doing for Me.

MY MAN: il,il.,

When I was first introduced to My Man, I did not have any money. I said, "A

million dollars is easy." So, My Man showed Me how to get a million, ten million,

twenty million, and more for the nation. This was published in the newspaper. They

said, "Well, you know, Yahweh is worth two million now; now He is worth four

million; now He is worth twenty million," and they kept going up.

I am talking about My Man. My Man's name is illiP. My Man is wonderful

to Me, that is why I am testifying. My Man is so good, I do not want to keep Him to

Myself. I want to share Him with all who would like to have what My Man is doing

for Me. You can have it! Try My Man. Praise illil')!

Now if your man is doing for you what My Man is doing for Me, then you

ought to be happy. But if you need what My Man is offering, I am willing to

introduce you to Him. Everyone who has met My Man and accepted My Man's

teachings is following His prescription. My Man has a PRESCRIPTION that I

follow. If you are willing to follow a prescription of a doctor and do not know what

is in the prescription, and take it anyway, then you certainly ought to be willing to try

My Man's prescription. Why? Because My Man is the Doctor of all the doctors.


Praise i11i1')!

Now you know how you are. You say, "I am sick, I am suffering from this,

this, and this. Do you know a good doctor?" And if any one of your friends tells you

that there is a good doctor on a particular street, what are you going to do? You are

going to go to that doctor! And what are you going to do when you meet him? You

are going to follow his recommendation. You are programmed like that, but you are

not programmed to want to meet i11i1'). My Man, i11i1\ is God of all gods, and He is

seeable. You can see Him, talk to Him, and touch Him~ and evenmore, you can

reason with Him as well as have a good time with Him.

One of My Man's prescriptions is the Feast of Weeks. You are unprepared to

celebrate the Feast of Weeks. You have to work to get ready. And if you will be a

faithful worker between now and the next Feast of Weeks, you will have a plenteous

harvest. If you are terrestrial, you do not understand what I am talking about.

Though you may not understand, yet if you want what My Man offers and you want

to meet My Man, you can. My Man says that if you work for Him, He will bless you;

and His blessings will make you rich; and He will also add no sorrow with it,

according to Proverbs, Chapter 10, verse 22, which reads:

MY MAN: il,il'>

"The blessing of the LORD, il,il'>, it maketh rich, and he addeth no

sorrow with it. "

This is what My Man promises, and He wrote it in the Book. I am here to bear

witness, through My works, that My Man will do what He said He would do.

My Man will change you from a dispossessed person to a possessor of the

world. This is the kind of power My Man has. I am His Son. My Man is the


thought you would like to know His name and know My name. I just thought I would

introduce Myself to you. My Man is My Father. And My Father's name is illil').

Now since I am His Son, what do you think My name is? What would it have to be?

It would have to be the same as My Father's: illil') )!1 illil') (Yahweh the Son of

Yahweh). If I had another name, He could not be My Father, as verified in John,

Chapter 5, verse 43 and John, Chapter 10, verse 30:

43 "/am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if

another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive. "

30 "/and my Father are one."

And you can rest assured, like Father--like Son. Hallelu illil').

Chapter Six

You Do Not Know What Love Is

You do not have to be jealous of Me being the Son of il1il'). Now let Me tell

you why you do not have to be jealous. My Father, il1il'), gave Me all power; and He

gave Me all authority to go with it, to execute any judgment I will. This is affirmed

in Matthew, Chapter 28, verse 18 and John, Chapter 5, verse 27:

18 "And i11i1' p i11i1' came and spake unto them, saying, All power
is given unto me in heaven and in earth. "

27 "And hath given him authority to execute judgment also, because

he is the Son of man. "

The reason you do not have to be jealous of Me being "the" Son of il1il') is because


proclaimed in John, Chapter 1, verse 12:


"But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the

sons ofi1'li1', even to them that believe on his name":

What reason would I have, among the infinite ones, to give you power to

become a son of i11iP? It is because it is pleasant for brethren to dwell together in

unity, according to Psalm, Chapter 133, verse 1:

"Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell

together in unity!"

It is a pleasant thing. I get great pleasure out of you being rich as I am. Isn't that

wonderful of Me? I do not have to, but that is My good pleasure. The Kingdom

belongs to Me, and it is My good pleasure to give you the Kingdom, according to

Luke, Chapter 12, verse 32:

"Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give
you the kingdom. "

But you have to be willing to work for i1)i1'); you have to qualify. What is the

basic qualification? The basic qualification is to be good, which is saying something

you really do not understand. You have no knowledge and no understanding of good.

You do not know "how" to do good. So when I make a statement that all you have


to do is be good, you will say, "Yes," but your mind will just draw a blank. As I

stated, when it comes to doing good, you have no knowledge nor understanding,

according to Jeremiah, Chapter 4, verse 22:

"For my people is foolish, they have not known me; they are sottish
children, and they have none understanding: they are wise to do evil,
but to do good they have no knowledge. "

You have been programmed all of your life to do bad. Everything you do is

bad. You do bad to yourself, so I know you do bad to your husband or your wife,

your girlfriend or boyfriend. You do bad to your children. You do bad to everybody.

You do not know anything else: you are just bad. And you make statements like, "I

'try' to be good. Forgive me, baby, I will do better next time. I will be 'more' good.

Forgive me, I'm sorry." You have been programmed to be sorry all of your life. A

man does not know how to be good to a woman, and that is why she won't do him

good. As a matter of fact, she does not know "how" to be good to a man. And even

if you do everything you know to be good to each other, neither one of you will be


You fall in love with a person and you think you will just die if you have to live


without that person. After a year together, you feel like you will die if you have to

stay together. Sometimes you even wish you had died before you met. You make

each other's life so miserable. How sad. And then you will say, "I will never fall in

love again. You will never make my heart pump." You put a steel fence around it.

"You will never get inside my heart, I'll bet you that." What are you saying now?

You are saying that you will never show love. "The last time I gave out love, I got

hurt. I fell in love and got burned." Have you ever fallen in love and got burned?

Do you know why? It is because you did not and still do not know what love is.

What you fell in was a serious trap, and traps hurt.

What you really had was a "serious" case of lust. It was a serious case. You

were confused. You wanted to be with whomever because their legs were bowed.

You loved the way they wiggled when they walked. You loved that bounce. I mean,

they had the bounce that just turned you on. You all got married, and arthritis set in--

the love left, and you went looking for a new bounce. You do not know how to love.

You do not know how to give. You cannot enter Heaven without love. You have

never been taught "how" to love.

You have been taught how to hate. As a matter of fact, you hate everybody.


You really do. Sometimes you just hate to look at people. You hate to get up. You

hate to go to work. You hate the food on the table. You hate the car you drive. You

hate the boss. You hate the supervisor. You hate your mama: You hate that woman.

You hate your daddy: You hate that man. You hate your brothers and your sisters

and your cousins and your nieces. You hate your husband. You hate your wife. You

hate your kids. You just hate everybody. You know how to hate, too. You can curse

somebody out real tough. You can use some vicious language when you speak

hatefully: I mean you can lay back and put your hands on your hips and curse for


You cannot talk as long with love as you can with hate. All you can say about

love is, "I love you, baby." "Do you love Me?" "Yes, I love you." You know what

is next, right? "Prove it! Prove it!" After that, there is not much talk. After that little

"minute" exercise, you spend the rest of the day looking at each other funny. You do

not want to talk to each other any more. You will spend half the day asking, "What

is wrong with you?" "Nothing." "What did I do?" "Nothing." "Well, what can I do

for you, baby?" "Nothing, just leave Me alone!" You leave them alone--"Where are

you going?" It goes on and on.


When you study the law of the Feast of Weeks and learn how to give, who to

give to, who to work for, and how to work, then you can celebrate the Feast of

Weeks with plenty. When you do not have plenty, your celebration is not the same

as when you have plenty. It is hard to rejoice when you are hungry. Rejoicing is not

on your mind after you have not eaten for a week. What is on your mind? Obviously,

food is on your mind. So if you do not have plenty, you will be celebrating kind of

empty like--something will be missing. You must study the law of the Feast of

Weeks so when you attend, you will have plenty.

Chapter Seven

How To Have Plenty

What you learn from studying the law of the Feast of Weeks will help you to

be ready for the Ingathering, that is, the Feast of Tabernacles. I AM HERE TO


You love to party, but partying means you spend money. You never go to a

party to learn how to make money. Everything you are programmed to do takes from

you. But when you meet Me, I am teaching about how to have plenty, and this is

foreign to your ears, strange to your mind, and seems like a fantasy because you have

been taught to think failure rather than "success."

Now Jeremiah, Chapter 2, verse 7 reads:


" And I brought you into a plentiful country, to eat the fruit thereof
and the goodness thereof; but when ye entered, ye defiled my land,
and made mine heritage an abomination."

My heritage is a plentiful country--a country with plenty. This is My heritage.

You were suffering in a land, and I brought you out of that land, as recorded in

Deuteronomy, Chapter 6, verse 21:

"Then thou shalt say unto thy son, We were Pharaoh's bondmen in
Egypt; and the LORD, i1'li1\ brought us out of Egypt with a mighty

I am offering to bring you out now. I have brought some out. I brought you out of

the land of Egypt. I brought you out of that land to this Iand--a plentiful country, full

of fruit trees, ripe and good for the body. Everything in the country was good. And

what did you do? You did not have a mind prepared for a good country.

When I brought you out of Egypt under Pharaoh, I brought your body

out, but your mind remained in Egypt. Study your history. Now the lesson to be


AMERICA WITH YOUR AMERICAN MIND-SET. In other words, there is no

need for Me to give you a million dollars with the mind you have right now


because you are not going to do good with it. How do I know? I know because no

where in your history have you done good with what I have given you. You have a

6,000-year record of doing bad.

I had you in Heaven and you listened to Lucifer, according to Revelation,

Chapter 12, verse 9:

"And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the
Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out
into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. "

You chose bad Lucifer over good. I gave you another chance down here on Earth.

I had you in the Garden of Eden--Heaven. The only work you had to do in the

Garden was to DRESS and to KEEP it good, according to Genesis, Chapter 2, verse


"And the LORD God, il,il\ took the man, and put him into the
garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. "

Keep it good. The serpent, the Devil, came in and whispered in your mind. And as

a result, you messed up the Garden, and got kicked out, which is described in

Genesis, Chapter 3, verses 1, 17, and 23:


1 "Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which
the LORD God, i1li1\ had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea,
hath God, i1li1\ said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?"

17 "And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the
voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded
thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy
sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life";

23 "Therefore the LORD God, i1li1\ sent him forth from the garden
of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken. "

For over 6,000 years, you have been in and out, up and down, up and down.

You can be in a bad situation and come into a good situation; then you mess up the

good situation, and get back into a bad situation. You seem to just love to get into

bad situations. In Genesis, Chapter 46, verse 4, it reads:

"I will go down with thee into Egypt,· and I will also surely bring thee
up again: ... "

I promised that I would come at the end of the 6,000 years of evil rule for you. I

knew that you would be in the worst condition ever. And sure enough, you are. I

have never seen you in such bad condition.

You are in such bad condition now that if I gave you a million dollars, you


wouldn't know what to do with it. What would you do with it? You would be

selfish. And if you gave it away, you wouldn't know who to give it to nor how to

give it to them. If I give you a million dollars right now, you would go sit at home

and come up with the biggest want list you have ever seen in your life. This is what

you did in Jeremiah, Chapter 2, verse 7. I have brought you into a land that is

plenteous with millions.

Right now, America is the richest country on Earth. Where are your riches?

I am tuned into America, and I have plenty. I am taking advantage of what America

offers. America offers you a land of opportunity. People from all over the Earth

leave their countries to come to America for the "golden" opportunity to become

whatever. You have been here for over 434 years. You are still on the bottom in the

land of plenty. The Cubans have only been in America for a little over 20 years, and

they have taken over Miami completely.

What could be a better place to live than in the richest land on the Earth?

America is the richest country on Earth, but you are the poorest people on Earth.

Whatever you get your hands on, you cannot keep it: You reach into your little

pocket and pull out your little clip and set your little "knot" up, and you have five


thousand ways to spend it. You are not happy until it is all gone: you are for ever

running after some more. That is right. Your mind tells you to buy this and to sell

that and to buy this. What you do not know is, all that you are doing is steadily

getting rid of it. If you do not let My Man take hold of your life, then you will not

understand anything I am saying, and you will remain a bondman in Egypt (America).

I brought you into a land of plenty, and when you entered it, you defiled My

land. Do you know what defiled means? Have you been a blessing to America or

have you defiled it? If you want to know, take a ride through the ghetto in your city.

Wherever you live, you know how the ghetto looks, because there is one in your city.

I guarantee you that wherever Black folks are, you will find the ghetto, and it is

indeed defiled. Well, what does the word defiled mean? Defiled means "to make

foul, dirty, or unclean; to pollute or taint; to violate the chastity of; to make impure

for ceremonial use; to desecrate; to sully, as a person's reputation."

Is the ghetto defiled? dirty? unclean? impure? and without chastity? You

live in America, the richest country on Earth, and where you live in America, it is

dirty, unclean, impure, and unchaste. You cannot say it used to be like that. This is

the way the ghetto is now. This is how I have found you--defiled. I have come to a


people whose minds are defiled: They love filth. This is not only the physical,


INDICATES THAT YOUR MIND IS ALSO DIRTY. So it is not the ground that

is defiled; but rather, it is the mind that is defiled.

I brought you into a land that was good, plenteous, with wonderful fruits, but

your mind would not let you prosper and enjoy this: Your mind will not let you enjoy

the fruit in its pure state. Your mind will not let you save the seeds from the fruit and

plant an orchard. You eat the fruit, but you throw the seeds away. I am just showing

you your condition. Your mind is deftled. So you do not know how to approach the





If you love sleep, you do not want to rule. Therefore, love not sleep, as written

in Proverbs, Chapter 20, verse 13:

"Love not sleep, lest thou come to poverty; open thine eyes, and thou
shalt be satisfied with bread. "


I am looking for men who want to rule. I am not looking for men who cannot spell

rulership. A man that cannot spell rulership certainly cannot understand why I am

teaching rulership. Obviously, we cannot communicate.

Before the ghetto can be cleaned up, the head (the mind) has to be developed.

And what kind of head does it have to be? It has to be a good head: It is going to

take men that believe in being good. What am I building? I AM BUILDING A

KINGDOM OF GOOD. This is what I am building. ANY ONE WHO WANTS




met Him. I AM THE GOOD MAN. That is who I am. My works prove I AM THE



interested in people who love bad. I will get to them later. If you are good, then you

will get My attention. If you believe in good, then you have no excuse to not join

with Me in building THE KINGDOM OF GOOD.


You have a talent, and it is wonderful that everybody does not all have the

same talent. The diversification of talents is what will make The Nation of i11i1~

whole and complete. Some of the good men who are coming to Me are architects.

Some of the good men coming to Me are contractors, builders, electricians, plumbers,

and roofers. Some of the good men coming to Me are carpenters and bricklayers.

Some of the good men coming to Me have the propensity of being educators. Some

of the good men coming to Me are engineers and pilots, and so on. These are some

of the talents that are coming to Me which will make The Nation of i11i1~ whole and

complete and able to rule. NOW IS THE TIME FOR ALL GOOD MEN TO










Putting on white does not make you good. It is about being good. I do not

care whether you are wearing jeans or a three-piece suit, it is about being good. I can

guarantee you Heaven over night if you join with Me and help build The Kingdom

of Good. All you will know in your life will be nothing but good results. And as


GIVE IT TO YOU IF YOU COME AND BE GOOD. That is all. That is all. Now




AND JOIN ME IN BEING GOOD. This is simple. Read Psalm, Chapter 37, verse


"Delight thyself also in il'lil',· and he shall give thee the desires of
thine heart. "

Chapter Eight

What Does Good Mean to You?

You must study good because you do not know much about good. Here is the

way to know what good is. Get a sheet of paper, draw a line down the center. On the

top of the left side, write "Bad"; and on the top of the right side, write "Good."

Under the "Bad" side, write down everything bad you are doing. In fact, just write

down everything you are doing. And on the right side under "good," write the

opposite of what you wrote on the left side. For example, if you wrote that you have

been lying, then on the opposite side, you should write truth, which is the opposite

of a lie. If you have written down you have been bad, you know that the opposite of

bad is good. Write that down. If you have been tearing down, the opposite is build

up. If you have been scattering, then gather together. And so goes the list.


I do not have to teach you how to be bad. You are an expert. Everything bad

is evil, wicked, no good, and deceptive. You are a whip at that. You have it already.

You talk against everything. As a matter of fact, you are just against everything.

Since you are against everything, then you need to put under the good side the

opposite of against, which is ''for." What are you against? You are against

rectitudinal. You are against truth. You are against honesty. You are against being

just. You are against right conduct. You are against right and good behavior. You

are against cleanliness. It is hard to face yourself sometimes.

You love to gossip. You love to talk against people; spread lies against people.

This is your life. You love the negative. Negative will help you out a great deal--just

everything negative. You spend everything. Under the "bad," if you have written

down spend, then on the "good" side you need to put the opposite, which is called


Moreover, you have no particular idea, neither do you have any particular

belief. You are not pledged to any program. You have not pledged allegiance to

anything. You are against education. You are against learning. You are against

books: You are against reading books. You do not like to read anything. As a matter


- '

of fact, you don't even like to read road signs: You get lost a lot in a city. You get

lost just going down the highway. This is how much you are against reading--you are

just that bad. The knowledge of the Feast of Weeks is the answer to all these


Chapter Nine

illil~ 1~ illil~ Is Our Regenerator




Because your previous works have been dirty, unclean, and impure, the results have

been destruction of your life, your family, your community, and your neighborhood.

You have been so destroyed that you do not want to be rich. Can you imagine Me

coming to help you to be rich and you do not want riches? You will take riches if

somebody gives it to you.

This is why when you hit the lottery for twenty or fifty million dollars they

won't give all of it to you at once: They will make you take it over twenty years or


so. Why? To make sure you will have something. You have been programmed to

be ignorant about money. So the only way you will have some is that it is split up

over twenty years or so. You have not figured out that fifty million dollars drawing

interest over twenty years means they never give up the money. In over twenty years,

they will have earned a billion dollars off of your fifty million, and then allot you

pieces of it over twenty years minus taxes. The fifty million they hold never gets

taxed, but the money they give you from the interest is taxed. You have never

thought about it. You are "chumped" out.

There are over a hundred million people playing the lottery. Only one wins.

If all those who play just pooled their monies--a hundred million people playing ten

dollars a day is a billion dollars a day. Just think--a billion dollars a day, and after

a month, one person gets fifty million. And you wonder why Americans are in

poverty and it is getting worse by the day? They are a bunch of gamblers who just

throw away their money.

I invite you to come and follow what I teach, and I guarantee you that I will

make you rich over night. Imagine Me having built an empire worth over two

hundred and fifty million dollars without you doing what I teach. Then imagine what


i11i1~ )~ i11i1~ IS OUR REGENERATOR

I can build when you "do" what I teach. Is that real or unreal? I am the Good Man,

and I am teaching you how to be good so you can enjoy what I am enjoying:

Blessings without sorrow.

I want to give you My heritage. What is My heritage? The Earth is Mine.

In case you do not know how rich I am, let Me show you. And remember, when you

read it, what is Mine is yours: We are joint-heirs. I am come to give you what is

Mine. The only problem is, you do not know how to get it. Read Psalm, Chapter 24,

verse 1 and Romans, Chapter 8, verse 17:

1 "THE earth is the LORD's, i11i1\ and the fulness thereof; the
world, and they that dwell therein. "

17 "And if children, then heirs; heirs of i11i1\ and joint-heirs with

i11i1~ p i11i1\· if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also
glorified together. "



blessed? You are not blessed because you have not given yourself over to My

rulership. So your reward is the emptiness of the Earth instead of the fullness of the

Earth. Instead of being full, you are empty.


Now I am here to make you full. All you have to do is work for il'lil'>. How

do you work for il'lil'>? IN ORDER TO WORK FOR il'lil\ YOU HAVE TO GET


written in Ephesians, Chapter 4, verses 22-23:

22 "That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man,
which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts;

23 And be renewed in the spirit of your mind";

You must become good. You cannot be bad and work for il'lil'>. You have to be

good. You have to give up evil. YOU HAVE TO STUDY AND MEDITATE IN


a process to go through since you have never been taught good. Read Jeremiah,

Chapter 4, verse 22:

"For my people is foolish, they have not known me; they are sottish
children, and they have none understanding: they are wise to do evil,
but to do good they have no knowledge. "


TO GIVE YOU THE EARTH. Do you want the Earth? I gave you old Jerusalem

il1il' p il1il' IS OUR REGENERATOR

proving I could take it from whomever I wanted to. The land of Israel belonged to

somebody else, but I gave it to you through Abraham. It belonged to a people who

were stronger than you. That act of taking it from them and giving it to you for ever

was only a sign.

The celebration of the Feast of Weeks is about you planting on this land--that

is, if you do not defile it. If you do not tum My good land into an abomination, you

will have it for ever. This is what the Feast of Weeks is all about: learning how to

have your heritage--your LAND--for ever, in a good state. I had the power to take

the land that belonged to somebody else, and I gave it to you for ever as a sign.

Though you do not have anything today, I am here to do a greater work than just

taking a little piece of land: I AM HERE NOW TO TAKE THE PLANET AND

GIVE IT TO YOU FOR EVER. This is what I am here to do, and nobody can stop

Me from doing it. Praise i11i1')!

There are people all over the Earth rising up in countries like China, Russia,

Panama, Argentina, Nicaragua, Palestine, and so on--looking for Me, but they cannot

see Me. I am here. I am in the world. I am who they are all looking for. They all


want good, and here I am. I MADE THE EARTH, AND THE EARTH


ME NOT, as foretold in John, Chapter 1, verses 10-11:

10 "He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the
world knew him not.

11 He came unto his own, and his own received him not. "



ANNOUNCED; but even when I announce who I am, they cannot relate to My

announcement, because they lack knowledge, which is affrrmed in Hosea, Chapter 4,

verse 6:

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast
rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest
to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, i11il', I will also
forget thy children. "

Because they lack knowledge, they cannot comprehend the word "Messiah." I

announced to all so-called Black people of America, "I am your Redeemer," and

they cannot relate. Some cannot spell redeem and, therefore, they have no idea of its

i11i1') }!1 i11i1') IS OUR REGENERATOR


I announced to the so-called Black man of America, "I am your Reformer,"

and they cannot relate to Me because some cannot spell reform, neither can they

define it. Still trying to find the word that My people can comprehend, I announced

"I am your Regenerator, and the reason I can regenerate you is that I am 'the'

Generator." Yet, some cannot relate because they cannot spell the word nor define

it. So then I announced to My people that "I am the Resurrection, and I am the

Way, and the Truth, and the Life," which is announced in John, Chapter 14, verse


"i11i1') p i11i1') saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life:
no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. "

Some cannot spell nor define any of these words. They cannot relate. Because they

cannot relate, they do not know what I am talking about. My people really do not

know--they are destroyed for lack of knowledge: Bondmen in Egypt (America).

There are people who even come and sit around Me and put on white and still

do not know who I am. Not everybody can "see" Me. Although you have physical


eyes and can see My physical body, but can you "see" Me? I am in a body talking

to you. You may halfway perceive Me--where I am talking to you from. Where am

I talking to you from? and where are "you" located? Not everybody can relate to

that. Yes, I am in a body. I told you, I am here on Earth, and the world is so blind

saying, "Where?" And I am saying, "Here am 1." This is why the Scriptures teach

you a mystery, as written in 1 Corinthians, Chapter 14, verse 2:

"For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men,

but unto il'li1'>: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit
he speaketh mysteries. "

Matthew, Chapter 13, verse 14 says:

"And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, By

hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall
see, and shall not perceive":

Although you have eyes, I pray that you are able to see Me; and though you have ears,

I pray that you will let your ears hear Me. I understand soundwaves are causing the

hammers to beat upon the drums of your ears, and the sound vibrations are

reverberating throughout your brain, but that does not mean you properly perceive.

Something has happened that the message is not being properly interpreted.

i11i1') )~ i11i1') IS OUR REGENERATOR

I am having an effect upon your pupils and your retinae, but it does not mean

the image is coming across right, because I can be in your presence and you still will

not be able to "perceive" Me. My body is here on Earth, but when you see My body,

can you see "Me" inside My body? I am inside My body, but can you "see" Me? I

see you. Who are you? Who am I? I know that Myself is yourself; and I know

that yourself is Myself, but do you realize it? Hallelu i11i1').

I know I am in you. Your "I" is My ''1." My 'T' has been expanded into

you. Your terrestrial mind cannot understand Me right now. I am talking over your

head and beyond your capacity to comprehend. But I know that My "EI" equals

your "el." Yourself is a himself and a herself--without a gender. There is no sex in

this. The difference between your "I" and My "I" is I AM THE GREAT I AM.

You are just "an" I am. This is why you say, "I am" going to town, "I am" going to

sleep. That is as far as you can go. But I AM "the" GREAT I AM because I CAN


I am inviting you to come and meet i11i1'). I am i11i1') )::1 i11i1'). Can you "see"

Me? I sure see you. I AM THE MIGHTY GOD. I am calling you out from your


selfish self to be unselfish, and to become self-realized. You cannot be self-realized

without meeting the Master Self. I AM THE MASTER SELF. I AM THE

GOOD MASTER. You have the potential to be good, but you have been taught to

be bad, so you cannot understand good. But still your nature is good. WHAT I AM




Chapter Ten

The Feast of Weeks Is Designed to Make You Rich

Some people may not believe as we, The Nation ofi11i1'), believe, because they

don't know what we believe. It is difficult to believe like we believe when you don't

even know what we believe. And it is also difficult to like us when you don't know

us, because we are a "peculiar" people, according to Deuteronomy, Chapter 14, verse


"For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God, i11i1\ and the
LORD, i11i1". hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto himself,
above all the nations that are upon the earth. "

We really are peculiar. And we are proud about being peculiar, because that means

we get "peculiar" results.

But when you have the nerve to come among us and hear what i11i1') has in



store for us and what He's doing for us; and when you come and learn the truth about

us, your attitude changes. Your perception changes. Your perception before meeting

us came from other people who did not know us. So you misperceived us. But when

you come and see the work that i11i1') is doing, that is when your perception changes

from one of ignorance to one of knowledge. Now even after seeing what i11i1') is

doing for us, you still may not believe as we believe, but you have to respect what we

are accomplishing by the "will" of i11i1'). And we let you know that we have

accomplished what we have accomplished by obeying the "WILL" of i11i1'). Read

Deuteronomy, Chapter 28, verses 1-2:

1 "And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the
voice of the LORD thy God, i1li1\ to observe and to do all his
commandments which I command thee this day, that the LORD thy
God, i1li1\ will set thee on high above all nations of the earth:

2 And all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if
thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God, i1li1'. "

I am sharing with you the knowledge of the laws ofi11i1'). The Feast of Weeks

is one of His many laws for the so-called Black man of America. i1)i1') IS GOD

FIRST TO THE BLACK MAN OF AMERICA. And if you are Black, then you


have to admit that the Black people of America need somebody greater than who they

have; and this greater somebody is i1li1'). The ones that they have, have caused them

nothing but distress, destruction, and torment.

The Nation of i1lil') is a bright light in a country of darkness. The Feast of

Weeks is one of your festivals. Christmas is one of their festivals. Thanksgiving is

one of their festivals. The Feast of Weeks is one of your festivals. Halloween with

the druids is one of their festivals, but the Feast of Weeks is one of your festivals.

There are those who celebrate Halloween and let their children celebrate Halloween.

When your children celebrate the Feast of Weeks, you are relaxed, happy and joyful

about it, and you don't have to worry about them getting glass in an apple, poison in

some candy, and some fiend grabbing and taking one off into the darkness doing

unmentionable things to them. In a country of darkness, this is the way all of their

holidays are: They keep you in bondage.

The Feast of Weeks is one of your festivals. New Years is one of their

festivals. But at the Feast of Weeks, you don't have to worry about drinking all night,

getting drunk, and not knowing where home is; not knowing whose bed you are in;

getting in the car and killing somebody. But this is the way their festivals are. All


night long they wait under the mistletoe, and they run to stand beside somebody that

doesn't belong to them. But this is the way their festivals are. But the Feast of

Weeks belongs to you. Valentine Day is one of theirs, where several hundred million

dollars is spent in candy and boxes to give to somebody they don't know how to love.

You did not create Valentine Day. Those who created it designed it to make

themselves rich, and to keep you in bondage in Egypt (America).

The Feast of Weeks celebrates your riches. The Feast of Weeks is one of the

laws of i11i1') for the so-called Black people of America. When you study, apply, and

practice this law, it will make you rich. This law not only makes you rich, but this

one law also makes you infinitely rich. You and your sons' sons, for ever will be

"infinitely" rich practicing this law of the Feast of Weeks. All the heathen

holidays of America that you practice are designed to take money out of your

pocketbook. You cannot celebrate one holiday in America that does not take money

out of your pocket. But this holiday, the Feast of Weeks, is designed to put money

"in" your pocket and your family's pocket and your nation's pocket--for ever.

Now, I ask you a question, as you have heard My little diatribe comparing the


two--our Feast of Weeks festival in comparison to all of their holidays--with

intellectual honesty, which festival is the best? All of theirs together or the law of the

Feast of Weeks? Now anytime I can promise you wealth for ever just by practicing

one law of a festival--the Feast of Weeks, which will make you "rich"--would you

not agree it would make sense to learn something about this law?

In all the schools that you attended, they told you about all these holidays--even

the Fourth of July. If you went to summer school, they told you when Independence

Day was coming up, but they did not tell you how to be independent. Your school

might have taught you how to be independent, but you are not "practicing"

independence; and you have forgotten what you were taught even if they did. Mine

did not teach Me independence. They taught you all about the holidays, at least

something about the holidays. They did not tell you where all these holidays


Did any one teach you about the Feast of Weeks? Did they teach you that the

Feast of Weeks belongs to you? This is a "peculiar" holiday that belongs to the so-

called Black people, which is designed to make you rich. Well, now, why do you

think they would not teach you about the Feast of Weeks festival in your school?


You think maybe it was because they did not want you to be rich? In fact, did they

teach you how to be rich in school? I am sure you can say "yes." What did you go

to school for if you did not learn how to be rich? What is the purpose of school if you

cannot learn how to be rich? It sounds to Me like you have been short changed.

You have gone to school and still don't know how to think and grow rich. If

you get lucky, you might run across a course on ''Think and Grow Rich" one day.

One day you may hear about "possibility thinking." But I was never taught that in

school. I don't know what you were taught, but I wasn't. The Feast of Weeks

teaches you possibility thinking. The Feast of Weeks teaches you how to "think and

grow rich," as a result of thinking on the law of the Feast of Weeks, as stated in

Joshua, Chapter 1, verse 8:

"This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou
shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do
according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy
way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. "

It is impossible to be poor and "practice" the law of the Feast of Weeks. There

are some who can bear witness to this. In America, some want to be rich through the

Lottery, which means no work. Black people in America have been taught to love no


work. Who is welfare for? People who love not working. You cannot enjoy

Heaven with a welfare mentality. You have to want more out of life than welfare.

People have come to Me who were on welfare, but I have taught them how to get off

of it.

When you are on welfare, you have somebody telling you how many babies

you can have: tie your tubes and cut your tubes. They tell you you cannot have a

man living with you. You cannot have a husband, because of the threat of him being

put in jail. Social workers can come to your house at any time: they can just walk up

when they want to and invade your privacy. You have to go through all those

indignities just to get some chump change.

You are encouraged to go to school, and then to continue on to college. You

have been brainwashed to PAY to go to college. You actually pay them to keep you

from learning how to "think." It only costs you from fifty to sixty thousand dollars

or more to attend one of the Ivy League schools for four years. At the end of four

years, you come out without a job. You have to find a job--they call it job hunting.

And job hunting is slim in America. There are more folks hunting for jobs than there

are jobs available. And it is getting worse.


Have you heard about affirmative action? Have you heard about set asides?

It is called an ancient animal, that is, an extinct phenomenon--meaning affmnative

action no longer exists. There are those who sit on the courts who are against

affmnative action: they call it reverse discrimination. When you get one to sit on the

court that is in favor of affmnative action, they get him off the bench. When you

learn the law of the Feast of Weeks, you don't have to worry about things like this.

The Feast of Weeks teaches you how to be rich, and I have found out that most

of My people are afraid of money. I have found out that My people are afraid to even

talk about money--getting rich and being rich. They don't understand money, so they

are afraid of it. They have never learned what to do with money. They have never

studied money, but they "dream" about it all the time. And when they get money, it

is like a nightmare: it just gets away from them. But if the masses of My people were

to learn to do with money what i1li1') does with money, then look how rich My people

could be.

Chapter Eleven

The Shepherd of Good Is Here

There is a funny thing about Heaven: Heaven includes all the money, but

money is not Heaven. Money is not Heaven. Money does not make for Heaven, but

money is included in Heaven. But then, you don't know anything about Heaven

either. The law of the Feast of Weeks teaches you what Heaven is, where it is, and

how to get there. It also teaches you that you don't have to die to go to Heaven. The

law of the Feast of Weeks is real! It teaches you that you don't have to die and go

somewhere. You have been taught that your mama and your grandma and your

relatives went to Heaven--I don't care how bad they were when they died. Now you

know there are some bad folks dying. And with all these bad folks in Heaven,

Heaven has to be a mess. So much so that I don't even want to go there!

I want to live in a neighborhood where bad folks cannot live. Do you want to


live in a community free from bad folks? This is what I am working on. This is what

I am building. The Feast of Weeks teaches you how to have a community where you

don't have any bad folks. This is how you keep your possessions. You live in a

community where people don't break into your house and take your possessions. This

is what the Feast of Weeks teaches you: to live in a house where you can go to work

and come back, and everything is still there. You don't even have to worry about

your belongings when you leave: You know they will be intact when you return.

This is what the law of the Feast of Weeks teaches.

The Feast of Weeks teaches you that Heaven is real, and all that you desire in

life can be attained now; in fact, it is "designed" for you to have now. Our teachers

had us confused. When I found inil'), I was not confused any more. I found out all

that they were telling Me I had to wait and die to get, I can get it now. Imagine living

a hundred years, that would be a long time to wait to get to Heaven, wouldn't it? I

like the idea of being born in Heaven. How about you? The Feast of Weeks teaches

you that Heaven is on Earth--right now. And it teaches you how to get there. It

teaches you that you have to do a "previous" work.

The Feast of Weeks is about the Feast of Harvest. It is also about a Harvest of


plenty: More than you and your family will ever be able to use. And so you know

what you do when you have an excess harvest. What do you do with it? You either

store it or sell it: Put it on the exchange market, which means an increase of your

wealth. This is how you live in Heaven--with plenty of wealth. What the law of the

Feast of Weeks teaches is written in the Bible. Do you accept the reality that learning

about the law of the Feast of Weeks is a pretty good thing to learn about when it

produces such a heavenly condition with plenty of money?

I made a statement earlier that may tum some people off. I said, "previous"

work. You have to wake up some people to go to work. And some will even hit the

alarm clock every morning and shut it off. You had better not go and shake some

people: They will beat you up for shaking them. Some people love sleep. If getting

up and going to work is what helps to produce Heaven, some people don't want to go

there. This is why they rob: A robber will wait and lay in hiding for people to go to

work, who they call suckers, and go in and take what they have worked for. But I

have never seen a rich robber. He never gets enough. Have you ever noticed a thief

is never satisfied? He is never wealthy. If he gets a lot, he loses it. He gets in trouble

because he is immoral. His mind-set is off base. He goes up and down like a


rollercoaster. But I am talking about riches that last.

The Feast of Weeks is a law that you are supposed to practice for ever. The

Feast of Weeks is also known as Pentecost. It is the second of the three great annual

festivals that belong to the so-called Black people of America. Now you may say,

"Well, what about Black folks in Haiti, the Islands, England, and other countries?"

It includes them, too. But charity begins at home for Me. I am born among the most

depressed and depressing group of people on the planet--the so-called Black people.

They are so mixed up, they don't even know what to call themselves.

When I first came on the scene, they told Me they were Colored. And I asked,

"Well, do you speak Coloredese? Do you have a Colored name and a Colored land

like the Japanese? They speak Japanese, they have a Japanese name, and they have

a land called Japan. The Chinese speak Chinese and are called Chinese and have a

land called China. They own it and run it." So they said they were Colored, and I

just wanted to know where Coloredland was.

My people did not want to be called Colored any more, so they changed and

said they were Negroes--Neeegros. They used to say Neeegro real well because some


White folks were saying "Nigra." They didn't want to be called "Nigras," they

wanted to be called Negroes. My people became Black, then on to Afro-American.

Now they are saying that they are African Americans. So they really don't know

what they want to be called. Until they decide that they want to accept the truth about

who they really are, I will call them ''the so-called Black man," who are bondmen in

Egypt (America).

Actually, you are none of these names. YOUR NATIONALITY IS

HEBREW ISRAELITE. This is your nationality. Your language is HEBREW,

your culture is HEBREW, and your history is HEBREW. YOUR IDSTORY IS



NAME. This is who you are. In the Bible, Israel had a God. And when you do your

own research, you will discover the name of the God of the Bible is illil'). There are

those who know who you are, and they also know that "you" don't know who you

are. However, they knew that one day someone was coming to teach you who you

really are, as prophesied in John, Chapter 16, verse 13:


"Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into
all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall
hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. "

Your mind has been programmed not to receive the One who has come to you

to lift you up. Oh, they have your mind programmed and brainwashed so you cannot

recognize your Savior: the One who has come to save you from hell--suffering, pain,

hunger, and discrimination: from being a bondman in Egypt (America).

There is no need for anyone to suffer pain, hunger, and discrimination on the

planet. There is no need for anyone to be unemployed on this Earth. But I am not

going to go out and take a hammer and hit people on the head and make them work

for themselves. All I can do is let you see the sign that we are independent and self-

sufficient--very rich.

All that I have created, I have given to My disciples. This makes Me a unique

Man. All who "receive" Me, I will make them rich, because I am the Good Man.

I am the GOOD SHEPHERD. Another way to say this is, I AM THE SHEPHERD

OF GOOD. I am come with the ''true" Gospel. Gospel means "good news." All My

news is good. Read John, Chapter 10, verse 4 and Matthew, Chapter 24, verse 14:


4 "And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them,
and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice. "

14 "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world
for a witness unto all nations,· and then shall the end come."

Chapter Twelve

Sow Heavenly Seeds

Pentecost (also called the Feast of Weeks) is the second of the three great

annual festivals, the other two being Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread

(celebrated together) and the Feast of Tabernacles, as recorded in Deuteronomy,

Chapter 16, verse 16:

"Three times in a year shall all thy males appear before the LORD
thy God, i11il\ in the place which he shall choose; in the feast of
unleavened bread, and in the feast of weeks, and in the feast of
tabernacles: and they shall not appear before the LORD, i11il\



of them are laws from the God of the Bible, and they are designed to make you

rich, prosperous, successful, independent, and self-sufficient for ever. These


feasts are celebrated every year so you will not forget. They are celebrated to remind

you to keep practicing these laws so you can continue to be blessed.

You have to be willing to work for illil'). ''Well, does that mean I have to quit

. My job?" No. To enjoy Heaven from illil\ you have to work for illil\ The law of

the Feast of Weeks teaches you that you have to work sowing seeds. Hallelu illil').

The Bible says the Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a man that went out and sowed

seeds, according to Matthew, Chapter 13, verse 24:

"Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of

heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field":

Heaven is like unto a man who goes out and go to work with something in his hand

that was created by illil'), as written in Genesis, Chapter 1, verse 11:

"And God, il1il\ said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb
yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose
seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. "

A seed may look inert, it may look simply organic or inorganic, whatever way

it looks to you. It may even look like an inanimate object to you. But there is

something peculiar about the seed that is created by illil'). It may look like nothing,


but it has a life germ in it, which is described in Genesis, Chapter 1, verse 12:

"And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his
kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his
kind: and God, i11il\ saw that it was good. "

This is a reality you have to face: The only way you can have life is from

life. Life comes from life. THERE IS ONLY ONE LIFE GIVER, AND THAT

IS il)il'). He put life in a seed; and if you want to go to Heaven, you are going to

have to sow some "heavenly" seeds, created by illil')! Oh, yes! Hallelu illil')!

Now you may be poor in spirit, which is why you may be poor materially, but

you cannot be materially poor and go to Heaven. Heaven is neither designed for the

impoverished nor the destitute. Heaven is not designed for the homeless. What

would the homeless do in Heaven? Have you ever seen how the homeless live? In

My Father's house are many mansions, according to John, Chapter 14, verse 2:

"In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would
have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. "

Now what am I going to do with a homeless fellow living in one of My

mansions? You know how a mansion would look if you put a bunch of homeless


folks in it. You have experienced seeing this almost every day. You are afraid to

even live in a neighborhood where all the homeless hang out: They call them ghettos.

Nobody with good sense really wants to live in a ghetto. I can reform and rebuild the

ghetto (Read My book, From Poverty to Riches.), as was announced in Isaiah,

Chapter 61, verse 4 and Isaiah, Chapter 58, verse 12:

4 "And they shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up the former
desolations, and they shall repair the waste cities, the desolations of
many generations. "

12 "And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places:
thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou
shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to
dwell in."

What I can do with the ghetto is but a sign of what I can do with the mind. The

law of the Feast of Weeks teaches you about all of this.

The most important Bible passage relating to the Feast of Weeks is found in

Exodus, Chapter 23, verse 16, which reads:

"And the feast of harvest, the firstfruits of thy labours, which thou
hast sown in the field: and the feast of ingathering, which is in the
end of the year, when thou hast gathered in thy labours out of the



There is a word in there that some so-called Black people of America find an

anathema to them. What is it? It is labor! But to have Heaven, you must labor for

it. And you have got to go gather it. Labor is also another word for work.

In Exodus, Chapter 23, verse 15, it says:

"Thou shalt keep the feast of unleavened bread: (thou shalt eat
unleavened bread seven days, as I commanded thee, in the time
appointed of the month Abib; for in it thou earnest out from Egypt:
and none shall appear before me empty:)"

It says "... and none shall appear before Me empty." This means none shall appear

before Me broke. Now how much money does a homeless man have? What does a

welfare mentality have to give? What does an excuse maker have to give? Only

excuses. All any of them have to give are excuses. The law of the Feast of Weeks

is talking about industrious people. The frrstfruits of your labor which you have

sown belongs to you. In order to not appear before i11i1~ empty, you must be a sower.

This helps to explain one of the mysteries of what the Kingdom of Heaven is

like. The Kingdom of Heaven is like a man who went out and sowed. The Feast of


Weeks requires you to sow in a field! And you do not just sow once, it says in Verse

16 that you should be sowing at least twice a year. When you go and labor in the

field, then you yourself will produce Heaven. So anyone who does not want to labor

cannot enjoy Heaven.

Now notice, it says, ''And the feast of harvest, the first fruits of thy labour

which thou hast sown in the field: ..." Field is land--farms. You do not own a field

when somebody else can take it from you and tax you off of it. Only the owner has

the right to levy taxes. If you own something, obviously you will not tax yourself off

of it. If you are stupid enough to tax yourself or your own land, then you will just tax

yourself right on out of Heaven.

The people who have the power to govern taxes don't ever have to work: They

can just live from taxing you. They have the "real" power to make your life

miserable. So Exodus, Chapter 23, verse 16 is teaching you that you need your own

land. And to keep you from knowing this, your enemies tricked you off of what land

you had. You used to own several million acres. After slavery and up to the last forty

years, you owned at least ten million acres. And now, you have only about 300,000

acres left, and some of those who own that, do not want to be there.


Now this is not so much a physical, carnal, or terrestrial thing as it is a

spiritual thing. The knowledge in Verse 16 is really spiritual. Do not think I am

saying you need to go and buy a field. I have already told you that you already

own the richest land on the planet, and do not know it. i11i1\ THE GOD OF


ABRAHAM, FOR EVER. There are some people living on your land, squatting,

and they know it is yours, but they will not tell you. I am here telling you, and you

still do not know it. As a bondman in Egypt (America), owning a field has never

seemed important to you.

Buying a house from your enemy, who has the power to tax you out of it every

year, is the way you "think" you should go. But if you own the field, the land, then

you can build your house on it and nobody can tax you off of it, because you have put

your house on something you already own. You do not have to borrow any money

when you own the land. You say, "Well, it takes wood to build." You will not have

to buy any lumber. You can grow you some trees! "Well, I have to wait on the tree

to grow up." Well, patience is a virtue. Blessed are they that wait upon the Lord,

i11i1')! Read Isaiah, Chapter 40, verse 31:


"But they that wait upon the LORD, i11i1\ shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be
weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. "

Chapter Thirteen

Before You Reap the Harvest, You Must Sow

Are you beginning to understand that the law of the Feast of Weeks in Exodus,

Chapter 23, verse 16 is teaching you the elements that are required to be rich? Can

you see it? Understand that this is a spiritual message. The field that you need right

now is your head. The seed is the Word, which is verified in Luke, Chapter 8, verse


"Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God, i11i1~."

You need to take hold to every WORD which proceeds out of My mouth. This is the

life germ, as man shall not live by bread alone, according to Matthew, Chapter 4,

verse 4, which reads:

"But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread
alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth ofi11i1~. "


When you learn how to spiritualize this Scripture, then you can translate this

knowledge into physical wealth. This is what I am doing. It is easy to do. I am

showing you it can be done. My riches do not depend upon "physical" properties, but

I am rich from SPIRITUAL WEALTH. Do you understand?

If you want to get rich, you have to labor. A musician does not get rich from

playing, but rather, he became rich when he received his talent. Then he had to labor.

Labor means he labored with his instrument. While others were out playing, he was

in a room somewhere practicing to master his instrument, which required self-

discipline. Before somebody could scream how good he was, he had to pay his dues.

As a matter of fact, he paid some serious dues. The better he is, the more dues he had

to pay.

He labored in the field of music! Now the way he gets "physical" riches is

when he goes out and sows those seeds from his labor. And then the people will say,

"That is good!" When i1li1~ made the tree and the seed of the tree, He had already

pronounced it as good, according to Genesis, Chapter 1, verse 12:

"And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his


kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his
kind: and il1il~ saw that it was good. "

But to be good, the musician had to work at it. Oh, yes, he did. He had to labor at it,

and he had to practice until he got faster and faster and faster. He did not play faster

because he just thought about it. He practiced to get faster. A musician cannot just

sit up and invert scales, he had to study and learn that. He had to learn what his

instrument could do and play that. When he performs--as a result of diligently

studying, practicing, and learning his instrument--the people will say, "That is good!"

Praise i1)i1'). And the better he is, the more the people are willing to pay to hear him--

as a result of his labor! His real labor was when he practiced. Now the people may

not know how he got to be good, but he knows how he got to be good.

He did not luck up on good. If you meet a fellow with raw talent, but won't

practice, work, and labor on his instrument--he will never be good. And if he really

wants to get rich with the talent that i1)i1') has given to him, he must give it back to

i11i1'). He cannot try to act like it is his, and do what "he" wants to do with it.

I am still discussing the Feast of Weeks, which is the Feast of Harvest, and

showing you that the law of the Feast of Weeks teaches that you must labor--or work


if you want to have a harvest. I have read the Bible from Genesis through Revelation

many times, and continue to do so, and in Exodus, Chapter 23, verse 16 it states:

"And the feast of harvest ... "

I comprehend that, do you? Has this sank in yet? This is saying, if you do not

have a harvest, you cannot feast. This is the law of illil'). This is His law: no

harvest, no feast. You cannot have a harvest without land: NO LAND. NO


Your ancestors came out of a country to America to work as slaves. You know

your ancestors came from somewhere else. At least you know that much. In school,

your teachers didn't tell you where you came from, but at least you know you came

from somewhere other than America. Hebrews, Chapter 11, verse 15, reads:

"And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they
came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned. "

Mindful. If your mind had been full of the knowledge of the country from whence

you came out of, then you would have already had opportunity to have returned.

Now, it wouldn't do any good for you or any other Black person in America


to return to some "physical" land where you came from with the same mind that you

have in America. Are you living in hell or Heaven in America? Was it created by

you or by someone else? This is what is wrong. You are not "mindful" of the LAND

that you came out of nor the LAND that you own. So what does this mean today?

It means that you cannot return to the mind-set that would enable you to come into

ownership of that LAND. If you could return to that mind-set, then you would be

able to sow some seed in your own field from illil', and have a plenteous harvest,

which means you could feast richly. The law of the Feast of Weeks teaches Me what

I am saying to you.

If all My people in America would learn how to keep the law of the Feast of

Weeks, then we would all be a prosperous people. Therefore, My message to keep

the law of the Feast of Weeks is a good message. Since I have come with a good

message, why don't you come and join with Me in building the Good Kingdom?

Something has happened to your mind. Some people will follow anyone who does

wickedness. They will even pay big money to hear someone lie. They call them

comedians. My message is designed to make you, your children, and your family rich

for ever. I am come with a message from illil' and it is good! How many people do


you think would come to hear it? Almost none.

I am sharing with you wisdom of the law of the Feast of Weeks which is good,

and it is a blessing, enlightening, and enriching. It translates into riches. I AM



have to change your religion. If you have a religion that will not let you do good,

then you need to give up that religion. There is something wrong with what you

believe in if it will not let you do good.

If you believe in good and love good, then come and join with Me in building

the Kingdom you say you believe in. Contrastingly, if you do not come and join with

Me, it means you do not believe in good. I do not care whether you are a Republican,

a Democrat or an Independent. The question is, "Do you believe in good?" Whether

you do or do not, I am still building the Kingdom of Good. I am calling for all good

people, regardless of educational status, religious belief, economic status, social

status, or political preference. I am saying come and join with Me in building the

Good Kingdom.


That sounds strange, doesn't it? It does to most folks. No one has ever asked

you to come and help build the Good Kingdom. People ask you for all kinds of

donations. People ask you to contribute to all kinds of causes. You go to your church

and you are invited to go to other churches as well. You are also invited to believe

in all kinds of religions. But nobody has ever asked you to come and help to build

the Good Kingdom. I am not asking you to put on a head wrap (diadem), or put on

a long white robe. I am saying come and help Me build: I am calling for all good

people to come and labor. Some people don't like to labor. But I am asking you to

come and labor in the Good Field with some good seeds, because I know you cannot

have a harvest with faith--you must labor.

You cannot become a good musician with faith. You can sit up and look at an

instrument and have all the faith you want, but until you labor, you will not learn

how to play it, because faith without works is dead, according to James, Chapter 2,

verse 20:

"But wilt thou know, 0 vain man, that faith without works is dead?"

You cannot eat tomorrow unless you labor. It takes labor just to chew. It takes labor


to swallow. It takes labor for your stomach to break your food down to pass through

your intestines. And then your intestines have to labor to squeeze it out. And at the

end of that process, you will know your body has labored.

This knowledge is something to get you serious about life. You can take what

I am sharing with you, study it, and go on to do great things. LABOR IS


WEEKS. Until you learn to keep the law of the Feast of Weeks, you will remain a

bondman in Egypt (America).

Chapter Fourteen

Your Enemies Changed the Times and the Seasons

i1li1' commands you to keep His three appointed feasts in their due times and

seasons, according to Exodus, Chapter 23, verse 17:

"Three times in the year all thy males shall appear before the LORD
GOD, i11i1'. "

Leviticus, Chapter 23, verses 15-22 tells you the time and season you are to celebrate

the Feast of Harvest:

15 "And ye shall count unto you from the morrow after the sabbath,
from the day that ye brought the sheaf of the wave offering,· seven
sabbaths shall be complete:

16 Even unto the morrow after the seventh sabbath shall ye number
fifty days; and ye shall offer a new meat offering unto the LORD,

17 Ye shall bring out of your habitations two wave loaves of two


tenth deals: they shall be of fine flour; they shall be baken with
leaven; they are the firstfruits unto the LORD, illil".

18 And ye shall offer with the bread seven lambs without blemish of
the first year, and one young bullock, and two rams: they shall be for
a burnt offering unto the LORD, illil\ with their meat offering, and
their drink offerings, even an offering made by fire, of sweet savour
unto the LORD, illil".

19 Then ye shall sacrifice one kid of the goats for a sin offering, and
two lambs of the first year for a sacrifice of peace offerings.

20 And the priest shall wave them with the bread of the firstfruits for
a wave offering before the LORD, illil\ with the two lambs: they
shall be holy to the LORD, illil", for the priest.

21 And ye shall proclaim on the selfsame day, that it may be an holy

convocation unto you: ye shall do no servile work therein: it shall
be a statute for ever in all your dwellings throughout your

22 And when ye reap the harvest of your land, thou shalt not make
clean riddance of the comers of thy field when thou reapest, neither
shalt thou gather any gleaning of thy harvest: thou shalt leave them
unto the poor, and to the stranger: I am the LORD your God, illil". "

While some of these particular Scriptures apply directly to the Feast of Weeks, some,

on the other hand, as written, deal with sacrifices of kids and goats and lambs, which

is pure heathen--absolutely heathen. And if you think you are going to run around


building altars, and offering lambs without blemish on a "physical" altar, you will be

waiting for ever for the real God, il)il). And if you ever see these kinds of things

going on, then you can be assured that these are the false people: Heathens

attempting to deceive the world.

You are required to study so that you will not be ashamed of what you do, and

you will to be able to rightly divide the word of truth from error, as written in 2

Timothy, Chapter 2, verse 15:

"Study to shew thyself approved unto il1il\ a workman that needeth

not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. "

Why is there a requirement to rightly divide the word of truth? What does this mean?

It means that the truth has something surrounding it that is not right, or you could just

take the Scripture as it is. There would be no need to "rightly" divide the truth if it

were all true. The Bible is all true, but this particular set of passages in Leviticus,

Chapter 23, verses 15-22 is on a "physical" level, terrestrial level, and is false.

il)il) is not a stupid God. And you cannot and never will make any sense out

of these sacrifices. Nobody has made any sense out of them until this day. And you


won't ever make any sense out of killing lambs and putting them on an altar,

sprinkling blood, and cooking animals with the guts in them. Even you know to take

the guts out, and all the stuff in the guts. Can you imagine cooking all that stuff on

an open fire? What are you going to do with it? If you do not want meat with the

guts still inside and the stuff still in the guts, what god do you think would want to

eat that? Surely not the Creator. I am not casting a shadow on the Bible. I am

telling you that you have to learn how to rightly divide the word of truth.

I do not want to get hung up on those sevens and what they mean in Leviticus,

Chapter 23, verses 15-22. I do not want to get hung up on the sabbath because it is

really not about the sabbath. What is it about? It is about the seventh day! i1li1~ did

not say keep the sabbath holy. He said, "Keep the 'seventh' day holy." So if you

have the wrong calendar, guess what else you have wrong? You have the seventh

day wrong. What calendars are being used today? There are lunar calendars, Roman

calendars, and the like. In fact, you do not know how many calendars there are nor

the difference between them. Neither do you know how they are being used today,

because you have never studied them.


When is the seventh day? The solar calendar is the only calendar that can give

you the seventh day. Who gave you the solar calendar? il)il') gave you the solar

calendar. And what people do you think would keep solar time? Only the people

of il)il') would keep solar time. And since the people of il)il') are not keeping solar

time, something has happened to them. This is the issue: The enemy of il)il') cut the

people of il)il') off from the knowledge of solar time for a reason. And the reason is

found in Exodus, Chapter 31, verse 13:

"Speak thou also unto the children of Israel, saying, Verily my

sabbaths ye shall keep: for it is a sign between me and you
throughout your generations; that ye may know that I am i11i1' that
doth sanctify you. "

So sabbath was used as a day to "substitute" for the seventh day. The reason

I said it was not about the sabbath was because through the Jews' influence, the

sabbath has been corrupted to be Saturday. And it is not so. Saturday is not any

holier than Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. All the

days which il)il') made are holy. Can you imagine il)il') making one day holier than

the other? All the days are holy. What is holier about Saturday than Sunday? Who

made Sunday holy anyway? You have to study to know these things.


Who changed the seventh day to Sunday? And when was it changed? You

need to go pull out all your encyclopedias; and if you do not own any, go to the

library. Study Sunday and study Monday and Tuesday, and all these days. You do

not even know where these days came from. Who came up with this thing called

Monday? i11i1~ did not name a Monday in the Bible. Nowhere in the Bible do I see

Monday. Where did they come up with this Monday and Sunday stuff anyway?

Come on, tell Me! You are smart. You went to college. Tell Me, Why do you say

Sunday? And if you are so smart, where did it come from? When did it come about?

Who authorized it? Who changed it? Daniel, Chapter 7, verse 25 reads:

"And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall
wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and
laws ... "

The opposer of the most High changed the times and the laws. You went to

school and were taught that the days of the week are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Anybody who went to school and

learned that, ought to know why they are saying it. I just want you to know that you

are in a foolish position. You are running around saying things in your life that you

have no basis for. So do not challenge Me about no goat and no lamb being on no


dumb altar when you don't even know why you say Monday. Doesn't it make you

feel a little ashamed that you do not know where these things came from?

You have taught your child to be as dumb as you are about this. Your child

comes up and you ask, ''What are the days of the week?" And you have taught your

child to say the same thing you have been saying. And your child is just as dumb as

you are about where it came from because, obviously, you cannot teach your child

what you do not know. So I already know your child does not know anything about

the "origin" of Sunday. Neither you nor your child has knowledge of your history.

But it is documented, and you can find it. I did. I trust you will find it also. It is

findable. Doesn't it make you feel a little dumb to have called days by those names

all of your life and not have any idea where they came from? This is what the Feast

of Weeks is all about: to study and rightly divide truth from error, which will set you

free from being a bondman in Egypt (America).

The Feast of Weeks is one of the laws ofillil') required for the so-called Black

man of America to keep. But in keeping it, you are told to count so many days,

according to Leviticus, Chapter 23, verse 16 which reads:


"Even unto the morrow after the seventh sabbath shall ye number
fifty days; and ye shall offer a new meat offering unto the LORD,

First, you have to know how to count; and second, you should want to know why it

is fifty. Even before this, you need to know about Sunday. You cannot consider

yourself intelligent and do not know where Sunday came from. You ought to just

stop saying it and say what i1liP said, because you do not know why you are saying


As you read in Exodus, Chapter 23, verse 15, i1li1' named one month. You

cannot argue with Me when I tell you i1li1' named only one month, and that one

month is Abib. Now where did September come from? Where did January come

from? How long has it been January? How long have people been saying January?

Only all of your life. But what about January before your life? Did January come

into existence when you were born? You thought Sunday was it. What about

January? Is January the frrst of the year? If so, whose year? It is not the frrst of the

Creator's year. Who should know better than the Creator when the year begins? He

made everything, and it was He who set time in motion, according to Genesis,

Chapter 1, verses 1, 3, 5, 14-18:


1 "In the beginning God, i11il\ created the heaven and the earth. "

3 "And God, i11il\ said, Let there be light: and there was light. "

5 "And God, i11il\ called the light Day, and the darkness he called
Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. "

14 "And God, i11il\ said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the
heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs,
and for seasons, and for days, and years:

15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give
light upon the earth: and it was so.

16 And God, i11il\ made two great lights; the greater light to rule the
day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.

17 And God, i11il\ set them in the firmament of the heaven to give
light upon the earth.

18 And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light
from the darkness: and God, i11il\ saw that it was good. "

i1li1') set time in motion, so He knows when time begins: He knows when the month

begins, when the year begins, and what number the day begins .

i1li1') began His numbers with one. Do you know where "one" came from?

One came from zero. i1li1') is the Author of zero. Now do you know the difference


between zero and one and zero to ten? Because if you know so much, I want you to

count from zero to one. I have talked to those who hold Ph.D's in math, and they

could not count from zero to one. I could. I always knew I could. If you can, then

count.from zero to one. You have to be able to get from zero to one. And the same

way I get from zero to one, I can also get from one to two.

So where did January come from? When did January start being called

January? Where did March come from? When in history did March start? It sure

isn't in the Bible--from Genesis through Revelation. Revelation did not even say

Monday was coming.

Why did your enemies hide this from you? Why did they leave out of the Bible

what the seventh day is, how you get to it, and how to know it mathematically and

historically, and with proof? The facts about the seventh day were left out because

somebody wanted to cut the people of il)il') off from the sign that il)il') exists, for at

least two reasons: ( 1) If the people do not see the sign of il)il') in existence, then they

do not have to pay il)il') any attention, because He doesn't exist to them. (2) This

leaves them free to create their own gods, as recorded in 1 Kings, Chapter 14, verse



"But hast done evil above all that were before thee: for thou hast
gone and made thee other gods, and molten images, to provoke me to
anger, and hast cast me behind thy back":

They created their own gods because the sign of the "true" God is missing, thus

there is no sign that the "true" God even exists.

So, whoever the people of ;n;,') are can only prove it by keeping the seventh

day holy, not Saturday as the sabbath. This is what the law of the Feast of Weeks

helps to establish. You have to be able to count seven "perfect" sabbaths. Sabbath

is a word for seventh day--seven days, seventh day. You have to keep a "perfect"

set of sevens. In order for it to be right, you have to have knowledge of the right

calendar. And, therefore, when you have the right calendar, then you can keep the

seventh day holy.



peculiar when the whole world is going by "a" calendar and you come up going by

"the" calendar. This forces the world to ask, "Whose calendar are you going by?"


And you will say, "I am going by the calendar of i1li1')--solar time." They will not

ask you a question after that because they will know what solar means: THE SUN'S



The way to know that the Son is on the Earth is that there will be a people who

will begin to obey the Son's time of keeping the seventh day according to the time

of the sun--solar time. Solar is the representation of the S-o-n called the s-u-n. That

is why it is called sun. In Spanish, they call it "el sol." All they have to add is the "a-

r." Their word at least preserves that it is supposed to be solar. El sol is "the Sun."

There's a lot to learn, isn't it? Now I am giving you something to study so you

can communicate intelligently with Me. In addition, you can then grow in wisdom,

knowledge, and understanding of il)il') from your reference of study. I am not saying

you have to accept what I say--I am saying study. I trust what you will find. I read

the whole library, and I know what you will find. Go to any library you want, and

you will see that I have. Something as important as a sign between the Creator and

you--and the fact that the Creator is saying that this is a sign between Him and you--


means that it is something that is important for you to know. Read Exodus, Chapter

31, verse 13:

"Speak thou also unto the children of Israel, saying, Verily my

sabbaths ye shall keep: for it is a sign between me and you
throughout your generations; that ye may know that I am i11i1' that
doth sanctify you. "

It takes a "peculiar" people with a certain set of genes and chromosomes to

want to identify with this Scripture. A fella who is not one of the children of illil')

by his genes and chromosomes will say, ''What difference does it make?" Well, when

you ask for an orange, does it make a difference if somebody gives you a tomato?

Does that make a difference to you? Well, this is how much a difference this makes.

Yes, everything makes a difference. It makes a difference! Understanding all of

these Scriptures makes a difference .

Chapter Fifteen

Knowledge of the Feast of Weeks

Numbers, Chapter 28, verses 26-31 gives you more knowledge about the Feast

of Weeks:

26 "Also in the day of the firstfruits, when ye bring a new meat

offering unto illil\ after your weeks be out, ye shall have an holy
convocation; ye shall do no servile work:

27 But ye shall offer the burnt offering for a sweet savour unto illil\"
two young bullocks, one ram, seven lambs of the first year;

28 And their meat offering offlour mingled with oil, three tenth deals
unto one bullock, two tenth deals unto one ram,

29 A several tenth deal unto one lamb, throughout the seven lambs;

30 And one kid of the goats, to make an atonement for you.

31 Ye shall offer them beside the continual burnt offering, and his
meat offering, (they shall be unto you without blemish) and their
drink offerings. "



You are to do no servile work. Verses 27 through 31 are heathen. I can explain them,

but they are still heathen. I can spiritualize them for you, and you will accept every

one of those verses under a spiritual condition. You cannot spiritualize these verses

because your mind is terrestrial. When your mind is terrestrial, you will be looking

for some offering to bum, because you are a child in the mind when it comes to the


You have to wake up and find out that the Bible is written in at least nine

different ways: figuratively, literally, prosaically, poetically, allegorically,

metaphorically, parabolically, prophetically, symbolically, and simile. So you do not

know when to read the Bible prophetically or literally. And you do not understand

what symbols are nor why they are used. Even more, you do not understand the

symbols that are in the Books of Daniel and Revelation.

You wouldn't want to be in no ocean with something that comes rising up out

of the water that looks like this on you, would you? You would spend all your time

running from this thing, wouldn't you? If you understood this symbol, you would

have your tennis shoes on now, because this beast represents a person. This picture

is not an empty threat--this is "serious" business. Your life depends on understanding


this. Your future and salvation depend on you understanding every detail and symbol

in this picture. Until you understand the symbols in this picture, you will remain a

bondman in Egypt.

All I know is you wouldn't want to meet any beast like this one below. I do

not know how anybody could look at this picture and not be mystified trying to study

and figure out what this is.


You had better believe it is worse than the way it looks in this picture. This animal

is alive! This beast is alive, well, and running around loose and has you in its teeth,

and you do not even know it. Yes, he has you, and you don't even know it. You are

totally possessed by this beast and don't understand it. Totally possessed! Who can

know it? Anything running around like this, which can devour you and your children,

you shouldn't want it to continue to exist. But when you cannot identify this, you

cannot fight it. The beast this picture represents has you! And you do not understand

it has you. It hurts you, because it causes pain, suffering, tears, sorrow, hunger, death,

poverty, abuse, sickness, and disease.

Now look at this picture

on the right.


All those heads! I mean, being bitten by a pit bull would be bad enough. To be bitten

by something that comes flying through the sky and up above the water with all those

heads--how would you like to be trying to fight one head and six more heads come

after you? Would you like to meet a beast like that? Well, he exists. You have a lot

of studying to do. These pictures show why the Bible cannot always be taken


You have just read in Numbers, Chapter 28, verses 26-31 that you are

commanded to bring something to illi1')--some kind of offering. Now how would you

look bringing a steak from New York all the way to the feast for God in your car? So

you think God would want an old purple, rotten, stinky-smelling, putrid steak?

Talking about, "Here's your offering, God." Bringing "a new meat offering" must

mean something else today. You do not know any more about what this means than

you do about where January came from. Isn't that a mystery?

In the meantime, this explains why you do not know the importance of the law

of the Fyast of Weeks. But at least now you are for the first time in your life learning

the importance of the law of the Feast of Weeks. I am teaching you things you have

never thought about in your life, but you are now learning that they are a blessing to



you in regard to the law of the Feast of Weeks. From what you have learned thus far,

do you feel that you are benefitting from the knowledge of the law of the Feast of

Weeks? Do you have a new attitude about life? And if so, is it beneficial? very

beneficial? or a little beneficial?

How much money can the knowledge of the law of the Feast of Weeks mean

to you? Priceless, infinite wealth is what you obtain from the knowledge of the

law of the Feast of Weeks. However, just obtaining this knowledge is not enough.

There is one more thing you have to do: You have to apply or practice it. In other

words, you have to go to work: SOW SOME SEEDS THAT BELONG TO il1il~.

This knowledge means infinite wealth for you and your family for ever. What does

this knowledge mean for the rest of our people who cannot pay their rent, who are out

in the streets, sleeping under bridges, and going hungry? What does this knowledge

mean to them? This knowledge means absolutely nothing to them. Why? Because

they have not kept the law of the Feast of Weeks.

To keep the law means that you have to come to the place where I choose to

place My name, as written in Deuteronomy, Chapter 16, verse 11:


"And thou shalt rejoice before the LORD thy God, illil\ thou, and
thy son, and thy daughter, and thy manservant, and thy maidservant,
and the Levite that is within thy gates, and the stranger, and the
fathe,less, and the widow, that are among you, in the place which the
LORD thy God, illil\ hath chosen to place his name there. "





many people will be blessed. A WHOLE ARRAY OF PEOPLE WILL BE ABLE



The number of people that should come to the feast is described in Zechariah,

Chapter 14, verse 16:

"And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left of all the nations
which came against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to
worship the King, the LORD, illil\ of hosts, and to keep the feast of
tabernacles. "

Every year every one that is left of all the nations have to come and worship the King


of Israel. Who is The King of Israel? i11i1') 1!1. i11i1') IS THE KING OF ISRAEL.

And where is He? HE IS IN THE CITY OF i11i1\ according to Psalm, Chapter 46,

verse 4 and Hebrews, Chapter 12, verse 22:

4 "There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of
il'lil\ the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High. "

22 "But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living
God, illil\ the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company
of angels, "

Zechariah, Chapter 14, verses 17-19 explains what will happen to those who

do not come up, and it reads:

17 "And it shall be, that whoso will not come up of all the families of
the earth unto Jerusalem to worship the King, the LORD, illil\ of
hosts, even upon them shall be no rain.

18 And if the family of Egypt go not up, and come not, that have no
• smite the
rain; there shall be the plague, wherewith illil' will
heathen that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles.

19 This shall be the punishment of Egypt, and the punishment of all

nations that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles. "

I am not going to rain on your land. I am going to bring plagues upon you. I am



not going to let your crops grow unless you come and worship Me. It is My rain.

You can hire all the Indians you want to, to do a rain dance, but it won't bring

you !!!! rain. Indians do not own the rain. I DO. So I am not going to let it rain

on you. I don't even have to pick up a gun. I just will not let it rain.

Have you seen countries where illil'> did not let it rain? What is it called when

there is no raid? It is called a drought. What can grow when there is a drought?

Obviously, nothing can grow when there is a drought. Well, this is My power. This

is what I can do, and I am doing it to show you I can do it. Now all the people who

are dying from starvation in these countries because of a drought can stop their

suffering by coming to worship Me. Do you understand this mystery?

Wherever I am, there will always be plenty of food, and more water than you

will ever be able to drink. I can purify salt water free of charge: I use My power to

condense sea water, raise it up into the Heavens, and then send it through wind

channels at several hundred miles per hour. Then I separate the hydrogen from the

oxygen to get it in its purified state. Thereafter, I rejoin them in H 20 and let it fall

back to the Earth pure without contamination. I do this free of charge. This is My


power. The rain is more water than you will ever be able to drink.

People do not have to stay over in another land dying from starvation because

I do not let it rain over there. I am proving I am God. If they all come over here

and worship Me, I will just give them a rod and hook and just send them out on the

edge of the water, and all they will need to do is just kick the water and I will make

the fish jump up on the shore. They will be able to eat all they want. They won't

even need a hook!

I have plenty of food wherever I am. I do not care what the economy does. I

can take a raft and go out into the water and come back with plenty of foed! I do not

even need a match to cook it. If they cut off everything, I will dry it in the sun. I am

the Sun--Son. I will just dry it up, and we will have dried fish. I do not care. I am

the One drying the economy up. I am going to drive it to hell. They cannot starve

Me. In My back yard, I can have oranges, mangos, papayas, tangerines, grapefruits,

kumquats--and all kinds of fruits just hanging on trees all year long! I can even have

coconuts. From coconuts I can get coconut oil, coconut milk, and the meat of the

coconut. They will just grow. I can even have bananas. I can have My own banana

plantation with plantains. What is wrong with the world? What is wrong is they do

not know that il)il') is here.

Despite all that is going on in these countries, they cannot make it rain. If they

will come to worship the King, I will feed all of them. I will always have more

than enough. All who come and worship Me will never be hungry. They will never

be able to eat up all that I have. I have created an abundance. It is a blessing to be

around Me: I will always be able to feed them, because I will always have plenty.

Oh, Glory! The law of the Feast of Weeks teaches you like this. You learn this by

studying and celebrating the Feast of Weeks. Now the people who do not come and

worship the King of Israel do not have this wisdom.

Can you see that when the world starts to come to worship The King, all

hunger is going to leave? Praise il)il')! The whole Earth belongs to Me. When I

gain My Godhead, they are going to rule with Me upon the twelve thrones of Israel,

as written in Matthew, Chapter 19, verse 28, which reads:

"And il1il') p il1il') said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That ye
which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man
shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve
thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. "


And I will have all of the Godhead strategically placed in every country on the planet

Earth, and we will be one family. So when something does not grow in this part of

the world, it will be growing in another part; and it will all be shipped to Me for

nothing. There will always be food where I am. I will ship food wherever food is


The enemy of man, the enemy of illil'), plays food politics. People are

starving because Satan is ruling the world. And he only rules the world because

people cannot recognize who Satan is: They do not know how to recognize





Praise illil')!

Satan--Lucifer--and his angels were cast out of Heaven down to the Earth,

according to Revelation, Chapter 12, verse 9:

"And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the


Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out
into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. "

Satan has a lot of angels--a third of Heaven. You do not know how many that is, but

it is a large number. I have spoken to some of Satan's angels and have shined the

light on them, and they have taken leave from Me. Now who have I given this same

power to? I have given this same power to all who have "received" Me and to all that

"believe" on Me, which is in accordance with John, Chapter 1, verse 12:

"But as many as received him, to them gave he 'power' to become the

sons of God, i11i1\ even to them that believe on his name":

These are the ones whom I have given this same power. All who have this power



Satan has been ruling over you, but he has been hidden from your view, and 2

Corinthians, Chapter 11, verse 14, tells you how:

"... for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light."

But now that I have shined the light on him, he will never be able to hide from you


agam. I have revealed his "nature" to you, and I have at the same time revealed his

"character" to you. If you have not come to worship the King, you feel a little empty

right about now. Or if you have not received Me nor believe on My name, i11i1'), then

you are a little empty right now also. You know there is something missing in your

mind. This is what you learn from the law of the Feast of Weeks: How to gain power

over Satan.

The only power that Satan has is to camouflage himself. He can only rule over

you when you cannot see him. This is why he's oftentimes called a spirit, and

invisible. Do you understand this mystery now? Now you may or may not

understand this. Satan is a spirit alright, but when you have "received" Me and

"believe" on My name, I will give you the power to see him. Praise i11i1').

The law of the Feast of Weeks teaches you that the angels of Satan are

weaklings. Now since the angels of Satan are reflections of Satan, they too are

weaklings. Satan has no power in the sight of i11i1'). He has no power and no

authority in the presence of the Son of i11i1'), i11i1') )::1 i11i1'). Hallelu i11i1'). And you

may wonder why some people rejoice. When you come to a state of realization that


a "power" which you cannot see, feel, hear, taste, nor touch has been ruling over your

life and causing you pain, hunger, suffering, poverty, torment, and death--and you

suddenly gain power over such a force--then you will rejoice. It will make you ask

the question that is asked in 1 Corinthians, Chapter 15, verse 55:

"0 death, where is thy sting? 0 grave, where is thy victory?"


Chapter Sixteen

Remember, You Were A Bondman in Egypt

You must keep the Feast of Weeks unto il)il'), as written in Deuteronomy,

Chapter 16, verses 9-12, which reads:

9 "Seven weeks shalt thou number unto thee: begin to number the
seven weeks from such time as thou beginnest to put the sickle to the

10 And thou shalt keep the feast of weeks unto the LORD thy God,
il)il\ with a tribute of a freewill offering of thine hand, which thou
shalt give unto the LORD thy God, il)il\ according as the LORD thy
God, il)il\ hath blessed thee:

11 And thou shalt rejoice before the LORD thy God, il)il\ thou, and
thy son, and thy daughter, and thy manservant, and thy maidservant,
and the Levite that is within thy gates, and the stranger, and the

fatherless, and the widow, that are among you, in the place which the
LORD thy God, il)il\ hath chosen to place his name there.

12 And thou shalt remember that thou wast a bondman in Egypt:


~------ ------- _______............


and thou shalt observe and do these statutes. "

I want to call to your attention that you do not wait for something so erratic as when

the com comes up to then put your sickle to it, and start counting. The com may be

slow coming up. i11i1') is more exact than that. i11i1') is absolutely perfect, and He

requires you to worship Him and keep His high holy days to perfection. For that

reason, He has given you a "perfect" calendar--the solar calendar. When you

operate on solar time, then you are able to calculate precisely for ever, Abib One.

i11i1') tells us by law that on the fourteenth day of Abib begins a phenomenon.

What is it? It is Passover. On the fourteenth day of Abib is Passover, which is one

day. The Feast of Unleavened Bread is seven days. And from that moment, the next

day, you start to count. This is the law. And you count seven "perfect" sabbaths.

And after those seven perfect sabbaths are complete, the next day, which is the fiftieth

day, begins the Feast of Weeks.

Now what does this have to do with putting the sickle to the com? I can

explain to you what the sickle to the com is about, but I wanted to call your attention

to the fact that i11i1') is not a wishy-washy God. Suppose you were late planting your


com. You know how you are: sometimes you just forget things. You forget to keep

the sabbath, so you know you will forget to plant some com. You have to be

reminded from week to week to keep the seventh day holy: "Remember the

sabbath to keep it holy." You do not remember what to do from week to week. You

might sleep in one day. It might be raining. It might even rain for a week or so, and

you can't plant: then the maturity of the com would be late. illil') is not some

''funny-time" God like that. I just want you to know what kind of God illil') is. illil')

is an on-time God. The previous expressions of the law of the seven perfect

sabbaths gave you what I am giving you about this; and, it lets you see, you should

not be dependent on something as fickle as somebody cutting some com.

Verse 12 (Deuteronomy, Chapter 16) says that you shall remember that you

were a bondman in Egypt. Had you remembered or had it come to your mind, then

you would have returned to your home land long ago, according to Hebrews, Chapter

11, verse 15:

"And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they
came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned. "

But you forgot that you owned the land. When you forgot that you owned a land,


you also forgot that someone gave it to you. This is why Israel was cut off from being

a nation, Psalm, Chapter 83, verses 1-5:

1 "Keep not thou silence, 0 i1'li1~: hold not thy peace, and be not
still, 0 i1'li1~.

2 For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate thee have
lifted up the head.

3 They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted
against thy hidden ones.

4 They have said, Come, and let us cut them offfrom being a nation;
that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.

5 For they have consulted together with one consent: they are
confederate against thee":

And when you remember the land, you will begin to remember the history of the

land, the culture of the land, the language of the land, and the names of the people

who lived on the land. Moreover, you will also remember i11i1~ the name of the God

who gave you the land. So here in Deuteronomy, Chapter 16, verse 12, you are told

what to remember during the Feast of Weeks.

During Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, you are reminded to


remember that you were a bondman in Egypt. But il)il') knows you well: He knows

that in fifty days (the time between Feast of Unleavened Bread and the Feast of

Weeks), you will have forgotten that you were a bondman in Egypt. You get so

caught up in the ways of the heathen, you just forget. So the Feast of Weeks is about

reminding you again to remember that you were a bondman in Egypt.

You may say, ''Well, hey, I probably could always remember I was a bondman

in Egypt." You have forgotten that you are a bondman in America. Most of our

people do not want you to remind them. They will say, "Let us forget the past."

Everybody else remembers their past except My people. Everybody. The Jews tell

you about the Holocaust every month. They have movies, editorials in newspapers;

they also have books, magazines. and even comic books. Even you know about the

Holocaust, and you forget everything. If you would remember that you are a slave

in America as often as the Jews remind you about the Holocaust, then you would

: want salvation and redemption in America.

• Why are you catching hell in America? You are catching hell in America

because you have forgotten the law of the Feast of Weeks, which requires you to

remember that you were in bondage in Egypt. When you remember that you were


a bondman in Egypt four thousand years ago, then that will make you consider your

condition today: "I was a slave in Egypt, and what am I today?" You do not

consider, according to Hosea, Chapter 7, verse 2: ..

"And they consider not in their hearts that I remember all their
wickedness: now their own doings have beset them about; they are
before my face. "

But if you do not remember to practice the law of the Feast of Weeks, then you are

not going to remember you were a bondman in Egypt; neither are you going to

remember that you are a bondman in America. You want to forget it.

So you go to church and you cry about all of what Moses did when he parted

the Red sea, yet you have forgotten what has happened to you for these four hundred

years here in America. You are serious when you say, "Let's forget the past." But

only Black folks talk about forgetting their past. Black folks will make an "A" in

American history, English history, European history, and French history. Evenmore,

they can even recall generals of France--like Napoleon Bonaparte. My question to

you is--"lf you must forget your past, then why don't you forget about Napoleon?"

Why do they teach you about somebody who cut down a cherry tree? Right now the ·


name comes to your head. When I said, "cut down a cherry tree," who did you think

of? Of course, George Washington.

If you go out among our people across America and ask, "What is the law of

the Feast of Weeks?" They will say, "Are you crazy? What's wrong with you?" If

you asked them, "Do you remember when you were a bondman in Egypt?" They will

really think you are crazy now, and even cuss you out, because they can't even

remember that they are bondmen in America.

Black kids in White schools today will make an "F' if you ask them, "When

were the first slaves brought to America?" They have no idea when they were really

brought here. But they can tell you all about the history of Germany--Adolf Hitler:

even make an "A." But they will make an "F' in Bible history. If there is any book

you should make an "A" in, it should be the Bible, because the Bible is your history

that you have been made to forget. I am here to bring it to your memory, to bring it

1 back, because this is your salvation.


When you remember that you were in bondage in Egypt, it will make you never

want to be in bondage again. When you realize that you are in bondage in America,


it will make you never want to be in bondage in America ever again. Are you free

from America? No. I AM HERE TO SET YOU FREE, as written in John, Chapter

8, verse 36:

"If the Son, i1'li1' p i1'li1', therefore shall make you free, ye shall be
free indeed. "

The only thing that is going to free you is the truth about your condition. Without

the truth of your condition, you can talk about America all you want to, but you still

will be in bondage. Until I shine the light on your condition, you will remain a victim

of your condition. You will know the problems, but you will not know the solutions.

Isn't that something to think about? So the Feast of Weeks says to remember your

condition in the past. Anything that calls your mind back 4,000 years is serious.

Now when you get out of bondage in America, you won't have to remember this

anymore, right? Oh, il1il') said all of His laws must be kept for ever. Until il1il') changes

the law of gravity, it looks like the law of the Feast of Weeks will remain. When you no

longer can walk on the Earth, but you just float--when that changes, you can look for the

rest of il1il') laws to change, because you know gravity holds you to the planet Earth.

This is how long you are to remember the law of the Feast of Weeks.

Chapter Seventeen

Adam: The Son of i11i1'

Now the name of something is important. It is significant. Something without

a name does not exist. Mter i1li1') created something, the first thing He did was He

took it to Adam and said, "Name it," as written in Genesis, Chapter 2, verse 19:

"And out of the ground, i11i1' formed every beast of the field, and
every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he
would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature,
that was the name thereof. "

I am showing you that names are important.

i1li1') honored Adam. Not only did He honor Adam, but this proves that Adam

was extremely brilliant. Adam was brilliant beyond your ability to comprehend. This

means that Adam understood instantly, upon sight, the absolute characteristic of one

thing from another thing; because to give something a name distinguishes it from all


other things. And Adam did not run out of names. That is some creative ability.



i1li1'>. He is not a creation. Adam was the son of i1li1'>, according to Luke, Chapter

3, verse 38:

"Which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was
the son of Adam, which was the son ofil'li1'."

And in Luke, Chapter 3, verse 23, this begins with Me, Myself, and it reads:

"And i1)i1' p. i1)i1' himself began to be about thirty years of age,

being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of

It is important for you to understand these things about the law of the Feast of the


I AM "THE" SON--THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON. There are no two sons.

I AM THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF i1li1'>. So this tells you that this is My

genealogy. I have traced Myself right back to i1li1'> as His Son. This is what the

proof is: The Son of man is the Son of i1li1'>. And, therefore, you too are a son of

illil'). You are a son of Adam. You are an offspring of Adam, who was the son of

illil'). This is a direct line. Don't be wondering about who you are, you are a son

ofillil\ Now who are you going to act like? A son ofillil')? or are you going to act

like a son of Lucifer?

Now Lucifer has you acting like him. Oh, yes! So if someone came and tried

to tell you who you are the son of, they would swear that you are the son of Lucifer,

because you are twice the devil than Lucifer, which is described in John, Chapter 8,
verse 44:

"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will
do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the
truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he
speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. "

You have forgotten everything. A son of illil') remembers who he is. So if you have

forgotten, then you have been "cut off' from the knowledge that you are a son of

illil'). What makes you a son of illil')? What makes you a son of illil') is knowledge.

If you do not have the Mind of illil'), then you have the mind of whoever possesses

you. Whosever mind you possess, this is who you are the son of. This is deeper than

a body, because illil') is "Divine" Mind.


A son of i11i1') would have to have what kind of mind? He would have to have

a "divine" mind. So to cut you off from the knowledge of i11i1') is to cut your mind

off from this "original" knowledge. If you go back in Genesis and try to find the

book that Adam recorded the names in, you cannot fmd it. Where is it? The sons of

Lucifer have changed the truth of Adam's book into a lie, according to Romans,

Chapter 1, verse 25:

"Who changed the truth of i1'li1' into a lie, and worshipped and
served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever.

We are worshipping the creature that Adam named instead of understanding the name

of the creature. The law of the Feast of Weeks makes us know these things. Satan

did this to you by hiding the book of Adam from you. What has Satan done to the

names of all the creatures that Adam named? He changed the names.

The Latin language constitutes the basic name of most things. Is Latin the

"original" language? Of course not. And if you think it is, go study the etymology

of Latin and you will discover that it is not the original language. Since Latin is not

the original language, then that means Adam did not speak Latin. So someone

ADAM: THE SON OF i11i1')

changed the truth of Adam's books and encyclopedias into a lie.

Now when you read about Carthage, where Hannibal was from, the greatest

general, you will find out that the same people who changed the names of the

creatures that Adam named also burned all the Black libraries. In the modem world,

the world's largest, most extensive library was found in Carthage. And the world's

greatest bonfrre on the planet Earth was in Carthage. They burned and destroyed all

of your history. The Roman devils did that.

Now if you do not believe that the only way you can make a person a slave and

keep him that way is to destroy the books, then why was it that during slavery--for

310 years--you were not allowed to read? The so-called Black man of America are

the only people on the planet Earth who were forbidden to read; and if they were even

caught with a book, they were killed. You had to be some kind of a "special person"

for someone not to want you to read. It wasn't just to keep you in slavery: They had

to successfully cut you off from the law of the Feast of Weeks; because if you had

been practicing the law of the Feast of Weeks and you could have read about it, then

you would have known and remembered who to call on for salvation. And it sure

would not have been Jesus. Hallelu i11i1)!


The people who created Jesus have taught you that Jesus was the only name

whereby you can be saved: knowing full well that they made Jesus up: They created

Jesus. They know that Jesus did not exist. The Encyclopedia Brittanica, copyright

1956, Volume 1, page 683, states the following:

"J developed in the 15'h century as an initial (more ornate) form of

i ... "

They did not let you read for 310 years; so, when they gave you Jesus as the only

name, you went for it, because you did not have anything else to go by. When they

say in the books, Homo sapien, what do you say? You say Homo sapien also.

A people who do not know January from Monday sure do not know anything

about Jesus either. And I can assure you that a people who cannot tell Me when

January began and who started it, and when Monday began and who started it are a

people who cannot tell Me when the letter "J" came into existence. By learning that

the letter "J" only came into existence in the 15th century, you can see when Jesus

came about, and determine that Jesus could not have existed before the letter "J"--not

by the name Jesus. The greatest shock in your life is to discover that the letter "J"

was developed only in the 15th century. I blew this country apart when I put out a

ADAM: THE SON OF illi1')

pamphlet all over the country entitled "Jesus and Jehovah Do Not Exist." To this

day, I cannot get anyone to talk about it.

The law of the Feast of Weeks will make you remember these kinds of things.

So since Jesus did not come into existence until the 15th century, this will explain to

you the year 1611. What happened in 1611? The King James version of the Bible

was written into English and that is the first time Jesus appeared. You were brought

here in 1555, so they did not let you read because they had some work to do: They

had to keep Judah (Yehudah), who was chosen to be the ruler, in darkness and cut

off from the "true" name.

They told the truth in the Book that there is only one name whereby men can

be saved, which is written in Acts, Chapter 4, verse 12:

"Neither is IMrr sal~otion in any other: for there is none other name
under heaven gi'~ among men, whereby we must be saved. "

This is the truth. Now if they let the truth stand like that, then you would have to ask

yourself one natural question: What is the name? So this is when they shot the

trick: They mixed falsehood with the truth, as you read in Romans, Chapter 1, verse



25. Now do you think the devil is going to tell you the "true" name? Are you that

naive to think Satan gave you the "real" name so you could be saved from him? No!

Because he wants to keep you in bondage.

The law of the Feast of Weeks will force you to ask these kinds of questions.

This is worth celebrating. Anything that will make you ask these kinds of questions

is worth celebrating and remembering. So names are significant.

Chapter Eighteen

What Language Did il1il' Teach Adam?

You should want to see the book that Adam wrote. How do you think all the

people learned the names of all the creatures? Do you think Adam went around to

millions of people teaching each one the names of everything? He wrote them down.

The Holy Book says that i1)i1') writes and reads books. i1li1') wrote with His own

fingers, according to Exodus, Chapter 31, verse 18:

"And he gave unto Moses, when he had made an end of communing

with him upon mount Sinai, two tables of testimony, tables of stone,
written with the finger ofi11i1')."

I am going to ask you a few questions that you have never been asked in your

life. The law of the Feast of Weeks makes you ask questions. You have never

thought to ask these questions, pertaining to Verse 18 that you just read: i1li1') has

fingers and He wrote His own law. This was in the day of Moses. These are My


questions: When did i11i1') learn how to write? I wonder who taught i11i1') how to

write? I wonder what language He wrote in? It seems to Me that Moses was able to

read the language which i11i1') wrote in. That is a slick key, isn't it? And if I can fmd

out the nationality of Moses, then I will know in what language i11i1') wrote. The

answer is given in Exodus, Chapter 2, verse 11, which reads:

"And it came to pass in those days, when Moses was grown, that he
went out unto his brethren, and looked on their burdens: and he
spied an Egyptian smiting an Hebrew, one of his brethren."

Look what the law of the Feast of the Weeks is teaching you. I get chill bumps

thinking about all of My life in church I never learned this.

This means that Moses was a member of a fraternity. Now when he said

brethren, this means that they were members of the same brotherhood. Moses

looked just like the rest of the Egyptians. But now the issue is--do not get caught up

on that. Just remember Moses was a Hebrew, and all of his brethren were Hebrews

and spoke Hebrew. And illil~ wrote with His own finger the language Moses

understood, which was Hebrew. So if you were to meet i11il') today, He would say,

Shalom Aleichem. Shalom oovrakah. Aneeahab. And if you want to understand the


rest of what He would say, you would have to study Hebrew.

Moses was the grandfather of the Son of Man, and Moses was the grandson of

Abraham. Now Moses spoke and wrote and read Hebrew. And when I go back to

Abraham, I find that he too was a Hebrew, which is written in Genesis, Chapter 14,

verse 13, which reads:

"And there came one that had escaped, and told Abram the Hebrew:

Abraham was a Hebrew, therefore Abraham spoke Hebrew. This is written in

Genesis; therefore, from the beginning was Hebrew.

The brotherhood existed all the way back to Abraham. There was a Hebrew

brotherhood. So since Abraham was a grandson of Adam, you know Abraham's

grandfather's parents taught him Hebrew. When you go all the way back to Adam,

then he had to be speaking Hebrew also. From the beginning inil') was a Hebrew,

speaking Hebrew, writing Hebrew, and it was still being written and understood all

the way down to Moses. Adam was the son of il)il'). Who taught Adam? il)il')

taught Adam. What language did il)il') teach Adam? il)il') taught Adam Hebrew.


This means that the original language is Hebrew. NO ONE CAN SPEAK

ANYTIDNG BEFORE THE CREATOR. The law of the Feast of Weeks makes

you know and remember this.

When you remember that you were a bondman in Egypt, you have to

remember all about Moses: Who he was, his nationality, his history, his culture, his

language, his name, his land, and his God. Then you must "study" the nature and the

character of those who had Moses and Israel, the brethren, in bondage. In addition,

you must study and learn "how" the Hebrews came out from under bondage. We read

that the God of the Bible and the God of Moses is the same God--yesterday, today,

and for ever. By you remembering the law of the Feast of Weeks, you can get past

the lie about the letter "J" and Jesus, and get to the truth. The knowledge you have

leaned about the letter "J'' lets you get rid of this lie. You cannot apply a lie like this

to i11iP. Hebrews, Chapter 13, verse 8 tells us clearly that the Son of man, i11i1') 1::1

i11i1') was, is, and shall always be, and it reads:

"il,il" ):l il,il., the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. "

Here I am! I am the same one who talked to Abraham and to Adam. Praise


illil')! That is the beauty of knowing the truth. THE TRUTH IS, ONLY THE SON


You just have to live with it.

Now you did not have any problems with somebody else coming back. Right?

So, why do you want to have a problem when I tell you I am back? or I am here? and

I am the same? Anytime I want to come back, I will be the same. It is not even a

matter of coming back, but anytime I want to appear in the future--it won' coming

back, it will be an appearance. This is a revelation. I am self-revealed, which

means I am revealing Myself to you--My same Self. My Self was the same yesterday,

I have the same Self now, and I will be the same Self for ever. Whenever I choose

to reveal Myself, I have to be the same Self and doing the same work.

I am doing for you today what I did for you in the days of Moses. I am doing

for you right now what I did for you in the days of Noah. I am doing the same for you

right now that I did for Lot in Sodom and Gomorrah. And I promised Abraham that

I would come to you in a strange land, where you would be speaking a strange

language to yourself. I told you, HERE I AM! What are you going to do? I told


Abraham I would come in Genesis, Chapter 15, verses 13-14:

13 "And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be
a stranger in a land that is not their's, and shall serve them; and they
shall afflict them four hundred years;

14 And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: and
afterward shall they come out with great substance. "

Here I am doing exactly what I said. I must be the One because I am doing it. You

know a tree is known by the fruit it bears, as written in Matthew, Chapter 12, verse


"Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else make the tree
corrupt, and his fruit corrupt: for the tree is known by his fruit. "

That is just the way it is. You just have to go with that. Praise i1'li1').

Read your Bible until you get tired and you will discover that the man that

lived 1,999 years ago never said He was God. He asked the question in Matthew,

Chapter 16, verses 13-16:

13 "When i1'li1') p. i1li1') came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi,

he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of
man am?


14 And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some,
Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets.

15 He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?

16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art i11i1') p i11i1\ the
Son of the living God, i11i1'). "


And all who have a problem with that on Earth, I am il)il') )J. il)il'). Praise il)il')!


i11i1') IN THE FLESH AS THE SON. Praise il1il')! I AM PREPARED TO


THINGS TO ALL MEN. And that still does not take away from who I am. This is

just the way you want to "see" Me. That is alright with Me. I STILL AM--THAT

I AM. The whole world is going to know who I am.

Chapter Nineteen


The Feast of Weeks is a festival. It is not a funeral: it is a time to rejoice,

according to Deuteronomy, Chapter 16, verses 10-11:

10 "And thou shalt keep the feast of weeks unto the LORD thy God,
i11i1\ with a tribute of a freewill offering of thine hand, which thou
shalt give unto the LORD thy God, i11i1\ according as the LORD thy
God, i11i1\ hath blessed thee:

11 And thou shalt rejoice before the LORD thy God, i11i1\ thou, and
thy son, and thy daughter, and thy manservant, and thy maidservant,
and the Levite that is within thy gates, and the stranger, and the
fatherless, and the widow, that are among you, in the place which the
LORD thy God, i11i1\ hath chosen to place his name there. "

The law of the Feast of Weeks teaches you to rejoice! You have been sad in

America. Your enemy did not teach you to rejoice. Rejoice by definition means "to

be glad, to take delight; to make joyful, and gladden." So rejoice means to be glad.


What does glad mean? You know, you do not understand just being glad. There is

a lot more flavor and color; they need to be fused together. The purpose of My

coming is so you can rejoice. Aren't you glad I am here?

Until My coming to you, to you the Bible was a dull book to read, wasn't it?

Yes, picking up the Bible was not something that brought joy to you. You should be

happy that I am here making the Bible alive. I am here pointing out special things

about Myself: I am the Word in the flesh. I am calling to your attention that the

things I am pointing out about Myself are the glory of the Word in the flesh.

There are more than three or four words to the meaning of rejoice. My Mind

cannot be limited by one definition. This is a subordinate mind trying to limit My

intelligence. A three- or four-word definition is an insult to My and your intelligence.

You were taught to hate to read. Picking up a dictionary is not your favorite pastime.

You love to stumble past words. You have been given orders by il)il') that during the

Feast of Weeks you are to rejoice. How dare this devil try to limit My and your joy.

I am not bound. A subordinate mind cannot trap Me like this. I broke free long

ago. I have escaped Satan. So I know it is more to the definition of rejoice than this.


And I know how to get to it. I am calling your attention to it. I am telling you, "Do

not accept the subordinate mind." Go for the "Divine" Mind. This is your

inheritance! Go for it! What that subordinate mind did in that particular dictionary

was take a shortcut. He is not worthy to be called a scholar, because he has limited

the knowledge of jQy. But I know there is only one people chosen to rejoice, and

they are in America trying to speak English, because they do not remember Hebrew.

So knowing that you have orders to rejoice, and knowing that they taught you to hate

to read, and to hate to use the dictionary, they hid similar expressions or colors of

rejoice in the synonym finders.

Most bookstores do not even carry synonym fmders. I went to purchase several

copies of The Synonym Finder but the bookstore only had one copy. And it was

sitting there gathering dust. This is not a common book. I went all the way through

college and got a master's degree and did not know a synonym fmder existed. Maybe

they taught you in your college, but they did not teach Me in the ones I went to, and

I went to White colleges and Black ones. I even went to law school and they did not

tell Me about The Synonym Finder in law school. But it existed. So I found out they

never did intend to tell Me how to learn anything. But I learned anyway. I escaped,


because I am the Mighty God. You cannot limit Me. Nooo! You cannot limit Me!

What was disappointing to Me was I read the entire library and never found

that book. But then I found out that there were a lot of precious books held back in

secret in the library. I found that out by working in the library. While I was reading

the library, I found out at least some things about it. They have reference books that

you cannot even find on the shelf. You have to know they exist in the first place.

Then you have to go under lock and key into another set of rooms just to read the

books. And even those rooms are limited. Evenmore, they never told Me that I could

find the world's greatest secrets in the Library of Congress. I still do not know how

to get in there.

Somebody conspired against you to keep you from knowing what joy is. And

I am telling you, do not go for it. Since the words of i1li1') were found by Me, they

have been a joy and a rejoidng to My heart, as described in Jeremiah, Chapter 15,

verse 16:

"Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto
me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name,
0 LORD God, i11i1\ of hosts. "


But then how could I have a joy and a rejoicing when I did not know what the word


I am turning you on. This is why I am come in the flesh so I can tum you on

to the real joy. You do not "really" know what joy is. You think eating pie and ice

cream is joy, but this is sugar diabetes. The food that the devil has taught you to eat

and love to eat breaks you out in bumps and blisters, and causes you to have cancer

all over your body. So pie and ice cream is not a joy, it is a "sugar killer." But you

love it, don't you?

The dictionary is supposed to be the last word. Now if that dictionary was the

last word, then The Svnonym Finder will only have four words in it: rejoice, glad, joy,

and delight. If the Synonym Finder by J.l. Rodale, copyright 1978, page 1008, has

more than that, then the writer of that dictionary is either a deceiver or he has a

subordinate mind. Some synonyms for rejoice are to "celebrate, exult, jubilate in,

glory, revel, delight in, be glad, be happy, be pleased, be delighted, be tickled or

tickled pink, be elated, feel elation, be transported with joy, be overjoyed, sing, sing

for joy, carol, sound the trumpet, shout hallelujah." What language is halleluyah?

Halleluyah is a Hebrew word. What does it mean? Halleluyah means "praise be to



illil)!" Do you understand why that subordinate mind left that out?

Some additional synonyms for the word rejoice are shout, yell, cheer, cry out

with joy, be inspired, make merry, and sport. Do you just hope you get merry? Do

you just pray for merriment? Get down on your knees at the altar? Rejoice: skip,

frolic, dance, (Now it did not say nothing about no slow dance.) hop, jump for joy,

glow, luxuriate in, bask in, gloat over, crow, and crow about. Someone tricked you.

Look at what all you are supposed to do at the Feast of Weeks. Will you trust only

the dictionary from now on as the final word?

This is how I teach you to go after it. Rejoice. The first synonym for rejoice

is "celebrate." Now you have to define celebrate. I am not even defining yet. I am

just pointing out the flavor and the color. I want to fuse all these colors together, and

it is going to be gooood. All of it is going to be super good. This is a law. You do

not even have an option about this. The law in the Bible said, "Rejoice!" Hop!

Skip! Jump! Leap! Praise illil)!

When everybody is keeping the law, the only way you can feel like a fool is do

not hop. Praise illil). The law does not ask you anything about how you "feel"


about this. The law does not say anything about if you are self-conscious about this.

The law does not say anything about analyzing this. It does not say anything about

your feeling peculiar or weird. Satan has all these thoughts going through your head.

Satan is the one talking to you saying, "Now, see, you don't need to do that." Not

everybody who will jump up will be for real. Don't worry about whether they will

be for real, you jump and be for real. You keep the law! Praise illil')!

Can you imagine 144,000 jumping, rejoicing, hopping, and dancing? What a

day this will be. illil') said that if you love Him, you will keep His commandments

and you will keep His laws. He told you in the Book, rejoice! Now how are you

going to love Him, and don't rejoice? This is the law of the Feast of Weeks. Yes,

this is good for high blood, low blood, and no blood. This is the law of the Feast of

Weeks, so rejoice, because it will make you feel good. Praise illil')!

Let Me tell you the secret of why "rejoicing" will make you feel good. It is

because you are doing what your Father told you to do. You do not have to feel bad

if you are not doing everything illil') says, because you do not know everything He

says. However, it is a joy to find out. As I begin to remember what illil') wants Me


to do, I am going to do it as I learn it. So I am here to rejoice! Praise illiP!

The devil took this word rejoice and perverted it, corrupted it, and took it away

from illil') and put it on the football field, and the hockey field, and the basketball

court. The devil took this word and gave it to the entertainers, and other human

beings, and has you rejoicing to see a creature instead of the Creator. And you do not

see anything wrong with the world rejoicing over creatures. But you are here to

change the world. Praise illil').

Now do you know what's beautiful about this? I came up in the church and no

one wanted to shout until the music started. And all the shouting stopped when the

music stopped. And then if you really wanted to see somebody start shouting, all you

had to do was to get that organ or piano going and a sister would jump right up and

start to shout. Now you know what that proved to Me? That proved to Me that the

music was a tum on. But what about God? You can tum on at the Feast of Weeks

and rejoice without music. You can just straight out rejoice! Praise illil')!

If you practice the law of the Feast of Weeks, you will be able to rejoice, and

you will be set free from being a bondman in Egypt (America).

Scriptural References

Biblical Order

Genesis Exodus
1:3, 5, 14-18 ....................................... 98, 99 2:11 ......................................................... 138
1:11 ........................................................... 76 23:15 .................................................. 79, 98
1:12 ............................................... 77, 84/85 23:16 ................................ 78, 80, 81, 83, 86
2:15 .......................................................... 37 23:17 ........................................................ 91

2:19 ························································ 129 31:13 ................................................ 95, 103

3:1, 17,23 ·········································· 37,38 31:18 ...................................................... 137

13:14, 15 ·················································· 12 32:13 .......................................................... 4

14:13 ······················································ 139

15:13, 14 ................................................ 142 Leviticus
17:8 ...................................................... 4, 12 23:15 ............................................ 91, 93, 94
26:12 ................................................... 23/24 23:16 ................................. 91, 93, 94, 97/98
46:4 .......................................................... 38 23:17-22 .............................................. 91-94

26:4 .......................................................... 13

Numbers Psalms
28:26 .............................................. 105, 109 24:1 .......................................................... 51

28:27-31 ................................. 105, 106, 109 37:4 .......................................................... 44

46:4 ......................................................... 112

Deuteronomy 83:1-5 ····················································· 124

6:21 ·························································· 36 133:1 ........................................................ 30

14:2 ··························································59
16:9 .................................................... 3, 121 Proverbs
16:10 ·········································· 3, 121, 145 10:22 ................................................... 26/27

16:11 .......................... 3/4, 1101111, 121, 145 20:13 ........................................................ 41

16:12 ....................................... 3, 4, 121-124

16:16 ........................................................ 75 Isaiah

28:1-2 ....................................................... 60 40:31 .... ....... .. ....... ... .... .. .. ... .. ..... ... ... .... 81/82

58:12 ........................................................ 78

Joshua 61:4 .......................................................... 78

1:8 ........................................................ 9, 64

1 Kings 2:7 ................................................. 35/36, 39

14:9 ................................................. 100/101 4:22 .................................................... 31,52

15:16 ...................................................... 148

1 Chronicles
28:4 ···························································· 6 Ezekiel
34:26-27 ................................................... 13


Daniel Luke
Book of Daniel ... .. ....... ........... .. ........... .. .. 106 3:23, 38 ·················································· 130
7:25 .......................................................... 96 8:11 ........................................................... 83

8:19 ............................................................ 7

Hosea 10:23-24 ..................................................... 1

4:6 ····························································54 12:32 ........................................................ 30

7:2 ·························································· 126

Zechariah 1:10, 11 ..................................................... 54

14:16 ....................................................... 111 1:12 .............................................. 29/30, 117

14:17-19 .................................................. 112 3:4,5 ........................................................ 15

3:6,7 .................................................. 15, 16

Matthew 5:27 .......................................................... 29

4:4 ............................................................ 83 5:43 .......................................................... 27

12:33 ...................................................... 142 8:36 ........................................................ 128

13:14 ........................................................ 56 8:44 ........................................................ 131

13:24 ························································ 76 10:4 .......................................................... 72

16:13 ...................................................... 142 10:30 ........................................................ 27

16:14-16 ......................................... 142, 143 14:2 .......................................................... 77

19:28 ....................................................... 115 14:6 .......................................................... 55

24:14 .................................................. 72, 73 16:13 .................................................. 71, 72

28:18 ........................................................ 29



Acts Hebrews
4:12 ........................................................ 135 11:15 ················································· 86, 123
12:22 ....................................................... 112

Romans 13:8 ........................................................ 140

1:25 ......................................... 132, 135/136

8:17 .......................................................... 51 James

2:20 ..................................................... !!, 89

1 Corinthians 2:26 ........................................................... !!

14:2 .......................................................... 56

15:55 ....................................................... 119 Revelation

Book of Revelation ... ..... ... .. ... .. ... .. ... ..... ... 106

2 Corinthians 2:9 .............................................................. 7

11:14 ........................................................ 117 7:4 ............................................................ 16

12:9 ............................................ 37, 116/117

2 Timothy
2:15 .......................................................... 93

4:22-23 ...................................................... 52


General Index

Abib ...................... 79, 98, 122 American history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126

Abib one ......................... 122 American mind-set .................. 36
ability to comprehend ............... 129 ancestors .......................... 86
Abraham .......... 4, 12, 53, 81, 139-142 angels of Satan ................ 117, 118
Abram the Hebrew ................. 139 Annive~aries ....................... 8
abundance ................... 8, 9, 115 anniversary ......................... 8
Adam ........ 38, 129-133, 137, 139, 140 appear before Me ................... 79
Adam named ................. 132, 133 appearance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
advantage ...................... 24, 39 apply ............ 10, 52, 62, 92, 110, 140
affirmative action ................... 66 architects ......................... 43
Afro-American ..................... 71 ashamed ....................... 93, 97
all power .......................... 29 authority ...................... 29, 118
allegorically ...................... 106 authorized ......................... 96
altars ............................. 93 bad ........... 17,31,37,38,42,45-47,
America ..... 1,3,5-8, 10, 17,23,24,36, 52,58,67,68, 109,151
39,40,54,55,60-62,64,65, bad condition ...................... 38
70-72,75, 79,81,86,87,90,97, bad folks ....................... 67, 68
125-128, 133, 145, 147, 152 bad life ........................... 17



basest of men ....................... 5 body ...... 11, 16,36,56,57,90, 131,149

basic ......................... 30, 132 bondage ... 61,62, 125,127,128,136,140
basic name ....................... 132 bondman . . . . . . . . . 4, 8, 10, 17, 23, 24, 40,
beast of the field ................ 38, 129 72,81,90,97, 107,121,
beat ........................... 56,69 123, 125-127, 140, 152
beg .............................. 20 bondmen .......... 1, 5, 6, 36, 55, 71, 127
beggars ............................ 5 bonfire .......................... 133
Begotten Son ..................... 130 book ........ 1, 2, 9, 27, 64, 78, 127, 132,
believe ........... 30, 42, 59, 60, 88, 89, 133, 135, 137, 146-148, 151
108, 117, 118, 133 book of Adam .................... 132
believe on My name .............· ... 118 born .............. 12, 15, 16, 68, 70, 98
belong(s) ..... 4-7, 10, 30, 43, 51, 54, 62, born again ...................... 15, 16
63, 70, 75,79, 101,110,115 born of water ...................... 15
bended knees ...................... 20 boss .......................... 10, 33
beneficial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 bound ......................... 2, 146
Bible ............. 69, 71, 75, 76, 78, 81, bountiful harvest ................. 8, 17
86,93,94,96, 100,106,109, brain ............................. 56
127, 135, 140, 142, 146, 150 bread ..... 41, 75, 79, 83, 92, 122, 124, 125
Black folks ................. 40, 70, 126 brethren ................ 7, 30, 138, 140
Black libraries .................... 133 bricklayers ........................ 43
Black Man ...... 6, 55, 60, 71, 75, 97, 133 brilliant .......................... 129
Blacks ........................... 1, 3 brotherhood .................. 138, 139
bless ....................... 13, 23, 26 build ........... 15, 43-45, 51, 78, 81, 89
blessed ........ 1, 3, 9, 13, 23, 24, 51, 76, builders ........................... 43
81, 111, 121, 132, 145 building ............ 7, 42, 68, 87, 88, 93
blessing 1, 13, 24, 27, 40, 88, 109, 111, 115 calculate precisely ................. 122
bodies ............................ 16 calendar(s) ......... 94, 95, 101, 102, 122


calling forth ....................... 58 city of the living God ............... 112

Canaan ......................... 4, 12 college .................... 65, 96, 147
carnal ............................ 81 Colored ........................... 70
carpenters ......................... 43 Coloredese ........................ 70
cast out ................... 37, 116, 117 coloredland ........................ 70
catching hell .................... 7, 125 come .............. 7, 11-13, 15, 24, 27,
celebrate(s) .......... 3, 7-11, 21, 23, 26, 38~,50,51,55,57-60,65,68,
34,61,62,91,150 72, 73,87-89,96,98,100-102,109-115,
celebration(s) .............. 8, 10, 34, 53 118, 123, 124, 135, 141, 142, 149
century ...................... 134, 135 comedians ........................ 87
certain womb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 commanded .............. 3,38, 79,109
chastity ........................... 40 commandments ................ 60, 151
chauffeur ............... ·. . . . . . . . . . 18 company of angels ................. 112
child ......................... 97, 106 concept ........................... 18
children ...... 5, 6, 16, 31, 51, 52, 54, 61, condense sea water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
87,95, 103,108,130 condition .. 6, 17, 38, 41, 69, 106, 126, 128
children of Adam .................. 130 consider ...................... 98, 126
China ......................... 53, 70 consulted against .................. 124
Chinese ........................... 70 contamination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
choose ............... 75, 110, 111, 141 control ........................... 13
chose ........................... 6, 37 com ...................... 3, 121-123
chosen ... 4, 6, 59, 111, 121, 135, 145, 147 corrupt ....................... 52, 142
Christmas ....................... 8, 61 count ........... 91, 97, 98, 100, 101, 122
chromosomes ..................... 103 countries ............ 39, 53, 70, 113, 115
chump change ............... 18, 19, 65 cowards ........................... 5
church .......... 21, 43, 89, 126, 138, 152 created ........... 62, 72, 76, 77, 87, 99,
churches ....................... 21, 89
101, 115, 129, 134


creative ability .................... 130 devil ..... 37, 117, 131, 136, 146, 149, 152
Creator('s) ..... 94, 98, 102, 132, 140, 152 diadem ........................... 89
creature .................. 129, 132, 152 disciples .................... 1, 72, 142
crops ............................ 113 discipline ......................... 84
Cubans ........................... 39 distress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
culture ............... 5, 7, 71, 124, 140 do good ............ 30, 31, 37, 52, 58, 88
cut off ................... 114, 124, 135 dragon ....................... 37, 116
darkness .............. 5,20,61,99, 135 dress ............................. 37
day(s) ......... 1, 8, 9, 18, 19, 33, 38, 50, driver ............................ 18
52,60,62-64, 71,78, 79, drums ............................ 56
91-102, 105, 122, 123, 125, due season . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
135, 137, 138, 140, 141, 151 due times ......................... 91
day from the night .................. 99 ears ........................... 35,56
day(s) of Moses ............... 137, 141 Earth ........ 5, 13, 29, 37, 39, 40, 51-54,
days of Noah ..................... 141 56,57,59,60,68, 72, 76,
days of the week ................. 96, 97 77,84,99, 102,112,113,
dead ....................... 11, 12, 89 115-117, 128, 133, 143
defiled ..................... 36, 40, 41 economic status .................... 88
define ........................ 55, 150 educational status ................... 88
definition ................. 55, 145, 146 educators ......................... 43
Democrat ......................... 88 Egypt .......... 1, 4-6, 8, 10, 17, 23, 24,
dependent ..................... 10, 123 36,38,40,55,62, 71, 72,
designed ....... 1, 8, 59, 62, 63, 75, 77, 87 79,81,90,97, 107,112,121,
desired ............................ 1 123, 125-127, 140, 152
destiny ............................ 7 Egyptians ........................ 138
destitute .......................... 77 electricians ........................ 43
destruction ..................... 49, 61 employ the world .................... 5


employer .......................... 10
families of the Earth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
emptiness ......................... 51
family of Egypt ................... 112
empty .............. 34,51, 79,107,118 Father ...... 6, 12, 27, 29, 55, 81, 131, 151
encyclopedia(s) ............ 96, 133, 134 fatherless .............. 3, 111, 121, 145
end .............. 38, 65, 73, 78, 90, 137 Father's Day ........................ 8
enemies ............... 80,91, 100,124 feast(s) ...... 3, 5, 7-13, 17-21, 23, 26, 34,
enemy ................. 81, 95, 116, 145
engineers ......................... 43
75, 76,78-80,83,85-88,90-92,
England .......................... 70
97, 101, 105, 109-112, 115, 118,
English history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
121, 122, 124-128, 130, 132,
enlightening ....................... 88
133, 135-138, 140, 145, 146, 150-152
enriching ......................... 88 feast of harvest ...... 68, 78, 80, 85, 86,91
European history .................. 126 feast of ingathering .................. 78
everlasting possession ............. 4, 12 FeastofTabemacles ...... 35, 75,111,112
evil ................. 31, 38, 46, 52, 101 Feast of Unleavened Bread ....... 75, 79,
evil rule .......................... 38
122, 124, 125
exalted ............................ 5 Feast of Weeks ......... 3, 5, 7-13, 17-21,
excess harvest ...................... 69 23,26,34,35,41,47,53,59-64,
exchange market ................... 69 66-70,75,76,78-80,83,85,87,
eyes ...................... 1, 12, 41, 56 88,90,92,97, 101,105,109-111,
facts .......................... 9, 100
115, 118, 121, 122, 124-128, 132,
failing ............................ 10 133, 135-137, 140, 145, 146, 150-152
failure ............................ 35 feed the world ...................... 6
faith .......................... 11, 89 festival(s) ......... 61, 62, 63, 70, 75, 145
false .......................... 24, 93 field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 38, 78-81, 83,
false people ....................... 93
84,87,89,92, 129,152
falsehood ........................ 135 fifty .............. 49, 50, 65, 91, 98, 125



fifty days ................... 91, 98, 125 germinate ...................... 10, 13

figuratively ....................... 106 ghetto(s) .................... 40, 42, 78
first slaves ....................... 127 give . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 17, 20,
firstfruits ................ 78, 79, 92, 105 21,23,24,29,30,32,34,36,
firstfruits of thy labours .............. 78 39,44,49-53,62, 79,85,88,
flesh ................. 16, 143, 146, 149 95,99, 114,118,121,129,145
forget .......... 21, 54, 76, 123, 125-127 giver ........................... 4, 77
forgetting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 glorified .......................... 51
forgotten ........... 54, 63, 125, 126, 131 God; god(s) ..... 3, 4, 6, 7, 11, 12, 20, 21,
former desolations .................. 78 23,24,26,37,38,54,57,59,
foundations ........................ 78 60, 71,75-77,81,83,91-94,99,
fourteenth day of Abib .............. 122 100, 101, 109, 111, 112, 114, 117,
Fourth of July ................. 8, 10, 63 121-124, 140, 142, 143, 145, 148, 152
France ........................... 126 Godhead ..................... 115, 116
free .... 24,68,97, 100,113,128,146,152 good .............. 9, 15-17,25,26,30,
free indeed ....................... 128 31, 36-38,41-46, 51-54, 58, 64, 67,
freewill offering ............. 3, 121, 145 69, 72,76-78,84-89,99,142,150,151
French history .................... 126 good doctor ....................... 26
from Poverty to Riches .............. 78 Good Master ....................... 58
fruit ........... 13, 36, 41, 76, 77, 85, 142 good message ...................... 87
full ................. 36, 51, 52, 86, 134 Good Nature ....................... 58
fulness ........................... 51 Good Shepherd ..................... 72
gain power ................... 118, 119 good side ......................... 46
Garden of Eden ................. 37, 38 good success ..................... 9, 64
generations .............. 78, 92, 95, 103 goodness .................... 17, 36, 58
genes and chromosomes ............. 103 gospel ......................... 72, 73
Germany ......................... 127 gravity .......................... 128


great dragon ............... ~ ... 37, 116 Hebrew brotherhood ............... 139
greater light ....................... 99 Hebrew Israelite .................... 71
greater work ....................... 53 heirs ............................. 51
greatest beggars ..................... 5 hell ... 7,8, 15, 17, 18,24, 72,87, 114,125
greatest blessing .................... 24 help me ..................... 19-21, 89
greatest cowards ..................... 5 herb ....................... 76, 77, 84
greatest negative ..................... 6 heritage ..................... 36, 51, 53
greatest warriors ..................... 5 high holy days .................... 122
Halloween ...................... 8, 61 highest unemployed .................. 5
harruners .......................... 56 his name ........ 4, 27, 111, 121, 140, 145
Hannibal ......................... 133 historically . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
hate ............... 32, 33, 124, 146, 147 history .............. 1, 7, 36, 37, 71, 97,
head ............. 16, 42, 57, 72, 83, 89, 100, 124, 126, 127, 133, 140
109, 124, 127, 151 holiday(s) ...................... 61-63
head wrap ......................... 89 Holocaust ........................ 125
hear .................. 1, 21, 56, 59, 64, holy ................ 59, 92, 94, 95, 101,
72, 85, 87, 88, 119 105, 112, 122, 123, 137
heard ..................... 1, 16, 62, 66 holy convocation ............... 92, 105
heathens .......................... 93 homeless . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77-79
heaven ............ 4, 17, 18, 29, 32, 37, Homo Sapien ..................... 134
44,65,67~. 76, 77, 79, honorable ......................... 90
80, 87, 99, 116, 117, 135 hundred . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 24, 50, 62,
heavenly condition ............... 17, 69 68, 113, 126, 142
heavenly Jerusalem ................ 112 hundred million fold ................ 24
heavenly seeds ..................... 75 hundredfold .................... 23, 24
Hebrew(s) ............. 71, 86, 112, 123, hungry ................. 6, 34, 110, 115
138-140, 147, 149 hydrogen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113



I am . . . . . . . . . . 16, 24-27, 29, 30, 35, 36, I brought .................... 36, 40, 41
39-43,51-58,60,64,68,70, I can ................... 24, 44, 51, 57,
72,81,84,85,87-90,94,95, 102, 63, 68, 78, 106,
103, 109, 112-114, 116, 123, 127, 113, 114, 122, 134, 138, 149
128, 130, 137, 140-143, 146-150, 152 I can cause your "f' ................. 57
I am asking ..................... 88, 89 I can get ...................... 68, 114
I am building ................ 42, 68, 88 I can have . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
I am come ............... 51, 72, 87, 149 I did eat them . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
I am come in the flesh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 I do ......................... 113,114
I am here .......... 27, 29, 35,52-54, 56, I have . . . . . . . . . . 4, 19, 30, 36-40, 65, 66,
81, 116, 127, 128, 141, 146, 152 69, 72,81,86,87, 100,102,114,
I am here to rejoice ................. 152 115, 117-119, 130, 141, 146, 149
I am in the world ................... 53 I have created .................. 72, 115
I am prepared ..................... 143 I have created an abundance . . . . . . . . . 115
I am proving I am God .............. 114 I have escaped Satan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
I am revealing Myself .............. 141 I have given ................ 37, 72, 117
I am Self-revealed ................. 141 I have spoken ................... 4, 117
I am the first . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 I have victory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
I am the Great I AM ................. 57 I know how ....................... 147
I am the Mighty God ............ 57, 148 I made the Earth .................... 54
I am the same One ................. 140 I promise ......................... 23
I am the Sun--Son ................. 114 I shine the light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
IamtheWay ...................... 55 I still AM ........................ 143
I am the Word in the flesh . . . . . . . . . . . 146 I will .................... 4, 12, 13, 29,
I am their Savior .................... 54 38,42,44,50,54, 71,
I am walking on the Earth ............ 54 72, 114-116, 118, 138, 141
I broke free . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 I will always be able ................ 115


I will feed ........................ 115 Jesus .................... 133-135, 140

I will make .............. 13, 50, 72, 114 job ........................... 65,76
ignorant ........................ 7, 50 job hunting ........................ 65
immoral .......................... 69 jobs .............................. 65
importance ofthe law ............... 109 join .................. 42, 44, 58, 87, 88
impoverished ...................... 77 joy .......................... 146-151
impure ........................ 40, 49 joyful ........................ 61, 145
income .......................... 8, 9 joyous ............................ 17
increase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 69 jubilate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
independence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 63 Judah ..................... 1, 3, 6, 135
independent .............. 63, 72,75,88 judging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Indians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 keep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, 8, 10, 23, 25, 37,
industrious ........................ 79 39,61,62,65,68, 76, 79,80,
inert ............................. 76 87,90,91,94,95,97, 101,
infinite ones ....................... 30 103, 110-112, 121-123, 133,
inherit ............................. 4 135, 136, 145, 148, 151
inheritance ..................... 4, 147 keep His commandments ............ 151
inorganic ......................... 76 keeping ....... 9, 10, 95, 97, 101, 102, 150
introduce ................... 24,25,27 kept ...................... 25, 110, 128
Isaac ........................ 4, 20, 23 key ......................... 138, 148
Israel ........... 1, 3, 4, 6, 16, 53, 71, 95, king .......... 6, 111, 112, 115, 118, 135
103, 112, 115, 124, 130, 140 King James Version ................ 135
January ............... 98, 100,109,134 King of Israel ................. 112, 115
Japan ............................ 70 kingdom ................ 15,30,42~.

Japanese .......................... 70 73, 76, 79, 87-89

jealous ........................... 29 Kingdom of Heaven .............. 76,79
Jerusalem ................. 52, 111, 112 knees ..................... 20, 21, 150


know .............. 6-11, 13, 16, 18, 20, law school . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
23-27, 29-33, 37, 39-41,44, learn .......... 11, 13, 18, 21, 34, 35, 60,
45,51,54,55,57,59,60,62, 63,64,66,69,84,85,87,
64,67-71,73, 77,81,85,86, 89,90,94, 102,115,118,
89,90,94-103,106-109,115-118, 138, 140, 147, 152
123, 125, 128, 132, 134, 138-140, lesser light ........................ 99
142, 143, 146-149, 151, 152 letter "J" ..................... 134, 140
knowledge ....... 2, 4, 10, 11, 30, 31, 47, Levite ................. 3, 111, 121, 145
52,54,55,60,81,84,86, library ................ 96, 102, 133, 148
90,95,97, 101,102,105,110, Library of Congress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
111, 131, 132, 140, 147 life comes from life ................. 77
labor ............ 8, 79,80,84,85,89,90 life germ ....................... 77, 83
Labor Day .......................... 8 Life Giver ......................... 77
labored ........................ 84, 90 light(s) ........... 5, 20, 61, 99, 117, 128
labour ............................ 80 listen ............................. 20
lack of knowledge ............... 54, 55 literally . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106, 109
lambs ..................... 92-94, 105 long white robe .................... 89
land ............. 3-7, 10, 12. 13. 23, 36, Lord ............. 3,4,6, 12,20,21,27,
39-41,53, 70.80,81,86,87, 36-38, 59, 60, 75, 81, 82, 91, 92,
92, 112, 114, 123. 124, 140-142 98, 111, 112, 121, 145, 148
Land of Canaan .................. 4, 12 I...ot .......................... 12, 141
land oflsrael ....................... 53 lottery ...................... 49, 50, 64
land of opportunity .................. 39 love ........ 29, 31-33, 35, 38, 41, 42, 46,
land of plenty ................... 39, 40 62,64,65,69,88, 146,149,151
language ................ 7, 33, 71, 124, loved ............................. 32
132, 137-141, 149 Lucifer ............... 37, 116, 131, 132
law of gravity ..................... 128 lust .............................. 32


make you poor ...................... 8 most High ..................... 96, 112

make you rich ..... 8, 26, 50, 59, 62, 63,75 most positive ....................... 6
March ........................... 100 Mother's Day ....................... 8
master ......................... 58, 84 mother's womb ................. 15, 16
materially poor ..................... 77 mount up ......................... 82
mathematically .................... 100 multiply ........................... 4
meditate ............... 9, 18, 41, 52, 64 music ........................ 84, 152
meditating ......................... 9 My body .......................... 57
message .................... 56, 83, 87 My disciples ....................... 72
Messiah .......................... 54 My genealogy ..................... 130
metaphorically . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 My Godhead ...................... 115
Miami ......................... 24, 39 My good pleasure ................... 30
Mighty God ................... 57, 148 My heritage .................... 36, 51
million dollars . . . . . . . . . . . 18-20, 24, 25, My Man('s) ................. 23-27,40
36,38,39,49,50,62 My mansions ...................... 77
millionaire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 My message ....................... 87
millions ................... 18, 39, 137 My mouth ......................... 83
mind(s) ......... 1, 17, 19, 24, 31,34-37, My people ............... 7, 31, 52, 55,
40-42,49,52,57,69, 72, 78, 66, 70, 71,87,125
86,87, 106,118,123,128,131, My power .................... 113, 114
132, 146, 147, 149, 150 Myrain .......................... 113
mind thing ........................ 17 My same self ..................... 141
mindful ....................... 86, 123 My self .......................... 141
misperceived ...................... 60 My womb ......................... 16
money ......... 8, 9, 19-21, 23-25, 35, 50, My "f' ........................... 57
62,66,67,69, 79,81,87,110 Myself ...... 20, 25, 27, 57, 130, 141, 146
Moses ................... 126, 137-141 mystery ......... 18, 24, 56, 109, 113, 118


mystified . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Noah ............................ 141

name ............ 4, 7, 11, 24, 25, 27, 70, number(s) ......... 3, 16, 91, 98, 99, 105,
71, 96, 110, 111, 118, 121, 109, 111, 117, 121
124, 127, 129, 132, number the day ..................... 99
134-136, 140, 145, 148 obey ............................ 102
name distinguishes ................. 129 observe ................ 4,9,60,64, 122
nation .... 1, 3, 24, 25, 43, 59, 61, 124, 142 old serpent .................... 37, 116
Nation of Israel .................... 1, 3 one ............ 3,26,27,31,40,42,50,
nationality ................. 71, 138, 140 60-66,71,72,77, 79,89,92,
nations ........ 5, 12, 59, 60, 73, 111, 112 95,97-100,103,105,106,
nature ........................ 58, 140 109-111, 114, 116, 122-124,
negative ........................ 6, 46 129, 135, 137-140, 142,
Negroes ....................... 70, 71 143, 146, 147, 151, 152
new attitude ...................... 110 on-time God ...................... 123
new meat offering ........... 91, 98, 105 open mind .......................... 1
new mind ......................... 24 opportunity ................. 39, 86, 123
New Year .......................... 8 opposite ....................... 45,46
Nicaragua ......................... 53 oppress ........................... 23
night .................... 9, 18, 44, 50, oppressor ......................... 24
52,61,62,64,99 order ...................... 11, 21, 24,
Nigra(s) .......................... 71 41, 52, 79, 101
no authority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 organ ........................... 152
no idea ..................... 4, 54, 127 organic ........................... 76
no knowledge .............. 4, 30, 31, 52 original language .............. 132, 140
no pain ........................... 17 own ................ 4, 6, 12, 27, 54, 70,
no power ......................... 118 71, 73,80,81,87,96, 100,
no work ....................... 64, 65 101, 113, 114, 126, 131, 137, 138


own the field ...................... 81 place His name .......... 4, 111, 121, 145
own the land ....................... 81 plague ........................... 112
ownership ......................... 87 planet .. 5, 16, 53, 70, 72, 81, 116, 128, 133
oxygen .......................... 113 plant ................... 10, 13, 41, 123
Palestine .......................... 53 plentiful offering .................... 8
Panama ........................... 53 plenty ................. 8-10, 17, 34-36,
parable ........................ 76, 83 39, 40, 69, 113-115
parabolically . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 pocket ......................... 39, 62
Passover .................. 75, 122, 124 poetically ........................ 106
pastor's ............................ 8 political preference .................. 88
patriarchal father . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 poor in spirit ....................... 77
peculiar ................ 59, 76, 101, 151 possession ................ 4, 11-13, 15
Pentecost ...................... 70, 75 possibility thinking .................. 64
people ........... 3-7, 18, 20, 21, 23, 31, power .............. 5, 6, 27, 29, 30, 53,
33,39,41,42,46,50-55,59-66, 80, 81, 113, 114, 117-119
68-72,79-81,84,85,87-89,93,95, power to lead and teach ............... 5
98, 100-103, 110, 111, 113-116, 118, powerless .......................... 5
124, 125, 127, 133, 134, 137, 147 practice the law ............... 126, 152
perceive .......................... 56 praise . . . . . . . . . . . 25, 26, 43, 53, 85, 115,
perception ......................... 60 116, 118, 140, 142, 143, 150-152
perfection ........................ 122 pray ............. 1, 2, 20, 21, 24, 56, 150
Pharaoh(' s) ........................ 36 prescription ....................... 25
physical ........... 17, 41, 55, 56, 81,84 press of the people ................... 7
physical conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 previous works .................. 13,49
physical eyes ...................... 56 problem(s) ... 18, 19, 47, 51, 128, 141, 143
piano ............................ 152 programmed ........ 20, 26, 31, 35, 50,72
pilots ............................. 43 promised .................... 4, 38, 141


proof ........................ 100, 130 Redeemer ......................... 54

propensity ......................... 43 reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102, 148
properly perceive ................... 56 reflections of Satan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
prophetically ...................... 106 reform ......................... 55,78
prosaically . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Reformer ......................... 55
prosper ........................... 41 Regenerator .................... 49, 55
prosperous ............. 9, 18,64, 75,87 rejoice ............... 2, 3, 34, 111,118,
prosperous people .................. 87 119, 121, 145-147, 149-152
punishment ....................... 112 rejoicing .......... 34, 148, 149, 151, 152
pupils ............................ 57 relate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54-56
pure state ...................... 41, 49 religion ........................... 88
purified state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 remember .......... 4, 51, 121, 123-128,
purpose of My coming .............. 146 135, 138, 140, 147, 151
qualification ....................... 30 reminded .................... 123, 124
rain .................. 13, 112-115, 123 renewed .......................... 52
rain dance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 repairer ........................... 78
raw talent ......................... 85 Republican ........................ 88
reality ....................... 4, 69, 77 research ........................ 9, 71
realm ............................ 15 respect ........................... 60
reap the harvest ................. 83, 92 restorer ........................... 78
rebuild ........................... 78 restoring ......................... 3, 5
recall ............................ 126 resurrection ....................... 55
receive ................. 13, 27, 72, 111 retinae ............................ 57
received Me . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 return ...................... 11, 68, 87
recognize ..................... 72, 116 reveal ........................... 141
Red sea .......................... 126 revealed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118, 141
redeem ........................... 54 revealed his "character" . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118


reverberating ...................... 56 57,60, 72,83,93,96, 100,

reverse discrimination ............... 66 102, 115, 118, 119, 123, 129,
reward ........................... 51 134, 137, 143, 151, 152
rich land . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 seed ................. 4, 12, 13, 23, 76,
rich soil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 77, 83-85, 87, 142
richestcountry .................. 39,40 seen ........... 1, 19, 38, 39, 69, 77, 113
richest people ....................... 4 self ............... 4, 10, 12, 54, 58, 72,
righteous desire .................... 44 75,84, 141,151
rightly dividing ..................... 93 selfish ......................... 39, 58
robe ............................. 89 self-conscious ..................... 151
Roman(s) .......... 51, 94, 132, 133, 135 self-employed ...................... 12
rule ........... 6, 38,41-43, 99, 115, 118 self-realized ....................... 58
ruler .......................... 6, 135 self-revealed ...................... 141
rulership ....................... 42, 51 self-sufficiency ..................... 10
Russia ............................ 53 sense .................. 8, 63, 78, 93, 94
sabbath(s) .................. 91, 94, 95, set free ....................... 24, 152
98, 101, 103, 122, 123 set time in motion ............... 98, 99
salt water ........................ 113 set you free .................... 97, 128
salvation ......... 107, 125, 127, 133, 135 seven ................... 3, 35, 79, 91,
Satan ..... 37, 116-118, 132, 136, 146, 151 92, 101, 105, 121-123
Saturday ................... 95, 96, 101 seven perfect sabbaths .......... 122, 123
Savior ......................... 54, 72 seven sabbaths ..................... 91
school ............. 8, 63-65, 86, 96, 147 seven weeks .................... 3, 121
Scripture ................... 84, 93, 103 seventh day ......... 94-96, 100-102, 123
sea water ......................... 113 sheep ............................ 73
seasons ..................... 13, 91, 99 Shepherd ...................... 67, 72
see ............... 1, 20, 21, 26, 53, 56, shout hallelujah ................... 149


showers .......................... 13 speaking Hebrew .................. 139

showers of blessing ................. 13 spell ....................... 42, 54, 55
sickle ..................... 3, 121, 122 spirit ....... 11, 15, 16, 52, 56, 72, 77, 118
sign ............. 53, 72, 78, 95, 100-103 Spirit of Truth ..................... 72
simile ........................... 106 spiritofyourmind .................. 52
sing ............................. 149 spiritual ............. 15, 81, 83, 84, 106
slavery .................... 10, 80, 133 spiritual message ................... 83
social status ....................... 88 spiritualize .................... 84, 106
Sodom and Gomorrah .............. 141 spoke Hebrew ................. 138, 139
solar ..................... 95, 102, 122 squatting .......................... 81
solar calendar .................. 95, 122 stars of heaven ...................... 4
solar time ................. 95, 102, 122 starving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Someone .... 13, 71, 87, 124, 131-133, 150 state of realization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
son(s) ........... 3, 6, 27, 29, 30, 36, 62, stranger .... 3,4, 12,92, 111,121,142,145
102, 111, 114, 115, 117, 118, study ........... 9, 10, 12, 13, 18, 21, 34,
121, 128-132, 139- 143, 145 36,41,45,52,62,85,90,93,
son of Adam .................. 130, 131 95-97, 102, 107, 132, 139, 140
Son's Time ....................... 102 studying ............... 35, 85, 109, 115
sound the trumpet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 subordinate mind ...... 146, 147, 149, 150
soundwaves ....................... 56 success ......................... 9, 64
sow .............. 75, 77, 80, 83, 87, 110 successful ...................... 18, 75
sowed ...................... 23, 76,79 suffering .... 4, 7,26,36, 72,108,113,119
sowing ........................ 76, 80 sun ......................... 102, 114
sown .......................... 78-80 Sunday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95-98
so-called Black people .... 7, 54, 62, 70, 79 Sun's Time ....................... 102
so-called Blacks of America . . . . . . . . . 1, 3 symbolically . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Spanish .......................... 102 symbols ..................... 106, 107


synonym finders ................... 147 The Master Self .................... 58

synonyms .................... 149,150 The Mighty God ................ 57, 148
take .............................. 13 TheOne .............. 72,114,142,151
talent ....................... 43, 84, 85 The Only Begotten Son ............. 130
tax ............................ 80,81 the place ..... 3, 12, 75, 110, 111, 121, 145
taxes .......................... 50, 80 the repairer of the breach ............. 78
teach(es) ....... 1, 5, 9, 35, 46, 50, 51, 56, The Resurrection ................... 55
63,64,66-69,71, 76, 78,85,87,97, The Shepherd of good ............ 67, 72
115, 118, 126, 137, 139, 145, 147, 150 The Son of Man ............... 29, 115,
teachers ....................... 68, 86 130, 139, 140, 142
ten .................. 25, 50, 59, 80, 100 The Synonym Finder ........... 147, 149
tenth ...................... 23, 92, 105 The Truth ........... 55, 60, 71, 93, 128,
terrestrial ...... 15, 16, 26, 57, 81, 93, 106 131-133, 135, 140, 141
testifying .......................... 25 The Way .... 24, 32, 40, 45, 55, 61, 62, 81,
the Author of Zero .................. 99 84, 102, 108, 109, 139, 142, 143, 147
the Creator('s) .. 94, 98, 102, 132, 140, 152 the widow .............. 3, 111, 121, 145
the devil ...... 37, 117, 131, 136, 149, 152 the Word. . . . . . . . . . . 1, 40, 54, 55, 83, 93,
The Good Field .................... 89 94, 106, 146, 149, 150
The Good Kingdom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87-89 the "Will" ......................... 60
The Good Master ................... 58 three great annual festivals ......... 70, 75
The Good Shepherd ................. 72 throne of his glory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
The Great I AM .................... 57 thrones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
The Holy Book .................... 137 Thursday ....................... 95,96
The Ingathering .................... 35 thy daughter ............ 3, 111, 121, 145
the King of Israel .............. 112, 115 thy gates ............... 3, 111, 121, 145
The Kingdom of Heaven .......... 76, 79 thy maidservant ......... 3, 111, 121, 145
The Life ....................... 55, 83 thy manservant .......... 3, 111, 121, 145


thy son ............. 3, 36, 111, 121, 145 twelve thrones of Israel . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
time ........ 3, 15, 16, 19, 26, 31, 32, 42, twelve tribes of Israel ............... 115
43,65,66,68, 79,91,95,98, twice the devil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
99, 102, 107, 109, 118, unchaste .......................... 40
121-123, 125, 135, 145 unclean ........................ 40,49
time appointed ..................... 79 uncommitted ....................... 2
time to rejoice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 unde~tand ...... 9, 15-18,24,26,30,40,
times and seasons ................... 91 42,56-58,66,83,84,106-108,
torment ....................... 61, 119 113, 118, 130, 138, 143, 146, 150
Towncar .......................... 17 unde~tanding . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 30, 31, 52,
traced Myself ..................... 130 102, 103, 107' 132
transformed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 unemployed ..................... 5, 72
translate .......................... 84 universe ........................... 4
tree ................. 13, 38, 76, 77, 81, unleavened bread ............... 75, 79,
84,85, 126,127,142 122, 124, 125
tree of the garden ................... 38 unselfish .......................... 58
trends ............................. 5 Valentine Day ................... 8, 62
Tribe of Judah .................... 1, 3 value .............................. 4
tribute ..................... 3, 121, 145 vastness ........................... 9
trick ......................... 19, 135 voice ....................... 38, 60, 73
true ........................... 24,93 wait upon the Lord ............... 81, 82
true history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 warriors ........................... 5
truth ................ 45,46,55,60, 71, waste cities ........................ 78
72,93,94,97, 128, water ............. 15, 107, 109, 113, 114
131-133, 135, 140, 141 wave offering ................... 91, 92
truth from error ................. 93, 97 wealth .................. 63, 69, 84, 110
Tuesday ....................... 95, 96 Wednesday ..................... 95, 96


weeks .......... 3, 5, 7-13, 17-21,23,26, world's greatest ........... 5, 6, 133, 148

34, 35, 41, 47, 53, 59-64, 66-70, world's greatest secrets . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
75, 76, 78-80,83,85,87,88,90, worship .............. 111-115, 118, 122
92, 97, 101, 105, 109-111, 115, 118, worst poverty ....................... 5
121, 122, 124-128, 130, 132, 133, writing Hebrew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
135-138, 140, 145, 146, 150-152 wrong .. 6, 12,33,87,88,94, 114,127,152
welfare mentality ................ 65, 79 wrong man ........................ 12
whispered ......................... 37 Yahweh .......................... 27
wicked ........................... 46 year ........ 78, 80, 81, 91, 92, 98, 99, 111
wickedness .................... 87, 126 Yehudah ......................... 135
wind channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 yield ............................. 13
wings as eagles ..................... 82 yielding .................. 76, 77, 84, 85
wisdom ................... 88, 102, 115 your American mind-set .............. 36
witness ..................... 27, 64, 73 your ancestors ..................... 86
womb ......................... 15, 16 your body ...................... 36, 90
Word(s) .............. 1, 36, 40, 54, 55, your bountiful harvest ................ 8
79,83,93,94,96, 101,102, your brain ......................... 56
106, 110, 146, 148-150, 152 your child ......................... 97
word of truth ................... 93, 94 your children ............... 61, 87, 108
work(s) ......... 7, 10-13, 18, 21, 26, 27, your condition .................... 128
30,33,34,37,42,49,52,53, your culture ....................... 71
58,60,64,65,68,69, 72, your dwellings ..................... 92
76, 79,80,85,86,89,92, your ear .......................... 56
105, 106, 110, 135, 141 yourenemies ............... 80,91, 100
world .............. 5, 6, 27, 37, 51, 53, your enemy .................... 81, 145
54,56, 73,93, 101, your family ................. 69, 87, 110
114-117, 133, 143, 152 your Father ..................... 12, 81


your festivals ...................... 61 your Redeemer ..................... 54

your future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 your Reformer ..................... 55
your generations ............. 92, 95, 103 your Regenerator ................... 55
your God ......................... 11 your retinae ....................... 57
your Good Nature ................... 58 your reward ....................... 51
your head ..................... 83, 151 your riches ...................... 8, 62
your heritage ....................... 53 your Sabbath Day .................. 101
your history .......... 36, 37, 71, 97, 127 your salvation ..................... 127
yourhorneland .................... 123 your statutes ....................... 43
your income ........................ 8 your Savior ........................ 72
yourinheritance ................... 147 your wealth ........................ 69
your joy ......................... 146 your weeks ....................... 105
your labor ......................... 79 yourself ................ 57, 80, 135, 141
your land ......... 12, 15, 53, 81, 93, 112 zero .......................... 99, 100
your language ...................... 71
your last name ..................... 71
your life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42, 80, 96-98,
106, 119, 134, 137
your memory ..................... 127
yourrnind ...... 17,31,34-37,40,41,49,
52, 72, 86, 106. 123. 128, 132
your nationality .................... 71
your own field ..................... 87
your own land ...................... 80
your perception .................... 60
your pocket ........................ 62
your pupils ........................ 57

i11i1'> and i11i1'> 1~ i11i1'>


This section is arranged alphabetically.

Terms that follow the name i1'lil'>. (i1li1") is abbreviated").)

("))began His numbers ................................................................................................................. 99

("))blessed him ....................................................................................................................... 23, 24

("))blesses you .............................................................................................................................. 24

("))commands you ........................................................................................................................ 91


{ } say keep ... sabbath holy .................................................................................... 94

{ } Name a monday ................................................................................................... 96

{ } let it rain .............................................................................................................. 113

("))exists ..................................................................................................................................... 100


(~)formed every beast ... fowl ................................................................................................. 129


[ ] your patriarchal father ...... ... ... .. .. ... .. ..... .. ... ..... .. .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. ... ... ..... ... .. ...... .. ... ...... ...... .. ... 12

[ ] him some seed ................................................................................................................ 23

[ ] you ... solar calendar .................................................................................................... 95


[ ] set up ... Feast of Weeks ................................................................................................. 9

[ ] blessed you ....................................................................................................................... 9

[ ] given to him ... ... .... ... ... ... .. ... .. ..... ..... .. ... .. .. ....... .. .. .... .. ..... ..... .. .. ... ..... ... ..... ..... ... .. ... ... ..... .. 85

[]fingers .......................................................................................................................... 137

(~)honored Adam ...................................................................................................................... 129



see the work . . . { } ................................................................................................... 60

seeing what { } .......................................................................................................... 60

[]God ................................................................................................................................. 60


{ } stupid .................................................................................................................... 93
{ } ... wishy-wash .................................................................................................. 122

{ } ... funny time God ............................................................................................ 123

[ ] ... Author of zero .......................................................................................................... 99

[] here ................................................................................................................................ 115

[ ] more exact .................................................................................................................... 122

[ ] absolutely perfect ......................................................................................................... 122



[('))is], con 't.

[]an on-time God ............................................................................................................ 123

[]Divine Mind ................................................................................................................. 131

('))knows you well ..................................................................................................................... 125

(')) made the tree........................................................................................................................... 84


[ ] one month ...................................................................................................................... 98

[ ] only one month ...... .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..... .. .. .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .......... .... ... .... ............... 98

('))said ... if you love Him ....................................................................................................... 151

('))saw that it was good ................................................................................................................ 85

(')) set time in motion ........ ....... .. .............. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ..... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ........ ...... ...... ..... ......... ... 99

('))taught Adam ......................................................................................................................... 139

('))tell us by law ......................................................................................................................... 122

(')) the God of the Bible ................................................................................................................ 81

(')) will smite ............................................................................................................................... 112

(')) writes and reads .................................................................................................................... 137


[]with His own fingers ............................................................................................ 137, 138

language ... [] ................................................................................................................. 138

Terms that precede the name il1il\ (il1il') is abbreviated').)

about(')) ....................................................................................................................................... 24

After(')) created ......................................................................................................................... 129

am(')) ........................................................................................................................... 95, 103, 143

before(')) empty ........................................................................................................................... 79


beginning(~) was a Hebrew ....................................................................................................... 139


created []

something . . . { } ....................................................................................................... 76

seed ... { } ................................................................................................................ 76

seeds { } ..................................................................................................................... 77

orders [] ........................................................................................................................... 146


when [ ] learn to write ...................................................................................................... 138

what language []teach Adam .................................................................................. 137, 139

everything(~) says ..................................................................................................................... 151


your [] ........................................................................................................................... 12/13

My [] .................................................................................................................................. 29

work []

to { }

willing __ ................................................................................................ 30, 76

in order ..................................................................................................... 52

you have __ ................................................................................................... 76

have to do is { } ......................................................................................................... 52

How do you { } .......................................................................................................... 52

You cannot be bad and { } ......................................................................................... 52

found (~) ....................................................................................................................................... 68



Heaven [] ........................................................................................................................... 76

field [] ................................................................................................................................ 87

message [ ] ... .... ....... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ....... .... .. .. .. ... .... .. .. ... .. ... ... .... ... .... .... .... ... .... .... ......... 87

away [] ............................................................................................................................. 152


thy []

... LORD {}

keep the feast ... _ _ ....................................................................... 3, 121, 145

give unto ... _ _ .............................................................................. 3, 121, 145

_ _ hath blessed thee _ _ ............................................................... 3, 121, 145

rejoice before ... _ _ ................................................................ 3, 111, 121, 145

in the place ... _ _ ................................................................. 3/4, 111, 121, 145

holy people unto ... _ _ ................................................................................ 59

voice of ... _ _ .............................................................................................. 60

will set thee .............................................................................................. 60

appear before ... _ _ ..................................................................................... 75

law of { } ................................................................................................................... 54

their [] .................................................................................................................................. 4

... LORD []

{ } chose me ................................................................................................................ 6

{ } took the man ........................................................................................................ 37

{ } had made .............................................................................................................. 38

{ } sent forth .............................................................................................................. 38


{••• LORD [God('))]}, con't.

appear before . . . { } .................................................................................................. 91

{ } of hosts ............................................................................................................... 148

your []

knowledge of { } ......................................................................................................... 11

I am the LORD { } ..................................................................................................... 92

[] said

{ } let

_ _ the Earth bring forth ................................................................................ 76

_ _ there be light ............................................................................................ 99

_ _ there be lights ........................................................................................... 99

[ ] saw that it was good ................................................................................................. 77, 99

of []

word { } ..................................................................................................................... 83

sons { } ..................................................................................................................... 117

kind { } is ................................................................................................................. 123

real [] ................................................................................................................................. 93

[ ] created the heavens ........................................................................................................ 99

[ ] called the light Day ........................................................................................................ 99

[ ] made two great lights ..................................................................................................... 99

[ ] set them in the firmament .............................................................................................. 99

... living [ ]

of ... { }

city _ _ .......................................................................................................... 112


of ••• {••• LORD [God ('))]},con 't.

son __ .......................................................................................................... 143

Hallelu (')) ........................................................................................... 27, 57, 76, 77, 117, 118, 133

imagine (')) .. .. .. ..... .... .. ..... .... .. .. ... .. .... .. .. ..... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. ... ...... .... ... .... .... ... .... ..... ..... .... . 95

in(')) ............................................................................................................................................. 44

name []

whose { }

God ........................................................................................................... 11

Me _ ............................................................................................................ 24

My Man's { } ............................................................................................................. 25

My Father's { } .......................................................................................................... 27

That Someone [ ] ........ .. .. ..... .. .. ..... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. ... .. ...... ... ..... ... ..... ........... . 13

Greater Somebody [ ] ... .. .. .. .... . ..... .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .... .. ... .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. ..... ... ........ ............ ...... .... 61

God of the Bible [] ............................................................................................................. 71

Life Giver ... [ ] .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ........ ............ ... .. .. ... ... .. .. ... .. .. .. ..... ... .. .. .. ... .. . 77
Lord('s) ('))

[]said unto Abram ............................................................................................................. 12

blessings of [ ] .................................................................................................................... 27

[ ] brought us out .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ..... .. ... .. ... .. .. ............... ... .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .... .. .. ... .. .. ....... ... .. .. .. .. ... .. ... 36

earth is the [] ...................................................................................................................... 51

[ ] hath chosen thee ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. ... .. ...... ..... .. ... .. .. ... .... ... ... .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 59

not appear before ... [ ] ...................................................................................................... 75

wait upon ... [ ] ... .. .............. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..... .. .... .. ..... .... .. .......................................... 81, 82


[Lord('s) (')],con 't.

unto ... []

frrstfruits { } .............................................................................................................. 92

offering { } ..................................................................................................... 91, 92, 98

sweet savour { } ......................................................................................................... 92

before ... [ ] ....................................................................................................................... 92

holy to ... [] ...................................................................................................................... 92

King, ... [] ............................................................................................................... 111, 112

Man (') ................................................................................................................................... 23, 26


to []

not ... want { } ......................................................................................................... 26

ifyou were { } ......................................................................................................... 138

come ... [] ......................................................................................................................... 57

name (') ....................................................................................................................................... 118

0 (')

keep not thou silence [] .................................................................................................... 124

be not still [ ] ..................................................................................................................... 124


... Nation []

about ... { } ................................................................................................................ 1

{ } ... Nation of Israel ................................................................................................ 3

I guided . . . { } .......................................................................................................... 24

make ... { } whole .................................................................................................... 43


{... Nation [of('))]}, con 't.

we ... { }, believe ..................................................................................................... 59

{ } is a bright light ..................................................................................................... 61

Word [ ] ................................................................................................................................. 1

progr8.Ill [] ............................................................................................................................ 2
... knowledge []

return to { } ................................................................................................................. 11

cut you off from ... { } ........................................................................................... 132

kingdom [] ......................................................................................................................... 15
Son []

the { }

Me being _ _ .................................................................................................. 29

in the presence ... _ _ .................................................................................. 118

Ad8.Ill ..................................................................................................... 129

Ad8.Ill ... was _ _ ................................................................................ 130, 139

Son of Man... ...................................................................................... 130

Only _ _ canbe ............................................................................................ 141


power to become _ _ ................................................................................ 29, 30

you too are _ _ ...................................................................................... 130/131

who you are, you are _ _ .......................................................................... .... 131

or ... a son of Lucifer ............................................................................ 131

remembers who he is ............................................................................. 131

knowledge that you are _ _ .......................................................................... 131


i! {Son [of(')]}, con 't.

what makes you __ ..................................................................................... 131

would have ... mind ............................................................................. 132

Only Begotten { } .... .. ... ... .. .. ... ... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ....... ... .. ... .. ... .. ... ... .. ... ... ..... .. ... ... ... ... .. .. 130

sons [] ................................................................................................................................ 30

heirs [] ................................................................................................................................ 51
... law(s) []

meditate in ... { } ..................................................................................................... 52

knowledge of ... { } .................................................................................................. 60

Feast of Weeks one . . . { } ...... ..... .. ..... .. .. ... .. ... .... ... .... ....... ... ........ ........ .......... ... .. 62, 97

This is . . . { } ... ... .. .... .. ... ..... ... .... ... .. ... .. .. ....... .. ... ... ... .. .. ..... .. .. ... ... ............. ..... ... ... ..... .. 86

will [] ................................................................................................................................. 60

mouth [] ............................................................................................................................. 83
people []

only ... { } would keep ............................................................................................. 95

{ } are not keeping ..................................................................................................... 95

cut ... { } off ..................................................................................................... 95, 100

whoever ... { } are .................................................................................................. 101

... enemy []

{ } cut the people ....................................................................................................... 95

enemy of man ... { } ................................................................................................ 116

sign [] ............................................................................................................................... 100

calendar [ ] .. ....... ..... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. ..... .. .. .. .. .. .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .... .. .. .. .. ... .. ..... ... ... ... 102

children [ ] ...... ... .... ... ... ....... .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. ......... .. .. .... .. ... .. .. ..... ... .. ..... ......... ... ... ... ...... 103


[of(')], con 't.

understanding [ ] ..... .. .. ..... .. .. .. ..... .. .. .. ... ... ... .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. ... .. .... .. ... ... .... ..... ... ... .... .... ...... ..... 102

city []

He is in . . . { } .......................................................................................................... 112

make glad . . . { } ...................................................................................................... 112

sight [ ] ............................................................................................................................... 118

rest []laws ....................................................................................................................... 128

mind [] ............................................................................................................................. 131

truth [ ] .............................................................................................................................. 132

finger [] ............................................................................................................................ 137

words [] ............................................................................................................................ 148

Oh, (')said all ............................................................................................................................ 128

pay(') any attention ................................................................................................................... 100

Praise(') ................................................. 25, 26, 43, 53, 85, 115, 116, 118, 140/141-143, 150-152

remember (') ............................................................................................................................. 124


riches [ ] ... .. ... ... ..... .. ... .. .. .... .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..... .. .. .. ..... .. ..... ... ... ... ... ... ..... ..... ............. ..... . 17

back []

give it { } ................................................................................................................... 85

traced Myself { } ..................................................................................................... 130

bring something [ ] .. .. ....... .. .. .. ........... ... ...... .. .. .... .. .. .. .... .. .. ..... ... .......... .............................. 109

cannot apply a lie [ ] .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 140

Praise be [] ................................................................................................................ 149/150

taught(') how to write ............................................................................................................... 138


until(~) changes ......................................................................................................................... 128


not unto men ... [ ] ............................................................................................................ 56

approved [ ] ......................................................................................................................... 93

offering [ ] .... .... ... .... ... ... ... ........ ... .. ..... ..... .. .. .. ... .. .... ..... .. .. ... ..... .. .. .... .. ... .. ... ... .. ... .. ...... ..... .. . 105

sweet savour [] ................................................................................................................. 105

Weeks,(~) ..................................................................................................................................... 23

hear [ ] has in store ........................................................................................................ 59/60

[ ] does with money ............................................................................................................ 66

[]said ................................................................................................................................. 98

[]wants Me to do ...................................................................................................... 151/152

where p)

place []

from . . . { } has chosen ............................................................................................ 111

at . . . { } chooses ...................................................................................................... 111

which(~) made are holy ............................................................................................................... 95

Terms that follow the name ini1~ p i11i1\ (i11i1~ is abbreviated~~.)

c~~) answered, verily .......... ......... ... ..... ... .... ... .. .... .. .. .... ... .... .. ..... .. .. .. .. ... .. ..... ..... ... ...... .................... 15
c~~) came

[ ] and spake ........................................................................................................................ 29


[("")came], con 't.

[] into the coasts ............................................................................................................... 142

("")himself began to be .............................................................................................................. 130


[ ] Our Regenerator ............................................................................................................. 49

[] King of Israel ................................................................................................................ 112

("")said unto them ...................................................................................................................... 115

("") saith unto him ........................................................................................................................ 55

("")the same ............................................................................................................................... 140

("")was, is and shall be .............................................................................................................. 140

Terms that precede the name il1il" p il1il". (il1il" is abbreviated.,.,.)

am("") .................................................................................................................................. 57, 143

art("") ......................................................................................................................................... 143

Father's: ("") ................................................................................................................................ 27

Son ... ("") .......................................................................................................................... 118, 128

with("") ........................................................................................................................................ 51


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