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In today's digitally interconnected world, the rise of social media platforms has brought about a
paradigm shift in the way we communicate, connect, and share information. Among the various
segments of society, students have emerged as highly engaged and enthusiastic users of social
media, immersing themselves in these platforms on a daily basis. However, while social media
presents undeniable benefits and diverse opportunities, concerns have grown regarding its
potential repercussions on academic performance, particularly among EMQI students at NEU.
The academic performance of students holds a pivotal role in shaping their educational journey,
as it directly impacts their future prospects and career opportunities. Hence, comprehending
the multifaceted impact of social media on the academic performance of EMQI students
assumes paramount importance for both educators and the students themselves. This research
endeavor aims to contribute significantly to the academic community at NEU by delving into
the intricacies and dynamics of this issue. By unveiling a comprehensive understanding of the
effects, we aspire to provide valuable insights and evidence-based recommendations that can
serve as a foundation for developing effective interventions, guidelines, and educational
initiatives. Ultimately, the objective is to empower EMQI students in striking a delicate balance
between their social media engagement and their academic commitments, fostering academic
excellence and holistic well-being.

Social media
Danah Boyd and Nicole B. Ellison describe social media as "web-based services that allow
individuals to construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, articulate a list
of other users with whom they share a connection, and view and traverse their list of
connections and those made by others within the system." (Boyd & Ellison, 2007)
Expanding on this definition, social media can be seen as a dynamic and interactive platform
that leverages both mobile and web-based technologies to facilitate the creation, sharing, co-
creation, discussion, and modification of user-generated content (Kietzmann, 2012). It enables
individuals to actively participate in the digital landscape, fostering engagement and interaction
among users.
Through social media, users have the opportunity to create their own unique profiles, sharing
information about themselves and their interests. They can establish connections with others
by entering their social network, that include person they know, colleagues, friends, or even
like-minded individuals from various communities. This network allows users to expand their
reach, communicate, and engage with others within the platform.
Moreover, social media platforms provide a space for users to share various forms of content,
including text, images, videos, and links. These shared contents can be discussed, modified, and
co-created in real-time, fostering collaboration and collective knowledge building within online
communities. The platforms enable users to interact through likes, comments, shares, and
direct messages, facilitating meaningful conversations and connections.
In summary, social media encompasses web-based services that facilitate the creation of
profiles, connection establishment, and exploration of social networks. It empowers users to
share, co-create, discuss, and modify user-generated content, fostering engagement,
collaboration, and meaningful interactions within online communities.

Academic performance
Sandra and Jorge (2015) provide a comprehensive definition of academic performance, stating
that it represents the efficacy level in achieving curricular objectives across various subjects.
They explain that academic performance is expressed through a qualifier, typically represented
by a numeric value within a specific interval. This aligns with the perspective put forward by
Melisa (2018), who emphasizes that academic performance serves as a measure of how well
students meet educational standards.
In their study, Sandra and Jorge (2015) elaborate on the different ways academic performance
can be quantified. They mention that it can be represented through a weighted average of
students' grades, commonly measured using cumulative grade point averages (CGPAs).
Additionally, academic performance can be assessed based on students' averages in specific
areas of study, such as professional, basic, or complementary subjects. This approach considers
the grades obtained in each area of the study plan, and the overall performance is often
classified as outstanding, average, or failure.
It is important to note that academic performance extends beyond solely academic
achievements. Sandra and Jorge (2015) highlight that extracurricular activities also contribute
to measuring academic performance. Accomplishments in certain extracurricular activities,
such as participation in sports, arts, or community service, can be taken into account when
evaluating a student's overall academic performance.
In summary, academic performance, as defined by Sandra and Jorge (2015), encompasses the
efficacy with which students attain curricular objectives across various subjects. It is expressed
through a numeric qualifier and can be measured through different values, such as weighted
averages of grades or performance in specific areas of study. Furthermore, academic
performance can incorporate accomplishments in extracurricular activities, reflecting a holistic
view of students' achievements in meeting academic criterial.

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