Parent Tipsfor JEE

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Maintain a Positive Relationship

Relying on negative ways like manipulating your child to study and punishing for even small
mistakes is of no good. Yes, there are times when you might feel frustrated while thinking about
your child’s future. However, you must understand that without bridging the emotional gap
between the two of you, it will become impossible to build a positive relationship. As a result,
you won’t be able to motivate your child to study. Remember, maintaining a respectful and
positive relationship with your child will help them share feelings and discuss hurdles.

Appreciate and Inspire

Using words of appreciation whenever your child achieves even a small goal will lift up their
confidence and keep them inspired to work hard. For example, if your child scores better than the
previous mock test conducted by the IIT coaching, simple words of appreciation like “I am
proud of you” or “keep up the good work” will undoubtedly make your child excel more and
stay motivated. So, from today onwards, start working towards inspiring your child with
impactful yet straightforward words of appreciation.
Introduce Different Learning Styles
Boredom can squeeze motivation out of your child if they follow a similar schedule every day.
As a parent, your role is to introduce different learning styles to keep boredom away. From
introducing recorded video lectures to providing a chalkboard wall in the study room, there are
many things that you can do. With a chalkboard wall in their room, they will have the freedom to
scribble and solve equations in an innovative way rather than sticking to the old-school notebook
method. The wall can also be utilized to note down all the critical formulas for having a quick
look at them, whenever required.

Inquire About the Learning at IIT Coaching

Ensure that their basics are tackled well while the problem-solving skills and approach towards
mock tests are in place. These are paramount to ace JEE. Without them, no amount of support
and motivation will work and prove beneficial. With active involvement in their preparation
journey, you will indirectly inspire them to work hard. Remember, being too pushy while
keeping a track on their learning graph may backfire.

Let Them Learn from Their Mistakes

No one can achieve the perfect score in every mock test that IIT coaching conducts. Help your
child know that setbacks are natural and losing hope because of lower grades in mock tests isn’t
a good practice. Help them in embracing their imperfections while focusing on the weaker areas
that need improvement. When you stay positive and give your child room for improvement, they
will eventually see it as a part of the learning process.

The deal is to help your child make the most of their preparation time without feeling burdened
and bored. And to achieve this feat, you can play the role of a motivator. Also, be sure of never
comparing your child and their performance with others. This will only demotivate your child,
and with constant competition on their mind, they won’t be able to give their best shot. So, swear
by these practices to help your child clear JEE 2019 with flying colours.

1. Remove the fear of exams

The fear of exams certainly sits in the mind of all students and it is only the magnitude of
anxiety that differs from student to student. As parents, you must ensure good
communication with the child and work towards removing that fear. Reassure your child
and let him know that exams are important and a milestone in their lives, but it is not the
be-all and end-all.
Find the right ways to motivate them without making them feel additional pressure. Most
importantly, comfort them often and let them know that you've got their back!

2. Say no to comparison

Do not compare your kids with others. Even the most well-intentioned comparisons can
be disheartening for the child and could demotivate him/her. Instead, appreciate the child
for what he/she is best at doing and then try to work on problem areas together. If the
child is weak in a subject, look for a tutor to guide him/her, or try different learning aids
to improve his/her understanding in that area.

This will boost the child's confidence to a level that calms his/her mind and pushes
him/her to try and score well in exams.
3. Avoid additional mental pressure

Children often pick up on their parent's anxiety levels, therefore parents must first deal
with their own stress and then help their children. Pressurising your kids to score high
marks could result in mental distress. As a parent, maintain a calm and composed
demeanour and stress on how important it is to study for them to achieve their future
If they are unable to focus and study, gently enquire into the reasons and support them to
overcome distractions/develop focus strategies.
4. Dedicate enough time to your children

The period just before and during exams can be highly stressful. In many cases, children
do not communicate this with anyone and keep it to themselves. Identify signs of distress
and spend more time with them to understand their current mood. Ensure that they
constantly receive support and motivation which will help them feel loved and cherished.
This will subsequently help them concentrate and write their exams better.
5. Help create exam strategies

There is a lot on your child's plate as they revise in a short span of time. Trying to
accomplish everything on their own might strain or disorient them. Assist them to devise
a strategy that will help them complete their portions.
Maintain a constant flow of communication so that if they hit a roadblock, you're aware
of it. If one study strategy does not seem to be working, switch to another. Do not force
the child to follow a routine which is uncomfortable.
6. Monitor and manage distractions

Music, conversations with friends, texting - every student has a particular distraction; all
you need to do is find out what is interfering with your child's studies and tackle it in the
right manner. You can deal with the problem by regulating the situation instead of
completely removing something your child likes.

7. Listen to them after exams

The period right after an exam is very crucial. This is a period where your child needs
someone to share their feelings, fears, and anxieties about the paper. Listen to their side
of the story and give them their time to discuss the paper without any judgments.
Avoid scrutinising the paper at length to point out the mistakes they have committed,
because once the paper has been submitted, it's out of all our control.
8. Identify any warning signs

No matter how well prepared a student is, they might feel anxious during exams and
nervous about their results. Signs such as a loss of appetite, irregular sleep patterns,
irritated mood, anger issues, loss of patience, etc. could indicate that the child is under
undue stress. If you observe any changes, it is time for you to intervene.
Talk to them about it gently, compassionately, and without over-stepping any boundaries.
Each child is different, and you know your child better than others. It is great to
be involved in helping your child with their exam preparations, but you should
know where to draw a line. Interact with your child openly to understand their
requirements and give them their own space whenever required.
The role of a parent is to help create the foundation of self-motivation and self-reliance in
their children, so that they may be able to take on more challenges independently as they
achieve different milestones in their lives.


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