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This chapter presents the method to be used in the study. It also describes the

research design, sources of data, subjects of the study, population sampling, procedure of

data gathering, as well as statistical treatment.

Research Methodology

This study will be conducted to describe language learning using an asynchronous

self-directed modular distance approach. The researchers will utilize a descriptive

research method, using both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Specifically, the

researchers will use the survey research method which is one type of descriptive method.

In a survey research method, participants answer questions administered through

interviews or questionnaires. After participants answer the questions, researchers will

describe the responses collected.

Research Design

This study will utilize the descriptive research design which describes the status-

identified variable such as an event, people, or subject as they exist. Also, it usually

makes some types of comparison, contrast and correlating and sometimes in carefully

planned orchestrated descriptive research. In particular, the study will utilize a descriptive

normative survey which specifically describes trends in a large population of individuals.

In this type of research design, a survey questionnaire is good to administer since the

study is dealing with language learning using an asynchronous self-directed modular

distance approach, which is a trend among students amid pandemic.

Sources of Data

Primary Source. The second year English Majors of San Jose Community

College was chosen as the respondents and primary source of data since they belong to

the population who experience language learning using an asynchronous self-directed

modular distance approach. The data will be gathered through a survey questionnaire.

Secondary Source. The secondary sources of data for this study are existing

research, journals, articles, books, and online resources which are related with the study.

Population Sampling

The study will be conducted in San Jose Community College, San Jose Malilipot

Albay. The second year English Majors of San Jose Community College were chosen as

the subjects of the study. The total population of second year English Majors for school

year 2020-2021 is 102 , according to the report gathered from the school’s registrar

office. In order to somehow gain accurate data, the researchers will apply a 5% margin

of error, 90% confidence level, and 50% response distribution to come up with the

sample size. The researchers utilized a Raosoft free online sample size calculator to

compute. It is a reliable website because Raosoft, Inc. form and survey software comprise

a database management system of great strength and reliability that also communicates

with other proprietary formats. The Raosoft database is an extremely robust, proven

system that possesses high data integrity and security. Based on the calculation, the

sample size appropriate for the study is 75.

For stratified sampling, the sample size of each stratum is proportionate to the

population size of the stratum. The researchers’ sample size is 75. Through block
classification, the proportionate stratified random sample will be obtained using this


(sample size/population size) x stratum size


NO. OF 55 47 102



STRATA 40 35 75



Table 1. Stratified Random Sampling

The strata sample size for second year English Majors in Block A is calculated as

(75/102)X55=40. The same method is used for Block B. Now that the strata sample size

is known, the researchers can perform simple random sampling in each stratum to select

survey participants. In other words, 40 students from the Block A group will be selected

randomly from the entire population and 35 students from the Block B.

Data Gathering Procedure

In order to gather the necessary data from the respondents the researchers will do

the following data gathering procedures:

1. Define the data needed to be gathered.

2. Search information from credible internet sources, books, journals, existing

research, etc. to have a lead with regards to the topic.

3. Ask permission to conduct the research by writing a permission letter approved by

the instructor, department head, and school head.

4. Analyze, study and review all the gathered information then finalize the

prospective respondents.

5. Construct and brainstorm research survey questionnaires which are embedded to

the research questions in the statement of the problem.

6. Test and validate the survey questionnaire to determine if it's applicable and the

respondents will be able to answer it. Most importantly, to know if the instrument

will provide the necessary data for the study.

7. Produce a survey questionnaire, then administer and conduct the survey to the


8. Retrieve all the survey questionnaires, collect the necessary data, and analyze and

sum up everything.

Research Instrument

In the conduct of the study, the researchers will make use of the following


Questionnaire. For this study, the survey questionnaire instrument will be used to

achieve the main objective of the study. A self-administered questionnaire will be

distributed to the chosen respondents. The instrument will use a five-point Likert scale.

It includes particular options which are ordinal data—Strongly Agree (1), Agree (2),
Neutral (3), Disagree (4), Strongly Disagree (5). The respondents will be requested to

check their answer on each item.

Numerical Rating Scale Interpretation

4.50 - 5.00 Very Evident Problem

3.50 - 4.49 Evident Problem

2.50 - 3.49 Moderately Evident Problem

1.50 - 2.49 Least Evident Problem

1.0 – 1.49 Not Evident Problem

The response will be categorically described following Robert Likert’s scale:

Table 2. Interpretation of Mean in each item

For the overall weighted mean, to describe the language learning using an

asynchronous self-directed modular distance approach, this will be derived by the

following interpretation.

Numerical Rating Scale Interpretation

4.50 - 5.00 Highly Needs Improvement

3.50 - 4.49 Needs Improvement

2.50 - 3.49 Moderately Needs Improvement

1.50 - 2.49 Not Needs Improvement

1.0 1.49 Not Highly Needs Improvement

Table 3. Interpretation of Overall Weighted Mean

Statistical Treatment

The study utilized descriptive statistics wherein it involved tabulating, depicting, and

describing the collected data. The data are summarized to reveal overall data patterns and

make them manageable. For the analysis and interpretation of data collection, the

researchers will use the following statistical tool:

Percentage. The data should be converted into percentages to determine each

value (Calmorin, 1997). It can be derived using the formula:

%= X 100 Where: %=percentage value, N=number of participants, f=frequency

Weighted Mean. This refers to the set of data taken from the average of the

population (Broto, 2006). It can be derived using the formula:

∑ fx Where: WM=weighted mean, ∑ fx =sum of the products of the frequency
with weights, N=sample size

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