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The Living World

TOPIC 1 Column I Column II 03 The label of a herbarium sheet does
Diversity and Taxonomy 3. Museum (iii) It is a place where not carry information on
dried and pressed [NEET 2016, Phase II]
plant specimens (a) date of collection
01 The contrasting characteristics mounted on sheets (b) name of collector
generally in a pair used for are kept. (c) local names
identification of animals in
4. Catalogue (iv) A booklet containing (d) height of the plant
taxonomic key are referred to as a list of characters Ans. (d)
[NEET (Odisha) 2019] and their alternates
which are helpful in Herbarium is a collection of plants that
(a) lead (b) couplet usually have been dried, pressed,
identification of
(c) doublet (d) alternate various taxa. preserved plant on sheets and are
Ans. (b) arranged in accordance with any
Couplet is the contrasting 1 2 3 4 accepted system of classification for
(a) (ii) (iv) (iii) (i) future reference and study. It does not
characteristic generally in a pair used
have information on height of the plant.
for identification of animals in (b) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)
taxonomic key. It represents the choice (c) (i) (iv) (iii) (ii) 04 Study the four statements (I-IV)
made between two opposite options,
(d) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii) given below and select the two
each half of a couplet is called lead.
Separate taxonomic keys are required Ans. (d) correct ones out of them :
[NEET 2016, Phase II]
for each taxonomic category like family, Herbarium is a place where dried and
genus species. pressed plant specimens, mounted on I. Definition of biological species
sheets are kept systematically. It is a was given by Ernst Mayr.
02 Match the items given in Column I repository or store house for future II. Photoperiod does not affect
with those in Column II and select use. Key is a booklet containing list of reproduction in plants.
the correct option given below characters and their alternates which
III. Binomial nomenclature system
[NEET 2018] are helpful in identification of various
was given by RH Whittaker.
taxa-class, order, family, genus and
Column I Column II species. IV. In unicellular organisms, reproduc-
1. Herbarium (i) It is a place having a Museum is an institution where artistic tion is synonymous with growth.
collection of and educational materials are The two correct statements are
preserved plants and exhibited to the public. The materials (a) II and III (b) III and IV
animals. available for observation and study are (c) I and IV (d) I and II
2. Key (ii) A list that called a collection. Ans. (c)
enumerates Catalogue is a list or register that Statements I and IV are correct. The
methodically all the enumerates methodically all the correct form of II and III are as follows:
species found in an species found in a particular place. It
area with brief (II) Photoperiod does affect the
often possesses brief description of reproduction in plants.
description aiding
identification. species that aids in identification. (III) Binomial nomenclature was given by
Therefore, option (d) is correct. Carolus Linnaeus.
05 Biological organisation starts with 08 Carbohydrates the most abundant Anaerobic organisms that can live in
[CBSE AIPMT 2007] biomolecules on earth, are the absence of O2 . Light and
temperature are already known to exist
(a) sub-microscopic molecular level produced by [CBSE AIPMT 2005] on the moon.
(b) cellular level (a) all bacteria, fungi and algae
(c) organismic level (b) fungi, algae and green plant cells 11 The most important feature of all
(d) atomic level (c) some bacteria, algae and green living systems is to
Ans. (a) plant cells [CBSE AIPMT 2000]
Biological organisation starts with (d) viruses, fungi and bacteria (a) utilise oxygen to generate energy
sub-microscopic molecular level, where Ans. (c) (b) replicate the genetic information
four types of molecules, i.e. (c) produce gametes
Some photosynthetic bacteria such as
carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and (d) utilise solar energy for metabolic
Rhodopseudomonas can prepare
nucleic acids are organised into
carbohydrates. But during this type of activities
organelles of cell.
food synthesis O2 is not evolved Ans. (b)
06 The living organisms can be because, in this case hydrogen donor is
Reproduction is necessary for
other than H2 O.
un-exceptionally distinguished continuity of life. However, production
Algae (green and blue-green) and all of gametes is not only method for this.
from the non-living things on the green plant cells prepare their food A number of organisms reproduce
basis of their ability for (carbohydrate) through photosynthesis. asexually. In any case, cell division is
[CBSE AIPMT 2007] Here, hydrogen ions are donated by necessary which involves replication of
(a) responsiveness to touch water molecules by the process of DNA.
(b) interaction with the environment photolysis of water, i.e. O2 is released
and progressive evolution during this type of food synthesis.
12 Homeostasis is [CBSE AIPMT 1991]
(c) reproduction
09 More than 70% of world’s fresh (a) tendency to change with change in
(d) growth and movement
water is contained in environment
Ans. (b) (a) antarctica [CBSE AIPMT 2005] (b) tendency to resist change
All living organisms interact with their (b) greenland (c) disturbance in regulatory
environment and shows progressive control
(c) glaciers and mountains
evolution. They can sense and respond
(d) polar ice (d) plants and animals extracts used
to environmental uses. On the other
in homeopathy
hand reproduction, growth and Ans. (d)
movement cannot be all inclusive Three fourth surface of earth (about Ans. (b)
defining properties of living organisms. 71% of total) is occupied by oceans Homeostasis (Gr. homeos = similar;
which contain 97.5% of total water. This stasis = standing) is the tendency of
07 Which one of the following is an is marine water with about 3.5% salt maintaining a relatively stable internal
example of negative feedback contents. physiological environment in an
loop in humans? Rest water, i.e. 2.5% is freshwater organism, or steady-state equilibrium in
[CBSE AIPMT 2007] which occurs on land. Most amount of a population or ecosystem. It is carried
(a) Constriction of skin blood vessels this water (about 1.97%) occurs as out by regulatory mechanisms which
and contraction of skeletal Frozen ice caps and glaciers and 0.5% coordinate internal functions such as
muscles when it is too cold fresh water occurs as ground water. providing nutrients to cells and
transporting substances.
(b) Secretion of tears after falling of
sand particles into the eye 10 There is no life on moon due to
(c) Salivation of mouth at the sight of the absence of [CBSE AIPMT 2002] 13 Employment of hereditary
delicious food (a)O 2 (b) water principles in the improvement of
(d) Secretion of sweat glands and (c) light (d) temperature human race is [CBSE AIPMT 1990]
constriction of skin blood vessels Ans. (b) (a) Euthenics (b) Eugenics
when it is too hot Water is an essential constituent of (c) Euphenics (d) Ethnology
Ans. (a) cytoplasm of all living organisms. It helps Ans. (b)
Skin blood vessels constrict and in distribution of substances within the
Eugenics refers to improvement of
skeletal muscles contract due to the organism, elimination of waste products,
human race by modifying fertility or
cold is an example of negative feedback maintenance of body temperature, etc.
employing the hereditary principles.
mechanism of homeostasis. It is absent on the moon.
TOPIC 2 with small letter. The name of capital letter while the specific epithet
taxonomist is written in Roman script starts with a small letter. It can be
Binomial Nomenclature and it is written in abbreviated form. illustrated with the example of
Mangifera indica.
14 Select the correctly written 15 Which of the following is against
scientific name of Mango which the rules of ICBN? 16 Nomenclature is governed by
was first described by Carolus
[NEET (Odisha) 2019] certain universal rules. Which one
Linnaeus. [NEET (Naional) 2019)]
(a) Handwritten scientific names of the following is contrary to the
should be underlined rules of nomenclature?
(a) Mangifera indica Linn
(b) Every species should have a [NEET 2016, Phase I]
(b) Mangifera indica generic name and a specific (a) The first word in a biological
(c) Mangifera Indica epithet name represents the genus name
(d) Mangifera indica Car. Linn. and the second is a specific
(c) Scientific names are in Latin and epithet
Ans. (a) should be italicised
(b) The names are written in Latin and
The correct form of writing the (d) Generic and specific names are Italicised
scientific name of mango as described should be written starting with (c) When written by hand, the names
by Carolus Linnaeus is Mangifera indica small letters are to be underlined
Linn. (d) Biological names can be written in
Ans. (d) any language
As per binomial nomenclature rules, the Statement (d) is against the rules of
name of an organism contains a generic ICBN because the universal rule of Ans. (d)
and specific name. The former begins nomenclature is that the first word Biological names originate from latin
with capital letter while the later begins denoting the genus starts with a language and are printed in italics.

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