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Reviews in Clinical Gerontology 2011 21; 152–169 First published online 21 December 2010

C Cambridge University Press 2010 doi:10.1017/S0959259810000420

What is resilience? A review and concept analysis

Gill Windle
Dementia Services Development Centre, Institute of Medical Social Care Research, Bangor University, UK

Summary resilience theory focuses on understanding healthy

The complexities of defining what appears to be
development despite risk, and on strengths rather
the relatively simple concept of resilience are widely than weaknesses.2
recognized. This paper analyses the concept of resilience Unfortunately the complexities of defining what
from a range of disciplinary perspectives and clarifies a appears to be the relatively simple concept
definition in order to inform research, policy and practice. of resilience are widely recognized, especially
The work takes a life course approach to resilience, within the behavioural sciences.1,3–5 This creates
examining evidence derived from research across the considerable challenges when developing an
lifespan. It incorporates the methods of systematic review, operational definition of resilience; definitional
concept analysis and consultation through face-to-face variation leads to inconsistencies relating to the
meetings. The synthesis of methodological approaches nature of potential risk and protective processes,
enables a clear identification of the antecedents, defining and in the estimates of prevalence.1,3 A review of
attributes and consequences of resilience, validated with resilience research reporting prevalence data noted
stakeholder partners. Through this process, resilience is
that the proportions found to be resilient varied
defined as the process of effectively negotiating, adapting
from 25 to 84%.6
to, or managing significant sources of stress or trauma.
Assets and resources within the individual, their life
This has strong implications for improving
and environment facilitate this capacity for adaptation knowledge about the factors that contribute to
and ‘bouncing back’ in the face of adversity. Across the development, maintenance or reduction of
the life course, the experience of resilience will vary. A resilience and how resilience might be promoted
large proportion of resilience research is routed within to improve health and well-being. It is noted
the discipline of developmental psychology, and has that many of the debates around the definition
mainly been developed with children and adolescents. A of resilience could be addressed by better
major contribution to resilience research could be made science, including ‘rigorous attention to sharpening
through more multi-disciplinary studies that examine the concepts’.5 In order to inform future research more
dynamics of resilience across the lifespan, its role in clarity is required. This should be derived from a
healthy ageing and in managing loss, such as changes thorough methodological assessment to ensure it is
in cognitive functioning.
underpinned by a robust scientific approach.
Key words: resilience, systematic review, concept
analysis, life course.

Limitations of current research on the concept of

Research on resilience has increased substantially
A number of discussion papers have contributed
over the past two decades1 and is now also
substantially to the study of resilience and their
receiving increasing interest from those involved
value to the advancement of knowledge on the
with policy and practice in relation to its potential
topic is immense.2,3,5,7–10 However, in most cases
impact on health, well-being and quality of life.
these critiques have been mainly embedded within
This interest is due to a move away from
the discipline of developmental psychology and
‘deficit’ models of illness and psychopathology, as
derived from studies of children and adolescents.
Their content is rich and extremely informative,
Address for correspondence: Dr Gill Windle, Dementia but it has not been developed from a clear
Services Development Centre, Institute of Medical
Social Care Research, Bangor University, Ardudwy, methodological approach; for example, methods
Holyhead Road, Bangor, Gwynedd LL57 2PX, UK. for obtaining the papers discussed are not
Email: presented. Published online by Cambridge University Press

What is resilience? 153

Previous work has examined the concept of Research objective

resilience within a recognized analytical frame-
To address the need for concept clarification
work: concept analysis.11,12 Concept analysis is a
and improve the methodological approach in
method of conceptual knowledge representation
achieving this outcome, the aim of this paper
and data analysis that is routinely applied
is to present a review of the literature within a
to clarify meanings and develop operational
concept analysis framework. This will enable a
definitions, through considering evidence from
more robust, theoretically informed measurement
multiple disciplines.13 The application of this
framework for future research on resilience. This
recognized methodological framework enables a
paper synthesizes methodological approaches and
more objective approach to concept clarification
draws on a range of disciplinary perspectives to
and addresses differences in application within
address the question: ‘how can resilience be best
diverse scientific disciplines.
defined in order to inform research, policy and
Unfortunately there are a number of method-
ological limitations with both of these previous
Specifically, the analysis will:
concept analyses of resilience.11,12 In the analysis
presented by Dyer and McGuiness11 the aims of (i) clarify the meaning of the concept of resilience
the analysis are not clear, which is a first step from a multi-disciplinary perspective;
of concept analysis.13 The search strategies for (ii) develop an operational definition that is
the literature reviews are not provided, nor is meaningful across different disciplines and
a rationale for which data should be included stakeholders, and can be universally under-
or excluded in the analysis. This presents a key stood and applied across research, policy and
drawback regarding the extent of the coverage practice;
of the research literature, as without a thorough, (iii) highlight implications for future research.
systematic approach it is quite possible that key
omissions were made. This is particularly evident To determine the definition of resilience, this
in both papers. For example, Gillespie et al.12 state paper draws on three approaches: concept analysis,
that self efficacy, hope and coping are the defining literature review using systematic principles, and
attributes of resilience. Dyer and McGuiness11 state stakeholder consultation. Full details of the
that a sense of self, determination and pro-social methods can be downloaded from: http://
attitude are the defining attributes. Whilst these
constructs may be implicated in resilience, it is not 20Methodology.pdf
clear why these specific ones were chosen whilst
other, equally possible constructs (e.g. self esteem,
competence) were excluded. Neither of the papers Resilience – identifying uses of the concept
synthesize the literature to provide an operational
definition of resilience. Dictionary definitions
As highlighted previously, the method of Resilience originates from the Latin ‘resilire’ (to
concept analysis can be poorly applied. Beckwith leap back). General dictionary definitions note that
et al.14 note that various concept analysis the noun ‘resilience’ is a derivative of the adjective
frameworks have been applied uncritically, and ‘resilient,’ which has two uses:
may not contain sufficient scientific rigour to add
to theoretical development. Paley15 also notes that, (i) 1. able to recoil or spring back into shape
within concept analysis, there is often a lack after bending, stretching, or being compressed;
of clarity regarding the specification of how the 2. (of a person) able to withstand or recover
defining attributes of the concept under question quickly from difficult conditions.16
are identified. This has implications for identifying (ii) 1. (of a person) recovering easily and quickly
what might be viewed as a model case of resilience, from misfortune or illness; 2. (of an object)
or identifying other concepts that may be related capable of regaining its original shape or
to resilience, or indeed have been used in research position after bending or stretching.17
to demonstrate resilience, but on closer inspection Resilience is also defined in discipline-specific
may not actually share all of the defining attributes. dictionaries as: Published online by Cambridge University Press

154 Gill Windle

Figure 1. Flow diagram of review process

(i) the rate at which a system regains the definitions and applications of other key
structure and function following a stress or researchers in the field of resilience research. Due
perturbation;18 to the volume of papers identified and to avoid
(ii) the personal quality of a person exposed to repetition, a representative overview is presented.
high risk factors that often lead to delinquent This was ascertained through examining the
behaviour, but they do not do so;19 authors’ definition, and the supporting citations.
(iii) a measure of a body’s resistance to These reflect the uses of the concept within different
deformation. Resilience is usually defined as disciplines.
the work required to deform an elastic body
to its elastic limit divided by the volume of the
Developmental psychology
Underpinning the rationale for many researchers
The academic search yielded a large amount is the early work from developmental psychology
of potential papers, which were primarily routed on stress-resistant children by Garmezey,21 who
in the disciplines of psychology and the social set the scene for subsequent research to explore
sciences. The disciplines of education, health and how protective factors might function. Masten
medicine feature to a lesser extent. Figure 1 et al.22 defined resilience as the process of,
summarizes the process of the review. capacity for, or outcome of successful adaptation
Common within many of the papers was the despite challenging or threatening circumstances.
recognition of the difficulties in defining resilience. Observations from longitudinal research span-
Many authors went to commendable lengths to ning four decades describe resilience as an
justify their description of the concept, drawing innate self-righting mechanism.23 More recently
on theory and other research to inform their resilience has been defined as good outcomes
choice. In many instances authors did not present in spite of serious threats to adaptation or
their own definition of resilience, but discussed development.24 Published online by Cambridge University Press

What is resilience? 155

Context – the life course dramatic loss of complexity of both, rather than
the speed at which the status quo can be restored
In many instances the risk or adversity is not
after disturbance.32 In the context of school
an isolated event that the person is able to
and education, resilience is the ability to thrive
actively change. For example, a common adversity
academically despite adverse circumstances.33,34
in studies of resilient children and adolescents
is poverty and deprivation. From a life course
perspective poverty and deprivation can persist.
However, as adults develop there are a number of Biology and psychiatry
other adverse occurrences that create irreversible From the field of psychiatry, overcoming stress
losses, such as bereavement of friends and relatives, or adversity is how Rutter33 views resilience,
unemployment, divorce and ill-health. with a focus on relative resistance to psychosocial
In relation to the study of older age, Staudinger risk experiences. He notes that the identification
et al.25 propose that the management of loss of resilience requires examining a range of
should also be considered. Adaptation to situations possible psychological outcomes, not just a focus
such as chronic illness may be at a lower level on an unusually positive one or on super-
of functioning, but should still be considered normal functioning. The limited number of
resilience, given the context of the adversity.26 In papers that looked at the neuroscience/biological
his research of adult trauma and bereavement, contributors to resilience define it as competent
Bonnano7,27 recognizes this distinction in the functioning despite adversity, but emphasize it is
experience of adversity and notes that adult a ‘dynamic process that is influenced by neural
adversities are more likely to be isolated, but and psychological self-organisation, as well as
are potentially highly disruptive. He defines adult transactions between the ecological context and
resilience as an individual’s capacity to resist the developing organism’.8 Nigg et al.35 also
maladaptation in the face of risky experiences highlight that the avoidance of psychopathology
and to maintain a stable equilibrium. From is critical to resilience. From a genetics perspective,
a longitudinal perspective, resilience has been resilience can be viewed as the degree to which
defined as the ability to ‘bounce back’ from the person at genetic risk for maladaptation and
adversity and go on with life.28 Within a lifespan psychopathology are not affected.3
development framework, the examination of the
ability to bounce back from earlier dysfunction
can highlight adaptation and turning points at all Personal characteristics
stages of the life course.32 This reflects the notion
Others suggest that resilience represents personal
of ‘steeling effects’, an important aspect of Rutter’s
qualities that enable the individual to thrive in
work30 in relation to the life course, where effective
the face of adversity,36 or that resilience is a
negation of risk exposure earlier in life facilitates a
relatively stable personality trait37 characterized
resilient response later.
by the ability to overcome, steer through and
bounce back from adversity.38 Alternatively it
may be viewed as a personality factor that
Environmental perspectives on resilience
protects against life adversities and negative
As with the dictionary definitions, there are emotions by resourceful adaptation, flexibility and
definitions used within specific academic discip- inventiveness.39 From the policy perspective, in
lines. From the ecological perspective comes the ‘Equally Well’, a report from the Ministerial Task
idea of social resilience, the ability of groups Force in Health Inequalities,40 resilience is also
or communities to cope with external stresses viewed as an individual attribute and is defined as
and disturbances as a result of social, political a personal strength/vulnerability that can influence
and environmental change.31 In the face of an socio-economic inequalities in health. The focus of
environmental disaster, social–ecological resilience resilience as a personal attribute has generally been
is defined as how far a particular relationship addressed more within the adult literature than
between social processes (e.g. informal networks with children.9 Also, the examination of resilience
within civil society and the private sector) and by assessment of personality characteristics is a
ecological dynamics can be disturbed without point of debate in the literature and warrants Published online by Cambridge University Press

156 Gill Windle

discussion. The main point of contention is that by Bartley and colleagues also includes capability,
psychological resilience is viewed by some as referring to the ability to react and adapt positively
a fixed, stable personality trait37,41 and that when things go wrong.47 They use a multi-
resilience is not, and cannot be, an observed trait.42 dimensional definition of resilience, which refers to
Others exercise caution against referring to any the process of withstanding negative effects of risk
representations of resilience as a stable personality exposure, demonstrating positive adjustment in the
trait/characteristic, as this implies that a person face of trauma or adversity and beating the odds
who does not have this attribute is somehow a associated with risks, focusing on socio-economic
failure.3 disadvantage and poverty.

Resilience as a process Stakeholder perspectives

As resilience research has developed, so has the In order to extend scientific definitions and
focus of study, away from identifying some of reflect a wider perspective from service users and
the key factors associated with resilience, to providers, stakeholders were asked in consultation
understanding the mechanisms by which they workshops to consider how they would define
might operate. In this context, resilience refers resilience. Their responses reflected experiences
to a dynamic process encompassing positive from their own lives, which they felt might enhance
adaptation within the context of significant or be detrimental to resilience. Considering that
adversity.3 Resilience has been described as the stakeholder group was not familiar with
processes and patterns of positive adaptation the academic research on resilience, their ‘reality
in development, during or following threats to driven’ perspectives generally reflect those posed
adaptation.43 Hjemdal et al.44 define resilience as by science and dictionaries (see Figure 2). The
the protective factors, processes and mechanisms stakeholders felt that the term ‘bouncing back’ was
that contribute to a good outcome despite meaningful and gave an implicit understanding of
experiences with stressors that carry significant the concept and what it represents.
risks for mental ill health. Policy from the World
Health Organisation views resilience as something
that embraces positive adaptation, with protective Determining the defining attributes of resilience
factors and assets that moderate risk factors and
The overview of uses of resilience so far highlights
therefore reduce the impact of risk on outcomes.45
some diversity but many similarities in how it has
The American Psychological Association46 defines
been defined across a range of areas, confirming
resilience as the process of adapting well in the
the complexity that underlies the concept. All
face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or even
the identified uses of the concept are considered
significant sources of stress – such as family and
beneficial for the further stages of the analysis.
relationship problems, serious health problems,
How resilience is defined reflects how it might be
or workplace and financial stressors. It means
measured and so assessment is intricately tied up
‘bouncing back’ from difficult experiences.
with issues of definition. Through the next steps
of the analysis, an in-depth exploration of the
antecedents, defining attributes and consequences
Diversity in the operation of resilience
will assist with concept clarification; whether
In a review of the literature, Masten7 suggests that resilience is best viewed within a dynamic, multi-
the concept of resilience has been described as dimensional model or as a unitary construct.
(1) developing well in the context of high cumu- This step requires identification of the attributes
lative risk for developmental problems (beating most frequently associated with the concept. This
the odds, better than predicted development); phase has important implications for measurement
(2) functioning well under currently adverse con- as, alongside the identification of the antecedents
ditions (stress-resistance/coping); (3) recovery to and consequences, it can provide a useful basis
normal functioning after catastrophic adversity or for developing measures and evaluating existing
severe deprivation (bouncing back, normalization). ones.15 The definitions highlight a number of
As well as examining resilience, research in the UK factors that could be considered defining attributes Published online by Cambridge University Press

What is resilience? 157

Figure 2. Examples of stakeholder comments

of resilience (e.g. adversity, resistance, adaptation). further confidence to overcome future challenges
However, to understand resilience it is also and set-backs. Competence has been identified
important to understand what underlies these as an essential component of the resilience
attributes and the subsequent outcomes. experience.2 The protective factors have commonly
In order for resilience to be achieved, a consensus been identified across three levels of functioning:
within research is for the role of protective (1) individual (e.g. psychological, neurobiological),
factors, also referred to as ‘assets’, ‘resources’ (2) social (e.g. family cohesion, parental support)
or ‘strengths’.12,23,33,51–56 These are recognized as and (3) community/society (e.g. support systems
crucial in achieving resilience and, through their generated through social and political capital,
dynamic interplay, enable the ability to respond institutional and economic factors).55,56 Some
positively to risks and alter or reduce the effects researchers2,57 distinguish the individual level
of adversity. In other words, they facilitate the protective factors as assets, whereas resources
competence/capability that enables resistance to are viewed as external to the individual. Assets
adversity and underlies the process of adaptation.54 might include factors such as competence and
Competence is the capacity or motivation for, efficacy; resources encompass the contextual or
or process of effective adaptation43 and enables environmental influences, such as family support
adaptive use of resources within and outside the and community services. Figure 3 presents an
person. It is based on the beliefs of perceived example of the multiple layers at which health
effectiveness in adaptation and arises from promoting factors might occur. A full discussion
interactions with the environment. Experiences of protective factors is beyond the scope of this
that enable successful adaptation can inspire paper (for more detailed reviews see Charney,58 Published online by Cambridge University Press

158 Gill Windle

Welfare Health


es Transpo ing
Servic rt


or l
tw cia

Ne So
Stability en

rt t

ppo Fina
Su nce




Aptitudes Biology

Motivation Behaviour

Figure 3. Example of the layers of resources and assets that facilitate resilience (from A. Sacker, personal
communication, September 2009; adapted from Dahlgren & Whitehead, 1991, with permission)

Curtis & Cicchetti,8 Luthar,29 Mowbray et al.,52 outcomes.68 Vanderbilt-Adriance & Shaw6 also
Masten5 and Vanderbilt-Adriance & Shaw6 ). caution that not all risks are equivalent in severity;
some may be acute and others chronic and
persistent. Thus any findings for the occurrence of
Antecedents resilience can only be considered within the context
of that specific adversity.
Antecedents are the events that must happen
prior to the occurrence of the concept.13 Within
resilience research, a necessary requirement is the
experience of a risk or adversity that carries Consequences are the end-points that occur
a significant threat for the development of a as a result of the antecedents and attributes
negative outcome. The context of the adversity of resilience. Having considered the previously
could be biological, psychological, economic or outlined definitions within resilience research, the
social, and cover areas such as stress,59 diagnosis required outcomes of resilience should reflect
of Alzheimer’s disease,48 the impact of poverty the maintenance of normal development or
and economic disadvantage,60 refugee children,61 functioning (mental or physical health), or better
children in care,62 caring,63 ill-health in older than expected development or functioning, given
age,64 and bereavement.65 Within neurobiological exposure to the adversity under question. This
approaches, from a developmental perspective, might not necessarily be an exceptionally positive
resilience has been identified from studying why outcome. Within a life span developmental
childhood adversity leads to maladjustment in perspective, the resilience process is often referred
some children but not others.66 Others have to as positive adaptation or adjustment.2,3,30
explored why some individuals exposed to trauma It is worth noting that some of the conceptual
develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) difficulties around resilience are determined by the
while others do not.67 Neighbourhood deprivation criteria researchers use to assess how the outcome
has been found to contribute to depression is some is a ‘good’ one and reflects adaptation. Within
individuals, but not others.41 child and adolescent research, the achievement of
A key point is that it is misleading to use salient developmental tasks in the face of adversity,
the term resilience if a stressor, under normal such as learning to read and write, attending and
circumstances with a majority of people, would not behaving properly at school, are viewed as positive
ordinarily pressure adaptation and lead to negative outcomes.24 Published online by Cambridge University Press

What is resilience? 159

The nature of the risk/adversity could be used would be measured. There are three key features
to guide the strength of resilience, for example emerging from the analysis that demonstrate
for severe to catastrophic events, the maintenance the experience of resilience: the encounter with
of near-average functioning is adequate.69 Also adversity, the ability to resist and adapt to the
within the context of severe adversity, a return adversity, and the avoidance of a negative outcome.
to normal functioning or ‘recovery’ may be A simple assessment of resilience then needs
sufficient.24 It is also important to consider the to consider: (a) what is the risk or adversity?,
meaning of the adversity to the individual, as (b) which assets/resources might offset the effect of
it may amplify or attenuate subjective distress,70 the risk?, and (c) is the outcome better than could
which suggests that in an ideal research design, be expected (comparing with a group of individuals
both subjective and objective outcome measures not at risk, or comparing on the presence or
be incorporated. absence of the assets/resources)? Researchers have
Other research with older adults defines a utilized two main approaches to the study of
resilient outcome as flourishing despite adversity.71 resilience that address these three key features,
However, within a resilience framework, superior described by Masten24 as variable focused and
functioning is not the expected outcome. The term person focused approaches.
‘flourishing’ tends to be placed more in the realms
of positive psychology, where the focus is on good
Variable focused approaches
outcomes for all individuals, not just those who
experience significant difficulties.29 Rutter30 also These use multi-variate statistics to examine
cautions that the study of resilience should examine the relationships between adversity, outcome
a range of possible [psychological] outcomes, and the protective factors/assets. Within the
rather than focus on an unusually positive one, or variable focused approach are three models –
on super-normal functioning. If too narrow a range compensatory, protective and challenge – which
of outcomes are considered, or reliance is placed on explain how the protective factors can alter the
one data source, or if there is measurement at only effects of adversity on outcome.
one point in time, resilience may be artefactual. The compensatory model reflects the inde-
Similarly, within the disciplines of prevention of pendent contribution of risks or resources to
substance abuse and psychopathology, the absence the outcome and involves examining their direct
or avoidance of psychopathology, or low levels of (main) effects. Resources with direct effects can be
symptoms, are viewed as a good outcome.29,72 This beneficial at both high- and low-risk conditions
approach has been criticised by Olsson et al.,54 (see Figure 4A). This main effects approach is
who note that considerable adolescent research commonly examined through multiple regression
has demonstrated that young people functioning procedures or structural equation modelling.
well under high stress often show higher levels of The protective model describes how the presence
emotional distress compared with their low-stress of resources will influence the direction and/or
peers, and so resilience may not be the absence strength of the risk, usually depicted as moderating
of distress and measuring such outcomes may be or reducing the effects of the risk under question
misleading. Indeed, the presence of distress AND on a negative outcome. Conversely, it could
the maintenance of competence may be one of the moderate the effects in a positive direction. This
strongest forms of resilience. The key point is that type of model is commonly tested through the
there is no necessary expectation that protection inclusion of an interaction term between the
from stress and adversity should lead to positive risk and protective factor in multiple regression.
experiences.30 The effects of the interactions in protection
models can also demonstrate the operation of
different processes. Luthar73 proposes a more
Defining empirical referents
detailed range of operational criteria to describe
According to Walker & Avant13 empirical referents these interactive processes. ‘Protective-stabilizing’
are ‘classes or categories of actual phenomena that describes stability despite increasing risk when
by their existence or presence demonstrate the the protective factor is present (see Figure 4B).
occurrence of the concept itself’. This aspect of ‘Protective reactive’ describes how the protective
concept analysis is concerned with how resilience factor might present an advantage, but this is less Published online by Cambridge University Press

160 Gill Windle

Model A - Compensatory

– Outcome +

40 Low Resources
High Resources
Low High

Model B Protective-Stabilising


– Outcome +


40 Low Resources
High Resources

Low High

Model C Protective-Reactive



– Outcome +

40 Low Resources
High Resources



Low High

Figure 4. Models of resilience Published online by Cambridge University Press

What is resilience? 161

so when the risks are higher (see Figure 4C). This of competences, adaptive functioning and lack of
is an important approach for explaining resilience significant mental health problems. Through this
in later life in the face of chronic illness. Windle categorization, 29% were classed as resilient and
et al.64 found evidence for both of these two the authors were able to distinguish differences
models across different age cohorts. In those aged between groups. The non-resilient experienced
60–69 years, higher levels of psychological more negative life events, chronic strains and
resilience gave stability in well-being despite abuse, whereas the resilient has greater self-
increases in ill health (protective stabilizing). For regulatory skills and self esteem and received more
those aged 70–79 and 80–90 years, psychological active parental monitoring.
resilience provided an advantage, but slightly less In the context of ‘bouncing back’, using data
so when ill health was higher (protective reactive). from the British Household Panel Survey, resilience
The challenge model describes a curvilinear was suggested for those people who had increasing
relationship between a risk factor and outcome. scores on a mental status measure (GHQ-12)
Here exposure to low levels and high levels after exposure to adversity (functional limitation,
of risk are associated with negative outcomes, bereavement or marital separation, poverty), but
but moderate levels are associated with better returned to its pre-exposure level after 1 year.28
outcomes. In these models, the risk and protective
factors examined are the same variable, the
distinguishing feature being the level of exposure. Resilience measurement scales
This model assumes that moderate levels of
Other researchers have developed resilience
risk can be important for learning how to
measurement scales, some of which have been
overcome challenges. This approach is commonly
examined in a review of instruments appropriate
examined with polynomial terms in multiple
for the study of resilience in adolescents76
regression.2 When examined longitudinally, it
and all age groups.77 Notably, the majority
enables an examination of whether the experience
of self report scales are based primarily on
of overcoming adversity strengthens people’s
individual, psychological resilience and require
resistance to later risks and challenges. To
more validation work.
illustrate, Schoon75 found that at age 5, children
with good reading ability but who experienced
family economic disadvantage were similar to
Identifying model case
others with good reading ability but whose family
had no economic problems. However, by the age of This is an example of the use of the concept that
16, the economically disadvantaged children had demonstrates all the defining characteristics. The
declined dramatically and were doing worse in following illustrate examples of resilience research
exams than economically privileged children who that encompass the necessary antecedents, the
had poor reading skills at age 5. This suggests defining attributes and the consequences.
that despite the advantage of educational resilience Lin and colleagues78 investigated variables at
earlier in life, it was not able protect against the multiple levels (the environment, the family and
persistent effects of economic disadvantage. the individual child) that differentiate children
who manifest clinically significant levels of mental
health problems from those children who do not,
Person focused approach
after experiencing the death of a primary care
This aims to identify comparative groups of giver. Bereaved children were classified into one
individuals from within similar high levels of of two subgroups (resilient or affected) based
adversity who show patterns of good or poor on their scores on measures of mental health
adaptation, simultaneously assessed by multiple problems. Those who scored below the clinical
criteria, so as to identify the factors that might cut-off level on every measure of mental health
lead to risk or be assets.24 This approach is were considered resilient. Children who scored
often used to classify the proportion who may be above the clinical cut-off level on any measure
determined resilient. For example, in examining the were considered affected. The analyses found that
characteristics of youths living in poverty, Buckner differences between the bereaved resilient versus
et al.60 operationalize resilience as the presence bereaved affected status was related to family and Published online by Cambridge University Press

162 Gill Windle

child variables. Higher levels of caregiver warmth aspects of resilience, or a component of resilience,
and discipline and lower levels of caregiver mental but are not true examples.
health problems were family-level variables that
significantly differentiated resilient children from
affected children. Bereaved children’s perceptions
Borderline case
of less threat in response to negative events and
greater personal efficacy in coping with stress were A borderline case very closely resembles the
child-level variables that differentiated resilient concept in question, and could often be mistaken
from affected status. for it. Further distinguishing features are that a
Schoon et al.79 examined the influence of borderline case should also differ substantially
socioeconomic adversity on school adjustment in one of the defining characteristics.13 A closely
during adolescence (age 16) and long-term con- related concept is the Sense of Coherence (SOC).
sequences of school adjustment for the transition This is a core component of the theory of the
from school to work (age 33), whilst considering origins of health – salutogenesis.80 Both resilience
factors (parental and individual resources, teacher and salutogenesis are developed from observations
expectations) that might buffer such adversity. of how people manage difficult situations and
They found that overall, socioeconomic adversity display positive adaptation and stay well. Both
was a significant risk factor for educational failure theories incorporate protective factors, known as
and that it influences consequent adjustment in generalized resistance resources in salutogenesis.
work and health related outcomes at the age of 33, However, where these two approaches may differ
as assessed by qualifications, socio-economic status relates to the operation of the constructs. In
(SES) and self reports of general health and mental salutogenesis, the generalized resistance resources
status. In examining the protective factors at age lead to life experiences that promote a strong SOC
16, the negative effects of economic adversity on and this sense of coherence is the key focus. In
exam score was halved through including parental contrast, resilience would subsume SOC as one
involvement and aspirations, own educational of the defining attributes, but not the only one.
motivation and aspirations, teacher expectations Thus SOC could be considered part of the process
and behaviour. Interactions amongst the protective leading to a resilient outcome, but not the only
factors and socioeconomic adversity were negative aspect. Resilience research would ideally focus on
and demonstrated that any protective effects measuring and analysing multiple levels of function
were found more amongst those at lower and their interactions. SOC may be one of these
risk. For this group the important predictors levels, but a resilience framework would place
of exam performance were own educational an emphasis on an actual examination of SOC
motivation and teacher expectations and also across other levels or resilience, in relation to
behaviour adjustment, own job aspirations and adversity.
parental involvement with the school. For those Although both theories have focused on health
experiencing socioeconomic adversity, the most outcomes, resilience can also be applied to wider
important factor predicting exam performance was outcomes. For example, Sacker and Schoon57
teacher expectations, followed by own educational looked at educational resilience, examining the
motivation and own job aspirations, parental role of educational and personal assets and family
aspirations and parental involvement with the resources in supporting young people from socially
school, respectively. disadvantaged family backgrounds to stay on in
school beyond the mandatory school leaving age.
Another distinction is that Antonovsky postulated
that SOC was mainly formed in the first three
Identifying additional cases
decades of life. Resilience theory acknowledges
It is recommended that other concepts be the dynamic nature of assets and resources, thus
examined in order to address possible overlap, nothing is fixed.
and more importantly to clarify the true nature Nevertheless, salutogenesis is intricately tied in
of the concept in question.13 A number of with resilience, and it has been suggested that
concepts (addressed below) are often substituted a historical lack of multi-disciplinary integra-
for describing resilience; they may contain some tion has meant that theoretical perspectives on Published online by Cambridge University Press

What is resilience? 163

salutogenesis (from the discipline of medical Contrary case

sociology) and resilience (largely from the
A contrary case is a clear example of something
disciplines of psychiatry and developmental
that is not resilience. The high functioning of
psychology) have perhaps not been synthesized to
individuals under conditions of no/low risk or
the extent that they should have.81
adversity is not considered resilience. The model
of successful ageing85 is an example of a contrary
case. In order to meet the criteria for successful
Related case ageing, there must be a low probability of
These are related to the concept being studied, disease and disease-related disability, including the
but do not contain all of the defining attributes.13 absence of risk factors for disease, high cognitive
Kobasa82 introduced the concept of hardiness, and physical functional capacity and active
which has been defined as a stable personality engagement with life.85 A resilience framework
resource that consists of three psychological would acknowledge the possibility that ill-health
attributes: commitment, challenge, and control. and functional incapacity might be present, but
Commitment refers to an ability to turn events that their potentially negative influence would not
into something meaningful and important; control necessarily lead to a poor outcome. Importantly,
refers to the belief that, with effort, individuals people are not invulnerable, but resilient.
can influence the course of events around them,
and challenge refers to a belief that fulfilment in
life results from the growth and wisdom gained
from difficult or challenging experiences.83 Like
resilience, hardiness has been used in the study of its
associations with lower levels of psychopathology The analysis identifies three necessary requirements
in the face of stress. However, the defining point for resilience: the need for a significant
which distinguishes hardiness from resilience is adversity/risk, the presence of assets or resources
that it is a stable personality trait whereas resilience to offset the effects of the adversity, and positive
is viewed as something dynamic that will change adaptation or the avoidance of a negative outcome.
across the lifespan. Moreover, hardiness measures Based on this analysis, the following definition
are designed to detect stability. encompasses all of the key characteristics:
Ego-resiliency84 has been used on occasion Resilience is the process of effectively negotiat-
by researchers to measure resilience. It is ing, adapting to, or managing significant sources
proposed as an enduring psychological construct of stress or trauma. Assets and resources within
that characterizes human adaptability. It is a the individual, their life and environment facilitate
developmental process of impulse control, where this capacity for adaptation and ‘bouncing back’
the individual learns to regulate behaviour so as in the face of adversity. Across the life course, the
to turn events into pleasant experiences and not experience of resilience will vary.
into adverse consequences. It is assumed that ego- This analysis has taken a novel approach
resilience renders a pre-disposition to resist anxiety to clarifying the nature of resilience, drawing
and to engage positively with the world. on three approaches that cover both academic
Whilst it shares a number of similarities with and stakeholder perspectives – systematic review,
the attributes and consequences of the resilience concept analysis and consultation workshops.
concept under question in this paper, in contrast to This process has enabled the identification of
resilience, ego-resiliency does not depend on risk important areas that might have otherwise
or adversity. Rather it is part of the process of been overlooked if just using one approach,
dealing with general, day-to-day change. Also ego- enabling a deeper understanding of what is meant
resiliency is a personality trait, whereas resilience by resilience. Consultation with stakeholders
is a far broader phenomenon. As with the sense provided a valuable contribution to the academic
of coherence, ego-resiliency may be one of the work. Their perspectives on resilience as a multi-
protective factors implicated in a resilient outcome, level construct, encompassing the individual and
but it would be incorrect to use this as an indicator the wider environment has helped to ensure that
of resilience per se. the final definition is one that has the potential for Published online by Cambridge University Press

164 Gill Windle

wider application, and could be universally applied It is suggested that the mental health impact of
and understood in ‘real world’ settings. adversity in later life is mediated by psychological
The robust methodological approach in this resources and social factors inherited from earlier
paper improves on that of the previous concept years.90 Certain factors might predispose to
analyses of resilience.11,12 In contrast to the other experiences that actually mediate the risk.
previous two papers, the systematic framework Poverty is a risk for psychopathology in children,
in this paper provides a replicable search strategy but this may be more due to the effects of
and transparent inclusion and exclusion criteria, poverty on impaired family functioning and
thereby minimizing the possibility of selection family relationships.30 Understanding the process
bias. The process of systematically identifying of resilience, through the consideration of its
resilience literature over the past 20 years enabled defining attributes, can enable examination of how
earlier theoretical formulations of the concept to a resilient response at one point in life may help
be synthesized with more recent developments. facilitate further resilience in later life, identifying
This also ensured that early landmark papers both its stability and changes.
on resilience were incorporated. Diverse uses of The life course approach considers the
the concept were identified through exploring developmental pathways of the concept. It is then
resilience within different disciplines. clear that a requirement for understanding the
This paper utilized actual examples from process of resilience is the acknowledgement of
the research literature to illustrate examples of its complexity; resilience operates across multiple
actual cases and related cases of resilience. This levels, which interact with each other. These
contrasts with the methods of other researchers levels reflect the human ecology framework,
using concept analysis,11,86,87 who restricted their also described as Ecological Systems Theory.91
illustrations of the defining attributes of the Although mainly used for understanding child
concepts under question by using hypothetical development, this theory has been receiving
scenarios. Whilst this may have served as a useful considerable attention in the gerontology literature
method of clarification, the lack of engagement and is cited in the resilience literature. This
with actual, theoretically derived examples does framework aims to understand people in the
not assist with clarifying any scientific overlap. environments in which they live, and to evaluate
Analysing and synthesizing this large volume their interactions with these environments. People
of research has enabled the key characteristics do not exist in isolation but interact with, and
of resilience to be thoroughly examined. This are influenced by, their physical, social and
methodical approach demonstrates that resilience environmental contexts. Thus the functioning of
is the product of a dynamic process that the defining attributes of resilience can be further
first requires exposure to a significant threat explained within this theoretical framework.
or adversity. Protective resources or assets are
the defining attributes of resilience. Examining
the interplay between resources and risk is an
Implications for further research
important aspect of resilience research and can
highlight mechanisms underlying vulnerability or It is also noteworthy that a large proportion of
adaptation.5,29,88 It is important to understand resilience research is routed within the discipline
how such factors interact with or mediate adversity of developmental psychology, and has mainly been
and risk to increase or decrease the opportunity for developed with children and adolescents. There is
resilience. a consensus from child and adolescent research
Within a lifespan developmental framework, as to what the most important factors may be,5
the dynamic nature of resilience indicates it especially for the role of relationships.29 However,
is not fixed, but will fluctuate over time, as the salience of these factors may vary across the
new vulnerabilities and strengths arise from life span. Far less is known about the process
changing life circumstances29 (p. 741). Research of resilience in adulthood7,92 and even less has
from children and adolescents suggests that the followed individuals over their life time to ascertain
protection from risk is also influenced by earlier the value of protective factors as people age. Most
experiences, and that across the lifespan different research with adults into trauma and loss has only
factors may play a distinct role from earlier.30,89 included treatment-seeking populations7 . A key Published online by Cambridge University Press

What is resilience? 165

question is whether the factors that lead to adult be best measured in its related context. It has been
resilience follow a similar profile to those found suggested that more precision could be gained by
for children and adolescents, and whether they using terms to describe the nature of the resilience
function in a cumulative and interactive manner7 . experience being studied,3 e.g. psychological
Neuroscience/biological approaches to resilience resilience,74 educational resilience57,94 or cognitive
are notably missing from resilience research.9 resilience.95 From their review of the literature,
To date, most of the biological contribution to Vanderbilt-Adriance & Shaw6 conclude that the
the area is derived from the effects of early lack of consistency in positive outcomes over the
care-giving environment. A major contribution life course and across domains suggest that ‘global
to resilience research could be made through resilience’ is rare and recommend researchers
more multi-disciplinary studies that examine the are more specific about relating the concept of
dynamics of resilience across the lifespan, its role resilience to the relevant domain outcome.
in healthy ageing and managing loss, such as
changes in cognitive functioning. As the methods
for measuring and analysing multiple levels of Conclusion
functioning and their interactions improves,5 the
dynamics underlying resilience should be a key This theoretical exploration of the concept of
focus for future research. resilience highlights how interlaced with normal,
The theoretical basis for resilience clearly everyday life resilience is, reflecting its multi-
acknowledges that protective factors operate disciplinary roots. It would suggest that for
across a number of levels. In order for interventions many, providing the right resources are available,
to be most effective, theory would imply that exposure to risks and adversity may not result
interventions need to consider the dynamic in a poor outcome. In relation to intervention,
interplay across these different levels, and not just the context in which people live could be altered,
focus on developing individual strengths. Little the services and treatment received could be
research has looked at the mechanisms by which improved and individual assets could be enhanced
adversities, protective resources, or interventions so as to enable a better chance for health and
work.93 Research on children has examined diverse well-being, even when faced with substantial
sources of resilience, whereas research on adults risk and adversity. Importantly, the complex
has focused more on personal attributes, such as interplay between these layers should be recognized
personality characteristics. Less attention has been and the underlying processes explored. For
paid to the extent to which these attributes are those experiencing persisting, chronic adversities,
influenced by other factors.9 This has important psychopathology could be averted providing that
implications for what might be considered the the individual is able to draw on a range of
target for the development of interventions. Will resources within themselves and their immediate
strengthening individual, psychological resilience environment, and that the wider environment is
achieve better results than if the focus was on also supportive. The suggestion by Richardson51
improving the resources available in the immediate that resilience may be the driving force that
environment (e.g. social support), or within the controls the universe may be a little overstated,
wider environmental context (e.g. support through but the capacity for ‘ordinary magic’24 and the
health and social services?), and how might one opportunity for positive adaptation should be an
level interact with another? option for everyone.
Another point is that positive adaptation may
not occur across all spheres of life. A review
notes that although some high-risk children show Conflicts of interest
positive outcomes in one domain, in 10 out of The author has no conflicts of interest to declare.
13 studies examined this did not generalize to
other domains.6 Luthar et al.3 suggest that at-
risk children who are resilient in specific domains
(e.g. high academic grades), should show positive
performance on conceptually related measures, This paper has been developed as part of the
such as classroom behaviour. Thus resilience may work of the Resilience and Healthy Ageing Published online by Cambridge University Press

166 Gill Windle

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